Human Persona HR Management Service Inc

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Human Persona HR Management Service Inc.

No. 7 Panay Avenue, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines

(02) 372-2976 * 0998-2310542 Website:

(hereinafter referred to as Employer


Jasmin V. Paradeza
(hereinafter referred to as the Employee)

#43 Bonifacio Street Barangay Pag-Asa


This serves to confirm the terms and conditions of employment agreed upon between the parties:

1. DATEOF July 24,2017



No Employer-Employee Relationship The Employee expressly understand and

agree that the Employee assigned to the Client Company, for all legal intents and
purposes, the employee of the Employer and not the Client Company and no
employer-employee relationship exists between the Client Company and Employee.
PERIOD The employee agrees that a probationary period of five (5) months shall be
required. This working test period allows the Employer and the new Employee
to determine the advisability of regular employment continuation. The Employer
shall utilize this period of time to assist the new employee in adjusting quickly and
efficiently to the work situation, and, observe the quality and quantity of his/her
work in relation to the standards required of the job. Immediately the day after the
completion of the five (5) month probationary period, the Employee shall report to
Human Resources Department for final evaluation. This evaluation will become
part of the employees official personnel file if he/she is thereafter could retain

During The Employees probationary employment, The Employee will be working

with us on a trial basis to determine The Employees fitness for regularization. The
Employees conversion to permanent status shall be primarily conditioned and
dependent upon meeting the Client Company performance standards of the work
assigned to The Employee. It is within the exclusive discretion of the Client
Company to determine whether or not such service is satisfactorily performed and
on The Employee having successfully passed / complied with our established
standards for regularization which include, among others, the following criteria, set
in the individual Key Performance Indicators.

This agreement will continue until it terminates on the earliest of any of the
3. DURATION OF following dates or events
EMPLOYMENT July 23,2018
(a) on ; or
(b) upon termination of contract between Employer and Client Company or
(c) upon the completion of the purpose or task(s) for which the you are
appointed, as stipulated in your job description.
Management Trainee

5. BRIEF JOB The essential job functions or duties of this position are provided in the job
DESCRIPTION description data.

Employee shall also perform such other duties as are customarily performed by
other persons in similar such positions, as well as such other duties as may be
assigned from time to time by the Client Company representatives.

6. DEPLOYMENT The Employees initial place of work will be at: DIY33- Olongapo
Store/Warehouse/Office or at such other locations of the Client Company's
activities, or to another Client Company as the Employer may determine from time

Employment Contract 2016; Human Persona HR Management Service, Inc.

Page 2

to time necessary for its normal business operations upon notification to the
employee. The Employee agree to be assigned to any work station or branch of the
Client Company or to another Client Company for such periods as may be
determined by the Employer and whenever the service requires such assignments.

7. SALARY/WAGE Php .................................................... per hour/day/week/month.

8. TIME OF 15th and 30th day of the month.


9. METHOD OF Bank Transfer:

PAYMENT Name of Bank: Bank Branch: ..
Branch Code: Account No.:..
Type of Account: ...

10. HOURS OF General: The Employees hours of work shall be at a) hours and days determined
WORK by the Client Company; or(b) In accordance with a weekly or monthly shift
schedule,provided that in both cases (a) and (b), ordinary working hours will not
exceed 48 hours per week unless with written approval of the Client Company.

11. MEAL & OTHER The Employee is entitled to a meal interval of 60 minutes, which does not form part
INTERVALS of normal working hours, as determined by the Client Company. The Client
Company may make allowance for other intervals, which would be considered part
of normal working hours. The latter arrangement may, however, be changed or
withdrawn by the Client Company at any time.

12. OVERTIME The Employee agrees to work overtime, on Sundays or public holidays, when
required. Payment time in such instances shall be as provided for in the applicable

13. DEDUCTIONS Employees tax, SSS, Philhealth, Pag-IBIG and any other deduction as required or
FROM INCOME authorized by law. Where applicable, Employee contributions to Group Accident
Insurance will also be deducted from Employee income.

