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LifeChanged Truth Ascended Master St. Germain TRUTH REIKI Manual

TruthAscended Master St. Germain TRUTHREIKI . Reintroduced from the original creator of Truth TRUTHREIKI , TruthAscended Master St. Germain
The original form of TRUTHREIKI when it was first introduced to this Universe. Offered in cooperation with the clients TruthHigherMindSelfPower ensuring healing session and MasterTeacher AttunementsInitiations perfection every time. Original Version: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 Current Version: 5/24/2013 8:24:00 PM

2 3 4 5 6 7 TruthAscended Master St. Germain TRUTHREIKI . Reintroduced from the original creator of Truth TRUTHREIKI , TruthAscended Master St. Germain The original form of TRUTHREIKI when it was first introduced to this Universe. Offered in cooperation with the clients TruthHigherMindSelfPower ensuring healing session and MasterTeacher AttunementsInitiations perfection every time.

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Table of Contents
LifeChanged TruthAscended Master St. Germain TRUTHREIKI .................................. 3 This NonTraditional TRUTHREIKI Manual Is Created With These Beliefs In Mind & Heart .. 4 FREE MasterTeacher Manual And FRAMEABLE TRUTHREIKI CERTIFICATES Links .............. 5 IMPORTANT REQUIRED Please read: Why TRUTHREIKI? ............................................ 6 This Is MY Attempt To Correct An Error In MY Offering of TRUTHREIKI . ....................... 6 Why putting TRUTH in front of a spiritual question guarantees the TRUE answer? ......... 7 Example: ME Getting the TRUTH from an unknown Spiritual being\entity. .................. 8 I Quickly learn this MANUAL with LifeChanged QuiKnowing ..................................... 9 MasterTeacher Quick Start Methods Begin Healing NOW! ......................................... 10 LifeChanged TRUTHREIKI Quik Start 1 MY TRUTHREIKI Main Intentions ................... 10 LifeChanged TRUTHREIKI Quik Start 2Truth-St Germain TRUTH-REIKI Pre-Session Meditation ............................................................................................... 11 LifeChanged TRUTHREIKI Quik Start 3ACTIVATING MYSELF with MY TRUTHREIKI to heal MYSELF and OTHERS for TRUTHREIKI Healing ..................................................... 12 LifeChanged TRUTHREIKI Quik Start 4HEALING MYSELF ...................................... 13 LifeChanged TRUTHREIKI Quik Start 5HEALING OTHERS ..................................... 14 LifeChanged TRUTHREIKI Quik Start 6HEALING\CLEARING\PURIFYING LOCATIONS ....... 15 LifeChanged TRUTHREIKI Quik Start 7Attuning| Intiating Myself & Others ................ 16 MasterTeacher Additions Quick Start Methods: Adding to TRUTH-REIKI NOW! ................. 18 LifeChanged TRUTHREIKI Addition Quik Start 1Adding Flower Essences to TRUTH-REIKI 18 LifeChanged TRUTHREIKI Addition Quik Start 2Adding TRUTHMahatma Energy to MY TRUTH-REIKI ............................................................................................. 19 LifeChanged TRUTHREIKI Addition Quik Start 3Adding TRUTHDragon Energy to MY TRUTH-REIKI ............................................................................................. 20 Page 1 of 26

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 What is TRUTHDragon Energy? ....................................................................... 21 Appendix A: Resources.................................................................................... 24 Beloved Saint Germain: We in the Ascended State can control the atomic structure of our world as a potter controls his clay. .................................................................. 24

