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Installation Guide PUBLIC

Document Version: 2.00.0 2016-12-23

Getting Started with SAP HANA 2.0, express edition

(Binary Installer Method)
Installing SAP HANA, express edition (Binary Installer)
Machine Requirements
Your server will need the following:

Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 8 or higher. If you are planning to install the SAP HANA 2.0 express edition Download Manager for Windows or Linux, you
need the 64-bit JRE. If you are planning to install the platform-independent Download Manager, you can use either the 32- or 64-bit JRE.

OpenSSL .0.9.8

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP 12 SP1

RAM 16 GB minimum (24 GB recommended)

Note: If you are installing on a system with 16 GB of RAM, increase the amount of swap space to at least 32 GB.

HDD 120 GB HDD recommended

Cores 2 cores (4 recommended)

Download the Installer Files

1. Go to the registration page at

(Alternately, you can go to the SAP HANA, express edition launch page at and click the
Register and download SAP HANA , express edition download manager link.)

The registration page opens.

2. Complete the registration form and click the Register button.

Note: If you have an SAP login, click the Login icon at the top of the page to populate the registration form automatically.

The Registration Success page displays. (You will also receive an email indicating successful registration.)

3. Under SAP HANA 2.0, express edition download manager, click the download manager that matches your system: Linux or Windows.

If you have a Mac, or another type of machine, click Platform-independent for a platform-independent download manager.

2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

4. Save the download manager installation file to your laptop and open it.

If your system displays a security warning when you open the file, accept the warning.

Note: If you are inside a corporate firewall, you will be prompted for your proxy settings. Contact your IT administrator.

5. In Download Manager, in the Image pull-down, select Binary Installer.

6. Click Browse and select a directory where your downloads will be saved.

7. Select one or more of the following packages:

Server only installer - Downloads hxe.tgz ; the SAP HANA 2.0, express edition server with Application Function Library. This file is necessary for
installing SAP HANA 2.0, express edition.

Applications - Downloads optional package hxexsa.tgz ; XSA, Web IDE, SAP HANA cockpit, and EA Designer. Download this and hxe.tgz to install

2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

those applications.

Clients - Downloads a zip file containing four compressed client-tools bundles. Use the client packages to access developed express edition applications
from a client PC. See the Installing Clients section for installation steps.

hdb_client_linux.tgz - Reduced HANA client for Linux 64 bit. Contains the HANA client package, drivers, and required licenses. - Reduced HANA client for Windows 64 bit. Contains the HANA client package, drivers, and required licenses. - Command-line tools for Linux that enable access to (and control of) the SAP HANA XS
advanced run-time environment. - Command-line tools for Windows that enable access to (and control of) the SAP HANA XS
advanced run-time environment.

Tip: After you develop an application using SAP HANA, express edition, install Download Manager to a client machine and download the clients
only to that client machine. You can then use the clients to connect to -- and test -- your HANA application, emulating a customer.

Text analysis files for additional languages - For languages other than English and German, these files are required for the HANA Text Analysis function.
(The text analysis files for English and German are already included in the Server only and Server + applications packages.) Download this and hxe.tgz
to install these files. For the text analysis files installation procedure, see Install Text Analysis Files in the Installing Additional Components section.

8. Click the Download button.

Install SAP HANA, express edition

1. Navigate to the directory where you wish to extract the installation files.

2. Extract the contents of hxe.tgz , and hxexsa.tgz if you are also installing applications:

tar -xvzf <download_path>/hxe.tgz tar -xvzf <download_path>/hxexsa.tgz

Tip Run the tar command from the command shell as shown, rather than using a GUI-based extraction tool.

3. Navigate to the directory where you extracted the files and run ./ as the root user:

cd <extracted_path> sudo ./

4. Follow the prompts to configure your installation.

Note The master password you specify during installation is used for the <sid>adm , sapadm OS users, the telemetry technical user, and the
SYSTEM user. If you are installing the Applications package, this password is also used for the XSA_ADMIN , XSA_DEV , and XSA_SHINE users.

Getting Started with SAP HANA, express edition

The SAP HANA, express-edition License
Installing SAP HANA 2.0, express edition installs a permanent 32 GB license automatically. No license configuration is required.

Test Your Server installation

1. In a terminal, log in as the <sid>adm user:

sudo su -l <sid>adm

2. Enter HDB info . The following services must be running:

hdbdiserver (if XSA is installed)

2. If any services are not running, enter HDB start . When the prompt returns, the system is started.

Test XSC and XSA (Applications Package Only)

If you installed the Applications package ( hxexsa.tgz ), test your XS installations.

