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al, 4 Sun Sy *p. xe aye % "% als xe Too ¢ isp % ye x eo eo & ye ate oh ‘ fp " x /; a xy SNe iS 40% » “3 \ 2 at ? Ane ok = “ee Sy: Pact SO ‘6 Sx! ye >» y e #4 » oe GE eg » x Fath os cS eae 2. a < Ora ti Gre ita eM RE oe Sheree NS se Sh ere he wap TRIES Ly = ee Zo Woy & os eat ee se th 2 RS OE SuEsies nS SE SHS RS be SEP ah Sx Suge wy a ON arn nt on ee BS pane Ravine BS ge 7k ine RS PR Gaia RE 3g SE Sricy ROS KS SO IN OE ie OS PE $ & ee OS a aac ei ie Bs CA sa | i D 7 ¢ iA ta ‘ J % * ft x i Ry ty 4 ¢ / eS iste, “6 x %, x r re! afe 2, Se 5 xe x ae eer Le ei pare ty Berns aw) Pe oe : eT? Quota ayFat umysss ulfaeaé souusiar qnsarns Cubpg. Q lara? Gurr yin, aig & a sir: 1, Gzanas dar GUILE wih aniston Suen Raver eTemeu ? bs » Goma cra Caisson? , Grmbise QiuGaresars ercrom oABmwh ? . Grimug SGeeb sifesr came? Or ge og . Coat? Calmser uurotngs Conedas a. MG, : 2. Grotmarurs pm Osetia pe Garey per Para weir GeaaGear mmhsaprb, mi day, Dostsajd uipwaGarerar dG asm eb. BLED IT Up srt BL OGHOUITEpd Bays eA rep se Csagan5 ronan os siratipc Cxe Orr se Rees Bari, Cog. Appa: yt P05 Meni ser alin bOui apse 5] ui sBomIR Lb eruTosud agiuissasee xfer 4 Gord Qunbd nab swbhGe DAt6 sg BhsCacirGr. gis. ApevCurs «Pr sBer craubysteruyth orgyd yu Qurggpsetnyd Hbo seit Ip s@bd SOFEGD BOFLITEHSED yorayse Gop ue = Asob SemLTaErsuy 20m aor Opbposasngd. gqwlsn HMhpSw Corre Appr. givy. ApgoCurgs Cratralszose aoréar gs; BuO erouTsipb Cora gi. THpP2uid Popdgs waaC srcronCarcdryus papadr Lit ghar uum a ticelr Ftéga Pbgw P20 Gsitas Pigw P20 1. Qo uTsheend snore bo SB Gur@GisGaanGb. gona IMSS GEGour nes sfiGormayb, CribSGserQurges urgsH aohlor aparuib, (Argrerar soit) s HC mp au GBéarh urshadr QurmeBuyb Q@ssCaicr Gu. 2. pps srorsar Cutiaringybh, Ger sae, arHETD gd OEtsCacw@w. Cpatuudpa 5 3. 09 Gamorogyd, pags weruro Mb OQHRssGarcirGw. 4, Guwrevrus YoU OS CHrd Gu Hes GasevrGu. 5. Wits AbSbQuraps, gasgréeqor p Grn Gephie Corras urs aenriGer OsrHisI rd, yb ore QL MSGi FTE ST wre s Os rH bdis. A psGarcor ur. 6. Csrarser +80 yp UBbsb. ere Sar yous dI Hog Qoorra ds Osi GHEOsremrai@gia Carcrr@d. 1. sensor Ca@r LUT gg uGoOT COT worse, saps | BOté gb, worry Db gd, ent) py) FH8 py Doran Buj, YHMsgioy Correa SM paCararrbid. 8 Cran Pons Csrers Curas Conbonbuy, Mbpd spss. J 9 gmruron Obs Cah. SSiige 10. aru apy WmsaGaarD, Bis ADEA TL. bag oGuTig 3) 1. srebstr ou maudsdeyis BoustorGi? 2. PHEG esshe DMoouwsHss BasinGbd ? 8. ou D Je mAIGLg, w5m05? 4. agora oBe Um aCousind. ? Il. Gitta Booed. sory Lust creo? Arid Aun 3. Fes sX, BL sass aTuts ORES DotIGr OQHsebQurepsud, - orphaned far ey aps us YO BSE aD BRIG Lu 1 ap gd oR ts DeAs cuGaaarGo. Ws 2% Nib gd, ons sor stim Buppnbd, wriy AMAhéasnub, Csnorsor FIDIDT HAY td, Yas Botusraard QHaew. CumFrIaCnp & of & arar si, QDEEGCOIYQH QGorrad FMPESS ESE HEI QHss CasxrGn. PIG moar Qos fo Famweions apsolu oe sHasoher aartsiFaqb sry MSGD FTL WTGD. Dm BSE 9% Amsy psu Bowser Se Darr L_ Gib. STUTS BLSEO Szauuut gH 7 SLESddurepg si Wis gb, 2 Lwdy Abts Cota, sras%r wr wr) SRS Qarcrpn w_aaGasser@w. arastn Corres MEQ oagsH GSH BauarHd. A9- WWE SB wrusgGrQuips uTssier 95-5857 Cous G55 MA z0réS Crus H CSSD 5TH. gobo uGbhA OeuupbOuraps sre stor 6G AASAOSTOMDD, sroraifsorruj_or sristr omar e Osrerdh 2 pera sg_Or oss Cuar@b. soils, aipsanTsé OFu) yd toi Oao usiés Moram_wug. ys soi gt BLSGb Soup garfl Barua @o. gmrese ci saiuenmagrs WSR wTer FargDrians BMrworsab Krodowr wand Quass veiremarb. Crderairt syanfl agss ars Gus SHS , sroargs BSG QIOFU GS GOW pS, avi FAG KM IY S Csrary gi. 2p syonflome re 28 arsfuCarapyuSar aon? boo REG Ripsr GDGHsg@w. MsQurrroshy eparss Dorlr sar aanted Cribs GsasuahA QruuyoOutps or SoU HA OFusal gd PTD. IPSTOT Cm CSE wuUuIgISo CpsOunharg. gQHB@ Mou Gb, Blvrmo (qsangs), Oarypa 8 Berard Rus YsSu wren gag Geo uWeyBo AO gOararen srt. goBSTOWTE” LS Aparserotu ampab gonCaro wre gs 506i QHIGX BSEssure bom CserCrréGugs HOG THY sSsGw. Gsau ups 1. I. Ap», Bqse% 1. agusGa MenwsenéG eens Lore Guigee QowWenGu eurgGQuaut * Hidgyasor Qepir eon”? ereot on) wages Baw, Nentonscr 2,cnbs2ar ANLOS CrnidleaD cypba Bhsoyd, Apasoyh upmom:. 