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Ascended Master St. Germain


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This NonTraditional TRUTHREIKI Manual Is Created With These Beliefs In Mind & Heart
Sometimes The Most Effective Souls Are Those Who Naturally Carve Out A New Path With Purely Permission & Guidance From Inside, Above & An Egoless Approach. Energy Can Go Over Any Distance So NonTraditional TRUTHREIKI Has Both In Person & Long Distance MasterTeacher Initiation MasterTeacher Attunements All Can Work With The Other Side Or Healing Energies. Its A Sad Fact That Some Believe Others Are Only Valid If They Follow A Path Already Worn Out By Many Feet. All Do Not Need Permission From Any Organization, Religion, Government, Expert, Human (Past Or Present). All Do Not Have To Gain Specific Man Made Organization, Religion, Government, Expert, 'Qualifications'. This Is NonTraditional TRUTHREIKI Because Most Who Use This Manual Have Been Initiated\Attuned By MasterTeachers Long Distance. Traditional TRUTHREIKI Uses In Person MasterTeacher Initiation MasterTeacher Attunements I Activate TRUTHREIKI To UseCreate It Error! Bookmark not defined. I AM The Divine (THMSP) TruthHigherMindSelfPower Conduit, Channel, Intender I With MY (THMSP) TruthHigherMindSelfPower I Intend, Activate Which TRUTHREIKI Symbol Or TRUTHREIKI Type Or Any Combinations I Activate TRUTHREIKI With Intention Of The Highest Benefit, Good, WellBeing For All Involved I And Their (THMSP) TruthHigherMindSelfPower Create TRUTHREIKI Together Perfect For Them

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Click this Link Here for the manual and certificates: ManualandCertificatesofInitiationsAttunementsVersion3 Print and\or download your FREE MasterTeacher Detailed Manual and FRAMEABLE TRUTHREIKI CERTIFICATE Before or after Your MasterTeacher Attunements For Download I must create a login account at To View The Documents On Your PC I Need The FREE Adobe Reader Here:

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This Is MY Attempt To Correct An Error In MY Offering of TRUTHREIKI .
PROBLEM: I recently learned that some Reiki Symbols & Types have been corrupted, modified with negative intent, from the original TruthDivine intent of their original.

RESULT: I know I AM Activating| Intending ONLY the true, original, positive intent, highest light, for any Reiki Symbol, Type, Energy

SOLUTION: Before Activating| Intending any Reiki Symbol, Type I put "TRUTH" before it.


MY TRUTHReiki Activation

ME Directly requesting TRUTH for ALL of MY REIKI

MY TRUTHReiki Energies

MY TRUTHReiki Intention

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Why putting TRUTH in front of a spiritual question guarantees the TRUE answer?

The "Light" & "Dark" Truth Cosmic Accord

"Light" & "Dark" Entities cannot directly influence Humanity. Whenever a Human directly asks for the Truth, the Entity must answer with the truth. Whenever a Human does not directly ask for the truth, the truth does not have to be given.



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Example: ME Getting the TRUTH from an unknown Spiritual being\entity.

"TRUTH" are YOU of MY TRUTH HIgher Power Light?

"Light" never lies, "Dark" does, but the "Dark" has to respond with truth because I directly demand the truth.

"Light" always answers "YES"

"Dark" always answers "NO" OR IS SILENT. SILENT IS NO.


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I can share this method with others but please give me credit! Reverend Zarchian, WWW.IAMLIFECHANGED.COM I Intend the entire manual into MY LifeChanged WholelBeing, TotalBeing, MentalBeing, SubSuperConsciousBeing

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I Say Out Loud Or To MYSELF I AM LifeChanged Quiknowing this Document

I Focus On The Top Middle Of The PageDocument I Want To Life Changed Quiknowso I I Can View The Words Clearly

Still Viewing The Words Clearly I Scan Down The Middle Of The Page Document Intending All Information Easily Into MY TotalBeing, MentalBeing, SubsuperconsciousBeing For Easy Total Recall, Application And Use

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Here Are Some Methods To Create TRUTHREIKI Immediately After MY MasterTeacher Attunements

LifeChanged TRUTHREIKI Quik Start 1 MY TRUTHREIKI Main Intentions

I AM The TRUTHDivine Higher Power Conduit, Channel, Intender

I With MY And The Clients TruthHigherSelfPower Intend, Activate TRUTH REIKI

I Activate TRUTHREIKI To UseCreate It I Activate TRUTHREIKI With Intention Of The Highest Benefit, Good, WellBeing For All Involved

