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How to read a Birth Chart per Jyotish - Vedic

Astrology (The Basics)
Vivek E. Paras

Hello Truth-Seeker:
Namaste & Greetings to you,

Thank you for your question on Quora. I will be delighted to contribute my opinion.

Being on Quora is my aparigraha to give back some of my time and knowledge to the
world at large.

You wish to learn how to read your birth chart. I will be happy to assist you in your quest
to know and learn Jyotish - Vedic Astrology.

As per data provided, heres your birth chart as per Jyotish - Vedic Astrology (North India
format or design):

Here's my response to your query:

How to read your birth chart (the image above):

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The Moon (highlighted in yellow) is shows your zodiac sign: Moon in Taurus,
1 15:41 degrees; 1
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Rohini (Nakshatra/Constellation) in the 2nd quarter.

The numbers you see highlighted (in yellow) in the Rashi square (your natal chart)
above are the 12 zodiac signs (the same will be used in other squares as well eg.
Chandra and Navamsa):

1. Aries - (Hindi/Sanskrit - Mesha Rashi - Rashi means zodiac sign).

2. Taurus - (Hindi/Sanskrit - Vrishabha Rashi)

3. Gemini - (Hindi/Sanskrit - Mithuna Rashi)

4. Cancer - (Hindi/Sanskrit - Karaka Rashi)

5. Leo - (Hindi/Sanskrit - Simha Rashi)

6. Virgo - (Hindi/Sanskrit - Kanya Rashi)

7. Libra - (Hindi/Sanskrit - Tula Rashi)

8. Scorpio - (Hindi/Sanskrit - Vrischika Rashi)

9. Sagittarius - (Hindi/Sanskrit - Dhanu Rashi)

10. Capricorn - (Hindi/Sanskrit - Makara Rashi)

11. Aquarius - (Hindi/Sanskrit - Kumbha Rashi)

12. Pisces - (Hindi/Sanskrit - Meena Rashi)

Heres further info to help you understand your Jyotish - Vedic Astrology Birth Chart:

The numbers you see in red color in the Rashi square (your natal chart) above are
the 12 houses, (the same will be used in other squares as well eg. Chandra and
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You may learn about the 12 houses in a birth chart from this link, click here.
Vimshottari Dasha: 1 1
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The column on the right side is called Vimshottari Dasha (a life span of 120 years)

The word Vimshottari is a Sanskrit word meaning 120. Dasha means State of Life or
Timeline. As per Jyotish, every soul born on Earth is given a life of One hundred and
twenty years, but we do not live that long. This column can be interpreted what may
happen in your life date by date from birth to the age of 120 (the chart shows up the year
2065 (up to the age of 85, well thats reasonable to know at present, as more printout can
be made). You may learn on Vimshottari Dasha at Wikipedia.

Planets and the zodiac sign they own - Lordship:

Sun rules Leo (#5 in yellow in the Rashi and Navamsa)

Moon rules Cancer (#4 in yellow in the Rashi and Navamsa)

Mars rules Aries and Scorpio (#1 and #8 in yellow in the Rashi and Navamsa)

Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo (#3 and #6 in yellow in the Rashi and Navamsa)

Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces (#9 and #12 in yellow in the Rashi and Navamsa)

Venus rules Taurus and Libra (#2 and #7 in yellow in the Rashi and Navamsa)

Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius (#10 and #11 in yellow in the Rashi and Navamsa)

Rahu do not rule any zodiac sign

Ketu do not rule any zodiac sign

Aspect or Dhristi (Sanskrit):

In Jyotish Vedic Astrology. Every planet watch each, this is called - Dhristi or Aspect in
English, in your birth chart for example:

Sun (aspects 7 houses away from himself) is aspecting Mars, Jupiter and Rahu in the 9th

Moon (aspects 7 houses away from himself) is aspecting no planet in the 12th house.

Mars (aspects 4, 7 and 8 houses away from himself) is aspecting the 12th house (4 house
aspect) is empty; 3rd house (7 house aspect) Sun, Mercury and Ketu.

Mercury (aspects 7 houses away from himself) is aspecting Mars, Jupiter and Rahu in the
9th house.

Jupiter (aspects 5, 7 and 9 houses away from himself) is aspecting the Ascendant (1st
house) which is empty; is aspecting the 3rd house (5 house aspect) Sun, Mercury and
Ketu; is aspecting the 5th house (9 house aspect) which is empty.

Venus (aspects 7 house away from himself) is aspecting the 10th house which is occupied
by Saturn.

Saturn (aspects 3, 7 and 10 houses away from himself) is aspecting the 12th house (3
house aspect) empty; 4th house (7 house aspect) Venus; 7th house (10 house aspect)

Rahu (aspects 5, 7 and 9 houses away from himself) is aspecting the Ascendant (1st
house) which is empty; is aspecting the 3rd house (5 house aspect) Sun, Mercury and
Ketu; is aspecting the 5th house (9 house aspect) which is empty.

Ketu (aspects 5, 7 and 9 houses away from himself) is aspecting the 7th house (5 house
aspect) which is empty; is aspecting the 9th house (7 house aspect) Mars, Jupiter and
Rahu; is aspecting the 11th house (9 house aspect) which is empty.

The letter R next to planets:

You will notice the letter R next to three planets: Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. This letter R
indicates that these planets are retrograde at the time of birth of the native. In Jyotish -
Vedic Astrology: Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn goes retrograde sometime
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during a year. Sun and Moon do not go retrograde at all. Rahu and Ketus
1 natural course is 1
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retrograde comparatively to other planets.

A planet may have three issues in a birth chart:

* Combustion: In the state of combustion, the combusted planet lack power to protect and
promote the signications/houses ruled by them. If the combusted planet is weak on that
accounts also, their signications does not even take manifestation.

* Retrograde: Retrograde planets do not give desired results, they give contrary results or
results of the previous house or deny whatever they stand for in the birth chart.

* Debilitation: In this state a planet cannot function freely because the nature of sign
does not harmonize with the nature of planets or its weak to manifest its true nature.

Read more on Rule of Jyotish - Vedic Astrology: On Exaltation and Debilitation

Heres another rule of Jyotish to know

Rule of Jyotish - Vedic Astrology (Initial Observation)

Some extras for you to ne tune your learning:

Whats luminaries in my interpretation? Can a planet be in two houses/zodiac signs at a

time? Click here.

Books on Jyotish - Vedic Astrology:

You may explore to acquire some books (you may get some of them online in PDF format),
this link may be helpful to you, click here.

Welcome to the World of Jyotish - Vedic Astrology!

Trust the above inspires you,

Enjoy your quest explore, educate, experience and enlighten.

Vivek E. Paras
Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies
1,642 views 16 upvotes Posted Dec 31, 2016

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