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Chapter 1



Modern Technology has made it so much easier to obtain educational

information for classroom or homework assignments. It offers educational games

that stimulates the brain and help children who have difficulties focusing on

traditional teaching and learning procedures.

The communication media through the internet virtually dominate every

major activity of children and youth today, from play a leisure, family relations to

schooling, socialization to education, Indeed, media have become so powerful

that they can shape and influence the individuals attitudes, beliefs, values and


Internet has changed the human lives and it is not different for students.

School libraries are rarely used today because there are plenty of source

meterials online such as Britannica encyclopedia and many education sites when

you browse through different Internet sites.

Because of Internet It is easy for students to study the lesson in home. They

dont need to go to the library to search some Information that they want to know

or book that they want to read, One click and It will be easy to find or search from

the sites and blog from the Internet.


Regarding students who are obviously accepted as passionate users of

the Internet is mainly for social and entertainment purpose since the Internet

revolution is not just limited to finding information but also bringing people

together. However, It is very obvious that the Internet provides not only social

connection and entertainment, but also academic and scientific information as

well. Thus, It is vitally important to encourage students to use this invaluable

source to get any kind of information they need in their academic studies

because the development of the Internet would be meaningless if it is not use

appropriately in education. Therefore, new digital technologies have been widely

involved in higher education institutions as well as other section of the education

system all over the world [1] According to Park and Biddix, (2008) In additional,
Internet use has the potential to improve the quality of education , According to

Ciglaric et al., (1998) Charp, (2000) Laurillard, (1992). Charp (2000) also stated

that the Internet brought numerous positive changes to teachers and

instructors[3}, According to Dryli&Kinnaman (1996), the Internet enables students

to find Information as well as allowing them to think critically and creatively, to

become collaborative and cooperative workers and to solve the problems. [4]

Todays students, future scholars and knowledge workers, are required to

have the ability to reach the correct information, Finding the right information is

only one side of the core business of academics, As Nentwich (2003) stated the

other side is organizing, structuring and evaluating the information space. [5] At

this point , it is necessity to mention the three important Internet literacies defined

by Burgess (2006): (i) Critical Literacy a deep, socially contextualized, and


informed understanding of the Internet; (ii) Creative Literacy The ability to

experiment with the Internet in order to create and absorbing information; and (iii)

Network Literacy The ability and the impulse to effectively and ethically

manipulate a range of the Internet technologies to communicate and

collaboratively construct knowledge[6], According to Burgess. (2006).

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine The Use of Internet as an Aid for Academic Needs

of the Selected Senior High School Students of STI College Tanay.

1. Their opinion/ stand about the Internet as an AID for their Academic needs.

2. The helps of Internet to make the task in school easily in terms of assignment

and activity.

Significance of the Study

This study is important to the understanding of the following:

Students. This study will benefit the youth or the learners who are using Internet

and knowing what they will do to help Internet to their Academic needs.

Parents. The study also benefits the parents to easily understand the purpose of

their children of using Internet for their academic needs.

Teachers.This study also benefits the second parents in school in terms of

teaching the proper way of using Internet to their students and this also help

them to understand their pupils better in terms of using Internet for their school


Guidance Counselors. The result of this study may give the Guidance

Counselors a feedback as to the effects of Internet and the help of this to the

academic needs of the students.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study aims to determine The Use of Internet as an Aid for Academic Needs

of Senior High School Students of STI College Tanay.

The respondents were the GAS, ABM, HUMMS, IT, TO and Culinary Arts of

Senior High School in the said school selected through stratified simple random

sampling. This study used the researcher made an questionare-checklist as its

tool for gathering data.


Definition of Terms

Modern Technology. Is simply an advancement of old technology, the impact of

technology in modern life is unmeasureable, we use technology in different ways and

sometimes the way we implement various technologies ends up harming our lives or the

society we leave in.

AID. Help, assist, or support (someone or something) in the achievement of something.

Internet. A global computer network providing a variety of information and

communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized

communication protocols.

Education. Is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills

values, beliefs, and habits.

Academics. A teacher or scholar in a college or institute of higher education.

Information. Facts provided or learned about something or someone.

Network. A group or system of interconnected people or things.



