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Dictionary Titles in the Series

English Language:
Easier English Basic Synonyms 0 7475 6979 7
English Study Dictionary 1 9016 5963 1
Easier English Student Dictionary 0 7475 6624 0
English Thesaurus for Students 1 9016 5931 3

Specialist Dictionaries:
Dictionary of Accounting 0 7475 6991 6
Dictionary of Banking and Finance 0 7475 6685 2
Dictionary of Business 0 7475 9680 0
Dictionary of Economics 0 7475 6632 1
Dictionary of Environment and Ecology 0 7475 7201 1
Dictionary of Hotels, Tourism and Catering Management 1 9016 5999 2
Dictionary of Human Resources and Personnel Management 0 7475 6623 2
Dictionary of ICT 0 7475 6990 8
Dictionary of Marketing 0 7475 6621 6
Dictionary of Medical Terms 0 7475 6987 8
Dictionary of Military Terms 1 9038 5620 5
Dictionary of Nursing 0 7475 6634 8
Dictionary of Science and Technology 0 7475 6620 8

Check your English Vocabulary Workbooks:

Business 0 7475 6626 7
Computing 1 9016 5928 3
English for Academic Purposes 0 7475 6691 7
PET 0 7475 6627 5
FCE + 0 7475 6981 9
IELTS 0 7475 6982 7

TOEFL 0 7475 6984 3

Visit our website for full details of all our books
This dictionary contains the most frequently used words in English and provides the
basic vocabulary needed for everyday communication by anyone starting to learn the
language. It is especially useful for elementary and pre-intermediate students of all
ages and would be suitable for those working towards an elementary level English
examination such as KET or PET.
Each word is individually defined, and no words, not even adverbs, are given with-
out a definition. Examples are included for many words to provide patterns for the
users own production of English sentences.
Each word, including compound words and phrasal verbs, has its own easy-to-find
main entry in bold type. Each word has a pronunciation in the International
Phonetic Alphabet. Common phrases and idioms associated with the main term are
shown in bold type and separately defined within the entry.
The meanings of the main common senses of each word are given clearly and sim-
ply, using a limited and easily understood vocabulary. Meanings are grouped
together by their part of speech.
Extra help is offered in Notes at the end of some entries. These include warnings
about words which can confused with each other, unusual inflected forms and
regularly collocating prepositions. The major differences in US and British
spelling are noted.
A useful companion to this dictionary is Easier English Basic Synonyms which
compares and contrasts words with similar meanings, showing the similarities and
differences in usage.
before a new part of speech
before examples
before a phrase or collocation
before an idiom
a definition of the word will be found at the place indicated
extra information will be found at the place indicated

The following symbols have been used to show the pronunciation of the main
words in the dictionary.
Stress has been indicated by a main stress mark (  ) and a secondary stress
mark (  ). Note that these are only guides, as the stress of the word changes
according to its position in the sentence.
Vowels Consonants
 back b buck
 harm d dead
stop other
a type d jump
a how f fare
a hire  gold
a hour h head
 course j yellow
annoy k cab
e head l leave
e fair m mix
e make n nil
e go sing
 word p print
i keep r rest
i happy s save
about shop
fit t take
near t change
u annual theft
u pool v value
book w work
tour x loch
' shut  measure
z zone Page 1 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

a1 /e/, A noun the first letter of the alpha-

very able manager. There are special

bet, followed by B Do you mean de- activities for able children.
pendant spelt with an a or depend- about / bat/ preposition 1. referring to

ent with an e? from A to Z com- something He told me all about his

pletely, all the way through operation. What do you want to speak
a2 /, e/, an /n, n/ article 1. one an

to the doctor about? 2. to be about to

enormous hole a useful guidebook do something to be going to do some-
Shes bought a new car. I want a cup thing very soon We were about to go
of tea. We had to wait an hour for the home when you arrived. 3. not exactly
bus. (NOTE: an is used before words Ive been waiting for about four hours.
beginning with a, e, i, o, u and with h if Shes only about fifteen years old.
the h is not pronounced: an apple or how about? 1. what do you think
an hour. a is used before words begin- about? We cant find a new chairper-
ning with all other letters and also be- son for the club What about Sarah? 2.
fore u where u is pronounced /ju
/ : a would you like a cup of tea? while
useful guidebook) 2. for each or to each youre about it at the same time as the
Apples cost 1.50 a kilo. The car thing you are doing While youre
was travelling at 50 kilometres an hour. about it, can you post this letter?
He earns 100 a day. above / bv/ preposition 1. higher than

abandon / bndn/ verb 1. to leave The plane was flying above the

someone or something in an unkind way clouds. The temperature in the street

The dog had been abandoned by its was above 30 degrees. At prices
owner. 2. to give up or stop doing some- above 20, nobody will buy it. 2. older
thing The company has decided to than If you are above 18, you have to
abandon the project. We abandoned pay the full fare. 3. louder than I
the idea of setting up a London office. couldnt hear the telephone above the
noise of the drills.
abbreviation /bri
vi e()n/ noun a

abroad / br
d/ adverb in or to another

short form of a word

country Theyve gone abroad on holi-

ability / blti/ noun 1. a natural tenden-

day. I lived abroad for three years.
cy to do something well I admire his
absence / bsns/ noun the fact of be-

ability to stay calm in difficult situa-

tions. We can develop their natural ing away from a place She did not ex-
abilities. (NOTE: The plural is abilities.) plain her absence from the meeting.
Ill do it to the best of my ability Ill The former president was sentenced in
do it as well as I can 2. the fact of being his absence. in the absence of be-
clever suitable for different levels of cause someone or something is not there
In the absence of the chairman, his
ability (NOTE: no plural)
deputy took over. In the absence of
able / eb()l/ adjective 1. to be able to

any official support, we had to raise our

do something to be capable of some- own funds.
thing or have the chance to do some-
absent / bsnt/ adjective not there

thing They werent able to find the
house. Will you be able to come to the Ten of the staff are absent with flu.
absolute / bslu
t/ adjective com-

meeting? 2. good at doing something, or

good at doing many things Shes a plete or total Page 2 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

absolutely 2 accompany
absolutely adverb 1. / bslu
tli/ com- little gift. 2. to say yes or to agree to

pletely I am absolutely sure I left the something She accepted the offer of a
keys in my coat pocket. 2. /bs lu
job in Australia. I invited her to come
yes, of course Did you build it your- with us and she accepted. (NOTE: Do not
self? Absolutely! confuse with except.)
acceptable /k septb()l/ adjective

absorb /b z
b/ verb 1. to take in

something such as a liquid The water good enough to be accepted, although

should be absorbed by the paper. Salt not particularly good Fighting in the
absorbs moisture from the air. 2. to re- street is not acceptable behaviour.
duce a shock The cars springs are Smoking is becoming less socially ac-
supposed to absorb any shock from the ceptable. A small gift of flowers would
road surface. be very acceptable. The offer is not
acceptable to the vendor.
absurd /b s
d/ adjective completely

access / kses/ noun a way of reaching


unreasonable or impossible to believe

Its absurd to expect you will win the lot- a place The concert hall has access
tery if you only buy one ticket. for wheelchairs. At present there is no
access to the site. to have access to
abuse1 / bju
s/ noun 1. rude words

something to be able to reach a place,
The people being arrested shouted meet a person, or obtain something
abuse at the police. 2. very bad treat- Ill have access to the studio day and
ment the sexual abuse of children night. The company has access to
She suffered physical abuse in prison. substantial funds. verb to get infor-
(NOTE: [all senses] no plural) mation from a computer She tried to
abuse2 / bju
z/ verb 1. to treat some-

access the address list.

one very badly, usually physically or accident / ksd()nt/ noun 1. an un-

sexually She had been abused as a pleasant thing which happens and caus-
child. 2. to make the wrong use of some- es damage or injury He lost his leg in
thing He abused his position as fi- an accident at work. She was involved
nance director. 3. to say rude things in a car accident and had to go to hos-
about someone The crowd noisily pital. 2. something that happens unex-
abused the group of politicians as they pectedly Their third baby was an ac-
entered the building. cident. by accident without being
academic /k demk/ adjective 1. re-

planned or expected He found the

lating to study at a university Mem- missing papers by accident.
bers of the academic staff received a let- accidental /ks dent()l/ adjective

ter from the principal. 2. only in theory, happening without being planned or ex-
not in practice It is only of academic pected an accidental meeting acci-
interest. noun a university teacher dental damage His death was not ac-
All her friends are academics. cidental.
accelerate /k selret/ verb to go fast-

accidentally /ks dent()li/ adverb


er Dont accelerate when you get to without being planned or expected

traffic lights. accommodation /km de()n/

accent / ksnt/ noun 1. a particular


noun a place to live or somewhere to

way of pronouncing something He stay for a short time Are you still look-
speaks with an American accent. 2. the ing for accommodation? Visitors have
stronger or louder part of a word or sen- difficulty in finding hotel accommoda-
tence In the word letter the accent is tion during the summer. (NOTE: In Brit-
on the first syllable. 3. a mark over a let- ish English, accommodation has no
ter showing a particular way of pro- plural.)
nouncing it Caf has an accent on the accompany / kmp()ni/ verb 1. to

e. go with someone or something She

accept /k sept/ verb 1. to take and keep

accompanied me to the door. 2. to play

a present We hope you will accept this a musical instrument while someone Page 3 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

accomplish 3 action
else plays another instrument or sings acid / sd/ noun a chemical substance

She sang and was accompanied on the that is able to dissolve metals
piano by her father. (NOTE: accompa-
acknowledge /k nld"/ verb 1. to

nied by someone or something)

say that something has been received
accomplish / kmpl/ verb to do

She didnt acknowledge receiving my
something successfully You wont ac- letter. 2. to accept that something is true
complish anything by arguing. She acknowledged that she had seen
according to / k
d tu
/ preposi- me there.
according to

tion 1. as someone says or writes The acknowledgement /k nld"mnt/


washing machine was installed accord- noun a letter or note sent to say that
ing to the manufacturers instructions. something has been received
According to the police, the car was
acorn / ek
n/ noun the fruit of an oak

going too fast. 2. in agreement with tree

rules or a system Everything went ac-
acquaintance / kwentns/ noun a

cording to plan or schedule. 3. in rela-

tion to The teachers have separated person you know slightly She has
the children into classes according to many acquaintances in the travel indus-
their ages. try but no real friends.
acquire / kwa/ verb to become the

account / kant/ noun 1. same as


bank account 2. I was worried on owner of something She has acquired

her account I was afraid something a large collection of old books.
across / krs/ preposition 1. from one

might happen to her on account of

because of, due to The trains are late side to the other Dont run across the
on account of the fog. We dont use the road without looking to see if there is
car much on account of the price of pet- any traffic coming. 2. on the other side
rol. take something into account of He saw her across the street. ad-
to consider something We have to take verb from one side to the other The
the weather into account. on no ac- river is only twenty feet across. The
count not at all stream is very narrow you can easily
accurate / kjrt/ adjective correct in
jump across.
act /kt/ noun 1. something which is

all details Are the figures accurate?

We asked them to make an accurate done He thanked her for the many
copy of the plan. acts of kindness she had shown him over
accurately / kjrtli/ adverb correct-
the years. 2. a part of a play or show
ly The weather forecast accurately Act 2 of the play takes place in the gar-
predicted the storm. den. 3. a short performance The show
includes acts by several young singers.
accuse / kju
z/ verb to say that some-

4. a law passed by Parliament an act
one has done something wrong The to ban the sale of weapons verb 1. to
police accused her of stealing the mon- do something You will have to act
ey. (NOTE: You accuse someone of a quickly if you want to stop the fire. She
crime or of doing something.) acted in a very responsible way. to act
achieve / ti
v/ verb to succeed in do-

as someone or something to do the

ing something after trying very hard work of someone or something The
Have you achieved all your aims? The thick curtain acts as a screen to cut out
company has achieved great success in noise from the street. 2. to behave in a
the USA. particular way Shes been acting very
achievement / ti
vmnt/ noun

strangely. to get your act together
something which has been done suc- to organise yourself properly If they
cessfully She is very modest about her dont get their act together, theyll miss
achievements. Coming sixth was a their train.
action / kn/ noun 1. the fact of doing

great achievement, since he had never

entered the competition before. something We recommend swift ac- Page 4 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

active 4 address
tion to prevent the problem spreading. ad /d/ noun an advertisement (informal )

What action are you going to take to If you want to sell your car quickly,
prevent accidents? out of action not put an ad in the paper.
working The car has been out of ac- adapt / dpt/ verb 1. to change some-

tion for a week. 2. something that is thing to be suitable for a new situation
done Theyve shown their commit- She adapted the story for TV. The car
ment by their actions. 3. a movement has been adapted for disabled drivers.
Avoid sudden actions that could alarm 2. to change your behaviour to fit into a
the animals. 4. the things that happen in new situation Well all have to learn
a performance such as a play or film to adapt to the new system.
The action of the play takes place in a adaptable / dptb()l/ adjective

flat in London. 5. a case in a law court able to change or be changed easily to

where someone tries to get money from deal with new situations or uses
someone else to bring an action for
add /d/ verb 1. to make a total of num-

damages against someone

bers If you add all these numbers to-
active / ktv/ adjective 1. involved in

gether it should make fifty. (NOTE: Add-

an activity or activities, especially in an ing is usually shown by the sign + : 10
energetic way He didnt play an ac- + 4 = 14.) 2. to join one thing to another
tive part in the attack on the police sta- Interest is added to the account
tion. My grandmother is still very ac- monthly. Add two cupfuls of sugar.
tive at the age of 88. 2. (of a volcano) Put a teabag into the pot and add boil-
exploding or likely to explode Scien- ing water. By building the annexe,
tists think the volcano is no longer ac- they have added thirty rooms to the ho-
tive. 3. the form of a verb which shows tel. 3. to say or to write something more
that the subject is doing something I have nothing to add to what I put in
(NOTE: If you say the car hit him the my letter. She added that we still owed
verb is active, but in he was hit by the her some money for work she did last
car it is passive.) month.
activity /k tvti/ noun 1. the act or

add up phrasal verb to make a total
fact of being active 2. something that the figures do not add up the total is
someone does to pass time pleasantly not correct
addition / d()n/ noun 1. someone or

Children are offered various holiday ac-

tivities sailing, windsurfing and wa- something added to something else

ter-skiing. (NOTE: The plural in this the latest addition to the family He
showed us the additions to his collection
sense is activities.)
of paintings. 2. the act of adding figures
actor / kt/ noun a person who acts in

to make a total You dont need a cal-

the theatre, in films or on TV culator to do a simple addition. in ad-
actress / ktrs/ noun a woman who
dition to as well as There are twelve
acts in the theatre, in films or on TV registered letters to be sent in addition
(NOTE: Many women prefer to call to this parcel. in addition as well
themselves actors rather than actress- in addition to as well as There are
twelve registered letters to be sent in ad-
dition to this parcel.
actual / ktul/ adjective real

It additional / d()nl/ adjective in-


looks quite small but the actual height is cluded as well as what there is already
5 metres. Her actual words were much
address / dres/ noun 1. a set of details

of the number of a house, the name of a
actually / ktuli/ adverb really

It street and the town where someone lives

looks quite small, but actually it is over or works What is the doctors ad-
5 metres high. He said he was ill, but dress? Our address is: 1 Cambridge
actually he wanted to go to the football Road, Teddington, Middlesex. 2. the set
match. of letters, symbols and numbers that Page 5 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

address book 5 advantage

identify someones email account admission that she had taken the money
verb 1. to write details such as some- led to her arrest.
ones name, street and town on a letter admission fee /d m()n fi
/ noun
admission fee

or parcel That letter is addressed to an amount of money paid to go into a

me dont open it! 2. to speak or write place such as a museum
to someone Please address your ques-
admit /d mt/ verb to allow someone to

tions to the information office. Teach-

ers are not normally addressed as Sir go in to a place Children are admitted
here. 3. to make a formal speech to a free, but adults have to pay. This ticket
group The chairman addressed the admits three people. (NOTE: admits
meeting. admitting admitted) to admit (to)
doing something to say that you have
address book / dres bk/ noun a
address book

done something wrong They admitted
notebook or computer file in which you stealing the car.
can record peoples names, home ad-
adopt / dpt/ verb 1. to take someone

dresses, telephone numbers and email

addresses legally as a son or daughter They have

adopted a little boy. 2. to decide to start
adequate / dkwt/ adjective 1.

using something The book has been

enough for a purpose We dont have adopted for use in all English classes.
adequate supplies for the whole journey. We need to adopt a more flexible ap-
His salary alone is barely adequate. proach.
2. only just satisfactory
adore / d
/ verb to like someone or

adhesive /d hi
sv/ adjective able to

something very much

stick to things noun a substance adult / dlt/ noun a fully-grown person

which sticks things together adjective 1. fully grown an adult ti-

adjacent / d"es()nt/ adjective very

ger 2. relating to a mature person or

close to or almost touching something people adult fiction
My office is in an adjacent building. advance /d v
ns/ verb to move for-

adjective / d"ktv/ noun a word


ward The police slowly advanced

which describes a noun In the phrase across the square. noun 1. a move-
a big black cloud, big and black ment forwards The police have made
are both adjectives. some advances in their fight against
adjust / d"st/ verb to make a slight

crime. The team made an advance
change to something I need to adjust into their opponents half. 2. money
this belt a bit. to adjust to something paid as a loan or as a part of a payment
to become used to something How are to be made later adjective done before
you adjusting to being a parent? something happens She made an ad-
vance payment of 3000. in advance
admiration /dm re()n/ noun re-

earlier than the time something happens
spect for someone or something You must phone in advance to make
admire /d ma/ verb to consider

an appointment. They asked us to pay
someone or something with approval 200 in advance.
advanced /d v
nst/ adjective which

He was admired for his skill as a violin-

ist. We admired the view from the bal- is studied at a higher level Hes stud-
cony. ying advanced mathematics. Shes
admission /d m()n/ noun 1. the act

studying for an advanced degree.
advantage /d v
ntd"/ noun some-

or fact of being allowed to go in to a

place Admission to the exhibition is thing which will help you to be success-
free on Sundays. My friend was re- ful Being able to drive a car is an ad-
fused admission to the restaurant be- vantage. Knowledge of two foreign
cause he was not wearing a tie. no ad- languages is an advantage in this job.
mission no one can enter 2. a statement She has several advantages over the
saying that something bad is true Her other job candidates. to take advan- Page 6 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

adventure 6 afraid
tage of something to profit from ral: use some advice or, for one item, a
something They took advantage of the piece of advice)
cheap fares on offer. to take advan- advise /d vaz/ verb 1. to suggest to

tage of someone to get something un- someone what they should do He ad-
fairly from someone to (good or vised her to save some of the money. 2.
best) advantage in a way that helps to tell someone officially that something
someone or something appear especial- has happened (formal ) They advised
ly good She used her knowledge of us that the sale of the house had been
Italian to good advantage. completed.
adventure /d vent/ noun a new, ex-

adviser /d vaz/, advisor noun some-


citing and dangerous experience I one who helps people to make decisions
must tell you about our adventures in about what to do
the desert.
aerial / eril/ noun a piece of equipment

adverb / dv
b/ noun a word which

for receiving radio or TV signals

applies to a verb, an adjective, another
aeroplane / erplen/ noun a vehicle

adverb or a whole sentence In the sen-

which flies in the air, carrying passen-
tence He walked slowly, because the
gers or goods
snow was very thick. both slowly and
affair / fe/ noun 1. something which is

very are adverbs.

relevant to one person or group of peo-

adverse / dv
s/ adjective (of condi-

ple only Thats his affair its nothing

tions) unpleasant and unwanted an
to do with me. Its an affair for the po-
adverse reaction adverse effects
lice. His business affairs were very
advert / dv
t/ noun same as adver-

complicated. 2. a sexual relationship

tisement with someone who is not your husband
advertise / dvtaz/ verb to make

or wife Hes having an affair with his

sure that people know that something is bosss wife. 3. an event The party is
for sale, or that something is going to just a family affair. 4. an event or situa-
happen The company is advertising tion that shocks people The whole
for secretaries. Did you see that the sorry affair was on the front page of the
restaurant is advertising cheap meals newspapers for days. plural noun af-
on Sundays? I saw this watch adver- fairs situations or activities relating to
tised in the paper. public or private life
affect / fekt/ verb to have an influence

advertisement /d v
tsmnt/ noun

an announcement which tries to make on someone or something The new

sure that people know that something is regulations have affected our business.
for sale, or that something is going to Train services have been seriously af-
happen fected by the strike.
affection / fekn/ noun a feeling of

advertising / dvtaz/ noun the act


of making sure that people know that liking someone, especially a friend
something is for sale, or that something She always spoke of him with great af-
is going to happen The company has fection.
afford / f
d/ verb to have enough mon-

increased the amount of money it spends

on advertising. They spent millions on ey to pay for something How will you
the advertising campaign. afford such an expensive holiday? be
advice /d vas/ noun an opinion that

unable to afford, cant afford to be un-
someone gives you about what you able to accept something because it
should do He went to the bank manag- might cause you a problem I cant af-
er for advice on how to pay his debts. ford a delay of more than three weeks.
afraid / fred/ adjective 1. frightened of

They would not listen to the doctors ad-

vice. My grandfather gave me a very something or someone I am afraid of

useful piece of advice. His mothers snakes. He is too afraid to climb the
advice was to stay in bed. (NOTE: no plu- ladder. 2. to be afraid (that) to be Page 7 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

after 7 agreement
sorry to say Im afraid that all the aged /ed"d/ adjective with the age of
cakes have been sold. You cant see a girl aged nine She died last year,
the boss Im afraid hes ill. Have aged 83.
you got a pocket calculator? No, Im
aged2 / ed"d/ adjective very old an

afraid not.
aged man
after /
ft/ preposition 1. following or

agency / ed"nsi/ noun an office which


next in order to If today is Tuesday,

the day after tomorrow is Thursday. represents another firm an advertising
They spoke one after the other. Whats agency
the letter after Q in the alphabet? af- agenda / d"end/ noun a list of points

ter you you go first 2. later than We for discussion whats on the agenda?
arrived after six oclock. We dont let what are we going to discuss? a set of
the children go out alone after dark. things that someone plans to do top of
conjunction later than a time After the your agenda what someone wants most
snow fell, the motorways were blocked. A holiday is top of my agenda at
Phone me after you get home. (NOTE: present.
after is used with many phrasal verbs: agent / ed"nt/ noun a person who

to look after, to take after, etc.) af- works for or represents someone else
ter all 1. in spite of everything Every- Our head office is in London but we
thing was all right after all. 2. the fact is have an agent in Paris.
He should be OK; after all, he is
aggression / 're()n/ noun a feeling

eighteen now.

of anger against someone that is ex-

afternoon /
ft nu
n/ noun the time

pressed, especially in physical force
between midday and the evening He an act of aggression an attack on some-
always has a little sleep in the after- one
noon. There is an afternoon flight to
aggressive / 'resv/ adjective ready

Paris. Can we meet tomorrow after-

noon? to attack someone

aggressively / 'resvli/ adverb as if

afterwards /
ftwdz/ adverb later

Well have lunch first and go shopping wanting to attack someone

afterwards. ago / '/ adverb in the past He

again / 'en/ adverb 1. another time phoned a few minutes ago. This all

He had to take his driving test again. happened a long time ago. (NOTE: ago
again and again several times, usually always follows a word referring to
in a firm or determined way The po- time.)
lice officer asked the same question agree / 'ri
/ verb 1. to say yes or give

again and again. 2. back as you were permission After some discussion he
before Although I like going on holi- agreed to our plan. (NOTE: You agree to
day, Im always glad to be home again. or on a plan.) 2. to say or show that you
against / 'enst/ preposition 1. so as to

have the same opinion as someone else

touch He was leaning against the Most of the group agreed with her
wall. She hit her head against the low suggestion.
doorway. 2. in opposition to England agreement / 'ri
mnt/ noun 1. the act

is playing against South Africa tomor- or fact of thinking the same to reach
row. Its hard cycling uphill against an agreement or to come to an agree-
the wind. They went against his ad- ment on salaries Agreement between
vice. the two sides is still a long way off.
age /ed"/ noun the number of years

they are in agreement with our plan

which you have lived She is thirty they agree with our plan We discussed
years of age. He looks younger than the plan with them and they are in
his age. plural noun ages a very long agreement. 2. a contract to draw up or
time (informal ) Ive been waiting here to draft an agreement We signed an
for ages. It took us ages to get served. agreement with the Italian company. Page 8 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

ahead 8 alive
ahead / hed/ adverb 1. in front Our has a fleet of ten aircraft. (NOTE: The

team was losing, but now we are ahead plural is aircraft: one aircraft, six air-
again. Run on ahead and find some craft.)
seats for us. You need to go straight airfare / efe/ noun the amount of mon-

ahead, and then turn left. 2. in future ey a passenger has to pay to travel on an
My diary is filled with appointments for aircraft
six weeks ahead. 3. before We try to air force / e f
s/ noun a countrys mil-
air force

fill the vacancies at least three weeks itary air organisation

ahead. ahead of / hed v/ 1. in
airline / elan/ noun a company which

front of Ahead of us was a steep hill.

They ran on ahead of the others. 2. in takes people or goods to places in air-
a future time You have a mass of work craft The airline has been voted the
ahead of you. 3. before (informal ) most popular with business travellers.
They drafted in extra police ahead of the Hes an airline pilot.
airplane / eplen/ noun US an aircraft

international match.
aid /ed/ noun 1. help, especially money, airport / ep
t/ noun a place where air-

food or other gifts given to people living craft land and take off You can take
in difficult conditions aid to the earth- the underground to the airport. We
quake zone an aid worker (NOTE: This are due to arrive at Heathrow Airport at
meaning of aid has no plural.) in aid midday.
of in order to help We give money in alarm / l
m/ noun 1. a loud warning

aid of the Red Cross. They are collect- sound An alarm will sound if someone
ing money in aid of refugees. 2. some- touches the wire. to raise the alarm
thing which helps you to do something to warn everyone of danger 2. same as
kitchen aids verb 1. to help some- alarm clock verb to frighten some-
thing to happen 2. to help someone one I dont want to alarm you, but
aim /em/ noun what you are trying to do theres a police car parked outside your

His aim is to do well at school and house.

then go to university. One of our aims alarm clock / l
m klk/ noun a clock
alarm clock

is to increase the speed of service. which rings a bell to wake you up

verb 1. to plan to do something We album / lbm/ noun 1. a large book 2.

aim to go on holiday in June. 2. to point a collection of songs on a CD, cassette

a gun at someone or something He or record
was aiming or aiming a gun at the po-
alcohol / lkhl/ noun a substance in

drinks such as beer or wine that can
air /e/ noun 1. a mixture of gases which

make people drunk They will not

cannot be seen, but which is all around serve alcohol to anyone under the age of
us and which every animal breathes 18.
His breath was like steam in the cold air.
alcoholic /lk hlk/ adjective relat-

2. the air the space around things and

ing to alcohol
above the ground He threw the ball up
alert / l
t/ adjective watching or listen-

into the air. (NOTE: These meanings of

air have no plural.) adjective refer- ing carefully, ready to notice something
alike / lak/ adjective very similar ad-

ring to a method of travelling or sending

goods using aircraft new air routes verb in a similar way My sister and I
by air in an aircraft I dont enjoy trav- just dont think alike. The change will
elling by air. Its quicker to send the affect rich and poor alike.
letter by air. verb to make a room or alive / lav/ adjective 1. living He was

clothes fresh by giving them more air still alive when he was rescued from the
Lets open the windows to air the room. burning building. When my grandfa-
aircraft / ekr
ft/ noun a vehicle which

ther was alive, there were no supermar-

flies in the air The passengers got into kets. (NOTE: not used in front of a noun:
or boarded the aircraft. The airline the fish is alive but a live fish.) 2. lively Page 9 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

all 9 alphabetical
The holiday village really comes alive Jack has been my closest ally in the
at night. to come alive to become campaign.
busy and active ally2 / la/ verb to ally yourself with

all /
l/ adjective, pronoun everything or or to someone to join forces with some-

everyone They all or All of them like one The unions have allied them-
coffee. All trains stop at Clapham selves with the opposition. (NOTE: allies
Junction. Did you pick all (of) the to- allying allied)
matoes? Where are all the children? almost /
lmst/ adverb nearly

adverb 1. completely The ground London is almost as far from here as
was all white after the snow had fallen. Paris. Shes almost as tall as I am.
I forgot all about her birthday. 2. all Shell eat almost anything. Hurry up,
by yourself all alone You cant do it its almost time for the train to leave.
all by yourself. Im all by myself this alone / ln/ adjective 1. with no one

evening my girlfriends gone out. all else She lives alone with her cats.
along right from the beginning all at He was all alone in the shop. 2. only
once suddenly all in 1. tired out 2. She alone knew the importance of the
including everything all of a sudden message. adverb without other people
suddenly all over 1. everywhere over We dont let the children go out alone
something 2. finished all right well after dark. I dont like travelling
She was ill yesterday but shes all right alone. leave alone 1. not to disturb
now. all the same in spite of this someone Leave your sister alone,
Im not really keen on horror films, but shes trying to read. 2. to stop touching
Ill go with you all the same. or playing with something Leave the
allergic / l
d"k/ adjective suffering cat alone, it doesnt like being stroked.

from or referring to an allergy to be Leave those keys alone, the noise is

allergic to to react badly to a substance annoying me. to go it alone to do
Many people are allergic to grass pol- something, especially a business activi-
len. She is allergic to cats. ty, without help from anyone
along / l/ preposition 1. by the side

allergy / ld"i/ noun a bad reaction to


a substance which makes you sneeze, or of He has planted fruit trees along
makes your skin itch, e.g. She has an both sides of the garden path. The riv-
allergy to household dust. The baby er runs along one side of the castle. 2. in
has a wheat allergy. a straight forward direction She ran
along the pavement. Walk along the
allow / la/ verb to let someone do

street until you come to the post office.
something She allowed me to borrow I was just driving along when I caught
her book. Smoking is not allowed in sight of my brother. 3. to a place John
the restaurant. You are allowed to came along after about five minutes.
take two pieces of hand luggage onto the Is it ok if I bring a friend along?
plane. aloud / lad/ adverb in a voice which

allowance / lans/ noun 1. an


can be easily heard

amount of money paid to someone reg- alphabet / lfbet/ noun a series of let-

ularly a weekly allowance 2. an ters in a specific order, e.g. A, B, C, etc

amount of money which you are al- G comes before H in the alphabet.
lowed to earn without paying tax on it 3. If youre going to Greece on holiday,
to make allowances for to take some- you ought to learn the Greek alphabet.
thing into account You must make al- alphabetical /lf betk()l/ adjec-

lowances for his age. tive relating to the alphabet in alpha-

ally1 / la/ noun 1. a country which

betical order in order of the first letter

works together with another, especially of each word The words in the dic-
in a war (NOTE: The plural is allies.) 2. tionary are in alphabetical order. Sort
someone who is willing to support you out the address cards into alphabetical
in something you want to achieve order of the peoples names. Page 10 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

already 10 amount
already /
l redi/ adverb before now or hot in tropical countries. 3. frequently,

before the time mentioned Ive al- especially when someone finds it an-
ready done my shopping. It was al- noying Shes always asking me to
ready past ten oclock when he arrived. lend her money.
am /m, m/ 1st person present singular

also /
ls/ adverb in addition to some-

thing or someone else that has been of be

mentioned Hes a keen cyclist and his a.m. /e em/ adverb before midday I

sister also likes to cycle when she can. have to catch the 7 a.m. train to work
She sings well and can also play the vi- every day. Telephone calls made be-
olin. (NOTE: also is usually placed be- fore 6 a.m. are charged at the cheap
fore the main verb or after a modal or rate. (NOTE: a.m. is usually used to
auxiliary verb.) show the exact hour and the word
alter /
lt/ verb to become different, or oclock is left out)

amazement / mezmnt/ noun great


make something different, especially in

small ways or in parts only They surprise To his amazement he won

wanted to alter the terms of the contract first prize.
after they had signed it. The shape of amazing / mez/ adjective 1. very

his face had altered slightly. surprising It was amazing that she
alteration /
lt re()n/ noun 1. the

never suspected anything. 2. extremely

act of becoming different or of making interesting and unusual It was an
something different 2. something that amazing experience, sailing so far from
has been, or needs, changing She land at night.
made some alterations in the design. ambition /m b()n/ noun a wish to

alternate1 /
l t
nt/ adjective every do something special His great ambi-

other one We see each other on alter- tion is to ride on an elephant.

nate Sundays. ambulance / mbjlns/ noun a van

alternate2 /
ltnet/ verb to keep which carries sick or injured people to

changing from one particular position or hospital When she fell down the stairs,
state to another her husband called an ambulance.
alternative /
l t
ntv/ adjective 1. in American / merkn/ adjective relat-

place of something else If the plane is ing to America or to the United States
full, we will put you on an alternative among / m/, amongst / mst/

flight. Do you have an alternative so- preposition 1. surrounded by or in the

lution? 2. following a different way middle of He was standing among a
from usual noun something which crowd of tourists. 2. between a number
you do instead of something else Now of people in a group Lets share the
that shes ill, do we have any alternative cake among us. 3. in addition to other
to calling the holiday off? people or things Jack was there,
although /
l / conjunction in spite among others.

of the fact that Although it was freez- amount / mant/ noun a quantity of

ing, she didnt put a coat on. Ive nev- something such as money The amount
er been into that shop although Ive of- in my bank account has reached 1000.
ten walked past it. We spent a large amount of time just
altogether /
lt 'e/ adverb taking

waiting. a certain amount some but
everything together The food was 10 not a lot Painting the house will take
and the drinks 5, so that makes 15 al- a certain amount of time.
together. The staff of the three shops amount to phrasal verb 1. to make a
come to 200 altogether. total of My years savings amount to
always /
lwez/ adverb 1. every time less than 1000. 2. to be similar or equal

She is always late for work. Why to something I think what he said
does it always rain when we want to go amounts to a refusal to take part. 3. to
for a walk? 2. all the time Its always amount to the same thing to mean the Page 11 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

amuse 11 annoying
same, to be the same Whether he took not straight The shop front is at an an-
cash or free holidays, it all amounts to gle to the road.
angrily / 'rli/ adverb in an angry

the same thing. The remaining prob-

lems dont amount to much. way He shouted angrily when the
amuse / mju
z/ verb 1. to make some- children climbed over the fence.

one laugh This story will amuse you. angry / 'ri/ adjective upset and an-

to amuse yourself to play or get noyed, and sometimes wanting to harm

pleasure from what you are doing The someone The shopkeeper is angry
children amused themselves quietly with the children because they broke his
while their parents talked. 2. to make window. He gets angry if the post is
the time pass pleasantly for someone late. I am angry that the government
How can we amuse the children on the is doing nothing to prevent crime.
journey? When the cashier still hadnt arrived at
amusement / mju
zmnt/ noun 1. a midday the boss got even angrier.

feeling of pleasure caused by something (NOTE: angrier angriest)

that is funny 2. to someones amuse- animal / nm()l/ noun a living thing

ment making someone feel pleasure in that moves independently I love hav-
a funny situation Much to her amuse- ing animals as pets. (NOTE: animal may
ment, the band played Happy Birthday include humans in scientific contexts.)
to you!. 3. a way of passing the time ankle / kl/ noun the part of the body

pleasantly They had planned several where your leg joins your foot
visits for the guests amusement.
anniversary /n v
s()ri/ noun the

amusing / mju
z/ adjective funny

same date as an important event that
an /n, n/ a

happened in the past

analysis / nlss/ noun a close exam- announce / nans/ verb to say some-
analysis announce

ination of the parts or elements of some- thing officially or in public He an-

thing job analysis to make an anal- nounced his resignation. She an-
ysis of the sales or a sales analysis to nounced that she would be standing for
carry out an analysis of the market po- parliament.
tential (NOTE: The plural is analyses /
announcement / nansmnt/ noun a

z/.) statement made in public The manag-
ancient / ennt/ adjective very old, or ing director made an announcement to

belonging to a time long ago He was the staff. There were several an-
riding an ancient bicycle. nouncements concerning flight chang-
and /n, nd, nd/ conjunction used to
annoy / n/ verb to make someone feel

join two words or phrases All my un-

cles and aunts live in the country. The slightly angry or impatient Their rude
children were running about and sing- behaviour really annoyed us.
ing. Come and sit down next to me. annoyance / nns/ noun a feeling of

(NOTE: and is used to say numbers af- being slightly annoyed There was a
ter 100: seven hundred and two tone of annoyance in her voice.
(702)) and so on, and so forth, annoyed / nd/ adjective slightly an-

and so on and so forth with other gry or impatient He was annoyed with
similar things He talked about plants, his neighbour who had cut down one of
flowers, vegetables, and so on. his trees. I was annoyed to find some-
anger / '/ noun a feeling of being

one had stolen my mobile phone.

very annoyed He managed to control annoying / n/ adjective making

his anger. She couldnt hide the anger you angry or impatient I find it very
she felt. annoying that the post doesnt come be-
angle / 'l/ noun a corner where two

fore 10 oclock. How annoying! I for-

lines meet She planted the tree in the got to buy the milk. The baby has an
angle of the two walls. at an angle annoying cough which wont go away. Page 12 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

annual 12 anywhere
annual / njul/ adjective happening do something In his anxiety to get

once a year The village fair is an an- away quickly, he forgot to lock the door.
nual event. I get annual interest of 6% anxious / ks/ adjective 1. nervous

on my savings account. and very worried about something

another / n/ adjective, pronoun 1. Shes anxious about the baby. 2. keen to

one more Id like another cake, do something The shopkeeper is al-

please. Would you like another? 2. a ways anxious to please his customers.
different one Hes bought another car. anxiously / ksli/ adverb in a nerv-

She tried on one dress after another, ous, worried way They are waiting
but couldnt find anything she liked. anxiously for the results of the exam.
each other any / eni/ adjective, pronoun 1. it doesnt

answer /
ns/ noun 1. something that

matter which Im free any day next

you say or write when someone has week except Tuesday. 2. (usually in
asked you a question The answer to questions or negatives) a small quanti-
your question is yes. I knocked on the ty Have you got any money left? Is
door but there was no answer. in an- there any food for me? Would you like
swer to as a reply to I am writing in any more to eat? Will any of your
answer to your letter of October 6th. 2. friends be there? 3. notany none
the act of picking up a telephone that is I dont like any of the paintings in the
ringing I phoned his office but there exhibition. There isnt any food left
was no answer. verb 1. to speak or theyve eaten it all. Can you lend me
write words to someone who has spoken some money? sorry, I havent got any.
to you or asked you a question He anybody / enibdi/ pronoun same as

never answers my letters. When he anyone

asked us if we had enjoyed the meal we
anymore /eni m
/, any more adverb

all answered yes. 2. to answer the

phone to speak and listen to a telephone not anymore no longer We dont

caller His mother usually answers the go there anymore.
phone. to answer the door to open anyone / eniwn/ pronoun any person

the door to someone who knocks or at all Anyone can learn to ride a bike.
rings the bell No-one answered the anyone else any other person Is
door though I knocked twice. there anyone else who cant see the
ant /nt/ noun a small insect that lives in
anything / eni/ pronoun 1. it doesnt

large groups
antibiotic /ntiba tk/ noun a sub-

matter what You can eat anything you
stance which kills harmful organisms want. Our dog will bite anything that
such as bacteria moves. 2. (in questions or negatives)
something Did you do anything inter-
antique /n ti
k/ noun an old and valu-

esting at the weekend? Did you hear
able object He collects antiques. anything make a noise during the night?
adjective old and valuable an antique Has anything happened to their plans
Chinese vase for a long holiday? Do you want any-
antiseptic /nt septk/ noun a sub-

thing more to drink?

stance which prevents infection ad- anyway / eniwe/ adverb despite some-

jective preventing infection an anti- thing else Im not supposed to drink

septic dressing during the daytime, but Ill have a beer
antonym / ntnm/ noun a word

anyway. I think its time to leave an-

which means the opposite of another yway, the last bus is at 11.40.
word anywhere / eniwe/ adverb 1. it does

anxiety / zati/ noun 1. nervous


not matter where Put the chair any-

worry about something Her anxiety where. 2. (in questions or negatives)
about her job prospects began to affect somewhere I cant see your wallet an-
her health. 2. the state of being keen to ywhere. Did you go anywhere at the Page 13 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

apart 13 apple
weekend? Is there anywhere where I money to continue their work. 2. to
can sit down? appeal against a verdict to make a le-
apart / p
t/ adverb 1. separated The

gal request for a court to look again at a
two villages are about six miles apart. 2. decision He has appealed against the
in separate pieces He took the watch sentence. 3. to appeal to someone to
apart. apart from except for Do attract someone These CDs appeal to
you have any special interests apart the teenage market. The idea of work-
from your work? Im feeling fine, ing in Australia for six months appealed
apart from a slight cold. to her.
appealing / pi
l/ adjective 1. attrac-

apartment / p
tmnt/ noun a sepa-

rate set of rooms for living in She tive The design has proved appealing
shares an apartment with a friend. to our older customers. 2. wanting help
ape /ep/ noun a large monkey
or support The child gave her an ap-
pealing look as she got up to leave.
apologise / pld"az/, apologize

(NOTE: only used before a noun)
verb to say you are sorry He shouted
appear / p/ verb 1. to start to be seen

at her and then apologised. She apol-

ogised for being late. A ship appeared through the fog. 2. to

apology / pld"i/ noun an act of indi-

seem There appears to be a mistake.
He appears to have forgotten the time.
cating that you are sorry (NOTE: The
She appeared rather cross. 3. to play
plural is apologies.) plural noun
apologies a statement indicating that a part in a film or play or take part in a
you are sorry, especially if you cannot TV programme She appears regularly
attend a meeting My apologies for be- on TV. 4. to come to a law court He
ing so late. Please give the chairman appeared in court, charged with murder.
appearance / prns/ noun 1. the

my apologies.

apostrophe / pstrfi/ noun a print-


way that someone or something looks
ing sign (), either showing that a letter You could tell from his appearance that
has been left out, e.g. werent, or after a he had been sleeping rough. 2. the fact
noun to show possession, e.g. Bens of being present somewhere, especially
coat or the girls coats unexpectedly The appearance of a
teacher caused them to fall silent. to
apparatus /p rets/ noun scientific

put in an appearance to go somewhere

or medical equipment
where other people are for a short time
apparent / prnt/ adjective 1. easy

3. the beginning of something new the
to see or accept as true It was appar- rapid appearance of mobile phone
ent to everyone that she was annoyed. 2. shops all over the country They were
possibly different from what something worried by the sudden appearance of a
seems to be There is an apparent mis- red rash. 4. an occasion when someone
take in the accounts. is performing in a film or play or on TV
apparently / prntli/ adverb accord- This is her second appearance in a

ing to what you have seen or heard film.

Apparently she took the last train home appetite / ptat/ noun a need or wish

and then disappeared. He didnt come to eat Going for a long walk has given
to work today apparently hes got a me an appetite. Hes not feeling well
cold. and has lost his appetite.
appeal / pi
l/ noun 1. an act of asking

applause / pl
z/ noun the act of clap-

for help The police have made an ap-

peal for witnesses. The hospital is ping your hands together several times
launching an appeal to raise 50,000. to show that you liked a performance
apple / p()l/ noun a common fruit that

2. an attractive quality the strong ap-

peal of Greece as a holiday destination is hard, round and sweet, and grows on
verb 1. to appeal for something to a tree Dont eat apples that are not
ask for something They appealed for ripe theyll make you ill. Page 14 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

appliance 14 are
appliance / plans/ noun a machine approach / prt/ noun 1. the fact of
appliance approach

such as a washing machine or cooker coming nearer With the approach of

used in the home winter we need to get the central heat-
applicant / plknt/ noun a person
ing checked. 2. a way which leads to
who applies for something job appli- something The approaches to the city
cants Applicants for licences must fill were crowded with coaches. 3. a way of
in this form. dealing with a situation His approach
to the question was different from hers.
application /pl ke()n/ noun 1.

verb to come near The plane was
the process of putting something on approaching the airport when the lights
something else Several applications went out.
of the cream will be necessary. 2. the
appropriate / prprit/ adjective

process or act of applying for a job He

wrote a letter of application. Weve suitable for a particular situation That

received dozens of applications for the skirt is not really appropriate for gar-
job of barman. dening. We leave it to you to take ap-
propriate action.
application form /pl ke()n f
application form

approval / pru
v()l/ noun the act of

noun a form which has to be filled in to

apply for something agreeing The committee gave their

approval to the scheme. Does the
apply / pla/ verb 1. to apply for a

choice of colour have your approval or
job to ask for a job She applied for a meet with your approval?
job in the supermarket. Hes applying
approve / pru
v/ verb 1. to agree to

for a job as a teacher. 2. to put some-

something officially The committee
thing on Wait until the first coat of
approved the scheme. 2. to approve
paint is dry before you apply the second.
of something to think something is
3. to apply to to affect or to be rele-
good He doesnt approve of loud mu-
vant to This rule only applies to peo-
ple coming from outside the EU. (NOTE:
approximately / prksmtli/ adverb

applies applying applied)

not exactly It takes approximately 35

appoint / pnt/ verb to give someone

minutes to get to the city centre from

a job He was appointed (as) manager here.
or to the post of manager. We want to
April / eprl/ noun the fourth month of

appoint someone to manage our sales

department. (NOTE: You appoint a per- the year, the month after March and be-
son to a job.) fore May Her birthday is in April.
We went on holiday last April. (NOTE:
appointment / pntmnt/ noun 1.

April 5th or April 5: say the fifth of
an agreed time for a meeting I want to April or April the fifth or in US English
make an appointment to see the doctor. April fifth.)
She was late for her appointment.
aptitude / pttju
d/ noun a natural

on her appointment as manager when

she was made a manager 2. the process ability that can be developed further
arch /
t/ noun a round structure form-

of being given a job 3. a job We are

going to make three new appointments. ing a roof or entrance verb to make
appreciate / pri
iet/ verb to recog-

something round like an arch The cat
nise the value of something Shoppers arched her back and started spitting.
architect /
ktekt/ noun a person who

always appreciate a bargain. Cus-

tomers dont appreciate having to wait designs buildings
architecture /
ktekt/ noun the de-

to be served.
apprentice / prents/ noun a young

sign of buildings
are /,
/ 1st person plural present of be.

person who works as an assistant to a

skilled person in order to learn from 2nd person singular present of be. 2nd
them Hes started work as a plumb- person plural present of be. 3rd person
ers apprentice. plural present of be Page 15 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

area 15 arrange
area / eri/ noun 1. a space The whole not armed. Armed guards surrounded

area round the town hall is going to be the house. 2. involving weapons the
rebuilt. We always sit in the no smok- armed struggle between the two groups
ing area. 2. a measurement of the space 3. ready for use as a weapon The de-
taken up by something, calculated by vice is already armed. armed with
multiplying the length by the width provided with Armed with picnic bas-
The area of the room is four square me- kets, towels and cameras, we set off for
tres. We are looking for a shop with a the beach.
sales area of about 100 square metres. armed forces /
md f
sz/, armed
armed forces

3. a part of a town or country Our services /

md s
vsz/ plural noun
house is near the commercial area of the the army, navy and air force of a country
town. The factory is in a very good army /
mi/ noun all the soldiers of a

area for getting to the motorways and country, trained for fighting on land
airports. the London area the part of He left school at 16 and joined the army.
England around London Houses in An army spokesman held a news con-
the London area are more expensive ference. (NOTE: The plural is armies.)
than elsewhere in the country.
aroma / rm/ noun a pleasant smell

argue /
/ verb to discuss without

of something you can eat or drink the

agreeing, often in a noisy or angry way
aroma of freshly baked bread
They argued over the prices. She
arose / rz/ past tense of arise

argued with the waiter about the bill.

around / rand/ preposition 1. going


I could hear them arguing in the next

room. (NOTE: You argue with someone all round something She had a gold
about or over something.) chain around her neck. The flood wa-
argument /
'jmnt/ noun a situa- ter was all around the village. 2. close to

tion in which people discuss something or in a place or area Is there a bus stop
without agreeing Nobody would back around here? 3. in various places We
her up in her argument with the boss. have lots of computers around the office.
to get into an argument with someone 4. not exactly It will cost around
to start to argue with someone He got 200. Around sixty people came to the
into an argument with the taxi driver. meeting. adverb 1. in various places
Papers were lying around all over the
arise / raz/ verb to start to appear

The problem arose in the planning de- floor. The restaurants were all full, so
partment. (NOTE: arises arising we walked around for some time. 2. in a
arose / rz/ arisen / rzn/)

position that is fairly near We try not
to talk about it when shes around. Its
arithmetic / rmtk/ noun calcula-

the only swimming pool for miles
tions with numbers, especially as a sub- around. 3. in existence Shes one of
ject studied at school the best eye surgeons around. The new
arm /
m/ noun 1. the part of the body

coins have been around for some weeks

which goes from the shoulder to the now.
hand He held the parcel under his arrange / rend"/ verb 1. to put in or-

arm. She tripped over the pavement der The chairs are arranged in rows.
and broke her arm. 2. the part of a chair The books are arranged in alphabeti-
which you can rest your arms on He cal order. The ground floor is ar-
put his coffee cup on the arm of his ranged as an open-plan area with a lit-
chair. verb to give weapons to The tle kitchen at the side. 2. to make a plan
police were armed with guns. arm in for something Lets arrange to meet
arm with arms linked together They somewhere before we go to the theatre.
walked down the street arm in arm. The tour has been arranged by the
armchair /
mte/ noun a chair with

travel agent. She arranged for a taxi

arms to meet him at the airport. Ive ar-
armed /
md/ adjective 1. provided with

ranged with my mother that she will

weapons Most British policemen are feed the cat while were away. (NOTE: Page 16 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

arrangement 16 as
You arrange for someone to do some- the Museum of Modern Art. 2. the ob-
thing; you arrange for something to be jects that are created in this way
done; or you arrange to do something.
artery /
tri/ noun a tube carrying

Note also arranges arranging ar- blood from the heart around the body.
ranged.) Compare vein (NOTE: The plural is ar-
arrangement / rend"mnt/ noun 1.

the process of putting things in order
article /
tk()l/ noun 1. a report in a

the arrangement of the pictures in a

book 2. the process of making plans for newspaper Did you read the article on
an event All the arrangements for the skiing in yesterdays paper? 2. an object
wedding were left to the brides mother. or thing Several articles of clothing
were found near the road. 3. a word
arrest / rest/ verb (of the police) to

used before a noun to show whether you
catch and hold someone who has broken are referring to a particular or general
the law The police arrested two men example of something. The definite arti-
and took them to the police station. cle is the and the indefinite article is
He ended up getting arrested as he tried a or an.
to leave the country. She was arrested
artificial /
t f()l/ adjective not nat-

for stealing. noun the act of holding

someone for breaking the law The po- ural She was wearing artificial pearls.
lice made several arrests at the demon- artificially /
t f()li/ adverb in a

stration. under arrest held by the po-

way that is not natural

lice After the fight, three people were
artist /
tst/ noun a person who is

under arrest.
skilled in making works of art such as
arrival / rav()l/ noun 1. the act of

paintings She collects paintings by

reaching a place We announce the ar-

19th-century artists.
rival of flight AB 987 from Tangiers.
as /z, z/ conjunction 1. because As

We apologise for the late arrival of the

14.25 express from Edinburgh. The you cant drive, youll have to go by bus.
time of arrival is 5 p.m. on arrival As its cold, you should wear an over-
when you arrive On arrival at the ho- coat. 2. at the same time that something
tel, members of the party will be allocat- else happens As he was getting into
ed rooms. 2. a person who has arrived the bath, the telephone rang. The little
Hes a new arrival on our staff. plural girl ran into the road as the car was
noun arrivals the part of an airport that turning the corner. 3. in the same way
deals with passengers who are arriving Leave everything as it is. preposition
arrive / rav/ verb to reach a place

1. in a particular job She had a job as
They arrived at the hotel tired out. a bus driver. 2. because of being a par-
The train from Paris arrives in London ticular type of person As a doctor, he
at 5 p.m. (NOTE: You arrive in a town or has to know the symptoms of all the
in a country but at a place. Note also: common diseases. 3. in a particular way
arrives arriving arrived.) She was dressed as a nurse. They
treated him as a friend of the family.
arrogant / r'nt/ adjective very

as from from a particular time as

proud in an unpleasant way Hes such from next Friday as if, as though in
an arrogant young man. What an ar- the same way as asas used in com-
rogant way to treat customers! parisons She is nearly as tall as I am.
arrow / r/ noun 1. a weapon made of

I cant run as fast as you. as well in

a piece of wood with a sharp point 2. a addition to something or someone else
printed sign ➙ which points to that has been mentioned She came to
something have tea and brought her sister as well.
art /
t/ noun 1. the practice of creating

We visited the castle and swam in the

objects, e.g. by painting, drawing or pool as well. as well as in addition to
sculpture She is taking art lessons. or together with He has a cottage in
When youre in Washington, dont miss the country as well as a flat in town. Page 17 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

ascend 17 assistant
As well as being a maths teacher, he is a assassinate / ssnet/ verb to kill a

part-time policeman. famous person, especially for political

ascend / send/ verb to go up The reasons Do you remember the day

balloon rapidly ascended to 3000m. when the President was assassinated?

ash // noun 1. a grey dust left after assemble / semb()l/ verb 1. (espe-
ash assemble

something has burnt (NOTE: no plural in cially of people) to come together in a

this sense) 2. a type of tree that grows place, or to be brought together by
in the northern part of Europe someone Well assemble outside the
ashamed / emd/ adjective embar-

hotel by the coach at 9 a.m. They as-
rassed and sorry for something that you sembled a panel of experts to renew the
have done or not done project. 2. (especially of people) to
come together in a place, or to be
aside / sad/ adverb to one side He

brought together by someone, especial-
took me aside and whispered in my ear. ly formally or in an ordered way Well
aside from except for Aside from a
assemble outside the hotel at 9 a.m.
minor infection, his health had been re- They assembled a panel of experts to re-
markably good. Ive got to read these new the project.
three articles, and thats aside from all
assembly / sembl/ noun 1. a meeting

my regular work.

2. the process of putting the pieces of

ask /
sk/ verb 1. to put a question to get

something together to make it complete

information She asked a policeman
assess / ses/ verb 1. to consider some-

the way to the hospital. Joe went to

the station to ask about cheap tickets. thing or someone in order to make a
Ask the assistant how much the shoes judgment or decision about it Its hard
cost. 2. to put a question to get someone to assess how difficult it will be to make
to do something Ask your father to the necessary changes. 2. to consider
teach you how to drive. Can I ask you someones achievement or progress in
not to make so much noise? 3. to invite order to decide if it is satisfactory Stu-
someone to an event or to do something dents are regularly assessed by their
We asked them to our party. She teachers and feedback. 3. to calculate an
asked me to go skiing with her. amount to be paid The cost of the new
building is assessed at 1 million.
ask for phrasal verb to say that you
assignment / sanmnt/ noun a piece

want something Someone came into

the shop and asked for the manager. of work that has to be done in a specific
ask out phrasal verb to ask someone to time My literature assignment has to
go out with you, e.g. to a restaurant or to be finished by Wednesday. He was
the cinema Bill wants to ask my sister given the assignment of reporting on the
out. war.
assist / sst/ verb to help someone

asleep / sli
p/ adjective sleeping He

was asleep and didnt hear the fire He assists me with my income tax forms.
alarm. They were lying asleep on the I will be assisted in my work by Jackie
ground. to fall asleep to begin to sleep Smith. (NOTE: You assist someone in
aspect / spekt/ noun 1. a way of con-
doing something or with something.)
assistance / sst()ns/ noun help

sidering something such as a situation

or a problem There are several as- He asked if he could be of any assist-
pects of the problem to be considered ance. She will need assistance with
before I can decide. 2. the direction in her luggage. He was trying to change
which a building or piece of ground fac- the wheel when a truck driver offered
es his assistance.
aspirin / sprn/ noun 1. a common assistant / sst()nt/ noun a person
aspirin assistant

drug, used in the treatment of minor ill- who helps someone as part of their job
nesses to reduce pain 2. a pill that con- His assistant makes all his appoint-
tains aspirin ments. Page 18 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

associate 18 attached
associate / ssiet/ verb to connect
1 ishing amount of money buying Christ-

different people or things in your mind mas presents.

I always associate that book with the at /t, t/ preposition 1. used for show-

wonderful holiday when I first read it. ing time Well meet at eleven oclock.
to be associated with to be connected You must put your lights on when you
with or involved in something drive at night. At the weekend, we
associate2 / ssit/ noun a person

went to see my mother. We went to
who works in the same business as Paris at Easter. 2. used for showing
someone else place Meet us at the post office.
Shes got a job at the supermarket.
association /ssi e()n/ noun 1.

