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Automation in Construction 73 (2017) 111

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A technology for sewer pipe inspection (Part 2): Experimental

assessment of a new laser proler for sewer defect detection
and quantication
Mathieu Lepot a,, Nikola Stani a, Franois H.L.R. Clemens a,b
Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5048, 2600, GA, Delft, The Netherlands
Deltares, PO Box 177, 2600, MH, Delft, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In order to test the laser-scanning device presented by Stani, Lepot, Catieau, Langeveld and Clemens [1], labora-
Received 28 August 2015 tory experiments have been performed. Various objects, covering a wide range of sizes, shapes, materials, colours
Received in revised form 25 October 2016 and reectiveness, have been installed in a concrete pipe and scanned by the prototype in order to identify po-
Accepted 31 October 2016
tential object characteristics that may affect measurement uncertainty and/or create bias. By taking into account
Available online xxxx
both uncertainties (on scanned and measured sizes), scanned dimensions have been compared to measurements
performed with a calliper or a ruler: overall the values are mutually consistent. The proposed prototype is suit-
Linear infrastructure able for sewer inspections: displaced joints, cracks, deposits can be accurately measured without any bias by
Asset management comparison to CCTV. Uncertainty in the measurement appears to be unaffected by humidity or fat deposits.
CCTV 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Laboratory test

1. Introduction sewer reach, they appear to be the most promising emerging technolo-
gy for accurate measurements [11]. Several industrial laser-scanning
Sewers are aging underground structures that are often used beyond devices are available on the market, based on two different approaches.
their expected life duration and their actual functionality is hard to The rst one consists of a rotating laser distance meter, sometimes
quantify in situ. The management of such system requires accurate mounted on a CCTV tractor (by example, the Rauschusa system [12]):
and detailed data on their functioning and constructive strength and by construction, such a system just delivers a 3D image of the reach
stability in order to optimize the trade-off between the repair/replace- only along a helical curve. The second approach, similar to the one
ment costs and an acceptable level of various risks: urban ooding, used in this study [1], is based on a ring laser light (a laser projected si-
pipe collapse and/or pollution of water bodies caused by sewer over- multaneously at 360 degrees, e.g. the maverick Inspection system [13]).
ows (environmental and public health risks). Various techniques al- In order to avoid bias in the data, both approaches require knowledge
ready exist to inspect such linear infrastructure: i) CCTV inspection is on the exact position and spatial orientation of the device [4]: to the au-
the most commonly applied in practise but has shown to be inaccurate thors' knowledge, no correction system is proposed by the commercial
[2,3], ii) laser proling techniques [1,4], iii) acoustic techniques (e.g. in systems so far.
[5,6]), or iv) a combination of them [7]. Previous studies highlight the The companion paper [1] describes in detail the design of the new
relative inaccuracy and the subjectivity of CCTV reports, due to: i) the laser proler used in this study and provides important feedback and
absence of measuring devices and/or software, ii) the quantication suggestions for further developments: device accuracy, importance of
classes of some standard methods [8,9], and iii) the human interpreta- the laser alignment and a perfect synchronisation inter- and intra-ac-
tion of the videos. CCTV inspections have been compared to acoustic quisition systems. Since the prototype has been built and calibrated, a
techniques [10] but not to laser scanning techniques: this is the main standard uncertainty of the air-solid interface position has been esti-
goal of this study. Since laser inspection devices deliver 3D scans of a mated: from 1,1 mm to 1,8 mm, from invert level to the top of the
pipe, respectively. The prototype has to be exhaustively tested to ensure
Corresponding author. its robustness and suitability for in situ measurements and applications.
E-mail address: (M. Lepot). Is the prototype able to measure fully the size of various objects in the
0926-5805/ 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 M. Lepot et al. / Automation in Construction 73 (2017) 111

