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Improving the Accuracy of SINR Threshold Lower

Bound for SINR-based Call Admission Control in

CDMA Networks
Mohamed H. Ahmed Mahmoud Elsayes
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. (MDA)
Memorial University of Newfoundland Toronto, Canada
St. Johns, Canada

Abstract-Call admission control (CAC) is used in CDMA of SINRth, SINRth_ub, has been derived in [5] in order to
networks to guarantee the signal quality in terms of the signal-to- guarantee that Pb is kept below a maximum value (Pb_max).
interference-and-noise ratio (SINR). SINR is employed as the On the other hand, lowering SINRth is desirable for better
criterion for user admission by comparing the SINR with a resource utilization. However, small SINRth allows more users
threshold value (SINRth). A small threshold level is desirable to
reduce the blocking rate. However, a lower bound of SINRth is
to be admitted and might render the PC infeasible if the number
essential to keep the outage probability (Pout) below a maximum of admitted users per cell exceeds a certain limit. If PC turns
value. A lower bound of SINRth (SINRth-lb) has been derived in [6] out to be infeasible, the outage probability (Pout =
by finding the relationship between Pout and SINRth. Then, P(SINR<SINRmin)) increases since SINR converges to a smaller
SINRth_lb is determined as the lowest SINRth that keeps Pout below level than the target value (SINRtrg). Outage might also take
a certain Pout_max. In this paper, we improve the accuracy of place even if power control is feasible due to SINR fluctuation
SINRth-lb by modeling the admitted traffic using a Markov model around the target value [6].
(instead of the inaccurate Poisson model used in [6]). In addition, A lower bound of SINRth (SINRth_lb) that keeps the outage
we improve the accuracy by choosing the transition value of the probability limited (less than a maximum value Pout_max) in the
step function that approximates the conditional outage probability
distribution using the minimum mean square error criterion.
reverse link of a single-class CDMA system has been derived
in [6]. An exact value (based on numerical solution) and an
approximate closed form of the lower bound have been
Keywords: Quality of service; call admission control; imperfect obtained in [6]. However, the lower bound is obtained
power control. assuming the number of active users per cell is modeled by
Poisson distribution. This assumption is not necessarily
I. INTRODUCTION accurate since the admitted traffic rate is not constant because
Call admission control (CAC) is used in CDMA networks of its dependence on the number of existing users as shown in
to maintain the signal quality in terms of the signal-to- Fig. 1. In addition, the exact form derived in [6] has been
interference-and-noise ratio (SINR). SINR-based CAC schemes obtained by approximating the conditional outage probability
that use SINR as the call admission criterion have been widely (as a function of the number of users) by a unit step function as
studied [e.g., 1, 2]. In the reverse link of CDMA systems, shown in Fig. 2. However, it has not been shown how the
perfect power control is usually assumed such that received transition value of the step function (Ntr) is determined.
power and SINR at the base station (BS) are fixed regardless of In this paper we improve the accuracy of SINRth_lb by
the users location or the channel condition (including calculating the probability of the number of users using a
shadowing and fast fading). In reality, however, a number of Markov chain model instead of the inaccurate Poisson
factors including power control (PC) command errors and distribution assumption used in [6]. Furthermore, we derive an
response delays cause fluctuations in the received signal. optimum value of Ntr based on minimizing the mean square
Hence, it has been shown by simulation and from field error between the exact and the approximate values.
measurements that the received power and SINR at BS is well
approximated by the lognormal distribution [3, 4].
In [1, 2] the only constraint imposed on the SINR threshold Actually SINRth_lb can be determined as the lowest value of
value (SINRth) is the following condition: SINRth>SINRmin, SINRth that keeps Pout below the maximum acceptable outage
where SINRmin is the minimum SINR level for acceptable signal probability (Pout_max). Hence, the dependence of Pout on SINRth
quality. Obviously, setting a high value for SINRth maintains is found first. Using the law of total probability, Pout can be
the signal quality but increases the blocking probability (Pb) expressed as
and reduces the network utilization. Therefore, an upper bound

SINR dB SINR thdB when the number of existing users is N.
Pout = P out N
P (N ) (1)
N =1 Hence, Pb|N can be expressed as

where Pout|N is the conditional outage probability and P(N) is SINR thdB m (6)
Pb N = 1 Q .
the probability that there are N admitted users per cell. When

imperfect PC is considered, SINR is modeled as a lognormally-
distributed random process. Hence, Pout|N is given by From (1), (2), (5) and (6), it can be shown that Pout is
expressed as a function of SINR thdB as follows
SINR min
m (2)
Pout = 1 Q

