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Aeronautics for
Introductory Physics
A joint project of
NASA Aeronautics
and the
American Association of
Physics Teachers
Table of Contents
Overview 4
Physics Aeronautics: A Contextual Approach for Learning Physics 4
About NASA Aeronautics 5
About the AAPT 5
Standards and Best Practices 6
Standards 6
Next Generation Science Standards 6
Common Core State Standards 6
Theoretical Foundations 7
Building Conceptual Models of Flight Physics 7
Modeling Method of Instruction in Physics 8
Levels of Inquiry 9
Learning Cycle 10
Scientific Thinking 12
Inquiry Lesson/Lab: Scaling and Paper Airplanes 13
Literary/Data Analysis: Wings According to Size 20
Successful Flight Test of Shape-Changing Wing Surface 29
Constant Velocity 30
Real-World Applications: Flying Speed 31
A Day in the Life of Air Traffic Control 34
Problem Set: Comparative Velocities 37
Problem Set: Vectors in Relative Velocities Problems 39
Real-World Applications: Estimating the Speed and Distance of an Airplane 43
Real-World Applications: Noise Doppler-Shift Measurement of Airplane Speed 52
New Acoustics Techniques Clear Path for Quieter Aviation 53
Real-World Applications: Smart Skies 54
Fly by Math 54
Line Up With Math 55
Sector 33 55
Air Traffic Operations Lab Answering Big Questions About the Future of Air Travel 58
NASA Tool Helps Airliners Minimize Weather Delays 58
Interactive Demonstration: Pitot-Static Tube 59
Inquiry Lesson/Lab: Bernoulli Effect Lab 65
Problem Set: Bernoullis Equation and Pitot-Static Tubes 73
Discovery Lab: Airplane Dynamics: Engine Thrust, Braking, and Lift 76
Uniform Acceleration 78
Literary/Data Analysis: Prepare for Landing 79
Shhhh! Keep it Down Please! 84
Application Lesson/Lab: Mobile Accelerometers 85
NASA-Pioneered Automatic Ground-Collision Avoidance System Operational 90
Terminal Velocity 91
Discovery Lab (Raw): Drag Stations Lab 92
Discovery Lab (Contextual): Drag and Aircraft Design 99
NASA Researchers to Flying Insects: Bug Off! 107
Inquiry Lesson/Lab: Viscosity Tubes 108
NASA Turns World Cup Into Lesson in Aerodynamics 116
Inquiry Lesson/Lab: The Physics of Soaring (and L/D ratios) 117
Problem Set: Glider Trajectory Problems 125

2 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Table of Contents

Literary/Data Analysis: Flying with Finesse 127
Model Building: Developing a Model for Drag 132
Force Particle Inertia 137
Inquiry Lesson/Lab: Falling and Air Resistance (Qualitative) 138
Skyray 48 Takes Flight 143
Real-World Applications: Hanging an Airplane: A Case Study in Static Equilibrium 144
NASA Model Flies at Air and Space 150
Problem Set: Trimmed Aircraft Activity 151
Inquiry Lesson/Lab: Investigating Flight with a Toy Helicopter 157
Future Helicopters Get SMART 162
Interactive Demonstration: Lift Demonstrations 163
Inquiry Lesson/Lab: Measuring Lift with the Wright Airfoils 165
Glow With the Flow 175
Problem Set: Lift-Velocity Relationship Problems 176
Problem Set: Lift Equation Problems 178
Model Building: Developing a Model for Lift 180
Inquiry Lesson/Lab: Rubber-Band-Driven Airplane Contest 190
Recalling a Record: X-43A Scramjet Sets New Hypersonic Record a Decade Ago 194
Real-World Applications: Helicopter Toy and Lift Estimation 195
Constant Net Force 200
Real-World Applications: Parachute Lab 201
Inquiry Lesson/Lab: Falling and Air Resistance (Quantitative) 206
Hitchhiking Sensors Capture Curiositys Entry 212
Problem Set: Simplified Aircraft Motion 213
Problem Set: Forces in a Climb 216
Interactive Demonstration: Demonstration of Newtons Third Law Using a Balloon Helicopter 219
2-D Combination 221
Real-World Applications: Measuring the Flight Speeds of Fire Bombers from Photos: An In-Class
Exercise in Introductory Kinematics 222
NASA Tests Radio for Unmanned Aircraft Operations 224
Problem Set: Aircraft Motion Activity 225
Energy 227
Literary/Data Analysis: A Hard Days Flight 228
Literary/Data Analysis: In Wind and Weather 232
NASA Helicopter Drop Test a Smashing Success 235
Rotational Motion 236
Real-World Applications: Circular Motion Studies with a Toy Airplane/The Airplane Experiment 237
Real-World Applications: Measuring the Moment of Inertia of an Airplane 241
Video: Flight Testing Newtons Laws Weight and Balance 242
Additional Resources 243
Literary/Data Analysis Activity: The 747 and its Competitors 244
NASA Resources 247
AAPT Resources 248
American Association of Physics Teachers 248
The Physics Teacher magazine 248
Additional Resources 249
Literature Resources 249
Leybold Lessons (and Laboratory Equipment) 249
Other Aeronautics Education Resources 249

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Table of Contents 3

Physics Aeronautics: A Contextual Approach for Learning Physics
There are many right ways to teach physics. Teaching by inquiry in context is
perhaps the most effective way to effectively teach physics so that it becomes both
relevant and practical. This educators guide addresses a growing need for higher-
level inquiry in the physics classroom, provides a solid content base, and actively
engages with topics necessary to the development of 21st century skills.
Context is provided from student experiences with flight as well as ongoing
aeronautics research.

This document is the result of a Space Act Agreement between NASA and the
American Association of Physics Teachers. This project is founded on teaching
ideas presented by seasoned high school and college physics teachers and articles
that have appeared in the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT)
publication, The Physics Teacher. As such, all of these ideas are appropriate
for high school or introductory university level physics courses, and have been
reviewed by acting high school and college/university AAPT members. Although
it is not necessary for lesson and lab implementation to read the published articles
associated with the activities in this document, all of the articles are freely available
to AAPT members through the AAPT Publications website and directly from each
link at the top of each activity.

In addition, practical relevance is interwoven through the guide with applications

from current, cutting-edge aeronautics research being undertaken by the National
Aeronautics and Space Administrations Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate
(NASA ARMD). Each of the activities in this document is aligned with at least one
of NASA Aeronautics research themes, including green aviation, reducing flight
delays, revisiting supersonic flight, and designing future aircraft. Inquiry lessons
presented in this document help students develop concepts, derive fundamental equations, practice reading and data analysis
skills, and relate their laboratory work to real-world applications in NASA Aeronautics research.

While this document presents itself as an educators

activity guide filled with resources for demonstrations,
lessons, and labs, instructional approach is also very
important. Many of these activities are structured as
paradigm labs that could easily serve as a curricular
supplement to the Modeling Method of Instruction
approach. Many of these activities can also be easily
applied or adapted to align with the Next Generation
Science Standards (NGSS) and the Common Core
State Standards (CCSS) for Reading and Writing in
Technical Subjects. Each activity includes objectives
and/or guiding questions related to the physics of
flight, followed by a very detailed listing of the NGSS
and CCSS addressed by students who successfully
complete each activity.

4 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Overview

About NASA Aeronautics About the AAPT

NASA Aeronautics works to solve the many challenges The American Association of Physics Teachers was
that still exist in our nations air transportation system: air established in 1930 with the fundamental goal of ensuring
traffic congestion, safety, efficiency, and environmental the dissemination of knowledge of physics, particularly
impacts. Thanks to advancements in aeronautics developed by way of teaching. Today, that vision is supported
by NASA, todays aviation industry is better equipped than by members around the world. The AAPT is a strong
ever to safely and efficiently transport passengers and cargo professional physics science society dedicated to the pursuit
to their destinations. In fact, every U.S. aircraft flying of excellence in physical science education.
today and every U.S. air traffic control tower uses NASA-
National meetings are held each winter and summer, and are
developed technology in some way.
opportunities for members, colleagues, and future physicists
Streamlined aircraft bodies, quieter jet engines, techniques from around the world to:
for preventing icing, drag-reducing winglets, lightweight
Participate in physics workshops
composite structures, software tools to improve the flow
of tens of thousands of aircraft through the sky, and so Meet and greet other physics educators
much more are an everyday part of flying thanks to NASA
research that traces its origins back to the earliest days Form networks nationally and locally
of aviation.
Engage exhibitors and learn about the latest physics
We are committed to transforming aviation by dramatically resources
reducing its environmental impact, improving efficiency
Discuss innovations in teaching methods
while maintaining safety in more crowded skies, and paving
the way to revolutionary aircraft shapes and propulsion. Share the results of research about teaching and learning.
Inside cockpits, cabins and jet engines; atop traffic control The AAPT also hosts or supports smaller workshops and
towers; and from departure gate to arrival terminal at conferences and symposia throughout the year to provide
airports everywhere, the DNA of the entire aviation further opportunities for professional development and
industry is infused with technology that has its roots in knowledge sharing. The AAPT also supports physics
NASA research. teachers through peer-reviewed journals, teacher resources,
competitions and contests, and awards and grants.
NASA is with you when you fly.

Learn more about NASA Aeronautics at: Learn more about the AAPT at:

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Overview 5

Standards and Best Practices
Next Generation Science Standards
Many of the activities in this guide provide an opportunity to teach about standard physics Core Disciplinary Ideas (CDI) in
mechanics and beyond. The specific referenced standards are listed below. Further, most Cross-Cutting Concepts (CCC) and
many Science and Engineering Practices (SEP) can be explicitly addressed through these activities.

Core Disciplinary Ideas

HS.PS2 - Forces and Interactions:

HS.PS3 - Energy:

Science and Engineering Practices

Appendix F:

1. Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)

*Registered trademark of Achieve. Neither Achieve
2. Developing and using models nor the lead states and partners that developed the
3. Planning and carrying out investigations NGSS was involved in the product of, and does not
endorse, this product.
4. Analyzing and interpreting data
5. Using mathematics and computational thinking
6. Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)
7. Engaging in argument from evidence
8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

Cross Cutting Concepts

Appendix G:

1. Patterns
2. Cause and effect
3. Scale, proportion, and quantity
4. Systems and system models
5. Energy and matter
6. Structure and function
7. Stability and change

Common Core State Standards

English Language Arts Reading in Science and Technical Subjects
This educators guide provides a number of opportunities for reading technical work. Students are encouraged to use The
Simple Science of Flight, by Tennekes, for the guided literary and data analysis passages. Further, most activities have a
NASA Connection that is directly linked to a brief article about current NASA Aeronautics Research.

Grades 9-10:

Grades 11-12:

English Language Arts Writing in Science and Technical Subjects

By extending a number of the laboratory activities, students can be asked to defend their results in writing through formal

Grades 9-10:

Grades 11-12:

6 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Standards and Best Practices

Theoretical Foundations
Building Conceptual Models of Flight Physics

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics approach to contextual physics teaching and learning does not rely upon building
mental models that are unique to flight rather, it is founded on the ideas of traditional physics instruction, paralleling the
structures used in the Modeling Method of Instruction in Physics. For all of the inquiry labs in this document, students are
expected to build graphical and mathematical models to describe relationships between variables in the system.

Within mechanics, there is ample room for students to build mental sub-models to describe flight because of the chaotic
nature of microscopic fluid particles. Some of these mental models can be built around the following concepts.

Models of Drag (as opposed to simple surface friction) Teacher Resource

Models of Lift Teacher Resource

Although students without a solid background in chemistry might not be able to build these models on their own, teachers can
offer supports. The following models are not discussed in depth within this document, but teachers and students can find very
helpful supporting information at NASAs Beginners Guide to Aeronautics.

Both of the above models can be highly complex, and require some understanding of molecular kinetic theory (viscosity,
intermolecular forces, chaos, etc.), as well as Newtons Third Law. In essence, students can work their way to understanding
that no matter the dominating mental model (simple or complex), it is the mechanical conservation laws (mass, energy,
momentum) that fully describe flight.

Additionally, aeronautics offers the opportunity for students to see that a single model produced for an object moving through
a fluid might be very specific unlike many of the universal mental models typically developed in the physics classroom.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Standards and Best Practices 7

Modeling Method of Instruction in Physics
For those familiar with the Modeling Method of Instruction
Many of the labs presented in this document are an opportunity to have students model relationships mathematically and
graphically, and to explain those relationships by building their own conceptual models for the interaction of objects
flowing through a fluid. A number of the labs could be used as paradigm labs for initial development of conceptual models.
Additionally, the nature of aerodynamics introduces students to the complexities of modeling associated with dimensionless
constants. Further, this study of flight allows students to realize that models might not be universally applicable, and that
relationships that cannot be easily represented by a single simple equation. For example, coefficients of lift and drag are often
measured experimentally for a single aircraft in a very specific set of environmental conditions modifications in the system
might not result in a predictable change.

For those not familiar with the Modeling Method of Instruction

The National Science Foundation funded Arizona State University (ASU) Modeling Instruction Program for 16 years, from
1990 to 2005. The American Modeling Teachers Association was founded at the expiration of NSF funding in 2005, and over
the past 10 years has reached about 5000 more teachers with Modeling workshops. At present a little over 7500 teachers have
attended one or more Modeling workshops since 1990. In 2015, about 1000 more teachers will attend workshops. AMTA
coordinates 60 or more Modeling workshops each summer in physics, chemistry, biology and middle school science (in
2013 and 2014 there were ~80 workshops each summer). At current capacity, AMTA is on track to serve 1000 teachers every
summer with Modeling workshops across the disciplines (physics, chemistry, biology, and physical science), and is working to
build capacity as demand for Middle School Modeling workshops exceeds the capacity to provide trained workshop leaders.


Modeling instruction was developed at ASU over two decades to integrate insights from physics education research with
classroom experience of exceptional in-service teachers. In a series of intensive three-week workshops over two years,
teachers improve their physics, chemistry, or physical science content knowledge and are equipped with a robust teaching
methodology for developing student abilities to:

Make sense of physical experience,Understand scientific claims,

Articulate coherent opinions of their own and defend them with cogent arguments,
Evaluate evidence in support of justified belief.
More specifically, teachers learn to:

Ground their teaching in a well-defined pedagogical framework (Modeling Theory), rather than following rules of
Organize course content around scientific models as coherent units of structured knowledge;
Engage students collaboratively in making and using models to describe, to explain, to predict, to design and control
physical phenomena;
Involve students in using computers as scientific tools for collecting, organizing, analyzing, visualizing, and
modeling real data;
Assess student understanding in more meaningful ways and experiment with more authentic means of assessment;
Continuously improve and update instruction with new software, curriculum materials and insights from
educational research;
Work collaboratively in action research teams to mutually improve their teaching practice.
For more information on the Modeling Method of Instruction, please see Modeling Instruction: An Effective Model of
Science Education, by Drs. Jane Jackson, Larry Dukerich, and David Hestenes.

Learn more about the AMTA at:

8 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Standards and Best Practices

Levels of Inquiry
Each activity in this document is also classified by its level of inquiry;
the complexity of the skill expected of students in order to investigate
the science. Historically, Herrons levels of inquiry (0) Confirmation/
Verification, (1) Structured, (2) Guided, and (3) Open focus exclusively
on three parts of an inquiry process: problem, procedure, and
solution. However, little attention is given in that model to understand
the varying levels of complexity of the problem to be studied, the
procedure to be undertaken, or the solution to be comprehended. The
Levels of Inquiry Model by Dr. Carl J. Wenning of Illinois State
University is used throughout this document. These levels are also
supplemented by Literary/Data Analysis and Model Building, both
which can occur during or external to inquiry activities.

Discovery Interactive Inquiry Lesson Inquiry Lab Real-World Ap- Hypothetical

Learning Demonstration plications Explanations
Low Intellectual Sophistication High
Teacher Locus of Control Student

Discovery Learning Students experience a variety of phenomena, are asked to identify simple trends, relationships, or
similarities/differences among them.

Interactive Demonstration The teacher provides a guided demonstration to identify preconceptions, cause cognitive
dissonance, or help students identify causation.

Inquiry Lesson/Lab The teacher guides students in an inquiry-based discussion (lesson) or allows students to work on
their own (lab) to determine a quantitative relationship between variables. Because an experience in the laboratory can be
easily modified to be more teacher- or student-directed, these activities are grouped together in this document.

Real-World Application Students use a known relationship to apply conceptual understanding to a new situation either
through a paper-pencil or discussion lesson, or through a hands-on lab.

Hypothetical Explanations Students generate, develop, and test hypotheses. The focus during these activities is on the
cause and explanation behind phenomena not on describing them. (Note: Although predictions are a key part in developing
working explanations, hypotheses are the focus here. Hypotheses have explanatory power. Predictions are simply anticipatory
statements about what will happen to something under a given set of circumstances.) Although some activities in this
document can be used to create hypothetical explanations, no activities in this document bear this level of complexity.

Literary and/or Data Analysis Activities These activities might not directly involve any scientific inquiry, but allow
students to apply what they have learned to examine technical passages.

Model Building - Students and teachers work together to elicit, confront, and resolve misconceptions while building up
an underlying conceptual foundation by organizing course content around coherent units of structure knowledge (see the
Modeling Method of Instruction, above). In its full form, model building occurs at every stage of scientific inquiry, and
is explicitly addressed when students are asked to synthesize what they have learned based upon evidence from their

For more information on the levels of inquiry, see: Levels of Inquiry: Hierarchies of Pedagogical Practices and Inquiry
Processes by Dr. Carl J. Wenning.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Standards and Best Practices 9

Learning Cycle
Within each of the levels of inquiry, teachers can effectively employ
a self-regulated learning cycle to structure their individual lessons
and support student interaction. There are many learning cycles
that have been identified throughout educational history, including
experiential learning cycles presented by John Dewey, Hans Aebli
and Eric Mazur, among others. However, attention in the learning
cycle often fails to take into consideration the collaborative nature of
student learning, self-regulation in the classroom, and the importance
of informed decision-making. In this document, each of the inquiry
and application lessons and labs in this document are broken into
key parts based upon the Self-Regulated Learning Cycle / Cycle of
Action proposed by Dr. Andr Bresges of the University of Cologne,

1. Aim:

In this phase all participants of the action should get a vision of what they want to reach. Criteria for a
successful fulfillment of the task should be formulated to clarify the end goal.

2. Plan:

In this phase all necessary information is collected that helps to reach the aim, including the search for
already existing solutions. While structuring the gathered information, ideas for different solution paths
should be gathered.

3. Decide:

Now a consensus should be reached among all participants of the action. One of the solution paths
developed and gathered in planning must be chosen. (Alternative solution paths may be kept in mind
if a new decision may become necessary.) Important: Latest in this phase, quantitative/measurable criteria
should be noted for measuring the success of the cycle of action (CoA).

4. Act:

All conscious actions should be performed according to the decision. (If unplanned problems occur,
another CoA can be started, but not before finishing and documenting the ongoing CoA).

5. Verify:

The Verification is performed with the criteria created during phase 1 and 3. (aim and decision).
Important: A clear separation of verification and evaluation helps to promote scientific thinking.
Otherwise, students often have great difficulties distinguishing between results and conclusions in their
lab reports.

6. Evaluate:

The participants of the action estimate how successful the cycle of action was and may look for
improvements for another CoA. This is the highlight of the learning process. With the results from the first
CoA the aim for further CoAs can be formulated much better.

For more information about the Self-Regulated Learning Cycle, please see:

10 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Standards and Best Practices

Aeronautical Dictionary
The following are a number of terms that, without explicit definition, tend to prove problematic to students. These terms are
not necessarily meant to be learned by students at the outset, but this dictionary should serve as a reference point as their use
becomes necessary. The following definitions have been drawn and modified from the NASA Aeronautical Dictionary, by
Frank Davis Adams, (1959).

Aeronautics, noun: The science and art of design, construction, and operation of aircraft.

Angle of Attack, noun: (1) The angle between the direction of the flow and the airfoils chord line (from the leading edge of
the air foil to the tailing edge). (2) A zero degree angle of attack is defined as the angle at which a body generates zero lift in
a flow. The angle of attack is the angle between the zero lift axis and the direction of the air flow.

Drag, noun: (1) A retarding force acting upon a body in opposite direction to the motion of the body. (2) A force acting upon
a body in direction of a flowing fluid (gas or liquid).

*Although overall drag occurs opposite the direction of the total motion of the aircraft, the actual direction for a
given surface will depend upon the movement of the various surfaces of the aircraft.

Lift, noun: The component of the total aerodynamic force acting on a body perpendicular to the direction of the undisturbed
airflow relative to the body. This lift, sometimes called aerodynamic lift, acts on any body or system of bodies such as an
airfoil, a fuselage, an airplane, an airship, a rotor, etc., at a suitable angle of attack in the airflow.

*Lift is usually though of as a force acting in an upward direction, giving sustentation to the aircraft. By definition,
however, lift can, and does, act in any direction: downward, as with a horizontal tail when required for longitudinal
trim; sideward, as with a vertical tail when an aircraft is turned. When lift in a direction other than upwards is under
discussion, it may be specified in the expressions negative (downward) lift, or horizontal lift, although the latter
expression is usually avoided.

This phenomenon of aerodynamic lift is typically explained by either or both of two laws or theorems: (1) By
Newtons third law of motion, in which a body, causing air to flow in one direction, obtains a force upon itself acting
in the other direction. (2) By Bernoullis law, in which an increase of air velocity over the body gives a pressure
decrease resulting in lift. However, using Bernoullis law as the sole explanation for lift is not fully true for an
open system, and can lead to misconceptions. Lift can also be a result of buoyant force, although this is generally
negligible for heavier-than-air aircraft.

Thrust, noun: The forward-directed pushing or pulling force developed by an aircraft engine or a rocket engine.

*Although thrust generally pushes an aircraft forward, a more accurate definition is to say that it acts parallel to the
direction of the engine. Some aircraft, such as vertical-lift aircraft, can apply a thrust in an upward direction. Other
airplanes with variable-angle engines might apply thrust in such a way that only a component actually causes the
airplane to move forward.

Weight, noun: The gravitational force acting on an object by the earth. An object with weight experiences a force that is
directed downward toward the center of mass of the earth.

*In all cases with respect to weight, downward is in reference to the center of the earth.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Standards and Best Practices 11

Scientific Thinking
A joint project of
NASA Aeronautics
and the
American Association of
Physics Teachers

12 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Scientific Thinking

Scientific Thinking WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Scaling and Paper

Inquiry Lesson/Lab: Scaling and Paper Airplanes

Robert H. Johns. The Physics Teacher, 9, 541 (1971).

Paper airplanes are a classic childrens toy, easy to make, and easy to use for inquiry
investigations. In this activity, students construct paper airplanes. Technically, paper airplanes
Objectives are actually gliders, as they do not provide themselves any thrust throughout their flight.
Determine the relationship Students are asked to compare the wings top surface area with the weight of scaled gliders
between the surface area and of various sizes.
weight of scaled gliders. This lesson can be an opportunity for students
to perform a controlled experiment, and to
Materials begin learning about related variables that might
Paper of various thicknesses influence flight, such as drag and shape. The
Scissors end purpose of this activity is much less to
Electronic balance (optional) derive a specific equation, but, rather, to learn to
identify and describe meaningful relationships
NGSS between variables. This activity also provides a
SEP 2, 4, 7 broad overview for many foundational concepts
CCC 1, 3 associated with flight.

Objective: Determine the graphical and mathematical relationship between the surface
area and the weight of scaled gliders (paper airplanes).

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Scientific Thinking 13

Ask students to build a number of scaled, but otherwise identical, gliders.
Using some simple geometry, students can determine the approximate surface
area of the wings, and plot this against the measured or calculated weight of the
gliders. (Hint: Most packaged paper lists the mass in g/m2. Students can
determine weight from proportional reasoning and known starting surface areas
of their papers before folding the airplanes). The graph to the right displays an
example best-fit line representative of the data produced from this lab.

Encourage students to design an airplane for which the surface area

of the wings can be easily estimated. Wings composed of right trian-
gles and rectangles are best.

Ensure that the students are only measuring the surface area for the
top of the wings.

Ensure that the airplane design actually results in flight that produces lift. It should be a good glider.

Ensure that students use papers with the same starting ratios. A way to simplify this is to ask students to always
begin with square not rectangular pieces of paper.

Students should find that this relationship between weight and surface
area is approximately linear. However, it is possible that the smaller
airplanes do not quite fit on the straight line, as their relative size in
comparison to the paper used to actually make the folds results in a
smaller surface area.

Comparing the gliding ability of gliders can be difficult to do in a consistent

way, because students vary the amount of force with which they push the glider,
and the release angle and height can change dramatically from throw to throw.

To launch gliders consistently, build a launcher from a piece of scrap wood, two
nails, and a rubber band. A paperclip can be easily attached to any plan as a
hook, and the glider can be launched consistently by pulling back to the same
stretch point each time. Force can be varied by changing the type of rubber band
or pulling back more or less before launch. Alternatively, commercial paper
airplane launchers can be purchased from multiple science education companies.

Lastly, consider the implications that weight and surface area of gliders might
have for the anatomy of birds and the design of airplanes. The next activity
allows students to investigate these relationships in much more detail.

14 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Scientific Thinking

Teacher Answer Key: Scaling and Paper Airplanes
Objective: Determine the graphical and mathematical relationship between the weight and the
surface area of scaled gliders (paper airplanes).

Early engineers found that building vehicles for powered flight

was a difficult task. Before building propelled airplanes, they first
attempted to make gliders that would remain in the air for a while
after being launched. Leonardo da Vinci is well known for his
visualizations of an ornithopter. Perhaps less well known, the
Englishman George Cayley developed a variety of successful
gliders in the 1800s, followed by the German Otto Lilienthal.

One of the great challenges of the times was to develop a glider that
had a very small weight-to-surface area ratio. In fact, some of the
best gliders actually have the same weight-to-surface area ratios as
the best gliding birds. (Hence, the Wright brothers experience with
lightweight materials for bicycle design naturally gave them some
advantage in their design for gliders and early airplanes.)

In this lab activity, you will determine the relationship between weight and surface area of the wings of a
glider. Plan how you will collect the data, and what kinds of materials you will use that are available to you.
Begin by folding a piece of paper into a successful glider.

Once you have found a glider that glides well, decide what data you need to collect. Before you fold your
gliders, ensure that the pieces of paper you use have proportional dimensions:

Dimension Glider #1 Glider #2 Glider #3 Glider #4 Glider #5 Glider #6


Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Scientific Thinking 15

Estimate the surface area of the wings by identifying the simple geometric shapes that make up the wings.
Draw a top-view of your paper airplane, identifying the shapes. Describe in words how you calculate
the total surface area of the tops of the wings each time.

Description of calculation area:


Collect data for total weight and surface area for each of your gliders. Record your data on your own.

Plot your data on a graph, as shown to the lower right, and answer the following questions:

1. What is the general equation that describes this graph?

The standard equation for a linear graph is y = mx +b. Substituting the variable names, and slope
and intercept (with units), this results in a general equation of Weight = (____ N/m2) Surface
Area + ____ N.

2. What are the meanings of the slope(s) and intercepts on this graph?
The slope is the ratio of force per unit area. For every in-
crease of unit area, the weight increases by a certain amount.

The intercept should be zero, because a glider with no surface

area has no weight! If there is a non-zero value, this is likely
the result of error (lack of precision or accuracy in measure-
ments), or is because the relationship is not entirely linear.

3. Conduct multiple experiments to compare the surface area/

weight ratios for various materials
More dense materials should have a greater slope value. The y-intercept should still be zero.

4. Conduct multiple experiments to compare the surface area/weight ratios for various glider styles.
If the same material is used, the slopes should be greater for glider styles that have smaller wings.

5. Compare the surface area/weight ratio to qualitative gliding ability (i.e. the speed required for the
glider to maintain lift, and/or how far the gliders go when launched in a consistent way).
Generally, gliders with small wings will have to have a higher speed in order to launch and glide

Look at your groups data how reliable is it? Share the data you collected with your classmates. Do you
results compare in a similar way to your classmates? If not, why not?

16 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Scientific Thinking

Develop a visual, verbal, or physical model to explain why you think that surface area affects the gliding
ability of a glider.

Considering only Newtons laws, a greater surface area results in more collisions with air particles and a
greater deflection of both air particles that hit the wings of the glider, as well as the nearby air particles
that also get pushed downward by other particles surrounding them. As the air particles hit the wing, they
reflect off the wing. The air particles, that initially had a horizontal momentum, are now pushed forward
(with respect to the direction of the glider) and downward. As a result, the airplane is pushed backward
(drag), but also provided with an upward push (lift). More collisions from a greater surface area result
in more total force applied to the wings (and a greater change in momentum on the airplane). However,
greater wing surface area typically results in greater mass of the glider overall, which means that the glider
is actually less likely to accelerate. Overall, this relationship can be very difficult for students to observe.
The key is to help students to think about air particles and collisions.

Hypothesize why some gliders fly better than others.

Many factors come into play here: center of gravity (which impacts the angle of attack), glide speed (the
speed of the air over/under the wings in order for the glider to glide most efficiently), mass, angle of wings
(with respect to the horizontal plane of the wings from side-to-side), etc.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Scientific Thinking 17

Student Worksheet: Scaling and Paper Airplanes
Objective: Determine the graphical and mathematical relationship between the weight and the
surface area of scaled gliders (paper airplanes).

Early engineers found that building vehicles for powered flight was
a difficult task. Before building propelled airplanes, they first
attempted to make gliders that would remain in the air for a while
after being launched. Leonardo da Vinci is well known for his
visualizations of an ornithopter. Perhaps less well known, the
Englishman George Cayley developed a variety of successful
gliders in the 1800s, followed by the German Otto Lillenthal.

One of the great challenges of the times was to develop a glider that
had a very small weight-to-surface area ratio. In fact, some of the
best gliders actually have the same weight-to-surface area ratios as
the best gliding birds. (Hence, the Wright brothers experience with
lightweight materials for bicycle design naturally gave them some
advantage in their design for gliders and early airplanes.)

In this lab activity, you will determine the relationship between

weight and surface area of the wings of a glider. Plan how you will
collect the data, and what kinds of materials you will use that are
available to you. Begin by folding a piece of paper into a
successful glider.
Once you have found a glider that glides well, decide what data you
need to collect. Before you fold your gliders, ensure that the pieces
of paper you use have proportional dimensions:

Dimension Glider #1 Glider #2 Glider #3 Glider #4 Glider #5 Glider #6


Estimate the surface area of the wings by identifying the simple geometric shapes that make up the wings.

Draw a top-view of your paper airplane, identifying the shapes. Describe in words how you calculate
the total surface area of the tops of the wings each time.

Description of calculation of area:


18 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Scientific Thinking

Collect data for total weight and surface area for each of your gliders. Record your data on your own.

Plot your data on a graph, as shown to the lower right, and answer the following questions:

1. What is the general equation that describes

this graph?

2. What are the meanings of the slope(s) and

intercepts on this graph?

3. Conduct multiple experiments to compare the

surface area/weight ratios for various materials.
How do the graphs of the data compare?

4. Conduct multiple experiments to compare the surface area/weight ratios for various glider styles.
How do the graphs of the data compare?

5. Compare the surface area/weight ratio to qualitative gliding ability (i.e. the speed required for the
glider to maintain lift, and/or how far the gliders go when launched in a consistent way).

6. Look at your groups data how reliable is it? Share the data you collected with your classmates.
Do you results compare in a similar way to your classmates? If not, why not?

7. Develop a visual, verbal, or physical model to explain why you think that surface area affects the
gliding ability of a glider.

8. Hypothesize why some gliders fly better than others.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Scientific Thinking 19

Scientific Thinking WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Wings According to

Objectives Literary/Data Analysis: Wings According to Size

Compare and relate variables
that influence the flight of Henk Tennekes. The Simple Science of Flight.
birds and planes. The MIT Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts. Ch. 1 Free Sample:
Materials The relationship between paper gliders, birds, and airplanes
The Simple Science of Flight, is surprisingly similar. Yet, when air speed around the
Ch. 1 wings necessary to sustain level flight is considered, these
relationships can become quite complex. A quantitative
NGSS analysis of bird anatomy and their comparison to airplanes
CCC 1, 2, 3, 6 can be found by reading Henk Tennekes The Simple Science
of Flight. Chapter 1, used for this activity, is available as a
CCSS free sample from MIT Press at:
Reading in Science
Writing in Science content/9780262513135_sch_0001.pdf.

This activity allows students to investigate data tables

and graphs that display non-linear relationships and their
corresponding equations. The purpose of this activity is
primarily to introduce students to variables that influence lift,
and to recognize that airplanes follow many of the same rules of proportion as do birds.

* Cover image and graphics from The Simple Science of Flight are reproduced here with
permissions from The MIT Press.

20 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Scientific Thinking

Teacher Answer Key: Wings According to Size
Read The Simple Science of Flight, chapter 1: Wings According to Size. (A free copy of this chapter can be viewed and
downloaded from As you read through the passage, focus on the relationships of variables that
influence flight.

1. Based on the first two pages of the chapter, how is carrying capacity of an airplane (or any other object)
Carrying capacity = weight / surface area that carries the weight

2. Performance can also be measured by fuel consumption. What variables do you think influence fuel consumption of
any moving object?
Weight of the aircraft / animal, metabolism / fuel efficiency, presence of drag (resulting from the aerodynamics as well
as the weather conditions), etc.

Lift, Weight, and Speed

3. The author identifies four factors that influence the lift of an airplane or flying bird. Complete the chart below.
(Note: You will need to choose a symbol for the angle of wings.)

Factor Symbol Unit Rationale (Why does it influence lift?)
Wing size S m2 More surface area increases carrying capacity, more
change in momentum
Air speed V m/s More wind results in more collisions with air particles more
Air density D kg/m 3
Air particles can transfer a greater amount of momentum to
the flying object.
Angle of wings (inferred) Degree With more tilt of the wings, the air particles are influenced
more greatly.

4. How must lift (L) compare to weight (W)
in order for an object to cruise at a constant
altitude? Why?
They must be equal, otherwise the object
will accelerate upward or downward if there
is a net (uneven) force. This is a result of
Newtons second law of motion.

Wing Loading

Look at Table 1, reproduced here to the right, to

answer the following questions:

5. What is the specific trend between a birds

weight and the speed it needs to be able to
cruise? (Is this a direct, linear
relationship?) Explain.
In general, larger birds have to fly faster.
However, the relationship does not appear to
be linear. A doubling in weight typically only
requires a small increase in velocity.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Scientific Thinking 21

6. This table shows data for various seabirds. How
would you expect the data in each column to
change if this table showed, instead,
non-migrating backyard songbirds? Why?
Non-migrating backyard songbirds do not need to
soar like sea birds. As a result, it is reasonable to
expect that non-migrating backyard songbirds are
not as efficient as their sea bird counterparts, and
likely have to sustain much higher velocities per
unit weight in order to soar simply because they
do not have to do it that often.

7. How would the data from your lab experience

with the paper planes compare?
It is unlikely to be very similar. Paper gliders tend
to demonstrate a very linear relationship between
W and S, while birds do not. Hence, the required
velocities for gliding are also likely to also be

Look at Figure 1, reproduced on the next page, to

answer the following questions:

8. Describe the relationship between weight and

wing loading for these seabirds. (Careful this is
not a standard linear graph!) If necessary, re-plot
the data on a linearly-scaled graph. Why do you
think this trend is present?
When the weight increases by 100 times, the W/S (carrying capacity) only increases by five times. This difference might
have something to do with the fact that the increase in weight is not in muscle mass only, but also includes bones and
fat, which do not contribute to the ability to carry.

9. What is the general meaning of equation (3)? Compare equations (1), (2) and (3) below.

Equation What does it mean? How is it different from the others?
W = 0.3dV2S Weight is lifted by a flying object is dependent Raw equation. 0.3 comes from average
upon angle of attack, density, air speed, and angle of attack of 6 degrees.
surface area.
W/S = 0.38V2 Carrying capacity is dependent upon a constant d has been substituted with value at sea
and air speed. level.
W/S = c W0.33 Wing loading is proportional to the cube root of Quantifies Figure 1.

22 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Scientific Thinking

Great Flight Diagram

Look at Figure 2, reproduced to the right, to

answer the following questions:

10. What is the meaning of the vertical

line on the graph? What can you infer
about birds/planes to the left or to the
right of the vertical line?
The line represents 22 miles per hour
(mi/hr) winds. Birds to the left of the
line are slow flyers, and might not be
able to overcome strong winds if they
go out over the ocean.

11. Where is Equation (3) visibly repre-

sented on the graph?
The vertical and top horizontal axis
represent the variables found in
equation 3.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Scientific Thinking 23

12. Given what you know about the vertical line and the angled line on the graph, compare the following flying objects
capabilities. How are they different?
Boeing 747 Highest weight, wing loading, and cruising speed.
Pteradon Heavy, slow flyer.
Human-powered Airplane Heavier than pteradon, but nearly same wing loading and cruising speed.

13. Likewise, compare a crane fly, spotted sandpiper, and Beech King airplane. How are they different?
(Compare weight, wing loading, and cruising speed). How are they similar?
All three of these fall on the same trend line. A crane fly is small and slow, a spotted sandpiper is heavier and faster,
and a Beech King airplane is even heavier and faster than the sandpiper.

