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International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship

Investigating the moderating role of fit on sports sponsorship and brand equity
Jrg Henseler Bradley Wilson Oliver Gtz Caspar Hautvast
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Jrg Henseler Bradley Wilson Oliver Gtz Caspar Hautvast , (2007),"Investigating the moderating role of fit on sports
sponsorship and brand equity", International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, Vol. 8 Iss 4 pp. 34 - 42
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Investigating the moderating role of fit on sports
sponsorship and brand equity

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sport sponsorship index
sponsorship fit
brand equity
partial least squares


This paper outlines how managers involved in

Jrg Henseler sponsorship decisions view the impacts of different
Nijmegen School of Management, Radboud University

Nijmegen, The Netherlands levels of sponsorship on brand equity. The moderating
Tel: +31 24 361 1854 role of fit between sponsor and sponsee is also
investigated. The study participants were managers
Bradley Wilson involved in sponsoring football clubs in the
School of Applied Communication, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia Netherlands. Sports sponsorship was conceptualised
Oliver Gtz as a second-order formative index, the sport
Institute of Marketing, University of Munster, Germany sponsorship index (SSI). Results indicate that the
Caspar Hautvast relationship between sport sponsorship and brand
TNS Nipo, Amsterdam, The Netherlands equity is significant, with greater variability being
explained when fit and the interaction term is
Peer reviewed introduced into the model.

Executive summary

This paper tests a structural model of how managers relationships, as most work to date has concentrated
view the impacts of different levels of sponsorship on on the consumer perspective. Football sponsorship
brand equity. The results not only explore direct effects was chosen as this is the most popular sport and
but also investigate the moderating role of perceived fit there are many different sponsorship types and
between sponsor and sponsee. arrangements.
Managers involved in sponsoring football clubs in We constructed a second order formative index
the Netherlands were the focus for this study. This called the sport sponsorship index (SSI) which
offers a new perspective for looking at these comprised the following components: exposure,

l JULY 2007 l International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship 34

The role of fit on sponsorship and brand equity

competition, coverage and advantages. The model was development of marketing metrics. Both sponsee and
estimated with partial least squares, which has sponsor are particularly interested in how the level of
numerous well known advantages when using sponsorship affects performance outcomes and what
formative measures. The results indicate that different factors may moderate this relationship. The goal of
levels of sponsorship, as measured through the SSI, this paper is to investigate a structural model
positively influence incremental brand equity. explaining relations between sports sponsorship and
When the moderator and its respective interaction customer-based brand equity. This main effects model
terms were added to the model we found that is then scrutinised further by investigating the direct as
Downloaded by La Trobe University At 05:22 11 February 2016 (PT)

perceived fit was a significant moderator of the direct well as the moderating role of fit between sponsee and
effects relationship. Surprisingly, the moderating effect sponsor. The paper first explores pertinent literature
turned out to be negative when the interaction term and develops hypotheses; then our methodology is
was added. outlined; finally, the results are presented, with
Sporting managers see that once the level of recommendations for further research.
sponsorship is high enough, fit matters less. That is, if
fit is low, this low fit can be substituted by making a
bigger investment in the sponsorship. This is Literature review and
interesting as it contrasts with established studies from hypothesis development
the consumer perspective on the dynamics of fit when