Hes not at home, hes at work. 3. used
an official group of people or a group of for showing speed The train was trav-
companies in the same trade an asso- elling at 200 kilometres an hour. 4.
ciation offering support to victims of showing direction She threw her slip-
street violence the Association of Brit- per at the TV. 5. showing cause She
ish Travel Agents 2. a connection laughed at my old coat. (NOTE: at is of-
formed in the mind between things ten used after verbs, e.g. to look at, to
For some people, a black cat has an as- point at.)
sociation with luck. Manchester has
ate /et, et/ past tense of eat

strong family associations for him. 3.

athlete / li
t/ noun a person who takes

in association with together with The

guidebook is published in association part in sports especially those such as
with the local tourist board. This pro- running
gramme is brought to you in association athletic / letk/ adjective referring to

with British Airways. in association athletics

with together with The guidebook is athletics / letks/ noun organised

published in association with the local sports such as running which are com-
tourist board. This programme is petitions between individuals (NOTE: no
brought to you in association with Brit- plural)
ish Airways.
atlas / tls/ noun a book of maps

assume / sju
m/ verb 1. to imagine or

(NOTE: The plural is atlases.)
believe that something is true Lets atmosphere / tmsf/ noun the air

assume that he is innocent. I assume around the Earth The atmosphere sur-
you have enough money to pay for the rounds the Earth to a height of several
meal? 2. to take on something such as a hundred kilometres. the air in a partic-
job or responsibility When she was ular place The room had a hot stuffy
twenty-one, she assumed complete con- atmosphere. noun a general feeling
trol of the family business. He has as- The atmosphere in the office was tense.
sumed responsibility for fire safety. I like the friendly atmosphere at our
asthma / sm/ noun a medical condi-

tion in which someone suffers breathing atom / tm/ noun the smallest part of a

difficulties, often because a particular chemical element that can exist inde-
substance has a bad effect on his or her pendently
atomic / tmk/ adjective relating to

astonish / stn/ verb to surprise


the energy produced if an atom is split
someone very much His success in apart
maths astonished his teacher he never attach / tt/ verb to fasten something

came to any of her classes. to something else The gate is attached

astonished / stnt/ adjective very

to the post. I am attaching a copy of
surprised We were astonished to learn my previous letter.
that the head teacher had left. attached / ttt/ adjective having a

astonishing / stn/ adjective


strong liking for someone or something

very surprising They spent an aston- Shes very attached to her old dog. Page 19 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

attack 19 August
attack / tk/ noun 1. the act of trying to ical attention. 3. the position of a sol-

hurt someone or something They dier, standing straight, with heels to-
made an attack on the town. under at- gether and looking straight ahead The
tack in the situation of being attacked guards stood to attention at the entrance
The town is under attack from rebel of the palace. for the attention of
guerrillas. 2. a criticism He launched words written on a letter to show that it
an attack on the government. 3. a sud- is intended for a particular person to
den return of a particular illness She deal with it to attract (someones)
had an attack of malaria. verb to try attention to make someone notice
to hurt someone or to hit someone someone or something The new play
Three men attacked her as she walked has attracted a lot of press attention or
home. The old lady was attacked by attention in the press.
muggers. attitude / ttju
d/ noun 1. a way of

attacker / tk/ noun a person who at-


thinking What is the governments at-

tacks someone or something Can you titude to the problem? 2. the position of
describe your attacker? your body, e.g. standing or sitting His
attempt / tempt/ noun to try to do

portrait shows him in a thoughtful atti-
something, especially something diffi- tude.
cult She attempted to lift the box onto attract / trkt/ verb to make someone

the table. an attempt on someones want to come to a place or want to be-

life the action of trying to kill someone come involved in something such as a
verb to try to do something, especially business The shops are lowering their
something difficult Ill attempt anoth- prices to attract more customers. The
er trip to collect the books when my car exhibition attracted hundreds of visi-
has been repaired. She attempted to tors. We must see if we can attract
lift the box onto the table. more candidates for the job.
attend / tend/ verb 1. to be present at

attraction / trkn/ noun 1. a reason


an event Twenty-five people attended for liking someone or something The

the wedding. They organised a meet- flats main attraction is its closeness to
ing, but only one or two people attend- the centre of town. 2. something which
ed. 2. to listen carefully Students attracts people The Tower of London
should attend carefully to the teachers is a great tourist attraction.
attractive / trktv/ adjective 1.

attendant / tendnt/ noun a person on


pleasant to look at They found the
duty in a public place such as a museum mountain scenery very attractive.
attention / tenn/ noun 1. the act of

Shes an attractive woman. 2. having
concentrating on what you are doing features which people like There are
Dont distract the drivers attention. some attractive bargains in the sale.
Please give the talk on safety proce- The rival firm made him a very attrac-
dures your full attention. to pay at- tive offer.
tention to to concentrate on something
audience /
dins/ noun the people

and think about it carefully Pay atten-

tion to the instructions in the leaflet. watching a performance, e.g. at a theatre
Dont pay any attention to something or cinema or on television, or listening
you can ignore something Dont pay to a radio programme Members of the
any attention to what she says shes audience cheered. (NOTE: Takes a sin-
making it up. 2. special care, help or ex- gular or plural verb.)
August /
'st/ noun the eighth month

tra work The garden is large and

needs a lot of attention. The children of the year, the month after July and be-
were quiet and shy but responded well to fore September My birthday is in Au-
the special attention they were given. gust. I left my job last August. The
medical attention treatment by doctors letter is dated 15 August. (NOTE: Au-
and nurses That cut needs urgent med- gust 15th or August 15: say August Page 20 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

aunt 20 aware
the fifteenth or the fifteenth of August gether and dividing by the number of
or in US English August fifteenth.) different quantities added the average
aunt /
nt/ noun the sister of your mother
for the last three months or the last three
or father, or the wife of an uncle She months average The temperature has
lives next door to my aunt. Say good- been above the average for the time of
bye to Aunt Anne. year. adjective 1. ordinary or typical
It was an average working day at the
author /
/ noun a writer She is the

office. Their daughter is of above av-

author of a popular series of childrens
erage intelligence. above or below
average more or less than is usual or
authority /
rti/ noun 1. power to

typical 2. not very good Their results
do something He has no authority to were only average. 3. calculated by di-
act on our behalf. (NOTE: no plural) 2. viding the total by the number of quan-
an organisation that has control over tities His average speed was 30 miles
something The education authority per hour. verb to be as an average
pays teachers salaries. (NOTE: The plu- Price increases have averaged 10% per
ral is authorities.) annum.
automatic /
t mtk/ adjective 1.

avoid / vd/ verb 1. to keep away from


working by itself There is an automat- someone or something Travel early to

ic device which cuts off the electric cur- avoid the traffic jams. Aircraft fly high
rent. 2. done without thinking about it to avoid storms. 2. to try not to do some-
very much She gave the receptionist thing Hes always trying to avoid tak-
an automatic smile as she passed. 3. ing a decision. (NOTE: You avoid some-
based on an agreement or existing situa- thing or avoid doing something.) 3. to
tion an automatic fine for parking try to prevent something from happen-
automatically /
t mtkli/ adverb

ing I want to avoid discussing details
1. by a machine, without people having at this stage. How can we avoid a
to do anything 2. without thinking about row?
it very much I signed the bill automat-
awake / wek/ adjective not asleep

ically. as a result of an agreement or

existing situation The company auto- Its 2 oclock and Im still awake. verb
matically retires people at 60. 1. to wake someone up He was awok-
en by the sound of the telephone. (NOTE:
automobile /
l/ noun espe-

awake in this meaning only occurs in

cially US a car the passive.) 2. to wake up He awoke
autumn /
tm/ noun the season of the

when he heard them knocking on the

year between summer and winter In door. They awoke to find a fox in their
autumn, the leaves turn brown. We tent. (NOTE: awakes awaking
went on a walking holiday last autumn. awoke / wk/ has awoken)

Ill be starting my new job in the au-

award / w
d/ noun something such as

tumn term.

a prize or a gift of money that is given to

auxiliary /
' zliri/ noun a person

someone a design award He re-
who helps other workers (NOTE: The ceived an award of 1000. The school
plural is auxiliaries.) has been nominated for a technology
available / velb()l/ adjective able to

award. verb to give someone some-

be obtained The tablets are available thing such as a prize, a degree or diplo-
from most chemists. ma, money or a contract to do work
avenue / vnju
/ noun a wide street in He was awarded first prize. She was

a town, often with trees along the side awarded 10,000 in damages.
average / v()rd"/ noun 1. the stand- aware / we/ adjective knowing some-
average aware

ard that is usual or typical The journey thing Im not aware of any problem.
time today was much slower than the Is he aware that we have to decide
bus companys average. 2. a total calcu- quickly? not that I am aware of not
lated by adding several quantities to- as far as I know Has there ever been Page 21 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

away 21 axe
an accident here before? Not that I am awfully /
f()li/ adverb very (informal )

aware of. Its awfully difficult to contact her.

away / we/ adverb 1. at a particular

awkward /
kwd/ adjective 1. embar-

distance or time The nearest shop is

rassing or difficult to deal with awk-
three kilometres away. 2. not here,
somewhere else The managing direc- ward questions 2. difficult to use or deal
tor is away on business. My assistant with because of shape, size or position
is away today. 3. (in sports) at your op- The handles a very awkward shape.
ponents sports ground Our team is 3. not convenient Next Thursday is
playing away next Saturday. 4. (as em- awkward for me what about Friday?
phasis, after verbs) without stopping awoke / wk/ past tense of awake

The birds were singing away in the gar-

awoken / wkn/ past participle of


awful /
f()l/ adjective very bad or un-

axe /ks/ noun a tool with a heavy sharp


pleasant She felt awful about missing

the party. Hes got an awful cold. metal head, used for cutting through
Turn off the television that pro- something verb to get rid of some-
grammes awful! thing or someone Page 22 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

b /bi
/, B noun the second letter of the al-

back up phrasal verb 1. to help or sup-

phabet, between A and C port someone Nobody would back her
baby / bebi/ noun 1. a very young child
up when she complained about the serv-
Most babies start to walk when they ice. Will you back me up in the vote?
are about a year old. Ive known him 2. to make a car go backwards Can
since he was a baby. 2. a very young an- you back up, please I want to get out
imal a baby rabbit (NOTE: The plural of the parking space.
background / bk'rand/ noun 1. the

is babies. If you do not know if a baby

is a boy or a girl, you can refer to it as part of a picture or view which is behind
it: The baby was sucking its thumb.) all the other things that can be seen
The photograph is of a house with
back /bk/ noun 1. the part of the body

mountains in the background. His

which is behind you, between the neck white shirt stands out against the dark
and top of the legs She went to sleep background. Compare foreground in
lying on her back. He carried his son the background while other more obvi-
on his back. Dont lift that heavy box, ous or important things are happening 2.
you may hurt your back. 2. the opposite the experiences, including education
part to the front of something He and family life, which someone has had
wrote his address on the back of the en- He comes from a working class back-
velope. She sat in the back of the bus ground. Her background is in the res-
and went to sleep. The dining room is taurant business. 3. information about a
at the back of the house. adjective 1. situation What is the background to
on the opposite side to the front He the complaint?
knocked at the back door of the house.
backward / bkwd/ adverb US same

The back tyre of my bicycle is flat. 2. (of

money) owed from an earlier date as backwards
backwards / bkwdz/ adverb from

back pay adverb 1. towards the back

of something She looked back and the front towards the back Dont step
waved at me as she left. 2. in the past backwards. Tab is bat spelt back-
back in the 1950s 3. in the state that wards. backwards and forwards in
something was previously Put the tel- one direction, then in the opposite direc-
ephone back on the table. She tion The policeman was walking
watched him drive away and then went backwards and forwards in front of the
back into the house. She gave me back bank.
the money she had borrowed. Ill bacon / bekn/ noun meat from a pig

phone you when I am back in the office. which has been treated with salt or
(NOTE: Back is often used after verbs: smoke, usually cut into thin pieces
to give back, to go back, to pay
bacteria /bk tri/ plural noun very

back, etc.) verb 1. to go backwards,

small living things, some of which can
or make something go backwards He cause disease (NOTE: The singular is
backed or backed his car out of the ga-
rage. 2. to encourage and support a per-
bacterial /bk tril/ adjective caused

son, organisation, opinion or activity,

sometimes by giving money Her col- by bacteria a bacterial infection

bad /bd/ adjective 1. causing problems,

leagues were willing to back the propos-

al. to put someones back up to an- or likely to cause problems Eating too
noy someone much fat is bad for your health. We Page 23 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

badge 23 ban
were shocked at their bad behaviour. 2. balance in three instalments. The bal-
of poor quality or skill Hes a bad ance outstanding is now 5000. verb
driver. Shes good at singing but bad 1. to stay or stand in position without
at playing the piano. 3. unpleasant falling The cat balanced on the top of
Hes got a bad cold. Shes in a bad the fence. 2. to make something stay in
temper. Ive got some bad news for position without falling The waiter
you. The weather was bad when we balanced a pile of dirty plates on his
were on holiday in August. 4. serious arm.
He had a bad accident on the motorway. balcony / blkni/ noun 1. a small flat

(NOTE: worse /w

s/ worst /w
st/) area that sticks out from an upper level
badge /bd"/ noun a small sign attached

of a building protected by a low wall or

to someones clothes to show something by posts The flat has a balcony over-
such as who someone is or what compa- looking the harbour. Breakfast is
ny they belong to served on the balcony. 2. the upper rows
badly / bdli/ adverb 1. not well or suc-
of seats in a theatre or cinema We
cessfully She did badly in her driving booked seats at the front of the balcony.
test. 2. seriously He was badly injured (NOTE: The plural is balconies.)
bald /b
ld/ adjective having no hair

in the motorway accident. 3. very much

His hair badly needs cutting. (NOTE: where there used to be hair, especially
badly worse /w
s/ worst /w
st/) on the head His grandfather is quite
bag /b'/ noun 1. a soft container made bald. He is beginning to go bald.

of plastic, cloth or paper and used for ball /b

l/ noun 1. a round object used in

carrying things a bag of sweets He playing games, for throwing, kicking or

put the apples in a paper bag. 2. same as hitting They played in the garden with
handbag My keys are in my bag. 3. a an old tennis ball. He kicked the ball
suitcase or other container used for into the goal. 2. any round object a
clothes and other possessions when ball of wool He crumpled the paper
travelling Have you packed your bags up into a ball. 3. a formal dance Weve
yet? got tickets for the summer ball. to
baggage / b'd"/ noun cases and bags start the ball rolling to start something

which you take with you when travel- happening Ill start the ball rolling by
ling introducing the visitors, then you can in-
bake /bek/ verb to cook food such as
troduce yourselves. to play ball to
bread or cakes in an oven Mums bak- work well with someone to achieve
ing a cake for my birthday. Bake the something I asked them for a little
pizza for 35 minutes. more time but they wont play ball. to
have a ball to enjoy yourself a lot You
baker / bek/ noun a person whose job

can see from the photos we were having

is to make bread and cakes the bak- a ball.
ers a shop that sells bread and cakes
ballet / ble/ noun 1. a type of dance,

Can you go to the bakers and get a loaf

of brown bread? given as a public entertainment, where
dancers perform a story to music 2. a
balance / blns/ noun 1. the quality of

performance of this type of dance We

staying steady The cat needs a good went to the ballet last night.
sense of balance to walk along the top of
balloon /b lu
n/ noun 1. a large ball

a fence. to keep your balance not to

fall over to lose your balance to fall which is blown up with air or gas 2. a
down As he was crossing the river on very large balloon which rises as the air
the tightrope he lost his balance and inside it is heated, sometimes with a
fell. 2. an amount of money remaining container attached for people to travel in
in an account I have a balance of 25 verb to increase quickly in size or
in my bank account. 3. an amount of amount
ban /bn/ noun an official statement

money still to be paid from a larger sum

owed You can pay 100 now and the which says that people must not do Page 24 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

banana 24 bare
something There is a ban on smoking bank account / bk kant/ noun
bank account

in cinemas. verb to say officially that an arrangement which you make with a
people must not do something She bank to keep your money safely until
was banned from driving for three you want it to open a bank account
years. (NOTE: bans banning to start keeping money in a bank He
banned) opened a bank account when he started
banana /b n
n/ noun a long yellow, his first job.

slightly curved fruit which grows in hot bank holiday /bk hlde/ noun a
bank holiday

countries public holiday when most people do not

band /bnd/ noun 1. a group of people go to work and the banks are closed

who play music together The soldiers bar /b

/ noun a long piece of something

marched down the street, following the hard The yard was full of planks and
band. My brothers in a rock band. 2. metal bars. a solid piece of a sub-
a group of people who do something to- stance such as chocolate or soap noun
gether Bands of drunken football fans a place where you can buy and drink al-
were wandering around the streets. 3. a cohol Lets meet in the bar before din-
narrow piece of something Her hair ner. preposition except All of the
was tied back with a red band. 4. a long suppliers replied bar one. All bar two
thin mark of a particular colour a of the players in the team are British.
black tee-shirt with a broad band of yel- verb 1. to block something The road
low across the front 5. a range of things was barred by the police. The path is
taken together Hes in the top salary barred to cyclists. 2. to bar someone
band. Were looking for something in from doing something to prevent
the 10 15 price band. someone officially from doing some-
bandage / bndd"/ noun a cloth for thing He was barred from playing

putting around an injured part of the football for three months. (NOTE: bars
body The nurse put a bandage round barring barred)
his knee. His head was covered in barbecue / b
/ noun 1. a metal

bandages. grill for cooking food on out of doors

bang /b/ noun a sudden noise like that

Light the barbecue at least half an hour

made by a gun The car started with a before you start cooking. 2. food cooked
series of loud bangs. There was a on a barbecue Here is a recipe for
bang and the tyre went flat. verb to hit chicken barbecue. 3. a meal or party
something hard, so as to make a loud where food is cooked out of doors We
noise He banged (on) the table with had a barbecue for twenty guests.
his hand. Cant you stop the door They were invited to a barbecue. verb
banging? to cook something on a barbecue Bar-
bank /bk/ noun 1. a business which
becued spare ribs are on the menu.
holds money for people, and lends them She was barbecuing sausages for lunch
money I must go to the bank to get when it started to rain.
bare /be/ adjective 1. not covered by

some money. She took all her money

out of the bank to buy a car. How clothes or shoes He walked on the
much money do you have in the bank? 2. beach in his bare feet. I cant sit in the
land along the side of a river He sat on sun with my arms bare. 2. without any
the river bank all day, trying to catch kind of cover They slept on the bare
fish. There is a path along the bank of floorboards. They saw the bare bones
the canal. 3. a long pile of earth, sand, of dead animals in the desert. 3. without
snow or other substance The road was leaves bare branches 4. with just what
blocked by banks of snow blown by the is really needed and nothing extra We
wind. verb to store money in a bank only took the bare essentials when we
I banked the cheque as soon as it ar- went travelling. She thought 100 was
rived. Have you banked the money the bare minimum she would accept.
yet? (NOTE: Do not confuse with bear.) Page 25 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

barely 25 bass
barely / beli/ adverb almost not She thing else to use something as a model

barely had enough money to pay for her for something else The book is based
ticket. He barely had time to get on her mothers life. His theory was
dressed before the police arrived. The based on years of observations.
noise is barely tolerable. baseball / besb
l/ noun 1. an Ameri-

bargain / b
'n/ noun 1. something can game for two teams of nine players,

bought more cheaply than usual The in which a player hits a ball with a long,
car was a real bargain at 500. 2. an narrow bat and players from the other
agreement between two people or team try to catch it 2. the hard ball used
groups of people into the bargain as in playing baseball
well as other things The plane was -based /best/ suffix 1. produced or de-

late and they lost my suitcase into the veloped from a milk-based dessert 2.
bargain. verb to discuss the terms of living or working at a particular place
an agreement or sale more than or a London-based company
not what you bargained for different,
basement / besmnt/ noun a floor in a

usually worse, than you had expected building below ground level
bargain on phrasal verb to expect
basic / besk/ adjective very simple, or

something I hadnt bargained on it at the first level Being able to swim is

being so wet. Shes bargaining on a basic requirement if you are going ca-
someone dropping out so that she can noeing. Knowledge of basic Spanish
take their place. will be enough for the job.
bark /b
k/ noun 1. the hard outer layer

basically / beskli/ adverb considering


of a tree 2. the loud sound a dog makes

The dog gave a bark as we came into
only the most important information
the house. and not the details Basically, hes fed
up with his job.
barn /b
n/ noun a large farm building

basin / bes()n/ noun 1. same as wash-


for storing produce or for keeping ani-

mals or machinery basin 2. a large or small bowl, especial-
ly one for holding or mixing food items
barrel / brl/ noun 1. a container with

basis / bess/ noun 1. the general facts


curved sides for storing liquid a bar-

rel of beer a wine barrel 2. the tube of on which something is based What is
a gun out of which a bullet is fired the basis for these proposals? on the
basis of based on The calculations are
barrier / bri/ noun 1. a bar or fence

done on the basis of an exchange rate of

which blocks a passage He lifted the 1.6 dollars to the pound. 2. the general
barrier and we drove across the border. terms of an agreement She is working
2. an action or problem that makes it dif- for us on a temporary basis. Many of
ficult for something to happen the helpers at the hospice work on a vol-
base /bes/ noun 1. the bottom part of

untary basis. (NOTE: The plural is bas-

something The table lamp has a flat es / besi
base. 2. a place where you work from
basket / b
skt/ noun a container made

He lives in London but uses Paris as his

of thin pieces of wood, wire or fibre wo-
base when travelling in France. 3.
ven together
something from which something else
basketball / b
l/ noun a game

develops or is produced The report

will provide a good base from which to played by two teams of five players who
develop ideas. verb to use something try to throw the ball through an open net
or somewhere as a base The company hung high up at each end of the playing
is based in Paris. The theory is based area
on research done in Russia. to be bass /bes/ noun 1. a male singer with a

based at or in to have a particular place low-pitched voice 2. a guitar with a low-

as your main home or place of work pitched sound adjective relating to a
Shes based at head office or in Edin- low-pitched voice or music He has a
burgh. to base something on some- pleasant bass voice. Compare tenor Page 26 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

bat 26 beam
bat /bt/ noun 1. a piece of wood used
His last years were spent battling

for hitting a ball a baseball bat a against cancer.

cricket bat 2. a small animal with skin bay /be/ noun 1. an area along a coast

flaps like wings that flies at night and where the land curves inwards a shel-
hangs upside down when resting tered bay 2. a marked or enclosed area
bath /b
/ noun 1. a large container in used for a particular purpose a bay

which you can sit and wash your whole marked Reserved Parking
body Theres a washbasin and a bath be /b, bi
/ verb 1. used for describing a

in the bathroom. (NOTE: The plural is person or thing Our house is older
baths /b
s/) 2. to have a bath to than yours. She is bigger than her
wash your whole body in a bath verb brother. Lemons are yellow. The
to wash yourself or someone else in a soup is hot. Put on your coat it is
bath Shes bathing the baby. Do you cold outside. Im cold after standing
prefer to bath or shower? (NOTE: Do not waiting for the bus. Are you tired after
confuse with bathe. Note also: baths your long walk? 2. used for showing age
bathing / b
/ bathed /b
t/.) or time Hes twenty years old. She
bathe /be/ verb 1. to go into water to will be two next month. It is nearly ten

swim or wash Thousands of people oclock. It is time to get up. Septem-

come to bathe in the Ganges. 2. to wash ber is the beginning of autumn. 3. used
a cut or damaged part of the body care- for showing price Onions are 80p a
fully A nurse bathed the wound on his kilo. The cakes are 50p each. My
arm. 3. US to have a bath I just have car was worth 10,000 when it was new.
enough time to bathe before my dinner 4. used for showing someones job
guests arrive. (NOTE: Do not confuse His father is a bus driver. She wants to
with bath. Note also: bathes /bez/ be a teacher. 5. used for showing things
bathing / be/ bathed /bed/.) such as size, weight, height, Hes
bathroom / b
m/ noun 1. a room
1.70m tall. The room is three metres
in a house with a bath, a washbasin and square. Our house is ten miles from
usually a toilet The house has two the nearest station. 6. to add up to
bathrooms. 2. US a room containing a Two and two are four. 7. used for show-
toilet Wheres the bathroom? Can I ing that someone or something exists or
use your bathroom, please? is in a particular place There was a
crowd of people waiting for the shop to
battery / bt()ri/ noun an object that

open. There were only two people left

fits into a piece of electrical equipment on the bus. Where are we? Theres
to provide it with electric energy My your hat! (NOTE: I am; you are;
calculator needs a new battery. The he/she/it is; we/you/they are; being;
battery has given out so I cant use my I/he/she/it was; we/you/they were;
radio. My mobile phone has a re- has been; negative: is not usually
chargeable battery. isnt; are not usually arent; was not
battle / bt()l/ noun 1. an occasion

usually wasnt; were not usually wer-

when large groups of soldiers fight each ent.)
other using powerful weapons Many beach /bi
t/ noun an area of sand or

soldiers died in the first battle of the small stones by the edge of the sea
war. Wellington won the Battle of Wa-
beak /bi
k/ noun the hard part of a birds

terloo. 2. an attempt to prevent some-

thing unpleasant and difficult to deal mouth
beam /bi
m/ noun 1. a long block of

with the governments constant battle

against crime He lost his battle wood or metal which supports a struc-
against cancer. verb to battle ture, especially a roof You can see the
against to try to prevent something un- old beams in the ceiling. 2. a ray of light
pleasant and difficult to deal with She The beam from the cars headlights
had to battle against the other members shone into the barn. Beams of sun-
of the board to get the project approved. light came through the coloured glass. Page 27 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

bean 27 before
verb to give a big happy smile The became /b kem/ past tense of be-

little girl beamed at him. come

bean /bi
n/ noun a seed or the long thin because /b kz/ conjunction for the
bean because

pod of various different plants, that is reason that follows I was late because
cooked and eaten I missed the train. The dogs wet be-
cause hes been in the river. because
bear /be/ noun a large wild animal cov-

of as a result of The plane was de-

ered with fur verb 1. to carry or sup- layed because of bad weather.
port something The letter bore a Lon-
become /b km/ verb 1. to change to

don postmark. Will this branch bear

my weight? 2. to accept something bad something different The sky became

or unpleasant in a calm way She bore dark and the wind became stronger.
the bad news bravely. (NOTE: bears They became good friends. As she got
bearing bore /b
/ has borne older she became rather deaf. It soon
n/) be unable to bear someone became obvious that he didnt under-
or something to strongly dislike some- stand a word of what I was saying. 2. to
one or something I cant bear the start to work as He wants to become a
smell of cooking fish. doctor. (NOTE: becomes becoming
became has become)
beard /bd/ noun the hair growing on a

bed /bed/ noun 1. a piece of furniture for


mans chin and cheeks a long white sleeping on Lie down on my bed if
beard youre tired. 2. a piece of ground for
beat /bi
t/ noun a regular pattern of

particular plants to grow in a straw-

sound The patients heart has a regu- berry bed a rose bed 3. the ground at
lar beat. They danced to the beat of the bottom of water a river bed
the drums. verb 1. to make a regular bedroom / bedru
m/ noun a room

sound His heart was still beating where you sleep My bedroom is on the
when the ambulance arrived. Her first floor. The hotel has twenty-five
heart beat faster as she went into the in- bedrooms. Shut your bedroom door if
terview. 2. to hit something or someone you want to be quiet.
hard He was beaten by a gang of bee /bi
/ noun an insect which makes

youths. 3. to win a game against another honey, and can sting you
player or team They beat their rivals
beef /bi
f/ noun meat from a cow roast

into second place. Our football team

beef beef stew
beat France 2 0. They beat us by 10
been /bi
n/ past participle of be

goals to 2. We beat the Australians at

beer /b/ noun 1. an alcoholic drink

cricket last year. (NOTE: beats beat-

ing beat has beaten) made from grain and water Can I have
a glass of beer? (NOTE: no plural) 2. a
beautiful / bju
tf()l/ adjective 1.

glass or bottle of beer Three beers,

physically very attractive We have
three beautiful daughters. 2. pleasant or
beetle / bi
t()l/ noun an insect with

enjoyable What beautiful weather for

a walk. hard covers that protects its folded
beautifully / bju
tf()li/ adverb in a

before /b f
/ preposition earlier than

very pleasing way

They should have arrived before now.
beauty / bju
ti/ noun 1. the quality of

You must be home before 9 oclock. G

being beautiful an object of great comes before H in the alphabet. con-
beauty the beauty of the tall trees junction earlier than The police got
against the background of the blue lake there before I did. Think carefully be-
2. a beautiful woman or a beautiful fore you start to answer the exam ques-
thing At 18 she was a real beauty. tions. Wash your hands before you
Look at these apples, theyre real beau- have your dinner. Before you sit down,
ties. can you switch on the light? adverb Page 28 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

beg 28 belong
earlier I didnt see him last week, but his colleagues were behind his decision.
I had met him before. Why didnt you Were behind you! adverb 1. at the
tell me before? back He was first, and the rest of the
beg /be'/ verb 1. to ask for things like
runners were a long way behind. 2. later
money or food She sat begging on the than you should be I am behind with
steps of the station. Children were my correspondence. The company has
begging for food. 2. to ask someone in fallen behind schedule with its deliver-
an emotional way to do something or ies.
being / bi
/ noun 1. a person 2. a living

give something His mother begged

him not to go. He begged for more thing, especially one that is not easily
time to find the money. (NOTE: begs recognised 3. a spiritual or magical
begging begged) force He dreamt he was being sup-
begin /b 'n/ verb to start doing some-
ported by supernatural beings. 4. a state
of existing to come into being to start

thing The children began to cry. She

has begun to knit a red pullover for her to exist The association came into be-
father. The house is beginning to ing in 1946.
belief /b li
f/ noun a strong feeling that

warm up. His surname begins with an

S. The meeting is due to begin at ten something is true his firm belief in the
oclock sharp. (NOTE: begins begin- power of law her strong belief in God
ning began has begun) to be- believe /b li
v/ verb 1. to be sure that

gin again to start a second time She something is true, although you cant
played a wrong note and had to begin prove it People used to believe that the
again. earth was flat. Dont believe anything
beginner /b 'n/ noun a person who is

he tells you. 2. used when you are not

starting to learn something or do some- absolutely sure of something I dont
thing The course is for absolute be- believe weve met. I believe I have
ginners. I cant paint very well Im been here before.
just a beginner. bell /bel/ noun 1. a metal object shaped

beginning /b 'n/ noun the first part


like a cup which makes a ringing noise

The beginning of the film is rather when hit by a piece of metal inside it
boring. They rang the church bells at the wed-
begun /b 'n/ past participle of begin

ding. 2. any object designed to make a
ringing noise, especially one that uses
behalf /b h
f/ noun on behalf of

electricity The alarm bell rings if you
someone, on someones behalf acting touch the door. The postman rang the
for someone She is speaking on behalf door bell. You ought to have a bell on
of the trade association. He was cho- your bicycle. to ring a bell or any
sen to speak on the workers behalf. bells to sound familiar or remind you of
behave /b hev/ verb to act in a certain

something Does the name Forsyth

way with someone He behaved very ring a bell?
pleasantly towards his staff. She was belly / beli/ noun the stomach and intes-

behaving in a funny way. tines (informal ) (NOTE: The plural is

behaviour /b hevj/ noun a way of

doing things His behaviour was quite belong /b l/ verb 1. to be kept in the

natural. Local people complained usual or expected place That book be-
about the behaviour of the football fans. longs on the top shelf. 2. to be happy to
behind /b hand/ preposition 1. at the

be somewhere or with a group of people

back of They hid behind the door. I Within a week in my new job I felt I be-
dropped my pen behind the sofa. He longed. 3. to belong to someone to be
was second, only three metres behind the property of someone Does the car
the winner. 2. responsible for The po- really belong to you? 4. to belong to
lice believe they know who is behind the an organisation to be a member of an
bombing campaign. 3. supporting All organisation They still belong to the Page 29 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

below 29 best
tennis club. 5. to belong with to be a bridge and watched the river flowing
part of or connected to something else beneath.
These knives belong with the set in the beneficial /ben f()l/ adjective hav-

kitchen. ing a helpful effect

below /b l/ adverb lower down benefit / benft/ noun an advantage


Standing on the bridge we looked at the What benefit would I get from joining
river below. These toys are for chil- the club? verb 1. to be useful to some-
dren of two years and below. preposi- one The book will benefit anyone who
tion lower down than The temperature is planning to do some house repairs. 2.
was below freezing. In Singapore, the to benefit from or by something to
temperature never goes below 25C. get an advantage from something
Do not write anything below this line. Tourists will benefit from improved
These tablets should not be given to transport links. Older people can ben-
children below the age of twelve. Can efit from free bus passes. (NOTE: bene-
you see below the surface of the water? fits benefitting benefitted)
belt /belt/ noun a strap which goes round bent /bent/ adjective curved or twisted
belt bent

your waist to hold up a skirt or trousers These nails are so bent we cant use
She wore a skirt with a bright red belt. them.
berry / beri/ noun a small round fruit

bench /bent/ noun a long seat for sev-


eral people We sat down on one of the with several small seeds inside (NOTE:
park benches. The plural is berries. Do not confuse
with bury.)
bend /bend/ noun a curve in something

beside /b sad/ preposition at the side


such as a road or a pipe Dont drive

of someone or something Come and

too fast, theres a sudden bend in the
sit down beside me. The office is just
road. The pipe under the sink has an
beside the railway station. its be-
awkward bend in it. verb 1. to move
side the point its got nothing to do
your shoulders and head into a lower
with the main subject Whether or not
position He bent to pick up the little
the coat matches your hat is beside the
girl. You can reach it if you bend to the
point its simply too big for you.
left. 2. to have the shape of a curve
besides /b sadz/ preposition as well

The road bends suddenly after the

bridge. (NOTE: bends bending as They have two other cars besides
bent /bent/) the big Ford. Besides managing the
shop, he also teaches in the evening.
bend down phrasal verb to move to a besides being or doing something in
lower position, so that your head is low- addition to being or doing something
er than your waist He bent down to adverb used for adding another stronger
pick up the little girl. reason for something I dont want to
bend over phrasal verb to move to a go for a picnic besides, its starting to
different or a lower position You can rain.
read it if you bend over to the left. best /best/ adjective better than anything

Bend over till you can touch your toes. else Shes my best friend. He put on
to bend over backwards for his best suit to go to the interview.
someone or to do something to do What is the best way of getting to Lon-
everything you can to help someone don from here? noun the thing which
Their friends bent over backwards for is better than anything else The pic-
or to support the family after the acci- ture shows her at her best. adverb in
dent. the most effective or successful way
beneath /b ni
/ preposition under

The engine works best when its warm.

There are dangerous rocks beneath the Oranges grow best in hot countries.
surface of the lake. The river flows Which of you knows London best? all
very fast beneath the bridge. adverb the best best wishes for the future as
underneath (formal ) They stood on the best you can in the best way you can, Page 30 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

bet 30 bicycle
even though this may not be perfect to shes got flu. It would be better if you
do your best to do as well as you can phoned your father now.
to make the best of something to between /b twi
n/ preposition 1. with

take any advantage you can from some- people or things on both sides Theres
thing to make the best of a bad job only a thin wall between his office and
to accept a bad situation cheerfully to mine, so I hear everything he says.
the best of someones ability as well Dont sit between him and his girl-
as possible Ill help you to the best of friend. 2. connecting two places The
my ability. to the best of my knowl- bus goes between Oxford and London.
edge as far as I know best regards, 3. in the period after one time and be-
best wishes a greeting sent to someone fore another Im in a meeting between
Give my best wishes to your father. 10 oclock and 12. Can you come to
bet /bet/ noun a sum of money which is
see me between now and next Monday?
risked by trying to say which horse will 4. within a range between two amounts
come first in a race or which side will or numbers The parcel weighs be-
win a competition He placed a bet on tween four and five kilos. Cherries
his friends horse but lost when the cost between 2 and 3 per kilo. 5. used
horse came last. Ive got a bet on Bra- for comparing two or more things
zil to win the next World Cup. verb to Sometimes its not easy to see a differ-
risk money by saying which horse you ence between blue and green. She
think will come first in a race or which could choose between courses in Ger-
team will win a competition He bet man, Chinese or Russian. 6. among
me 10 the Prime Minister would lose between you and me speaking pri-
the election. She bet 30 on the hors- vately in between with things on
both sides Theres only a thin wall be-
es. (NOTE: bets betting bet) I bet
tween his bedroom and mine, so I hear
(you) (that) or Ill bet (you) (that) Im
everything he says on the phone.
sure that I bet you shes going to be
beware /b we/ verb to be careful about


something that might be dangerous or

better / bet/ adjective 1. good when

cause a problem Beware of cheap im-

compared to something else The itations. You need to beware of being
weather is better today than it was yes- persuaded to spend more than you can
terday. His latest book is better than afford.
the first one he wrote. Shes better at
beyond /b jnd/ preposition 1. further

maths than English. Brown bread is

better for you than white. We will shop away than The post office is beyond
around to see if we can get a better the bank. 2. outside the usual range of
price. 2. healthy again I had a cold something The delivery date is be-
last week but Im better now. I hope yond our control. I cant accept new
your sister will be better soon. adverb orders beyond the end of next year. be-
more successfully than something else yond someones means too expensive
She sings better than her sister. My
for someone to buy Id love to buy a
sports car, but I think it would be beyond
old knife cuts better than the new one.
my means. 3. later than The party
to think better of something to decide
went on beyond midnight.
that something is not a good idea He
Bible / bab()l/ noun 1. the holy book of

was going to drive to London, but

thought better of it when he heard the the Christian religion 2. an important
traffic report on the news. for the and useful reference book She keeps
better in a way which makes a situation an old French recipe book in the kitchen
less unpleasant or difficult Her atti- its her bible.
bicycle / bask()l/ noun a vehicle with

tude has changed for the better since we

reviewed her responsibilities. had two wheels which you ride by pushing
better or would be better it would be on the pedals He goes to school by bi-
sensible to Shed better go to bed if cycle every day. Shes going to do the Page 31 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

bid 31 bit
shopping on her bicycle. Hes learn- the demand for payment. (NOTE: bins
ing to ride a bicycle. binning binned)
bid /bd/ noun 1. an offer to buy some- bind /band/ verb 1. to tie someones
bid bind

thing at a particular price His bid for hands or feet so they cannot move
the painting was too low. 2. an attempt They bound her arms with a rope. 2. to
to do something she made a bid for tie something or someone to something
power she tried to seize power verb to else Bind the sticks together with
make an offer to buy something at an strings. They bound him to the chair
auction He bid 500 for the car. with strips of plastic. 3. to force some-
(NOTE: bids bidding bid) one to do something The contract
binds him to make regular payments. 4.
big /b'/ adjective of a large size I dont

to put a cover on a book The book is

want a small car I want a big one. bound in blue leather. (NOTE: binds
His father has the biggest restaurant in binding bound has bound)
town. Im not afraid of him Im big-
biologist /ba ld"st/ noun a scientist

ger than he is. We had a big order

from Germany. (NOTE: big bigger who does research in biology

biology /ba ld"i/ noun the study of


bike /bak/ noun a bicycle (informal )


living things
bird /b
d/ noun 1. an animal with wings

He goes to school by bike. If the

weathers good, we could go for a bike and feathers, most of which can fly 2. a
ride. young woman (informal; usually used
bill /bl/ noun 1. a piece of paper showing
by men and sometimes regarded as
the amount of money you have to pay offensive by women)
birth /b
/ noun the occasion of being

for something The total bill came to

more than 200. Ask the waiter for the born He was a big baby at birth. by
bill. Dont forget to pay your gas bill. birth according to the country some-
2. same as beak The bird was picking ones parents come from He is French
up food with its bill. 3. a proposal by birth. to give birth to a baby to
which, if passed by parliament, be- have a baby She gave birth to a boy
comes law Parliament will consider last week.
the education bill this week. He has birthday / b
de/ noun the date on

drafted a bill to ban the sale of guns. 4. which someone was born April 23rd
US a piece of paper money a 10-dol- is Shakespeares birthday. My birth-
lar bill day is on 25th June. What do you want
billion / bljn/ noun 1. one thousand for your birthday?

million The government raises bil- biscuit / bskt/ noun a small flat, usual-

lions in taxes each year. 2. one million ly sweet, hard cake (NOTE: The US term
million (dated ) 3. a great many Bil- for a sweet biscuit is cookie)
lions of Christmas cards are sent every bit /bt/ noun 1. a little piece He tied the

year. (NOTE: In American English billion bundle of sticks together with a bit of
has always meant one thousand mil- string. Would you like another bit of
lion, but in British English it formerly cake? 2. the smallest unit of information
meant one million million, and it is still that a computer system can handle
sometimes used with this meaning. verb bite to bits 1. into little pieces
With figures it is usually written bn: 2. very much thrilled to bits to
$5bn say five billion dollars.) come or fall to bits to fall apart The
bin /bn/ noun 1. a container for putting

chair has come to bits. to take some-

rubbish in Dont throw your litter on thing to bits to take something apart in
the floor pick it up and put it in the bin. order to repair it Hes taking my old
2. a container for keeping things in a clock to bits. a bit a little The paint-
bread bin verb to throw something ing is a bit too dark. She always plays
away into a rubbish bin He just binned that tune a bit too fast. Let him sleep Page 32 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

bite 32 blanket
a little bit longer. Can you wait a bit? blame /blem/ noun criticism for having

Im not ready yet. Have you got a done something wrong Im not going
piece of wood a bit bigger than this one? to take the blame for something I didnt
for a bit for a short period of time do. to get the blame for something to
Can you stop for a bit? Im getting tired. be accused of something Who got the
bite /bat/ verb 1. to cut someone or blame for breaking the window? Me,

something with your teeth The dog of course! to take the blame for
tried to bite the postman. She bit a something to accept that you were re-
piece out of the pie. 2. (of an insect) to sponsible for something bad verb to
make a small hole in your skin which blame someone for something, to
turns red and itchy Shes been bitten blame something on someone to say
by a mosquito. (NOTE: bites biting that someone is responsible for some-
bit /bt/ has bitten / bt()n/) thing Blame my sister for the awful
noun 1. a small amount of food that you food, not me. He blamed the accident
cut with your teeth in order to eat it on the bad weather. I dont blame
She took a big bite out of the sandwich. you I think youre right to do that I
a bite or a bite to eat a small meal 2. dont blame you for being annoyed,
a place on someones body where it has when everyone else got a present and
been bitten you didnt. you have only yourself to
bitter / bt/ adjective 1. not sweet
blame no one else is responsible for
This black coffee is too bitter. 2. angry what happened You have only yourself
because something is not fair She was to blame if you missed the chance of a
very bitter about the way the company free ticket. to be to blame for to be re-
treated her. 3. causing great disappoint- sponsible for something The manager
ment or unhappiness a bitter winter is to blame for the bad service.
blank /blk/ adjective not containing

night a bitter wind coming from the

Arctic Losing her job was a bitter any information, sound or writing, e.g.
blow. She took a blank piece of paper and
bitterly / btli/ adverb strongly He
drew a map. Have we got any blank
bitterly regrets what he said. videos left? noun an empty space, es-
pecially on a printed form, for some-
bitterness / btns/ noun 1. a bitter

thing to be written in Just fill in the

taste 2. angry feelings His bitterness blanks on the second page age, occu-
at being left out of the England team pation, etc. to go blank to be unable
was very obvious. to remember something I went blank
black /blk/ adjective 1. having a very

when they asked what I was doing last

dark colour, the opposite to white a Tuesday. When he asked for my work
black and white photograph He has phone number, my mind just went blank.
black hair. 2. belonging to a race of peo- blank out phrasal verb 1. to cross out
ple with dark skin, whose families are or cover a piece of writing The sur-
African in origin name had been blanked out. 2. to try to
blackboard / blkb
d/ noun a dark

forget something deliberately She

board which you can write on with blanked out the days or the memory of
chalk, especially on the wall of a class- the days immediately after the car
room (NOTE: now often called a chalk- crash.
board) blanket / blkt/ noun 1. a thick cover

blade /bled/ noun 1. a sharp cutting part


which you put over you to keep warm

the blades of a pair of scissors Be He woke up when the blankets fell off
careful that knife has a very sharp the bed. She wrapped the children up
blade. 2. a thin leaf of grass 3. one of the in blankets to keep them warm. 2. a
long flat parts that spin round on some thick layer a blanket of leaves A
aircraft engines or to keep a helicopter blanket of snow covered the fields.
in the air The motorway was covered in a blanket Page 33 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

blankly 33 blow
of fog. 3. a barrier to protect something able to see, especially for a short time
a blanket of secrecy adjective af- She was blinded by the bright lights of
fecting everything or everyone a blan- the oncoming cars.
ket ban on smoking blindness / blandns/ noun the state

blankly / blkli/ adverb not showing


of not being able to see The disease

any reaction or emotion When the can cause blindness. (NOTE: Some peo-
teacher asked him about his homework ple avoid this term as it can cause of-
he just stared at her blankly. fence and prefer visual impairment.)
blast /bl
st/ noun 1. an explosion blink /blk/ noun to close your eyes and
blast blink

Several windows were shattered by the open them again very quickly The
blast. 2. a strong current of wind an sudden flash of light made him blink.
icy blast from the north 3. a sharp loud verb (of lights) to go on and off The
sound from a signal or whistle Three alarm light is blinking.
blasts of the alarm means that passen- block /blk/ noun 1. a large building

gers should go on deck. verb to de- They live in a block of flats. 2. a large
stroy with a bomb or bullets The bur- piece Blocks of ice were floating in the
glars blasted their way into the safe. river. 3. something that prevents some-
They blasted their way out of the police thing happening a block on making
trap. payments to put a block on some-
blaze /blez/ verb to burn or shine strong-

thing to stop something happening 4.

ly The fire was blazing. The sun same as blockage 1 5. US a section of
blazed through the clouds. noun a buildings surrounded by streets He
large bright fire The house was lives two blocks away. verb to prevent
burned down in the blaze. something from passing along some-
bleed /bli
d/ verb to lose blood His
thing The pipe is blocked with dead
chin bled after he cut himself shaving. leaves. The crash blocked the road for
He was bleeding heavily from his hours.
blockage / blkd"/ noun 1. something

wound. (NOTE: bleeds bleeding

bled /bled/) which prevents movement Theres a
blend /blend/ noun something, especial-
blockage further down the drain. 2. the
ly a substance, made by mixing differ- state of being blocked
blood /bld/ noun the red liquid that

ent things together different blends of

coffee verb 1. to mix things together flows around the body
Blend the eggs, milk and flour togeth- blossom / bls()m/ noun 1. the mass

er. 2. (of colours) to go well together of flowers that appears on trees in the
The grey curtains blend with the pale spring The hedges are covered with
wallpaper. hawthorn blossom. The trees are in
bless /bles/ verb to make something holy

full blossom. 2. a single flower verb to

by prayers The church was blessed by produces flowers The roses were blos-
the bishop. (NOTE: blesses blessing soming round the cottage door.
blessed /blest/) to be blessed blouse /blaz/ noun a womans shirt

with to experience happiness or good

blow /bl/ verb 1. (of air or wind ) to

things They were blessed with two

healthy children. bless you said move The wind had been blowing
when someone sneezes hard all day. 2. to push air out from your
mouth Blow on your soup if its too
blew /blu
/ past tense of blow

hot. (NOTE: blows blowing blew

blind /bland/ adjective not able to see has blown) to blow your nose to

He went blind in his early forties. blow air through your nose into a hand-
(NOTE: Some people avoid this word as kerchief, especially if you have a cold
it can cause offence and prefer terms She has a cold and keeps having to blow
such as visually impaired or partially her nose. noun 1. a knock or hit with
sighted.) verb to make someone un- the hand He received a blow to the Page 34 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

blue 34 bodyguard
head in the fight. 2. a shock, which 2. almost rude His blunt manner often
comes from bad news The election re- upset people.
sult was a blow to the government. bluntly / blntli/ adverb in a direct way

blow away phrasal verb 1. to go away that may upset people

by blowing His hat blew away. 2. to blurred /bl
d/ adjective not clearly seen

make something go away by blowing The paper printed a blurred photo-

The wind will blow the fog away. graph of the suspect.
blow down phrasal verb 1. to make blush /bl/ verb to go red in the face be-

something fall down by blowing Six cause you are ashamed or embarrassed
trees were blown down in the storm. 2. She blushed when he spoke to her.
to fall down by blowing The school
board /b
d/ noun 1. a long flat piece of

fence has blown down.

something such as wood The floor of
blow off phrasal verb to make some- the bedroom was just bare boards. 2. a
thing go away by blowing The wind blackboard or chalkboard The teacher
blew his hat off. wrote on the board.
blow out phrasal verb to make some-
boast /bst/ verb 1. to have something

thing go out by blowing She blew out

good The house boasts a large garden
the candles on her birthday cake. and pond. The town boasts an 18-hole
blow over phrasal verb 1. (of a storm golf course. 2. to say how good or suc-
or a difficult situation) to end We hope cessful you are noun the act of talking
the argument will soon blow over. 2. to about things that you are proud of
knock something down by blowing Their proudest boast is that they never
The strong winds blew over several surrendered.
trees. boat /bt/ noun a small vehicle that

blow up phrasal verb 1. to make some- people use for moving on water They
thing get bigger by blowing into it He sailed their boat across the lake. They
blew up balloons for the party. Your went to Spain by boat. When is the
front tyre needs blowing up. 2. to de- next boat to Calais? in the same
stroy something by making it explode boat in the same difficult situation
The soldiers blew up the railway bridge. Dont expect special treatment were
3. to make a photograph bigger The all in the same boat.
article was illustrated with a blown-up body / bdi/ noun 1. the whole of a per-

picture of the little girl and her stepfa- son or of an animal He had pains all
ther. over his body. (NOTE: The plural is bod-
blue /blu
/ adjective of the colour of the

ies.) 2. the main part of an animal or

sky He wore a pale blue shirt. They person, but not the head and arms and
live in the house with the dark blue door. legs She had scars on the arms and
noun the colour of the sky Is there upper part of her body. (NOTE: The plu-
a darker blue than this available? out ral is bodies.) 3. the body of a dead per-
of the blue suddenly Out of the blue son or animal The dead mans body
came an offer of a job in Australia. was found in the river. Bodies of in-
blues /blu
z/ plural noun sad songs from
fected cows were burnt in the fields. 4.
the southern US Bessie Smith, the the main structure of a vehicle The
great blues singer. factory used to make car bodies. 5. the
main part of something Youll find the
blunder / blnd/ noun a big mistake,

details in the body of the report. (NOTE:

often one that causes a lot of embarrass- The plural is bodies.) 6. the thickness
ment A dreadful blunder by the goal- of hair The shampoo will give your
keeper allowed their opponents to hair body. (NOTE: no plural)
score. bodyguard / bdi'
d/ noun 1. a per-

blunt /blnt/ adjective 1. not sharp He


son who guards someone The man

tried to cut the meat with a blunt knife. was stopped by the presidents body- Page 35 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

boil 35 booking
guards. 2. a group of people who guard bombing / bm/ noun an occasion

someone He has a bodyguard of six when someone attacks a place with a

people or a six-man bodyguard. bomb or bombs bombings in centre of
boil /bl/ verb 1. (of water or other

major cities a bombing raid by enemy

liquid ) to form bubbles and change into aircraft
steam or gas because of being heated bone /bn/ noun one of the solid pieces

Put the egg in when you see that the wa- in the body, which make up the skeleton
ters boiling. Dont let the milk boil. 2. He fell over and broke a bone in his
to heat a liquid until it changes into leg. Be careful when youre eating fish
steam Can you boil some water so we they have lots of little bones.
can make tea? 3. to cook food such as
bonfire / bnfa/ noun a fire made out-

vegetables or eggs in boiling water doors

Boil the potatoes in a large pan. noun
bonnet / bnt/ noun 1. the metal cover

an infected swelling He has a boil on

the back of his neck. over the front part of a car, covering the
engine He lifted up the bonnet and
boiling / bl/ adjective 1. which has

looked at the steam pouring out of the

started to boil (i.e. for water, at 100C) engine. 2. a hat with strings that tie un-
Put the potatoes in a pan of boiling
der the chin
water. 2. also boiling hot very hot It
bonus / bns/ noun 1. extra money

is boiling in this room.

