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1. Do you think that the consumers should avoid over packed products or is it the
responsibility of the producer to avoid the extra packaging of the product? Give your view
or any relevant example from your own experience.
Packaging has grown greatly in response to commercial demand. Originally intended to protect
products, it is today much more elaborate and developed than at any other time in
history. However, today many products are over packed which not only increases the price of the
product but also contaminates the environment. Therefore, consumers and companies together
should take responsibility of keeping the packaging to an optimal level.

The fundamental purpose of packaging is to contain and protect a product during transit and
increase its shelf life. But there are other equally important functions, it acts as an advertisement
and allows companies to provide important information to customers especially in the field of
pharmaceuticals. Packaging can also be used to make the products more attractive and marketable.
Unfortunately, many companies resort to over packing to entice customers and this may have
adverse effects on the environment. Moreover, over packing is a huge waste of resource and much
of the packing is made from non-biodegradable materials like plastics which harm the environment.
And last, but not the least over packaging increases the amount of garbage we generate.

I strongly feel that the onus of reducing over packaging lies mostly with the customers and partly
with the companies as, at the end of the day, manufacturers only make what customers buy. When
customers buy products with less packaging, it would encourage manufactures to shed the extra
packing, as it may no longer translate to increased sales. This would force manufactures to come up
with other innovative ways to add value to their products.

Based on the above discussion and my personal experience, I would like to reiterate that both
consumers and manufactures should endeavor to reduce the amount of packaging which would yield
the dual benefit increased affordability and conservation of the environment.

2. Many people think that the regions in which we live affect the success of a person.
Whatis your opinion about the native regions influence on the accomplishments of
people? / do you think that the place where the person grew has an influence on his
accomplishments. Explain with examples..

It is nowadays, widely contended that regions in which we live affect the success of a person. But,
at the same time, there is also strong counter argument amongst some sections of people that
success does not depend on the region where we live in. However, I am of the opinion that the
province in which an individual is born and brought up influences his achievements in life.

To begin with, the region in which a person lives affects him at a very fundamental level. Every
region has a set of values and systems which have profound influence on the people who live there.
For example, who live in America value individualism, freedom and transparency. These values are
imbibed by the people who are born and brought up there and become a part of the individuals
character. Secondly, the region we live largely influences our successes in the opportunities and
facilities that it provides. A person who lives in an urban area has better educational facilities or
employment opportunities and therefor has better chances at success. Whereas people from a rural
or backward area may be deprived of such greater opportunities.

On the other hand, it does not mean that the region alone dictates the success of the person. There
are many people who have had modest beginning and have hails from remote places and still could
achieve extraordinary things. One such person is Abdul Kalam, who is from a small village and went
ahead to become the president of India. A persons commitment ultimately shapes his successes.

Therefore, persuaded by all the discussion till now as well as driven by personal experiences, I
would like to reiterate that, belongingness to a region plays a vital role in the personal growth and
success of people
Many people say that the region in which we live affects the success of a person. But, some others
argue that native region influences on the accomplishments of people. However, I am of the
opinion that the province in which an individual is born and brought up influences his achievements
in life.
-------Key Final-------
3. The environment in which we live is in danger due to various problems. So who do you
think is responsible for solving these problems, the government organization or each
individual? / Who is responsible for the global climatic change, an individual, the larger
organization or the government? Support your views for only one.
23. Climate change and about the roles that governments, corporates and individuals can
play to improve it.
It is, now-a-days, widely contended that individuals are responsible for the current environmental
changes. But, at the same time, there is also a strong counter-argument amongst some section of
people that governments should take the complete responsibility to safeguard the environment.
However, I personally subscribe to the view that both governments and individuals are responsible
for the global climatic changes.

On one hand, ggovernments could certainly make more effort to reduce air pollution. They could
introduce laws to limit emissions from factories or to force companies to use renewable energy from
solar, wind or water power by providing them subsidies. People would be encouraged to use public
transport and to take fewer flights abroad, therefore reducing carbon emissions. Hence it is the
responsibility of the government in sensitizing people about environmental issues.

On the other hand, individuals are also liable for the problems created by global climatic changes.
The people should be prudent enough to vote for a government that will safeguard the environment.
There are many things that people can do, for instance saving electricity in the home, reusing and
recycling products and by cutting down on carbon dioxide emissions by limiting the use of private
vehicles. Those actions are the very least that individuals can do. To take it a step further,
individuals can create innovations that will help manage our resources and minimize our waste.
They can lobby politicians to take a strict stand against companies that pollute the environment

Therefore, persuaded by all the discussion till now as well as driven by my personal experiences, I
would like to reiterate that, both governments and individuals must play their part in looking after
the environment.

