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Math 201C Homework

Edward Burkard

5. Fields and Galois Theory

5.1. Field Extensions.
Exercise 5.1.7. If v is algebraic over K(u) for some u F and v is transcendental over K, then u is algebraic over
Proof. Let K(u)[x] be a nonzero polynomial such that (v) = 0. Then
f0 (u) f1 (u) f2 (u) 2 fn (u) n
0 = (v) = + v+ v + + v (1)
g0 (u) g1 (u) g2 (u) gn (u)
where fi , gi K[x] and gi (u) 6= 0 for all i. Now lets multiply (1) by gi (u) to get:

0 = h0 (u) + h1 (u)v + h2 (u)v 2 + + hn (u)v n , (2)

Y d
where hi (x) = fi (x) gk (u). Since K[x] is a ring, hi K[x] for all i. Let d = max {deg hi }, then hi (x) = ai,k xk ,
k=0 k=0
where ai,k = 0 if k > deg hi . Then substituting this into (2) we have:
X d
X d
X d
k k k 2
0 = a0,k u + a1,k u v + a2,k u v + + an,k uk v n
k=0 k=0 k=0 k=0
n X
X d
= ai,k uk v i
i=0 k=0
d n
= ai,k v uk
k=0 i=0
d n
Let (x) = ai,k v i xk , then K(v)[x] and (u) = 0. In order to conclude that u is algebraic over K(v)
k=0 i=0
we need to show that is not a constant polynomial.
Suppose that is a constant polynomial, i.e. for all k > 0 we have ai,k v i = 0. Recall that, since v is trancen-
dental over K, the set {1, v, v 2 , ...} is linearly independent over K. This implies that ai,k = 0 for all k > 0 (otherwise
there would be a finite linear combination of powers of v which is zero, hence v would be algebraic over K). Thus
each hi above is of the form hi (x) = ai,0 (a constant polynomial), namely hi K. But then (2) implies that v is
algebraic over K, a contradiction unless each ai,0 = 0. However, this is also a contradiction since ai,k = 0 for all i, k
implies that is the zero polynomial.

Thus K(v)[x] is a nonconstant polynomial such that (u) = 0. Therefore u is algebraic over K(v). 

Exercise 5.1.8. If u F is algebraic of odd degree over K, the so is u2 and K(u) = K(u2 ).

Exercise 5.1.9. If xn a K[x] is irreducible and u F is a root of xn a and m divides n, then prove that the
degree of um over K is m . What is the irreducible polynomial for um over K?

Proof. Since n|m we have that f (x) = x m a K[x]. Then:
f (um ) = (um ) m a = un a = 0
hence um is a root of f . Now I clam that f is irreducible and hence is the irreducible of um .

If f were reducible, then we would have that f = f1 f2 and hence that f1 (xm )f2 (xm ) = f (xm ) = xn a is reducible,
a contradiction to our assumptions. Thus f is irreducible and it follows that
[K(um ) : K] = deg h =
by theorem 1.6. 

Exercise 5.1.10. If F is algebraic over K and D is an integral domain such that K D F , then D is a field.

Exercise 5.1.13.
(a) Consider the extension Q(u) of Q generated by a real root u of x3 6x2 + 9x + 3. (Why is this irreducible?)
Express each of the following elements in terms of the basis {1, u, u2 } : u4 , u5 , 3u5 u4 + 2, (u + 1)1 ,
(u2 6u + 8)1 .
(b) Do the same with respect to the basis {1, u, u2 , u3 , u4 } of Q(u) where u is a real root of x5 + 2x + 2 and the
elements in questions are: (u2 + 2)(u3 + 3u), u1 , u4 (u4 + 3u2 + 7u + 5), (u + 2)(u2 + 3)1 .
(a) Let p = 3. Since p 6 |1 and p| 6, 9, 3 and p2 6 |3, by Eisensteins Criterion, f is irreducible in Q[x]. Let u be
a root of the polynomial and notice that u3 = 6u2 9u 3. Thus:
u4 = 6u3 9u2 3u
= 6(6u2 9u 3) 9u2 3u
= 27u2 57u 18

u5 = 27u3 57u2 18u

= 27(6u2 9u 3) 57u2 18u
= 162u2 243u 81 57u2 18u
= 105u2 261u 81


Exercise 5.1.14.