Park , H. W., Biddix, J, P, (2008). Digital media education for Korea youth. Int. Inf.Lib,

Rev, 40(2), 104-11

Burgess, J, (2006). Blogging to learn, learning to blog: In Bruns, A., Jacobs, J. (eds).

(2006). Uses of Blogs. 104-114: Peter Lang, New York.

Charp, S. (2000). The millenium classroom. T.H.E. Journal, 27 (10), 10-12 and Laurillad, D.

(1992). Learning though collaborative computer simulation, British Journal of

Educational Technology, 23 (30, 164-171).

Dryli, O, E., & Kinnaman, D.E. (1996). Part 2: Energizing the classroom curriculum

through telecommunications. Technology and Learning NazanDogruer et al. /Procedia-

Social and Behavioral Sciences 28 (2011) 606-611.

Nentwich, M. (2003). Cyberscience-Research in the age of Internet. Austrian Academy

of Science Press, Vienna.


Chapter 2


This chapter deals with the subject of the study, setting of the study,

sources of data, procedure of the study.

Setting of the Study

The study was conducted at STI College Tanay Campus. The school is

located at Manila East Road Barangay TandangKutyo.

The STI College Tanay Campus was located at Barangay Plaza Aldea and

formerly known as STI Education Center, founded by Neil Cristopher Bernardo.

The capacity of students is tree hundred (300), and the activity that they do

before is few than now that the STI College Tanay is located in Barangay

TandangKutyo and the capacity is higher than before.

STI College Tanay Campus has teachers who committed to the

development of god loving, obedient, respectful, value laden, nationalistic

individuals who are responsible to the needs of the community.

Subject of the Study

The subject of the study were the selected senior high school students of

STI College Tanay Campus, S.Y 2016-2017.

Each strand in senior high school represented three to four (3) to (4)

students for a total of twenty (20) respondents out of six hundred sixteen (616)

total number of enrollees in Senior High school. Each section of every strand

were represented by two to three (3) to (4) students which names randomly

picked by the researchers using fishbowl technique.

Source of the Study

To gather data and assess the level of acceptability of the developed

workbook in Literary Criticism, the researchers used a questionnaire-checklist,

modified by the researchers and validated by their Practical Research I teacher.

The researcher made a questionnaire-checklist which composed of two

parts: Part I consist of the profile of the respondents in terms of gender, age,

Grade Level and section. Part II deals with the questionnaire proper which

consist of statements with respect to objectives, contents, clarity, usefulness,

suitability and adequacy as perceived by the respondents. The given aspects

determine The Use of Internet as an AID for academic needs of students of STI

College Tanay.

Procedure of the Study

After asking the permission of the subject teacher and the students, the

questionnaire were administrated by the researcher per strand and section.

Informal interview was conducted among the students during their break time to

obtain information that may be used to augment or supplement the data


Chapter 3


This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis, and

interpretation of data.

Table 1

Respondents in Terms of Age

Age f % R
16-17 17 85% 1
18-19 3 15% 2
Total: 20 100%

Table 1 shows the frequency, percentage and rank distribution of the

respondents in terms of age.

It is reflected that those 16-17 years old ranked first with the frequency of

17 or 85 percent and those 18-19 years old ranked second with the frequency of

3 or 15 percent.

This signifies that most of the senior high school students of STI College

Tanay Campus are already in the teenage years wherein a lot of changes

happen. As cited by Ebanuwa Okoh (2010) age is considered one of the

independent variable that may likely affect the academic performance of the

students. Age of the individual, as it increases, usually affects various

developmental changes.

Table 2

Respondents in Terms of Sex

Sex f % R
Male 6 30% 2
Female 14 70% 1
Total: 20 100%

Table 2 shows the frequency, percentage and rank distribution of the

respondents in terms of sex.

As presented in the table, female senior high school students are first in

the rank with the frequency of 14 or 70 percent, followed by the male senior high

school students with the frequency of 6 30 percent.

According to Amitava Raychaudhuri, et. al (2010) study, which states that

numerous studies have been done to identify those factors which are affecting

students academic performance. The students academic performance depends

on a number of socio-economic factors like students attendance in the class,

family income, mothers and fathers education, teacher-student ratio, presence

of trained teacher in school, sex of the student, and distance of schools.It also

shows the different types of sex in one-classroom influences each everyones

different perspective and their way of thinking,

Table 3

Respondents in place where internet was accessed


Place f % R
Internet Cafe 2 10% 3
Home 11 55% 1
School 7 35% 2
Total: 20 100%

Table 3 shows the frequency, percentage and rank distribution of the

respondents in terms of place where internet was accessed.

