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CONlj AUG 1 8 1979 1 795


WP AUG 2 4 1979 WP

members each, have spared no effnn

to spread tta word" that they Intend I
By Karen DeYoung
'WeshlnfWn Post Foreign Service anmn/thr
^"'^rasue. eccording to nj
diplomatic observer. El Salvador Leaders
SA^^ SALVADOR, Aug. 23-Al* the "Inure "They talk about their seasoned
iiie lai/ure of. the majority to rip. veterans coming back from the war
though El Salvadors rightist govern
ment, haa promised free elections for **
the minders of priests
^ P^^tJation, the government. there,; the observer said, -and loan*
given- the Sandinistas being repaid niption have led to the total illegiti-
Granting of Anmesty
***,^*r8t time in years next March, El ^st three of [with soldiers.] They talk about .macy of the government, its repudia
nipri^h s principal cities are occu-
Is Welcomed by U.S.
many informed observers here be ^uting ^ar criminals in the streets tion by the people, and the destruc
lieve jhe government may not last un UnhPri members of and
the by the end of September. tion of our institutions.
United Front for Popular Action While conditions are general!\- The government, he charged, says
til then.
Revolutionaiy Bloc peas similar, they are vastly different from now on theyre going to be good. By Katherine Ellison
A number of political and diplo ant-based federations of mimam specifics from .Nicaraguk while it was If they had said that two years ago
cISumT'" '"^rnaUoSv Washington Post Stall Writer
matic analysts feel general armed re- under the rule of the Somoza family whed we asked them to, wed be in a The State Departjnent reacted favorably yesterday
belliop could erupt in this poor, over- The guerrilla groups are far more i.sP. different situation now. Nobody be
Persns during and following lieves what they say about to a statement Thursday by President Cto-los Hum
American nation similar protests m May, Romero haf lated, and les.s ,willing to comnromiso
within two to three months. and aceomniodatfe moderates, than the liberty.. ,The problem is now. It is berto Romero of El Salvador announcing a general
Beleaguered President Carlos Hum- said, the security forces, will not al Sandinisttfs. not a long-term! question of waiting amnesty for political exiles And inviting the Organiza
low themselves to be' provoked." Opposition in. El Salvadqr is focused until 1982 presidential elections, he tion of American States to send observers io verify
receritljr announced said. Thousands more people will be
moves intended to defuse opposition, Blit tempers are wearing thin. not on a ,man or ^ (iynasty, but on a the fairness of next years congressional elections.
Including readmissiori of all political Similar government .promises have system of official, conuiptidri and op- dead by ^en.
I The Christian Democrats, along In the past, the State Department has been critied
exiles and international supervision of been made concerning militant labor pression Md the agr|culture-based
the March congressional apd munici strikes underway at four ma.ior facto economy. The more than'90 percent of with sectors of the church and more of human rights abuses, by the Romero government
pal elections. ries here. the peopl^^,^hb work qn, rather than liberal business sectors, have begun a. Escalating civil violence and open political pro
Last week, Jlomero, an Army gen- The strikes .reportedly are organ series of pieetings with labor, peasant tests have made the Salvadbran military regime
own, farm land are effectively ex and pther mass,groups in hopes.of
stunned members.of his own mil- ized by a committee associated with cluded from the money economy. fearful that it may face the same fate ap Nicaraguan
itary-based Party of National jConcilia- the* Popular Revolutionary Bloc. The As in Ificaragua, the lack of politi- coming up, with a plan to pressure the
government from -several directions. President Anastasio Somoza, who . was ousted this
tion by saying that, after more than 45 strikers use similar jtac|ics of taking cal acc^ssy aqd. government intransi summer after years of insurrection. It was that fear,
over industrial p|ants.gn4 holding'ex-' Bqt the process is a slow one, and
years of military presidents, the par gence toward substantive change have there is a feeling that time is running accorqing to observers, that prompted that govern
ty s 1082Candidate may be a civilian. ecutives or other workers hostage. At proiided fertile ground for violent ment tp annqunce the reforms. . '
one clothing .-assembly plant where eruption. out.
GCn..6mero also,invited the inter One solution that has so far been Romero, who claims El Salyador has no political
national and local Red Cross to in workers are. demanding a 100 percent There is broad agreement -that El prisoners, also invited the Red Cross to inspect the
wage increase, American general man only whispered about is Romeros re
spect the prison's to disprove charges Salvador i a battleground between placement. nations jails to see for itself if ibis .wqrds ate true.
by the opposiUon and the Catholic ager William Boorstein has now been two extrenies, with the vast 'majority We. consider these positive measures, which
held for more than a week. During- a little-publicized visit here
Church that scotes^ of political prison of its ,4.8 million people caught in the several weeks ago, sources said, U.S. should reduce te.nsions:and establish crpdible demo*
ers ere being held secretly. [On Wednesday, , news services middle-and daily becoming more radi cratic processes,* State Department spokesman