pipe and to detect usual defects in sewer pipe? Under which conditions human interpretation of images and, sometimes, with the position of
does bias occur in the measurements? Does this technology present dis- the tractor: subjectivity can lead to some bias in the data [2]. Measure-
advantages when compared to CCTV inspections? In a more general ment by a laser proler seems to result in more objective results relating
way, is the laser proler technique a potential candidate for replacing more directly to the actual status of the sewer. However, some of the de-
CCTV? fects can be detected only with colour camera and under good light con-
In order to answer these questions and after a short introduction ditions such as lining observations, exltration or atmosphere-related
into the presently applied inspection techniques and defect classica- issues (i.e. presence of potentially hazardous atmosphere due to fog,
tion (Section 2), the design of the prototype is briey described the occurrence oxygen deciency, hydrogen sulphide, methane or
(Section 3.1), all the laboratory tests (performed on real pipes) are de- other gasses).
scribed in Section 3.2. Data validation and analysis (comparison be-
tween measured - by a calliper or a ruler - and scanned - by the 3. Material and methods
prototype - object dimensions) methods are briey described in
Section 3.3. Results of the comparison between the scanned and mea- 3.1. The laser-proling prototype
sured sizes are presented and discussed in the fourth section of this
article. The prototype consists of two main parts (Fig. 1): a stationary part
where three laser distance meters (Dimetix, FLS C10) and a pulsing
2. Defects recorded by CCTV and their quantications laser (Osela, Streamlaser 660 nm) have been set up and a moving
part where two cameras and a laser proler (Ibak, ILP) have been
Sewer inspections are mainly done based on CCTV footage: defects installed.
are characterised and quantied according to standard methods (vary- The data stemming from the image processing of the front camera
ing however between EU, USA and other countries). As an example, a (Allied Vision Technology, Prosilica GT3400C) frames (records of pro-
European standard method [5] has been translated in national regula- jection of the laser proler) are corrected with the exact position of
tions with some tiny differences per country. In Japan, defects identied the moving part. The position is obtained from the three recorded dis-
by CCTV are coded using a less detailed system of codes than in Europe. tances and the image processing of the back camera (Allied Vision Tech-
The retained standard method for defect coding [8] records the fol- nology, Manta G-282C) that records the projections of the four lasers set
lowing information (Table 1). up on the xed part. A detailed description on this design has been pre-
Based on the visual inspection and the position of the CCTV tractor, sented in [1]. The fourth laser has been used for an optical synchronisa-
the defects are positioned (longitudinal location - in m - from a refer- tion between data acquisition system of both parts.
ence point) and coded with different letters or numbers to:
3.2. Object and material set
dene the defect and its origin with the main code: deformation, s-
sure, break/collapse, defective brickwork or masonry, missing mor- Based on the defects identied by [8], several add-ins have been set
tar, surface damage, intruding connection, defective connection, up in an egg-shaped pipe (400/600 mm) to cover the wide range of de-
intruding sealing material, displaced joint, lining observation, defec- fects or solid materials, which can be found in sewer systems. Various
tive repair, weld failure, porous pipe, soil visible through defect, void objects and materials (Table 2) have been used to study: i) the defects
visible through defect, roots, attached deposit, settled deposits, in- detectable and quantiable by the prototype, and ii) effect of size,
gress of soil, other obstacles, inltration, exltration, vermin, other shapes, colours, roughness or the kind of deposits on the measurement.
connection (pipe), point repair, curvature of sewer, start node Pictures of the material set are available in the electronic appendix. Each
type, nish node, general photograph, general remark, inspection object has been scanned with the prototype: the moving part has been
terminated before nish node, water level, ow from incoming manually moved into the pipe.
pipe, atmosphere within the pipeline and loss of vision; Water {1} and Vaseline {2} (Table 2) have been applied inside the
characterise the defect, with specic sub-codes (1 and 2) depending pipe, on the wall, in order to create conditions that may occur in sewers:
on the main code. For example, for a ssure (main code BAB), char- water saturated atmosphere (temperature, humidity, diffuse inltration
acterisation 1 can be A for a surface crack, B for a crack or C for a frac- through the wall) and fat deposits. Other experiments have been done
ture and the characterisation 2 can be A for longitudinal, B for to reproduce the most common sewer conditions: deposits of various
circumferential, C for complex, D for helical or E for starting from a materials (as sludge {6}, sand {5}, gravels {7}, etc.), displaced joints
point; {3}, intrusive connections {12}, roots {13} and cracks {4}. Other objects,
quantify the defect with a specic sub-codes (1 and 2) depending on more unusual but that can still be found in CCTV reports (like brick {16}
the main code. For example, a connection is quantied by Quanti- or a beer bottle {21}.), have been placed in the sewer pipe to test the
cation 1 (in mm, the height of the connecting pipe) and Quantica- measuring capacities of the prototype.
tion 2 (in mm, the width only if it differs from the heights). Most of
the defects only have one quantication; 3.3. Methods
locate the beginning and the end of the defects according to the clock
face references (from 1 to 12); 3.3.1. Raw-data treatment
indicate if the defect is located at a joint (transition) in the structure. Previous studies [1,11,14] have presented the methods applied in
post-processing of the raw data (images and distances); these details
are not presented in this paper. Fig. 2 summarizes all the steps of the
The previously listed defects highlight several advantages and disad- data processing: from the raw data and sensors (left part) to the con-
vantages of the CCTV method. CCTV is only t for identifying defects that struction of the 3D model by integration, from frame 1 to frame N, of
can be visually detected by an operator. The quantication is done by corrected (calibration), unbiased (correction of the position) and

Table 1
Coding system of the European standard method of defect coding [5].

Longitudinal location Continuous defect code Main code Characterisation Quantication Circumferential location Joint Photo ref. Video ref. Remarks
1 2 1 2 1 2
M. Lepot et al. / Automation in Construction 73 (2017) 111 3

Fig. 1. Principle scheme of the prototype - left: moving part, right: xed part - top: side view, bottom: back view.

Table 2
Inventory of the objects and materials used, identied by a number X (noted {X} hereafter). For the experiments: name, material, colour and comments.