As shown in the table, Home of place accessed the internet of senior high

school students in STI College Tanay Campus ranked first with a frequency of 11

or 55 percent, School ranked second with a frequency of 7 or 35 percent and

Internet caf ranked third with a frequency of 2 or 10 percent.

Table 4

Respondents in answering the statement

1.I use Internet for searching additional information about our lesson in school.

Yes 19 95%
No 1 5%

2. The Internet helps to make my task and assignment easier to accomplish.

Yes 20 100%
No 0 0%

3. I use the Internet in communicating with my classmates and teachers for

school purposes.

Yes 19 95%

No 1 5%

4. I am provided with more activities which help me practice our lesson using the

Internet through our Elms account.

Yes 20 100%
No 0 0%

Notes Ebanuwa Okoh (2010)

67.pdf Amitava Raychaudhuri, et. al (2010)


Chapter 4


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion and


Summary of Findings

1. Profile of the Respondents

a. In terms of age, those 16-17 years old ranked first with the

frequency of 17 or 85 percent and those 18-19 years old ranked

second with the frequency of 3 or 15 percent.


b. In terms of sex, female senior high school students are first in the

ranked with the frequency of 14 or 70 percent, followed by the male

senior high school students with the frequency of 6 30 percent.

c. In terms of place where Internet was accessed, Home of place

accessed the internet of senior high school students in STI College

Tanay Campus ranked first with a frequency of 11 or 55 percent,

School ranked second with a frequency of 7 or 35 percent and

Internet caf ranked third with a frequency of 2 or 10 percent.

2. Respondents in answering the statement

1. In the statement, I use Internet for searching additional information about

our lesson in school. The 19 or 95 percent of students answered yes and

1 or 5 percent of student answer no.

2. In the statement, The Internet helps to make my task and assignment

easier to accomplish. All of the respondents answered yes.

3. In the statement, I use the Internet in communicating with my classmates

and teachers for school purposes. The 19 or 95 percent of students

answered yes and 1 or 5 percent of student answer no.

4. I am provided with more activities which help me practice our lesson using

the Internet through our Elms account. All of the respondents answered



From the summary of findings:

1. There are more respondents accessed Internet in Home.

2. The respondents occasionally use the Internet for searching additional

information about the lesson in school.

3. There are more students says that Internet helps to make their task and

assignment easier to accomplish.

4. The respondents used Internet in communicating with their classmates

and teachers for school purposes.

5. The students provided with more activities which help them to practice

their lesson using the Internet through their Elms account.


The following recommendations are hereby offered.

1. Guide the students on the positive use of the Internet.

2. Provide other avenues and physical activities for the students to express

their talent and skills.

3. Advice parents to the proper Internet guide such as, monitoring closely

their children the time they spent on the Internet at home and guide their

children develop a good study habit; and keeping the computer in a public

place in their home.


4. The researchers recommend an orientation among the students about use

of Internet for their academic needs.


Computer/Internet Ebanuwa Okoh (2010)

67.pdf Amitava Raychaudhuri, et. al (2010)


Park , H. W., Biddix, J, P, (2008). Digital media education for Korea youth. Int. Inf.Lib,

Rev, 40(2), 104-11


Burgess, J, (2006). Blogging to learn, learning to blog: In Bruns, A., Jacobs, J. (eds).

(2006). Uses of Blogs. 104-114: Peter Lang, New York.

Charp, S. (2000). The millenium classroom. T.H.E. Journal, 27 (10), 10-12 and Laurillad, D.

(1992). Learning though collaborative computer simulation, British Journal of

Educational Technology, 23 (30, 164-171).

Dryli, O, E., & Kinnaman, D.E. (1996). Part 2: Energizing the classroom curriculum

through telecommunications. Technology and Learning NazanDogruer et al. /Procedia-

Social and Behavioral Sciences 28 (2011) 606-611.

Nentwich, M. (2003). Cyberscience-Research in the age of Internet. Austrian Academy

of Science Press, Vienna.

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