14. Based upon the graph and the information presented in the text, explain one of the reasons why the Concorde is now
out of commission.
Unlike all of the aircraft in the group, the Concorde fell slightly to the left of the trend line. This means, that for its
group, it tended to be a little bit heavier for its ideal cruising speed, and had a slightly lower wing loading value, than
the rest of its counterparts. Most importantly, the Concorde did not fly at its ideal cruising speed. As the fastest
commercial jet then in service in the world, it flew much faster than the ideal speed listed on the diagram. Its ideal
speed was much lower because the Concordes wings had to be big enough for it to take off and land at lower speeds.
As a result, the Concorde had to drag along the larger wings during its high-speed flight.

Use Figure 3 (below to the right) and Figure 4 to

answer the following questions.

15. What do birds do to modify their wings for vari-

ous stages of flight? (Takeoff, cruising, landing).
Why is this so important?
As birds take off, their wings are fully expanded.
A larger surface area is needed in order to attain
lift at a slow speed. As birds go faster and faster
as they cruise, they can decrease the surface
area of their wings. This is important in order to
reduce drag and increase efficiency.

16. Standard passenger airplanes DO modify their

wings during takeoff and landing. Watch the
following video of an airplane wing release its
extender flaps here:

24 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Scientific Thinking

Student Worksheet: Wings According to Size
Read The Simple Science of Flight, chapter 1: Wings According to Size. As you read through the passage, focus on the rela-
tionships of variables that influence flight.

1. Based on the first two pages of the chapter, how is carrying capacity of an airplane (or any other object) calculated?

2. Performance can also be measured by fuel consumption. What variables do you think influence fuel consumption of
any moving object?

Lift, Weight, and Speed

3. The author identifies four factors that influence the lift of an airplane or flying bird. Complete the chart below. (Note:
You will need to choose a symbol for the angle of wings.)
Factor Symbol Unit MY Rationale OTHERs Rationale
Why does it influence lift? Interview Your Partner

4. How must lift (L) compare to weight (W) in order for an object to cruise at a constant altitude? Why?

Wing Loading
Look at Table 1, reproduced here to the right, to answer the
following questions:

5. What is the general trend between a birds weight

and the speed it needs to be able to cruise?

6. This table shows data for various seabirds. How

would you expect the data in each column to change
if this table showed, instead, non-migrating backyard
songbirds? Why?

7. How would the data from your lab experience with

the paper planes compare?

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Scientific Thinking 25

Look at Figure 1 to answer the following questions:

8. Describe the relationship between weight and wing loading for these seabirds. (Careful this is not a standard linear
graph!) If necessary, re-plot the data on a linearly-scaled graph. Why do you think this trend is present?

9. What is the general meaning of equation (3)? Compare equations (1), (2) and (3) below.
Equation What does it mean? How is it different from the others?

26 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Scientific Thinking

Great Flight Diagram

This Great Flight Diagram displays the OPTIMAL cruising speeds for a variety of flying things. Look at Figure 2,
reproduced to the right, to answer the following questions:

10. What is the meaning of the vertical line on the graph? What can you infer about birds/planes to the left or to the right
of the vertical line?

11. Where is Equation (3) visibly represented on the graph?

12. Given what you know about the vertical line and the angled line on the graph, compare the following flying objects
capabilities. How are they different?
Boeing 747


Human-powered Airplane

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Scientific Thinking 27

13. Likewise, compare a crane fly, spotted sandpiper, and Beech King airplane. How are they different? (Compare weight,
wing loading, and cruising speed). How are they similar?

14. Based upon the graph and the information presented in the text, explain one of the reasons why the Concorde is now
out of commission.

Use Figure 3 (below to the right) and Figure 4 to

answer the following questions.

15. What do birds do to modify their wings for vari-

ous stages of flight? (Takeoff, cruising, landing).
Why is this so

16. Standard passenger airplanes DO modify their wings during takeoff and landing. Watch the following video of an air-
plane wing release its extender flaps here:

28 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Scientific Thinking

Successful Flight Test of Shape-Changing Wing Surface

Analysis Questions

Explain two ways that shape-changing surfaces are different from typical airplane wings.

Explain two potential benefits of shape-changing surfaces over typical airplane wings.

Click on the More link immediately below the text to see an image of the corrugated trailing edge
of a wing. Why do you think this is beneficial? (Hint: Perform an Internet search to find out how owls
can fly so silently).

What do you think potential designs of the future might look like? Consider what you know about birds
as you consider possible designs.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Scientific Thinking 29

Constant Velocity
A joint project of
NASA Aeronautics
and the
American Association of
Physics Teachers

30 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

Constant Velocity WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Flying Speed

Objectives Real-World Applications: Flying Speed

Estimate the average speed
of an airplane as it travels In this activity, students use an equation that they can previously derive through inquiry
between two points. (Distance = Speed * Time). They use a real-time plane finder to watch a plane as it travels
from one recognizable point to another while at cruising speed (far away from its departure or
Materials arrival airport) in order to estimate its speed.
Internet access Direct students to go to the
Timer following website:
Ask students to browse the
NGSS page and to note the greatest
CDI HS-PS2 concentration of air flights
SEP 2,7 around the world. Students may
CCC 1 be provided a map, and asked
to mark the countries and areas
where there is the most flight

Discuss potential reasons for

air flight concentrations being
where they are. Consider:


Population density

Geography (deserts, mountain ranges, remote areas)

Weather (locations of storm systems, hurricanes)

Time of day (consider time zones)

Cultural holidays

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 31

Ask students to zoom in to a particular area where
there is a regular amount of air traffic. The goal
at this point is to identify an aircraft that is
moving from one notable location to another
(such as a city, interstate intersection, lake, etc.),
so that speed may be determined. (Note: If
students zoom in very close to an aircraft and
select Settings Plane, they can get the airline,
flight number, origin and destination airports, as
well as the speed, in knots (KTS). However, most
students will not recognize KTS. This value can
be used to evaluate the calculated speed, but
should not be used directly for this activity).

Choose one aircraft, and time it as it goes from

one point of interest to the other. Students should
choose a range of time somewhere between one
and five minutes to ensure that enough time is collected for accurate calculations. (Caution: If the
goal is for students to determine the cruising speed of aircraft, they should look at an aircraft once it
is well along its flight path. Students should not choose planes travelling in significantly curved
paths, or near airports, where speeds change. However, looking at speeds near takeoff and landing is
a great extension activity).

Make sure that students choose recognizable points of interest,

because students will next need to determine the distance crossed by
re-locating and measuring the distance between the two points using
Google Maps.

To measure the distance between the points, follow the example

procedure below:

Go to to get to Google Maps

As an example, a student might have observed a plane go

from Holtwood, Pa. to Whitehall, Md. in a period of 2.387

Students should find, on Google Maps, the initial point of

the planes timing.

Right-click on the initial location to get a menu. Choose

Measure distance. The second point of interest can be
clicked, and an estimate given for the distance between the
two points. In this example, the distance is 22.58 miles.

To make speeds more relevant, it is suggested that stu-

dents convert time in seconds to hours. Using a simple
conversion, student can find that 2.387 s is equivalent to
0.03978 hr.

Using the equation Distance = (Speed) Time, and re-arrang-

ing for speed, students can get Speed = Distance/Time. In
this example, Speed = 22.58 mi / 0.03978 hr, which is equal
to 567.6 mi/hr. This is a very reasonable estimate! Most
commercial airplanes cruise at about 550 mi/hr.

32 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

Take a broader look at the flight paths across the United States.

Do you notice any patterns for eastward or westward flights?

How do flight paths change upon entering or leaving airports?

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 33

A Day in the Life of Air Traffic Control

With the massive increase in passenger and air cargo planes, the skies have become a very busy place.
NASA Aeronautics works hard to solve the problem of air traffic congestion. Modeling air traffic over
a span of time to determine problems points is integral to managing the network of highways in the
sky. Help students to see how busy the airspace over the US really is by watching the video, A Day in
the Life of Air Traffic Control over the US.

1. Have students to to:

2. Ask students to read the article about NASAs work with FACET to manage air traffic across the
a. What is FACET?

b. How does it benefit the environment, economy, and education?

3. Ask students to play the linked video (click view Facet Animation) showing 24 hours of air
traffic over the United States. and answer
the following questions:
a. From which direction doe most of the flights leave / arrive? (SE, NE, NW) Why dont they
go directly N, S, E, and W?

b. The simulation begins at 0 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), which corresponds to 7 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time. Describe in words, what happens to the density of flight traffic, on
average during a 24 hour period?

c. Draw a simple graph showing the average flight density versus time.

d. What are the three or four busiest airports in the US?

4. What are two or three practical solutions to decreasing traffic congestion in the US?

34 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

Student Worksheet: Flying Speed
Objective: Estimate the average speed of an airplane as it travels between two points.

There is a significant amount of aircraft in the skies every day of the year. Because these aircraft must be
monitored to help pilots get to their destination efficiently, and to avoid in-air collisions, it is possible to
track any commercial aircraft around the globe. There are many websites and apps available to help people
track specific flights or to browse flights around the world. For this activity, go to

1. Which parts of the world experience the least air traffic?

2. Choose one country or region surrounded by little air traffic, and explain why you think it does not
have a busy airspace. (Consider the economics of these countries, population density, geography,
weather, time of day, and the observance of any cultural holidays).

3. Which parts of the world experience the most air traffic?

4. Choose one country or region surrounded by lots of air traffic, and explain why you think it has
a very busy airspace. (Consider the economics of these countries, population density, geography,
weather, time of day, and the observance of any cultural holidays).

5. How do you anticipate that the airspace of the future will change? Do you think the skies will get
busier or less busy? Why?

6. The goal of this activity is for you to determine

the average speed of an aircraft during its cruise
portion of its flight. Explain what information you
will need to determine average speed.

7. Zoom in to a particular area where there is a

regular amount of air traffic. The goal at this point
is to identify an aircraft that is moving from one
notable location to another (such as a city, inter-
state intersection, lake, etc.), so that speed may
be determined. Avoid starting or ending at an
airport, as aircraft speed changes significantly
at those points.

8. Choose one aircraft, and record the time it as it flies from one point of interest to the other in a
straight line. Choose a range of time somewhere between one and five minutes to ensure that enough
time is collected for accurate calculations. If your airplane significantly changes direction or follows
an indiscernible path, consider choosing a different aircraft. Record the time here:

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 35

9. Measure the distance between the two points
of interest by following the example
procedure below:
Go to to get to
Google Maps

On Google Maps, find the initial point

of the planes timing.

Right-click on the initial location to get

a menu. Choose Measure distance.
The second point of interest can be
clicked, and an estimate given for the
distance between the two points.

10. Show your work, and, if appropriate, explain

how you can calculate the average velocity
of the airplane.

11. For a typical passenger jet, the airplane will cruise at around 500-550 miles per hour. How does your
answer compare? You might need to convert your velocity units to make a fair comparison.

12. What aspects of this activity might lead to error in your measurements and calculations? Provide
three specific examples, and explain if this would increase or decrease your calculated value.

13. Compare your results to that of your peers. Why might your peers have calculated different values?

14. Take a broader look at the flight paths across the United States.
What patterns do you notice for eastward or westward flights?

How do flight paths change upon entering or leaving airports? Why do you think this is the case?

36 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

Problem Set: Comparative Velocities

Airplanes were developed with a primary goal: to take their occupants across the skies at speeds never before imagined. For
thousands of years, before the invention of the wheel, humans were limited by the speed of their legs. Using a mathematical
model (equation) you developed in your regular class activities to represent the relationship between position and time for an
object moving at a constant velocity, perform these very simple calculations to get a sense for how fast and far we can now
easily travel because of aircraft.

Problem Set

1. Determine your average walking speed. Explain how you accomplished this:

2. Convert your speed in meters per second (m/s) to kilometers per hour (km/hr), then use that speed to solve the
following problems. How much time would it take you to walk the following routes, assuming you never stopped along
the way?
Land Routes Distance to Walk Time to Walk Time to Fly Non-Stop
(Show work) on Commercial Aircraft
Oregon Trail 3,219 km 3 hours
(MO to OR) (2,000 miles)

Immigration route used from

1830s to 1860s for settlers head-
ing west for new land.

Silk Road 6,437 km 8 hours

(Western China to (4,000 miles)
Cultural and commercial trade
route used from 200 BCE to
1450s CE to connect culture and
trade between the East and West.

Early Land Migration 17,703 km 19 hours

(Northern Russia to (11,000 miles)
Tierra del Fuego)
Possible route taken by early
civilizations from the Asian con-
tinent, beginning about 30,000
years ago to their arrival at the
southernmost tip of South Amer-
ica about 15,000 years ago.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 37

3. How long would it take each of the following NASA planes to travel the exact same routes above, assuming they were
at their maximum speed for the entire duration of the flight?

Land Routes Distance to Walk NASA Aircraft Speed Time to Flight

(show work)
Oregon Trail 3,219 km X-1: 1,127 km/hr
(MO to OR) (2,000 miles)
Chuck Yeager was the first
Immigration route used from person to break the speed
1830s to 1860s for settlers head- of sound in 1947 using
ing west for new land. rockets in conjunction with
traditional jet engines.

Silk Road 6,437 km D-558: 2,124 km/hr

(Western China to (4,000 miles)
Constantinople) Scott Crossfield was the
Cultural and commercial trade first person to fly more than
route used from 200 BCE to twice the speed of sound
1450s CE to connect culture and (Mach 2) in 1953.
trade between the East and West.

Early Land Migration 17,703 km X-15: 7,274 km/hr

(Northern Russia to (11,000 miles)
Tierra del Fuego) William J. Pete Knight
Possible route taken by early broke the record for the
civilizations from the Asian con- fastes piloted airplane flight
tinent, beginning about 30,000 speed ever recorded, at 6.7
years ago to their arrival at the times the speed of sound
southernmost tip of South Amer- (Mach 6.7) in 1967.
ica about 15,000 years ago.

38 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

Problem Set: Vectors in Relative Velocities Problems
from Beginners Guide to Aeronautics

BACKGROUND: (Note: This background is most appropriate after students have been introduced to these concepts through
constructivist and/or inquiry activities.)

One of the most confusing concepts for young scientists

is the relative velocity between objects. Aerodynamic
forces are generated by an object moving through a
fluid (liquid or gas). A fixed object in a static fluid does
not generate aerodynamic forces. Hot air balloons lift
because of buoyancy forces and some aircraft - like
Harrier jets - use thrust to enable the vehicle to hover,
but these are not examples of aerodynamic lift. To
generate lift, an object must move through the air, or air
must move past the object. Aerodynamic lift depends
on the square of the velocity between the object and
the air. Now things get confusing because not only can
the object be moved through the air, but the air itself
can move. To properly define the relative velocity, it is
necessary to pick a fixed reference point and measure
velocities relative to the fixed point. In this slide, the
reference point is fixed to the ground, but it could just as easily be fixed to the aircraft itself. It is important to understand the
relationships of wind speed to ground speed and airspeed.

Wind Speed

For a reference point picked on the ground, the air moves relative to the reference point at the wind speed. Notice that the
wind speed is a vector quantity and has both a magnitude and a direction. Direction is important. A 20 mi/hr wind from the
west is different from a 20 mi/hr wind from the east. The wind has components in all three primary directions (north-south,
east-west, and up-down). In this figure, we are considering only velocities along the aircrafts flight path. A positive velocity
is defined to be in the direction of the aircrafts motion. We are neglecting cross winds, which occur perpendicular to the
flight path but parallel to the ground, and updrafts and downdrafts, which occur perpendicular to the ground.

Ground Speed

For a reference point picked on the ground, the aircraft moves relative to the reference point at the ground speed. Ground
speed is also a vector quantity so a comparison of the ground speed to the wind speed must be done according to rules for
vector comparisons.


The important quantity in the generation of lift is the relative velocity between the object and the air, which is called the
airspeed. Airspeed cannot be directly measured from a ground position, but must be computed from the ground speed and
the wind speed. Airspeed is the vector difference between the ground speed and the wind speed.

Airspeed = Ground Speed - Wind Speed

On a perfectly still day, the airspeed is equal to the ground speed. But if the wind is blowing in the same direction that the
aircraft is moving, the airspeed will be less than the ground speed.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 39


Suppose we had an airplane that could take off on a windless day at 100 mi/hr (liftoff airspeed is 100 mi/hr). We are at an
airport with an east-west runway that is one mile long. The wind is blowing 20 mi/hr towards the west and the airplane takes
off going east. The wind is blowing towards the aircraft which we call a headwind. Since we have defined a positive velocity
to be in the direction of the aircrafts motion, a headwind is a negative velocity. While the plane is sitting still on the runway,
it has a ground speed of 0 and an airspeed of 20 mi/hr:

Airspeed = Ground Speed (0) - Wind Speed (-20) = 20 mi/hr

The airplane starts its take off roll and has a constant acceleration a. From Newtons second law of motion, the ground speed
v at any time t is:

v = a t

and the distance x down the runway at any time is:

x = 1/2 a t2 + vi t

For a fixed length runway, this specifies the time to be used in the velocity equation. Lets assume that at 5000 feet down the
runway, the velocity is 80 mi/hr. Then the airspeed is given by

Airspeed = Ground Speed (80) - Wind Speed (-20) = 100 mi/hr

and the airplane begins to fly. Now another pilot, with exactly the same airplane decides to take off to the west. The wind
is now in the same direction as the motion and this is called a tailwind. The sign on the wind speed is now positive, not
negative as with the headwind. The acceleration along the ground is the same, so at 5000 feet down the runway, the ground
speed is again 80 mi/hr. The airspeed is then given by:

Airspeed = Ground Speed (80) - Wind Speed (20) = 60 mi/hr

This airplane doesnt have enough airspeed to fly. It runs off the end of the runway!

Significance of Understanding Relative Velocity

The importance of the relative velocity explains why airplanes take off and land on different runways on different days.
Airplanes always try to take off and land into the wind. This requires a lower ground speed to become airborne, which means
the plane can take off or land in the shortest distance traveled along the ground. Since runways have a fixed length, you want
to get airborne as fast as possible on takeoff and stopped as soon as possible on landing. In the old days, a large conical tube
known as a windsock was hung near the runway for pilots to see which way the wind was blowing to adjust their takeoff and
landing directions. Now mechanical or electronic devices provide the information that is radioed to the cockpit.

The relationship between airspeed, wind speed, and ground speed explains why wind tunnel testing is possible and how kites fly.

In the wind tunnel, the ground speed is zero because the model is fixed to the walls of the tunnel. The airspeed is
then the negative of the wind speed that is generated in the tunnel. Whether the object moves through the air, or the
air moves over the object, the forces are the same.

A kite usually has no ground speed because a kite is held on the end of a string. But the kite still has an airspeed that
is equal to the wind speed. You can fly a kite only with the wind at your back.

40 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

Problem Set from Beginners Guide to Aeronautics
Student Worksheet
Teacher Key

A pilot is about to take off from a Nasaville airport that has two runways. Runway A runs east-west and Runway B runs 30
degrees west of north. There is a wind of 25 mi/hr out of the northwest (see figure above).

1. Which runway should the pilot choose?

2. What is the magnitude of the velocity vector of the wind along the desired runway?

3. If an airspeed of 100 mi/hr is required for takeoff, what is the ground speed required?

4. Before the pilot is able to take off, the wind shifts. The wind is now directly out of the north at 25 mi/hr.

Will the pilot choose the same runway?

What is the ground speed required now?

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 41

Problem Set from Beginners Guide to Aeronautics
Student Worksheet
Teacher Key

In airport takeoff situations, the ground speed of the aircraft and the wind speed are the only factors in airspeed. The U.S.
Navy has an additional variable. Its mobile airports - aircraft carriers - move on the ocean at speeds that can be in excess of
35 mi/hr. Airspeed in this unique situation is a sum of the ships speed through the water, wind speed, and the speed of the
aircraft over the deck of the ship provided by the ships catapult.

A catapult is like a huge rubber band and is used

to propel an aircraft to higher speeds over a short
distance in a few seconds. For more information
on aircraft carriers and catapults, click on Aircraft
Carriers. Assume that a typical catapult can propel an
aircraft from zero to 150 mi/hr in two seconds. The
aircraft carrier problem is pictured graphically in the
following illustration. (Note: See the airspeed equation
at the bottom.)

You are the captain of the Aircraft Carrier USS

Enterprise (CVN-65). Assume that the required
airspeed for takeoff of an F-14 is 170 mi/hr. Using the
airspeed equation and information provided, complete
the following table and answer the questions that
follow. Assume that a positive wind velocity is in the
direction of travel of the ship.

Catapult Speed (vc) mi/hr Ship Speed (vs) mi/hr Wind Speed (vw) mi/hr Airspeed Go/No Go (>170 mi/hr)
150 20 -10
150 20 10
150 30 -30
150 0 20

Airspeed = Ship Speed (vs) + Catapult Speed (vc) - Wind Speed (vw)

1. With no wind, what should the speed of the ship be to launch an F-14?

2. On launch, any aviator wants to maximize lift. What would you do as captain of the ship any time you launch aircraft?

3. Are wind direction and ship speed factors in landing as well? Explain.

42 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

Constant Velocity WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Estimating the Speed
and Distance of an

Real-World Applications: Estimating the Speed and Distance of an

Laurence I. Gould & Charles Waiveris. The Physics Teacher, 29, 108 (1991).

There are many ways to estimate the distance and speed of an airplane, and one of the
simplest ways is to compare the location of a plane by sight with the location of its sound,
Objectives similar to the process of estimating the distance of a lightning bolt by using the time it takes
Estimate the speed and for the thunder to arrive. In this activity, the speed of sound is assumed to be a standard 343
distance of an airplane using meters per second (m/s). The value of the speed of sound can be determined experimentally in
the speed of sound. advance using simple mechanics (with a long tube and two microphones to determine speed
from transmission to reception of a sound pulse).
Meter stick This activity best takes place at a location between two to six kilometers away from a regular
Lap timer plane flight path. It is advisable to find a public viewing location near an airport. Smaller
distances result in less time delay for the sound, and greater distances make it difficult to
accurately measure locations. Using simple trigonometry (law of cosines) and an estimate for
NGSS the speed of sound (343 m/s, adjusted for climate conditions), reasonable values for airplane
speed and distance can be obtained.
SEP 1-7
CCC 3,4 Two approaches are provided for this activity as a more open-ended inquiry lab as well
as through direct instruction.

Inquiry Approach Simplified and Updated by Florian Genz, University of Cologne/


Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 43

The inquiry approach is ideal because of its more holistic, conceptual approach. This approach requires observers to be
directly underneath the flight path of aircraft. This approach uses a sound intensity meter, and provides a good opportunity
for data analysis through the GeoGebra interactive online worksheet. Students can also complete this activity using a readily
available YouTube video.

Why? There are many ways to estimate the distance and speed of an
airplane but few labs connect everyday technology, such as smartphone
sensors, with motivating problems in physics.

Where? This activity best takes place at a location 2-6 km in front of

the runway and under a regular plane approach path. Alternative: Watch


1. Position the camera exactly facing up (the internal G-Sensors or a

plumb-bob may help).
2. Fix a long ruler in front of the video camera.
3. Determine the distance between the ruler and the camera.
4. Film an airplane at approach from below.

Determining the planes height

A plane is usually loudest when directly above an observer. Observe

the video and note the time when the plane passed exactly overhead.
Then analyze the soundtrack of the video clip and determine at which
timestamp the plane was loudest. By noting the time difference in
seconds the height can be determined:

In this activity, the speed of sound is assumed to be:

Determining the planes speed:

Using simple trigonometry (similar triangles) delivers:

Students may find these relations on their own or with little hints.

With the Geogebra interactive worksheet Application Lab: Estimating Height and Speed of Airplanes young learners can
get a feeling for the scales. It visualizes their measurements and it allows students to vary and compare their results fast:

44 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity


These calculations assume horizontal flight. Typical path angles are =3 at approach (NOT at takeoff!). Advanced students
may click error estimation and find that small approach angles are negligible.

For estimating the height horizontal flight was assumed. Typical sink rates at approach are 700 ft/min (= 3.6 m/s). This
results in the loudest (=closest) position being not exactly above head. For h > 1000 m and t < 3 s students may find it
negligible, too.

Further assumptions:

No wind.

Infinite speed of light.

Constant speed of sound.

No lens errors (e.g. barrel distortion).

Didactic plea: Students may come up with better solutions or none. Keep in mind: Our aim is to promote scientific
thinking, and not simply to produce a solution!

The following student worksheet is structured by the concept of Hacker, Volpert & Drners Vollstndige selbstregulierte
Lernhandlung (Complete self-regulated learning action) modified by A. Bresges (2008).

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 45

Student Worksheet: Estimating the Speed and Distance of an Airplane

Objective: Estimate the speed and height of an airplane using the speed of sound.

Why? Approaching planes near

airports can look very close and
slow. Children living near airports
sometimes have nightmares that a
plane above them will fall from the
sky into their bedroom. Can you help
them by proving to them how fast and
high the planes still really are?

To do this activity, you will need

to find a location not far from an
airport, where you can see airplanes
fly overhead as they are just about
to land. Try to find a location that is
between 2 to 6 kilometers away from 1912: People looking up to the sky, watching the first aircraft ever
airplanes as they fly. to fly over Townsville
(Image Credit: John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland).
You may use:

A long ruler (for challenge B)

A tablet or smartphone with

a movie cutting app

a noise analysis app

Challenge A: Measuring a planes travelling height

1. You might already have found out that the speed of sound (vsound) is somewhere around 343 m/s.
Also you know that the speed of the sound multiplied with the time it travels is the travel height of
the plane. Make a sketch or find a formula for this! ____________

2. Collect ideas how to measure or calculate the missing physical values. There is no right and wrong
here! Which tools can you use? Which measuring points or positions are suitable? Which physical
(alone) units are useful?

3. Now listen to the ideas of your partner(s) and present your ideas. Make a team decision on how to
continue. Deciding to ask for help here is also a decision. Try to write down your problem before.

(small group/pair)

4. Do what you decided. If problems occur, go back to planning and try again.

(small group/pair)

46 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

5. Estimate how reliable your measurements are. Can you repeat them exactly? What is your measuring
(small group/pair)

Finally discuss WHAT you actually measured and present your findings to the whole class.

Listen carefully to the findings of the other groups and try to find differences and similarities.
Now that you already have successfully completed circle of a self-regulated learning action try to do it
again, but this time with an even harder challenge:

Challenge B: Measuring the planes speed

You know the travelling height (hplane) of the plane now. Maybe this triangle
sketch will give you ideas on how to first measure the planes traveling distance

1. My ideas are


2. We decided...

(small group/pair)

3. This we had to change:

(small group/pair)

This worked as planed:

4. Verification
(small group/pair) Unit

Our measuring results seem to

5. What if the plane doesnt fly horizontally? Would it influence the measurements? Discuss with the
class. Is it possible with your method to record the speed and height of a plane from other directions?

* Ultimate challenge: Can you persuade a much younger child of your findings with simple words?

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 47

Direct Instruction Approach

The direct instructional approach closely models the method referenced in The Physics Teacher, and might provide greater
clarity to the teacher or student who needs more scaffolding or who appreciates mathematical puzzles. Additionally, the
approach suggested does not require students to be directly underneath the flight path only near it.

The more direct approach, outlined in The Physics Teacher article, uses the following method:

Once an airplane begins to pass overhead, hold out the meter stick perpendicular to the line of sight toward the airplane (A).
Once the position is noted (a), simultaneously begin the lap timer (T0). A helper should also measure the distance of the
sighters eye to point a (x). When the sound of the airplane also appears to come from point A, record the sighted position (b)
of the planes current location (B), and again press the lap timer (T1). Again, wait for the sound to appear to come from point
B, and record the sighted position (c) of the actual plane (C), and press the lap timer again (T2).

The change in time for the intervals can be defined as:


The actual speed and distance of the airplane can then be estimated
using the law of cosines. The view of the flight path can be denoted by
triangle AOB, with sides D1, D2, and D12. Most high school students
will at least have some level of familiarity with the Pythagorean
theorems more general expression for any triangle:

This can be substituted for actual values from the activity, to give

Because distance, D, can be expressed as the product of speed and

change in time (v t), this equation can be further defined as

and simplified to

The angle can be estimated with the simple form of the

Pythagorean theorem, as:

If possible, students can also attempt to identify the type

of plane, and to compare their resulting speeds to speeds
typical of planes as they take off or land.

Sample data is reproduced here in Table 1.

48 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

Student Worksheet: Estimating the Speed and Distance of an Airplane

Objective: Estimate the speed and distance of an airplane using the speed of sound.

From your previous investigations, you might have found out that
the speed of sound is somewhere around 343 m/s, and perhaps a
bit higher or lower depending upon atmospheric conditions. In
this activity, you will use trigonometry and the difference in time
between the location of an airplane and the apparent location of
its sound, in order to find out both the speed and distance of an

To complete this activity, you will need to find a location not

far from an airport, where you can see airplanes fly overhead as
they are just about to land or takeoff. Try to find a location that is
between two and six kilometers away from airplanes as they fly.

1. What travels faster sound or light? Explain how you know.

(Consider lightning and thunder, or the sights and sounds of

For this activity, you may assume that light travels instantaneously
(although it actually doesnt), and that sounds travels at 343 m/s.
Similar to the situations identified in #1 above, it is possible to look
at a plane, and to hear the sound appearing to travel behind it. In
this activity, you will use a timer to mark the time and location of an airplane at two points on a meter stick, and also time
how long it takes for the sound to appear to catch up to the planes previous positions.

This task will take some coordination, so be patient, and make sure you are in a location where multiple airplanes pass by
every hour. Be sure to read the instructions first, as you will not have time to read them once you begin!

2. Hold out a meter stick parallel to your face. Have your partner record the distance between your eyes and the point on
the meter stick, so that it makes a 90 degree angle (0 a). Put a piece of tape at this position.

Record the distance from eyes to meter stick here: 0 a: m

Record the position of a here: a: m

3. Watch for the first aircraft to pass by. When the aircraft is located at a, call TIME! Your partner should begin the

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 49

4. Listen carefully for the airplanes sound until it also appears to be located at a. At that moment, quickly glance at the
airplanes location and call out the position on the meter stick. At that moment, your partner should hit the lap button
on the timer and record the position you called out. This position is now known as b. See the image below if you need

Record the first lap time here: T1 T0 = t1: s

Record the position of b here: b: m

5. Listen carefully for the airplanes sound until it also appears to be located at b. At that moment, quickly glance at the
airplanes location and call out the position on the meter stick. At that moment, your partner should hit the lap button
on the time and record the position you called out. This position is now known as c.

Record the second lap time here: T2 T1 = t2: s

Record the position of c here: c: m

6. Now that you have all of your data, you can estimate the
speed and distance of the airplane. For simplicity, focus
only on the first triangle, AOB, with sides D12, D1, and
D2. Note that this is not a right triangle. However, the
extended form of the Pythagorean theorem can be used,

which can be substituted with the symbols for the sides.

7. However, you dont have the value of any of the sides!

Instead, how can you represent an expression for D? (Hint:
Use your equation for distance, speed, and time, and solve
for D. Substitute this expression for D into the equation,
ensuring that you are using the proper time).

Because distance, D, can be expressed as the product of

speed and change in time (v t), this equation can be further
defined as

where vs is the speed of sound and vp is the speed of the plane.

8. Explain how the equation above can be simplified to:

50 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

9. Now, all that remains is to solve for the angle near your eye. Use your markings on your meter stick for positions a
and b, as well as the value of x, to solve for the angle. Show work.

10. Substitute all values into the equation from #8, and calculate the speed of the plane.

11. Perform the same analysis for triangle AOC. Calculate the speed of the plane using that data.

12. How does the data for your airplane speed compare
with each other? How does it compare to sample
data produced by other physics students in Table 1?

13. Would it be possible to perform the same analysis

with triangle BOC? Why or why not?

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 51

Constant Velocity WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Falling and Air

Real-World Applications: Noise Doppler-Shift Measurement of

Airplane Speed
Ivan F. Costa and Alexandra Mocellin. The Physics Teacher, 45, 356 (2007).

While out measuring the distance and speed of

airplanes using trigonometry and/or sound intensity,
Objectives a further option is to measure the speed of airplanes
Use linear relationships,
using Doppler shift. (However, ensure that students
graphs, and body movement to
develop a good conceptual understanding of the
simulate air traffic control.
Doppler effect before pursuing this activity).
Materials Simple fast Fourier transform (FFT) analyzers can
Internet access: be obtained freely through mobile device apps or probeware companies. Allow students to first hear
Paper (type rolls) the Doppler effect of aircraft as they pass by. Then,
Paper placards use an FFT analyzer to determine the
Timers average frequency of the plane as it
comes toward the observer, is near the
NGSS observer, and as it goes away from the
CDI HS-PS4-1 observer.
SEP 1-7
Three primary frequencies should
be identified in the FFT profile
frequency when coming toward,
frequency when directly above/beside
the observer, and frequency when
leaving. Although this pattern can be
observed in Figure 3 as a kind of stair
step graph, different FFT analyzers
will represent these values in different ways. (Additionally, students will note that there is
a lot of background noise, originating from erratic vibration, turbulence, etc.) Using these
frequencies, apply the Doppler shift equation to estimate the speed of the source.

52 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

New Acoustics Techniques Clear Path for Quieter Aviation

Analysis Questions

What is auralization? Why is it important?

What is psychoacoustics? Why is it important to use human test subjects, rather just than
electronic sound analyzers?

Click on the hyperlink near the end of the article to listen to a variety of Aircraft Flyover Sim-
ulation files. Listen to a number of different scenarios, then comment on at least five variables
that you think researchers must take into account when doing auralization work. If you are
uncertain, click on the research papers associated with the files to learn more.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 53

Constant Velocity WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Smart Skies

Real-World Applications: Smart Skies

The following activities are a synthesis of currently available Smart Skies and FlyBy Math
modules produced by NASA. This handout provides an introduction to the tasks, but formal
teacher guides and student worksheets and resources are located online at the links to the side.
Use linear relationships, Objective
graphs, and body movement to
Model the difficulties and problems associated with air traffic control using mathematics and
simulate air traffic control.
simulations. NASA has developed two comprehensive curricular modules, titled Fly By Math
and Line Up With Math, as well as a free app, Sector 33, which can be used independently.
Internet access: Fly by Math
Paper (type rolls) Fly By Math makes use of five different scenarios
Paper placards of airplanes approaching each other. Students
Timers are provided with each scenario, and asked to
determine a variety of information about the
NGSS airplanes, including the time it will take for each
CDI HS-PS2 plane to merge onto the main route (problems
SEP 2, 4, 5, 7 1-4) and the time when the trailing plane will
CCC 3, 4, 7 catch up to the leading plane (problem 5).

54 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

Students will solve each of the above problems using up to six different calculation methods:

Counting feet and seconds using a jet route diagram

Drawing blocks to make a bar graph

Plotting points on two vertical number lines

Plotting points on a Cartesian coordinate system

Deriving and using the distance-rate-time formula

Graphing two linear equations

In addition, students can use the Fly By Math Simulator to plot airplane
distance versus time, and see the effects of changing speed and starting
distance from the origin by modifying variables in the linear equation.

Line Up With Math

Line Up with Math makes use of six different problems

about airplanes. Airplanes must be carefully aligned to be
within three nautical miles of each other upon approach
into an air sector to ensure that plane distances are both
safe as well as efficient. Students must find solutions to
problems involving two-plane and three-plane conflicts
resolved with route changes, two-plane and three-plane
conflicts resolved with speed changes, and three-plane,
four-plane, and five-plane conflicts resolved with speed
changes or with speed and route changes. Students use an
online air traffic control simulator, supported by student
worksheets, to model the movements and placements of
airplanes, and to change their speeds and/or routes.

Students and the wider community can access the benefits

of Line Up With Math with the stand-alone Sector 33 app
for iOS and Android mobile devices.

Sector 33

Sector 33 is an app that allows users of all backgrounds

to experience what it is like to manage air traffic control.
Sector 33 is the actual airspace around the San Francisco
Bay area.

Sector 33 can be downloaded, for free, from the Apple

iTunes Store and the Google Play Store.

iOS iTunes Store: https://itunes.

Android Google Play Store:

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 55

Sector 33 App Description

Its a stormy Friday evening in Northern California as the evening rush of air traffic fast approaches the San Francisco Bay
Area. All flights going to San Francisco airport from the east pass through Sector 33 YOUR sector of the airspace.

As the lead air traffic controller for Sector 33, you must merge the arriving planes into a single traffic stream as they pass over
Modesto, Calif. on the western edge of your sector. The planes must be properly spaced and arrive over Modesto as soon as
possible. Every minute you delay a plane during the traffic rush, that delay is passed on to ALL the other planes flying behind
it. Although time is of the essence, to assure safety, the planes must NEVER violate minimum spacing requirements.

Can you handle Sector 33?


Thirty-five problems

Two to five airplanes

Speed and route controls

Thunderstorm obstacles

Four levels of controller certification

Locked levels

Scoring for each problem

Scoring for each certification level

In-game introduction

In-game hints

Help section

Extra videos

Links to related websites

Links to social websites

In the US Sector 33 airspace, three main air highways merge together over Modesto. In order to ensure that the planes are
efficiently trafficked upon arrival at their destination airport to save fuel and decrease the incidence of delays all of the planes
must be within three nautical miles of each other, but no less than two nautical miles, to ensure safety. In the scenario, the user
must provide instructions to each of the airplanes on their speed and route. The game player must use mathematical strategy,
ratios, and time sequencing by thinking ahead. Failing to do so results in a loss of points, and, in the real world, possible tragedy.