{Number} Group name Name Material Colour Description

{1} Wet Tap water Sprayed on the wall

{2} Vaseline Vaseline Applied manually on the wall
{3} Joint Weather stripping Black Non-constant thickness
{4} Cracks Same as the pipe Done with a drill and a sledge hammer
{5} Sediments Sand Sand Beige Placed on a wood board
{6} Sludge Earth + water Maroon Done with vegetal earth and tap water
{7} Sediments Gravels Rock Grey 58 mm
{8} Coloured stones Rock Blue, red and yellow Painted 1622 mm
{9} Sediments Small stones Rock Grey 2230 mm
{10} Sediments Medium stones Rock Grey 3040 mm
{11} Sediments Large stones Rock Grey 4063 mm
{12} Metal Various metal and cylindrical shapes Metal Various New and oxidized
{13} Roots Woods
{14} Small half pipe PVC Grey Cut part down, on {15}
{15} Large half pipe PVC Grey Cut part up
{16} Brick and concrete Brick Terracotta Brown
{17} Tiles Brown tile Terracotta Brown Bright
{18} Tiles White tile Terracotta White Bright
{19} Tiles Zebra tile Terracotta Beige & grey Bright
{20} Tiles Blue tile Terracotta Blue Bright
{21} Beer Glass Transparent green Beer bottle (33 cl)
{22} Metal Battery Steel Gold - blue LR20-D-SISE 1,5 V F401 NOVEL
{23} Metal Tap & valve Steel 1/2" 3mLBS Made in England
{24} Screw and nut Steel Grey Fuchs 4,6a
{25} Metal U bar Stainless steel Grey Thickness: 3 mm
{26} Brick and concrete Deltares tetrahedrons Painted concrete Red and yellow
{27} Brick and concrete Bollard Painted concrete Beige See Fig. 3
{28} Spanners Steel Grey Sizes 32 and 33 mm
{29} Lead Sheet Lead Grey Folded lead sheet
{30} Wheelbarrow inner tube Rubber Black Set up in the middle of the pipe
{31} Mixed Various Various Everything together
Model and size of the key.
4 M. Lepot et al. / Automation in Construction 73 (2017) 111

Fig. 2. Graphical summary of the applied methods for data treatment (LDM for Laser Distance Meter, d for distances, cameraBACK is the back camera, cameraFRONT is the front camera).

synchronised data. Relevant issues about the clock synchronisation The consistency ratios (RC) of each group (Table 1) have been calcu-
have been discussed in [1]. lated for all groups (Eq. (2)).

3.3.2. Object sizes: measurements and/or information available RC 2
The objects (listed in Table 1) have been measured with a calliper
(Gamma, Digital Calliper), which provide a standard uncertainty of
where NC, is the number of objects or experiments of the group (com-
0,05 mm. Dimensions larger than 150 mm have been measured with a
posed by NT objects of experiments) for which the Eq.(1) is satised.
simple ruler: the standard uncertainty for such measurement is estimat-
All variables are dimensionless.
ed to be 0,5 mm. Reading errors (human observation uncertainty) have
been also taken into account: nally retained standard uncertainties of
3.3.4. Roughness calculations
measured distances are respectively estimated to be 0,1 mm and
Different materials, grouped as sediments (Table 1), have been past-
1 mm for the calliper and the ruler.
ed on a PVC half-pipe (internal diameter of 280 mm), cut in half along
Various materials have been used as natural solids: sands gravel
the main axe (half-circle prole), to simulate different sediment bed
and stone (Table 1). Other shapes or articial solids, also used for scaled
compositions. This board has been scanned and roughness calculations
hydraulic experiments, are shown in the electronics appendix: their
have been performed using the methods described in [7].
shapes and sizes are accurately known.

4. Results and discussion

3.3.3. Comparison methods
For the CCTV and laser proling comparison, simulated defects 4.1. Comparison between CCTV and laser proler
(Table 2) have been coded according to [8]. Based on pictures and labo-
ratory notes, the codes are presented in Table 3. Table 3 presents a comparison between information that can be ex-
For the measurement comparison, the scanned (SizeSCANNED) and the tracted from visual inspection (coded according to [8]) and laser
measured (SizeMEASURED) sizes, independently obtained, have been com- scanning.
pared with a simple variance test: if Eq.(1) is satised, the prototype For a wet wall {1} or the presence of fat deposits {2}, no disturbances
provides a measurement consistent with the one given by the calliper. in the processes and the calculations have been observed in these ex-
If not, the laser prototype provides biased estimations of object size. periments: a moist and/or fat covered pipe can be scanned without dif-
The equation compares the variance (difference) between real (mea- culties. For a moist and/or fat pipe a small adjustment in the image
sured) and scanned sizes of the object and its uncertainty (at 95,4%): processing is required: since the recorded light intensities are smaller
the right part is derived from the law of propagation of uncertainties the threshold on pixel value needs to be adapted. However, this adapta-
[15] by [16]. tion has no impact on the accuracy on the result. Diffuse inltration and
fat deposits are detectable due the light intensities, but are not mutually
q differentiable. The visible images furnished by CCTV seem to be more
jSizeSCANNED SizeMEASURED j 2  u2 SizeSCANNED u2 SizeMEASURED 1 suitable than laser scanning for identifying inltration and fat detection.
For some experiments, no quantication has been attempted. The sedi-
ments (objects from {6} to {11}) can only be quantied by the median
where u2(SizeSCANNED) and respectively u2(SizeMEASURED) are the stan- grain size the sizes of each stones or gravels (if presents) have not
dard uncertainties associated to the laser and respectively the calliper been measured: only the overall median grain size. The sediments can
measurements. All variables are in mm. This equation has been applied be qualied only using a standard camera and visual inspections: the
for all scanned objects. laser proler is unable to distinct the type of sediment. Some objects
M. Lepot et al. / Automation in Construction 73 (2017) 111 5

Table 3
CCTV vs Laser scanning. CCTV results are expressed according to the following format: Main code//Characterisation 1/Characterisation 2//Quantication 1/Quantication 2//Circumferen-
tial location 1/Circumferential location 2//Joint//Remarks.