Sales staff earn a bonus if they sell more
bolt /blt/ noun 1. a long piece of metal

than their target. 2. an advantage It

with a screw, fastened with a round was a bonus that the plane arrived ear-
piece of metal called a nut The legs of ly, as we were able to catch an earlier
the table are secured to the top with bus home. (NOTE: The plural is bonus-
bolts. 2. a long piece of metal which you es.) added bonus an additional ad-
slide into a hole to lock a door She vantage I prefer this job and its an
pulled back the bolts. 3. to make a added bonus that I can walk to work.
bolt for it to run away When the
bony / bni/ adjective 1. thin, so that

guards werent looking two prisoners

tried to make a bolt for it. verb 1. to the bones can be seen easily She was
run fast suddenly The horse bolted. 2. riding a bony horse. He grabbed her
to run away from someone or something arm with his bony hand. 2. (of fish) with
When the boys saw him coming, they many bones I dont like kippers,
bolted. 3. to fasten something with a theyre usually too bony. (NOTE: bonier
bolt He bolted the door when he went boniest)
to bed. The tables are bolted to the book /bk/ noun 1. sheets of printed pa-

floor. to make a bolt for something per attached together, usually with a
to rush towards something At the end stiff cover Im reading a book on the
of the show everyone made a bolt for the history of London. He wrote a book
door. to make a bolt for it to run about butterflies. 2. sheets of paper to
away from someone or something write or draw on, attached together in a
When the guards werent looking two cover. exercise book, notebook,
prisoners tried to make a bolt for it. sketchbook verb to reserve a place,
bomb /bm/ noun a weapon which ex-
a seat, a table in a restaurant or a room
plodes, and can be dropped from an air- in a hotel We have booked a table for
craft or placed somewhere by hand tomorrow evening. to book someone
The bomb was left in a suitcase in the on or onto a flight to order a plane tick-
middle of the station. They phoned to et for someone else Ive booked you
say that a bomb had been planted in the on the 10 oclock flight to New York.
booking / bk/ noun an arrangement

main street. Enemy aircraft dropped

bombs on the army base. verb to drop to have something such as a seat, hotel
bombs on something Enemy aircraft room or a table in a restaurant kept for
bombed the power station. you Page 36 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

boom 36 bottled
boom /bu
m/ noun 1. a sudden increase

was born in Scotland. She was born in

in the amount of money being earned in 1989. The baby was born last week.
a country or region, or by a business borne /b
n/ past participle of bear

The economy is improving and everyone

borrow / br/ verb 1. to take some-

is forecasting a boom for next year. 2. a

loud deep noise, like the sound of an ex- thing for a short time, usually with the
plosion There was such a loud boom permission of the owner She bor-
that everyone jumped. verb 1. to in- rowed three books from the school li-
crease The economy is booming. brary. He wants to borrow one of my
Sales to Europe are booming. 2. to make CDs. 2. to take money for a time, usual-
a loud deep noise His voice boomed ly from a bank Companies borrow
across the square. from banks to finance their business.
She borrowed 100,000 from the bank
boot /bu
t/ noun a strong shoe which

to buy a flat. Compare lend

covers your foot and your ankle or the
boss /bs/ noun the person in charge, es-

lower part of your leg long black rid-

ing boots walking boots ankle boots pecially the owner of a business If you
want a day off, ask the boss. I left be-
boot up phrasal verb 1. to make a com-
cause I didnt get on with my boss.
puter start 2. (of a computer ) to be start- (NOTE: The plural is bosses.)
ed up and made ready for use
both /b/ adjective, pronoun two peo-

border / b
d/ noun 1. an imaginary

line between countries or regions ple or things together Hold onto the
They crossed the border into Switzer- handle with both hands. Both my
land. The enemy shelled several bor- shoes have holes in them. Both her
der towns. He was questioned by the brothers are very tall. She has two
border guards. 2. a pattern around the brothers, both of them in Canada. She
edge of something I dont like the pink and her brother both go to the same
border on the scarf. 3. a patch of soil at school. Im talking to both of you.
the side of a path or an area of grass bother / b/ noun trouble or worry

where flowers or bushes are planted We found the shop without any bother.
verb to be along the edge of something It was such a bother getting packed that
The path is bordered with rose bushes. we nearly didnt go on holiday. verb
The new houses border the west side 1. to make someone feel slightly angry,
of the park. especially by disturbing them It both-
border on phrasal verb same as bor- ers me that everyone is so lazy. Stop
der verb bothering me Im trying to read. 2.
bore /b
/ noun a dull person who is not
to bother to do something to take the
very interesting I dont want to sit next time or trouble to do something Dont
to him, hes such a bore. verb to make bother to come with me to the station
a hole in something Bore three holes I can find my way easily.
bottle / bt()l/ noun 1. a tall plastic or

close together.
bored /b
d/ adjective not interested in
glass container for liquids, usually with
what is happening You get very bored a narrow part at the top He opened two
having to do the same work every day. bottles of red wine. She drank the wa-
Im bored lets go out to the club. ter straight out of the bottle. He
bought his wife a bottle of perfume on
boredom / b
dm/ noun the state of

the plane. 2. confidence (informal ) He

being bored hasnt got the bottle to do it. verb to
boring / b
r/ adjective not interesting

put in bottles The wine is bottled in

I dont want to watch that TV pro- Germany. Only bottled water is safe
gramme its boring. to drink.
born /b
n/ verb to come out of your bottled / bt()ld/ adjective sold in bot-
born bottled

mothers body and begin to live He tles Page 37 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

bottom 37 brain
bottom / btm/ noun 1. the lowest after the other. 2. the front part of a ship

point The ship sank to the bottom of verb 1. to bend your body forward as
the sea. Turn left at the bottom of the a greeting or sign of respect He bowed
hill. Is there any honey left in the bot- to the queen. 2. to bend your head for-
tom of the jar? 2. the far end Go down wards She bowed her head over her
to the bottom of the street and you will books.
see the station on your left. The shed bowl /bl/ noun 1. a wide, round con-

is at the bottom of the garden. 3. the part tainer for something such as food or wa-
of the body on which you sit Does my ter Put the egg whites in a bowl and
bottom look big in these trousers? beat them. 2. the food or liquid con-
plural noun bottoms the lower part of a tained in a bowl He was eating a bowl
set of clothes He was wearing just his of rice. A bowl of hot thick soup is just
track suit bottoms. adjective lowest what you need in this cold weather.
The jam is on the bottom shelf. He was verb 1. (especially in cricket) to throw a
standing on the bottom rung of the lad- ball to a batsman to bowl someone
der. (out) to throw the ball to someone and
bought /b
t/ past tense and past partici- hit his or her wicket 2. (in a game of

ple of buy bowls) to roll a bowl along the ground to

bounce /bans/ noun 1. a movement of
try to get close to the target
box /bks/ noun 1. a container made of

something such as a ball when it hits a

surface and moves away again He hit wood, plastic, cardboard or metal, with
the ball on the second bounce. 2. energy a lid The cakes came in a cardboard
Shes always full of bounce. verb to box. 2. a container and its contents He
spring up and down or off a surface took a box of matches from his pocket.
The ball bounced down the stairs. He He gave her a box of chocolates for her
kicked the ball but it bounced off the birthday. verb to fight by punching,
post. In this game you bounce the ball especially when wearing special thick
against the wall. gloves He learnt to box at a gym in the
bound /band/ noun a big jump ad-
East End.
boxing / bks/ noun a sport in which

jective 1. very likely They are bound

to be late. 2. obliged He felt bound to two opponents fight each other in a
help her. He is bound by the contract square area wearing special thick gloves
he signed last year. 3. tied up a bundle boy /b/ noun 1. a male child A boy

of old letters bound with pink ribbon from our school won the tennis match.
The burglars left him bound hand and I knew him when he was a boy. 2. a son
foot. verb to make a big jump, or Her three boys are all at university. 3.
move fast suddenly She bounded into the boys men who are friends, or who
the room. He bounded out of his chair. play sport together (informal )
The dog bounded into the bushes.
boyfriend / bfrend/ noun a young or

bound for on the way to a ship bound

for the Gulf older man that someone is having a ro-
mantic relationship with Shes got a
boundary / band()ri/ noun an imagi-

new boyfriend. She brought her boy-

nary line or physical barrier separating friend to the party.
two things Their behaviour crossed
bra /br
/ noun a piece of womens un-

the boundary between unkindness and

cruelty. The white fence marks the derwear worn to support the breasts
bracelet / breslt/ noun a piece of jew-

boundary between the two gardens.

bow /ba/ noun 1. the act of bending
ellery worn around your wrist or arm
brain /bren/ noun 1. the nerve centre in

your body forwards as a greeting or sign

of respect He made a deep bow to the the head, which controls all the body 2.
audience. to take a bow to stand on a intelligence to use your brain to
stage and bend forwards to thank the au- think sensibly shes got brains, shes
dience The actors took their bows one got a good brain shes intelligent Page 38 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

brainy 38 break
brainy / breni/ adjective very intelligent bravely / brevli/ adverb in a brave way
brainy bravely

(informal ) (NOTE: brainier brainiest) bravery / brevri/ noun the ability to


brake /brek/ noun a part of a vehicle


do dangerous or unpleasant things with-

used for stopping or making it go more out being afraid We admired her brav-
slowly Put the brake on when you go ery in coping with the illness. He won
down a hill. The brakes arent work- an award for bravery.
ing! verb to slow down by pressing a bread /bred/ noun food made from flour

vehicles brakes The driver of the lit- and water baked in an oven Can you
tle white van braked, but too late to get a loaf of bread from the bakers?
avoid the dog. She cut thin slices of bread for sand-
branch /br
nt/ noun 1. a thick part of

a tree, growing out of the main part breadth /bred/ noun 1. a measurement

He hit his head against a low branch. 2. of how wide something is The breadth
a local office of an organisation Hes of the piece of land is over 300m. 2. the
the manager of our local branch of fact of being full or complete His an-
Lloyds Bank. The store has branches swers show the breadth of his knowl-
in most towns in the south of the coun- edge of the subject. the length and
try. 3. one part of something larger breadth of something everywhere in
Genetics is a branch of biology. Im a place We walked the length and
not in contact with the Irish branch of breadth of the field but found no mush-
my family. 4. a section of a road, railway rooms.
line or river that leads to or from the
break /brek/ verb 1. to make something

main part verb to divide into two or

more parts divide into pieces accidentally or delib-
erately He dropped the plate on the
brand /brnd/ noun a product with a

floor and broke it. She broke her leg

name, made by a particular company when she was skiing. Break the choc-
a well-known brand of soap verb to olate into four pieces. 2. to divide into
describe someone or something public- pieces accidentally The clock fell on
ly as bad He was branded as a thief. the floor and broke. 3. to fail to carry out
The minister was publicly branded a the terms of a contract or a rule The
liar in the newspaper. company has broken its agreement. to
brand name / brnd nem/ noun the
brand name

break a promise not to do what you had

official name of a product promised to do He broke his promise
brand-new /brnd nju
/ adjective and wrote to her again. 4. to break it

completely new or to break the news to someone to tell

brass /br
s/ noun 1. a shiny yellow
someone bad news We will have to
metal used for making things such as break it to her as gently as possible.
some musical instruments and door han- (NOTE: Do not confuse with brake.
dles The doctor has a brass name Note also breaks breaking broke
plate on his door. 2. musical instru- /brk/ has broken / brkn/.)
ments made of brass, such as trumpets noun 1. a short pause or rest There
or trombones the brass section of the will be a 15-minute break in the middle
orchestra He has composed several of the meeting. without a break with-
pieces of music for brass. out stopping They worked without a
brave /brev/ adjective not afraid of do-
break. to take a break to have a short
ing unpleasant or dangerous things It rest Well take a break now, and start
was very brave of him to dive into the again in fifteen minutes. 2. a short holi-
river to rescue the little girl. (NOTE: day a winter break to break your
braver bravest) verb to accept un- journey to stop travelling for a while
pleasant or dangerous conditions in or- before going on Well break our jour-
der to achieve something We braved ney in Edinburgh.
the Saturday crowds in the supermarket break down phrasal verb 1. (of a ma-
because we needed bread and milk. chine) to stop working The lift has Page 39 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

breakable 39 breeze
broken down again. The car broke on the motorway. A breakdown truck
down and we had to push it. 2. to show came to tow us to the garage.
breakfast / brekfst/ noun the first

all the items that are included in a total

separately Can you break down this meal of the day I had a boiled egg for
invoice into travel costs and extras? 3. breakfast. She didnt have any break-
to become upset and start crying fast because she was in a hurry. The
When she got her results she just broke hotel serves breakfast from 7.30 to 9.30
down. 4. to separate a substance into every day.
breast /brest/ noun 1. one of two parts

small parts, or to become separated

Enzymes break down the food. 5. to fail on a womans chest which produce milk
Their relationship quickly broke 2. meat from the chest part of a bird
down when he lost his job. The discus- We bought some chicken breasts to make
sions seem likely to break down over the a stir-fry.
amount of money being offered. breath /bre/ noun air which goes into

break in phrasal verb 1. to break in, and out of the body through the nose or
to break into a building to use force to mouth We could see our breath in the
get into a building Burglars broke cold air. out of breath, gasping for
into the office during the night. 2. to in- breath having difficulty in breathing
terrupt something that is happening He was out of breath after running all
Im sorry to break in, but I need to speak the way to the station. to hold your
to Mr McGregor urgently. breath to keep air in your lungs, e.g. in
break into phrasal verb to start doing order to go under water She held her
something When they saw the photos, breath under water for a minute. to
they broke into laughter. take a deep breath to breathe in as
much air as you can to take some-
break off phrasal verb 1. to make
ones breath away to surprise some-
something come off by breaking He one very much The beautiful view just
broke a piece off his pie and gave it to took our breath away. under your
the dog. 2. to come off by breaking breath quietly He swore under his
The handle broke off the cup in the dish- breath. dont hold your breath
washer. Several branches broke off in dont expect it to happen He said hell
the wind. 3. to stop something suddenly pay us next month, but dont hold your
He broke off in the middle of his story. breath!
They broke off the discussions. to
breathe /bri
/ verb to take air into the

break it off to end a relationship They lungs or let it out Relax and breathe in
were going to get married, but she and then out slowly. to breathe deep-
broke it off. ly to take a lot of air into the lungs
break out phrasal verb 1. to start breathing down someones neck al-
War broke out between the countries in ways watching and judging what some-
the area. 2. to escape Three prisoners one is doing
broke out of jail. breathless / brels/ adjective finding

break up phrasal verb 1. to divide into it difficult to breathe

pieces The oil tanker was breaking up
breed /bri
d/ noun a group of animals or

on the rocks. 2. (of a meeting) to end plants specially developed with features
The meeting broke up at 3 p.m. that make it different from others of the
breakable / brekb()l/ adjective that

same type verb 1. to produce young

can break easily animals Rabbits breed very rapidly. 2.
breakdown / brekdan/ noun 1. a sit- to keep animals which produce young

uation in which someone cannot contin- ones They breed sheep for the meat
ue to live normally any more because and the wool. (NOTE: breeds breed-
they are mentally ill or very tired 2. a ing bred /bred/)
breeze /bri
z/ noun a slight wind A

situation in which a machine or vehicle

stops working We had a breakdown cool breeze is welcome on a hot day like Page 40 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

brick 40 brown
this. verb to walk around looking very stepped out into the brilliant sunshine.
pleased with yourself He breezed into 3. very good (informal ) The way the
the meeting carrying a cup of coffee. information is displayed on this website
breeze through phrasal verb to do is brilliant.
bring /br/ verb to come with someone

something without any difficulty She

breezed through the tests in an hour. or something to this place She brought
brick /brk/ noun a hard block of baked the books to school with her. He

clay used for building brought his girlfriend home for tea.
bride /brad/ noun a woman who is get-
Are you bringing any friends to the par-
ting married or has just married ty? (NOTE: brings bringing
brought /br
bridge /brd"/ noun 1. a road or path

built over a road or river so that you can bring up phrasal verb 1. to look after
walk or drive from one side to the other and educate a child He was born in
2. a connection or helpful link between the USA but brought up in England.
two things A shared interest can be a He was brought up by his uncle in Scot-
bridge between old and young. land. 2. to mention a problem He
brought up the question of the noise.
brief /bri
f/ adjective short He wrote a

brink /brk/ noun the brink the time


brief note of thanks. The meeting was

when something is about to happen on
very brief. in brief in a few words, or
the brink of (doing) something about
without giving details We have food
to achieve something The company is
for only a few days; in brief, the situa-
on the brink of collapse. She was on
tion is very serious.
the brink of a nervous breakdown.
briefcase / bri
fkes/ noun a case for

British / brt/ adjective relating to the


carrying papers or documents

United Kingdom a British citizen
briefly / bri
fli/ adverb 1. for a short time

the British army The British press re-

2. in a few words, or without giving de- ported their death in a plane crash in
tails Africa. The ship was flying a British
bright /brat/ adjective 1. full of light or

sunlight a bright day a bright room broad /br
d/ adjective very wide a

bright sunshine or sunlight strong broad river breadth

clear light from the sun 2. (of a colour ) broadcast / br
st/ noun a radio or

very strong They have painted their TV programme The broadcast came
front door bright orange. 3. a young live from the award ceremony.
person who is bright is intelligent
broke /brk/ adjective with no money

Both children are very bright. Shes

the brightest student weve had for (informal ) past tense of break
broken / brkn/ adjective 1. in pieces

many years. 4. clear and sunny There

will be bright periods during the after- She tried to mend the broken vase. 2.
noon. 5. happy and pleasant She gave not working We cant use the lift be-
me a bright smile. cause its broken.
brightly / bratli/ adverb 1. in a strong brooch /brt/ noun a piece of jewel-

clear light or colour A childrens book lery fixed onto clothes with a pin (NOTE:
with brightly painted pictures. The The plural is brooches.)
brother / br/ noun a boy or man who

streets were brightly lit for Christmas.

2. cheerfully She smiled brightly as has the same mother and father as some-
she went into the hospital. one else My brother John is three
brightness / bratns/ noun 1. strong
years older than me. She came with
clear light 2. strong colour her three brothers.
brought /br
t/ past tense and past parti-

brilliant / brljnt/ adjective 1. extreme-


ly clever Hes the most brilliant stu- ciple of bring

dent of his year. She had a brilliant brown /bran/ adjective 1. with a colour

idea. 2. (of light) strong and clear She like earth or wood She has brown hair Page 41 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

bruise 41 bull
and blue eyes. Its autumn and the the contents of a bucket They threw
leaves are turning brown. 2. with skin buckets of water on the fire. verb to
made dark by the sun Hes very brown pour with rain (informal ) Its bucket-
he must have been sitting in the sun. ing down outside.
bruise /bru
z/ noun a dark painful area bud /bd/ noun a place where a new
bruise bud

on the skin, where you have been hit shoot or flower will grow from on a
She had bruises all over her arms. plant It was spring and the buds on
verb to make a bruise on the skin by be- the trees were beginning to open.
ing hit or by knocking yourself on
budget / bd"t/ noun an amount of

something She bruised her knee on

money that can be spent on something
the corner of the table.
There isnt enough money in the house-
brush /br/ noun 1. a tool made of a

hold budget to pay for a new carpet.

handle and hairs or wire, used for doing verb to plan how you will spend money
things such as cleaning or painting in the future It would be helpful if you
You need a stiff brush to get the mud off learnt to budget. They are having to
your shoes. She used a very fine brush budget carefully before going on holi-
to paint the details. He was painting day.
the front of the house with a large brush.
bug /b'/ verb to make someone feel

(NOTE: The plural is brushes.) 2. the

act of cleaning with a brush She gave slightly angry, especially for a long time
the coat a good brush. 3. a short argu- (informal ) I cant remember his name,
ment or fight with someone Hes had and its really bugging me! (NOTE: bug-
several brushes with the police recently. ging bugged)
build /bld/ verb 1. to make something by

verb 1. to clean with a brush He

brushed his shoes before going to the of- putting its parts together The house
fice. Always remember to brush your was only built last year. They are
teeth before you go to bed. 2. to go past planning to build a motorway across the
something touching it gently She field. 2. to develop something He built
brushed against me as she came into the his business from scratch. We need to
caf. build a good team relationship. (NOTE:
brush off phrasal verb 1. to clean builds building built /blt/)
builder / bld/ noun a person who

something off with a brush He

brushed the mud off his boots. 2. to ig- builds buildings
nore something because it is not very building / bld/ noun 1. something

important So far he has managed to such as a house, railway station or facto-

brush off all the complaints about his ry which has been built The flood
work. washed away several buildings. His
brush up phrasal verb to learn more office is on the top floor of the building.
about something Youll need to brush 2. the action of constructing something
up your English if you want to get a job The building of the tunnel has taken
as a guide. many years.
bubble / bb()l/ noun a ball of air or

built /blt/ past tense and past participle


gas contained in a liquid or other sub-

of build
stance Bubbles of gas rose to the sur-
bulb /blb/ noun 1. a round part of some

face of the lake. He blew bubbles in

his drink. verb to make bubbles, or plants, which stays under the ground,
have bubbles inside The porridge was and from which leaves and flowers grow
bubbling in the pan. She planted spring bulbs all round the
bucket / bkt/ noun 1. an open contain-
house. 2. a glass ball which gives elec-
er with a handle, used mainly for carry- tric light I need to change the bulb in
ing liquids Throw the water down the the table lamp.
bull /bl/ noun a male animal of the cow

drain and pass the empty bucket back to

me. He filled a bucket from the tap. 2. family Page 42 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

bullet 42 bus
bullet / blt/ noun a piece of metal that

at a special price The word-processing

you shoot from a gun He loaded his package is bundled with the computer.
gun with bullets. Two bullets had been bungalow / b'l/ noun a house

fired. with only a ground floor

bullet point / blt pnt/ noun a print- burden / b
d()n/ noun 1. a heavy load
bullet point burden

ed symbol like a circle before an item in He relieved her of her burden. 2.

a list something that is hard to deal with I
bully / bli/ noun a person who often
think he finds running the office at his
hurts or is unkind to other people Hes age something of a burden.
burger / b
'/ noun same as hamburg-

a bully, hes always trying to frighten

smaller children. (NOTE: The plural is er
bullies.) verb to be unkind to some- burglar / b
'l/ noun a person who

one often She was bullied by the other tries to get into a building to steal things
children in school. (NOTE: bullies burn /b
n/ noun a burnt area of the skin

bullying bullied)
or a surface She had burns on her face
bump /bmp/ noun 1. a slight knock

and hands. Theres a burn on the edge

The boat hit the landing stage with a of the table where he left his cigarette.
bump. 2. a raised area Drive slowly, verb 1. to destroy or damage something
the road is full of bumps. 3. a raised area by fire All our clothes were burnt in
on your body, where something has hit the fire. The hotel was burnt to the
it He has a bump on the back of his ground last year. Ive burnt the toast
head. verb to hit something or a part again. 2. to feel painful, or to make
of the body Hes crying because he something feel painful The sun and
bumped his head on the door. wind burnt his face. 3. to damage part of
bun /bn/ noun a small round piece of
the body by heat She burnt her finger
bread or a cake The burgers are on the hot frying pan. 4. to be on fire
served in a bun. These buns are too All the trees were burning. (NOTE:
sweet and sticky. burns burning burnt or burned
has burnt or burned)
bunch /bnt/ noun 1. a group of things

burnt /b
nt/ adjective destroyed or

taken together He carries a bunch of

keys attached to his belt. He brought damaged by fire or heat
burst /b
st/ verb to break open or ex-

her a bunch of flowers. 2. a group of

people I work with a nice bunch. My plode suddenly, or cause something to
friends are a mixed bunch. (NOTE: The break open or explode suddenly A wa-
plural is bunches.) 3. several fruits at- ter main burst in the High Street.
tached to the same stem a bunch of When she picked up the balloon it burst.
grapes a bunch of bananas (NOTE: bursts bursting burst
has burst) noun 1. a sudden loud
bundle / bnd()l/ noun 1. a parcel of

sound There was a burst of gunfire

things wrapped up or tied up together and then silence. Bursts of laughter
A bundle of clothes was all she owned. came from the office. 2. a sudden effort
He produced a bundle of papers tied
or activity She put on a burst of speed.
up with green string. She left her In a burst of energy he cleaned the
clothes in a bundle on the floor. 2. a set whole house.
of things sold or presented together a
bury / beri/ verb to put someone or some-

bundle of software verb 1. to put

things somewhere quickly without be- thing into the ground He was buried
ing careful He bundled the papers in the local cemetery. Squirrels often
into a drawer. She bundled the chil- bury nuts in the autumn. (NOTE: buries
dren off to school. The police bundled burying buried)
bus /bs/ noun a large motor vehicle

him into the back of their van. 2. to sell

a software programme at the same time which carries passengers He goes to
as you sell hardware, both sold together work by bus. She takes the 8 oclock Page 43 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

bush 43 by
bus to school every morning. We butterfly / btfla/ noun an insect with

missed the last bus and had to walk large brightly coloured wings which
home. flies during the day
buttocks / btks/ plural noun the part

bush /b/ noun a small tree


a small
bush with red berries An animal was of the body on which you sit
button / bt()n/ noun 1. a small, usual-

moving in the bushes. (NOTE: The plural

is bushes.) ly round piece of plastic, metal or wood
that you push through a hole in clothes
business / bzns/ noun 1. the work of

to fasten them The wind is cold do

buying and selling things They do a up the buttons on your coat. A but-
lot of business with France. She works tons come off my shirt. 2. a small round
in the electricity business. on busi- object which you push to operate some-
ness working The sales director is in thing such as a bell Press this button
Holland on business. 2. a company to call the lift. Push the red button to
She runs a photography business. He set off the alarm. verb to fasten some-
runs a secondhand car business. (NOTE: thing with buttons He buttoned (up)
The plural is businesses.) 3. some- his coat because it was cold.
thing that affects a particular person buttonhole / bt()nhl/ noun a hole

its none of your business its nothing which a button goes through when it is
to do with you fastened Youve put the button in the
/ bznsp

wrong buttonhole.
buy /ba/ verb to get something by paying

noun a person who works in business,

or who runs a business money for it I bought a newspaper on
busy / bzi/ adjective 1. working on or
my way to the station. Shes buying a
flat. She bought herself a pair of ski
doing something He was busy mend-
boots. What did you buy your mother
ing the dishwasher. I was too busy to
for her birthday? (NOTE: buys buy-
phone my aunt. The busiest time for ing bought /b
shops is the week before Christmas. 2.
buyer / ba/ noun a person who buys

full of people The shops are busiest

during the week before Christmas. 3. (of things
buzz /bz/ noun a noise like the sound

a phone line) being used by someone

else, so you cannot get an answer when made by a bee the buzz of an electric
you call His phones been busy all saw in the garden next door verb to
day. make a noise like a bee Wasps were
buzzing round the jam.
but /bt, bt/ conjunction used for show-

by /ba/ preposition 1. near The house


ing a difference He is very tall, but his is just by the bus stop. Sit down here
wife is quite short. We would like to by me. 2. not later than They should
come to your party, but were doing have arrived by now. You must be
something else that evening. preposi- home by eleven oclock. It must be fin-
tion except Everyone but me is al- ished by Friday. 3. used for showing the
lowed to go to the cinema. They had means of doing something Send the
eaten nothing but apples. parcel by airmail. Get in touch with
butcher / bt/ noun a person who pre-
the office by phone. They came by car.
pares and sells meat She caught a cold by standing in the
rain. You make the drink by adding
butter / bt/ noun a yellow fat made

champagne to orange juice. She paid

from the cream of milk, used on bread by cheque, not by credit card. 4. used for
or for cooking Fry the mushrooms in showing the person or thing that did
butter. (NOTE: no plural: some butter ; a something a painting by Van Gogh
knob of butter) verb to spread butter a CD recorded by our local group
on something She was busy buttering Hamlet is a play by Shakespeare.
slices of bread for the sandwiches. The postman was bitten by the dog. Page 44 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

bye 44 bye
She was knocked down by a car. 5. used verb past She drove by without seeing
for showing amounts We sell toma- us.
toes by the kilo. Eggs are sold by the bye /ba/, bye-bye /ba ba/ interjection

dozen. Prices have been increased by goodbye (informal )

5%. They won by 4 goals to 2. ad- Page 45 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

c /si
/, C noun the third letter of the alpha- caf / kfe/ noun a small restaurant
c caf

bet, between B and D selling drinks or light meals We had a

snack in the station caf.
cab /kb/ noun 1. a taxi He took a cab

cage /ked"/ noun a box made of wire or


to the airport. Can you phone for a

cab, please? Cab fares are very high with metal bars for keeping birds or an-
in New York. 2. a separate part of a large imals in The rabbit got out of its cage.
cagey / ked"i/ adjective not wanting to

vehicle for a driver The truck driver

climbed into his cab and started the en- share information (informal ) Theyre
gine. being very cagey about their relation-
ship. (NOTE: cagier cagiest)
cabbage / kbd"/ noun a vegetable

cake /kek/ noun food made by mixing


with large pale green or red leaves fold-

flour, eggs and sugar, and baking it a
ed into a tight ball
piece of cherry cake She had six can-
cabin / kbn/ noun 1. a small room on

dles on her birthday cake. Have an-

a ship We booked a first-class cabin other slice of Christmas cake.
on the cruise. 2. the inside of an aircraft calculate / klkjlet/ verb to find the

The aircraft is divided into three sep- answer to a problem using numbers
arate passenger cabins: first-class, The bank clerk calculated the rate of ex-
business and tourist. 3. a small hut He change for the dollar. He calculated
has a cabin by a lake where he goes fish- that it would take us six hours to finish
ing. the job.
cabinet / kbnt/ noun 1. a piece of calculation /klkj le()n/ noun 1.
cabinet calculation

furniture with shelves a china cabinet a series of numbers that you obtain
2. a committee formed from the most when you are calculating something
important members of a government According to my calculations, we have
The cabinet met at 10 oclock this morn- enough fuel left to do only twenty kilo-
ing. Theres a cabinet meeting every metres. 2. the act of calculating
calculator / klkjlet/ noun a small

Tuesday morning.
electronic machine for doing calcula-
cable / keb()l/ noun 1. a wire for car-

rying electricity or electronic signals
calendar / klnd/ noun a set of pages

He ran a cable out into the garden so

that he could use the lawnmower. showing the days and months of the
Theyve been digging up the pavements year
calf /k
f/ noun 1. a young cow or bull 2.

to lay cables. 2. a thick rope or wire

The ship was attached to the quay by ca- the back part of someones leg between
bles. 3. same as cable television the ankle and the knee (NOTE: The plural
is calves /k
vz/. The meat from a calf
television /keb()l tel
cable television

is veal.)
v"()n/, cable TV /keb()l ti
call /k
l/ verb 1. to say something loudly

noun a television system where the sig-

to someone who is some distance away
nals are sent along underground cables
Call the children when its time for
cactus / kkts/ noun a plant with

tea. 2. to telephone someone If he

thorns which grows in the desert (NOTE: comes back, tell him Ill call him when
The plural is cactuses or cacti Im in the office. Mr Smith is out
/ kkta/.) shall I ask him to call you back? Call Page 46 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

callbox 46 can
the police the shop has been burgled! verb
to make someone, or a situation,
Can you call me a cab, please? 3. to more peaceful
wake someone Call me at 7 oclock. calm down phrasal verb 1. to become
4. to give someone or something a name quieter and less annoyed After shout-
Theyre going to call the baby Sam. ing for some minutes he finally calmed
His name is John but everyone calls him down. 2. to make someone quieter
Jack. What do you call this computer She stroked his hand to try to calm him
programme? 5. to be called to have as down.
a name Our cats called Felix. 6. to calmly / k
mli/ adverb in a way that is

visit someone or somewhere We not anxious or excited

called at the house, but there was no one
came /kem/ past tense of come

there. noun 1. a telephone conversa-

camel / km()l/ noun a desert animal

tion, or an attempt to get in touch with

someone by telephone Were there any with long legs and one or two large
calls for me while I was out? to make round raised parts on its back
a (telephone or phone) call to make camera / km()r/ noun a piece of

contact with and speak to someone on equipment for taking photographs He

the telephone She wants to make a took a picture of the garden with his new
call to Australia. to take a call to an- camera. Did you remember to put a
swer the telephone 2. a telephone call or film in your camera?
short conversation to wake someone camp /kmp/ noun a place where people

He asked for an early morning call. I live in tents or small buildings in the
want a call at 7 oclock I want someone open air We set up camp halfway up
to wake me at 7 oclock 3. a visit to the mountain. verb to spend a period
someones home or place of work The of time in a tent They camped for a
doctor made three calls on patients this week by the side of the lake. to go
morning. to make a call to visit some- camping to spend a holiday in a tent
one or somewhere, especially on busi- We go camping in Sweden every sum-
ness on call available for duty mer.
call off phrasal verb to decide not to do campaign /km pen/ noun 1. an or-

something which had been planned ganised attempt to achieve something

call on phrasal verb 1. to visit someone a publicity campaign an advertising
She called on her mother to see how campaign Hes organising a cam-
she was. 2. to ask someone to do some- paign against the new motorway. The
thing The police have called on every- governments planning an anti-smoking
one to watch out for the escaped campaign. 2. an organised military at-
prisoner. tack Napoleons Russian campaign of
call round phrasal verb same as call 1812 verb to work in an organised
verb 6 The whole family called round way to achieve something The group
to see if she was better. has been campaigning for the banning
of landmines. They campaign against
callbox / k
lbks/ noun a public tele-

nuclear reactors.
phone box Im phoning from the call-
can /kn/ noun a round metal container

box outside the station. (NOTE: The plu-

ral is callboxes.) for food or drink He opened a can of
lemonade. Empty beer cans were all
calm /k
m/ adjective 1. not anxious or

over the pavement. She opened a can

excited Keep calm, everything will be of beans. tin modal verb 1. to be
all right. 2. not violent or rough The able to do something He can swim
sea was perfectly calm and no one was well but he cant ride a bike. She cant
seasick. (NOTE: calmer calmest) run as fast as I can. Can you remem-
noun a period of quiet The calm of the ber what the doctor told us to do? I
Sunday afternoon was broken by the cant bear to watch any longer. 2. to be
sound of jazz from the house next door. allowed to do something Children un- Page 47 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

canal 47 capital
der 18 cant drive cars. He says we cane /ken/ noun 1. a strong stem of a

can go in. The policeman says we plant, especially of tall thin plants like
cant park here. 3. to ask politely Can bamboo a raspberry cane 2. a walk-
we come in, please? Can you shut the ing stick cut from the stem of some
door, please? (NOTE: The negative is types of plant She was leaning heavily
cannot, usually cant. The past tense on a cane as she walked up the path.
is could, could not, usually couldnt. cannot / knt/ can

Can and could are only used with oth-

canoe /k nu
/ noun a boat with two

er verbs, and are not followed by the

word to.) verb to put food in cans pointed ends, which is moved forwards
(NOTE: cans canning canned) by one or more people using long pieces
of wood She paddled her canoe
canal /k nl/ noun an artificial river

across the lake. verb to travel in a ca-

made between rivers or lakes or from
noe They canoed down the river.
the sea, originally for moving cargo
(NOTE: canoes canoeing canoed)
cancel / knsl/ verb to stop something

cant /k
nt/ can

which has been planned The singer

canvas / knvs/ noun a thick cloth for

was ill, so the show had to be cancelled.

(NOTE: cancels cancelling can- making things such as tents, sails or
celled) shoes He was wearing a pair of old
cancellation /kns le()n/ noun 1.

canvas shoes. (NOTE: The plural is can-
the act of cancelling something The
cap /kp/ noun 1. a flat hat with a flat

event is subject to cancellation if the

weather is bad. 2. a seat, ticket or ap- hard piece in front a baseball cap
pointment which is available again be- an officers cap with a gold badge 2. a
cause the person who bought it cannot lid which covers something a red pen
use it If we have a cancellation for with a black cap Screw the cap back
next week Ill call and let you know. on the medicine bottle.
cancer / kns/ noun a serious disease capability /kep blti/ noun the prac-

affecting different parts of the body in tical ability to do something We have

which cells grow in a way which is not the capability to produce a better ma-
usual chine than this.
candidate / knddet/ noun 1. a per- capable / kepb()l/ adjective able to

son who applies for a job We inter- work well and to deal with problems
viewed six candidates for the post of as- Shes an extremely capable manager.
sistant manager. 2. a person who has en- capable of able to do something The
tered for an examination Candidates car is capable of very high speeds.
are given three hours to complete the ex- She isnt capable of running the confer-
am. 3. a person who is taking part in an ence without help.
election or competing for a prize She capacity /k psti/ noun 1. an amount

accompanied the candidate round the which something can hold This barrel
constituency. 4. someone or something has a larger capacity than that one.
that is likely to be chosen for or be The cinema was filled to capacity. to
something a city that is a candidate work at full capacity to do as much
for the next Olympics work as possible 2. the situation that
candle / knd()l/ noun a stick of wax someone is in or the job they have act-

with a string in the centre, which you ing in his capacity as manager acting
burn to give light as a manager speaking in an official
candy / kndi/ noun 1. US a sweet food
capacity speaking officially
capital / kpt()l/ noun 1. the main

made with sugar Eating candy is bad

for your teeth. (NOTE: no plural in this city of a country, usually where the gov-
sense) 2. one piece of this food She ernment is The capital is in the east-
bought a box of candies. (NOTE: The ern part of the country. Madrid is the
plural in this sense is candies.) capital of Spain. 2. money which is in- Page 48 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

captain 48 careless
vested a company with 10,000 capi- of cards a period of playing with a spe-
tal or with a capital of 10,000. 3. also cial set of cards
capital letter a letter written as A, B, C, cardboard / k
d/ noun thick card,

D, etc., rather than a, b, c, d, etc. often used for making boxes (NOTE: no
captain / kptn/ noun 1. a person in plural: some cardboard; a piece of

charge of a team The two captains cardboard)

care /ke/ noun 1. serious and careful at-

shook hands at the beginning of the

match. 2. a person in charge of a ship or tention He handled the glass with
aircraft The captain greeted us as we great care. to take care to be very
came on board. Captain Smith is fly- careful Take care when you cross the
ing the plane. 3. a rank in the army road. He took great care with the box
above a lieutenant and below a major of glasses. Take care not to be late. 2.
(NOTE: When used as a title before a looking after someone the care of the
surname, it is spelt with a capital letter elderly to take care of someone to
and is often written as Capt.) look after someone Will you take care
of the children for the weekend for me?
capture / kpt/ verb 1. to take some-

verb to be worried I dont care if my

one as a prisoner Four soldiers were car is dirty. She cares a lot about the
captured in the attack. 2. to take some- environment. someone couldnt
thing by force, especially in war They care less used to show that someone
captured the enemy capital very quickly. does not worry at all about something
car /k
/ noun 1. a small private motor

Paul couldnt care less about what we

vehicle for carrying people He drove think hes got his own plans.
his car into the garage. He goes to his care for phrasal verb 1. to like some-
office every morning by car. 2. US a car- one or something I dont care for this
riage of a railway train Is there a res- music very much. I met her once, but
taurant car on the train? I didnt much care for her. Would you
caravan / krvn/ noun a vehicle

care for another cup of coffee? 2. to

which you can live in, especially on hol- look after people Nurses cared for the
iday, and which, if small enough, can be injured people after the accident.
attached to a car and pulled along We People who have to care for their elder-
got stuck behind a caravan on a narrow ly relatives need extra help.
career /k r/ noun the work someone

road. We rent a caravan near the

beach every summer. does throughout their life She is start-

ing her career as a librarian. He gave
card /k
d/ noun 1. a flat piece of stiff

up his career as a civil servant and

paper with a picture on one side, which
bought a farm.
you can send with a message They
careful / kef()l/ adjective 1. showing

sent us a card from Italy. How much

does it cost to send a card to Australia? attention to details We are always very
postcard 2. a piece of stiff paper, careful to include the most recent infor-
folded so that a message can be written mation. The project needs very care-
inside She sent me a lovely card on my ful planning. 2. taking care not to make
birthday. 3. a piece of stiff paper with a mistakes or cause harm Be careful not
picture or pattern on it, used to play to make any noise the baby is asleep.
games 4. a piece of stiff paper with your She is very careful about what she
name and address printed on it He eats.
carefully / kef()li/ adverb with great

gave me his business card. Ive lost

my membership card. 5. a piece of stiff care or thought The holiday had been
plastic used for payment Do you want carefully planned or planned carefully.
to pay cash or by card? plural noun careless / kels/ adjective without any

cards the entertainment of playing care or thought He is careless about

games with a special set of cards with his work. He made several careless
numbers or patterns on them a game mistakes when he took his driving test. Page 49 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

carelessly 49 cassette
carelessly / kelsli/ adverb without

carry out phrasal verb to do some-

taking care or thinking carefully thing, especially something that has
carelessness / kelsns/ noun the been planned Doctors carried out

fact of being careless or not thinking tests on the patients. The police are
carefully carrying out a search for the missing
caretaker / ketek/ noun a person
cartoon /k
n/ noun 1. a film made

who looks after a building

of moving drawings I like watching

cargo / k
'/ noun goods carried on a

Tom and Jerry cartoons. 2. a funny, of-

ship or a plane
ten political, drawing in a newspaper
caring / ker/ adjective kind and help-

carve /k
v/ verb 1. to cut up a large

ful a very caring person

piece of meat at a meal Whos going
car park / k
k/ noun a public place
car park

to carve the chicken? 2. to make a shape

where you can leave a car when you are by cutting stone or wood He carved a
not using it bird out of wood.
carpet / k
pt/ noun thick material for

case /kes/ noun 1. a box with a handle,


covering floors He spilt his coffee on for carrying things such as your clothes
our new cream carpet. when travelling She was still packing
carriage / krd"/ noun 1. one of the her case when the taxi came. The cus-

vehicles that are joined together to make toms made him open his case. suit-
a train Wheres the first-class carriage case 2. a special box for an object
on this train? 2. a vehicle, especially an Put the gun back in its case. Ive lost
old-fashioned one, that is pulled by a my red glasses case. 3. a large box for a
horse 3. the cost of carrying goods, or set of goods to be sold He bought a
the action of carrying goods Carriage case of wine. 4. a situation, or a way in
is 15% of the total cost. How much do which something happens a case of
they charge for carriage? having made a poor choice In many
carried / krd/ past tense and past par-
cases, we cannot find the owner of the
ticiple of carry goods. in that case if that happens or
if that is the situation There is a strike
carries / kriz/ 3rd person singular

on the underground In that case,

present of carry youll have to take a bus. 5. same as
carrot / krt/ noun 1. a vegetable with

court case in case because some-

a long orange root 2. something good thing might happen Its still sunny, but
that persuades you to do something Ill take my umbrella just in case. in
(informal ) He was offered the carrot any case 1. whatever may happen
of a big pay rise to take on the new We could move the cabinet upstairs or
project. into the dining room, but in any case
carry / kri/ verb 1. to take something well need some help. 2. used to add

and move it to another place There something to a statement

was no lift, so they had to carry the beds cash /k/ noun money in coins and

up the stairs. The plane was carrying notes, not in cheques We dont keep
120 passengers. That suitcase is too much cash in the office. Id prefer to
heavy for me to carry. 2. (of sound ) to use up my spare cash, rather than pay
be heard at a distance The sound of the with a credit card.
bells carries for miles. (NOTE: carries cash in phrasal verb to make money
carrying carried) to get carried from something The company cashed
away to become emotional or excited
in on the huge interest in computer
carry on phrasal verb to continue do- games.
ing something When the teacher came cassette /k set/ noun a plastic case

in, the students all carried on talking. containing magnetic tape which can be
They carried on with their work right used for listening to words or music, or
through the lunch hour. recording sounds Do you want it on Page 50 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

cast 50 ceiling
cassette or CD? He bought a cassette seems such a good deal, but there must
of folk songs. We recorded the poems be a catch in it somewhere.
onto a cassette. catch up phrasal verb to move to the
cast /k
st/ noun all the actors in a play

same level as someone who is in front of

or film The film has a large cast. you
verb to choose actors for a play or film catching / kt/ adjective (of an ill-

In his first film, he was cast as a sol- ness) likely to spread from one person
dier. (NOTE: casts casting cast) to another
castle / k
s()l/ noun a large building

category / kt'()ri/ noun one of the


with strong walls built in the past for groups that people, animals or things are
protection in war The soldiers shut the divided into in a formal system We
castle gate. grouped the books into categories ac-
casually / k"jli/ adverb in an infor-

cording to subject. (NOTE: The plural is

mal way He casually mentioned that categories.)
he had got married last Saturday.
caterpillar / ktpl/ noun a small

cat /kt/ noun an animal with soft fur


long insect with many legs, which de-

and a long tail, kept as a pet velops into a butterfly Caterpillars
catalogue / kt()l'/ noun a list of have eaten most of the leaves on our

things for sale or in a library or museum trees.

an office equipment catalogue Look cathedral /k i
drl/ noun the largest

up the title in the library catalogue. and the most important church in an
verb to make a list of things that exist area
somewhere She spent months cata-
cattle / kt()l/ plural noun animals

loguing the novelists correspondence.

such as cows and bulls which farmers
catch /kt/ verb 1. to take hold of

keep for milk or meat

something moving in the air Can you
caught /k
t/ past tense and past partici-

catch a ball with your left hand? He

managed to catch the glass before it hit ple of catch
the floor. 2. to take hold of something cause /k
z/ noun 1. something which

She caught him by the sleeve as he makes something else happen What is
turned away. As he slipped, he caught the main cause of traffic accidents?
the rail to stop himself falling. 3. to get The police tried to find the cause of the
hold of an animal, especially in order to fire. 2. an aim, organisation or idea
kill and eat it He sat by the river all which people support She is fighting
day but didnt catch anything. Our cat for the cause of working mothers.
is no good at catching mice shes too verb to make something happen The
lazy. 4. to get on a vehicle such as a bus, accident caused a traffic jam on the mo-
plane or train before it leaves You will torway. The sudden noise caused her
have to run if you want to catch the last to drop the cup she was carrying.
bus. He caught the 10 oclock train to
cautious / k
s/ adjective not willing

Paris. 5. to get an illness He caught a

to take risks Shes a very cautious
cold from his colleague. 6. to find some-
one doing something wrong She
cave /kev/ noun a large underground

caught the boys stealing in her shop.

The police caught the burglar as he was hole in rock or earth
climbing out of the window. 7. to hear CD

CD abbr compact disc You can get it on

something I didnt quite catch what CD.
you said. (NOTE: catches catching
cease /si
s/ verb to stop, or to stop doing

caught /k
t/ has caught) noun 1.
the action of taking and holding a ball as something (formal )
ceiling / si
l/ noun the solid part of a

it moves through the air He made a

marvellous catch. I dropped an easy room that is above you Hes so tall, he
catch. 2. a hidden disadvantage It can easily touch the ceiling. He paint- Page 51 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

celebrate 51 certainly
ed the kitchen ceiling. The bedroom cream centres They planted a rose
has a very low ceiling. bush in the centre of the lawn. The
celebrate / selbret/ verb to have a par-
town centre is very old. 2. a large build-
ty, or do special things because some- ing containing several different sections
thing good has happened, or because of an army training centre 3. an impor-
something that happened at a particular tant place for something Nottingham
time in the past Our team won, so is the centre for the shoe industry.
were all going out to celebrate. They verb 1. to put something in the middle
celebrated their wedding anniversary Make sure you centre the title on the
with their children. page. 2. to concentrate on something
celebration /sel bre()n/ noun 1. a

Our report centres on some aspects of
party or festival We had my birthday the sales team.
century / sentri/ noun one hundred

celebration in the local pub. After our

team won, the celebrations went on late years (NOTE: The plural is centuries.
into the night. 2. the activity of celebrat- The number of a century is always one
ing something a time of celebration more than the date number, so the pe-
in celebration of something as an act riod from 1900 to 1999 is the 20th cen-
of celebrating something an exhibi- tury, and the period starting in the year
tion in celebration of the opening of the 2000 is the 21st century.)
new gallery
cereal / sril/ noun 1. a food made

cell /sel/ noun 1. a small room in a build-


from wheat or similar plants and eaten

ing such as a prison or monastery He for breakfast How much milk do you
was arrested and spent the night in the want on your cereal? (NOTE: Do not
police cells. 2. the basic unit of a living confuse with serial.) 2. a grain crop
thing You can see the blood cells such as wheat or corn
clearly under a microscope. (NOTE: Do
ceremony / sermni/ noun an impor-

not confuse with sell.)

tant official occasion when something
cellar / sel/ noun an underground room

special is done in public They held a

or rooms under a house
short ceremony to remember the victims
cement /s ment/ noun grey powder

of the train crash. to stand on cere-
used in building, which is mixed with mony to be formal and not relaxed
water and dries hard He was mixing without ceremony in an informal and
cement to make a path round the house. often impolite way
cemetery / semt()ri/ noun an area of

certain / s
t()n/ adjective 1. sure

ground where the bodies of dead people about something Are you certain that
are buried (NOTE: The plural is ceme-
you locked the door? Im not certain
where she lives. 2. definitely going to
cent /sent/ noun US a small coin of

happen Our team is certain to win the

which there are 100 in a dollar (NOTE: prize. 3. some There are certain
Do not confuse with sent, scent. Cent things I feel I need to say to you. Cer-
is usually written c in prices: 25c, but tain plants can make you ill if you eat
not when a dollar price is mentioned: them. to make certain that to do
$1.25.) something in order that something else
center / sent/ noun, verb US spelling

will definitely happen He put the

of centre money in his safe to make certain that
central / sentrl/ adjective 1. in the mid- no one could steal it.

dle of something The hall has one certainly / s

t()nli/ adverb 1. of

central pillar. 2. conveniently placed for course (after a question or order )

shops and other facilities His offices Can you give me a lift to the station?
are very central. Certainly. Tell him to write to me im-
centre / sent/ noun 1. the middle of

mediately. Certainly, sir. Give me a

something chocolates with coffee kiss. Certainly not! 2. definitely She Page 52 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

certificate 52 championship
certainly impressed the judges. He room (NOTE: Now often preferred to
certainly knows how to score goals. blackboard.)
certificate /s tfkt/ noun an official challenge / tlnd"/ noun 1. a diffi-
certificate challenge

document which proves or shows some- cult test of someones skill or strength
thing She has been awarded a certifi- Its a difficult job, but I enjoy the chal-
cate for swimming. He has a certifi- lenge. to pose a challenge to some-
cate of competence in English. one to be extremely difficult to do
chain /ten/ noun 1. a series of metal
Getting the piano up the stairs will pose
rings joined together She wore a gold a challenge to the helpers. 2. an invita-
chain round her neck. He stopped tion to something such as a fight or com-
when the chain came off his bike. 2. a se- petition Our team accepted the chal-
ries of businesses such as shops, restau- lenge to play another game. 3. an action
rants or hotels which belong to the same that shows there are doubts about the
company a chain of hotels or a hotel truth, accuracy or legality of something
chain a chain of shoe shops verb to a challenge over the ownership of the
attach with a chain I chained my bike property verb 1. to accept an invita-
to the fence. tion to a contest 2. to ask someone to
prove that they are right When chal-
chair /te/ noun 1. a piece of furniture

lenged, he admitted that he had seen her

with a back, which you can sit on He get into a car. The committees con-
pulled up a chair and started to write. clusions have been challenged by other
These chairs are very hard. 2. the per- experts. to take up the challenge 1.
son who is in charge of a meeting to accept an invitation to a contest
Please address all your comments to the Our team took up the challenge to play
chair. in the chair the position of con- another game. 2. to decide to prove that
trolling what happens at a meeting you are right about something or able to
Mrs Smith was in the chair for our first do something difficult She decided to
meeting. verb to be the person con- take up the challenge of being the first
trolling what happens at a meeting woman to complete the course.
The meeting was chaired by Mrs Smith.
challenged / tlnd"d/ adjective 1.

chairman / temn/ noun the person


unable to do a particular activity easily,

who controls what happens at a meeting
especially because of physical or mental
Mrs Jones was the chairman at the
disadvantages 2. not having a particular
meeting. (NOTE: The plural is chair-
quality (humorous) a scientifically
men. Many people prefer to say chair
challenged (=not accurate according to
or chairperson because chairman
science) account of the new cancer
suggests that the person is a man.)
chairperson / tep
s()n/ noun the

champion / tmpin/ noun 1. the best


person who controls what happens at a

meeting one in a particular competition a
champion swimmer Hes the world
chairwoman / tewmn/ noun a

champion in the 100 metres. Their

woman who controls what happens at a dog was champion two years running.
meeting (NOTE: The plural is chair- 2. a person who strongly supports some-
women.) thing or someone a champion of free
chalk /t
k/ noun 1. a type of soft white city centre transport verb to support

rock 2. a stick of a hard white or col- something or someone strongly They

oured substance used for writing on a have been championing or championing
board, e.g. in a classroom He wrote the cause of childrens rights for many
the dates up on the board in coloured years.
chalk. championship / tmpinp/ noun a

chalkboard / t
d/ noun a dark

contest to find who is the champion

board which you can write on with The tennis championship was won by a
chalk, especially on the wall of a class- boy from Leeds. Page 53 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

chance 53 characteristic
chance /t
ns/ noun 1. a possibility money which you get back when you

There is little chance of rain in August. have given more than the correct price
What are their chances of survival in So thats 1.50 change from 5. The
this weather? a chance of doing shopkeeper gave me the wrong change.
channel / tn()l/ noun 1. a frequency

something a possibility of doing some-

thing 2. an opportunity Ive been band for radio or TV or a station using
waiting for a chance like this for a long this band Were watching Channel 4.
time. The trip was a good chance for Shall we watch the new show on the
us to meet old friends. a or the chance other channel? 2. a way in which infor-
to do something an opportunity to do mation or goods are passed from one
something I wish Id had the chance place to another The request will have
to visit South Africa. 3. luck or accident to be processed through the normal
The satisfactory outcome owed more channels. 3. a narrow passage along
to chance than to good planning. It which water can flow 4. a piece of water
was pure chance that we met at the sta- connecting two seas the English
tion. by chance in a way that was not Channel verb to send something in a
planned or expected It was quite by particular direction They are channel-
chance that we were travelling on the ling their funds into research. (NOTE:
same bus. by any chance perhaps channels channelling chan-
Have you by any chance seen my glass- nelled. The US spelling is channeling
es? channeled.)
change /tend"/ verb 1. to become dif- chaos / kes/ noun a state of confusion
change chaos

ferent, or make something different There was total chaos when the elec-
Shes changed so much since I last saw tricity failed.
her that I hardly recognised her. Liv- chap /tp/ noun a man (informal )

ing in the country has changed his atti- Hes a really nice chap. I bought it
tude towards towns. 2. to become differ- from a chap at work.
ent London has changed a lot since chapel / tp()l/ noun 1. a room used

we used to live there. Hes changed so as a church, e.g. in a hospital or airport

much since I last saw him. 3. to put on 2. a part of a large church the west
different clothes Im just going up- chapel of the cathedral The west
stairs to change or to get changed. Go chapel of the cathedral is dedicated to
into the bathroom if you want to change St Teresa.
your dress. 4. to use or have something
chapter / tpt/ noun a division of a

in place of something else You ought

to change your car tyres if they are book The first chapter is rather slow,
worn. Can we change our room for but after that the story gets exciting.
one with a view of the sea? Shes re- Dont tell me how it finishes Im only
cently changed her job or changed jobs. up to chapter three.
character / krkt/ noun 1. the part of

5. to give one countrys money for an-

other I had to change 1,000 into dol- a person which makes them behave dif-
lars. We want to change some travel- ferently from all others He has a
lers cheques. noun 1. an occasion on strong, determined character. 2. a per-
which something is changed There son in a play or novel The main char-
was a sudden change of plan. Weve acter in the film is an old woman with a
seen a lot of changes over the years. 2. fascinating history. 3. a person with par-
something different We usually go on ticular qualities Hes an interesting
holiday in summer, but this year were character. quite a or a real character
taking a winter holiday for a change. an interesting and unusual person My
A change of scenery will do you good. first head teacher was quite a character.
characteristic /krkt rstk/ adjec-

A glass of water is a nice change after

all that coffee. 3. money in coins I tive typical You can recognise her by
need some change for the parking meter. her characteristic way of walking.
Have you got change for a 5 note? 4. The shape is characteristic of this type Page 54 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

charge 54 cheat
of flower. (NOTE: something is charac- by the village and surrounding area. 2.
teristic of something) noun a typical to use magic on someone or something
feature The two cars have very similar The fairy charmed the trees to grow
characteristics. golden fruit.
charming / t
m/ adjective attrac-

charge /t
d"/ noun 1. money which

you have to pay There is no charge for tive

charter / t
t/ noun a legal document

delivery. We make a small charge for

rental. 2. a claim by the police that giving rights or privileges to a public or-
someone has done something wrong ganisation, a group of people, or a town
He was in prison on a charge of trying a shoppers charter The university
to shoot a neighbour. 3. a sudden rush received its charter in 1846. verb to
towards someone or something, espe- hire an aircraft, bus or boat for a partic-
cially as part of an attack The police ular trip We chartered a boat for a day
stood firm against the charge of the trip to the island.
crowd. 4. a statement that someone has chase /tes/ verb 1. to go after someone

done something bad or wrong I com- in order to try to catch him or her The
pletely reject the charge that I had these postman was chased by a dog. They
facts before I made the decision. verb chased the burglars down the street. 2.
1. to ask someone to pay The restau- to find out how work is progressing in
rant charged me 10 for two glasses of order to try to speed it up We are try-
wine. How much did the garage ing to chase the accounts department
charge for mending the car? 2. (of the for your cheque. I will chase up your
police) to say that someone has done order with the production department.
something wrong She was charged noun an occasion on which you run
with stealing the jewels. 3. to attack after someone to try to catch them He
someone while running The police was caught after a three-hour chase
charged the rioters. If the bull charg- along the motorway. to give chase to
es, run as fast as you can for the gate! 4. run after someone in order to try to catch
to run quickly and without care The him or her The robbers escaped and
children charged into the kitchen. 5. to the police gave chase.
put electricity into a battery You can chase up phrasal verb to find out how
charge your phone battery overnight. work is progressing in order to try to
in charge of something in control of speed it up Ill chase it up for you on
something Whos in charge here? Monday.
He was put in charge of the sales de- chat /tt/ noun an informal, friendly

partment. to take charge of some- talk She likes to drop in for a cup of
thing to start to be responsible for coffee and a chat. Id like to have a
something She took charge of the chat with you about your work.
class while the teacher was out of the
cheap /ti
p/ adjective not costing a lot

of money I want to buy a cheap radio.
charity / trt/ noun an organisation

Why do you go by bus? Because its

which collects money to help the poor cheaper than the train. Buses are the
or to support some cause a medical cheapest way to travel. adverb at a
charity (NOTE: The plural is charities.) low price I bought them cheap in the
charm /t
m/ noun 1. attractiveness

local market.
cheaply / ti
pli/ adverb 1. without

the charm of the Devon countryside

She has great personal charm. 2. an ob- spending much money cheaply made
ject which is supposed to have magical furniture You can live quite cheaply if
powers She wears a lucky charm you dont go out to eat in restaurants. 2.
round her neck. verb 1. to attract at a low price They were selling the
someone, or to make someone pleased last few bottles cheaply.
He always manages to charm some- cheat /ti
t/ verb to act unfairly in order

one into helping him. I was charmed to be successful They are sure he Page 55 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

check 55 chest
cheated in his exam, but cant find out cheer up phrasal verb to become hap-
how he did it. noun a person who acts pier, or make someone happier Im
unfairly in order to win I wont play sure Ill cheer up once the treatment is
cards with him again, hes a cheat. over. She made him a meal to try to
check /tek/ noun 1. an examination or cheer him up. cheer up! stop being

test The police are carrying out unhappy Cheer up! Itll all be over to-
checks on all cars. A routine check of morrow.
the fire equipment. 2. US (in a restau- cheerful / tf()l/ adjective 1. happy

rant) a bill Ill ask for the check. 2. pleasant a cheerful smile a bright
verb 1. to make sure Id better check cheerful room
with the office if there are any messages cheese /ti
z/ noun a solid food made

for me. Did you lock the door? Ill from milk At the end of the meal well
go and check. 2. to examine something have cheese and biscuits.
to see if it is satisfactory You must
chef /ef/ noun a cook in a restaurant

have your car checked every 10,000

chemical / kemk()l/ noun a substance

miles. in check under control

check in phrasal verb 1. (at a hotel ) to
which is formed by reactions between
chemicals rows of glass bottles con-
arrive at a hotel and sign for a room
taining chemicals Chemicals are
He checked in at 12.15. We checked
widely used in farming and medicine.
into our hotel and then went on a tour of
adjective relating to chemistry If you
the town. 2. (at an airport) to give in add acid it sets off a chemical reaction.
your ticket to show you are ready to take
chemist / kemst/ noun 1. a person who

the flight Please check in two hours

before your departure time. prepares and sells medicines Ask the
check out phrasal verb 1. (at a hotel )
chemist to give you something for the
pain. 2. a scientist who studies chemical
to leave and pay for a room Wed bet-
ter check out before breakfast. 2. to see
chemistry / kemstri/ noun the science

if something is all right I thought I

heard a noise in the kitchen Ill just go of chemical substances and their reac-
and check it out. tions Shes studying chemistry at uni-
check-in / tek n/ noun 1. also check-
versity. He passed his chemistry ex-
in desk a place where passengers give
cheque /tek/ noun a form asking a

in their tickets and bags for a flight

Wheres the check-in? 2. the procedure bank to pay money from one account to
of dealing with passengers before a another I paid for the jacket by
flight Check-in starts at 4.30pm. cheque. He made out the cheque to Mr
Smith. Hes forgotten to sign the
checkout / tekat/ noun a cash desk in

a supermarket where you pay for the
cherry / teri/ noun a small sweet red or

goods you have bought There were

huge queues at the checkouts. black fruit with a single hard seed in the
middle, which grows on a tree
cheek /ti
k/ noun 1. the part of the face

chess /tes/ noun a game for two people


on each side of the nose and below the

eye a baby with red cheeks 2. rude- played on a board with sixteen different-
ness He had the cheek to ask for more shaped pieces on each side (NOTE: no
money. I didnt like his cheek. (NOTE: plural)
chest /test/ noun 1. the top front part of

no plural in this sense)

cheekily / ti
kli/ adverb in a rude way
the body, where the heart and lungs are
If you have pains in your chest or if
cheeky / ti
ki/ adjective rude (NOTE:

you have chest pains, you ought to see a

cheekier cheekiest) doctor. The doctor listened to the pa-
cheer /t/ noun a shout of praise or en-

tients chest. She was rushed to hospi-

couragement When he scored the goal tal with chest wounds. He has a 48-
a great cheer went up. inch chest. 2. a measurement around the Page 56 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

chew 56 choice
top part of the body just under the arms gloom The death of the brides father
Whats his chest size or measure- cast a chill over the wedding. verb to
ment? 3. a piece of furniture, like a large cool He asked for a glass of chilled
box orange juice. chilled to the bone very
chew /tu
/ verb to use your teeth to
cold (informal ) They were chilled to
make something soft, usually so that the bone when they came back from
you can swallow it You must chew their walk over the moors.
chilly / tli/ adjective quite cold (NOTE:

your meat well, or you will get pains in

your stomach. The dog was lying in chillier chilliest)
front of the fire chewing a bone. chimney / tmni/ noun a tall brick tube

chick /tk/ noun a baby bird, especially


for taking smoke away from a fire

a baby hen chin /tn/ noun the front part of the bot-

chicken / tkn/ noun 1. a bird kept for tom jaw She suddenly stood up and hit

its eggs and meat Chickens were run- him on the chin.
ning everywhere in the farmyard. china / tan/ noun things such as cups

(NOTE: The plural is chickens.) 2. meat and plates made of decorated fine white
from a chicken Were having roast clay (NOTE: no plural)
chicken for lunch. Would you like an- chip /tp/ noun 1. a long thin piece of

other slice of chicken? We bought potato fried in oil He ordered chicken

some chicken sandwiches for lunch. and chips. fish and chips a traditional
(NOTE: no plural: some chicken; a British food, obtained from special
piece of chicken; a slice of chicken) shops, where portions of fish fried in
chief /ti
f/ adjective most important

batter are sold with chips 2. US a thin

Hes our chief adviser. What is the slice of potato or other food, fried till
chief cause of accidents in the home? crisp and eaten cold as a snack a pack-
noun 1. the person in control of a group et of potato or corn chips 3. a small
of people or a business Hes been piece of something hard, such as wood
made the new chief of the finance de- or stone Chips of wood flew all over
partment. 2. the leader of a specific the studio as he was carving the statue.
group of people who share a culture and 4. a small piece of silicon able to store
social system data, used in a computer verb to break
chiefly / ti
fli/ adverb mainly The a small piece off something hard He

town is famous chiefly for its cathedral. banged the cup down on the plate and
child /tald/ noun 1. a young boy or girl
chipped it. (NOTE: chips chipping
There was no TV when my mother was
chipped) to have a chip on your
a child. A group of children were play- shoulder to feel constantly annoyed
ing on the beach. 2. a son or daughter because you feel you have lost an ad-
Whose child is that? They have six vantage Hes got a chip on his shoul-
children two boys and four girls. We der because his brother has a better job
have two adult children. (NOTE: The than he has.
chocolate / tklt/ noun 1. a sweet

plural is children.)
childhood / taldhd/ noun the time
brown food made from the crushed
when someone is a child seeds of a tropical tree a bar of choc-
olate Her mother made a chocolate
childish / tald/ adjective 1. silly or

cake. 2. a single sweet made from choc-

foolish 2. like a child olate There are only three chocolates
children / tldrn/ plural of child

left in the box. 3. a drink made from

chill /tl/ noun 1. a short illness causing
chocolate powder and milk I always
a feeling of being cold and shivering have a cup of hot chocolate before I go
Youll catch a chill if you dont wear a to bed. (NOTE: no plural except for
coat in this cold weather. 2. coldness sense 2)
choice /ts/ noun 1. something which