MY And THEIR TruthHigher SelfPower Create TRUTH REIKI Together Perfect For Them


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LifeChanged TRUTHREIKI Quik Start 2Truth-St Germain TRUTH-REIKI PreSession Meditation

1) I Say Out Loud Or To MYSELF: a) "I now joyously accept the fullness of the TRUTH-REIKI Light , MY Truth-Higher-Power. I AM THAT I AM. b) I feel the great brilliance of TRUTH-REIKI Light and intensify it into every part of MY Being, Known and Unknwown. I AM THAT I AM. 2) I Picture and feel MY body enveloped in MY Glittering {MY Colors Here} TRUTH-REIKI Light. 3) I Know and feel intensely MY connection with MY TRUTH-REIKI Light and MY Truth-HigherPower Within. 4) I AM Visualizing MY Sparkling {MY Colors Here} TRUTH-REIKI Light Flowing Down: a) From My Soul Star Chakra: 12 inches above my head connecting me to MY TRUTHDivine Father b) Down to My Earth Star Chakra: 12 inches below my feet connecting me to MY TRUTHDivine Mother 5) I AM Imagining MY Magnificent {MY Colors Here} TRUTH-REIKI Light Flowing Up: a) From My Earth Star Chakra: 12 inches below my feet connecting me to MY TRUTHDivine Mother b) To My Soul Star Chakra: 12 inches above my head connecting me to MY TRUTH-Divine Father 6) I Say Out Loud Or To MYSELF: a) "I Am an eternal Creator TRUTH-REIKI Light. I AM THAT I AM. b) I live forever in MY TRUTH-REIKI Light. I AM THAT I AM. c) I everlastingly love MY TRUTH-REIKI Light. I AM THAT I AM. d) I joyfullly continually serve MY TRUTH-REIKI Light. I AM THAT I AM. e) I am infinitely connected, protected, illumed, supplied and sustained f) by MY TRUTH-REIKI Light and I bless the TRUTH-REIKI Light. I AM THAT I AM."

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I Quickly learn this MANUAL with LifeChanged QuiKnowingon page 6

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I AM ACTIVATING MY TRUTHREIKI Known And Unknown With MY Truth{Higher Self} {Higher Power}, I AM THAT I AM! Thank YOU!. MY Truth{Higher Power}Whatever I Call MY TruthHigher Power? MY Truth{Higher Self}Whatever I Call MY TruthHigher Self?

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I Quickly learn this MANUAL with LifeChanged QuiKnowingon page 6 I create the LifeChanged TRUTHREIKI Quik Start 2Truth-St Germain TRUTH-REIKI PreSession Meditationon page 11 I AM ACTIVATING MY TRUTHREIKI Known And Unknown With MY Truth {Higher Self} {Higher Power}, I AM THAT I AM! Thank YOU!. I AM A Perfect Instrument For TRUTHREIKI Healing With MY Truth {Higher Self} {Higher Power}, I AM THAT I AM! Thank YOU!.

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I AM, For All Known And Unknown Concerning MYself And TruthReiki, ACTIVATING All TRUTHREIKI I AM THAT I AM, THANK YOU! I AM All MY TRUTHREIKIFor MY Healing, Thank YOU!.

I create the Truth-St Germain TRUTH-REIKI Pre-Session Meditation I AM Following MY Truth{Higher SelfPower} Inner Assistance On Where To Place MY Truth{Higher Self} {Higher Power} Love, Intentions, Hands, Heart, Love, Focus, Compassion, Forgiveness.