{Number} Description and CCTV Laser scanning data Comments

inspection code according to [8]

{1} Sweating inltration Not visible Wet wall (sweating inltration or moisture)
BBF//A//0 to 12//-// Effect on the light intensity Laser beam light intensity is weaker
{2} Attached deposit (grease) Not visible Laser beam light intensity is weaker
BBB//B//0//3//-// Effect on the light intensity
{3} Displaced joint (radial) Object detected, joint partially pending The joint can be identied with the pending part and its shadow.
BAJ//B//~10 mm//112//-// Size (W = 22 mm, T = 211 mm) No material identication possible (need CCTV)
Location: 112
From 126 mm to 163 mm slightly tilted
{4} Complex fracture Object detected, ssures and break The crack is clearly visible. Length, width and location can be accurately estimated.
BAB//C/C//~10 mm//9/2// //-// Size - crack (width 411,5 mm; (big) crack The depth estimation is more sensitive to the relative position of the cracks and
Missing piece of wall (collapse) depth 33 mm) the laser beam.
BAC//B//~100 mm//3//-// Location: from 2 to 9
Over the whole pipe length;
Size - break (61,5 102 mm)
Location 3
From 360 mm to 462 mm
Diagonal orientation
{5} Settled ne deposits (sand) Object detected, deposit (ne material) Smooth surface (sand, sludge, fat deposit?)
BBC//A//~3%//6//-// Volume of 46,5 cm3 Quantication possible and consistent with the mass.
Location 6 Visible images (CCTV) are required to identify the sand.
From 53 to 355 mm
{6} Settled ne deposits (sludge) Object detected, deposit Coarser than {5}
BBC//A//~8%//6//-// Not attempted quantication
From 13 mm to 330 mm
{7} Settled coarse deposits (gravels) Object detected, deposit No effect detected due to the colour of the stones
BBC//B//~5%//6//-// Not attempted quantication
From 28 mm to 290 mm
{8} Settled coarse deposits (rubble) Object detected, deposit Coarser than {5}
BBC//B//~5%//6//-//colours Not attempted quantication; from 63 mm
to 366 mm
{9} Settled coarse deposits (rubble) Object detected, deposit Coarser than {8} (Table 2)
BBC//B//~5%//6//-// Not attempted quantication from 53 mm
to 355 mm
{10} Settled coarse deposits (rubble) Object detected, deposit Coarser than {9}
BBC//B//~10%//6//-// Not attempted quantication
From 22 mm to 279 mm
{11} Settled coarse deposits (rubble) Object detected, deposit Coarser than {10}
BBC//B//~15%//6//-// Not attempted quantication
From 53 mm to 355 mm
{12} Intruding connections (3) 3 objects detected, intruding connections Pipes easily identiable with the cylindrical shapes.
3 BAG//~210%//6//-// (shapes) Quantications accurate. Material non identiable without CCTV (Fig. 4, middle).
(DIN = 54,6 mm, H = 99,7 mm; DEXT =
35 mm, H = 90 mm; DEXT = 54,1 mm,
H = 19,4 mm)
Location 6
From 35 to 89 mm
{13} Independent ne roots Object detected, roots or spider net The polygon dened by the roots is easily quantiable. Root sizes (diameter)
BBA//B//~15%//1//-// Size (area occupied: rectangle of 170 mm should be measurable (not tested)
width, 361,5 mm height)
Location from 1 to 3
From 1000 to 1221 mm
{14} Piece of drain lying on the invert Object detected, most likely a pipe Pipe parallel to the sewer axis. Material not identiable without CCTV.
BBE//B//~8%//6//-// Size (H = 83,1 mm,
DEXT = 122 mm)
Location 6
Over the whole length
{15} Piece of drain lying on the invert Object detected, most likely half-pipe Half pipe parallel to the sewer axis. Material not identiable without CCTV.
BBE//B//~10%//6//-// Size (H = 130 mm
DIN = 275,2 mm)
Location 6
Over the whole length
{16} Brick lying on the invert Object detected, rectangular cuboid (most Rectangular shape identiable. The clear identication requires CCTV image.
BBE//A//~15%//6//-// likely brick)
Size (W = 104,8 mm, H = 46,8 mm)
Location 6
From 141 mm to 223 mm
{17}, Other objects lying on the invert Objects detected, rectangular cuboids Same as {16}
{18}, BBE//C//~1.5%//6//-// Size (L = 97,3 mm, T = 11 mm) Tiles placed continuously, the transition is not visible.
{19}, Location 6
{20} Starting at 45 mm, ending at 239 mm, from
239 to 343 mm, from 343 to 450 mm

(continued on next page)