It is, now-a-days, widely contended that, the damage to the environment is increasing at an
alarming rate mainly due to human activities.
4. Now-a-days TV has become an essential part of life. It is a medium to spread new and
awareness and for some it acts as a companion. What is your opinion about this?

It is, now-a-days, widely contended that Television has become an essential part of life. Which act
as medium to spread news and awareness. But, at the same time, there is also a strong counter-
argument amongst some section of people that Television has been creating a bad influence on
people. However, I personally subscribe to the view that Television has become an integral and
indispensable part of our life. It performs multifarious functions and has multifaceted roles to play.
It telecasts news, forecasts weather and above all, entertains us.

Television reduces loneliness and acts as a companion by entertaining people and keeping them
updated with the latest events happening in the world. Most importantly, Television is a part of
powerful visual medium which plays a pivotal role in raising political consciousness even in the
illiterate masses. Furthermore, television also has been playing a vital role in eradicating social evils
and corruption in the modern society besides sensitizing people about environmental issues.
Moreover, it brings to us live telecast of global sports and games events, which entertains and
inspires youngsters.

On the other hand,television also brought about many ill effects in the lives of people such as
deterioration of social and family relations. Television has been creating a bad influence on young
people through showing sex and violence. Furthermore,children are becoming couch potatoes as
they prefer watching television to physical activities which is also the root cause for lifestyle
diseases like premature obesity and cardio vascular diseases.
Therefore, persuaded by all the discussion till now as well as driven by my personal experiences, I
would like to reiterate that, undoubtedly television has become an essential part of life.
It is no exaggeration to say that the advent of Television has enabled people to be aware of social,
political and cultural events happening around the world.
5. Should the top executives of a company take the suggestions and ideas of the
while taking decisions or not, give your opinions.

26. These days employers engage their employee in taking decisions about product and service.
Advantage or disadvantage?

In olden days the decision making power was vested solely in the hands of the top executives of the
company, but today many companies treat their employees as a resource and hence are greatly
involving them in taking decisions.This trend has gained momentum in the recent years and many
progressive companies are actively seeking suggestions not only from employees but also from their

On one hand the top management of the companies are usually senior executives who have years of
experience behind them and have industry exposure of more than a decade.Hence, they will be able
to contribute to the decision making of the company. Secondly,an employee who works in a specific
division may give ground breaking ideas in that division, which at times may prove to be counter -
productive for some other division. Therefore some people believe that employee suggestion may
not be as productive as thought so.

On the other hand, because innovation is the key to success in todays world, many progressive
companies such as Google and Apple are actively seeking suggestions from their employees,as it
is the employee who is manning the machine. Last but not the least when employee inputs are
taken he feels valued and develops sense of belongingness with the company which will reduce
attrition in the long-run. However, company has to validate the suggestions before implementing it
to avoid any consequences.

Therefore, on the basis of all the discussions till now as well as going by my personal experiences, I
would like to reiterate that, top executives of a company should take the employee ideas while
making decisions.

Whereas this phenomena is progressive or regressive has to be deeply analyzed before

implementing them.

Moreover any improvement in a particular division can be done by process oriented feed-back.
but also from their customers, so that they can constantly innovate and better their services in
order to remain in the competitive market.
in the process
Thirdly, by using employee suggestions we increase his responsibility and accountability and also
adds to a pride element

Finally, I feel that employees are useful assets as they are able to think out of the box and work on
it to give a fresh look to the products, hence the top executives should consider all the employees
suggestions and evaluate them before implementing.
6. Successful sports stars and glamorous film stars are role models for youngsters. Do
you agree or not. / imitating celebrities in sports and movies is good or bad.

Many people say that successful sports stars can be ideal figures for the youngsters to derive
inspiration. But, some others argue that sports personalities cannot be the perfect examples for the
young people. However, besides presenting my personal view I endeavor to discuss both the

Successful sports persons spend a lifetime of blood and sweat to attain their goals. They work hard
and practice with single minded determination and perseverance to achieve their targets.
Furthermore, they have exemplary qualities like healthy competition, team spirit,an attitude of
tolerance and above all sportsmanship. All these positive traits can be emulated by young people.
For instance, popular cricket star, Sachintendulkar is a world famous legendary sports person who is
adored by millions of people not only for his professional attainments but also for his positive image
in the society.

On the other hand, there are sports persons with tainted character, who indulge in activities like
match fixing, use of steroids and betting. In addition to this, they disrespect the rules of the game
and play foul game to be the winners. They misuse their popularity and get involved in nefarious
activities. They also act in ads to make money, thus setting a bad example to the young people
and making them to believe that sports and games are the ways to the earn a fast buck and to lead
a life of luxury and affluence.

Therefore, persuaded by all the discussion till now as well as driven by my personal experiences, I
would like to reiterate that youngsters must be prudent enough to judge the positive and negative
traits of the sports persons before idolizing them as their role models.