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I Quickly learn this MANUAL with LifeChanged QuiKnowingon page 6 I create the LifeChanged TRUTHREIKI Quik Start 2Truth-St Germain TRUTH-REIKI PreSession Meditationon page 11
I AM ACTIVATING MY TRUTHREIKI Known And Unknown With MY Truth{Higher Self} {Higher Power}, I AM THAT I AM! Thank YOU!. I AM A Perfect Instrument For TRUTHREIKI Healing With MY Truth{Higher Self} {Higher Power}, AND MY CLIENTS Truth{Higher Self} {Higher Power}, I AM THAT I AM! Thank YOU!.

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I AM, For All Known And Unknown Concerning MYself And TruthReiki, ACTIVATING All TRUTHREIKI I AM THAT I AM, THANK YOU! I AM All MY TRUTHREIKIFor THIS Healing, Thank YOU!. I create the Truth-St Germain TRUTH-REIKI Pre-Session Meditation

I AM Following MY Truth{Higher SelfPower} Inner Assistance On Where To Place MY Truth{Higher Self} {Higher Power} Love, Intentions, Hands, Heart, Love, Focus, Compassion, Forgiveness.


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I Quickly learn this MANUAL with LifeChanged QuiKnowingon page 6 I create the LifeChanged TRUTHREIKI Quik Start 2Truth-St Germain TRUTH-REIKI PreSession Meditationon page 11
I AM ACTIVATING MY TRUTHREIKI Known And Unknown With MY Truth{Higher Self} {Higher Power}, I AM THAT I AM! Thank YOU!. I AM A Perfect HEALING\CLEARING\PURIFYING Instrument For TRUTHREIKI Healing With MY Truth{Higher Self} {Higher Power}, AND MY CLIENTS LOCATION Truth{Higher Self} {Higher Power}, I AM THAT I AM! Thank YOU!.

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I AM, For All Known And Unknown Concerning MYself And TruthReiki, ACTIVATING All TRUTHREIKI I AM THAT I AM, THANK YOU! I AM All MY TRUTHREIKIFor THIS HEALING\CLEARING\PURIFYING, Thank YOU!. I create the Truth-St Germain TRUTH-REIKI Pre-Session Meditation

I AM Following MY Truth{Higher SelfPower} Inner Assistance On Where To Place MY Truth{Higher Self} {Higher Power} And MY CLIENTS LOCATION Truth{Higher Self} {Higher Power} Love, Intentions, Heart, Love, Focus, Compassion, Forgiveness.

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171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 I can re-attune MYSELF with this also. STEP 1. I create the LifeChanged TRUTHREIKI Quik Start 2Truth-St Germain TRUTHREIKI Pre-Session Meditationon page 11 STEP 2. I AM always clearing| healing| shielding| protecting

LifeChanged TRUTHREIKI Quik Start 7Attuning| Intiating Myself & Others

a. MYSELF b. and the area c. before I OFFER any TRUTHAscended Master Saint Germain TRUTHREIKI MasterTeacher Initiations| Attunements | Activations| Clearings d. STEP 3. either person to person or long distance. I AM Saying| Imagining| Visualizing all below out loud or to MYSELF.

a. I AM Saying| Imagining| Visualizing [Column 1] b. I AM Saying| Imagining| Visualizing [Column 2] c. I AM Saying| Imagining| Visualizing [Column 3]

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[Column 1] MY Intentions [Column 2] MY TRUTHREIKI MasterTeacher Initiations| Attunements | Activations| Clearings With BOTH MY And Attunees (THMSP) TruthHigher MindSelfPower Assistance I AM Activating With BOTH MY And Attunees (THMSP) TruthHigher MindSelfPowers Assistance for perfect, Comfortable TRUTHAscended Master Saint Germain TRUTHREIKI Master Teacher Initiations| Attunements | Activations| Clearings in a loving, comfortable and gentle way. [Column 3] MasterTeacher Initiations| Attunements | Activations| Clearings Steps With Assistance From BOTH MY And Attunees (THMSP) Truth HigherMindSelfPower I AM ACTIVATING Intending, Requesting, All TRUTHAscended Master Saint Germain TRUTHREIKI MasterTeacher Initiations| Attunements | Activations| Clearings For Attunee. I AM Easily Creating for Attunees All of the TRUTHAscended Master Saint Germain TRUTHREIKI abilities so Attunee can enjoyably easily offer it as a TRUTHAscended Master Saint Germain TRUTHREIKI Conduit for : Animals Beings Distant Healing PastPresentFuture Healing Multidimensional Healing Entities Groups Individuals InPerson Objects People Places Themself Things