2. aeiuttgae QacoiGu abn eG QO goog Mowne@ HosHov, auensuns whips Poss uddmeonwo. afeorurs HogoOuripgs 2198 2wowner CSsrppypoamat aeiués so 55Dad, Ass GmGu Csrbmepcioat Quovés HpS5EBand QurgGesS eucé Orne Heir ug. Hpsé OrinCasin@n. guns Surut MOOS Hour HuAsauce. eo Nein “‘eullens Gat”? croé elim WCLej_on, aGiy wunowet swags wsuelsurs Bhar upsCarsinGw. I. amsore boos, DHUGIOT Sg oo Bowe Css pseu Donoso Osnrs SSDH allerony Amisors HpsCocin AHagsioriors 6b. Bm sore Hiug caiMsQueie:— Biwd OGHssrwacn® s98m Ma@yw, epourgmacir MSCS MID,. anéeans SrdnaewWeniciCor wadsurge Bq someone C pati pA s QoiwWer Nmurag hen Sip sms gre N_CsQaeranG (PHusse! uotonouyosr Corre Bbmevt. TUM Soros CHSLUMHA Oswienalad Eps Barsv argo HDhaCucnGh. wa gros grat Shneneg:— SH4anoacr Qoeiemruyh enag Crise, Qo somaten upd uésmaciCe OgsrHsIGb MhsGaaimgu H2wIev Bhpomb. Lugren sg. Himhe * Hosters” oo ag “PSitg BH” orp, Bo sors Hone * a9” HOOT“ Q@avgairids FH"? croh my sLlowWGugw wpenm. Tl. sigs QGamsuno poi een. Mee sr sits wer, oof Geo eros. CeacnuIhA Datu Qureps soft poGu Oo gronoradé msunomiuG. seal poo wIDA Osiujpware®d QuiiGh scr torsonreses: (1) Safes Gat” (2) * gasteb! song “ SSiss BO” «t ” (3) “atetigh’, “Qiu, “aon, “Brin “@uauth’’, **(hth’?——, **Guun’? —— (4) “ipsrGar gL”; Ow, aod, Qib—, @ruw—. cpenGor BLOUgTAg: woOtUéEsH GQiononaltach AEOWOES MAsGh wmoraysgGe Qoww 2. msg (WeHGor FLSSOUIGD. aoiwwsssgi aifensul yan on ovenir CAL SYGEHLTZ Nb soyheLag. wom Goo OTH GbCUTE Q esa ip sors OSs (Pen MUSH SL. SSCasssrGid. bLéGibGurg gron aul Fh, THUG an sonar pissCascinOb. nae 10 BGrrd Aud BOIS He Gaaingw. ad QRéEsCuan@n, FTE 2. ee iTID. Gea Hots gun, uintteney, Giga MONGOL WUIHAuTD 21H) 2.1 HOP GM UGH FS sdo:— oR Goo L& Gur gy SiU5HG, Buaeanev cars Jamis CrosSe “5°” cron ait Oanoea Casini, alte QarGssayor “ary, Qacir&” orate Gere, Qrésn2v venainn) DpsCacien. saéer% este pdCungbd Qaeecseten Qs10S HF OrwiMeasvma. IV. sud%o wipe SHGwOunps Egatd TERI Henmanh so _Beon QurG 5 Bus sn soya SoA og genFeupayin Aihesr UPGUSHG ofw guidursiact us 2 secnoona FEBE GOpasrp USSF srandyr Orie Barid Bana ocr. (Capare—Gréser) QGrLYse SH ororem, pte éBan.r. wovofl seared, Qurereianaxdll, FOWL MBIT, 58 Gore Aun Bore, wasrcr, QopsA psdua pd oa. wri eecrged euiG “Crryunb” QGsB ps. 5. Gi: Geol Deoraysor uTg@Guras sorig SromorsPGb, Qrssb 2-sopusrivo bi gsarcow Ou pgs footie 8 BdU 5 DG, pi der as Pa lOurgerscr FUGA s DS Qs 4 8i ) Qugpbumedrcounuyd opsion eis. sone, Qusér, Qarér, Gowri, érrarsb, uséi (eguuéi) gs Swer GamazuG D 60 4, Sans Sle paras Cineror ailapminey mayor PB ccoray aoa 5, | Preise, 2 ema) aphapuie © recrtorsirollt tired | alu pen Gerri joxrt_ renin. i FOU Pui sa reser, P_eoremmib wire mmc, ATG WT SAMA, srlionw wiremre. aps elie Ducfmusar savor cawoypadé Bape oF eT orsGa puCur@aiatu. Cargn. Suirroreh | Qu apeoremib, Currerh apy 6 sal epi ~ aitenuiyh mgeraatriyb err sepals a ha QriuiGarsin Bin, 4 i ; ema unt saci Cal minonawiTGar Soren, satenuutGaagb sreoryun Gougmn | vUAorpCasmrbb. semayl users sear Ae, “FP qpaOwer Bomreirweub, arab oral yaar | apadu Gyromiaer