Anderson Road 2017 Winter

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A seasonal paper from Holy Apostles Church, Sunshine.

Winter 2017.

Letter from Fr Philip
and Getting more out of the Bible
Silver Jubilee
Sherry in the Atrium
New website
Benetas in Church

Holy Apostles Church, Sunshine. 100 Anderson Road, Sunshine, Victoria, 3020, Australia
From Father Philip
The Apostles said to the Lord increase our faith! (Luke 17:15).
These words greet visitors to our new website. Words which we
ourselves could very easily say to Our Lord. Increase our faith!

As a parish community it is vital that we look at opportunities to

increase our faith just as much as reaching out in mission. Already
we have new opportunities to worship and build our faith. On the
fourth Thursday of every month we now have Holy Hour at 6.00
pm. In this time of worship we spend time in the presence of Jesus
ANDERSON ROAD in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. We join in saying Evening
A SEASONAL PAPER FROM Prayer and have a time of silent prayer, finally receiving the
blessing of Jesus in the Sacrament. For those who are able to stay
This is the first edition of on we continue with a joyful sharing of food and drink in the
Anderson Road and hopefully it
atrium. The next ones will be on the 27th July, 24th August and
will become a regular and
28th September.
growing feature of our
communication in the Parish. The We have also started a series of study groups. Instead of having a
next edition will be our Spring Bible Study on the same day and the same time throughout the
one in October. year, we are going to hold short bursts of groups, changing days
If you have items to include and times to enable different people to join in. Our first series was
in the next copy please let Father a course led (via video) by the Archbishop of Canterbury on
Philip have them by late Getting more out of the Bible. It was a good introduction to
September. enable us to think about why we have such courses and what we
It would be good to have hope to gain from them.
photos of events which take place
in the parish as well, so please For those on Facebook you may notice over the next few weeks
also include these if you can. that I have started to live stream Morning and Evening Prayer
sometimes when I am in Church, as well as the mid-week Mass. In
Benetas in Church this way I hope that those who are housebound (not just from our
On Tuesday 11th July the Ladies from own parish) may take part in the worship of the Church.
Benetas Day Respite, who meet at Holy
Our new website provides a welcome portal for the online visitor.
Apostles, spent time in Church to look
Our rationalising the times of Sunday Mass (8.00 am, 10.00 am and
around and learn more about the
building. With music playing, candles
12 Noon Dinka every Sunday) makes it easier to make an invitation
and incense burning, they enjoyed to people to come and see and, we hope, increase their faith.
finding out more about our wonderful
Father Philip
worship space. The time concluded
Email: Telephone: 03 9311 6594
with a blessing before they invited
Father Philip back to enjoy Roast
Turkey for their Christmas in July!

Anderson Road

No, we dont have new doors at the

Church, but we do have a new
doorway! In June Fr Philip blessed
our new website and all those who
will come through it. Despite much
searching, he could not find a formal
blessing of a website, but it seemed
appropriate to adapt the blessing of
a Church door, as a website is often
the first entry many people make ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT SERVICES
into a Church today.
If you have not checked out the
website it is well worth a visit. It Wednesday 5th July saw the Silver Jubilee of Father Philips Ordination to
the Priesthood. Father Philip was ordained Deacon on the 29th June 1991
includes a video message from Fr (the Solemnity of Saint Peter and Saint Paul) in Salisbury Cathedral,
Philip as well as basic details about England. A year later on the 5th July he was ordained priest.
who we are and what we do It is a tradition that on each anniversary a priest says a Mass in
(especially Anglicare Victoria, thanksgiving. The Collect Prayer which is provided says: Holy Father, who,
Benetas and our Op Shop). by no merit of my own, chose me for communion with the eternal
priesthood of your Christ and for the ministry of your Church, grant that I
Designed to be simple to use and may be an ardent yet gentle preacher of the Gospel and a faithful steward
not weighed down with too much of your mysteries. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and
reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
information, we hope it gives an
introduction to our Church and
Understandably it was not possible for people from Fr Philips former
invites people to Come and see! placements in the UK and in Hong Kong to be present. However the Church was full with parishioners from: Holy Apostles; Fitzroy and Benalla
as well as: people from Merri Outreach Support Services Ltd and the
Council of Christians and Jews Victoria (Fr Philip is on the Board of both);
the Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem; the Society of the Holy Cross; St
Pauls Cathedral; the Diocese of Wangaratta and the Diocese of The
Murray; Benetas and Anglicare Victoria.
The preacher was Bishop Lindsay Urwin OGS, who is the Vicar of Christ
Church, Brunswick. Bishop Lindsay has known Fr Philip before Fr Philip
was ordained and before Lindsay was a Bishop!
With friends present from the Council of Christians and Jews, Fr Philip had
arranged a Champagne Kosher reception in the atrium afterwards. The
evening continued with wonderful food, delightful Champagne and
excellent conversation.
More photos can be found on the parish website (go to the Photo Album in the menu).

Anderson Road
Put Wednesday 2nd August in your diary!
At 5.15 pm come along and join Fr Philip
for Sherry in the Atrium (or a soft drink or
wine if you prefer!) For those who come
earlier you can join in Evening Prayer at
5.00 pm.
Over a glass of Sherry there will be
an opportunity to talk about what is going
on in the world and how we, as Christians,
can respond to things or how we might
begin to think about things.
This may be a regular event on the
first Wednesday of each month, but only if
you come along and make it worthwhile!
We will be finished by 6.30 pm at the
latest. All are welcome. Why not invite
friends who are associated to the Church
and even those who are not even
connected to the Church?

Anderson Road


100 Anderson Road, Sunshine
Victoria 3020

8.00 am MASS (English)
10.00 am SUNG MASS (English)
12.00 pm SUNG MASS (Dinka) Photos pgs 1, 2 and 3 James Banko Photography
Anderson Road is Holy Apostles Church
ABN 84 527 530 544

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