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V i s i t P S R o n t h e w e b a t w w w . p s r .

o r g

PSR Reports
PSR is the U.S. affiliate of
International Physicians for
the Prevention of Nuclear War,
recipient of the 1985 Nobel
Prize for Peace.

Vol. 32, NO. 1

P h y s i c i a n s   f o r   S o c i a l   R e s p o n s i b i l i t y
Winter/Spring 2010

From the   PSR Makes More Aggressive

Executive Director
Medical Case Against Coal
PSR Prepared to
Meet Challenges
Head On
P SR’s Code Black campaign,
launched to diminish reliance
on coal as a source of electricity, has
contributed to significant victories
2010 began with powerful that reduce global warming pollution
reminders that we can take while protecting air quality.
nothing for granted. The elec- Since 2008, Code Black has en-
tion in Massachusetts shifted couraged PSR chapters across the
the dynamics of power in the country to voice medical concerns
Senate. The Supreme Court about the public health dangers of
opened a potential floodgate proposed new coal-fired plants. By
of unlimited corporate spend- providing public education, expert
ing on elections. And embold- testimony, and a comprehensive
ened reactionary senators and new report on coal and health (see
representatives are attempting sidebar on page 6), PSR has helped
to block a new Strategic Arms strengthen a movement that has now
Reduction Treaty and to reject defeated more than 100 proposed
the scientific finding of the coal plants.
U.S. Environmental Protection Code Black and the wider move- nation’s first “coal-free” states. At the Capitol Hill release
Agency that carbon dioxide and ment are taking on an even tougher With only one coal-fired power of Coal’s Assault on
other global warming pollutants challenge in 2010: transitioning our plant in each state, the switch Human Health: (from
threaten human health. country away from existing coal plants, could be accomplished in the next left) Alice Bodley, R.N.,
There may well be more set- while keeping the lights burning in five years. The chapters are tak- general counsel, American
backs. Yet we cannot afford to our communities. ing part in delicate negotiations Nurses Association; Katherine
get discouraged or to be dis- The central challenge now becomes with utility companies and state Shea, M.D., M.P.H., global
tracted from our work by our ensuring an ample, reliable stream of governments. While our environ- warming expert; PSR board
frustration with the special in- energy from clean, safe, carbon-free mental allies calculate generation member Alan Lockwood,
terests who are trying to thwart sources. Another critical element: capacity and the amortization M.D.; PSR Executive
the transformational changes generating jobs from the new energy value of aging coal plants, PSR Director Peter Wilk, M.D.;
that we know are essential. The sources to offset those lost from dirty physicians remind policy-makers PSR Environment & Health
stakes are simply too high. energy plants. about the human suffering and Director Kristen Welker-
Fortunately, historic oppor- PSR chapters are deeply engaged the economic costs of the respira- Hood, Sc.D., M.S.N., R.N.;
tunities remain for progress on in the hard work of guiding the tory and cardiovascular diseases and Janice Nolan, American
PSR’s core issues and, as you will transition from coal to clean, safe, to which coal contributes, as well Lung Association.
see in the articles throughout ­sustainable energy sources. as the emergency room visits, days
this newsletter, PSR is rising lost from work and school, and
Continued on page 8  In Washington and Oregon, PSR ­premature deaths due to coal.
chapters are striving to create the Continued on page 6

PSR Presses for Chemical Reform

I n October 2009, PSR released
Hazardous Chemicals in Healthcare, the
first investigation of chemicals in the
McDermott, M.D., of Bellevue,
Washington. She says that her par-
ticipation “consolidated my drive to
seemed to keep her exposure levels
low, Deborah Lerner, M.D., a family
doctor in Los Angeles, had a different Inside this issue
bodies of healthcare professionals. In do advocacy work around these is- experience. She explains, “A finding
partnership with Health Care With- sues.” With the Washington chapter of high levels of Teflon-related chemi-
out Harm and the American Nurses of PSR, Dr. McDermott organized a cals would have changed my personal 2 Obama Seeks to Triple
Association, PSR measured the levels lecture for her residents on the study, behavior, because I do use Teflon to Loan Guarantees for
of industrial chemicals in the bod- and she plans to further publicize the cook with regularly. But they didn’t Nuclear Power Plants
ies of 20 healthcare professionals importance of preventing exposure find that. Instead, I had very high
from 10 states around the country, to potentially toxic chemicals. “I was levels of flame retardant chemicals, 3 Nuclear Disarmament
and found that all participants had at on the lower end of the spectrum of but there was no specific behavior we
Challenges in 2010
least 24 toxic chemicals in their bod- burden compared to the Centers for could link that to.” For Dr. Lerner,
ies. The report garnered significant Disease Control and Prevention na- the seemingly random levels of in-
media coverage, raising awareness of tional averages,” she says. “I’ve made a dustrial chemicals in her body helped 5 Medical Students
the ubiquity of toxic chemicals in our lot of changes at home in terms of eat- define the nature of the problem. “We Strengthen Global,
environment and our bodies, and ing organic food and other things, so I can’t be looking at individual changes National Ties
spotlighting the medical necessity was happy to see that my body burden in lifestyle to protect us,” she says.
of strengthening our regulatory ap-
proach to industrial chemicals.
was lower. But it’s still amazing to see
how many chemicals do show up.” 
“Instead it really has to come from 6 PSR’s Anniversary Marks
policy change. It’s not like trying to a Time to Recommit
 One of the physicians who un-  While Dr. McDermott was en- reduce your cholesterol levels.”
derwent biomonitoring was Carmen couraged by how her personal choices Continued on page 3
winter/ sp r i n g 2 010

