1503-Explorative Tourism by Families With Children (12-18 Years Old)

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CBI Product Factsheet:

Explorative tourism by
families with children
(12-18 year old)
Practical market insights on your product
Explorative tourism by families with children in the age group
of 12-18 offers interesting opportunities for tourism providers
in developing countries (DCs) as it is a growing segment. Their
key motivation to go on an explorative family holiday is to
create family memories and to strengthen the family bond.
These families are willing to spend money on getting
unforgettable experiences. Destinations and tourism providers
that wish to develop explorative tourism for families have to
meet some key requirements such as smaller scale and
authentic accommodation, included meals, cultural and
educational experiences, safety, quality and English language


Explorative family travel is a relatively fast

growing market segment (compared to many
other tourism segments), due to the increasing
importance of family memories and family ties
and the search for new experiences. In this
Product Factsheet we zoom in on explorative
tourism by families (with children in the age of
12-18) as this group has a more explorative
nature, is generally willing to spend more money
on a holiday and the children speak reasonable to
good English. Explorative family travel is an
established niche market in the Netherlands, the
UK and Sweden and the focus is therefore on
these countries.

Product Definition

Explorative tourism is a form of tourism that emphasizes on exploring new

destinations, cultures and activities and generally has an educational nature. It
is a form of adventure tourism, but less aimed at physical activities.

Family travel can include parents travelling with their children, grandparents
travelling with their grandchildren or several generations of families travelling
together (multigenerational family travel).

Source: CBI Market Information Database URL: www.cbi.eu Contact: marketintel@cbi.euwww.cbi.eu/disclaimer

CBI Product Factsheet: Explorative tourism by families with children (12-18)

Product Specifications

Traveller profile
Explorative tourism by families with children in the age group of 12- 18 is
usually done by well-educated, well-travelled people from higher socio-economic
groups. They can be divided into two main traveller groups:

Multigenerational family travel: multigenerational family travel is a strong

trend within adventure tourism for 2014, especially to exotic and/or
emerging destinations (which are often DCs). Grandparents are increasingly
willing to pay (a large part of) a once-in-a-lifetime family holiday. Experts
say that grandparents, trying to get their children and grandchildren
together for quality time, are driving this trend. Around 5.5% of all (EU and
USA) holiday trips now consist of grandparents, parents and children
travelling together, according to a survey by MMGY Global.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Focus on the image of spending quality time

and unforgettable experiences with the whole family. It might be the only or the
last time that the whole family is complete for the holidays, for example
because the children will soon go on holidays of their own or grandparents will
physically not be able anymore to undertake explorative holidays.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Emphasize on the way a holiday to your

destination can be enjoyed by people of all generations. Be aware that older
travellers from the EU do not like to be addressed as older people. Just give
examples of activities that can be enjoyed by all ages, without mentioning the
word old.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Offer extra comfort options for older people,
for example luggage service and more comfortable beds.

Core family travel: core families consist of parents and their children. They
are particularly looking for unforgettable experiences to share amongst each
other. To create these memories, they are especially interested in
explorative holidays that combine fun and excitement with education,
cultural enrichment and higher end experiences. Core families that travel
with children between the age of 12 and 18 generally fit in the high income,
little time group. They are usually two-income families of both highly
educated parents. They are looking for types of holiday experiences that
include cultural enrichment and high-end experiences. And they are looking
for unusual once in a lifetime experiences and want to fit as much into their
holiday as possible. Comfort is important to them. This segment has the
most repeat customers according to tour operators. They like to return to
the same tour operator for a similar holiday to a different destination,
preferably to a different continent. They are often increasing the level of
(perceived) difficulty of the destination and therefore is an interesting target
group for explorative family tourism providers from DCs.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Work with other local tourism providers in

your region and together develop a unique mix of family accommodation and
experiences. Emphasize the unique experiences in your promotion. Include
different options for accommodation and activities so that families can compose
a unique travel package that meets their specific preferences and budget. Be
aware that the presence of children might scare off other travellers, for example
seniors that are looking for a peaceful holiday.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Consider offering special discounts and all-

inclusive prices for families to also appeal to more budget conscious families.