(a) If F = Q 2, 3 , find [F : Q] and a basis of F over Q.

(b) Do the same for F = Q(i, 3, ), where i C, i2 = 1, and is a complex (nonreal) cube root of 1.

Exercise 5.1.15. In the field K(x), let u = x+1 . Show that K(x) is a simple extension of the field K(u). What is
[K(x) : K(u)]?

Exercise 5.1.16. In the field C, Q(i) and Q( 2) are isomorpic as vector spaces, but not as fields.

Exercise 5.1.17. Find an irreducible polynomial f of degree 2 over the field Z2 . Adjoin a root u of f to Z2 to obtain
a field Z2 (u) of order 4. Use the same method to construct a field of order 8.

5.2. The Fundamental Theorem.

Exercise 5.2.4. What is the Galois group of Q( 2, 3, 4) over Q?

Exercise 5.2.5.

(a) If 0 d Q, the Q( d) is Galois over Q.
(b) C is Galois over R.

f f
Exercise 5.2.6. Let g K(x) with g
/ K and f , g relatively prime in K[x] and consider the extension of K by
  h  i
(a) x is algebraic over K g and K(x) : K fg = max{deg f, deg g}.
(b) If E 6= K is an intermediate field, then [K(x) : E] is finite.
f (x) ( fg )
(c) The assignment x 7 g induces a homomorphism : K(x) K(x) such that (x) 7 ( fg )
. is a K
automorphism if K(x) if and only if max{deg f, deg g} = 1.
(d) AutK K(x) consists of all those automorphisms induced (as in (c)) by the assignment
ax + b
x 7
cx + d
where a, b, c, d K and ad bc 6= 0.

Exercise 5.2.8. Assume charK = 0 and let G be the subgroup of AutK K(x) that is generated by the automorphism
induced by x 7 x + 1K . Then G is an infinite cyclic group. Determine the fixed field E of G. What is [K(x) : E]?

Exercise 5.2.9.
(a) If K is an infinite field, the K(x) is Galois over K.
(b) If K is finite, the K(x) is not Galois over K.

Exercise 5.2.10. If K is an infinite field, then the only closed subgroups of AutK K(x) are itself and its finite

Exercise 5.2.11. In the extension of Q by Q(x), the intermediate field Q(x2 ) is closed, but Q(x3 ) is not.

Exercise 5.2.12. If D is an intermediate field of the extension such that D is Galois over K, F is Galois over D,
and every AutK E is extendible to F , then F is Galois over K.

Exercise 5.2.13. In the extension of an infinite field K by K(x, y), the intermediate field K(x) is Galois over K,
but not stable (relative to K(x, y) and K).

5.3. Splitting Fields, Algebraic Closure, and Normality.

Exercise 5.3.8. No finite field K is algebraically closed.

Exercise 5.3.14 (Lagranges Theorem on Natural Irrationalities). If L and M are intermediate fields such that L
is a finite dimensional Galois extension of K, then LM is finite dimensional and Galois over M and AutM LM =
AutLM L .

Exercise 5.3.15. Let E be an intermediate field.

(a) If F is algebraic Galois over K, then F is algebraic Galois over E.
(b) If F is Galois over E, E is Galois over K and F is a splitting field over E of a family of polynomials in
K[x], then F is Galois over K.

Exercise 5.3.16. Let F be an algebraic closure of the field Q of rational numbers and let E F be a splitting field
over Q of the set S = {x2 + a | a Q} so that E is algebraic and Galois over Q.