quoted officials as. reporting,. three Assistant Secretary of State for Latin
But the corfsensus among moderate calized. The level of agreement breaks America Viron P. ,Vaky expressed Thomas Reston said yesterday. ^,
and leftist opposition groups, as %ell members of,[he Bloc were killed in a down, however, on the questiops of ,wiWi inational'' guardsmen on a strong concern to Romero and sug In 1976, El Salvador, along with Bra?il and Guate
as within diplomatic and some, fnili- who the extremists Are and what to do gested that the date of presidential mala,, turned down all U.S. nlilitary aid after the
highway north of San Salvador.] about them.
tary circles, is that these first glim elections be substantially advanced. Carter administration announced that such aid
mers of what Latihg Alherican^ call a While the military has accused the The government denies authorship Romero, the sources .said, answered alight be withdrawn As a sanpt^bn against human
salidaan exiP"from authoritarian popular groiips of'guertilla-allied sub that such A move would violate the rights violations. El Salvador and Guatemala later
or approval of right-wing terrorism,
rule into democracy, are probably too version, and there-is a general feeling but It poi-tbays itself as unabW to con constitution: i Reconsidered', and mkde it known to the State De
little, too late, and do not address the among moderate political groups that trol thO extremists. It counters every .Others speak of- the establishment partment thAt they would accepj; such aid if offered.
social and econoTpIc inequities from their members are sometimes manipu -of a transitional civilian-military junta Defense Department and intelligence representa
lated by militant leftist ideologues, charge about, the right with a com
which El Salvadors problems ulti plaint about the leh. . . or evqn a. military coup from the cen tives have argued that inilita'ry>a id should be recon
mately stem. there is wide agreement outside the ter to forestall the possibility that one sidered, and that the United States should try to as
Still,.';t says it recognizes 'the need i"
government that most of their de-- . may be coming from the,far right. sist El Salvadors armed forces to pfevent the fall of
yqars has .suf mands are legitimate! for chqnge. "The armed forces are
fered both governnient repression and ready for democi*acy, a goveiiiment Some say Romero is the problem,' Romero.
left- and right-wing, extremism, inri- Moderate leadens- and diplomatic one-observer said, but others say it Bht one State Department soutce said that the effort
spokesman said. There Are going to
dents of terrorism and labor, strife sources are concerned that the shat be free elections hpre in March. wouldnt make any difference if he might be wasted on a military Tegime which many
have reached fever pitch. tered strikes and takeovers are test was gone. "Most just say its too late, administration officials believe is unsteady.
runs for a nationwide shutdown. To opposition politicians, the me , too late for anything.
Two priests have been murdered in ^ M the same time, a populjir mutiny chanics of a free election are mean The administration is very concerned about in
the past two months, allegedly by ingless if, as one politician said, vou creasing pplarization in El' Salvador and has engaged
IS feared. There is near p^nic within
right-wing terrorists who charged the can drop your ballot in the box, and it in intensive diplomatic efforts to try -to encourage
church with subversion. Six clergy, government, business and politiral
gmups that' El Salvadors guerrilla.^ gets counted, but you can still get the Romero government' to liberalize,'he said. But
men have been assassinated since will seek' to imitate the recent revolu beaten up for going to a campaign such may be too late,/ he added, because
Romeros inauguration in 1977. The tion in Nicaragua next dobr. rally." - of, Romeros poor human rights record.
.-\ug. 4 shooting of the Rev. Arlirio Antonio Morales Erlich, vice presi A State Department report to Confess early this
Napoleon Macias as he was sai-ing Nicaraguas new Sandjnista-lerl gov-
ernmont has strongly .stated it will not dent of, the'Meading opposition Chris year charged that Salvadoran security forces used
mass in the San Esteban Catarina tian Democrats, is a longtime political torture, including electric shock and rajqe, -on pris
parish was followed within days by export its revolution, and there i.s no
evidence that i has. BUt San-Salvador exile wh'b beriefited from recent re- oners. There have been no public inve^gations of
the towns government-allied mayor. these charges, the report added,,-
is nfe with rumors that, in the words forms by ..returning here from Costa
In* the small town of Armenia, 30 of one leafiing politician, "there, are a Kica three weeks ago. The State Department has also accused the
mile^ northwest of here, the mayor, a thousand guerrilla soldiers, armed Romero government of manipulating and falsifying
member of'the ruling party, was mur m a televised .speech last night
and ready to get. ' marking tl^q strongest public opposi-^ the elections of 1978.
dered in April. Last week, his- replace
El Salvadors own guerrilla groups, tion statement jiebe since the 1976
ment also was' assassinated. three separate Marxist organizations elections. Morales Erlich said re-
Dozens of priests and nuns are on a whose numbers are wildly estimated neated electoral fraud and official cor-
week-long hunger strike at a down- at from 20 or 30 tosevepal hundred

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