7. What is the greatest invention in the last 100 years, computers, antibiotics, airplanes
and explain why./what is the greatest invention of the 20th century, medicine, antibiotics
or computers and why.

The last century has experienced innumerable inventions in various fields such as computers,
aviation and medicine. Undoubtedly all the three fields have grown in leaps and bounds. It is very
difficult to decide which is the greatest development amongst them. However, if one is forced to
select one of these choices I would like to say that computers are the greatest inventions in the last
100 years.

On one hand, there are tremendous developmentsin the field of aviation.For instance the invention
of pilotless flights.In the medical field, Scientists have invented medicine for fatal diseases like
cancer and remedies to stop the degeneration of any part of the body.One more invention in this
field to mention is the miracle pills for anti- ageing. Hence it is very difficult to weigh the
developments of one field against the other as the developments in each field are considered to be
very important for individuals concerned.

On the other hand,the dominance of computers lies in the fact that they have practically changed
the way we go about our life. They have impacted the life of common man in numerous ways
especially in education, banking, shopping, and researching. It would not be possible to visualize the
developments in other fields without the aid of computers. For example in the field of aviation
computer technology has made the world small by enabling people to overcome great distances
within minutes. Similarly, in the field of medicine precision and painless surgeries are a result of
computer technology.

To conclude, the present generation is handicapped without computers and hence computers are
considered to be the greatest inventions in the past 100 years.(278)

The pilotless flight cannot be imagined without the help of computers.

In the field of education it could help people in remote areas to have access to pursue on line
-------Semi Final------
8. Dangerous sports/activities like extreme sports (bungee jumping etc..) should be
banned. Do you agree or disagree. / pros and cons of adventure sports.

Many people say that extreme sports should be banned. But, some others argue that dangerous
sports are invented to create beastly excitement in the spectators. However, I personally subscribe
to the view that, dangerous sports like bungee jump, bull fight and kick boxing which cause death
and permanent disability to the players should be banned.

On one hand, hazardous sports are invented to create beastly excitement in the spectators. The
sportsmen who are of swashbuckling attitude towards life want to pursue a self-sabotaging
profession to make a fast buck. They want to project a macho man image to the public by earning
a despicable popularity and admiration among the onlookers by risking their lives. Moreover,
dangerous sports extremely deviate from the primary objective of providing physical and mental
relaxation to the players. In addition, it fails to promote positive values like healthy competition and
spirit of sportsmanship and discipline among the sportsmen.

On the contrary, precarious sports contribute to negative values and attitudes and a craving for
violence and gore in the spectators and participants as well. Moreover, the sponsors of such sports
events want to cash in on the morbid fascination of the public for brutality and ferociousness.
Dangerous sports also spark violence and aggression in the national and in the international sports
events and also they amount to cruelty to animals.

To sum up, dangerous sports and games promote damaging attitudes and trends like savage
entertainment; hence they are a blot in a civilized human society. Therefore, I vehemently oppose
the conduct such brutal games and sports and strongly recommend a strict prohibition of such
brutal entertainments.

9. In our education system, assessment through written formal examination is valid or
not. Give your opinion. / do you think formal written examinations are a good way to
assess knowledge at school.

It is a widely contended belief that formal examinations are the best way of testing the students
while, at the same time, there is strong counter argument amongst some people that written exams
fail in measuring a number of other, more important skills. And, I agree with the latter proposition,
that written exams test a rather limited skill range.

There are various advantages of using formal assessments. Firstly, written tests are easy to
administer and evaluate. They are a very effective method to test large number of people within a
short period of time and at a low cost. In the beginning of the industrial revolution, people were
needed in large numbers to work in the factories and written tests proved to be very effective. Even
today many companies still use this method to do the preliminary screening of potential candidates.
On the contrary, written exams do not test other important skills like oral communication,

presentation or interpersonal skills which are absolutely essential for success these days. Moreover,
written exams only test the knowledge of students and do not check whether the student is able to
apply such knowledge in the real world or not. Written exams are also prone to malpractices as it is
easy to cheat in such exams. The greatest disadvantage of such evaluation method is that students
tend to by-heart the content of the texts without making efforts to understand the concepts.

Based on the above discussion and going by my personal experience, I would like to reiterate that,
though formal exams are very efficacious in preliminary tests, more comprehensive testing method
should be used to assess the overall performance of the child.
10. Large shopping malls are replacing smaller shops. What is your opinion about this?
Discuss with appropriate examples.

Now a days we can see the developing of huge shopping malls in all the major cities and towns and
many smaller shops are going out of business. Weather this is a progress or regress needs to be
analyzed in the light of various factors.