Obama Seeks to Triple PSR Physician

Nuclear Loan Guarantees ­Outlines Nuclear
Risks in Vermont
to $54.5 Billion
On February 21, 2010, PSR board
member Ira Helfand, M.D., ad‑

I n February, President Obama

­announced his first nuclear power
loan ­guarantee—, all these pro-
posed reactor projects have
experienced at least one of the fol-
dressed more than 300 people,
including members of the Vermont
legislature, in Brattleboro, VT, about
$8.3 billion for two lowing: dramatic cost increases, the public health impacts of the
proposed new re- credit downgrades, delays, suspen- Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor.
actors in Georgia.  sions, cancellations, design problems The reactor, which began commer‑
Before even making and scandals—before a single con- cial operation in 1972, was under
this announcement, struction license has been issued by consideration for a 20-year license
the president had the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. extension. Days later, in a sting‑
asked Congress in The proposed reactors that ing rebuke of the myth of ‘clean
his FY 2011 Budget President Obama supports for the and safe’ nuclear energy, Vermont
Request to triple the Vogtle site in Georgia are far from legislators voted to shut down the
amount of nuclear a sound investment. Their AP1000 reactor by March 2012.
loan guarantees to reactor design was recently rejected Relicensing of the Vermont
a whopping $54.5 by the NRC, which is not con- Yankee reactor was mired in con‑
billion, which could vinced the reactor could withstand troversy over various safety and
cover six to eight hurricanes, tornadoes and earth- health hazards.  In January 2010, it
­reactors. quakes. The Georgia Public Service was discovered that underground
Additional nu- Commission has concluded that the pipes, which the operating utility
clear reactor loan project is likely to face cost overruns Entergy had denied existed, have
guarantees are also and delays. In the 1980s, construc- been leaking radioactive tritium
part of the Senate tion of the two reactors currently at alarming rates. Wells around
discussion on a deal operating at the Vogtle site soared Vermont Yankee are testing at up
PSR first voiced public health to pass a climate bill. The pending from a projected cost of $660 million to 2.4 million picocuries of tritium
concerns about nuclear power energy bill (S. 1462), which is likely to $8.87 billion. per liter, or 120 times the “permis‑
in 1979, after a partial core to be combined with a climate bill, The three other ­frontrunners sible” dose and 240,000 times the
meltdown occurred at the currently contains unlimited loan under consideration by U.S. background level of tritium in fresh
Three Mile Island plant near guarantee authority for new ­reactors Department of Energy, supposedly water.  At least 27 reactors, one-
Harrisburg, PA. for the next 20 years. the “best” of the nuclear reactor fourth of the operating reactors in
Current nuclear loan guarantees ­proposals—are equally problematic. the United States, are known to be
total $18.5 billion, enough for two leaking tritium into groundwater.
PSR Reports nuclear projects, without their inevi-  Cost estimates for the South Texas Dr. Helfand cited proliferation,
(ISSN‑0894-6264) is the table cost overruns. Not only are U.S. Project, the first to submit a li- routine radioactive emissions, cata‑
newsletter of Physicians for taxpayers promising to bail out the cense application to the NRC since strophic accidents and waste issues
Social ­Responsibility, nuclear industry when these projects 1978, have skyrocketed from an as other threats to human health
a nonprofit organization. go belly up, we are also going to lend initial estimate of $5.4 billion in posed by Vermont Yankee and other
Guided by the values and ex‑
pertise of medicine and public
them the money through the Federal 2006 to a reported $18.2 billion. reactors.
health, Physicians for Social Finance Bank.  And these projects One project partner, CPS Energy, “Even if the reactor were not
Responsibility works to protect are risky: Moody’s Investor Services has pulled out of 85 percent of its leaking tritium, the reactor should
human life from the gravest calls new nuclear reactors a “bet the share of the project. be closed.  For more than three
threats to health and survival. farm” investment, and a 2003 re- decades, PSR has said that nuclear
port from the Congressional Budget  The two reactors proposed by the reactors are dangerous to public
To receive PSR Reports regularly, Office estimates the likely default rate utility SCE&G for the VC Summer health. Vermont Yankee should be
we invite you to join PSR and
for new reactors to be “well above site in South Carolina would also closed,” he ­concluded.
support our work. Write to PSR,
1875 Connecticut Ave., NW,
50 ­percent.” use the AP1000 design. The fact
Suite 1012, Washington, DC PSR has a long history of oppos- that SCE&G is very small, with
20009, or visit our website ing nuclear energy because of both limited assets, increases the likeli-
at the danger of nuclear weapons pro- hood of default if this expensive
liferation and the hazards to public project faces delays and cost over- The supposed “nuclear renais-
President: health posed by radioactive waste. runs. Estimated costs have already sance” is fizzling. Of the 18 projects
Jeff Paterson, D.O. Additionally, the high cost of new increased by at least $500 million, for which license applications were
Executive Director reactors drains resources we need to for a total estimate of $11.5 billion, submitted to the NRC, six have been
Peter Wilk, M.D. invest in the renewable energy and ef- well below the estimated cost of cancelled or suspended. All the re-
Environment and Health ficiency technologies that will help us similar projects. maining 12 have been plagued with
Program Director: build a truly environmentally sound problems. PSR’s Safe Energy pro-
Kristen Welker-Hood, Sc.D., national energy policy. PSR is leading  The EPR reactor is the most ex- gram is working with our national
M.S.N., R.N. efforts to increase the public’s—and pensive reactor ever proposed in and local coalition partners to make
Security Program Director: policy-makers’—understanding of the United States. The official cost sure that these projects are exposed
David Hart the full extent of nuclear power’s estimate is $9.6 billion for one for the financial disasters they
Safe Energy Program Director: ­intrinsic flaws. reactor in Maryland, but the same really are. PSR
Michele Boyd design in Pennsylvania is estimated
at $13–$15 billion. International
Development Director and Moving in the wrong direction WHAT YOU CAN DO
Executive Editor: experience with the EPR design is
Mary Dillon Kerwin When then-President Bush unveiled not promising: an EPR being con- Tell your senators and representative to
Editor: Sally James, his new Nuclear Power 2010 pro- structed in Finland is more than oppose loan guarantees for new nuclear
  Cutting Edge Design gram in 2002, his goal was to deploy 75 percent over budget and more reactors in the FY2011 budget and in the
new reactors in “the 2010 time than three years behind schedule, climate bill. For more information, contact
© Copyright 2010 Physicians for frame.” We are now in 2010 and, as and an EPR under construction in Michele Boyd at
Social Responsibility documented in PSR’s factsheet, The France is at least 20 ­percent over
Printed on recycled paper with ‘Renaissance’ That Wasn’t (see www.­ budget and two years behind.
vegetable-based inks.

