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Wild Talents

Every character begins the game with a single wild talent. Some characters, such as a psionicist
orthri-kreen, have additional psionic abilities. These are detailed under the race or class that
grantsthose abilities.Using wild talents requires a wisdom check with the DC depending on the wild
talent. Failure tomake this check results in you taking subdual damage equal to your classes hit die.
This representsthe mental strain it takes to use your psionic abilities untrained

taken physical damage. If your HP reach 0 it means that you have passed out. Any damage taken
thisway can be restored through rest and spending hit die, magick or potions.
This wild talent helps you in dealing with other people. It is a DC 10 wisdom check to use this ability.
Every additional time you use this ability the DC increases by +2. The DC resets to DC 10 after
youhave an extended rest.
This wild talent protects you from psionic attacks. It is a DC 10 wisdom check to erect the
barrierinitially which lasts for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes you must make another wisdom check
with +1to the DC or lose the barrier. The DC resets to 10 after you have an extended rest.
while you have the barrier running, you and the attackermust make opposed wisdom checks to see
if the attack succeeds (automatically causing you to losethe barrier). You have advantage on this
This ability allows you to communicate psionically with someone else. The table below determinesthe
DC depending on how far away they are from you:

DC 10: 100 feet

DC 15: 1 mile

DC 20: 18 miles
This contact lasts for 10 minutes during which time you can communicate with them one way. After10
minutes you must sever the link or make an additional wisdom check with +2 to the base DC. TheDC
resets after an extended rest.
Danger Sense
This wild talent warns you when danger is coming. When you roll initiative you can make a DC
10wisdom check to either avoid being surprised or to gain advantage on the initiative roll.
Heightened Hearing
This wild talent allows you to overhear other conversations much more easily. When you make alisten
check you can gain advantage be beating a separate DC 10 wisdom check. This DC increases by+2
every additional time you use it. The DC resets to 10 after an extended rest.

Dark Sun Gazetteer Page 17

Heightened Smell
This wild talent allows you to track someone by scent. Make a DC 10 wisdom check and you gain
theability to follow someone based on their scent. This ability lasts for 10 minutes at a time, after
whichyou must make an additional wisdom check with +2 to the DC before or lose this ability. The
DCresets to 10 after you have an extended rest.
Mind Over Body
This wild talent allows you to go without food and water for 24 hours without suffering any
negativeeffects. The initial wisdom check is a DC 10. Every day you make an additional check without
eatingor drinking the DC increases by +1. You cannot attempt to use this ability if you are suffering
fromthe effects of dehydration or starvation.
Know Direction
This wild talent helps you avoid becoming lost. You can imagine a place that you are quite familiarwith
and then make a DC 10 wisdom check to work out which direction it is. Every time you makeanother
check before resting for the day, the DC increases by +2.
Object Reading
This allows you to pick up impressions left on an object by its previous owner. Listed below are
theDCs you must meet to get the relevant information. When attempting to gain particular
information you must declare the DC youre attempting to meet. If you fail this check then you take
damage as normal:

DC 10: Last owners race

DC 13: Last owners sex

DC 16: Last owners age

DC 19: How the last owner came to gain the item and how they lost it.

DC 22: All this information about all past owners.

This ability allows you to try harder to recollect a lost memory. If you make a DC 10 wisdom
checkyou can reroll a failed lore check. If you beat the wisdom check by 5 or more you can reroll the
failedlore check with advantage.Each time you use this ability in a day the DC increases by +2. The
DC resets to 10 after an extendedrest.

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