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Why should I Attempt VCS-276 Veritas Exam?

Updated Veritas Certified Specialist VCS-276 Exam certification that you surpassed the exams with flying colors will be the
commencement of a promising professional life ahead. Once you are a Administration of Veritas NetBackup 8.0 exam certified,
it connotes that you have working knowledge on the basics of VCS-276 NetBackup catalog, NetBackup Vault. Moreover, a
Veritas Certified network professional is also equipped with the methodologies and abilities to configure and operate Veritas
routers and databases and can enable them proficiently.

Check If You Are Ready to Pass VCS-276 Veritas Exam?

Veritas VCS-276 Administration of Veritas NetBackup 8.0 exam will get you qualified for Veritas Certified Specialist
Certification and you will obtain easy comprehensions regarding converged voice, information linkages and the challenges being
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configuring VCS-276 NetBackup catalog Exam. The course will also develop your knowledge, skills and attitude to incorporate
entryways and you will be equipped with sufficient knowledge on how to develop and test enhanced technologies. In the VCS-
276 exam, you will be given various issues to solve and you will be supposed to solve them the exam 90 minutes. VCS-276
Veritas Certified Specialist exam is directed to those professionals who have prior knowledge of NetBackup catalog, and have an
open exposure with the database. This exam is associated with the VCS-276 Veritas Certified Specialist Exam. Administration of
Veritas NetBackup 8.0 Exam will help to upgrade credential, as the content is aligned with the exam topics; Configure storage
servers and disk pools including media server and client-side deduplication , Configure backup policy attributes, schedules,
clients, and backup selection lists and Run and monitor backups, duplications and restores Exam.

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VCS-276 Exam
Administration of Veritas NetBackup 8.0

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Version: 8.0
Question 1

Hiw .ao ao anuaoastratir .ity ao exastog ea.kut auage if .laeot1wexautlew.iu friu ao Anvao.en
Dask stirage uoat ti a Menaa Server Denutla.atio Piil (MSDP)?

Aw ruo etautirt wath the siur.e aon the nestoatio stirage uoat
Bw .reate a Stirage Lafe.y.le Pila.y that .iotaaos a nutla.atio ti the MSDP tiil
Cw ruo etnutla.ate wath the ea.kut ID aon the nestoatio stirage uoat
Dw ruo oeretla.ate wath the ea.kut ID aon the nestoatio stirage uoat

Aoswern D

Question 2

Ao anuaoastratir has a ea.kut tila.y wath the filliwaog atraeutess

5 taths lasten ao the Ba.kut Sele.tios last
3 .laeots lasten ao the Claeots last
Alliw uulttle nata streaus as sele.ten
Max Jies ter Claeot value set ti 4
Hiw uaoy jies gi A.tve wheo the jie as starten, ex.lunaog tareot jies?

Aw 8
Bw 9
Cw 12
Dw 15

Aoswern C

Question 3

Hiw .ao ao anuaoastratir neteruaoe the stirage aon nataease taths fir a Menaa Server
Denutla.atio Piil?

Aw ruo the Ciofgure Dask Stirage Server wazarn fir the MSDP
Bw vaew Stirage Uoat > Vaew Pritertes fir the MSOP stirage uoat
Cw vaew Dask Piil > Dask viluues fir the MSDP nask tiil
Dw vaew Stirage Server > Pritertes fir the stirage server

Aoswern C

Question 4

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3

Wha.h .iuuaon .ao ao anuaoastratir ruo ti test aon aoalyze .iooe.tios eetweeo uaster servers,
uenaa servers, aon .laeots fir uulttle Net Ba.k ut tirts?

Aw eterrir
Bw et.iofg
Cw etresilver
Dw ettestoet.ioo

Aoswern D

Question 5

A Netea.kut eovarioueot sufers friu aoteruateot oetwirk iutages eetweeo the Menaa Server
Drnutla.atio Piil (MSOP) uenaa server aon .laeots nuraog the ea.kut waoniww Thas results ao
uulttle ea.kut faaluresw
Miw shiuln ao anuaoastratir iver.iue the ea.kut faalure assue?

Aw eoaele Netwirk Resalaeo.y

Bw .iofgure .laeot-sane nenutla.atio
Cw ao.rease the .laeot .iooe.t tueiut
Dw ao.rease the CR_STATS_TIMLR aoterval

Aoswern A

Question 6

Ao anuaoastratir oeens ti stire se.ure tate .itaes if trite.ten nata ti ao ifsate li.atiow
Hiw .ao the anuaoastratir eje.t tate uenaa naaly aon .reate netaalen retirts?

Aw eo.rytt the tates usaog sifware eo.ryttio aon use a stirage lafe.y.le tila.y ti terfiru
autiuat. eje.ts aon .reate retirts
Bw eoaele the eo.ryttio atraeute io the vault tila.y ti terfiru autiuaten eje.ts aon .reate
Cw use tate nraves that suttirt harnware eo.ryttio aon use a vault tila.y ti terfiru autiuaten
eje.ts aon .reate retirts
Dw use tate nraves that suttirt harnware eo.ryttio aon use a stirage lafe.y.le tila.y ti terfiru
autiuaten eje.ts aon .reate retirts

Aoswern C

Question 7

Siue NetBa.kut jies are afe.ten ey the faalure if a nask ao ao Anvao.en Dask tiil, eut the jies are
uoavaalaele ti vaew ao the A.tvaty Mioatirw
Io wha.h twi .ao the anuaoastratir vaew Net Ba.kut jies afe.ten ey the nask faalure? (Sele.t

