Card Explorer Extensions Plug-Ins Interface Specification: Smart Card Toolset Pro

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Smart Card ToolSet PRO

Card Explorer Extensions Plug-Ins

Interface Specification

Document version 1.5

Nov.17, 2012

2002-2012 Igor V.Kharchenko, SCard SOFT

Card Explorer Extensions Plug-Ins Interface Specification

2002-2012 Igor V.Kharchenko, SCard SOFT

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Printed: Nov.17, 2012

Card Explorer Extensions Plug-Ins Interface Specification ( Document version 1.5 Nov.17, 2012 ) Contents

Table of Contents

Part I Overview 1
1 Terms
................................................................................................................................... 1
Card Explorer
Extensions Plug-In (Plug-In) 1
Main program
(Program) 1
Plug-In Dispatcher
......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Program Dispatcher
......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Card Dispatcher
......................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Data...................................................................................................................................
Types 1
3 Plug-Ins
Usage Fundamentals 1
Plug-In Loading
Phase 2
Step 1 : Loading
the Plug-In library 2
Step 2 : Loading
the Plug-In Type 2
Step 3 : Loading
the Plug-In Name 2
Step 4 : Loading
the Plug-In Description 3
Step 5 : OnRegistered
Event 3
Step 6 : Loading
the Card Dispatcher Interface 3
Plug-In Activity
Phase 4
OnActivate ..................................................................................................................................................
Event 4
OnExecute Event.................................................................................................................................................. 4
Plug-In Unloading
Phase 4
OnUnregistered ..................................................................................................................................................
Event 4

Part II Dispatchers 5
1 Interface
Dispatchers 5
Fundamentals......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Function Format
......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Commands......................................................................................................................................................... 6
"Get Plug-In..................................................................................................................................................
Type" command 6
"Get Plug-In..................................................................................................................................................
Name" command 7
"Get Plug-In..................................................................................................................................................
Description" command 7
"Get Card Dispatcher"
command 7
"Get Plug-In..................................................................................................................................................
Registry Path" command 8
"Hide Program" ..................................................................................................................................................
command 8
"Show Program" ..................................................................................................................................................
command 9
Events ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
"OnRegistered" ..................................................................................................................................................
event 9
"OnError" event
.................................................................................................................................................. 10
"OnActivate" ..................................................................................................................................................
event 10
"OnExecute" ..................................................................................................................................................
event 10
"OnCardWait" ..................................................................................................................................................
event 11
event 11
event 12
2 Commands
Dispatcher 12
......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Function Format
......................................................................................................................................................... 12

Index 1

2002-2012 Igor V.Kharchenko, SCard SOFT

1 Card Explorer Extensions Plug-Ins Interface Specification ( Document version 1.5 Nov.17, 2012 ) Overview

1 Overview
1.1 Terms
1.1.1 Card Explorer Extensions Plug-In (Plug-In)

The Card Explorer Extensions Plug-In is a standard Dynamic Linked Library ( DLL ) which allows
you to expand the base functionality of the Card Explorer window.

1.1.2 Main program (Program)

The main program is the Smart Card ToolSet PRO which loads this Plug-In and controls it.

1.1.3 Plug-In Dispatcher

It is the exported function named "DispatchInterface".

Plug-In Dispatcher used by the program to send commands and events to the Plug-In.

1.1.4 Program Dispatcher

It is the function in the Smart Card ToolSet PRO which is used by the Plug-In to send commands to
the main program.

1.1.5 Card Dispatcher

The Card Dispatcher is a function of Smart Card ToolSet PRO which is used to send APDU
commands from the Plug-In to an opened smart card.

1.2 Data Types

Only the following data types are supported:

the Integer is: an unsigned 32 bits integer;

the Pointer is: a 32 bits pointer;
the String is: a chars array followed by the 0x00 symbol;

1.3 Plug-Ins Usage Fundamentals

The Card Explorer Extensions Plug-In is the standard Dynamic Linked Library ( DLL ) and it may
be created by any of development environments like MS Visual Studio, Delphi e.t.c..

