Cultural Intelligence: By: Camaleon Intercultural

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By: Camaleon Intercultural
Culture is defined as a shared patterns of
behaviors and interactions, cognitive
constructs and understanding that are learned
by socialization.
Culture is the characteristics
and knowledge of a
particular group of people.

What is Culture?

What characterizes a
Its the personal disorientation a person
may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar
way of life due to immigration or a visit to a
new country, a move
between social
environments, or simply
travel to another type of

Cultural Shock
The values that we considered good,
desirable and not being respected by the host
We may feel: disoriented, anxious, depressed
or hostile
We are not satisfied on how things are being
done in the host country.
The sensation of all described above will
never go
Cultural Shock Indicators
Not being able to understand or be able to explain why
other people are what they are because there is a cultural
difference. In other words not being able to get why people
isnt the same as I am?

F e e l i n g t h r e a t e n e d o r
uncomfortable while interacting
with people that come from
cultures different than ours.

Causes of Cultural Conflict

There are Seven Dimensions of Culture
which were identified by Fons Trompenaars in
a model known as the The seven dimensions
of culture.
This model can be used to understand people
from different cultural backgrounds better, so
that you can prevent misunderstandings and
enjoy a better working relationship with them.

Dimensions of Culture
Universalism versus particularism.
Individualism versus communitarianism.
Specific versus diffuse.
Neutral versus emotional.
Achievement versus ascription.
Sequential time versus synchronous time.
Internal direction versus outer direction.

Dimensions of Culture

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