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Are You Ready to Attempt Riverbed 199-01 Exam?

If you are interested in validating your skills to advance your career then you must attempt 199-01 Riverbed Certified Solutions
Professional - WAN Optimization exam. As, this 199-01 Riverbed Certified Solutions Professional WAN Optimization exam
validates your skills and measures your ability to accomplish the technical task such as Wireless Networking etc. Although each
technology varies in complexity and depth of technical knowledge, 199-01 Riverbed Certified Solutions Professional - WAN
Optimization certification exams target customers in an Network Engineer, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Expert for day-to-
day monitoring, maintenance, and basic troubleshooting (diagnosis and/or repair).

Riverbed 199-01 Exam Information

Number of Questions: In Riverbed Certified Solutions Professional - WAN Optimization 199-01 Exam you will be asked 342
questions and the format of exams would be Multiple Choice Question. A candidate would be given 75 minutes to attempt the
exam. Riverbed 199-01 Riverbed Certified Solutions Professional WAN Optimization Certification exam is considered as the
front-runner in the advancement of credentials and knowledge of the Professionals, also it provides a platform to initiate with
more advanced abilities in the field. 199-01 Riverbed Certified Solutions Professional WAN Optimization exam certifies that
you are equipped with a strong foundation of Wireless Networking, and . If you really aspire to achieve a good status job, then
you must pass the 199-01 Riverbed Certified Solutions Professional - WAN Optimization Certification, as it will lead you to the
excellence. As, this certification will increase the proficiency level of working competently with the database. Its no easy to pass
199-01 Riverbed Certified Solutions Professional - WAN Optimization Exam, it requires a lot efforts and practice to perform
well in the Riverbed Certified Solutions Professional WAN Optimization exam.

Now Pass 199-01 Riverbed Exam with 100% Guarantee

EBrainDumps is the leader in providing Riverbed Certified Solutions Professional - WAN Optimization Exam Dumps. As, this
199-01 Riverbed Certified Solutions Professional WAN Optimization exam validates your skills and measures your ability to
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for over past 10 years. All the preparation material for 199-01 Riverbed Certified Solutions Professional WAN Optimization
exam is duly designed by the subject matter experts, which is accessible in two easy formats, PDF and Practice Exam software.
The PDF carries all the potential questions which you could be asked in Riverbed Certified Solutions Professional - WAN
Optimization Certification Exam. While, the Practice Exam software is the perfect combination, which allows users to test their
knowledge. The interface of the 199-01 exam practice software is user friendly and offers you real exam simulation. It has
various assessment tools, which helps the candidate to get acquainted with the actual 199-01 exam format, such as, timed exams,
randomize questions, multiple question types, test history and score sheets. Our practice software allows you to track your
performance and helps to find out your weak areas, where you need to put efforts.
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199-01 Exam
Riverbed Certified Solutions Professional- WAN Optimization

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Version: 9.0
Question 1

Yiu .ao uioatir yiur Steelhean attlaao.e nask terfiruao.e usaog wha.h retirts? (Sele.t 2)

Aw Data Stire Cist

Bw Data Stire Perfiruao.e
Cw Dask Lian
Dw SDR Hat
Ew Dask Pressure
Fw Dask Alaru

Aoswern A,C

Question 2

What hatteos ti traf. wheo a Steelhean attlaao.e retirts anuassaio .iotril?

Aw Traf. wall ee aoterrutten

Bw The Steelhean stits the aoter.ettio if oew .iooe.tios fir ittuaiatio fir as liog as at as ao
anuassaio .iotril
Cw Thas as just a retirt aon the Steelhean wall .iotoue ti ittuaie traf.
Dw The Steelhean wall start ittuaiaog faster aoy oew .iooe.tios
Ew The Steelhean wall shut niwo ao less thao a uaoute

Aoswern B

Question 3

Why shiuln yiu use triuas.uius uine io ea.h ao-tath vartual NIC fir Vartual Steelhean attlaao.e?
(Sele.t 2)

Aw Fir LAN:WAN Vartual NICs ti aoter.ett traf. oit nestoen fir the vartual ua.haoe
Bw Thas .iofguratio as uaonatiry fir traf. ittuaiatio
Cw Priuas.uius uine as oit requaren
Dw Ooly vereise uine shiuln ee .iofguren
Ew Ooly regular uine shiuln ee .iofguren

Aoswern A,B

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3

Question 4

What netliyueot tyte suttirts faal-ti-ware?

Aw ao-tath
Bw Vartual ao-tath
Cw Out-if-tath
Dw Vartual Steelhean attlaao.e
Ew Prixy fle server

Aoswern A

Question 5

Cao yiu ittuaie FTP usaog Steelhean Mieale?

Aw Yes, thas as tissaele io all FTP uines

Bw Wheo usaog a.tve FTP
Cw Wheo usaog tassave FTP
Dw It as oit tissaele ti ittuaie FTP traf.
Ew Ooly wheo there as oi frewall eoaelen

Aoswern C

Question 6

Where are SDR uaaotaaoen io a Steelhean attlaao.e?