I AM Activating Intending, Requesting, TRUTHAscended Master Saint Germain TRUTHREIKI With TRUTHAscended Master Saint Germain & BOTH MY And Attunees (THMSP) TruthHigherMind SelfPowers

1) I AM TRUTHAscended Master Saint Germain TRUTHREIKI Master Teacher Initiating| Attuning | Activating| Clearing a) Attunee b) This c) Object

d) Place e) Thing

As a TRUTHAscended Master Saint Germain TRUTHREIKI Channel

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Here Are Some Methods To Create additions TRUTHREIKI Immediately After MY Master Teacher Attunements

LifeChanged TRUTHREIKI Addition Quik Start 1Adding Flower Essences to TRUTH-REIKI

MY TRUTHSt Germain Reiki TRUTHFlower Essence Deva Invocations for TRUTHReiki Healings 1. I AM TRUTHSt Germain Reiki Energizing my TRUTHFlower Essence with the TRUTHFlower Essence Deva and MY TRUTH{Higher Mind} and\or {Higher Self} and\or {Higher Power}. 2. to magnify, intensify all that is of MY TRUTHFlower Essence. 3. I AM REQUESTING {MY Words Here}, 4. easy, quick, complete adamantine particle and all types of transformations and healings for all that is, 5. past-present-future, all dimensions, known and unknown, 6. for this TRUTH St Germain REIKI {session, intention, activation, request, site or object clearing}, 7. Thank You. EXAMPLE: MY TRUTHSt Germain Reiki TRUTHCrab Apple Flower Essence Deva Invocations for TRUTHReiki Healings 1. I AM TRUTHSt Germain Reiki Energizing my TRUTHCrab Apple Flower Essence with the TRUTHCrab Apple Flower Essence Deva and MY TRUTH{Higher Mind} and\or {Higher Self} and\or {Higher Power}. 2. to magnify, intensify all that is of MY TRUTHCrab Apple Flower Essence 3. I AM REQUESTING {MY Words Here}, 4. easy, quick, complete adamantine particle and all types of transformations and healings for all that is, 5. past-present-future, all dimensions, known and unknown, 6. for this TRUTH St Germain REIKI {session, intention, activation, request, site or object clearing}, 7. Thank You.

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LifeChanged TRUTHREIKI Addition Quik Start 2Adding TRUTHMahatma Energy to MY TRUTH-REIKI

What is the Mahatma energy?: The Mahatma energy is the purest vibration of Love straight from the heart of the Source of all that is. I Quickly learn this MANUAL with LifeChanged QuiKnowingon page 6
I AM TRUTHST. GERMAIN REIKI and TRUTH-MAHTAMAKnown And Unknown I AM THAT I AM, Thank YOU! I AM A Perfect Instrument For TRUTHREIKI Healing With MY Truth{Higher Self} {Higher Power}, I AM THAT I AM! Thank YOU!. Truth{Higher Power}Whatever I Call MYTruthHigher Power? Truth{Higher Self}Whatever I Call MYTruthHigher Self?

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I AM, For All Known And Unknown Concerning MYself And TruthReiki, ACTIVATING All TRUTHREIKI I AM THAT I AM, THANK YOU! I AM For MY Healing, With MY Truth{Higher Self}, Truth{Higher Power}, Thank YOU!.

I AM Following MY Truth{Higher SelfPower} Inner Assistance On Where To Place MY Truth {Higher Self} {Higher Power} Love, Intentions, Hands, Heart, Love, Focus, Compassion, Forgiveness.

