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BMW 5 Series


BMW 5 Series


LECTURER : Ms Azreen Joanna Abdul

Asmi Zuffiqah Binti Samit 2015955087
Mohd Fazlisham Bin Ahmad Fazil 2013186633
Norhafiz Bin Abdul Razak 2012240958
Nur A'fifah Binti Rashidan 2015727689
Nurul Sariy Zakiah Binti Mohd Yusof 2012523517



1.0 Introduction: Brief History of BMW 3

2.0 BMW Marketing Strategy 4

3.0 Analysis of factors 5-7

The renewed MARCOM Campaign : 2017 BMW

5 Series Commercial LEGACY Featuring Scott
4.0 Eastwood 8-12
4.1 The BMW 5 Series: Global Segment Leader.
4.3 TEARS model

Forecasted budget
5.1 Table Superbowl advertisement budget
5.0 13
5.2 Pie Chart based on forecasted Superbowl
advertisement budget

6.0 Conclusion 14

7.0 Reference & Appendices 15

1.0 Introduction: Brief History of BMW
Luxury cars, high performance cars, well crafted cars and these are the accolades given to
Bavarian Motor Works, Bayerische Motoren Werke, or BMW. This German based company
is one of the world's most respected automakers, renowned for crafting luxury cars and sport
utility vehicles (SUVs) that offer superior levels of driving enjoyment. Here is a short history
of BMW.

An Airplane Manufacturing Company

The company began in the 1900s in Munich as an aircraft manufacturer. Its early leanings
are still present in BMW's logo which white propeller blades against a blue sky that was
designed to reflect these origin. Its blue and white color scheme also references Bavaria's
blue and white checkered flag.

Karl Friedrich Rapp was an engineer who had been director of an early German aircraft
company. He set up business to manufacture airplane engines. His company was known as
the Rapp Motoren Werke, and was located in a suburb of Munich, the capital city of Bavaria.
His location decision was influenced by a customer nearby which is the Gustav Otto aircraft

Within a year, Rapp ran into some problems. He expanded the company too quickly. Rapp
eventually left the company and industrial tycoon Franz Josef Popp took his place. It was
Popp who laid the foundation for the BMW that exists today.

More recently, the company has been expanding its reach worldwide. It opened its first U.S.
manufacturing plant in the second half of the 1990s and it expanded its brand empire to
include Mini and Rolls-Royce. BMW also continues to build motorcycles, something it has
done since the 1920s.

The automaker's famous advertising slogan describes each of its vehicles as "The Ultimate
Driving Machine." Over the past few decades, BMWs have become the standard for
performance and luxury in most of the "over $30,000" segments. The variety of automobile
lines is impressive. The car manufacturer has family-friendly wagons, sedans, distinctive
coupes, sports cars and workhorse SUVs but its luxury vehicles all share a common
characteristic which the ability to make drivers feel gloriously connected to the road.

2.0 BMW Marketing Strategy

Market Share

This chart has shown that BMW is number 2

of big market share after Mercedes-Benz, the
points here is with that large amount of
market itself would eventually increase their
brand effectiveness of his advertisement.
Pollay et al. (1996) found a positive
relationship between realized market share
and advertising success. Therefore, it is fair
to claim that the higher the market shares of
the firm the higher the chances of brand
advertising effectiveness. Besides that many
of organization has taking up this chances by
using strategy which using BMW car as prize
while conducting sales promotion with
objective having widely range of consumers.

3.0 Analysis of factors

3.1 Advertising message and creative.

Advertising message and creative is positively related to brand advertising success and
effectiveness. Running under the slogan Business Athlete the communication campaign is
now entering a decisive stage. The new BMW 5 series is about the excitement of
unprecedented connectivity and further enhanced driving dynamics. Collaboration with Scott
Eastwood which means as their endorser to show new imagery which is designed to
highlight fully aesthetics, dynamism and innovative charisma of the new model.

3.2 Advertising media selection.

BMW using online and media selection as a medium to impressive people about their new
model BMW 5 series . The BMW brand international Instagram channel has hit ten million
followers and making it the most successful automotive brand on instagram with #hastag
.BMW built anticipation through teaser videos targeting specifics user and environments
prior to launch and combined this with engagement & response data. TV also drove to
increased and sustained video view, engaging new audience and confronting the developing
cultural of dual- screening. Advertising publish during Super Bowl season.