Source: CBI Market Information Database URL: www.cbi.eu Contact: marketintel@cbi.eu www.cbi.eu/disclaimer
CBI Product Factsheet: Explorative tourism by families with children (12-18)

Product requirements

Explorative families are looking for experiences that generally cannot be

provided by mass tourism holidays. The following product requirements are
important to them:

Accommodation: families that are interested in explorative tourism to DCs

are looking for a wide variety of accommodation types, ranging from
campsites to hotels, and within a broad range of prices. They generally
prefer unique, small scale accommodation run by local people which reflects
the authentic heritage of the area and enhance the educational experience of
the trip. They are becoming more demanding in terms of standards of
facilities and comfort. Freedom and flexibility are also important. They first
seek the unique aspect, then look at the price. Basically, they are willing to
pay for the unique experience.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Maintain a wide range of types and prices of

accommodation to meet the varying needs of different types of families, but
seek to deliver quality in each accommodation type and price range.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: A (safe) swimming area is very much

appreciated by families and gives accommodations a large competitive
advantage. A safe swimming area can either be a pool, a beach, a river or a

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Offer family-friendly accommodation, rooms

must be spacious enough, or there must be family rooms or adjoining room
options available.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Emphasize the uniqueness and authenticity

of your accommodation establishments and enhance the message with good
quality photos and videos.

Meals: explorative family travellers prefer holidays in which meals are

included. They are on a holiday and do not want to think about what they
will cook for dinner, and do not want to go grocery shopping. However,
some families do like to be involved in the cooking process, especially if the
children can help out in the kitchen as well. They like to help with the fun
part of cooking. Shopping for some items at the local market for example,
or learn to prepare local dishes (some sort of cooking workshop). In any
case, helping to prepare food has to be optional, not obligatory. They prefer
authentic food, that reflects the authentic kitchen of the destination and they
are concerned with food hygiene.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Consider offering your product with meals

included. If possible, let travellers be involved in food preparation. Although
authentic meals are highly appreciated, keep in mind that too exotic meals
(especially organ meats or very spicy food) might not be enjoyed by particularly
the children.

Cultural and educational activities: explorative families are especially

looking for cultural and educational experiences. They really like to
participate in the local community, for example a football match with the
local team, visiting schools or an animal shelter.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Offer family-friendly, memorable experiences

that include cultural, educational, but safe activities.

Safety: safety is an important aspect for explorative family travellers that

consider going to DCs as some DCs are politically unstable. Most commercial
tour operators do not offer holidays to countries that have been declared

Source: CBI Market Information Database URL: www.cbi.eu Contact: marketintel@cbi.eu www.cbi.eu/disclaimer
CBI Product Factsheet: Explorative tourism by families with children (12-18)

unsafe by their Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Unstable political situations in

Tunisia, Burkina Faso and Egypt for example, have therefore led to a drop in
tourism arrivals. There are also non-political safety issues like limited
medical facilities or criminal activities in the area which can be a barrier for
families to go to certain DCs. In any case, they expect guides and other
tourism providers to provide them with good knowledge about the local
safety status and potential dangers. Dutch travellers are the least cautious
in this perspective: some level of unrest or criminality does not stop them.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Keep (potential) customers updated on

changes in the safety situation in your area, for example through your website
and through your staff.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Share safety experiences from other families

on your website. Let them write about your area and about how safe they felt as
a word from another traveller can be of great value.

Quality: explorative travelling families with children aged 12-18 are very
concerned with the quality of their holiday. It is many times a holiday they
have saved for and it might be the last holiday they travel together as a
family. They have high expectations related to the quality of a trip,
expecting authentic experiences, good organisation, hospitable staff,
customised treatment, experienced guides and safety. Even though this
group is predominantly from a higher socio-economic group and willing to
pay some more if they get a quality experience, they still want to have the
feeling they received a good deal.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Focus on offering high quality services by

investing in skills training, hiring experienced guides, offering additional services
and working with reliable partners. Listen to the wishes of your customers and
let them participate in the holiday program (within limits).

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Make sure the description of your offer

matches reality. Do not try to sell a higher quality product than you have.

English language skills: English is widely used by explorative family

travellers from the EU. Especially the target groups from our focus countries
(the Netherlands, the UK and Sweden) speak good English. Guided tours,
websites and promotional material can therefore be in English.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Make sure that your staff and guides speak
good English.

