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32. Teamwork: The process of people actively working together to accomplish 68.

. Management by exception: a control principle which suggests that

common goals. managers should be informed of a situation only if control data show a
1. Human Resource Management: is the management of various activities significant deviation from standards
33. Formal Group: a group officially created by an organization for a specific
designed to enhance the effectiveness of an organizations work force in
purpose 69. Resource dependence: an approach based on the view that managers
achieving organizational goals.
need to consider controls mainly in areas in which they depend on others for
34. Command, or functional group: a formal group consisting of a manager
2. Human Resource Planning: the process of determining future human resources
and all the subordinates who report to that manager
resources needs relative to an organizations strategic plan and devising the
70. Strategic control points: Performance areas chosen for control because
steps necessary to meet those needs 35. Task group: A Formal Group working together to complete a job or task in
they are particularly important in meeting organizational
an organization but no limited by hierarchical boundaries
3. Staffing: the set of activities aimed at attracting and selecting individuals goals
36. Role: A set of expected behavior patterns attributed to someone
for positions in a way that will facilitate the achievement of organizational
71. Feedforward control: The regulation of inputs to ensure that they meet
goals occupying a given position in a social unit
the standards necessary for the transformation process
37. Informal Group: a group that is established by employees, rather than by
4. Job Description: a clear and concise summary of the specific tasks, duties,
72. Concurrent Control: regulation of ongoing activities that are part of the
and responsibilities, includes job specifications. the organization, to serve group members interest or social needs
transformation process to ensure that they conform to organizational
5. Job Specification: outlines the knowledge, skills, education, physical 38. Group task roles: A positive role that affects a group's ability to dostandards
abilities, and other characteristics needed to adequately perform a specificwork needed to achieve its goals.
73. Feedback control: regulation exercised after a product or service has been
job 39. Group Maintenance roles: A positive role that affects how group completed to ensure that the output meets organizational standards
6. Contingent workers: employees who do not have full- time jobs butmembers are get along with one another while pursuing a common goal.
74. Multiple Control Systems: systems that use two or more of the feed
called on by companies to work when and as needed. 40. Self-oriented roles: Are related to the personal needs of group members forward. concurrent, and feedback control processes and involve several
7. Skills Inventory: provides information on the current internal supply and ofoften negatively influence the effectiveness of a group strategic control points
labor. 41. Social Loafing: the tendency of some people to avoid responsibility by 75. freeCybernetic Control System: a self-regulated control system that, once it is
riding in group
8. Recruitment: Process of attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient put into operation, can automatically monitor the situation and take
numbers, and with appropriate qualifications, to apply for jobs with42.anIndividualism: a condition whereby personal interest is afforded greater corrective action when necessary
organization. weight than the needs of the group 76. Noncybernetic control system: control system that relies on human
9. Job Posting: a practice whereby information about job vacancies is placed 43. Collectivism: a condition whereby the demands and interest of the group discretion as a basic part of its process
in conspicuous places in an organization, such as on organ bulletin boards or
are given precedence over the desires and needs of individuals 77. Bureaucratic control: the use of hierarchical authority to influence
in organizational newsletters employee behavior by rewarding or punishing employees by rewarding or
44. Positive synergy: The force that results when the combined gains from
10. Internal Recruitment: the process of finding potential internal candidategroup interaction are greater than group process losses punishing employees for compliance or noncompliance with organizational
and encouraging them to apply for and/or be willing to accept organizational policies, rules, and procedures
jobs that are open. 45. Negative synergy: The force that results when group process losses are
greater than any gains achieved from combining the forces of group members 78. Clan Control: rely on values, beliefs, traditions, culture and informal
11. External Recruitment: the process of finding potential external candidates relationships to regulate behavior and to facilitate the reaching of
and encouraging them to apply for and/or be willing to accept organizational 46. Norms: expected behaviors sanctioned by a group that regulate and foster organizational goals
jobs that ae open. uniformity in members behaviors
79. Outsourcing: The process of employing an outside vendor to perform a
12. Selection: process through which an organization ensures that it always 47. Group cohesiveness: the degree to which members are attracted to a
function normally carried on within the organization
has the proper number of employees with the appropriate skills in the right group, are motivated to remain in the group, and are mutually influenced by
one another. 80. Belief systems: are the means through which managers communicate and
jobs at the right time
reinforce the organizations basic mission and values.