2002-2012 Igor V.Kharchenko, SCard SOFT

Card Explorer Extensions Plug-Ins Interface Specification ( Document version 1.5 Nov.17, 2012 ) Overview 2

Each Card Explorer Extensions Plug-In must export one function named "DispatchInterface". This
function must has predefined parameters format because it should be linked by the main program.

The communication between the main program and Plug-Ins is based on the dispatchers calls.

The main program calls:

1. Plug-In Dispatcher;

The Plug-In calls:

1. Program Dispatcher;
2. Card Dispatcher;

The program controls the Plug-In by calling the Plug-In Dispatcher sending there the commands
and events.

The Plug-In calls the Program Dispatcher to send the control commands, and it calls the Card
Dispatcher to send the APDU commands.

1.3.1 Plug-In Loading Phase

The Card Explorer window loads the Plug-In library every time the card is opened in the case of
this Plug-In is registered to the card type. Step 1 : Loading the Plug-In library

The program attempts to load the plug-in file as a standard DLL.

In the case of loading is successful the program attempts to register the Plug-In Dispatcher function
named "DispatchInterface". Step 2 : Loading the Plug-In Type

The program sends to the Plug-In Dispatcher the "Get Plug-In Type" command:

Command Code Command Parameter Command Data

1 2 -

The Plug-In must return 10 as a value of the Command Data parameter.

Warning! Only in the case of current command the Command Data is a variable of an Integer type,
not a Pointer! Step 3 : Loading the Plug-In Name

The program sends to the Plug-In Dispatcher the "Get Plug-In Name" command:

Command Code Command Parameter Command Data

2002-2012 Igor V.Kharchenko, SCard SOFT

3 Card Explorer Extensions Plug-Ins Interface Specification ( Document version 1.5 Nov.17, 2012 ) Overview

30 1 -

The Plug-In must returns the pointer to its local chars array as a value of the Command Data

This chars array should contain the name of this Plug-In followed by the 0x00 symbol. Step 4 : Loading the Plug-In Description

The program sends to the Plug-In Dispatcher the "Get Plug-In Description" command:

Command Code Command Parameter Command Data

30 2 -

The Plug-In must returns the pointer to its local chars array as a value of the Command Data

This chars array should contain the description of this Plug-In followed by the 0x00 symbol. Step 5 : OnRegistered Event

The program sends to the Plug-In Dispatcher the "OnRegistered" event :

Command Code Command Parameter Command Data

1 1 the pointer to the

Program Dispatcher

On this event the Plug-In must store the received pointer to the Program Dispatcher into its local

This event is the best place to request the main program for the pointer to the Card Dispatcher. Step 6 : Loading the Card Dispatcher Interface

The Plug-In sends to the Program Dispatcher the "Get Dispatcher" command:

Command Code Command Parameter Command Data

1 1000 the pointer to the

Card Dispatcher

The program returns the pointer to the Card Dispatcher function which should be stored by the
Plug-In in its local variable.

2002-2012 Igor V.Kharchenko, SCard SOFT

Card Explorer Extensions Plug-Ins Interface Specification ( Document version 1.5 Nov.17, 2012 ) Overview 4

1.3.2 Plug-In Activity Phase

After loading the Plug-In may be activated by the following ways:

1. Automatically by the program:

If this Plug-In is a default Plug-In for the opened card and if the check box "Allow activate the default Plug-In ..." of the
Card Type Editor is checked;

2. Manually by user:
if the user has clicked on the Plug-In name menu item of the "Plug-Ins" menu;

To activate the Plug-In the main program sends to the Plug-In Dispatcher the "OnActivate" event. OnActivate Event

This event occurs when the main program wants the Plug-In to show its main window.

Command Code Command Parameter Command Data

10 1 -

On this event the Plug-In must run its activating function and show its main window. OnExecute Event

This event occurs only after the OnActivate event is fired, and only if the "Allow autoexecute on
activate" switch of the Card Type Editor is checked.

This event does not occur if the Plug-In is activated by user manually by clicking on the menu item.

Command Code Command Parameter Command Data

10 2 -

On this event the Plug-In must run its main function.

1.3.3 Plug-In Unloading Phase

The main program unloads all Plug-Ins every time the card is closed. OnUnregistered Event

This event occurs when the main program goes to unload the Plug-In.