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4

Aw Menaa aon Deva.e Maoageueot > Deva.e Mioatir > Dask Piil
Bw Net Ba.kut Maoageueot > Retirts > Dask Retirts > Dask ligs
Cw Net Ba.kut Maoageueot > Retirts > Dask Retirts > Dask Piil Status
Dw Net Ba.kut Maoageueot > Retirts > Dask Retirts > Dask Stirage Uoat Status
Ew Net Ba.kut Maoageueot > Retirts > Menaa Ligs

Aoswern AD

Question 8

Ao anuaoastratir has a s.henulen tila.y has a s.henulen tila.y ea.ks ut 20 .laeots, ea.h wath
uulttle uiuot tiaots aon uulttle nata streaus eoaelenw Ooe if the jies has faalen aon as ao ao
Io.iutlete slate ao the A.tvaty Mioatirw
Miw shiuln the anuaoastratir verafy the ao.iutlete jie ruos trair ti the oext s.henulen ea.kut?

Aw ruo a uaoual jie the .laeot

Bw resuue the jie
Cw ruo a uaoual jie fir the uiuot tiaot
Dw resuue the tareot jie

Aoswern B

Question 9

A ea.kut auage io tate as nue ti extare ao ioe weekw The anuaoastratir oeens ti keet the auage
avaalaele fir restire aonefoatelyw
Wha.h twi uethins .ao ee usen ti a..iutlash thas gial? (Sele.t twiw)

Aw use the etextnate .iuuaon ti .haoge the extaratio nate if the auage
Bw use the etretlevel .iuuaon ti .ustiuaze the reteotio level
Cw use the etauuenaa .iuuaon ti freeze the tate
Dw use the etnutla.ate .iuuaon ti .reate a .ity wath ao aofoate reteotio
Ew use the vu.haoge .iuuaon ti .haoge the extaratio nate if the tate

Aoswern A, D

Question 10

Refer ti the exhaeatw

A ea.kut jie .iofguren wath a reteotio level if 2 aon Pila.y viluue tiil set ti the server_tates as
faalaog nue ti Status Cine 96s Uoaele ti alli.ate uenaa fir ea.kutw See the iuttut if the
avaalaele_uenaa .iuuaon eeliws

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5

Wha.h task ao the NetBa.kut Anuaoastratio Ciosile shiuln the anuaoastratir terfiru ti resilve the
status .ine 96 errir?

Aw Chaoge viluue C11201 ti the s.rat.h_tiil viluue tiil

Bw Chaoge viluue E02002 ti the s.rat.h_tiil viluue tiil
Cw Chaoge viluue E02004 ti the s.rat.h_tiil viluue tiil
Dw Chaoge viluue E02003 ti the s.rat.h_tiil viluue tiil

Aoswern C

Question 11

Wao.h ea.kut stirage as uosuttirten wath uenaa server lian ealao.aog?

Aw Basa.Dask
Bw Menaa Server Denutla.atio Piil
Cw Anvao.enDask
Dw Menaa Maoager stirage

Aoswern D

Question 12

Wha.h twi stirage uoat tytes .ao ee .iofguren ao NetBa.kut? (Sele.t twiw)

Aw nenutla.atio
Cw rieit
Dw uenaa uaoager
Ew tate

Aoswern B, D

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6

Question 13

A NetBa.kut tila.y as .iofguren ti ea.k ut the filliwaog taths fir a .laeots

Multstreauaog as eoaelen fir the ea.kuts, aon uulttlexaog as set ti 4w Ba.kut streaus are ruooaog
Wha.h stet shiuln the anuaoastratir .iosaner ti autrive ea.kut terfiruao.e?

Aw ao.rease the uulttlexaog level

Bw ea.k ut ioly ioe streau friu ea.h neva.e io the .laeot
Cw nasaele uultstreauaog
Dw ao.rease the ouueer if nata eufers

Aoswern B

Question 14

Stirage lafe-.y.le tila.y SLP1 as usen ti terfiru a ea.kut aon nutla.atiow The ea.kut as always a
suall 100MB ea.kutw The uaster server hist tritertes fir SLP Paraueters are set ti the nefault
Hiw .ao the anuaoastratir eosure the nutla.atios ruo as siio as tissaele afer the ea.kut

Aw renu.e the Jie sueuassaio Ioterval setog ti 0

Bw renu.e the Maoauuu saze ter nutla.atio jie setog ti 50MB
Cw SLP1 aon sele.t Maoual Reli.atio ti Faoal Destoatio
Dw ao.rease the trairaty fir se.ionary iteratios ao the SLP

Aoswern D

Question 15

Ao anuaoastratir .iofgures a nefault Staonarn nae systeu ea.kut tila.y, wha.h ea.ks ut very large
fle systeus friu a set if .laeots, There are uulttle s.henulen ea.kut ateutts .iofgurenw
Hiw .ao the anuaoastratir renu.e the auiuot if tue oeenen ti .iutlete these ea.kut jies alter

Aw .iofgure the Take .he.ktiaots every tila.y setog

Bw ao.rease the Jie retry nelay hist triterty setog
Cw use the Resuue Jie a.tio aostean if Restart Jie
Dw ao.rease the Claeot .iooe.t tueiut hist triterty setog

Aoswern A

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