it is a moderator. The effect size was considered small Cornwell (1995) defines sponsorship-linked marketing
although quite important given the unexpected as the orchestration and implementation of marketing
interaction finding. activities for the purpose of building and
These finding are notable as they contribute to the communicating an association to a sponsorship.
research quantum illustrating the effects of sponsorship Cornwell & Maignan (1998) state that sponsorship
on brand equity. The results also strongly suggest that involves two main activities: (1) an exchange between
future research should incorporate fit as a moderator a sponsor and a sponsee whereby the latter receives a
when investigating broader structural models. fee and the former obtains the right to associate itself
with the activity sponsored, and (2) the marketing of
the association by the sponsor. Both activities are
Introduction necessary if the sponsorship is to be a meaningful
investment. A sponsoring organisation can thus use
Despite the growing economic importance of and exploit the association with the sponsored object.
sponsorship, it has not been a popular topic for This can be seen as the main objective for a company
academic research (Cornwell & Maignan, 1998). in sponsoring a sporting entity. However, there are
Sponsorship was seen as an extension of advertising other motives: sponsorship objectives are varied and
to a brand perspective (Cliffe & Motion, 2005) yet may relate to a range of brand and strategic objectives
sponsorships importance as a marketing (Farrelly & Quester, 2005).
communications tool has increased significantly in Javalgi et al (1994) found that sponsorship can
comparison to traditional advertising (Erdogan & enhance the sponsors corporate image, but this is not
Kitchen, 1998; Harvey, 2001). automatic. Research by Bennett (1999, p. 309)
There are growing pressures for sporting managers shows that sponsorship is a powerful device for
and researchers to track pertinent marketing communicating with spectators at sporting events, and
performance metrics. The Marketing Science Institute by implication therefore with team supporters who
(2004) has highlighted the need for greater use and watch matches at home on television. Sponsorship

35 International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship l JULY 2007 l

The role of fit on sponsorship and brand equity

appears to be effective not only for enhancing brand reasons. It has previously been shown that it drives
awareness and recall, but also for creating among financial performance and how a brand is perceived.
supporters perceptions of widespread use of
sponsoring firms' products. Madrigal (2000) found Brand associations that consumers make with a brand
that through sports sponsorship a company can link are integral to its strength. These associations might
itself, or its product, to the strong feelings a consumer include product attributes, a celebrity spokesperson or
has towards the sponsored team. Companies that are a particular symbol (Aaker, 1996).
able to tap into a consumers psychological
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connectedness with a sports team successfully can Enhancing brand equity results in the ability to
become more meaningful than a mere product. command larger margins from consumers, elicit
Amis et al (1999) argue that a sponsorship increased consumer information search and improve
agreement should be considered as a resource which, marketing communication and effectiveness (Keller,
if carefully managed, can be developed into a 1993). While there is growing evidence of the possible
distinctive competence capable of producing a impact of sponsoring on brand equity (Bennett, 1999;
sustainable competitive advantage for a firm. Javalgi et al, 1994), there is a need for further
Companies get involved in sponsorship to increase research to substantiate this assertion empirically. A
brand awareness and to establish, strengthen or study performed by Cornwell et al (2001, p.48) states
change brand image (Gwinner & Eaton, 1999). Brand that as perceived by managers, sponsorship under

awareness and brand image are key aspects of brand active management can contribute to the difficult task
equity Keller (1993) incorporates them under brand of differentiating a brand from its competitors and
knowledge within his consumer brand knowledge adding financial value to the brand. Other researchers
model. Many of the marketing scholars referenced have found that although sponsorship is a potentially
below believe that strong brands help create high powerful tool (Farrelly et al, 1997), it is often used
brand equity. Aaker (1996, p.78) defines brand equity without any clear objective (Otker, 1988).
as a set of assets and liabilities linked to a brands As stated in the review of the sponsorship literature,
name and symbols that adds to or subtracts from the sponsorship is a very efficient means to enhance
value provided by a product or service to a firm and/or brand awareness and brand image (Gardner &
that firms customers. The major asset categories are: Shuman, 1988; Keller, 2003). It is likely, therefore,
brand name awareness, brand loyalty, perceived that a positive relationship exists between sponsorship
quality, and brand associations. and both brand awareness and brand associations.
This results in the following hypothesis:
Brand awareness refers to the strength of a brands
presence in the consumers mind. It is measured in H1: The level of sport sponsorship as perceived by
different ways (brand recognition, brand recall, top of managers has a positive effect on the change in
mind and dominant brand). brand equity as perceived by managers.

