Argumentative Essay

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Domenik Berisha

Argumentative Essay

The production and propagation of Genetically Modified Organisms utilized for

food production should be prohibited

With every single passing day we are witnessing new inventions and technologies that
seem to be promising when it comes to facilitating and fulfilling human needs and desires, but
should they be used when they pose a threat to humanity and its habitat? Biotechnological
companies and their partners proudly promote their GMOs1 claiming that the plants grown from
their seeds yield more crops, are safe to consume and require less chemicals to grow. They even
go further by asserting that theyll also bring an end to world hunger simply by implementing
this technology in a global scale. But with rates of chronic diseases being higher than in any
other time in human history, with ever-growing rates of soil depletion and with diminishing
populations of pollinators, there is no other way left besides taking a serious step against this
vicious threat.

The pro GMO bloc that consists of GMO labs/producers and numerous food
manufacturing chains describe GMOs as healthy, safe to consume foods, with no drawbacks
whatsoever and they mainly attribute this to the low amount of herbicides and pesticides their
crops require. On the other hand, recent studies show that the consumption of GMOs comes with
a long list of consequences ranging from food allergies to reproducing disorders and cancer. This
is due to the increased use of extremely dangerous herbicides on their crops because the plants
tend to develop herbicide resistance.

Biotechnological companies such as Monsanto assert that higher yields can be taken from
the crops grown from GMO seeds compared to regular organic-grown crops. Contrary to what
has been stated by them, GMO crops are outdated compared to non-GMO agricultural methods

Genetically Modified Organism also known as GMO is an organism or microorganism whose
genetic material has been altered by means of genetic engineering that is then used as a food
resource or for other means.
used in developed or developing countries which ensure higher yields. In addition, GMO crops
tend to be vulnerable to various diseases thus reducing the general yields and profits made from

Since we know that GMOs are proven to pose a threat not only to the human race but to
the whole ecosystem, we urge the prohibition of their propagation and production. Let us all
think about the place in which our children and grandchildren will live, the food theyll eat and
the water theyll drink. May they not fear what they will eat!

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