Vol. 32, No. 1

Pursuing True Security in 2010

Nuclear Disarmament Challenges and Opportunities
2010 will be a defining year for arms our senators to vote the right way on traditional outreach methods, we are
control and disarmament. A number START and the CTBT and to urge also taking advantage of new media to
of key events are set to unfold that their colleagues on both sides of the reach new audiences. PSR members
will shape the course of U.S. nuclear aisle to do the same. and activists can now receive timely
and security policy for decades: the alerts and analysis through our blog
completion by the United States and ( or by
Russia of the follow-on to the Strate- PSR Stepping Up to the Challenge following us on Twitter (
gic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), To help energize and engage our psrsecurity) or YouTube (youtube.
the expected release of the Nuclear membership and the larger public com/psrnational).
Posture Review (NPR) in March, the about the importance of the CTBT On April 28 and 29, PSR chapter
Nuclear Security Summit in April, and START ratification, PSR has leaders, board members and activ-
the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty hired local field organizers in key tar- ists will gather in Washington, DC, to
(NPT) Review Conference in May get states and has joined forces with discuss ways to enhance our work and
and the anticipated ratification and other national and local organiza- to meet with key congressional leaders
entry into force of the Comprehen- tions to host educational events, issue about arms control and disarmament
sive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). briefings and grand rounds. In the issues.
Each of these events in itself pres- coming months, we will hold a num- As we continue to find more ways
ents an opening for substantive prog- ber of such events in Iowa, Maine, to engage new members and activists
ress toward lessening what President Arizona, Indiana and many other in PSR’s work, we hope that, by work-
Obama rightly termed, “the greatest states. We are providing talking points ing together, we can enshrine 2010
danger to the American people—the and sample op-eds and encourag- as an historic year in the movement
threat of nuclear weapons.” Together, ing our members to write letters to to abolish nuclear weapons. For more
they create an unprecedented oppor- the editor. Check frequently information, contact David Hart,
tunity to limit the spread of nuclear or sign up to receive our e-alerts for director of security programs,
weapons and material and to en- updates on actions you can take and at or
sure true and lasting security for the events you can attend. (202) 587-5224. PSR
American people. While we continue to make use of
Taking advantage of these op-
portunities and achieving many of
the key disarmament goals—most
importantly, the senate ratification Toasters for Congress
of the new START agreement and
the CTBT—are likely to be more View the wining video and other submissions from PSR’s Toasters
challenging than first anticipated. for Congress video contest at The contest was held
Whether 2010 ultimately turns out to to generate creative organizing ideas that will attract new people
be a year of big accomplishments or to the peace and disarmament movement; it celebrates the legacy
missed opportunities will depend not of Ira Schorr, PSR’s national field director, who left PSR in February,
only on the steps taken by Congress after many years of mobilizing people to act on peace and disarma‑
and the administration, but also on ment issues. The contest’s name is a nod to a 2001 campaign, in which
the commitment and support of the Ira actually sent a toaster to every member of Congress! The fun, engaging and
American people. With 67 senators’ effective contest results will help advance our agenda.
votes needed for treaty ratification,
it is incumbent on all of us to press