On one hand, visiting a mall is advantageous because of the stores housed in one complex. In the
mall prices are fixed giving no room to bargaining which means that the customers are ensured of.
In addition, they offer discounts on special occasions.In this way shopping malls provide a delightful
and comfortable shopping experience. Shopping complexes also include amenities like restaurants
for eating out and recreational facilities like videogame parlors for kids thus turning wearisome
shopping task in to a joyful outing experience.Furthermore, shopping malls sell branded products of
good quality. Moreover, most of the malls house restaurants and theaters which make the whole
shopping experience delightful and enjoyable.

Despite many advantages there are some disadvantages of shopping malls. They are run by the
capitalists who earn huge profits that make them wealthier while small time shop owners,
retailerslose their business and are deprived of their share of earnings. Shopping malls also induce
buyers for impulsive shopping and to buy things which are not needed to them. Moreover, fresh
and perishable items like vegetables, meat and fish are better purchased from the vendors and
retailers because they sell garden fresh vegetables, fruits, clear fish and meat, whereas, such
perishable items are stored in shopping malls for a long time in cold storage.

In this way, in spite of some demerits, shopping malls are the ultimate choice for the people to shop

It is, now-a-days, widely contended that shopping mall culture is an emerging trend of modern
times. But, at the same time, there is also a strong counter-argument amongst some sections of
people that, perishable items are better to purchase from the vendors and retailers. However, I am
of the opinion that in spite of some demerits, shopping malls are the ultimate choice for the people
to shop from.

------------Semi Final----------
11. Talk about the pros and cons of this era as it is full of daily inventions.

In today's world, inventions in technology, science, medicine and many other sectors has
transformed our lives, making it easier and interesting than ever before. Inventions such as
Computers,jet plane, elevator, mobile phone, ipad, digital camera makes our daily lives
easier. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages with these inventions.

Technological advances show people a more efficient way to do things, and these processes get
results. For example, education has been greatly advanced by the technological advances of
computers. Students are able to learn on a global scale without ever leaving their classrooms.
Agricultural processes that once required large number of human workers can now be
automatedwhich means cost-efficiency for farmers. Besides, Medical discoveries occur at a much
more rapid rate, thanks to machines and computers that aid in the research process.

On the other hand, the more advanced society becomes technologically, the more people begin to
depend on computers and other forms of technology for everyday existence. This means that when
a machine breaks or a computer crashes, humans become almost disabled until the problem is
resolved. This kind of dependency on technology puts people at a distinct disadvantage, because
they become less self-reliant.At the same time, human workers retain less value, which is a
disadvantage of technological advances. As machines and computers become even more advanced
and efficient, this will continue to be a growing disadvantage of technology and an issue that has a
global impact.

Since the positives outnumber and outweigh the perceived negatives and also these negatives can
easily be redressed, inventions in todays world are certainly worth sought-after.
---Semi Final--------
12. Any new technological development in the recent years is a boon or a curse for the
society in general.
Technology has brought about a revolution in the modern world. Technology has made the world a
global villageby making our lives easy and fast. Technology is helping people to live their lives
luxuriously and they cannot imagine their lives without the use of technology. However, there are
both advantages and disadvantages of technology.
On one hand, there are numerous benefits in using technology. The latest inventions have made life
easy for people. Inventions like micro oven, refrigerator, mobile and washing machine have not only
reduced the efforts of the human being but also significantly reduced the time needed to perform
certain tasks. In addition, invention like internet has changed the face of communication today. For
example, it provides access to services like banking, shopping and education even to people in
remote areas.Moreover, the wide expansion of IT has proliferated employment opportunities to the
people around the world.

On the other hand, the potential drawbacks of such inventions cannot be ignored. They have made
the mankind lazy and dull by making him machine addicted. And the advent of technology has
brought about many social evils, for instance, deterioration of human and social relations. Secondly,
People lead a sedentary lifestyle and hence diseases are there constant companions.For instance,
Vibrations coming from mobile phone effects our heart and brain, screen touch mobile phones lead
to finger cancer and its result can be too much dangerous for mankind. Studies reveal that
technology has reduced the lifespan of the people.
Therefore, on the basis of all the points discussed till now as well as going by my personal
experiences, I would like to reiterate that, every invention will have an advantage besides a
disadvantage. Hence, it is the man who has to judiciously use it for the progress of the nation.
we can redeem the new found technology from its evil effects, and turn this curse into a blessing, if
we learn to use it judiciously. We should also resolve not to become slaves of technology, and also
by redeeming ourselves first form its over obsession and over dependence.
.. Technology is a double edged weapon. Today I am going to talk about the advantages and
disadvantages of technology.
13. It is argued that getting married before finishing school or getting a job is not a good
choice. To what extend do you agree or disagree.
It is, nowadays, widely contended that one should get married only after completion of their
education. Whilein yesteryears people thought that youngsters should get married at a certain age,
irrespective of whether they have completed their education or not. However, I am of the opinion
that a person should get married only after completing his education.
To begin with, people in olden days thought that, an individual will become responsible and
disciplined after getting married, especially young people who are irresponsible. Moreover, they felt
that, both husband and wife will bond well when married at an early age. In those days young
couples also had the support of their extended families to take care of them in times of crisis.All
these point to the fact that marriage may bring in responsibility for a person to better cope the
challenges in life.
On the other hand, there are many advantages of getting married after settling in ones life. The
most remarkable merit to this is the financial freedom that a job gives. For instance, a person who
is settled, will be able to provide well for his family.Secondly, people after completing their
education will also be matured and emotionally strong and will be able to handle the stress and
strain that a family life might bring in. Furthermore, people who have completed their education will
have better opportunities at professional advancement.
Therefore, on the basis of all the points discussed till now as well as based on my personal
experiences, I would like to reiterate that a person can benefit more if he/she gets married after
their studies.