The sun came up and soon cleared away

the morning chill. 3. an atmosphere of is chosen Paris was our first choice Page 57 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

choir 57 circle
for our holiday. 2. the act of choosing chop off phrasal verb to cut something
something You must give customers off, e.g. with an axe or knife
time to make their choice. 3. a range of chop up phrasal verb to cut something
things to choose from The store has a into pieces
huge choice of furniture. I hadnt any chore /t
/ noun a piece of routine

choice, I had no choice there was noth- work, e.g. cleaning in a house, that you
ing else I could do adjective (of food ) have to do household chores
specially selected choice meat
chorus / k
rs/ noun 1. a part of a song

choice peaches
which is repeated later in the song
choir /kwa/ noun a group of people

Everybody join in the chorus! (NOTE:

who sing together He sings in the The plural is choruses.) 2. a group of
school choir. people who sing together All the
choke /tk/ verb 1. to stop breathing
members of the chorus were on the
properly because something such as a stage.
chose /tz/ past tense of choose

piece of food is blocking the throat

Dont talk with your mouth full or youll chosen / tz()n/ past participle of

choke. He choked on a piece of bread choose

or a piece of bread made him choke. 2. Christian / krstn/ adjective relating

to block something such as a pipe The to the religion based on the teachings of
canal was choked with weeds. 3. to Jesus Christ noun a person who be-
squeeze someones neck so that they lieves in the teachings of Jesus Christ
cannot breathe He felt the tight collar and in Christianity
was choking him. to choke someone
Christmas / krsms/ noun a Christian

to death to squeeze someones throat

until they die 4. to find it hard to speak festival on December 25th, celebrated
because of emotion as the birthday of Jesus Christ, when
presents are given
choose /tu
z/ verb 1. to decide which

church /t
t/ noun a building where

you want Have you chosen what you Christians go to pray (NOTE: The plural
want to eat? They chose him as team is churches.)
leader. Dont take too long choosing a
cigarette /s' ret/ noun a roll of very

book to read on holiday. There were

several good candidates to choose from. thin paper containing tobacco, which
You must give customers plenty of
you can light and smoke a packet or
time to choose. 2. to decide to do one pack of cigarettes The room was full
thing when there are several things you of cigarette smoke.
cinema / snm/ noun a building where

could do In the end, they chose to go

to the cinema. choice (NOTE: choos- you go to watch films We went to the
es choosing chose /tz/ has cinema on Friday night to see a French
chosen / tz()n/) film.
circle / s
k()l/ noun 1. a line forming a

chop /tp/ noun a piece of meat with a


bone attached We had lamb chops for round shape He drew a circle on the
dinner. verb 1. to cut something blackboard. 2. anything forming a
roughly into small pieces with a knife or round shape The children sat in a cir-
other sharp tool He spent the after- cle round the teacher. The soldiers
noon chopping wood for the fire. 2. to formed a circle round the prisoner. 3. a
chop and change to do one thing, then group of people or a society She went
another He keeps chopping and to live abroad and lost contact with her
changing and cant make his mind up. old circle of friends. He moves in the
highest government circles. 4. a row of
(NOTE: chops chopping
seats above the stalls in a theatre We
got tickets for the upper circle. verb to
chop down phrasal verb to cut down a make circular movements Large birds
tree with an axe were circling above the dead animals. Page 58 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

circuit 58 classic
circuit / s
kt/ noun 1. a fixed or regular citizen / stz()n/ noun a person who
circuit citizen

way of travelling from one place to an- comes from a particular country or has
other for a particular activity a famil- the same right to live there as someone
iar speaker on the lecture circuit 2. a who was born there All Australian cit-
path on which competitions take place izens have a duty to vote. He was born
a race circuit 3. a trip around some- in Germany, but is now a British citizen.
thing His first circuit of the track was city / st/ noun a large town busy city

very slow. 4. the path that electricity streets Traffic is a problem in big cit-
flows around ies. the city centre the central part of
circular / s
kjl/ adjective 1. round in a town He has an office in the city cen-

shape a circular table 2. sent to a tre.

number of people The company sent a civil / sv()l/ adjective 1. relating to

circular letter to all employees. (NOTE: general public life rather than to the
only used before a noun) noun a doc- armed forces He left the air force and
ument with one or just a few pages sent became a civil airline pilot. 2. polite
to a number of people to inform them She wasnt very civil to the policeman.
about something 3. in court, relating to cases brought by
circulate / s
kjlet/ verb 1. to send one person against another, as opposed

something round to various people to being brought by the police because it

They circulated a new list of prices to all is criminal
their customers. 2. to move round claim /klem/ noun 1. an occasion on

Blood circulates round the body. which someone asks for money His
Waiters circulated round the room car- claim for a pay increase was turned
rying trays of drinks. 3. vi to talk to dif- down. 2. a statement of something
ferent people at a party Lets talk later which you believe to be true but have no
Ive got to circulate. proof His claim that the car belonged
circulation /s
kj le()n/ noun 1. to him was correct. verb to state, but

the act of circulating The circulation without any proof He claims he never
of the new price list to all departments received the letter. She claims that the
will take several days. 2. the movement car belongs to her.
of blood around the body Rub your clap /klp/ verb to beat your hands to-

hands together to get the circulation go- gether to show you are pleased At the
ing. He has poor circulation. end of her speech the audience stood up
circumference /s kmf()rns/ noun

and clapped. He clapped his hands
the distance round the outside edge of a together in delight. (NOTE: claps
circle, an object or an area We walked clapping clapped)
class /kl
s/ noun 1. a group of children

the dog around the circumference of the

field. or adults who go to school or college to-
circumstance / s
kmstns/ noun
gether There are 30 children in my
the set of conditions that affect a situa- sons class. 2. a lesson What did you
tion The circumstances surrounding learn in your history class today? 3.
the crash led us to believe it was not an people of a particular group in society
accident. (NOTE: usually plural) in or The college encourages applications
under the circumstances if a particular from different social classes. 4. a group
set of conditions exist Its hard to do of things, animal or people that share
a good job under these circumstances. some features Different standards ap-
In different circumstances, Id have ply to the five different classes of service
been willing to stay longer. due to cir- you can pay for. 5. a particular level of
cumstances beyond someones con- quality Always buy the best class of
trol because of something which some- product. These peaches are Class 1.
classic / klsk/ noun a great book, play

one has no power to change The show

had to be cancelled due to circumstanc- or piece of music The Maltese Fal-
es beyond our control. con is a Hollywood classic. We have Page 59 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

classical 59 clerical
to study several classics of English liter- cleaner / kli
n/ noun 1. a machine

ature for our course. adjective 1. (of which removes dirt a carpet cleaner
a style) elegant and traditional The 2. a person who cleans a building such
classic little black dress is always in as a house or an office The cleaners
fashion. The style of the new hotel didnt empty my wastepaper basket.
building is classic, simple and elegant.
cleaning / kli
n/ noun 1. the action of

2. based on Ancient Greek or Roman ar-

making something clean Cleaning the
chitecture 3. typical It was a classic
house after the party took hours. 2.
example of his inability to take deci-
clothes which are going to be sent for
dry-cleaning or which have been re-
classical / klsk()l/ adjective 1. ele-

turned after dry-cleaning Could you

gant and based on the Ancient Greek or collect my cleaning for me after work
Roman style a classical eighteenth tonight?
century villa 2. referring to Ancient
clear /kl/ adjective 1. with nothing in

Greece and Rome classical Greek lit-

the way You can cross the road its
erature 3. referring to traditional serious
clear now. From the window, she had
music a concert of classical music
a clear view of the street. 2. easily un-
/klsf ke()n/

classification derstood She made it clear that she

noun a way of arranging things into cat- wanted us to go. The instructions on
egories the computer screen are not very clear.
classify / klsfa/ verb to arrange Will you give me a clear answer yes

things into groups The hotels are clas- or no?

sified according to a system of stars. clear away phrasal verb to take some-
(NOTE: classifies classifying thing away completely
classified) clear off phrasal verb to go away
classroom / kl
m/ noun a room in (informal )

a school where children are taught clear out phrasal verb 1. to empty
When the teacher came into the class- something completely Can you clear
room all the children were shouting. out your bedroom cupboard? 2. to leave
clause /kl
z/ noun a paragraph in a le-
somewhere quickly (informal ) Its
gal document According to clause six, time for me to clear out of here com-
payments will not be due until next year. pletely. Clear out! used to tell some-
one to leave (impolite)
claw /kl
/ noun a nail on the foot of an

clear up phrasal verb 1. to tidy and

animal or bird The dog dug a hole clean a place completely The cleaners
with its claws. refused to clear up the mess after the of-
clay /kle/ noun thick heavy soil The

fice party. 2. (of an illness) to get better

soil in our garden has a lot of clay in it. He has been resting, but his cold still
clean /kli
n/ adjective 1. not dirty
hasnt cleared up.
clearly / klli/ adverb 1. in a way which

Wipe your glasses with a clean handker-

chief. The bedrooms must be spotless- is easily understood or heard He
ly clean. Tell the waitress these cups didnt speak clearly, and I couldnt
arent clean. 2. not used Take a clean catch the address he gave. 2. obviously
sheet of paper. The maid forgot to put He clearly or Clearly he didnt like
clean towels in the bathroom. verb to being told he was too fat.
take away the dirt from something She clergy / kl
d"i/ plural noun priests

was cleaning the car when she saw the

clerical / klerk()l/ adjective 1. refer-

ring to office work A clerical error
clean up phrasal verb to make every- made the invoice 300.00 when it
thing clean and tidy, e.g. after a party should have been 3000.00. Hes
It took us three hours to clean up after looking for part-time clerical work. 2.
her birthday party. referring to clergy The newspaper sto- Page 60 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

clerk 60 closed
ry has been talked about in clerical cir- clockwise / klkwaz/ adjective, ad-

cles. verb moving in a circle from left to

clerk /kl
k/ noun a person who works in right, in the same direction as the hands

an office of a clock Turn the lid clockwise to

tighten it. He was driving clockwise
clever / klev/ adjective able to think

and learn quickly Clever children can round the ring road when the accident
took place.
usually do this by the time they are eight
clone /kln/ noun an exact genetic copy

years old.
cleverly / klevli/ adverb in a clever
of an animal or plant A cutting pro-
way duces a clone of a plant. This sheep
was the first mammal to survive as a
click /klk/ noun a short sharp sound

clone. verb to create an exact genetic

She heard a click and saw the door han- copy of an individual animal or plant
dle turn. verb to make a short sharp Biologists have successfully cloned a
sound The cameras clicked as the film sheep.
star came out on to the steps. He
close1 /kls/ adjective 1. very near, or

clicked his fingers to attract the waiters

attention. just next to something Our office is
close to the station. This is the closest
client / klant/ noun a person who pays

Ive ever been to a film star! 2. near in

for a service time My birthday is close to Christ-
cliff /klf/ noun a high, steep area of rock

mas. adverb 1. very near Keep

usually by the sea close by me if you dont want to get lost.
climate / klamt/ noun the general
Go further away youre getting too
weather conditions in a particular place close. They stood so close or so close
The climate in the south of the country together that she felt his breath on her
is milder than in the north. cheek. The sound came closer and
closer. (NOTE: closer closest) 2. very
climb /klam/ verb 1. to go up or down

near in time The conference is getting

something using arms and legs The very close. noun a short road, espe-
cat climbed up the apple tree. The cially of houses They live in Briar
boys climbed over the wall. He es- Close.
caped by climbing out of the window. 2.
close2 /klz/ verb 1. to shut

to go higher The road climbs to 500 m Would

above sea level. House prices have you mind closing the window? He
started to climb again. closed his book and turned on the TV. 2.
to come to an end The meeting closed
clinic / klnk/ noun 1. a medical centre

with a vote of thanks. (NOTE: closes

for particular treatment or advice an
closing closed) noun an end, the
eye clinic 2. a private hospital
final part The century was drawing to
clip /klp/ noun a small object that holds

a close.
things together a paper clip verb to
close down phrasal verb 1. to shut a
attach things with a clip She clipped
the invoice and the cheque together and business permanently 2. (of a business)
put them in an envelope. (NOTE: clips to shut permanently
closed /klzd/ adjective 1. changed

clipping clipped)
from being open by being covered or
cloak /klk/ noun a long type of coat

blocked Make sure all the windows

which hangs from the shoulders and has
and doors are tightly closed. She sat
no sleeves She wore a long cloak of
quietly with closed eyes. The object
black velvet.
was in a closed box. 2. not doing busi-
clock /klk/ noun an object which ness The shop is closed on Sundays.
shows the time Your clock is 5 min- The office will be closed for the Christ-
utes slow. The office clock is fast. mas holidays. There was a closed
The clock has stopped. sign hanging in the window. Page 61 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

closely 61 coach
closely / klsli/ adverb with a lot of at-

ground. 2. to club together (of sever-

tention She studied the timetable very al people) to contribute money jointly
closely. The prisoners were closely They clubbed together and bought a
guarded by armed soldiers. yacht. (NOTE: clubs clubbing
closeness / klsns/ noun the fact of

clue /klu
/ noun information which helps

being close to something

close-up / kls p/ noun a photograph
you solve a mystery or puzzle The de-
taken very close to the subject in tective had missed a vital clue. I dont
close-up taken very close to the subject understand the clues to this crossword.
to not have a clue to not know
a photo of the leaf in close-up
something The police still havent a
cloth /kl/ noun 1. soft material made

clue who did it. I dont have a clue

from woven fibres Her dress is made how to get there.
of cheap blue cloth. This cloth is of a
clumsy / klmzi/ adjective tending to

very high quality. 2. a piece of material

used for cleaning He wiped up the break things or knock things over
milk with a damp cloth. 3. a piece of ma- (NOTE: clumsier clumsiest) not
terial which you put on a table to cover expressed or done in a good way a
it The waiter spread a white cloth clumsy apology a clumsy attempt to
over the table. hide the situation
cluster / klst/ noun a group of objects

clothes /klz/ plural noun things


which you wear to cover your body and or people that are close together a
keep you warm, e.g. trousers, socks, brooch with a cluster of pearls He
shirts and dresses The doctor asked photographed a cluster of stars.
clutch /klt/ verb to grip something

him to take his clothes off. The chil-

dren havent had any new clothes for tightly She clutched my arm as we
years. with no clothes on naked stood on the edge of the cliff. noun a
clothing / kl/ noun clothes a
tight grip She felt the clutch of his fin-
major clothing manufacturer Take gers on her sleeve. plural noun
plenty of warm clothing on your trip to clutches the power that a person or
Iceland. (NOTE: no plural: some cloth- group has over someone else You
ing; a piece of clothing) cant escape the clutches of your family
so easily. in the clutches of, in some-
cloud /klad/ noun a white or grey mass

ones clutches under the control of

of drops of water floating in the air We want to avoid spending too much
Look at those grey clouds its going to and falling into the clutches of the bank
rain. The plane was flying above the or the banks clutches.
coach /kt/ noun 1. a large bus for

cloudy / kladi/ adjective 1. with clouds


travelling long distances They went on

The weather was cloudy in the morn- a tour of southern Spain by coach.
ing, but cleared up in the afternoon. 2. Theres an coach service to Oxford eve-
not clear The liquid turned cloudy ry hour. 2. one of the vehicles for pas-
when I added the flour. (NOTE: cloudier sengers that is part of a train The first
cloudiest) four coaches are for London. 3. a person
club /klb/ noun 1. a group of people

who trains sports players The coach

who have the same interest or who form told them that they needed to spend
a team a youth club Im joining a more time practising. Hes a profes-
tennis club. Our town has one of the sional football coach. (NOTE: The plural
top football clubs in the country. 2. a is coaches.) verb 1. to train sports
stick for playing golf (NOTE: A golf people She was coached by a former
club can either mean the place where Olympic gold medallist. 2. to give pri-
you play golf, or the stick used to hit the vate lessons to someone in a particular
ball.) 3. a large heavy stick verb 1. to sport, subject or activity He coaches
hit with a club She was clubbed to the young footballers. Page 62 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

coal 62 collect
coal /kl/ noun a hard black substance

coiled itself up in the basket. The sail-

which produces heat when burnt or coiled the ropes neatly.
coin /kn/ noun a piece of metal money

coarse /k
s/ adjective 1. consisting of

large pieces coarse grains of sand 2. This machine only takes 20p coins.
cold /kld/ adjective 1. with a low tem-

rough and hard coarse cloth

perature They say that cold showers
coast /kst/ noun parts of a country

are good for you. The weather turned

that are by the sea After ten weeks at
colder in January. Its too cold to go
sea, Columbus saw the coast of Ameri-
for a walk. If youre hot, have a glass
ca. The south coast is the warmest
of cold water. Start eating, or your
part of the country.
soup will get cold. He had a plate of
coat /kt/ noun 1. a piece of clothing

cold beef and salad. 2. not friendly He

which you wear on top of other clothes got a very cold reception from the rest of
when you go outside a winter coat 2. the staff. She gave him a cold nod.
a layer of something a coat of paint (NOTE: colder coldest) noun 1. an
a thick coat of dust 3. the fur of an ani- illness which makes you blow your nose
mal These dogs have thick shiny He caught a cold from his colleague.
coats. My sisters in bed with a cold. Dont
cocoa / kk/ noun 1. a brown choc-
come near me Ive got a cold. 2. a cold
olate powder ground from the seeds of a outdoor temperature He was in the
tree, used for making a drink a tin of cold waiting for a bus. These plants
cocoa cocoa powder 2. a drink made cant stand the cold.
coldly / kldli/ adverb in an unfriendly

with cocoa and hot water or milk (NOTE:

no plural) way
code /kd/ noun 1. secret words or a collapse /k lps/ verb 1. to fall down
code collapse

system agreed as a way of sending mes- suddenly The roof collapsed under
sages Were trying to break the ene- the weight of the snow. 2. to fail sudden-
mys code. He sent the message in ly The company collapsed with
code. 2. a system of numbers or letters 25,000 in debts. 3. to fall down uncon-
which mean something The code for scious He collapsed after the mara-
Heathrow Airport is LHR. What is the thon. noun 1. a sudden fall The col-
code for phoning Edinburgh? 3. a set of lapse of the old wall buried two work-
laws or rules of behaviour The hotel men. 2. a sudden fall in price the
has a strict dress code, and people collapse of the dollar on the foreign ex-
wearing jeans are not allowed in. change markets 3. the sudden failure of
a company They lost thousands of
coffee / kfi/ noun 1. a hot drink made

pounds in the collapse of the bank.

from the seeds of a tropical plant
collar / kl/ noun 1. the part of a piece

Would you like a cup of coffee? I al-

ways take sugar in coffee. 2. a cup of of clothing which goes round your neck
coffee Id like a white coffee, please. I cant wear this shirt the collars
Three coffees and two teas, please. too tight. She turned up her coat col-
lar because the wind was cold. He has
coffee shop / kfi p/ noun a small
coffee shop

a winter coat with a fur collar. 2. a

restaurant serving drinks and light leather ring round the neck of a dog or
meals cat The cat has a collar with her name
coffin / kfn/ noun a long box in which

and address on it.

a dead person is placed before being colleague / kli
'/ noun a person who

buried works with you, e.g. in the same compa-

coil /kl/ noun a roll of rope, or one loop

ny or office His colleagues gave him

in something twisted round and round a present when he got married. She
The sailors stacked the rope in coils on was a colleague of mine at my last job.
the deck. verb to twist around some- collect /k lekt/ verb 1. to bring things

thing or into a coil The snake had or people together, or to come together Page 63 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

collection 63 come

We collected information from all the children were given crayons and told to
people who offered to help. A crowd colour the trees green and the earth
collected at the scene of the accident. 2. brown.
to get things and keep them together coloured / kld/ adjective in colour

Your coat is ready for you to collect from a coloured postcard a book with col-
the cleaners The mail is collected oured illustrations
from the postbox twice a day. I must
-coloured /kld/ suffix with a particu-

collect the children from school at 4 lar colour She was wearing a cream-
p.m. 3. to buy things or bring things to-
coloured shirt.
gether as a hobby He collects stamps
colourful / klf()l/ adjective 1. with

and old coins. 4. to gather money to give

to an organisation that helps people bright colours She tied a colourful silk
Theyre collecting for Oxfam. scarf round her hair. 2. full of excite-
ment and adventure a colourful ac-
collection /k lekn/ noun 1. a group

count of life in Vienna before the First

of things that have been brought togeth- World War
er He showed me his stamp collection.
column / klm/ noun 1. a tall post, es-

The museum has a large collection of

Italian paintings. 2. money which has pecially one made of stone 2. a narrow
been gathered Were making a collec- block of printing on a page such as in a
tion for Oxfam. newspaper Continued on page 7, col-
umn 4. 3. a regular article in a newspa-
college / kld"/ noun a teaching insti-

per She writes a gardening column for

tution for adults and young people
the local newspaper. 4. a series of num-
Shes going on holiday with some bers, one written or printed under the
friends from college. Hes studying other to add up a column of figures
art at the local college. The college li-
Put the total at the bottom of the col-
brary has over 20,000 volumes.
collide /k lad/ verb to bump into

comb /km/ noun an object with long


something The car collided with a

pointed pieces that you pull through
bus. your hair to make it straight Her hair
collision /k l"()n/ noun 1. an occa-

is in such a mess that you cant get a
sion when someone or something hits comb through it. verb to smooth your
against something accidentally Two hair with a comb She was combing
people were injured in the collision be- her hair in front of the mirror.
tween a lorry and the bus. in collision
combination /kmb ne()n/ noun

with involved in hitting into She was

several things joined or considered to-
in collision with a bike. 2. a disagree- gether A combination of bad weather
ment or difference a collision of ideas
and illness made our holiday a disaster.
colon / kln/ noun 1. the main part of

come /km/ verb 1. to move to or to-


the part inside your body that removes wards a place Come and see us when
waste The intestines are divided into
youre in London. The doctor came to
two parts: the small intestine and the see him yesterday. Some of the chil-
large intestine or colon. 2. a printing dren come to school on foot. Dont
sign (:) make any noise I can hear someone
color / kl/ noun, verb US spelling of

coming. Come up to my room and

colour well talk about the problem. 2. to hap-
colour / kl/ noun 1. the shade which

pen How did the door come to be

an object has in light, e.g. red, blue or open? 3. to occur What comes after R
yellow What colour is your bath- in the alphabet? P comes before Q.
room? I dont like the colour of the What comes after the news on TV?
carpet. His socks are the same colour (NOTE: comes coming came
as his shirt. 2. not black or white The /kem/ has come) how come?
book has pages of colour pictures. why?, how? How come the front door
verb to add colour to something The was unlocked? Page 64 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

comedy 64 commercial
come across phrasal verb to find relax She made herself comfortable in
something by chance I came across the chair by the fire.
comfortably / kmftbli/ adverb in a

this old photo when I was clearing out a

drawer. soft, relaxed or relaxing way If youre
come along phrasal verb to go with sitting comfortably, Ill explain to you
someone If you walk, the children can what we have to do. Make sure youre
come along with us in the car. comfortably dressed because it is rather
come back phrasal verb to return cold outside.
comic / kmk/ noun 1. a childrens

They left the house in a hurry, and then

had to come back to get their passports. magazine with pictures and stories 2. a
They started to walk away, but the po- person who tells jokes to make people
liceman shouted at them to come back. laugh a well-known TV comic ad-
come in phrasal verb to enter a place jective intended to make people laugh,
come off phrasal verb 1. to stop being especially as a performance a comic
attached The button has come off my poem
comical / kmk()l/ adjective strange

coat. I cant use the kettle, the handle

has come off. 2. to be removed The or silly in a way that makes people laugh
paint wont come off my coat. He looked rather comical wearing his
come on phrasal verb to hurry Come dads jacket.
coming / km/ adjective which is

on, or well miss the start of the film.

come out phrasal verb 1. to move out- about to happen The newspaper tells
side Come out into the garden, its you what will happen in the coming
beautifully hot. 2. to be removed The week in parliament.
ink marks wont come out of my white comma / km/ noun a punctuation

shirt. Red wine stains dont come out mark (,) showing a break in a sentence
command /k m
nd/ noun an order

come to phrasal verb 1. to add up to a Dont start until I give the command.
particular amount The bill comes to The general gave the command to at-
10. 2. to become conscious again tack. in command of in control of
When he came to, he was in hospital. They are not fully in command of the sit-
comedy / kmdi/ noun 1. entertain-

uation. verb 1. to order someone to do

ment which makes you laugh 2. a play something He commanded the troops
or film which makes you laugh (NOTE: to open fire on the rebels. 2. to be in
The plural is comedies.) charge of a group of people, especially
comfort / kmft/ noun 1. something
in the armed forces He commands a
which helps to make you feel happier group of volunteer soldiers.
comment / kment/ noun 1. words

It was a comfort to know that the chil-

dren were safe. The long-awaited let- showing what you think about some-
ter gave me some comfort. 2. the state of thing His comments were widely re-
being comfortable They live in great ported in the newspapers. The man
comfort. You expect a certain amount made a rude comment accompanied by
of comfort on a luxury liner. She com- some very offensive gestures. 2. discus-
plained about the lack of comfort in the sion about a particular issue The scan-
second-class coaches. verb to make dal aroused considerable comment in
someone feel happier She was com- the press. (NOTE: no plural in this mean-
forting the people who had been in the ing) verb to say what you think about
accident. something The minister refused to
comfortable / kmf()tb()l/ adjec-
comment. The judges commented that
tive 1. soft and relaxing These shoes the standard had been very high.
commercial /k m
()l/ adjective 1.

arent very comfortable. There are

more comfortable chairs in the lounge. relating to business He is a specialist

2. to make yourself comfortable to in commercial law. 2. used for business Page 65 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

commit 65 comparative
purposes and not private or military pur- communication /kmju
n ke()n/

poses The company makes commer- noun the act of passing information on
cial vehicles such as taxis and buses. to other people Email is the most rap-
(NOTE: [all adjective senses] only used id means of communication. There is
before nouns) noun an advertisement a lack of communication between the
on television Our TV commercial at- head teacher and the other members of
tracted a lot of interest. staff. plural noun communications
commit /k mt/ verb 1. to carry out a

1. a system of sending information be-
crime The gang committed six robber- tween people or places an improved
ies before they were caught. He said communications network Telephone
he was on holiday in Spain when the communications have been restored. 2.
murder was committed. 2. to promise, or the ways people use to give information
make someone promise, something or or express their thoughts and feelings to
to do something Under my contract I each other Theres been a breakdown
committed to work for them three days a in communications between the agen-
week. The agreement commits us to cies dealing with the case.
community /k mju
nti/ noun a group

check the machine twice a month.

They didnt want to commit 5000 all at of people living in one area The local
once. (NOTE: commits committing community is worried about the level of
committed) violence in the streets.
compact disc / kmpkt dsk/ noun
compact disc

commitment /k mtmnt/ noun a


promise to do something such as pay a hard, round piece of plastic which can
money He has difficulty in meeting his hold a large amount of music or compu-
commitments. ter information I usually get Dad a
CD for his birthday. Abbreviation CD
committee /k mti/ noun an official

companion /km pnjn/ noun a per-


group of people who organise or discuss

things for a larger group The company son who is with someone She turned
has set up a committee to look into to her companion and said a few words.
company / kmp()ni/ noun 1. an or-

sports facilities. Committee members

will be asked to vote on the proposal. ganisation that offers a service or that
buys and sells goods She runs an elec-
common / kmn/ adjective happening

trical company. He set up a computer

often, or found everywhere and so not
company. It is company policy not to
unusual Its very common for people
allow smoking anywhere in the offices.
to get colds in winter. The plane tree
(NOTE: usually written Co. in names:
is a very common tree in towns.
Smith & Co. The plural is companies
commonly / kmnli/ adverb often

in this sense.) 2. the fact of being to-

common sense /kmn sens/ noun
common sense
gether with other people I enjoy the
the ability to make sensible decisions company of young people. in compa-
and do the best thing ny with, in the company of with She
went to Paris in company with or in the
commotion /k m()n/ noun noise

company of three other girls from col-
and confusion lege. 3. a group of people who work to-
communicate /k mju
nket/ verb 1.

gether a theatre company
comparative /km prtv/ adjective

to send or give information to someone

Although she is unable to speak, she to a certain extent, when considered

can still communicate using her hands. next to something else Judged by last
Communicating with our office in years performance it is a comparative
London has been transformed by email. improvement. noun the form of an ad-
2. to be good at sharing your thoughts or jective or adverb showing an increase in
feelings with other people He finds it level or strength Happier, better
difficult to communicate with his chil- and more often are the comparatives
dren. of happy, good and often. Page 66 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

compare 66 complaint
compare /km pe/ verb 1. to look at The case falls within the competence of

two things side by side to see how they the tribunal. This is outside the com-
are different Compare the front with petence of this court.
the back. The colour of the paint was competent / kmpt()nt/ adjective 1.

compared to the sample. 2. to com- efficient She is a very competent man-

pare something to something else to ager. 2. legally or officially able to do
say how something is like something something The organisation is not
else He compared his mothers home- competent to deal with this case.
made bread to a lump of wood.
competition /kmp t()n/ noun 1.

comparison /km prs()n/ noun the


an event in which several teams or peo-

act of comparing two or more things
ple compete with each other France
He made a comparison of the different
were the winners of the competition.
methods available. This year, July
He won first prize in the piano competi-
was cold in comparison with last year.
tion. (NOTE: The plural in this sense is
there is no comparison between them
competitions.) 2. a situation in busi-
one is much better than the other
ness in which one person or company is
compass / kmps/ noun an object

trying to do better than another Our

with a needle that points to the north main competition comes from the big
They were lost in the mountains without supermarkets. 3. people or companies
a compass. who are trying to do better than you
compensate / kmpnset/ verb to

We have lowered our prices to try to

make a bad thing seem less serious or beat the competition. The competition
unpleasant The high salary compen- is or are planning to reduce their prices.
sates for the long hours worked. to (NOTE: singular in this sense, but can
compensate someone for something to take a plural verb)
pay someone for damage or a loss competitive /km pettv/ adjective 1.

They agreed to compensate her for dam- liking to win competitions Hes very
age to her car. The airline refused to competitive. 2. having a business advan-
compensate him when his baggage was tage, especially by being cheaper
lost. competitive prices We must reduce
/kmpn se()n/

costs to remain competitive.
noun 1. something that makes some-
competitor /km pett/ noun 1. a per-

thing bad seem less serious or unpleas-

ant Working in the centre of London son who enters a competition All the
has its compensations. Four weeks competitors lined up for the start of the
holiday is no compensation for a years race. 2. a company which competes
work in that office. 2. payment for dam- with another in the same business Two
age or loss The airline refused to pay German firms are our main competi-
any compensation for his lost luggage. tors.
complain /km plen/ verb to say that

compete /km pi
t/ verb to try to win a

race or a game He is competing in something is not good or does not work

both the 100 and 200 metre races. to properly The shop is so cold the staff
compete with someone or something have started complaining. They are
to try to be more successful than some- complaining that our prices are too
one or something in an activity, espe- high. (NOTE: You complain to someone
cially in business We have to compete about something or that something is
with a range of cheap imports. not good enough.)
competence / kmpt()ns/ noun 1. complaint /km plent/ noun 1. an oc-
competence complaint

the quality of being able to do a job or casion when someone says that some-
task well enough Does she have the thing is not good enough or does not
necessary competence in foreign lan- work properly She sent her letter of
guages? 2. the quality of being legally complaint to the directors. You must
suitable or qualified to do something file your complaint with the relevant de- Page 67 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

complete 67 conceited
partment. 2. an illness She was admit- facturer of computer components
ted to hospital with a kidney complaint. Each section of the plan is broken down
complete /km pli
t/ adjective 1. with

into separate components. adjective
all its parts He has a complete set of forming part of something larger
the new stamps. 2. finished The build- compose /km pz/ verb to write

ing is nearly complete. (NOTE: used af- something, thinking carefully about it
ter a verb) 3. used for emphasis The He sat down to compose a letter to his
trip was a complete waste of money. family. It took Mozart only three days
verb 1. to finish something The build- to compose his fifth piano concerto.
ers completed the whole job in two days.
composition /kmp z()n/ noun 1.

2. to fill in a form When you have

completed the application form, send it something which has been composed,
to us in the envelope provided. e.g. a poem or piece of music We will
now play a well-known composition by
completely /km pli
tli/ adverb totally

Dowland. 2. an essay or piece of writing
The town was completely destroyed in on a special subject We had three
the earthquake. I completely forgot hours to write a composition on pollu-
about my dentists appointment. tion.
complex / kmpleks/ adjective compli-

/ kmpand/ adjective

cated This really is a complex prob- made up of several parts The word
lem. noun 1. a group of buildings address book is a compound noun.
The council has built a new sports com- noun 1. a chemical made up of two or
plex. 2. a worry or an unreasonable fear more elements Water is a compound
He has a complex about going bald.
of two gases, oxygen and hydrogen. 2.
complicated / kmplketd/ adjective

buildings and land enclosed by a fence

difficult to understand, with many small Soldiers were guarding the prison
details It is a complicated subject. compound. Guard dogs patrol the
Its all getting too complicated lets compound at night.
try and keep it simple. Chess has quite
compulsory /km plsri/ adjective

complicated rules. The route to get to

essential, or required by a rule or law

our house is rather complicated, so Ill
a compulsory charge for admission It
draw you a map.
is compulsory to complete all pages of
complication /kmpl ke()n/ noun

the form.
1. something that causes difficulties 2.
computer /km pju
t/ noun an elec-

an illness occurring because of or dur-

ing another illness She appeared to be tronic machine which processes and
getting better, but complications set in. keeps information automatically, and
(NOTE: usually plural) which can be used for connecting to the
Internet and sending emails on com-
compliment1 / kmplmnt/ noun a

puter kept in a computer All our com-

nice thing that you say to someone pany records are on computer.
about their appearance or about some-
computing /km pju
t/ noun the use

thing good they have done Ive had so

many compliments about my new hair- of computers

style today! conceal /kn si
l/ verb 1. to hide some-

compliment2 / kmplment/ verb to thing or put it where it cannot be seen


praise someone or tell them how nice He tried to conceal the camera by
they look I would like to compliment putting it under his coat. 2. to prevent
the chef on an excellent meal. She someone from discovering some infor-
complimented me on my work. (NOTE: mation He concealed the fact that he
Do not confuse with complement.) had a brother in prison.
component /km pnnt/ noun a conceited /kn si
td/ adjective think-
component conceited

small part of something larger, especial- ing that you are better, more intelligent,
ly a small piece of a machine a manu- or more talented than other people Page 68 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

concentrate 68 condition
Hes the most conceited and selfish per- people thought after the information
son Ive ever known. session.
concentrate / knsntret/ verb to concerning /kn s
n/ preposition
concentrate concerning

give your careful attention to something about; on the subject of (formal ) He

The exam candidates were all concen- filled in a questionnaire concerning hol-
trating on their questions when the elec- idays. Id like to speak to Mr Robin-
tricity went off. son concerning his application for in-

concentration /knsn tre()n/

surance. Anyone with information
noun 1. the act of thinking carefully concerning this person should get in
about something A loud conversation touch with the police.
concert / knst/ noun an occasion on

in the next room disturbed my concen-

tration. His concentration slipped and which music is played in public I
he lost the next two games. 2. a lot of couldnt go to the concert, so I gave my
things together in one area the con- ticket to a friend.
conclude /kn klu
d/ verb 1. to end; to

centration of computer companies in the

south of Scotland The concentration come to an end He concluded by

of wild animals round the water hole thanking all those who had helped ar-
makes it easy for lions to catch their range the exhibition. The concert con-
prey. cluded with a piece by Mozart. 2. to
concept / knsept/ noun an idea about
come to an opinion from the informa-
something or about how something tion available The police concluded
works Ill quickly explain the basic that the thief had got into the building
concepts of safe working in this environ- through the broken kitchen window.
conclusion /kn klu
"()n/ noun 1. the

ment. The concept of punctuation and

grammar is completely foreign to her. end of something At the conclusion of

Our children have absolutely no con- the trial all the accused were found
cept of tidiness. guilty. 2. an opinion which you reach af-
concern /kn s
n/ verb 1. to have a

ter thinking carefully She came to or
particular thing as a subject The film reached the conclusion that he had
concerns children growing up in the found another girlfriend. What con-
1950s. to concern yourself with clusions can you draw from the evi-
something to deal with something dence?
concrete / kkri
t/ noun a mixture of

You neednt concern yourself with

cleaning the shop. 2. to make someone a grey powder called cement, and sand,
worry It concerns me that he is always used in building Concrete was invent-
late for work. noun 1. worry Shes ed by the Romans. The pavement is
a cause of great concern to her family. made of slabs of concrete. adjective
2. interest My main concern is to en- 1. made of concrete a concrete path 2.
sure that we all enjoy ourselves. The firm or definite, rather than vague The
teachers showed no concern at all for police are sure he is guilty, but they have
the childrens safety. 3. a company or no concrete evidence against him. I
business a big German chemical con- need to see some concrete proposals
cern very soon. 3. referring to something
with a physical structure A stone is a
concerned /kn s
nd/ adjective 1.

concrete object.
worried She looked concerned. I
condemn /kn dem/ verb 1. to say

could tell something was wrong by the

concerned look on her face. We are strongly that you do not approve of
concerned about her behaviour do something She condemned the police
you think she is having problems at for their treatment of the prisoners. 2. to
school? 2. involved in or affected by sentence a criminal She was con-
something Ill speak to the parents demned to death.
condition /kn d()n/ noun 1. a state

concerned. 3. showing interest in some-

thing Im concerned to know what that something or someone is in The Page 69 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

conduct 69 conflict
car is in very good condition. He was a group or society The annual confer-
taken to hospital when his condition got ence of the Electricians Union. 2000
worse. 2. something which has to be people attended the conference on ge-
agreed before something else is done netic engineering.
They didnt agree with some of the con- confess /kn fes/ verb to admit that you

ditions of the contract. One of condi- have committed a crime or done some-
tions of the deal is that the company thing wrong He confessed to six bur-
pays all travel costs. on condition glaries. She confessed that she had
that only if I will come on condition forgotten to lock the door.
that you pay my fare.
confession /kn fe()n/ noun a state-

conduct1 / kndkt/ noun a way of be-


ment in which someone admits they

having His conduct in class is becom- have committed a crime or done some-
ing worse. Her conduct during the tri- thing wrong The prisoner said his
al was remarkably calm. confession had been forced from him by
conduct2 /kn dkt/ verb 1. to do

the police. I was surprised by her con-
something in an organised or particular fession of ignorance about the correct
way (formal ) I dont like the way they procedures to follow. I have a confes-
conduct their affairs. They are con- sion to make I forgot to send the
ducting an experiment into the effect of cheque.
TV advertising. to conduct yourself confidence / knfd()ns/ noun 1. a

to behave in a particular way I was im- feeling of being sure about your own or
pressed by the calm way in which she someone elses abilities The staff do
conducted herself. The children con- not have much confidence in their man-
ducted themselves well during the long ager. I have total confidence in the pi-
speeches. 2. to direct or take someone to lot. He hasnt got much confidence in
a place The guests were conducted to himself. 2. the fact of being secret in
their seats. 3. to direct the way in which confidence as a secret He showed
a musician or singer performs The or- me the report in confidence.
chestra was conducted by a Russian
confident / knfd()nt/ adjective sure

conductor. 4. to allow electricity or heat

to pass through Copper conducts that you or something will be successful
electricity very well. I am confident (that) the show will go
off well. Shes confident of doing well
conductor /kn dkt/ noun 1. the per-

in the exam.
son who sells tickets on a bus 2. the per-
confidential /knf denl/ adjective

son who directs the way an orchestra

plays 3. a metal or other substance secret or private This information is

through which electricity or heat can strictly confidential.
pass Copper is a good conductor but confidently / knfdntli/ adverb in a

plastic is not. way which shows that you are confident

cone /kn/ noun a shape which is round She walked confidently into the inter-

at the base, rising to a point above He view room.

rolled the newspaper to form a cone. confirm /kn f
m/ verb to say that

confer /kn f
/ verb 1. to discuss The something is certain The dates of the

leader of the Council conferred with the concerts have been confirmed by the
Town Clerk. 2. to give something such pop groups manager. The photo-
as a responsibility, legal right or honour graph confirmed that the result of the
to someone (formal ) the powers con- race was a dead heat. We have been
ferred on the council by law told that she left the country last month
conference / knf()rns/ noun 1. a
can you confirm that?
conflict1 / knflkt/ noun 1. a strong

large meeting where people who are in-

terested in the same thing come together disagreement or argument 2. fighting
The organisation holds an annual The government is engaged in armed
conference in Brighton. 2. a meeting of conflict with rebel forces. to come Page 70 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

conflict 70 conscious
into conflict with someone to start to brating a special occasion a congrat-
disagree strongly with someone They ulations card Congratulations
soon came into conflict over who should youre our millionth customer! Con-
be in charge. gratulations on passing your exam!
conflict2 /kn flkt/ verb to disagree The office sent him their congratula-

with someone or something His ver- tions on his wedding.

conjunction /kn d"kn/ noun 1. a

sion of events conflicts with that of his

partner. word which connects different sections

confuse /kn fju
z/ verb 1. to make of a sentence. and and but are con-

junctions. 2. in conjunction with

someone feel that they cannot under-

stand something She was confused by someone or something together with
all the journalists questions. 2. to mix someone or something The icy road in
things or people up The twins are so conjunction with fog made driving very
alike I am always confusing them. I difficult.
connect /k nekt/ verb 1. to join one

always confuse him with his brother

they are very alike. thing to another The computer should

confused /kn fju
zd/ adjective unable

have been connected to the printer.
to understand or to think clearly Im a Connect the two red wires together. 2. to
bit confused did we say 8 p.m. or 8.30? make it possible for a telephone or a
Grandmother used to get rather con- computer to be used for communicating
fused in her old age. with others Has the telephone been
connected yet?
confusing /kn fju
z/ adjective diffi-

connection /k nekn/ noun 1. a rela-


cult to understand They found the in-

structions on the computer very confus- tionship between things There is a

ing. definite connection between smoking
and lung cancer. 2. a bus, train or plane
confusion /kn fju
"()n/ noun 1. a

state of not knowing what to do or how which you catch after getting off anoth-
er means of transport My train was
to decide something Her reply just
created more confusion over who was late and I missed my connection to Bir-
responsible. in confusion not able to mingham. 3. a particular way of com-
municating remotely a low connec-
decide what is happening or what to do
tion charge Is there a reliable phone
He was looking at the letter in great
confusion. 2. a state in which things are connection? 4. a point at which two dif-
not organised in the correct way or are ferent pieces of equipment join There
not clear There were scenes of confu- is a loose connection somewhere. plu-
ral noun connections people you
sion at the airport when the snow
stopped all flights. know He has business connections in
Argentina, in connection with relat-
congratulate /kn 'rtlet/ verb 1.

ing to Im writing in connection with
to tell someone that you are very your visit.
pleased that they have been successful
conquer / kk/ verb 1. to defeat peo-

I want to congratulate you on your pro-

motion. 2. to give someone your best ple by force The Romans had con-
quered most of Europe. 2. to change a
wishes on a special occasion He con-
negative emotion or type of behaviour
gratulated them on their silver wedding
successfully I eventually conquered
anniversary. (NOTE: You congratulate
my fear of flying.
someone on something.)
conscience / knns/ noun a feeling

congratulation /kn'rt le()n/


that you have done right or wrong

noun praise for someone who has done
conscientious /kni ens/ adjec-

well His grandparents sent him a let-

ter of congratulation on passing his de- tive working carefully and well Shes
gree. plural noun congratulations a very conscientious worker.
conscious / kns/ adjective awake

an expression of good wishes to some-

one who has done well or who is cele- and able to know what is happening Page 71 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

consciously 71 construction
around you She was conscious during considerable /kn sd()rb()l/ ad-

the minor operation on her toe. a con- jective fairly large He lost a consider-
scious decision a decision which you able amount of money at the horse race.
have thought carefully about Refusing considerably /kn sd()rbli/ adverb

the offer was a conscious decision on to a fairly large extent

his part. He made a conscious deci-
/knsd re()n/


sion to try to avoid her in future.

noun 1. careful thought We are giving
consciously / knsli/ adverb in a de-

serious consideration to the possibility

liberate or active way I wasnt con- of moving the head office to Scotland.
sciously ignoring her I just didnt no- to take something into consideration
tice her. He doesnt consciously re- to think about something when making
member locking the door. a decision The age of the children has
to be taken into consideration. under
consciousness / knsns/ noun

consideration being thought about

the fact of being conscious to lose The matter is under consideration. 2.
consciousness to become unconscious something which has an effect on a de-
consecutive /kn sekjtv/ adjective

cision The safety of the children is

following one after the other more important than all other consider-
consequence / knskwns/ noun 1.

considering /kn sd()r/ conjunc-


something which happens because of

something else If we lose this order, tion, preposition used to say that one
the consequences for the firm will be thing affects another He plays the vi-
disastrous. Smoking has serious olin extremely well, considering hes
health consequences. 2. importance only five. He ought to be more grate-
ful, considering the amount of help you
(formal ) of no consequence not im-
have given him.
portant What he thinks about the situ-
consonant / knsnnt/ noun a letter

ation is of no consequence. as a con-

sequence as a result We queued for representing a sound which is produced
two hours in the rain, and as a conse- by partly stopping the air going out of
quence all of us got colds. the mouth
constable / knstb()l/ noun a police

conservation /kns ve()n/ noun


officer of the lowest rank

the careful use of things such as energy
constant / knstnt/ adjective not

or natural resources The company is

spending more money on energy conser- changing or stopping The constant
vation. noise of music from the bar next door
drives me mad. noun a number or
conservative /kn s
vtv/ adjective

thing which does not change Death
not wanting to change He has very and taxes are the only constants in life.
conservative views. The speed of light is a scientific con-
consider /kn sd/ verb 1. to think

constantly / knstntli/ adverb all the

carefully about something Please

consider seriously the offer which we time
are making. We have to consider the construct /kn strkt/ verb to build

position of the children. 2. to think Do something The wings are constructed

you consider him the right man for the of aluminium. The airport was con-
job? She is considered (to be) one of structed in 1995.
the best lawyers in town. 3. all things construction /kn strkn/ noun 1.

considered used for saying that you the act of building The construction of
have thought about all aspects of a situ- the new stadium took three years. un-
ation, including the bad ones All der construction being built The new
things considered, the party went off airport is still under construction. 2.
quite well. something which has been built Page 72 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

consult 72 contestant
consult /kn slt/ verb 1. to ask some- container /kn ten/ noun an object
consult container

one for advice He consulted his bank such as a box or bottle which holds
about transferring his account. 2. to something else We need a container
look at something to get information for all this rubbish. The gas is shipped
After consulting the map they decided to in strong metal containers.
go north. contemporary /kn temp()rri/ ad-

consultant /kn sltnt/ noun 1. an jective of the present time contempo-


expert who gives advice His tax con- rary art noun a person who lives at
sultant advised him to sell the shares. 2. the same time as someone Shake-
a senior hospital doctor who is an expert speare and his contemporaries He is
in a particular medical condition or ill- one of my contemporaries from school.
ness Well make an appointment for contender /kn tend/ noun a person

you to see a consultant. who takes part in a competition, espe-

consume /kn sju
m/ verb 1. to eat or

cially someone who is likely to win
drink something The guests consumed Hes a definite contender for the world
over a hundred hamburgers. 2. to use title.
content1 / kntent/ noun the amount of

something up The worlds natural re-

sources are being consumed at an something which is contained in a sub-
alarming rate. The new car consumes stance Dried fruit has a higher sugar
about half the amount of petrol of an or- content than fresh fruit. plural noun
dinary car. contents 1. things which are inside
something The contents of the bottle
consumer /kn sju
m/ noun a person

spilled onto the carpet. 2. the list of

or company that buys goods or services chapters in a book, usually printed at the
Consumers are buying more from su-
permarkets and less from small shops.
content2 /kn tent/ adjective happy

Gas consumers are protesting at the in-

crease in prices. with what is happening in your life

content to happy to She was content
contact / kntkt/ noun 1. an act of

to sit in the sun and wait. content

touching Avoid any contact between with satisfied with If you are not con-
the acid and the skin. Anyone who has tent with the way the car runs, bring it
been in physical contact with the patient back and we will look at it again.
must consult their doctor immediately. noun a feeling of satisfaction to your
2. the act of communicating with some- hearts content as much as you want
one We dont have much contact with You can play the piano to your hearts
our old friends in Australia. to get in content. Living by the sea, they can go
contact with someone to write to some- sailing to their hearts content.
one or talk to them on the telephone
contented /kn tentd/ adjective satis-

verb to write to someone or talk to them

on the telephone He tried to contact fied and happy

contest1 / kntest/ noun any event or

his office by phone. Can you contact

the ticket office immediately? situation in which people compete with
each other an international sports
contain /kn ten/ verb 1. to hold an

contest Only two people entered the

amount, or to have an amount inside leadership contest.
The bottle contains acid. The enve-
contest2 /kn test/ verb 1. to compete

lope contained a cheque for 1,000. A

barrel contains 250 litres. I have lost with other people to achieve a position
a briefcase containing important docu- There are four candidates contesting
ments. 2. to limit or prevent something the championship. 2. to say that you dis-
harmful or unpleasant The army tried agree with what is written in a legal doc-
to contain the advance of the enemy ument
contestant /kn testnt/ noun a per-

forces. The party is attempting to con-

tain the revolt among its members. son who takes part in a competition Page 73 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

context 73 contribution
The two contestants shook hands before 1
/ kntrkt/ noun a legal

the match. agreement I dont agree with some of
context / kntekst/ noun the other

the conditions of the contract. under

words which surround a particular word contract bound by the conditions of a
in a piece of writing and which help to contract The company is under con-
show its meaning Even if you dont tract to a French supermarket.
know what a word means, you can contract2 /kn trkt/ verb 1. to be-

sometimes guess its meaning from the come smaller Metal contracts when it
context. taken out of context show- gets cold, and expands when it is hot. 2.
ing only part of what someone said or to make an official agreement to do
wrote, so that the meaning is changed some work to contract to supply spare
My words have been taken out of context parts or to contract for the supply of
I said the book was one of the best spare parts
not the best Id read.
contradict /kntr dkt/ verb 1. to say

continent / kntnnt/ noun one of the


that what someone else says is not true

seven large land areas in the world, e.g. They didnt dare contradict their
Africa or Europe mother. 2. to be different from what has
Continent / kntnnt/ noun the main
been said before What you have just
land area of Europe, as compared with said contradicts what you said yester-
the islands of the United Kingdom day.
contrast1 / kntr
st/ noun a differ-

They go to the Continent on holiday

each year, sometimes to France, some- ence between two things the contrast
times to Switzerland. on the Conti- in weather between the north and the
nent in the main part of Europe south of the country The two cities are
continental /knt nent()l/ adjective

in sharp contrast. in contrast to as
1. referring to a continent 2. referring to opposed to He is quite short, in con-
or typical of Europe excluding the Unit- trast to his sister who is very tall. The
ed Kingdom north of the country is green and wood-
ed in contrast to the south which is dry
continual /kn tnjul/ adjective 1.

and sandy.
happening many times in a period of
contrast2 /kn tr
st/ verb to be obvi-

time We have experienced a period of

continual change. 2. happening fre- ously different from His formal letter
quently in a way that is annoying The contrasted with his friendly conversa-
tion on the telephone.
computer has given us continual prob-
contribute /kn trbju
t/ verb 1. to

lems ever since we bought it.

help something to happen The gov-

continue /kn tnju
/ verb to go on do-

ernments policies have contributed to a

ing something or happening He con-
feeling of anxiety among teachers. 2. to
tinued working, even though everyone
give money to help to pay for some-
else had gone home. The engine con-
thing, especially when other people are
tinued to send out clouds of black
also giving We were asked to contrib-
smoke. The meeting started at 10 a.m.
ute to a charity. Everyone was asked
and continued until 6 p.m. The show
to contribute to the receptionists leav-
continued with some childrens dances.
ing present.
continuous /kn tnjs/ adjective

contribution /kntr bju

()n/ some-

without stopping or without a break thing that someone does to help some-
She has been in continuous pain for thing to happen I want to thank you
three days. A continuous white line on for your enormous contribution to the
the road means that you are not allowed success of the project. noun some-
to overtake. thing, usually money, given to help to
continuously /kn tnjsli/ adverb

pay for something She makes monthly

without a break contributions to the Red Cross. Page 74 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

contributor 74 copper
contributor /kn trbjt/ noun a per- cook /kk/ noun a person who gets food
contributor cook

son or organisation that contributes to ready He worked as a cook in a pub

something during the summer. verb to get food
control /kn trl/ noun 1. the fact of ready for eating, especially by heating it

keeping someone or something in order Its my turn to cook the dinner tonight.
or being able to direct them He lost How do you cook cabbage?
control of his business and resigned. cooker / kk/ noun a large piece of

The club is under the control of three kitchen equipment, used for cooking
people. 2. the ability to get people to do food
what you want The teacher has no
cookie / kki/ noun 1. usually US a

control over the class. verb 1. to keep

something in order, to direct or limit small, flat hard sweet cake She bought
something The police couldnt control a packet of cookies. (NOTE: The British
the crowds. There was nobody there English term is biscuit.) 2. a computer
to control the traffic. We must try to file sent to your computer by a website
control the sales of foreign cars. The when you visit it. It stores information
government controls the price of meat. about you which can be used when you
2. to control a business to have the next visit the website.
power to direct the way a business is run cool /ku
l/ adjective 1. cold in a pleasant

The business is controlled by a com- way, or colder than you would like or
pany based in Luxembourg. (NOTE: than you expect It was hot on deck but
controls controlling controlled) cool down below. Wines should be
controlled /kn trld/ adjective kept

stored in a cool cellar. It gets cool in

under control the evenings in September. 2. not friend-
convenient /kn vi
nint/ adjective ly or not enthusiastic I got a cool re-

not causing any practical problems ception when I arrived half an hour late.
Six oclock in the morning is not a very Their proposal got a cool response.
convenient time for a meeting. A bank to be cool towards someone to be un-
draft is a convenient way of sending friendly to someone or unenthusiastic
money abroad. about something She was rather cool
conveniently /kn vi
nintli/ adverb

towards me last time we met. My col-
in a convenient way leagues were cool towards the plan un-
fortunately. 3. calm The nurses re-
conventional /kn ven()n()l/ ad-

mained cool and professional. 4. fash-
jective ordinary or usual For your in- ionable (informal ) They thought it was
terview its best to wear a conventional cool to wear white trainers. 5. good
suit. (informal ) a cool party a really cool
conversation /knv se()n/ noun

idea (NOTE: cooler coolest) verb
an occasion on which two or more peo- to make something cool; to become cool
ple talk to each other about something She boiled the jam for several hours
We had a long conversation with the and then put it aside to cool. noun 1.
bank manager. Why did he suddenly a colder area which is pleasant After
change the subject of the conversation? the heat of the town centre, it is nice to
convict1 / knvkt/ noun a criminal

sit in the cool of the garden. 2. the state

who has been sent to prison The po- of being calm As soon as the reporters
lice are searching for two escaped con- started to ask her questions she lost her
victs. cool. to be cool with something to
convict2 /kn vkt/ verb to prove in

be satisfied with something (informal )
court that someone is guilty She was We can go tomorrow Im cool with
convicted of theft. that.
convinced /kn vnst/ adjective very copper / kp/ noun a reddish metal

certain Shes convinced that shes which turns green when exposed to air
right. Copper is a good conductor of elec- Page 75 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

copy 75 costume
tricity. The end of the copper wire the corner 1. to go from one street into
should be attached to the terminal. another by turning left or right She
copy / kp/ noun 1. something made to
turned the corner into the main street. 2.
look the same as something else This to get better after being ill or in a diffi-
is an exact copy of the painting by Pi- cult situation Our business affairs
casso. 2. a particular book or newspaper seem to have turned the corner.
Wheres my copy of todays Times? corporate / k
p()rt/ adjective relat-

I lent my old copy of the play to my ing to a company Corporate responsi-

brother and he never gave it back. bility rests with the whole management.
(NOTE: [all noun senses] The plural is Corporate profits are down this year.
copies.) verb 1. to make something
corporation /k
p re()n/ noun a

which looks like something else He

stole a credit card and copied the signa- large company Working for a big cor-
ture 2. to do what someone else does poration can be rather impersonal.
correct /k rekt/ adjective 1. without

(NOTE: copies copying copied)

cord /k
d/ noun a strong thin rope
any mistakes You have to give correct
Pull the cord to open the parachute. answers to all the questions if you want
In an emergency, pull the cord to stop to win first prize. If the information
the train. you gave us is correct, we can finish the
work by Thursday. 2. right according to
core /k
/ noun the central part of an ob-

ject the core of an apple, an apple rules or standards verb to take away
core the hard part in the middle of an mistakes in something You must try to
apple, containing the seeds the most correct your driving mistakes, or you
basic or essential part of something will never pass the test. The computer
Lack of resources is the core of the prob- keeps switching itself off can you cor-
lem. adjective most important rect this fault?
correction /k rekn/ noun 1. an ac-

These are the core points of the report.