  chemical reform
Continued from page 1 movement are ripe for healthcare
professional involvement, and how
 Building on the success of the toxic chemicals relate to climate
report, PSR is expanding its efforts change. The institute will serve as a
to involve healthcare profession- vibrant forum in which healthcare
als in the push for health-protective professionals, advocates and policy
federal regulation of chemicals. PSR leaders can find timely, trenchant
chapters across the country are work- commentary. Look for our launch in
ing with the national office to train the fall of 2010.
healthcare professionals and activists PSR is not working alone on tox-
as toxics “ambassadors,” providing ics reform. As a member of the Safer
them with the tools they need to teach Chemicals, Healthy Families cam-
their ­colleagues, communities and paign, we are part of a diverse and
lawmakers the importance of protect- growing coalition of organizations,
ing public health through effective businesses and individuals united by
chemical management policies.  concern about the toxic chemicals in
PSR is also launching an our homes, places of work and prod- science to protect all individuals and Biomonitoring subjects Carmen
Environmental Health Policy ucts we use every day. The coalition vulnerable groups. McDermott, M.D. (left) and
Institute to spark new ideas and is working to reform the federal law With these new approaches to Deborah Lerner, M.D.
fruitful conversations about toxic governing toxic chemicals—the Toxic engage health professionals at
chemicals and environmental health. Substance Control Act (TSCA)—by different levels in the effort for
The Institute will provide a forum calling for changes to ensure that the chemical reform, PSR intends
where “think pieces” contributed by law does three things: 1. Takes imme- to make a lasting impact on toxic
scientific experts will address such diate action on the most dangerous chemical reform. For more
cross-cutting issues as how food chemicals; 2. Holds industry respon- information, contact Molly Rauch,
production relates to environmen- sible for the safety of their chemicals senior policy analyst, at mrauch@psr.
tal health, which areas of the toxics and products; and 3. Uses the best org or (202) 587-5239. PSR

winter/ sp r i n g 2 010

PSR Chapters Work Locally, Think Globally

As I prepare to leave PSR after six years  
 as national field director, I am extremely grateful
to have had the opportunity to work with PSR
chapters nationwide and an amazing cross-sec-
“ I am happy to join the PSR family as manager of chap‑
ter development and student outreach for the national
office. As the leading movement of physicians and public
tion of dedicated health professional and citizen health professionals working against nuclear prolifera‑
advocates.  Some, like Drs. Dan Fine and Julian tion, global warming and toxic pollution, PSR must have
Eligator of PSR/Pittsburgh, Dr. Lew Patrie of strong and consistent community voices. My main focus
PSR/Western North Carolina, and Dr. Jim Jones at PSR is to give chapter leaders, activists and students
of PSR/Harrisburg, have spent much of their the tools they need to educate their local communities
lives volunteering their time and energy to create and advocate for local, state and national initiatives.
a safer and healthier world. It is the work of these Prior to joining PSR, I led the coalition relations team
activists and others in the chapter network that at the Save Darfur Coalition. I have also served as a
is at the heart of what makes PSR a unique and consultant for the United Nations and as a relationship
necessary organization. It has been an inspiration manager for United Way. I am passionate about dialogue
to have worked alongside them. and advocacy—and hope that we can together use these tools to prevent nuclear
Ira Shorr —ira shorr proliferation and to promote environmental health. I look forward to expanding the
PSR network and personally working with many of you. Together we will sustain and
 strengthen the movement and help build a safer world. I can be reached at (202)
587-5227 or

I n recent months, PSR chapters —Natasha P. Ghent-Rodriguez

in Maine and Iowa have led cam-
paigns to promote the Senate ratifi-
cation of two critical nuclear weapons
treaties:  the Comprehensive Nuclear for stricter EPA rules on ozone. And Medical Association (CMA) calling
Test Ban Treaty and a new Strategic PSR/Wisconsin organized a Carbon- for the use of an “ecological footprint”
Arms Reduction Treaty to reduce Free Nuclear-Free Lobby Day in as a tool for mitigating the impacts
U.S. and Russian nuclear arsenals.  February at the state capitol to advo- of healthcare system contributions
Both chapters placed opinion edito- cate for renewable energy and energy to climate change and toxic pollution,
rials in multiple newspapers across efficiency. and supporting educational efforts by
their states—states whose senators’ PSR/San Francisco is expand- health professionals for carrying out
support for ratification of these trea- ing its “Balanced Menus” campaign such changes. PSR also provided key
ties is crucial. by introducing healthy, sustainable support for the passage by CMA of a
In environmental news, PSR/ meals at six additional local hospitals variety of other groundbreaking envi-
Maine also mobilized health profes- as a way to promote healthy eating and ronmental health policies, including
sionals to press lawmakers to pass confront climate change. Their work encouraging “smart growth” and re-
important state legislation mandat- has also included the development of lated air pollution reduction, ­curbing
ing the safe disposal of consumer a resolution passed by the California Continued on page 5
electronics and stricter controls over
pesticide use.  PSR/Harrisburg host-
ed an educational event at a recently
transformed “green” building down-
town  as an example of what cities can
do to protect the planet.  PSR/Austin
board member Don Williams, M.D.,
joined local environmental groups
and Texas state legislators in calling

Longtime PSR/San Francisco leader, Robert Gould, M.D., (second from

left) was honored at the American Public Health Association annual meeting
for his outstanding contributions to preventing war and promoting international
peace. He received the Sidel-Levy Award for Peace established by Barry Levy,
M.D., (far left) and Victor Sidel, M.D., (second from right), shown here
with APHA Executive Director Georges C. Benjamin, M.D.

