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ad ; £ x INFORMATION Axle load calculations General information about axle load calcu- lations Alliypes of ansportation work using Ircks reste he ruck chasis to be supple mented by sme form of bouywork, Theat of axle load calealations iso optimise the chasis and bodywork location ti import to be able to tangpor the maximum payload without exceeding the maximum permited axe and bogie weight. aking nf acount the Iga equre- mont and finial iatitions In oreo cary ou lod optimisation, information conseming the chassis weighs sd moseurrcet i eure. The difference tween the right-hand and eft-and wheal loads on nal mast not exceed 3 9 of the taal nl load. An uevet loud wil case the vehicle to Tean to ne side. Te enmue thal the vehicle hs ood traction, a leas 20% of the vehicle weight ‘must lon the scered ale. Local egulatons iy, bower, speifyadiMerent Aiscbustion, ‘General iformation abot ane oad al 119) cont & FORUTION Axle load calculations Example In some cates higheratle weights oer when a ruck is pata le han when t {stil laden The figure sos nt usa ut ane weigh aiid wh he truck ladon to about 65%, In tis ease the maximum font axe weight ishigher than permite a 65% loud d= spite beng less afl load culating fr refuse vices, for example, th conditions are reversed. Be- aed from theres higher rex axle weight can oc frloade ess ole lee fle ol oH GER g, t J? 80004 _® + 000 ve So Sooo ‘o 7o00 “s000. 4 6000 sod bs is ie 2000 @-0 Ww 2 30 aD 5D BD 7D BD BD tom FE ‘General iormation abovtane oad elouaons 1. Load onthe font ale hs) 2. Maximum rom ane weight 5 Load eur forthe front ate 4 Load curve for he rear axle 5 Highest load on font axle when uloading {6 Show how the voice is unloaded from the rear 2. od onthe rear ace (hg) 8 The sive ofthe load ata percentage of the maximum lood 2100) cont g =, MORIN. Axle load calculations ‘General iormation abovtane oad elouaons Scania ditrbutors and deters havea computer-based clean program fr load 955 6500 optimisation, which sen dt aul weight calcu tons, Example of result rom an axle wight celelation: Chasis weight Extra weight Bodywork weight Weight 1-4 Bodywork equieent Ker weight Load 4 Cargo weight Empty weight Cargo weight Gros laden weight ‘Mairaur weight Mangal weight Weight on stored ales (On stovred frat exes Ski iit Asphalt Ski iit, Gravel 00d ass ° 16 ° 976 ° 9756 398s seit 14 200 sts 66% 8% 1% 2585 o 308 o ast o sss uss i389 19 000 16it 9030 ° 4550 ° 2000 15580 ° 15580 15420 31.000 32.000 1 000 1230 3280 Ne aN coy SS Mp) 1495 109 eo 3208 i 3119) < pang " MFORWATION Axle load calculations SCANIA The lever principle ‘The lever principe canbe described with the flowing example (he tally in he camapl astnaed tbe Weigle) Thetrolley'stwo ground supports canst ofa whee! atone end and person who its ‘ether end ofthe olley, Wher oad placed earth person he mustbeaalarge part ofthe load, while he whe! bears Ughtr part. ‘By moving the loud nearer tothe whee, the loading onthe whee! increases andthe person only ha obser lighter os, the weight placed in font ofthe centre ofthe wes, the pers mast res awa ‘nthe lle handle preven the oly ppg fer. 409) cont & FORUTION Axle load calculations ‘The load forthe person varies in celationt the position of the load onthe tly. When the system i ot moving, the sum ofl force and tongues exis 0, When ther ina tergoe eplilfor around te rare of wheel oe Elling oyotioa ve app U_ = Thelosd ‘TR = The load (the loads reacting fre onthe person) © ~ Thedistance fom the ent af the whe! othe oud cent of rity ‘A. = Thedistance between the ground supors (este of whee] and he person) The load ever= the ond ts lever ‘General iormation abovtane oad elouaons TR} 5109) Ce t F;, IaHUMION Axle load calculations SCANIA ‘General iormation abovtane oad elouaons Concept and calculations a8 Bu2 aus Asie weight and bodywork calculations are based on stateequibriam, + Thesum ofthe downward forces i al othe sum ofthe upd forces. This ‘ean that he suo the weight fall the buts component and i oad 8 (Bates the uci ale weight + The sumof the torques exer bythe forces of gravity around point isthe sme asthe sum ofthe wrqucs exerted bythe reaction forces around the tne pot Tiss desrbed by the Lever principle athe previous section, The wheels the previous example canbe replaced by the ick Bont wheels andthe person by fhe wear whose Measurements [A _[LOV1 [Distance tetova the Ret Goat ale andthe fet eving ale [AB —|t002[Disance from font axle to bodywork fo [E0121 [Pistnce between font axles [cL Distance between the fist font ane nd ieraial oad cone bth font axles Ir (014 [Bistnce between te Tt diving ver ale and The core] oad enue fr the bogie cal oadentre [at [eternal eng ofthe Tad cai Ik [Distance between he centre oun oe Toad uuer andthe cone or gravity for loud and bodywork [estan between font load eenire and cote of gravy of oad and odywork or exra weight ons 509) Ce t 5 FORMATION Axle load calculations SCANIA ‘General iormation abovtane oad elouaons Weights and formulae Type of weight Disteibuted weight Front Rear T= Total weight ofladen veicle TF TR w= Chasis weit WF WR N. = Batra weight, forexample rane NF NR U_ = Loadand weight ofbodyweric ur UR Ure the following formulae Teweneu c-U=aT-uR rin writen ao tn ord to obtain an equilibrium, the total weight ofthe lad and bodywork mule tipi by is lever C should give the sane result asthe proportion of U wich hes over the conte of gravity of the rear ane, UR, multiplied by the theoretical axe dis- tance, AT Calculate € shat you can then aleulte he load surface BL The location of load surface, BL generally determined bythe deviation, K, having to be ws close t00 2s possible 7109) cont & FORUTION Axle load calculations vain he following information: + Permited ane wight + Truck weights and ane distance + Weigh of bogswork and of eny additional equipment Caeolation Front weight Rearweight Total weight (ee) tks) (es) ‘Toul weightofladen vehile TF 1 t Chasis weight - WE wR w Extra weight -_oN NR N Toad | bodywork v Um u Here ar five caleuation examples. ‘General iformation abot ane oad al 509) cont & INFORMATION Axle load calculations Example 1: Tractor with wheel configuration 6x4 The im of he escustion st ind out where theft wheel (C) must be located 2 ain the optimum axle weight srrthe + Maximum permited ale weight + ‘Truck weighs and ane distance L=6775 mm AT=A+L=49775 mm Calculation Fromt weight es) “Total weight TF= 7,000 Chassis weight we=4790 ood fihwheet = UFE2210~ Calculate C using the following caleaation: AT-UR___49775-15 650 a - Ra culation by obtaining the Following fats: Rear weight Total weight es) a TR= 19000 T=26000 WR=3350_ = _W-sid0

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