Federal Register-02-28555

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Federal Register / Vol. 67, No.

218 / Tuesday, November 12, 2002 / Notices 68717

capacity concerning issues and following agenda item will be determination of one NAFTA Party with
problems in international economic discussed. respect to the products of another
policy. The objective of the ACIEP is to • Report by Department of NAFTA Party. Binational panels decide
provide expertise and insight on these Commerce’s Office of Trade and whether such AD/CVD determinations
issues that are not available within the Economic Analysis on Recently are in accordance with the domestic
U.S. Government. Published SME laws of the importing NAFTA Party, and
Topics for the November 19 meeting must use the standard of review that
Christopher A. Padilla,
will be: would have been applied by a domestic
Assistant, U.S. Trade Representative for
• Corporate Responsibility Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Liaison.
court of the importing NAFTA Party. A
• Business Visas panel may uphold the AD/CVD
• Outcome of the Asia-Pacific Economic [FR Doc. 02–28555 Filed 11–8–02; 8:45 am] determination, or may remand it to the
Cooperation Leaders Meeting BILLING CODE 3190–01–M national administering authority for
The public may attend these meetings action not inconsistent with the panel’s
as seating capacity allows. The media is decision. Panel decisions may be
welcome but discussions are off the OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES reviewed in specific circumstances by a
record. TRADE REPRESENTATIVE three-member extraordinary challenge
For further information about the committee, selected from a separate
meeting, please contact Eliza Koch, North American Free Trade
roster composed of fifteen current or
ACIEP Secretariat, Office of Economic Agreement; Invitation for Applications
former judges.
Policy and Public Diplomacy, Economic for Inclusion on the Chapter 19 Roster
Article 1903 of the NAFTA provides
Bureau, U.S. Department of State, Room AGENCY: Office of the United States that a NAFTA Party may refer an
3526, 2201 C Street NW, Washington, Trade Representative. amendment to the AD/CVD statutes of
DC 20520, Tel (202) 647–1310. ACTION: Invitation for applications. another NAFTA Party to a binational
Dated: November 6, 2002. panel for a declaratory opinion as to
Eliza Koch,
SUMMARY: Chapter 19 of the North whether the amendment is inconsistent
American Free Trade Agreement with the General Agreement on Tariffs
Executive Secretary, Advisory Committee on
International Economic Policy.
(‘‘NAFTA’’) provides for the and Trade (‘‘GATT’’), the GATT
establishment of a roster of individuals Antidumping or Subsidies Codes,
[FR Doc. 02–28819 Filed 11–8–02; 8:45 am]
to serve on binational panels convened successor agreements, or the object and
to review final determinations in purpose of the NAFTA with regard to
antidumping or countervailing duty the establishment of fair and predictable
(‘‘AD/CVD’’) proceedings and conditions for the liberalization of trade.
OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES amendments to AD/CVD statutes of a If the panel finds that the amendment is
TRADE REPRESENTATIVE NAFTA Party. The United States inconsistent, the two NAFTA Parties
annually renews its selections for the shall consult and seek to achieve a
Notice of Meeting of the Industry mutually satisfactory solution.
Chapter 19 roster. Applications are
Sector Advisory Committee on Small
invited from eligible individuals Chapter 19 Roster and Composition of
and Minority Business (ISAC–14)
wishing to be included on the roster for Binational Panels
AGENCY: Office of the United States the period April 1, 2003 through March
Trade Representative. 31, 2004. Annex 1901.2 of the NAFTA provides
for the maintenance of a roster of at least
ACTION: Notice of a partially opened DATES: Applications should be received
75 individuals for service on Chapter 19
meeting. no later than December 3, 2002.
binational panels, with each NAFTA
ADDRESSES: Comments should be Party selecting at least 25 individuals. A
SUMMARY: The Industry Sector Advisory
submitted (i) electronically, to separate five-person panel is formed for
Committee on Small and Minority
FR0050@ustr.gov, Attn: ‘‘Chapter 19 each review of a final AD/CVD
Business (ISAC–14) will hold a meeting
Roster Applications’’ in the subject line, determination or statutory amendment.
on December 2, 2002, from 9 a.m. to 3
or (ii) by mail, first class, postage To form a panel, the two NAFTA Parties
p.m. The meeting will be opened to the
prepaid, to Sandy McKinzy, Monitoring involved each appoint two panelists,
public from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. The
and Enforcement Unit, Office of the normally by drawing upon individuals
meeting will be closed to the public
General Counsel, Room 122, Office of from the roster. If the Parties cannot
from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
the United States Trade Representative, agree upon the fifth panelist, one of the
DATES: The meeting is scheduled for
600 17th Street, NW., Washington, DC Parties, decided by lot, selects the fifth
December 2, 2002, unless otherwise 20508, Attn: Chapter 19 Roster
notified. panelist from the roster. The majority of
Applications, with a confirmation copy individuals on each panel must consist
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at sent electronically to the email address of lawyers in good standing, and the
the International Trade Center, Ronald above or by fax to 202–395–3640. chair of the panel must be a lawyer.
Reagan Building, Training Room C, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Upon each request for establishment
located at 14th and Constitution Amber L. Cottle, Assistant General of a panel, roster members from the two
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC. Counsel, Office of the United States involved NAFTA Parties will be
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Trade Representative, (202) 395–3581. requested to complete a disclosure form,
Tamara Underwood, DFO at (202) 482– SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: which will be used to identify possible
4792, Department of Commerce, 14th conflicts of interest or appearances
Street and Constitution Avenue, SW., Binational Panel Reviews Under thereof. The disclosure form requests
Washington, DC 20230 or Christina NAFTA Chapter 19 information regarding financial interests
Sevilla, Director for Intergovernmental Article 1904 of the NAFTA provides and affiliations, including information
Affairs, on (202) 395–6120. that a party involved in an AD/CVD regarding the identity of clients of the
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: During the proceeding may obtain review by a roster member and, if applicable, clients
opened portion of the meeting the binational panel of a final AD/CVD of the roster member’s firm.

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