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Notre Dame University

Masters in Business Administration Program


BA 634

Course Title Strategic Management

No. of Units
Three (3)

Pre-requisites All basic and cognate subjects

Professor/ Prof. Nick L. Aduana, CPA, DBM

Instructor Prof. Teresa N. Pia

Prof. Nick L. Aduana, CPA, DBM
Prof. Teresa N. Pia


Graduating Students enrolled in Masters in Business Administration

Target Group

Course This course deals with development and the creation of strategies
Description that would sustain the competitive advantages of a company over its
competitors. This will enhance your ability to do the job of a general
manager responsible for strategic performance. Specifically, to
integrate the different functional areas of business (e.g. accounting,
finance, human resources, information systems, marketing,
operations management, etc.) into a cohesive whole. The challenge
is not only in identifying weaknesses and threats facing firms we will
study, but to appreciate the strengths of the firm and anticipate
opportunities in the external environment. Your role in this course is
to correct organizational failures and expand upon organizational
successes; however, failure and success may be defined. As an
MBA student in this course, your goal should be to draw upon
course learning, as well as applying your previous business
experience, to think beyond the role of any given functional area.
The primary objective of this course is to lay the principles and build
the foundations in making a strategic decisions and actions that will
determine the long-run performance of business organization with
focus on the corporate functions of the top level management.
Specific In the great desire to produce a qualified business graduates in
Objectives strategic management, this course is designed to:
a. introduce to the students the principles and concepts of
strategic management.
b. assists the students on how to conduct environmental
analysis, both external and internal.
c. enhance the managerial skills of business students relative to
strategy formulation and implementation; and
d. give emphasize on the significance of monitoring and
evaluation as a feedback mechanism to further improve
strategic management analysis.

Course 1. Overview of Strategic Management

-This will provide general view of the coverage of strategic
management including some principles, theories and
elements of strategic management.

1.1 Definition, nature, concept of strategic management
1.2 Phases of strategic management
1.3 Benefits of strategic management
1.4 Responsibilities of CEO and major policies
1.5 Globalization and environmental sustainability
1.6 Theories of organizational adaptation
1.7 Creating a learning organization
1.8 Basic Model of strategic management
1.9 Initiation of strategy
1.10 Strategic decision making
2. Environmental Scanning and Analysis

-The students are introduced to the significance of the need

to conduct monitoring and evaluation of the internal and
external environments in order for the business to acquire
competitive advantage. The different forces of competition
are evaluated including the various strategic factors that
highly influence the competitive position of a business entity.

1.1 Concept of environmental scanning
1.2 Methods of identifying external environment variables
1.3 External strategic factors
1.4 Analyzing the task environment
1.5 Forces of Competition
1.6 Industry evolution
1.7 Strategic groups
1.8 Competitive intelligence
1.9 Forecasting
1.10 Synthesis of external factors
1.11 Resource-based approach to organizational analysis
1.12 Business models
1.13 Value-chain analysis
1.14 Scanning functional resources and capabilities
3. Strategy Formulation

-It defines the concept on how strategy is formulated and

identified after environmental scanning. The students are
likewise introduced to the three broad classifications of
strategy- corporate strategy, business level strategy and
functional level strategy.

1.1 Situational Analysis: SWOT Analysis
1.2 Criticism of SWOT Analysis
1.3 Strategic Factors Analysis Summary matrix
1.4 Propitious niche
1.5 Review of mission and objectives
1.6 Alternative strategies using SWOT matrix
1.7 Business strategy
1.8 Competitive and cooperative strategies
1.9 Industry structure and competitive strategy
1.10 Corporate strategies
1.11 Directional strategies
1.12 Portfolio analysis
1.13 Corporate parenting
1.14 Functional strategy
1.15 The sourcing decision

Evaluation The following activities shall be used to assess the learning

Activities competencies of the students.

1. Reports on assigned strategic management

2. Critique paper on strategic management researches
3. Attendance to classes and class participation
4. Report on the case study
5. Research outline on proposed study

Grading The Final Grade component shall be:

Reporting and class participation 20%
Critique paper 20%
Case Study 20%
Research proposal 20%
Term Test 20%
Policies The classroom policies regarding attendance, submission of
requirements, grading system and delivery of report shall be based
on what has been prescribed in the student handbook of the
graduate school of Notre Dame University.
References David, F. (2013). Strategic Management Concept and Cases: Global
Edition. 14th Edition. Pearson Education Inc.

David, F. (2014). Strategic Management Concept and Cases: A

Competitive Advantage Approach. 14th Edition. Pearson Education
South Asia Pte Ltd.

Dess, G., Lumpkin, G., Eisner, A., Mcnamara, G., and Kim, B.
(2012). Strategic Management: Text and Cases Global Edition.
McGraw Hill Education

Jones, G., and Hill, C. (2012). Strategic Management: Theory and

Cases. 9th Edition. Cengage Learning AsiaPte Ltd.

Soriano, E Nehrt, L. Business Policy in an Asian Context: Text and

Cases. Third Edition. Sing Tala Publisher. Manila

Thompson, A. Strickland, A. and Gamble, J. (2005). Crafting and

Executing Strategy. Fourteenth Edition. Burr Rid, IL. McGraw-
Hill/Irwin. U.S.A.

Wheelen, T. and Hunger D. (2010). Strategic Management and

Business Policy: Achieving Sustainability. Pearson Education Inc.

Overview of Strategic Management

This unit of the course will provide general view of the coverage of stategic
management including some principles, theories and elements of strategic
management. The role of the chief executive officer and the present issues affecting
strategic management are also discussed deeply.

Learning Competencies: At the end of unit , the students shall:

a. use strategic management principles to make management decisions and

b. formulate the most appropriate business model in handling strategic
management situation or problems; and
c. apply strategic management from the perspective of the chief executive

Topics of unit 1 : the following topic are included in this unit:

definition, nature, concept of strategic management

phases of strategic management
benefits of strategic management
responsibilities of CEO and major policies
globalization of environmental sustainability
theories of organizational adaptation
creating a learning organization
basic model of strategic management
basic elements of strategic management
initiation of strategy

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