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Alamat: Jl Brigjend Katamso II Tilp.(031) 8532206 Waru Sidoarjo

Ujian Akhir Semester Genap Tahun Akademik 2016/2017

Hari & tanggal : Senin,10 Juli 2017 Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris
Semester/Program : II (Dua) PAI Malam Dosen : Drs. Suhanto Kastaredja, M.Pd
I. Complete the text by filling the blanks with correct given word
a. the b. They c.adopted d. and e. creation f. days g. read h. several
When summarizing Islam and science, Muslims affirm the existence of God and His ...(1) of the universe. They do not equate God
with the creation. They maintain a Creator-creature distinction, as do Christians. ... (2) also believe that the design of the universe
points to the existence of ... (3) the Designer. While some modernized Muslims have ... (4) evolutionary theories (as have some
Christians), orthodox Muslims know that such naturalistic theories conflict with the teachings of the Quran and Muhammad. While
Christians and Muslims hold ... (5) beliefs in common, the Quran presents confusion on the number of ... (6) of creationthough
many Muslims ... (7) these days in a non-literal fashionand they deny that the fall of Adam ...(8) Eve brought Gods curse upon the

II. Match the word in each number with its meaning

No Word Its meaning

1 miracles a. moving over something with pressure
2 ability b. quality of beeing able to perform
3 eventually c. bottles
4 healing d. any wonderful occurance
5 relatives e. after an unspecified period of time
6 rubbing f. tending to cure or restore to health
7 carrying g. persons related by blood or marriage
8 pitchers h. having with oneself

III. Read the text to answer the questions

One of the miracles of ZamZam water is its ability to satisfy both thirst and hunger. One of the Companions of the Prophet said that
before Islam, the water was called 'shabbaa'ah' or satisfying. It was filling and helped them nourish their families. More recently, in the
last few decades, samples of ZamZam water have been collected by scientists and they have found certain peculiarities that make the
water healthier, like a higher level of calcium.
Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said it has healing effects. This is why pilgrims to Makkah to this day collect it in bottles, to
bring back for relatives and friends back home who are ill.
It is also reported also that the Prophet rubbed the gums of his two grandchildren - Hassan and Hussain - with dates and
ZamZam. It was also reported that the Prophet used to carry the water of ZamZam in pitchers and water skins back to Madinnah.
He used to sprinkle it over the sick and make them drink it.
In some Hadith, it has been reported that the water of ZamZam has healing effects. In one Hadith it is said: Narrated by Jabir
that the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said: "Water of ZamZam is good for whatever purpose it has been drunk. In another Hadith the
Prophet said "Water of ZamZam is a healer of every disease. Muslims throughout the world do believe that the water is blessed and
accordingly it is considered as one of the best gift to be offered.
1. What is one of the miracles of ZamZam Water?
2. Explain the name of 'shabbaa'ah'!
3. Why did scientist collect ZamZam water?
4. Why do the pilgrims to Mecca bring the ZamZam water home?
5. What did the Prophet do with dates and ZamZam?
6. Who used to sprinkle it over the sick and make them drink it?
7. What does the word it in sprinkle it over the sick refer to?
8. Translate the last paragrpah of the text into Bahasa Indonesia
IV. Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d
1. How often do you play tennis? 7. What is your busiest day of the week?
a. On Tuesday. b. For two hours. a. In the morning. b. Every day.
c. Almost every day. d. With John. c. Tuesday. d. Last week.
2. Where do you usually eat lunch? 8. My mother is a good cook.
a. Sandwich. b. With Jane. a. I agree with you. b. I agree you.
c. At 12:00. d. In the cafeteria. c. I agree to you. d. I agree for you.
3. How long did you study last night? 9. What does "TV" mean?
a. With Bob. b. In my room. a. For one hour. b. Yes
c. English. d. For three hours. c. Television. d. For one hour.
4. What will you do this afternoon? 10. How do you spell "dog"?
a. I play soccer. b. I played soccer. a. No b. D-O-G
c. I'll play soccer. d. I was playing soccer c. No d. I don't
5. What kind of work do you do? 11. What did you do yesterday?
a. I work every day. b. I'm a piano teacher. a. I am swimming. b. I swim.
c. I worked for two hours. d. I have worked c. I will swim. d. I swam.
6. How many hours a day do you watch TV? 12. What do you like to drink?
a. About two hours. b. In my living room. a. Coffee. b. Saturday evening.
c. I watch the news. d. On Tuesday c. Two. d. With my friends
Good luck
Alamat: Jl Brigjend Katamso II Tilp.(031) 8532206 Waru Sidoarjo