Command Code Command Parameter Command Data

1 100 -

2002-2012 Igor V.Kharchenko, SCard SOFT

5 Card Explorer Extensions Plug-Ins Interface Specification ( Document version 1.5 Nov.17, 2012 ) Overview

On this event the Plug-In must stop the execution and must free all resources used.

2 Dispatchers
2.1 Interface Dispatchers
2.1.1 Fundamentals

The Plug-In Dispatcher is the DLL function exported by the Plug-In with "DispatchInterface" name. It
used by the program to send commands and events to the Plug-In.

The Program Dispatcher is the program function with the same parameters like the Plug-In
Dispatcher. It used by the Plug-In to send the commands to the main program.

Any command is a combination of three parameters passed to the dispatcher function.

The first two parameters "Command Code" and "Command Parameter" of the dispatcher must be
assigned any time the dispatcher is called. The third parameter "Command Data" may be either
defined or not depending to the command.

Calling the Program Dispatcher

To call the dispatcher you need to prepare the following data:

1. define the local variable of an integer type and assign to it the Command Code value of the selected command;
2. define the local variable of an integer type and assign to it the Command Parameter value of the selected command;
3. define the local variable of a pointer type and assign to it the address of the data buffer according to current command if
4. define the three pointer variables and assign them addresses of the previous three variables; you must use only pointers
as the dispatcher's parameters;

Call the dispatcher using the prepared pointers. The function will return the result code. In some
cases the dispatcher may return in the Command Data parameter the pointer to a data buffer.

Receiving the program calls by Plug-In Dispatcher

You need to classify the received parameters according to the Commands list using the logical
operators like if, switch, c a s e e.t.c. Please look into the example application code for details.

2.1.2 Function Format

The Plug-In Dispatcher is the integer type function with the following parameters:

N Parameter Name Parameter Type Variable Value Description

1 Command Code Pointer to Integer The Code of the command (Integer)

2 Command Parameter Pointer to Integer The Parameter of the command (Integer)

3 Command Data Pointer to Pointer The pointer to the data buffer (chars array pointer)

The function returns the integer-type Result Code:

2002-2012 Igor V.Kharchenko, SCard SOFT

Card Explorer Extensions Plug-Ins Interface Specification ( Document version 1.5 Nov.17, 2012 ) Dispatchers 6

Value Result

1 Success

2 The Command Code is invalid or assigned to unsupported value

3 The Command Parameter is invalid or assigned to unsupported value

2.1.3 Commands

Both Program- and Plug-In Dispatchers are based on the same set of commands. "Get Plug-In Type" command

Caller : Program
Receiver : Plug-In

Parameter Name Parameter Type Variable and Value Description

Command Code pointer 1

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Parameter pointer 2

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Data pointer 10

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

2002-2012 Igor V.Kharchenko, SCard SOFT

7 Card Explorer Extensions Plug-Ins Interface Specification ( Document version 1.5 Nov.17, 2012 ) Dispatchers "Get Plug-In Name" command

Caller : Program
Receiver : Plug-In

Parameter Name Parameter Type Variable and Value Description

Command Code pointer 30

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Parameter pointer 1

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Data pointer the address of the Plug-In must assign to this
to the variable the local chars array; variable the address of the local
of the Pointer type Pointer chars array which contains the Plug-
In Name string followed by the 0x00
char; "Get Plug-In Description" command

Caller : Program
Receiver : Plug-In

Parameter Name Parameter Type Variable and Value Description

Command Code pointer 30

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Parameter pointer 2

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Data pointer the address of the Plug-In must assign to this
to the variable the local chars array; variable the address of the local
of the Pointer type Pointer chars array which contains the Plug-
In Description string followed by the
0x00 char; "Get Card Dispatcher" command

Caller : Plug-In
Receiver : Program

Parameter Name Parameter Type Variable and Value Description

2002-2012 Igor V.Kharchenko, SCard SOFT

Card Explorer Extensions Plug-Ins Interface Specification ( Document version 1.5 Nov.17, 2012 ) Dispatchers 8