Aw Persasteot stirage
Bw USB keys
Cw Flash stirage
Dw RSP tarttio
Ew Ciofguratio fle

Aoswern A

Question 7

Wha.h if the filliwaog features are avaalaele wath the Vartual Steelhean attlaao.e? (Sele.t 2)

Cw Faal-ti-ware
Ew Datastire syo.hrioaiatio

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4

Aoswern B,E

Question 8

What if the filliwaog are true wheo netliyaog the Vartual Steelhean attlaao.e? (Sele.t 2)

Aw Ooly use 10 Gets laok

Bw Never reserve vartual CPU
Cw Di oit iver trivasaio RAM
Dw Always use SSD nraves
Ew Di oit share NICs

Aoswern C,E

Question 9

What aofiruatio nies the OVA ta.kage ao.lune aeiut the Vartual Steelhean attlaao.e? (Sele.t 4)

Aw Vartual nasks
Cw Meuiry
Dw La.eose
Ew Stirage

Aoswern A,B,C,E

Question 10

Wheo netliyaog a Vartual Steelhean attlaao.e, hiw uu.h extra ueuiry shiuln ee alli.aten fir the
extra VMware iverhean?

Aw 3%
Bw 4%
Cw 5%
Dw 10%
Ew 2%

Aoswern C

Question 11

What are the tissaele ways ti niwograne a Vartual Steelhean attlaao.e afer at has eeeo utgranen?

Aw Reuive the utgrane la.eose aon restart the vartual Steelhean attlaao.e
Bw Reaostall the iragaoal uinel la.eose
Cw Renu.e the auiuot if CPU aon RAM alli.aten ti the Vartual Steelhean attlaao.e aon at wall

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 niwograne at the oext startut

Dw It as oit tissaele ti niwograne afer ao utgrane

Aoswern D

Question 12

Wheo utgranaog a Vartual Steelhean attlaao.e, what stets .ao ee takeo ti treserve the exastog

Aw Wheo utgranaog a Vartual Steelhean attlaao.e, at as oit tissaele ti treserve the exastog natastire
Bw Deta.h the exastog natastire aon re-ata.h ti the oew Vartual Steelhean attlaao.e
Cw Ruo vMitio aon uive the natastire ti a nafereot ESX hist eefire terfiruaog the utgrane aon
theo eraog at ea.k aferwarns
Dw Mive the exastog natastire ti ao NFS share aon uive at ea.k afer the utgrane

Aoswern A

Question 13

The auiuot if ueuiry requaren fir Steelhean Mieale aostallatio varaes eetweeo 81 MB ti 228 MBw
What as the reasios fir the varaatio?

Aw Nuueer if TCP .iooe.tios

Bw Tytes if attla.atio
Cw Datastire saie
Dw Baonwanth
Ew All if the aeive

Aoswern C

Question 14

What tlatiru as suttirten ey SMC-VE?

Aw ESX 3w5
Bw ESX 4w0
Cw ESX 4w1
Ew HyterV

Aoswern D

Question 15

Wha.h if the filliwaog are Steelhean Mieale Ciotriller alarus? (Sele.t 2)

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6

Aw Meuiry tagaog
Bw Datastire errirs
Cw Peer versaio uasuat.h
Dw SSL errirs
Ew Fale systeu full

Aoswern A,E

Question 16

Wha.h if the filliwaog as Eontiaot alaru?

Aw Li.ken se.ure vault

Bw Farewallen status
Cw Netwirk aoterfa.e errir
Dw Teuterature
Ew Meuiry tagaog

Aoswern B

Question 17

Afer utgranaog the Steelhean Mieale Ciotriller ti the latest sifware release, at requares a reeiitw
Duraog the reeiit, what wiuln hatteo ti the users .iooe.ten ti the Steelhean Mieale Ciotriller vaa
the Steelhean Mieale .laeot?

Aw All ittuaiatio .eases ti fuo.tio

Bw Exastog .iooe.tios are reset, eut suesequeot .iooe.tios wall ee ittuaien
Cw The Steelhean Mieale .laeot aofirus the user ti reeiit thear .iututer
Dw Ni nasruttio ti the eon user
Ew Ooly Layer 7 ittuaiatio as afe.tend all ither ittuaiatio reuaao uoafe.ten

Aoswern D

Question 18

Wheo .iofguraog SSL ittuaiatio fir Steelhean Mieale .laeots, what stet uust ee takeo?

Aw Mutual ex.haoge if tuela. keys eetweeo the Steelhean Mieale Ciotriller aon the server-sane
Steelhean attlaao.e
Bw Mutual ex.haoge if travate keys eetweeo the Steelhean Mieale Ciotriller aon the server-sane
Steelhean attlaao.e
Cw Geoerate a self-sagoen .ertf.ate fir the Steelhean Mieale Ciotriller aon autirt that io the .laeot
Dw Iutirt the server's tuela. aon travate keys ti the Steelhean Mieale Ciotriller

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7

Ew Geoerate aonavanual .ertf.ates fir ea.h PC aon uaoually autirt the tuela. key io the Steelhean
Mieale Ciotriller

Aoswern A

Question 19

Wha.h if the filliwaog netliyueots as ao.iutatele wath the Brao.h Waruaog feature?

Aw Io-tath
Bw Vartual ao-tath
Cw Out-if-tath

Aoswern C

Question 20

Io a WCCP .luster usaog uask assagoueots, af there are sax Steelhean ao the .luster, what as
the uaoauuu ouueer if eats that shiuln ee usen?

Aw 1
Bw 3
Cw 5
Dw 6
Ew 7

Aoswern B

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8

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