3.3 Market research.

A typical customer of BMW is the mid age (30 - 50 ). With existing user BMW do some
market research to improving their products. Company doing some research and surveys
towards existing user that help company to create BMW 5 series which is comes with smart
display systems. Feedback from customer help to innovate and produce new product surely
will impress customer to experience itself. BMW has innovate design from 3 series to 5
series confirmed suit with customer desires and fulfill their expectation. Scott Eastwood also
one of BMW fan for many year and surely will continue to experience for upcoming year.

3.4 Competitiveness.

Established company like BMW Group has competitor like Audi and Mercedes Benz which
produce new product for consumer. BMW 5 series compete with Mercedes Benz E Class
and Audi A6 may have invented the modern midsize luxury sedan. BMW redesigned to be
more luxuries sedan for consumer at mid age (30 to 50).

3.4.1 Competitive Parity
The idea of spending determined relative to the spending of major competitors. BMW
are to look around towards their competitor and determined the budget that they are
spending inti their promotional campaign. From there, BMW shall fork out a budget
which is relatively within the same amount of their competitor.
3.4.2 Competitive Positioning
It focuses on to the advantages of the brand relative to its competition. This type of
positioning is often used to establish the profile of a new brand or to distinguish an
existing brand in a highly competitive marketplace. It comes back to BMW, where
they would like to position themselves, as for this campaign Business Athletic is
what they are projecting and target for placement.
3.4.3 Competitive Promotion
It is basically either skilled based competitions or prize draws where the winning is
randomize. It is important that the legal factors are being complied as to the what the
organization are offering. In relation to this, BMW Malaysia adopt the pre registration
method of which a brand new car is registered and being driven for a low sum of
mileage and then being sold at a cheaper price which makes the car looks like a new
second hand car called pre registered car.

message and

media selection


Competitiveness Market research

3.5 Uniqueness.

Business Athlete international marketing campaign for new BMW 5 series sedan one of
uniqueness. BMW choose Scott Eastwood as the image of the BMW 5 Series with
background and suit with term Business Athlete. BMW 5 series asserts its strong character,
unswerving in the pursuit of its chosen path in life.

4.0 The renewed MARCOM Campaign: 2017 BMW 5 Series
Commercial LEGACY Featuring Scott Eastwood

4.1 The BMW 5 Series: Global Segment Leader.

The BMW 5 Series is one of BMWs core model series, with about 7.9 million units sold
worldwide. Chosen by more than 2.1 million customers, making it the global leader of the
premium upper mid-size segment.

The seventh-generation BMW 5 Series is now set to retain this lead. With even further
enhanced driving dynamics, an unparalleled range of assistance systems, unique
connectivity and intuitive controls, it sets new standards in the automotive world. Features
include the Intelligent Voice Assistant, gesture control and the BMW Head-Up Display now
with a 70 percent larger projection area. In combination with the services of BMW Connected

and other innovations, such as On-Street Parking Information and Remote 3D View, they
make the new BMW 5 Series Sedan the ultimate business automobile.1

Advertising in form of digital advertising and television

advertisement has been targeted for the Legacy campaign. A
set of comprehensive digital pre-launch communication in
promoting the series were implemented. These

communications are in keeping with the BMW 5 Series

pioneering role in connectivity and digitalization. The success
was evident with the very first posts of the current campaign
generated more than 18 million contacts on Facebook and
over 24 million on Instagram. An additional component of the
primarily digital campaign is the revival of the film series The
Hire on


The excitement of unprecedented connectivity and further

enhanced driving dynamics embodies the business class and
defined as the BUSINESS ATHLETE. Communications
focusing on innovation, dynamism, business class and
driving pleasure, emphasizing them to varying degrees in different markets around the world.

This campaigned was made successful with endorsement

from Hollywoods actor Scott Eastwood. Scott is a fresh,
young testimonial, an actor who also happened to be a
professional skydiver, potraying spirit and clear focus. His
ambition and dynamism are the perfect match to endorse the
new BMW 5 Series Sedan. He would also be in the next
BMW Film Overdrive which are filmed in France. 2

Business Athlete was strategically advertised on television

during Super Bowl 2017. The decision to select television


advertising are based on their strengths, as well as the growing trend among certain brands
to stretch their ads video length.

Publicis Groupe predicts digital will be the largest luxury advertising medium in 2017,
overtaking print and TV, accounting for 32.1% of total spend by such brands. A recent study
conducted by Google found that a 2-minute ad was more effective at raising brand
favorability than a 15-second version of the same ad.