(a) E = Q(X) where X = p | p = 1 and p is a prime integer .
(b) If AutQ E , then 2 = 1E . Therefore, the group AutQ E is actually a vector space over Z2 .
(c) AutQ E is infinite and not denumerable.
(d) If B is a basis of AutQ E over Z2 , then B is infinite and not denumerable.
(e) AutQ E has an infinite nondenumerable number of subgroups of index 2.
(f) The set of extension fields of Q contained in E of dimension 2 over Q is denumerable.
(g) The set of closed subgroups of index 2 in AutQ E is denumerable.
(h) [E : Q] 0 , whence [E : Q] < | AutQ E |.

Exercise 5.3.17. If an intermediate field E is normal over K, then E is stable (relative to F and K).

Exercise 5.3.18. Let F be normal over K and E an intermediate field. Then E is normal over K if and only if E
is stable. Furthermore AutK F /E 0
= AutK E .

Exercise 5.3.19. Part (ii) or (ii)0 of the Fundamental Theorem is equivalent to: an intermediate field E is normal
over K if and only if the corresponding subgroup E 0 is normal in G = AutK F in which case G/E 0 = AutK E .

Exercise 5.3.20. If F is normal over an intermediate field E and E is normal over K, then F need not be normal
over K.

Exercise 5.3.21. Let F be algebraic over K. F is normal over K if and only if for every K-monomorphism of
fields : F N , where N is any normal extension of K containing F , (F ) = F so that is a K-automorphism
of F .

Exercise 5.3.22. If F is algebraic over K and every element of F belongs to an intermediate field that is normal
over K, then F is normal over K.

Exercise 5.3.23. If [F : K] = 2, then F is normal over K.


5.4. The Galois Group of a Polynomial.

Exercise 5.4.1. Suppose f K[x] splits in F as f = (x u1 )n1 (x uk )nk (ui distinct; ni 1). Let v0 , ..., vk be
the coefficients of the polynomial g(x u1 )(x u2 ) (x uk ) and let E = K(v0 , ..., vk ). Then
(a) F is a splitting field of g over E.
(b) F is Galois over E.
(c) AutE F = AutK F .

Exercise 5.4.3. Let f be a separable cubic with Galois group S3 and roots u1 , u2 , u3 F . Then the distinct
intermediate fields of the extension of K by F are F , K(), K(u1 ), K(u2 ), K(u3 ), K. The corresponding subgroups
of the Galois group are 1, A3 , T1 , T2 , T3 , and S3 where Ti = {(1), (jk) | j 6= i 6= k}.

Exercise 5.4.5. If charK 6= 2 and f K[x] is a cubic whose discriminant is a square in K, the f is either
irreducible or factors completely in K.

Exercise 5.4.8. Let f be an (irreducible) separable quartic over K and u a root of f . There is no field properly
between k and K(u) if and only if the Galois group is either A4 or S4 .

Exercise 5.4.9. Let x4 + ax2 + b K[x] (with charK 6= 2) be irreducible with Galois group G.
(a) If b is a square in K, then G = V .
(b) If b is not a square in K and b(a2 4b) is a square in K, then G
= Z4 .
(c) If neither b nor b(a2 4b) is a square in K, then G
= D4 .

Exercise 5.4.10. Determine the Galois groups of the following polynomials over the fields indicated:

(a) x4 5 over Q; over Q( 5); over Q( 5i).
(b) (x3 2)(x2 3)(x2 5)(x2
7) over Q.
(c) x3 x 1 over Q; over Q( 23i).
(d) x3 10 over Q; over Q( 2).
(e) x4 + 3x3 + 3x 2 over Q.
(f) x5 6x + 3 over Q.
(g) x3 2 over Q.

(h) (x3 2)(x2 5) over Q.

(i) x4 4x2 + 5 over Q.
(j) x4 + 2x2 + x + 3 over Q.

Exercise 5.4.11. Determine all the subgroups of the Galois group and all of the intermediate fields of the splitting
field (over Q) of the polynomial (x3 2)(x2 3) Q[x].

