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Detachable device for call signal duplication

Operation guide

CATION. While in operation the device is under voltage 220V


Abbreviations and symbols used in this operation guide:

Al - customer line
ATS - automatic exchange
TA - telephone set
PDSV - detachable device for call signal duplication

1. General guidelines

Device (further in the text as PDSV) is designed for incoming telephone call signal

PDSV has plastic housing and following connection points:

ATS line (incoming call signal);

TA line
power line 220V, 50Hz;
external calling device (load.)

2. Safety measures

During PDSV installation observe all the safety measures required for working with
voltage 220V. Connection of PDSV to ATS customer line and TA, as well as connection of
external calling device should be performed only when power is disconnected.

3. Technical characteristics

Call signal parameters duplicated by PDSV fully conform to requirements of OST45.187-

2001 Analog telephone sets of general purpose. General specifications.

Supply voltage 220V

Peak load current 6A
Useful current from telephone line - 1,5mA
Peak load power - 860W
Dwell 1 sec.
Operating temperature from -0C to +45C
Overall dimension 100x55x35mm;
Weight 150g

4. Detachable device appearance

220V, 6A
ATS line TA line

Figure 1.

5. Wiring diagram

220V, 6A TA line

ATS line
External calling device line

Figure 2.

6. Order of connection

PDSV is designed for wall mounting and is connected to customer line leading to
telephone set.
To connect PDSV you should unscrew two screws on the bottom of it and remove the
cover plate.
Disconnect the customer line from your telephone set and plug into ATS line jack (see
wiring diagram). Connect PDSV and your telephone set with loop extender of adequate length
with fork ends TP-6P4C (RJ-11).
Install the external calling device in a chosen place and connect it to PDSV with D cable
that has double insulation.
Connect the plug to PDSV 220V power line inputs using D cable. Cable length should be
sufficient for connection to the mains socket 220V, that should be installed in advance close to
PDSV location.
Replace the PDSV cover and fix it with two available screws.
Fix PDSV on the surface using two holes in its housing.
Check for fastening security of all PDSV elements and for breaks in cable insulation.
Connect plug to 220V power line.
Check for operability of PDSV and external calling device.

7. Acceptance certificate

Detachable device for call signal duplication, serial number ____________________

accepted as ready for operation.

Date of sale __________________

__ _______________
(QC department stamp)
Address of manufacturer:

8. Manufacturer's warranty

Manufacturer guarantees the adequacy of detachable device for call signal duplication
upon condition of transport and storage conditions observance by customer.
Guarantee period is 12 months starting with date of sale.

9. Transport and storage conditions

Detachable devices for call signal duplication can be transported by all modes of
transportation and stored by temperature from minus 40 to +45C if they are protected from
mechanical damage and atmospheric condensation.

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