because they would be able to better cope the challenges and responsibilities that the family life
brings in. On the other hand, youngsters who go ahead and get married before completing their
education may be stuck in their current positions as the burden of running a new family may hardly
leave any time for them to concentrate on their study or look for better prospects. however this is
not the case in todays modern world where large families are almost extinct and couples are forced
to deal with their problems on their own. Therefore it is not advisable to get married before settling
down in life.
--------------------- M Final------------------
14. Parents should be held legally responsible for their childrens acts. What is your
opinionand support it with personal examples.
Some people feel that the onus of teaching the right behaviour to their children lies with the parents
and therefore should be held responsible while others feel that making one responsible for anothers
action is not fair, even if they are parents and I agree with the latter proposition.

There are a number of reasons why parents should be made responsible for their wards behaviour.
Firstly, parents are the first teachers and it is their responsibility to inculcate the right behaviours
and habits. Moreover, Children emulate their parents and many take them as role models. Also
many parents compensate their lack of time by giving their kids undue freedom or pamper them
excessively. Studies reveal that the root cause for the increase in juvenile crime is the lack of
parental supervision All these point to the fact that parents are in a way responsible for their
childrens behaviour or misbehaviour but making them legally liable would be taking it a bit too far.
On the other hand, we must not forget that children have a mind of their own and do not always
comply with parental standards. (And at times, it is possible that children end up in the
wrong direction in spite of the best intentions of the parents and family.) Besides, children
not only learn from their parents but also pick up values and behaviours from their extended family,
friends and even the neighbours who have a profound influence on the child. In addition, the impact
of media on the youngsters is significant. The amount of violence that children are exposed to on
the internet and television is appalling/shocking. Therefore parents cannot be held solely responsible
for the delinquent behaviour of the child.)

Based on all the discussion till now and going by my personal experience, I would like to reiterate
that though parents are responsible for their kids activities, they cannot be made legally

----M Final-----

15. Marketing strategy of big companies to offer discount and price rebates is a good
thing or not and how do you think this will impact the reputation of the company.

Some people feel that the marketing strategy of companies to offer discounts and price reductions is
a good thing while some others argue that this will damage the reputation of the company.
However, I am of the opinion that by offering discounts, the companies not only increase their sales
but also make the products more affordable to the public at large and therefore it is a good thing.

Companies which give discounts do so for a number of reasons. One of the primary reasons is to
increase the sales. This could be a good opportunity for the company to rid itself of the dead stock
and the products which have a low shelf life and make way for fresh merchandise. Sales also
encourage new users and users of other brands to buy the brand. This is an advantage to the
customers too, as they can try the brand at a relatively lower price. Moreover many youngsters and
middle class people look forward for the off-season sale to begin to buy products that they normally
may not be able to afford in their limited budget. Also it is a myth that companies sell inferior
products during sales. Most companies produce special merchandize for the sale period.

On the other hand, it is also possible that the company may lose its reputation by putting its
products on sale too often. Some products have a prestige element attached to them which is lost
when they are available at a lesser cost. Therefore the discount and sales campaigns have to be
carefully planned and then implemented without hurting the image of the company.

Finally, I would like to reiterate that sales promotions and price discounts aim to give better value to
the customer and do not hurt the company when planned and executed well.
Essay16 :Education is the biggest barrier in my learning. Einstein. What do you mean by
this and do you think Einstein was right is saying that.
It is widely accepted that education is very important and occupies a prominent place in one's
life.But, at the same time, people like Einstein, because of his dislike of the ordinary school
discipline argued that education is a hindrance for one's creative thinking.However, I am of the view
that for an average person this may not be possible without education.

There are few people such as Einstein and Newton, who bestowed with natural creative thinking.
They are able to think in multi dimensions without formal education.Some people think that
education inhibits the natural creativity, by way of teaching its own knowledge. It may confine the
knowledge of an individual and thinking may not go beyond the knowledge taught at schools and
colleges.But, this pattern of thinking without education is not common in all the people.