At the same time, people are anticipating higher-quality ads, thus advertisers need
Hollywood-scale quality and narrative to measure up. BMW stepped up to the challenge and
the advertisement they have publish has deeper connections to long-form advertising
appealing to BMWs refined customer base. Consumers acceptance of social video and
increased quality standards are the golden ticket for BMWs advertising success.

Super Bowl commercial slots ability to achieve impact that BMW are looking for are based
on their records where up to average of 114.4 million viewers watched the 2015 Super Bowl.
Their ability to reach one-on-one consumer are further supported with Scott Eastwoods as
the spokes person.

The advertising and Public Relation buzz created during the games are effective in
assisting the sales force and trade retailer. With major advertising campaign like Legacy
Business Athlete, it helped generating excitement to the both online and offline viewers.
People get on social media during the Super Bowl to comment on the ads as much as they
comment on the game.

During last years game, 27 million Tweets were posted, and roughly 4.3 Billion Tweets were
viewed on and off Twitter. According to Marketing Land, hashtags were featured in 45
percent of Super Bowl ads is 2016.

Drawing from a recent Boston Consulting Group study, luxury brands is shifting from
having to being in their marketing, relating their products to identity and experience
rather than external accessories. That shift should extend to their advertising. They
should not merely present a product; they present a perspective, an emotion, a drama.
Long-form film does this.3

4.3 TEARS Model

This model is laid out as a guide towards the endorsement of celebrity Scott Eastwood.
Here we could see his credibility in influencing the behavior of public into choosing BMW
especially its latest 5 Series (G30).

4.3.1 Trustworthiness
Someone who can be trusted. Scott Eastwood has the publicity of being
trustworthy simply because he is not a spoil brat even being the son of the
famous Clint Eastwood, he started his career by himself and hide his family name
and uses his mothers maiden name with the objective to strive his own career
based on his own effort and talent. Here, it shows that he is not delicate and a
man of himself.

4.3.2 Expertise
The component refers to the characteristic of having specific skills, knowledge, or
abilities with respect to the endorsed brand. Without a doubt, Scott is a
professional sky diver, flies helicopter, actor. He is known to be versatile and
having the ability to perform extreme difficulty. This indicate that he is an expert in
what he does and of course will rely on the reliable tools.


4.3.3 Attractiveness

This component refers to the trait of being regarded as pleasant to look at in

terms of a particular groups concept attractiveness. A picture tells a thousand
word, with his look and muscular body comes a straight picture in our mind of
being ultimately attractive and its parity towards the muscularity and the sleek
look of the new 5 Series design.

4.3.4 Respect

The quality of being admired or even esteemed due to ones personal qualities
and accomplishments. Yet again, Scotts versatility comes into the picture of
being able to excel in performing difficult task which owned him the respect of his
ability and success.

4.3.5 Similarity

The extend to which an endorser matches an audience in terms of characteristics

pertinent to the endorsement relationship. Eventually most of the BMW target
market are those who are at least in the middle class of the society which means
that they would value image of luxury and professional. Together with this, Scott
Eastwood represent the current metrosexual looks together of being masculine
which is what the society heading and living.

5.0 Forecasted budget

5.1 Table Superbowl advertisement budget

5.2 Pie Chart based on forecasted Superbowl advertisement budget

6.0 Conclusion

It is clear that with all the rights elements placed, an advertisement campaign is subject to be
successful. However, what is of the essence in the execution and implementation is more of
how the decision making of the Integrated Marketing Communication. The right decision
making will ensure the full effectiveness of the campaign.

With reference to the BMW advertisement, we can conclude that all relevant factors must be
supported with the right tool in order to ensure that the campaign is well integrated into
speaking with one voice. The TEARS model is one of the tool used in order to ensure that
the Endorsement will have an optimum effect towards the success of the advertisement
whereby Freeman & Chen (2015) conclude that
physical attractiveness of a celebrity has the highest impact on
consumers purchase intentions, followed by respect and similarity. The least influental
attribute is trustworthiness.

7.0 References & Apendices

Freeman & Chen (2015) Wither The Impact Of Celebrity Endorsement: International
Conference on Communication, Media, Technology and Design, Dubai
Ansari & Riasi (2016) An Investigation of Factors Affecting Brand Advertisement Success
and Effectiveness: Department of Management, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran &
Institute for Financial ServicesAnalytics, University od Delaware, Newark, DE, USA

Shrimp & Andrews Advertising, promotion, and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing
Communication, 9th edition. Cengage Technology Edition. Singapore, 2013.

John EaganMarketing Communications 2nd edition. SAGE Publications. Singapore, 2015.


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