1. Check that the XSEngine is running. Open a browser and enter:


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A success page displays:

2. As the <sid>adm user, log in to XSA services:

xs login -u xsa_admin -p <password>

3. View the list of XSA applications. Enter:

xs apps

Note: When you run the xs apps command for the first time, it may take 1-2 minutes for the system to return the list of XSA applications.

4. Check that the application cockpit-admin-web-app shows STARTED with 1/1 instances in the list of XSA applications.

Make a note of the URL for cockpit-admin-web-app .

5. Enter the URL for cockpit-admin-web-app in a browser. The address is the one that displays in your xs apps command output.

Example: https://my.hostname:51043

6. Log in using the XSA_ADMIN user.

7. If your site uses a proxy for connecting to HTTP and HTTPS servers, select Cockpit Settings > Proxy, then enable Http(s) Proxy and set the host, port, and non-
proxy hosts.

Tip: To find your proxy server information, in a terminal, enter env | grep PROXY

Test Web IDE (Applications Package Only)

1. As the <sid>adm user, log in to XSA services:

xs login -u xsa_admin -p <password>

2. View the status of the webide application. Enter:

xs apps | grep webide

3. Check that the application webide shows STARTED with 1/1 instances in the list of XSA applications.

Make a note of the URL for webide .

4. Test your Web IDE connection. Enter the URL for webide in a browser. The address is the one that displays in your xs apps command output.

Example: https://my.hostname:53075

5. Log on to Web IDE using the XSA_DEV user.

(Optional) Test your Installation using the HANA Eclipse Plugin

Download and install the HANA Eclipse Plugin on a client machine and connect to SAP HANA, express edition.

1. Download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers from to your local file system.

2. Follow the eclipse installer prompts.

3. Launch when prompted, or go to the eclipse folder (example: C:\Users\<path>\eclipse\jee-neon ) and run the eclipse executable file.

4. Follow the tutorial How to download and install the HANA Eclipse plugin.

2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

When you install SAP HANA 2.0, express edition, telemetry is enabled by default. You can disable telemetry after installation is complete. Telemetry sends
anonymous performance statistics and usage statistics to SAP, so that SAP can focus development efforts on areas most vital to the SAP HANA, express edition
customer base.

Important: Your privacy is critical to SAP. Telemetry collects anonymous usage information while ensuring complete privacy. No identifying information
or private information is collected, and you can opt out of telemetry at any time.

Disable and Enable Telemetry Using SQL

Disable Telemetry if you wish to stop sending anonymous telemetry data to SAP.

1. Start SAP HANA 2.0, express edition and log in as the <sid>adm user.

2. Run:

/usr/sap/<sid>/home/bin/ -i <instance-number> -u SYSTEM -p <your_password> -d SystemDB --disable

3. To re-enable telemetry, run:

/usr/sap/<sid>/home/bin/ -i <instance-number> -u SYSTEM -p <your_password> -d SystemDB --enable

If you want to learn more about the script, type ./ --help

Installing Clients
This sections refers to the laptop with SAP HANA, express edition as the server machine, and your local machine as the client machine.

Installing XS CLI Client

The XS advanced client-tools bundle xs.onpremise.runtime.client_<platform>-<version>.zip also includes the archive
(xs_javascript-1.3.0-bundle.tar.gz) , which includes a selection of mandatory Node.js packages developed by SAP for use with the Node.js applications
running in the XS advanced run time.

You can use the XS command-line client to perform a wide-variety of developer- and administrator-related tasks. For example, in the role of a developer, you can
use the XS CLI to connect to the XS advanced run time installed on the express edition machine, log on as a specific user, deploy and manage your applications.

XS CLI Client Prerequisites

XS advanced is installed on the SAP HANA 2.0, express edition machine (the server host).

You have access to the Internet from your client machine.

You have logon access to the SAP HANA 2.0, express edition database with the privileges to create SAP HANA users (for example, SYSTEM).

Install the XS CLI Client

Install the command-line client for XS advanced on your client machine.

In this procedure, you learn how to use the XS CLI to connect to SAP HANA, set up organizations and spaces for use by your development teams, assign roles to
users in the organizations and spaces, create services, and bind services to the corresponding applications.

1. Using a compression utility such as WinZip or Unzip, extract either for Windows or for Linux.

The system will create this folder:


2. Check that the XS advanced run time is installed and available on the server machine.

Enter the following URL in your Web browser:


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For example, the SAP HANA instance 90 on the host :

The response displayed in the Web browser is a JSON string with details that indicate a successful connection to the XSA controller. This connection test is
important as you want to make sure the connection exists before you attempt it from within the API command.