core values the things that a group of tion that makes something correct He
people think are most important Hon- made a few small corrections to the let-
esty and reliability are among our core ter. 2. the process of correcting some-
values. thing We drew up a timetable for the
cork /k
k/ noun 1. a small solid tube,
correction of minor faults.
used for closing wine bottles 2. the very correctly /k rektli/ adverb without

light bark of a type of tree, used for making any mistakes

making corks and other things She
corridor / krd
/ noun a long narrow

placed little cork mats on the table to

stop the wine glasses marking it. verb passage The ladies toilet is straight
to put a cork into a bottle ahead at the end of the corridor.
cost /kst/ noun a price which you have

corn /k
n/ noun 1. cereal plants such as

wheat or barley a field of corn 2. to pay for something What is the cost
maize, a cereal crop which is grown in of a return ticket to London? Compu-
many parts of the world corn on the ter costs are falling each year. verb to
cob the part of maize that has the seeds, have as a price Potatoes cost 20p a ki-
boiled and served hot, with butter and lo. Petrol seems to cost more all the
salt time. (NOTE: costs costing cost
has cost) at all costs no matter
corner / k
n/ noun a place where two

walls, streets or sides meet The bank what happens At all costs, we have to
is on the corner of London Road and be in Trafalgar Square by 12 oclock.
New Street. Put the plant in the corner to cost an arm and a leg to be very
of the room nearest the window. The expensive The repairs to his car cost
number is in the top right-hand corner him an arm and a leg.
costume / kstju
m/ noun a set of

of the page. The motorbike went

round the corner at top speed. to turn clothes worn by an actor or actress Page 76 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

cosy 76 country
The costumes for the film are magnifi- count /kant/ verb 1. to say numbers in

cent. order, e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4 Shes only two and

cosy / kzi/ adjective comfortable and
she can count up to ten. Count to five
warm An open log fire always makes and then start running. 2. to find out a
a room feel cosy. She wrapped herself total Did you count how many books
up in a blanket and made herself cosy on there are in the library? 3. to include
the sofa. (NOTE: cosier cosiest) when finding out a total There were
sixty people on the boat if you count the
cottage / ktd"/ noun a little house in

children. Did you count my trip to

the country We have a weekend cot- New York as part of my expenses? not
tage in the mountains. My mother counting not including There are
lives in the little cottage next to the post three of us, not counting the baby. We
office. have three computers, not counting the
cotton / ktn/ noun 1. fibres made into old ones that dont work any more. 4. to

thread from the soft seed heads of a be important Your appearance counts
tropical plant 2. cloth made of cotton for a lot in an interview. noun 1. the
I bought some blue cotton to make a action of counting or of adding 2. a large
skirt. He was wearing a pair of cotton amount of something, calculated scien-
trousers. tifically Today there is a high pollen
count. to lose count to no longer
cough /kf/ noun the act of making a

have any idea of a particular number I

noise by sending the air out of your tried to add up all the sales figures but
lungs suddenly, e.g. when you are ill lost count and had to start again. Ive
Take some medicine if your cough is lost count of the number of times hes
bad. He gave a little cough to attract left his umbrella on the train.
the waitresss attention. verb to make
a noise by sending air out of your lungs count on phrasal verb to be sure that
suddenly, e.g. because you are ill The someone will do something
counter / kant/ noun 1. a long flat

smoke from the fire made everyone

cough. People with colds usually surface in a shop for showing goods for
cough and sneeze. sale, or in a bank for passing over mon-
ey She put her bag down on the coun-
could /kd, kd/ modal verb 1. was or

ter and took out her cheque book. The

would be able to The old lady fell cheese counter is over there. 2. a small
down and couldnt get up. You could round disc used in games Youve
still catch the train if you ran. 2. was al- thrown a six you can move your coun-
lowed to The policeman said he could ter six places. She placed a pile of
go into the house. 3. used in asking counters on the board. verb to act or
someone to do something Could you reply in an opposing way The adverts
pass me the salt, please? Could you are designed to counter familiar opin-
shut the window? 4. might The new ions about of home and family. to re-
shopping centre could be finished by ply in a way that opposes what has been
Christmas. 5. used in making a sugges- said He accused her of laziness and
tion You could always try borrowing she countered with a list of complaints
money from the bank. (NOTE: The nega- about his own behaviour.
tive is could not, or in speaking, usu- country / kntri/ noun 1. an area of land

ally couldnt. Note also that could is which is has borders and governs itself
the past of can; could is only used in the countries of the EU Some Afri-
front of other verbs and is not followed can countries voted against the plan.
by the word to.) (NOTE: The plural in this sense is
council / kansl/ noun 1. an elected

countries.) 2. land which is not in a

committee 2. an official group chosen to town He lives in the country. We
work on or advise about a specific sub- went walking in the country. Road
ject a council set up to promote the travel is difficult in country areas.
arts in the eastern region (NOTE: no plural in this sense) Page 77 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

countryside 77 crack
countryside / kntrisad/ noun land tell the court what you saw when you

which is not in a town the beautiful opened the door. to take someone to
English countryside in spring The court to arrange for someone to come to
countryside is in danger of being cov- a court to end an argument 2. an area
ered in new houses. (NOTE: no plural) where sports such as tennis or basket-
county / kanti/ noun a district that has
ball are played The tennis courts are
some powers of government over local behind the hotel. to be on court to be
matters (NOTE: The plural is counties.) playing tennis 3. a group of people liv-
ing round a king or queen
couple / kp()l/ noun 1. two things to-

court case / k
t kes/ noun a legal ac-
court case

gether 2. two people together They

are a charming couple. Several cou- tion or trial
courtyard / k
d/ noun a small

ples strolled past hand in hand. verb

1. to connect two different things square area surrounded by buildings
High tides coupled with strong winds cousin / kz()n/ noun the son or

caused flooding along the coast. 2. to daughter of your uncle or aunt

join two machines together Couple cover / kv/ noun 1. something that

the trailer to the back of the truck. a you put over something else to protect it
couple of 1. two Theyve got a cou- or keep it clean Keep a cover over
ple of children. 2. a few The film last- your computer when you are not using
ed a couple of hours. it. Put a cover over the meat to keep
coupon / ku
pn/ noun a piece of paper

the flies off. 2. the front and back of a

which is used in place of money or in book or magazine She read the book
place of a ticket from cover to cover. 3. a place where
courage / krd"/ noun the ability to
you can hide or shelter They ran for
deal with a dangerous or unpleasant sit- cover when it started to rain. under
uation She showed great courage in cover under a roof, not in the open air
attacking the burglar. I didnt have the If it rains the meal will be served under
courage to disagree with him. (NOTE: no cover. to take cover to find a place to
plural) shelter from something such as rain It
course /k
s/ noun 1. a series of lessons
started to rain and they took cover un-
Im taking a maths course. Shes
der a tree. When the robbers started
going on a painting course. The hotel shooting, the policeman took cover be-
offers weekend courses in a variety of hind a wall. verb 1. to put something
subjects. 2. a series of medical treat- over something else to keep it clean
ments Hes taking a course of antibi- You should cover the furniture with
otics. 3. a separate part of a meal a sheets before you start painting the ceil-
five-course meal The first course is ing. 2. to hide something He covered
soup, and then you can have either fish the hole in the ground with branches.
or roast lamb. 4. the direction in which She covered her face with her hands. 3.
someone or something, especially a ve- to travel a certain distance They made
hicle, is moving in, or will move in in good progress, covering twenty miles a
due course after a certain amount of
cow /ka/ noun a large female farm ani-

time If you study for several years at

college, in due course you will get a de- mal, kept to give milk a field of cows
gree. Put a coin in the slot and in due The farmer was milking a cow.
coward / kad/ noun a person who is

course the machine will produce a tick-

et. in the course of during a period not brave
of time Hes got much richer in the crack /krk/ noun 1. a sharp sound the

course of the last few years. crack of a whip The crack of a twig
court /k
t/ noun 1. a room with a judge

behind her made her turn round. 2. a

who tries criminals, sometimes with a long thin break in a surface A crack
jury The court was packed for the appeared in the ceiling. Her ring fell
opening of the murder trial. Please down a crack in the floorboards. The Page 78 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

crafty 78 credit
field is so dry it is full of cracks. verb creak /kri
k/ verb to make a squeaky

1. to make a sharp sound A twig noise noun a noise like that of wood
cracked as he stepped on it. 2. to make moving She heard a creak on the
a long thin break in something The stairs and sat up in bed. (NOTE: Do not
stone cracked the glass. confuse with creek.)
crafty / kr
fti/ adjective good at getting cream /kri
m/ noun 1. the thick yellow
crafty cream

the things you want, often in a way that part of milk, full of fat I like strawber-
is not completely honest (NOTE: craftier ries and cream. 2. any soft smooth sub-
craftiest) stance used, e.g. for cleaning or for pro-
cramped /krmpt/ adjective too small
tecting the skin face cream shaving
or too close together On some planes, cream shoe cream adjective of a
the seats are very cramped. yellow-white colour He was wearing
a cream shirt. Do you like our new
crane /kren/ noun a tall metal piece of

cream carpet?
equipment for lifting heavy things
crease /kri
s/ noun 1. a mark made in

The container slipped as the crane was

lifting it onto the ship. cloth by ironing Trousers should have
a crease in front. 2. a mark made by
crash /kr/ noun 1. an accident where

folding accidentally She ironed his

vehicles are damaged He was killed in shirts to remove the creases. verb to
a train crash. None of the passengers make folds accidentally in something
was hurt in the coach crash. His car After two hours in the car, my skirt was
was badly damaged in the crash. 2. a badly creased and had to be pressed.
loud noise when something falls over
create /kri et/ verb to make or invent

The ladder fell down with a crash.

There was a loud crash in the kitchen. something a government scheme

verb 1. (of vehicles) to hit something which aims at creating new jobs for
and be damaged The bus crashed into young people
creation /kri e()n/ noun 1. the act of

a wall. The plane crashed six kilome-

tres from the airport. 2. to fall, making a making or inventing something Our
loud noise The wall came crashing aim is the creation of new jobs for young
down. The ladder crashed onto the unemployed people. 2. something
floor. which has been made, especially some-
thing artistic or unusual
crate /kret/ noun 1. a large wooden box

creature / kri
t/ noun 1. an animal,

The dinner set arrived safely, careful-

ly packed in a wooden crate. 2. a con- especially one that you dont know a
tainer for bottles a beer crate The name for Lift any stone and youll find
office orders a crate of milk every day. all sorts of little creatures underneath.
We try not to harm any living crea-
crawl /kr
l/ verb 1. to move around on

ture. Some sea creatures live in holes

your hands and knees The baby has in the sand. 2. an imaginary animal or
just started to crawl. 2. to travel along living being
slowly The traffic was crawling
credit / kredt/ noun 1. praise for some-

along. noun 1. a very slow speed

The traffic on the motorway was re- thing which is well deserved The pro-
duced to a crawl. 2. a swimming style fessor took all the credit for the inven-
where each arm goes over your head in tion. To his credit, he owned up imme-
turn He won the 100m crawl. (NOTE: diately. 2. the length of time given to
no plural) pay for something We give purchasers
six months credit. 3. the side of an ac-
crayon / kren/ noun a coloured wax

count showing money that you have got

stick, used especially by children for or which is owed to you We paid in
drawing 100 to the credit of Mr Smith. plural
crazy / krezi/ adjective not sensible It

noun credits the list of people who

was a crazy idea to go mountain-climb- helped to make a film or TV programme
ing in sandals. Her name appears in the credits. Page 79 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

credit card 79 crop

verb to pay money into an account to sunny It was a beautiful crisp morn-
credit an account with 100 or to credit ing, with frost glinting on the grass.
100 to an account She could see her breath in the crisp
credit card / kredt k
d/ noun a plas-
credit card
mountain air.
criterion /kra trin/ noun the stand-

tic card which allows you to borrow

money and to buy goods without paying ard by which things are judged Does
for them immediately the candidate satisfy all our criteria?
creep /kri
p/ verb 1. to move around qui- critic / krtk/ noun 1. a person who ex-
creep critic

etly They crept softly down the stairs. amines something and comments on it,
2. to move slowly The traffic was especially a person who writes com-
creeping along the motorway because ments on new plays and films for a
of the fog. (NOTE: creeps creeping newspaper Shes the TV critic of The
crept) Times. The film was praised by all the
crew /kru
/ noun the people who work on critics. 2. a person who says that some-

a vehicle such as boat or aircraft The thing is bad or wrong The chairman
lifeboat rescued the crew of the sinking tried to answer his critics at the meet-
ship. The plane was carrying 125 pas- ing.
critical / krtk()l/ adjective 1. danger-

sengers and a crew of six.

cricket / krkt/ noun 1. a game played
ous and difficult With the enemy at-
between two teams of eleven players us- tacking on all sides, our position was
ing bats and a hard ball We havent becoming critical. 2. extremely impor-
played much cricket this year the tant He made a critical decision to
weather has been too bad. We are go- break off the negotiations. 3. very seri-
ing to a cricket match this afternoon. 2. ous The pilot of the plane was in a
awake and able to know what is happen- critical condition last night. The hos-
ing around you pital said that her condition was criti-
cal. 4. criticising someone or something
cried /krad/ past tense and past partici-

The report was highly critical of the

ple of cry
cries /kraz/ 3rd person singular present

criticise / krtsaz/, criticize verb to


of cry
say that something or someone is bad or
crime /kram/ noun 1. illegal behaviour

wrong She criticised their lack of in-

We must try to reduce the levels of terest and enthusiasm. The design of
crime in the inner cities. The govern- the new car has been criticised.
ment is trying to deal with the problem
criticism / krtsz()m/ noun an unfa-

of crime on the streets or with the street

crime problem. 2. a specific illegal act vourable comment or comments
More crimes are committed at night There was a lot of criticism of the gov-
than during the daytime. ernments plan.
crocodile / krkdal/ noun a large rep-

criminal / krmn()l/ adjective refer-


ring to illegal acts the criminal justice tile which lives in or near rivers and
system Stealing is a criminal offence. lakes and eats other animals Croco-
noun a person who commits a crime
diles lay on the banks of the river wait-
ing for the animals to come to drink.
crisis / krass/ noun a serious situation

crooked / krkd/ adjective bent, not


where decisions have to be taken very

quickly an international crisis a straight That picture is crooked.
crop /krp/ noun plants such as vegeta-

banking crisis
crisp /krsp/ adjective 1. (of food ) hard,
bles or cereals grown for food The
able to be broken into pieces and mak- bad weather has set the crops back by
ing a noise when you bite it These bis- three weeks. We had a wonderful crop
cuits are not crisp any more, they have of potatoes or a wonderful potato crop
gone soft. Pick an apple off the tree, this year.
theyre really very crisp. 2. cold and crop up phrasal verb to happen sud- Page 80 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

cross 80 crunch
denly (informal ) or her head verb 1. to make someone
cross /krs/ verb 1. to go across some-
king or queen by placing a crown on his
thing to the other side She just crossed or her head The Queen was crowned
the road without looking to see if there in Westminster Abbey. 2. to be a very
was any traffic coming. 2. to put one good end to a set of things that happen
thing across another He crossed his He crowned his career by winning a
arms and looked annoyed. She sat gold medal. to crown it all used to re-
down and crossed her legs. The road fer to the last of several bad things to
crosses the railway line about 10 km happen To crown it all, he lost his car
from here. noun a shape made where keys.
crucial / kru
()l/ adjective extremely

one line has another going across it, es-

pecially one which forms the symbol of important It is crucial that the story
the Christian Church Write your name be kept out of the papers.
where I have put a cross. There is a cruel / kru
l/ adjective making a person

cross on the top of the church tower. or animal suffer Dont be so cruel!
adjective angry The teacher will be You must not be cruel to your new pup-
cross with you for missing school. py. It was cruel of him to mention her
Dont be cross the children were only weight problem. (NOTE: crueller cru-
trying to help. ellest)
cross off, cross out phrasal verb to cruelty / kru
lti/ noun the act of being

draw a line through something which cruel

has been written to show that it should
cruise /kru
z/ noun a holiday consisting

not be there
crossing / krs/ noun 1. an occasion
of a long journey in a ship, stopping at
of going across to the other side of an different places When he retired they
area of water How long is the crossing went on a cruise round the Mediterrane-
from England to Germany? 2. a place an. verb to go in a boat from place to
where you go across safely Cars have place They spent May cruising in the
to take care at the railway crossing. Aegean Sea. The ship cruised from is-
land to island.
crossword / krsw
d/ noun a puzzle

crumb /krm/ noun a small piece that


where small squares have to be filled

with letters to spell words has broken off some dry food such as
bread, cake or biscuits
crouch /krat/ verb to bend down low

crumble / krmbl/ verb to break up


He crouched in the bottom of the boat.

She crouched down to talk to the into small pieces, or to break something
child. up into small pieces If you make it too
dry it will just crumble when you eat it.
crowd /krad/ noun a very large number

He picked up a lump of dry earth and

of people together A crowd of school- crumbled it between his fingers.
children went past. Someone in the
crunch /krnt/ verb 1. to bite some-

crowd outside the cinema shouted a

warning. Lets get an early train home thing hard, making a loud noise She
to avoid the crowds after work. verb was crunching an apple when the phone
to group together All the rugby fans rang. 2. to crush something dry The
crowded into the pub. The children snow crunched under his boots. noun
were crowding round their teacher. 1. the sound of something dry being
crushed 2. a situation when something
crowded / kradd/ adjective full of a

must happen or be decided (informal )

large number of people The town gets The crunch will come when the firm has
very crowded during the holiday sea- no cash to pay the wages. if or when
son. The stands were crowded before it comes to the crunch if or when a
the game started. point of decision is reached When it
crown /kran/ noun a round metal deco-

came to the crunch, the other side

ration that a king or queen wears on his backed down. Page 81 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

crust 81 curl
crust /krst/ noun 1. a hard outer layer culture / klt/ noun 1. activities in-
crust culture

that covers something softer 2. the hard volving things such as music, art and lit-
outside layer of bread You can cut the erature He is taking a course in Rus-
crusts off the sandwiches. 3. the layer of sian culture. 2. a countrys way of think-
pastry on top of a pie 4. the outer layer ing or behaving Is a TV in every home
of the Earth really what we want from Western cul-
cry /kra/ verb 1. to have tears coming out
of your eyes The baby cried when her cunning / kn/ adjective clever at

mother took away her toys. Cutting up achieving something, especially by

onions makes me cry. Many people tricking people a cunning plan It
were crying when they left the cinema. was cunning of her to ask him to help, as
2. to call out Hello there, she cried. it flattered him. noun cleverness in
(NOTE: cries crying cried) noun acting to achieve something He
1. a loud shout a cry of pain No one showed cunning in his attempts to hide
heard her cries for help. 2. a sound his mistake.
made by a bird or other animal (NOTE:
cup /kp/ noun 1. a small bowl with a

The plural is cries.)

handle, used for drinking from She
crystal / krstl/ noun a solid chemical

put out a cup and saucer for everyone.

substance with a regular shape The 2. the liquid in a cup He drank two
salt formed crystals at the bottom of the cups of coffee. Can I have a cup of
jar. tea? 3. a large silver or gold container
cube /kju
b/ noun 1. (in geometry) a

given as a prize for winning a competi-

shape like a box, where all six sides are tion He has won three cups for golf.
squares of the same size The design cupboard / kbd/ noun a piece of fur-

for the library consists of a series of niture with shelves and doors Put the
cubes. 2. something shaped like a cube jam in the kitchen cupboard. She
He put two cubes of sugar in his tea.
painted the cupboard doors white.
The ice cubes chinked in the glasses.
cure /kj/ noun something which

3. (in mathematics) the result when a

number is multiplied by itself twice makes a disease better Doctors are
27 is the cube of 3. still trying to find a cure for colds.
verb to make a patient or a disease better
cucumber / kju
kmb/ noun a long

I dont know whats in the medicine,

dark green vegetable used mainly in sal-
ads but it cured my cough very fast.
curious / kjris/ adjective 1. wanting

cuddle / kd()l/ verb to put your arms


round someone and hold them close to to know things Im curious to know
you The little girl was cuddling her what happened at the meeting. 2. unusu-
teddy bear. There was a last chance to al or strange We found a curious ob-
cuddle in the taxi that took them to the ject that turned out to be an old kitchen
airport. noun an act of putting your tool. Its curious that no one knew
arms round someone and holding them where he lived.
close to you She picked up her daugh- curl /k
l/ verb to twist, or make some-

ter and gave her a cuddle. thing twist My hair curls naturally.
culprit / klprt/ noun a person or thing
Some plants have stems that curl round
that is responsible for a crime, or for other plants. noun 1. a piece of hair
something which has gone wrong which grows in a twist The little girl
looked lovely with her golden curls. 2. a
cultural / klt()rl/ adjective relating

curved shape of a particular substance

to culture His cultural interests are a curl of smoke
very wide-ranging from Mexican art
to 12th-century Greek paintings. curl up phrasal verb to bend your body
There will be cultural activities availa- into a round shape She curled up in
ble such as a visit to the museum. the chair and went to sleep. Page 82 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

curly 82 cut
curly / k
li/ adjective with natural
The road curves round the side of the

curves or twists curly hair mountain.

currency / krns/ noun the money curved /k
vd/ adjective with a rounded

used in a specific country I want to shape

change my pounds into French curren- cushion / k()n/ noun a bag filled

cy. with something soft, e.g. feathers, for

current / krnt/ adjective 1. relating to sitting or leaning on Put a cushion be-

the present time What is the current hind your back if you find your chair is
state of the report will it be finished on too hard. verb to make soft something
time? Who is the current prime minis- which could be hard or painful The
ter of Japan? Do you have a current bushes cushioned his fall. to cushion
timetable? mine is out of date. 2. somebody or something from some-
widely accepted at the present time or at thing to protect someone or something
a particular time current ideas about from the bad effects of something to
how to treat children The idea that the cushion the blow or the shock to re-
world was flat was current in the Middle duce the bad effect of something that
Ages. noun 1. a flow of water or air happens She made no attempt to cush-
Dont go swimming in the river the ion the blow, but just told them straight
current is very strong. A warm wester- out that they had all lost their jobs.
ly current of air is flowing across the custom / kstm/ noun 1. something

country. Vultures circle in rising cur- that people usually do, or have done for
rents of warm air. 2. a flow of electricity a long time the local custom of deco-
Switch the current off at the mains. rating the wells in spring Its their
currently / krntli/ adverb at the custom to invite all their neighbours to a

present time He is currently the man- party at New Year. 2. the use of a shop
ager of our Paris office. We are cur- or restaurant If the assistants are rude
rently in the process of buying a house. to me again I will take my custom else-
curriculum /k rkjlm/ noun 1. the

where. to lose someones custom to
set of subjects studied in school I am experience a situation in which a regular
very glad that music and drama have customer goes to another place of busi-
been added to the curriculum. 2. the ness, e.g. a restaurant or shop The lit-
parts of a particular subject that are tle shops will lose a lot of custom when
studied (NOTE: [all senses] The plural is the new supermarket opens.
customary / kstmri/ adjective usu-

curriculums or curricula.)
curriculum vitae /krkjlm vi
curriculum vitae

al (formal ) He handled the situation
noun full form of CV with his customary efficiency. Its cus-
tomary to give taxi drivers a tip.
curry / kri/ noun an Indian food pre-

customer / kstm/ noun 1. a person


pared with spices I would like a mild

curry, please. We ordered chicken who buys something in a shop or restau-
curry and rice. (NOTE: The plural is cur- rant, or from another business The
shops are lowering their prices to at-
tract more customers. Customers can
cursor / k
s/ noun a small flashing

order by post on or the Internet. His

line on a computer screen which shows bar is always full of customers. 2. a per-
where the next character will appear son who uses a service such as a train
curtain / k
t()n/ noun 1. a long piece

We apologise to customers waiting on

of cloth hanging in front of a window Platform 5 for the late arrival of their
Can you close the curtains, please? 2. a train.
long piece of cloth hanging in front of cut /kt/ verb 1. to divide, reduce or re-

the stage at a theatre move something using a sharp tool, e.g.

curve /k
v/ noun a line that is bent like

a knife or scissors The meat is very

part of a circle the curve of the coast tough I cant cut it with my knife. He
line verb to be in the shape of a curve needs to get his hair cut. There were Page 83 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

cutlery 83 cylinder
six children, so she cut the cake into six something from something larger She
pieces. 2. to damage the skin with some- cut an advertisement out of the newspa-
thing sharp She cut her finger on the per. 2. to remove a part of something
broken glass. He cut himself while larger We had to cut out all the extras
shaving. 3. to reduce the size of some- from our order because they cost too
thing We are trying to cut the number much. 3. to stop doing or eating some-
of staff. Accidents have been cut by thing Shes decided to cut out sweet
10%. The article is too long, so I things so as to lose weight. cut it out!
asked the author to cut 500 words.
stop doing that! (informal ) to be cut
(NOTE: cuts cutting cut has cut)
out for something to be ideally suited
noun 1. a place which bleeds when
for something I dont think hes cut
your skin has been broken 2. a mark
made in a surface by something sharp 3. out for an office job.
the sudden lowering of the amount of cut up phrasal verb to make something
something price cuts large cuts in into small pieces by cutting it She cut
spending a cut in working hours 4. a the old towel up into little pieces. Can
share of something such as profits you cut up the meat for the children?
cutlery / ktlri/ noun knives, forks and

Each salesperson gets a cut of what is

sold for cash. spoons (NOTE: no plural)
CV /si
/ noun a summary of some-

cut back phrasal verb to reduce spend-

ing We are having to cut back on staff ones qualifications and experience. Ab-
costs. breviation curriculum vitae
cycle / sak()l/ noun 1. a period during

cut down phrasal verb to make a tree

fall down with a tool such as a saw He which something develops and then re-
cut the tree down or cut down the tree. turns to its starting point Global
cut off phrasal verb 1. to take away a warming is starting to affect the natural
small part of something using a sharp cycle of the seasons. The washing ma-
tool such as a knife She cut off a little chine broke down in the middle of its cy-
piece of string. He cut off two slices of cle. 2. a bicycle verb to travel on a bi-
ham. 2. to stop someone from being cycle Its hard to cycle into the wind.
with someone else, or from or reaching (NOTE: cycles cycling cycled)
cyclist / saklst/ noun a person who

a place She was cut off from her

friends by a crowd of policemen. The rides a bicycle
village was cut off by the snow. cylinder / slnd/ noun an object

cut out phrasal verb 1. to remove shaped like a tube closed at both ends Page 84 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

d /di
/, D noun the fourth letter of the al-

damp walls. verb to wet something

phabet, between C and E slightly
dance /d
ns/ noun 1. a way of moving

dad /dd/ noun a father


in time to music She teaches dance or

daily / deli/ adjective happening every

is a dance teacher. We learnt a new

day daily newspapers such as the
dance today. Scottish dances are very
Times and the Daily Mail The cooker
has been in daily use for ten years. lively. 2. an entertainment where people
Theres a daily flight to Washington. can dance The club is holding a New
adverb every day We can deliver milk Years dance. They met at a youth club
daily. twice daily on two occasions dance. verb 1. to move in time to mu-
every day noun a newspaper pub- sic There he is hes dancing with
lished every weekday (NOTE: The plural that tall girl. She often goes to discos
is dailies.) but never dances. 2. to move or jump
around happily She danced into the
dairy / deri/ adjective referring to or in-

room and announced shed got the job.

volved in producing milk and things The football fans were dancing in the
made from it such as cream or butter streets.
dairy products dairy cattle
dancer / d
ns/ noun a person who

dam /dm/ noun a wall which blocks a


river to make a lake After the heavy
danger / dend"/ noun the possibility

rain people were afraid the dam would

burst. verb to block a river with a wall of something bad happening, e.g. dam-
When they built the power station, the age, failure or getting hurt When it
river had to be dammed. (NOTE: dams rains, theres a danger of flooding.
damming dammed) The terrorist was described as a danger
damage / dmd"/ noun 1. the break-
to national security. Theres no dan-
ing or physical spoiling of something ger hell find out. We were warned of
The storm did a lot of damage. It will the dangers of travelling alone in the
take us months to repair the damage to desert. in danger / n dend"/ like-
the restaurant. The fire caused dam- ly to be harmed or damaged Get an
age estimated at 100,000. 2. emotional ambulance her life is in danger. I
harm done to a person I hope the ex- dont think the children are in any dan-
perience of the crash wont cause the ger. The whole building was in danger
children lasting damage. verb 1. to of catching fire. out of danger not
break or partially destroy something likely to die She was very ill, but shes
A large number of shops were damaged off the danger list now.
in the fire. These glasses are easily / dend"rs/ adjective

damaged. 2. to affect someone or some- likely to cause injury or damage Be
thing in a negative way careful that old staircase is danger-
damaged / dmd"d/ adjective broken ous! Police warned the public not to

or spoiled in some way a damaged approach the man as he was dangerous.

book Children are warned that it is danger-
damp /dmp/ adjective slightly wet
ous to go out alone at night.
dangerously / dend"rsli/ adverb in

Shed just had a shower and her hair

was still damp. The cellar has cold a dangerous way Page 85 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

dare 85 day
dare /de/ verb 1. to be brave enough to home to watch the football on television.

do something I wouldnt dare say no She dashed into a shop so that he

I might lose my job. I dare say very wouldnt see her.
probably I dare say youre right. to data / det/ noun information involving

dare not do something to not be brave figures or results of studies The data
enough to do something I darent go is stored in our main computer. We
any faster. 2. to try to make someone do spent months gathering data on hospital
something dangerous or unusual in or- waiting times. The data shows that, on
der to see how brave they are I dared average, flowering takes place after two
him to go the meeting in his pink track- weeks. (NOTE: Data is often used with a
suit. I dare you to jump across that singular verb, except in scientific con-
stream. 3. used for telling someone how texts: The data is easily available.)
angry you are Dont you dare do that database / detbes/ noun a large

again! How dare you look in my desk amount of information stored in a com-
drawers! puter in a way that allows particular
dark /d
k/ adjective 1. with little or no

pieces of information to be found easily

light The sky turned dark and it start- date /det/ noun 1. the number of a day

ed to rain. Can you switch the light in a month or year, or a day when some-
on? Its getting too dark to see. In thing will happen or has happened Put
Scotland in the summer it gets dark very todays date on the document. Whats
late. 2. not a light colour Her eyes are the date next Wednesday? The dates
dark. She was wearing a dark blue of the exhibition have been changed.
coat. (NOTE: darker darkest) The date of the next meeting has been
darkness / d
kns/ noun the fact of

fixed for Wednesday, June 10th. Do

not having any light the building was you remember the date of your girl-
in complete or total darkness there friends birthday? 2. a small sweet
were no electric lights on in the building brown fruit verb 1. to write the date
darling / d
l/ noun 1. a name used to
on something The letter was dated 15
talk to someone you love Darling! June. You forgot to date the cheque. 2.
Im back from the shops. 2. a lovable to date from or back to to exist since
person Be a darling and fetch me the This house dates from or dates back to
newspaper. the 17th century.
daughter / d
t/ noun a female child of

dart /d
t/ noun 1. a small heavy arrow

with plastic feathers, used for playing a parent They have two sons and one
the game of darts Each player takes a daughter. My daughter Mary goes to
turn to throw his or her three darts. 2. the local school.
dawn /d
n/ noun the beginning of a day,

darts a game in which players throw

small arrows at a round board on a wall, when the sun rises We must set off for
each trying to make their arrow stick the Pyramids at dawn, so youll have to
closest to the middle verb to move get up very early. verb (of day) to be-
quickly The little boy darted across gin The day of the cricket match
the street. dawned wet and windy.
dash /d/ noun 1. a small line in writ- day /de/ noun 1. a period of time lasting
dash day

ing or printing, showing a space or sep- 24 hours There are 365 days in a year
arating items The reference number is and 366 in a leap year. New Years
one four six dash seven (1467). 2. a Day is on January 1st. They went on a
sudden movement towards a place ten-day tour of southern Spain. I
There was a mad dash to buy tickets. spoke to him on the phone the day be-
While the policeman wasnt looking she fore yesterday. We are planning to
made a dash for the door. (NOTE: The meet the day after tomorrow. 2. the peri-
plural is dashes.) verb to hurry od from morning until night, when it is
somewhere I cant stop now I must light She works all day in the office,
dash to catch the last post. I dashed and then looks after the children in the Page 86 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

daylight 86 debt
evening. It took the workmen four verb 1. to deal in something to buy
days to build the wall. and sell something She deals in car-
daylight / delat/ noun light that you
pets and rugs imported from India. 2. to
see during the daytime in broad day- give out playing cards to players Its
light openly, in the middle of the day my turn to deal. He dealt me two aces.
Three men robbed the bank in broad (NOTE: deals dealing dealt /delt/)
daylight. deal with phrasal verb to do what is
daytime / detam/ noun the period of necessary to complete a job or solve a

light between morning and night I problem The job involves dealing
watched a lot of daytime television when with the public. Leave it to the filing
I lost my job. clerk hell deal with it. We will deal
dazzle / dz()l/ verb to shine a strong
with your order as soon as we can.
light in someones eyes so that they can- The government has to deal with the
not see for a moment She was dazzled problem of teenage crime.
dealer / di
l/ noun a person who buys

by the lights of the cars coming towards

her. and sells things
dead /ded/ adjective 1. not alive any dealt /delt/ past tense and past participle

more His parents are both dead. of deal

Dead fish were floating in the water. 2. dear /d/ adjective 1. well liked or loved

complete There was dead silence in Shes a very dear friend of mine.
the exam room. The train came to a (NOTE: dearer dearest) 2. Dear
dead stop. 3. not working We tried to James or Dear Julia used at the begin-
start the car but the battery was dead. 4. ning of a letter to a friend or someone
not lively, not exciting Seaside towns you know quite well Dear Sir or
can be quite dead in winter. adverb 1. Madam used at the beginning of a letter
completely He was dead tired after to a man or woman whom you do not
his long walk. 2. exactly Youre dead know 3. costing a lot of money Fresh
right. The train arrived dead on time. fruit is always dearer in the winter.
deadly / dedli/ adjective likely to kill

That restaurant is too dear for me.

living things The terrorists turned the (NOTE: dearer dearest) interjec-
car into a deadly weapon. tion used when something has gone
deaf /def/ adjective not able to hear, or
slightly wrong Oh dear! Its started to
having difficulty in hearing My rain. Dear me! Is that how late it is!
grandma is going deaf. Hes deafer noun a way of referring to someone you
than he used to be. (NOTE: Some people like Did you have a good day, dear?
death /de/ noun to death completely

avoid this term as it can cause offence

and prefer hearing-impaired.) (informal ) He was bored to death sit-
deafening / def()n/ adjective so
ting watching football on television. I
loud as to make you unable to hear am sick to death of always having to do
the housework.
deafness / defns/ noun the state of be-

debate /d bet/ noun 1. a discussion


ing deaf (NOTE: no plural)

deal /di
l/ noun 1. a good or great deal
After his talk the professor had a lively
much Hes feeling a good deal better debate with the students. 2. a formal dis-
after two days off work. She didnt say cussion ending with a vote a debate
a great deal. a good or great deal of on increasing student fees verb 1. to
a lot of He made a good deal of money consider or discuss a subject We sat in
from his business. Theres a great deal the rain and debated what to do next. 2.
of work still to be done. 2. a business to discuss something formally before
agreement or contract Weve signed a coming to a decision
debt /det/ noun money owed to someone

deal with a German firm. They did a

deal to supply envelopes. The sales di- After her great success, she was able
rector set up a deal with a Russian bank. to repay all her debts. to be in debt to Page 87 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

decade 87 deep
owe money He is in debt to the tune of declare /d kle/ verb to state something

2,500. officially The Senator declared his in-

decade / deked/ noun a period of ten

tention to run for President. She was

years during the last decade of the declared dead on arrival at hospital.
decline /d klan/ noun the fact of going

20th century

decay /d ke/ noun the natural process


downwards Sales figures have gone
of going bad or of becoming damaged, into a sharp decline. verb 1. to refuse
e.g. when things are not looked after or to turn down an invitation or offer
properly The government has plans to She declined their request. He de-
deal with inner city decay. Tooth de- clined to come to lunch. 2. to become
cay is especially bad in children who eat weaker He declined rapidly after he
sweets. You must treat the wood to went into hospital. 3. to become less in
prevent decay. (NOTE: no plural) verb numbers or amount Our sales de-
to go bad or to become damaged in this clined over the last year. The fish pop-
way Sugar makes your teeth decay. ulation has declined sharply.
decorate / dekret/ verb 1. to put paint

The jungle path was blocked by decay-

ing branches. or new paper on the walls in a room
deceive /d si
v/ verb to make someone

She cant come to the phone shes dec-
believe something which is not true orating the kitchen. 2. to cover some-
They had tried to deceive me, but I real- thing with pretty or colourful things to
ised just in time. make it look attractive or to celebrate an
occasion The streets were decorated
December /d semb/ noun the twelfth

with flags.
and last month of the year, after Novem-
decoration /dek re()n/ noun the

ber and before January She was born

act of decorating a place She is in

last December. His birthday is on De-
charge of the decoration of the church
cember 25 Christmas Day! They al-
for the wedding.
ways go on a skiing holiday in Decem-
decrease1 / di
s/ noun the fact of

ber. Today is December 6th. The

cheque was dated December 6. (NOTE: becoming less a decrease in traffic
December 6th or December 6: say Sales show a 10% decrease on last year.
the sixth of December or December There has been a decrease of 20% in
the sixth or in US English December applications to join the club. to be on
sixth.) the decrease to be becoming less
Road accidents are on the decrease.
decide /d sad/ verb to make up your

decrease2 /d kri
s/ verb to become less

mind to do something Have you de-

cided which restaurant to go to? They The number of road accidents is de-
decided to stay at home and watch TV. creasing. Applications to join have
decreased by 20%.
decide against phrasal verb to make
deed /di
d/ noun an act, especially a

up your mind not to do something She

decided against spending her money on brave one stories of great deeds per-
a new car. formed during the war
deep /di
p/ adjective 1. going a long way

decimal / desm()l/ noun a number in a


system based on ten Three-quarters down The water is very deep in the
expressed as a decimal is 0.75. middle of the river. This is the deepest
lake in North America. In the shallow
decision /d s"()n/ noun an occasion

end of the pool, the water is deep

of making up your mind to do some- enough to cover your feet. depth 2.
thing going a long way under the ground a
deck /dek/ noun a floor of a ship or bus

deep mine 3. (of a voice) low, not high

Ill stay on deck because Im feeling Whos been sitting on my chair? said
seasick. Lets go up to the top deck Father Bear in his deep voice. (NOTE:
you can see the sights better from there. deeper deepest) adverb a long Page 88 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

deeply 88 deliberate
way down The mine goes deep under define /d fan/ verb to explain some-

the sea. thing clearly or to give the meaning of

deeply / di
pli/ adverb very much We

something How would you define the

deeply regret having to make so many word environmental? The memo
people redundant. tried to define the way in which the two
departments should work together.
deer /d/ noun a wild animal, the male

definite / def()nt/ adjective very sure


of which has long horns called antlers

(NOTE: Do not confuse with dear. The I need a definite answer. He was
plural is deer; the female is a doe, the quite definite that he had seen the girl at
male is a stag, the young are fawns. the bus stop.
definitely / def()ntli/ adverb certain-

Note also that the meat from a deer is

called venison.) ly Ill definitely be there by 7 oclock.
Are you coming? Definitely not!
defeat /d fi
t/ noun the loss of a fight,

definition /def n()n/ noun an ex-


game or vote The Government suf-

fered a defeat in Parliament last night. planation of the meaning of a word

It was the teams first defeat for two Look up the definition of democracy in
years. verb to succeed against some- the dictionary.
one in a fight, game or vote The ruling degree /d 'ri
/ noun 1. a unit for meas-

party was heavily defeated in the presi- uring temperature or angles, shown by
dential election. Our team has not the symbol () an angle of eighty de-
been defeated so far this season. The grees The temperature of the water is
proposal was defeated by 10 votes to 3. above 20. (NOTE: With figures, degree
defence /d fens/ noun 1. protection is usually written as the symbol : 25

against something such as attack or in- Celsius.) 2. a qualification from a uni-

fection Several people ran to her de- versity She has a degree in mathemat-
fence when she was attacked. These ics from Oxford. 3. a small amount of
tablets offer some defence against the something such as an emotion I ap-
disease. 2. protection provided by the proached the animal with some degree
armed forces Some countries spend of fear.
delay /d le/ noun the length of time by

more on defence than on education. 3.

(in games) a part of a team whose job is which something is late There will be
to protect the goal The England de- a delay of ten minutes before the meet-
fence came under attack from the other ing starts. We are sorry for the delay
teams forwards. 4. (in a law court) the in replying to your letter. verb 1. to
lawyers acting on behalf of the accused make someone or something late The
person train has been delayed by fog. He was
defend /d fend/ verb to protect a person

delayed because his taxi had an acci-
or place that is being attacked They dent. 2. to put something off until later
brought in extra troops to defend the city We will delay making a decision until
against attack. we see the result of the election. The
company has delayed payment of all in-
defense /d fens/ noun US spelling of

deliberate1 /d lb()rt/ adjective 1.

deficiency /d f()nsi/ noun not


done on purpose It was a deliberate
enough of something needed to make attempt to spoil her birthday party. 2.
someone or something healthy or com- slow and thoughtful in speaking or do-
plete Their diet has a deficiency of ing something She has a very deliber-
iron or has an iron deficiency. ate way of signing her name.
deficit / defst/ noun an amount by deliberate2 /d lbret/ verb to discuss
deficit deliberate

which something is less than it should or think carefully about something

be The company announced a two- The council were deliberating all morn-
million-pound deficit in its accounts. ing. Ill need some time to deliberate Page 89 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

deliberately 89 department
on the possible ways of solving the prob- The plural is democracies.) 2. a sys-
lem. tem of government in which politicians
deliberately /d lb()rtli/ adverb on

are elected by the people The people
purpose It was an accident I didnt want democracy, not a dictatorship.
democratic /dem krtk/ adjective

hit her deliberately. He deliberately

left the cage door open. relating to democracy They promised

delicate / delkt/ adjective 1. made
to restore democratic government.
demonstrate / demnstret/ verb to

from materials that are thin and light

and easily damaged a delicate china show something This incident demon-
vase 2. likely to get ill Little babies strates how little he has changed. He
are very delicate. She was a delicate demonstrated how the machine worked.
child. demonstration /demn stre()n/

delicious /d ls/ adjective tasting


noun 1. the act of showing how some-

very good Can I have another piece of thing works Can you give me a dem-
that delicious cake? onstration the new machine? 2. a crowd
delight /d lat/ noun pleasure Their

of people who are protesting against
singing was a pure delight. The news something We went to a demonstra-
was greeted with delight by the waiting tion in Trafalgar Square. They staged
crowd. to take (great) delight in demonstrations against the government
something to enjoy something verb in several towns.
den /den/ noun 1. a place where an ani-

to give great pleasure to someone His

speech delighted the audience. to de- mal hides away a lions den 2. a small
light in something to enjoy something room where you can hide away to work
She delights in teasing her little broth- Dads in his den, so dont disturb him.
er. dense /dens/ adjective 1. very thick

delighted /d latd/ adjective very


Dense fog closed the airport. 2. with a

pleased lot of trees or plants They tried to find
delightful /d latf()l/ adjective very

their way through dense forest. 3. con-
pleasant What a delightful show of taining a lot of information I find it
flowers! difficult to read through 100 pages of
dense text. (NOTE: denser densest)
deliver /d lv/ verb to bring something

dent /dent/ noun a mark that curves in-


to someone Has todays newspaper

been delivered? He delivered the let- wards, especially in metal, made by hit-
ter himself so as to save buying a stamp. ting something Someone has made a
dent in my car door. verb to make a
delivery /d lv()ri/ noun the act of

mark like this in something He backed

bringing something to someone There

into a tree and dented the car.
is no charge for delivery within the Lon-
dentist / dentst/ noun a person whose

don area. Use the back entrance for

deliveries. The next delivery will be job is to look after and provide treat-
on Thursday. ment for your teeth
deny /d na/ verb to state that something

demand /d m
nd/ noun 1. the act of

asking for something a demand for is not true You were there, werent
payment Her latest demands are quite you? Dont deny it! She denied that
unreasonable. 2. the need for particular she had ever seen him. He flatly de-
goods or services We cant sell the nied stealing the car. (NOTE: denies
book, because there is no demand for it. denying denied)
depart /d p
t/ verb to go away from a

We cannot keep up with the demand

for our services. verb to ask firmly for place The coach departs from Victoria
something I demand an explanation. Coach Station at 09.00.
democracy /d mkrsi/ noun 1. a department /d p
tmnt/ noun 1. a
democracy department

country governed by politicians who section of a large company He is in

have been elected by the people (NOTE: charge of the marketing department. Page 90 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

department store 90 deserve

Write to the complaints department account She deposited 100 in her
about the service. 2. one of the sections current account. The cheque arrived
of the government the Department for at long last, and I deposited it immedi-
Education and Skills the Department ately.
of Transport 3. a part of a large shop depressed /d prest/ adjective so un-

If you want cheese youll need to go to happy that you are not able to enjoy life,
the food department. You will find especially over a long period of time
beds in the furniture department. Shes been feeling depressed since the
department store /d p
tmnt st
department store

noun a large shop with several different depressing /d pres/ adjective mak-

sections ing you feel sad or unhappy

departure /d p
t/ noun the act of

depth /dep/ noun a measurement of


leaving a place The departure time is how deep something is The depth of
3 oclock. The planes departure was the lake is 20m. The submarine dived
delayed by two hours. to a depth of 200m.
depend /d pend/ verb 1. to happen only

deputy / depjti/ noun 1. a person who


because of something else happening makes decisions when the manager or

first The success of the book will de- boss is away Shes acting as deputy
pend on the publicity campaign. I while the managing director is in hospi-
cant be sure that we will come to lunch tal. 2. a person who helps someone in
it depends on what time we get home their job He appointed her as his dep-
from the party the night before. it (all) uty.
depends it is not certain (informal )
derive /d rav/ verb to get something

We may go to France on holiday, or

Spain, it all depends. 2. to depend on from something The local people de-
someone or something to be sure that rive a good deal of pleasure from watch-
someone will do what they say they will ing the tourists.
describe /d skrab/ verb to say or write

do, or that something will happen as ex-

pected You cant depend on Jack what someone or something is like

hes always too busy to help. You can Can you describe the car which hit the
depend on her to do her best. The old lady? She described how the bus
company depends on government suddenly left the road. He described
grants. the mugger as a tall man with a black
dependent /d pendnt/ adjective 1.

beard. The police asked him to de-
needing money from someone else in scribe what happened.
description /d skrpn/ noun the act

order to live She has five dependent

relatives. 2. needing someone elses of saying or writing what something or

help in order to live or succeed The someone is like
patients become very dependent on the desert1 / dezt/ noun a very dry area of

hospital staff. 3. caused or affected by the world, usually covered with rocks or
something The success of the project sand (NOTE: Do not confuse with des-
is dependent on getting a government sert.)
desert2 /d z
t/ verb 1. to leave the

deposit /d pzt/ noun 1. money kept


armed forces without permission 2. to
in a bank Her deposits in the bank had leave someone in a difficult situation
grown over the years. 2. a particular
deserted /d z
td/ adjective with no

amount of money that you give some-

one as a first payment for something ex- people We walked around the desert-
pensive She had to pay a deposit on ed town.
deserve /d z
v/ verb to earn some-

the watch. Can you leave 50 as de-

posit? I paid a 30% deposit and dont thing because of what you have done
have to pay anything more for six He didnt deserve to win because he
months. verb to put money into a bank cheated. Ive been on my feet all day Page 91 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

design 91 determination
I think I deserve a sit-down. He de- not confuse with desert. The word
serves a holiday. dessert is mainly used in restaurants.
design /d zan/ noun a plan or drawing

At home, this part of the meal is usual-
of something, before it is made or built ly called the sweet or afters or pud-
Here are the designs for the book cov- ding.)
er. The architect has produced the de- destination /dest ne()n/ noun the

signs for the new opera house. verb to place to which a person or vehicle is go-
draw plans for the shape or appearance ing We reached our destination at
of something before it is made or built eight oclock. The destination is
He designed the new university library. shown on the front of the bus.
She designs garden furniture.
destroy /d str/ verb to damage some-

designer /d zan/ noun an artist who


thing so badly that it no longer exists
plans the shape or appearance of things The bomb destroyed several buildings.
such as goods, clothes or rooms A lot of private property was de-
desire /d za/ noun something that

stroyed in the war.

you want very much Its difficult to
destruction /d strkn/ noun the ac-

satisfy the publics desire for informa-

tion of destroying something the de-
tion. She had a sudden desire to lie
struction of the village by enemy bombs
down and go to sleep. verb to want
The volcano caused enormous de-
something (formal ) Most of us desire
a large comfortable home. struction. (NOTE: no plural)
detail / di
tel/ noun a small piece of in-

desk /desk/ noun a table, often with


drawers, used for writing He put the formation Send in your CV including
papers away in his desk drawer. She full details of your past experience.
was sitting at her desk when the tele- Can you give me further details of when
phone rang. the accident took place? I cant make
out the details in the photo because the
despair /d spe/ noun a feeling that a

light is bad. The policeman noted
situation is so bad that there is nothing down the details of the incident. verb
you can do to make it better When he to list all the facts or items He detailed
lost his job and his girlfriend left him, he the work which had to be done. in de-
was filled with despair. the depths of tail with as much information as possi-
despair a situation where there is com- ble The catalogue lists all the furni-
plete lack of hope verb to give up all
ture in detail. Please describe the cir-
hope of achieving something After
cumstances of the accident in as much
two months in the jungle, he despaired
detail as possible.
of ever being rescued.
detailed / di
teld/ adjective giving a lot

desperate / desp()rt/ adjective 1.


having a strong need for something that of details We need a detailed list of the
you are not able to get, and feeling very items which have been stolen. The po-
worried because you do not know how lice issued detailed descriptions of the
to solve the problem Food ran out and two men.
detective /d tektv/ noun a police of-

the people were becoming desperate. 2.

urgent There is a desperate need for ficer whose job is to try to find out who
medical supplies. committed crimes Detectives have in-
despite /d spat/ preposition although terviewed four suspects.

something happened or was done De- determination

determination /dt
m ne()n/

spite the wet weather we still enjoyed noun a strong wish to do something, and
our holiday. not to let anyone stop you doing it
dessert /d z
t/ noun a sweet dish at

They admired his determination to win

the end of a meal The meal will end the prize. The government needs to
with a dessert of strawberries and show more determination in its fight
cream. Whats for dessert? (NOTE: Do against street crime. Page 92 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

determined 92 die
/d t
mnd/ number using the buttons on a telephone

determined adjective
having a strong wish to do something, To call the police you must dial 999.
and not letting anyone prevent you from Dial 9 to get an outside line. (NOTE:
doing it Shes a very determined dials dialling dialled. The US
young woman, and will go far. He had spelling is dialing dialed.)
a very determined expression on his dialect / dalekt/ noun a variety of a

face as he entered the ring. She is de- language spoken in a particular area
termined to win the prize. They were speaking in a local dialect.
develop /d velp/ verb 1. to grow and

diameter /da mt/ noun the distance


change Eventually, a caterpillar will across the centre of a circle

develop into a butterfly. 2. to make
diamond / damnd/ noun 1. a very

something larger She cycles in order

to develop her calf muscles. 3. to get an hard, clear, precious stone He gave
illness She developed a cold at the her a diamond ring. Diamonds spar-
weekend. 4. to plan and build something kled on her crown. 2. one of the red sets
They are planning to develop the site in a pack of cards, shaped like a square
as an industrial estate. The company leaning to one side He held the ten of
is developing a chain of motorway serv- diamonds. (NOTE: The other red suit is
ice stations. hearts; clubs and spades are the
black suits.)
development /d velpmnt/ noun 1.

diary / dari/ noun a description of what


growth The development of the em-

bryo takes place rapidly. 2. the planning has happened in your life day by day
and production of a new product The He kept a diary for years. She kept a
development of new pesticides will take diary of the places she visited on holi-
some time. 3. the act of planning and day. (NOTE: The plural is diaries.)
building on an area of land the devel- dice /das/ noun a small block with a dif-

opment of property on the site of the ferent number of spots on each side,
former docks 4. a group of buildings used for playing games Shake the dice
that have been built together at the same in the cup and then throw them onto the
time a new housing development board. (NOTE: The plural is dice.)
device /d vas/ noun a small tool or

dictionary / dkn()ri/ noun a book


piece of equipment that is useful for a which lists words in alphabetical order,
particular purpose He invented a de- giving their meanings or translations
vice for fixing tops on bottles. The en- into other languages (NOTE: The plural
gineers brought in a device for taking is dictionaries.)
samples of soil. to be left to your
did /dd/ past tense of do

own devices to be allowed to do what-

die /da/ verb 1. to stop living

ever you want His

diagonal /da 'n()l/ adjective (of a

mother died last year. She died in a
line) going straight from one corner to car crash. If you dont water the
another He drew a diagonal line on plants theyll die. death (NOTE: dies
the floor. Areas of the map shaded dying died) 2. dying for or to
with diagonal lines indicate cultivated wanting something very much Were
land. noun a diagonal line dying for a cold drink. Im dying to
read his book.
diagram / da'rm/ noun a plan or ac-

curate drawing She drew a diagram to die away phrasal verb to become less
show how to get to her house. The noisy
book gives a diagram of the circulation die down phrasal verb to get less
of the blood. strong The wind began to die down.
dial / dal/ noun a round face of a meas-
The government is waiting for the street
uring instrument or a old type of tele- protests to die down.
phone The pilot sits in front of a dis- die out phrasal verb to disappear grad-
play of dials. verb to call a telephone ually Page 93 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

diet 93 dinosaur
diet / dat/ noun 1. the kind of food you ging in the garden all morning. They

eat He lives on a diet of bread and dug a big hole in the ground. The pris-
beer. These people are healthier than oners dug a tunnel to try to escape.
us because their diet is so simple. 2. the (NOTE: digging dug has dug)
practice of eating only certain types of dig up phrasal verb 1. to find some-
food, either in order to become thinner thing by digging We dug up a Roman
or to cure an illness The doctor told coin in the garden. 2. to break a solid
her to follow a strict diet. verb to eat surface by digging The workmen had
less food or only one sort of food He to dig the road up to mend the water
dieted for two weeks before going on main.
holiday. digest /da d"est/ verb 1. to break down

differ / df/ verb 1. not to be the same as


food in the stomach I find this meat

something else The two machines dif- difficult to digest. 2. to think about
fer considerably one has an electric something and understand it fully
motor, the other runs on oil. to differ Give me time to digest this news.
from to be different from This car dif- digestion /da d"estn/ noun the

fers from the earlier model. Their process by which food is broken down
business differs from ours in one impor- in the stomach
tant aspect. 2. if people differ, they have
digital / dd"t()l/ adjective 1. storing

different opinions from each other

Our views on education differ. Their information in an electronic form a
accounts of what happened differ in sev- digital radio 2. (of a clock or watch)
eral ways. I beg to differ I do not showing the time as a set of numbers
dim /dm/ adjective (of light) weak The

difference / df()rns/ noun a way in
lights grew dimmer. (NOTE: dimmer
which two things are not the same dimmed) verb to make a light less
Can you tell the difference between an bright They dimmed the cabin lights
apple and a pear with your eyes shut? before takeoff. (NOTE: dims dimming
What is the difference in price between dimmed)
dime /dam/ noun US a coin that is worth

these two cars?

different / df()rnt/ adjective not the
ten cents
dimension /da menn/ noun the ex-

same Living in London is very differ-

ent from living in the country. I went tent of a problem the international di-
to three different clothes shops but I mension of the refugee problem The
couldnt find anything in my size. He task is taking on huge dimensions.
looks different now that he has a beard. dining room / dan ru
m/ noun a
dining room

difficult / dfk()lt/ adjective not easy


room in a house or hotel where you usu-

to do or achieve Finding a parking ally eat. bathroom, bedroom, living
space is difficult on Saturdays. I find room
it difficult to work when Im tired. dinner / dn/ noun 1. the main meal of

difficulty / dfk()lti/ noun 1. to the day, usually eaten in the evening


have difficulty with or in doing some- We were having dinner when the tele-
thing to find it hard to do something phone rang. Would you like to come to
She has difficulty in paying the rent. dinner on Saturday? What are we
with difficulty not easily She walks having for dinner? or Whats for din-
with difficulty. 2. a problem The diffi- ner? 2. a formal evening meal The
culty is that nobody in the group can club is organising a dinner and dance
drive. He is in financial difficulties. on Saturday.
She went swimming in the rough sea and dinosaur / dans
/ noun a large crea-

got into difficulties. (NOTE: The plural is ture that existed on the Earth millions of
difficulties.) years ago At the time when dinosaurs
dig /d'/ verb to make a hole in the

roamed the land, England was covered

ground with a spade Shes been dig- with tropical forests. Page 94 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

dip 94 disappointed
dip /dp/ noun 1. a sudden drop in an area rector to win an Oscar? Compare pro-

of land Watch out theres a dip in the ducer

dirt /d
t/ anything that makes something

road which makes it difficult to see ap-

proaching cars. 2. a cold sauce into dirty a washing powder that removes
which you can dip biscuits or raw vege- even the worst kinds of dirt noun
tables a bowl of cheese dip verb mud; earth Children were playing in
to dip something into something to put the dirt. His clothes were covered with
something quickly into a liquid She dirt from handling potatoes.
dipped the biscuit into her coffee. She dirty / d
ti/ adjective 1. not clean

dipped her hand into the stream. (NOTE: Playing rugby gets your clothes dirty.
dips dipping dipped) Someone has to wash all the dirty
diploma /d plm/ noun a document

plates. 2. not honest, or not done ac-

which shows that a person has reached a cording to the rules (NOTE: dirtier
certain level of skill in a subject dirtied) verb to make something dirty
(NOTE: dirties dirtying dirtied)
direct /da rekt/ adjective straight, with-

disabled /ds eb()ld/ adjective not


out any changes of direction or stops

Whats the most direct way of getting to able to use part of your body, e.g. be-
London? verb 1. to aim something to- cause of long-term illness an associa-
wards a point I hope youre not direct- tion for disabled riders The car crash
ing that gun at me! 2. to say something left him permanently disabled.
to a particular person He directed his disadvantage /dsd v
ntd"/ noun

remarks to the manager. 3. to tell some- something which makes someone or

one how to get to a place Can you di- something less likely to succeed Her
rect me to the nearest post office? ad- main disadvantage is her lack of experi-
verb straight, without stopping The ence. It was a disadvantage not to be
plane flies direct to Anchorage. able to get to the airport quickly.
direction /da rekn/ noun the point

There are certain disadvantages to leav-
towards which you are going You are ing at 5.30 in the morning.
disagree /ds 'ri
/ verb to say that

going in the wrong direction if you want

to get to the station. The post office is you do not have the same opinion as
in the opposite direction. plural noun someone else We all disagreed with
directions instructions on how to do the chairperson. They disagreed
something in all directions every- about what to do next.
where The wind was blowing bits of disagreement /ds 'ri
mnt/ noun

old newspapers in all directions. an argument They had a disagreement

directly /da rektl/ adverb 1. straight, about who should sit in the front row.

without anything or anyone between Nothing could be decided because of the

This door opens directly into the kitch- disagreement between the chair and the
en. She reports directly to the manag- treasurer.
ing director himself. 2. soon Ill be disappear /ds p/ verb 1. to sudden-

with you directly. conjunction as soon ly not be seen any more He hit the ball
as I will write the letter directly I get hard and it disappeared into the bushes.
home. The two boys disappeared on their
director /da rekt/ noun 1. a person

way home from school. 2. to leave a
who is in charge of all of, or part of, a place, often suddenly and without peo-
company The sales director gave a re- ple noticing or knowing where you have
port on sales to date. There are four gone Where have the kids disap-
directors on the board of the company. peared to? Half the guests have disap-
2. a person who organises the making of peared already.
disappointed /ds pntd/ adjective

a film or play, e.g. giving instructions to

the actors, or dealing with the lighting sad, because things have not happened
or sound Who was the first female di- as you hoped She is disappointed with Page 95 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

disappointing 95 disgust
her exam results. He was disappoint-
The firm discovered some errors in
ed because his ticket didnt win a prize. the accounts. We discovered that the
You should have seen the disappoint- estate agent had sold the house twice.
ed expression on his face. discovery /d skv()ri/ noun 1. the act

disappointing /ds pnt/ adjec-


of finding something new or learning

tive making you sad because things have something for the first time her dis-
not happened as you hoped covery that someone had been in her
disappointment /ds pntmnt/

house while she was away They con-
noun 1. a feeling of sadness that you get gratulated him on his discovery of a new
when things have not happened as you planet. 2. a new thing which has been
hoped She tried hard not to show her found Look at his latest discovery
disappointment. To his great disap- an antique oak table which he found in
pointment, he didnt win anything on the a barn. (NOTE: The plural is discover-
lottery. (NOTE: no plural in this sense) ies.)
discuss /d sks/ verb to talk about a

2. something that disappoints someone

It was a disappointment to his parents serious matter or problem The point of

when he failed his exam. After many the meeting is to discuss how to save
disappointments she finally won a prize. money. They spent hours discussing
disapprove /ds pru
v/ verb to show

the details of the wedding.
discussion /d sk()n/ noun an oc-

that you do not think something is good

The head teacher disapproves of casion on which people talk about a se-
members of staff wearing jeans to rious matter or problem Most prob-
school. lems can be solved by discussion. The
next programme will feature a discus-
disaster /d z
st/ noun a very bad ac-

sion between environmental experts on

cident The disaster was caused by fog
climate change. She had a heated dis-
. Ten people died in the air disaster.
cussion with the bus driver.
Were insured against natural disasters
disease /d zi
z/ noun a serious illness

such as hurricanes and earthquakes.

