Fotografi Ios

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Images are much more than a simple record.

Photography speaks to the best and most generous

part of our human nature. Photography is an art that has been with us for a very long time. Ever
since the introduction of the pin hole camera many years ago to advance DSLR cameras.
Photography has undergone many transformations and the process is still on going on. With time.
Many ophthalmologists are interested in photography and for the first time at IOS- B, we are
inviting all registered delegates to submit digital photographs in 3 categories:

1. Nature
2. Clinical Eye Examination
3. Community Ophthalmology

The judges will shortlist the best pictures from these submissions for print and display during the

Guidelines for Submission

Number of Entries

Limited to one entry per category. Participants must be registered delegates of the International
Ophthalmology Symposium - Bali.

Size of Digital Image

All images must be in high resolution JPEG format (up to a maximum image size of 7MB) at a
minimum of 300 dpi.

Brief Description (not more than 50 words)

Please provide a brief description of what makes your picture unique.

Deadline for submission is extended to August 31st 2017.

If the image size is more than 7MB, you may experience difficulty in uploading them via our server.
Please send the photographs to us via WeTransfer to together with your
full name, title of photo, category and a brief description of what makes your picture unique.

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