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Name: Part B: Understanding the meanings of words

Direction: Match the words with its correct meanings

"Yesterday Once More" 1. Melody 2. Memorize 3. Wonder

Part A: Listening for completion 4. Favorite 5. Sound 6. Smile
Direction: Listen and use the words from the box to
7. Rather 8. Shine 9. Clearly 10. Cry
complete in the missing spaces

times memorize wondered favorite A. . : a tune, often forming part of a larger piece of
rather sound cry shines clearly music.
smile B. . : best liked or most enjoyed.
When I was young
C. . : easy to see, hear, or understand.
I'd listen to the radio
Waitin' for my 1. ______________ songs D. . : to make a happy or friendly expression in which
When they played I'd sing along the corners of your mouth curve up.
It made me 2. ______________ E. . : to ask yourself questions or express a wish to
Those were such happy times
know about something
And not so long ago F. . : to seem good, interesting, strange, etc. from
How I 3. ______________ where they'd gone what is said or written
But they're back again G. . : to learn something so that you will remember it
Just like a long lost friend
All the songs I loved so well. exactly
H. . : very, so
Every Sha-la-la-la I. . : to produce tears as the result of a strong
Every Wo-o-wo-o
emotion, such as unhappiness or pain
Still 4. ______________
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling J. . : to send out or reflect light
That they're startin' to sing's
So fine. A B C D E F G H I J
When they get to the part
Where he's breakin' her heart
It can really make me cry Part C: Making Sentences.
Just like before
It's yesterday once more. Direction: Use the correct forms of words from part B to
complete in the blank so that the sentence makes sense.
Lookin' back on how it was
In years gone by
A. She still ___________ why he was so strange today.
And the good 5. ______________ that I had
Makes today seem 6. ______________ sad B. My ______________ singer is Mr. Sin Sisamuth.
So much has changed. C. I must ______________ the song lyrics before I can
sing it correctly.
It was songs of love that
I would sing to then
D. His songs are always strong on ______________.
And I'd 7. ______________ each word E. Today, the weather is ______________ hot.
Those old melodies F. Your idea ___________wonderful. Ill do as you said.
Still 8. ______________ so good to me G. The sun always __________and makes me so happy.
As they melt the years away.
H. Often ______________, luck and happiness will
Every Sha-la-la-la come to you.
Every Wo-o-wo-o I. If you ______________, you are showing people
Still 4. ______________
around you that you are weak, arent you?
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling
That they're startin' to sing's J. I understand his lesson well because he explained the
So fine. lesson ______________.

All my best memories Put your answers here

Come back 9. ______________ to me
Some can even make me 10. ______________. A B C D E F G H I J
Just like before
It's yesterday once more.
Name: Part B: Understanding the meanings of words

Date: Direction: Match the words with its correct meanings

"Yesterday Once More" 1. Melody 2. Memorize 3. Wonder

Direction: Listen and use the words from the box to 4. Favorite 5. Sound 6. Smile
complete in the missing spaces 7. Rather 8. Shine 9. Clearly 10. Cry
times memorize wondered favorite
rather sound cry shines clearly
A. . : a tune, often forming part of a larger piece of
When I was young B. . : best liked or most enjoyed.
I'd listen to the radio C. . : easy to see, hear, or understand.
Waitin' for my 1. favorite songs
When they played I'd sing along
D. . : to make a happy or friendly expression in which
It made me 2. smile the corners of your mouth curve up.
Those were such happy times E. . : to ask yourself questions or express a wish to
And not so long ago know about something
How I 3. wondered where they'd gone
But they're back again F. . : to seem good, interesting, strange, etc. from
Just like a long lost friend what is said or written
All the songs I loved so well. G. . : to learn something so that you will remember it
Every Sha-la-la-la
Every Wo-o-wo-o H. . : very, so
Still 4. shines I. . : to produce tears as the result of a strong
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling emotion, such as unhappiness or pain
That they're startin' to sing's
J. . : to send out or reflect light
So fine.

When they get to the part A B C D E F G H I J

Where he's breakin' her heart 1 4 9 6 3 5 2 7 10 8
It can really make me cry
Just like before
Part C: Making Sentences.
It's yesterday once more.

Lookin' back on how it was Direction: Use the correct forms of words from part B to
In years gone by complete in the blank so that the sentence makes sense.
And the good 5. times that I had
Makes today seem 6. rather sad A. She still wondered why he was so strange today.
So much has changed.
B. My favorite singer is Mr. Sin Sisamuth.
It was songs of love that C. I must memorize the song lyrics before I can sing it
I would sing to then correctly.
And I'd 7. memorize each word D. His songs are always strong on melody.
Those old melodies
Still 8. sound so good to me E. Today, the weather is rather hot.
As they melt the years away. F. Your idea sounds wonderful. Ill do as you said.
G. The sun always shines and makes me so happy.
Every Sha-la-la-la
H. Often smile, luck and happiness will come to you.
Every Wo-o-wo-o
Still shines I. If you cry, you are showing people around you that
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling you are weak, arent you?
That they're startin' to sing's J. I understand his lesson well because he explained the
So fine.
lesson clearly.
All my best memories K. Put your answers here
Come back 9. clearly to me
Some can even make me 10. cry. A B C D E F G H I J
Just like before
3 4 2 1 7 5 8 6 10 9
It's yesterday once more.

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