Source: CBI Market Information Database URL: www.cbi.eu Contact: marketintel@cbi.eu www.cbi.eu/disclaimer
CBI Product Factsheet: Explorative tourism by families with children (12-18)

Buyer requirements

Buyer requirements can be divided into:

1. Must: requirements you must meet to enter the market, for example legal
2. Common: requirements you need to comply with to keep up with the market.
3. Niche: requirements for specific segments.
Figure 1 gives an overview of the EU buyer requirements for family travel:

Fig 1: Buyer requirements for explorative tourism by families


ISO for adventure tourism

No legal EU requirements Must

No legal EU requirements: as long haul explorative family tourism is
offered outside the EU, there are no additional legal EU requirements

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Although EU partners will not pass on legal

requirements, you have to comply with the legal requirements in your own

Reliability: EU tour operators are looking for reliable, professional partners.
They therefore often request their partners to adhere to a code of conduct
they have set up, generally including health and safety requirements,
business ethics and social responsibility. Furthermore, they see membership
of national and international sector associations and networks as proof of
reliability and professionalism.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Study the codes of conduct of UK, Dutch and
Swedish tour operators and see how they correspond to your business practices.
If necessary, adapt your business practices accordingly to increase your chances
on the market.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Become a member of national and

international sector associations and networks. For example your own countrys
tourism trade association.

Liability: most EU travellers contract a travel insurance before going on a

holiday. However, tour operators increasingly ask (potential) partners about
the presence of a liability insurance to cover possible damage and accidents
of customers during their holidays, especially for travel outside of the EU.
This is because their own liability insurance often does not cover damage
caused by third parties. DC tourism providers that have such insurance have
a large advantage.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Contract a liability insurance and

communicate that you have such an insurance. If it is not possible to get a
liability insurance in your country, constantly push with your authorities and
trade associations to make such insurance possible. Also discuss it with
potential partners as they might have some influence as well.

Source: CBI Market Information Database URL: www.cbi.eu Contact: marketintel@cbi.eu www.cbi.eu/disclaimer
CBI Product Factsheet: Explorative tourism by families with children (12-18)

ISO for adventure tourism: explorative tourism by families is considered a
niche market within adventure tourism. ISO is currently developing two
international standards to support safe practices in adventure tourism which
can serve as a guideline to improve safety in adventure tourism.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Study the ISO standards on adventure

tourism. Go to ISO 21101 Adventure tourism, Safety management systems,
Requirements and ISO 21103 Minimum requirements before, during and after
the adventure tourism activity for more information.

Sustainability: travelling explorative families are generally quite concerned

with sustainability as their holidays are centred around nature and local
communities. They are generally more concerned with the human side of
sustainability than with the nature side of it. Although tour operators do not
directly require sustainability labels, if they can choose between sustainable
businesses and comparable businesses without a label, they will choose the
sustainable option. Integrating sustainable best practices can therefor give
you a competitive advantage. There are many different labels available for
the global, European and local markets, which makes it difficult to choose or
recognize a label. Examples of global credible sustainable and/or green
tourism certification programs are Green Globe, Rainforest Alliance, STEP
and Travelife. Examples of local initiatives are Fair Trade Tourism in South
Africa, Eco Tourism Kenya in Kenya or Green Lotus in Vietnam.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Familiarise yourself with the requirements of

sustainability certification to understand what is expected from suppliers.
Integrate sustainable best practices into your product, for example policies for
efficient electricity, water consumption and waste management, but also fair
wages and educational programs. Mention your concern for sustainability in
your promotion.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Consider applying for sustainable

certification to help you stand out from competitors. Find out if your country has
its own sustainability label and apply for it. Make sure that the logo is visible on
your website and that your company is visible on the website of the certification
body. Only register with recognized labels as UK, Dutch and Swedish travellers
are cautious about sustainability labels and will probably check the credibility of
your label. For more information, also refer to CBIs Product Factsheet EU tour
operators and their need for sustainable suppliers in DCs.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: For an overview of other relevant standards

for tourism, also check ITCs Standardsmap.