ro A pips stingy. ur soem eriray epg mas AH as (Barssor@in. Buia Coram srpo o_Caemipus pore Usrt s&s fasts sHIGah Geuze avepysarrad apR oz come. ih ssrorr anlg_EGri el” root sath: ap 25° Gurlse, Beorts, yerajae, Coarse 2 emonr evra. uA@adar aura Bevo gb QO Bont silt afl eb. “nga ser Caio t_raurip Lirsena a 05% Ss( 2) aos Curp9 oie” —(Set@por| Alenré sani set Blew epaor Geran 9_osare_op™ jonny. end, Py Gar2naent Guieieteort se5b ufsemr_Curg Demerath. « sieor Cretudpa ~ 61 CseghCn wéBurarc Bu Treorape, erres GCurgsrapGw 19 yrs7ertererenal. Btarag Ray Bs 209s Gag? apwedu uireorapis Lief ir ainsi, GarCorramGe Gersa ape basa Ber our orb Cakralh Ro wissripiy mr sa gene OTS eooTnh WR Ramagred. rails 2 car amit Roma, Qugaraé Promiag inst ray, FNM HMMA Hain Bink an GaroonBeo, Currark gpg isa or £53 lear Cre mp Carr au. “oe warSurgnas Girlie ijaore ayth" spear Bb wipOinrPshsouni, STUD B_ sor eM OE aps Hoises eoib apap eu syen B_ppor ey Bas Guomyfu, — p_acore_ Far Guszabd apopes ay Yara. Pear For cramQemuGn apepears Ow Corém ious Famdaair Lp, i Signa 5 sins 1, mb erst Arinsing 2 steer Geueimein? 2) 2 aia umsatars oxi. crenesr crerer Alene, Romig Csesmeeg siettan crores LitsZands GaGa 2) . 3, (emi 2. com D_ GOT) eTSUATEDSW I Leotmd STUER HOT Beihibsy 0. 2, DIBA Hovis stupTsL Senter x : ‘ aaron Chain? ©. aetLaicr conan menor Seuuieomaray? G2 Garé Run fi Z, gil Trae TH SAoCautsy Cire 8. ect (narod, aera ob Caseeany egTLuTEmaire esd GalCer Gb ? i cor Latha hMmIeS CoE 2 cmt Gaiinuieomd 1 9, sel une dimisanih, ugh erevetlgotan Grom 10, eaineniandr CaLuUGasine es Caatimips 7 Kieren Lobe ag uefurt asGarg Calin aie ors Spa, phat UT oan gm spaGor mount. ophdeaqat ale saaey Gach@uictuta dearoGarcan®, alcinrs op) Go asenaig eG unibe uFeres el ptsal) ol Fgase apuigiamit., Lei 2orGor (Gb wired, atiuors wMouaiser udmal laa 3s ry ULTop srius ies wamug aramid warmer Casi@u acpaGaranGa, jel Galot Gur akan pp) baeene earGer al QaAaromGin tsa Lyell agua Sp Cacryu Cogn aalSon ySenus sure semL_vereEMnsoareohin ol Oumiser, yl Usman Ge sarn Gap. Buu, Cap Feria aer apn map Murs) drain 5aytD yeti a a/b gpavirib. Gsatuui ag fe 16. Ghmistrt update resh air SOG ce (adceg Sauron) GC prenud vist Gromisensr Cor +: apse i geas 1G speraray Ses i 2 Met OG ph Qurfus UT Ds ar hia bes OzGe5. on Huler for Gewi@aarraar: lo Gurars Gi wWePy, coir a US Bm BF er Bins aoe ee FLGE Hasson sO go S00 oer ob ginuigaeib witli Canin maar STOR Boorayit Qumgsatoy avib gy Liisi, 2. 2 om_ OO gSGux@u ortA2y i = . a % a aul ‘ Up rah 95 He 2ocomR, Se aa 3. ama) Burge a i GaraseiGe rsir FLD Quran. ODE HLM Heeb pace Gewob 9 she 2nd. G4 <4, Ord Muy if 7 . 4. aise pF wile eq Panpsiraristy.tsrs yseCzab raat aapaqu Lita BH RUD. f 4 5. 929 womtesata gearialatst tm PNUTDS Ape. 14 Metsipilyn. G. une apadu urorsiaoin agora Das we Bt wen, : i 4 4 st CornstssisGan Guorige, Canis Gqveiru ups Garam Rarss aa CGaGaat sh urate Osu att pa. esiod ugar Grmlinanace:— Gaps srt, Prog, apenas, aréGGuB, Rear erinemh, snag, sem Gomun polite. y risa eomay Gumgersai_owrp, rey ap soit LiTermsal gab wiping Li serie Gmuser USHIBATTD COTA Aplp Maas CGaarhu. afitig serGor + Guriaerin Ay sa GurgeG Aarsswtor Gurmerady gciLppet uESsHal_CacrGin, what sili cami aire snare arr pip. : : ] ge Guyed pleuyreier opermh woe ier eure Go. 3g ger egu2ep Caysdsreu 2_sar LTH ss WYOTIN, wwe oDArss sensed eigen ng. Cogib, apo gH gas pap mansao srayth aiprat ya he; eer or ugwre, Gorraitienr OreashGaujarar alaps bs Spacuuiad G5 MN: : riiecmts Soistas GQarenGGunis zaC 2 QiQear Ors SSap Crise Gormua urate Gri Boir pa, AYtG@Grsrar ape giysh wuSsane saab, “Come, orbared paella p09 ab, rae Cais tijsaoh sym sremrcicgu. UCT ERG tnd Glorh Gastirrh aegpail Gailey pirds str Cpe RUYER gM bo Gumei. Sear Garg viLpsaser tam DUB tg., rotor 1959) tb Gl arireatr Gavairaarnty. 