Brand loyalty is a key consideration in placing a value This brand equity construct is particularly focused on
on a brand, because a highly loyal customer base can change in brand equity as perceived by managers of the
be expected to generate a very predictable sales and sponsoring company as a result of sports sponsorship.
profit stream. Managers completed the questionnaire in this instance.
The focus is on the brand of the sponsor. The attributes
Perceived quality is a brand association that is of interest are: brand name awareness, brand
elevated to the status of a brand asset for several associations, brand loyalty and perceived quality.

l JULY 2007 l International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship 36

The role of fit on sponsorship and brand equity

In general terms, a moderator is a qualitative (e.g. relationships where there is functional or image-based
sex, race, class) or quantitative (e.g. level of reward) similarity rather than where there is no similarity.
variable that affects the direction and/or strength of the Research performed by Pracejus & Olsen (2004)
relation between an independent or predictor variable confirmed that fit between brand and cause will lead
and a dependent or criterion variable (Baron & Kenny, to a higher effectiveness of an advertising campaign.
1986, p.114). It seems likely that the strength of the Overall, congruence between the sponsor and the
relationship between the level of sports sponsorship cause will have a more positive impact than
and the perceived change in brand equity will be incongruence (Rifon et al, 2004), and it is positively
Downloaded by La Trobe University At 05:22 11 February 2016 (PT)

moderated by other variables. For example, Johar & related to attitude toward the sponsor (Roy &
Pham (1999) investigate two heuristics for Cornwell, 2003). Based on all this research, it is
identification of event sponsors. therefore assumed that the fit between the sponsor
Although the objective of a sponsorship agreement and the sponsored object has a positive impact on the
is to promote an association between the sponsor and brand equity of the sponsor. Furthermore, in this
the event, sponsors are often misidentified. They state research, the fit of the sponsee with the sponsor, as
that brand-event relatedness and market prominence perceived by managers, will be tested as a moderating
play a role in the identification of the sponsor. These variable. In this case the object is the sponsee, and
factors can be seen as moderating effects of the the attribute of interest is the fit with the sponsor. This
influence of sports sponsorship on brand equity, leads to the following hypotheses:

because they determine whether the sponsors are

correctly identified. H2: The fit between sponsee and sponsor has a
It is probable that in sponsor identification, positive effect on the change in brand equity as
consumers rely on the semantic overlap between perceived by managers.
features of the event and those of potential sponsors.
The higher the degree of fit, the greater the likelihood H3: The fit between sponsee and sponsor has a
that the event will be attributed to a particular sponsor positive effect on the relationship between level of
(Johar & Pham, 1999). According to McDonald sport sponsorship as perceived by managers and
(1991), a synergy is sought between the event and change in brand equity as perceived by managers.
company values, if one can directly link the event to a
product, so much the better. Rodgers (2003) states
that a sponsor that is relevant to the cause will lead to Methodology
more positive consumer evaluations of the sponsor.
Both studies underline the importance of a good fit The data for this research was collected through a
between the sponsor and the sponsored object in a survey, by means of an online questionnaire. To find
successful identification by the consumer. Successful suitable survey candidates the websites of all
identification will impact a change in brand equity professional football clubs and top amateur clubs in the
attributed to the sponsorship. Netherlands were audited to list the companies that are
Gwinner & Eaton (1999) found evidence that the involved with sponsorship activities. Most of the
image of a sporting event will transfer to a sponsoring websites contained useful sponsor information. All this
brands image when the two are linked through a information was put into a database, which helped
sponsorship. The sponsors brands can be enhanced build the sample frame. Lower league clubs were
or damaged (Wilson et al, 2004; Wilson et al, 2005) ignored. By concentrating on higher leagues, more
by association through image transfer (McCracken, professional sponsorship managers were interviewed.
1988). This image transfer will be stronger in sponsor Finally, this investigation led to a database of 500

37 International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship l JULY 2007 l

The role of fit on sponsorship and brand equity

sponsors. In summer 2005, the 500 companies of the are applied as measurement models. Collinearity
database were approached by email with a request for between items was investigated as high levels would
cooperation. In total, 86 managers involved in sports affect the stability of item coefficients. We prevented
sponsorship decisions were interviewed. multicollinearity by using only the first component of a
The brand equity perceptions measured are each PLS regression. The very nature of formative
managers evaluation of the incremental increase of measurement renders irrelevant conventional
brand equity to the customer (football fan) that can be assessments of convergent validity and individual item
attributed to the sponsorship. In a reaction to Aakers reliability (Hulland, 1999, p.201). Bagozzi (1994, p.
Downloaded by La Trobe University At 05:22 11 February 2016 (PT)