The Employershall be entitled to suspend the Employees employment without pay in

the event of the Employee refusing to obey a lawful order including (but not restricted
to) those given to comply with the Employers and Client Companys statutory

The Employer reserves the right and the Employee irrevocably authorises the
Employer, at any time during the Employees employment, or in any event upon
termination, to deduct from the Employees wages/salary and/or any other monies
due to the Employee, an amount equivalent to any of the following:

a) any overpayment of wages, salary, remuneration or other payment made to

the Employee during the course of this employment;
b) the amount of any expenses claimed by the Employee and paid but
subsequently disallowed by the Employer,
c) the outstanding amount of any loan or advance made by the Employer to
the Employee; and
d) any cost of repairing any damage to or loss of property of, any fines or
charges imposed upon or any other loss sustained by the Employer, Client
Company or any third party, caused by the Employees breach of contract or
breach of the Employers and Client Companys rules or as a result of the
Employees negligence or dishonesty, in accordance with the Law.

14. DUTY OF Employee shall devote all of his/her working time, attention, knowledge, and skills
LOYALTY AND to Employers and Client Companys business interests and shall do so in good
BEST EFFORTS faith, with best efforts, and to the reasonable satisfaction of the Employer.
Employee understands that they shall only be entitled to the compensation, benefits,
and profits as set forth in this Agreement. Employee agrees to refrain from any
interest, of any kind whatsoever, in any business competitive to Employer and
Client Companys business. The Employee further acknowledges they will not
engage in any form of activity that produces a conflict of interest with those of
the Employer andClient Companys unless agreed to in advance and in writing.

15. REGULAR Based on representations made by the Employee, as well as expectations of the
PERFORMANCE Employer and Client Company, the performance standard terms are entered in the
REVIEW Employees KPI Acknowledgment Form attached.

Employment Contract:Human Persona HR Management Service, Inc.

Page 3

The Employee will familiarize him/herself with the contents of these performance
standards. And by signing this contract, the employee acknowledges, understand,
accept and agree to comply with the information contained and that he/she can
perform these tasks in a competent manner. The Employee understands and agrees
to undergo regular Employee Performance Appraisal System. During the
employment period, the management representatives shall evaluate the new
employees performance, utilizing the form provided by Human Resources
Department. The final evaluation will take the place at the Human Resources
Department for written examinations and interviews, which may include or consist
of the utilization of computer or web based services, which will be periodically
monitored by Client Company.

The Employee understands that failure to reach said benchmarks or performance

terms may result in reassignment, demotion or termination. Employee further
understands that reaching these benchmarks or performance terms constitutes a
reasonable and substantial condition of employment but does not in any way
guarantee or promise continued employment.

16. BULLYING, SEXUAL The Employee agrees to be polite, cordial, positive and efficient, while handling
HARASSMENT AND the assigned work and their actions shall promote goodwill to enhance the image of
DISCRIMINATION this Client Company. Employee also agrees to abide by Employer and Client
Companys policies regarding the absolute prohibition of any form of bullying,
cyber bullying, discriminatory behaviour or sexual harassment in his/her worksite

17. COVENANTS A. Non-Disclosure of Trade Secrets, Customer Lists and Other

Proprietary Information
Employee agrees not to use, disclose or communicate, in any manner, proprietary
information about Employer and Client Company, its operations, clientele, or any
other proprietary information, that relate to the business of Employer. This
includes, but is not limited to, the names of Employers and Client Companys
customers, its marketing strategies, operations, or any other information of any kind
which would be deemed confidential or proprietary information of Employer and
Client Company. Employee acknowledges that the above information is material
and confidential and that it affects the profitability of Employer and Client
Company. Employee understands and that any breach of this provision, or of any
other Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement, is a material breach of this

To the extent Employee feels that they need to disclose confidential information,
they may do so only after being authorized to so do in writing by Employer and
Client Company.

B. Non-Solicitation Covenant
Employee agrees that for a period of one year following termination of
employment, for any reason whatsoever, Employee will not solicit customers or
clients of Employer and Client Company. By agreeing to this covenant, Employee
acknowledges that their contributions to Employer and Client Company are unique
to Employer and Client Companys and Client Companys success and that they
have significant access to Employer and Client Companys trade secrets and other
confidential or proprietary information regarding Employer and Client Companys
customers or clients.