On the other hand, education in today's world is given paramount importance. It is generally
believed that, education equips majority of people with intelligence.It is education which inculcate
the right value systems and ethics to make a person civilized. Moreover, it acts as a license for a
person to get a corporate job.Education imparts basic knowledge on most of the common subjects
such as math, physics and history which helps a person to survive in his/her daily life.

On the basis of all the points discussed till now and as well as going by my personal view, I would
like to state a conclusion that education is undisputedly an essential part of human life to survive in
all financial as well as living aspects of life.

----------Semi Final-------------------
17. Communication has changed significantly in the last 10 yers. Disucss pros and cons
The virtues bestowed by Information Technologyare aplenty. The most remarkable merit is it not
only brought the world closer but also together. Therefore, we can share information quickly and
efficiently, and also bring down barriers of linguistic and geographic boundaries. The world has
developed into a global village due to the help of information technology allowing to shares ideas
and information with each other.

In the same way, communication has also become cheaper, quicker, and more efficient. We can
now communicate with anyone around the globe by simply text messaging them or sending them an
email for an almost instantaneous response. The internet has opened up face to face direct
communication from different parts of the world thanks to the helps of video conferencing. In
addition, Information technology has helped to bridge the cultural gap by helping people from
different cultures to communicate with one another, and allow for the exchange of views and ideas,
thus increasing awareness and reducing prejudice.

On the other hand, the potential drawbacks involved in Information Technology are privacy, lack of
job security. For instance, due to website and email hacking, people are now worried about their
private information becoming public knowledge. And also, Industry experts believe that the internet
has made job security a big issue as since technology keeps on changing with each day.
Furthermore, IT has also contributed to one culture dominating another weaker one. For example it
is now argued that US influences how most young teenagers all over the world now act, dress and
behave. Languages too have become overshadowed, with English becoming the primary mode of
communication for business and everything else.

Since the positives outnumber and outweigh the perceived negatives and also these negatives can
easily be redressed. Information Technology is certainly worth sought-after.
Last, but not the least, information technology may have streamlined the business process it has
also crated job redundancies, downsizing and outsourcing.

Information revolution has changed the way of mass communications and had some
negative and positive effects on individual lives as well as on society. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?
Essay 18. In underdeveloped countries, tourism has both advantages and disadvantages.
Tourism in underdeveloped countries is relatively a new phenomenon. But, in more recent times,
this trend has gained momentum, thanks to the advancements in transportation. However, there
are both advantages and disadvantages to tourism in under developed nations.

There are many advantages of tourism in underdeveloped countries. The most salient one is that it
generates the much needed extra revenue and propels economic growth. The government can use
such revenue in various welfare programs like health care, sanitation,and education. Besides this, it
provides multiple job opportunities to local people, like tourist guides, there by spreading awareness
about their cultural and traditional history. In addition to this, it also increases the business
opportunities, the locals can run small inns and hotels and where in one local communities can offer
a taste of their cuisine to the tourists.Moreover, specially, the countries which have beautiful
sceneries, natural mountains can promote adventure tourism and as it does not require a huge
initial investment the locals can make lots of money as the present generation is more after

However there are few disadvantages of tourism in under developed countries. Firstly, huge influx of
tourists may pollute the natural habitat and thereby causing an ecological imbalance.This may
disrupt the serenity of the place. Secondly, traditional skills and their way of life are likely to die as
local people opt for temporary jobs that the tourism industry offer.Hence local governments should
come up with innovative ways to encourage tourism while trying to keep the traditional skills alive.
Since the positives outnumber and outweigh the perceived negatives and also as these negatives
can easily be redressed, tourism in under developed countries is certainly worth sought-after.

-------Semi Final-------------
19. Will there be any change in the human behavior by changing laws. Some people say
that there will be no effect. Analyze and write your views.

Both laws and morality, severed to regulate or direct human's behaviour, have become prevailing
concepts in the contemporary world. In recent days, there are many debates on whether laws can
change human nature or not. As far as I am concerned, laws can not only govern people's behaviour
but also affect what is in people's hearts and minds

On one hand, without laws, everyone would be free to do whatever he wanted, then the society
would be in disorder. However, in a lawless society people might be bewildered by various fraud,
plunder and murder, and every individual's security would be in egregious threaten state and the
whole society would be in chaos. Since all people live in a constructed world, they are not isolated
individually but need to associate with others from time to time, then it is of essential necessity to
have laws to regulate different aspects in any society.

On the other hand, in our daily lives, various laws govern or control people's behaviour to maintain
a peaceful, orderly and relatively a stable society. Secondly,laws not only put limits on people's
behavior but also change their hearts and minds. Moreover, throughout the legislation, people
regulate their conducts in order to immune from punishment, and thus a consensus of morality is
formed, which directly or indirectly produce influence on people's hearts and minds in the end.

