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The Monthly Newsletter of Riders With A Purpose

Chapter #1211 of the March,
Christian Motorcyclists Association 2017

2017 Calendar Changes Moving? Again?
Jaz Sez... But dont just listen
to Gods word. You must do
The following events have been
what it says. Otherwise, you
changed on our calendar that was Sometimes we feel like a yo-yo!
are only fooling yourselves
handed out: When our chapter first began, we ~James 1:22
*July 15, 2017 -The Bonfire has been met at Valley View Restaurant. Then (The following is taken from
canceled. they closed, so we had to find the Taking it to the Streets
*July 16, 2017 -There will be a another meeting place. Then, RDs devotional guide-this one by
Biker's Sunday at Muddy Run Park opened at the former Valley View, Randal Tebeau.)
hosted by Smithfield Church of God. and we were back! But, RDs closed, We live in a day and age
*September 30, 2017 - There will be so once again we had to find where we can find the
a multi chapter picnic at Seyfert another spot. Now, that same answers to almost any-
Camp. The details will be given at location has reopened under the thing in a matter of
the next meeting. newest name-The Drumore Diner. seconds. With the internet

Depending on the chapters decision and a computer or smart
National Rally East we may be returning to the same phone the answer is
RWAP was very well represented at
building yet again. Please keep this basically right at our
this years CMA National Rally East-
situation in prayer, and lets hear finger- tips.
held at the WV State Fair-grounds.
your thoughts at our next meeting For the Christian we have
There were some wonderful rides
through the local mountains (WV is when we discuss this important the answers to all of our
the Mountaineer State!) as well as the issue! questions and cares for our
great fellowship with other CMAers lives in Gods Word,
from across the nation. There were literally right at our
also amazing speakers each day that fingertips. Even though we
really put forth the challenge for all of have this great knowledge
us, as members of this ministry, to available some of us still
listen to Gods call for each of us, as face issues in our lives
individuals and as chapters. Jerrod simply because we dont
MacPherson who served as Emcee allow Gods Word to guide
was particularly profound when he our actions. e may read and
said, A chapter without broken hear Gods Word, but we
people is a broken chapter. Several A nearly packed house listens to dont apply it to our lives.
sessions included speakers from our one of the many speakers during The worldly things in
three ministry partners-Open Doors, services at the National East Rally this life will often deceive
The Jesus Film Project, and Missionary us into believing it is okay
in June. There are a few familiar
Ventures, who will share in the over
faces in the lower right corner! (continued p.2, column 3)
4.6 million dollars raised by RFS!
Who are we? Riders With A Purpose-#1211

As a part of the Christian Motorcyclists Association, we are a multi-denominational ministry to other
bikers. As with the CMA, our mission is changing the world, one heart at a time. We meet every 3rd
Saturday at RDs American Grill~1426 Lancaster Pike (Rt. 272) Quarryville, PA~South of the Buck, Join us!
President-Charles Bewley Vice President-Keith Wagner Treasurer- Carlos Castano
Secretary- Wendy Brant Road Captain Neil Howett Chaplain- John Zook
Newsletter-Kent Brusstar Webmaster-Dave Maldonado Prayer Chain-Janet Maldonado

Kickstands Up! Riders With A Purpose March, 2017

From The Saddle to be shared with all. Will I go again? (Continued from p.1, column 3)
You betcha! to pick up and choose the
New Year, New Column,
One big take-away for me was things we want to do. But
Same old Road Captain
that no matter how I may be feeling following Gods Word
Greetings all, first I want to take a
about another person, another does not work like the local
moment to thank my brother Jim for
group, or a large national organ- buffet where you pick up and
leading the ice cream ride while I was
ization, I must always look to Jesus choose the things you like,
away. Ive heard good things. Maybe
first. This in turn puts things in and ignore the rest. With
a candidate for Road Captain next
proper perspective. God. you obey His word
totally, or you disobey.
Now about being away. National
Woe is me, Wow is He God gives us His Word to
was an interesting time, to say the
~Neil plant in our hearts so we
least. I can best describe it as a huge
can live a life pleasing to
camp meeting for bikers. There were
Him. When we disobey God
morning and evening speakers
God, we become ineffective
separated by other more specialized
in showing Jesus to the
activities and fun things to do. It was
world. When we obey Gods
pure joy riding on new roads, all From The Prez... Word and do what it says,
smooth and curvy. The southern
hospitality was appreciated by all.
As I write this, I am at a CMA booth at we become more like Him,
Gettysburg Bike Week! Jaz and I are and our lives and actions
The folks at Jims Drive In were
manning the Lions of Judah booth. look more like God, and
such fun, taking our pictures for
lives are changed.
Facebook. Several of the sessions People need the Lord, and we are
Listen and do what God
spoke of CMA as a family, complete taking it to the streets. Lets do says. It will make a
with the sibling rivalry, bickering, and whatever we need to do to be ready for difference in your life and
even fighting. But, like a family, the
brothers and sisters never cease
upcoming events. Lets witness to the in those you are sent to
masses! reach. ~Jaz
being a family, loving one another
afterwards, same as always. Lessons -Prez Chas

Riders With A Purpose-Ride and Event Calendar Find Us On The Web!

NOTE: Rides usually follow all regular meetings! Riders With A Purpose
^ Indicates events at which we will be setting up our tent and CMA Info booth. www.cmariderswithapurpose.
Like Us On Facebook: www.

July 15 Breakfast/Regular Meeting 8:00 AM Gallery Grille at Tanglewood
July 16 Biker Sunday-Smithfield COG TBA Muddy Run Park
July 27-30 State Rally TBA Pleasantville, PA
Aug. 19 Breakfast/Regular Meeting 8:00 AM Location to be Determined
Aug. 26 Ice Cream Run 4:30 PM Fergies
Aug. 27 Biker Sunday- NP Baptist TBA Muddy Run Park

Looking Ahead:
Sept. 2, 4 Parking for Hospice Care Auction TBA Solanco Fairgrounds, Quarryville, PA
Sept 20-22 Solanco Fair TBA Solanco Fairgrounds, Quarryville, PA
Sept. 24 Little Hands-Big Plans Ride & Pigroast 11:00 AM Registration-Omas Campground, Kirkwood
Sept. 30 Multi-Chapter Picnic TBA Seyfert Camp, Birdsboro, PA
Oct. 8 Biker Sunday at Living Stones TBA Living Stones, Wakefield, PA

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