As an example, Level 3-g is displayed. Three airplanes,

AAL12, DAL88, and UAL74 are approaching Modesto at the
same speed of 600 knots. AAL12 is approximately 19 nautical
miles from Modesto, while DAL88 is 21 nautical miles
away, and UAL74 is 23 nautical miles away if it follows
the southern-most path, or 26 miles away from Modesto if
it directed to branch off toward position OAL. Because all
airplanes must achieve a spacing of three nautical miles away
from each other by the time the last plane reaches Modesto,
there are a variety of possible solutions, as all of the planes
speeds are relative to one another. However, not all solutions
are viable, given weather conditions that block certain
pathways, and the inability to speed up planes (only decrease
speed from a maximum of 600 knots).

56 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

Although this might appear quite complex, students are built up from simple to more complex scenarios along the way, and
are given a variety of helpful hints:

1. Sending a plane along an intermediary branch (i.e. from positions MINAH to OAL, or LIDAT to OAL) adds an addi-
tional three nautical miles to the total distance.
2. Speed options decrease by 60 knots each (i.e. from 600 knots to 540 knots). Because the definition of one knot is one
nautical mile per hour, a decrease in speed by 60 knots decreases the distance covered in one hour by one-sixtieth of
the distance covered per hour (i.e. the distance covered in one minute).
In reference to the example problem in level 3-g above, one possible solution would require the user to :

1. Decrease DAL88s speed to 540 knots for one minute, in order to increase distance from AAL12 by one more nautical
2. Send UAL74 from LIDAT to MOD, and decrease speed to 540 knots for two minutes, or 480 knots for one minute, in
order to space UAL74 three nautical miles away from DAL88.
This engaging, educational game demonstrates to students not only the complexities of managing relative speeds and
distances, but demonstrates, on a small scale, how difficult it can be to safely and efficiently manage systems of hundreds of
planes that might pass through a single airspace sector each day.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 57

Air Traffic Operations Lab Answering Big Questions About the Future of Air Travel

Questions for Analysis

The article references that algorithms are used to model air traffic. What is an algorithm?

Why is computer modeling of air traffic insufficient? Why must human test subjects be used?

NASA Tool Helps Airliners Minimize Weather Delays

Questions for Analysis

At the time the article was written, how much did jet fuel cost per gallon?

By cutting 6.2 minutes of flight time from each of 538 American Airlines flights, how much
money was saved per flight? How much money was saved in total?

What values and interests do you think influence what kinds of research get done, in general?

58 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

Constant Velocity WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Pitot Tube

Objectives Interactive Demonstration: Pitot-Static Tube

Build a model Prandtl pressure
tube. Qualitatively determine Using visual clues or global positioning system (GPS) instrumentation, it can be very easy for
Bernoullis principle. observers to determine the speed of an aircraft with respect to the ground (groundspeed).
Measure static, dynamic, and However, as you have seen earlier, what is really more important to aircraft is its speed with
total pressure using student- respect to the surrounding air (airspeed).
determined units.

Translucent bendy straws
Translucent cup
Colored water
Wind source of variable speed
(fan, hair dryer)
Fluid barometer (optional)

SEP 2, 3, 6
CCC 2, 4, 5, 6

The way that aircraft determine their speed requires the use of small tubes (pitot tubes) that
point toward the source of the airflow. This tube measures the total pressure (atmospheric
pressure and pressure resulting from the airflow directed into the tube). Additionally, other
tubes are open to the air 90 degrees to the airflow, which measures the static pressure
(atmospheric pressure at the point of the opening, resulting from flow over the aircraft as well
as other climatic conditions). The difference in these values (total pressure static pressure)
results in dynamic pressure. (Note: Dynamic pressure is actually the difference between the
pressures at two points, and should be mathematically represented with a delta () when not
written in its differential form.)

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 59

To demonstrate this, help students to construct a very simple static pressure probe. Place a single straw vertically in a cup
of colored water. Take another straw (or portion of a straw), and use it to blow directly across the opening of the vertical
straw. When the students blow, the fluid will rise to a particular level. At high air speeds, the fluid rises to a higher level.
At very high speeds, students will observe the device behave as an atomizer and sprinkle fluid. (Caution: Food coloring
might stain fabric).

Ask students to qualitatively determine the relationship between

static pressure and wind speed above the opening. Students will easily
recognize that as wind velocity increases, static pressure decreases.

Pedagogically, however, there is a bit more complexity. To understand

pitot tubes, it is important to understand pressure difference, a concept
that is best emphasized through and understanding of reservoirs,
barometers, and manometer. The fact that the fluid rises up in the straw
when air is blown over it is not just a matter of the fact that pressure was
decreased across the top of the straw. In fact, it is the air pressure pushing
down on the fluid in the reservoir (the liquid in the cup) that is greater
than the pressure inside of the straw. Hence, the fluid height is actually a
result of a difference in pressures between the two. (Likewise, consider
offering students the option to use a straw to drink up a soda it is not the
sucking action that causes the fluid to flow, but the pressure from the air
on the surface of the soda that pushes it down and up into the vacuum of
the mouth).

The fact that atmospheric pressure has an

effect can be demonstrated with a barometer.
Barometers are traditionally produced by
filling a tube completely with a fluid (such as
mercury, because of its high density), and then
inverting the tube into a reservoir. A vacuum is
created inside of the top of the tube, because the
atmosphere can only push up a certain quantity
of it in the tube. As atmospheric pressure
changes, more or less fluid gets pushed into the
tube. The reading of the relative height is then
converted into units of atmospheric pressure.

Alternatively, a manometer can be used to

measure pressure difference as well. Although,
like barometers, manometers have one (or
two) ends that are open to the surrounding
atmosphere, they do not need to be. Manometers
can be used to measure the pressure of a gas
relative to another gas that does not need to be
the atmosphere.

60 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

Pitot-static tubes work on the principle of difference of pressure to determine the relative airspeed. In the case of the straw
demonstration, speed can be inferred based upon how high the water goes up the straw (which is a result of the difference
between the pressure inside of the straw and around the straw on the surface of the water). In the case of pitot-static tubes,
pressure is compared in a tube facing directly into the wind (total pressure), to the pressure at a tube that points 90 degrees
to the wind (static pressure). If the static pressure is MUCH lower than the total pressure, then the airspeed is very high. If
the static pressure is a LITTLE BIT lower than the total pressure, then the airspeed is very low. If the two pressure values are
the same, then the airspeed is zero (and, hopefully, the aircraft is at rest on the ground!)

Next, allow students to fashion a model pitot-static tube using the following worksheet.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 61

Teacher Answer Key: Pitot-Static Tube
Provide students with materials, and encourage them to make a model pitot tube and then pitot-static tube. The simplest
pitot-static tube can be fashioned out of a cup, water, and some straws. Students might decide to make their pitot-static tubes
similar to manometers (with a connected reservoir) or with an open reservoir, such as a cup open to the atmosphere.
Encourage students to demonstrate their understanding by asking them to do the following:

1. Blow air directly over a static pressure tube (vertical tube inserted into
water, but not resting against the bottom of the cup). What
happens? Why do you think this happens?
As air is blown across the tube, the fluid level settles at a level higher
than it was before. Sometimes, the fluid from the reservoir even leaves
the top of the tube and sprays all over. This is because the pressure
outside of the tube around the reservoir (atmospheric pressure) is
greater than the pressure inside of the vertical tube. Hence, the
pressure inside of the tube must decrease when the wind blows over it.

2. Demonstrate how relative speed of air

blowing over the tube can be determined.
Use a wind source with a high or low
setting to show how the device works.
As wind blows over the Static tube, its
fluid level will settle at a higher level
than before (lower pressure than before).
As wind blows into the pitot tube, its flu-
id level will settle at a level lower than
before (higher pressure than before).

3. Identify the variables that influence the

actual static pressure.
Atmospheric pressure and wind speed
are the greatest contributors. Wind
speed can also be influenced by regional factors, including
turbulent flow that results from aircraft shape or climactic changes.

4. Build a model pitot-static tube with the available materials. Again, blow
air directly across the Static tube and into the pitot tube. What happens?
The fluid in the pitot tube settles lower than the reservoir level (because
the pressure is higher inside of the tube), and the fluid in the Static tube
settles higher than the reservoir level (because the pressure is lower inside
of the tube). If this cannot be seen, either because the straws are opaque
or it is difficult to see the fluid, then have students listen to the sound pro-
duced in the tubes. As students force faster air over the pitot tube, the pitch
decreases. As they force faster air over the Static tube, the pitch increases.
The change in pitch is a result of the resonance of tubes of different length,
which depends upon the level of the fluid in the tube.

62 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

5. Identify the variables that influence the total pressure.
All of the above variables influence total pressure. However, wind speed has a much greater impact on the pitot tube
because particles are actually being forced into the tube.

6. Explain how the changes in fluid levels could be quantified and interpreted to make meaning of dynamic pressure.
(Note: Allow students to look at a glass barometer. They will notice that the pressure gradations are linear. Therefore,
for an incompressible fluid, twice the pressure results in twice the chance in height of the fluid).
Fluid levels could actually be measured with a small ruler. Large changes in fluid height mean that there has been a
large change in pressure, and vice versa. Total pressure (at the pitot tube) could be subtracted from the static pressure
(at the static tube) to determine a relative fluid height representing the dynamic pressure. While the actual value for
dynamic pressure might not be easily calculated, it should be relatively easy to determine if the dynamic pressure is
greater or less than the static pressure.

7. Describe the benefits/disadvantages to using a fluid reservoir that is open to the atmosphere, versus connecting the two
tubes to make a manometer.
Opening the fluid reservoir to the atmosphere results in a third pressure value that is likely a known value (if an
atmospheric barometer is available). When using a manometer that is closed to the atmosphere, it is possible to know
relative pressure (how many times greater the pressure of one gas is compared to the other), but actual pressure cannot
be known without knowing the actual pressure of at least one of the gasses.

8. Explain why it is vitally important to pilots to know their airspeed (and not just their groundspeed).
Airspeed is what provides the lift. If an airplane is traveling at exactly the same velocity as the air around it, its relative
speed is zero, and no lift will be produced.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 63

Student Worksheet: Pitot-Static Tube
Watch your teacher demonstrate a static pressure tube made from straws.

1. Blow air directly over a static pressure tube (vertical tube inserted into water, but not resting against the bottom of the
cup). What happens? Why do you think this happens?

2. Demonstrate how the relative speed of air blowing over the tube can be determined. Use a wind source with a high or
low setting to show how the device works.

3. Identify the variables that influence the actual static pressure.

4. Build a model pitot-static tube with the avail-

able materials. Include a sketch of your design.
Again, blow air directly across the static tube
and into the pitot tube. What happens? Why?

5. Identify the variables that influence the total


6. Explain how the changes in fluid levels could

be quantified and interpreted to make meaning
of dynamic pressure. (Note: Allow students to look at a glass barometer. They will notice that the pressure gradations
are linear. Therefore, for an incompressible fluid, twice the pressure results in twice the chance in height of the fluid).

7. Describe the benefits/disadvantages to using a fluid

reservoir that is open to the atmosphere, versus
connecting the two tubes to make a manometer.

8. Explain why it is vitally important to pilots to know

their airspeed (and not just their groundspeed).

64 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

Constant Velocity WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Bernoulli Effect Lab

Objectives Inquiry Lesson/Lab: Bernoulli Effect Lab

Build a cambered airfoil.
Measure the airfoils pressure Developed by Florian Genz, University of Cologne
foil in varying situations.
Most textbooks (elementary through
college) attribute a large part, if not all
Materials of, the force of lift directly to
Thin and transparent straws Bernoullis principle. In the simplest
Transparent container terms, most books describe that an
Colored Water airplanes lift originates from the idea
Ruler that air must flow faster over a
Clay cambered airfoil rather than under it,
Tape resulting in a decrease of pressure on
Cardboard top of the airfoil. While this statement
Cord wire is not entirely untrue, it is often based
Suspension material upon very faulty assumptions, and a
Large box fan disproportionate contribution to the
Sharp knife or blade total lift force. As student progress, they
will learn more about these common
NGSS misconceptions in the activity Models
CDI HS-PS2 of Lift.
SEP 2, 3, 4, 7
CCC 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 In closed systems of incompressible
fluid, Bernoullis Principle states the
relationship between differences in
static pressure, ps, and flow velocity, v:

In the previous activity, students will

have determined that wind speed above
a static pressure tube influences the
pressure in the tube. Faster air currents
result in a lower pressure than slower air currents.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 65

Again however, Bernoulli deals with incompressible fluids (such as most liquids), not gases. Additionally, a closed tube
system is very different from an airplanes wing. For example, holding cardboard horizontally over or under the wing to
simulate a closed system can change the pressure profile dramatically. Also winglets (cardboard on the side edges) make
the pressure profile more Venturi-tube situation-like ( By user:
ComputerGeezer and Geof (Modified from :de:Bild:Venturirohr.jpg) CC-BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia Commons).

Objective: Qualitatively or quantitatively determine the pressure profiles of a cambered airfoil.

The following instructions are for a low-tech, qualitative approach to this lab. Using precision laboratory equipment, however,
it is possible to get a much deeper understanding of the relationship between pressure profiles due to Bernoulli effects, and
the total impact on lift. Reference Leybold Lesson P1.8.6.3 in the Additional Resources at the end of this document for
an example high-tech version of a similar lab. By observing the force generated from the pressure profile of the airfoil, and
comparing it to total lift observed on an electronic balance, it becomes possible to see that the Bernoulli-based path-length
explanation has very little effect on total lift.

For the low-tech version:

To prepare a cambered airfoil, use a firm piece of cardboard and use a hole-puncher to make holes for the straws. To get
a pressure profile for your cambered airfoil, pressure must be measured both above and below the airfoil at given chord
thicknesses. (At least four straws should point up, and four straws at the same chord thickness should be inserted and then
inverted back down through the cardboard again. Clay can be used to form the airfoil to the desired shape. See the visual
instructions below:

Prepare holes in the cardboard for the internal air fluid system. The images below show how the straws will look inside the
clay airfoil.

66 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

Form a cambered airfoil with clay. Remove the clay and insert the straws. Break the clay into pieces, as necessary, to form
around the straws once they have been inserted.

Top, Bottom, and Side Views:

Insert at least two thin rods into the cardboard, and attach string to the front and back ends of the rods so that the airfoil can
be supported from a ring stand. Cut off excess straws on the bottom and top of the airfoil.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 67

Prepare the reservoir filled with water and food coloring. Support the straws with an additional piece of cardboard just above
the reservoir. Adjust the airfoil to the desired angle of attack.

A more high-tech approach to this lab entails the use of an airfoil and precision manometer to measure actual pressures
differences (in pascals, or Pa) and relative speed at individual points. Both lab materials and an accompanying lab manual
( can be acquired through Leybold.

68 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

Teacher Worksheet: Bernoulli Effect Lab
Objective: Qualitatively or quantitatively
determine the pressure profiles of a
cambered airfoil.

Observe differences in fluid height in each

pressure tube when the wind source is
provided at varying speeds.

1. Choose one point along the airfoils

length. Compare the pressure above
and below the airfoil. Which pressure
is higher? Why do you think this is the
Pressures below the airfoil are typical-
ly much higher than the points directly
above them at positive angles of attack.
This is due to many reasons, but most
of them track back to the inertia of the air particles. However, the skipping stone analogy oversimpli-
fies as much as the Venturi tube analogy. Most air particles are interacting with each other and very
few hit the airfoil directly. Interfering effects might be:

Turbulence (especially for very small scaled models)

The straws holes might be so big that we CANNOT assume laminar flow around them.

2. Prepare to collect data along all points of the airfoil, above and below. Feel free to investigate the
effect of wind speed, water coloring, etc., on the visibility of pressure difference. Determine how you
will collect data. Will it be qualitative or quantitative? Provide a rationale for how you will collect the
most meaningful data.
Student responses will vary. Some differences in pressure could be measured with millimeters, al-
though precision is likely to be low. Students might simply choose to rank pressure values, or use
non-numeric symbols to represent relative pressures and pressure differences.

3. Decide what kind of set-up you will use to develop a pressure profile. Decide which three different
variables you will change in the set-up to observe changes in the pressure profiles.

4. Using a single setting on your air source (large box fan, leaf blower, hair dryer, etc.), develop the
pressure profiles for your airfoil. Be certain to record any constants.

Trial #1 Constants (list below):

Constants might include angle of attack, camber, air composition, and wind speed.

Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4

Pressure Above
Pressure Below
Pressure Difference

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 69

5. Choose to modify your setup in any way. (Consider camber thickness, angle of attack, wind speed,
etc.). How does this change your pressure profile?

Trial #2 Constants (list below):

Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4

Pressure Above
Pressure Below
Pressure Difference

6. Again, choose to modify your setup in any way. (Consider camber thickness, angle of attack, wind
speed, etc.). How does this change your pressure profile?

Trial #3 Constants (list below):

Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4

Pressure Above
Pressure Below
Pressure Difference

7. Share the results of your pressure profiles

with your classmates. If appropriate, show
your data as a chart or as a graph. Discuss
how your results compare. If they are differ-
ent, determine why.

8. Share your results with your classmates.

What conclusion(s) can you draw about the pressure differences above and below an airfoil? Provide
a rationale for your conclusion.
Typically, the pressure below a cambered airfoil is greater than above it. Data should support this.
However, this is not true if the airfoil is pointed downward, or if the airfoil has an angle of attack of
zero degrees while being symmetric.

9. The image to the above right shows pressure profiles. Select ONE of your trials from above. Draw a
sketch of your airfoil, and provide a qualitative sketch of the pressure profile above and below the
airfoil at the four points you studied.
Student responses will vary.

10. Of your three trials, which airfoil or airfoil setup do you think would be most effective for achieving
flight? Why?
Student responses will vary.

11. Look at a different kind of vertical pressure profile for the

entire body of an aircraft. What direction is being measured
as upward and downward pressure, and how do you know?
Why do you think that some relative, static pressures are
positive and why are some negative? Explain.
Pressure near the nose is very high because it is penetrat-
ing the air wall. Pressure must be high near the back of the
plane as well to keep it balanced.

70 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

Student Worksheet: Bernoulli Effect Lab
Objective: Qualitatively or quantitatively
determine the pressure profiles of a
cambered airfoil.

Observe differences in fluid height in each

pressure tube when the wind source is
provided at varying speeds.

1. Choose one point along the airfoils

length. Compare the pressure above
and below the airfoil. Which pressure
is higher? Why do you think this is the

2. Prepare to collect data along all points of the airfoil, above and below. Feel free to investigate the
effect of wind speed, water coloring, etc., on the visibility of pressure difference. Determine how you
will collect data. Will it be qualitative or quantitative? Provide a rationale for how you will collect the
most meaningful data.

3. Decide what kind of set-up you will use to develop a pressure profile. Decide which three variables
you will modify in the set-up to observe changes in the pressure profiles.

4. Using a single setting on your air source (large box fan, leaf blower, hair dryer, etc.), develop the
pressure profiles for your airfoil. Be certain to record any constants.

Trial #1 Constants (list below):

Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4

Pressure Above
Pressure Below
Pressure Difference

5. Choose to modify your set-up in any way. (Consider camber thickness, angle of attack, wind speed,
etc.). How does this change your pressure profile?

Trial #2 Constants (list below):

Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4

Pressure Above
Pressure Below
Pressure Difference

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 71

6. Again, choose to modify your set-up in any way. (Consider camber thickness, angle of attack, wind
speed, etc.). How does this change your pressure profile?

Trial #2 Constants (list below):

Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4

Pressure Above
Pressure Below
Pressure Difference

7. Share the results of your

pressure profiles with your
classmates. If appropriate,
show your data as a chart or
as a graph. Discuss how your
results compare. If they are
different, determine why.

8. What conclusion(s) can you draw about the pressure differences above and below an airfoil? Provide
a rationale for your conclusion.

9. The image to the above right shows pressure profiles. Select ONE of your trials from above. Draw a
sketch of your airfoil, and provide a qualitative sketch of the pressure profile above and below the
airfoil at the four points you studied.

10. Of your three trials, which airfoil or airfoil setup do you think would be most effective for achieving
flight? Why?

11. Look at a different kind of vertical pressure

profile for the entire body of an aircraft. What
direction is being measured as upward and down-
ward pressure, and how do you know? Why do
you think that some relative, static pressures are
positive and why are some negative? Explain.

72 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

Problem Set: Bernoullis Equation and Pitot-Static Tubes
from Beginners Guide to Aeronautics

(Note: This background is most appropriate
after students have been introduced to these
concepts through constructivist and/or
inquiry activities.)

In the 1700s, Daniel Bernoulli investigated

the forces present in a moving fluid.
This slide shows one of many forms of
Bernoullis equation. The equation appears
in many physics, fluid mechanics, and
airplane textbooks. The equation states that
the static pressure ps in the flow plus the
dynamic pressure, one half of the density
times the velocity v squared, is equal to a
constant throughout the flow. We call this
constant the total pressure PT of the flow.

As discussed on the gas properties page, there are two ways to look at a fluid; from the large, macroscale properties of the
fluid that we can measure, and from the small, microscale of the molecular motion and interaction. On this page, we will
consider Bernoullis equation from both standpoints.

Macro Scale Derivation

Thermodynamics is the branch of science which describes the macro scale properties of a fluid. One of the principle results
of the study of thermodynamics is the conservation of energy; within a system, energy is neither created nor destroyed but
may be converted from one form to another. We shall derive Bernoullis equation by starting with the conservation of energy
equation. The most general form for the conservation of energy is given on the Navier-Stokes equation page. This formula
includes the effects of unsteady flows and viscous interactions. Assuming a steady, inviscid flow we have a simplified
conservation of energy equation in terms of the enthalpy of the fluid:

where hT is the total enthalpy of the fluid (hT1 is the total enthalpy of the fluid before, and hT2 is the total enthalpy of the fluid
after), q is the heat transfer into the fluid, and Wsh is the useful work done by the fluid.

Assuming no heat transfer into the fluid, and no work done by the fluid, we have:

From the definition of total enthalpy:

where e is the internal energy, P is the pressure, V is the specific volume, and v is the velocity of the fluid. From the first law
of thermodynamics if there is no work and no heat transfer, the internal energy remains the same:

The specific volume is the inverse of the fluid density :

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 73

Assuming that the flow is incompressible, the density is a constant. Multiplying the energy equation by the constant

This is the simplest form of Bernoullis equation and the one most often quoted in textbooks. If we make different
assumptions in the derivation, we can derive other forms of the equation.

It is important when applying any equation that you are aware of the restrictions on its use; the restrictions usually arise in
the derivation of the equation when certain simplifying assumptions about the nature of the problem are made. If you ignore
the restrictions, you may often get an incorrect answer from the equation. For instance, this form of the equation was derived
while assuming that the flow was incompressible, which means that the speed of the flow is much less than the speed of sound.
If you use this form for a supersonic flow, the answer will be wrong.

Molecular Scale Derivation

We can make another interpretation of the equation by considering the motion of the gas molecules. The molecules within
a fluid are in constant random motion, colliding with each other and with the walls of an object in the fluid. The motion of
the molecules gives the molecules a linear momentum and the fluid pressure is a measure of this momentum. If a gas is at
rest, all of the motion of the molecules is random and the pressure that we detect is the total pressure of the gas. If the gas is
set in motion or flows, some of the random components of velocity are changed in favor of the directed motion. We call the
directed motion ordered, as opposed to the disordered random motion.

We can associate a pressure with the momentum of the ordered motion of the gas. We call this pressure the dynamic pressure.
The remaining random motion of the molecules still produces a pressure called the static pressure. At the molecular level,
there is no distinction between random and ordered motion. Each molecule has a velocity in some direction until it collides
with another molecule and the velocity is changed. But when you sum up all the velocities of all the molecules you will
detect the ordered motion. From a conservation of energy and momentum standpoint, the static pressure plus the dynamic
pressure is equal to the original total pressure in a flow (assuming we do not add or subtract energy in the flow). The form of
the dynamic pressure is the density times the square of the velocity divided by two.

Applications of Bernoullis Equation

The fluids problem shown on the image on the prior page is low speed flow through a tube with changing cross-sectional area.
For a streamline along the center of the tube, the velocity decreases from station one to two. Bernoullis equation describes
the relation between velocity, density, and pressure for this flow problem. Since density is a constant for a low speed problem,
the equation at the bottom of the slide relates the pressure and velocity at station two to the conditions at station one.

Along a low speed airfoil, the flow is incompressible and the density remains a constant. Bernoullis equation then reduces
to a simple relation between velocity and static pressure. The closest streamlines follow the surface of the airfoil. Since the
velocity varies along the streamline, Bernoullis equation can be used to compute the change in pressure. The static pressure
integrated along the entire surface of the airfoil gives the total aerodynamic force on the foil. This force can be broken down
into the lift and drag of the airfoil.

Bernoullis equation is also used on aircraft to provide a speedometer called a pitot-static tube. A pressure is quite easy to
measure with a mechanical device. In a pitot-static tube, we measure the static and total pressure and can then use Bernoullis
equation to compute the velocity.

74 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

Problem Set from Beginners Guide to Aeronautics:
Student Worksheet
Teacher Key

Solve each problem. Make sure all units agree! (Note: For practical purposes, velocity is measured in KNOTS. One knot =
1.69 feet/second.)

1. Find the total air pressure detected by the pitot tube for a Cessna 182 airplane flying at a pressure altitude of 10,000 feet
(static pressure of 1455.6 lb/ft2 ) and a speed of 120 knots if the air density is 0.00162 slugs/ft3.

2. Find the difference in pressure (pt-ps) for the same conditions described above if the airplane speeds up to 160 knots.

3. If the total air pressure for the same Cessna 182 is measured at 1478.7 lb/ft2, what is the new velocity in knots of the

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 75

Constant Velocity WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Airplane Dynamics

Discovery Lab: Airplane Dynamics: Engine Thrust, Braking,

and Lift
Joe Pizzo. The Physics Teacher 26, 122 (1988).

Joe Pizzo describes the use of a modified two-dimension low-friction fan cart to demonstrate
the effect of the Bernoulli principle on lift, as well as the effect of engine breaking.
Observe and model engine
thrust, breaking, and lift.

Modified fan-cart
(moveable in three directions),
or water tray with floating
Dry ice
Balsa / foam airfoil
Aluminum flashing

SEP 2, 3, 6
CCC 2, 5

76 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity

A standard fan cart can be used to observe Activity #1 and
Activity #2. Activity #3, however, requires the significant
modification of the fan cart so that it can move in two
dimensions. (This might be a great engineering challenge
for students). Some options include mounting the fan onto
a set of low-friction ball-bearings that can slide across the
table top, placing it onto a piece of floating Styrofoam in
a pool of water, using floating airfoils on a plate of oil, or
balancing them on a small slab of dry ice while being
blown on by a uniform air stream.

With a few simple instructions, students can modify the

placement of airfoils in front of the fan cart, and allow

Activity #1 - Thrust: Students observe the effect of

thrust on a low-friction cart. Students will notice that the
cart will accelerate due to the constant net force.

Activity #2 Engine Braking: Aluminum flashing or a

cheap, thin aluminum cylinder can be split and then bent
open to create model air brakes. As the air blows into the
air brakes, the air is directed backwards, causing the cart
to move in the same direction as the wind from the fan.
CAUTION: The edges of aluminum flashing are very
sharp! Use appropriate hand and eye protection when
cutting or handling aluminum flashing.

Activity #3 Lift (Bernoulli effects only): Students

can fashion a cambered airfoil from Styrofoam or balsa
wood. By placing a cambered airfoil with no angle of
attack in front of a low-friction fan cart, students should
observe the cart to move to be a net sideways force on
the cart, causing it to move at an angle. Bernoulli is
the primary effect only when angle of attack is zero,
however. Even then, students will observe that effects
from Bernoulli are a very small overall contributor to lift.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Velocity 77

Uniform Acceleration
A joint project of
NASA Aeronautics
and the
American Association of
Physics Teachers

78 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Uniform Acceleration

Uniform Acceleration WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Prepare for Landing

Literary/Data Analysis: Prepare for Landing

Gregory A. DiLisi and Richard A. Rarick. The Physics Teacher, 45, 300 (2007).

The authors of the article

Prepare for Landing decided to
make a quick analysis of their
Objectives planes motion on their descent
Given the cruising speed of into their destination airport
the plane, angle of descent, on an Airbus A320. A crude
landing speed, and time until accelerometer was constructed
landing, compare the calcu- by hanging a homemade
lated angle of deflection to pendulum bob on the surface
the actual measured angle of of the window. (Note: This
deflection. activity requires the use of a
worksheet based upon an in-air
Materials problem while flying. Students
Protractor or computer should not be requested to
complete a similar in-flight
experience without the consent
NGSS of the airline attendants).
SEP 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 This activity is a contextualized verification problem, in which students are asked to
CCC 3, 4 compare the actual angle of a pendulum bob during a constant acceleration descent to the
theoretically calculated angle of a pendulum bob. Two images can be seen superimposed
upon one another: the angle of the pendulum while in the final stages of descent, exactly
eight minutes before touchdown, and the angle of the pendulum while at rest on the ground.
This angle can be fairly easily measured and compared to the estimated angle based upon the
Airbus A320s spec sheet for a typical landing.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Uniform Acceleration 79

Teacher Answer Key: Prepare for Landing
A passenger in an Airbus A320 takes a photograph of a pendulum bob
suspended from a window during the constant acceleration of the final
descent of an airplane, as well as when the airplane is at rest. The pilot of
the aircraft announces that the final descent has begun, and that the plan will
land in exactly eight minutes.

Based upon the specifications offered for the Airbus A320 at cruising
altitude, descent, and landing, answer the following questions in order to
theoretically estimate the angle measured by the passenger.

Cruising Speed Descent Angle of Attack Landing Speed

Airbus A320 Specs 525-575 mi/hr 135-155 mi/hr
Average estimates for this problem 550 mi/hr 3.3 145 mi/hr

1. What two factors would influence the angle of the pendu-

lum recorded during the constant acceleration and descent
of the airplane?
The angle of attack of the airplane, as well as the down-
and-forward acceleration of the airplanes propulsion

2. Assuming an average estimate of the cruising speed, cal-

culate the horizontal acceleration of the plane from the
beginning of its final descent to its landing.

3. Calculate the vertical acceleration of the plane from the beginning of its descent to its landing.

4. Consider that the pendulum bob is inside an airplane that

is accelerating. Draw a force diagram for the pendulum
bob, using the airplane as the flat frame of reference.

The angle of the tension force is a sum of both the angle

of attack (which we assume to be 3.3, according to the
Airbus A320s specifications), and the down-and-to-the-
right acceleration of the planes propulsion system.

80 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Uniform Acceleration

5. Now, draw an acceleration vector diagram for the pendulum bob. Again, use the airplane as the flat frame of
reference, and neglect the angle of attack in your frame of reference.

6. Break up the planes acceleration vector into its components. (Note: The original
article suggests the use of pseudoforces for solving this problem. For younger
students, an approach with acceleration vectors is likely more appropriate).

7. Using vector addition, graphically demonstrate how these acceleration vectors can be summed. Draw in the resultant

8. Calculate the angle between the two acceleration vector components caused by the Earth and due to the airplane.

9. Calculate the sum total theoretical angle of deflection of the pendulum due to the angle of attack of the airplane as well
as the accelerated frame of reference.

10. Compare the theoretical angle of deflection of the pendulum to the

actual angle of deflection from the image below:
The angle cited by the author, using MS WORDs Format Autoshape
function to create a right triangle and to measure the lengths, resulted
in a measured deflection of 5.9 0.9.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Uniform Acceleration 81

Prepare for Landing: Student Worksheet
A passenger in an Airbus A320 takes a photograph of a pendulum bob
suspended from a window during the constant acceleration of the final
descent of an airplane, as well as when the airplane is at rest. The pilot of
the aircraft announces that the final descent has begun, and that the plan will
land in exactly eight minutes.

Based upon the specifications offered for the Airbus A320 at cruising
altitude, descent, and landing, answer the following questions to
theoretically estimate the angle of the pendulum eight minutes before
landing, as measured by the passenger.

Cruising Speed Descent Angle of Attack Landing Speed

Airbus A320 Specs 525-575 mi/hr 135-155 mi/hr
Average estimates for this problem 550 mi/hr 3.3 145 mi/hr

1. What two factors would influence the angle of the

pendulum recorded during the constant acceleration and
descent of the airplane?

2. Assuming an average estimate of the cruising speed, calculate the horizontal acceleration of the plane from the begin-
ning of its final descent to its landing.

3. Calculate the vertical acceleration of the plane from the beginning of its descent to its landing.

4. Consider that the pendulum bob is inside an airplane that is accel-

erating. Draw a force diagram for the pendulum bob, using the
airplane as the flat frame of reference.

The angle of the tension force is a sum of both the angle of attack
(which we assume to be 3.3, according to the Airbus A320s specifi-
cations), and the down-and-to-the-right acceleration of the planes
propulsion system.

82 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Uniform Acceleration

5. Now, draw an acceleration vector diagram for the pendulum bob. Again, use the airplane as the flat frame of refer-
ence, and neglect the angle of attack in your frame of reference.

6. Break up the planes acceleration vector into its components.

7. Using vector addition, graphically demonstrate how these acceleration vectors can be summed. Draw in the resultant

8. Calculate the angle between the two acceleration vector components caused by the Earth and due to the airplane.

9. Calculate the sum total theoretical angle of deflection of the pendulum due to the tilt of the airplane as well as the
accelerated frame of reference.

10. Compare the theoretical angle of deflection of the pendulum to the

actual angle of deflection from the image below:

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Uniform Acceleration 83

Shhhh! Keep it Down Please!

Analysis Questions:

Takeoff and landing are often the noisiest part of flight. Based on the article you read, why is
this the case?

Why is aircraft noise a problem?

The article mentioned N+1, and N+2 aircraft. How will N+1 aircraft be different from what
we have today? How will N+2 aircraft be even further improved?

What are some additional ideas about ways you think noise reduction can be improved?

84 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Uniform Acceleration

Uniform Acceleration WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics

Objectives Application Lesson/Lab: Mobile Accelerometers

Analyze data for acceleration
of an airplane. The advent of mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones, allow for a wide array of data
collection and analysis opportunities. Ideally, students can collect their own data during an
Materials airplane ride in order to make a variety of qualitative and quantitative analyses. (Note: Please
Mobile devices with acceler- remind students that they must always follow FAA and local regulations regarding the use
ometer apps, example data of mobile devices in airplanes, especially during takeoff and landing.) This overview will
provide the teacher with some sample data and questions that could be proposed to students.
NGSS There are a number of apps from iOS and Android marketplaces that allow mobile devices to
CDI HS-PS2-1 display and record linear acceleration and/or g-force. (g-force is the ratio of the strength of
SEP 1-7 acceleration felt compared to acceleration due to gravity, also represented as a/g or FN/Fg. A
CCC 2, 7 thorough discussion of this concept should be undertaken before attempting to use such data).

In order to understand how accelerometers in mobile devices work, have students complete
the following activities.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Uniform Acceleration 85

Teacher Answer Key: Mobile Accelerometers
1. Download and open an accelerometer app on your device. For the purposes
of this activity, Androids Physics Toolbox Accelerometer is used, but there
are many available apps for iPhone and Android that display acceleration and

2. Click on the Acceleration button in the top menu -- this will change your
graph reading from g-force to linear acceleration. You should now have a
graph that reads acceleration versus time.

3. Lay your device flat on the table. What value do all of the x, y, and z acceler-
ations read? Why?
They all read zero. If the device is not moving (no matter where it is placed),
then accelerations in all dimensions will read zero.

4. Try shaking your device in all three dimensions. Identify which dimensions are x, y, and z, and label them as such. Also,
identify which directions are positive and negative.

5. Pick up your device, still holding it perpendicular to the floor so you can see the screen. Choose ONE dimension, and
jump! Record what the acceleration graph looks like for that dimension only. Label the MAX and MIN acceleration for
each peak. Avoid putting any data that is irrelevant to the jump.

86 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Uniform Acceleration

6. You should have 2 maxima, and 1 minima. Explain what is happening at each of these points:

1st Max: This is the acceleration of the initial jump. This first peak is being recorded as the person is pushing off of the
ground (while in contact with it).

Min: This is the acceleration due to gravity and it should be somewhere around -9.8 (m/s)/s, which occurs while the
person is in free fall (from the moment the feet come off of the floor, and then just before touching the ground again).

2nd Max: This is the acceleration of the land.

7. Determine the mass of your mobile device (or of your body) to find out the net force that is acting to cause these accel-
erationsif you are already familiar with Newtons second law of motion.

1st Max: Fnet = ma. Once students determine the mass of the object of their choosing (device or body, in kg), they can
simply multiply it times the max and min values of the acceleration displayed on the graph.


2nd Max:

8. Now, go back and forth between the accelerometer and g-force settings. G-force is a measure of how many times
stronger you feel a force acting on you, as compared to the pull of gravity on your body. Hence, a g-force of one is
equal to your weight, while a g-force of two means that you feel twice as heavy. A zero g-force means that you feel
weightless. (However, near the surface of the earth, your weight doesnt actually change at all).