6 seni Fai qatar epi Rui ys Reser epiiiyn. fie Pay / wehuré snidreoc ugcieyih poring DISTT | wea PCR FA aPeriGoira wenkl« GMAW Oresame 2 Veshearcr. Bate GT GIT peer otorthyy “Candi” sreorspin RTM Bis mace. : Casrarb goon semohi Osri@e ie donschoun, Prien, Qsarara@asmbsyus Fig. saruGuanh Psedua pe €F Cane (8) pean. Cures sy oGResr Cn purc9 ayn Quicsr Bemibiyaer Cae Qrand pap orisela ape en 66 F ap GrredéGunb aor Uyeaorieb. yepssor series Brome arcs$werGer DISTweyserirs torr spn. Bist tb p pla Giga Guger sul OTe BPH SNS Kp Qacreré Gaia vlevournsyn oe ps warp aie bi ilevavirip spit Qeui zien, Ber Dt ear pugs Gwen. Baiciror® Cau ApeitiashGe wonGensGsarsnis O waticy were geribty § — iple_adar Pie Wire earn j @earag Gm ee. if. (D, D.T.) eresramie Bom asgas QavQurgc@ euGurasaop tsar, gs wai A eho re 1. Grgiiseniided uGa Mund amlieco (nesciy Camedia Wil; Cahgeaer cima? Roca SuGELGEG TEE? 2 3. etsiae Sie Cslujid WSPactr crac! 4. aplGl weeml) Gillin Sapmewmb? 5, ipembl| cromomeiainre a stor_ieimay ’ 6. gohan Cantulusbe uf) sianon? zs Goes, Limi, sigs, mpanct, (nasty amie glOuyse Caria Lifebeat 8 aemene réaorfor nib, BESED Gatlin HMA Grs areeibausne erovel sin? fy Gpatuups a7 Caan untpAs, 1. uber opsasd f | Gi BG esures Oe poy atiaGang Ba, eG schwet mead Carlin nh api Ops, ipods oA Wi eit eonGer mmurirasir. Cama dy Broce aA aii pap SOR anus 2onGen Boga wyeome a Purnia SOUGES Boaamasa srifleura. uit ue Laur GaeiGumEacinta. Likengs tonal tong) GlarcuG army Gor oglat, ocrGor Meth ee Aunt BST Litt Stig. SUD page@areing out, Bam aLRuilavenanatsar rey OG USSD BGesatGu antler Lopes Pau Ger Bless ior mevtitacin. TL Gas. Cpe taveiwée, wirapcor Dom air Osan asGuah faRgx oar Gata gh oe xare ser wurerdacir peur Atos, Greri@uem@cnr, (Gurser& Ajnib) Qo woTUMED Oring ar permesih e201 ariAaci arp oevad sem8 yFuuer ,Cucr ware aonb 4 STO Manse eyreaxrciQeianGen. (2) Galer pomaje orrar efGalQ Camrhs sar Penal OaxaGra BET YMA uEpss cuptxriser YepBu Qurgar seg eEreriGuas Can, 68 © aS Swi gor, Garoraaer apa elluial soya penis Lom. upg Cualsmin Opa) wjecoreayG a upe) Ger wren ift_apecr pas Par AGghIA gem enone Baapenp —GehGart Gacorint girl Oite Gon. ; sree or apaelu) Gerujsrer wren Sop coir epenr airebir ‘ SGom crap weaoh Gsowjenmr ig Grieg nrara wrearie@riaaG so, 17. sipaHsv powcr Ggegoau urgsrdus be 28 eden a SOBEL 1p 5 HB (01D Beer te, ase apie ydeer poem annonskr erat AB moor corm erb 95VéaGlersras Giuifspia Bau Reto tb. = aise fre aGn alg. OPLO rear UGHs ey 4 samG. Wop sairer’ 5S ia pl POND. Bl oor tor oor Lig ser er ini seie area Ucar, Ag BauTer uGPast sor, STDY, Foal, + cHINib, (eI Gn il gwar or UG Bese praca, Pr see Fr alp.soals Qargsasap, iF rsreorwre 6 Fliures sramiugker mr. Oe sles Sercuntpa ao cos BRIGTAND eroor nb, GISUIDL |ébain_Gereor mb Glee. anise, #i re 8 sparen Os rer ler QubLaorraieor: Selo croareyth era joe. DL. eip@aroouwscs UraaTs eb Wetoten Guar. 2, De BITE Cp I oe aire iene as Oe darsoraytD, Pawar Dereo GprvianAMusrav, mabye 70. Se: erg yibLesei. - i p.5 aflitial Dom 5 ee ames encour ee fc a Ga rd win Garaaribars en Qarpea pester wear Be Qarig.coul Ur gremeerapnm gi ings & ones Ganeos (pear Heo ayorysstr). H@sugs sb, Henri rPser oreo apes | ugo sare muster ureter Gilet an 0909 oR 5D oun sroas Oana. aq HC IGUsyIo. Gogoned ursiaregd soni Guan. , Gemetrape Gt gyibl jasc. MSD TOV AST. ADP IETDHUICcDL, (PASTSPIDLID, sTemLuyD. “a. sflisost anes, Qo sua @edurar Sere eeurietions meted yo @ercicu gue Ipanema AGEs Powys. AjACGS Gmsgbh epar, sar, srs, eyiriiiy Cpatuni ps . i par sior Gupurag@ovsror Gaehard: Lhd Giesuind (girs grein). Bana a Beye (piomiu repair) Dom. 2) 6or GP iprnirs AC. fai} Buses Sore MuiLjo, AVIS E SAD Bed SBT YAD, a oere: fee GMb GL ose* SBip social), » eGo GerGar esnripc STIL ere Kidneys, 5 lear moar. eoris Usa Perr} mame pe mGu sesmiLit, Poise Terns or 2st. Ge orGor Manse. Tar alipile respi (Bp) Gipsy eT gas ally Ga cits 1. Sherné3ér sjmoly qluipunera? 