Vol. 32, No. 1

Conference on 
Medical Student
War and Global Representatives Strengthen
Transforming   Global and National Ties
Our Professions,  
Changing Our World
April 23–25, 2010 at the
P SR medical student leaders Tova
Fuller and Lauren Zajac travelled
to Berlin with an International Phy-
to further
develop our
­University of Washington, HUB, sicians for the Prevention of Nuclear ships on
Seattle Campus War (IPPNW) delegation in Novem- nuclear
ber to participate in the 2009 Nobel abolition
Registration for the 8th Annual Peace Laureates Summit. Coincid- work. Al-
Western Regional International ing with the 20th anniversary of the though I
Health Conference is now open at fall of the Berlin Wall, the summit returned Presented this year advanced the cause of international from the
by the University of Washington‘s peace by strengthening global part- trip ex-
Department of Global Health and nerships and forging connections hausted and
Physicians for Social Responsibil‑ between leaders who share common jet-lagged,
ity, the conference is organized by goals for a safer, healthier world. It I also felt
an interdisciplinary group of more was one of Zajac’s final activities be- renewed
than 20 undergraduate, gradu‑ fore leaving the PSR board, on which and ener-
ate and professional students. The she has served for two years. Her gized to bring the summit’s messages Part of the IPPNW
conference has six thematic tracks: reflections, recorded shortly after her back to my American colleagues. As delegation to the summit
1) combatants and military popula‑ return from Berlin, capture the ex- a future physician, I will continue to with Nobel Laureate
tions; 2) vulnerable populations; citement of the event and the essence work for peace and justice for my pa- Muhammed Yunus
3) policy, human rights and social of the summit: tients and community. My experienc- (center): Suheir
justice; 4) war, society and the en‑ “The theme of the conference es at the summit and the relationships Khajuria, India via USA;
vironment; 5) health professionals ‘Breaking Down Walls and Build- with my amazing IPPNW colleagues Lauren Zajac, PSR national
as peace-workers; and 6) The role of ing Bridges’ focused on achieving will serve as a source of strength and student representative;
media and information in war and a world without violence and hu- inspiration for me as I carry on my Elena Bezmertna,
global health. man rights violations—two issues own work to break down the walls of IPPNW regional student
intricately intertwined with public an unjust world.” representative—Ukraine;
Take advantage of our early bird health, and therefore important for
rates, available until March 31, 2010:
Tova Fuller, PSR national
the work of the future physicians of
Student/Medical Resident Rate: $50 Jessie Duvall, New Medical Student student representative;
IPPNW. Over the two days of the
until Mar. 31; $75 Apr. 1–23 Representative Ehase Agyeno, IPPNW
summit, we listened to the inspiring
Non Student/Professional Rate: $100 words of great Nobel laureates such In November, Jessie Duvall, a third- student representative—
until Mar. 31; $125 Apr.1-23 as Mikhail Gorbachev, Frederik Wil- year medical student at the University Nigeria; Katharina
lem De Klerk, Muhammad Yunus of Washington, was elected to fill the Bergmann, Nuclear
For more details and to register and Mairead Corrigan Maguire. We open medical student representa- Weapons Inheritance Project
online met representatives of other Nobel tive seat on PSR’s national board. Coordinator – Germany.
laureate organizations and discussed Jessie has served as SPSR program
Questions? Contact the challenges and opportunities of leader for the Medical Alliance to
To request disability accommoda‑ the current peace movement in our Stop Global Warming, a joint effort
tions contact the Disability Services countries. Our IPPNW student del- of SPSR and the American Medical
Office at least 10 days in advance of egation had the great fortune to ex- ­Student Association. She will serve
the event at: 206.543.6450 (voice), plore the city of Berlin together and with Tova, who is continuing for
206.543.6452 (TTY), 206.685.7264 attend the celebrations of the 20th ­another year.
(fax) anniversary of the fall of the Berlin
Wall. The trip also provided an op-
Students to Gather in DC,  
portunity for the IPPNW delegation
April 30 to May 2, 2010
SPSR members will convene in
  chapters Washington, DC, for the 2010 Na-
part in the government’s nuclear ef- tional SPSR Leadership Summit
Continued from page 4 forts since the early days of the 20th from April 30 to May 2. They will
century. This site is the first and only learn about urgent public health
the use of harmful flame retardant wiki-based, participatory, online mu- issues, meet key players, and hone
chemicals, and opposing the non- seum and education center on these their leadership skills.
therapeutic use of antibiotics issues. Through historical informa- Physicians, please encourage the
in livestock. tion, first-hand accounts, art and medical student leaders you know
PSR/Tampa Bay worked with poetry, the virtual museum educates to attend this gathering. Do you
the University of South Florida the public about local ­nuclear issues. remember how you got involved in
School of Public Health to orga- PSR/Kansas City continues its PSR? Someone invited you to par-
nize a conference on “The Global work opposing a proposed new ticipate in a meeting, rally or event,
Water Crisis: Solutions from Tampa nuclear weapons component plant and you were inspired. Help build
Bay” and to train pediatric resi- in their city.  Their efforts prompted the next generation of PSR leaders
dents in the use of PSR’s pediatric an investigative report by the local by encouraging them to attend the
­environmental health toolkit. NBC-TV station detailing serious summit and, if you can, offering to
PSR/Washington launched the environmental contamination at sponsor their travel.
Washington Nuclear Museum and the area’s former nuclear plant site, To learn more about the summit,
Education Center. From the Hanford as well as the impact of this toxic visit or contact us at spsr.­
Nuclear Reservation to the Bangor legacy on plant workers and the To apply for
Naval Submarine Base, the state of environs, which include a local day travel scholarships, please visit
Washington has played an integral care center. PSR the travel ­scholarship page. PSR