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LifeChanged TRUTHREIKI Addition Quik Start 3Adding TRUTHDragon Energy to MY TRUTH-REIKI

I Quickly learn this MANUAL with LifeChanged QuiKnowingon page 6
I AM TRUTH-Ste. Germain REIKI with TRUTH-Dragon Energies Known And Unknown I AM THAT I AM, Thank YOU! I AM A Perfect Instrument For TRUTH-Ste. Germain Reiki with TRUTH-Dragon Energies With MY Truth{Higher Self} {Higher Power}, I AM THAT I AM! Thank YOU!. Truth{Higher Power}Whatever I Call MYTruthHigher Power? Truth{Higher Self}Whatever I Call MYTruthHigher Self?

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I AM, For All Known And Unknown Concerning MYself And TRUTHSte. Germain Reiki with TRUTH-Dragon Energies i, ACTIVATING All TRUTH-Ste. Germain Reiki with TRUTH-Dragon Energies I AM THAT I AM, THANK YOU! I AM For MY Healing, With MY Truth{Higher Self}, Truth{Higher Power}, Thank YOU!.

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What is TRUTHDragon Energy?

Greetings from Herak/Sirius 20121102 Dragon Realms update 1st Nov 2012 Written By: jisecar November 2, 2012 Posted In: Channelings E- L Greetings from Herak/Sirius

241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 Channeler: Karen Doonan Beloved ones we are here with you as you now work to release the lower energetic imprints upon the planet. Planet earth is now cleansing and clearing at deepening levels and we are here to protect your energy signatures as you now face that which has kept you in the lower dimensional realms for aeons. Each single human being upon the planet is now stepping into the light that they are in TRUTH. The responsibility for the actions of SELF must now be anchored and fully understood. The integration of more light upon the planet may affect what is termed your resonance. Let us explain further about resonance. As the planet increases in vibration and is physically able to hold and anchor more light then the human race who live upon and within the planet begin to adjust their energy signatures. It may be that over the past few waking days you have moved into a space that does not somehow feel real for you, you may have moved into a space that feels as if you are somehow different. Does your physical body now feel different? do you feel heavier? lighter? wider? thinner? these are all results of the holding of more light within your energetic signature. As planet earth now begins to anchor and to find balance then you too must begin to work to find balance. Many may fall to the teachings of distortion around the human body and illness and we are here to guide strongly that the symptoms experienced on planet earth just now are the result of resonance. As the planet begins to find harmony then the human Page 21 of 26

261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 vehicles will begin to recalibrate and to find inner harmony, this will result in a more full energy signature and an increase in many of the abilities that you are born with but are taught to ignore and to dampen down. It may be that you find yourself able to clearly know what another is thinking and about to do on a level that you have never experienced before in this human form within this human life experience. We ask that you begin to anchor and to accept that you are no longer the human race as was and that you are now moving beyond where the human vehicles have been ABLE to go previously. All of this has been denied to you and may feel challenging as you now begin to flex muscles as it were that you have not used before. We guide strongly for you to rest and find quiet time by going within as you begin to understand that which has kept you in the dark for so long. For as your skills and your abilities begin to increase then the knowledge that is at the core of your being will begin to filter through into your waking consciousness. We are the dragon realms and we are here as guardians to the energy signatures of the human race, a race once kept low in vibration and controlled and manipulated but now that walks free. Freedom may appear at first in your waking reality as chaos as you begin to create your human life experience from a different place, that is the heart. The teachings may appear to be real, they may appear to be the actual fabric of your existence but we guide strongly that this is not the case, the smoke and mirrors will show themselves for the disinformation that they are in TRUTH. All that now dissolves was never truth it was a context into which you were taught to apply your whole existence. Events will now occur within your waking life that will show you clearly how far you have moved in vibration. We guide for you to TRUST and have FAITH in SELF as you now begin to change your life experience and begin to reach for the dream that has lain dormant within your heart space for the HEART KNOWS TRUTH and the heart is the creation space for ALL THAT IS. KNOW that the decisions and the experiences that you have had in your waking life so far were based on a energetic pattern that was deliberately created FOR you in order to contain you. Now the earth has a different energetic signature and this will build and anchor each moment. As a result the human race now has a different energetic signature and this will be shown to you in your waking reality. THOUGHTS create reality, it may take some time for you to be comfortable with the level of manifestation of thoughts that you are able to achieve. We guide strongly that anything you create that is not created from the heart will now dissolve and we ask for you to anchor and accept this TRUTH. Systems will fall, regimes will fall, ways of living and being will fall and underneath them you will find a bright light, a light that has always been there but has been hidden in plain view. That light is YOU and we are here with you as you now walk into eye blinding brightness, allow the inner vision to adjust and allow the storms that may have arisen within your very Page 22 of 26