2, aipeBoeter pater stabs wirsmeu? 3. saga Tip giuner ugs saan) o,ao0 Ula Gece? 4. (ngGaid Canmaisr eo wGlLinebd Ling? 5, (pei see Conumasac Sac nseh 2 MILE seer Wmemen? 6, warLada Shuuresain Sma mae BMI Secr iteoal? Z. eatred anh oer athe Lin San Sirpeeiens!? 8. Oot anhalt anes Unessd Buses? 9. esesantiad smGs B_sderpa? 10. sulin cite Amada’ 11. USaeepml HG oul gaan? 12. acamuib, Salons stetrapan BeqSsranbis awh SASS SeeoT Ds! PAG Qmals tars pom airs @queran (Tr s0er BDL sar (pater & anal PG eeor De ed 72 , BGrnd Quin 18. #fys Sor GawiPoosor—l. FOME FSO Blonsi8 reacir USES ZOOM rgb, Reararea, sousaiCn sp ughRe Qguus Cure GaGdsrasurar HarrHaeyb, Tb SIPMDH Br&GSOarorEHId ister cools YODSEH'D Bar. oorGer sarr REGLOUIQA Bousdr -erpMeo BgbF aiiapRer mor. ibapbOuraps 2orBor saur QrissrtsugsHEG Qerre ANUSESH Corer mors @UOsrarenbd ASS SI PNASGHSGL Voramranuy ys ev wT oo 0 Str UPMHsOsremig HFG -wuGtCurer m WES Mikes gvarcor garssoror sir ga goeF Fabs F535 Qrgsore wrp Ms #BHeruuyo, Gor aarsgns QuaiGu MebQuraps ys! aArgsssG odin HBegsSsusor sr PQyQ sos siudoaryars QuciGumBer mer. Gerais ures sir sa gan ASH Qrssb apapagur QosusSear antuss gopyclOsap, 9D AGES Domi raAsHSqEYI CuTuid & SG s6007 oer uc Ger, Seor@ QesusgGer OQevuss yopuye Curb. gosurh cares per 9s srr Corésh YBFSS OQsisssog worayss &sGuormass, ort wanGagGb arp aa anrgégGe #507 OGEGPC Sr, qeaorayse; JssrHyo ons Qrssepbh #SGOrwuiIuG9. Gzatuut pA U3. OrSS QLub QosusBNG6H Orgsss Gpriiser ar ALOE FPTOWUGS VeagGar por. Qsnaepoord Qrgsh caw usa Aer pg. FirTgBeo Orgs eiub daga ei SHEAR. Or sss srr Gore ree 9 rire arujsraé ei sg Sor THOT LITHHBEHA GRD Qaren@ Gur Beer ps. Qi spss S068 werapbd ec emremib 2_er alo résisaor Oras Bor cravaores um stra Bor apd = GunapleGetr mer. CsasGor a_aporr bx oud Qrgssb Fwy uisaGer ps. Qrsstgre Cgses9 gorar YFSSuGIM Hoorii s QsGqgv, FHOS HE GD FI QSGRD, GONG HETUIHBOHSSD GaremQsu russ. sAiuioarujaréayd, Muircouursabd, Agi ser sab GaoiGu & Sug sural gi. FAUT MIF HVOF Diy rraTcaer Boss sytIe@p Gear gsb Bry. soir aPurags CsaQuagt Cason ae QrgiésUucg, gegsouc_der scirssorQ srormaher afura ban QpsugGer avers ure ConmmsGe. Gumus ap. Geir E pope Gb GHGGia georirasené@b Curig # os “Th Gord, Dud wrgeuile. Wer, Q@QsugSear BQudure Cuompaee CumiiaSlapb. Ver Zips pute Osan, ghBnis wdSr gab CraQwixed brio aoher apursé Os gig slug@er ps. ecmlet Frswrib Qeora aren wargG , Ouodarciu@ JH Lp Ege subse, @ACw wrt Bred ou AgeL.o gyev urd BOs GL ug GLe 214d Gd ur oor td Ouit@alier QG uae Pahurs wrgb. wrygw AGES ghorw ustigsswuatn 2 Hip Errors sorss Qogaursé Craororag sae Bevan JoaAsAng. Qneirm cma Aepw@e Deir YA GOTMODIOU geooruwyb. BmsersmuuG 9 Hrs Gb Frorésre soruQuraer FP ronwar Gor ps. Cwgyd 2 omraytQurger appa gb Fy. 6 gn-\p Cure gfarps. WG worG FronorGs nsbs Conair rob emofyenrs, Boss BgatuuipAa 15 aude CsrIn abs £FbDEGb Qrss Gory. FH Drrgearps. reFu coma uTrebd Dor wmiGII GHbs PVG MSG. GsCaPaqe. Cs MG simuIN Gis ago 8s sEquer BNSF SOIO GaHTepyFo SBF yenrr Ber Bs; a@@uyco woriGQuiger GaerepoycuQurger oner QelOurger sause sir usad obs on Ss Giger Saph shwruére ond, Rp