3. Check that the XS client for XS advanced is installed and available.

The XS client tools are required to connect to the XS advanced run time on SAP HANA and deploy your XS advanced applications.

On your client machine, open a command window and run the following commands:

sudo su -l <sid>adm
xs help
xs -v

If you see output indicated Client version, XS is installed.

4. Connect to the XS advanced controller on the SAP HANA 2.0, express edition server.

Specify the URL of the API end point on the SAP HANA server you want to connect to:

xs api https://<hostname>:3<instance_number>30

Note: This command may fail due to a missing SSL certificate. This note shows you how to set up a certificate on the client so it can connect to the
server. Copy the correct certificate to your client from the SAP HANA, express edition server.

Open a command session on the server machine. From the command prompt, login as sudo and navigate to the certificate. The certificate
default.root.crt.pem is typically located here:


For example, where <installation_path> = /hana/shared and <SID>=HDB :


Copy the certificate to a folder on the server where you can easily access it.

Using an FTP client or the scp command, send a copy of the certificate from your server machine to your client machine.

scp example:

scp <server_machine_user>@<ip_address_server>:<file_destination>/default.root.crt.pem

Exit your Putty session and return to your client machine. Try the previous command again, but use the -cacert command and specify the local
certificate you just copied.

xs api https://<hostname>:3<instance_number>30 -caert <copied_filepath>/default.root.crt.pem

5. From the client machine, log on to the XS advanced run time.

You log on to the SAP HANA instance specified in the API end point set in a previous step. SAP HANA provides a default user XSA_ADMIN with administrator
permissions; you can use this user ID to test the logon. However, it is recommended to create a new user with more limited permissions, which you can use to
log on for developer tasks.

xs login -u XSA_ADMIN -p <password>

Note: The password is assigned to the XSA_ADMIN user during SAP HANA 2.0, express edition installation.

6. Test your connection to XSA. Run the following command to view XS applications on the SAP HANA 2.0, express edition server.

2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

xs apps

Installing SAP HANA HDB Client

SAP HANA 2.0, express edition provides the Reduced SAP Client package for connecting applications. You can install the client on the server machine during
server installation, or on a separate machine as described here.

Available Clients
When you install the SAP HANA client software package, you install the following clients:

Python (PyDBAPI)

Install the SAP HANA Client (Windows)

To install the SAP HANA client on a Windows machine, use either a graphical user interface or a command line.

1. Using a compression utility like WinRAR or WinZip, extract . (The file is located in the
file you downloaded earlier in this how-to.)

The following folders are created:


2. In file explorer go to the HDB_CLIENT_WINDOWS_X86_64 folder.


Open a command prompt and navigate to HDB_CLIENT_WINDOWS_X86_64 .

3. In file explorer, double-click:

hdbsetup.exe - GUI installation

hdbinst.exe - Command-line installation

Or from a command prompt:

Call the program hdbsetup (GUI installation) or hdbinst (command-line installation) by entering one of the following commands:

Option Description

GUI hdbsetup [-a client]

Command Line hdbinst [-a client] [<option list>]

4. Follow the instructions displayed by the installation tool.

5. Add the installation path to the PATH environment variable. For information on setting environment variables, see the documentation for your operating

Install the SAP HANA Client (Linux)

To install the SAP HANA client on a Linux machine, do the following.

1. Navigate to the directory where you wish to unpack the hdb_client_linux.tgz files.

cd <your_destination>

2. Unpack hdb_client_linux.tgz :

sudo tar -xvzf <unzipped_filepath/hdb_client_linux.tgz

The directory HDB_CLIENT_LINUX_X86_64 is created.

2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

3. Move into the HDB_CLIENT_LINUX_X86_64 directory and run hdbinst .

sudo ./hdbinst

Follow the onscreen instructions to install the SAP HANA client.

Logging the Installation

The SAP HANA client installation is automatically logged by the system. The log files are stored at %TEMP%\hdb_client_<time_stamp> for Windows or
/var/temp/hdb_client_<time_stamp> for Linux.

Connect SAP HANA Client to SAP HANA 2.0, express edition

Now that you've installed the SAP HANA Client, connect to an SAP HANA 2.0, express edition system.

See these How-Tos:

Connect to HXE using JDBC

How to connect to SAP HANA database server in Python

Installing Additional Components

Note: Installing additional features requires greater system resources and may impact performance.

