The Solubility of Bis (Cyclopentadienyl) Samarium (II) and Implications For The Reaction of Samarium Metal With Bis (Cyclopentadienyl) Mercury (II)

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The Solubility of Bis(cyclopentadienyl)samarium(II) and Implications

for the Reaction of Samarium Metal with Bis(cyclopentadienyl)mercury(II)

Glen B. Deacon*
Clayton, Victoria/Australia, Monash University, Chemistry Department

Dirk Stellfeldt, Gerd Meyer

Koln, Institut fur Anorganische Chemie der Universitat

Received Dezember 3rd, 1999.

Abstract. Bis(cyclopentadienyl)samarium(II) has been shown Keywords: Samarium; Bis(cyclopentadienyl)samarium(II)

to be insoluble in thf : ether mixtures, hence it cannot be iso-
lated as a soluble product from the reaction of samarium
with HgCp2 in thf : ether.

Beletskaya et al. have reported the isolation of [SmCp2(thf)2] of drying on the thf content. Thus, drying for 0.5 h at room
from the filtrate after the redox transmetallation reaction of temperature provided the solid [SmCp2(thf)2]. After 3 h
samarium metal with HgCp2 in tetrahydrofuran (thf) [1] and drying, the composition was [SmCp2(thf)1.5], and after 15 h
tetrahydrofuran : diethyl ether (5 : 1, v/v) [2]. drying, [SmCp2(thf)]. We have been unable to obtain single
crystals of solvated SmCp2. Solubilities of all materials
Sm + HgCp2 SmCp2 + Hg (1) (though lower solvates presumably revert to [SmCp2(thf)2]
on treatment with thf) were tested in thf : Et2O, mainly
We reinvestigated this reaction [3], as well as the related re-
1 : 1.5, but in one case 1 : 2 to give ether a better chance to
dox transmetallation between Sm metal and TlCp in
influence the solubility. The compound was stirred with the
thf : ether (5 : 1, v/v) [4], the conditions of the full paper [2],
solvent for a prolonged period under purified argon. Filtra-
because it has been reported that [SmCp2(thf)] [5] and
tion in each case gave an insoluble purple precipitate and
[SmCp2(thf)2] [6] are insoluble in thf, and there is little rea-
a colourless filtrate. Evaporation in representative cases
son to believe that addition of diethyl ether should enhance
yielded no purple solid.
the solubility. From both reactions, SmCp3 was isolated in
Although it is unnecessary for us to explain the results of
high to near quantitative yield.
Beletskaya et al. [1, 2, 7], we make the following observa-
2 Sm + 3 HgCp2 2 SmCp3 + 3 Hg (2) tions. We accept that use of sufficiently reactive Sm metal
could lead to formation of some SmCp2, but this should be
Sm + 3 TlCp SmCp3 + 3 Tl (3) filtered off with excess Sm metal and mercury. We have seen
some insoluble purple material in TlCp/Sm reaction mix-
Subsequently, the original authors reported formation of a tures [9], though we normally obtain high yields of SmCp3
soluble samarium(II) species claimed to be SmCp2, by reac- from the reaction [4]. Beletskaya et al. report low solubility
tion (1), this time in a changed solvent system thf : ether side products in their reaction mixtures but these were con-
(1 : 1.5, v/v) [7]. Since they accepted that SmCp2 is insoluble sidered to be bimetallics [2]. It is also possible to obtain
in thf alone [7], the key issue now is whether it is soluble in SmCp2 in a finely divided state that passes through a normal
thf : ether. Since we recently prepared SmCp2 for study of its porosity frit. We have observed that SmCp2 formed by the
oxidation reactions [8], we were in position to resolve this is- exchange reaction between bis(2-phenylindol-1-yl)sama-
sue, and we report that solids with the composition rium(II) [10] and cyclopentadiene (eq. 4) in thf partly passes
[SmCp2(thf)], [SmCp2(thf)1.5] and [SmCp2(thf)2] are all inso- through a frit, but on standing, settled as a fine purple preci-
luble in thf : ether, hence [SmCp2(thf)2] (or lower solvates) pitate in a colourless supernatant liquid [11], consistent with
can not be isolated from the Sm/HgCp2 reaction as a soluble insolubility.
Bis(cyclopentadienyl)samarium(II) was prepared by the
Sm(pin)2 + 2 CpH SmCp2 + 2 pinH (4)
metathesis method in thf [6], and because of the variation in
the thf content reported [2, 5, 6], we investigated the effect
Some of our product from the metathesis preparation [6]
* Prof. Dr. G. B. Deacon, passed through a porosity 4 frit, but settled out on standing
Chemistry Department, leaving a colourless supernatant liquid.
Monash University, If HgCl2-activated Sm [1, 2, 7] retained some SmCl2 or
Clayton, Victoria 3168,
HgCl2, then a soluble SmIICpCl species might be obtained,
Fax: (61)3 99 05 45 97 which would undergo the reported reduction reaction of the
E-mail: solutions prepared by Beletskaya et al. [7].

Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2000, 626, 623624 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69451 Weinheim, 2000 00442313/00/626623624 $ 17.50+.50/0 623
G. B. Deacon, D. Stellfeldt, G. Meyer

Experimental Part This work was supported by the Fonds der Chemischen In-
dustrie, Frankfurt am Main, and the Australian Research
All manipulations were carried out under purified argon Council. D. St. is especially grateful for a Kekule stipend.
using Schlenk techniques and dry boxes (M. Braun, Gar-
ching). Tetrahydrofuran and diethylether were dried over
potassium/benzophenone and sodium-potassium-alloy/ben-
zophenone respectively. Bis(cyclopentadienyl)samarium(II)
was prepared by the metathesis reaction [6]. After drying for [1] G. Z. Suleimanov, L. F. Rybakova, Ya. A. Nuriev, T. Kh.
0.5 h under vacuum at room temperature, the product was Kurbanov, I. P. Beletskaya, J. Organomet. Chem. 1982,
[SmCp2(thf)2] (424.76): Sm 35.92 (calc. 35.40%); after drying 235, C19.
for 3 h, the product had the composition [SmCp2(thf)1.5] [2] G. Z. Suleimanov, T. Kh. Kurbanov, Ya. A. Nuriev, L. F.
(388.71): Sm 39.34 (calc. 38.68%); after drying for 15 h, the Rybakova, I. P. Beletskaya, Doklady. Chem. 1982, 265,
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[3] G. B. Deacon, G. N. Pain, T. D. Tuong, Polyhedron 1985,
4, 1149.
Solubility studies
[4] G. B. Deacon, T. D. Tuong, Aust. J. Chem. 1984, 37, 517.
In each case, [SmCp2(thf)n] (n = 1, 1.5 or 2) was suspended [5] G. W. Watt, E. W. Gillow, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1969, 91,
in thf : ether. After stirring overnight (> 12 h) at room tem- 115.
perature, the resulting suspension was filtered through a por- [6] J. L. Namy, P. Girard, H. B. Kagan, P. E. Caro, Nouv. J.
osity 4 (fine porosity) frit, collecting a purple solid on the Chim. 1981, 5, 479.
frit, and giving a colourless filtrate. Evaporation of represen- [7] G. Z. Suleimanov, I. P. Beletskaya, Organometallics in
tative filtrates provided no trace of a purple solid. the USSR, 1989, 2, 363.
[8] D. Stellfeldt, G. Meyer, G. B. Deacon, Z. Anorg. Allg.
Systems examined: Chem. 1999, 625, 1252.
[SmCp2(thf)2] (0.130 g) in thf (10 ml)/Et2O (15 ml) [9] P. A. White, PhD thesis, Monash University (1993).
[SmCp2(thf)2] (0.097 g) in thf (6 ml)/Et2O (9 ml) [10] G. B. Deacon, C. M. Forsyth, B. M. Gatehouse, P. A.
[SmCp2(thf)1.5] (0.155 g) in thf (10 ml)/Et2O (20 ml) White, Aust. J. Chem. 1990, 43, 795.
[SmCp2(thf)] (0.031 g) in thf (6 ml)/Et2O (9 ml) [11] C. M. Forsyth, PhD thesis, Monash University (1990).

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