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Health Literacy Survey Batch 2018

Health Literacy of Primary Care Givers of Young Children

Common to all to be interviewed:
Primary Care-Give: one responsible for daily needs of child, including nutrition, hygiene,
administration of medications, visits to doctor, immunization, and general care
Child/children under his/her care between the ages of 1 to 12 years old

Manner of survey : One-on-one interview with translation into vernacular

Primary Care-Giver information:
Age _____ Gender _____ Relationship to child______________________
Occupation __________ Educational Attainment__________________________

Child/Children: State the age and gender of child/children under care

1. ________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________

Geographic Location: Province/city/municipality_____________________________ Rural__ Urban__

Questions [place a check mark where applicable]

A. Regarding Physician Med Prescriptions
1. What is the degree of difficulty in your understanding the doctors instructions about how to give
medications to the child under your care?
Very difficult ___ Have to ask for clarification/explanation ____ Not difficult at all ____
2. If the medications call for a liquid or syrup, how many teaspoons would you give if 10 milliliters is
1 teaspoon ____ 2 teaspoons ____ 3 teaspoons ____ 4 teaspoons____
3. Do you ask the pharmacist to explain to you about what the medicine is and how to give it?
Yes____ No____
4. What is the degree of difficulty in your understanding the doctors explanation about the side
effects of medications?
Very difficult____ Have to ask for clarification/explanation____ Not difficult at all___
5. If the prescription states that the medicine should be taken for a full week/7 days, do you follow
the full week duration?
Full week, yes____ I stop when the child gets better_____
6. Do you go back to the doctor as instructed?
Yes___ No, because____________________________________________________________
B. Regarding Soft Drinks
7. To your knowledge, is giving the child soft drinks good or bad?
No harm ___ Maybe____ Bad_____

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Health Literacy Survey Batch 2018

8. Do you have soft drinks available for the family?

Yes___ No, because_____________________________________________________
9. To your knowledge, how many tablespoons of sugar does a bottle of soft drink contain?
___ tablespoons No idea____

C. Regarding vegetables
10. To your knowledge, how do vegetables benefit the health of a child?
11. Do you give the child vegetables for every meal?
Yes ____ No, because__________________________________________________
12. How do you prepare the vegetables to be given to the child?
Cooked_____ Washed and eaten as salad_____; Water comes from__________
D. Regarding hygienic practice
13. To your knowledge, can a child get sick when walking/running around on bare feet/without
Yes, the child can get_____________________________ No______
14. Do you make sure the childs hands are washed before meals?
Yes, because ___________________________________________________________
No, because _______________________________________________________________
E. Regarding Immunization
15. To your knowledge, what is the reason for immunizing the child?
16. To your knowledge, what is the vaccine being given by mouth?
17. Do you know where to avail of immunization?
Yes, at the _____________________________________________ No____
18. Is the child under your care up to date with his/her immunizations?
Yes, because______________________________________________________________
No, because_______________________________________________________________
19. What is the degree of difficulty in your understanding of the immunization schedule that your
doctor/barangay nurse/midwife has instructed?
Very difficult ___ Have to ask for clarification/explanation ____ Not difficult at all ____

Information gathered by: _____________________________________Date: _________________

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