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APPLIED MATH 121: MidTerm Exam (open book) Name: ID: 1. (6 pts.) ‘Lurkeyco produces two types of turkey cutlets for sale to fast restaurants, Each type of cutlet consists of white meat and dark meat, Cutlet A sells for $4/Ib and ‘must consist of at least 70% white meat. Cutlet B sells for $3/Ib and must consist Of at least BU% white meal. AL most 90 Jb of cutlet A and 30 Ib of eutlet B can be produced. The two types of turkey used to manufacture the cutlets are purchased from GobbleGobble Turkey Farm. Each type 1 turkey cosis $10 and yields 5 Ib of white boat and 2 1b of dark meat, Hach type 2 turkey costs $8 and yields 3 Ib of white meat ‘and 3 1b of dark meat. Formulate an LP to maximize Turkeyco's profit. Solution: Let wy = amount of white meat in cutlet A 4, = amount of dark meat in cutlet A wz = amount of white meat in cutlet B dh = amount of dark meat in cutlet B Ty — sunbe uf Turkey 1 purchasea T, = number of Turkey 2 purchased. ‘Phe LP ia Maximize Z = 4(w, + di) + 3(wy + da) = (107; +87) ‘under the constraints witd < 50 wid, < 90 wy +we < 543% td < M+Ih wr E O.7wi +a) — (01 0.94 ~ 0.74; 2 0) w > 06(up+d:) (or 0.4, ~O.dy > 0) sand wr, wey dis da,Ty,Ts > 0. 2. (10 pts.) Consider the following LP: Maximien %= dry tors under constraints ee m - Me <0 a <1 and iz 20. (0) (2 pts.) Draw the feasible region in (21,.29)-space. (bj [S pts.) Use simplex algorithm in tabular form to find the optimal solution and the optimal value of the LP. (©) (8 pts.) Describe graphically the sequence of vertices that the simpler algorithm has scanned. Solution: (a) The feasible region is as follows 4!* ee, (b) The optimal sotution is Z* = 7, (x},23) = (1,3). See the tableau next page. (©) The sequence of vertices seanned are (0,0) > (0,0) + (1,0.5) + @,3} Basic Variable | Row ZT e318 _ sa | RHS | Ratios Z @ [i/-* -1 0-0 0} 0 8 CeO 0 06 ere 2 @) }o}is 2 0 1 of} 0 fof1=0+min 4 @ loli o 0 o if fia Basic Variable [Row |Z [ai _ap sis sy | RES | Ratios Z @ fifo -9 0 4 0] 0 ss @fofo 7 4 al « lar en Q fol 2 0 of o % (3) |olo a 0 1] fijeemin Basie Variable [Row [Z [er 22s; 82 #3 | RHS | Ratios Z @{if0 0 0 05 45 [a5 a a) fofo 0 1 os a5] a6 | 956/05 —5 eu a Ot 0 Gy m (3) Jofo 1 0 -05 05 | os Basic Variable [Row [Z] esa _si_s ss | RHS | Ratios z Wife o 7 ae ler o ) 00) tee ley n @ lofi 0 oo aft m (OHI os 3 (14 pts.) Farmer Leary grows wheat and com on his 45 acre farm, He can sell at most 140 bushels of wheat aud 120 bushels of com. Each planted acre yields either 5 bushels of wheat or 4 bushels of corn. Wheat sells for $30 per bushel and corm sell for ‘$50 per bushel. 6 hours of labor is needed to harvest an acre of wheat, and 10 hours are required to harvest an acte of corn, Up to 350 hours of labor can he purchased at 310 per hour. With 2) = acres planted with wheat acres planted with corn hours of labor purchased, ‘The LP Farmer Leary should solve to optimize profit is Maximize Z= 5-30-27 44+50- 22-1025 under conatiainn n+ <6 (1) 6x) + 10m - ma <0 (2) zy < 350 (3) Bry < uo (4) doy < 0 6) and 2},29,25 > 0. Adding elack vosiablos, the oimplex algorithin yfckls Use fulluwing uptiinal tableau: Basic Variable [Row |Z] «i722 8 ay yg | RES Z w pipe oo TS 25 0 0 | 4250 2 GQ) }ofo 1 0 15 025 025 0 0| 20 2 @}0/1 0 0 25 025 02 0 0| 25 54 @) Jo}o 0 u 125 125 125 1 of 15 my @}ofo eo 1 0 0 1 0 of 350 % @ ]o]o 0 6 6 a a 0 1f 40 (») (2 pts.) Which constraints in the LP are tight for the optimal solution? (b) (4pts.) Winte down the dual ofthis LP, and find the optimal solution and optimal value for this dual LP, (©) (2 pts.) What is the most that Leary should pay for an additional hor of tahoe? (4) (8 pts.) Suppose the DEM declore that 5 acres of Leary’s land to be wetlands, and therefore unusable, What would be the new profit? (6) (@ plow) Parmer Leary is wusidetiug guowlng burley. The matket for barley 1s unlimited. An acre yields 4 bushels of barley and requires 3 hours of labor to harvest, If barley sells at $30 per bushel, should Leary grow any barley? 4 Solution: {a) In the optimal solution (sf, 83,53) = (0,0,0),(s}.s§) = (15,40). ‘Therefore, the wonsteaits (2), (2), (0) ate Ugh, whkerens (4), (3) ate nov tight. (b) The dual of this LP is Minimine W"— 46 | 60y3 + 140s + 120y5 under constraints wil bye 1 bye = 130 uw + 10 + 4¥ 2 200 a be = -10 and yi, ¥2.Us,Yisus 2 0 From the optimal tableau of the primal LP, the optiznal solution for the dual is (yjvub. wi, vis yg) = (75,12.5,2.5,0,0), W" = 27 = 4250. (©) It is just the shadow price of the labor, which is the yf = 2.5. (a) im thus case, the right-hand side of the constraints change, and 6 The original set of optimal basic variables is still optimal since 20 1b 02 095 0 07 Po 25 25 -0.25 -025 0 0| | 0 B+B p=] 5 f+] 125 125 125 1 0f-] 0 280 o 0 1 00] fa 40 ot lo 20 15 275 25 125 125 = | 5 ]+] 5 | =| 775 | >0. 350 0 350 40 30 10 ‘Therefore, the new profit is 0 - 0 ee™B'b = cp™Bb+ep™B Ab = 42504 [75 12.5 25 0 0)-| 0 ° 0 = 4250 — 375 = 3875. (e) We are going to add a new variable 24 = acres planted with barley, with = 4-30 = 120, Ay= ° Wo just need to add a column of 2, in the simplex tableau, The otiginal set of optimal basic variables will remain optimal as long as the coefficient of 4 in Row (0) Is non-negative. However, the coettcient ot x4 in Row (0) is indeed en™B A, ~ cy = [75 125 2.5 0 0) 1125 - 120 ‘Therefore, the original optimal solution is no longer optimal, and Leary should grow barley.

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