Now that you know how to understand accelerometer graphs, try to make sense of the following set of data, recorded
while in an aircraft.

9. Which way was the face of the mobile device oriented in the recorders hands?
How do you know?
The device must have been lying flat with the face up, because the g-force is
positive in the z-direction.

10. What is the average g-force acting in each dimension? (Why does one dimen-
sion always appear to hover around 1g?)
Initially, the g-force in the z-direction was +1, which would be expected,
because we feel our weight in the vertical direction. The other two directions
have a g-force around zero, initially, because there is no weight experi-
enced in either of those directions.

11. Assuming that the recorder placed the device on his/her lap in such a way that
it could be correctly viewed, is this a graph of takeoff or landing? How do you
Takeoff. The recorder is experiencing a force from back to front, or for-
ward-moving. Also, there appears to be a blip later in the z-direction just
above +1 g-force, suggesting that the recorder feels heavy. This would only
be expected as the plane accelerates upward.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Uniform Acceleration 87

Student Worksheet: Mobile Accelerometers
Objective: Analyze data for acceleration of an airplane.

1. Download and open an accelerometer app on your device. For the purposes of
this activity, we will look at Androids Physics Toolbox Accelerometer, but
there are many available apps for iPhone and Android that display acceleration
and g-forces.

2. Click on the Acceleration button in the top menu this will change your
graph reading from g-force to linear acceleration. You should now have a graph
that reads acceleration versus time.

3. Lay your device flat on the table. What value do all of the x, y, and z accelera-
tions read? Why?

4. Try shaking your device in all three dimensions. Identify which dimensions are x, y, and z, and label them as such. Also,
identify which directions are positive and negative.

5. Choose ONE dimension, and jump! Record what the acceleration graph looks like for that dimension only. Label the
MAX and MIN acceleration for each peak. Avoid putting any data that is irrelevant to the jump.

88 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Uniform Acceleration

6. You should have 2 maxima, and 1 minima. Explain what is happening at each of these points:

1st Max:


2nd Max:

7. Determine the mass of your mobile device (or of your body) to find out the net force that is acting to cause these accel-
erationsif you are already familiar with Newtons second law of motion.

1st Max:


2nd Max:

8. Now, go back and forth between the accelerometer and g-force settings. G-force is a measure of how many times
stronger you feel a force acting on you, as compared to the pull of gravity on your body. Hence, a g-force of one is
equal to your weight, while a g-force of two means that you feel twice as heavy. A zero g-force means that you feel
weightless. (However, near the surface of the Earth, your weight doesnt actually change at all).

Now that you know how to understand accelerometer graphs, try to make sense of the following set of data, recorded
while in an aircraft.

9. Which way was the face of the mobile device oriented in the recorders hands?
How do you know?

10. What is the average g-force acting in each dimension? (Why does one dimen-
sion always appear to hover around one g?)

11. Assuming that the recorded placed the device on his/her lap in such a way that
it could be correctly viewed, is this a graph of takeoff or landing? How do you

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Uniform Acceleration 89

NASA-Pioneered Automatic Ground-Collision Avoidance System Operational

Analysis Questions:

What is the purpose of Automatic Ground-Collision Avoidance systems?

Considering your understanding of acceleration, propose an hypothesis for how an airplanes

computer determines the time before impact with the ground.

In this particular bit of NASA research, an Android smartphone was used. What kinds of sen-
sors on an Android smartphone might provide information about altitude and location?

90 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Uniform Acceleration

Terminal Velocity
A joint project of
NASA Aeronautics
and the
American Association of
Physics Teachers

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 91

Terminal Velocity WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Drag Stations Lab

Objectives Discovery Lab (Raw): Drag Stations Lab

Identify the variables that
influence the drag and time of Terminal velocity is something that most students associate with parachutes and other falling
fall on various objects. objects not airplanes. However, a study of terminal velocity helps students to understand
the difference between objects in idealized, frictionless environments, and objects that are
Materials significantly influenced by drag, as is the case of flight. The majority of students believe that,
Electronic balance under all circumstances, heavier objects fall more quickly than lighter objects. In contrast,
Steel balls students are often erroneously taught in school that all objects fall at the same rate.
Small metal BBS This discovery lab should first be initiated with a classic interactive demonstration dealing
Large ball bearings with two similarly-shaped and similarly-sized, aerodynamic objects (such as balls), but with
Carpet significantly different masses. Ask students to predict which object will hit the ground first.
Coins of different masses, Demonstrate that the difference is negligible, and ask them to keep the demonstration in mind
Baseball, as they work through the Drag Stations Lab.
Clay or dough,
Meter stick, Following the stations lab, ask students to again return to the demonstration of the
Motion detector, two aerodynamic objects (the balls) that appeared to land at the same time. Students
Photogate, should quickly recognize that this is not a law that holds true under all circumstances.
Picket fence, Aerodynamic effects, such as fluid viscosity, shape, size, and mass all influence the rate of fall
Regular coffee filters, when there is drag. In contrast, when drag is negligible, none of these factors have any effect
Industrial-sized coffee filters on the fall times, and objects only continue to keep falling faster.
(or muffin/candy cups),
Test tubes or graduated This activity is particular important with regard to a discussion of air friction present in
cylinder filled with water, the atmosphere. Air density, pressure, and temperature all change in various layers of the
soap, etc., small masses, atmosphere. As a result, the design of flying aircraft must be different when considering flight
Pipette (optional), at differing altitudes or climatic conditions. In particular, airplane design becomes critical
Cup of water (optional) when considering hypersonic or supersonic flight near the edge of the Earths atmosphere, or
in planes that actually enter into space.
SEP 3, 4, 6, 7
CCC 2, 6

92 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

Teacher Answer Key: Drag Stations Lab
Station 1: Mass

Provide two aerodynamic objects of the same size and shape, but of significantly different densities. If possible, acquire a
large steel ball bearing and an equivalent-sized sports ball, bouncy ball, ball of cork, etc. Ensure that both of the objects
accelerate at about the same rate. If heavy steel balls are used, designate a fall area on the ground and ensure that
students keep their body parts away from that area, and remind students that even heavy balls can rebound and cause injury.
Also, protect the floor from collision by padding it with a piece of carpet or a towel.

Alternatively, have students use coins of significantly different masses and drop them instead. Students can do this more
efficiently by using a ruler to push the coins off of the edge of a table at the same time.

1. Have the same person hold a steel ball and the baseball in one hand. Drop them carefully onto a protected, padded
surface. What do you notice about their fall times?
Students should notice that their fall times are approximately the same. (Encourage students to do this with both of
their hands, as using two people to do this activity often results in different fall times).

2. Does your observation agree with what you have experienced outside of the classroom? Explain.
Not necessarily. Really lightweight like feathers or leaves dont fall at the same rate as heavy objects.

Station 2: Velocity and Time

Place a large piece of modeling clay or dough on the table. Have students flatten the dough into a thick pancake so that it
can accurately record the impressions from ball bearings dropped onto it. Provide students with at least one ball bearing and
a meter stick.

1. Hold a steel ball 20 centimeters (cm) above the clay and drop it. Do the same thing again, but at a height of 80 centime-
ters. Which height resulted in the deepest dent?
The ball at 20 cm made a much smaller dent than the ball dropped from 80 cm. (For more advanced students, consider
having students measure the volume of the dents. Using non-permeable clay, have students fill the dents with water,
counting the drops as an approximately uniform unit volume. Place a drop of soap into the water to release surface
tension. Ask students to compare: How does quadrupling the height affect the volume of the dent? Why?)

2. What factors influence the depth of the dents? (Consider that the balls used each time had the same mass). Explain why
the dents had different depths.
Balls released from a higher point end up having a greater final velocity than balls released from a lower point. This is
because the higher ball has more time to speed up on its way down.

Station 3: Motion Detector

Provide students with a computer-based motion detector,

graphical analysis program, and a large ball (ideally,
basketballs or similarly-sized balls are best for motion detection).
Ask students to collect velocity-time graph data and to determine
the acceleration due to gravity. Students can accomplish this by
taking the slope of the velocity-time graph. Caution students to
always place the motion detector above the ball (so as to avoid
crushing it), and to only get the slope of the relevant portion of
the graph.

1. Hold the motion detector above the suspended basketball.

Determine the acceleration of the basketball as it falls using
the velocity graph.
Acc = (The value should be somewhere around 9.8 m/s/s, although it might be less
for balls with great surface areas).

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 93

2. Explain how you accomplished this.
Students should find the linear portion of the velocity graph, and use the computer program to get the slope of that

Station 4: Photogate

Provide students with a photogate, graphical analysis program,

and traditional picket fence made of alternating clear and
opaque segments. Typical graphical analysis programs with
photogate sensors will automatically recognize picket fence data
(ensure that the settings on the program for the spacings between
the opaque segments are correct). This will provide students
with a velocity-time graph, which can be used to get a slope to
determine acceleration.

1. Determine the acceleration of the picket fence as it falls

through the photogate.
Acc = (The value should be somewhere around 9.8 (m/s)/s).

2. Explain how you accomplished this.

Students should find the linear portion of the velocity graph, and use the computer program to get the slope of that

Station 5: Drag Test: Shape

Provide students with multiple coffee filters that can be formed into a
variety of shapes.

1. Drop a single coffee filter from shoulder height. What do you

notice about its speed on the way down?
The coffee filter appears to reach a terminal (steady) velocity.

2. Take another coffee filter and change its shape. Explain how its
falling speed compares to a regular coffee filter.
The coffee filter that has been modified will likely either con-
tinue to accelerate, or will achieve a higher terminal velocity than the regular coffee filter.

Station 6: Drag Test: Size

Provide students with regular and industrial sized coffee filters. If industrial sized coffee filters are not available, consider
having students use similarly-shaped objects (such as peanut butter cup papers, muffin cup papers, etc.), or allowing
students to modify regular coffee filters to get new filters with the different sizes but same shape. Caution students that no
matter how size is modified for objects of the same shape, that all mass must be accounted for and equal between the two
objects in question. Provide students with an electronic balance, if appropriate. For example, if using an industrialized
coffee filter, students should compare it to a stack of joined coffee filters that make up the same mass as the industrialized
coffee filter.

1. Drop a set of regular coffee filters (having the same mass as the industrial sized coffee filter) and one industrial sized
coffee filter. (If you are using muffin or candy paper cups instead of an industrial coffee filter, make sure you use sev-
eral of the smaller objects stacked together to equal the mass of the larger filter). What is the relationship between size
and falling speed?
The industrial sized (larger) coffee filter falls much more slowly than the smaller coffee filters of equivalent mass.

2. Explain why their falling speeds are different.

The larger coffee filter has a greater surface area, so it comes into contact with more air particles, resulting in more

94 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

Station 7: Drag Test: Mass

Provide students with sets of coffee filters in groups of 1, 3, and 9.

1. Drop the following: 1 coffee filter, 3 coffee filters, and 9 coffee

filters. What do you notice about their falling speeds?
The more massive sets of coffee filters fall much faster than the
single coffee filter.

2. Explain how this situation is different from the two balls at

Station 1.
The two balls are aerodynamic (it is easy for the air particles to move around them, because of their shape), while the
coffee filters have a large surface area and tend to capture the air more, resulting in greater friction.

Station 8: Drag Test: Viscosity

Provide students with at least two large test tubes filled separately with water and soap (or, different concentrations of
water-soap mixture). Place a single metal BB/ small ball bearing into each test tube, and seal with a rubber stopper.
Allow students to observe the ball bearing as it falls through each test tube as they invert it. If necessary, use adjust the
concentrations of water/soap mixture, as too much water might result in a ball bearing that falls too quickly to observe, and
pure soap might result in a ball bearing that falls too slowly to observe. In addition, if you are using glass test tubes, caution
your students to handle the tubes and ball bearings carefully so they dont break the glass with the ball bearing. Ideally, use
metal BBs with as small a diameter as possible.

1. Watch the metal ball as it falls down the length of the test tubes filled with water or soap. Compare the time it takes for
a ball bearing to fall through each liquid.
The ball bearing takes much less time to fall through thin liquids than through thick liquids.

2. How does this demonstration relate to objects falling through the air?
The air also has a thickness associated with it. Especially at high speeds, drag becomes a significant factor and
impacts the objects motion.

Summary Questions

1. When objects fall, what happens to their velocities?

Most of the time, velocities will increase at least initially and then either continue to increase, in the absence of
drag, or attain its maximum speed terminal velocity.

2. Under what atmospheric circumstances do size, shape, and mass have an impact on falling speed? Explain.
Whenever there is air friction.

3. Under what atmospheric circumstances do size, shape, and mass NOT have an impact on falling speed? Explain.
Whenever there is NO air friction, and, as a result, no drag.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 95

Student Worksheet: Drag Stations Lab
Station 1: Mass

1. Have the same person hold a steel ball and the baseball in one hand. Drop them carefully onto a protected, padded
surface. What do you notice about their fall times?

2. Does your observation agree with what you have experienced outside of the classroom? Explain.

Station 2: Velocity and Time

1. Hold a steel ball 20 centimeters above the clay and drop it.
Do the same thing again, but at a height of 80 centimeters.
Which height resulted in the deepest dent?

2. What factors influence the depth of the dents? (Consider

that the balls used each time had the same mass). Explain
why the dents had different depths.

Station 3: Motion Detector

1. Hold the motion detector above the suspended basketball.

Determine the acceleration of the basketball as it falls using
the velocity graph.
Acc =

2. Explain how you accomplished this.

96 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

Station 4: Photogate

1. Determine the acceleration of the picket fence as it falls through the photogate.
Acc =

2. Explain how you accomplished this.

Station 5: Drag Test: Shape

1. Drop a single coffee filter from shoulder height. What do you

notice about its speed on the way down?

2. Take another coffee filter and change its shape. Explain how its
falling speed compares to a regular coffee filter.

Station 6: Drag Test: Size

1. Drop a set of regular coffee filters (having the same mass as the industrial sized coffee filter) and one industrial size
coffee filter. If you are using muffin or candy cups instead of the industrial coffee filter, make sure you use several of
the smaller objects stacked together to equal the mass of the larger filter. What is the relationship between size and
falling speed?

2. Explain why their falling speeds are different.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 97

Station 7: Drag Test: Mass

1. Drop the following: 1 coffee filter, 3 coffee filters, and 9 coffee

filters. What do you notice about their falling speeds?

2. Explain how this situation is different from the two balls at

Station 1.

Station 8: Drag Test: Viscosity

1. Watch the metal ball as it falls down the length of the test tubes filled with water or soap. Compare the time it takes for
a ball bearing to fall through each liquid.

2. How does this demonstration relate to objects falling through the air?

Summary Questions

1. When objects fall, what happens to their velocities?

2. Under what atmospheric circumstances do size, shape, and mass have an impact on falling speed? Explain.

3. Under what atmospheric circumstances do size, shape, and mass NOT have an impact on falling speed? Explain.

98 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

Terminal Velocity WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Air Friction Stations

Objectives Discovery Lab (Contextual): Drag and Aircraft Design

Identify the variables that
influence the drag and time of NASA Aeronautics works to solve the
fall on various objects. many challenges that exist in the nations
airspace system. In fact, every U.S. aircraft
Materials flying today and every U.S. air traffic
Four station cards control tower uses NASA-developed
Electronic balance, technology in some way.
Ping-pong balls, This document includes four very simple
Golf balls, station activities that can be used to teach
Regular coffee filters, students about some of NASA Aeronautics
Industrial-sized coffee filters, themes of ongoing research: namely,
(and/or muffin cups), advancing green aviation, reducing flight
Long translucent containers, delays, revisiting supersonic flight, and
Corn syrup, designing future aircraft. Learn more about
Water, these themes at
Marbles Nearly all of these research themes share a single commonality an understanding of drag
and effects on aircraft. In its simplest form, drag is defined as the resistive force on an object
NGSS as the object attempts to move through a fluid (such as air or water). Drag acts opposite to the
CDI HS-PS2 direction of motion of the object that is moving.
SEP 3, 4, 6, 7
CCC 2, 6 The purpose of these activities is to help students develop a conceptual understanding of drag,
its causes, and its effect on the motion of an object. Students are also asked to consider, very
simply, how engineers might design an aircraft to perform a given task (such as fast or slow
flight, travel at high or low altitudes, or gliding with high or low finesse).

In fact, NASA engineers are currently working on future aircraft designs that meet many of
these needs. Because aircraft experience a variety of conditions in flight, engineers are now
also considering how an aircraft might respond, changing its shape so it can fly in the best
way possible. To see an example of NASA-designed future aircraft, visit the Down to Earth
Future Aircraft Gallery:

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 99


Define drag.

Describe the effect of drag on the motion of various objects of different mass, shape, size, and movement
through fluids of different viscosity.

Hypothesize some reasons for the cause of drag.


(Note: In advance of all activities, ensure that all stations are set up as described in the lesson.)

Define Drag

Before beginning with these activities, it is important that students first develop a conceptual understanding of force. Most
students understand forces to be either a push or a pull, and while sufficient for this activity, it can be beneficial to first
provide students with a thorough understanding of force vectors.

To help students understand drag, provide students with a demonstration that will result in cognitive dissonance a surprise
that, for most, will elicit misconceptions about their understanding of objects falling through a fluid (such as air).

Begin by showing students a golf ball and a ping-pong ball. Ask students
to compare their mass, shape, size, and the kind of fluid that surrounds
them (air). Students should find that the only major difference between the
two is that the golf ball is much heavier than the ping-pong ball. Then, ask
the students to predict the motion of the two balls if they are released from
the same height at the same time. Most students will say that the heavy
one will fall faster. Before demonstrating, ask students to prepare to listen
for the balls as they hit the ground, and to watch for the collision with the
ground as well. Allow the single demonstrator (teacher or student) to drop
the two objects from the same height at the same time. Students will often
be shocked to find that, on average, the balls hit the ground at the same time!

Then, prepare to show students a single regular coffee filter, and a stack
of multiple coffee filters. Again, the only major difference between the
two items is that the single coffee filter weighs much less than the stack
of coffee filters. Ask students to again predict how their motions will
be different. Upon dropping the single filter and the set of coffee filters,
students will see that there is a major difference in the time it takes to drop
the single filter and the set of coffee filters.

In both cases (golf ball vs. ping-pong ball, and single vs. stack of coffee filters), the only difference between them was the
mass. So, the question remains: why do the coffee filters behave differently than the balls?

Instead of answering this question outright, ask students to explain what could have caused the single coffee filter to fall so
slowly. Most older children with an understanding of forces will be able to describe that there was some resistance from the
air (drag) that was pushing opposite the motion of the falling object. Once this definition has been elaborated, encourage
students to move to the four stations and to determine the effect of drag on objects of various masses, shapes, sizes, and
movement through fluids of different viscosity.

Describe the effect of drag on the motion of various objects of different mass, shape, size, and movement through
fluids of different viscosity.

Prepare the following stations in advance of having students split into small groups. Then, allow students to rotate through
the stations in small groups until they have accomplished each task.

100 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity


1. Place the station paper with the RED text box that reads, Drop coffee
filters of different masses. How does this affect their motions?
2. Prepare sets of regular coffee filters of different masses (1, 2, 3, 4, and 9
coffee filters). Ensure that the stacks stay together by stapling them at the
base. Label the stacks with the number of coffee filters in the stack.
3. Encourage students to work together to drop the coffee filters at the same
time, and to describe any differences in motion that they perceive.
4. For more advanced students, ask students to determine how much higher a stack with double the mass must be placed
in order to fall in the same amount of time as a single-unit stack.
5. After answering the question, ask students to read and discuss in their small groups, Whats the big idea? and How
do engineers use this idea in their designs?


1. Place the station paper with the GREEN text box that reads, Drop coffee
filters of different shapes. How does this affect their motions?
2. Prepare quantities of single coffee filters: some single coffee filters used
for control tests, and other single coffee filters that have been set aside
for students to change their shape (without changing mass). Students may
crumple or fold the test coffee filters as they see fit.
3. Encourage students to work together to drop the coffee filters at the same
time, and to describe any differences in motion that they perceive.
4. For more advanced students, ask students to determine if they can change
or drop the coffee filters in such a way that the modified coffee filter (with
the changed shape) actually takes more time to fall than the unmodified
coffee filter.
5. After answering the question, ask students to read and discuss in their small groups, Whats the big idea? and How
do engineers use this idea in their designs?


1. Place the station paper with the ORANGE text box that reads, Drop coffee
filters of different sizes. How does this affect their motions?
2. Prepare quantities of 10-gallon coffee filters (optional; these are readily
available online), standard coffee filters, and paper muffin tins that all
display different sizes, but same shape and same mass. To ensure that the
sets have the same mass, use an electronic or triple-beam balance, and label
the stacks so that students know they have equal mass. Use a staple to keep
the stacks together (the mass of the staple is likely negligible; or, include its
mass on the balance when massing the stacks).
3. Encourage students to work together to drop the coffee filters and muffin
tins at the same time, and to describe any differences in motion that they
4. For more advanced students, allow the students to prepare the stacks of
regular coffee filters or muffin tins themselves. In this case, provide the
balance at their disposal.
5. After answering the question, ask students to read and discuss in their small groups, Whats the big idea? and How
do engineers use this idea in their designs?

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 101


1. Place the station paper with the BLUE text box that reads, Drop marbles through
different fluids. How does this affect their motions?
2. Prepare four or five long and thin transparent bottles and fill them with fluids of
different viscosity. (For the bottles, check the stores travel section for clear sham-
poo bottles.) To prepare liquids of different viscosities, place different amounts
of corn syrup and water into the bottles and shake well. Ensure that one of the bot-
tles is filled with 100% corn syrup, and that another is filled with 100% water. The
remaining bottles should be filled with different percentages of corn syrup and
water. Drop a marble into each bottle, and then close the bottle tightly.
3. Use clear tape to seal off the bottles so they are not intentionally or inadvertently
4. Encourage students to work together to invert the bottles to determine what is different about the fluids in each bottle,
and how they know. Ask students to compare the marble traveling through the corn syrup and water mixture to aircraft
travelling through low-altitude or high-altitude atmosphere, where the atmosphere is more and less thick, respectively.
5. For more advanced students, ask them to rank the viscosities of the fluids in the tubes. Ask students to consider a
method to quantify the viscosity of the fluids in each tube. (Consider providing a stopwatch, and encouraging them to
observe the fast-moving marbles as they roll down a gentle incline, without fully inverting the bottles).
6. After answering the question, ask students to read and discuss in their small groups, Whats the big idea? and How
do engineers use this idea in their designs?

Hypothesize Reasons for Cause of Drag

After all students have had the opportunity to participate in the activities at each station, ask all students to re-convene to
share their outcomes. In general, students will find:

As mass increases, coffee filters tend to fall faster (although, this is not generalizable, given what was seen with the balls).

As shape gets smaller, coffee filters tend to fall faster.

As size gets smaller, coffee filters tend to fall faster.

As viscosity of the fluid increases, marbles tend to fall more slowly.

Ask students to consider if any of these statements are generalizable (could be applied nearly to any object moving through a fluid):

Students might mention that some very large objects (like the 10-gallon coffee filter) are simply not stable, and
wont fall in a uniform way.

Students should mention that coffee filters and the balls did not seem to behave the same. Mass seemed to make a
difference in the falling rate of the coffee filters, but not the balls.

Encourage students to consider what actually causes drag, and why the same air particles that affect the coffee filters dont
seem to interact with the balls in the same way. Consider discussing the meaning of aerodynamic and non-aerodynamic
shapes, and how scientists visualize these.

In the case of the coffee filters, air particles are more likely to get trapped and collide with the surface of the coffee filter,
while they tend to move around the balls because of their shape. Dropping balls on the surface of the Earth is very similar to
dropping balls on the surface of the moon; although they will accelerate more quickly on Earth, compared to one another they
will land on both the Earth and on the moon in nearly the same time. Encourage students to develop their own models, given
what they know about air, and encourage students to visualize their concepts on whiteboards or posters.

Drag is not a simple concept. Unlike surface friction, air particles often interact in unexpected, chaotic ways, and a single air
particle does not need to directly touch an object in order to be influenced by an object as it moves through a fluid.

For more information about drag, please refer to NASAs Beginners Guide to Aerodynamics:

102 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

Drop coffee filters of different masses.
How does this affect their motions?

Whats the big idea?

When there is air drag present, heavier
items tend to fall more quickly than
lighter items. Heavier items take
longer to reach their final speed when
there is air, because they have more

How do engineers use this

idea in their designs?
It requires more energy (fuel and
money) to keep heavier airplanes in the
sky. NASA engineers work to make
airplanes both strong and lightweight.
The X-48B was a NASA test airplane
comprised of new composite materials
so that it would be as light as possible.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 103

Drop coffee filters of different shapes.
How does this affect their motions?

Whats the big idea?

Some shapes experience less drag because
air particles are able to flow around them
more easily.

How do engineers use this

idea in their designs?
Drag can prevent airplanes from
moving quickly through the air.
NASA engineers work to make the
fastest airplanes in the world, like this
futuristic design in the image. NASA
has designed airplanes that have gone
at least 6.7 times the speed of sound.

104 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

Drop coffee filters of different sizes.
How does this affect their motions?

Whats the big idea?

Objects with large surfaces have more
area that can collide with air particles
and cause drag.

How do engineers use this

idea in their designs?
Drag isnt always a bad thing in
aerospace engineering. NASA
engineers use drag to help them
slow down fast-moving objects with
parachutes. Pictured to the right is the
capsule from the Orion mission as it
falls from space back to Earth.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 105

Drop marbles through different fluids.
How does this affect their motions?

Whats the big idea?

Some fluids are more viscous (stickier)
than others. Stickier fluids cause an object
to experience more drag. Air might not
seem very thick, but the atmosphere
near the ground is much thicker than the
atmosphere near the edge of space.

How do engineers use this

idea in their designs?
NASA engineers have to design for
both thick and thin air. The image
to the right, NASA engineers have
designed high-altitude aircraft, such as
ER-2, with long wings to fly in thin air.

106 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

NASA Researchers to Flying Insects: Bug Off!

Analysis Questions:

What problems do bugs cause the airline industries?

When airplanes fly through bug-infested air, what impact does that have on the environment?

Describe the tests performed by NASA scientists to overcome the bug guts problem.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 107

Terminal Velocity WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Viscosity Tubes

Objectives Inquiry Lesson/Lab: Viscosity Tubes

Investigate the viscosity of
In order to study viscosity of a fluid and its effect on the
a fluid by determining the
motion of objects going through it, students can drop
relationship between distance
small items such as marbles through a long tube filled
traveled and time elapsed for a
with a viscous fluid. Alternatively, bubble tubes can be
bubble. Investigate how other
commercially purchased from many science education
variables influence motion
retailers. Bubble tubes usually come in sets with fluids of
through a fluid.
different viscosities in each tube. Students can observe
and record the motion of air bubbles as they rise through
Materials the fluid. The derived speed of the bubble rising or object
Bubble tubes falling through the tube can be used as an indicator of
Meter stick viscosity (with slow speeds equating to high viscosity, and
Timer fast speeds equating to low viscosity).
Graduated cylinder
Viscous fluids (corn syrup, Provide students with at least one bubble tube, a meter stick,
molasses, maple syrup, or hon- and a timer, and ask students determine the relationships
ey with varying concentrations below for objects traveling through a viscous fluid. (Note:
of water, oil) While the use of a meter stick and timer is acceptable, more
Density spheres efficient data collection and analysis can be done through
Mass balance the use of video analysis software).

NGSS Part 1: Distance and time

Part 2: Viscosity and terminal velocity
SEP 1-7
CCC 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 Part 3: Weight and terminal velocity

Part 4: Temperature and terminal velocity

Although the following student worksheets do not explicitly address each of the stages of
the learning cycle for its repetitive nature in this kind of in-depth study with multiple parts,
ensure that students address each step.

108 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

For each part of this laboratory experiment:

Aim: Ensure that students are able to internalize and describe

the objective of the experiment. In particular, ensure that
students have correctly identified the variables of study.

Plan: Ensure that students work as individuals and then as

small groups to plan to experiments. Special attention must
be given to the materials needed to ensure that students
are modifying the correct variables while holding other
variables constant. This becomes especially important when
performing a set of experiments. For example, students
in Part 1 are asked to determine the relationship between
distance and time for a variety of fluids this requires
multiple controlled experiments with different base
conditions. Be attentive to safety considerations, and make
sure that students use only harmless fluids, and that they
choose to heat the fluids in a responsible matter, especially in
Part 4.

Decide: Ensure that students commit to an experimental plan before beginning. Decisions must be made in regard to
materials used, data collection procedures, number of trials, number of experiments with different baseline conditions, and
range of data.

Act: Allow students to experiment without much teacher interference.

Verify: Encourage students to perform analysis of the validity (accuracy and precision) and reliability of their data before
sharing with the whole class. If possible, encourage groups to determine if the relationships they have observed are linear,
square, inverse, etc. Fluids can sometimes give surprising relationships encourage students to have an open mind and not
necessary see relationships that are immediately evident.

Evaluate: Engage students in whole-class discussion to determine the nature of the relationships between all of the variables
in the system. If conclusions are unclear, have students consider a plan of action to re-create some of the experiments.
Additionally, encourage students to deepen their research by referring to engineering handbooks on fluids.

Part I

Objective: Determine the graphical and mathematical models relating the

distance traveled and the time elapsed for a marble falling through a viscous

Because the marble achieves terminal velocity very quickly through a very
viscous medium, all derived relationships should be approximately linear.
Allowing students to compare graphs and equations for the motion of marbles
through different tubes should result in significantly different slopes.

(Note: Students might note that when the marble is inserted into the fluid the
starting level of the fluid goes up as fluid is displaced by the volume of the marble.
Encourage students to measure distances from a consistent point that corresponds
to time 0. Remind students that time from the point of the drop above the fluid
should not be included when determining the average velocity of the marble
through the fluid. )

General derived relationship from graph:

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 109

Part II

Objective: Determine the graphical and mathematical models relating the

viscosity of a fluid and its terminal velocity.

Although it is easy to demonstrate that the same object traveling more slowly
through one medium than another is the result of differences in viscosity, the
relationship between terminal velocity and viscosity of a fluid is a bit more

Using the known viscosities of the fluids with which students are working, have
students plot the viscosity of the fluid versus the terminal velocity. (Known values
can be retrieved online: ensure that the values are accurate for room temperature).
For best results, have students collect data on terminal velocity for at least five
different fluids of known viscosity, using either a very small air bubble rising
upward or a very small sphere falling downward through the fluid. The use of larger, non-spherical objects will significantly
distort this relationship.

In general, students should find that the relationship between these two variables is approximately an inverse (as viscosity
increases, terminal velocity decreases).

General derived relationship: where is viscosity (in Pa s or kg / (m s)) and v is terminal velocity (in m/s) through
the fluid. Naturally, it might be valuable to discuss the meaning of the constant, k. Ask students to consider what variables
might influence the viscosity of a fluid in contact with a given particle. Variables that might affect perceived viscosity, as
measured by terminal velocity, might include things such as difference in density (which thereby affects buoyant force and
the ability of a particle to sink or float in the surrounding fluid), acceleration due to gravity, and radius of the object going
through it. (It is important to note that viscosity is a term used relevant to a situation. The behavior of a fluid with a given
viscosity on Earth might not behave the same way on another planet, where its perceived viscosity might be higher or lower
due to different gravitational fields or temperature!)

In fact, for simple Newtonian fluids at room temperature, viscosity can be calculated as where is the
difference in density between the fluid and the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and r is the radius of the object
moving through the fluid.

Although it is not reasonable to assume that students will be able to derive the full meaning of k on their own, the equation
as given can be used to compare experimentally derived values for viscosity compared to their textbook value. In this case,
teachers must provide students with a way to measure volume and mass of the fluid and object to determine density, and a
measuring tool to estimate the radius of the object.

If appropriate, following a discussion about what other variables might influence terminal velocity, students could be briefly
introduced to Stokes law, which defines the drag force experienced by a small particle through a fluid (so that buoyancy is
negligible), where Fd is drag force, is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid, R is the radius of the particle, and is the velocity
of the particle. Caution: This law is only truly an inverse relationship between viscosity and terminal velocity if drag force is
constant between trials with different fluids, which is not the case in this experiment, unless the terminal velocities observed
are relatively close to one another.

Having developed an understanding of the relationship between terminal velocity and viscosity of materials, provide students
with an unknown fluid, and ask them to identify the fluid based upon its estimated viscosity.

(Note: Modeling of fluids can be quite tricky, and some models are only applicable for smaller or larger objects, fluids at
particular temperatures, or fluids with particular behaviors. This activity ties directly into a study of drag force on airplanes.
For example, at low speeds and small, aerodynamic particles, air drag is directly proportional to speed.

110 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

However, for larger particles, such as airplanes,

where C is the coefficient of lift (a constant dependent upon the shape and angle of attack of the object), is the air density, A
is the cross-sectional area of the object, and v is the velocity of the fluid over the surface of the object.)

Part III

Objective: Determine the graphical and mathematical models relating the

weight of an object and its terminal velocity falling (or rising) through a
viscous medium.

From the previous discovery lab, students will recognize that, when air resistance
is present, weight does have a significant impact on terminal velocity. Ideally,
provide students with density spheres of equal volume. Alternatively, use density
cubes of the same volume.

Students should find that as velocity increases, weight increases by a quantity

proportional to terminal velocity or terminal velocity squared (this depends upon
if the mass is very, very small at low speeds, or larger or moving at higher speeds).
The following equation(s) could be derived, depending upon the type of object

Students can then be asked to visually model the reason why this might be. Proposals might include items such as that greater
weight is more able to push air particles out of the way.

(Note: Teachers might feel that mass is a more apt term to use than weight in this case, which seems to be a more
complex concept. The emphasis here is on weight (as a force), because, in later experiments, students will recognize that
weight and frictional drag are equal in magnitude in experiments where objects have achieved terminal velocity.)

Part IV

Determine the graphical and mathematical models relating the temperature of

a fluid and terminal velocity.

Using a fluid that has viscosity strongly dependent upon temperature (such as
maple syrup), attempt to qualitatively derive the relationship between terminal
velocity and temperature. A safe setup can be achieved by filling large test tubes
with the fluid, adding a ball bearing, sealing them loosely, and placing them in
water baths of various temperatures from cool to warm all test tubes should be
able to be handled without risk of burn. Students can then move from station to
station to record temperatures of the water bath and terminal velocities of ball
bearings in the tubes. Remind students to hold the test tube stoppers in place as
they invert the tubes, and to use caution when working with hot water.

In general, students will find that the relationship is linear, or positively correlated. Students should make an attempt to then
relate temperature to viscosity, given what they know about velocitys relationship to viscosity.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 111

Student Worksheet: Viscosity Tubes
The flight of an airplane through the sky is neither free nor easy. Passenger aircraft are often very large and travel very
quickly through the air, exposing them to a considerable amount of resistance, called air resistance or drag. Air is a fluid, so
studies of resistance can also take place in other fluids, such as liquids, with similar results. In the following activities, you
will learn about how to measure how much a fluid resists the motion of a bubble or marble moving through it.

Part I

Fluids that are dense, thick, and strongly resist the motion of objects going through them have high viscosity. One way to
measure viscosity is to determine the speed of objects as they travel through the fluid. In this activity, you will use a marble,
a cylinder filled with fluid, a meter stick, and a timer to derive a relationship between distance and time as the marble falls
through the cylinder.

Objective: Determine the graphical and mathematical models relating the distance traveled and the time elapsed for a
marble falling through a viscous fluid.

1. Show collected data below:

2. Plot a sketch of your data on the graph above.

3. Determine the general relationship of your graph:

4. Extension:
Perform the same experiment as above, but this time using a different fluid. Compare your results.

112 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

Part II

As you might have guessed, if an object travels more slowly through one fluid than the other, the fluid resulting in the slower
speed is more viscous. However, it is not necessarily the case that a doubly viscous material will cause an object to fall at half
the rate as before. Because viscosity can be very difficult to measure, you will instead look for standard viscosity values in a
chemical or physical handbook, or online. You will compare these values to the terminal velocity of objects falling through
the fluid.

Objective: Determine the graphical and mathematical models relating the viscosity of a fluid and its terminal velocity.

1. Show collected data below, including your viscosity values source:

2. Plot a sketch of your data on the graph above.

3. Determine the general relationship of your graph:

4. Extension:

What kinds of constants in your experiment do you think might factor into the value you calculated for the constant
in your equation?

How do you predict that changing those constants in your experiment might change the graph and the equation?

Using the equation provided to you by your teacher, determine the experimental value of one of your fluids.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 113

Part III

From the previous discovery lab, you will have noticed that the weight of the object makes a significant difference in drag
experience when friction is present. Now, you will investigate how weight influences terminal velocity in a single type of

Objective: Determine the graphical and mathematical models relating the weight of an object and its terminal velocity
falling (or rising) through a viscous medium.

1. Show collected data below:

2. Plot a sketch of your data on the graph above.

3. Determine the general relationship of your graph:

4. Extension:

If weight influences terminal velocity, which, in turn, can be used as an indicator for viscosity, where is weight evi-
dent in the equation provided by your teacher in the Extension problems for Part III?