C. Non-Recruit Covenant
Employee agrees not to recruit any of Employer and Client Companys employees
for the purpose of any outside business either during or for a period of one yearafter
Employees tenure of employment with Employer and Client Company. Employee
agrees that such effort at recruitment also constitutes a violation of the non-
solicitation covenant set forth above.

D. Adherence to Employer and Client Companys and Client Companys

Policies, Procedures, Rules and Regulations
Employee agrees to adhere by all of the policies, procedures, rules and regulations
set forth by the Employer and Client Company. These policies, procedures, rules
and regulations include, but are not limited to, those set forth within the Employee
Handbook, any summary benefit plan descriptions, or any other personnel practices
or policies or Employer and Client Company. To the extent that Employer and
Client Companys and Client Companys policies, procedures, rules and regulations
conflict with the terms of this Agreement, the specific terms of this Agreement will

Employment Contract:Human Persona HR Management Service, Inc.

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E. Covenant to Notify Management of Unlawful Acts or Practices

Employee agrees to abide by the legal and ethics policies of Employer as well as
Client Companys other rules, regulations, policies and procedures. Employer and
Client Company intend to comply in full with all governmental laws and
regulations as well as any ethics code applicable to their profession. In the event
that Employee is aware of Employer and Client Company, or any of its officers,
agents or employees, violating any such laws ethics codes, rules, regulations,
policies or procedures, Employee agrees to bring forth all such actual and suspected
violations to the attention of Employer and Client Company immediately so that the
matter may be properly investigated and appropriate action taken.

18. COMPUTERS The Employer has a detailed IT, Communications and Monitoring Policy. The
Employee is required to read the policy and rules and take the necessary steps to
comply. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action and, in serious cases,

19. ANTI The Employer has an Alcohol and Drugs Abuse Policy, which in compliance with the
ALCOHOL/DRUGS government standards, which is available at DOLE website.. The Employee is
POLICY required to read the policy and take all necessary steps to comply. Failure to comply
may result in disciplinary action including dismissal.

20. RIGHT TO SEARCH The Employer and Client Company Representatives reserve the right to search
Employees or any of their property held on the Employers premises, at any time, in
accordance with the Employers Search Policy, if during the regular body frisking, if
the Employer believes that its Alcohol and Drugs Abuse Policy is being infringed,
under suspicion of possible theft, or if it believes that an employee may have
committed a criminal offence.If the Employee refuses to comply with the Employers
Search Procedure, such refusal will normally be treated as amounting to gross
misconduct and will entitle the Employer to take disciplinary action including

21. INDEMNITY The Employee will indemnify the Employer in respect of any liability incurred by
the Employee as a direct consequence of the Employees negligence, breach of
contract, breach of duty or breach of trust in relation to the affairs of the Employer.

22. TERMINATION Notwithstanding anything to the contrary and subject to the provisions of the Labor
Code of the Philippines, this contract may be terminated:
(a) Without notice, on expiry of the fixed term of employment; or
(b) Prior to the expiry of the temporary purpose for which the employee has
been employed is due to come to, and end, by either party giving the other
30 daysprior written notice .
(c) Subject to the above notice periods, by the Client Company, in the event
of the Employees incapacity or due to operational requirements; or
(d) Summarily, if the Employee is found guilty of dishonesty, gross neglect of
duty and other serious disciplinary transgression; or
(e) Expiry of the fixed term contract between Employer and Client Company
(f) With or without notice for any other reason recognised by law as

The Employer reserves the right to vary the terms of employment contained in this Agreement. The Employer will
notify the Employee in writing within one month of such variation. This statement replaces all of the Employees
previous terms and conditions of employment with the Employer.

Signatures below indicate that all parties, read, agree to and understand all terms and conditions stated in this
Employment Agreement.


Renato P. Maceda
Signature Over Printed Name Operations Manager
Human Persona HR Management Service, Inc.
Date: Date:

Employment Contract:Human Persona HR Management Service, Inc.

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