Hundreds of people caught the dis-

disastrous /d z
strs/ adjective ex-

ease. It is a disease that can be treated

tremely bad
with antibiotics.
disc /dsk/ noun a round flat object

disgraceful /ds 'resf()l/ adjective


The setting sun was a huge orange disc which people should be ashamed of
on the horizon. disk
disguise /ds 'az/ noun a set of clothes

discipline / dspln/ noun 1. the prac-


or something such as false hair or glass-

tice of keeping people under control es that a persons wears to make them
The tour leaders are trying to keep dis- look like someone else I didnt recog-
cipline among the teenagers. We need nise him as he was wearing a disguise.
to enforce stricter discipline in the in disguise dressed to look like some-
school. (NOTE: no plural in this sense) one else The tramp turned out to be a
2. a subject that people study biology policeman in disguise. verb 1. to
and other related disciplines verb to dress someone or yourself so as to look
punish someone As a result of the in- like someone else He entered the
vestigation, one employee was dis- country disguised as a fisherman. She
missed and three were disciplined. wore a wig to disguise her hair. 2. to
She was disciplined for swearing at her make something look or sound different
disgust /ds 'st/ noun 1. a feeling of

disco / dsk/ noun a place or party


dislike that is so strong that you feel an-

where people dance to pop music gry or slightly ill Seeing the dead an-
(NOTE: The plural is discos.) imals filled her with disgust. 2. a strong
discover /d skv/ verb to find some-

feeling of annoyance To my disgust,

thing new or to learn something for the the examiner passed my friend and
first time Who discovered penicillin? failed me. in disgust showing that you Page 96 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

dish 96 distant
are upset and annoyed She walked out missed as being quite impractical. All
of the interview in disgust. verb to his suggestions were dismissed by the
give someone a strong feeling of dislike MD. 3. to dismiss an employee to re-
or disapproval The smell of cooking move an employee from a job He was
disgusted her. The greediness of these dismissed for being late. When they
people disgusts me. found him taking money from the petty
dish /d/ noun 1. a large plate for serv-
cash he was dismissed instantly.
disobey /ds be/ verb not to obey

ing food She carefully arranged the

slices of meat on a dish. 2. food pre- someone or something She would

pared in a particular way We are try- never disobey her parents.
ing a new Mexican dish. 3. a round aer- display /d sple/ noun a show, an exhi-

ial, shaped like a plate, used to get sig- bition a display of local crafts They
nals from satellites (NOTE: The plural is have a fine display of Chinese porce-
dishes.) lain. verb to put something in a dis-
dish out phrasal verb to give some- play She is displaying her collection
thing out, especially in large quantities of Persian carpets at the antiques fair.
dispute /d spju
t, dspju
t/ noun an

(informal ) He dished out a piece of

bread and a bowl of soup to anyone who argument He tried to mediate in the
asked for it. dispute. There was some dispute over
dishonest /ds nst/ adjective not

who would pay the bill. verb to say
honest that you strongly believe that something
is not true or correct I dispute her ver-
dishonestly /ds nstli/ adverb not

sion of what happened. There is no

honestly They were accused of dis- disputing the fact that Sarah is the best
honestly obtaining bank loans. player.
disk /dsk/ noun a round flat piece of

dissatisfied /ds stsfad/ adjective


metal in a plastic case, used in comput- not satisfied We were dissatisfied with
ers to record information How much the service we got from our bank.
data do these disks hold? disc
dissolve /d zlv/ verb to make a solid

dislike /ds lak/ noun 1. a feeling of not


substance become part of a liquid Dis-
liking something or someone She had solve the sugar in half a litre of boiling
a great dislike of noisy parties. 2. some- water. The powder should dissolve in
thing which you do not like We try to warm water.
take account of the likes and dislikes of
distance / dstns/ noun 1. the space

individual customers. verb not to like

from one point to another The furthest
something or someone He particular- distance I have travelled by train is 800
ly disliked the way they spoke to her. I km. The hotel is only a short distance
dislike it when the people behind me at away. within walking distance near
the cinema start whispering. My fa- enough to walk to The hotel is within
ther dislikes having to get up early on walking distance of the town centre. 2.
Monday mornings. from a distance seen from some way
dismay /ds me/ noun great disappoint-

away From a distance, the mountain

ment To the dismay of the supporters, looks like a sleeping animal. in the
the team played extremely badly. verb distance a long way away I caught
to make someone very upset or shocked sight of the mountain in the distance.
His reaction to her letter dismayed We could hear guns firing in the dis-
her. She was dismayed to find that her tance. verb to distance yourself
passport had been stolen. from to show that you do not agree with
dismiss /ds ms/ verb 1. to tell some- someone or something

one that they can leave At the end of distant / dstnt/ adjective far away

the interview he dismissed her with a We could hear the sound of distant gun-
brief good afternoon. 2. to refuse to fire. distant relative a relative who is
consider an idea Her plan was dis- not a member of the immediate family Page 97 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

distinct 97 divorce
Shes a very distant relative her wobbling. 3. to change the order or ar-
grandfather was my grandmothers rangement of something The police
cousin. told us that nothing must be disturbed in
distinct /d stkt/ adjective 1. separate

the bedroom.
There are two distinct varieties of this disturbance /d st
bns/ noun an oc-

plant. They keep their printing works casion on which someone is disturbed
quite distinct from their publishing com- I need to work somewhere where there
pany. 2. that you can clearly see, hear or wont be any disturbance.
feel I got the distinct impression that
ditch /dt/ noun a long narrow hole cut

he was carrying a gun. Did you notice into the ground for taking away water
the distinct tone of anger in his voice? After the storm, the ditches were full of
distinction /d stkn/ noun 1. a dif-

rainwater. He fell into the ditch beside
ference There is a distinction between the road. (NOTE: The plural is ditches.)
being interested in politics and joining a
dive /dav/ verb to jump into water head

political party. 2. the highest mark

available in an examination She got a first He dived in and swam across the
pool under water.
distinction in her exam.
diver / dav/ noun 1. a person who

distinctly /d stktli/ adverb clearly


dives the Australian Olympic diver 2.

distinguish /d st'w/ verb to see or

a person who swims under water, espe-
hear clearly, or to see details We could cially as a job Police divers searched
easily distinguish houses on the other the canal.
side of the lake. I could distinguish at
divide /d vad/ verb 1. to cut something

least two birds calling to each other.

into parts The cake was divided

distract /d strkt/ verb to attract

among the children. How can you di-
someones attention when they should vide the cake into thirteen pieces? The
be doing something else The noise of two companies agreed to divide the
the planes is bound to distract the stu- market between them. Our open-plan
dents. office is divided up with low partitions.
distress /d stres/ noun a sad or painful

2. to calculate how many times one
feeling which is very strong I dont number fits in another Ten divided by
want to cause the family any distress. two gives five. (NOTE: Dividing is usu-
The whole family was in distress at ally shown by the sign : 10 2 = 5:
grandmothers death. verb to make say ten divided by two equals five.
someone very sad and worried The Note also divides dividing divid-
news of her grandmothers death dis- ed.)
tressed her very much.
division /d v"()n/ noun 1. an impor-

distribute /d strbju
t/ verb to share

tant part of a large organisation The
something between people She dis- sales division employs twenty people.
tributed part of her money to the poor. She is the head of the production divi-
The flight attendants came round, dis- sion. 2. a calculation, where one figure
tributing immigration forms to non-EU is divided by another My little sister is
passengers. Ill distribute the list to just learning how to do division.
all the committee members.
divorce /d v
s/ noun a legal separation

district / dstrkt/ noun an area or re-


of a husband and wife where each is free

gion Its a district of the town well to marry again Her parents are get-
known for its Italian restaurants. ting a divorce. Since their divorce,
disturb /d st
b/ verb 1. to interrupt

they have both married again. verb 1.

what someone is doing Sorry to dis- to break off a marriage legally They
turb you but theres a phone call. divorced last year. 2. to separate from
Dont disturb your mother shes rest- your husband or wife She divorced
ing. 2. to make someone feel worried her husband and married the man next
It disturbed me to see that the wheel was door. Page 98 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

divorced 98 doctor
divorced /d v
st/ adjective no longer

ness with. 9. to succeed, to continue
married Theyre both divorced, with Shes doing very well in her new job.
children from their previous marriages. He did badly in the interview. Hows
your business doing? 10. to finish cook-
dizzy / dzi/ adjective having a feeling

ing something The carrots arent

that you might fall down, and that eve- done yet. 11. to be satisfactory Will
rything seems to turn round Can we this size do? 12. used when greeting
stop the car, please, I feel dizzy. After someone How do you do? (NOTE: I
standing in the sun, he became dizzy do; you do; he/she/it does /dz/;
and had to lie down. She has started they do; doing did /dd/ has done
having dizzy spells. (NOTE: dizzier /dn/; negative: do not usually dont
dizziest) /dnt/; does not usually doesnt
/ dz()nt/; did not usually didnt

DJ abbr 1. dinner jacket 2. disc jockey

/ ddn()t/) that will do thats
do /du
/ verb 1. used with other verbs to

enough to make do with to accept

make questions Does this train go to
something which is not as good as you
London? Did the doctor give you any wanted The ordinary plates are all
medicine for your cough? Where do dirty, so we will have to make do with
they live? What did you find there? 2. paper ones.
used with other verbs and not to make
the negative They didnt laugh at the do away with phrasal verb to get rid of
film. It doesnt matter any more. His something
parents dont live in London. 3. used to do up phrasal verb 1. to attach some-
make a verb stronger Can I sit down? thing Hes still a baby and he cant do
Please do! Why dont you work his buttons up properly. Can you do
harder? I do work hard! Why didnt up the zip at the back of my dress? 2. to
you tell me? I did tell you! 4. used in repair something and make it like new
place of another verb in short answers to They bought an old cottage and did it
questions using the word do Do you up. Hes looking for an old sports car
live in London? Yes I do. But your to do up.
parents dont live there, do they? No do with phrasal verb 1. to be related or
they dont. Does the green colour connected to It has nothing to do with
show? Yes it does. Did you go to the us. It is something to do with my new
concert after all? Yes I did. 5. used in book. 2. to put something somewhere
place of another verb at the end of a What have you done with the newspa-
question or statement The Russians per? 3. to need something After that
live here, dont they? It looks very long walk I could do with a cup of tea.
nice, doesnt it? It doesnt rain a lot in The car could do with a wash.
Spain, does it? Can you run as fast as
do without phrasal verb not to have
he does? He speaks German better
something, to manage without some-
than I do. She asked me to close the
door but Id already done so. They got
dock /dk/ noun 1. the docks a har-

to the pub before we did. 6. telling

someone not to do something Dont bour where ships are loaded and unload-
throw away that letter! Dont put your ed Cars should arrive at the docks 45
coffee cups on the computer! 7. with minutes before sailing time. We used
nouns ending in -ing Shes doing the to go down to the docks to watch the
shopping. He always does the wash- ships come in. 2. a place in a law court
ing-up. She was doing the ironing. 8. where the prisoner sits She was in the
to work at something, to arrange some- dock, facing charges of theft. verb (of
thing or to clean something Shes do- a ship) to arrive in a port The ship
ing her hair. Have you done the dishes docked at 17.00. The cruise liner will
yet? I cant do todays crossword. dock in Bermuda.
doctor / dkt/ noun a person whose job

What have you been doing all day?

Theyre a difficult company to do busi- is to look after people who are ill I Page 99 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

document 99 double
have a ten oclock appointment to see countries can be shown by the initial
the doctor. If you have pains in your letter of the country: Can$ (Canadian
chest, you ought to see a doctor. He dollar) Aus$ (Australian dollar).)
went to the doctors last Friday. dolphin / dlfn/ noun a large animal

document1 / dkjmnt/ noun 1. a


with a long nose, that lives in the sea

piece of paper with something official (NOTE: A group of them is a school of
or important printed on it File all the dolphins.)
documents away carefully as we may dome /dm/ noun a round roof shaped

need them again. Please read this like half of a ball

document carefully and sign at the bot-
domestic /d mestk/ adjective 1. re-

tom of page two. 2. a separate file in a

computer The letter was saved as a lating to the home She hated having to
do all the domestic work. 2. inside a
Word document.
country Sales in the domestic market
document2 / dkjment/ verb to note

have risen. noun a servant in a house
something in official writing Cases of (old ) When the fire broke out all the
this disease are well documented in Af- domestics ran into the house to rescue
rica. the furniture.
/dkj ment()ri/

donate /d net/ verb to give some-

noun a film which shows facts about a thing, especially money, to a charity or
real subject Did you see the documen- similar organisation He donated a lot
tary about hippos last night? adjec- of money to a charity for the homeless.
tive referring to documents
done /dn/ past participle of do

dodge /dd"/ noun a clever trick He


donkey / dki/ noun a farm animal


told me a dodge to avoid paying on the

Underground. verb 1. to avoid some- with long ears, used for riding or pulling
thing, to get out of the way He ran
dont /dnt/ do

across the street, dodging the traffic.

door /d
/ noun 1. a solid piece of wood,

She dodged behind a parked car hoping

he wouldnt see her. 2. to avoid doing plastic or metal which closes an en-
something you should do, in a dishonest trance He went into his office and
way to dodge payment of your TV li- locked the door behind him. She
cence fee opened the car door and hit a passing
does /dz/ 3rd person singular present of cyclist. 2. used to show where a building

do is in a street They live a few doors

away from us.
doesnt / dz()nt/ do

dot /dt/ noun 1. a small round spot A


dog /d'/ noun an animal kept as a pet,


blue tie with white dots. 2. a printing

or used for hunting Can you take the
sign (.) used in email addresses My
dog out for a walk? Police with dogs
email address is
were hunting the gang of escaped pris-
(say Jane at Supertek dot com). verb
1. to mark with a spot 2. to be or be put
doing / du
/ present participle of do

in many different parts Vases of flow-

doll /dl/ noun a childs toy which looks

ers dotted the room. The wall was dot-

like a baby ted with notices. (NOTE: dots dotting
dollar / dl/ noun 1. the money system
double / db()l/ adjective 1. containing

used in the United States a 5-dollar

bill The country spends millions of two of something The word immeas-
dollars on defence. There were two urable is spelt with a double m. The
dollars to the pound. 2. a similar money invoice number is six double five double
system used in many other countries one. 2. with two parts, for two people
What is the price in Australian dollars? double doors a double bed 3. twice
(NOTE: usually written $ before figures: the size of that which is considered nor-
$250. The currencies used in different mal She asked for a double portion of Page 100 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

double figures 100 drain

ice cream. plural noun doubles ten- downstairs to see what it was. I left my
nis game for two people on either side cup of coffee downstairs. adjective on
verb to multiply something by two the ground floor of a building The
Think of a number and then double it. house has a downstairs bedroom. You
double figures /db()l f'z/ plural
double figures
can use the downstairs loo. noun the
noun the numbers with two figures, ground floor of a building The down-
from 10 to 99 stairs has three rooms. The down-
stairs of the house is larger than the up-
doubt /dat/ noun 1. not being sure

stairs. Compare upstairs

Everyone sometimes has doubts about
what they really want to do. to cast downwards / danwdz/ adverb to-

doubt on something to make people wards the bottom

feel less sure about something He cast doze /dz/ verb to sleep a little

doubt on the whole proposal. 2. no dozed for a while after lunch. noun a
doubt certainly No doubt they will be short sleep
asking for more money soon. in doubt
dozen / dz()n/ noun 1. I need a doz-

not yet known or definite, or not yet sure

The result of the game was in doubt en eggs for this recipe. We ordered
until the last minute. Im in doubt two dozen (= 24) chairs. a dozen
about whether I should take the job or twelve half a dozen six half a dozen
not. verb not to be sure of something apples 2. dozens of a lot of Dozens
I doubt whether he will want to go to of people visited the exhibition. Ive
the funeral. I doubt her honesty. Did been to New York dozens of times.
you ever doubt that we would win? Dr

Dr abbr doctor
doubtful / datf()l/ adjective not sure

draft /dr
ft/ noun a rough plan of a doc-

that something is right or good, or not ument He quickly wrote out a draft of
likely I am doubtful about whether we the agreement. Its not the final ver-
should go. It is doubtful whether the sion, its just a draft. verb to draw up
race will take place because of the snow. a rough plan of something
down /dan/ preposition 1. towards the

draft in phrasal verb to ask someone to

bottom of He fell down the stairs and
broke his leg. The ball ran down the do something The Boy Scouts were
hill. 2. away from where the person drafted in to dig the garden.
drag /dr'/ verb to pull something heavy

speaking is standing He went down

the road to the shop. The police sta- along the ground She dragged her
tion is just down the street. adverb 1. suitcase across the floor. The police
towards the bottom, towards a lower po- dragged the men away from the gate.
sition Put the box down in the corner. (NOTE: drags dragging dragged)
I looked in the cellar, but theres no noun a boring thing, which stops you
one down there. 2. in writing Did you doing things you really want to do Its
note down the number of the car? The a drag, having to write all the Christmas
policeman took down her address. 3. cards.
used for showing criticism Down with drag on phrasal verb (of time or an
the government! Down with exams! event) to seem to pass slowly The
(NOTE: Down is often used with verbs, dinner party seemed to drag on for
e.g. to go down, to fall down, to sit hours.
down, to lie down.)
drain /dren/ noun a pipe for carrying

downhill /dan hl/ adverb towards the


waste water away In the autumn the
bottom of a hill The road goes down- drains get blocked by leaves. We had
hill for a while and then crosses the riv- to phone the council to come and clear
er. the blocked drain. verb to remove a
downstairs /dan stez/ adverb on or

liquid from something Boil the pota-

to the lower part of a building He toes for ten minutes, drain and leave to
heard a noise in the kitchen and went cool. Page 101 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

drama 101 dress

drama / dr
m/ noun 1. a serious per- keep my cheque book in the top drawer

formance in a theatre a new TV drama of my desk.

series about life in Glasgow The drawing / dr
/ noun 1. a picture that

Globe has put on an unknown Eliza- has been drawn Ive bought an old
bethan drama. Im reading a book on drawing of the church. 2. the activity or
19th-century French drama. Shes a skill of making pictures with a pencil or
drama student or Shes studying drama. pen He studied drawing in Rome.
2. a series of serious and exciting events
drawn /dr
n/ adjective tired and ill

a day of high drama in the court the

drama of the rescue by helicopter He She looked drawn after spending all
always makes a drama out of every- night with her sick baby. past partici-
thing. ple of draw
dread /dred/ noun great fear The

dramatic /dr mtk/ adjective sudden,


unexpected and very noticeable the sound of her voice filled him with dread.
dramatic moment in the film, when the She has a dread of meeting him in the
dinosaurs start to attack them The street. in dread of being very afraid of
door was thrown open and she made a They lived in constant dread of being
dramatic entrance. The TV news arrested. verb to fear something very
showed dramatic pictures of the disas- much Im dreading taking my driving
ter. test. She dreads her weekly visit to the
drank /drk/ past tense of drink

dreadful / dredf()l/ adjective very bad


draught /dr
ft/ noun a flow of cool air

into a room Dont sit in a draught. or unpleasant What a dreadful film!

dreadfully / dredf()li/ adverb ex-

draw /dr
/ noun 1. a game or competi-

tion which ends with both teams having tremely in a way that is not good or
the same number of points The match pleasant
dream /dri
m/ noun a story or series of

was a draw: 22. 2. a competition in

which the winner is chosen by a person events that you think about while you
who takes a ticket out of a container are sleeping She had a dream about
with a name on it The draw is held on big pink elephants. verb to experience
Saturdays. We are holding a draw to a story or series of events while you are
raise money for the local hospital. sleeping He was dreaming of white
verb 1. to make a picture with a pen or sand and a blue tropical sea. I dreamt
pencil He drew a picture of the house. about you last night. Last night I
Shes drawing a pot of flowers. 2. not dreamt I was drowning. (NOTE: dreams
to have a winner in a game The teams dreaming dreamed or dreamt
drew 2 2. 3. to pull curtains open or /dremt/) adjective referring to some-
closed She drew the curtains and let thing that is the best you could have
in the sun. Can you draw the curtains They found their dream house in a small
I dont want anyone to see us in here. town by the sea. Select your dream
(NOTE: draws drawing drew /dru
/ team for the World Cup.
has drawn /dr
dress /dres/ noun a piece of clothing

draw up phrasal verb 1. (of a vehicle) usually worn by women or girls, cover-
to come close and stop As I was stand- ing the body and part or all of the legs
ing at the bus stop, a car drew up and She was wearing a blue dress. (NOTE:
the driver asked if I wanted a lift. 2. to The plural is dresses.) verb 1. to put
write down something, e.g. a plan clothes on someone She dressed her
They have drawn up a plan to save mon- little girl all in blue. 2. to get dressed
ey. Have you drawn up a list of people to put clothes on yourself He got up,
you want to invite to the party? got dressed and left the house. 3. to
drawer / dr
/ noun a part of a desk or

clean an injury and cover it with a band-

cupboard like an open box which slides age The nurse will dress the cut on
in and out when you pull its handle I your knee. Page 102 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

dressed 102 driver

dressed /drest/ adjective wearing

drink up phrasal verb to drink all of a

clothes I cant come down to see the liquid The baby drank all her milk up.
visitors Im not dressed yet. Come on, drink up were leaving
dressed in wearing a particular colour now.
or type of clothing She was dressed drip /drp/ noun a small drop of water

all in black. He was dressed in a tee- Theres a hole in the tent a drip just
shirt and shorts. fell on my nose. verb 1. (of a liquid ) to
dressing / dres/ noun 1. a sauce for

fall in small drops Water was slowly

salad 2. a cover for an injury The dripping from the ceiling. 2. (of e.g. a
dressings need to be changed every tap) to produce small drops I must fix
hour. that tap its dripping. (NOTE: drips
drew /dru
/ past tense of draw
dripping dripped)
drive /drav/ noun 1. a journey, especial-

dribble / drb()l/ verb 1. to let liquid


flow slowly out of an opening, especial- ly in a car Lets go for a drive into the
ly out of your mouth The baby drib- country. The baby gets sick on long
bled over her dress. 2. (of a liquid ) to drives. Its a four-hour drive to the
flow slowly out of an opening Ketch- coast. 2. a part of a computer which
up dribbled onto the tablecloth. 3. to makes a disk work The disk is stuck in
kick a football along as you are running, the drive. verb to make a motor vehi-
or to move a ball along with one hand as cle travel in a certain direction I never
you are running learnt to drive. He was driving a lorry
when the accident happened. She was
dried, drier, dries, driest /drad,
dried, drier, dries, driest

driving to work when she heard the

dra, draz, drast/ dry news on the car radio. (NOTE: drives
drill /drl/ noun 1. a tool for making holes driving drove /drv/ has driven

in a hard substance such as wood or / drv()n/) to drive someone cra-

metal He used an electric drill to zy or mad to have an effect on someone
make the holes in the wall. 2. the action so that they become very annoyed
of practising marching, especially in the (informal ) The noise is driving me
armed forces New recruits spend mad. All this work is driving her cra-
hours practising their drill. verb 1. to zy.
use a drill to make a hole in something drive away phrasal verb 1. to ride
Check how solid the wall is before you
away in a motor vehicle The bank
drill a hole in it. He drilled two holes
robbers leapt into a car and drove away
for the screws. 2. to do military practice
at top speed. 2. to take someone away in
The soldiers were drilling on the pa-
rade ground. 3. to teach someone some- a motor vehicle The children were
thing by making them do or say it many driven away in a police car.
times drive back phrasal verb to go back or
to come back in a motor vehicle We
drink /drk/ noun 1. an amount of liquid

were driving back to London after a day

such as water, juice, tea or coffee which out.
you swallow If youre thirsty, have a
drink of water. She always has a hot drive off phrasal verb 1. to move away
drink before she goes to bed. 2. an alco- in a motor vehicle The bank robbers
holic drink Would you like a drink? leapt into a car and drove off at top
Come and have a drink. Ill order speed. 2. to force someone or something
some drinks from the bar. verb to to go away They drove off the attack-
swallow liquid He drank two glasses ers with shotguns.
driver / drav/ noun a person who

of water. What would you like to

drink? Do you want something to drives a vehicle such as a car or train
drink with your meal? (NOTE: drinks Hes got a job as a bus driver. The
drinking drank /drk/ has drivers of both cars were injured in the
drunk /drk/) accident. Page 103 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

driving 103 duck

driving / drav/ adjective (of rain or hol. verb to give a person or animal a

snow) blown horizontally by the wind drug, or put a drug in their food or drink,
They were forced to turn back because to make them unconscious They
of the driving rain. noun the action of drugged him and took him away in a
driving a motor vehicle Driving in the car. The dogs food had been drugged
centre of London can be very frustrat- with something to make him sleep.
ing. Shes taking driving lessons. (NOTE: drugs drugging drugged)
driving licence / drav las()ns/ drum /drm/ noun 1. a large round mu-
driving licence

noun a permit which allows someone to sical instrument which you hit with a
drive a vehicle on public roads stick He plays the drums in the band.
drizzle / drz()l/ noun light rain A
2. a large barrel or container shaped like
thin drizzle was falling so we took our a cylinder oil drums verb 1. to play
umbrellas. verb to rain a little Its on a drum 2. to hit something frequently
He drummed his fingers on the table.
drizzling outside, so you need a rain-
coat. (NOTE: drums drumming
drop /drp/ noun a small amount of liq-

uid which falls Drops of rain ran drum into phrasal verb to drum
down the windows. verb 1. to fall or something into someone to make
let something fall He dropped the someone learn something My grand-
glass and it broke. The plate dropped father drummed it into me that I had to
onto the floor. 2. to decrease Prices be polite to customers.
drunk /drk/ adjective excited or ill

are dropping. Take a warm pullover,

because at night the temperature can from drinking too much alcohol Do
drop quite sharply. 3. to let someone get you think she was drunk? It doesnt
off a bus or car at a place Ill drop you take much for me to get drunk. noun a
at your house. The bus dropped her at person who is drunk past participle of
the school. (NOTE: drops dropping drink
dry /dra/ adjective 1. not wet

dropped) Dont
drop in phrasal verb to call on some- touch the door the paint isnt dry yet.
one, to visit someone The soil is dry because it hasnt
drop off phrasal verb 1. to fall asleep rained for weeks. 2. (of wine) not sweet
She dropped off in front of the TV. It A dry white wine is served with fish.
took me ages to drop off. 2. to let some- (NOTE: drier driest) verb 1. to be-
one get off a bus or car at a place come dry The clothes are drying in
Where would you like me to drop you the sun. Leave the dishes beside the
off? sink to dry. 2. to wipe something until it
is dry If I wash up, can you dry or dry
drought /drat/ noun a long period

the dishes for me? He dried himself

when there is no rain and when the land
with a towel. (NOTE: dries drying
is dry
drove /drv/ past tense of drive

dubious / dju
bis/ adjective thinking

drown /dran/ verb to die by being una-


that something might not be true or

ble to breathe in water He drowned in good Everyone else seems to believe
a shallow pool. her story, but personally Im dubious
drudgery / drd"ri/ noun hard boring

about it. Im dubious about getting in-

work Most of the work in the office is volved.
sheer drudgery. duck /dk/ noun 1. a common water bird

drug /dr'/ noun 1. a medicine They


Lets go and feed the ducks in the

have found a new drug for people with park. (NOTE: The male is a drake, the
arthritis. 2. an illegal substance which female a duck and the young are
affects people physically or mentally ducklings.) 2. the meat of this bird
when they take it The customs are Were having roast duck for dinner.
looking for such things as drugs or alco- verb to lower your head quickly to avoid Page 104 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

due 104 dying

hitting something He ducked as he duplicate1 / dju
plkt/ adjective made

went through the low doorway. as a copy of something Put the dupli-
due /dju
/ adjective 1. expected When
cate invoices in the file. noun a copy
is the baby due? We are due to leave She sent the invoice and filed the du-
London Airport at 5 oclock. The plicate.
duplicate2 / dju
plket/ verb 1. to

plane is due to arrive at 10.30 or is due

at 10.30. due for likely to happen make a copy of a document such as a let-
Were due for a thunderstorm after all ter She duplicated the letter and put
this hot weather. 2. owed This pay- the copy into a file. 2. to do again some-
ment is due now. adverb straight thing which has already been done
The plane flew due west. noun what is Keep a note of where you got to I dont
deserved to give someone their due want to duplicate your work.
to be fair to someone To give him his during / djr/ preposition while

due, he works very hard. in due something is going on Conditions

course later were bad during the war.
due to / dju
/ preposition because of dust /dst/ noun a thin layer of dry dirt
due to dust

The trains are late due to fog. The room had never been cleaned
there was dust everywhere. A tiny
dug /d'/ past tense and past participle of

speck of dust got in my eye. (NOTE: no

plural) verb to remove dust from
dull /dl/ adjective 1. not exciting or in-

something Dont forget to dust the

teresting The story is rather dull. Chinese bowls carefully.
Whats so interesting about old church- dustbin / dstbn/ noun a large contain-

es? I find them dull. 2. (of weather ) er for rubbish, kept outside a house
grey and cloudy a dull rainy day 3. (of dusty / dsti/ adjective covered with

colours) not bright They painted the

dust (NOTE: dustier dustiest)
sitting room a dull green.
duty / dju
ti/ noun 1. something which

dumb /dm/ adjective unable to speak


you are legally or morally expected to

(NOTE: Some people avoid this term do We have a duty to inform the au-
because it causes offence and prefer thorities about what we saw. 2. on
to say speech impaired.) duty doing official work which you
dummy / dmi/ noun a plastic object, have to do in a job Hes on duty from

given to a baby to suck in order to stop 9.00 to 6.00. Shes been on duty all
it from crying The baby sat sucking a day. 3. a tax which has to be paid plu-
dummy. (NOTE: The plural is dum- ral noun duties different jobs that have
mies.) to be done as part of your official work
One of his duties is to see that the
dump /dmp/ noun a large area where

main doors are locked at night.

rubbish is taken Take your rubbish to
duty-free /dju
ti fri
/ adjective, ad-

the municipal dump. verb 1. to put

something heavy on the ground, espe- verb sold with no tax to be paid He
cially in a careless way She just bought a duty-free watch at the airport
dumped her suitcases in the hall. 2. to or he bought the watch duty-free.
duvet / du
ve/ noun a bag full of feath-

throw something away, to get rid of

something Someone has dumped an ers, used as a covering for a bed
dying / da/ present participle of die

old pram in the car park. Page 105 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

e /i
/, E noun the fifth letter of the alpha- earn /
n/ verb to be paid money for
e earn

bet, between D and F working He earns 20,000 a year.

each /i
t/ adjective every Each five How much does a bus driver earn?

pound note has a number. He was earring / r/ noun a piece of jewellery


holding a towel in each hand. Each worn attached to part of the ear
one of us has a separate office. pro-
earth /
/ noun 1. also Earth the planet

noun 1. every person They have two

houses each. or Each of them has two on which we live The Earth goes
houses. She gave them each five round the sun once in twenty-four hours.
pounds or She gave them five pounds 2. soil, a soft substance in which plants
each or She gave each of them five grow Put some earth in the plant pot
pounds. 2. every thing Each of the and then sow your cucumber seeds.
earthquake / 
kwek/ noun an occa-

books has three hundred pages or The

books have three hundred pages each. sion on which the earth shakes, caused
each other /i
t / pronoun the oth-
each other
by movement of the earths surface
er one of two people or of two things (NOTE: also called simply a quake)
They were shouting at each other. We ease /i
z/ noun a lack of difficulty He

always send each other presents on our won the first round with the greatest of
birthdays. The boxes fit into each oth- ease. The bottle has a wide mouth for
er. ease of use. verb to make less painful
eager / i
'/ adjective wanting to do A couple of aspirins should ease the

something very much pain.

eagerly / i
'li/ adverb in a way that easily / i
zli/ adverb 1. without any dif-
eagerly easily

shows that you want something very ficulty I passed my driving test easily.
much I can easily get there by 9 oclock. 2.
ear // noun one of the parts on either
a lot (for emphasis before compara-
side of your head which you hear with tives or superlatives) Her work was
Rabbits have long ears. Have you easily better than yours. He is easily
washed behind your ears? the tallest man in the team. Our shop
is easily the biggest in the High Street.
earlier / 
li/ adjective relating to a time

east /i
st/ noun 1. the direction of where

before now or before a time being men-

tioned an earlier version of the book the sun rises The sun rises in the east
Ill try to catch an earlier train. ad- and sets in the west. Germany is to the
verb before now or before a time being east of France. The wind is blowing
mentioned Cant you come any earli- from the east. 2. the part of a country
er than Tuesday? I tried to phone ear- which is to the east of the rest The east
lier but you were out. of the country is drier than the west.
early / 
l/ adverb 1. before the usual
adjective relating to the east The east
time The plane arrived five minutes coast is the coldest part of the country.
adverb towards the east The kitchen
early. We must get up early tomorrow
morning if we want to catch the first windows face east, so we get the morn-
boat to France. 2. at the beginning of a ing sun. Drive east along the motor-
period of time We went out early in way for twenty miles.
Easter / i
st/ noun a Christian festival,

the evening. The snow came early in

the year. in March or April, celebrating the occa- Page 106 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

eastern 106 educational

sion on which Christ died and then came economy / knm/ noun 1. the way in

back to life again which a country makes and uses money,

eastern / i
st()n/ adjective from, of or
or the financial state of a country The
in the east Bulgaria is part of Eastern countrys economy is in ruins. 2. some-
Europe. The best snow is in the east- thing you do to avoid wasting money or
ern part of the mountains. materials She tried to make a few
economies like buying cheaper brands
easy / i
zi/ adjective not difficult, or not

of washing-up liquid.
needing a lot of effort The test was
edge /ed"/ noun 1. a side of something

easier than I expected. My boss is

very easy to get on with. flat He put his plate down on the edge
of the table. She lay down on the roof
eat /i
t/ verb 1. to put food into your

and looked over the edge. Can you

mouth and swallow it Im hungry is stand this coin on its edge? The axe
there anything to eat? We havent eat- has a very sharp edge. 2. an imaginary
en anything since breakfast. The chil- line where an area ends He lived in a
dren ate all the sandwiches. Eat as house at the edge of the forest. The
much as you like for 5.95! Youll get factory is built right on the edge of the
thin if you dont eat. 2. to have a meal town.
He was still eating his breakfast when I edible / edb()l/ adjective which is

arrived. We are eating at home to- good enough or safe to eat

night. Have you eaten yet? (NOTE:
edit / edt/ verb 1. to be in charge of a

eats eating ate /et/ has eaten

/ i
t()n/) newspaper or magazine He edited the
Sunday Express for more than twenty
eat out phrasal verb to have a meal in years. 2. to prepare a book for publish-
a restaurant ing by doing such things as correcting
eat up phrasal verb to eat everything mistakes I am editing a volume of
She ate it all up in a matter of seconds. 20th-century poetry. 3. to prepare some-
Come on, eat up its time to go. thing such as a film to make it ready to
echo / ek/ noun a sound which is re-

be shown Once the film has been ed-

peated such as when you shout in a ited it will run for about 90 minutes.
place such as a tunnel We could hear editor / edt/ noun 1. a journalist in

the echo of voices in the tunnel. If you charge of a newspaper or part of a news-
go to the Whispering Gallery in the paper He wrote to the editor of The
dome of St Pauls Cathedral you can Times asking for a job. She is the
hear the echo very clearly. (NOTE: The sports editor of the local paper. 2. a per-
plural is echoes.) verb 1. (of sound ) son who edits books
to make an echo Their voices echoed
educate / edjket/ verb to teach some-

down the tunnel. 2. to repeat The

newspaper article echoed the opinions one in a school or college, or give them
put forward in the ministers speech. information that they need She was
educated in Switzerland. We need to
(NOTE: echoes echoing echoed)
educate young people about the dangers
economic /i
k nmk/ adjective 1.

of alcohol.
relating to the economy I dont agree educated / edjketd/ adjective hav-

with the governments economic policy. ing been to school and university
The government has introduced con-
education /edj ke()n/ noun the

trols to solve the current economic cri-

sis. The country enjoyed a period of system of teaching, or of being taught

economic growth in the 1980s. 2. not Our children deserve the best educa-
costing much money The flat is let at tion. We spent a lot of money on his
an economic rent. It is hardly eco- education, and hes got a job as a dust-
nomic for us to run two cars. 3. using man!
educational /edj ke()nl/ adjec-

money well It is hardly economic for

us to run two cars. tive relating to education, teaching and Page 107 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

effect 107 either

schools This game for 3 to 5 year-olds eighteen /e ti
n/ noun the number 18

is very educational. a campaign to There are eighteen people in our

improve educational standards. dance class. He will be eighteen
effect / fekt/ noun a result or influence

(years old) next week. The train
The cuts in spending will have a seri- leaves at eighteen twenty (18:20).
ous effect on the hospital. The cream eighteenth /e ti
n/ adjective relating

has had no effect on her rash. The ef- to number 18 in a series The eight-
fects of the shock took some time to wear eenth of April or April the eighteenth
off. with effect from starting from (April 18th). Todays the seventeenth,
(formal ) Prices will be increased by so tomorrow must be the eighteenth.
10% with effect from January 1st. Thats the eighteenth invoice weve sent
effective / fektv/ adjective 1. which

out today. Its his eighteenth birthday
produces the required result His meth- next week. noun number 18 in a series
od of keeping the children quiet is very A lot of people have called me today
effective. Advertising on TV is a very shes the eighteenth.
eighth /et/, 8th adjective relating to

effective way of selling. 2. which takes

effect an order which is effective from number 8 in a series The eighth of
January 1st February or February the eighth (Feb-
ruary 8th). His eighth birthday is next
effectively / fektvli/ adverb in a way

which produces a good result The Monday. noun number eight in a se-
floodlighting worked very effectively. ries Hes the eighth in line to the
throne. King Henry the Eighth (Henry
effectiveness / fektvns/ noun the

VIII) had six wives. (NOTE: eighth is
ability to produce an effective result usually written 8th in dates: April 8th,
efficient / f()nt/ adjective able to

1999; September 8th, 1866 (American
work well and do what is necessary style is September 8, 1866), say the
without wasting time, money or effort eighth of September or September
He needs an efficient assistant to look the eighth (American style is Septem-
after him. The new system of printing ber eighth); with names of kings and
invoices is very efficient. queens, eighth is usually written VIII:
King Henry VIII, say: King Henry the
efficiently / f()ntli/ adverb in an ef-

ficient way
eightieth / eti/, 80th adjective relat-

effort / eft/ noun the use of the mind or


ing to number 80 in a series Grannys

body to do something Hes made a eightieth birthday is next week. noun
big effort to learn Spanish. Lifting the number 80 in a series Weve had a lot
box took considerable physical effort. of letters this is the eightieth.
Shes already written to three addresses
eighty / eti/ noun the number 80 Its

in an effort to contact the owner.

about eighty miles from London to Do-
Thanks to her efforts, we have collected
ver. Shes eighty (years old). the
more than 10,000 for the childrens
eighties the numbers between 80 and 89
either / a, i
/ adjective, pronoun

egg /e'/ noun 1. a round object with a


1. one or the other You can use either

hard shell, produced by a female bird or, computer it doesnt matter which. I
e.g. snake, in which a baby bird devel- dont like either of them. 2. each of two;
ops The owl laid three eggs in the both There are trees on either side of
nest. Turtles lay their eggs in the sand. the road. Some people dont take sug-
2. a chickens egg, used as food You ar in their coffee, some dont take milk,
need three eggs to make this cake. and some dont take either. adverb
eight /et/ noun the number 8

He ate used with two negatives to show that

eight chocolates. The little girl is two people or things are similar in some
eight (years old). I usually have way He isnt Irish and he isnt Scot-
breakfast before eight (oclock). tish either. She doesnt want to go, Page 108 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

elastic 108 elsewhere

and I dont want to go either. The re- and doesnt have any electricity. (NOTE:
port wasnt on the TV news, and it no plural)
wasnt on the radio either. electronic /elek trnk/ adjective us-

elastic / lstk/ noun a material which


ing electricity and very small parts
stretches Youll need to sew this piece which affect the electric current which
of elastic onto the ballet shoes. adjec- passes through them an electronic ad-
tive able to stretch and contract She dress book My car has an electronic
was wearing tight shorts made of some ignition.
elastic material. electronics /elek trnks/ noun the

elbow / elb/ noun the joint in the mid-

science of the movement of electricity
dle of your arm He sat with his elbows in electronic equipment
element / elmnt/ noun 1. a basic

on the table. She nudged him with her

elbow. chemical substance 2. a basic part of
something I think we have all the ele-
elderly / eldli/ adjective a more polite

ments of a settlement. 3. a natural envi-

word than "old" used for describing
someone who has had a long life An ronment The vicar is in his element
when hes talking about cricket. 4. a part
elderly man sat down beside her. My
of a piece of equipment which makes,
mother is now rather elderly and
e.g. water hot I think the element has
doesnt drive any more.
burnt out.
elect / lekt/ verb to choose someone by

elephant / elfnt/ noun a very large


voting She was elected MP for the African or Indian animal, with large
town. The president is elected for a ears, a trunk and two long teeth called
term of four years. The chairman is tusks
elected by the members of the commit-
elevator / elvet/ noun US a machine

for moving people up or down from
election / lekn/ noun the process of

floor to floor inside a building Take
choosing by voting After the election, the elevator to the 26th floor.
the crowds were dancing in the streets.
eleven / lev()n/ noun the number 11

The next item on the agenda is the

When youre eleven (years old) you will

election of a new treasurer for the club.
go to secondary school. Come and see
electric / lektrk/ adjective 1. worked

me at eleven (oclock).
by electricity Is your cooker electric eleventh / lev()n/, 11th adjective re-

or gas? He plays an electric guitar. lating to number 11 in a series The

He cut the wood with an electric saw. eleventh of July/July the eleventh (July
She gave me an electric toothbrush for 11th). Todays the tenth, so tomorrow
Christmas. 2. making or carrying elec- must be the eleventh. Thats the elev-
tricity Dont touch those electric enth complaint weve received this
wires. Electric plugs in the USA are week. Its his eleventh birthday next
different from those in Britain. month.
electrical / lektrk()l/ adjective relat-

else /els/ adverb other (used after pro-


ing to electricity a shop selling elec- nouns) What else can I say? Every-
trical appliances The college offers one else had already left. Who else
courses in electrical engineering. was at the meeting? or else or if not
They are trying to repair an electrical We could do it now, or else wait till
fault. John comes. You must have a ticket, or
electricity /lek trsti/ noun energy

else you will be thrown off the train by
used to make light, heat, or power We the inspector.
elsewhere /els we/ adverb some-

havent paid the electricity bill this

month. The electricity was cut off this where else, in another place This shop
morning. The heating is run by elec- doesnt stock maps, so youll have to try
tricity. The cottage is in the mountains elsewhere. Page 109 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

email 109 empty

email / i
mel/, e-mail / i
mel/ noun 1. emphasis on his age. She banged the

a system of sending messages from one table for emphasis as she spoke. 2. how
computer to another, using telephone loud your voice is when you pronounce
lines You can contact me by phone or a word or phrase Everyone noticed the
email if you want. Ill give you my emphasis he put on the word peace.
email address. 2. a message sent by (NOTE: The plural is emphases.)
email I had two emails from him this emphasise / emfsaz/, emphasize

morning. verb to send a message to verb to show how important you feel
someone using email I emailed him something is, by saying it more loudly
about the meeting. or slowly Please emphasise that the
embarrass /m brs/ verb to make meeting must start on time. He em-

someone feel uncomfortable in front of phasised the importance of everyone

other people, e.g. by talking about working together. She kept on empha-
something that they would prefer other sising the same point over and over
people not to know about again.
embarrassed /m brst/ adjective empire / empa/ noun several separate
embarrassed empire

uncomfortable or ashamed, and not countries ruled by a central government

knowing what to do She gave an em- Were
studying the history of the Brit-
barrassed laugh, and said she had for- ish Empire. The Soviet empire cov-
gotten to bring the present. He was so ered a huge area from the Pacific Ocean
embarrassed that he turned bright red. to the middle of Europe.
embarrassing /m brs/ adjective

employ /m pl/ verb 1. to give some-


making a person feel embarrassed It one regular paid work He is employed

was very embarrassing when he told as a gardener by the duke. She is em-
everyone about my mistake. ployed in the textile industry. 2. to use
embryo / embri/ noun the first state something (formal ) If we were to em-

of a living organism a human embryo ploy more up-to-date methods, would

emerge / m
d"/ verb 1. to come into

we make more money? How can we
existence as something It was only af- best employ our free time on Sunday?
employee /m pli
/ noun a person

ter the election that he emerged as party

leader. 2. to become known It soon who is employed The company has

emerged that the Prime Minister knew decided to take on twenty new employ-
nothing about what was happening. ees.
emergency / m
d"nsi/ noun a dan- employer /m pl/ noun a person or
emergency employer

gerous situation such as a fire or an ac- organisation that gives work to people
cident, where decisions have to be taken and pays them Her employer was a
quickly Phone for an ambulance Hong Kong businessman. The car fac-
this is an emergency! tory is the biggest employer in the area.
emotion / m()n/ noun a strong

employment /m plmnt/ noun reg-


feeling Hatred and love are two of the ular paid work
most powerful emotions. He tried to
empty / empti/ adjective with nothing

hide his emotions when he made his

speech. inside, or with no people present
When we opened it, the box was empty.
emotional / m()n()l/ adjective

Take an empty pot and fill it with soil.
causing you to feel emotion, or showing The fridge is empty well have to go
emotion Saying goodbye was an emo- out to eat. The ski resorts are empty
tional time for us all. The music made because there is no snow. (NOTE: empti-
her feel very emotional and she started er emptiest) verb to make some-
to cry. thing empty She emptied the clothes
emphasis / emfss/ noun 1. the act of

out of the suitcase. He emptied the

showing the importance of something, bottle into the sink. They emptied the
usually in speech Dont put too much contents of the petty cash box into a bag. Page 110 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

enable 110 engineer

(NOTE: empties emptying emp- ryone fighting on the floor. The con-
tied) cert should end at about 10 oclock.
enable /n eb()l/ verb to make it possi- The game ended in a draw. in the end

ble for someone to do something The finally, at last In the end the teacher
dictionary should enable you to under- let him go home. In the end the shop
stand English better. (NOTE: enables had to call in the police. to make
enabling enabled) ends meet to have just enough money
to live on Im having trouble making
enclose /n klz/ verb 1. to put some-

ends meet.
thing inside an envelope with a letter
I am enclosing a copy of our current end up phrasal verb to finish in a par-
catalogue. Please find our cheque en- ticular situation
endeavour /n dev/ verb to try very

closed herewith. 2. to put a wall or fence

round an area of land The garden is hard to do something (formal ) He en-

enclosed by high brick walls. deavoured to contact her by both phone
enclosed /n klzd/ adjective sur-

and fax. (NOTE: The US spelling is en-
rounded on all sides an enclosed deavor.)
ending / end/ noun the way a story

encounter /n kant/ verb to meet

finishes I like films which have a hap-
someone or something On the journey py ending. He told us so much of the
we encountered several amusing peo- story that we could guess the ending.
enemy / enmi/ noun a person or coun-

ple. I have never encountered such

hospitality anywhere else. try that is not on friendly terms with an-
encourage /n krd"/ verb 1. to make

other, and may try to harm them Did
it easier for something to happen your husband have many enemies?
Leaving your credit cards on your desk (NOTE: The plural is enemies.)
energetic /en d"etk/ adjective active

encourages people to steal or encourag-

es stealing. 2. to help someone to do and lively

something by giving them confidence energy / end"i/ noun 1. the force or

He encouraged me to apply for the job. strength of a person He used up a lot

I always felt encouraged by his inter- of energy rushing around doing the
est in what I was doing. Christmas shopping. She put all her
encyclopedia /nsakl pi
di/, ency- energies into her art gallery. 2. a power

clopaedia noun 1. a reference book which makes something work the use
containing articles on many subjects of of atomic energy or nuclear energy to
human knowledge, usually presented in make electricity We try to save energy
alphabetical order 2. a reference book by switching off the lights when the
containing articles on a single subject, rooms are empty.
arranged usually in alphabetical order engine / end"n/ noun 1. a machine

a gardening encyclopedia the ency- which powers or drives something

clopedia of sport The car may need a new engine, Im
end /end/ noun 1. the last part of some-
afraid. Early industrial equipment
thing She tied the two ends of the rib- was powered by steam engines. 2. a ve-
bon together. The telephone rang and hicle which pulls a train The engine
I missed the end of the TV programme. broke down and the train was stuck in
Go down to the end of the road and the tunnel.
then turn right. to come to an end to engineer /end" n/ noun 1. a person

be finished The work should come to who looks after and repairs technical
an end next month. 2. the final part of a equipment There are not enough tele-
period of time Can you wait until the phone engineers in the area. The pho-
end of the week? verb when some- tocopiers broken down again well
thing ends, it reaches the point when it have to call the engineer. 2. a person
stops happening The film ends with a whose job is to design mechanical, elec-
wedding. The meeting ended with eve- trical or industrial equipment Page 111 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

engineering 111 entertain

engineering /end" nr/ noun the enjoyable /n d"b()l/ adjective giv-
engineering enjoyable

science or study of the design of techni- ing pleasure

cal equipment The college offers enjoyment /n d"mnt/ noun pleas-

courses in electrical engineering. ure

England / lnd/ noun a country in the

enlarge /n l
d"/ verb to make some-

southern part of the island of Great Brit- thing bigger Could you enlarge this
ain, the largest country in the United photograph?
Kingdom How long does it take to
enormous / n
ms/ adjective of an

cross from England to France? A lot extremely large size The ballroom is
of Scottish people live in England. absolutely enormous. He ate an enor-
(NOTE: the word England is often used
mous lunch.
instead of Britain, and this is a mistake,
enormously / n
msli/ adverb very

as England is only one part of Great

Britain; note also the capital: London; much

enough / nf/ adjective as much as is

people: the English; language: Eng-

lish; currency: pound sterling) needed Have you got enough money
English / 'l/ adjective relating to
for your fare or to pay your fare?
England the beautiful English coun- There isnt enough light to take photo-
tryside Is the English weather really graphs. pronoun as much of some-
as bad as it is made out to be? I think thing as is needed I had 20 in my
she is English, although she speaks with purse to pay the taxi, but it wasnt
an Australian accent. (NOTE: English is enough. Have you all had enough to
often used instead of British. This is a eat? adverb as much as is needed
mistake as England is only one part of This box isnt big enough for all these
Great Britain. Do not say the English books. He doesnt work fast enough.
ensure /n / verb to make sure of

Prime Minister, say the British Prime

Minister.) noun the English language something When taking a shower,

as a subject of study in school or univer- please ensure that the shower curtain is
sity Shes good at maths but not so inside the bath. (NOTE: ensures en-
good at English. As well as teaching suring ensured)
English, he also teaches drama. Mr enter / ent/ verb 1. to go into or to come

Smith is our English teacher. She into a place He took off his hat as he
gives English lessons at home in the entered the church. Did they stamp
evenings. There are twenty students in your passport when you entered the
my English class. country? 2. to decide to take part in a
Englishman / 'lmn/ noun a man race or competition She has entered

from England (NOTE: The plural is Eng- the 2,000 metres. 3. to write information
lishmen.) on a book or a form, or to type informa-
tion into a computer system We will
Englishwoman / 'lwmn/ noun

just enter your name and address on the

a woman from England (NOTE: The plu-
computer. noun the key on a keyboard
ral is Englishwomen.)
which you press when you have finished
enhance /n h
ns/ verb to increase the

keying something, or when you want to

value or power of something Slot in start a new line To log on to the sys-
this new memory board to enhance your tem, type your password and press enter.
computer memory. He took drugs to entrance, entry
enhance his performance as an athlete. entertain /ent ten/ verb 1. to per-

enjoy /n d"/ verb to get pleasure from


form, e.g. by telling stories to people or

something Have you enjoyed the hol- making them laugh He entertained us
iday so far? When he asked them if with stories of his life in the army. The
they had enjoyed the film they all an- tourists were entertained by the local
swered no. She doesnt enjoy sailing dance troupe. 2. to have someone as a
because it make her seasick. guest and offer them a meal and drinks, Page 112 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

entertainer 112 equipment

and sometimes a place to sleep envious / envis/ adjective feeling or

Theyre entertaining some Swedish showing in an unhappy way that you

friends this evening. would like to have something that some-
entertainer /ent ten/ noun a person one else has

who entertains people, especially as a environment /n varnmnt/ noun


job the land, the water, the air and the build-
entertainment /ent tenmnt/ noun ings which are around us, and the condi-

things such as films and shows that peo- tions in which we live The environ-
ple enjoy watching She sang for their ment in the office is not good for con-
entertainment. Theres not much en- centrated work. The pollution
tertainment in the village the nearest produced by the factory is causing long-
cinema is 25km away. term damage to the environment.
environmental /nvarn ment()l/

enthusiasm /n ju
ziz()m/ noun

great interest and liking We succeed- adjective relating to the environment

ed, thanks to the enthusiasm and hard measures taken to protect against envi-
work of a small group of members. ronmental pollution Shes joined an
She showed a lot of enthusiasm for our environmental group.
envy / envi/ noun an unhappy feeling

new project.
enthusiastic /nju
zi stk/ adjec-

that you would like to have something
tive showing great interest and approval which someone else has Her beautiful
The editor was very enthusiastic long dark hair filled us all with envy.
about my book. There were enthusias- verb to have the unhappy feeling that
tic cheers at the end of the performance. you would like to have something that
someone else has I dont envy him
entire /n ta/ adjective whole We

with a job like that! (NOTE: envies en-

spent the entire day gardening. The vying envied)
entire cast came on the stage and bowed
enzyme / enzam/ noun a protein pro-

to the audience.
duced by living cells which makes other
entirely /n tali/ adverb completely

substances change, as when digestion
I agree with you entirely. This is an takes place
entirely separate problem.
equal / i
kwl/ adjective having exactly

entrance / entrns/ noun a door for go-


the same amount as something else

ing in She was sitting at the entrance His share is equal to mine. Male and
to the museum. Lets meet at the side female employees must have equal pay.
entrance, near the caf. The two sticks are of equal length or
entrant / entrnt/ noun a person who

are equal in length. verb 1. to be ex-

takes part in a race, examination or com- actly the same as His time for the 100
petition There are over a thousand en- metres equals the existing record. 2. to
trants for the race. give a particular result Two plus two
entry / entri/ noun 1. the act of going equals four. Ten take away four equals

into a place The sign on the door said six. (NOTE: equals equalling
No Entry. 2. the door or opening equalled. The US spelling is equaling
where you go into a place The entry to equaled.) noun a person who is on
the cave was blocked by rocks. 3. a piece the same level as someone else I dont
of information in a such as a dictionary, consider him your equal. Were all
or in a computer system She looked up equals here.
equally / i
kwli/ adverb in exactly the

the entry on roses in the gardening en-

cyclopaedia. same way They are all equally guilty.
envelope / envlp/ noun a folded pa- Here men and women are paid equal-

per cover for sending letters in She ly badly. They were both equally re-
wrote the address on the envelope and sponsible for the mistake.
sealed it. She wrote down all the in- equipment / kwpmnt/ noun all the

formation on the back of an envelope. things such as tools, arms and machines Page 113 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

error 113 Europe

which are needed for something He 1823. We need to establish a good
brought all his camera equipment with working relationship with our col-
him. Do you really need all this equip- leagues. 2. to discover or prove some-
ment for a short climb? (NOTE: no plu- thing If only the police could establish
ral: for one item say a piece of equip- where the car was parked that evening.
ment.) Its difficult to establish what her rea-
error / er/ noun something that is
sons are for resigning.
establishment / stblmnt/ noun

wrong, especially a mistake in writing

or speaking There isnt a single error 1. the act of creating something She
in the whole document. The waiter helped them with the establishment of
made an error in calculating the bill. the local drama society. (NOTE: no plu-
erupt / rpt/ verb (of a volcano) to

ral in this sense) 2. a business; an or-
throw out fire and other very hot sub- ganisation Its an establishment which
stances The volcano last erupted in imports radios from China. He runs
1968. an important teaching establishment.
Establishment, the / stblmnt/
Establishment, the

escape / skep/ noun the act of getting


away from prison or from a difficult sit- noun the most important people in soci-
uation There were three escapes from ety, especially those who are in authori-
this jail last year. A weekend by the ty He spent a lot of his life fighting
sea was a wonderful escape from the of- against the Establishment.
estate / stet/ noun 1. a large area of


especially / spe()li/ adverb 1. used


land belonging to one owner He owns
for showing that something is the case a 250-acre estate in Norfolk. 2. a group
to a great degree This suitcase is espe- of houses on one piece of land, usually
cially heavy. 2. used for showing that all built at the same time
estimate1 / estmt/ noun a calculation

something is more important or true

She does get tired, especially on school or guess which shows the amount of
day. something you think there is, or its
essay / ese/ noun a piece of writing on
worth or cost I wasnt in when they
a specific subject a collection of the came to read the gas meter, so this bill is
writers most famous essays For our only an estimate. Your estimate of two
homework, we have to write an essay on dozen visitors proved to be correct.
pollution. she gave me a rough estimate she gave
me an approximate calculation
essential / senl/ adjective which is

estimate2 / estmet/ verb to calculate


very important or which you must have

You can survive without food for some or guess how much you think something
time, but water is essential. It is essen- will cost or is worth I estimate that it
tial that we get the delivery on time. will cost 100,000. He estimated
noun a thing which is very important or costs at 50,000.
etc. /et setr/, etcetera adverb and so

which you cannot do without Sun

cream is an essential in the desert. on, and other things like this Fruit
Weve got all the basic essentials food, such as oranges, bananas, etc.
water and fuel. euro / jr/ noun the unit of money

essentially / senli/ adverb used for


used by most countries in the European

saying what is the most true, or the most Union Many articles are priced in eu-
important fact My new job is essen- ros. Whats the exchange rate for the
tially not so very different from my old euro? (NOTE: written before num-
one. Although hes essentially a kind bers: 250: say: two hundred and fifty
man, he does lose his temper sometimes. euros)
establish / stbl/ verb 1. to create Europe / jrp/ proper noun 1. the
establish Europe

something, to set something up The continent of Europe, the part of the

business was established in Scotland in world to the west of Asia, extending Page 114 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

European 114 evil

from Russia to Ireland Most of the my brother? Have you ever been to
countries of Western Europe are mem- Germany?
bers of the EU. 2. the same area, but not evergreen / ev'ri
n/ noun a tree

including the UK Holidays in Europe which keeps its leaves all winter Holly
are less popular than last year. and other evergreens can be used as
European /jr pi
n/ adjective re-

decorations in winter.
lating to Europe every / evri/ adjective 1. each It rained

evaluate / vljuet/ verb to make a every day during the holidays. We


judgement about something after think- have a party every New Years Day.
ing carefully about it The students Every Wednesday, he goes for a swim in
were asked to evaluate the usefulness of the local pool. Every house in the
the lessons. street has a garden. 2. with a particular
amount of time or distance in between
evaluation /vlju e()n/ noun the

The medicine is to be taken every four

act of evaluating something, or the
hours. Have your car checked every
judgement made in this way (NOTE: no
10,000 kilometres.
everybody / evribdi/ pronoun same as

evaporate / vpret/ verb (of liquid )


to turn into steam by being heated Wa-
everyone / evriwn/ pronoun all the

ter gradually evaporates from the soil.

people involved in a particular situation
even / i
v()n/ adjective 1. flat, level

Everyone has to die some day. If

The road has a smooth, even surface. 2. everybody is here, we can start. Eve-
not changing They kept up an even ryone must show their passport. (NOTE:
pace for miles. The temperature is an everyone and everybody are fol-
even 28 all through the day. adverb lowed by they, their, themselves,
used for showing surprise or making an etc., but the verb stays singular: Is eve-
expression stronger He doesnt even ryone enjoying themselves? Not eve-
like strawberries. Even the cleverest rybody likes pop music, do they?)
businessperson can make mistakes. everyone else all the other people
Shes tall, but her sister is even taller. Only Maggie could come everyone
evening / i
vn/ noun the late part of

else was too busy.

the day, when it starts to get dark I everything / evri/ pronoun 1. all

saw her yesterday evening. The acci- things Did you bring everything you
dent took place at 8.30 in the evening. need? The burglars stole everything
We arrived in London at breakfast time, of value. Everything he says annoys
having left New York the previous me. 2. things in general Everything
evening. We always go to a restaurant was dark in the street. Everything is
on Sunday evenings. They took an under control.
evening flight to Madrid. The evening
everywhere / evriwe/ adverb in all

meal is served from 7.30 to 10.30.

places There were papers lying about
evenly / i
v()nli/ adverb in an equal

everywhere. Weve looked everywhere

way for the key and cant find it.
event / vent/ noun something important

evidence / evd()ns/ noun a fact which


which happens the events leading up proves that something really exists or
to the war A babys first birthday is has happened The bloodstains on his
always a very happy event. coat were clear evidence of the crime.
eventually / ventuli/ adverb in the Scientists are looking for evidence of

end After weeks of hesitation he even- life on Mars. There is no evidence that
tually decided to sell the cottage. he was ever there.
evident / evd()nt/ adjective obvious

ever / ev/ adverb at any time (used with


evil / i
v()l/ adjective morally very bad

negatives and in questions) Nothing

ever happens here. Did you ever meet Shes considered to be an evil woman. Page 115 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

ex- 115 exchange

His evil intentions were evident as example /' z
mpl/ noun something

soon as he locked the door. chosen to show something This is a

ex- /eks/ prefix used for showing that a good example of French architecture of

person used to have a particular job or the eleventh century. to set an exam-
relationship an ex-soldier Toms my ple to do things well or properly your-
ex-boyfriend. self, so that other people can copy you
exact /' zkt/ adjective completely ac-

He sets everyone a good example by get-
ting into the office before 8.00 every
curate, with no more or no less What
is the exact time of arrival? Could you morning. to make an example of
repeat the exact words she used? The someone to punish someone so that oth-
salesgirl asked me if I had the exact ers will learn not to do what that person
sum, since she had no change. did Her teacher made an example of
her by making her miss the class trip.
exactly /' zktli/ adverb not more, not

exceed /k si
d/ verb to go beyond

less That comes to exactly ten dollars

and fifty cents. The time is exactly something The car was exceeding the
16.24. speed limit. Our expenses have ex-
ceeded our income for the first time.
exaggerate /' zd"ret/ verb to

Did the UN troops exceed their man-
make things seem, e.g. worse, better, date?
bigger than they really are The wide
excellent / ekslnt/ adjective very

black belt exaggerates her small waist.