Exercise 5.4.12. Let K be a subfield of the real numbers and f K[x] an irreducible quartic. If f has exactly two
real roots, the Galois group of f is S4 or D4 .

Exercise 5.4.13. Assume that f (x) K[x] has distinct roots u1 , u2 , ..., un in the splitting field F and let G =
AutK F < Sn be the Galois group of f . Let y1 , ..., yn be indeterminates and define
g(x) = (x (u(1) y1 + u(2) y2 + + u(n) yn )).

(a) Show that Y

g(x) = (x (u1 y(1) + u2 y(2) + + un y(n) )).
(b) Show that g(x) K[y1 , ..., yn , x]. X
(c) Suppose g(x) factors as g1 (x)g2 (x) gn (x) with gi K(y1 , ..., yn )[x] monic irreducible. If x u(i) yi is
a factor of g1 (x), then show that
g1 (x) = x u (i) yi .
G i

(d) If K = Q, f Z[x] is monic, and p is a prime, let f Zp [x] be the polynomial obtained from f by reducing
the coefficients of f ( mod p). Assume f has distinct roots u1 , ..., un in some splitting field F over Zp . Show
that !
g(x) = x ui y (i) F [x, y1 , ..., yn ].
Sn i
(e) Show that x6 + 22x5 9x4 + 12x3 37x2 29x 15 Q[x] has Galois group S6 .
(f) the Galois group of x5 x 1 Q[x] is S5 .

Exercise 5.4.14. Here is a method for constructing a polynomial f Q[x] with Galois group Sn for a given n > 3.
It depends on the fact that there exist irreducible polynomials of every degree in Zp [x] (p prime). First choose
f1 , f2 , f3 Z[x] such that
(i) deg f1 = n and f1 Z2 [x] is irreducible.
(ii) deg f2 = n and f2 Z3 [x] factors in Z3 [x] as gh with g an irreducible of degree n 1 and h linear.
(iii) deg f3 = n and f3 Z5 [x] factors as gh or gh1 h2 with g an irreducible quadratic in Z5 [x] and h or h1 h2
irreducible polynomials of odd degree in Z5 [x].
(a) Let f = 15f1 + 10f2 + 6f3 . Then f f1 ( mod 2), f f2 ( mod 3), and f f3 ( mod 5).
(b) The Galois group G of f is transitive.
(c) G contains a cycle of the type = (i1 i2 ...in1 ) and element where is a transposition and a product
of cycles of odd order. therefore G, whence (ik in ) G for some k (1 k n 1) by Exercise I.6.3 and
(d) G = Sn .

5.5. Finite Fields.

Exercise 5.5.3. If |K| = pn , then every element of K as a unique pt h root in K.
Proof. Clearly the unique pth root of 0 is 0. Now consider the multiplicative group (K , ) which has order pn 1.
n n
Thus for all u K , we have that up 1 = 1K so that up = u and hence:
 n p n
up 1 = up = u
so that up 1 is a pth root of u. Thus every element in F has a pth root. Now let v, w be two pth roots of u. By
lemma 5.5, we have that the map : u 7 up is injective, thus:
(w) = wp = u = v p = (v)
so that w = v. Thus every element has a unique pth root. 

Exercise 5.5.4. If the roots of a monic polynomial f K[x] (in some splitting field of f over K) are distinct and
form a field, then charK = p and f = xp x for some n 1.
Proof. Let f K[x] be a monic polynomial, then deg f < . Let R = {u | f (u) = 0} be the set of roots in some
splitting field of f . If R is a field, then |R| = pn for some prime p and n N and since all the roots are distinct,
deg f = pn . Thus charK = p. Since R is a finite field of order pn , by proposition 5.6, R is a splitting field of
g(x) = xp x. Since both f and g are monic and have the same roots, it must be that f = g. 