13. Employment Test: a means of assessing a job applicants characteristics 48. Norming: a stage in which group members begin to build group cohesion,
as well as develop a consensus about norms for performing a task and relating 81. Boundary systems: define the acceptable domain of activities for
through paper-and-pencil responses or simulated exercises
to one another. organizational members.
14. Training and Development: a planned effort to facilitate employee
Characterized by cooperation, consensus, and shared understanding of goals 82. Incrementalist approach: an approach to controlling an innovative project
learning of job-related behaviors in order to improve employee performance that relies heavily on clan control but also involves a phased set of plans and
and rules.
15. Need analysis: an assessment of an organizations training needs that 49.isPerforming: Focus on achievement of goals. A state in which energy accompanying
is bureaucratic controls that begin at a very general level and
developed by considering overall organizational requirements, channeled task toward a task and in which norms support teamwork. grow more specific as the project progresses.
associated with jobs for which training is needed, and the degree to which
50. Adjourning: a stage in which group members prepare for disengagement 83. Behavioral displacement: A condition that is a side effect of poorly
individuals are able to perform those tasks effectively designed and/or excessive controls in which individuals engage in behaviors
as the group nears successful completion of its goals
16. Orientation Training: usually a formal program designed to provide new that are encouraged by controls and related reward systems even though the
employees with information about the company and their jobs. 51. Task force: A temporary task group usually formed to make behaviors actually are inconsistent with organizational goals.
recommendations on a specific issue. A type of temporary team which is
17. Technical Skills Training: oriented toward providing specialized asked to address a specific issue or problem until it is resolved. 84. Overcontrol: the limiting of individual job autonomy to such a point that
knowledge and developing facility in the use of methods, processes, and it seriously inhibits effective job performance
techniques associated with a particular discipline or trade. 52. Ad hoc committee: another term for task force.
85. Undercontrol: the granting of autonomy to an employee to such a point
18. Performance Appraisal: the process of defining expectations 53. forTeam: A temporary or an ongoing task group whose members are charged that the organization loses its ability to direct the individuals efforts toward
employee performance measuring, evaluating, and recording employee with working together to identify problems, form a consensus, about what
achieving organizational goals
performance relative to those expectations, and providing feedback toshould the be done, and implement necessary actions in relation to a particular
task or organizational area. A group whose members work intensely with each 86. Sequential interdependence: requires different tasks to be down in a
employee. prescribed order, members interact to carry out their work, the interaction
other to achieve a specific, common goal. All teams are groups, not all groups
19. Graphic rating scales: scales that list a number of factors, including are teams only occurs between members who perform tasks that are next to each other
general behaviors and characteristics, on which an employee is rated by the in the sequence.
supervisor. 54. Conflict: A perceived difference between two or more parties that results
in mutual opposition 87. Reciprocal interdependence: requires members to be specialized to
20. Compensation: wages paid directly for time worked, as well as more perform specific tasks. However, instead of a strict sequence of activities,
indirect benefits that employees receive as part of their employment 55. Superordinate goals: Major common goals that require the supportmembers and interact with a subset of other members to complete the team's
relationship with an organization. effort of all parties. Need to be goals which are important to all parties work.