She exaggerated the importance of my good We had an excellent meal in a
contribution. Chinese restaurant. Her handwriting
is excellent it is much clearer than
exam /' zm/ noun same as examina-

tion The exam was very difficult
except /k sept/ preposition not includ-

half the students failed. She passed all

her exams. ing Shes allowed to eat anything ex-

cept milk products. Everyone was sick
examination /'zm ne()n/ noun

on the boat, except (for) me. VAT is

1. an occasion on which someone looks levied on all goods except books, news-
at something to see if it works properly, papers, food and childrens clothes.
or to see if something is wrong He conjunction other than; apart from He
had to have an X-ray examination. doesnt do anything except sit and
The examination of the car showed that watch football on the TV. Everything
its brakes were faulty. 2. a written or went well, except that James was sick.
spoken test The examination was very Everyone enjoyed the birthday party,
difficult half the students failed. He except (that) there wasnt enough to eat.
did badly in his English examination. (NOTE: [all senses] Do not confuse with
She came first in the final examination accept.)
for the course. (NOTE: often shortened
exception /k sepn/ noun something

to exam in this sense)

that is not included All the students

examine /' zmn/ verb 1. to look

failed, with one exception. Are there

carefully at something to see what is in
any exceptions to the rule?
it, or what it is like The doctor exam-
exceptionally /k sepn()li/ adverb

ined her throat. We will have to exam-

ine the shops scales to see if they show to a very great degree, often so great as
the correct weight. The customs offi- to be surprising
cials wanted to examine the inside of the exchange /ks tend"/ verb to give

car. The water samples were exam- one thing and to get another thing back
ined in the laboratory. 2. to test a stu- The footballers from the two teams ex-
dent They examined everyone in changed shirts at the end of the match.
mathematics and computer skills. noun the act of giving one thing for
examiner /' zmn/ noun a person

another the exchange of rings during

who conducts an exam the wedding ceremony Page 116 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

excited 116 expectation

excited /k satd/ adjective lively and cise every day if you want to lose

happy because you think something weight.

good is going to happen Shes excited exercise book / ekssaz bk/ noun a
exercise book

at or by the thought of going on holiday. notebook with lines on each page for
The children are excited because its writing school work in
the Christmas holidays. Whats every- exhausted /' z
std/ adjective very

one so excited about? It was lovely to tired Im exhausted after running

see the childrens happy and excited three miles. They staggered back
faces. home very late, with three exhausted
excitement /k satmnt/ noun the

feeling of being excited Whats all the exhibition /eks b()n/ noun a public

excitement about? The children are show of things such as paintings or

always in a state of excitement before flowers The exhibition is open from
the holidays. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. We stood in line for
exciting /k sat/ adjective 1. making

half an hour waiting to get into the Pi-

you feel excited The news about the casso exhibition.
house is really exciting. 2. (of, e.g. a exist /' zst/ verb to be real or present

film or an experience) full of activity, When I was a child, colour TV didnt ex-
sometimes making you a little scared ist. I dont believe the document exists
because you do not know what is going I think it has been burnt.
to happen I couldnt sleep after
existence /' zstns/ noun the state of

watching an exciting film on TV.

being a real thing; life Is there any-
exclaim /k sklem/ verb to say some-

thing which proves the existence of life
thing loudly and suddenly on Mars? They lived a miserable ex-
exclude /k sklu
d/ verb not to include

istence in a little coal mining town.

someone or something Damage by existing /' zst/ adjective in opera-

fire is excluded from the insurance poli- tion at this moment Can we modify
cy. Dont exclude his name from your the existing structure in some way?
list. Existing regulations do not allow the
excuse1 /k skju
s/ noun a reason given sale of food in the street.

for doing something wrong, or for not exit / e'zt/ noun a way out of a building

doing what was expected His excuse The customers all rushed towards the
for not coming was that he forgot the exits when the fire alarm rang.
date. expand /k spnd/ verb to increase the

excuse2 /k skju
z/ verb to forgive

size or extent of something We have

someone for making a small mistake plans to expand our business.
Please excuse my arriving late like this. expect /k spekt/ verb 1. to think or to

execute / ekskju
t/ verb 1. to kill

hope that something is going to happen

someone as a punishment The gov- We expect him to arrive at any mo-
ernments political enemies were exe- ment or he is expected at any moment. 2.
cuted. 2. to do something that has been to think or guess that something is the
planned or agreed (formal ) As part of case I expect you are tired after your
the test, drivers are asked to execute an long train journey. 3. to think that it is
emergency stop. 3. in computing, to car- right that someone should do something
ry out instructions Press ENTER to He expects me to do all the house-
execute the program. work. 4. to be waiting for someone I
exercise / ekssaz/ noun practice in
cant talk for long were expecting vis-
using physical or mental powers She itors.
expectation /ekspek te()n/ noun

does her piano exercises every morning.

to take exercise to do physical move- hope; a feeling that something will hap-
ments, like walking or running, in order pen She lived up to all our expecta-
to keep fit You should take some exer- tions. We thought our team would do Page 117 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

expected 117 export

well, but in the end they exceeded all our asthma. The laboratory does not ex-
expectations. periment on live animals.
expected /k spektd/ adjective 1. expert / eksp
t/ adjective 1. knowing a
expected expert

which you think or hope will happen 2. lot about a subject They can give you
due to arrive Our guests are expected expert advice on DIY. 2. expert at do-
at 10 oclock. ing something very good at doing
expedition /eksp d()n/ noun a

something Im not very expert at mak-
journey to explore a place He set off ing pastry. noun 1. a person who
on an expedition to the South Pole. knows a great deal about a subject a
leading expert in tropical medicine or
expense /k spens/ noun an amount of

on tropical diseases A rose expert was
money that you have to pay I cant af- the judge at the flower show. 2. a person
ford the expense of a holiday just now. who is very good at doing something
The expense of running a household an expert plumber Hes an expert at
seems to increase every week. getting the children to go to bed.
expensive /k spensv/ adjective cost-

explain /k splen/ verb 1. to give rea-


ing a lot of money Fresh vegetables sons for something Can you explain
are more expensive in winter. Send why the weather is cold in winter and
your furniture to Australia by sea it warm in summer? 2. to make something
would be much too expensive by air. clear He tried to explain the new pen-
experience /k sprins/ noun 1.

sion scheme to the staff. She explained

knowledge obtained by working or liv- what had happened, but the manager
ing in various situations I have no ex- still thought she had tried to steal the
perience of travelling in the desert. watch.
You must write down the full details of explanation /ekspl ne()n/ noun a

your past experience in your CV. reason for something The police offic-
Some experience of selling is required er asked him for an explanation of why
for this job. (NOTE: no plural in this the stolen car was in his garage. The
sense) 2. something that happens to company has given no explanation for
you Going to the top of the Eiffel Tow- the change of plan.
er was a wonderful experience. He
explode /k spld/ verb (of bombs,

wrote a book about his experiences in

the desert. verb to live through some- etc.) to blow up A bomb exploded in a
thing Im surprised shes so cheerful crowded train.
explore /k spl
/ verb to travel and dis-

after all she experienced in hospital. I

have experienced a great deal of pleas- cover place and things that you have not
ure and frustration in my career. He is seen before It is a part of the jungle
experiencing sharp pains in his tooth. which has never been explored before.
experienced /k sprinst/ adjective

We spent our holidays exploring Hol-
good at something because you have land by canal.
explosion /k spl"()n/ noun an oc-

learnt a lot from particular experiences

you have had Shes a very experi- casion on which something such as a
enced doctor. Hes the most experi- bomb explodes Several explosions
enced member of our staff. The police were heard during the night as the army
are experienced in crowd control. occupied the city.
experiment1 /k spermnt/ noun a explosive /k splsv/ noun a sub-
experiment explosive

scientific test; a way of finding out stance used for destroying things by
about something to carry out scientif- making them explode Tests revealed
ic experiments Were offering our cus- traces of explosive on his hands. The
tomers free samples as an experiment. box contained explosives. Police ex-
experiment2 /k sperment/ verb to

plosives experts defused the bomb.
export1 / eksp
t/ noun the business of

carry out a scientific test They are ex-

perimenting with a new treatment for selling products in other countries Page 118 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

export 118 eye

They make cars for export. There is a external /k st
n()l/ adjective on the

big export trade in wine. a product outside The external walls of the
sent to a foreign country to be sold house are quite solid. Her injuries
The countrys major export is tea. Ex- were all external.
ports to Africa have increased by 25%. extinct /k stkt/ adjective 1. (of a type

export2 /k sp
t/ verb to send goods to

of animal or plant) no longer in exist-

a foreign country for sale The compa- ence, because all of the same kind have
ny exports half of what it produces. died These birds are in danger of be-
express /k spres/ verb to show

coming extinct. 2. ((of a volcano)) no
thoughts or feelings in words, pictures longer active The mountain is an ex-
or actions He expressed his gratitude tinct volcano.
extra / ekstr/ adjective more than usu-

in a short speech. His paintings ex-

press his inner thoughts. His grief was al; additional We need an extra four
expressed in fierce anger and constant teachers or four extra teachers for this
activity. noun a fast train We took course. The charge for delivery is ex-
the express from London to Glasgow. tra. Staff get extra pay for working on
expression /k spre()n/ noun 1. a

/k str


word, or group of words Until the

cows come home is an expression adverb extremely Her action was ex-
which means for a very long time. 2. a traordinarily brave.
extraordinary /k str
d()n()ri/ ad-

look on a persons face which shows a

feeling His expression showed how jective 1. wonderful Seeing her again
miserable he was. Everyone noticed gave him an extraordinary thrill. A
the expression of surprise on her face. 3. peacocks feathers are quite extraordi-
the act of expressing thoughts and feel- nary. 2. very unusual Its extraordi-
ings nary weather for June.
extreme /k stri
m/ adjective 1. very

extend /k stend/ verb 1. to stretch


something out She extended both great The device is made to withstand
arms in welcome. 2. to cover a particular extreme cold. He showed extreme re-
are area of land The grounds of the luctance to get involved. 2. considered
house extend over two hectares. 3. to unreasonable by some people He
make something longer or bigger We holds extreme views.
extremely /k stri
mli/ adverb to a very

are planning to extend our garden.

The company has extended my contract great degree It was extremely hot in
for another two years. August. The film is extremely long,
and some people left before the end. It
extension /k stenn/ noun 1. the act

of extending something My visa has is extremely difficult to spend less than

$50.00 a day on meals in New York.
expired, so I have applied for an exten-
eye /a/ noun 1. the organ in the head

sion. 2. a telephone in an office which is

connected to the companys main line which you see with He has brown
Can you get me extension 21? The eyes. Close your eyes and count to ten
manager is on extension 23. while we all hide. Ive got a bit of dust
in my eye. 2. a small hole in the end of a
extensive /k stensv/ adjective cover-

needle, through which the thread goes
ing a large area or amount The to catch someones eye to look at
grounds of the house are very extensive. someone who is looking at you She
The church roof needs extensive re- caught his eye and nodded towards the
pair work. door. to keep an eye on someone
extent /k stent/ noun the degree, size or

or something to watch someone or

area of something The extent of the something carefully to see that it is safe
earthquake damage was only revealed Can you keep an eye on the house
later. He opened up the map to its full while we are away? to keep an eye
extent. out for someone or something to Page 119 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

eyebrow 119 eyesight

watch to see if someone or something is eyelash / al/ noun one of the hairs

available or nearby I must keep an eye growing round the edges of your eyes
out for Seville oranges to make some (NOTE: The plural is eyelashes.)
marmalade. Can you keep an eye out eyelid / ald/ noun a piece of skin which

for the traffic warden while I go into the covers the eye
eyesight / asat/ noun the ability to see

eyebrow / abra/ noun the line of hair


above each of your eyes Page 120 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

f /ef/, F noun the sixth letter of the alpha- it is surprising Have you seen John re-

bet, between E and G cently? as a matter of fact I met him

fabric / fbrk/ noun cloth used for

factor / fkt/ noun 1. a thing which has


making things such as clothes and cur-

tains The curtains are made of an ex- influence or importance The key fac-
pensive fabric. tor is the price. The crucial factor for
fabrication /fbr ke()n/ noun an

the success of the village fair is the
invented story that is not true The weather. 2. one of the numbers which
newspaper story was a complete fabri- produce a certain other number when
cation from start to finish. multiplied Four and two are factors of
face /fes/ noun 1. the front part of your

factory / fkt()ri/ noun a building


head Dont forget to wash your face

before you go to the party. 2. the front where things are made in large quanti-
part of something a clock face She ties using machines She works in a
put the photograph face down on the shoe factory. He owns a furniture fac-
desk. verb to have the face or front to- tory. The factory makes computer ter-
wards Can everyone please face the minals. (NOTE: The plural is factories.)
fade /fed/ verb 1. to lose colour The

camera? The house faces north. to

show your face to come to or be in a more you wash your jeans, the more
place where there are other people Af- theyll fade. This teeshirt has faded in
ter what he said about my mother he the sun. 2. to become less bright or light
doesnt dare show his face here. As the light faded, bats came out in
face up to phrasal verb to accept an the garden. The light from the torch
unpleasant situation and try to deal with began to fade as the batteries ran out.
it The islands faded away into the dis-
facility /f slti/ noun 1. an ability to do

tance. 3. to become less noisy The
something easily She has a facility for sound of the music faded away.
fail /fel/ verb 1. not to succeed The ex-

languages. (NOTE: no plural) 2. a means

of doing something We offer facilities amination was very difficult half the
for payment. 3. a large building that en- students failed. He passed in maths,
ables people to do or have something but failed his English exam. She failed
We have opened our new warehouse fa- in her attempt to become an MP. 2. not
cility. (NOTE: The plural is facilities.) to do something The car failed to stop
fact /fkt/ noun 1. something such as a
at the red light. She failed to notify the
piece of information that is true He tax office of her change of address. 3.
faced up to the fact that he wasnt fit not to work properly The brakes
enough for the race. Did you check all failed and he couldnt stop the car. if
the facts before you wrote the article? 2. all else fails if you cant do anything
in fact, in actual fact really; the truth else If all else fails you can always
is that He told the police he had seen borrow my car.
failure / felj/ noun 1. a situation in

a man steal a car but in fact he made the

whole story up. It rained a lot last which something stops working The
month in fact it rained all month. as accident was caused by brake failure.
a matter of fact actually; used for say- The failure of the planes engine caused
ing what is really true, especially when the crash. 2. an occasion on a person or Page 121 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

faint 121 falsehood

event is not successful His attempts to faithful old dog We must be faithful to
balance on one leg were a complete fail- fathers last wishes.
ure. 3. a person who does not succeed at fake /fek/ noun something which is

things Im no good at anything Im made or designed to look like some-

a failure. thing else that is, e.g. more valuable
faint /fent/ adjective difficult to see or

That picture isnt by Picasso, its a fake.

hear We could just see the faint outline adjective not real She was wearing
of a man in the fog. They could hear a a fake fur coat.
faint tapping under the wreckage.
fall /f
l/ verb to drop to a lower level

verb to become unconscious for a short

time She fainted when she saw the Snow fell all night The pound has fall-
blood. en against the dollar. She fell down
the stairs. He fell off the ladder. Did
fair /fe/ adjective 1. (of hair or skin)

he fall into the river or did someone

light-coloured Her hair is quite fair. push him? (NOTE: falls falling fell
Those with fair skin should use a strong- /fel/ has fallen) noun 1. the proc-
er sun cream. 2. right, giving someone ess of going to a lower level a wel-
what they deserve Thats not fair come fall in the price of oil the fall in
you must let other children play with the the exchange rate 2. the act of losing
ball too. It isnt fair if you go on holi- your balance He had a fall and hurt
day when we have so much work to do. his back. She had a bad fall while ski-
noun 1. a group of machines for rid- ing.
ing on and stalls where you can win
things, set up in one place for a short fall back on phrasal verb to do or use
time The fair is coming to the village something only after all other things
for the Easter Bank Holiday. 2. an exhi- have failed
bition for selling and advertising goods fall behind phrasal verb to be late in
We are going to the car fair tomorrow. doing something
(NOTE: Do not confuse with fare.) fall down phrasal verb 1. to drop to the
fairly / feli/ adverb 1. in a way that is
ground She fell down and hurt her
right; giving people what they deserve knee. 2. (of a building) to become bro-
She complained that she had not been ken down through age The place has
treated fairly in the interview. 2. to some been deserted for so long its falling
degree Im fairly certain I have seen down.
this film before. She had been working fall off phrasal verb to become fewer
there a fairly short time. The hotel is The number of customers starts to fall
fairly close to the centre of town. (NOTE: off after 4 oclock.
The order of words for fairly and quite fall out phrasal verb 1. to drop to the
is different: Hes a fairly good worker ground after having been in something
but Hes quite a good worker.) We put cushions on the floor next to
fairness / fens/ noun a tendency or

the bed in case she fell out. 2. to have an

ability to do things in a fair way Eve- argument They fell out over the bill
ryone acknowledged her fairness in for drinks.
dealing with staff complaints. fall over phrasal verb to fall down after
fairy / feri/ noun a small imaginary

having been upright

creature who can perform magic (NOTE: fall through phrasal verb not to take
The plural is fairies.) place as planned
false /f
ls/ adjective not real; designed

faith /fe/ noun 1. belief or trust


dont have much faith in these new to look like something real a set of
teaching methods. 2. a religious belief false nails
We must respect people of other faiths. falsehood / f
lshd/ noun a lie (liter-

faithful / fef()l/ adjective (of a per-


ary) It appears that he had told sever-

son or an animal ) trusting or loyal his al falsehoods under oath. Page 122 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

familiar 122 fashion

familiar /f mli/ adjective heard or here. How far away is Paris from Lon-

seen before; that you know The dog don? The road was blocked by cars as
wagged its tail as it heard its masters far as we could see. 2. used with com-
familiar voice at the door. He looked paratives to mean much It is far
round the room, and saw a couple of fa- cheaper to go by bus than by train.
miliar faces. Restaurant food is far nicer than the
family / fm()li/ noun 1. a group of
food at college. adjective a long way
people who are related to each other, es- away; distant The shop is at the far
pecially mother, father and children end of the High Street. (NOTE: far far-
ther / f
/ or further / f
/ - far-
The Jones family are going on holiday
thest / f
st/ or furthest / f
to Spain. He grew up in a big family.
fare /fe/ noun a price which you have to

2. a group of animals or plants which

are closely related Lions and tigers pay for a journey Rail fares have been
are members of the cat family. (NOTE: increased by 10%. The tourist-class
The plural is families. When family is fare is much less than the first class one.
used to mean a group of people it can If you walk to work, you will save 5
take a singular or plural verb: The fam- a week on bus fares. (NOTE: Do not con-
ily were out.) fuse with fair.)
farewell /fe wel/ interjection, noun

famine / fmn/ noun a very serious


lack of food goodbye Its time to say farewell.

adjective (of an event) at which you say
famous / fems/ adjective known to

goodbye We gave a farewell party for

many people, especially most people in
our neighbours who were going to live
a place or country a famous depart-
in Canada.
ment store Hes a famous footballer.
far from / f
frm/ adverb not at all
far from

This tea shop is famous for its cakes.

The food here is far from cheap.
fan /fn/ noun 1. a piece of equipment

farm /f
m/ noun an area of land used for

for moving air to make people or things

cooler We put electric fans in the of- growing crops and raising animals He
fice to try to keep cool. 2. an enthusiastic runs a pig farm. Were going to work
supporter of something or someone, e.g. on a farm during the holidays. You
a team or a pop group There was a can buy eggs and vegetables at the farm
crowd of fans waiting for him outside shop. verb to grow crops or raise ani-
the theatre. mals on a farm He farms dairy cattle
in Devon.
fancy / fnsi/ verb 1. to want to have

farmer / f
m/ noun a person who man-

something (informal ) I fancy an ice

cream anyone else want one? Do ages or owns a farm
farming / f
m/ noun the work of

you fancy sharing a taxi to the airport?

2. to like someone in a sexual way Im managing a farm, e.g. growing crops or
sure that guy fancies you. (NOTE: fan- keeping animals for sale
cies fancying fancied) adjec- fascinate / fsnet/ verb to make

tive attractive or decorated He wore a someone very interested

fancy tie to the party.
fascinating / fsnet/ adjective

fantastic /fn tstk/ wonderful We


very interesting A microscope gives
had a fantastic time on holiday. ad- you a fascinating glimpse of life in a
jective strange; like a dream His sto- drop of water. The book gives a fasci-
ries are full of fantastic creatures. nating description of London in the
fantasy / fntsi/ noun an invented sto-

1930s. It was fascinating to hear her

ry Her story of meeting a rich man in talk about her travels in India.
Paris was pure fantasy. (NOTE: The plu- fashion / f()n/ noun the most popu-

ral is fantasies.) lar style at a particular time It was the

far /f
/ adverb 1. a certain distance away

fashion then to wear your hair very

The railway station is not far from short. She always follows fashion. Page 123 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

fashionable 123 fax

fashionable / f()nb()l/ adjective your fault if you hadnt stayed in bed

1. of a style which is popular at a partic- all morning we would be at the seaside

ular time These loose trousers are re- by now. 2. an instance of something not
ally fashionable at the moment. 2. pop- working properly The invoice was
ular with rich or glamorous people wrong because of a computer fault.
She lives in the fashionable West End of The engineers are trying to mend an
London. Its a fashionable restaurant electrical fault. 3. a mistake in serving
for film stars and journalists. in tennis He served two double faults.
at fault having made a mistake The
fast /f
st/ adjective 1. quick I just love

driving fast cars. She was driving in shop is at fault if they sent you the wrong
the fast lane of the motorway. 2. not table.
faulty / f
lti/ adjective 1. not working

stopping anywhere This is the fast

train to London. 3. (of a clock) to show correctly or not made correctly The
a time which is later than the correct lights are flickering there must be a
time Your watch is fast. adverb 1. faulty connection somewhere. 2. with
quickly Walk faster if you want to mistakes in planning or judgment a
catch up with the children in front. faulty argument
Dont go so fast you almost hit that favor / fev/ noun, verb US spelling of

man on the zebra crossing. 2. tightly favour

fixed in a particular position The win-
favorable / fev()rb()l/ adjective US

dow was stuck fast and I couldnt open

it. verb to eat nothing for religious or spelling of favourable
health reasons Many people fast dur- favorite / fev()rt/ noun, verb US

ing Lent. He fasted for a week. spelling of favourite

fasten / f
s()n/ verb to close or attach

favour / fev/ noun 1. a friendly act


something tightly Please fasten your done to help someone Can I ask a fa-
seatbelts. These shoes fasten with a vour will you look after my bike while
Im in the post office? 2. approval or
fastener / f
s()n/ noun an object

popularity She tried to win the favour

which fastens something such as a piece of the committee. verb 1. to like or
of clothing prefer something The managers fa-
fat /ft/ adjective having too much flesh vour moving to a bigger office. 2. to

or weighing too much Two fat men got make things easier for someone The
out of the little white car. Youll have conditions favour Australian bowlers.
to eat less youre getting too fat. favourable / fev()rb()l/ adjective

Hes fatter than me. noun a part of good

meat which is yellowish-white If you
favourite / fev()rt/ adjective which

dont like the fat, cut it off.

you like best Which is your favourite
fatal / fet()l/ adjective which causes

TV programme? noun 1. something

death There were three fatal accidents or someone you like best Which ice
on this road last year. cream is your favourite? This game is
father / f
/ noun a man who has a son

a favourite with the children. The

or daughter Ask your father if he will singer was a favourite in the fifties. 2.
lend you his car. She is coming to tea someone who is treated better than other
with her mother and father. people by a particular person She was
faucet / f
st/ noun US an object always her fathers favourite.

which, when you twist it, lets liquid or fax /fks/ noun a copy of a document or

gas come out picture sent to someone using telephone

fault /f
lt/ noun 1. the fact of making a

lines Post it to me, or send a fax.

mistake or of being to blame for some- Can you confirm the booking by fax?
thing going wrong It isnt my fault if verb to send a document or picture by
theres nothing in the fridge. Its all telephone I will fax the design to you Page 124 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

fear 124 feeling

or I will fax you the design as soon as it Washington. Federal law is more im-
is ready. portant than state law. 2. relating to a
fear /f/ noun the feeling of being afraid
system where a group of states exist un-
Fear of the dark is common in small der a central government the former
children. She has no fear of heights. Federal Republic of Germany
fed up /fed p/ adjective feeling bored
fed up

verb to be afraid of something (formal )

What do you fear most? and unhappy (informal )
feast /fi
st/ noun 1. a very large meal for fee /fi
/ noun money paid to someone
feast fee

a group of people, especially one eaten such as a doctor or lawyer for work done
to celebrate a special occasion 2. a spe- Private school fees are very high.
cial religious day Today is the Feast of The lawyers fee for two days work was
St Nicholas. more than I earn in a month!
feat /fi
t/ noun an particularly difficult feeble / fi
b()l/ adjective 1. physically
feat feeble

act weak, especially because of illness or

feather / fe/ noun one of many light
age He gave a feeble wave with his
soft parts which cover a birds body hand. The voice on the phone sounded
feeble. (NOTE: feebler feeblest) 2.
feature / fi
t/ noun 1. a part of the face

not strong or able to be seen or heard

such as the nose or mouth His unusual well She replied in a feeble voice.
features make him easy to recognize. 2.
feed /fi
d/ verb 1. to give food to a person

an important part or aspect of something

The main feature of the castle is its or an animal Id better just feed the
huge tower. 3. an important story or ar- baby before we go out. Could you feed
ticle in a TV news programme or in a the cat while were away? 2. (of a baby
newspaper a feature on nuclear pow- or young animal ) to take milk from its
er Did you see the feature on St Pe- mother Please dont disturb the baby
tersburg? verb 1. to have someone as while shes feeding. (NOTE: feeds
the main performer of a film, a TV pro- feeding fed /fed/ has fed)
gramme or a play The film featured feedback / fi
dbk/ noun information

Charlie Chaplin as the tramp. The or comments about something which

circus features Russian clowns. 2. to has been done
have something as the most important feel /fi
l/ verb 1. to touch something, usu-

part The tour features a visit to the ally with your fingers Feel how soft
Valley of the Kings. The next pro- the bed is. 2. to seem soft, cold, etc.,
gramme will feature a discussion be- when touched The bed feels hard.
tween environmental experts. 3. to ap- The stone floor felt cold. 3. to experi-
pear as the main actor in, or as the sub- ence something with your body or mind
ject of a film or a TV programme She Did you feel the table move? I felt
has featured in many TV series. the lift go down suddenly. Do you feel
February / februri/ noun the second

warmer now that youve had a cup of

month of the year, between January and tea? They felt happy when they saw
March My birthday is in February. that all was well. By twelve oclock
He died on February 17th. We are she was feeling hungry. (NOTE: feels
moving to new offices next February. feeling felt /felt/ has felt)
(NOTE: February 17th: say the seven- feel for phrasal verb to be sympathetic
teenth of February or February the towards someone
seventeenth, or in US English Febru-
feel up to phrasal verb to be strong or
ary seventeenth.)
well enough to do something
fed /fed/ past tense and past participle of

feeling / fi
l/ noun something which

feed you think you know I had a feeling

federal / fed()rl/ adjective 1. relating

that this strange man knew who I was.

to the central government of the United feelings someones emotions I didnt
States Most federal offices are in want to hurt her feelings. Page 125 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

feet 125 fiftieth

feet /fi
t/ plural of foot few /fju
/ adjective, noun not many
feet few

fell /fel/ past tense of fall
She has very few friends at work. We
go to fewer concerts than last year.
fellow / fel/ noun 1. a man A young

fib /fb/ noun a lie about something unim-


fellow came up to me and asked me the

portant (informal ) That was a little fib,
time. Whos that fellow with a beard?
wasnt it?
2. a person who belongs to the same
fibre / fab/ noun 1. a small thread of

group I was OK on the boat, but sev-

eral of my fellow passengers were sick. material From the fibres left at the
scene of the murder, the police could
felt /felt/ noun a thick material made of

work out what the murderer had been

wool fibres pressed together wearing. 2. thin threads in foods such as
female / fi
mel/ adjective 1. relating to

vegetables and bread, which cannot be

women or girls a female athlete 2. re- digested, but which helps food to pass
lating to the sex of an animal, insect or through your body You need to eat
bird which gives birth to young or pro- more fibre.
duces eggs a female kitten 3. relating fiction / fkn/ noun novels fiction

to a flower which produces seeds writers such as Graham Greene To

feminine / femnn/ adjective like a

find the latest novels you must look in

woman or suitable for a woman Her the fiction section of the library. (NOTE:
long white silk dress was very feminine. no plural)
fence /fens/ noun a type of wall made of field /fi
ld/ noun 1. a piece of ground on
fence field

wood or wire, used to keep people or an- a farm, used for keeping animals or
imals in or out of a place The fence growing crops a field of potatoes
was blown down. The boys looked The sheep are in the field. 2. a piece of
through the hole in the fence. The ground for playing a game a football
builders put up a fence round the con- field The two teams ran onto the field.
struction site. fierce /fs/ adjective very angry and

ferocious /f rs/ adjective wild likely to attack Watch out that dog

and angry a ferocious dog looks fierce.

fiercely / fsli/ adverb strongly She is

ferry / feri/ noun a boat which carries


cars and trucks or people across a fiercely independent.

stretch of water We are going to take fifteen /ff ti
n/ noun the number 15

the night ferry to Belgium. Theres a There are fifteen players in a rugby
ferry across the Rhine here. team. Shes fifteen (years old).
festival / festv()l/ noun 1. a religious

Come and see me in fifteen minutes.

celebration which is celebrated at the The train leaves at nine fifteen (9.15).
fifteenth /ff ti
n/ adjective relating to

same time each year and is usually a

public holiday The tour will visit number 15 in a series the fifteenth of
Hong Kong for the Lantern Festival. 2. July or July the fifteenth (July 15th).
an event, often lasting several days, Thats the fifteenth phone call Ive made
where entertainment is provided We this morning. It will be her fifteenth
saw some excellent plays at the Edin- birthday next week. noun number 15
burgh Festival this year. in a series Our house is the fifth on the
fetch /fet/ verb to go to a place and
bring someone or something back Its fifth /ff/ adjective relating to number 5

your turn to fetch the children from in a series The fifth of May or May the
school. Can you fetch me the atlas? fifth (May 5th). Its his fifth birthday
fever / fi
v/ noun a state in which the
tomorrow. noun one part of five equal
bodys temperature is higher than nor- parts
fiftieth / ffti/ adjective relating to

mal You must stay in bed until the fe-

ver goes down. number 50 in a series noun the Page 126 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

fifty 126 finance

number fifty in a series Hes fiftieth on water. She was filling the boxes with
the waiting list. presents. The bucket filled slowly.
fifty / ffti/ noun the number 50 fill out phrasal verb to write in all the

mother made fifty pots of jam. Hes empty spaces on a form Could you
fifty (years old). please fill out this form?
fill up phrasal verb to make something
fight /fat/ noun 1. an occasion on which

completely full; to become completely

people try to hurt each other or knock
full He filled the bottle up with fresh
each other down He got into a fight
with boys who were bigger than him.
film /flm/ noun 1. moving pictures

Fights broke out between the demon-

strators and the police. 2. a situation in shown at a cinema or on TV Have you
seen this old Laurel and Hardy film?
which people do everything they can to
stop something from happening a Weve seen the film already on TV. 2. a
roll of material which you put into a
fight against the new developments
camera to take photographs or to record
verb 1. to be involved in a situation in
moving pictures I must buy another
which people try to hurt each other or
film before the wedding. Do you want
knock each other down Rival gangs
a colour film or a black and white one?
fought in the street. 2. to do everything
3. a thin layer of something A film of
you can try to stop something from hap-
grease had formed on the walls around
pening We are committed to fighting
the oven. verb to take pictures of
crime. Doctors are fighting to control
something or someone with a camera
the disease. (NOTE: fights fighting
Security cameras filmed him robbing
fought /f
t/ has fought)
the bank. Star Wars was filmed in
figure / f'/ noun 1. a written number,

e.g. 35 I cant read the figure on the filthy / fli/ adjective very dirty Your

order is it 250? He added up the fig- hands are absolutely filthy! (NOTE: filth-
ures on the bill. Cheques have to be ier filthiest)
made out in both words and figures.
fin /fn/ noun a thin part on the body of a

double, single 2. the shape of a person

fish which sticks out and helps it to
the figures at the front of the painting
swim From the beach they could see a
We could see some figures through the
sharks fin in the sea.
mist. verb especially US to consider
final / fan()l/ adjective last; coming at

or think something I figure the costs

will be high. We figured that youd be the end This is your final warning if
late because of the show. Had you fig- your work doesnt improve you will
ured on being there before two oclock? have to go. The competition is in its fi-
nal stages. noun the last competition
figure out phrasal verb to try to think in a series between several teams or
of an answer to a problem Try to fig- competitors I thought they would win
ure out the answer yourself, instead of a couple of rounds, but I never imagined
asking someone else. they would get to the final.
file /fal/ noun 1. a metal tool used for

finally / fan()li/ adverb at last; in the


making rough surfaces smooth Use a end The police finally cleared up the
file to round off the edges of the metal. 2. mystery. The little boy finally turned
a container similar to an envelope, used up in Edinburgh.
for keeping documents in When you
finance / fanns/ noun money, espe-

have finished with the papers, put them cially money which belongs to the pub-
back in the file. The police have a file lic or to a company How are you go-
on him. 3. a set of information held in a ing to raise the finance for the project?
computer Type the name of the file My finances are in a poor state at the
and then press enter. moment. verb to provide money for
fill /fl/ verb to make something full; to

something How are you going to fi-

become full He filled the bottle with nance your course at university if you Page 127 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

financial 127 first

dont have a grant? The redevelop- finish / fn/ verb 1. to do something

ment of the city centre is being financed completely Havent you finished your
locally. homework yet? Tell me when youve
financial /fa nnl/ adjective relating finished reading the paper. You cant

to money What is our financial posi- go out until youve finished doing the
tion? The company has got into finan- washing up. 2. to come to an end The
cial difficulties. game will finish at about four oclock.
find /fand/ verb 1. to see where some- finish up phrasal verb 1. to be some-

thing hidden or lost is after looking for where in the end We got lost and fin-
it I found a 2 coin behind the sofa. ished up miles from our hotel. 2. to eat
Did she find the book she was looking something completely You must finish
for? 2. to discover something which was up all your vegetables.
fir /f
/ noun fir tree a tree with needle-

not known before No one has found a

cure for the common cold yet. (NOTE: shaped leaves Fir trees are often used
finds finding found /fand/) as Christmas trees.
fire /fa/ noun 1. something which is

find out phrasal verb to discover infor-

mation I found out something very in- burning and gives off heat They burnt
teresting last night. Where can I find the dead leaves on a fire in the garden.
out about my familys history? 2. something which heats We have an
fine /fan/ adjective 1. (of the weather ) electric fire in the living room. 3. an

dry and sunny Well go for a walk to- emergency in which something such as
morrow if the weather stays fine. Lets a building burns They lost all their be-
hope its fine for the village fair next longings in the fire. 4. shooting with
week. 2. well; healthy I was ill in bed guns The soldiers came under fire.
yesterday, but today Im feeling fine. 3. verb 1. to shoot a gun The gunmen
with no problems How are things at fired at the police car. We could hear
home? Fine! 4. acceptable Its fine guns firing in the distance. 2. to tell
to wear casual clothes for this meeting. someone that they must leave their job
5. very thin or very small Use a sharp because of something wrong they have
pencil if you want to draw fine lines. I done She was fired for being late.
cant read the notice the print is too fireplace / faples/ noun a hole in the

fine. adverb satisfactorily or well wall of a room where you can light a fire
Its working fine. noun money which for heating
you have to pay as a punishment for firework / faw
k/ noun a small tube

having done something wrong I had holding chemicals which will shine
to pay a 25 fine for parking in a No brightly or explode when lit
Parking area. verb to make someone
firm /f
m/ adjective 1. solid or fixed

pay money as a punishment for having

done something wrong He was fined Make sure that the ladder is firm before
25 for parking on double yellow lines. you climb up. My back hurts I think
I need a firmer mattress. 2. strong; like-
finger / f'/ noun 1. one of the parts at

ly to change There is no firm evidence

the end of your hand, sometimes not in- that he stole the money. She is a firm
cluding the thumb He wears a ring on believer in hard work. noun a busi-
his little finger. He pressed the button ness or company When he retired, the
with his finger. 2. one of the parts of a firm presented him with a watch. The
glove that cover the fingers I must firm I work for was taken over last year.
mend my glove theres a hole in one of
firmly / f
mli/ adverb in a firm way

the fingers. Gloves without fingers are

firmness / f
mns/ noun 1. the quality

called mittens. 3. a piece of food

shaped like a finger a box of chocolate of being strong or firm 2. determination
fingers first /f
st/ noun number 1 in a series

fingernail / f'nel/ noun the hard


Our house is the first on the left. ad-

thin part covering the end of a finger jective relating to number 1 in a series Page 128 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

first aid 128 flash

That was the first time I ever saw him. five /fav/ noun the number 5

(NOTE: As a number can be written

fix /fks/ verb 1. to fasten or to attach one

1st.) adverb 1. at the beginning She

thing to another Fix one end of the
came first in the exam. 2. before doing cord to the tree and the other to the
anything else Wash your hands first, fence. 2. to organise a time for some-
and then you can eat. at first at the thing such as a meeting Well try to fix
beginning At first he didnt like the a time for the meeting. 3. to repair some-
work, but later he got used to it. first thing The telephone people are com-
come, first served dealing with things
ing to fix the telephone. Someones
such as requests in the order in which coming to fix the telephone this after-
they are received Applications will be noon. Can you fix the dishwasher?
dealt with on a first come, first served
Does anyone know how to fix the photo-
first aid /f
st ed/ noun the help given
first aid

fixed /fkst/ adjective attached firmly


to a person who is hurt before a doctor

or the emergency services arrive The sign is fixed to the post with nails.
fizzy / fzi/ adjective full of small balls of

first-class /f
st kl
s/ adjective 1.

very good quality You can get a first- gas (NOTE: Drinks which are not fizzy
class meal in that hotel. 2. using the are still. A drink which is no longer
most expensive seats on a plane or train fizzy is flat.)
flag /fl'/ noun a piece of brightly col-

Can I have a first-class return to Par-

is, please? oured material with the symbol of a
fish /f/ noun an animal which lives in
country or an organisation on it The
water and swims; it has fins and no legs, French flag has blue, red and white
I sat by the river all day and only stripes. The ship was flying the British
caught two little fish. verb to try to flag. The flags were blowing in the
catch a fish We often go fishing in the wind.
flake /flek/ noun 1. a small, very thin

lake. They fished all day but didnt

catch anything. piece of something The paint came off
fishing / f/ noun the sport or indus- in little flakes. 2. a small piece of snow

try of catching fish which falls from the sky Snow fell in
large soft flakes all night.
fist /fst/ noun a tightly closed hand

flame /flem/ noun a brightly burning


fit /ft/ noun a sudden sharp attack of ill-


ness, or of an emotion such as anger part of a fire, or the light that burns on a
She had a coughing fit or a fit of cough- candle Flames could be seen coming
ing. In a fit of anger he threw the plate out of the upstairs windows.
flap /flp/ noun a flat part which is at-

across the kitchen. Shes having one

of her periodic fits of efficiency. ad- tached to an object and has a special
jective healthy and having a lot of phys- type of fastening allowing it to move up
ical energy He isnt fit enough to go and down The pilot tested the wing
back to work. Youll have to get fit if flaps before taking off. verb to move
youre going to run in that race. verb up and down like a birds wing Flags
to be the right size or shape Hes were flapping in the breeze. The
grown so tall that his jackets dont fit swans stood by the edge of the water,
him any more. These shoes dont fit flapping their wings. (NOTE: flaps
me theyre a size too small. (NOTE: fits flapping flapped)
fitting fitted) flash /fl/ noun 1. a short sudden burst

fitness / ftns/ noun 1. being physical-


of light Flashes of lightning lit up the

ly fit She does fitness exercises every sky. 2. a piece of equipment used for
morning. Physical fitness is important making a bright light, allowing you to
in the marines. 2. being suitable take photographs in the dark People
Doubts were expressed about her fitness sometimes have red eyes in photos taken
for the job. with a flash. verb 1. to light up quick- Page 129 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

flat 129 flop

ly and suddenly Lightning flashed all flimsy / flmzi/ adjective likely to break

around. 2. to move or to pass by quickly because of being badly made The

The champion flashed past to win in shelter was a flimsy construction of
record time. branches covered with grass and leaves.
flat /flt/ adjective 1. level, not sloping fling /fl/ verb to throw something care-
flat fling

or curved a house with a flat roof 2. lessly and with a lot of force He flung
(of a battery) with no electric power left the empty bottle into the sea. (NOTE:
The car wouldnt start because the flings flinging flung)
battery was flat. noun a set of rooms float /flt/ verb 1. to lie on the top of a

on one floor, usually in a building with liquid Dead fish were floating in the
several similar sets of rooms They live river. 2. to put something on the top of a
in the block of flats next to the under- liquid He floated a paper boat on the
ground station. Their flat is on the lake.
ground floor.
flock /flk/ noun a group of similar ani-

flatten / flt()n/ verb to make flat


mals together a flock of birds A

flatter / flt/ verb to praise in order to flock of sheep were grazing on the hill-

please them Just flatter the boss a bit, side. (NOTE: flock is usually used with
tell him how good his golf is, and hell sheep, goats, and birds such as hens
give you a rise. or geese. For cattle, the word to use is
herd.) verb to move in large numbers
flavor / flev/ noun, verb US spelling of

Tourists flocked to see the changing of

flavour the guard. Holidaymakers have been
flavour / flev/ noun a particular taste

flocking to the resorts on the south

The tomato soup had an unusual fla- coast.
vour. What flavour of ice cream do flood /fld/ noun a large amount of water

you want? verb to add things such as over an area of land which is usually dry
salt or pepper to food, to give it a special The floods were caused by heavy rain.
taste soup flavoured with herbs Use verb 1. to cover something with water
rosemary to flavour lamb. They are going to build a dam and
flee /fli
/ verb to run away from some-

flood the valley. Fields were flooded

thing As the fighting spread, the vil- after the river burst its banks. He for-
lage people fled into the jungle. She got to turn the tap off and flooded the
tried to flee but her foot was caught in bathroom. 2. to become covered with
the rope. (NOTE: Do not confuse with water She left the tap on and the bath-
flea. Note also: flees fleeing fled room flooded. 3. to come in large num-
/fled/.) bers The office was flooded with com-
fleeting / fli
t/ adjective lasting for a
plaints. or Complaints came flooding
very short time only She only caught into the office.
floor /fl
/ noun 1. the part of a room on

a fleeting glimpse of the princess.

which you walk He put the books in a
flesh /fle/ noun 1. a soft part of the body

pile on the floor. If there are no empty

covering the bones 2. a soft part of a
chairs left, youll have to sit on the floor.
fruit a melon with pink flesh (NOTE:
2. all the rooms on one level in a build-
no plural) in the flesh not on TV or
ing The bathroom is on the ground
in photographs, but here and now It
floor. His office is on the fifth floor.
was strange to see the TV newsreader in
There is a good view of the town from
the flesh.
the top floor.
flew /flu
/ past tense of fly

flop /flp/ noun something that is not


flight /flat/ noun a journey in a plane


successful His new play was a com-

Go to gate 25 for flight AB198. All plete flop and closed after only ten per-
flights to Paris have been cancelled. formances. The film was a big hit in
She sat next to me on a flight to Mon- New York but it was a flop in London.
treal. verb 1. to fall or sit down suddenly, with Page 130 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

flour 130 fond

your body relaxed She got back from quickly His daughter is already two
the sales and flopped down on the sofa. how time flies!
2. to be unsuccessful The play was a
flying / fla/ adjective flying in the air

big hit on Broadway but it flopped in flying ants noun the act of travel-
London. (NOTE: flops flopping ling in a plane He has a fear of flying.
foam /fm/ noun a mass of small bub-

flour /fla/ noun wheat grain crushed to


powder, used for making food such as bles This soap makes a large amount
bread or cakes of foam.
fog /f'/ noun a thick mist made up of

flourish / flr/ verb 1. to grow well; to


be successful Palms flourish in hot many tiny drops of water

countries. 2. to wave something in the fold /fld/ noun a piece of something

air She came in with a big smile, flour- such as cloth or skin which hangs down
ishing a cheque. loosely She wanted the surgeon to re-
flow /fl/ verb to move along smoothly move the folds of skin under her chin.

The river flows into the sea. Traffic verb to bend something such as a piece
on the motorway is flowing smoothly. of paper so that one part is on top of the
noun the movement of things such as other Fold the piece of paper in half.
liquid or air, or of people She tried to He folded the newspaper and put it
stop the flow of blood with a tight band- into his briefcase.
age. There was a steady flow of visi- folder / fld/ noun an envelope made

tors to the exhibition. of thin card or plastic and used for hold-
flower / fla/ noun the colourful part of

ing papers
a plant, which attracts insects and pro-
folk /fk/ noun people (NOTE: Folk

duces fruit or seeds a plant with

bright yellow flowers in flower cov- takes a plural verb. The plural form
ered with flowers Go to Japan when folks is also used.)
follow / fl/ verb 1. to come after or

the cherry trees are in flower. verb to

produce flowers a plant which flowers behind someone or something What
in early summer The cherry trees letter follows B in the alphabet? The
flowered very late this year. dog followed me all the way home. 2. to
flown /fln/ past participle of fly
walk or drive behind someone, e.g. in
order to see where they are going I
flu /flu
/ noun a common illness like a

had the impression I was being fol-

bad cold, often with a high temperature lowed. 3. to do what someone tells you
fluid / flu
d/ noun a liquid You need to

to do She followed the instructions on

drink plenty of fluids in hot weather. the tin of paint. He made the cake fol-
flung /fl/ past tense and past participle lowing a recipe in the newspaper. fol-

of fling low suit to do what someone else does

fly /fla/ noun a small insect with wings
She jumped into the pool and every-
which eats food and spreads diseases one else followed suit.
follower / fl/ noun a supporter

He tried to kill the fly with a newspaper.