(1996) brand equity categories, we adapted Yoo & 333) states that the best we can do... is to examine
Donthus (2001; see also Washburn & Plank, 2002) how well the index relates to measures of other
items measuring brand equity and put them together variables. Therefore, we assessed the nomological
in a hierarchical component model of (incremental) validity by means of the association between the
brand equity (hierarchical models: see Wold, 1982). formative exogenous variable and a reflective
The measures were all reflective in nature. endogenous variable within the model
We conceptualised sports sponsorship as a second- (Diamantopoulos & Winklhofer, 2001).
order formative index following the guidelines for Due to the use of formative constructs latent variable
constructing formative indices as proposed by scores were estimated using partial least squares path
Diamantopoulos & Winklhofer (2001). A sport modelling (PLS). This was implemented in the

sponsorship index (SSI) was constructed from these software SmartPLS Version 2.0 M2 (Hansmann &
measures. The SSI consists of four components: Ringle, 2004).

1 Level of brand exposure

2 Amount of coverage (TV and spectators in the Results
stadium) that a club has
3 Club quality (operationalised by the major Before the hypotheses could be investigated each
competition in which the club plays) construct was assessed for validity and reliability. The
4 Tie-in advertising opportunities the sponsor reflective measures (representing the moderator and
receives (e.g. contact to fans) brand equity measures Figure 1) are deemed
satisfactory by conventional standards. Table 1 reports
Each component was itself a formative index Cronbachs alpha (), the composite reliability (p) and
constructed out of several indicators. As formative average variance extracted (AVE). All common
latent variables are defined by their items, regressions thresholds are met.

TABLE 1 Reflective measurement model constructs


FIT 3 0.8791 0.9225 0.7988
BRAND EQUITY 10 0.9529 0.9611 0.7121
BRAND AWARENESS 3 0.9147 0.9435 0.8478
BRAND ASSOCIATIONS 3 0.9104 0.9496 0.8626
BRAND LOYALTY 2 0.9339 0.9680 0.9381
PERCEIVED BRAND QUALITY 2 0.9290 0.9664 0.9351

l JULY 2007 l International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship 38

The role of fit on sponsorship and brand equity

TABLE 2 Components of the sports sponsorship index (SSI)


EXPOSURE 7 0.2789 0.1082 2.5784
COVERAGE 9 0.1959 0.1353 1.4474
COMPETITIONS 8 0.1809 0.1871 0.9665
ADVANTAGES 7 0.1985 0.0944 2.1017
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TABLE 3 Structural model results


SPORT SPONSORSHIP 0.5138 *** 0.2063 * 0.1815t *
FIT 0.5418 *** 0.5048 ***
R2 0.2640 0.4639 0.4824
R2 ADJUSTED 0.2522 0.4456 0.4578
BOOTSTRAPPING RESULTS (N=200) *** <0.001 ** <0.01 *<0.05

The weights of the SSI components, as well as the further evidence for the SSIs external validity
weights of their indicators, were obtained by PLS (Rindskopf, 1984). In the second model we added fit.
estimation in which the SSI components were The direct effect of fit was significantly positive and
regressed against the brand equity construct. The strong. However, the SSIs impact on the incremental
components weights and their bootstrap outcomes are brand equity decreased. In the third model an
shown in Table 2. The SSI was then fixed as a linear interaction term was included. This moderating effect
combination of its components, similar to the was revealed to be significantly negative. The results
approach taken by Reinartz et al (2004). Although of all three models are presented in Table 3. To
two components have poor t-values, they were determine the merit of the interaction term being
included in the structural path analysis. To leave these added into the model the effect size was calculated.
components out would have affected the conceptual This is assessed by reviewing R2 of the main effects
domain for the formative index (Bollen & Ting, 2000). and interactions model using the (Cohen, 1988) effect
Being a formative index it is a necessary condition that size formula (Eq.1):
the components tap the entire domain of the global
construct (Bollen & Lennox, 1993). Therefore, we left f 2 = [0.4578 0.4456]/[1- 0.4456] = 0.0220
all components within the model.
We then estimated three structural models. In the An effect size (f 2) of 0.02, 0.15 and 0.35 has been
first model we determined the influence of the SSI suggested as small, moderate and large respectively
components on incremental brand equity. We found a (Cohen, 1998). It is important to understand that a
strong effect explaining more than a quarter of the small f 2 does not necessarily imply an unimportant
incremental brand equitys variance. This provides effect. If there is a likelihood of occurrence for the