114 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

Part IV

Most equations for viscosity are dependent upon a variety of factors, including fluid density. Fluid density, in turn, is
influenced by temperature. In this activity, you will travel from station to station to observe a ball bearing as it falls through a
test tube of fluid that has been heated or cooled in a water bath.

Determine the graphical and mathematical models relating the temperature of a fluid and terminal velocity.

1. Show collected data below:

2. Plot a sketch of your data on the graph above.

3. Determine the general relationship of your graph:

4. Extension:

Given what you know about the relationship between terminal velocity and viscosity, what would a graph displaying
viscosity vs. temperature look like? Sketch your prediction below, and provide a rationale.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 115

NASA Turns World Cup Into Lesson in Aerodynamics

Analysis Questions:

Read the article and watch the associated video. Explain how NASA researchers in this article
visualize drag, and how it is different/similar to what you did to study drag in the previous

From the video, explain the effect of a balls spin on the drag experienced around its surfaces.

Describe how the traditional soccer ball has evolved from Jabulani to Brazuca, and why it has
been designed differently over time.

What is a boundary layer? What is knuckling?

How does knuckling compare for traditional versus modern soccer balls? Why do you think
this is the case?

What applications do these studies have on soccer balls have for aeronautics and airplane

116 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

Terminal Velocity WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
The Physics of Soaring
(and L/D Ratios)

Inquiry Lesson/Lab: The Physics of Soaring (and L/D ratios)

Kenneth W. Ford. The Physics Teacher, 38, 8 (2000).

In this activity, students consistently launch paper gliders and make generalizations about
their lift to drag ratios. Additionally, students use graphs and if available text from The
Physics Teacher article to analyze horizontal and vertical velocity graphs for a gliders to make
Objectives inferences about the gliders L/D ratios.
Measure Lift / Drag ratios.
Objective: Measure Lift/Drag ratios. Determine the relationship between surface area
Determine the relationship
and Lift/Drag ratios.
between surface area and
Lift / Drag ratios. Ask students to build a number of paper airplanes and to send them gliding. In light of the
previous activities dealing with drag, ask them to consider how it would be possible to
Materials quantify or at least compare the amount of drag experienced by each glider as it moved
Printer paper through the air. With a bit of prompting, students will likely determine that, all other things
Ruler being equal, the glider that moves the furthest horizontally has the least drag. However, the
Meter stick or tape measure motion of a glider is a combination of both horizontal and vertical motion, with vertical
motion being dependent upon the amount of lift generated by the wings of the glider. A glider
NGSS with very high drag and very low lift will fall steeply, while a glider with low drag and high
CDI HS-PS2 lift is more likely to soar for a while. Other variables that influence drag might include the
SEP 1-7 shape of the aircraft, the surface area of the wings, and its speed.
CCC 1, 3, 4, 6
Initial launching speed and initial angle of attack of gliders can be controlled for using the
same method as in Inquiry Lab: Scaling and Paper Airplanes.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 117

While aircraft shape is difficult to quantify, it is much easier
to consider the construction of very simple aircraft in order
to quantify the surface area of the wings. Again, refer to
Inquiry Lab: Scaling and Paper Airplanes for suggestions.
The two images below demonstrate how a simple aircraft
design can be modified to give two dramatically different
surface areas for wings.

Help students to understand that the horizontal range and

vertical drop of their glider can be used not to measure lift or
drag separately, but, rather, to get an L/D ratio.

However, help students to understand that for this model to be most accurate, gliders must be launched horizontally.

Ask students to determine the relationship between surface area, A, of the wings and L/D ratios, plot their data on a graph,
and determine the relationship between A and L/D. This relationship might not be linear, depending upon the shape, center of
gravity, and variety of wind speeds encountered by the gliders throughout their flight. However, students should generally see
that as surface area increase, lift/drag ratios increase, because an increase in thin surface areas parallel to the ground result in
much greater increase on lift than on drag.

Lift/drag ratios also have significance for coefficients of lift and drag, which will be introduced in later units. For additional
teacher background, please refer to the following article:

118 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

from Beginners Guide to Aeronautics

There are four forces that act on an aircraft in flight: lift, weight, thrust, and drag. Forces are vector quantities having both
a magnitude and a direction. The motion of the aircraft through the air depends on the relative magnitude and direction of
the various forces. The weight of an airplane is determined by the size and materials used in the airplanes construction and
on the payload and fuel that the airplane carries. The weight is always directed towards the center of the Earth. The thrust
is determined by the size and type of propulsion system used on the airplane and on the throttle setting selected by the pilot.
Thrust is normally directed forward along the center-line of the aircraft. Lift and drag are aerodynamic forces that depend on
the shape and size of the aircraft, air conditions, and the flight velocity. Lift is directed perpendicular to the flight path and
drag is directed along the flight path.

Because lift and drag are both aerodynamic forces, the ratio of lift to drag is an indication of the aerodynamic efficiency of
the airplane. Aerodynamicists call the lift to drag ratio the L/D ratio, pronounced L over D ratio. An airplane has a high
L/D ratio if it produces a large amount of lift or a small amount of drag. Under cruise conditions lift is equal to weight. A
high-lift aircraft can carry a large payload. Under cruise conditions thrust is equal to drag. A low-drag aircraft requires low
thrust. Thrust is produced by burning a fuel and a low thrust aircraft requires small amounts of fuel be burned. As discussed
on the maximum flight time page, low fuel usage allows an aircraft to stay aloft for a long time, and that means the aircraft
can fly long-range missions. So an aircraft with a high L/D ratio can carry a large payload, for a long time, over a long
distance. For glider aircraft with no engines, a high L/D ratio again produces a long range aircraft by reducing the steady
state glide angle at which the glider descends.

As shown in the middle of the slide, the L/D ratio is also equal to the ratio of the lift and drag coefficients. The lift equation
indicates that the lift L is equal to one half the air density times the square of the velocity V times the wing area A times
the lift coefficient CL:

Similarly, the drag equation relates the aircraft drag D to a drag coefficient CD:

Dividing these two equations give:

Lift and drag coefficients are normally determined experimentally using a wind tunnel. But for some simple geometries, they
can be determined mathematically.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 119

Teacher Answer Key: The Physics of Soaring
Pilots who fly gliders (airplanes without engines), and those who do parasailing and other similar activities
are intensely interested in the lift/drag ratios of their aircraft. Knowing their L/D ratios helps them to
predict when and how far away they will land. In the case of glider pilots, they must know exactly how far
away they can get from their landing spot in order to return home safely. In this activity, you will determine
the L/D of a simple paper glider, then determine the relationship between L/D and the surface area of the
wings of various similar gliders.

Objective: Measure Lift/Drag ratios. Determine the relationship between surface area and Lift/Drag

1. Build a paper glider that can fly straight. Compare it to a classmates glider. Which of your gliders
has a greater L/D ratio? How do you know?
Answers will vary. Gliders with greater L/D ratios will have a less steep descent.

2. Calculate the L/D ratio of your glider consider doing this a few times. What is the L/D value? Ex-
plain how you accomplished this, and include a sketch to show any measurements you took.
Vertical distance of fall/range

3. What variables do you think influence the L/D ratio of gliders? Consider all of the things you studied
in this module on terminal velocity, and list them below.
Aircraft shape, surface area of wings, material, weight, fluid viscosity, etc.

4. Next, decide how to study one of these variables: surface area, A.

Collect data on at least five different gliders. Ensure that you will
appropriately control for all other variables.

5. Develop a graphical model for the relationship between surface

area, A, and L/D ratios. Describe this relationship, in words.
Generally, as surface area increases, lift/drag ratio should in-
crease, although this is likely not usually linear.

6. Determine if your data is reliable. How much variance is there in

your data? Why?

7. Explain why you think

that your graph displays
the relationship you see.
If it is linear why? If
it is not linear why?
Compare your graphs
to other groups to see
if they display the same
As wings get bigger (for
a paper glider), they
tend to result in much
more lift, and only a
little bit more drag.

If possible, acquire a copy of The Physics of Soaring from The Physics Teacher. Otherwise, use
the data extracted from the article below, and use other available Internet resources to more fully
understand the importance and meaning of L/D ratios. All of the graphs below are for the same
typical medium-performance glider.

120 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

8. Figure 4 from the article shows a polar graph. How is this
graph different from the graph you generated above?
The polar graph shows vertical and horizontal speeds.
Each curve is for a single glider moving at different
horizontal speeds through the air, and their resulting lift
or fall speeds. The graph generated in the lab is for many
different gliders. Although L/D relationships are plotted,
L/D is plotted on a single axis, with surface area on the
other axes. The two types of graphs are somewhat related,
but display entirely different relationships.

9. Figure 4 shows the possible conditions for a single type of

glider. What is the difference between the gliders circum-
stances in each of the three diagonal lines?
Each of the gliders are travelling at different horizontal
speeds. The top-most line (smallest angle with respect to
the horizontal) is the fastest travelling glider.

10. Figure 5 shows the polar curves for a low-performance,

medium-performance, and high-performance glider. What
do you think is meant by high-performance? How is that
evident on the graph?
Higher performance has the highest L/D ratio, because it
is more likely to stay aloft.

11. Maximum L/D values are shown for each of the three types
of gliders. How were they calculated? Show work.
The L/D is actually the inverse of the slope of these graphs.
The top value of L/D is about 46.5, and it was calculated
from taking 57 knots/1.23 knots, or change in magnitude of
x over change in magnitude of y.

12. What is meant by minimum sink rate? Why is this value

Minimum sink rate is the speed at which you achieve the
maximum L/D. Staying at the associated horizontal speed
results in the greatest amount of lift, and a longer amount
of time in the air before landing.

13. The three curves in Figure 8 are for the same glider in
sinking air. What would these curves look like for the same
glider, but in rising air? Explain.
The graphs would simply be displaced upward, because
the vertical speed is a combination of speed due to lift and
speed of the surrounding air.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 121

Student Worksheet: The Physics of Soaring
Pilots who fly gliders (airplanes without engines), and those who do parasailing and other similar activities are intensely
interested in the lift/drag ratios of their aircraft. Knowing their L/D ratios helps them to predict when and how far away they
will land. In the case of glider pilots, they must know exactly how far away they can get from their landing spot in order
to return home safely. In this activity, you will determine the L/D of a simple paper glider, then determine the relationship
between L/D and the surface area of the wings of various similar gliders.

Objective: Measure Lift/Drag ratios. Determine the relationship between surface area and Lift/Drag ratios.

1. Build a paper glider that can fly straight. Compare it to a classmates glider. Which of your gliders has a greater L/D
ratio? How do you know?

2. Calculate the L/D ratio of your glider consider doing this a few times. What is the L/D value? Explain how you ac-
complished this, and include a sketch to show any measurements you took.

3. What variables do you think influence the L/D ratio of gliders? Consider all of the things you studied in this module on
terminal velocity, and list them below.

4. Next, decide how to study one of these variables: surface area, A. Collect data
on at least five different gliders. Ensure that you will appropriately control for
all other variables.

5. Develop a graphical model for the relationship between surface area, A, and L/D ratios. Describe this relationship,
in words.
Generally, as surface area increases, lift/drag ratio should increase, although this is likely not usually linear.

6. Determine if your data is reliable. How much variance is there in your data? Why?

122 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

7. Explain why you think that your graph
displays the relationship you see. If it is
linear why? If it is not linear why?
Compare your graphs to other groups to
see if they display the same relationship.

If possible, acquire a copy of The Phys-
ics of Soaring from The Physics Teacher.
Otherwise, use the data extracted from the
article below, and use other available In-
ternet resources to more fully understand
the importance and meaning of L/D ratios.
All of the graphs below are for the same
typical medium-performance glider.

8. Figure 4 from the article shows a polar graph. How is

this graph different from the graph you generated above?

9. Figure 4 shows the possible conditions for a single type of

glider. What is the difference between the gliders circum-
stances in each of the three diagonal lines?

10. Figure 5 shows the polar curves for a low-performance,

medium-performance, and high-performance glider. What
do you think is meant by high-performance? How is that
evident on the graph?

11. Maximum L/D values are shown for each of the three types of gliders. How were they calculated? Show work.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 123

12. What is meant by minimum sink rate? Why is this
value important?

13. The three curves in Figure 8 are for the same glider in
sinking air. What would these curves look like for the
same glider, but in rising air? Explain.

124 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

Problem Set: Glider Trajectory Problems
Beginners Guide to Aeronautics

You will explore the trigonometric relationship tan (a) = h/d where a is the glide angle, h is the altitude of the plane, and d is
the horizontal distance the plane will travel.


1. A full-sized glider has a glide angle of 2 degrees. If it loses 50 meters of altitude, how far would it move horizontally?

2. A model glider moves horizontally 12 meters for every meter of altitude it loses. What is its glide angle?

3. A model glider has a glide angle of 5 degrees. If it flies 23 meters horizontally, how much altitude will it lose?

4. A full-sized glider has a glide angle of 5 degrees. If the altitude is 300 meters, will the glider make it to an airport 4,000
meters away?

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 125

5. A full-sized glider loses 2 meters for every 38 meters it travels horizontally. What is its glide angle?

6. A model glider travels 57 meters horizontally after losing 5 meters of altitude. What is its glide angle?

7. A model glider loses 3 meters of altitude. If it has a glide angle of 4 degrees, how far did the glider travel horizontally?

8. A full-sized glider lands 10,000 meters horizontally from where it began its downward diagonal path. If the glide angle
is 3 degrees, what was the gliders altitude?

9. A model glider has an average velocity of 2.2 m/s along its downward diagonal path. After 10 seconds, the glider has
lost 2 meters of altitude. What is the gliders glide angle and how far horizontally did it travel?

10. A full-sized glider has a velocity of 36 m/s along its downward diagonal path. If it has a glide angle of 4 degrees, how
much altitude will it lose in 2 minutes? How far will it travel horizontally in that 2 minutes?


Create a spreadsheet that finds the weight of each glider, the measure of each angle in degrees, and the drag on each glider at
angles of 2, 3, 4, and 5 degrees.
Model Gliders Mass Full-sized Gliders Mass
1 .5 kg 4 500 kg
2 .9 kg 5 900 kg
3 1.4 kg 6 1,400 kg


1. Compare the drag between model glider 1 and the full-sized glider 4 for all four angles. What conclusion can you

2. Based on your answer in Question 1, would it be valid to use a model glider to study the drag on a full-sized glider?

3. What is the relationship between glide angle and drag?

126 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

Terminal Velocity WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Flying with Finesse

Objectives Literary/Data Analysis: Flying with Finesse

Describe the meaning of glide
ratio and the variables that Henk Tennekes. The Simple Science of Flight. The MIT Press:
influence it. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Ch. 4

Although the following chapter from The Simple Science of

Materials Flight must be purchased, the book is well worth the read,
The Simple Science of Flight, and is applicable to many physics concepts from mechanics.
Ch. 4
Have students read chapter four of The Simple Science of
NGSS Flight using the following guiding questions for literary and
SEP 4 data analysis.
CCC 1, 6
*Cover image and graphics from The Simple Science of Flight
are reproduced here with permissions from The MIT Press.
Reading in Science
Writing in Science

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 127

Teacher Answer Key: Flying with Finesse
The Art of Flapping

1. Compare the geometry of the forces exerted by people as they skate, birds as they flap, and airplanes as they fly. How
are they similar? How are they different? Include a diagram or two in your description.
To move forward, skaters push forward and to the side. Birds, on the other hand, push their wings forward and down.
Bird wings essentially perform the same motions as skaters, but within a different plane.

2. What should the drag/lift (D/L) ratio be in order to maximize flight efficiency? Explain.
The D/L ratio should be as small as possible. A small drag value means that it is easier for the thrust to result in for-
ward motion.

Horizontal Flight

3. What is finesse? Why is it important to both birds and planes?

The L/D ratio. The opposite of D/L, the L/D ratio should be as big as possible. Birds and planes with the greatest
finesse are more energy efficient; they tend to have thin wings and aerodynamic body shapes.

The Great Gliding Diagram

4. Look at Figure 15, the Great Gliding

Diagram. Do birds demonstrate constant
values of finesse? Explain why you think
this is the case.
No. Typically, as flying speed increases,
finesse initially increases, then decreases.
This likely has something to do with drag.
As birds go faster, the drag increases sig-
nificantly more. There is a sweet spot
for maximum finesse the best cruising

5. According to Figure 15, which birds are

most fit to be long-term soarers?
Swifts they do not exceed the maximum
horizontal speed of 12 m/s, and they
exceed the soaring limit of 1 m/s vertical-
ly. They also have a greater finesse value
than the cabbage white.

6. Based upon the data, is the Boeing 747 a

good glider? Why do you suspect this is
the case?
Moderately so. (Although it has high
finesse for an airplane, it is moderate in
comparison to some birds). This is likely because the wings are small in comparison to the weight it carries, so that it
can also reduce drag at its very high speeds.

7. Relate Figure 15 to Figure 6 and Figure 7 from chapter 2. Is there a relationship between the data in these graphs?
Figures 6 and 7 demonstrate that there is a sweet spot in horizontal speed in terms of the minimum power required
for flight. This low power requirement seems to correspond with the peaks of each curve on Figure 15 (where the
slopes are equal to 0 where an increase in horizontal flight speed does not change the rate of descent.)

128 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

8. Relate Figure 15 to Figure 2 in Chapter 1. Is there a relationship between the data in these graphs? Explain.
Yes. Heavier birds tend to need to cruise at faster speeds.

Induced Drag

9. What kinds of relationships are inferred by equation (29) on page 73?

Many parts of this relationship are

opposite that which we expect for
frictional drag. Essentially, as flying
things go faster, induced drag decreases.

10. What is the difference between induced

and frictional drag? Provide examples of
Frictional drag is a result of wings going
through the air, whereas induced drag is
a result of flapping.

11. How do induced and frictional drag influ-

ence optimal cruising speed? Relate back
to Figure 7.
As speed goes up, frictional drag goes
up, but induced drag decreases. Optimal
cruising speed occurs at the lowest maxi-
mum total drag.

12. What information does Table 5 provide

that is not provided in Figure 15?
S, b, and A

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 129

Student Worksheet: Flying with Finesse
Reach chapter four of The Simple Science of Flight using the following guiding questions for literary and data analysis.

The Art of Flapping

1. Compare the geometry of the forces exerted by people as they skate, birds as they flap, and airplanes as they fly. How
are they similar? How are they different? Include a diagram or two in your description.

2. What should the D/L ratio be in order to maximize flight efficiency? Explain.

Horizontal Flight

3. What is finesse? Why is it important to both birds and planes?

The Great Gliding Diagram

4. Look at Figure 15, the Great Gliding

Diagram. Do birds demonstrate constant
values of finesse? Explain why you think
this is the case.

5. According to Figure 15, which birds are

most fit to be long-term soarers?

6. Based upon the data, is the Boeing 747 a

good glider? Why do you suspect this is
the case?

7. Relate Figure 15 to Figure 6 and Figure 7.

Is there a relationship between the data in these graphs? Explain.

130 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

8. Relate Figure 15 to Figure 2. Is there a relationship between the data in these graphs? Explain.

Induced Drag

9. What kinds of relationships are inferred by equation (29) on page 73? Rationalize each variable and its placement in the

10. What is the difference between

induced and frictional drag? Provide
examples of each.

11. How do induced and frictional drag in-

fluence optimal cruising speed? Relate
back to Figure 7.

12. What information does Table 5 provide that is not provided in Figure 15?

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 131

Terminal Velocity WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Developing a Model
for Drag

Objectives Model Building: Developing a Model for Drag

Develop a micro and macro-
From the many experiences in this unit, students will understand that drag is a force that is
scopic model for drag.
dependent upon many different macroscopic variables, including weight, speed, shape, and
the fluid that surrounds the object. However, it is important to have students also consider
Materials what is happening microscopically, because drag and the similar force of lift are so closely
None related.

NGSS Encourage students to visually and verbally describe their models for drag. Ask students to
CDI HS-PS2 prepare a poster, whiteboard, or some other form of document, and have students retain those
SEP 2, 6, 7 models for the activity Developing a Model for Drag so that they can compare their original
CCC 4 model for drag with their refined models of lift in the activity Model: Developing a Model
for Lift.
Reading in Science What do you think causes How does it work? How does it work?
Writing in Science drag? Drawing Explanation

132 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

Students might immediately consider that drag is a result of the following variables, for the following reasons:


Object effects:

Certain shapes catch, spill, or slice through the air.

Objects with a heavy weight can slice through the air more easily.


Mental representation of fluid flow:

Particle model of fluid: As particles bounce against an object, they transfer some of their momentum to the object,
preventing it from moving forward through the fluid.

Stream or sheet model of fluid: Fluid particles flow around objects. As these streams of sheets of fluid get separat-
ed more from their original orientation, it is harder to get through the fluid.

Fluid variables

Density: It is harder to move through more dense fluid, because its harder to overcome the inertia of heavy parti-
cles, or because its harder to move through so many closely spaced particles. Fluid atomic composition, pressure,
and temperature all affect its density.

Stickiness: It is harder to move through stickier fluid, because the fluid properties (intermolecular forces) make the
particles want to stay together more.

While none of the above ideas are wrong, they are almost all very incomplete. See the following articles for some more
background on drag.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 133

from Beginners Guide to Aeronautics

Drag is the aerodynamic force that opposes an aircrafts motion through the air. Drag is generated by every part of the
airplane (even the engines!). How is drag generated?

Drag is a mechanical force. It is generated by the interaction and contact of a solid body with a fluid (liquid or gas). It is
not generated by a force field, in the sense of a gravitational field or an electromagnetic field, where one object can affect
another object without being in physical contact. For drag to be generated, the solid body must be in contact with the fluid. If
there is no fluid, there is no drag. Drag is generated by the difference in velocity between the solid object and the fluid. There
must be motion between the object and the fluid. If there is no motion, there is no drag. It makes no difference whether the
object moves through a static fluid or whether the fluid moves past a static solid object.

Drag is a force and is therefore a vector quantity having both a magnitude and a direction. Drag acts in a direction that is
opposite to the motion of the aircraft. Lift acts perpendicular to the motion. There are many factors that affect the magnitude
of the drag. Many of the factors also affect lift but there are some factors that are unique to aircraft drag.

We can think of drag as aerodynamic friction, and one of the sources of drag is the skin friction between the molecules of the
air and the solid surface of the aircraft. Because the skin friction is an interaction between a solid and a gas, the magnitude of
the skin friction depends on properties of both solid and gas. For the solid, a smooth, waxed surface produces less skin
friction than a roughened surface. For the gas, the magnitude depends on the viscosity of the air and the relative magnitude of
the viscous forces to the motion of the flow, expressed as the Reynolds number. Along the solid surface, a boundary layer of
low energy flow is generated and the magnitude of the skin friction depends on conditions in the boundary layer.

We can also think of drag as aerodynamic resistance to the motion of the object through the fluid. This source of drag depends
on the shape of the aircraft and is called form drag. As air flows around a body, the local velocity and pressure are changed.
Since pressure is a measure of the momentum of the gas molecules and a change in momentum produces a force, a varying
pressure distribution will produce a force on the body. We can determine the magnitude of the force by integrating (or adding
up) the local pressure times the surface area around the entire body. The component of the aerodynamic force that is opposed
to the motion is the drag; the component perpendicular to the motion is the lift. Both the lift and drag force act through the
center of pressure of the object.

There is an additional drag component caused by the generation of lift. Aerodynamicists have named this component the
induced drag. It is also called drag due to lift because it only occurs on finite, lifting wings. Induced drag occurs because
the distribution of lift is not uniform on a wing, but varies from root to tip. For a lifting wing, there is a pressure difference
between the upper and lower surfaces of the wing. Vortices are formed at the wing tips, which produce a swirling flow that
is very strong near the wing tips and decreases toward the wing root. The local angle of attack of the wing is increased by
the induced flow of the tip vortex, giving an additional, downstream-facing, component to the aerodynamic force acting
on the wing. The force is called induced drag because it has been induced by the action of the tip vortices. The magnitude
of induced drag depends on the amount of lift being generated by the wing and on the distribution of lift across the span.
Long, thin (chordwise) wings have low induced drag; short wings with a large chord have high induced drag. Wings with an
elliptical distribution of lift have the minimum induced drag. Modern airliners use winglets to reduce the induced drag of the

Two additional sources of drag are wave drag and ram drag. As an aircraft approaches the speed of sound, shock waves are
generated along the surface. The shock waves produce a change in static pressure and a loss of total pressure. Wave drag is
associated with the formation of the shock waves. The magnitude of the wave drag depends on the Mach number of the flow.
Ram drag is produced when free stream air is brought inside the aircraft. Jet engines bring air on board, mix the air with fuel,
burn the fuel, then exhausts the combustion products to produce thrust. If we look at the basic thrust equation, there is a mass
flow times entrance velocity term that is subtracted from the gross thrust. This negative thrust term is the ram drag. Cooling
inlets on the aircraft are also sources of ram drag.

As students consider a model for drag, they are beginning to consider how objects interact with fluid that flows around it. The
Navier-Stokes equations describe how fluids interact with their environment, and are the foundation for computational fluid
dynamics that is so important in modeling flow around a given aircraft or object. While students of introductory physics are
likely unprepared to fully understand differential equations, such equations allow a better understanding of how the many
variables identified within their model work together.

134 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

from Beginners Guide to Aeronautics

The Navier-Stokes equations describe how the velocity, pressure, temperature, and density of a moving fluid are related.
The equations were derived independently by G.G. Stokes, in England, and M. Navier, in France, in the early 1800s. The
equations are extensions of the Euler equations and include the effects of viscosity on the flow. These equations are very
complex, yet undergraduate engineering students are taught how to derive them in a process very similar to the derivation
that we present on the conservation of momentum webpage.

The equations are a set of coupled differential equations and could, in theory, be solved for a given flow problem by using
methods from calculus. But, in practice, these equations are too difficult to solve analytically. In the past, engineers made
further approximations and simplifications to the equation set until they had a group of equations that they could solve.
Recently, high-speed computers have been used to solve approximations to the equations using a variety of techniques
like finite difference, finite volume, finite element, and spectral methods. This area of study is called computational fluid
dynamics, or CFD.

The Navier-Stokes equations consist of a time-dependent continuity equation for conservation of mass, three time-dependent
conservation of momentum equations and a time-dependent conservation of energy equation. There are four independent
variables in the problem: the x, y, and z spatial coordinates of some domain, and the time t. There are six dependent
variables; the pressure p, density , and temperature T (which is contained in the energy equation through the total energy
ET) and three components of the velocity vector; the u component is in the x direction, the v component is in the y direction,
and the w component is in the z direction, All of the dependent variables are functions of all four independent variables. The
differential equations are therefore partial differential equations and not the ordinary differential equations that one studies
in a beginning calculus class.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity 135

Re is the Reynolds number is a similarity parameter that is the ratio of the scaling of the inertia of the flow to the viscous
forces in the flow. The q variables are the heat flux components and Pr is the Prandtl number which is a similarity parameter
that is the ratio of the viscous stresses to the thermal stresses. The tau variables are components of the stress tensor. A tensor
is generated when you multiply two vectors in a certain way. Our velocity vector has three components; the stress tensor has
nine components. Each component of the stress tensor is itself a second derivative of the velocity components.

The terms on the left-hand side of the momentum equations are called the convection terms of the equations. Convection is
a physical process that occurs in a flow of gas in which some property is transported by the ordered motion of the flow. The
terms on the right hand side of the momentum equations that are multiplied by the inverse Reynolds number are called the
diffusion terms. Diffusion is a physical process that occurs in a flow of gas in which some property is transported by the
random motion of the molecules of the gas. Diffusion is related to the stress tensor and to the viscosity of the gas. Turbulence,
and the generation of boundary layers, are the result of diffusion in the flow. The Euler equations contain only the convection
terms of the Navier-Stokes equations and cannot, therefore, model boundary layers. There is a special simplification of the
Navier-Stokes equations that describe boundary layer flows.

Notice that all of the dependent variables appear in each equation. To solve a flow problem, you have to solve all five
equations simultaneously; that is why we call this a coupled system of equations. There are actually some other equation that
are required to solve this system. We only show five equations for six unknowns. An equation of state relates the pressure,
temperature, and density of the gas. And we need to specify all of the terms of the stress tensor. In CFD the stress tensor
terms are often approximated by a turbulence model.

136 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Terminal Velocity

Force Particle Inertia
A joint project of
NASA Aeronautics
and the
American Association of
Physics Teachers

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 137

Force ParticleInertia WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Falling and Air

Objectives Inquiry Lesson/Lab: Falling and Air Resistance (Qualitative)

Determine the relationship
In previous activities, students will have investigated a wide variety of variables that influence
between air drag and terminal
the speed of a rising bubble or a falling object through fluids. However, the focus was on the
motion as well as the viscosity, both of which are related to the drag force on the object.
Materials In this inquiry lab, with their understanding of force diagrams and balanced-force systems,
Motion detector students will investigate how the drag force due to air resistance influences the terminal
Graphical analysis tool velocity of a coffee filter. Because an object moving at constant velocity is in a balanced-force
Coffee filters (of a variety system, a coffee filter falling at terminal velocity experiences a drag equal in magnitude to
of sizes, including industrial its weight. (Hence, this activity is not terribly different from a study relating the mass of an
coffee filters and / or muffin or object and its terminal velocity.) However, to relate this study more closely to theoretical
candy cups) kinematics, the use of a motion detector and timer will not be permitted for the final portion
Meter stick of the activity. See the theoretical discussion further on.

NGSS Objective: Determine the relationship between air drag and terminal velocity.
The linear model of drag versus terminal velocity is limited only to objects moving at
SEP 1-7
relatively slow speeds. For higher speeds, drag force becomes incrementally greater, and
CCC 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
reaches a point at which drag is proportional to the square of the speed of the moving object
relative to the motion of the surrounding fluid. The purpose of this activity is to engage
students in collecting a wide range of data to see if coffee filters have a drag that is more
dependent upon a direct relationship with speed or with speed squared.

(Note: To acquire more data points, consider placing half or portions of coffee filters inside of
the bottom filter!)

138 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Teacher Answer Key: Falling and Air Resistance (Qualitative)
Objective: Determine the relationship between air drag and terminal velocity.

1. Holding a motion detector as high as possible, drop a single coffee filter below it. Create a qualitative sketch of position
vs. time and velocity vs. time. On both graphs, label the point where terminal velocity begins.

2. Draw a force diagram for the coffee filter before it has been released from your hand.
Depending upon how the coffee filter is held, there should be a force of gravity downward, and either a normal force or
tension force suspending it upward, with equal magnitude.

3. Draw a force diagram for the coffee filter after it has been released from your hand, but before it achieves terminal
The force of gravity is the same as before, but the upward force is smaller, and is now a drag (friction) force.

4. Draw a force diagram that represents a coffee filter falling at terminal velocity through the air.
Constant velocity implies balanced forces, so the drag force pointing up should be equal in magnitude and opposite in
direction to the weight.

5. From prior experience, it appears as though small objects display a relationship in which weight (equal to Fair, the
friction force of air) is directly proportional to terminal velocity. Fair = W = k vterminal, where k is a constant. From
W = k vterminal, and assuming that the coffee filter is at terminal velocity essentially from the moment of its release,
derive an expression for the displacement of the coffee filter relating to weight.

6. Based upon the derived expression above, if drag force is directly proportional to v, what does it say about the distance
fallen when the weight is doubled? Tripled?
Double weight would result in double the distance fallen, and triple the weight would result in triple the distance fallen
in the same amount of time.

7. In contrast, at high speeds, experiments show that Fair could be proportional to velocity squared, leading to
Fair = W = kv2. Derive an alternate expression for x in relationship to weight, if this is the case.

8. Based upon the derived expression above, if drag force is proportional to v2, what does it say about the distance fallen
when the weight is doubled? Tripled?
Doubling the weight would increase the displacement by 1.4 times (the square root of 2), while tripling the weight
would increase the displacement by 1.7 times (the square root of 3).

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 139

Goal: Determine the graphical and general mathematical model relating air friction drag and terminal velocity for
falling coffee filters. Limitation: You must achieve this without the use of a motion detector or any devices that record time.

Hint: This can be accomplished by estimating the distances

at which two or more sets of coffee filters of varying weights
fall in the same amount of time. This requires some team
effort and consistency!

9. Looking at your data, which theoretical model does

your data support? Create a presentation and/or report.
Be sure to include all parts of the learning cycle, from
your experimental planning to the evaluation of your
data. Provide an argument for the accuracy and preci-
sion of your data collection process as well.

140 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Student Worksheet: Falling and Air Resistance (Qualitative)
In many aspects, physics is beautiful because of its simplicity. Many simple rules govern the universe. However, there are
some phenomena that simply cannot be easily modeled by a single relationship fluids is one of them. Typically, physics
textbooks report that drag is proportional to speed squared. Hence, if you run twice as fast into the wind, you will feel
four times the resistance. However, this relationship doesnt always hold true for smaller objects. In this activity, you will
investigate coffee filters as they fall at terminal velocity. Because weight is equal to drag at terminal velocity, you will use
weight to determine if drag is proportional to the coffee filters speed, v, or speed squared, v2.

1. Holding a motion detector as high as possible, drop a single coffee filter below it. Create a qualitative sketch of position
vs. time and velocity vs. time. On both graphs, label the point where terminal velocity begins.

2. Draw a force diagram for the coffee filter before it has been released from your hand.

3. Draw a force diagram for the coffee filter after it has been released from your hand, but before it achieves terminal

4. Draw a force diagram that represents a coffee filter falling at terminal velocity through the air.

5. From prior experience, it appears as though small objects display a relationship in which weight (equal to Fair, the
friction force of air) is directly proportional to terminal velocity. Fair = W = k vterminal, where k is a constant. From
W = k vterminal, and assuming that the coffee filter is at terminal velocity essentially from the moment of its release,
derive an expression for the displacement of the coffee filter relating to weight.

6. Based upon the derived expression above, if drag force is directly proportional to v, what does it say about the distance
fallen when the weight is doubled? Tripled?

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 141

7. In contrast, at high speeds, experiments show that Fair could be proportional to velocity squared, leading to
Fair = W = kv2. Derive an alternate expression for x in relationship to weight, if this is the case.

8. Based upon the derived expression above, if drag force is proportional to v2, what does it say about the distance fallen
when the weight is doubled? Tripled?

Goal: Determine the graphical and general mathematical model relating air friction drag and terminal velocity for
falling coffee filters. Limitation: You must achieve this without the use of a motion detector or any devices that records time.

Hint: This can be accomplished by estimating the distances

at which two or more sets of coffee filters of varying weights
fall in the same amount of time. This requires some team
effort and consistency!

9. Looking at your data, which theoretical model does

your data support? Create a presentation and/or report.
Be sure to include all parts of the learning cycle, from
your experimental planning to the evaluation of your
data. Provide an argument for the accuracy and preci-
sion of your data collection process as well.

142 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Skyray 48 Takes Flight

Analysis Questions:

The X-48B is a blended wing body aircraft. What is the purpose behind this kind of design?

The X-48B is also a remotely controlled aircraft. Why do you think that NASA is pursuing
research for remote-controlled and autonomous vehicles?

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 143

Force Particle - Inertia WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Hanging an Airplane

Real-World Applications: Hanging an Airplane: A Case Study in

Static Equilibrium
Debora M. Katz. The Physics Teacher, 47, 516 (2009).

Determine tensile strength
needed to hang an airplane,
identify center of mass, and
suspend the airplane at a given

Meter sticks
Ring stand
Force meter (optional)

SEP 1-7
CCC 3, 6, 7
A wonderful way to help students understand concepts of static equilibrium is to hang an
airplane, much in the same way as an artifact airplane would be suspended in a museum.
Because planes are generally suspended in such a way as to give the perception of flight, a
specific angle might be desired. The following is an activity to help students measure tensile
strength of a string, measure the center of mass of the airplane to be suspended, and calculate
the necessary lengths and forces in each string to support the plane at a given angle.

144 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Teacher Answer Key: Hanging an Airplane
Objective: Determine the minimum number of strings required to
support the aircraft by measuring tensile strength.

For this activity, it is best to provide students with a thread with a low
tensile strength. A string that might break when supporting a model
airplane should be provided to them, so that they feel compelled to
determine the minimum number of strands necessary to support the
aircraft from a single point.

In order to determine the required number of threads to support any object,

the tensile strength should be determined, where

and Fbreak is the force at which the string breaks, and A is the cross-
sectional area of the string. Fbreak can be measured by pulling on the string
with a digital force meter, or adding masses to a string suspended from a
point until it breaks, and recording the final force. The cross-sectional area
can be measured by placing threads side by side on a piece of tape, and
using a ruler to estimate the diameter of a single thread to calculate its
cross-sectional columnar area.

If a model aircraft is not available, the teacher or students can

construct a mock aircraft by joining together four meter sticks
for the wings, a single meter stick for the fuselage, and one or
two meter sticks for the tail. The difficulty level across the class
can be modified by giving each group a different assembly.

Objective: Support the airplane from a single point, with the

fuselage and wings parallel to the ground, by first
identifying the center of mass.

Students can estimate or calculate the center of mass of the

airplane. Most simply, students can find the point at which the
plane balances. Alternatively, students could weigh the airplane
by placing at least three different points on three balances, and,
using their understanding of torque, estimate the center of mass.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 145

Objective: Using two vertical strings, determine where two
strings must be attached to the wings to make the plane
incline with 10 degrees from the ground.