Exercise 5.5.5.
(a) Construct a field with 9 elements and give its addition and multiplication tables.
(b) Do the same for a field of 25 elements.
(a) Consider the following irreducible quadratic in Z3 [x]: f (x) = x2 + 1 (f is irreducible since f (0) = 1, f (1) =
2, f (2) = 4 + 1 = 2). Let u be a root of f . Then Z3 (u) is a field containing 32 = 9 elements.
(b) Consider the polynomial f (x) = x2 2 in Z5 [x]. Since: f (0) = 2 = 3, f (1) = 1 = 4, f (2) = 4 2 =
2, f (3) = 9 2 = 7 2, f (4) = 16 2 = 12 = 2, none of which are zero, f is irreducible and hence if u is a
root of f , then Z5 (u) is a field of 52 = 25 elements.

Exercise 5.5.6. If |K| = q and (n, q) = 1 and F is a splitting field of xn 1K over K, then [F : K] is the least
positive integer k such that n|(q k 1).
Proof. Let u be a root of xn 1, then un = 1. Moreover, since F is a finite dimensional extension of K (because
F is the splitting field of a single polynomial) let [F : K] = k < . Since |K| = q and [F : K] = k, it follows that
k k
|F | = |K|[F :K] = q k . Thus u also satisfies uq 1 = 1, so that un = uq 1 , hence n|(q k 1). If there were an integer m
smaller k such that n|(q k 1), then that would imply that uq 1 = 1 so that q k = q m , an obvious contradiction. 

Exercise 5.5.7. If |K| = q and f K[x] is irreducible, then f divides xq x if and only if deg f divides n.

Exercise 5.5.8. If |K| = pr and |F | = pn , then r|n and AutK F is cyclic with generator given by u 7 up .
Proof. Since |F | = pn we have that [F : Zp ] = n so that [F : K] < , and hence, by propositon 5.10, the Galois
group AutK F is cyclic. The map is a Zp -monomorphism by lemma 5.5. Moreover, since |F | = pn it follows that
n = id F . If 

Exercise 5.5.9. If n 3, then x2 + x + 1 is reducible over Z2 .

Exercise 5.5.10. Every element in a finite field may be written as the sum of two squares.
Proof. Recall: For a finite group G and A, B G, if |A| + |B| > |G|, then G = AB.

Let F be a finite field and suppose that charF = p and |F | = pn . Define : F F by x 7 x2 . If p = 2 then
is an isomorphism by lemma 5.5, so that every element in F is clearly a sum of two squares (one being 02 ). Now if
p2 + 1 p2 + 1
p > 2, for all x, y F , if x2 = y 2 , then x = y. Thus it must be that | im | . Let m = and choose
2 2
m distinct elements A = {x1 , ..., xm } F . Given any u F , each xi u is distinct, so B = {x1 u, ..., x2m u} is
2 2 2 2

a set of m elements, thus |A| + |B| = pn + 1 > pn = |F |, thus by the above comment F = A + B. In particular, for
0 F:
0 = x2i + x2j u
so that
u = x2i + x2j .
Since u was arbitrary, we are done. 

Exercise 5.5.11. Let F be an algebraic closure of Zp (p prime).

(a) F is algebraic Galois over Zp .
(b) The map : F F given by u 7 up is a nonidentity Zp -automorphism of F .
(c) The subgroup H = hi is a proper subgroup of AutZp F whose fixed field is Zp , which is also the fixed field
of AutZp F by (a).

Exercise 5.5.12. If K is finite and F is an algebraic closure of K, then AutK F is abelian. Every element of
AutK F (except 1F ) has infinte order.

5.6. Separability.
Exercise 5.6.1.

Exercise 5.6.2.

Exercise 5.6.3.

Exercise 5.6.6.

Exercise 5.6.7.

Exercise 5.6.8.

Exercise 5.6.9.


Exercise 5.6.10.

Exercise 5.6.11.

5.7. Cyclic Extensions.

Exercise 5.7.6.

Exercise 5.7.7.

Exercise 5.7.8.

Exercise 5.7.9.

Exercise 5.7.10.

5.8. Cyclotomic Extensions.

5.9. Radical Extensions.

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