6 M. Lepot et al. / Automation in Construction 73 (2017) 111

Table 3 (continued)

{Number} Description and CCTV Laser scanning data Comments

inspection code according to [8]

{21} BBE//C//~12%//6//-//beer bottle Something detected, crest or artefact The identication of the bottle is almost impossible. The data look like an artefact.
(bottle?) Identication impossible without CCTV.
Size (not clearly measurable)
Location 6 to 7
At 151 mm distance
{22} BBE//C//~2%//6//-//battery Object detected, cylindrical shape (battery?) Battery detectable but not identiable. Confusion possible with a piece of pipe
Size (DEXT = 30,7 mm, H = 61 mm) (small diameter).
Location 6
From 420 to 450,7 mm
{23} Other object lying on the invert Object detected The object is too complex to be identied with laser data.
BBE//C//~4%//6//-//tap and valve Not attempted quantication CCTV is clearly better for this kind of object.
Location 6
From 286 to 417 mm
{24} Other object lying on the invert Object detected Identication of the screw and the nuts is strongly dependent of their position.
BBE//C//~1%//6//-//screw and Location 6 CCTV is better for identication.
nut From 224 to 275 mm
{25} Other object lying on the invert Object detected, u-shaped object bar (one The shape is easily identiable. The material identication requires CCTV.
BBE//C//~10%//6//-//U bar plateau, two crests)
Size (H = 40,7 mm, W = 115,2 mm)
Location 6
Over the whole length
{26} Other object lying on the invert Object detected, tetrahedrons The shape can be identied. No effect of colours.
BBE//C//~10%//6//-//tetrahedron Size (Leg = 43,4 mm, DEXT = 19,3 mm)
Location 6
From 249 mm to 439 mm
{27} Other object lying on the invert Object detected, Bollard Due to the size and the position, the object is clearly identied. For less laser
BBE//C//~17%//6//-//bollard Size (Fig. 9) friendly position, CCTV might be required.
Location 6
From 105 to 225 mm
{28} Other object lying on the invert Object detected, most likely spanners Spanners are clearly identied.
BBE//C//~4%//6//-//spanners Size (U-opening 3233 mm)
Location 6
From 50 to 461 mm
{29} Other object lying on the invert Object detected, deposits No distinction can be made between deposits and this lead sheet CCTV is required
BBE//C//~15%//6//lead sheet Not attempted quantication for identication.
Location 6
Starting at 93 mm
{30} Other object lying on the invert Object detected, an inner tube (shape, Section reduction (at 360 degrees or less) is detectable and accurately
BBE//C//~60%//6//-// inner valve) quantiable.
tube + piece of wood Size (DIN = 189,7 mm) End point not clearly measurable because the shadow effect
Location: the middle of the pipe Reduction of 86,5%
Starting at 123 mm

({23}, {29}) were too complex to provide quantication: the data ob- should be multiple and ii) potential information can be extracted from
tained were not good enough to deliver a meaningful measurement re- gaps in the data. These outcomes may initiate developments of new
sult (especially for the tap {23}). methods for pattern recognitions.
Displaced joints and section reductions have been simulated with Intrusive connections have been simulated with objects {12}, {14}
experiments {3} and {30} (Fig. 3). and {15}. The prototype has been able to detect, locate and quantify the
Fig. 3 clearly shows that these defect are detected by the prototype: three connections (Fig. 4 and Table 3). Laser scanning is more accurate
the proler has no difculties to scan both objects. The overall shapes than CCTV measurement is this respect. Furthermore, the prototype has
seem to be correctly reproduced in the data (including the valve of provided consistent measurements (Table 4) for the diameter of the var-
the inner tube). However, shadow effects (blind zones) are visible (an ious cylindrical shapes. Used in real sewers, laser scanning will be able to
arc and a ring behind the displaced joint, a ring around the inner locate and quantify accurately intrusive connections. The kind of connec-
tube). For the displaced joint (Fig. 3, bottom left), the pending part hin- tion (depending on the diameter) may be determined. Full (1st and 2nd
ders the measurement of the top part of the pipe after the joint (Fig. 3, pipes) or empty (third one) can be measured and distinguished (circles
middle left). The camera cannot see behind this pending part. The or disks visible in the scanned data): the prototype is able to detect if
same issue persisted with the back part of the inner tube. Shadow ef- there is (are) solid(s) or blockage(s) in the connected pipe.
fects may be also attributed to a gap in the laser projection. This is clear- Roots have been simulated with the object {13}: ne roots have been
ly visible with the inner tube: the wood piece, placed to maintain the glued to pipe crown. Fig. 5 presents the scanned data.
inner tube in its position, is not visible: the inner tube has blocked the Roots and their main directions are visible in the scanned data. The
front camera's vision of the laser projection. The wooden part is indi- contour or the area occupied by such roots can be easily assessed
rectly visible: the additional gap right after the valve. Despite this weak- (Table 3). However, visible images from CCTV will provide more details
ness, which is not present in the latest version of CCTV tractor equipped on the roots and their entry points, missing a proper quantication
with two cameras, the quantication and the location of the defect can though.
be accurately determined (Table 3). CCTV inspections still present one An object's colour does not affect the measurement. Only transpar-
extra advantage: the pending object (joint) and the object responsible ent (glass bottle {21}) or highly reective (tile as {20}) objects disturb
of the section reduction are clearly identiable with CCTV images/ the measurements as shown in Fig. 6 (glass bottle {21}).
videos. Those experiments have highlighted some major issues: i) to The device has only been able to scan the top crest of the bottle:
limit or avoid shadow effects, both camera and laser proler sources transparent objects create diffraction and distorted shadows while
M. Lepot et al. / Automation in Construction 73 (2017) 111 7