Grol NGS FISGb GX Esrgud Praxrwr Ber por. Qaasrord FrorurGu carder Qreb Aor SroafGu segromae, Fo GSear Csrgee ome. Quig6ssu Qreqwsiser ap uppuces Geary QrgssCsrQ snobs Gsagmgu GCurapls@ pa. Promsar & gd Flo SHES Gaon 1S MOT Oca Swit gs Bw QuGgEGLe a Purse nowrGs wPuyd. srr Yyiornraé PomhiAnsoe equi Garé Qsriseb pbswerfl Corwasmsud Orc gyd. cara, eG Cursors HaGb 9056 Cursors SSG Qo Gu Gopss gears 6 we! Bor org sf gBaGusw Aer. Mayda cs 1. sometlonuacr stéror Bens sonnselulye (hes Eso en? 2. mmb sams GdCurg soma iooudsesir etobroor Gout ment_Cumider m5? 3. adaunot arhop eiGancrenageed aE LuusoT wir gy? “Tb 4, 3o04 Munk ~ 4. GaaGokig Cavan Q7dab ee emGa GuTaMA? 5. alieier Saheinrer OSs corer sem awies FSPGaMss Gams? G. padisssacr auCuramnech wena? C BwsusHio4 BargCuneys cretrer mayo? 8. appeal wemntaGarmupmnm Gungeres Gama maven? 9. anes sonndeln 2 emefsl srestcor mpl Rapéog? 10, sane Goon urelugbh Aasms sfeut 11. SmerstD Shah maLGumains Bapage. 12, HAs ihba) Bi mueawuneGo _ Garivenus Cough? 13. BesussPq ey peo: ger Gandms? © 14. memnutocSstunbay Seslences Gaadeugy @inau. retreat 5 Gasteus) wna? 19. afr si Hsir OariPovasiv—ll. i Garages Ceraj sarc oreirises aspray Dat gol FLD ae unis «fr aap Oe isan, p_ car syun B_osareay Ardisaurss Poms snQomyiu opaa woarsoily a ore wre #Pr £9 Ga Vaune rg. Rov eri Denart Gur cpsit seme tAipramgamtb gong, guru aponot rune Orvis »_earenr Carer @ib. GQarchanalunrasd FOOSE TS Bema ogi gw Qpanui pa 5 17 on Sagal Pronlsarg; we = Borer ema. malpra cuts Orgath Bent autor ain ear ge Gar auag spans oires Bate Qraee Giptiisahicar airs mr ayes OF Crogbd. antro gotlr ss saAGea FohiGurg@g Geant sleureas work —eCo Crafdwidsrarenin; allay. tas Sour cr “URS 9 og sCRbd. Quups a Say Cricut | Grsaaph om syin Bojsugons Caraga Gear oy (“Gp QisesCarR saseb. gory dardacr Sweety 68 only ss sBA Gt Gaona: Bebovir ss Rojams ang oD gsm 5) Bf pret FRLICHU HRS Gea gub. Qe #o0b arear Aapéi. HSAeUuTGT / BIT bh, Baer, wzS) oree, F@Gub Bu spi Gurfadtapaib apap Bi +g zt, Pechain, woecorb, oma, web aia pep ern P_oor HAD oped. epearus an berth ysO Aesth apsolu yO BH (sremiec 2 pusghurGermar. eruns Cura GoarGaph, saat apwelu gauwamaohear »_ net) urp sm@imatarl yRGGaeh, poiaF pear gmtn ue Caciaer nen Guo Gear mer. GlenaisGlarcpeyr epapyd Qumgbug. gah 2 prnyseem ae . srbysQerer or Oust, t Pinal jor f mba sbGeabFaears Gurer mana. | emfe,s gprarh ein. wpbuyser erevar apa weserea@ary apwnra epinGure OarQeas an 78 oaGpr a Su ug Maser mar, orirljsahd Bajaicox Dem eps euiPer rebar UuTramaaiel eye gb ontérAatsr epiorag xo Voragib wyribcjsor. 7 ae 23 Og 24 3% ee a8 eo & a & ae me Gugyid yp a i Y Gsrlucen a os tps Gus tps a Lud arena pik A jot Aig. q = wbppaucrs eperaliest orbs: uraimaen di ee Grew R@srangGureo #ribiserm, atthe Ger eeQurg, wre gHoveror mrbupsar ways ieee, gure shen sont Glsmyb CaSvujia, Ber pis semrehuyh 3 i oviGumuailpa, Gop Ku srbyamnsstrs sablr wo ba gp | Gurgasmns embiuse_h 2 a7B. ener rer Lemania Birep sith FOUTA FeV, Spa tun ad TB. Oresq@cch, Fromy oe Qeripoaer aot GubméQarcing gee Geiliarcor. 4 SER | arden yorasdy Derlrae air sone briser. you ‘ud’ Cura beran @aeastb pO. Carers oa wL_meboumap ass opt ee AGoysror sors Soe ot ambi oat cir gro cb, Yu Ew, snail ieomptb. al gyaa.crs 1. GanagerrGiociraney creer? 2, BT senanih sama apugh Coasdi CsHamar? 3. sadcine error Coiveiné Calddma? “ 4. @cmgéentiscr soenGanifeos Cadikeypsar? 