This final task can be considerably more challenging. Because

the airplane must be in static equilibrium, the airplane can be
considered, along the fuselage, to act much like a lever pivoting
around its center of mass. The placement of the two support
points, as a result, must balance each other. The goal is to place
the fuselage horizontal to the ground, but the wings at a 10
degree incline to the ground. In this particular case, net force in
the z-axis must equal zero, and the torque in the x-axis and
y-axis must add up to zero as well, respectively.

Using this system, knowing the weight of the aircraft, students

can solve for T1, T2, and r1. Students should be reminded that
there are multiple correct solutions to this problem, and that
they can choose one variable to see the resulting variable, and
determine if the values are within the appropriate range (i.e.
wing span and length).

Again, this lab includes three parts with three different objectives.
Encourage students to work through the full learning cycle for
each part of the laboratory experience, either formally (in the
form of a written notebook or report and explicit discussion) or
informally (through small group and whole class discussion).

146 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Student Worksheet: Hanging an Airplane
Objective: Determine the minimum number of strings required to support
an aircraft by measuring tensile strength.

Tensile strength () is the maximum force (Fbreak) supported by a string per unit
of cross-sectional area (A), and is defined mathematically as

1. Explain how you determined tensile strength of the string. Include

sketches and/or images to demonstrate how you know that your value for
tensile strength is accurate and precise.

2. Your teacher has provided a model aircraft to you that must be suspended from a single point. How many strands of
string must be used to support the airplane from a single point? Explain how you know.

Objective: Support the airplane from a single point, with

the fuselage and wings parallel to the ground, by first
identifying the center of mass.

3. Using any method you prefer (without yet suspending the

airplane from the string), identify the center of mass of your
airplane. Explain how you accomplished this.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 147

4. Attach the string to your predicted center of mass of the plane to determine if, in fact, the plane balances. Get your
teachers approval. Teacher signature:

Objective: Using two vertical strings, determine where

two strings must be attached to the wings make the
plane incline with 10 degrees from the ground.

Unlike in the picture displayed below, the goal of this

task is to make the airplanes fuselage parallel to the
ground, with the wings titled 10 degrees with respect to
the ground.

This activity requires that the plane be in static

equilibrium. As a result, answer the following questions:

5. What will be the sum of all net forces on the plane? Explain.

6. Considering that the plane will be supported by two strings (with tension force T1 and T2), write an expression for the
sum of all vertical forces on the plane in the box below:

Using a force meter, measure Fg and record it here:

7. Consider the two tension forces. Look at the airplane from the
top perspective, where the dotted lines meet at the center of
gravity of the airplane. Draw two dots to show in which quad-
rants the vertical strings must be placed in order to achieve a
horizontal fuselage and titled wings. Provide a rationale for
your answer. (There are multiple correct answers consistency
is key!)

148 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

8. Consider the fuselage only. The goal is to have it parallel to
the ground. Because we can think about rotation around
any point as a result of torque, think about the airplane
dipping forward and back about its center of gravity. Draw
in lines showing the distance from the two dots normal to
the wing (side-to-side axis), and label them as x1 and x2.
In this way, you can derive an expression for the torque
exerted on each point, given the tension in the string and
its distance from the wing (side-to-side) axis.

9. Using T1 and T2, and x1 and x2, write an expression for the sum of the torques along the fuselages (tip-to-tail) axis.
(Use the Side View image to help!)

10. There are multiple correct placements for x1 and x2. Working only to get the fuselage horizontal to the ground, without
concern for wing support, work to experimentally measure where those two locations are.
Record them here: and

11. Using the two expressions you developed in the two boxes above, solve for the value of T1 (first), and then T2.

12. Check your actual tension values using a force meter. Get teacher approval to move on:

13. Now consider the 10 degree tilt of the wings. Using the
front view diagram as a guide, write an expression for the
torque of the wings along the fuselages (front-to-back)
axis. Recall that torque only considers the forces that are
perpendicular to the surface.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 149

14. Work the strings around the plane until you have achieved a horizontal fuselage and a wing tilt of 10 degrees. Using
your experimental values for r1 and r2, x1 and x2, now solve for the new values of T1 and T2.

15. Check your answers with the use of a force meter, and get teacher approval:

NASA Model Flies at Air and Space

Analysis Questions

The X-48B has no tail rudder, like typical aircraft. How does it make up for this loss of rudder

The model was built for actual testing in a wind tunnel. Provide three reasons why scientists
begin their work with a model before producing a full-sized aircraft.

150 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Problem Set: Trimmed Aircraft Activity
Beginners Guide to Aeronautics


An airplane in flight can be maneuvered by the pilot using the aerodynamic control surfaces; the elevator, rudder, or ailerons.
As the control surfaces change the amount of force that each surface generates, the aircraft rotates about a point called the
center of gravity. The center of gravity is the average location of the weight of the aircraft. The weight is actually distributed
throughout the airplane, and for some problems it is important to know the distribution. But for total aircraft maneuvering,
we need to be concerned with only the total weight and the location of the center of gravity.

How do engineers determine the location of the center of

gravity for an airplane which they are designing?

An airplane is a combination of many parts; the wings,

engines, fuselage, and tail, plus the payload and the fuel.
Each part has a weight associated with it which the engineer
can estimate, or calculate, using Newtons weight equation:

where Fg is the weight, m is the mass, and g is the

gravitational constant which is 32.2 (ft/s)/s in English
units and 9.8 (m/s)/s or N/kg in metric units. To determine
the center of gravity cg, we choose a reference location,
or reference line. The cg is determined relative to this
reference location. The total weight of the aircraft is simply
the sum of all the individual weights of the components.
Since the center of gravity is an average location of the weight, we can say that the weight of the entire aircraft Fg times
the location cg of the center of gravity is equal to the sum of the weight Fg of each component times the distance d of that
component from the reference location:

The center of gravity is the mass-weighted average of the component locations.

We can generalize the technique discussed above. If we had a total of n discrete components, the center of gravity cg of
the aircraft times the weight Fg of the aircraft would be the sum of the individual i component weight times the distance
d from the reference line (Fg * d) with the index i going from 1 to n. Mathematicians use the Greek letter sigma to denote
this addition. (Sigma is a zig-zag symbol with the index designation being placed below the bottom bar, the total number
of additions placed over the top bar, and the variable to be summed placed to the right of the sigma with each component
designated by the index.)

This equation says that the center of gravity times the sum of n parts weight is equal to the sum of n parts weight times
their distance. The discrete equation works for n discrete parts.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 151

Problem Set
from Beginners Guide to Aeronautics

Student Worksheet
Teacher Answer Key

A Boeing 747-400 domestic airplane is soaring the friendly skies (shown below). Use data from the Boeing 747 Wikipedia
website to complete Table 1. Estimate values for data you are unable to locate in a reasonable amount of time. You will have
to select an engine to go on your aircraft. You should be able to find the length of the airplane (for the reference distances
requested), the mass of the engine, and the fuel capacity. The distances in Table 1 should be measured from a reference line
that starts at the nose (front) of the 747. Use the BACK key to return to this page.

Problem 1 will guide you in the calculation to find the mass of the fuel.

All problems are expressed in metric units.

Mass (kg) Distance from Reference Line (m)

payload d1
engine d2
wings d3
fuselage d4
fuel d5
vertical tail d6
horizontal tail d7

Table 1 : Airplane component masses and distances from reference line

1. What is the fuel capacity of the 747?

Fuel capacity = Volume of fuel = ______________

2. Assuming the density of an average jet fuel is 0.75 g/ml, use the density equation,
density = mass / volume,

to calculate the mass of the fuel. (Hint: You must convert from liters to milliliters.)
Mass of fuel = ______________
Record this value for the mass of the fuel in Table 1.

3. In Table 2, record the weights of the components (parts) listed in Table 1.

(Hint: Remember, Fg = mg = W. The gravitational constant is 9.8 N/kg.)

Mass (kg) Distance from Reference Line (m)

Payload w1
Engine w2
Wings w3
Fuselage w4
Fuel w5
Vertical Tail w6
Horizontal Tail w7
Table 2 : Airplane component weights

152 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

4. What does n equal?
[Hint: The number n is the number of quantities being added together.]
n = _________

5. What are the values for i?

i = _________________________

6. What is the total weight W of the airplane?

7. What is the value of the sum of the component weights times their distances from the reference line (see the equation

8. Using your answers from Problems 6 and 7, calculate the center of gravity.

9. After a long flight, the amount of fuel left in the tanks is 20% of the initial amount. What is the mass and weight of the
fuel that is left? Record your answers in Table 3.
Mass (kg) Weight (N)
Remaining Fuel
Table 3 : Remaining Fuel Data

10. Recalculate the airplanes center of gravity with the reduced fuel weight.

11. Did the center of gravity change?

a. If yes, by how many meters did the center of gravity move?

b. If yes, did the center of gravity move toward or away from the nose of the airplane?

c. Do you think the pilot would notice such a change in the center of gravity while flying? Why?

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 153

Problem Set
from Beginners Guide to Aeronautics

Student Worksheet
Teacher Answer Key

The supply company you work for has just purchased a DC 8-62 cargo transport airplane. You will find the specifications for
the new company toy below. The company has decided to promote you to ground crew supervisor. You are responsible for
loading the DC 8-62 so that the center of gravity of the airplane is maintained at 75 feet ( 22.9 meters).

1. For the first flight, the cargo airplane is loaded with 2 Igloo cargo shells. The first fiberglass shell contains 4,550 pounds
(lbs) of cargo and is located 40 feet from the reference point. The second aluminum shell contains 7,000 lbs of cargo
and is located 110 feet from the reference point. The empty mass (see specifications) is located 75 feet from the refer-
ence point. Calculate the center of gravity of your aircraft. (HINT: Dont forget to add in the weight of the Igloo shell
to the mass of the cargo.)

2. The second flight is loaded with 2 aluminum Igloo cargo shells each containing 9,590 lbs. Your ground crew has placed
one container at 120 ft. from the reference point and the other at 90 ft. from the reference point. The empty mass is still
located at 75 ft. Calculate the center of gravity of your aircraft . (HINT: Dont forget to add in the weight of the Igloo
shell to the mass of the cargo.)

3. Did your first flight meet your required center of gravity specifications? If you answered no, go to Question 5.

4. Did your second flight meet your required center of gravity specifications? If you answered no, go to Question 5.

5. What correction would the pilot of the airplane have to make during flight to fly the airplane as it is loaded? Where
would you move your cargo shells to get the center of gravity to equal the required 75 ft.?

Forward Belly (bulk) - 800 cu. ft.

Aft Belly (bulk) - 815 cu. ft.
Main Cargo Door (A)- 85 high by 140 wide
Forward Belly Door (B) - 36 high by 44 wide
Aft Belly Door (C) - 36 high by 44 wide
Payload maximum - 90,000 lbs.
Empty mass - 136,600 lbs
Main deck cargo volume (containerized) - 6,160 cu. ft.
[thirteen (13) - 88 x 125 containers or pallets]

154 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Emery Worldwide aircraft are units loaded utilizing Type A-3 containers and pallets. The
Igloo illustrated, is an enclosed fiberglass or aluminum shell, open on one side and closed
after loading with a fabric cover and straps. Pallets are essentially the same size as the
Igloo, but without the permanent shell. Freight loaded on pallets is restrained with nets.

Inside dimensions - 121 long, 84 wide, 76 high

Pallet dimensions - 88 x 125
Volume capacity - 450 cu. ft.
Maximum gross weight - 10,500 lbs.
Approximate tare weights: 410 lbs. - Aluminum shell; 520 lbs. - Fiberglass shell

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 155

Problem Set
from Beginners Guide to Aeronautics

Student Worksheet
Teacher Answer Key

Suppose an airplane has a center of pressure on the wings that provides a wing lift force of W. The force W is located a
distance dw from the airplanes center of gravity (cg). The center of pressure on the tail provides a lift force of T. The force T
is located a distance dt from the airplanes center of gravity (cg). The lift force W will always be positive, which indicates an
upward force. However, the lift force T can be positive for some airplanes (upward force) and negative (downward force) for
other airplanes.

The plane is traveling to the left; the tail is on the right.

1. An airplane has a wing lift of 30,000 lbs. centered 20 feet to the right of the cg. The tail lift is centered 100 feet to the
right of the cg. How much force must the tail lift supply in order to keep the plane from rotating? Is this force upward
or downward?

2. Continuing with Problem 1, suppose the lift force is located 20 feet to the left of the cg. How much force must the tail
lift supply in order to keep the plane from rotating ? Is this force upward or downward?

(Hint: Distances measured to the right of the cg are positive while distances to the left are negative.)
Explain why the tail lift force is different in Problems 1 and 2 while the wing lift force is the same.

3. Consider Problem 1 again. Suppose the fuel tanks become significantly lighter after a long flight. This causes the cg to
move toward the front of the plane (to the left). Will a change in the position of the cg of 10 feet to the left affect the
previously trimmed (balanced) airplane? (Mathematically support your answer.)

4. If the movement of the cg causes the airplane to become unbalanced, what do you think the pilot will do to regain

5. Consider Problem 2 again. Suppose the same thing that happened in Problem 4 happens in Problem 2. Will a change in
the position of the cg of 10 feet to the left affect the previously trimmed (balanced) airplane? (Mathematically support
your answer.)

156 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Force Particle-Inertia WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Investigating Flight
with a Toy Helicopter

Inquiry Lesson/Lab: Investigating Flight with a Toy Helicopter

Michael Liebl. The Physics Teacher, 48, 458 (2010).

Although lift has traditionally been measured

with the use of a wind tunnel and force
Objectives meters, there is an alternative way to measure
Determine the relationship lift produced by a small remote-controlled
between frequency of helicopter. An electronic balance can be used to
helicopter propellers and lift. measure mass, which can then be converted into
weight. Any decrease in apparent mass on the
Materials electronic balance is the result of a net upward
RC helicopter force, called lift.
Electronic balance
Tape A small helicopter can be loaded onto an
Stroboscope electronic balance and mounted with the help
of bits of duct tape. By taring the balance and
NGSS starting at 0, any lift produced by the helicopter
CDI HS-PS2 (up to the lift that is equal to its weight plus the
SEP 1-7 platform to which it has been affixed, unless
CCC 2, 4 the helicopter itself cannot lift that mass) will
be represented in the measurement unit with
a negative value. Students can also measure
the related frequencies of rotation of the
propellers by using a stroboscope to perfectly
match the frequency of the propellers until they
appear stationary. (Note: Paint or mark ONE
tip of a single rotor blade with a bright color
or correction fluid in order to ensure that the
same propeller wing is being matched with the
frequency of the stroboscope). Once students
understand how they can collect this information,
they can be prompted to develop a model.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 157

(Note: It is possible that teachers and students alike would expect the force reading on the electronic balance to read the same
value, whether or not the helicopter is spinning. However, unlike a fan-cart and card scenario, in which internal forces cancel
each other out, helicopters tend to push the column of air down and around them, not entirely on the plate below it. A variety
of techniques can be used to minimize this ground effect on the balance reading. Consider mounting the helicopter on a tall
stand a foot or so above the plate this can be easily achieved by building a Lego or Knex tower to support the helicopter.
Alternatively, consider mounting the helicopter on the end of a meter stick lever suspended over the edge of a table, and
measuring force with a force meter on the opposite side of the lever, as shown below.)

Image and idea credit:

Blanco, C. (2013) , Prop It Up! Static Thrust and Efficiency of Small Aircraft Propellers, California State Science Fair
Project J0105, online at

158 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Teacher Background and Key: Investigating Flight with a Toy Helicopter
Achieving lift is a difficult task for heavy objects. As such, it is important to understand what factors influence lift such as
the frequency of propeller rotation and how lift can be achieved in the most efficient way possible.

First, allow students to qualitatively determine the relationship between frequency and lift. Help them to note that the scale
maxes out its lift reading once the lift equals the weight of the helicopter, and that data collection near at this high end of
the data range might result in inaccurate values.

Next, help students learn how to use the

stroboscope in order to determine the
frequency of the propellers. (Caution: Check
student medical records and ask students
about any sensitivities to bright, flashing
lights, as these are known triggers for many
seizure disorders and some emotional
traumas). Darken the room as much as
possible (or, for observation by a single
student, you can place the apparatus inside of
a box or container), and flash the stroboscope
as the helicopter propellers rotate. By holding
the frequency of the propellers as steady as
possible with the remote controller, adjust the
stroboscope frequency until the propellers
appear to be stationary. Once the frequency
of the propellers and the frequency of the
stroboscope match, students can record the
value on the stroboscope. (Caution students
to always use the lowest frequency possible
students might find variable harmonics if the
frequency increases too much.)

Goal: Determine the graphical and mathematical model relating frequency and lift.

Ask students to collect as many data points as possible within a wide range
of frequencies. Students should find that the relationship is a square-root
curve. The data can be effectively linearized to result in a graph such as that
developed by the articles author and seen below.

Generally, students should find that

Deriving a relationship from this particular data, students should get

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 159

Students can then hypothesize significance and meaning of slope and
intercept. In this particular case, the slope likely has some relationship to
the mechanics and physical design of the helicopter and its propellers. An
interesting engineering challenge might be to attempt to minimize the
slope of this graph by modifying the surface area and shape of the

An opportunity to test this theoretical data is to actually load the

helicopter with a given mass, and to see at which minimum propeller
frequency the helicopter is able to hover. Theoretically, aeronautical
research regularly uses the principle of ground effect to maximize lift
near the ground. Ground effect is an interruption of wingtip vortices and
downwash that occurs behind a wing, causing drag on an aircraft. When
this is interrupted and there is less drag, lift increases as a result. Hence,
actual lift on the scales platform, derived from propeller rotations, is
likely lower in the air, where ground effect has little impact.

The above mathematical model for the relationship between frequency

and lifted mass can be derived from downward concentrations of airflow
through the propellers. The complete derivation can be found in the full
article from TPT. However, one interesting point to note is that helicopter
blades are curved, with the greatest angle of attach nearest to the rotor.
Because tangential velocity significantly increases near the edge of the
propeller tip, less twist is needed to achieve the same lift.

160 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Student Worksheet: Investigating Flight with a Toy Helicopter
Achieving lift is a difficult task for heavy objects. As such, it is important to understand what factors
influence it, and how it can be achieved in the most efficient way possible. One of the primary factors that
influences lift of rotocraft is the frequency of rotation of the propellers.

Goal: Determine the graphical and mathematical model relating frequency and lift.

1. Get to know your helicopter play with it and learn how to lift it off of the ground remotely. Plan
how you will collect data on frequency and lift. If you are uncertain of how to measure frequency,
ask your teacher for help! (Hint: Use a stroboscope!) To measure lift, consider using an electronic
balance. With your small group, discuss how lift can be inferred from the reading on the balance.

2. Decide what data you will collect, and how you will go about doing it. Confer with your teacher to
make sure that your plan is safe.

3. Collect your data below, plot it using a graphical analysis tool, and then sketch the general graph to
the right:

4. Generally, what kind of relationship is displayed by your graph?

5. If appropriate, perform a linearization or curve fit. Write the general form of the equation below:

6. If you have any constants in your equation, what do they mean? What constants (or error) in your
experiment might account for them?

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 161

7. Share your results with the class. What conclusions can you draw about the relationship you studied?
Do you think they are any limitations to your study? Why or why not?

8. Most propellers (on RC helicopters and on standard aircraft) are twisted. Explain why! (Consider
angular velocity).

Future Helicopters Get SMART

Analysis Questions:

Why are rotocraft currently not used for typical transportation, like airplanes?

What would be a benefit of using rotocraft instead of airplanes, as a primary means for trans-
portation in the future?

What are piezoelectric materials, and what benefits could they offer rotocraft?

162 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Force Particle-Inertia WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Lift Demonstrations

Objectives Interactive Demonstration: Lift Demonstrations

Determine the relationship
between the surface area and Students are often incorrectly taught
lift. that the primary means for heavier-
than-air flight is a result of Bernoullis
Materials principle. While it is true that the
Fan cambered shape of an aircraft wing
Pencils / Sticks results in a lower pressure above the
Notecards wing, and an increased pressure below
Glue the wing, the resulting upward force
Tape is only partially the cause for the
overall lift of an aircraft. Additionally,
some aircraft do not have cambered
NGSS wings at all. Further, even those who
CDI HS-PS2 speak of Bernoulli often attribute the
SEP 6 effect to the theory of equal transit
CCC 1, 2, 3, 6 times of particles above and below the
wing, which is a misconception and
simply not true. Lift can be achieved
on a variety of wing shapes, including
simple airfoils made from paper.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 163

A discussion of Newtons third law of motion more accurately represents how lift is achieved in this case. Because of the
way wings obstruct air particles, air is deflected downward, resulting in an upward force on the wing. However, even this
perspective can be oversimplified to a fault, and can result in student misconceptions. Air particles do not simply move
directly toward the wing, hit it, and then reflect off. In contrast, air behaves much more smoothly and in sheets. (Hence,
smoke contrails are seen to smoothly go around airfoils, and might not encounter any obstruction). Air particles interact with
other air particles, and indirectly are affected by the wing even before arriving at it.

To demonstrate this effect, students or teachers can prepare note cards on sticks or long pencils. Area #1 can be achieved by
taking two note cards (one above the other), and Area #2 can be achieved by pasting the two cards together, giving the same
weight, but half the surface area. The airfoils can then be suspended from the ends of the pencils and held in the stream of
a fan. Students should quickly and easily realize that lift is much greater on an object with greater surface area. For more
information on lift, see:

164 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Force Particle-Inertia WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Measuring Lift with
Wright Airfoils

Inquiry Lesson/Lab: Measuring Lift with the Wright Airfoils

Richard M. Heavers & Arianne Soleymanloo. The Physics Teacher, 49, 502 (2011).

A large portion of aeronautics research

is conducted within wind tunnels:
Objectives open or closed systems in which gases
Determine graphical models
of varying speeds, pressures, and
that relate lift and drag forces
temperatures bombard a full-scale or
to wind speed, surface area,
model aircraft or aircraft part, such as a
angle of attack (and stall
wing cross-section.
angle), camber, and aspect
ratio. From the previous lift demonstrations,
it should be apparent to students that
Materials wind speed, surface area, and angle
Rotating platform of attack all have a significant impact
Soda can and scissors on the lift experienced by an airplane
Tin and tin snips (optional) wing. Although there are a number
PVC pipe of options to buy commercial wind
Wind source tunnels for the high school laboratory, the following is a smaller-scale, cheaper approach to
Pulley system creating a wind tunnel to test miniature airfoils.
Small masses or force meter
Wind speed sensor Most scientific probeware companies such as Pasco and Vernier offer rotating rods or plates
(mechanical or digital for the study of rotational motion. A protractor can be mounted onto the end in order to help
anemometer probe, Prandtl students align the airfoil with a given angle of attack. A make-do miniature wind tunnel (made
pressure probe, and / or a with a large PVC pipe and a wind source such as a leaf blower, hair dryer, or focused box fan)
manometer) can be aligned with the rotating rod or plate.

SEP 1-7
CCC 2, 4, 6

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 165

A small airfoil can be constructed out of tin or other
malleable metal that retains it shape easily but can also be
bent to change its shape/camber/aspect ratio. (However,
before introducing these variables, it is best to begin with a
flat plate airfoil). Aluminum soda cans provide a cheap
source of tin. Using tin snips, a variety of airfoils can be
created with varying amounts of surface area. (Caution:
Metal can have very sharp corners and edges. Always
caution students to use protective eyewear when cutting
the tin). The airfoil can also be mounted on the end of the
rotating rod or plate in such a way as to change its angle of
attack. A dab of glue from a hot glue gun allows for easy
mounting and removal of the airfoil.

Once the air source is turned on and the airfoil is exposed

to the wind, the rotating plate or rod will tend to move
toward one direction. By simply touching the opposite end
of the rod, students can literally feel the force of the lift
produced by the airfoil. To quantify this, the end of the rod
can be connected via a pulley system, and mass added to
a small hanger to equal the rotating plate or rod until it is
balanced in the wind.

Wind speed can be measured with the use of a mechanical

or digital anemometer probe.

Given all of these materials, students can measure lift

(or drag, if the apparatus is rotated by ninety degrees) as
they relate to each of the following variables. See Wing
Geometry Definitions for further information.

wind speed (relative speed)

surface area

angle of attack


aspect ratio

Although the following student worksheets do not explicitly

address each of the stages of the learning cycle for its
repetitive nature in this kind of in-depth study with multiple
parts, ensure that students address each step.

166 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Teacher Guide/Key: Measuring Lift with Wright Airfoils
Goal: Determine the mathematical and graphical models relating lift and wind speed.

From simple experiments with a fan and a pie pan, students can see that an
increase in wind speed increases the lift on an airfoil. (Likewise, when driving
in an open area, students might have placed their hand out a window, tilted it
up slight, and experienced the upward push of the wind on their hands).

In this and the following experiments, students modify variables associated

with air flowing around a tin airfoil. Begin by having students work with a flat
plate airfoil. Doing this helps students to challenge the misconception that lift
can only be produced on an curved airfoil. Curvature can later be introduced
during the study of camber.

Perhaps the easiest way to modify wind speed is to use a fan with multiple
speed settings. An anemometer can be used to measure the wind speed. Given
that a wind-tunnel effect produced by a standard fan is likely to have only a
small cross-section of constant air flow, it is preferable to use a very small
anemometer as opposed to a wide, mechanical one. Alternatively, students can change the wind speed by changing the wind
source hair dryer, fan, leaf blower, etc.

In general, students should find that the lift is proportional to speed squared. Hence, a plot of lift versus speed will result in a
parabolic curve.

Goal: Determine the mathematical and graphical models relating lift and surface area.

Students can cut out various tin airfoils of different surface areas. If the
concept of aspect ratio has not yet been introduced to students, help them to
understand that it is also a variable that must also be accounted for. (Aspect
ratio is the ratio of the long side to the width of the rectangle, or L/W). Not
only should students be careful to maintain aspect ratio, but they also must be
careful to mount the airfoil in the same way, so that the leading edge of the
airfoil is either the length or the width.

This is also an opportunity to introduce to students to the concepts of camber.

Many students are used to seeing airfoils that are curved these airfoils have
a camber. In its simplest form, camber of a curved airfoil can be calculated
by taking the length of the chord (from the leading edge to the trailing edge)
divided by the thickness of the airfoil (from the chord to the highest point
of the curve). While this is beneficial for optimizing the lift/drag ratio at big
angles of attack, it is not necessary in order to generate lift. For the purposes of
studying surface area, it is probably best to avoid having any curvature at all.

Lastly, students must also ensure that angle of attack is controlled throughout this experiment. The angle of attack refers
to the angle from the direction of the wind measured against the chord of the airfoil (which, for a flat airfoil, would simply
measure to the surface of the airfoil). Students may choose any angle of attack they like, but the angle tends to be small for
most aircraft (around 3-5 degrees above or below the horizontal, depending upon if the airplane is gaining or losing altitude).
Angles above 15-30 degrees, depending upon the airfoil, will tend to result in a stall a dramatic decrease in lift and increase
in drag. (Caution: This result might not be reproducible for a model wind tunnel using a low wind speed and a self-made
airfoil, as the wind only blows under the airfoil at some point).

Students should find that the relationship between lift and surface area is linear.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 167

Combining the relationship between lift and air speed, and lift and surface area, it can be easy to derive the expression

This relationship offers a wonderful opportunity to perform some dimensional analysis to determine the meaning and source
of k1. Substituting basic dimensions M (mass), L (length), and T (time), the equation above can be represented as

The above relationship can be simplified and solved for the dimensions of k1.

Students should recognize that these units, in SI notation, would be kg/m3, representative of a measure of density!

By using data points from both graphs for the airfoil in the same situation, students will, however, find that the value of k1 is
ridiculously high to be the density of the fluid (air) surrounding the airfoil.

The constant, k1, although it does include a measure of fluid density, is dependent upon a number of situational variables.

Students should consider other variables that influence lift, including, most notably, the shape of the airfoil (camber and
aspect ratio) and angle of attack. Likewise, all of these variables can be evaluated for their effect on lift.

Students can then be asked to perform a number of other experiments to determine relationships. Lift and angle of attack
are perhaps the easiest of the remaining three variables to study, although its relationship cannot be readily developed into a
mathematical model.

Goal: Determine the graphical model relating lift versus angle of attack (and the stall angle).

As the angle of attack increases from zero, the lift increases, initially. The lift then reaches a maximum value until just before
it hits the stall angle. At this point, lift decreases as angle of attack increases, because most of the momentum transfer from
the wind now pushes the airfoil backward as opposed to upward.

168 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Goal: Determine the graphical model relating lift and camber.

Students can change the camber of an airfoil by curving it various amounts.

Generally, as camber increases, lift increases, within reasonable limits.

Goal: Determine the graphical model relating lift and aspect ratio.

Students can change the aspect ratio of an airfoil by cutting out rectangular foils
of the same surface area, but different lengths and widths. Generally, as aspect
ratio increases, lift increases.

The above three relationships are not linear, and they are not simple. However,
using simple calculus, it can be demonstrated that k2 is composed of a coefficient
of lift (which depends upon the angle of attack, camber, and aspect ratio) and the
constant, . This relationship can be developed and helps students to see that
lift is actually generated by the conservation of energy and mass.

For a moving object (such as in fluid flow),

There are plenty of opportunities to engage in data analysis

with the relationships demonstrated from what is collected.
The following is a display of some example data provided
by the articles authors.

Perhaps the most important aspect in studying the angle of

attack is identifying the peak of lift force, which shows
the angle at which lift force begins to decrease. This is
known as the stall angle, and should never be exceeded
unintentionally, as it results in loss of control of the aircraft.

Goal: Develop a visual and descriptive model for why

long, narrow airfoils produce more lift at small angles
of attack, as compared to square airfoils with the same
surface area and camber.

Students can develop visual and descriptive models to

explain the molecular and fluid behaviors resulting in
varying lift forces. Because it is a chaotic system, this kind
of modeling can be hard to do accurately.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 169

One thing that can help students is to have them observe fluid flow visually. Flow can be seen using a piece of glass and an
airfoil section (perhaps made out of Styrofoam, clay, or gelatin to easily modify the airfoil), and then slowly pouring colored
water around it.

See for an example of fluid flow around wings.

170 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Student Worksheet: Measuring Lift with Wright Airfoils
In the mid to late 1800s, the use of wind tunnels to test the effectiveness of airplane wing shapes became popular. In the early
1900s, the Wright brothers also began completing their own tests, to determine which kind of airfoil would generate the most

1. What kinds of design aspects do you think influence the lift produced by a wing?

To measure how much wind impacts an airfoil, create a setup following your teachers guidelines. Ensure that the
device with the mounted airfoil is balanced before you turn on the wind generator/fan. (The rotating rod should not
tend toward one direction or the other).

2. Turn the wind generator on. The airflow should cause the entire rotating rod to turn toward one direction. Explain why
this happens by annotating the image of wind currents and an airfoil below:

3. Looking at your setup, explain how you will determine the lift on the airfoil produced by the wind.

Goal: Determine the mathematical and graphical models relating lift and wind speed.

4. If you have ever tried to take a kite out gliding on a calm day, you know that
wind speeds makes a big difference on lift! Perform an experiment to deter-
mine the relationship between lift and wind speed. Collect your data below,
then draw a sketch of the graph.

5. What is the general mathematical model of the relationship displayed by the graph?

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 171

Goal: Determine the mathematical and graphical models relating lift and surface area.

6. Perform an experiment to determine the relationship between lift and wind

speed. Collect your data below, then draw a sketch of the graph.

7. What is the general mathematical model of the relationship displayed by the graph?

8. Combining the two relationships (from lift and air speed, and lift and surface area), to form a single equation with an
unknown constant:

9. Using what you know about the units for lift (N), speed (m/s), and surface area (m2), perform dimensional analysis to
determine the units of the unknown constant.

10. Based upon the unit for the unknown constant, what might be the meaning of this constant? Perform data analysis to
determine what the unit might be. Ask your teacher for assistance, if necessary.

Aeronautical engineers combine all of these known variables into something called the Lift Equation, which, after
discussing with your classmates, your teacher will help you to derive here:

172 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle


You will likely find that the unknown constant is actually a combination of constants associated with both the nature of the
fluid flowing around the airfoil as well as the physical characteristics of the airfoil. We will study three of these variables.

Goal: Determine the graphical model relating lift versus angle of attack (and the stall angle).

11. Perform an experiment to determine the relationship between lift and angle
of attack. Be certain to collect data from 5 to 50 degrees. Collect your data
below, then draw a sketch of the graph.

12. Describe, in words, the relationship displayed by the graph.

13. Your graph should display a maximum value known as the stall angle. Based upon your graph and your understand-
ing of aeronautical stall, explain what happens to a plane at this point, and why.

Goal: Determine the graphical model relating lift and camber.

14. Perform an experiment to determine the relationship between lift and camber.
Collect your data below, then draw a sketch of the graph.

15. Describe, in words, the relationship displayed by the graph.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 173

Goal: Determine the graphical model relating lift and .

16. Perform an experiment to determine the relationship between lift and aspect
ratio. Be certain to collect data from 5 to 50 degrees. Collect your data below,
then draw a sketch of the graph.

17. Describe, in words, the relationship displayed by the graph.

18. Look at some data provided by another group of

students and even the Wright brothers themselves.
How well does your data compare? If you find that
you observed other trends, explain why this might be
the case.

Goal: Develop a visual and descriptive model for why

long, narrow airfoils produce more lift at small angles
of attack, as compared to square airfoils with the same
area and camber.

19. Using the graph to the right, attempt to explain why

airfoils of different angle of attack, aspect ratio, and
camber, all result in different amounts of lift. Consider
component forces, drag, Coander effect, boundary
layer, turbulence, measuring errors, Bernoullis
principle, etc.

174 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Glow With the Flow

Analysis Questions:

Describe the technique observed in the picture. How are scientists visualizing airflow?

Do a quick Internet search to find out what other information can be collected from wind
tunnel tests (list at least three, and how they are collected).

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 175

Problem Set: Lift-Velocity Relationship Problems
Beginners Guide to Aerodynamics


Lift is created by deflecting a flow of air and drag is generated on

a body in a wide variety of ways. From Newtons second law of
motion, the aerodynamic forces on the body (lift and drag) are
directly related to the change in momentum of the fluid with time.
The fluid momentum is equal to the mass times the velocity of the
fluid. Since the air moves, defining the mass gets a little tricky and
aerodynamicists usually relate the effect of mass on lift and drag
to the air density. The mathematical derivation for this conversion
is given on another slide dealing with momentum effects on lift.
As a result of this derivation, we find that lift and drag depend on
the square of the velocity. The velocity used in the lift and drag
equations is the relative velocity between an object and the flow.
Since the aerodynamic force depends on the square of the velocity,
doubling the velocity will quadruple the lift and drag.


Student Worksheet
Teacher Answer Key

You may have been wondering about the photo of the Spirit of St. Louis above. We will now use our lift/velocity
relationship information on an imaginary flight in the Spirit of St. Louis where we again maintain altitude. Data needed to
continue is found at Ryan, Spirit of St. Louis. (

176 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

1. Find k as above using the Spirit of St. Louis maximum velocity and the takeoff weight less 20 kg (an arbitrary
amount of fuel to attain maximum velocity). Once you have determined k, write an equation for velocity as a function
of lift (as in our example). v= __________.

2. Using a function grapher (such as your graphing calculator), graph this equation (default window settings are
acceptable). Do you recognize the graph? It is a ______________.

3. Now key in the following RANGE window values: xmin=1000, xmax=2500, xscl=100, ymin=120, ymax=220, yscl=10, and
graph the equation. Because the domain and range are limited to real Spirit of St. Louis values, the curvature of the
parabola segment is limited.

4. Return to the equation and solve it for lift. L= ________________. Graph the equation. Then exchange the x and y
values in the RANGE window; that is, key in: xmin=120, xmax=220, xscl=10, ymin=1000, ymax=2500, yscl=100, and graph.
The parabola segment now opens upwards, instead of to the side.

(Note: You may wish to try this for other aircraft.)

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 177

Problem Set: Lift Equation Problems
Beginners Guide to Aerodynamics

Lift depends on the density of the air, the square of the

velocity, the airs viscosity and compressibility, the surface
area over which the air flows, the shape of the body, and the
bodys inclination to the flow. In general, the dependence on
body shape, inclination, air viscosity, and compressibility is
very complex.

One way to deal with complex dependencies is to characterize

the dependence by a single variable. For lift, this variable
is called the lift coefficient, designated CL. This allows us
to collect all the effects, simple and complex, into a single
equation. The lift equation states that lift L is equal to the lift
coefficient CL times the density r times half of the velocity v
squared times the wing area A.

L = CL * A * .5 * * v2

For given air conditions, shape, and inclination of the object, we have to determine a value for CL to determine the lift.
For some simple flow conditions and geometries and low inclinations, aerodynamicists can determine the value of CL
mathematically. But, in general, this parameter is determined experimentally.

In the equation given above, the density is designated by the letter . We do not use d for density, since d is often
used to specify distance. In many textbooks on aerodynamics, the density is given by the Greek symbol - rho (Greek for
r). The combination of terms density times the square of the velocity divided by two is called the dynamic pressure and
appears in Bernoullis pressure equation.

You can view a short movie of Orville and Wilbur Wright discussing the lift force and how it affected the flight of their
aircraft. The movie file can be saved to your computer and viewed as a podcast.