Therefore, on the basis of all the points discussed till now and as well as going by my personal
experiences, I would like to reiterate that, Law is a system of restriction, to transform human
immorality which in turn will facilitate the developmentof a peaceful novel society.
20. Learning a new language at an early age is helpful for children. Is it more beneficial
for their future or does it have any adverse effect. Agree or disagree and give examples
form your experience.
It is a widely contended belief that learning a new language at a young age is advantageous and I
agree with this proposition, as it is the best age for a child to learn new things and being bilingual
has its own array of benefits.
For years it has been thought that teaching a foreign language to a preschooler would be futile and
that bilingualism would put a child at a disadvantage, and it would hurt the I.Q and verbal
development. However, recent studies reveal that the best time for a child to learn a new language
is the first three or four years of life. And the notion of a bilingual advantage has emerged from
research which is both far-reaching and compelling.
There are several important reasons for exposing children to early second language learning. Firstly,
language learning is a natural process when the child is young. Moreover, at this age the
foundations for thinking, language, vision, and other characteristics are laid down. Consequently, it
would be a waste not to use a childs natural ability to learn in his formative years. Besides,
bilingual children can express themselves better. Lastly, multilingualism is extremely advantageous
in todays world as people are travelling throughout the world for educational and employment
purposes and many companies are headquartered in more than one country. Therefore, it is
needless to say that bilingualism has certain career advantages.
Finally, I would like to reiterate that bilingualism enhances the working memory of a child and
bilingual speakers seem to have a definite advantage over their monolingual peers.
You can also use points like
Bilingual children can communicate and express themselves better.
Research shows that bilingual children are general considered smart and are more confident that
their monolingual peers.
Bilingualism gives a child a cognitive, social and educational advantage and consequently,
Bilingual students tend to outperform their monolingual peers in key cognitive tasks.
bilinguals show enhanced executive control, a quality that has been linked, among other things, to
better academic performance. And when it comes to qualities like sustained attention and switching
between tasks effectively, bilinguals often come out ahead.
Many modern language researchers agree with that premise. Not only does speaking multiple
languages help us to communicate better but bilingualism ay actually confer distinct advantages to
the developing brain. Because a bilingual child switches between languages, develops enhanced
executive control, or the ability to effectively

----Semi Final----
21. Write about any recent invention that you think proved beneficial or detrimental to
the society.
Great advancement in the field of science and technology has resulted into the invention of
numerous devices, which have made our life easy and comfortable. In the last couple of decades,
computer technology has expanded enormously and has become part of our daily lives. Many of us
use computers at work, school and even at home. There are many advantages and disadvantages
working with computers.
There are many advantages of computers. Firstly,computers speed up work efficiency. They have
replaced the use of manpower in carrying out tedious and repetitive work. Work that can take days
to complete manually can be done in a few minutes using a computer. Secondly, Computers can
store huge volumes of data. To put this into perspective, physical files that can fill a whole room can
be stored in one computer once they are digitized. In addition, computers allow you to connect to
the Internet and access the global repository of knowledge.On the other hand, there are few
disadvantages of the Computers, Data security is one of the most controversial aspects of
computers today. Hackers could gain access into the computer and compromise the integrity of the
data. Secondly, there are instances where the computer could crash wiping out all data that had
been stored therein.In addition, today, people are suffering from obesity and other health related
problems due to sedentary lifestyle. Most importantly, computer games are increasing aggression
and restlessness in young people.Therefore, on the basis of all the discussions till now as well as
based on my personal experiences, I would like to reiterate that, out of the recent inventions
computers are the greatest invention that has proved beneficial to the society. --------------------
----- Since the positives outnumber and outweigh the perceived negatives and also as these
negatives can easily be redressed, computer invention is certainly worth sought-after.
------Semi Final--------
22. Now a days people are spending long hours in jobs, with not much left for the person
life. Discuss your views.
In recent years most of the people are spending long hours in jobs and there is no time left for their
personal life.If people don't have time to relax and recharge, their ability to do work decreases and
their performance level suffers. In my opinion,an effort must be made to reduce long working
hoursas the consequences of this are to grave which cannot be ignored.

First of all, by spending more time in a job an individual can get more experience during the initial
years of his work. It is often appropriate and of high value for young employees or trainees.
Secondly, more working hours means more money and it is a good investment for people to make
money.Now a days companies, for their benefits, are encouraging people to work long hours by
implementing well ness programs and providing them with benefit packages.

