Sample News Story: A Double Dinosaur Discovery

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Sample News Story

The title gives
The writer A Double Dinosaur Discovery information about
the story.
shows when
this event Last December, two research teams working 2,000 miles
took place.
apart in Antarctica made amazing discoveries. Each
The writer tells
The writers unearthed the fossilized remains of what is believed to be the reader what
lead grabs
the readers
a new species of dinosaur. One is an herbivore, or plant this story is about.
attention. eater, and the other is a carnivore, or meat eater.

The writer Working separately, the teams led by scientists James The writer uses a
tells who
Martin and William Hammer found the fossils. There we quote from a
made these
scientist on the
discoveries were, in the middle of Antarctica, talking to Bill about his team to show that
and how find 2,000 miles away, Martin told TFK. he is important.
made them.
FROZEN IN TIME The writer uses a
subhead to help
organize his or
The writer Near Beardmore Glacier, Hammers team found the bones her story.
shows where
this event
of what they think is a plant-eating sauropod that lived
took place. 200 million years ago during the Jurassic Period. On the The writer
island off the Antarctica Peninsula, Martin and his team describes what
found the bones of a type of theropod, a group that the scientists
includes the tyrannosaur. found.

Each discovery will give scientists a new glimpse into the

The writer
age of the dinosaurs. Any fossil find in Antarctica is rare,
why this because bones and other remains are frozen and buried
discovery is under many layers of ice. We know very little about life
important. in Antarctica from this particular time period, said Martin.

Excavating the fossils is just the beginning. The The writer ends
scientists will start a yearlong process to analyze the bits the story by
of teeth and bone. Its a detective story, Martin says. explaining what
will happen to the
You take all these bits of evidence and reconstruct dinosaur bones.
the past.
From TIME For Kids, March 12, 2004

2004 TIME For Kids. This page may be photocopied for use with students and teachers.

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