7.14.17 Mazeski FEC ReleaseV4 Edits

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For Immediate Release: Contact:

July 14, 2017 Pete Giangreco 312-543-4097

Democrat Kelly Mazeski banks more money

in opening quarter than any previous Roskam challenger.
IL 6th hopeful raises over $208,000 in just 6 weeks.
More COH than last 5 challengers combined.

Community leader and cancer survivor Kelly Mazeski made a national splash when she
announced a run for Congress against Peter Roskam on the very day he voted to pass the
disastrous AHCA, a vote which would allow insurance companies to charge Americans aged
50 to 64 five times as much for the same coverage offered to others and take away protections
for those with pre-existing conditions.

Mazeski, who garnered coverage from five Chicago TV stations and the lead paragraph in the
New York Times for her announcement, parlayed that strong message into a $208,000 haul,
the best initial fundraising quarter by any Roskam challenger ever, including Tammy
Duckworths first run for Congress against Roskam in 2006.

As a 57 year-old mother who once lost her health insurance, survived breast cancer and paid
for coverage of a daughter with a rare medical condition, I say its time the people of Illinois
6th District hold Peter Roskam accountable for voting to make Americans pay more and get
less for their health care. That message is working, said Mazeski.

Mazeski raised $118,648 from 536 donors in just 6 weeks and added a $90,000 personal loan
to bring her total to $208,648. Her cash-on-hand (COH) totaling $189,372.62 dwarfed what
previous challengers banked in their first quarters of fundraising, including current candidate
Amanda Howland, who lost to Roskam 59%-41% in 2016. In fact, Mazeski has more cash on
hand in her initial quarter than the last 5 candidates COMBINED.

Heres how other Roskam challengers fared in dollars raised and COH at the end of their first
quarters of fundraising, according to reports filed at the Federal Election Commission:

Raised COH
Kelly Mazeski Q2 2017 $208,648 $189,372
Amanda Howland: Q1 2016: $15,775 $7,092
Leslie Coolidge Q4 2011: $42,990 $26,812
Benjamin Lowe Q4 2009: $14,124 $3,676
Jill Morgenthaler Pre-Primary 2008: $103,920 $36,154
Tammy Duckworth Q4 2005: $120,919 $105,073


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