Fig. 3. Displaced joint {3} (left) and section reduction with one inner tube {30} (right), picture (top), camFRONT screen shots (post-processed with Photoshop, middle) and scanned data
(bottom). Blind zones are clearly visible (middle left): real picture, without Photoshop treatment are visible in the electronic appendix - high contrast).

the projected laser light is passing through the object, only the per- The laser proling technique allows for quantication of the volume
pendicular parts (to the projected laser) of transparent objects may of deposits, this is achieved - in the laboratory - by scanning the pipe
be measurable with such prototype. The distorted shadow leads to twice: once with sediments and a second time after the sediments has
gaps in the 3D data (Fig. 6). As for bright objects, transparent ones been removed. For in situ application, the part of the pipe covered by
are relatively uncommon in sewers. This is a clear disadvantage of sediment needs to be assumed i.e. supposed equal to the theoretical sec-
laser proling when compared to CCTV inspection footage. tion: this will lead to additional uncertainty and maybe, to some non-
8 M. Lepot et al. / Automation in Construction 73 (2017) 111

Fig. 4. Various cylindrical shapes scanned with the device: photo (left), screen shot of the front camera video (post-processed with Photoshop, middle) and scanned data (right).

discovered defect hidden by the sediments. The experiment {5} (with characterised by laser scanning techniques. The pipe alignment can be
and without sand) has been carried out (Fig. 7). First, the pipe with easily checked and misalignments quantied by construction a continu-
the wooden board has been scanned. After adding about 67 g of sand ous 3D gure of reach composed by several pipes (Fig. 8, from [1]). The
(approximately 46,5 cm3 based on typical loose sand density of white spaces are missing data: shadows effects explain the constant
1442 kg/m3) on the board (Fig. 7, left), the pipe has been scanned thickness ones (rst space on both gures), pitch, roll and/or yaw angles
again. The difference between the two results is due to the deposit from the proler explain the not triangular ones (e.g. from z = 3900 to
and has been plotted in Fig. 7 (right). The difference between consecu- 4200 mm in the bottom gure). Lack of contrast (at the junction - inlet
tive measurements without and with sand present gave the following of light) also explains some blanks in the Fig. 8. High y values (bottom
estimation of the volume V = 45,2 cm3. The deviation of the measured graph) are due to a hole in the crown region and transition between
value from the actual is in the order of 3,5%. pipes (space between male - female plug).
Sludge {6} deposits have also been scanned by the prototype and did There are still some defects, coded by [8], which cannot be detected
not lead to difculties in the data treatment: this outcome is consistent convincingly while even characterisation or quantication by the laser
with the ones previously established (fat and wet wall). As with sand based technique poses a problem: i.e. lining observation, soil or void vis-
deposit, the sludge level can be measured. The laser scanning technique ible through the defect and exltration. These defects and some limita-
delivers better results when compared to CCTV inspection in terms of tions previously established lead to the conclusions that cameras
quantifying levels and volumes: a 3D map of the deposit can be com- providing coloured pictures are still mandatory to get a good estimation
posed allowing for the deposit volume to be calculated. of the current pipe status. Laser proling cannot be regarded to be self-
Other defects codied by [8] have been previously tested in [11]. sufcient for sewer inspection.
Section deformations (coded as BAA) can be seen as erosion and deposit
on some clock faces. For example, vertical deformation of a pipe (BAA//
A) will be identied by a lack of material at the invert and the crown re-
gions and some added material at clock face references 3 and 9. As dem-
onstrated by [4], such a prototype will be able to detect and quantify
pipe deformation. CCTV inspection still presents a major advantage:
identication of the likely cause of the deformation (material erosion,
sediment deposit or a deformation). For the same reason, surface dam-
age (coded BAF according to [8]) can be detected, quantied but not

Table 4
Results of the comparison tests.

{Number} Compared Consistent Not-consistent

dimensions dimensions dimensions

{3} W, T W, T
{12} DIN, H DIN, H
{15} DIN DIN
{16} L, W, H L W, H
{17} L, T L, T
{18} L, T L, T
{19} L, T L, T
{20} L, T L, T
{22} DEXT, H, L H DEXT, L
{25} H, L H L
{26} Leg, DEXT Leg, DEXT
{27} See Fig. 9
Fig. 5. Roots scanned by the prototype.
M. Lepot et al. / Automation in Construction 73 (2017) 111 9

Fig. 8. Top (up) and side (down) view of the results of 3D reconstruction of the scanned
sewer pipe stretch (from [1]).