5. smenmacistr Cumccnb creer? G, prbuyss; Ta Star eumaliGi? t. Sel ociGamearmin inyoSouay wim ay? 5. y BUeGs Poe ser Sneneib? GaatuuaiR 9. ANDES RIMAITe Selaseme Cxsmiacee 00/0 © 10. OO ©0000 00 ©0060 90 2ao0o0000 Gug@ibur ey ole ireraiaar BADFIG; Biray anresGal sorflages Bagh. Baialls cy At gpa 6 Toor ‘gar ouih altar oF maequb, B80 : Sod Ruin Graagspe aper “aifiemr Cri! — srearsyar sitrsmis Gs L apr, Ger tarser ep Gur floors Pues FAR, Rew aber LUFAp war aa sos eH avin oy 5b) GOSS Bw eapowawr Mi Mwissaoy “ura Bey ay Oa B arr Gib. a pagar Ter otter @ mpeeb. galer ent BICeD i ab 5 apL_ear Mare BreraTs rox soa” warp oltre nga. weet 8 ppaba) 1, 2, 3, 4; 1, 2,3, 4, .. ereor sre orerare Tar Mae ser. BI srexrexo apy.d5tT ear, *]_srear mat aictr il@op eS us erecare_irtD; -2— srear ataar Varswae apy sad, 3—srermariaar Patt wi FH OG sagh, 4-—cermartacr Gar SSS aro sagw wre. sadguaser” croaré alter 19 aH. 19 paaGal, ao aes 18 prararser ays are Cilsor e_erer cit gif sor paral iors alauinitweer. (Beall, LD or 91 5: i Gradorwd apr cwagqa KalPona gs Hs Toor F Gedag gle BrafFagin 2 ere. tora 2:9) (0) (0/50 OP OVCWOnO QOnei2 0 ROSCA Ou Gear “ahmrae oroarra syoofageisoi’? GmésGa, 23 4 aor paras 1—$e4 GearGar GicCa u_ gO erlpwero CGstadnruraes Crqmaniasar. oaqgo Gz aut pF ‘ 8h Ote HvGGa Oeadind ps BU apa or nIuT TSB ib gs. aro sioner gerfwan_s mip GeLialsoorbd, Geir avec Kaz xreiorGin Guraps, aslo Bi gern uGura gah ofa x Bont aera uprigsinésn Baas or Lyons api all Cam @ib. gqatsGorr® #aGaQaer Faaretb GQriugmetrg. suGrr@scr 2 _uGuresein alu upsegéhad oriOurapend Glew sou Baul mrad! a pvapspaCaargh. suvGrrs eo OE , i | ' Szatuua pH : at Hugs Epis wGis sinaIy Mwah giao. eC orenu ayrrind Siu wey WOH LH 7p OUuaa ps. aigyéa sire (ary . * 7 * * * + STDMigpebd Ugath Camiacr wena? ] 2, SSA WETASD, seorenit Smead ured Gumlaer wirene? 3. Uéd Lupasaorts 2 _esttneéth Cronlect witencu? 4, doi Garpgind sGagh tpamm cooren? 9. WGwTLNS amusse upumoDCeduy ax? creer? G. uinsin®Gmmi srsisfaib | cena 0 Dag AGHEGO oul eramon? C fimaeeG, saranupssy, Gono yatiursr, Saan (pend Garhi Gerla peur hisisresst srarer GaluuGousergin? ' 8. sibeoGrn) agmap uisjet&s Geter Cal Geusiet Gib? F Es: a. esata SOsitcy » Cereal Gamasvuin” eretremira aver anes wits? 10, alGinsag¢lad, Cals smieacd SmNLITSM CHL sHeurecs Geilueimon? Tl. ahead suGuinatiseys) cremér Cris Uijsumin®’ S@4s surib? 88 BGrrd Dune 12. wom sPa@iimacha erAaSw Lyevdos Bobtoxr ob, geefimactes sie ford Gigeaaye ursuorGatr SGug ysSun? 13, Gorimaufcd croiGousioi mashed awe. OUSHWETVS GT 2 iB ? Gea uuiph 10. I. GanlGungaea aguuri ahorure qraugaqudor spamar mre Opurciswr. gmat sb& goog oO Curt wpa Gaere mets ed OsrcGQal_g alararés gRart, Agsmuulvat george Osi_ita sivsBS msurGw Ogsarvuriuus. goug¢ OsrlodicuirneEd gar sods BHG onuy Guru Ppsord. gigs at HMuguybd wHAygacors Asr-GIc@ gear. [Ogmtuclat OgrliLasorgs g1g9S Ose gor ai Sass galtgBo Beorpealcro, srgBu Wyse Quargsar Cag Ggaorgs sr QsiLGAIle gy gaigGeo Hhs apugyarit.| QeacrorGw MarwirclG coum. srgoe GsrenQ @BGpat sex gssGurend gail, afmran BpSb wHhyqauors soarcial_@ qui_sos Go gos Oararararh. tid upsGssai ODsrLO Qoor gs HISHS Osrivuriuusr. Qos Bersos glaor SG6HEerargGigsibd Bag apse. CrabuuipA 89> Tl. Gnmbeafar ama (6ld0) SatGoor arpCa Gopaphm uréBunbd Bear arpa dopuwr Crré@urbd GorGoor arpGar QufuG srt Bu@ pera a gents Carit@Qeriat e_reriaQuanCenr. Garg Garg Quirks Cso4 eal sera Garg Gary. Carlet. #tip.