Ujian Akhir Semester Genap Tahun Akademik 2016/2017

Hari & tanggal : Kamis,13 Juli 2017 Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris
Semester/Program : IV (Empat) PGMI Malam Dosen : Drs. Suhanto Kastaredja, M.Pd

I.Complete the text by filling the blanks with correct given word

a. Prophet b. between c. historians d. search e. dying f. resting g. sand h. for

According to Arab ... (1) , the Zamzam Well, except for a few periods when it became dry or was buried under sand, has been in use ...
(2) around 4000 years. The well marks the site of a spring that, miraculously , had issued forth from a barren and desolate wadi (non
perennial stream) where the ... (3) Ibrahim (Peace be upon him-pbuh), under Allah's command, had left his wife Hajar and their infant
son Ismail (pbuh). In her desperate .... (4) for water, Hajar ran seven times back and forth in the scorching heat ... (5) the two hills of
Safa and Marwa to provide water for Ismail (pbuh), who was ... (6) of thirst. Allah, in His mercy, sent the Angel Gabriel, who scraped
the ground, causing the spring to appear. On finding the spring, and fearing that it might run out of water, Hajar enclosed it in ...(7)
and stones. The name Zamzam originates from the phrase Zom Zom, meaning stop flowing, a command repeated by Hajar during
her attempt to contain the spring water. The area around the spring, which was later converted to a well, became a ... (8) place for
caravans, and eventually grew into the trading city of Makkah, birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
II. Match the word in each number with its meaning

No Word Its meaning

1 clear a. precisely accurate or exact
2 view b. make physical contact with
3 universe c. a place of peace
4 affirm d. declare
5 deny e. free from confusion or doubt
6 perfect f. everything that exists anywhere
7 heaven g. the act of looking or seeing or observing
8 touch h. refuse to accept or believe

III. Read the text below to answer the questions

Islam and Science
Khurshid Ahmad gives us a clear statement regarding the connection between Islam and Science: The basic Islamic concept is that
the entire universe was created by God, whom Islam calls Allah and who is the Lord and Sovereign of the Universe. He is the Lord of
the universe which He alone sustains.
When it comes to Islam and Science, the Islamic worldview affirms that God created the universe. Thus Christians and
Muslims part company with atheistic worldviews that deny the existence of God and assert a naturalistic origin and evolution of the
world. Muslims, like Christians, do witness that God is the Creator. As Creator, he is other than creation. He is not nature; he is
above and beyond his creation (transcendent). Muslims believe that Gods creation is perfect.
According to Islam and its view of science, God has always existed. He is eternal and self-existent. He created everything and
set the universe in order. Echoing Genesis 1; we read in the Quran that when God spoke, the world was created. To Him is due the
primal origin of the heavens and the earth: when He decreeth a matter, He saith to it: Be, and it is (2:117). When the virgin Mary
found herself with child, she inquired as to how it could be so. She said, O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man has
touched me? He said: Even so: God createth what He willeth: when He hath decreed a Plan, He but saith to it, Be, and it is!
1. What is the basic concept of Islam about science? 6. How was the world created by God?
2. Who is Allah? 7. Why did Mary have a son?
3. What is the similarity of Muslims and Christians? 8. Write the Quran verse stating Be, and it is!
4. Who is other than creation?
5. How did God set the universe?

IV. Choose the best answer A,B,C od D

1. How often do you play tennis? 7. What is your busiest day of the week?
a. On Tuesday. b. For two hours. a. In the morning. b. Every day.
c. Almost every day. d. With John. c. Tuesday. d. Last week.
2. Where do you usually eat lunch? 8. My mother is a good cook.
a. Sandwich. b. With Jane. a. I agree with you. b. I agree you.
c. At 12:00. d. In the cafeteria. c. I agree to you. d. I agree for you.
3. How long did you study last night? 9. What does "TV" mean?
a. With Bob. b. In my room. a. For one hour. b. Yes
c. English. d. For three hours. c. Television. d. For one hour.
4. What will you do this afternoon? 10. How do you spell "dog"?
a. I play soccer. b. I played soccer. a. No b. D-O-G
c. I'll play soccer. d. I was playing soccer c. No d. I don't
5. What kind of work do you do? 11. What did you do yesterday?
a. I work every day. b. I'm a piano teacher. a. I am swimming. b. I swim.
c. I worked for two hours. d. I have worked c. I will swim. d. I swam.
6. How many hours a day do you watch TV? 12. What do you like to drink?
a. About two hours. b. In my living room. a. Coffee. b. Saturday evening.
c. I watch the news. d. On Tuesday. c. Two. d. With my friends.

Good luck

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