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1 Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines, incorporated

2 Caraga Regional Division

8Section 1. Membership. Any Geodetic Engineer shall be inducted
9 and/or accepted as a regular GEP Caraga member, as stated in
10 Section 2, Article II on Membership of the New By-Laws of the
11 Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines, after having presented
12 or possessed the following basic requirements:
14 a) Good moral character,
16 b) Written application on the form prescribed for that
17 purpose and accompanied by the first years payment of
18 dues,
20 c) Endorsement from local Chapter where his principal office
21 or residence is located, (whenever applicable)
23 d) Personal/professional profile, with:
24 1. Certification from the Barangay that his principal
25 office is located in the said barangay.
26 2. Certification from his Chief of Office if he is
27 employed in the government.
29 The Local Chapter may impose such other necessary requirements
30 in addition to those provided above.
32Section 2. Payment of Membership fee. The payment of membership
33 fees shall be paid upon signing of registration form.
35Section 3. Amount. The payment of membership registration for an
36 individual member is Five Hundred (P500.00) Pesos only. The
37 Annual membership due is One Thousand (P1,000.00) Pesos.
39Section 4. Collection of dues in trust. All payments made by
40 individual members for National dues shall be held in trust by
41 the Regional Division and included in the next membership

42 registration and remitted in full to the GEPI National
43 Organization on or before the next annual national convention.
45Section 5. Non-payment of Dues. Any member who has not paid dues
46 shall be considered in-active or cease to be a member per
47 Section 4 (C), Article II Membership of the New By-Laws of the
48 Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines, with the concurrence of
49 the GEP Caraga Board of Directors.
51Section 6. Application Form. All application for GEP Caraga
52 membership shall substantially follow the prescribed GEP
53 Caraga membership form. The Applicant shall fill and
54 personally submit the form to the Regional Treasurer and to
55 the Regional Executive Secretary.
57Section 7. Acceptance of Membership. All applications, either
58 new or transferee, must be sponsored by his local chapter and
59 endorsed by the Committee on Membership, must be accepted by
60 the GEP Caraga Regional Board of Directors.
62Section 8. Oath of Regular GEP Member. Inspired by the GEP Pledge,
63 the Official Oath of the individual member shall be as
64 follows:
66 I do solemnly swear that I shall faithfully serve as a
67 member of Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines Caraga
68 Region, and shall do the best of my ability, serve as a
69 living example of this organizations philosophy and
70 beliefs and shall uphold, abide by and enforce the
71 constitution of this organization at all times.
73Section 9. Member of Good Standing. (Section 4, Article II-
74 Membership, New By-Laws of the Geodetic Engineers of the
75 Philippines) A member of Good Standing is one who:
77 (a) Is a holder of a valid PRC Identification Card, and
79 (b) Has attained the required Continuing Professional
80 Education (CPE) credit units but not limited to
81 participation in conventions / conferences and
82 attendance in technical sessions/fora; and
84 (c) Has settled all financial obligations such as, but not
85 limited to, annual dues, contributions, GEP survey
86 fees, clearance fees and other fees as required by the
87 organization; and
89 (d) Has not been found guilty of any administrative and
90 judicial charges by authorized entities or courts of
91 law; and
93 (e) Has not been found guilty of any violations of the
94 provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws, Code of
95 Ethics, Code of Geodetic Engineering standards of
96 practice of geodetic engineering, and other existing
97 rules and regulations of the organization.
99 (f) He must have attended the following conventions:
100 1. Annual Regional Conventions
101 2. Annual Mindanao Area Assemblies
102 3. Annual National Conventions
104 (h)In case a member who works abroad and cannot, in any
105 way, satisfy the requirement of attending conventions
106 in-order to comply the required CPE or CPD units, the
107 GEP Caraga Board of Directors, in a very meritorious
108 case, may dispense with the requirement of Continuing
109 Professional Education or Development (CPE/CPD) if the
110 applicant can show proof of his overseas employment
111 covering the year period of employment.
113 All of the above must be complied with a minimum requirement
114 before any member can be given a Certificate of Good Standing.
116Section 10. Issuance of Certificate of Good Standing, Procedure.
118 Application. An active member maybe issued a Certificate of
119 Good Standing upon filling his application form to the
120 Membership Committee chairman, thereupon shall endorse the
121 same to the Regional Treasurer.
123 Assessment and payment. Upon endorsement, the Regional
124 Treasurer shall assess and shall receive the full payment of
125 the applicants financial obligations such as, but not limited
126 to: Registration fee, Annual dues, Convention fees, penalty
127 and other fees due to the organization.
129 In any circumstances, the attendance of All Annual
130 Regional Conventions and convention fees shall not be
131 dispensed.
133 Certificate of Good Standing, Issuance. The Certificate of
134 Good Standing shall be issued by the Regional President upon
135 compliance with the cited requirements in Section 8 of this
136 policy, and based on Section 12 of this Article; copy
137 furnished the Board of Governors.
139 The Board of Director may, after deliberation, cancel,
140 revoke or invalidate the Certificate by majority vote of GEP
141 Caraga Board of Directors.
143 The Board of Directors may, from time to time, adopt some
144 measures and/or guidelines for the issuance of Certificate of
145 Good Standing.
147Section 11. Resignation. Any member may terminate association with
148 the organization immediately upon lodging notice of his wish
149 to the Regional President, accompanied by all monies due to
150 the GEP Caraga with no possible refund of dues already paid.
152Section 12. Suspension, Expulsion and Termination of Membership.
153 (Section 5, Article II-Membership, New By-Laws of the
154 Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines) Suspension, Expulsion,
155 and Termination of Membership shall be governed by the
156 following:
158 a. The Board of Director after due notice and hearing may
159 suspend a member for violation of any those enumerated
160 under Section 4 by the two-thirds (2/3) votes in a meeting
161 called for that purpose where a quorum is present.
162 However, such order of suspension maybe appealed within
163 fifteen (15) days from receipt thereof to the Board of
164 Governors for review. The decision of the Board of
165 Governors shall be immediately executory:

167 b. The Board of Directors after due notice and hearing may
168 expel a member after conviction of an offense involving
169 moral turpitude, conduct unbecoming and other acts
170 inimical to the organization by two-thirds (2/3) votes in
171 a meeting called for that purpose where a quorum is
172 present. However, such order of expulsion maybe appealed
173 within fifteen (15) days from receipt thereof to the Board
174 of Governors for review. The decision of the Board of
175 Governors shall be immediately executory; and
177 c. The Board of Directors shall terminate a member due to:
178 1. Resignation, death, or revocation of professional
179 license;
180 2. Failure to register with the GEP and pay the
181 membership fee and annual due and other dues
182 authorized by its By-Laws (PRC Board Resolution No.4
183 Series 2003)
184 X x x
186 Any individual member whose dues are in arrears for more than
187 thirty (30) days shall not be entitled to any rights and
188 privileges as stated in the Constitution and By-Laws of the
189 Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines. A member, whose dues
190 are more than ninety (90) days in arrears, after two (2)
191 consecutive notice of collection, shall automatically cease to
192 be a member.
194Section 13. Renewal. Membership may be renewed, or reinstated by
195 the Board of Directors upon formal application and compliance
196 with all the requirements.
198 In case a nominee is a former member as disqualified by
199 Section 5, Article II on Membership, New By-Laws of the
200 Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines, he need to overcome the
201 disqualification before his application will be considered.
203Section 14. Rights. No special rights or privileges shall attach to
204 the status of a regular membership and the approving of each
205 membership shall not exempt the member from paying regular
206 dues to the local, regional and national organization, for as
207 long as he wishes and is qualified, to remain as an active
208 individual member.
210Section 15. Prohibition. No GEP Caraga member shall, individually
211 or collectively, engage in activities which conflict with the
212 purposes or ideals of the GEP and the Code of Ethics of the
213 Geodetic Engineering profession in general.

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