For information on tourism buyer requirements in the EU market in general,

refer to CBIs EU Buyer Requirements for Tourism.

Trade and Macro-Economic Statistics

Table 1: GDP growth, EU28, the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK 2013-2017, in %
Country 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

EU28 0.0 1.1 1.5 1.5 1.6

The Netherlands -0.6 0.8 1.4 1.7 1.6

Sweden 1,4 3,1 2,4 2,4 2,5

UK 0,5 1,3 1,6 1 0,4

Source: EIU

Recovering economy: the EU economy is slowly picking up. According to

the Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) GDP in the EU28 remained stable in

Source: CBI Market Information Database URL: www.cbi.eu Contact: marketintel@cbi.eu www.cbi.eu/disclaimer
CBI Product Factsheet: Explorative tourism by families with children (12-18)

2013, but is expected to increase by 1.1% in 2014 and 1.5% in 2015. In

terms of GDP growth the Swedish economy performed best in 2013, showing
an increase of 1.4%. The UK GDP grew by 0.5%, the Dutch GDP declined by
0.6% (Table 1). However, growth forecast are positive for all countries which
is expected to have a positive impact on (among others) long haul tourism
demand, including family travel.

Market size difficult to measure: explorative tourism by families with

children of 12-18is a niche market with an overlap with other tourism
segments such as adventure tourism and Community-Based Tourism. This
together with the lack of hard statistical data makes it difficult to measure
the market size. What is certain is that the growth of explorative tourism by
families (with children in all age groups) is a clear trend.

Figure 2: Trips to DCs, top 10 EU countries, 2008-2012, in million trips

6 2009
0 2011


Source: WTO figures

Slight increase in trips to DCs: the UK, the Netherlands and Sweden are
among the top 10 of EU countries in terms of trips to DCs (Figure 2).The
Netherlands and Sweden saw a slight increase in trips to DCs between 2011
and 2012, in the UK the figure stabilised. This increase is mainly due to the
rising interest in new, emerging tourism destinations.

Figure 3: Top 15 DC destinations for Dutch travellers, 2008-2012, in thousand





600 2009



Source: CBI Market Information Database URL: www.cbi.eu Contact: marketintel@cbi.eu www.cbi.eu/disclaimer
CBI Product Factsheet: Explorative tourism by families with children (12-18)

Figure 4: Top 15 DC destinations for Swedish travellers, 2008-2012, in thousand





300 2009

200 2010


Figure 5: Top 15 DC destinations for UK travellers, 2008-2012, in thousand trips



1500 2008


500 2011


Source: WTO figures

Popular destinations: Turkey is the most popular DC for the UK, Sweden
and the Netherlands (Figures 3, 4 and 5).Although Turkey is also a popular
family holiday destination (especially for families that have roots in this
country), it is not so popular among families that are interested in explorative
tourism. According to industry experts, Vietnam, Costa Rica, Thailand, India
and Tanzania are popular destinations for explorative tourism by families with
children (12-18). These destinations are rich in culture and nature and
relatively easy accessible. Easily accessible usually means relatively low air
fares and a direct flight, or only one stop-over, which is important to
travelling families.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Join forces with different tourism

stakeholders in your country/region to strengthen your position as a family
tourism destination as the success of explorative tourism by families, needs
contributions from several stakeholders.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Link various destinations together (villages,

accommodations, transport, attractions, activities) that are attractive to
explorative families and develop an interesting tour package through the region.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Research competitor markets to see what

kind of explorative tourism products for families they are offering and how they
are positioning themselves in product offering, quality and price.

Source: CBI Market Information Database URL: www.cbi.eu Contact: marketintel@cbi.eu www.cbi.eu/disclaimer
CBI Product Factsheet: Explorative tourism by families with children (12-18)


Social drivers
Multigenerational family travel: multigenerational family travel is a strong
trend within adventure tourism for 2014, especially to exotic and/or
emerging destinations. As the group of (pre-) pensioners is growing in
Europe, the demand for explorative family tourism grows. These (pre-)
pensioners are healthier, fitter, well-travelled and have the time and money
to travel. They are also inclined to help out their children who are in time-
stressed, two-job families.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: In your marketing message, also pay

attention to the possibility of multigenerational family travel. Give examples of
activities that can be enjoyed by the whole family and illustrate this with good
quality photos and videos.