21. Benefits: forms of compensation beyond wages for time worked, 56. Avoiding: (Interpersonal Conflict-Handling Mode) Involves ignoring88.orEnergizer: Prods the group to action
including various protection plans, services, pat for time not worked, suppressing
and a conflict in the hope that it will either go away or not become
disruptive 89. Orienter: Summarizes what has taken place; points out departures from
income supplements. agreed on goals; tries to bring the group back to the central issues; raises
22. Job evaluation: a systematic process of establishing the relative worth of Accommodating: Focuses on solving conflicts by allowing the desires of
questions about the direction in which the group is heading.
jobs within a single organization in order to determine equitable the payother party to prevail.
90. Encourager: Praises, agrees with, and accepts the contributions of others;
differentials among jobs 58. Competing: Involves attempting to win a conflict at the other part's offers warmth, solidarity, and recognition.
23. Unions: employee groups formed for the purpose of negotiating expense with
91. Information giver: Offers facts or generalizations that may relate to the
management about conditions relating to their work. 59. Competing: Involves attempting to win a conflict at the other part's groups task.
24. Labor Management Relations: the process through which employers and expense
92. Gatekeeper: Keeps communication channels open; encourages and
unions negotiate pay, hours of work, and other conditions of employment; 60. Compromising: Aims to solve the conflict issues by having each party facilitates give interaction from those members who are usually silent.
sign a contract governing such conditions for a specific period of time up and some desired outcomes in order to get other desired outcomes
share responsibilities for administering the resulting contract 93. Standard setter: expresses standards for the group. These standards apply
61. Collaborating: Strives to resolve conflicts by devising solutions that allow to the quality of the group process, or set limits on acceptable individual
25. Pay survey: a survey of the labor market to determine the current rates both parties to achieve the desired outcome behavior within the group.
of pay for benchmark, or key, jobs
62. Controlling: the process of regulating organizational activities so 94. thatAggressor: Struggles for status by deflating the status of others; boasts;
26. Skill-based pay: a compensation system in which employees rates ofactual pay performance conforms to expected organizational standards and goals.
are based on the number of predetermined skills the employees have
63. Control System: a set of mechanisms designed to increase the probability 95. Blocker: Interferes with progress by rejecting ideas or taking a negative
of meeting organizational standards and goals. stand on any and all issues; refuses to cooperate
27. Gainsharing: a compensation system in which employees throughout an
organization are encouraged to become involved in solving problems and64. areStrategic controls: involves monitoring critical environmental factors 96. that Initiator-contributor: Contributes ideas and suggestions; proposes
could affect the viability of strategic plans, assessing the effectssolutions of and decisions; proposes new ideas or states old ideas in a novel
then given bonuses tied to organization wide performance improvements.
organizational strategic actions, and ensuring strategic plans fashion. are
28. Halo Effect: is a cognitive bias in which an observer's overall impression of
implemented as intended.
a person, company, brand, or product influences the observer's feelings and 97. Dominator: Interrupts and embarks on long monologues; is authoritative;
65. Tactical Control: focuses on assessing implementation of tactical plans at to monopolize the groups time.
thoughts about that entity's character or properties.
departmental levels, monitoring associated periodic results, and taking
29. Selection Interview: a relatively formal, in-depth conversation conductedcorrective action as necessary. 98. Follower: Goes along with the movement of the group passively,
for the purpose of assessing a candidates knowledge, skills, and abilities, as accepting the ideas of others sometimes serving as an audience.
well as providing information to the candidate about the organization and 66. Operational Control: involves overseeing the implementation of
operating plans, monitoring day-to-day results, and taking corrective action 99. Information seeker: Asks for clarification of comments in terms of their
potential jobs factual adequacy; asks for information or facts relevant to the problem;
when required.
30. Validity: the degree to which a measure actually assesses the attribute suggests information is needed before making decisions.
67. Goal incongruence: a condition in which there are major incompatibilities
that is designed to measure 100. Coordinator: Clarifies the relationships among information, opinions,
between the goals of an organization member and those of the organization
31. Group: Two or more people who interact with each other to accomplish and ideas or suggests an integration of the information, opinions, and ideas
certain goals or meet certain needs. of subgroups.

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