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Anglo Saxon Quiz Score:

1.1. In The Husbands Message, the husband of the title is

A a. The poems speaker.

B b. The you referred to in lines 8 9 and 23.

C c. The liege lord referred to in line 2.

D d. A common seaman.

2.2. Which of the following is not a likely aspect of the husbands mood?
A a. Anxiety

B b. Resentment

C c. Eagerness

D d. The oral tradition

3.3. Anglo-Saxon lyrics develop from

A a. Norse songs

B b. Translations

C c. Medieval manuscripts

D d. The oral tradition

4.4. Which of the following aspects of the poem would be least likely to be
clarified by considering the works historical context?
A a. The use of the word rapture

B b. The implications of the phrase the tossing sea

C c. The identity of the speaker

D d. The nature of the husbands faith in God

5.5. Every line in the selection contains an example of a(n)

A kenning

B caesura

C allegory

D metaphor

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6.6. Why are the wife and husband separated?
A a. He has embarked on a voyage of discovery.

B b. She was unwilling to travel with him.

C c. She must tend the lordly home.

D d. He is fighting in a foreign war.

7.7. Which of the following images is unrelated to the husbands feelings of love
and expectation?
A a. A cuckoos call

B b. A ships hold

C c. A sail

D d. Treasure and rings

8.8. Which of the following is not a central part of the husbands message to his
A a. A request to carve him a ring

B b. An affirmation of his love for her

C c. A request to remember her marriage vows

D d. An invitation to sail to him in the future

9.9. A lyric poem expresses

A a. A poets most beautiful ideas.

B b. Some of the poets political viewpoints.

C c. The speakers intense love for a subject.

D d. The thoughts and feelings of a single speaker.

10.10. Which one of the following phrases is a kenning?

A a. Liege lord

B b. Lady ring-laden

C c. Salt sea-streams

D d. The tossing sea

11.11. The phrase summers sentinel, meaning a cuckoo, is an example of

A a. A kenning

B b. A predicate

C c. A scop

D d. An exile

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12.12. During this time in history, many groups of people left or were sent from
their homes. Knowing this helps the reader understand why
A a. Each person was sent away.

B b. Each person was lonely.

C c. The theme of exile was so common.

D d. The lyric poem was popular.

13.13. Which of the following best describes the speakers message at the end of
The Seafarer?
A a. Life at sea is both exhilarating and wearisome.

B b. Gifts of gold for heaven will not redeem a sinful soul.

C c. Those who walk with God Shall be rewarded.

D d. The earth no longer flourishes in glory.

14.14. Which of the following characteristics of Anglo-Saxon poetry is illustrated

by The Seafarer?
A a. Celebration of heroic achievements

B b. Use of caesura

C c. Rhymed couplets

D d. Caedmonian verse

15.15. The first part of The Seafarer is the story of

A a. A mans life on the sea.

B b. A sailors conversion to Christianity.

C c. An exiles lament for his country.

D d. An ocean storm off the coast of England.

16.The purpose of caesura in a line of Anglo-Saxon poetry is to

A a. Remind a scop what to say.

B b. Provide a metaphorical name for something.

C c. Indicate a pause for breath.

D d. Mark the four beats in the line.

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17.17. When reading Anglo-Saxon poetry, how does recognizing historical context
help a reader understand why certain things occur?
A a. It gives the reader clues about the situation in the time period in which it was written.

B b. It helps readers restate in their own words what the poem says.

C c. It requires readers to use a dictionary to find the meaning of complicated words.

D d. It shows the reader how important correct spelling and grammar is.

18.18. What is the reason, despite all of the hardships hes suffered, that the
narrator in The Seafarer continues to follow the life of the sea?
A a. Weary fatalism

B b. Passionate curiosity

C c. Religious vision

D d. Material need

19.19. Which element in The Seafarer is most characteristic of lyric poetry?

A a. Regular rhythm and rhyme

B b. Strong reliance on figurative language

C c. Intense personal emotion

D d. Narrative structure

20.20. Lines 5864 suggest that the poet is beginning to talk about the glories of
adventuring at sea, but then he changes direction. What does he turn his attention
to over the next sixteen lines?
A a. His desire to return home.

B b. The loneliness he feels

C c. The loss of his gold-king

D d. His belief in Christianity

21.21. What does the author of The Wanderer seem to miss most?
A a. material possessions

B b. religion

C c. adventure

D d. companionship

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22.22. The main theme of The Wanderer involves the
A a. value of friendship

B b. need for safety

C c. importance of traditions

D d. pain of homelessness

23.23. In The Wanderer, which of the following pairs best represents the
contrast of tone between the poets dreams and his present circumstances?
A a. Hopeful/somber

B b. Mournful/longing

C c. Rapturous/grieving

D d. Melancholy/depressed

24.24. Which is the best meaning of the italicized word in this sentence?
The Wanders eagerness to work again was overwhelming
A a. enthusiasm

B b. irritation

C c. sorrow

D d. fear

25.25. What is the wanderers situation?

A a. He has lost his Lord

B b. He has adopted Christianity

C c. He is lost at sea

D d. He has left his wife

26.26. Read the sentence from The Wifes Lament:

Be he outlawed far in a strange folk-land that my beloved sits under a rocky cliff
rimed with frost a lord dreary in spirit.
What words or phrases help you recognize the historical context of the line?
A a. rocky cliff

B b. outlawed: strange folk-land

C c. dreary in spirit

D d. my beloved

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27.27. In The Wifes Lament, the wife assumes her husband is now
A a. On an exciting adventure and does not think of her.

B b. On his way home for a reconciliation.

C c. Married to someone else.

D d. Melancholy, as she is.

28.28. What initiated the wifes exile in The Wifes Lament?

A a. Her husbands long absence

B b. A plot by her husbands kinsmen

C c. Her traveling in spite of her husbands wishes

D d. The lord of that region issuing a formal decree

29.29. Read the passage from The Wifes Lament

But this is turned round
Now as if it never were
Our friendship. I must far and near
Bear the anger of my beloved.
What do the lines above suggest about the wifes reaction to this event?
A a. She is fine with the whole situation

B b. She has decided to live with her husbands anger

C c. She vents to her friends and family

D d. She has decided to work it out with her husband.

30.30. What does the wife mourn in this elegy?

A a. The loss of her husband

B b. The loss of her friends

C c. The loss of her children

D d. The loss of her homeland

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