SINRthdB m


SINRmin m
Pout = 1 Q i =1

where m and are the mean and standard deviation of SINR dB

i i SINRthdB m
respectively. Actually is a constant that depends only on the N =1 Q

i =1 j =1
delay and the PC errors. when PC is feasible, m converges to
dB ). If PC is infeasible, m starts to
the target value ( SINR trg dB can be obtained from (7) by equating P
Thus, SINRth_lb out to
degrade and its value becomes a function of the number of
active user (N) [6]. Hence, m can be given by Pout_max and then solving for SINR th_lb
dB . Since a closed form

expression for SINR th_lb

cannot be obtained, SINR th_lb
has to be
N N max
trg determined by solving (7) numerically.
m= 1 The authors have determined in [6] a closed form
10 log10 N > N max
( ) ( ) ( ) expression for SINR th_lb
N + f + W S by adopting the following two
1 1 o /
where Nmax is the maximum number of admitted users for
feasible power control, o is the noise power spectral
density, S is the targeted received power level, W is the 1) N is modeled as a Gaussian random variable.
spreading bandwidth, and f is the ratio of the inter-cell 2) Pout|N is approximated by a step function (instead of
interference to the intra-cell interference. In fact, Nmax is a the continuously-increasing function given by (2)) as
function of the target SINR (SINRtrg) and it can be shown that it shown in Fig. 2.
is equal to
Using these two approximations, it can be shown that the
closed form expression of SINR th_lb
1 W 1 is given by [6]
N max = o + 1 (4)
S (1 + f )
SINR trg 2
2 Pout _ max 2 Pout _ max

+ 2Ntr + 2Ntr 4Ntr2
where x is the largest integer less than or equal to x. In [6] 1 .
SINRth_lb = m +

we have determined P(N) by assuming that N follows Poisson
distribution. However, this assumption is found to be inaccurate

since the arrival rate, as shown in Fig. 1, is not constant as it
depends on the blocking rate (Pb|N), which in turn depends on
the number of the admitted users N. Instead, P(N) is determined
where Ntr is the transition value of the step function as shown in
here using the birth-death model [7] shown in Fig. 1 as follows
Fig. 2, is the inverse Q-function such that
y = Q ( x ) x = ( y ) , and = Pout N< N max . The derivation of
(1 P )
N bN
(5) this closed form is provided in [6]. However, it has not been
P (N ) = i =1
shown in [6] how Ntr can be chosen. In fact Ntr has been found
(1 P )
bN in [6] by trail and error. In this paper we use the minimum
i =0 i =1
mean square error (MMSE) as a criterion for finding Ntr. The
MMSE is defined as
where is the average traffic intensity in Erlang per cell, which
is equal to /, where is the average arrival rate while 1/ is
(SINR ) d
1 2
the average call residence time. The conditional blocking rate
(Pb|N) is equal to the probability of the event:
th_lb SINRth_lb (9)
where SINR th _ lb is the approximate value of the SINRth_lb while 40, which corresponds to the minimum mean square error
min and max are the minimum and maximum values of the
arriving traffic rate respectively. IV. CONCLUSIONS
In this paper, we have improved the accuracy of the lower
III. RESULTS bound of SINR threshold of call admission control in CDMA
networks. We used the birth-death model to represent the
The system parameters are chosen as follows:
network loading instead of the inaccurate Poisson assumption.
Also, we have shown how to find (using MMSE criterion) the
Pout_max = 1%, SINR trg
= -12 dB, SINR min
= -18 dB, oW/S = optimal transition value of the unit step function approximating
0.01, f = 0.3 and = 1 dB, min = 20 Erlang per cell, and max the conditional outage probability.
= 50 Erlang per cell.
Fig. 3 shows SINRth_lb (exact and approximate) versus REFERENCES
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As depicted in Fig. 4, the normalized mean square error Letters, vol. 6, no. 1, Jan. 2002, pp. 13 -15.
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[1-Pb|0] [1-Pb|1] [1-Pb|(N-1)] [1-Pb|N] [1-Pb|(N+1)]

0 1 N N+1 ..

2 (+1) (+2)

Fig. 1. Markov Chain Model Representing the Admission Process.



out | N



0 20 Ntr40 60 80 100 120 140
Number of users/cell (N)

Fig. 2. Conditional Outage Probability.

-14 10
Approximate-Closed Form

Mean Square Error%

-15.5 0





-18 10
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Mean Arrival Rate (Erlang/Cell) Ntr

Fig. 3. Lower Bound of SINRth. Fig. 4. Normalized Mean Square Error.

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