PSR REP ORTS PSR Puts Coal’s Deadly Flaws in the News
winter/ sp r i n g 2 010
Coal’s Assault on Human Health documents coal pollution’s
  coal damaging impacts on all major organ systems and examines
Continued from page 1 coal’s contribution to four of the five top causes of mortal‑
ity in the US: heart disease, cancer, stroke and chronic lower
respiratory diseases.
 PSR/Iowa is working to retire the Released in November, the report has received wide‑
oldest and dirtiest coal-fired power spread media coverage: 240 stories on local radio, TV,
plants in the state. The chapter has newspapers and websites, as well as more than 118 media
convened a committee of health placements of national scope.
experts to map all the coal-fired The report was presented to Congress at a briefing on
plants in Iowa and study the associ- Capitol Hill, sponsored by Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), which attracted dozens of
ation between the plants and clus- Congressional staff working on climate issues.
ters of health problems. Chapter
President Maureen McCue, M.D.,
is leading a team of public health,
medical geography, and statistical
experts from three universities to
conduct this study, which students
and concerned activists will help to

 Arizona’s strategy is to make

coal obsolete by becoming the
“­solar energy capital of the coun-
try.” Chapter leader Barbara
Warren, M.D., as a member of
Tucson’s Climate Change Advisory
Committee, is working to develop
recommendations on climate ad-
aptation and mitigation for the
city. She will also serve on a study
Trish O’Day, R.N., Co- group for the Arizona Corporation
president of PSR/Austin, Commission (ACC) to address
with a coal stack at a the health impacts and external-
Roll Beyond Coal rally in ized costs associated with coal. Dr. The report’s authors taking their message to Capitol Hill: PSR Environment & Health
­Austin, TX, organized by Warren helped persuade the com- Director Kristen Welker-Hood, Sc.D., M.S.N., R.N; board member Alan Lockwood,
the Sierra Club. mission to weigh the external costs M.D.; Senior Policy Analyst Molly Rauch; and Environment & Health Deputy Director
that energy decisions will have on Barbara Gottlieb.
health, water and the environment.

 Following a similar path, Los

Angeles, which receives about for underserved and minority on the proposed legislation.
40 percent of its electricity from ­communities. Chapter Executive Director Pam
coal-burning plants in Utah and Kleiss has also prepared testimony
Arizona, has committed to becom-  PSR/Wisconsin is promoting the in anticipation of upcoming public
ing coal-free by 2020 and building state’s Clean Energy Jobs Act, hearings.
extensive solar capacity. To sup- which includes a renewable energy
port those goals, PSR/Los Angeles portfolio and support for energy As efforts to define our energy
physicians and other health pro- efficiency that will put a dent in future continue at the local, state
fessionals are educating the public the demand for dirty power. With and federal level, PSR’s physicians
and engaging with policy-makers 75 percent of Wisconsin’s electric- and other healthcare professionals
and media to communicate the ity produced by coal, the need for will continue to press for sound en-
health impacts of energy produc- better alternatives is critical. The ergy solutions that protect the pub-
tion and climate change. PSR/ chapter distributed information lic’s health. For more information,
LA Executive Director Martha on coal when the Jobs Act was for- ­contact Barbara Gottlieb, deputy
Arguello serves on city advisory mally released, and PSR national director of environment and health,
committees and working groups, board member Jonathan Patz, or (202) 587-
and promotes green sector jobs M.D., testified at a public ­hearing 5225. PSR