Command Code pointer 1

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Parameter pointer 1000

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Data pointer the address of the address of the

to the variable the function; Card Dispatcher
of the Pointer type Pointer function;

The Plug-In sends this command to get an address of the Card Dispatcher function. "Get Plug-In Registry Path" command

Caller : Plug-In
Receiver : Program

Parameter Name Parameter Type Variable and Value Description

Command Code pointer 30

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Parameter pointer 1003

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Data pointer the address of the address of the Program local
to the variable the local chars array; chars array which contains the full
of the Pointer type Pointer registry path to the key which
contains the Plug-In preferences
followed by the 0x00 char;

The Plug-In sends this command to get the registry key to store the preferences there, if need. "Hide Program" command

Caller : Plug-In
Receiver : Program

Parameter Name Parameter Type Variable and Value Description

Command Code pointer 20

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Parameter pointer 1002

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Data pointer null

not used Pointer

The Plug-In sends this command to hide the main program window, if need.

2002-2012 Igor V.Kharchenko, SCard SOFT

9 Card Explorer Extensions Plug-Ins Interface Specification ( Document version 1.5 Nov.17, 2012 ) Dispatchers "Show Program" command

Caller : Plug-In
Receiver : Program

Parameter Name Parameter Type Variable and Value Description

Command Code pointer 20

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Parameter pointer 1001

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Data pointer null

not used Pointer

The Plug-In sends this command to show the main program window, if need.

2.1.4 Events

The program notifies the Plug-In by sending an events using the Plug-In Dispatcher interface. "OnRegistered" event

Caller : Program
Receiver : Plug-In

Parameter Name Parameter Type Variable and Value Description

Command Code pointer 1

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Parameter pointer 1

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Data pointer the address of The address of the Program

to the variable the function; Dispatcher
of the Pointer type Pointer

This event occurs after the Plug-In is successfully loaded by the main program. The received
pointer to the Program Dispatcher should be stored to a local variable.

2002-2012 Igor V.Kharchenko, SCard SOFT

Card Explorer Extensions Plug-Ins Interface Specification ( Document version 1.5 Nov.17, 2012 ) Dispatchers 10 "OnError" event

Caller : Program
Receiver : Plug-In

Parameter Name Parameter Type Variable and Value Description

Command Code pointer 10

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Parameter pointer 0

on the variable Integer
of an Integer type

Command Data pointer the address of The address of the local chars array
to the variable the local chars array; which contains an error string
of the Pointer type Pointer followed by the 0x00 char;

This event occurs if any error is detected. "OnActivate" event

Caller : Program
Receiver : Plug-In

Parameter Name Parameter Type Variable and Value Description

Command Code pointer 10

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Parameter pointer 1

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Data pointer null

not used Pointer

This event occurs when the main program wants the Plug-In to show its main window, as follows
if user has clicked on the Plug-In name menu item of the "Plug-Ins" menu;
this Plug-In is a default Plug-In for the opened card and if the "Allow activate the default Plug-In ..." check box of the
Card Type Editor is checked;

On this event the Plug-In must run its activating function and show its main window. "OnExecute" event

Caller : Program
Receiver : Plug-In

Parameter Name Parameter Type Variable and Value Description

Command Code pointer 10

to the variable Integer

2002-2012 Igor V.Kharchenko, SCard SOFT

11 Card Explorer Extensions Plug-Ins Interface Specification ( Document version 1.5 Nov.17, 2012 ) Dispatchers

of the Integer type

Command Parameter pointer 2

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Data pointer null

not used Pointer

This event occurs only after the OnActivate event is fired, and only if the "Allow autoexecute on
activate" switch of the Card Type Editor is checked.

This event does not occur if the Plug-In is activated by user manually by clicking on the menu item.

On this event the Plug-In must run its main function. "OnCardWait" event

Caller : Program
Receiver : Plug-In

Parameter Name Parameter Type Variable and Value Description

Command Code pointer 10

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command pointer 10
Parameter to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Data pointer null

not used Pointer

This event occurs when the reader becomes empty.