39 International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship l JULY 2007 l

The role of fit on sponsorship and brand equity

FIGURE 1 Structural model (Model 3: Interaction Model)


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0.1815* (INCR.)


extreme moderating conditions and the resulting beta Surprisingly, the moderating effect turned out to be
changes are meaningful, then it is important to take negative. This is contrary to the findings of Pracejus &
these situations into account (Limayem et al, 2001, Olsen (2004), Johar & Pham (1999) and Rodgers
p.281). In this study the effect size was deemed to be (2003), who all used customers as research objects.
small (0.0220). Also, drawing from the literature on brand alliances,
Figure 1 illustrates the structural model results for we would have suggested that fit had a positive
Model 3 (Interaction Model). moderating effect on the relationship between the level
of sports sponsorship and brand equity. Our findings
strongly indicate that there is a bias in managers
Conclusion evaluations of sport sponsorship outcomes. While
investigations on consumer perceptions underline that
First, our study replicates the findings of Cornwell et al fit fosters the relationship between sports sponsorship
(2001). Like them, we establish that sports and brand equity, managers seem to believe the
sponsorship contributes significantly to the formation opposite. From their perspective, if the level of
of brand equity as perceived by managers. More than sponsorship is high enough, fit matters less.
a quarter of the variance in the brand equity change Conversely, if fit is low, it can be substituted by
due to sponsoring can be explained by the level of making a bigger investment in the sponsorship.
sports sponsorship. Fit between the sponsor and the Our findings are of importance both to managers
sponsee has an even stronger impact, as shown in involved in sponsorship decisions and to sporting club
Model 2. Therefore, both the level of sponsorship and administrators. First, our results can help managers
the fit between sponsor and sponsee lead to an assessing new and existing sponsorship arrangements
increase in brand equity as perceived by managers. to avoid decision biases. Second, sporting club
This also holds true when the moderating effect of fit administrators now have further insights into how
on the relationship between the level of sports sponsorship managers perceive the clubs contribution
sponsorship is tested. to the formation of sponsor brand equity. The results

l JULY 2007 l International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship 40

The role of fit on sponsorship and brand equity

provide knowledge about the role of fit as well as the Caspar Hautvast is project manager for market
composition of the level of the sponsorship. Such research firm TNS Nipo in Amsterdam. He specialises
information may assist significantly when selecting in sports marketing and sponsorship research.
and negotiating sponsorships.
No research is without limitations. As our research
concentrates on sponsorships with football clubs, further
research is needed to replicate our findings in other Bibliography
sponsorship domains (e.g. event, charity, the arts). We
Downloaded by La Trobe University At 05:22 11 February 2016 (PT)

suggest that other dependent measures be included in Aaker, D. A. (1996) Building strong brands: capitalizing on the
the structural model as well as brand equity. Further value of brand name. The Free Press: New York.
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Jrg Henseler is Assistant Professor of Marketing at measurement: a structural equation perspective, Psychological
the Nijmegen School of Management, Radboud Bulletin 10, 305-314.
University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. His research Bollen, Kenneth A. & Ting, Kwok-fai. (2000) A Tetrad Test for
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Bradley Wilson is a postgraduate lecturer in Cohen, J. (1988) Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral
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include customer relationship management, brand construction with formative indicators: an alternative to scale
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