Memorial and Other Gifts Gift in memory of Dr. Eoin McKiernan

Ms. Siobhan McKiernan
Gift in honor of Dr. Terrence Fitzgerald and
Dr. Gwen DuBois
Gifts in memory of Mrs. Lilli Mamelock Lippmann Ms. Lisa Shallow Mr. John Durel
Susan K. Adler Dr. Peter J Sloane Gift in memory of Ms. Patricia Lurie
Ms. Elise Bernstein Mrs. Beatrice Sloane Mr. Eliot & Gay S. Jacobson Gift in honor of Mrs. Darlene Wargo
Reggie E. Duerst M.D. Margaret A. Torpey Susan Diaz
Richard John and Margaret Flowers Gerald Zupruk Gift in memory of Dr. David Rothstein
Mr. J. Kautsky and Mrs. L. Kautsky Glee Club Concerts, INC. Mrs. Laila Rothstein Gift in honor of Mrs. Helene Yablon
Ms. Martha Leipziger New Horizons Senior Glee Club Brian Yablon
Manoochehr S. Manshadi M.D. Gift in memory of Carolyn Crowder Taft
Dr. Jane K. Paine Gifts in memory of Dr. Molly Tan Hayden Jean Helz Gift in honor of Ms. Mary Lou Church
Farahieh Rabbani and Parviz Rezvani Marcia E. Femrite Dr. Cindy Parker
Ms. Suzanne J. Weintraub Paul and Barbara Goodman Tribute Gifts
University Psychiatric Foundation, Inc. Robert F. Hanson Gift in honor of Clara Cleue
James Lo Gift in honor of Dr. Jack Paradise Jean Ramsey
Gift in memory of Beatrice F. Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Shirley Sirotkin Nader Shaikh
BFK Foundation Ghee-Lin Tan Gift in honor of Judith Platt
Gift in honor of Dr. Lynn Moody and Michael Thun Elaine Grossman
Gifts in memory of Dr. Irwin Rothman Gift in memory of N. Arthur Coulter Dr. Mark E. Ludwig M.D.
Ms. Evelyn O. Aharon Dr. Robert J. Coulter Frances Ludwig Gift in honor of Ms. Rennie Shapiro
Susan Becker Dr. Cindy Parker
Babette T. Boone Gift in memory of Theodore Balbus Gift in honor of Dr. Michael Kronig
Debra G. Cramer The Robert and Judith Burger Ms. Rena Daure If you would like to make a gift in
Ms. Lisa Dugan Philanthropic Fund honor or in memory of someone,
Dr. Stephanie Farrell Gift in honor of Dr. Ruth Stern please contact Mary Dillon Kerwin at
Bernie and Barbara Friedrich Gift in memory of Tom Hobbins Ms. Denise Blair (202) 587-5231 or
Mr. Bram J. Hass Jeannette M. Hobbins

Vol. 32, No. 1

 Invest Yourself From the President

PSR IN YOUR WILL PSR’s Anniversary Marks
Leaving a bequest to PSR is a wonderful way to
help continue the work you believe in so strongly.
We suggest you check with an attorney or tax
a Time to Recommit
advisor to see how a bequest to PSR would fit
into your estate plans. PSR’s Tax ID number and
office address are listed below for your conve-
nience.  Please contact Jill Hertzler by phone at
A s PSR approaches its 50th an-
niversary, this is an opportune
time to reflect on our organization’s
e­ nergy sources for the future, and we
should be pursuing a sound national
security policy that does not rely upon
(202) 587-5247 or by e-mail at significant accomplishments and, at nuclear weapons. If, as we have done,
for more information. the same time, to remind ourselves we spend our time and talent on de-
PSR Tax ID #:  23-7059731 that we still have much more to do to veloping nuclear weapons that can
Full Legal Name:
Physicians for Social Responsibility
protect our planet from the gravest never be used, nuclear energy that
Address: 1875 Connecticut Avenue NW,
threats to human health and survival. poses dangers to human health, and
Suite 1012, Washington, DC 20009 
My hope is that we will also use fossil-based energy that pollutes our
this milestone to recommit ourselves air and contributes to climate change,
…OR GIVING A GIFT OF STOCK to the crucial work that was started it costs us far more than money. It di-
A gift of stock is also an excellent way to sup-
back in 1961 by a verts resources and
group of vision- distracts us from
port PSR’s work. Listed below is PSR’s brokerage
information. Please contact Jill Hertzler by ary doctors deeply If we spend our dealing with the
concerned about profound prob-
phone at (202) 587-5247 or by e-mail at for more information or to the possibility of time and talent on lems that we face.
nuclear war, and President PSR Congressional
confirm receipt of your gift.
Broker: Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. to take advantage developing nuclear Eisenhower put it Education Day
DTC #: 0164 Code 40 of the opportuni-
PSR Acct #: 3106-0448 ties now present weapons that can eloquently in 1953
when he stated: Thursday, April 29, 2010
PSR Tax ID #: 23-7059731
Full Legal Name:
to further advance
our agenda. never be used, “Every gun that is
made, every war-
Washington, DC
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Address:  1875 Connecticut Avenue NW,
When I first
became involved
­nuclear energy that ship launched,
every rocket fired
◆ Promote Clean Renewable ­

Suite 1012, Washington, DC 20009 
with PSR in the
early ’80s, I had
poses dangers to signifies, in the
final sense, a theft ◆ Prevent Massive Nuclear

 Match Your Gift a conversation

with Dr. Bernard
human health, and from those who
hunger and are not
and Coal Subsidies

fossil-based energy
Many companies provide matching gifts for em- ◆ Reduce the Threat of
Lown, who told fed, those who are
ployee charitable contributions. Please check to Nuclear War
me that it was cold and are not
determine whether your gift to PSR will be met,
doubled or tripled by your employer. It’s a great hard for him to that pollutes our clothed. This world
way to make your gift go further to support PSR. focus solely on his in arms is not As physicians, scientists and
Just include your company’s matching gift form responsibilities air and contributes spending money concerned citizens, you can help
with your contribution, and we’ll complete it, as a cardiologist alone. It is spend-
send it in, and let you know when your gift has when the possibil- to climate change, ing the sweat of its make a case for positive changes
been matched! ity of nuclear war laborers, the genius in U.S. policy on safe energy,
loomed as a threat it costs us far more of its scientists, environment and health, and
with the potential the hopes of its
 Stay Active to kill and maim than money. ­children...” nuclear weapons. Please join
millions. As my I hope that us on April 29, as we walk the
Would you like to be more involved in PSR’s
advocacy efforts? A great place to start is PSR’s
involvement with you will join me corridors of Capitol Hill to press
Activist Updates. Each of PSR’s program areas and dedication to the work of PSR in rededicating our organization to
reaches out to members through Action Alerts increased over the years, I have come meeting our goals. It will require a for an end to huge government