(Optional) Install SAP Enterprise Architecture Designer (Applications Package Only)

If you downloaded the Applications package ( hxexsa.tgz ), installation files for SAP Enterprise Architecture Designer (SAP EA Designer) are located at
<extracted_path>/HANA_EXPRESS_20/DATA_UNITS/XSA_CONTENT_10 .

SAP EA Designer lets you capture, analyze, and present your organization's landscapes, strategies, requirements, processes, data, and other artifacts in a shared
environment. Using industry-standard notations and techniques, organizations can leverage rich metadata and use models and diagrams to drive understanding
and promote shared outcomes in creating innovative systems, information sets, and processes to support goals and capabilities.

Install SAP EA Designer in your SAP HANA 2.0, express edition system using the xs command line tool.

Tip: The SAP EA Designer installer file XSACHANAEAD00_0.ZIP is located in the directory where you extracted hxexsa.tgz .

1. Log in as <sid>adm .

sudo su -l <sid>adm

2. Create a text file, copy the following content to it, replacing the variable with your choice of a temporary administrator password for the first login, and save
it as firstTime.mtaext :

_schema-version: "2.0.0"

- name: eadesigner-backend

Note: Make sure that properties and ADMIN_PASSWORD are indented with spaces (not tab).

Note: If you do not specify this temporary password file in your installation command, the installation will proceed normally, but you will not be
able to log into SAP EA Designer. We recommend that your temporary password should contain 8 or more characters including a mix of numbers
and uppercase and lowercase letters. Once installation is complete, you should delete this file.

3. Login to the XSA environment with the following command and enter your credentials when prompted:

xs login -a https://<HOST>:3<instance-number>30

4. Install the SAP EA Designer package using the following command, where firstTime.mtaext is the file containing the temporary administrator password:

2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

xs install e firstTime.mtaext

5. When the installation is complete enter the following command to confirm the status of SAP EA Designer:

xs apps

The output will include all the applications of your organization and space. You should see:

eadesigner - The SAP EA Designer application

eadesigner-service - The SAP EA Designer Node application

eadesigner-backend - The SAP EA Designer Java application

eadesigner-db - The SAP EA Designer database creation application. This application will have a state of stopped when the installation is complete.

6. Note the URL for eadesigner and enter it in your web browser address bar to go to the SAP EA Designer login screen.

7. Enter the following credentials:

User Name - ADMIN

Note: Account names managed by SAP EA Designer are case-sensitive.

Password - Enter the temporary administrator password (< tempPwd >) you specified in firstTime.mtaext .

You will be prompted to change the password and then logged in as administrator of SAP EA Designer.

(Optional) Install SAP HANA Interactive Education (SHINE)

To install SHINE for XSC, see the SAP HANA Interactive Education (SHINE) guide.

Installation files for SHINE for XSC are located at:


To install SHINE for XSA, see the SAP HANA Interactive Education (SHINE) for SAP HANA XS Advanced Model guide.

If you downloaded the Applications ( hxexsa.tgz ) package, installation files for SHINE for XSA are located at:


(Optional) Install Text Analysis Files

If you are using SAP HANA 2.0, express edition in a language other than English or German, you can download the Text analysis files for additional languages
package in the Download Manager. This package contains the text analysis files for the HANA Text Analysis feature for languages other than English or German.

Prerequisite: You downloaded the package Text analysis files for additional languages using Download Manager.

1. Log in as <sid>adm .

2. Navigate to /hana/shared/<SID>/exe/linuxx86_64/hdb/lexicon .

3. Extract the contents of additional_lang.tgz to this directory:

tar -xvzf <download_path>/additional_lang.tgz

Best Practices
Deactivate the SYSTEM user
SYSTEM is the database superuser and is not intended for day-to-day activities in production systems. For better security, you can create other database users
with only the privileges that they require for their tasks (for example, user administration), then deactivate the SYSTEM user.

1. In a terminal, log in as the <sid>adm user:

sudo su -l <sid>adm

2. Create a new admin user with the USER ADMIN system privilege:
/usr/sap/<SID>/HDB<instance-number>/exe/hdbsql -i <instance-number> -d SystemDB -u SYSTEM -p <SYSTEM-password> "CREATE USER <admin-
username> PASSWORD <admin-password> NO FORCE_FIRST_PASSWORD_CHANGE;"

2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

/usr/sap/<SID>/HDB<instance-number>/exe/hdbsql -i <instance-number> -d SystemDB -u SYSTEM -p <SYSTEM-password> "GRANT USER ADMIN TO
<admin-username> WITH ADMIN OPTION;"

2. Use the new admin user to deactivate the SYSTEM user:

/usr/sap/<SID>/HDB<instance-number>/exe/hdbsql -i <instance-number> -d SystemDB -u <admin-username> -p <admin-password> "ALTER USER

Make regular data backups to save your work.