On the other hand, long working hours doesnt necessarily translate into improved productivity.
Another problem with this set up is the effect it has on a persons family and social life.
Furthermore, in extreme cases, failure to strike a balance between work and life can lead to the
breakup of families.When people spend long hours in the office, they get little time to spend with
their dear ones.Long work hours and highly stressful jobs not only hamper employees ability to
harmonize work and family life but also are associated with health risks such as weight gain and
In conclusion, I believe that the advantages of long work hours exists only short-term. The negative
effects are a burden to society. It would be beneficial if governments and companies understand the
long-term cost and limit long work hours to short-term overflow work.

On the other hand, a growing number of employers have implemented wellness programs or pay for
their employees gym membership as part of a benefits package. Some companies invite fitness
trainers or yoga instructors into the office to hold lunchtime sessions.Companies that have
implemented work-life balance programs recognize that employee welfare affects the bottom line
of the business. Finally, self-management is important, so people need to control their own
behaviour and expectations regarding work-life balance.

----Semi Final----
24. Do you think students should have a long break once in a year or have periodic breaks
throughout the academic year? Discuss.
Many people say that students should have long vacation in one year. But, some other argue that
they should have several short vacations all through the year. However, I am of the opinion that
short breaks are more beneficial than longer breaks.

Students require breaks to de-stress from the pressure of their hectic academic schedules and
recuperate from fatigue and boredom. Long vacation at the end of the year enables them to travel
and visit different places, which gives them a pleasant diversion and promotes social and
communication skills. Long breaks also give scope to pupils to spend their time with the members
of their family and alleviate homesickness in them. Furthermore, long vacation also helps them to
pursue their non-scholastic activities and hobbies like music, dance drama and sports and games.
However, there are some demerits in long breaks which cannot be ignored.

On the other hand, small breaks and semester breaks throughout the year enable students to have
rest and at the same time to be abreast with their academic responsibilities like test, assignments
and projects.Secondly,Small breaks keep the stress levels of students low. Educational research
also has confirmed that holidays at the end of each semester refresh and rejuvenate students and
keep them active and spirited in addition to preparing them for the next semester.

Therefore, persuaded by all the discussions till now as well as driven by my personal experiences, I
would like to reiterate that, several short vacations all through the year is more beneficial than one
long vacation in academic year.

However, there are some demerits in long breaks, as they create a long gap in their academic
courses and lacunae in their learning items and concepts. They may also affect their seriousness in
studies besides developing lethargy and laziness in students.
27. Future illiterate is not only because of the people who cant read it also because of
thepeople who dont know how to learn. Agree or disagree.

A person who is uneducated and is unable to read and write is called an illiterate but this definition
may change very soon in the future and anyone who is unable to learn new stuff will be termed as
an illiterate in the coming days and there are a number of reasons why this may happen.

We are living in a world of continuous innovations. Technologies and products are being replaced
with better ones within a short period of time. And, a person who is reluctant to learn will be left
behind and be unable to cope with the changing times. Moreover, one of the purposes of education
is to help a person transact smoothly with the society. And learning to read and write helps a person
to go about his daily business easily and independently. Whereas an illiterate person has to depend
on others to help him fill forms and read documents and this fate will soon befall people who do not
adapt to new technologies and become as helpless as illiterate people are today. Technology will
have a tremendous impact on our lives and change the way we bank, study or even shop.

In addition to this, the primary purpose of education is to provide a person with a means of
livelihood so that he can provide for himself and his family. But, if person is unable to keep pace
with changing technology, he will soon realize that his skills have become obsolete and he may no
longer have a place in the ever changing corporate world.

Based on the above discussion and going by my personal experience, I would like to state in
conclusion that in the future a person who does not learn to use new technologies may be
considered an illiterate.

28. Modern mass communication? Positive and negative consequences.

Information revolution has changed the way of mass communications and had some
negative and positive effects on individual lives as well as on society. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?

Mass communication mediums such as the television and radio have had a tremendous impact on
people and especially youngsters since ages. But with the advent of internet and other social media
sites this impact has deepened and has affected our lives more profoundly than earlier. However
they have both advantages and disadvantages.

On one hand, Modern mass communication methods have opened the doors to a mine of
information at a relatively low cost. Today youngsters/people can find information about anything
and everything easily and use such knowledge to broaden their horizons. Moreover such
communication mediums have made the world a small place and facilitate the exchange of ideas
and information between people living in different parts of the world.

On the other hand, the modern communication methods have drastically changed the way we
communicate with people. Interpersonal communication has greatly suffered because of this. Today
most adolescents prefer to chats with friends on the internet or send them messages over the
mobile than to meet them personally or talk over the phone. Studies show that the social skills of
youngsters have considerable reduced in the past few years. Moreover they do not have real friends
or form long lasting friendships. Youngsters should learn to use such communication channels
judiciously and understand the importance of having personal dialogue with people with is not over
the internet.

Since the advantages outweigh and outnumber the perceived negatives and since the negatives
can be easily redressed, I would like to state in conclusion that modern mass communication
devices have an important role to play in today and have changed the way we interact with others.

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