298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 being to dissipate. The sense of peace that will now spread throughout your human life experience is TRUTH for YOU are TRUTH. We are the dragon realms and we walk with ALL. Simply hold the intention to connect with us and we will be there. We can converse with you in any manner that you wish, we simply ask that you TRUST and have FAITH in SELF for SELF is TRUTH. Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved

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Beloved Saint Germain: We in the Ascended State can control the atomic structure of our world as a potter controls his clay.

312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 Beloved Saint Germain "My Son," he explained, "do you not see what real mastery actually is ? We in the Ascended State can control the atomic structure of our world as a potter controls his clay. Every electron and atom in the universe is obedient to our desire and command because of the God Power by which we control it and of which we have earned the right to be the Directors. "Mankind in the unascended state marvels at these things, but I tell you, it is no more effort for us to change the appearance and activity of our bodies than it is for the ordinary human being to change his clothes. The unfortunate condition in the human consciousness that keeps individuals in their self-created limitations is their attitude of mind which either fears or ridicules what it does not understand, or what is still worse, in its ignorance says: 'That is impossible.' A thing may not be probable under certain human conditions, but the God Self, which is the Great Light, can change all human conditions so nothing is impossible. "Every individual has the Divine Flame of Life within him, and That God Self of him has Dominion wherever he moves in the universe. If he, because of his own mental inertia, will not exert the necessary effort to reorder his age-old habits of mind and body, he goes on Page 24 of 26

328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 bound by the chains of his own forging; but if he chooses to know the God Within himself and dares to give that God Self all control of his outer activities, he will receive the knowledge once more of his Dominion over all substance - which has been his from the beginning. "The time has arrived when many of humanity are rapidly awakening, and they must in some way be made to understand that they have lived again and again in hundreds, sometimes thousands of lives, each time in a new physical body. "The Law of re-embodiment is the activity in human growth that gives the individual an opportunity to re-establish a balance in conditions that he has consciously caused to be thrown out of balance. It is but one activity of the Law of compensation - cause and effect or what might be called an automatic balancing process governing all forces everywhere in the universe. The right understanding of this Law gives one the explanation of many conditions in human experience which otherwise seem wholly unjust. It is the only logical explanation for the infinite complexities and experiences of human creation, and reveals the operation and the Law upon which all manifestation rests. It makes one know that there is no such thing as chance or accident. All is under direct, exact, and Perfect Law. Every experience of consciousness has a former cause, and everything at the same instant is the cause of a future effect. "If a man has injured a woman in one life, he is certain to be reincarnated in a feminine form and pass through a similar experience until he realizes and experiences that which he has caused another to endure. The same thing is true if a woman be unjust or injures a man. This is the only way by which one is compelled, or rather compels himself, to experience both the cause and effect of everything which he generates in the world. The individual can create and experience whatsoever he will in his own world; but if he chooses to do that which causes others to experience discord, then he compels himself to go through a similar condition until he understands what the effect of his own creation is upon the rest of the Life of the universe." Guy W. Ballard, Anointed Messenger Excerpt from:King, Godfre Ray. Unveiled Mysteries Saint Germain Series Ascended Master Teachings

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