1. Identify each letter in the lift equation and list acceptable units for each quantity.

2. Use Wikipedia (, or a search engine, to find information about the Boeing 747.
What is its wing area?

3. If the Boeing 747 above is cruising at 940 km/h, the density of the air is 1.20 g/L, and the lift coefficient is 1, what is
the lift?

4. Use Wikipedia (, or a search engine, to find information about the Boeing 777.
What is its wing area?

178 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

5. If the Boeing 777 is cruising at the same velocity under the same conditions as the 747 above, what is its lift?

6. Look up the DC-8 on Wikipedia (, or a search engine. What is its wing area?

7. What is the DC-8s cruising velocity?

8. If the air density is 1.26 g/L and the lift coefficient is 1.5, what is the lift of the DC-8?

9. Find the F/A-18A Hornet on Wikipedia (, or use a search engine. What is its wing

10. What is the F/A-18As lift while it flies at 700 mi/hr, the air density is 1.31 g/L, and the lift coefficient is 1.8?

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 179

Force Particle-Inertia WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Developing a Model
for Lift

Objectives Model Building: Developing a Model for Lift

Compare and contrast common
incorrect theories of lift. Beginners Guide to Aerodynamics: Lift Theories

When two solid objects interact

Materials in a mechanical process, forces
Incorrect Theory are transmitted, or applied, at
Readings the point of contact. But when
a solid object interacts with a
NGSS fluid, things are more difficult
CDI HS-PS2 to describe because the fluid
SEP 2, 6, 7 can change its shape. For a solid
CCC 4 body immersed in a fluid, the
point of contact is every point
CCSS on the surface of the body. The
Reading in Science fluid can flow around the body
Writing in Science and maintain physical contact at
all points. The transmission, or
application, of mechanical forces
between a solid body and a fluid occurs at every point on the surface of the body. And the
transmission occurs through the fluid pressure.

Variation in Pressure

The magnitude of the force acting over a small section of an object immersed in a fluid equals
the pressure P times the area A of the section. A quick units check shows that:

As discussed on the fluid pressure slide, pressure is a scalar quantity related to the momentum
of the molecules of a fluid. Since a force is a vector quantity, having both magnitude and
direction, we must determine the direction of the pressure force. Pressure acts perpendicular
(or normal) to the solid surface of an object. So the direction of the force on the small section
of the object is along the normal to the surface. We denote this direction by the letter n.

180 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

The normal direction changes from the front of the airfoil to the rear and from the top to the bottom. We indicate this
variation on the figure by several small arrows pointing perpendicular to the surface and labeled with an n. To obtain the net
mechanical force over the entire solid object, we must sum the contributions from all the small sections. Mathematically, the
summation is indicated by the Greek letter sigma () The net aerodynamic force F is equal to the sum of the product of the
pressure P times the incremental area delta A in the normal direction n.

In the limit of infinitely small sections, this gives the integral of the pressure times the area around the closed surface. Using
the symbol dA for integration, we have:

where the integral is taken all around the body. On the figure, that is why the integral sign has a circle through it.

If the pressure on a closed surface is a constant, there is no net force produced because the summation of the directions of
the normal adds up to zero. For every small section there is another small section whose normal points in exactly the opposite

For a fluid in motion, the velocity has different values at different locations around the body. The local pressure is related to
the local velocity, so the pressure also varies around the closed surface and a net force is produced. On the figure at the lower
right, we show the variation of the pressure around the airfoil as obtained by a solution of the Euler equations. The blue line
shows the variation from front to back on the lower surface, while the red line shows the variation from front to back on the
upper surface, The black line gives the reference free stream pressure. Summing the pressure perpendicular to the surface
times the area around the body produces a net force.

Definitions of Lift and Drag

Since the fluid is in motion, we can define a flow direction along the motion. The component of the net force perpendicular
(or normal) to the flow direction is called the lift; the component of the net force along the flow direction is called the drag.
These are definitions. In reality, there is a single, net, integrated force caused by the pressure variations along a body. This
aerodynamic force acts through the average location of the pressure variation which is called the center of pressure.

Velocity Distribution

For an ideal fluid with no boundary layers, the surface of an object is a streamline. If the velocity is low, and no energy is
added to the flow, we can use Bernoullis equation along a streamline to determine the pressure distribution for a known
velocity distribution. If boundary layers are present, things are a little more confusing, since the external flow responds to the
edge of the boundary layer and the pressure on the surface is imposed from the edge of the boundary layer. If the boundary
layer separates from the surface, it gets even more confusing. How do we determine the velocity distribution around a body?
Specifying the velocity is the source of error in two of the more popular incorrect theories of lift. To correctly determine
the velocity distribution, we have to solve equations expressing a conservation of mass, momentum, and energy for the fluid
passing the object. In some cases, we can solve simplified versions of the equations to determine the velocity and pressure.


To summarize, for any object immersed in a fluid, the mechanical forces are transmitted at every point on the surface of the
body. The forces are transmitted through the pressure, which acts perpendicular to the surface. The net force can be found by
integrating (or summing) the pressure times the area around the entire surface. For a moving flow, the pressure will vary from
point to point because the velocity varies from point to point. For some simple flow problems, we can determine the pressure
distribution (and the net force) if we know the velocity distribution by using Bernoullis equation.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 181

Teacher Worksheet: Theories of Lift
Read the three explanations on lift and the popular incorrect theories on how lift is produced. Then using the information
about each of the theories, complete the questions below designed to demonstrate your understanding of the theories.

1. Compare and contrast the incorrect lift theories #1 and #3.

Answers will vary.

2. Contrast the incorrect lift theories #2 and #3.

Answers will vary.

3. Which theory(ies) cannot explain why airplanes can fly upside down?
Answers will vary.

4. Which theory(ies) cannot explain why the upper surface of a wing has an effect on lift?
Answers will vary.

5. Which theory(ies) cannot explain why the air flowing past the lower surface of a wing has an effect on lift?
Answers will vary.

6. Explain the correct theory of lift in your own words.

Answers will vary.

182 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Student Worksheet: Theories of Lift
Read the three explanations on lift and the popular incorrect theories on how lift is produced. Then using the information
about each of the theories, complete the questions below designed to demonstrate your understanding of the theories.

1. Compare and contrast the incorrect lift theories #1 and #3.

2. Contrast the incorrect lift theories #2 and #3.

3. Which theory(ies) cannot explain why airplanes can fly upside down?

4. Which theory(ies) cannot explain why the upper surface of a wing has an effect on lift?

5. Which theory(ies) cannot explain why the air flowing past the lower surface of a wing has an effect on lift?

6. Explain the correct theory of lift in your own words

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 183

The theory described here is one of the most widely circulated, incorrect explanations. The theory can be labeled the longer
path theory, or the equal transit time theory. The theory states that airfoils are shaped with the upper surface longer than
the bottom. The air molecules (the little colored balls on the figure) have farther to travel over the top of the airfoil than along
the bottom. In order to meet up at the trailing edge, the molecules going over the top of the wing must travel faster than the
molecules moving under the wing. Because the upper flow is faster, then, from Bernoullis equation, the pressure is lower.
The difference in pressure across the airfoil produces the lift.

Lets use the information weve just learned to evaluate the various parts of the equal transit time theory.

Lifting airfoils are designed to have the upper surface longer than the bottom.

-- This is not always correct. The symmetric airfoil in our experiment generates plenty of lift and its upper surface
is the same length as the lower surface. Think of a paper airplane. Its airfoil is a flat plate --> top and bottom
exactly the same length and shape and yet they fly just fine. This part of the theory probably got started because
early airfoils were curved and shaped with a longer distance along the top. Such airfoils do produce a lot of
lift and flow turning, but it is the turning thats important, not the distance. There are modern, low-drag airfoils
which produce lift on which the bottom surface is actually longer than the top. This theory also does not ex-
plain how airplanes can fly upside down which happens often at air shows and in air-to-air combat. The longer
surface is then on the bottom!

Air molecules travel faster over the top to meet molecules moving underneath at the trailing edge.

-- Experiments show that the flow over the top of a lifting airfoil does travel faster than the flow beneath the
airfoil. But the flow is much faster than the speed required to have the molecules meet up at the trailing edge.
Two molecules near each other at the leading edge will not end up next to each other at the trailing edge. This

184 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

part of the theory attempts to provide us with a value for the velocity over the top of the airfoil based on the
non-physical assumption that the molecules meet at the aft end. We can calculate a velocity based on this
assumption, and use Bernoullis equation to compute the pressure, and perform the pressure-area calculation
and the answer we get does not agree with the lift that we measure for a given airfoil. The lift predicted by the
equal transit time theory is much less than the observed lift, because the velocity is too low. The actual veloc-
ity over the top of an airfoil is much faster than that predicted by the longer path theory and particles moving
over the top arrive at the trailing edge before particles moving under the airfoil.

The upper flow is faster and from Bernoullis equation the pressure is lower. The difference in pressure across the
airfoil produces the lift.

-- As we have seen in Experiment #1, this part of the theory is correct. In fact, this theory is very appealing
because many parts of it are correct. In our discussions on pressure-area integration to determine the force on a
body immersed in a fluid, we mentioned that if we know the velocity, we can obtain the pressure and determine
the force. The problem with the equal transit theory is that it attempts to provide us with the velocity based
on a non-physical assumption as discussed above.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 185

The theory described here is often seen on websites and in popular literature. The theory is based on the idea that lift is the
reaction force to air molecules striking the bottom of the airfoil as it moves through the air. Because this is similar to the way
in which a flat rock thrown at a shallow angle skips across a body of water, it is called the skipping stone theory of lift. It is
sometimes called a Newtonian theory of lift, since it involves Newtons third law, but to avoid confusion with the correct
Newtonian theory of flow turning, we shall call it the skipping stone theory.

Lets use the information weve just learned to evaluate the Skipping Stone Theory.

This theory is concerned with only the interaction of the lower surface of the moving object and the air. It assumes
that all of the flow turning (and therefore all the lift) is produced by the lower surface. But as we have seen in our
experiment, the upper surface also turns the flow. In fact, when one considers the downwash produced by a lifting
airfoil, the upper surface contributes more flow turning than the lower surface. This theory does not predict or ex-
plain this effect.

Because this theory neglects the action <--> reaction of molecules striking the upper surface, it does not predict the
negative lift present in our experiment when the angle of attack is negative. On the top of the airfoil, no vacuum
exists. Molecules are still in constant random motion on the upper surface (as well as the lower surface), and these
molecules strike the surface and impart momentum to the airfoil as well.

The upper airfoil surface doesnt enter into the theory at all. So using this theory, we would expect two airfoils with
the same lower surface but very different upper surfaces to give the same lift. We know this doesnt occur in reality.
In fact, there are devices on many airliners called spoilers which are small plates on the upper surface between the
leading and trailing edges. They are used to change the lift of the wing to maneuver the aircraft by disrupting the
flow over the upper surface. This theory does not predict or explain this effect.

If we make lift predictions based on this theory, using a knowledge of air density and the number of molecules in a
given volume of air, the predictions are totally inaccurate when compared to actual measurements. The chief prob-
lem with the theory is that it neglects the physical properties of the fluid. Lift is created by turning a moving fluid,
and all parts of the solid object can deflect the fluid.

186 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

The theory described here is often seen on websites and in popular literature. The theory is based on the idea that the airfoil
upper surface is shaped to act as a nozzle which accelerates the flow. Such a nozzle configuration is called a Venturi nozzle
and it can be analyzed classically. Considering the conservation of mass, the mass flowing past any point in the nozzle is a
constant; the mass flow rate of a Venturi nozzle is a constant. The mass flow rate m dot is equal to the density times the
velocity v times the flow area A:

For a constant density, decreasing the area increases the velocity.

Turning to the incorrect airfoil theory, the top of the airfoil is curved, which constricts the flow. Since the area is decreased,
the velocity over the top of the foil is increased. Then from Bernoullis equation, higher velocity produces a lower pressure
on the upper surface. The low pressure over the upper surface of the airfoil produces the lift.

Lets use the information weve just learned to evaluate the various parts of the Venturi theory.

The theory is based on an analysis of a Venturi nozzle. But an airfoil is not a Venturi nozzle. There is no phantom
surface to produce the other half of the nozzle. In our experiments weve noted that the velocity gradually decreases
as you move away from the airfoil eventually approaching the free stream velocity. This is not the velocity found
along the centerline of a nozzle which is typically higher than the velocity along the wall.

The Venturi analysis cannot predict the lift generated by a flat plate. The leading edge of a flat plate presents no
constriction to the flow so there is really no nozzle formed. One could argue that a nozzle occurs when the angle
of the flat plate is negative. But as we have seen in Experiment #2, this produces a negative lift. The velocity actually
slows down on the upper surface at a negative angle of attack; it does not speed up as expected from the nozzle model.

This theory deals with only the pressure and velocity along the upper surface of the airfoil. It neglects the shape of
the lower surface. If this theory were correct, we could have any shape we want for the lower surface, and the lift
would be the same. This obviously is not the way it works - the lower surface does contribute to the lift generated by
an airfoil. (In fact, one of the other incorrect theories proposed that only the lower surface produces lift!)

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 187

The part of the theory about Bernoullis equation and a difference in pressure existing across the airfoil is correct.
In fact, this theory is very appealing because there are parts that are correct. In our discussions on pressure-area in-
tegration to determine the force on a body immersed in a fluid, we mentioned that if we knew the velocity, we could
obtain the pressure and determine the force. The problem with the Venturi theory is that it attempts to provide us
with the velocity based on an incorrect assumption (the constriction of the flow produces the velocity field). We can
calculate a velocity based on this assumption, use Bernoullis equation to compute the pressure, perform the pres-
sure-area calculation, and yet the answer we get does not agree with the lift that we measure for a given airfoil.

188 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Student Worksheet: Theories of Lift
Beginners Guide to Aerodynamics is a web-based textbook of information prepared at NASA Glenn Research Center to
help you better understand aerodynamics. Click Beginners Guide Index to access the list of slides. Open the slides called
Aerodynamic Forces, Incorrect Theory #1, Incorrect Theory #2, and Incorrect Theory #3 (with text) and read the explanations
on lift and the popular incorrect theories on how lift is produced. Then using the information found in these slides, complete
the questions below designed to demonstrate your understanding of the theories.

1. Compare and contrast the incorrect lift theories #1 and #3.

2. Contrast the incorrect lift theories #2 and #3.

3. Which theory(ies) cannot explain why airplanes can fly upside down?

4. Which theory(ies) cannot explain why the upper surface of a wing has an effect on lift?

5. Which theory(ies) cannot explain why the air flowing past the lower surface of a wing has an effect on lift?

6. Explain the correct theory of lift in your own words.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 189

Force Particle-Inertia WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Airplane Contest

Inquiry Lesson/Lab: Rubber-Band-Driven Airplane Contest

Douglas Oliver & Terry Ng. The Physics Teacher. 37, 108 (1999).

In this activity, students are provided

with a balsa and rubber band airplane,
and are asked to make their airplane
Objectives travel as far as possible while supporting
Design the furthest-traveling a load. This goal can be achieved by
airplane. considering how to maximize the amount
of lift (while also decreasing the amount
Materials of drag). Students should consider the
Rubber band airplanes lift equation, which should have been
Pennies / small masses partially derived from the wind tunnel
Meter stick experiment:

CDI HS-PS2 Although the density of the surrounding fluid (air) cannot be modified, students can make
SEP 1-7 changes to the coefficient of lift, the surface area, and the velocity of the airplane through the
CCC 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 fluid. Each of these will be examined separately.

Although the following student

worksheets do not explicitly address each
of the stages of the learning cycle for its
repetitive nature in this kind of in-depth
study with multiple parts, ensure that
students address each step.

190 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Teacher Guide and Key: Rubber-Band-Driven Airplane Contest

Goal: Design the furthest-travelling airplane.

In order to design the furthest-travelling airplane, all part of

the lift equation must be accounted for and maximized, as

Coefficient of lift

Although there are a number of variables that influence

the actual value of the coefficient of lift, one of them the
angle of attack can be modified by the placement of a
penny at a point along the long axis of the plane from tip to
tail. The relationship between angle of attack and coefficient
of lift is not linear, however, as demonstrated in the graph
to the right. Ideally, students will want to increase the angle
of attack just enough, but before it reaches the stall angle, at
which the coefficient of lift drops precipitously.

Students can identify the stall angle by watching for a roller coaster effect of the airplane as it flies. Once this effect has
been achieved, students will want to slightly move the penny forward so that the airplane moves at an angle of attack just
below the stall angle.

Students might also attempt to change the wing camber or aspect ratio by replacing the wooden wings provided in the kit
with other materials.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 191

Surface Area

The surface area of the wings can also be modified, however,

increasing surface area can also increase drag and have a net
negative effect. Further, an increase in the size of the wings
could also result in an increase in the mass of the total airplane.
Students might consider cutting away bits of the balsa wings and
replace them with paper, or replace them entirely with lighter
new materials such as thin plastic.


The speed of the wings relative to the air can be modified by

maximizing the acceleration either by changing propeller
torque by winding the rubber band as far as possible or by
decreasing the mass of the airplane. Students might also want to
modify the airplane propeller to maximize thrust.


Another aspect that must be considered, specifically for rubber

band airplanes, is the rolling that results from the counteracting
torque. Because most rubber band airplanes have a single
propeller that moves in one direction, the airplane body itself will
tend to roll in the direction opposite to the propellers spin. This
can be resolved by appropriately locating the placement for a
counterweight (such as a penny) to equalize the force of the roll
opposite the direction of the propeller.

192 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Student Worksheet: Rubber-Band-Driven Airplane Contest
Goal: Design the furthest-travelling

In this activity, you will design a

rubber-band airplane that can travel as
far as possible while carrying a load.

You will be first provided with a

balsa wood airplane kit. Assemble it
according to the instructions, and try to
fly it (release it from ground level).

1. Record your observations. Espe-

cially include any observations
if you notice that the airplane
doesnt fly straight.

2. Unless you inserted a counterweight on one of the wings, you might have noticed that the airplane tended toward one
direction. This is a result of torque. To understand torque, suspend an airplane from the tail, nose down, from a piece
of string. Then, wind the propeller, and release, allowing the propeller to unwind. What happens to the body of the

3. Before re-designing your airplane, develop a baseline distance of the plane without modification, to see if your changes
improve or worsen the airplanes performance. Modification to your plane can include changes in shape, material, or
size, so long as your plane is powered by a single rubber band and has only one propeller. Record your baseline values

Then, consider the lift equation partially derived from the wind tunnel lab. By increasing lift, your plane is more likely
to travel further.

4. Look at all parts of the lift equation. Which terms are constants over which you have no control? Explain why you have
no control over these constants.

5. Which terms are variables that you can modify? Explain how you plan to do this.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 193

Use the following tips to assist you in your re-design of the rubber band plane:

Tip #1: Angle of Attack

Recall the graph of lift vs. angle of attack from your wind tunnel
activity. Note that the peak value is the stall angle. For this example
from the graph, what angle would be ideal for the airplane?

You can also change your own planes angle of attack by inserting a
penny along the length of the fuselage. Once in flight, the airplane
will adjust its angle so that the center of lift and center of gravity are
directly over one another.

In order to identify the stall angle on your plane, continue to adjust the location of the penny until you notice that the path of
the plan becomes bumpy. These bumps are locations at which the plane is stalling.

Tip #2: Get Creative

Feel free to make modifications to your airplane. Remove parts of the aircraft and replace it with your own materials.
Whatever you choose to do, be certain to provide a rationale based upon the lift equation or other reasonable principles.

Tip #3: Test and Revise

You will not know the effect of your modifications (good or bad) until you test them multiple times. Keep a recording of your
tests. Work to increase both the total distance travelled as well as the mass supported.

Recalling a Record: X-43A Scramjet Sets New Hypersonic Record a Decade Ago

Analysis Questions:

What is Mach?

The flight of the X-43A was described in the article as the first demonstration of an integrated
scramjet in atmospheric flight. What is a scramjet? How does it work?

What are the challenges of achieving hypersonic flight in the Earths atmosphere?

What are the challenges of achieving hypersonic speeds outside of the Earths atmosphere?

194 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Force Particle-Inertia WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Helicopter Toy and
Lift Estimation

Real-World Applications: Helicopter Toy and Lift Estimation

Said Shakerin. The Physics Teacher, 51 310 (2013).

Rotocraft use similar principles as static wings on airplanes in order to generate lift. The
popular toy, Wacky Whirler, can be used to estimate lift. This is a good activity to help
Objectives students come up with reasonable estimates by making some basic assumptions. This activity
Estimate the maximum lift could be extended to see how small groups compare in their estimates.
generated by a Wacky Whirler.

Wacky Whirler
Meter stick / ruler
Video recorder
Video analysis tool

SEP 1-7
CCC 3, 6

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 195

Teacher Guide and Key: Helicopter Toy and Lift Estimation
Goal: Estimate the maximum lift generated by a Wacky Whirler.

Students should be provided with a Wacky Whirler, meter stick or ruler, and the ability to record a video of the Wacky
Whirler in motion, along with video analysis software. (Caution: Always advise students to use eye protection when releasing
toy helicopters, as they can spin with high frequency and behave erratically).

Because the Wacky Whirler will have its greatest spin frequency immediately after being released from the hands, that is the
point at which the toy will also have its greatest lift. (Note: Some students might intuitively come up with the correct idea
that the highest frequency is reached some time after releasing the propeller, due to the propellers moment of inertia. After
praising this precise observation they may feel positively challenged by devising more accurate ways of measuring.) Using
the lift equation for an airplane, it is safe to assume that lift can be calculated with

Starting with the last variable, the velocity, v, can be estimated by using a video camera in one of many ways. Perhaps the
simplest approach is to record the spin frequency at take-off using video analysis software. From this, determine the period of
one rotation of the wings. Measure the diameter of the full set of helicopter wings, and determine the distance traveled by the
edge of the wings in the given period for one rotation. Although velocity for the edge of the wings can be calculated by
taking the circumference they travel and dividing it by the period of rotation, this is a tangential velocity that is most accurate
only for the edge of the propellers. A more accurate average velocity would be the edge velocity divided by two. (Note:
Actually, the average velocity is about 79.37 % of the wing tips track velocity, since the square of the velocity contributes to
the lift.) An alternate approach to resolving this problem can be found in the reference article in The Physics Teacher.

The second to last variable, the surface

area, A, can be easily estimated using
a meter stick and treating the wings as
approximate rectangles.

The density of air, , is typically around

1 kg/m3, but can be better estimated
given the known room temperature and

The coefficient of lift, CL, is perhaps the

most difficult value to estimate for this
activity, because it is typically a value
that is determined experimentally when
the magnitude of lift is measured and
known. However, some simple research
into typical CL values should result in
students seeing that values are typically
around CL = 1 for a 10 degree angle of
attack (see the previous lab activity), and
that flat plates different very little from
modern wings as this angle of attack.
Therefore, it is not unreasonable to
choose a value of 1.

After the estimation of lift, students should compare their estimates between groups and defend their estimation values. The
values should also be considered in comparison to the weight. The maximum lift value must exceed the weight if any upward
acceleration was observed.

196 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Student Worksheet: Helicopter Toy and Lift Estimation
Objective: Estimate the maximum lift generated by a Wacky Whirler.

Just like some airplanes, helicopters use propellers. However, while airplanes tend to use propellers for
propulsion, helicopters use them for lift. Because helicopter wings follow similar rules as airplane wings,
we can use the lift equation:

(Note: For very high frequencies, rotor lift actually will decrease, which is different than the behavior of
airplane wings).

Play with a helicopter toy, and get it to fly. (Caution: Always use eye protection, especially when the
helicopters are released near eye level). Watch the path of the toy after it is released from your hands.

1. At which point of its flight path is the maximum lift generated? How do you know?

In order to estimate the lift at this point in the path, you need to know the value of each variable in the
equation. With your small group, discuss how you might be able to measure or calculate the value of each
variable in the lift equation.


The only thing that really makes the helicopter toys wings different from an airplane is that their motion is
in a circle not in a straight line. Decide how you can measure the speed of the propellers.

2. How can you determine the speed of something moving in a circle?

3. One of the challenges of dealing with propellers is that each part of the propeller has a different linear
speed. Where is the speed the fastest? Slowest? Average? Annotate the image, and explain.

4. Using a ruler, determine the radius of the propeller at the point of average speed, and label the image

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 197

5. Using a video recorder and a video analysis tool, determine the period of one rotation of the propel-
ler. Hint: Paint one end of the propellers with a bright color, so that you can observe a single side
as it rotates completely. Consider recording from the below the release, above it, to the side, or even
changing lighting and background contrast in order to clearly measure a single rotation.

6. Using the distance and time measurements, determine the average speed of the propellers as they
move through the air.

Surface Area

7. Using a meter stick, estimate the total surface area spanned by the wings. Record measurements and
total surface area below on the image.

Surface Area

8. The density of air, , is typically around 1.2 kg/m3 at STP, but can be better estimated given the
known room temperature and pressure. Look online to determine the air density at your current loca-
tion (consider altitude, temperature, and humidity). Record that value here.

Coefficient of Lift

The coefficient of lift, CL, is perhaps the most difficult value to estimate for this activity, because it is
typically a value that is determined experimentally when the magnitude of lift is measured and known.
However, the graph to the right gives some typical values of the coefficients of lifts.

9. From this graph, what would you consider to be the average coefficient?

198 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle

Lift Calculation

10. Using the lift equation, calculate

the total estimated maximum lift.

11. How does this value for maximum lift compare to weight? Is this value reasonable? Why or why not?

12. How should this value for lift compare when the helicopter toy is accelerating up versus accelerating
down? Explain.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Force Particle 199

Constant Net Force
A joint project of
NASA Aeronautics
and the
American Association of
Physics Teachers

200 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force

Constant Net Force WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Parachute Lab

Objectives Real-World Applications: Parachute Lab

Calculate the forces acting on a
parachute as it falls. Although students familiar with wind tunnels might
have a sense for how lift and drag can be measured,
Materials there are alternative ways to measure forces
Parachuter object without the use of a force meter.
Parachute material The following activity helps students to use the
String concepts of force diagrams and Newtons second
Tape law to infer the amount of drag force acting on an
Electronic Balance accelerating parachuter.
Meter stick
(Note: Although students are asked to design a
NGSS parachute intended to help the object achieve
CDI HS-PS-1 terminal velocity in this activity, students should
SEP 1-7 design an object that actually does accelerate
CCC 4, 6 constantly, albeit at a much lower value than
acceleration due to gravity. If students are unable
to design a parachute with such requirements,
consider asking students to instead design an object
to fall attached to a paper or Styrofoam ball.)

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force 201

Teacher Guide and Key: Parachute Lab
Objective: Calculate the forces acting on the parachute as it falls.

For this activity, students must build a parachute system that allows an object to accelerate at a value less
than 9.8 m/s/s (so that it can be easily timed), but so that it is not falling at terminal velocity. At terminal
velocity, the frictional drag force simply is equal to the weight of the falling object, which overly simplifies
this learning experience.

To ensure that the parachute does not reach terminal velocity, students might be encouraged to use
more massive objects, such as golf balls, instead of plastic parachute men, that have a very low mass.
Alternatively, use Styrofoam balls or crumpled paper to slow down a falling object without it reaching
terminal velocity. It can be difficult to determine if an object has reached terminal velocity or not. Students
can check for this by holding a digital motion sensor above the parachute after it has been released and has
begun dropping, or by recording the drop with a video recorder for video analysis. (Alternatively, teachers
can just ensure that students are getting average acceleration, even if terminal velocity is reached during a
portion of the fall).

In order to measure the acceleration of their parachuters, they will need to know both the distance of the
fall as well as the time. Teachers can help speed up the process by measuring the height of the fall in
advance. To make it possible for students to time the fall, parachuters should be dropped the equivalent of
approximately one story or the height of a three-meter stairwell with an opening in the middle. Balconies
and windows are also good places from which to release the parachute. (Caution: Ensure that there are
spotters on the ground to observe parachutes as they fall. Ensure that no one is standing under the falling
parachutes. If using a balcony or window, ensure that students always keep the center of gravity of their
bodies below the ledge).

1. Look back at the Drag Stations Lab. How might you design a parachute to decrease velocity of a
parachuter as it falls, but ensure that it is still accelerating, and does not attain terminal velocity?
Mass should be moderate, so that a small parachute will not cause it to reach terminal velocity.
Parachutes can slow down falling objects by increasing size and having a shape that captures the
air as it falls.

2. Consider your available materials and decide on a design to try.

3. Build your parachute. When it falls, ensure that it has a constant acceleration towards the ground.
How will you determine the acceleration of the parachute? (Hint: You may use a meter stick and a
timer to help you. What equation will you use? What measurements will you take?)

Measure the distance fallen with the meter stick (or use a string and bob hanger to measure long
distances). Measure the time it takes to fall with the timer. Acceleration can be calculated from

4. Calculate the acceleration of your parachute.

202 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force

5. Draw a force diagram for your parachute
system as it accelerates downward. Make sure
relative force vector lengths are correct. Label
the net force on the system.
The drag force points upward, and gravita-
tional force points downward (and is longer
than the drag force). The net force is the excess
force, part of the gravitational force.

6. Measure the mass of your parachute system:


7. What is the value of the net force acting to pull

your parachute down?
Net force can be calculated using Newtons
second law. (Fnet = ma).

8. What is the weight of your parachute system?

This value comes from Fg = (9.8 N/kg) m

9. What is the value of the frictional drag force acting on your parachute system? Does this value seem
Because the magnitude of weight minus the magnitude of the net force equals drag force, these two
numbers simply need to be subtracted from one another.

10. How does the value of the frictional drag force on your parachute compare to others parachutes? Do
you notice any relationship between frictional drag and heavier/lighter or bigger/smaller parachutes?

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force 203

Student Worksheet: Parachute Lab
Objective: Calculate the forces acting on the parachute as it

1. Look back at the Drag Stations Lab. How might you

design a parachute to decrease velocity of a parachuter as
it falls, but ensure that it is still accelerating, and does not
attain terminal velocity?

2. Consider your available materials and decide on a design

to try.

3. Build your parachute. When it falls, assume that it has a constant acceleration towards the ground.
Look back at your Constant Acceleration concept map. How will you determine the acceleration of
the parachute? (Hint: You may use a meter stick and a timer to help you. What equation will you use?
What measurements will you take?)

4. Calculate the acceleration of your parachute.

5. Draw a force diagram for your parachute

system as it accelerates downward. Make sure
relative force vector lengths are correct. Label
the net force on the system.

204 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force

6. Measure the mass of your parachute system: kg

7. What is the value of the net force acting to pull your parachute down?

8. What is the weight of your parachute system?

9. What is the value of the frictional drag force acting on your parachute system?

10. How does the value of the frictional drag force on your parachute compare to others parachutes? Do
you notice any relationship between frictional drag and heavier/lighter or bigger/smaller parachutes?

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force 205

Constant Force WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Falling and Air

Objectives Inquiry Lesson/Lab: Falling and Air Resistance (Quantitative)

Derive an expression for
mass and terminal velocity for The following is a higher-level mathematical approach to determining air drags dependency
an object falling with upon the velocity of an object through a medium (as opposed to the Inquiry Lab: Falling and
air resistance. Air Resistance (Quantitative).) Although simple investigations in mass or weight dependency
on terminal velocity likely have helped students realize that drag is approximately
Materials proportional to the square of the velocity, the reality is that this is not a perfect model. Help
Coffee filters students critically analyze this relationship using a general expression for drag dependence
Electronic balance (simplified as mass) upon velocity.
Motion detector (Note: To acquire more data points, consider placing half or portions of coffee filters inside of
Data analysis software the bottom filter!)

SEP 1-7
CCC 1, 2, 4, 6

206 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force

Teacher Guide and Key: Falling and Air Resistance (Quantitative)
Objective: Derive an expression for mass and terminal velocity for an object falling with air

Before performing an experiment, it is important to have a good conceptual understanding of the

variables that can influence drag. Work through the following prompts to prepare your for your laboratory

1. Envision an object falling through a friction-free atmosphere near the surface of the Earth. According
to Newtons second law, Fnet = ma, which in this case is Fnet = mg, where g = 9.8 N/kg. Draw a force
diagram for this scenario.
The point mass should have a single, downward force vector (weight).

2. Now, envision that the object is falling and accelerating downward, but that there is some air drag
present. Draw a force diagram for this scenario.
The point mass should have the downward force of weight, as well as a smaller upward force of air

3. Write a mathematical expression to describe the net force acting on the object.

4. Now, assume that the coffee filter has achieved terminal velocity. Draw a force diagram for this
The point mass should have weight as well as an equal-length drag vector.

5. Re-write the expression above where Fnet = 0.

6. From prior experience, we know that Fdrag has a dependence upon speed, but that relationship is
not exact. While, in general, it is a parabolic relationship, this is not always the case for objects
with irregular surfaces or at very high or very low speeds. As a result, we can describe that Fdrag is
proportional to vn, or Fdrag = b vn, where b is a constant that factors all other variables that influence
drag (i.e. shape, fluid viscosity, etc.). Substitute the new expression for Fdrag into the equation above.

7. Because we want to find out the exponent of the velocity, solve for v.

8. Re-arrange the equation so that it can be plotted linearly on a logarithmic graph (i.e. ln y = (m) x + b).

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force 207

9. Going back to the goal statement, remember that we are looking at the relationship between terminal
velocity and mass. If we were to plot data on a logarithmic graph, what would be the significance of
each piece of the graph, from the equation above?
a. y-axis variable: natural log of terminal velocity

b. slope: 1/n

c. x-axis variable: natural log of mass

d. y-intercept: (1/n)( natural log of g natural log of b)

10. Using stacks of coffee filters, decide how to collect a wide range of multiple-trial data for terminal
velocity and mass. (Feel free to simply use average velocity for terminal velocity however, if you
do this, provide a justification for why this is acceptable).

11. Plot the data on a log-log graph (terminal velocity on the vertical axis, and mass of filter sets on the
horizontal axis).

12. What is the value of slope, from the log-log graph? How does this value compare to the typically
estimated value of 2?

13. What is the value of the y-intercept, from the log-log graph? What is the value of b in this

14. Now plot the data by inverting the axes. What is the value of the slope? Explain! (Careful this is not
a simple inverse. Remember that you are using a log-log graph).
The value of the slope should be equal to the negative inverse of the slope from the first graph.

15. If you assumed that terminal velocity was approximately equal to the average velocity of the falling
coffee filter, how did this influence your value for n and for b?
Average velocities are lower than terminal velocity (because time is spent speed up to terminal
velocity), so the effect would be an increase in the value of n.

16. Write your final equation, based on your data, for the dependence of drag on velocity for your
experiment. Compare this value to the rest of the lab groups in your class.

208 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force

Student Worksheet: Falling and Air Resistance (Quantitative)
In previous lessons, you have learned about fluid frictions dependence upon speed. In some cases (for
small, aerodynamic objects), as the speed through the fluid is doubled, the frictional drag is doubled. In
other causes (for larger, less aerodynamic objects), as the speed through the fluid is doubled, the frictional
drag is quadrupled. In the Falling and Air Resistance Lab (Qualitative), you likely saw that coffee filters
tend to behave more like large, less aerodynamic objects. However, sometimes objects dont display linear
or parabolic (square) relationships. Sometimes they display relationships right through the middle, or
something totally different. This is the same case with airplanes and flying objects. Every objects drag
experience is different, and that dependency can change based upon speed, air composition and density,
and airplane structure.

In the following experiment, you will not just look to see if drag is proportional to v or v2. Rather, you will
determine how drag is proportional to vn, and you will solve for n using a logarithmic graph.

Objective: Derive an expression for mass and terminal velocity for an object falling with air

Before performing an experiment, it is important to have a good conceptual understanding of the

variables that can influence drag. Work through the following prompts to prepare your for your laboratory

1. Envision an object falling through a friction-free atmosphere near the surface of the Earth. According
to Newtons second law, Fnet = ma, which in this case is Fnet = mg, where g = 9.8 N/kg. Draw a force
diagram for this scenario.

2. Now, envision that the object is falling and accelerating downward, but that there is some air drag
present. Draw a force diagram for this scenario.

3. Write a mathematical expression to describe the net force acting on the object.

4. Now, assume that the coffee filter has achieved terminal velocity. Draw a force diagram for this

5. Re-write the expression above where Fnet = 0.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force 209

6. From prior experience, we know that Fdrag has a dependence upon speed, but that relationship is
not exact. While, in general, it is a parabolic relationship, this is not always the case for objects
with irregular surfaces or at very high or very low speeds. As a result, we can describe that Fdrag is
proportional to vn, or Fdrag = b vn, where b is a constant that factors all other variables that influence
drag (i.e. shape, fluid viscosity, etc.). Substitute the new expression for Fdrag into the equation above.

7. Because we want to find out the exponent of the velocity, solve for v.

8. Re-arrange the equation so that it can be plotted linearly on a logarithmic graph (i.e. ln y = (m) x + b).

9. Going back to the goal statement, remember that we are looking at the relationship between terminal
velocity and mass. If we were to plot data on a logarithmic graph, what would be the significance of
each piece of the graph, from the equation above?

a. y-axis variable:

b. slope:

c. x-axis variable:

d. y-intercept:

10. Using stacks of coffee filters, decide how to collect a wide range of multiple-trial data for terminal
velocity and mass. (Feel free to simply use average velocity for terminal velocity however, if you
do this, provide a justification for why this is acceptable).