For information on data backup, recovery, and log file growth, see the SAP HANA 2.0 Administration Guide.

Uninstalling SAP HANA, express edition

Uninstalling SAP HANA, express edition
1. Start the hdblcm tool:

sudo /hana/shared/HXE/hdblcm/hdblcm

2. Select uninstall .

3. Choose to uninstall all components.

4. Uninstall the SAP Host Agent:

sudo /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostexec -uninstall

Uninstalling the SAP EA Designer Component

1. As the <sid>adm user, log in to XSA:

xs login -u xsa_admin -p <password> -s SAP

2. Uninstall the SAP EA Designer software component. To uninstall the component plus the HDI container and repository database, use the following command:

xs uninstall XSAC_HANA_EA_D --delete-services

To delete the component but retain the HDI container and repository database, use the following command:

xs uninstall XSAC_HANA_EA_D

Uninstall the SAP HANA Client

Each installation has its own uninstallation tool. Use the hdbuninst command to uninstall the client software from your command prompt.

sudo <unzipped_filepath>/HDB_CLIENT_<version>/hdbuninst

Follow the onscreen instructions to uninstall the SAP HANA Client.

Installation fails with error Cannot load
You are installing SAP HANA 2.0, express edition on a Linux server using hdblcm . You receive this error:

Installation of SAP HANA Database failed.

Installation failed.
unhandled exception. Cannot load

You need to downgrade your OpenSSL to version 0.9.8.

libopenssl version 0.9.8 is provided in Legacy Module 12 x86_64 of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP1.

You need to be registered on the SUSE site before you can download the legacy module. If you havent already registered, you will be prompted to register
during the download.

1. Go to YaST > Add-on Product.

2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

2. Click the Add button.

3. Under Add-on Product, select Extensions and Modules from Registration Server.

If you havent registered already, register to continue.

4. From the Available Extensions and Modules list, select Legacy Module 12 x86_64.

5. Agree to the license terms and accept the remaining installation prompts.

6. Restart your Linux server.

7. Completely uninstall SAP HANA, express edition (including XSA, if installed).

8. Reinstall SAP HANA 2.0, express edition and restart.

HDB Daemon not Running

You are installing SAP HANA 2.0, express edition on a Linux server using hdblcm . You receive this error:

Cannot start system.

Start instance 00 on host failed.
FAIL: process hdbdaemon HDB Daemon not running.

1. Use zypper to check the util-linux , util-linux-systemd and uuidd packages to make sure they are at these versions:

zypper info util-linux util-linux-systemd uuidd

The results need to show that you have at least the following versions installed:
util-linux : util-linux-2.25-22.1
uuidd : uuidd-2.25-22
util-linux-systemd : 2.25-22.1

2. If you are missing any of the packages, or if the versions are outdated, install them using the zypper install command.

3. Check that socket activation is enabled and started. In a shell enter:

systemctl status uuidd.socket

4. If the status is inactive, start socket activation:

systemctl start uuidd.socket

SAP HANA XS Applications Run Error

You are trying to run a SAP HANA service on your SAP HANA 2.0, express edition installation and are receiving an error.

Log in to your SAP HANA 2.0, express edition installation as hxeadm .

sudo su -l <sid>adm

Check which services are enabled on your machine:

xs apps

This operation may take 1-2 minutes to return the list of apps. You should see the following:

If the service you're trying to use is shown as STOPPED , start it:

xs start <app>

It may take a few minutes for the system to get started. Run xs apps again to see if the app has started and that under instances the app shows 1/1 .

2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Download Manager shows error "Failed to concatenate downloaded files"
You are downloading packages using the Download Manager. The Status area and Progress Detail area show the error
Failed to concatenate downloaded files .

1. Check the log file for details. The log file is in the Temp directory:

Linux: /tmp/hxedm[yymmdd].log

Windows: %TEMP%\hxedm_[yymmdd].log

2. If the log indicates a simple issue such as lack of disk space or file permissions, fix the problem and download again.

3. If the problem is less obvious, do the following:

Go to the Save directory. Delete all downloaded files, including incomplete download files. Download again.


Change the Save directory. Download again.

2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

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