values given in Appendix A highlight that the maximal difference be-

tween scanned and measured values is about 7 mm.
Fig. 6. Scanned data of the glass bottle. The consistency ratios of the groups as dened in Table 2 are pre-
sented in Table 5. For concrete objects, the consistency ratio is 047
and, if the distance along the movement direction is not considered,
4.2. Robustness of the laser proler measurements this ratio increases up to 0.67. Metal objects lead to the same conclu-
sions, with higher consistency ratios. For the tiles, the consistency
The following results highlight the robustness of the measurement ratio is 1. For those objects, every dimension (except the one along
done by the prototype in order to conrm the representativity of vol- the main axis of the pipe) can be accurately measured: the results are
ume deposit measurement. The results of the scanned/measured size consistent with dimensions obtained by using a calliper.
comparison are presented in Table 4. Measured and scanned dimen- These ratios emphasize the relatively low resolution obtained along
sions (L: length, W: width, H: height, T: thickness, DEXT: external diam- the z-axis. Due to the construction and the way to use such a prototype,
eter, DIN: internal diameter, Leg: length of the leg of the tetrahedron, To: the data density (i.e. frame resolution) along the z-axis is directly
the length of the tooth and B the space between two teeth) are present-
ed in detail in Appendix A. Compared dimensions are summarized
hereafter and results of the test (Eq. (1)) are given (C: consistent, I:
Table 4 shows that most of the dimensions are consistent: the laser
proler provides robust estimations of the main object sizes. Detailed

Sand deposit
250 (mm)




z (mm)



20 40
x (mm)

Fig. 7. Quantication of the sand deposit volume: photo of the experiment (left) and Fig. 9. Scanned (normal font) and measured (italic) sizes of the bollard. Consistency (C) or
scanned sand relief (right). Inconsistency (I) between the two sizes.
10 M. Lepot et al. / Automation in Construction 73 (2017) 111

Table 5
Consistency ratios of the groups (only directions perpendicular to
the main pipe axis).

Group names RC

Bricks and concrete 0,47 (0,67)

Tiles 1
Metal 0,67 (0,875)

dependent on two parameters: the frame rate of the front camera

(12 fps for the presented prototype) and the speed of the moving part
(23 cm/s). The desired speed was 4 cm/s that leads theoretically to a
frame every 3,3 mm (1,72,5 mm in reality): this value is not constant
and varies from frame to frame due to non-constant speed, pitch, yaw
and roll angles. The low resolution along the z-axis may be responsible Fig. 10. Expected accuracy of a theoretical third version of a laser-scanning device to reach
for some inconsistencies (see experiments {12}, {22}, {27} or {28}) be- a standard uncertainty of the position of the cross-section of 0,15 mm. Legend: bx,y,1 x, y
tween scanned and measured sizes. In order to reduce this weakness coordinates of a point as observed on the optical sensor of camFRONT, bx,y,2 x, y
coordinates of a point as observed on the optical sensor of camBACK, dz1 distance
of the presented prototype, two solutions can be applied: i) increase between laser sheet and lens plane for camFRONT, dz2 distance between laser sheet and
the image acquisition frequency (to e.g. 24 or 36 fps) and/or ii) reduce lens plane for camBACK, ez1 distance between optical sensor and lens plane for
the speed of the moving part. The rst solution will increase the prob- camFRONT, ez2 distance between optical sensor and lens plane for camBACK.
lem encountered with the data ow as highlighted in [1]. The second
one is feasible for research purposes, not for routine applications. This on this topic. First, most of the scanned sizes are consistent with the
discussion emphasizes the need of image pre-processing in order to re- measured ones. Differences are always lower than 7 mm and can be par-
duce the required data transmission and storage capacity while improv- tially explained by the data or frame density along the main axis of the
ing accuracy of the results along the main axis of pipe. pipe: increasing the image acquisition frequency or decreasing the
speed may reduce this weakness. No bias has been identied: the meth-
4.3. Roughness measurements od seems to be insensitive to colours or materials. Only reective or
transparent objects create disturbances in the measurements. Fortu-
For deposits built with known materials ({5}, {7}, {9}, {10} and {11} nately, such objects are not very common in sewer systems. Unbiased
of Table 2), roughness calculations (as described in [14]) have been per- proong techniques, associated with an intensive data treatment, can
formed and their results are summarized in Table 6. provide accurate and robust information. Most of the common defects
Due to the lack of accuracy and the low resolution, standard uncer- can be quantied: deposits, wall erosion [4], displaced joints, section re-
tainties (u(d50)) derived from the laser proler accuracy and interpola- duction, intrusive connections and roots. The reliability of this tech-
tion errors [14]) are of the same order of magnitude (mm) as the nique has been demonstrated.
median grain size (d50) itself: the prototype is not sufciently accurate Some weaknesses, when compared to CCTV inspection, need to be
to estimate roughness. A third version of this laser scanning technology highlighted. Firstly, there is no real-time data transmission: an operator
is required for in situ roughness measurements. By applying the same cannot adjust velocity and behaviour of the moving part. Real-time data
calculations as in [1] and to obtain a target accuracy of 0,15 mm, the fol- transmission (wireless) does not seem easy to implement regarding the
lowing theoretical improvements should be implemented: laser dis- data ow generated by the cameras applied. Basic defect detection algo-
tance meters should be better aligned (up to 1000 times more rithms (as [17,18,19,20]) may be implemented in a future version in
accurate), distances provided by these devices should be 30 times order to adjust the moving speed next to a defect. Secondly, there is
more accurate, camera accuracy (see [1]) needs to be improved by a fac- no light on the prototype and due to the high contrast in the eld of
tor of 10, the camera offset and scaling factor should be 100 times more view (laser in darkness, Fig. 4 in the middle): colours are not visible
accurate. Relative contributions to the total uncertainty have been plot- and an operator cannot qualitatively estimate the defects. In order to
ted in Fig. 10. The theoretical third version seems to be infeasible in compensate this weakness, a low-resolution camera and LED lights
2016: in situ roughness measurements with laser proling devices are could be mounted on a future version of the prototype. An automatic
unlikely to achieve this accuracy on the short term; at the current status defect detection algorithm can control this camera. This optical tech-
it is possible to use laser based techniques to quantify wall roughness nique is also still sensitive to shadow: multiple laser prolers and
using high precision 2-D laser scanning techniques as described in [14]. front cameras may theoretically reduce or solve this problem. In prac-
tise, it will not be easy to implement, especially due to the amount of
5. Conclusions and perspectives data which will become even more difcult to manage. Subsequent
studies could be performed: i) a better end-user data treatment (in
After the work done by [1] (design and assessment of the standard order to quantify section reduction (in m2), length of pending joint (in
uncertainties), the second part of the paper has summarized various ex- m)), ii) a more accurate device in order to reduce the uncertainty
periments. This study underlines relevant outcomes for further research along the z-axis and/or to measure in situ the wall roughness and iii)
some pattern recognition algorithms based on both existing data and
Table 6 gaps to automatically recognize and quantify the most common defects.
Results of the roughness calculations. Finally, the tested prototype was a research version, not an end-user
Material Granulometry d50 u(d50) version: some additional work will be required to build a waterproof
mm mm and solid version (as structure to support hardware and the connections
Sand 0,1 mm 1,74 2,01 between apparatus).
Gravel 58 mm 6,13 2,26 At present this technology is not really mature enough to fully re-
Small stones 2230 mm 11,25 2,68 place CCTV but offers some advantages over visual, CCTV based inspec-
Medium stones 3040 mm 15,62 3,07 tion: accuracy, repeatability and objectivity. CCTV inspections have a
Large stones 4063 mm 17,34 3,66
serious disadvantage: the qualication on the defect based on human
M. Lepot et al. / Automation in Construction 73 (2017) 111 11