11. Plot the data on a log-log graph (terminal velocity on the vertical axis, and mass of filter sets on the
horizontal axis).

210 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force

12. What is the value of slope, from the log-log graph? How does this value compare to the typically
estimated value of 2?

13. What is the value of the y-intercept, from the log-log graph? What is the value of b in this

14. Now plot the data by inverting the axes. What is the value of the slope? Explain! (Careful this is not
a simple inverse. Remember that you are using a log-log graph).

15. If you assumed that terminal velocity was approximately equal to the average velocity of the falling
coffee filter, how did this influence your value for n and for b?

16. Write your final equation, based on your data, for the dependence of drag on velocity for your
experiment. Compare this value to the rest of the lab groups in your class.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force 211

Hitchhiking Sensors Capture Curiositys Entry

Analysis Questions:

Scientists from NASA collected data on both temperature and pressure. What effect could
extremes of both of these variables have on a flying aircraft?

How might scientists expect Curiosity to behave differently (in terms of motion) and
experience different effects if it were to fall through the Earths atmosphere, as opposed to
through Mars?

212 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force

Problem Set: Simplified Aircraft Motion
Beginners Guide to Aeronautics


This image below shows some rules for the simplified

motion of an aircraft. By simplified motion we mean
that some of the four forces acting on the aircraft are
balanced by other forces and that we are looking at
only one force and one direction at a time. In reality,
this simplified motion doesnt occur because all of the
forces are interrelated to the aircrafts speed, altitude,
orientation, etc. But looking at the forces ideally and
individually does give us some insight and is much
easier to understand.

In an ideal situation, an airplane could sustain a

constant speed and level flight in which the weight
would be balanced by the lift, and the drag would
be balanced by the thrust. The closest example of
this condition is a cruising airliner. While the weight
decreases due to fuel burned, the change is very small
relative to the total aircraft weight. In this situation, the aircraft will maintain a constant cruise velocity as described by
Newtons first law of motion.

If the forces become unbalanced, the aircraft will move in the direction of the greater force. We can compute the acceleration
which the aircraft will experience from Newtons second law of motion

Where a is the acceleration, m is the mass of the aircraft, and Fnet is the net force acting on the aircraft. The net force is the
difference between the opposing forces; lift minus weight, or thrust minus drag. With this information, we can solve for the
resulting motion of the aircraft.

If the weight is decreased while the lift is held constant, the airplane will rise:

Lift > Weight - Aircraft accelerates upward

If the lift is decreased while the weight is constant, the plane will fall:

Weight > Lift - Aircraft accelerates downward

Similarly, increasing the thrust while the drag is constant will cause the plane to accelerate:

Thrust > Drag - Aircraft accelerates forward (speeds up)

And increasing the drag at a constant thrust will cause the plane to slow down:

Drag > Thrust - Aircraft accelerates backward (slows down)

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force 213

Problem Set from Beginners Guide to Aeronautics
Student Worksheet
Teacher Answer Key

1. What is the smallest angle in degrees between the lift and drag forces?
a. 0 c. 180 e. 360

b. 0 d. 270

2. What is the smallest angle in degrees between the weight and lift forces?
a. 0 c. 180 e. 360

b. 0 d. 270

3. What is the smallest angle in degrees between the thrust and drag forces?
a. 0 c. 180 e. 360

b. 0 d. 270

4. What is the smallest angle in degrees between the weight and thrust forces?
a. 0 c. 180 e. 360

b. 0 d. 270

5. When an airplane (or any object) is moving at a constant speed, the forces acting on the airplane must be
a. unbalanced, which means that the total force is not zero

b. balanced, which means that the total force is zero

A fighter jet is flying at 37,000 feet with a constant speed of 1,310 km/h. The jet has a weight of 110,000 N
and its engines provide a thrust of 106,752 N (using afterburners).

6. What is the jets height (altitude) in meters?

a. 1.13 x 108 m c. 8,679 m e. 11,277.6 m

b. 61,248 m d. 356 m

7. hat is the jets mass? [Hint: Use F = mag = W, where ag = 9.8 m/s2.]
a. 520,120 kg c. 3,527 kg e. 215 kg

b. 11,224.49 kg d. 614,853 kg

8. ow much lift force is being applied to the jet?

a. 512,128 N c. 110,000 N e. 106,752 N

b. 5,634 N d. 9,935 N

214 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force

9. If the jet engines are creating a thrust of 106,752 N, what is the drag force applied to the jet?
a. 512,128 N c. 110,000 N e. 106,752 N

b. 5,634 N d. 9,935 N

Suppose the jet engines are providing a thrust of 100,102 N while the drag force is only 90,167 N.

10. What is the total unbalanced (or net) force on the jet?
a. 512,128 N c. 110,000 N e. 106,752 N

b. 5,634 N d. 9,935 N

11. What will be the jets acceleration?

a. 0.89 m/s2 c. 0.36 m/s2 e. 65.3 m/s2

b. 4.35 m/s2 d. 4,253 m/s2

12. If the jet is cruising at 223.47 m/s and accelerates at 0.25 m/s2 for 1,530 seconds, what is the jets final speed?
a. 401.28 m/s c. 731.67 m/s e. 3,452 m/s

b. 605.97 m/s d. 634,521.6 m/s

13. Using the data from the previous problem, calculate how far the jet traveled while it accelerated during the 1,530
a. 401.28 m c. 731.67 m e. 3,452 m

b. 605.97 m d. 634,521.6 m

14. If the jet cruised at a speed of 1,310 km/h for 2.53 hours, how far did it travel?
a. 517.79 km c. 218.42 km e. 3,314.30 km

b. 4,639.00 km d. 6,547.23 km

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force 215

Problem Set: Forces in a Climb
Beginners Guide to Aeronautics

(Note: This background is most appropriate after
students have been introduced to these concepts
through constructivist and/or inquiry activities.)

There are four forces that act on an aircraft in flight:

lift, weight, thrust, and drag. The motion of the aircraft
through the air depends on the relative size of the
various forces and the orientation of the aircraft. For
an aircraft in cruise, the four forces are balanced, and
the aircraft moves at a constant velocity and altitude.
On this slide, we consider the relations of the forces
during a gradual climb. We have drawn a vertical and
horizontal axis on our aircraft through the center of
gravity. The flight path is shown as a red line inclined
to the horizontal at angle c. The lift and drag are
aerodynamic forces that are defined relative to the flight
path. The lift is perpendicular to the flight path and the
drag is along the flight path. The thrust of the aircraft is
also usually aligned with the flight path. Some modern fighter aircraft can change the angle of the thrust, but we are going to
assume that the thrust is along the flight path direction. The weight of an airplane is always directed towards the center of the
Earth and is, therefore, along the vertical axis.

Forces are vector quantities. We can write two component equations for the motion of the aircraft based on Newtons
second law of motion and the rules of vector algebra. One equation gives the vertical acceleration av, and the other gives the
horizontal acceleration ah in terms of the components of the forces and the mass m of the aircraft. If we denote the thrust by
the symbol F, the lift by L, the drag by D, and the weight by W, the vertical component equation is:

where sin and cos are the trigonometric sine and cosine functions. Similarly, the horizontal component equation is:

We can simplify the equations a little by using the definition of excess thrust Fex:

The resulting equations of motion are:

For small climb angles, the cos(c) is nearly 1.0 and the sin(c) is nearly zero. The equations then reduce to:

The resulting simplified motion is described on another slide. The horizontal equation is integrated on another slide to give
the velocity and location as functions of time.

For more moderate angles, high excess thrust can provide an important contribution to the vertical acceleration. The next
time you visit an airport, notice the high climb angles used by modern airliners. This flight path is possible because modern
turbine engines develop high excess thrust at takeoff. The pilot climbs sharply to get the aircraft as high as possible within
the confines of the airport which produces the least noise for nearby homes.

216 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force

Problem Set
Student Worksheet
Teacher Answer Key

A Boeing 737-600 takes off from a major airport at a speed of 160 knots. At 15,946 feet from the liftoff point this plane must
be 2812 feet (about 1/2 mile) high.

1. Assuming the angle of ascent is a constant, find the angle the plane must use to achieve this height at this distance - to
the nearest degree. Make a diagram and explain how you arrived at your answer.
(Open the Beginners Guide to Propulsion and open the slide Forces in a Climb under Aircraft Motion.)
(Note: Dont forget to change radians to degrees.)

2. We are going to use this information to find vertical and horizontal net forces.
a. Find the thrust for a Boeing 737-600 airplane.

To find the thrust of the airplane go to Boeing 737-600

Thrust =____________

b. What is the take off weight of the plane?

Change this weight to newtons

Weight in lbs. = ___________ Weight in newtons =___________

c. Use the first equation on the Forces In A Climb page to find vertical net force.

Use 700,000 N as the lift and 35,000 N as the drag.

Show the original equation and then show the substitutions with your answer. Label answer with correct units.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force 217

d. Use the second equation to find the horizontal net force, use lift and drag from part c above.

Show the original equation and then show the substitutions with your answer. Label answer with correct units.

3. Divide your net force from 2c and 2d by the weight of the airplane to get the vertical and horizontal acceleration in
gs (ratioed to gravitational acceleration).

a. Vertical acceleration = _________________gs

b. Horizontal acceleration = _______________gs

218 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force

Constant Net Force WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Newtons 3rd Law
using a Balloon

Interactive Demonstration: Demonstration of Newtons Third Law

Using a Balloon Helicopter
Yee-kong Ng, Se-yuen Mak, and Choi-man Chung. The Physics Teacher, 40, 181 (2002).

Objectives Cheap balloon helicopter whistles can be

Draw force diagrams to explain purchased from toy stores online.
how the balloon helicopter
As students observe the balloon take off and
whistle works.
then remain in the air for up to a half-minute,
students can draw force diagrams and explain
Materials how the balloon remains in the air due to the
Balloon helicopter whistle exhaust through the air channel. Students
Balloon should consider both horizontal forces causing
rotation, as well as vertical lift forces from
NGSS the blades. (Students can construct their own
CDI HS-PS2 nozzles and wings).
SEP 2, 7
CCC 2, 4, 6

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force 219

Student Worksheet: Demonstration of Newtons 3rd Law Using a Balloon Helicopter
Observe the balloon helicopter as it launches.

1. Explain why the balloon helicopter rotates. Include separate force

diagrams for points on the helicopter blades as well as for parcels of air
just outside of the air nozzles. Be certain to identify any force pairs that
interact with the helicopter system.

2. Explain why the balloon helicopter lifts vertically. Include separate

force diagrams for points on the helicopter blades as well as for parcels
of air surrounding the blades. Be certain to identify any force pairs that
interact with the helicopter system.

3. Get your balloon helicopter to hover for a few moments, and be certain to record a video of the blades spinning at the
required frequency for it to hover. During the time of the hover:
a. Estimate the lift produced by the helicopter. Explain how you measured/calculated this amount.

b. Estimate the total surface area of the blades (single side, for all three). Show work.

c. Using a coefficient of lift of 1 (a reasonable value for toys such as these), determine the average required velocity
of the blades through the air.

d. Determine the average radius of the blades.

a. Work backwards to estimate the time for one rotation of the set of blades.

b. Use a video analysis tool to estimate the actual time for one rotation of the set of blades. Is your estimated value
very different? Why might this be?

220 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Constant Net Force

2-D Combination
A joint project of
NASA Aeronautics
and the
American Association of
Physics Teachers

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: 2-D Combination 221

2-D Combination WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Measuring Flight
Speeds from Photos

Real-World Applications: Measuring the Flight Speeds of Fire

Bombers from Photos: An In-Class Exercise in Introductory
Greg W. Lowe & Eric Ayars. The Physics Teacher, 48, 106 (2010).

Objectives Image and video analysis software

Estimate flight speed from a can be used to determine the speed
firebomber. of a fire bomber, as the plane
leaves a nice track with the
Materials leading edge of the falling flame
Firebomber photos retardant.
Photo analysis software
In this activity, students are asked
Firebomber aircraft statistics
to evaluation another hypothetical
students claim to be able to
NGSS determine the speed of the aircraft
CDI HS-PS2 based upon the photograph of the
SEP 2, 4, 5 fire bomber an its trail. Students
CCC 4, 5 should identify potential:


Wind is still

Airplane does not propel the flame retardant (it is simply dropped)

Airplane is flying level


Give the above assumptions, it would be a mistake to assume that the lowest lead-
ing edge of the flame retardant was released first the back end would have been
dropped first!

222 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: 2-D Combination

Student Worksheet: Measuring the Flight Speed of Fire-Bombers
Fire bombers are aircraft that eject flame retardant on large fires,
and are regularly used to put out massive forest fires. Frequently,
the retardant has a visible color.

The following is an example of another students work and

calculations, in which s/he is attempting to determine the speed of
the airplane. It is your job to identify any assumptions and/or
potential mistakes (if any!) made by the student.

A single known value (the plane length) can be found online. In this
particular case, the S-2A is 13.3 meters long. This value can be
used to estimate the vertical and horizontal distances of the flame

When the retardant is ejected, it creates a parabolic shape at the

trailing (bottom) edge.

Because the flame retardant appears to have fallen a distance of about 1.1 plane lengths (15 m), the total time since the
release of the retardant can be estimated assuming there is no air resistance.

Using the kinematics equation:

t is equal to about 1.7 seconds.

Given that the length of the horizontal trail appears to be 6.7 airplane lengths, or 89 m, the constant horizontal velocity
should be about 52 m/s, which seems to be a reasonable value!

What assumptions and potential mistakes did the student make about this image?

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: 2-D Combination 223

NASA Tests Radio for Unmanned Aircraft Operations

Analysis Questions:

There has been some use of autonomous vehicles to fight wildfires. Why might this be benefi-
cial, compared to the use of standard manned aircraft?

There has been some concern over maintaining the quality of signals when communicating
with autonomous vehicles. What factors especially those in the vicinity of a wildfire might
be cause for concern?

224 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: 2-D Combination

Problem Set: Aircraft Motion Activity
from Beginners Guide to Aeronautics

Student Worksheet
Teacher Answer Key

The pilot of an airplane sent to drop supplies to victims of an accident that are stranded on a small island. The planes
altitude is always 500 meters and your speed is 89.61 m/s.

1. Once released, how much time will elapse before the supply package reaches the islands surface?

(Hint: Use the distance equation in the y-direction.)

time = ____________

2. Will the descent time of the supply package change if the airplanes speed changes?
a. Yes

b. No

3. At what (horizontal) distance in front of the island should the package be released in order land safely on the island?

dx = ______________

4. What is the packages horizontal speed when it makes landfall on the island?

vx = _____________

5. What is the packages vertical speed when it makes landfall?

vy = ____________

6. What will be the packages flight angle with respect to the level of the island as it descends?

q = ______________

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: 2-D Combination 225

Suppose the victims on the island can retrieve supply packages that land within 30 meters of the island. The length of
the island is 50 meters along the direction you are approaching.

7. How far from the island would the airplane have to release the supply package for it to land 30 meters offshore from
the islands nearest point?

dx (front) = _____________

8. How far from the island would the airplane have to release the supply package for it to land 30 meters offshore from
the islands farthest point?

dx (back) = _____________

9. Time1 will be the time on your watch when you release the package and it lands 30 meters in front of the island. Time2
will be the time on your watch when you release the package and it lands 30 meters in back of the island. Calculate the
amount of time you have to successfully drop the package, namely, time1- time2.

time1- time2 = ________________

10. What could be done to decrease the packages speed when it reaches the ground?

226 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: 2-D Combination

A joint project of
NASA Aeronautics
and the
American Association of
Physics Teachers

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Energy 227

Energy WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
A Hard Days Flight

Objectives Literary/Data Analysis: A Hard Days Flight

Estimate flight speed from a
firebomber. Henk Tennekes. The Simple Science of Flight. The MIT Press:
Cambridge, Massachusetts. Ch. 2
Materials Have students read Chapter 2 of The Simple Science of Flight.
Firebomber photos
Photo analysis software This chapter provide a great example of the connections
Firebomber aircraft statistics between physics, biology, and chemistry, as it discusses
metabolic energy, combustion, and flight mechanics.
CDI HS-PS2 Have students use the questions on the following page for
SEP 2, 4, 5 literary and data analysis.
CCC 4, 5
*Cover image and graphics from The Simple Science of Flight
are reproduced here with permissions from The MIT Press.
Reading in Science
Writing in Science

228 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Energy

Teacher Answer Key: A Hard Days Flight
1. How does the basal metabolic rate of birds compare to humans? Why do you think this is the case?
A birds basal metabolic rate is about 10 times faster than humans. This is because birds need to access energy from
their food much more quickly: flight demands a lot more energy than anything that humans typically do throughout the

2. Only about 25% of metabolic energy gets converted to mechanical energy. Where does the remainder go? How does
this value compare to the chemical to mechanical energy conversion of airplanes? (You might need to do some internet
research to figure this out!)
Heat! For most fuel types, only about 15% of the energy is extracted from fuel.

3. Looking at Figure 6, how does speed required for maximum efficiency compare between a 5 degree climb, horizontal
flight, and 5 degree descent? Why?
The speed for maximum efficiency is about the same for a climb or horizontal flight (8 m/s). It is about 9 m/s for a 5
degree descent. It makes sense that the value is higher for descent, because the bird is falling and picking up speed
without much effort attempting to slow down would take energy.

4. Looking at Figure 6, why is it so difficult to fly slowly or quickly, compared to at a medium speed?
Speed has to be relatively high in all cases, because flying slowing means that less lift is achieved. Going too fast,
however, increases total drag, and results in it being harder to fly.

Energy, Work, and Power

5. Relating Figure 6 to Figure 7, explain why the speed at which drag is the smallest is not the same as the speed at which
the required power is a minimum.
Figure 7 shows how much energy is needed per unit distance, while figure 6 shows how much energy is needed per unit
time. Figure 6 is looking at energy rate, not total energy for a given distance of travel.

6. Look at Figure 8 displaying power and velocity for a variety of vehicles. What would this graph look like on a
Cartesian, non-logarithmic graph? Explain why the data demonstrates a curved, non-linear relationship.
The graph would curve to the upper right and then flatten out to an asymptote. Doubling speed requires power to
increase logarithmically, partly because friction is more difficult to overcome as one moves more quickly.

Nutrition and Combustion

7. What is the difference between fuel consumption and energy consumption?

Fuel consumption refers to the food or chemical energy taken in. Energy consumption refers to the number of calories
that can actually be used or processed from the intake.

8. Looking at Table 3, which foodstuff and which fuel provide the greatest energy density?
Vegetable oil and natural gas

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Energy 229

Student Worksheet: A Hard Days Flight
1. How does the basal metabolic rate of birds compare to humans? Why do you think this is the case?

2. Only about 25% of metabolic energy gets converted to mechanical energy. Where does the remainder go? How does
this value compare to the chemical to mechanical energy conversion of airplanes? (You might need to do some Internet
research to figure this out!)

3. Looking at Figure 6, how does speed required for maximum efficiency compare between a 5 degree climb, horizontal
flight, and 5 degree descent? Why?

4. Looking at Figure 6, why is it so difficult to fly slowly or quickly, compared to at a medium speed?

Energy, Work, and Power

5. Relating Figure 6 to Figure 7, explain why the speed at which drag is the smallest is not the same as the speed at which
the required power is a minimum.

6. Look at Figure 8 displaying power and velocity for a variety of vehicles. What would this graph look like on a Carte-
sian, non-logarithmic graph? Explain why the data demonstrates a curved, non-linear relationship.

Nutrition and Combustion

7. What is the difference between fuel consumption and energy consumption?

8. Looking at Table 3, which foodstuff and which fuel provide the greatest energy density?

230 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Energy

ACCESS II Confirms JetBiofuel Burns Cleaner

Analysis Questions:

What evidence does NASA have that blended fuel is better than typical jet fuel?

What is the new biofuel made of? Why is it considered renewable?

Compare the benefits and disadvantages to using biofuels that were not mentioned in this
article. (What kind of impact would the mass usage of biofuel have on the economy, pollution,
agriculture, food availability, deforestation, etc.?)

One of the goals of ACCESS is to study contrail formation. What is a contrail, and why are
they generally perceived as negative for the environment?

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Energy 231

Energy WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
In Wind and Weather

Objectives Literary/Data Analysis: In Wind and Weather

Explain how birds and planes
store and use energy during Henk Tennekes. The Simple Science of Flight. The MIT Press:
flight. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Ch. 3

Have students read Chapter 3 of The Simple Science of Flight.

The Simple Science of Flight, This chapter continues to provides additional examples of
Ch. 3 the connections between physics, biology, and chemistry. It
discusses the effect of wind on the achievement of lift, the
NGSS ability to soar, the effect of thermals and slopes, long-distance
CDI HS-PS3 migration, and the mechanics of take-off and landing.
SEP 4, 6
CCC 1, 4, 5 Have students use the questions on the following page for
literary and data analysis.
CCSS *Cover image and graphics from The Simple Science of Flight
Reading in Science are reproduced here with permissions from The MIT Press.
Writing in Science

232 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Energy

Teacher Guide and Key: In Wind and Weather
1. How does wind direction influence flight times, takeoff, and landing? Explain.
Wind vectors can cause an airplane to arrive sooner (as with a tailwind) or arrive later (as with a headwind). Air-
planes benefit from having a headwind during takeoff, however, because it generates lift. In contrast, a tailwind neces-
sitates that an airplane achieve a greater groundspeed before takeoff. For an ultralight plane (with a takeoff speed of
approximately 40 miles per hour), just a 10 mile per hour tailwind almost doubles the necessary takeoff speed.

2. How does wind influence insects, small birds, large birds, and very large planes? Why?
Wind has a much greater impact on the direction and speed of small animals than large ones. Smaller animals have
less inertia to keep them on their track.

3. What are the two primary methods for soaring? Explain how they work.
1. Birds slope soar in areas where wind moves upward as it pushes against tall structures such as boats or ridges.

2. Birds track down thermals (rising pockets of hot air) that form above hot ground.

4. How do birds prepare to have enough energy for migration? (Likewise, how do airplanes prepare for long flights?)
What is the downside to being overly prepared, in terms of energy storage, during the first portions of the flight?
Birds gorge on food and gain fat. Airplanes fill up on fuel (although not much more than they know they will need). The
downside is that the initial part of the trip will require more energy expenditure to sustain such heavy mass.

5. Verify the calculations (that R = 2160 m) for the Boeing 747-400 using kinematics equations. (see pg. 52).

6. Describe the flight procedures for takeoff and landing for birds, and compare this to takeoff and landing procedures for
It might seem unusual, but birds actually prefer to have a bit of headwind when they take off in order to generate lift at
low speeds. Preferably, birds will take off from a high point so that they can use the force of gravity to speed themselves
up and generate lift. When landing, birds with often backwing, which is a form of air braking. Winds are very im-
portant for lift, especially during takeoff and landing. Both takeoff and landing should occur with a headwind, because
planes need to have a high speed with respect to the wind in order to gain lift. A tailwind could cause a stall much
more easily at the slow speeds of takeoff and landing.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Energy 233

Student Worksheet: In Wind and Weather
1. How does wind direction influence flight times, takeoff, and landing? Explain.

2. How does wind influence insects, small birds, large birds, and very large planes? Why?

3. What are the two primary methods for soaring? Explain how they work.

4. How do birds prepare to have enough energy for migration? (Likewise, how do airplanes prepare for long flights?)
What is the downside to being overly prepared, in terms of energy storage, during the first portions of the flight?

5. Verify the calculations (that R = 2160 m) for the Boeing 747-400 using kinematics equations. (see pg. 52).

6. Describe the flight procedures for takeoff and landing for birds, and compare this to takoff and landing procedures for

234 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Energy

NASA Helicopter Drop Test a Smashing Success

Analysis Questions:

Explain how the floor of the helicopter was modified to improve crash-landing safety.

What was the purpose of the dots on the helicopter? Explain how this works.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Energy 235

Rotational Motion
A joint project of
NASA Aeronautics
and the
American Association of
Physics Teachers

236 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Rotational Motion

Constant Net Force WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Circular Motion
Studies with Toy

Real-World Applications: Circular Motion Studies with a Toy

Airplane/The Airplane Experiment
Frank Butcher, The Physics Teacher, 25, 572 (1987).

Objectives Lee Larson & Roderick Grant, The Physics Teacher, 29, 564 (1991).
Determine the tension in the
There are a number of mobiles and
string of an airplane flying in a
battery-powered airplanes (flyers or
remote controlled) that can be easily
attached to a ceiling and caused to
Materials move in a horizontal circle. These
Toy airplane toys provide a wonderful opportunity
String for students to predict the tension in
Meter stick the string, which can then be checked
Flashlight (opt.) against a measurement taken by an
Force meter analog or digital force meter.
Electronic balance (opt.)
Stop watch Under normal conditions, in which
an airplane is traveling at a constant
NGSS velocity, the lift force would equal
CDI HS-PS2 the weight. When flying in a circle,
SEP 1-7 however, a net inward force must be
CCC 4, 6 directed on the plane to cause it to
accelerate (and change direction).

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Rotational Motion 237

The force on the airplane can be easily identified as Fg and FT. However, FT is unknown. A force diagram can be drawn in
which FT can be resolved into both a horizontal, FTx, and vertical FTy. Because the plane does not accelerate vertically, it can
be assumed that Fg is equal to FTy, and that FTx is the net force
(centripetal force), for which we have an expression and for which
we can calculate a value. Using the measured weight of the plane and
equating it to FTy, the angle can be estimated and used to solve for FT,
which can be checked against a spring scale or digital force meter
from which the flying plane is supported.

Additionally, the wings of an airplane can sometimes be removed or

broken off, and data compared to determine the effect of lift due to
the wings.

238 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Rotational Motion

Teacher Worksheet: Circular Motion Studies with a Toy Airplane
Objective: Determine the tension of string on an
aircraft flying in a circle.

1. Observe the toy airplane as it flies in a circle. What

variables must be known about it in order to deter-
mine the tension in the string?
(Hint: Feel free to stop the toy at any time, remove
it from its string, etc. Consider using the flash-
light method to determine the radius of the circle
it makes as it flies. To do this, place a flashlight
directly below the flying airplane. The smallest,
crispest shadow will be produced when the flash-
light is directly below it, point directly up. A small
mark can be made on the ceiling where the shadow
is, and a measurement can be made from the pivot
point to the mark from the location of the shadow.)

Students will need to collect the mass of the airplane, radius, and rotational speed (using the radius
and average time to complete a cycle).

2. Decide what data you will need to collect, and how

you will go about doing it.

3. Once you have collected your necessary data, draw

a force diagram (with components) and label any
known values. Solve for the tension force.
Students should note that weight (determined from kg
on a balance or directly read on a force meter) is
equivalent to the magnitude of the vertical force.
Using the length of the string and the radius, they can then determine the angle. Using the vertical
force and the angle, the tension force and the centripetal force (for #4 below) can be easily calculat-

4. With the help of your teacher, attach a force

meter to flying airplane device. Record the force
measured by the force meter. Address any dis-
crepancies between your calculated tension force,
and the measured tension force.
Answers will vary.

5. Determine the centripetal force on the aircraft.

See #3.

6. If possible, remove the wings of the aircraft. How

do you anticipate this will affect the tension and
the centripetal forces? Why? Perform an experi-
ment, and check.
Weight will decrease, but so will lift. So, the required vertical component of the tension force will
decrease because the weight will decrease, but it will also increase because the lift generated by the
wings will decrease. The net result on the centripetal force will also be dependent upon the mass,
which is now smaller.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Rotational Motion 239

Student Worksheet: Circular Motion Studies with a Toy Airplane
Objective: Determine the tension of string on an
aircraft flying in a circle.

1. Observe the toy airplane as it flies in a circle. What

variables must be known about it in order to deter-
mine the tension in the string?
(Hint: Feel free to stop the toy at any time, remove
it from its string, etc. Consider using the flash-
light method to determine the radius of the circle
it makes as it flies. To do this, place a flashlight
directly below the flying airplane. The smallest,
crispest shadow will be produced when the flash-
light is directly below it, point directly up. A small
mark can be made on the ceiling where the shadow
is, and a measurement can be made from the pivot
point to the mark from the location of the shadow.)

2. Decide what data you will need to collect, and how

you will go about doing it.

3. Once you have collected your necessary data, draw

a force diagram (with components) and label any
known values. Solve for the tension force.

4. With the help of your teacher, attach a force meter

to flying airplane device. Record the force mea-
sured by the force meter. Address any discrepancies
between your calculated tension force, and the
measured tension force.

5. Determine the centripetal force on the aircraft.

6. If possible, remove the wings of the aircraft. How do you anticipate this will affect the tension and
the centripetal forces? Why? Perform an experiment, and check.

240 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Rotational Motion

Rotational Motion WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Measuring the
Moment of Inertia
of an Airplane

Real-World Applications: Measuring the Moment of Inertia of an

Lyle F. Minkler, The Physics Teacher, 13, 46 (1975).

Objectives The general public is typically

Determine the center of mass surprised to find that, even in rough
and moment of inertia of a turbulence, pilots are generally riding
model aircraft. it out as opposed to fiercely gripping
the aircraft controls white-knuckled,
Materials trying to maintain control. This is
Model aircraft because aircraft are made to be stable.
Razor blades Airplanes want to fly level, so to
Rubber stoppers speak, and are designed to be that way.
Small compression spring The stability of an aircraft in flight is
Timer directly tied to the center of mass and
Electronic balances moment of inertia of the aircraft.

NGSS Because setups for this laboratory

CDI HS-PS2 experience are likely to be so diverse,
SEP 1, 2, 5, 6 no student worksheet is provided for
CCC 4, 6, 7 this activity.

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Rotational Motion 241

Objective: Determine the center of mass of a model aircraft.

Finding the center of mass of an aircraft can be easily accomplished in a variety of ways. For model aircraft, it is easy enough
to simply attach a loop of string to the fuselage, and to place it in such a way that the aircraft is balanced when suspended
from a given point.

However, realistically, this cannot be easily accomplished with a full-

sized aircraft. Alternatively, the aircraft can be treated as a lever with
the reference datum point starting at the nose of the aircraft. Students can
measure the force exerted by the forward and aft gear (placed on two or
three balances), as well as the distances from the reference datum line to
the points of contact with the balances. Because the sum of the torques
produced at each contact point must equal the total torque of the aircraft
measured from the reference datum line,
Fforward dforward + Faft daft = Fweight dcenter of mass.

The following NASA resource has a very good video describing the above

Video: Flight Testing Newtons Laws Weight and Balance

Objective: Determine the moment of inertia of a model aircraft.

An aircraft with a high moment of inertia about its center of mass is

very stable, while an aircraft with a low moment of inertia is less stable
(however, it is easier to maneuver). An impart part of testing aircraft
before flight is to identify their moment of inertia.

Ideally, moment of inertia should be measured with respect to the

center of gravity. However, to determine the moment of inertia with
an oscillating spring (as is used in this approach, and has been used
historically in the aircraft industry), the center of rotation cannot
be placed at the center of gravity, otherwise it would not oscillate

The frictionless pivot for the study of moment of inertia should be placed at a location that is not at the center of gravity. The
aircraft can be balanced at this point with the use of razorblades mounted onto corks, and attached to a solid platform. The
front end of the aircraft can then rest upon a coiled compression spring of known spring constant, k.

Using an expression for torque and moment of inertia, the period of oscillation can be used to calculate the moment of inertia
of the aircraft.

Students must then locate the center of mass, and use the transformation formula:

Additionally, an historical document demonstrates how this process has been used throughout aeronautical history:

242 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Rotational Motion

Additional Resources
A joint project of
NASA Aeronautics
and the
American Association of
Physics Teachers

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Additional Resources 243

Additional Resources WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
The 747 and its

Objectives Literary/Data Analysis Activity: The 747 and its Competitors

Compare the 747 and its
competitors Henk Tennekes. The Simple Science of Flight. The MIT Press:
Cambridge, Massachusetts. Ch. 6
Materials Have students read Chapter 6 of The Simple Science of Flight,
The Simple Science of Flight, and use the following guiding questions for literary analysis.
Ch. 6
*Cover image and graphics from The Simple Science of Flight
CCSS are reproduced here with permissions from The MIT Press.
Reading in Science
Writing in Science

244 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Additional Resources

Teacher Guide and Key: The 747 and its Competitors
1. Compare the benefits and disadvantages of the Boeing 747 contrasted with the Concorde.
Benefits of 747: Uses less fuel, carries more people and cargo, can go twice the range, higher finesse, cheaper

Disadvantages of 747: Goes more slowly. (It also has much smaller stall angle).

2. List the four requirements for the Boeing 747 design team, and include a brief rationale for each requirement.
Requirement Rationale
High speed and finesse Save time and money
Fly just below speed of sound Greater engine efficiency
Fly in lower stratosphere Cooler temps for engine, avoids weather
Dont fly any higher! Wings are good design for particular height

3. Look at Table 6. At which listed altitude would an airplane fly to be most efficient? Consider all variables, and how they
influence engine performance, drag, and lift. Keep your answers based upon qualitative analysis only.

Around 10,000-11,000 m. At this altitude, you are reaching the maximum coldness that makes for efficient jet engines.
Going higher would also require larger wings to sustain flight, as the density of the air decreases to a sub-optimal

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Additional Resources 245

Student Worksheet: The 747 and its Competitors
1. Compare the benefits and disadvantages of the Boeing 747 contrasted with the Concorde.

2. List the four requirements for the Boeing 747 design team, and include a brief rationale for each requirement.
Requirement Rationale

3. Look at table 7. At which listed altitude would an airplane fly to be most efficient? Consider all variables, and how they
influence engine performance, drag, and lift. Keep your answers based upon qualitative analysis only.

246 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Additional Resources

Additional Resources WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics

NASA Resources
NASA Aeronautics

NASA Aeronautics Education

Museum in a Box

Dressing for Altitude Principles of Flight Future Flight

History of Flight Structures and Materials Careers in Aeronautics

Parts of an Airplane Propulsion Airspace

Beginners Guide to Aeronautics

Beginners Guide to Aerodynamics

Beginners Guide to Propulsion

Beginners Guide to Wind Tunnels

Beginners Guide to Compressible Aerodynamics

Beginners Guide to Hypersonics

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Additional Resources 247

Additional Resources WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
AAPT Resources

AAPT Resources
American Association of Physics Teachers

The Physics Teacher magazine

248 Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Additional Resources

Additional Resources WITH YOU WHEN YOU FLY: Aeronautical Physics
Additional Resources

Additional Resources
Literature Resources

Tennekes, Henk. The Simple Science of Flight. MIT Press. (1996.) *Cover image and graphics from The Simple Science of
Flight are reproduced in this document with permissions from The MIT Press.

Leybold Lessons (and Laboratory Equipment)

P1.8.5.1 Static Pressure in a reduced cross section Measuring the pressure with the precision manometer

P1.8.5.2 Determining the volume flow with a Venturi tube Measuring the pressure with a precision manometer

P1.8.5.3 Determining the wind speed with a pressure head sensor Measuring the pressure with the precision

P1.8.6.1 Measuring the air resistance as a function of the wind speed Measuring the wind speed with the precision

P1.8.6.2 Drag coefficient cW: Relationship between air resistance and body shape Measuring the wind speed with
a precision manometer.

P1.8.6.3 Pressure curve on an airfoil profile Measuring the pressure with the precision manometer.

P1.8.7.1 Recording an airfoil profile polar in a wind tunnel

P1.8.7.2 Measuring students own airfoils and panels in the wind tunnelP1.8.7.3 Verifying the Bernoulli equation
Measuring with the precision manometer

Other Aeronautics Education Resources

FliteTest Webshows, Podcasts, Articles, and Forums

Civil Air Patrol Find a local squadron, become an Educator member

Aeronautics for Introductory Physics: Additional Resources 249

Developed by:
Rebecca E. Vieyra, 2014-2015 Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow placed at NASA ARMD, lead
Tony Springer, NASA ARMD Director of Communications and Education, lead
Lillian Gipson, Maria Werries, Jim Schultz, NASA ARMD Office of Communications and Education, graphic design, editing

Dr. Beth Cunningham, Executive Officer, AAPT
Dr. Robert Hilborn, Associate Executive Officer, AAPT
Dr. Andr Bresges, Managing Director, Institute of Physics Education, University of Cologne/Germany, AAPT member
Florian Genz, Doctoral Candidate, Institute of Physics Education, University of Cologne/Germany, AAPT member
Dr. Colleen Megowan-Romanowicz, Executive Officer, American Modeling Teachers Association, AAPT member
Dr. Philip Blanco, Grossmont College, AAPT member
Dr. Roger Freedman, Physics Education, UC Santa Barbara, AAPT member
Ron Bowerman, St. Wendelin High School, AAPT member
Col. George Zamka (USMC, ret.), NASA Astronaut, Test Pilot
Daniel Scopel, Pilot
April Lanotte, Science Education, University of Colorado-Boulder, 2011-2013 Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow
Thomas Benson, NASA Glenn, Beginners Guide to Aeronautics

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Aeronautic Research Mission Directorate

Washington, DC 20546-0001

American Association of Physics Teachers

1 Physics Ellipse Dr.
College Park, MD 20740

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

300 E. Street, SW
Washington, DC 20546

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