Technological drivers
Getting away from electronics: parents in the EU are increasingly
concerned with the number of hours that their children spend on electronic
devices such as computers and television. They find it harder to create family
time together, as each child is playing with their own device and the parents
are often working on the computer. One of the reasons for going on an
explorative family holiday is to get rid of these electronic devices and spend
time together.

Social media: social media are overtaking the influence of word-of-mouth

recommendations. UK, Swedish and Dutch travellers increasingly use social
media to research potential holiday destinations. In our target group of
explorative tourism by families with children between 12 and 18, both the
parents and the children are active on social media. Social media platforms
like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, travel review sites such as TripAdvisor,
travel forums and blogs have become an important way to help travellers
research destinations, share experiences and seek opinions and reviews of
destinations, airlines, accommodation, restaurants and attractions. Social
media can be a good tool for destinations to distribute a brand message
across various platforms in different target markets. And as the opinion of
the children is highly valued by EU parents (especially in the Netherlands and
Sweden), social media can be a good way to influence the opinions of
children in favour of your destination.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Actively use social media to promote your

product among potential customers in new and engaging ways. Use the power
of photos and videos to help travellers virtually explore your destination and
product and bring your story alive. Also use social media for other purposes
such as market research, product development and reputation management.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Use current customer families as

ambassadors for your company by encouraging them to share their experiences,
photos and videos through social media networks and write blogs and reviews.

Political market drivers

New laws regarding leave for school children: recent law changes by the
UK and Swedish governments have made it harder for parents to get a
school's permission to take their children out of class outside of regular
school holidays. Until recently it was relatively easy for parents in these
countries to take their children on a holiday during school days. But because
of the recent law changes, parents in these countries have to stick to school
holidays for their family holidays. For Dutch children, this has always been
the case.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: When developing products and services for

explorative families, take into account the school holidays in your EU target

Source: CBI Market Information Database URL: www.cbi.eu Contact: marketintel@cbi.eu www.cbi.eu/disclaimer
CBI Product Factsheet: Explorative tourism by families with children (12-18)

markets. Go to http://www.schoolholidayseurope.eu for an overview of school

holidays in European countries.

For information on tourism market trends in the EU market in general, refer to

CBIs Trends for Tourism.

Market Channels and Segments

The trade structure for explorative tourism by families with children does not
differ significantly from the trade structure for EU tourism to DCs in general.
The market for explorative tourism by families is relatively traditional. Tour
operators are therefore an important trade channel. However, direct sales with
local providers through the internet is increasing. Refer to Figure 1 in CBIs
Trade Channels and Segments for Tourism for an overview of the trade
structure for tourism.

Focus on specialised tour operators: explorative tourism by families is a

relatively complicated and very different product from other tourism
products. Therefore, specialised tour operators have an important role.
Families that are looking for an explorative family holiday are searching on
the internet for tour operators that are specialised in explorative holidays or
emerging destinations, or in family travel. Experience in both segments is
even better for them.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Inbound tour operators should identify

specialised tour operators in their target market(s) as they are widely used by
UK, Swedish and Dutch families that are looking for an explorative holiday.
Below you can find an overview of sources that can help you in your search.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Accommodation providers, transport

operators, attractions and activity providers should focus both on working with
local inbound tour operators as well as with specialised tour operators in their
target market.

Trade associations, trade events and databases are good sources to identify
specialised tour operators. Some examples of such sources that can be relevant
for explorative tourism providers are:

Association of British Travel Agents - http://www.abta.com - provides
contact information of members, including specialised tour operators.
Association of Independent Tour Operators - http://www.aito.co.uk - Under
'Holiday', select a style of travel and consequently family holidays for an
overview of UK family holiday tour operators. You can even refine your
search by adding your destination.
World Travel Market - http://www.wtmlondon.com - main UK tourism trade
event, held annually, in November, in London.

Association of Swedish Travel Agents and Tour Operators - http://www.srf-
org.se - go to List of members for an overview of Swedish tour operators
and travel agencies.
Swedish International Travel and Tourism Trade Fair (TUR) -
http://www.tur.se - largest Scandinavian tourism trade event, held
annually, in March, in Gothenburg.

