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Reliability check is required for each variable. Its minimum level is 0.7.
1. Analyze Scale Reliability analysis. If reliability is less than 0.7
then go for 2nd step.
2. Statistics if item deleted (select questions to delete)
3. For Gutman Check Lemda 4 between 0.7 to 1
Correlation Test
Correlation is always between two variables. The test shows whether two
variables are correlated or not and measure is the same that is
significance:- sig<=0.05 and t>+-2
1. Analyze correlate Bivariate
2. Select variables and run the test
3. + and signs of t will show the positive and negative relationship
Moderating Test
1. Standardize all three variables Descriptive Descriptive Freq
Standardize. You will get variables with names starting with z, say
they are ZR1, ZR3, ZR5 as IV, DV and Mod V
2. Make interactive term, multiply IV with Mod V:-
a. Transform Compute Variables
b. Write Moderator (say) in target variable
c. In numeric expression bring both the IV and Mod v and multiply
them (*)
d. You will get another variable in list named Moderator, this is
called interactive term.
3. Now run moderator test:-
a. Regression Linear
b. Put ZR3 in DV and ZR1 and ZR5 in IV
c. Press Next
d. Put moderator in IV and press OK
4. If R square difference exists, moderation exists
5. See Coefficient table, if moderator is sig, moderation is sig else not

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