@ gb FQ Gofujcrar wuréoscwuns Ou ph hig Cucroow Qurcr md erori@ucrG wr. am sapth 19 szapb *snuy Quedir Bona wr Bb ga GOMFSN Eo sid uoGer abs QurGsSew vat fool Casale eprarciQuam Gon. (8) BuB anIpCytih srlOr a#rbuTsTa Quflu suCrrab bAPay Espoo Qogd ysarrbh OarererGorus Qenya Aereraph @roriQuemCsw. (4) wr aruscr aulppint FHEEG amg Wcpine stp ayt_er AGA wbawRer orbmuouyy Oarciyafics ursyOuer urr Grori@usirCenr. (5) Qris gstims i pins epiphone QIEGs CaHe Cugpsew Oerp/ G7 wAPScr Comat sexQurcas Su Gerisorrs groriQuanrGer. (6): * @ - &Cei Gud, sai. 90 Bred Hund TL. Gnmbecr upayd amas (eid) Bort YyIAs @epaiey CaQunigd Corian Or Sig useilaggo como yoss AGgWaor arepb : Quas%ré CalGG GroriQuarGan. (1) PaIGd HJagGoia Efci CaQacfi sry AabdGeie srernenpse % THe Alar uraragGb Coruseter THA Adar EHreoriQus1rGenr. (2) Guroars ari ohb ~rFG Caowr gb yorde sess Penasate godor Corguiés Oargar sng soo BSCo Caoriams EroriQuamGer. (3) -srocr surecs Cap) wrorare SICGE KIVSOY ConuiaQorersortd Fre gerbe urarcd Cuposran® sr@ousr urs) Greri@.emn Gan. (4) 21. sraryor Haw prFeafasir amend SqGwWecer mrecbusdorsostoumd (1) LyemauP@ned (2) @re@d 8). Qrerucré AGW 61 Aeiiaer re Bl, udsma, UGsMSUICOD, FEB, Csrartsc gyaSuapigerar Agdatre Czatuul pA vt QG8 ss gm) Qurgersaher yos apéOet ASTD BIUPHoOM AOsSOeL 9 GBIFibissrss4rey4rd. Qss CwMEGS FbFSLIIOOS, “ @Garr Veer” amu apsoSyicr oe uCGurGsaugGer per. srbGsraf, sityrb, Cai9%, Carnie Garg CalunGar Dee a Buoasafer yore ai srppsns 6&bD, SHOs%r WI] PLUGS gb. 3% Gqbis%re Oerogics +68 BWUHDSS GRELH. 29.455. rub DRaGeod BRdsor Sisoier ocursHshid Hig bovbs, STD Deo» OaciGur Qsronrg® Curssuclaé Gi @ sooo taser soya BrFiwatuyib. SHH THEE Bqdounjsn Osre gy. acinenor F%venu QacrarralG» ous@pQurepg G@qdisCare arb &iibcs orFwm Re por. Corureft aoficr gosta QarPaein EAer gyeIualQ LaorgsPorOserao AgbsGer dard srewruiasl Pw srsrrorores euCurGssuu@b Qrer worsA@gd srAcdisarracr:— gue (lodine), srQurcdié Arrest (Carbolic Acid), v@xred {Lysol}, Qe. g@aze (Dettol), Oerevreavy equi (Condys Fluid), Wager (Milton), .oani OG Ine BDuGyéms (Hydrogen Peroxide), GanGawryepu9 (Jeys Fluid), 19Q@ a (Phenol) Bauer amt. Qousgear “guy” CsrGarg emus su uc =srumese7aGu QugGburgubd 2 uGurs fr] 92 Gare Duns Loni. “srQureds Brraiab * ; "GL pialape cna Leas tare or gs ribuerareson Daley A Be 2_uGwirsinreb. ‘aan Gap olapear Qui@ ny dams" omni Fe ebusremag oe 2 uGCireseeorm, “Geremes) yep” sapaile afb 5tbuieorso Bsajlb. “GopiGen yepufl” “iIGend” Ganar nm Oh IC Hig Bost apwollualhan oe irs Lister sas HG P Fay. Bona spi or my mss=nzsiyiy bag. Orermors Gog? mr Peafaor Buga UTM BF Us saw. gma) we RGrSh “Ye seh giuuipggag ue Brasehp mo mish: Grune apopseunpn, THHtwmaner iyi sary as wasn om hse For yomalstar a Buin Gea Baler Bu. Gi F GO UGCHSy oo avsanwne, anasto 9 rsa) Cuswrar @. ga masaCacmB.. i oir Osustraat Shu GrargosoCurs @mba Beqwor Poi: a_oGorascar ay pFeven. Quposuires Qa rinrs TAPES gaia: pq FePal aun ron. exit pallid Aepuister wire inven soS D. #5 BCUuTB Pu rasaii ear CresHte Guagsa sz Yb, gGrréahligsen sub, sori tAmuljy area GG FoR ganaRgahor na. exhu Qaurah Wenevringd DuGiser a5 Fp or Palle nop DU Lr pt = ai Rraniacher p_welli@oarcie ra mpc, OFroaer shear Dsmemard Grad arerar ap HLT Lbe) @NTIp. iLjenaReb. a Spatuuips a3 Qeati, @alster _aytiey mer US sb, wis Doss 6D oh. ue EraRTEr Qeiun® dogs Guoepmase.ab Oso ze ob, Cope iss career srw Balen; Ganks Hjih o oomeirib, i Urs eiremrapep od ears 1. caged Uoswies aqvladn prebueacomeny ? 2. siUbGUT | saeealol CunGsrast Poems ome. ‘ 3. Shas mah “Sora iar” amish aapiare Catuiled carbs 2 UGwireomenb ? 4, Ftyale Casto’ Morsswred syed usr mene Gn Mies. 5, signers mewn Aa eréatac Povey or LuCuTemiedn elouilha. G, Smale © UGunasenGuing Was sreusieoires GURESCeuconipl argssms grease ? ieee @ Rusiooscar Moss cillien wings? sims tind THB DLCITA Osseo ? 5. mah gael men, 5 seamen sim) sac LIST SOE GL oTeoTst ihesremiDLL jeer ? D Use sremasen 2 UCuma pn metremnajo Wireman!

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