and e-mail. Sign up to receive updates at to an even greater appreciation for commitment to self-education and subsidies for new nuclear
Dr. Lown’s perspective. Unless we to the education of those around us:
Coming to Washington, DC, and have an hour reactors and coal power plants,
do all we can to eradicate the threat political leaders, colleagues, students
to spare? How about visiting one of your elected posed by nuclear weapons, the rest of and friends. Our talented national urge lawmakers to support a
officials to talk about the issues of most concern
our medical work will be for naught. staff, as well as the leaders and par- strong comprehensive climate
to you? Contact the PSR office at least a week in
advance, and we’ll help schedule a meeting, pro-
As PSR members, we have dedi- ticipants of our strong chapter net-
bill that promotes efficiency
vide you with background materials, and possibly cated ourselves to the prevention of work around the country, are working
even accompany you on your ­lobbying call. nuclear war and to slowing further to support our efforts. Your gifts and clean renewable energy,
climate change and degradation of the of time, energy, intellect and, very and advocate for the ratification
Contact your elected officials: environment. As physicians, we have importantly, financial resources are
U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510 a unique role to play in educating critical to our success. Please take this of arms control treaties that
  ☎  (202) 224-3121 our nation’s leaders, our colleagues opportunity to give through PSR to significantly reduce the number
U.S. House of Representatives,
and the public about the detrimen- support a healthier, more just and of nuclear weapons in the U.S.
  Washington, DC 20515
  ☎  (202) 224-3121
tal health effects of these issues. It peaceful world for present and future
is our responsibility to effectively generations. For more information and
The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
  Washington, DC 20500 communicate the message that, given Thank you very much. I look to register for this event, please
  ☎  (202)456-1414 the potentially catastrophic health ­forward to working with you.
contact Alyssa Jones at (202)
consequences posed by these threats,
­prevention is the only cure. 667-4260 x 234 or ajones@

 Keep in touch We must also deliver the mes-

sage that we need to focus our time,
Contact PSR at: talents, and resources on finding
1875 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 1012
solutions to these issues, rather than
Washington, DC 20009
  ☎  (202) 667-4260
wasting our precious resources on Jeffrey J. Patterson, D.O.
    (202) 667-4201 fax misguided priorities and failed poli- cies. We should focus our efforts on Professor, Department of Family Medicine,
developing a green energy policy University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and
that promotes safe, clean, renewable Public Health

Winter/ Spr i n g 2 010
Continued from page 1 more political space for leaders in the been a dedicated and creative activist
Obama administration and Congress and organizer for 30 years, while at
to the challenges. We are redoubling to live up to their highest ideals. We the same time working on the side as
our efforts to integrate our research can do this. We a comedian, actor
and policy work with our advocacy must do this. and director. It is
campaigns; to educate the public, Thanks to the We are intensifying those latter interests
our colleagues and policy-makers; skill, hard work that he is now pur-
and to convince state and national and generous our engagement in suing full time. To
elected leaders to back new treaties, contributions of honor Ira’s legacy
laws and regulations. We are intensi- PSR members the debates over the and commitment to
fying our engagement in the debates across the coun- grassroots organiz-
over the next steps to reduce nuclear try, we are well next steps to reduce ing and to inspire
weapons, greenhouse gas emissions, positioned to be others to follow
toxic pollution and reliance on coal increasingly ef- nuclear weapons, his lead, we held a
and nuclear energy. We are creating fective in 2010.
Our e-activist greenhouse gas contest via YouTube
named “Toasters
list has grown by
thousands and
emissions, toxic for Congress,” in
which we invited
our website is
being updated
pollution and reli- ideas and strate-
gies for mobilizing
and enhanced
regularly. Many
ance on coal and citizens to action
on our issues.
of our chapters
have energetic
nuclear energy. Information on the
contest results is
new professional available at
staff. And in the national office, our My special thanks to Ira for his
security program is now fully staffed, invaluable contributions. Thanks as
our environment and health program well to all PSR members for all that
has been strengthened, and we have you have done and, in advance, for
just hired a new chapter develop- your support and engagement in the
ment and student outreach manager, efforts that will be essential to our
Natasha Ghent-Rodriguez. progress in this crucial year.
PSR Executive Director Dr. Peter Wilk (far right) and Director of Environment While mentioning national staff, I
and Health Programs Kristen Welker-Hood, Sc.D., M.S.N., R.N., (far left) do want to recognize PSR’s outgoing
at the U.S. Senate on January 21, 2010, where they criticized efforts to block National Field Director Ira Shorr,
the EPA from implementing life-saving greenhouse gas regulations. Here Senator who will be especially missed by all
Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) speaks, while Senators Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Sheldon of us at PSR, as well as those in the
Whitehouse (D-RI), and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) look on. disarmament community. Ira has Peter Wilk, M.D.

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