interpretation of images. Further improvements are still required to Table A.1 (continued)
make this method a new standard instead of CCTV. However, a device {Number} Measured Scanned Difference Extended uncertainty Result
for accurate in situ roughness measurements appears to be unrealistic dimensions dimensions (mm) (right part of Eq. (1)) (C or I)
at present using the presented laser scanning technology: calculations (mm) (mm) (mm)
have shown that to this end very accurate devices (camera and laser dis- {27} See Fig. 9
tance meters) and construction processes (to align the lasers and know {28} DEXT: 31.7 DEXT: 32 DEXT: -0,3 DEXT: 3,2 DEXT:
accurately the camera offset) are required to reach a standard uncer- DEXT 33,3 DEXT: 33 DEXT: 0,3 DEXT: 3,2 C
tainty of 0,15 mm. Other solutions can be studied in order to increase
the accuracy: high quality camera-lenses, large camera sensors, thinner
laser beams or a rotating 2D laser scanning (more expensive). n.c.: not calculated.

Appendix B. Supplementary data


Supplementary data to this article can be found online at doi:10.

The authors would like to acknowledge the funding by (in alphabet-
ical order) ARCADIS, Deltares, Royal Haskoning DHV, Municipalities of
Almere, Breda, 's-Gravenhage, Rotterdam and Utrecht, GMB
Rioleringstechnieken, Grontmij, KWR Watercycle Research Institute,
Stichting RIONED, STOWA, Tauw, Vandervalk & De Groot, Waterboard [1] N. Stani, M. Lepot, M. Catieau, J.G. Langeveld, F.H.L.R. Clemens, A Technology for
De Dommel, Waternet and Witteveen + Bos as participants of the Sewer Pipe Inspection (Part I): Design, Calibrations, Corrections and Potential Appli-
cation of a Laser Proler(Submitted to Journal of Automation in Construction) 2016.
Urban Drainage Research program. In addition, Foundation RIONED is [2] J. Dirksen, F.H.L.R. Clemens, H. Korving, F. Cherqui, P. Le Gauffre, T. Ertl, et al., The
acknowledged for additional funds for purchasing the hardware needed consistency of visual sewer inspection data, Struct. Infrastruct. Eng. 9 (3) (2011)
for the prototype as presented in this article, Deltares is acknowledged 214228,
[3] V. Sousa, F.M. Ferreira, I. Meireles, N. Almeida, J.S. Matos, Comparison of the inspec-
for making avaiable their laboratory to conduct the experimental work.
tor and rating protocol uncertainty inuence in the condition rating of sewers,
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{3} L: 1400 L: n.c.a L: n.c. L: n.c L:
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