The Netherlands
Amsterdamse vakantiebeurs voor bijzondere reizen -
http://www.vakantiebeursamsterdam.nl - smaller trade fair for special
trips, held annually, in January, in Amsterdam. This fair is focussed on non-

Source: CBI Market Information Database URL: www.cbi.eu Contact: marketintel@cbi.eu www.cbi.eu/disclaimer
CBI Product Factsheet: Explorative tourism by families with children (12-18)

mass tourism destinations and attracts visitors that are interested in new
destinations and experiences.
Dutch Association of Travel Agents and Tour Operators (ANVR) -
http://www.anvr.nl - go to Bestemmingen and select your country to see
which Dutch tour operators go to your destination.
Vakantiebeurs - http://www.vakantiebeurs.nl - main Dutch tourism trade
event, held annually, in January, in Utrecht.

You can also look for specialised tour operators by searching on search engines
like Google. Examples of keywords are family travel, familiereizen (Dutch),
gezinsvakantie (Dutch) or familjesemester (Swedish). In advanced search,
narrow your domain to your target countrys extension, for example .co.uk for
the UK, .se for Sweden or'.nl' for the Netherlands.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Join domestic and international trade

associations to increase your image as a reliable partner and gain access to

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Attend relevant trade events in your target

market, preferably together with other local tourism businesses, to increase
awareness and develop an image that will position your country (or region) in
the market place as a viable explorative tourism destination for families.

Direct sales: the internet is increasingly used for online booking of

holidays, also for long haul travel. However, explorative tourism by families
is quite particular and complicated. It is therefore less commonly booked
through the internet. However, inbound tour operators and tourism
providers in DCs that have a very good and detailed product description,
including pictures might be able to sell their product directly to experienced
family travellers.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Have a professional, high quality, well

maintained website with quality photos and videos as this allows full, accurate
and up-to-date details of your product offering to be presented at low cost. Also
invest in online promotion such as Search Engine Optimisation as having a good
website is useless if customers are not able to find it.

CONSIDERATION FOR ACTION: Respond quickly to enquiries through your

website or by email. The EU travel market is very competitive and both
travellers and tour operators will soon look for alternatives if they do not receive
a reply within 24 hours.

For information on tourism market channels and segments in the EU market in

general, refer to CBIs Trade Channels and Segments for Tourism.

Field of competition

Refer to CBIs Field of Competition for Tourism as competition in the EU

market for explorative tourism by families with children is based on the same
aspects as competition in the long haul tourism market in general.

Main sources

Adventure Travel News - http://www.adventuretravelnews.com - website

that provides the latest news on the adventure travel market.
Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA) -
http://www.adventuretravel.biz - global membership trade organisation for
the adventure travel industry. Members also include UK, Swedish and Dutch
tour operators. Go to Membership, select Active members and Tour
operators and accommodations and search for members. ATTA also
publishes interesting reports about the global adventure tourism market

Source: CBI Market Information Database URL: www.cbi.eu Contact: marketintel@cbi.eu www.cbi.eu/disclaimer
CBI Product Factsheet: Explorative tourism by families with children (12-18)

and they organise the Adventure Travel World Summit which is visited by
many adventure tourism tour operators.
MMGY Global - http://www.mmgyglobal.com - global travel marketing firm.
They do tourism research themselves, but also publish tourism sector news
on their website.
Recron - http://www.recron.nl/cijfers - overview of resources with
publications about the Dutch tourism market (in Dutch).
Responsible Tourism Partnership (RTR) -
http://www.responsibletourismpartnership.org - supports businesses and
communities around the world to maximise their potential for responsible
tourism through a range of activities and initiatives.
Vagabond - http://www.vagabond.se - Swedish travel magazine.

For all CBIs tourism related market intelligence documents, go to CBIs Market
Intelligence Platform for Tourism.

This survey was compiled for CBI by Facts Figures Future in

collaboration with CBI sector expert Theo Nagel

Disclaimer CBI market information tools: http://www.cbi.eu/disclaimer

Source: CBI Market Information Database URL: www.cbi.eu Contact: marketintel@cbi.eu www.cbi.eu/disclaimer

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