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Free sex means sexual activity with a partner without marriage bound.

Free sex
is forbidden by any religion. Norms in society also stated sex is a forbidden
act. Couples who have sex will get a penalty, either in law or state law
society.1. Causes of sex-Free CultureFree sex culture arise from interactions
between men and women who are free. A free association between men and
women usually lead to sexual activity even though they are not married to. In fact,
men and women who have not tied the marriage should not be sexual
activity.Negative factors such as the spread of information-themed pornography
in the media and the lack of moral cultivation of religion, is partly cultural factors
that led to the emergence of free sex.

2. Free Sex DangersFree sex is very dangerous, because it is contrary to the

norms of religion, society, also states, pregnant out of wedlock, easily contracted
venereal disease and susceptible to other infectious diseases.Here are some of
the risks of free sex:a. The loss of virginity and virginityPhysical indications that
clearly occur in women, ie, tearing of the hymen.b. AddictionSince it was felt the
pleasure, then it is easy to come taste addiction, always wanted to do, repeat,
and the more difficult to control yourself.c. GestationFree sex can result in
pregnancy when the couple was not bound by marriage. Usually caused by
pregnancy-free sex is an unwanted pregnancy.d. Abortion with all the risksIf
intercourse has been fruitful pregnancy, then usually the couple will perform
abortions (abortion). They think abortion is the best way to cover the disgrace
and shame to the surrounding community. They are also not ready for married
life. Risks of abortion include bleeding, infection, sterility, even
death.e. Transmission of venereal diseases and HIV / AIDSVenereal disease
transmitted through sexual contact. The risk of contracting venereal disease
greater when frequent sexual intercourse multiple partners. Sexual relations
outside of marriage at risk of contracting venereal disease because it can not
ensure their partner is not so diseased or greater chance of
contracting.f. Reproductive tract infectionsAdolescent girls who are sexually
active under the age of 20 years and frequently changing partners prone to
cervical cancer.g. Feelings of shame, guilt, guilty and worthlessThose who have
fallen on free sex usually always in rundung guilt.Feelings of shame and guilt
increasingly emerging as his or her partner in the know are pregnant but has not
officially become husband and wife. Not only culprit that gets disgrace but his
extended family had come to get a sense of shame as well.3. How to avoid
casual sexFree sex is very easy to avoid. If we have understood quite harmless
casual sex, then we will try to avoid it. Strengthen the faith is a strong fortress to
avoid free sex. In addition, we also have to limit intercourse between men and
women are not to be too free. Usually free from the association that this will lead
to a desire to have sex freely.Attention from parents is also important to avoid
free sex.Parents are always supervise their children socially so as not to fall into
this adverse association.Free sex culture is not a culture of Indonesia. Free sex is
contrary to the norms prevailing in the community. For that, we must reject the
culture of casual sex, because it does not fit with our personality.Free sex
generated a lot of disadvantages than advantages. The teenagers who are
victims of sexual usually often feel guilt-free.Report increased out of wedlock
pregnancies in teenagers are very worried about us. Moral collapse is a reality
that must be faced as a result of this free sex culture.May God take care of you
with piety!

"And come not nigh to

fornication; fact that adultery is a heinousact. And a bad road. "[QS. Al-
Isra ': 32]

"Truly Prosperous people who believe-until verse-And those whokeep his

cock, except for their wives or slaves that they have;then surely they are in
this case there is no blame." [QS.Al-Mu'minun: 1-6]

"The real in front of you would slander like a lot of pitch-dark night,one
becomes a believer in the morning and become infidels in the
afternoon, a believer in the afternoon and become infidel in the
morning." [HR. Abu Daud]

"It would seem an act fahisah (adultery) on a people until theyannounce

it unless they are overwritten infectious diseases andother diseases that
has never existed on the people beforethem." [HR. Ibn Majah]

"Truly the ugliest man standing in the sight of Allah on the Day of
Judgement is a person who has intercourse with his wife and the wife have
intercourse with her husband, then spread the secret
ofher husband." [Reported by Muslim from Abi Said al-Khudri]

"If the husband asked the wife to sleep and then he refuses, thenher
husband was angry at him, then
the angels will curse her tillmorning." [HR. Agreed alaih]

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