The Plug-In must stop all card operations. "OnCardReady" event

Caller : Program
Receiver : Plug-In

Parameter Name Parameter Type Variable and Value Description

Command Code pointer 10

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Parameter pointer 11

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Data pointer null

not used Pointer

2002-2012 Igor V.Kharchenko, SCard SOFT

Card Explorer Extensions Plug-Ins Interface Specification ( Document version 1.5 Nov.17, 2012 ) Dispatchers 12

This event occurs when the card is successfully opened in the reader. "OnUnregistered" event

Caller : Program
Receiver : Plug-In

Parameter Name Parameter Type Variable and Value Description

Command Code pointer 1

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Parameter pointer 100

to the variable Integer
of the Integer type

Command Data pointer null

not used Pointer

This event occurs when the main program goes to unload the Plug-In.

On this event the Plug-In must stop the execution and must free all resources used.

2.2 Commands Dispatcher

2.2.1 Fundamentals

The Card Dispatcher is a function of Smart Card ToolSet PRO which is used to send APDU
commands from the Plug-In to an opened smart card.

To get its address call the "Get Card Dispatcher" function.

How to send the APDU command into a card:

1. define the Plug-In local buffer (Send Buffer) for preparing of the sending data; prepare the APDU command and store it in
the Send Buffer;
2. define the local variable of the Integer type and assign to it the length of the APDU command data stored in the Send
3. define the local variable of the Pointer type; the program will assign it to the address of the card response buffer;
4. define the local variable of the Integer type; the program will assign it to the length value of the card response buffer;
5. define four variables of the Pointer type and assign them to the addresses of four previously defined variables; call the
Card Dispatcher using these four pointers as parameters;
6. if your APDU command has been sent successfully the Card Dispatcher returns "0" and the Received Buffer parameter
points to the response data buffer, otherwise it returns "-1";

2.2.2 Function Format

The Card Dispatcher is the integer type function with the following parameters:

N Parameter Name Parameter Type Variable Description

2002-2012 Igor V.Kharchenko, SCard SOFT

13 Card Explorer Extensions Plug-Ins Interface Specification ( Document version 1.5 Nov.17, 2012 ) Dispatchers

1 Send Buffer Pointer to Pointer Pointer to the Plug-In local data buffer which
contains the command APDU data to send;

2 Send Buffer Length Pointer to Integer Length of the Send Buffer data in bytes;

3 Received Buffer Pointer to Pointer Pointer to the Program local data buffer which
contains the received card response data

4 Received Buffer Length Pointer to Integer Length of the Received Buffer data in bytes;

The function returns the integer-type Result Code:

Value Result

0 The command data has been sent to the opened card successfully;

-1 The error has been detected while sending the data

2002-2012 Igor V.Kharchenko, SCard SOFT

Card Explorer Extensions Plug-Ins Interface Specification ( Document version 1.5 Nov.17, 2012 ) Index


Plug-In Active Phase 4
Plug-In Command "Get Card Dispatcher" 7
Plug-In Command "Get Plug-In Description" 7
Plug-In Command "Get Plug-In Name" 7
Plug-In Command "Get Plug-In Registry Path" 8
Plug-In Command "Get Plug-In Type" 6
Plug-In Command "Hide Program" 8
Plug-In Command "Show Program" 9
Plug-In Commands Parameters 6
Plug-In Data Types 1
Plug-In Event "OnActivate" 10
Plug-In Event "OnCardReady" 11
Plug-In Event "OnCardWait" 11
Plug-In Event "OnError" 10
Plug-In Event "OnExecute" 10
Plug-In Event "OnRegistered" 9
Plug-In Event "OnUnregistered" 12
Plug-In Events Parameters 9
Plug-In Function Format : Card Dispatcher 12
Plug-In Function Format : Interface Dispatcher 5
Plug-In Fundamentals : Card Dispatcher 12
Plug-In Fundamentals : Interface Dispatchers 5
Plug-In Fundamentals : Plug-Ins Using 1
Plug-In Loading Phase 2
Plug-In Terms: Card Dispatcher 1
Plug-In Terms: Main Program 1
Plug-In Terms: Plug-In Dispatcher 1
Plug-In Terms: Program Dispatcher 1
Plug-In Unloading Phase 4

2002-2012 Igor V.Kharchenko, SCard SOFT

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