Cover the food to protect it from flies.
following / fl/ adjective which

verb 1. to move through the air using

comes next They arrived on Friday
wings When the cat came into the
and the following day she became ill.
garden, the birds flew away. Some
Look at the following picture. prepo-
birds fly to Africa for the winter. 2. to
sition after Following his death, his
travel in a plane Im flying to China
next week. He flies across the Atlantic son sold the family house.
fond /fnd/ adjective liking someone or

twice a month. 3. to be quick I must fly

if I want to get home by 6 oclock. something Im fond of my sisters
(NOTE: flies flying flew /flu
/ has children. Michaels very fond of play-
flown /fln/) time flies time passes ing golf. Page 131 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

fondly 131 forehead

fondly / fndli/ adverb in a way which for /f, f
/ preposition 1. showing the
fondly for

shows you are fond of someone or purpose or use of something This

something plastic bag is for the apples. Whats
food /fu
d/ noun things which you eat
that key for? 2. showing the occasion on
This hotel is famous for its good food. which or the reason why something is
Do you like German food? given What did you get for your birth-
day? What did you win for coming
foolish / fu
l/ adjective showing a lack

first? 3. showing the person who re-

of intelligence or good judgment That ceives something There was no mail
was a rather foolish thing to do. I felt for you this morning. Im making a
rather foolish. cup of tea for my mother. 4. showing
foot /ft/ noun 1. the part at the end of
how long something takes He has
your leg on which you stand She has gone to France for two days. Weve
very small feet. Watch out, you trod on been waiting here for hours. 5. showing
my foot! on foot walking They com- distance You can see for miles from
pleted the rest of the journey on foot. 2. the top of the hill. The motorway goes
the bottom part; the end There is a for kilometres without any service sta-
door at the foot of the stairs. There are tions. 6. showing where someone or
traffic lights at the foot of the hill. something is going Is this the plane
Sign the document at the foot of the for Edinburgh? When is the next bus
page. 3. a unit of measurement equal to for Oxford Circus? 7. in the place of
about 30 centimetres The table is four someone Can you write this letter for
foot or four feet long. Shes almost six me?
forbid /f bd/ verb to tell someone that

foot tall. Im five foot seven (5 7").

inch (NOTE: The plural is feet. As a they are not allowed to do something
measurement foot often has no plural The staff are forbidden to use the front
form: six foot tall; three foot wide. With entrance. (NOTE: forbids forbidding
numbers foot is also often written with forbade /f bd/ forbidden /f

the symbol a 6 ladder ; he is 5 6: say bd()n/)

hes five foot six.)
force /f
s/ noun 1. strength or power

football / ftb
l/ noun 1. a game

The force of the wind blew tiles off the

played between two teams of eleven roof. The police had to use force to re-
players with a round ball which can be strain the crowd. 2. an organised group
kicked or headed, but not carried They of people He served in the police
went to a football match. The children force for twenty years. verb to make
were playing football in the street. someone do something He was forced
Lets have a game of football. He to stop smoking. You cant force me to
spends all his time watching football on go if I dont want to.
TV. Hes got a new pair of football
forecast / f
st/ noun what you

boots. 2. a ball used for kicking; the ball think will happen in the future His
used in the various games of football forecast of sales turned out to be com-
They were kicking a football around in pletely accurate. verb to say what will
the street. happen in the future They are fore-
footballer / ftb
l/ noun a person

casting storms for the south coast.

who plays football They forecast a rise in the number of
footprint / ftprnt/ noun a mark left by
tourists. (NOTE: forecasts forecast-
someones foot on the ground They ing forecast)
foreground / f
'rand/ noun a part of

followed the footprints in the snow to

the cave. a picture which seems nearest the front
footstep / ftstep/ noun a sound made forehead / f
hed/ noun the part of the
footstep forehead

by a foot touching the ground We front of the head above the eyes and be-
heard soft footsteps along the corridor. low the line of the hair Page 132 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

foreign 132 fortune

foreign / frn/ adjective not from your Shes in the third form. verb 1. to sit

own country There are lots of foreign or stand with others so as to make a par-
medical students at our college. ticular shape The children formed a
foreigner / frn/ noun a person who
circle. Form a queue here, please. 2.
does not come from the same country as formed of made of The team is
you formed of ex-students.
formal / f
m()l/ adjective 1. done ac-

forest / frst/ noun a large area covered


with trees The country is covered with cording to certain rules The formal
opening ceremony was performed by
thick forests. In dry weather theres a
the mayor. 2. serious in style; suitable
danger of forest fires. In winter bears
for special or official occasions Good
come out of the forest to search for food.
afternoon is a formal way of saying
forever /f
r ev/, for ever /fr ev/

Hello in the afternoon.
adverb 1. always in the future I will
formally / f
mli/ adverb according to

love you forever. 2. a very long time It rules; done or spoken in a serious way
took us forever to get to the hotel.
formation /f
me()n/ noun the act

forget /f 'et/ verb 1. not to remember


of forming something The formation
Hes forgotten the name of the restau- of ice occurs at temperatures below ze-
rant. Ive forgotten how to play chess. ro.
She forgot all about her doctors ap-
former / f
m/ adjective referring to a

pointment. 2. to leave something behind

When he left the office he forgot his persons or a things job or position at an
car keys. (NOTE: forgets forgetting earlier time a former army officer
forgot /f 't/ has forgotten /f

The former champion came last in the
'tn/) race.
formerly / f
mli/ adverb at an earlier

forgive /f 'v/ verb to stop being angry


with someone Dont worry about it time He was formerly head of our de-
I forgive you! Will she ever forgive me partment.
fort /f
t/ noun a strong army building

for forgetting her birthday? (NOTE: for-

gives forgiving forgave /f 'ev/
which can be defended against enemy
has forgiven) attacks The soldiers rode out of the
fort. He was posted to a fort in the
forgot /f 't/ past tense of forget

forgotten /f 't()n/ past participle of

forth /f
/ adverb forwards

fortieth / f
t/ adjective relating to

fork /f
k/ noun an object with a handle

the number 40 in a series her fortieth

at one end and several sharp points at birthday He came fortieth and last in
the other, used for picking up food and the race. Its her fortieth birthday to-
putting it in your mouth Dont try to morrow.
eat Chinese food with a knife and fork.
fortnight / f
tnat/ noun two weeks

Its polite to use a fork to eat cake

dont use your fingers. verb to be- (NOTE: not used in US English)
fortunate / f
tnt/ adjective having

come two parts The railway line forks

at Crewe and one branch goes to the better things happen to you than happen
coast. to other people You are very fortunate
form /f
m/ noun 1. an official paper
to have such a lovely family.
fortunately / f
tntli/ adverb by

with spaces, in which you are asked to

write information such as your name good luck Fortunately, he had remem-
and address ? Could you please fill in bered to take an umbrella. He was
this form with your details? 2. a state or late getting to the airport, but fortunate-
condition Their team wasnt in top ly the flight had been delayed.
form and lost. in good form in a good fortune / f
tn/ noun 1. a large

mood; well Shes in good form today. amount of money He won a fortune
3. a class, usually in a secondary school on the lottery. She made a fortune on Page 133 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

forty 133 fracture

the stock market. She left her fortune fouled inside the penalty box so the ref
to her three children. 2. what will hap- gave a penalty.
pen in the future She claims to be able found /fand/ verb to establish some-

to tell your fortune using cards. thing; to begin something The busi-
forty / f
ti/ noun the number 40 Shes ness was founded in 1900. past tense

forty (years old). He has more than and past participle of find
forty pairs of shoes. forties the num- foundation /fan de()n/ noun 1. the

bers between 40 and 49 act of establishing something or of set-

forward / f
wd/ adjective confident
ting something up Ever since its foun-
She was always very forward as a child. dation in 1892, the company has been a
adverb 1. in the direction that some- great success. 2. a charitable organisa-
one or something is facing She bent tion which provides money for certain
forward to hear what he had to say. projects a foundation for educational
He took two steps forward. The po- research
fountain / fantn/ noun an object or a

liceman made a sign with his hand and

the cars began to go forward. 2. towards structure with a pump which makes a
the future We need to do some forward stream of water come out, usually found
planning. to look forward to some- in a street or a large garden
thing to think happily about something four /f
/ noun the number 4 A square

which is going to happen Im looking has four corners. Hes four (years
forward to my holidays. He isnt look- old). I have an appointment with the
ing forward to his exams. Im looking doctor at four (oclock).
forward to seeing her again. noun a fourteen /f
n/ noun the number 14

player in a team whose job is to attack There are fourteen houses in our
the other side The England defence street. Hes fourteen (years old) next
came under attack from the other teams week.
fourteenth /f
n/ adjective, noun

forwards / f
wdz/ adverb in the di-

relating to the number 14 in a series

rection that someone or something is She came fourteenth in the race. The
facing She bent forwards to hear what fourteenth of July or July the fourteenth
he had to say. He took two steps for- (July 14th). It was her fourteenth
wards. The policeman made a sign birthday yesterday.
with his hand and the cars began to go
fourth /f
/ adjective referring to 4

the fourth of October or October the
fossil / fs()l/ noun the mark of an ani-

fourth (October 4th) This is the fourth

mal or plant left in a rock, formed over time hes had to go to hospital this year.
millions of years Its her fourth birthday tomorrow.
fought /f
t/ past tense and past partici-
number 14 in a series Ive had so
ple of fight many letters this is the fourteenth.
fox /fks/ noun a wild animal with red-

foul /fal/ adjective 1. smelling or tasting


dish fur and a long thick tail (NOTE: The

unpleasant A foul-smelling drain ran
plural is foxes.)
down the centre of the street. 2. very un-
fraction / frkn/ noun 1. (in mathe-

pleasant What foul weather were

having! The boss has been in a foul matics) a unit that is less than a whole
temper all day. noun an action which number 0.25 and 0.5 are and ex-
is against the rules of a game The ref- pressed as fractions. 2. a small part of
eree gave a free kick for a foul on the something Only a fraction of the sto-
goalkeeper. Look at the action replay len money was ever found.
fracture / frkt/ noun a break, espe-

to see if it really was a foul. (NOTE: Do

not confuse with fowl.) verb to do cially in a bone The X-ray showed up
something to another player which is the fracture clearly. verb to break a
against the rules of a game He was bone He fractured his leg in the acci- Page 134 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

fragile 134 fridge

dent. They put her fractured leg in ever the river did not freeze over. Its
plaster. so cold that the lake has frozen solid. 2.
fragile / frd"al/ adjective made from to make food very cold so that it does

materials that are easily broken Be not decay We froze the raspberries we
careful when youre packing these picked this morning. 3. to become very
plates theyre very fragile. cold The forecast is that it will freeze
tonight. Put a hat on or youll freeze!
fragment / fr'mnt/ noun a small

(NOTE: freezes freezing froze

piece When digging on the site of the
/frz/ has frozen)
house they found fragments of very old
freezer / fri
z/ noun a piece of equip-

frail /frel/ adjective physically weak, es-
ment like a large box, which is very cold
pecially because of age His grand- inside, used for freezing food and keep-
mother is now rather frail. ing it frozen
freezing / fri
z/ adjective very cold

frame /frem/ noun a border around


something such as a pair of glasses, a French /frent/ adjective referring to


picture, a mirror or a window He has France noun the language spoken in

glasses with gold frames. I think the France
frame is worth more than the painting.
/ fri
kwnsi/ noun the

verb to put a frame round a picture frequency

The photograph has been framed in red. number of times that something hap-
pens over a particular period of time
free /fri
/ adjective 1. not costing any

The government is becoming alarmed at

money Send in four tokens from cere- the frequency of accidents in the con-
al boxes and you can get a free toy. I struction industry. (NOTE: no plural)
got a free ticket for the exhibition. 2. not
frequent / fri
kwnt/ adjective happen-

busy; available Will you be free next

Tuesday? There is a table free in the ing or appearing often He was a fre-
corner of the restaurant. Do you have quent visitor to the library. Skin can-
any free time next week? 3. able to do cer is becoming more frequent. How
what you want; not forced to do any- frequent are the planes to Birmingham?
thing Hes free to do what he wants. 4. frequently / fri
kwntli/ adverb often

not in prison or a cage After six years The ferries dont run as frequently in
in prison hes a free man again. to set the winter. She could frequently be
someone or something free to allow seen walking her dog in the park.
someone to leave prison, or to let an an-
fresh /fre/ adjective 1. not used or not

imal out of a cage The young birds

were raised in the zoo and then set free dirty Ill get you a fresh towel. 2.
in the wild. verb to release someone made recently a basket of fresh rolls
who is trapped It took the fire service Lets ask for a pot of fresh coffee. 3. new
some time to free the passengers in the and different The police produced
bus. (NOTE: frees freeing freed) some fresh evidence. 4. (of food ) not in
a tin or frozen Fresh fruit salad is bet-
freedom / fri
dm/ noun 1. the state of

ter than tinned. Fresh vegetables are

being free, rather than being forced to difficult to get in winter.
stay somewhere or being in prison
Friday / frade/ noun the fifth day of the

She felt a sense of freedom being in the

country after working all week in the week, the day between Thursday and
city. His lawyer pleaded for his cli- Saturday We all had a meal together
ents freedom. 2. the state of being al- last Friday. We always go to the cine-
lowed to do what you want They are ma on Friday evenings. We normally
trying to restrict our freedom of move- have our meetings on Fridays. Friday
ment. is a day of rest for Muslims. Today is
freeze /fri
z/ verb 1. (of a liquid ) to be-
Friday, June 20th.
fridge /frd"/ noun a kitchen machine for

come solid because of the cold The

winter was mild, and for the first time keeping things cold The fridge is emp- Page 135 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

fried 135 frozen

ty we must buy some more food. tance It is not far from here to the rail-
Shall I put the milk back in the fridge? way station. 5. showing difference
fried /frad/ past tense and past participle
Can you tell butter from margarine?
of fry adjective cooked in oil or fat His job is totally different from mine. 6.
friend /frend/ noun a person that you
showing a cause He died from the in-
juries he received in the accident. He
know well and like Shes my best
suffers from angina. She suffers from
friend. Were going on holiday with
coughs every winter.
some friends from work.
front /frnt/ noun a part of something

friendly / frendli/ adjective pleasant and


kind, wanting to make friends Dont which is furthest forward The front of
be frightened of the dog hes very the house is on London Road. She
friendly. Were not on friendly terms spilt coffee down the front of her dress.
with the people who live next door. adjective which is in front She sat
(NOTE: friendlier friendliest) in the front seat, next to the driver. in
front further forwards Her mother sat
friendship / frendp/ noun the state of

in the back seat and she sat in front.

being friends He formed several last- in front of someone or something
ing friendships at school. before or further forwards than some-
fries /fraz/ 3rd person singular present

thing Dont stand in front of the car

of fry it may start suddenly. There are six
fright /frat/ noun fear people in front of me in the queue. You

frighten / frat()n/ verb to make some-

can park your car in front of the shop.
one afraid Take off that horrible mask front door /frnt d
/ noun the main
front door

youll frighten the children. The cat door to a house or building

has frightened all the birds away.
frost /frst/ noun 1. a white covering on

frightened / fratn()d/ adjective afraid


the ground that appears when the tem-

The frightened children ran out of the perature is below freezing The garden
building. was white with frost. 2. an occasion on
frightening / frat()n/ adjective

which the temperature outside is below

making you feel afraid a frightening freezing There was a hard frost last
sound of footsteps in the corridor He night. Theres a touch of frost in the
had a frightening thought what if no air. A late frost can damage young
one heard his cries for help? plants.
frog /fr'/ noun a small greenish-brown

frown /fran/ verb to make lines in the


animal with long legs, which jumps, and skin on your forehead because you are
lives both on land and in water He concentrating or worried He frowned
kept some tadpoles in a jar hoping they as he tried to do the calculation. noun
would turn into frogs. Can you hear pulling your eyebrows together as a sign
the frogs croaking round the pond? that you are angry or worried Take
from /frm, frm/ preposition 1. away

that frown off your face everythings

2. showing the place where something going to be all right.
starts or started He comes from Ger- frown on phrasal verb to disapprove of
many. The bees went from flower to something The teachers frown on
flower. Weve had a letter from the singing in the corridors. The company
bank. He read the book from begin- frowns on people who bring food into
ning to end. Take three from four and the office.
you get one. I took a book from the
froze /frz/ past tense of freeze

pile on his desk. 3. showing the time

frozen / frz()n/ past participle of

when something starts or started Ill

be at home from 8 oclock onwards. freeze adjective 1. very cold Come
The hours of work are 9.30 to 5.30, from inside you must be frozen out there. 2.
Monday to Friday. From now on Im at a temperature below freezing point
going to get up early. 4. showing dis- We went skating on the frozen lake. Page 136 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

fruit 136 funnel

fruit /fru
t/ noun a food that grows on through town dressed as a gorilla.

trees or plants, which is often eaten raw Why did you do that? Just for the fun
and is usually sweet You should eat of it! to make fun of someone, to
five pieces of fruit or vegetables every poke fun at someone to laugh at
day. He has six fruit trees in his gar- someone Dont make fun of her
den. shes trying her best. He poked fun at
the Prime Minister.
fry /fra/ verb to cook something in oil or

function / fkn/ noun 1. a party, or a


fat Fry the onions over a low heat so

that they dont burn. Fry the eggs in gathering of people We have two wed-
some fat. (NOTE: fries /fraz/ frying ding functions in the main restaurant
fried /frad/) this weekend. The Prime Minister
busy up with official functions all week.
frying pan / fra pn/ noun an open
frying pan

2. the work done by someone or some-

pan with low sides, used for frying thing The function of a goalkeeper is
fuel / fju
l/ noun a substance such coal,

to stop the ball going into the net.

gas, oil, petrol or wood which can be Whats the function of that red switch?
burnt to give heat or power What fuel verb to work The computer is still
do you use to heat the house? We ran functioning well after years of use.
out of fuel on the motorway. fund /fnd/ noun an amount of money

fulfil /fl fl/ verb to complete something


intended for a particular purpose She

in a satisfactory way He died before contributes to a pension fund. verb to
he could fulfil his ambition to fly a provide money for a special purpose
plane. We are so busy that we cannot We have asked the government to fund
fulfil any more orders before Christmas. the building of the new library. The
(NOTE: fulfilling fulfilled. The US company is funding her managers
spelling is fulfill.) course.
full /fl/ adjective 1. with as much inside fundamental /fnd ment()l/ adjec-
full fundamental

as is possible Is the box full? The tive basic; essential The fundamental
bag is full of potatoes. We couldnt get difference between us is that I apologise
on the first bus because it was full. All for my mistakes and you dont. Good
the hotels were full. 2. complete You air quality is fundamental for childrens
must give the police full details of the health.
accident. Write your full name and funds /fndz/ noun money which is

address at the top of the paper. adverb available for spending He started a
completely The story has never been course at college and then ran out of
told in full. funds. The company has the funds to
full stop /fl stp/ noun a punctuation set up the research programme. Funds
full stop

mark like a small dot, showing the end are available to get the project off the
of a sentence or an abbreviation ground.
fully / fli/ adverb completely He was funeral / fju
n()rl/ noun a ceremony

fully aware that he had made a mistake. at which a dead person is buried or cre-
She still hasnt fully recovered from mated The church was packed for her
her accident. The hotel is fully booked funeral. The funeral will take place on
for the Christmas week. When fully Friday morning.
grown, an elephant can weigh several fungus / f's/ noun a plant which has

tons. no green leaves or flowers and which

fun /fn/ noun enjoyment from an activi- lives on decaying matter or on other

ty Having to stay in bed on my birth- plants (NOTE: The plural is fungi

day is not much fun. to have fun to en- / f'a/.)
joy yourself We had a lot of fun on the funnel / fn()l/ noun a tube with a wide

river. for fun as a joke or for enjoy- opening and a narrow tube, used when
ment She poured water down his neck pouring liquids from one container into
for fun. Just for fun, he drove the car another Page 137 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

funny 137 future

funny / fni/ adjective 1. making people ther information about your salary.

laugh He made funny faces and all the Please send me further details of holi-
children laughed. That joke isnt fun- days in Greece.
ny. 2. strange Shes been behaving in furthest / f
st/ adverb, adjective at

a funny way recently. Theres a funny or to the greatest distance Some of the
smell in the bathroom. (NOTE: funnier staff live quite close to the office James
funniest) lives furthest away. The furthest dis-
fur /f
/ noun the soft covering of an ani- tance I have ever flown is to Hong Kong.

mals body This type of cat has very fury / fjri/ noun very strong anger

short fur. She was wearing a fur coat. He shouted at us in fury.

Have you got any fur-lined boots?
fuse /fju
z/ noun a small piece of wire in

(NOTE: Do not confuse with fir.)

an electrical system which breaks if too
furious / fjris/ adjective very angry

much power tries to pass through it, so

furniture / f
nt/ noun objects in, preventing further damage The plug

e.g. a house or an office such as tables, has a 13-amp fuse. If the lights go out,
chairs, beds and cupboards The bur- the first thing to do is to check the fuses.
glars stole all our office furniture. You fuss /fs/ noun unnecessary excitement

should cover up all the furniture before or complaints Whats all the fuss
you start painting the ceiling. (NOTE: no about?
plural: some furniture; a lot of furniture;
future / fju
t/ noun a time which has

a piece of furniture)
not yet happened What are his plans
furry / f
ri/ adjective covered with fur

for the future? You never know what

further / f
/ adverb at or to a greater

the future will bring. Can you imagine

distance Can you all move further what London will be like in the future?
back I cant get you in the picture. adjective which is coming; which has
The police station is quite close, but the not happened yet They are spending
post office is further away. Edinburgh all their time preparing for their future
is further from London than Newcastle. retirement. I try to save something
adjective more The bank needs fur- each week for future expenses. Page 138 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

g /d"i
/, G noun the seventh letter of the gle match between two opponents or

alphabet, between F and H two opposing teams Everyone wanted

gadget / 'd"t/ noun a small useful
to watch the game of football. Do you
tool want a game of snooker? Our team
have won all their games this year. 3. a
gain /'en/ verb 1. to achieve something,

single session in an activity or sport

or get it with some work or effort The such as tennis or cards Shes winning
army gained control of the country.
by six games to three. 4. wild animals
She gained some useful experience and birds such as deer, rabbits and
working for a computer company. 2. (of pheasants, which are killed for sport or
a clock or watch) to move ahead of the
food plural noun Games a large or-
correct time My watch gains five min- ganised sports competition the Olym-
utes a day. noun 1. an increase in pic Games
weight, quantity or size There was no
gang /'/ noun 1. a group of criminals

gain in weight over three weeks 2. ben-

efit or profit He doesnt do the job for a drugs gang 2. a group of young peo-
financial gain. ple who do things together, especially
galaxy / 'lksi/ noun an extremely
one that causes trouble Gangs of foot-
large group of stars There are vast ball fans wandered the streets after the
numbers of galaxies in the universe. match. 3. a group of workers Gangs of
(NOTE: The plural is galaxies.) men worked all night to repair the rail-
way track.
Galaxy, the / 'lksi/ noun the large
Galaxy, the

gap /'p/ noun a space between two


group of stars and planets that the Earth

forms part of things or in the middle of something
gale /'el/ noun a very strong wind
Theres a gap between the two planks.
The sheep all rushed through the gap in
gallery / 'lri/ noun 1. (art) gallery

the hedge.
a place where objects such as pictures
gape /'ep/ verb 1. to open your mouth

and sculptures are shown to the public

2. the highest rows of seats in a theatre wide in surprise or shock 2. to be wide
or cinema We managed to get two open The entrance to the cave gaped
seats in the gallery. (NOTE: The plural is before us.
galleries.) garage / 'rd", 'r
"/ noun 1. a

gallon / 'ln/ noun a measure of quan-


building where you can keep a car He

tity of liquid, equal to 4.55 litres The put the car into the garage overnight.
car was empty and I had to put in seven She drove the car out of the garage.
gallons of petrol. Dont forget to lock the garage door.
gallop / 'lp/ verb to go fast, especial- The hotel has garage space for thirty

ly on horseback The riders galloped cars. 2. a place where petrol is sold and
through the woods. He galloped where cars are repaired or sold
through his lecture. noun the fastest Wheres the nearest garage? I need
running speed of a horse The horse some petrol. I cant drive you to the
went off at a gallop. station my car is in the garage for re-
game /'em/ noun 1. an activity in
pair. You can hire cars from the ga-
which people compete with each other rage near the post office.
garbage / '
bd"/ noun 1. nonsense

using skill, strength or luck Shes not

very good at games like chess. 2. a sin- I dont believe a word of what he said Page 139 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

garden 139 generation

its just garbage. (NOTE: no plural) 2. people for the new project. 3. to under-
(mainly US) household waste stand from what someone has told you
garden / '
d()n/ noun an area of land
I gather that his father is in hospital.
near a house, used for growing such We gather he has left the office. 4. to
things as vegetables and flowers We pick plants, flowers or fruit The chil-
grow all the vegetables we need in the dren were gathering blackberries.
back garden. Your sisters outside, sit- The grape harvest has been gathered.
gave /'ev/ past tense of give

ting in the garden.

gardener / '
d()n/ noun a person gay /'e/ adjective 1. attracted to people
gardener gay

who looks after a garden either as a hob- of the same sex, or relating to people
by or as a job like this Its a club where gay men and
gardening / '
d()n/ noun the activ-
women meet. They met in a gay bar. 2.
ity of looking after a garden bright and lively (dated ) The houses
along the street are all painted in gay
garlic / '
lk/ noun a round white vege-

colours. noun a person who is attract-

table with a strong smell, which can be ed to someone of the same sex a club
separated into sections and used to give for gays
flavour to food
gaze /'ez/ verb to look steadily She

gas /'s/ noun 1. a chemical substance


gazed into his eyes. He stood on the

which has no form and which becomes cliff, gazing out to sea. noun a steady
liquid if it is cooled Air is made up of look She refused to meet his gaze.
several gases, mainly nitrogen and oxy-
gear /'/ noun 1. equipment for a partic-

gen. Rubbish gives off a type of gas

called methane as it rots. 2. a chemical ular purpose He took all his climbing
substance which is burnt to make heat, gear with him. She was carrying her
e.g. for cooking painting gear in a rucksack. 2. clothing
for a particular purpose She was
gasoline / 'sli
n/ noun US a liquid,

putting on her tennis gear. 3. a part of an

made from petrol, used to drive a car en- engine that makes it possible to change
gine (NOTE: usually shortened to gas) the amount of work the engine has to do
gasp /'
sp/ verb to take a short deep

to turn the wheels

breath He gasped when he saw the gene /d"i
n/ noun a set of chemicals in a

bill. noun a sudden loud breath that cell which carries information about
you take when you are surprised or in features that are passed from parent to
pain She gave a gasp when she saw child
the face at the window.
general / d"en()rl/ adjective not spe-

gate /'et/ noun 1. a low outside door


cific; covering a wide range of subjects

made of bars of wood or metal Shut He had a good general education, but
the gate if you leave it open the sheep didnt specialise in any particular field.
will get out of the field. There is a noun an army officer of high rank
white gate leading into the garden. 2. a He has only recently been promoted to
door which leads to an aircraft at an air- general. in general normally In
port Flight AZ270 is now boarding at general, the weather is warmer in the
Gate 23. south.
gather / '/ verb 1. to bring things or

generally / d"en()rli/ adverb usually


people together He gathered his pa- The office is generally closed between
pers together after the lecture. She Christmas and the New Year.
has been gathering information on the
generate / d"enret/ verb to produce

history of the local school. 2. (especially

of people) to come together in one something such as power We use wind
place, or be brought together by some- to generate electricity.
generation /d"en re()n/ noun 1.

one Groups of people gathered out-

side the Parliament building. They the production of something such as

gathered together a team of experienced power the generation of electricity Page 140 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

generous 140 get

from waves 2. all people born at about German / d"
mn/ adjective referring

the same time The 1960s generation to Germany or its inhabitants noun 1.
had an easier life than we did. Many the language spoken in Germany, Aus-
people of my fathers generation cannot tria and parts of Switzerland and Italy 2.
understand computer technology. 3. a person from Germany
members of a family born at about the gesture / d"est/ noun a movement of

same time 4. a series of machines made a part of the body such as the hands to
at about the same time They are devel- show feeling She made a slight ges-
oping a new type of engine for the next ture of impatience with her hand. verb
generation of aircraft. to make a movement with your hands
generous / d"en()rs/ adjective 1.

He gestured to the audience to sit down.

giving more money or presents than get /'et/ verb 1. to receive something

people usually do Thank you! Youre We got a letter from the bank this morn-
so generous! 2. large a generous help- ing. She gets more money than I do. 2.
ing of pudding to get to a place or situation to arrive
generously / d"en()rsli/ adverb in a at a place or situation We only got to

generous way the hotel at midnight. When does your

genetics /d" netks/ noun the science

train get to London? The plane gets to
and study of the way genes are involved New York at 4 p.m. When you get to
in passing features from parents to chil- my age youll understand! 3. to start to
dren be in a particular state Im getting too
old for rugby. Hes got much fatter
genre / "nr/ noun a type of something

over the last year or so. The sun got

artistic such as art, literature or theatre hotter and hotter. The carpets getting
the three main literary genres of prose, dirty. 4. to have something done I
poetry and drama must get my suit cleaned. We got the
gentle / d"ent()l/ adjective 1. soft and car mended in time to go on holiday. 5.

kind The nurse has gentle hands. 2. to make someone do something Can
not very strong After a little gentle you get them to mend the brakes? Ill
persuasion, she agreed to the plan. He try and get her to bring some CDs.
gave the door a gentle push. 3. not very (NOTE: gets getting got /'t/
steep There is a gentle slope down to has got or gotten)
the lake. (NOTE: gentler gentlest) get going phrasal verb to start doing
gentleman / d"ent()lmn/ noun a
something, or to leave Come on, lets
man, especially a well-behaved or up- get going!
per-class man Hes such a gentleman; get across phrasal verb 1. to manage
he always opens the door for me. to cross something They got across
the river on rafts. 2. to make someone
gently / d"entli/ adverb 1. softly and

carefully He gently put the blanket understand something Im trying to

over her. 2. not steeply The path rises get across to the people in the office that
gently to the top of the hill. they all have to work harder. We just
cant seem to get our message across.
genuine / d"enjun/ adjective real; true

get along phrasal verb to manage

The painting was not a genuine Picas- She got along quite well when her moth-
so. A genuine leather purse will cost a er was away on holiday. We seem to
lot more than that. get along very happily without the tele-
geography /d"i 'rfi/ noun the study

phone. How are you getting along?

of the earths surface, its climate and the get around phrasal verb 1. to move
plants and animals that live on it from place to place Since he had his
germ /d"
m/ noun an organism which accident he gets around on two sticks. 2.

causes disease Wash your hands after (of news) to be heard by a lot of people
emptying the dustbin so you dont The news soon got around that they
spread any germs. were married. Page 141 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

get rid of 141 giggle

get at phrasal verb to reach something something They got over the wall into
Youll need to stand on a chair to get the garden. 2. to recover from an illness
at the jam jar on the top shelf. Hes got over his flu.
get away phrasal verb to escape The get through phrasal verb 1. to manage
robbers got away in a stolen car. to go through something The cows got
get back phrasal verb 1. to return through the hole in the fence. 2. to be
They got back home very late. When successful He got through his exams,
did they get back from the cinema? 2. to so he is now a qualified engineer.
get something again which you had be- get up phrasal verb 1. to get out of bed
fore I got my money back after I had He went to bed so late that he didnt
complained to the manager. get up until 11 oclock. 2. to make
get down phrasal verb 1. to go back someone get out of bed You must get
down onto the ground The cat everyone up by 7.30 if we are going to
climbed up the tree and couldnt get leave on time. 3. to stand up When he
down. He got down off the ladder. 2. had finished his meal, he got up and
to bring something down Can you get walked out of the room.
get rid of

my suitcase down for me? get rid of rid

get in phrasal verb 1. to go inside a ghost /'st/ noun an image of a dead

place or a vehicle Get in! the trains person which some people believe they
going to leave. The burglars must have seen They say the house is haunt-
have got in through the bathroom win- ed by the ghost of its former owner.
dow. 2. to arrive home or at the office Her face is white she looks as if she
What time did you get in last night? has seen a ghost.
Because of the train strike, we didnt get giant / d"ant/ noun (in fairy tales and

in until eleven oclock. 3. to ask some- myths) a very large man a story about
one to come to do a job Well get a a giant who lived in a castle at the top of
builder in to mend the wall. a mountain adjective very large
get into phrasal verb to go inside a Hes grown a giant cabbage. They are
place or a vehicle They got into the planning to build a giant car factory in
back of the car. I was just getting into South Wales.
bed when the phone rang. The bur-
giddy / 'di/ adjective feeling that every-

glars got into the building through a

thing is turning round, and that you
window on the ground floor.
could lose your balance (NOTE: giddier
get off phrasal verb to come down giddiest)
from or out of a form of transport such
gift /'ft/ noun 1. a present; something

as a car, bus, train or plane She got off

her bicycle at the red light. If you given to someone The wedding gifts
want the post office, you should get off were displayed on a table. She was
at the next stop. You have to get off the wrapping up gifts to put under the
train at South Kensington. Christmas tree. 2. a natural ability for
doing something well She has a gift
get on phrasal verb 1. to go onto a
for making people feel welcome. He
form of transport such as a car, bus, train has a gift for maths.
or plane They got on the bus at the
gifted / 'ftd/ adjective with a special

bank. The policeman got on his bike

and rode away. 2. to become old Hes talent He was a gifted musician.
gigantic /d"a 'ntk/ adjective ex-

getting on and cant work as hard as he

used to. tremely large

get out phrasal verb to go out of a giggle / ''()l/ noun a little laugh, often

place or a vehicle The bus stopped showing you are embarrassed verb to
and the driver got out. The burglars laugh like this When she saw her
got out through the front door. mothers hat she started to giggle. The
get over phrasal verb 1. to climb over class giggled at his accent. Page 142 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

ginger 142 glimpse

ginger / d"nd"/ noun a plant whose

way and let us go camping by ourselves.

root has a sharp burning taste and is glad /'ld/ adjective pleased

used in cooking Fry the meat with Jane was glad to get your postcard.
spring onions and slices of ginger. After shopping all day, she was glad to
Add a pinch of powdered ginger to the find somewhere to sit down.
cake mixture. adjective (of hair ) or-
gladly / 'ldli/ adverb with great pleas-

ange in colour She has ginger hair

and green eyes. A ginger cat lay ure
glance /'l
ns/ noun a quick look She

sleeping in the sun.

giraffe /d" r
f/ noun a large African

gave him an admiring glance. verb to
animal with a very long neck look quickly He glanced over his
shoulder to see who was following him.
girl /'
l/ noun a female child a crowd

She glanced suspiciously at the wait-

of girls waiting at the bus stop They er. at a glance after a quick look at
have four children two boys and two something At a glance, Id say these
girls. My sister goes to the local girls rugs are Chinese.
glare /'le/ noun 1. a very bright light

girlfriend / '
lfrend/ noun a girl or

The glare of the sun on the wet road

woman that someone is having a roman- blinded me. 2. an angry look He gave
tic relationship with Hes broken up her a glare and walked on. verb to
with his girlfriend. look angrily She glared at me and
give /'v/ verb 1. to pass something to

went on reading her book.

someone Give me another envelope, glass /'l
s/ noun 1. a hard, smooth ma-

please. Can you give me some infor- terial which you can see through, used
mation about holidays in Greece? 2. to to make things such as windows, vases
send or pass something to someone as a and bowls a bowl made of glass or a
present We gave her flowers for her glass bowl They found some very old
birthday. What are you going to give pieces of glass in the earth. (NOTE: no
him when he gets married? We gave plural) 2. a container to drink out of,
ten pounds to the Red Cross. 3. to do usually made of glass She put the
something to someone or something dirty glasses in the dishwasher. We
He gave me a broad smile. He gave took plastic wine glasses on the picnic.
her a kiss. She gave the ball a kick. 4. (NOTE: The plural is glasses.) 3. the
to organise something such as a party liquid contained in a glass She asked
They gave a reception for the visiting for a glass of water. He was so thirsty
Foreign Minister. We gave a party to he drank three glasses. Add a glass of
celebrate her twenty-first birthday. red wine to the sauce. (NOTE: The plural
(NOTE: gives giving gave /'ev/ is glasses.) plural noun glasses two
has given / 'v()n/) plastic or glass lenses in a frame which
give back phrasal verb to hand some- you wear in front of your eyes to help
thing back to someone you see better She has to wear glasses
give in phrasal verb to agree to do for reading. (NOTE: no singular: for one
something that you had refused to do item, say a pair of glasses.)
earlier glide /'lad/ verb to move in a smooth

give up phrasal verb to stop doing way Skaters were gliding across the
something Shes trying to give up ice. A bird went gliding past.
smoking. glimpse /'lmps/ noun a quick sight of

give way phrasal verb 1. to let some- something We caught a glimpse of the
one go first Give way to traffic com- princess as she drove past. There was
ing from the right. 2. to break under a a brief glimpse of the sun during the af-
heavy weight The chair gave way ternoon. verb to catch sight of some-
when he sat on it. 3. to stop opposing one or something We only glimpsed
something In the end, our dad gave the back of her head as she was leaving. Page 143 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

glitter 143 go
glitter / 'lt/ verb to shine brightly with motorbike to go. 4. to fit Its too big to

small points of light, as the stars in the go into the box. This case wont go
sky seem to shine The jewels in her into the back of the car. 5. to be placed
crown were glittering in the light of the The date should go at the top of the
candles. Her eyes glittered hopefully letter. 6. to become Her face went red
as she spoke. from sitting in the sun. He went pale
global / 'lb()l/ adjective 1. relating
and rushed out of the room. You have
to the whole world We offer a global to shout, my fathers going deaf. Shes
parcel delivery service. 2. relating to the going grey, but it suits her. 7. to happen
whole of something We are carrying in a particular way The party went
out a global review of salaries. very well. Things are going badly at
work. 8. to make a particular sound
globe /'lb/ noun 1. the globe the

The balloon landed on a candle and

world He is trying to be the first per- went pop. Do you remember the
son to fly round the globe in a balloon. song that goes: Theres no place like
2. a map of the world on a ball He home? (NOTE: goes going went
spun the globe round and pointed to /went/ has gone /'n/) noun a try;
Canada. an attempt He won the lottery at the
gloomy / 'lu
mi/ adjective 1. unhappy

first go. She had three goes at the test

She was gloomy about her chances of and still didnt pass. Well give it one
passing the exam. Hes very gloomy more go, and if the car doesnt start Ill
about his job prospects. 2. dark a call the garage.
gloomy Sunday afternoon in November go ahead phrasal verb to take place as
(NOTE: gloomier gloomiest) planned The project went ahead even
glossy / 'lsi/ adjective shiny

the though there were not enough staff.

glossy coat of a horse (NOTE: glossier go away phrasal verb to leave
glossiest) go back phrasal verb to return
glove /'lv/ noun a piece of clothing

go back on phrasal verb not to do

worn on your hand what has been promised
glow /'l/ verb to shine in a dull way go down phrasal verb to go to a lower

The logs glowed in the fireplace. Her level There are thirty-nine steps
face glowed with pride. noun a soft which go down to the beach. Be care-
bright light the warm glow of the fire ful when going down the hill. After
glue /'lu
/ noun a substance which sticks
having a rest in her bedroom, she went
things together She spread the glue down to the hotel bar. Prices have
carefully onto the back of the poster. gone down.
The glue on the envelope doesnt stick go in phrasal verb to enter a place
very well. verb to stick things together You dont need to knock just go in.
He glued the label to the box. go in for phrasal verb to take an exam-
gnaw /n
/ verb to bite something again
and again go into phrasal verb 1. to enter a place
She went into the bedroom. 2. to ex-
go /'/ verb 1. to move from one place

to another The plane goes to Frank- amine something; to look at something

furt, then to Rome. She is going to carefully The bank wants to go into
London for the weekend. Its time the the details of his account.
children went to bed. He has gone to go off phrasal verb 1. to go to another
work in Washington. They are going place He went off to look for a parking
on a tour of southern Spain. She was space. She went off muttering some-
going downstairs when she fell. 2. to thing about buying cheese. 2. (of an
leave Get your coat, its time to go. alarm) to start making its noise The
The last bus goes at half past two. 3. to burglar alarm went off in the middle of
work Can you phone the garage? the night. 3. to explode The bomb
the car wont go. Hes trying to get his went off when there were still lots of Page 144 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

goal 144 good

god /'d/ noun a being with special pow-

people in the building. Fireworks

were going off everywhere on Bonfire ers that humans do not have, who is be-
Night. lieved in and worshipped by some peo-
go on phrasal verb 1. to continue ple Bacchus was the Roman god of
Please go on, I like hearing you sing. wine.
God /'d/ noun the spiritual Christians,

They went on working in spite of the

fire. She went on speaking for two Jews and Muslims believe in and wor-
hours. 2. to happen Whats been go- ship Do you believe in God? We
ing on here? pray to God that the children will be
go out phrasal verb 1. to leave a build- found alive. interjection used for
ing I dont go out often at night. He showing that you are surprised or an-
forgot to lock the door when he went noyed God, what awful weather!
out. 2. not to be burning or lit any more My God, have you seen how late it is?
The fire went out and the room got goddess / 'des/ noun a female god

cold. All the lights in the building sud- (NOTE: The plural is goddesses.)
denly went out. goes /'z/ 3rd person singular present

go round phrasal verb 1. to turn The of go

merry-go-round went round and round. going / '/ present participle of go

2. to visit a place Youll need at least

going to / ' tu
/ phrase used for
going to

two hours to go round the museum. 3. to

be enough for a particular number of showing future Were going to win.
people There wasnt enough ice I hope its going to be fine tomorrow.
When are you going to wash your hair?
cream to go round all twelve of us.
Hes going to be a great tennis player
go up phrasal verb 1. to go to a higher
when hes older. Is she going to sing
place Take the lift and go up to the at the concert?
fourth floor. 2. to increase; to rise to a
gold /'ld/ noun a very valuable yel-

higher level The price of bread has

gone up. low-coloured metal That ring isnt
go with phrasal verb to match some- made of gold. Gold is worth more
thing Blue shoes wont go with a than silver. He wears a gold ring on
green dress. Red wine goes best with his little finger. (NOTE: no plural: some
gold, a bar of gold) adjective of the
colour of gold a gold carpet
go without phrasal verb not to have
golden / 'ld()n/ adjective coloured

something which you usually have

We often went without lunch. like gold; made from gold She has
goal /'l/ noun 1. (in games) two posts
beautiful golden hair.
golf /'lf/ noun a game played on a large

between which you have to send the ball

to score a point He was unlucky to open course, by hitting a small ball into
miss the goal with that shot. 2. (in 18 separate holes with a variety of clubs,
games) a point scored by sending the using as few attempts as possible He
ball between the posts He scored a plays golf every Saturday. Do you
goal before being sent off. Our team want a game of golf?
scored three goals. 3. an aim Our goal gone /'n/ past participle of go

is to open a new pizza restaurant every good /'d/ adjective 1. sensible, enjoya-

month. He achieved his goal of be- ble or of a high standard We had a

coming a millionaire before he was thir- good breakfast and then started work.
ty. Did you have a good time at the party?
goalkeeper / 'lki
p/ noun a player

It would be a good idea to invest in

who stands in front of the goal to stop these shares. Her Spanish is better
the ball going in than his. 2. skilful; clever Hes good
goat /'t/ noun a small farm animal

at making things out of wood. Shes

with horns and a beard, giving milk and good with her hands. He is good at
wool a herd of goats football. 3. well-behaved Be a good Page 145 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

goodbye 145 grand

girl and Ill give you a sweet. Have grab /'rb/ verb 1. to pick something up

you been good while weve been away? suddenly He grabbed his suitcase and
noun an advantage or a benefit The ran to the train. 2. to get something
medicine didnt do me any good. He quickly (informal ) Lets grab some
decided to give up smoking for the good lunch before the meeting starts. (NOTE:
of his health. Whats the good of hav- grabs grabbing grabbed)
ing a big garden if you dont like gar- graceful / 'resf()l/ adjective moving

dening? Governments should work in a smooth and beautiful way She

for the good of the people. crossed the stage with graceful steps.
goodbye /'d ba/ noun, interjection

We admired the swimmers graceful

used when leaving someone Say strokes across the pool.
goodbye to your teacher. Goodbye! grade /'red/ noun 1. a level of quality

Well see you again on Thursday. (NOTE: I always buy grade 2 eggs. What
often shortened to bye) grade of vegetables do you sell most of?
good evening /'d i
vn/ interjec- 2. an examination mark She got top
good evening

tion used as a greeting when meeting grades in maths. 3. US a class in school

someone or sometimes when leaving students in fifth grade Shes a fifth-
someone in the evening grade student. verb to sort things ac-
cording to size or quality a machine
good-looking /'d lk/ adjective

for grading fruit Hotels are graded

(of a person) having an attractive face with two, three, four or five stars. to
His sister is a very good-looking girl. make the grade to succeed; to do well
Hes not especially good-looking.
gradual / 'rd"ul/ adjective which

good morning /'d m

n/ interjec-
good morning

changes a little at a time

tion used when meeting someone, or
gradually / 'rd"uli/ adverb little by

sometimes when leaving someone in the

little His condition improved gradual-
ly day by day. She gradually learnt
goods /'dz/ plural noun 1. things that

how to deal with customers complaints.

are produced for sale The company graffiti /'r fi
ti/ noun words which

sells goods from various European have been written or painted on walls in
countries. 2. possessions; things which public places
you own She carried all her worldly
graft /'r
ft/ noun very hard work that

goods in a bag.
needs a lot of physical energy (informal )
gossip / 'sp/ noun stories or news

She has succeeded through sheer hard

about someone, which may or may not graft.
be true Have you heard the latest gos- grain /'ren/ noun 1. a crop such as

sip about Sue? verb to talk about peo- wheat or corn a field of grain the
ples private lives They spent hours grain harvest 2. a very small piece a
gossiping about the people working in grain of sand
the office.
gram /'rm/, gramme noun a unit of

got /'t/ past tense and past participle of


weight; there are 1000 grams in a kilo-

get gram (NOTE: usually written g after fig-
govern / 'v()n/ verb to rule a country

ures: 50 g.)
The country is governed by three gen- grammar / 'rm/ noun 1. the rules of

erals. a language Im finding Russian gram-

government / 'v()nmnt/ noun the

mar very difficult. Hes been learning

people or a political party which rules a English for years, and still makes basic
country The president asked the lead- grammar mistakes. 2. a book of rules of
er of the largest party to form a new a language Ill look it up in my new
government. The government controls German grammar.
grand /'rnd/ adjective 1. big and im-

the price of bread. He has an impor-

tant job in the government. portant his grand plan for making a Page 146 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

grandad 146 grease

lot of money 2. impressive We went to graph /'r
f/ noun a chart showing how

a very grand wedding. amounts rise and fall in the form of a

grandad / 'rndd/ noun 1. a grandfa- line

ther (informal ) 2. a common name used grasp /'r

sp/ noun an understanding

for addressing a grandfather She has a good grasp of physics. verb

grandchild / 'rntald/ noun a child to understand something They didnt

of a son or daughter (NOTE: The plural is seem to grasp my meaning.

grandchildren / 'rntldrn/.) grass /'r
s/ noun a low green plant,

granddaughter / 'rnd
t/ noun the

which is eaten by sheep and cows in

daughter of a son or daughter fields, or used in gardens to cover the
grandfather / 'rnf
/ noun the fa-

area that you walk or sit on The grass
ther of your mother or father Tomor- is getting too long it needs cutting.
grate /'ret/ noun a metal frame for

row is grandfathers hundredth birth-

day. My grandfather always tells us holding coal in a fireplace verb to
fascinating stories about his childhood. make something into small pieces by
(NOTE: often called grandad or grand- rubbing against a grater She grated
pa by children) nutmeg over the pudding. Sprinkle
grandma / 'rnm
/ noun 1. a grand-
grated cheese over your pasta. We
mother (informal ) 2. a common name made a salad of grated carrots and
used for addressing a grandmother spring onions. (NOTE: Do not confuse
with great.)
grandmother / 'rnm/ noun the

grateful / 'retf()l/ adjective feeling


mother of your mother or father It will

be grandmothers ninetieth birthday that you want to thank someone for
next month. My grandmother taught something that they have done for you
me how to make bread. (NOTE: often We are most grateful to you for your
called gran or granny or grandma or help.
grave /'r
v/ noun a hole in the ground

nan by children)
grandpa / 'rnp
/ noun 1. a grandfa-
where a dead person is buried At the
ther (informal ) 2. a common name used funeral, the whole family stood by the
for addressing a grandfather grave. adjective serious She looked
at him with a grave expression. (NOTE:
grandparent / 'rnpernt/ noun the

graver gravest)
mother or father of one of your parents
gravity / 'rvti/ noun the force which

grandson / 'rnsn/ noun the son of a


pulls things towards the ground Ap-

son or daughter
ples fall to the ground because of the
granny / 'rni/ noun 1. a grandmother

earths gravity.
(informal ) 2. a common name used for
gravy / 'revi/ noun sauce made from

addressing a grandmother
the juices of cooked meat (NOTE: no plu-
grant /'r
nt/ noun an amount of money

given to help someone to pay for some-
gray /'re/ noun, adjective US spelling

thing, or to live while they are doing

something such as studying Not many of grey
graze /'rez/ noun a slight skin injury

students get a full grant. My grant

only pays for a few books. We have He had a graze on his knee. verb (of
applied for a grant to plant trees by the animals) to feed on grass The sheep
side of the road. verb to give someone were grazing on the hillside.
something, especially officially grease /'ri
s/ noun 1. thick oil Put

(formal ) The council has granted the some grease on the hinge. 2. fat that
school permission to build a new hall. comes from meat when it is cooked
grape /'rep/ noun a small green or red

verb to cover with oil Dont forget to

fruit which grows on low plants, often grease the wheels. She greased the
used to make wine pan before cooking the eggs. Page 147 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

greasy 147 ground

greasy / 'ri
si/ adjective covered with grief when the council refused to renew

oil or grease He wiped his greasy their grant.

hands on a piece of rag. I dont like grill /'rl/ noun a part of a cooker where

the chips they serve here theyre too food is cooked under the heat Cook
greasy. (NOTE: greasier greasiest) the chops under the grill. verb to cook
great /'ret/ adjective 1. large She was
something in this part of the cooker
carrying a great big pile of sandwiches. Were having grilled sardines for dinner.
grim /'rm/ adjective 1. serious and not

The guide showed us into the Great

Hall. 2. important or famous the smiling His expression was grim.
greatest tennis player of all time New He gave a grim laugh and went on
York is a great city. Picasso was a working. 2. grey and unpleasant The
great artist. 3. wonderful; very good town centre is really grim.
We had a great time at the party. What grimy / 'rami/ adjective covered with

did you think of the film? It was great! old dirt that is difficult to remove The
It was great of you to help. It was furniture was broken and the windows
great that they could all get to the pic- were grimy.
grin /'rn/ verb to smile widely He

greatly / 'retli/ adverb very much


grinned when we asked him if he liked

greedy / 'ri
di/ adjective wanting more his job. (NOTE: grins grinning

food or other things than you need grinned) noun a wide smile She
(NOTE: greedier greediest) gave me a big grin.
grind /'rand/ verb 1. to crush some-

green /'ri
n/ adjective 1. of a colour like

the colour of grass He was wearing a thing to powder to grind coffee 2. to

bright green shirt. They painted the rub surfaces together (NOTE: grinds
door dark green. Go on the traffic grinding ground /'rand/)
grip /'rp/ noun a firm hold He has a

lights are green. 2. relating to, interest-

ed in or concerned about the environ- strong firm grip. These tyres give a
ment Shes very worried about green better grip on the road surface. verb
issues. Hes a leading figure in the 1. to hold something tight She gripped
green movement. noun 1. a colour the rail with both hands. 2. to be very in-
like grass The door was painted a very teresting to someone The story
dark green. 2. an area of public land gripped me from the first page. (NOTE:
covered with grass in the middle of a grips gripping gripped)
village They were playing cricket on groove /'ru
v/ noun a wide line cut into

the village green. a surface

greet /'ri
t/ verb to meet someone and

gross /'rs/ adjective total; with noth-


say hello ing taken away Whats your gross sal-

greeting / 'ri
t/ noun the words that ary? adverb with nothing taken away

people say to each other when they meet His salary is paid gross.
ground /'rand/ noun 1. the surface of

grew /'ru
/ past tense of grow

the earth The factory was burnt to the

grey /'re/ noun a colour that is a mixture

ground. There were no seats, so we

of black and white He was dressed all had to sit on the ground. She lay down
in grey. adjective of a colour that is a on the ground and went to sleep. 2. soil
mixture of black and white Her hair or earth You should dig the ground in
has turned quite grey. She was wear- the autumn. The house is built on wet
ing a light grey suit. Look at the grey ground. It has been so dry that the
clouds I think it is going to rain. ground is hard. 3. an area of land used
grief /'ri
f/ noun a feeling of great sad-

for a special purpose a football

ness to come to grief to have an ac- ground a sports ground a cricket
cident; to fail His horse came to grief ground a show ground plural noun
at the first fence. The project came to grounds 1. a large area of land around Page 148 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

ground floor 148 guide

a big house or institution The police grumble / 'rmbl/ to complain in a

searched the school grounds for the bad-tempered way, especially regularly
weapon. The village fair is held in the and often about unimportant things
grounds of the hospital. 2. reasons Hes always grumbling about the music
Does he have any grounds for com- from the flat above.
plaint? What grounds have you got guarantee /'rn ti
/ noun 1. a legal

for saying that? document in which someone states that

ground floor /'rand fl
/ noun a something is going to happen The
ground floor

floor in a building which is level with travel agent could not give a guarantee
the street that we would be accommodated in the
hotel mentioned in the brochure. 2. a
group /'ru
p/ noun 1. a number of peo-

promise I cant give you any guaran-

ple together a group of houses in the tee of success. verb to give a firm
valley Groups of people gathered in promise that something will work, that
the street. She is leading a group of something will be done I can guaran-
businessmen on a tour of Italian facto- tee that the car will give you no trouble.
ries. There are reduced prices for We can almost guarantee good weath-
groups of 30 and over. 2. a way of clas- er in the Caribbean at this time of year.
sifying things These drugs belong to (NOTE: guarantees guaranteeing
the same group. 3. people playing music guaranteed)
together He plays in a jazz group.
guard /'
d/ noun 1. a person who pro-

Shes the lead singer in a pop group.

tects, often a soldier Security guards
grow /'r/ verb 1. (of plants) to live and

patrol the factory at night. 2. the man in

develop There was grass growing in charge of a train The guard helped my
the middle of the road. Roses grow put my bike into his van. verb to watch
well in our garden. 2. to make plants someone or somewhere carefully to pre-
grow He grows all his vegetables in vent attacks or escapes The prison is
his garden. We are going to grow guarded at all times. to be on your
some cabbages this year. 3. to become guard to try to be ready for an unpleas-
taller or bigger Hes grown a lot taller ant surprise You always have to be on
since I last saw him. The profit has your guard against burglars.
grown to 1m. The towns population guerrilla /' rl/, guerilla noun a sol-

is growing very fast. (NOTE: grows dier who is not part of a regular national
growing grew /'ru
/ grown army
/'rn/) guess /'es/ noun an attempt to give the

grow up phrasal verb to become an right answer or amount Go on make

adult a guess! At a guess, Id say it weighs
growing / 'r/ adjective 1. becom-

about 10 kilos. verb to try to give the

ing bigger in size or amount 2. becom- right answer or amount I would guess
ing stronger or more extreme growing its about six oclock. Neither of them
fear of war guessed the right answer. He guessed
right. Ive bought you a present shut
grown /'rn/ adjective full size What

your eyes and guess what it is.

silly behaviour from a grown man!
guest /'est/ noun 1. a person who is in-

growth /'r/ noun an increase in size


vited to come to your home or to an

the rapid growth of the population event We had a very lively party with
since 1980 They measured the trees dozens of guests. None of the guests
growth over the last fifty years. left the party early. 2. a person staying
grubby / 'rbi/ adjective so dirty as to
in a hotel Guests are requested to va-
be unpleasant A grubby little boy cate their rooms before midday.
guidance / 'ad()ns/ noun advice

asked for money. He was wearing a

guide /'ad/ noun 1. a person who shows

grubby old shirt. (NOTE: grubbier

grubbiest) you the way They used local farmers Page 149 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

guidebook 149 gym

as guides through the forest. 2. a person him dead. 2. a small piece of equipment
who shows tourists round a place The which you hold in your hand to spray a
guide showed us round the castle. The substance such as paint or glue A
museum guide spoke so fast that we spray gun gives an even coating of
couldnt understand what she was say- paint. to jump the gun to start too
ing. 3. a book which gives information quickly The new law comes into effect
a guide to Athens a guide to the but- in a months time, but some shops have
terflies of Europe verb 1. to show already jumped the gun.
someone the way to somewhere She gunman / 'nmn/ noun a man armed

guided us up the steps in the dark. 2. to with a gun The gunman pulled out a
show tourists round a place He guided revolver and started shooting. (NOTE:
us round the castle and told us about its The plural is gunmen.)
gut /'t/ noun the tube in which food is

guidebook / 'adbk/ noun a book


with information about a place digested as it passes through the body

He complained of a pain in the gut.
guilty / 'lti/ adjective 1. who has com-

guts /'ts/ plural noun courage


mitted a crime He was found guilty of

murder. The jury decided she was not (informal ) She had the guts to tell the
guilty. 2. feeling unhappy because you boss he was wrong.
have done something wrong I feel gutter / 't/ noun 1. the side of a road

very guilty about not having written to where water can flow Pieces of paper
you. (NOTE: guiltier guiltiest) and leaves were blowing about in the
guitar /' t
/ noun a musical instrument gutter. 2. an open pipe under the edge of

with six strings, played with the fingers a roof for catching rain It rained so
He plays the guitar in a pop group. hard the gutters overflowed.
gulf /'lf/ noun an area of sea partly sur- guy /'a/ noun 1. a man (informal ) She
gulf guy

rounded by land the Gulf of Mexico married a guy from Texas. The boss is
gum /'m/ noun 1. glue She spread a very friendly guy. Hey, you guys,

gum on the back of the photo and stuck come and look at this! 2. a model of a
it onto a sheet of paper. 2. the flesh man burnt on Bonfire Night, November
around the base of your teeth Brush- 5th The children are collecting
ing your teeth every day is good for your clothes to make a guy. Penny for the
gums. verb to stick something with guy!
glue She gummed the pictures onto a gym /d"m/ noun 1. a place with special

sheet of paper. (NOTE: gums gum- equipment, or a large hall as in a school,

ming gummed) for indoor sports and physical training
gun /'n/ noun 1. a weapon which

I go to the gym twice a week to exercise.

shoots bullets The robber pulled out a 2. physical exercises, especially as an
gun. She grabbed his gun and shot activity at school Page 150 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

h /et/, H noun the eighth letter of the al- way there! The post office is about

phabet, between G and I halfway between the station and our

habit / hbt/ noun something that
hall /h
l/ noun 1. a room just inside the

someone does regularly He has the

habit of biting his fingernails. entrance to a house, where you can
had /d, hd, hd/ past tense and past
leave your coat Dont wait in the hall,
participle of have come straight into the dining room.
She left her umbrella in the hall. 2. a
hail /hel/ noun frozen rain I thought

large room where large numbers of peo-

the hail was going to break the wind- ple can come together The children
screen. verb to fall as frozen rain It have their dinner in the school hall.
hailed for ten minutes and then the sun
halt /h
lt/ noun a complete stop verb

came out.
to stop something The cars halted
hair /he/ noun 1. a mass of long fibres

when the traffic lights went red. We

growing on your head She has long are trying to halt experiments on live
brown hair or her hair is long and animals.
brown. She always brushes her hair
halve /h
v/ verb to reduce something by

before washing it. You must get your

hair cut. Hes had his hair cut short. half Because the town has no cash, its
Use some hair spray to keep your hair
budget has been halved.
ham /hm/ noun meat from a pig which

in place. 2. one of the fibres growing on

the body of a human or animal Waiter, has been treated, e.g. with salt She cut
theres a hair in my soup! The cat has three slices of ham. We had a ham and
left hairs all over the cushion. Hes tomato salad. She had a ham sand-
beginning to get some grey hairs. wich for lunch.
hairdresser / hedres/ noun a person hamburger / hmb
'/ noun a piece

who cuts and washes your hair of minced beef grilled and served in a
hairstyle / hestal/ noun the way in
toasted roll
hammer / hm/ noun a tool with a

which your hair has been cut or ar-

ranged heavy head for knocking nails She hit
half /h
f/ noun 1. one of two parts which
the nail hard with the hammer. verb 1.
are the same in size She cut the orange to knock something such as a nail into
in half. One half of the apple fell on something such as a piece of wood with
the carpet. Half of six is three. 2. (in a hammer It took him a few minutes to
sport) one of two parts of a match Our hammer the tent pegs into the ground. 2.
team scored a goal in the first half. We to hit something hard, as with a hammer
He hammered the table with his fist.
thought we were going to win, and then
they scored in the final minutes of the She hammered on the door with her
second half. stick.
hand /hnd/ noun 1. the part of the body

half past /h

f p
st/ phrase 30 min-
half past

utes after an hour at the end of each arm, which you use
for holding things She was carrying a
half-term /h
f t
m/ noun a short hol-

cup of tea in each hand. She held out

iday in the middle of a school term her hand, asking for money. they
halfway /h
f we/ adverb in the mid-

walked along hand in hand they

dle Come on, were more than half- walked holding each other by the hand Page 151 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

handbag 151 hard

2. one of the two long parts on a clock handy / hndi/ adjective practical and

which move round and show the time. useful to come in handy to be useful
The minute hand is longer than the hour The knife will come in handy when we
hand. verb to pass something to are camping.
someone Can you hand me that box? hang /h/ verb to attach one thing to

She handed me all her money. to

another so that it does not touch the
give or lend someone a hand with
ground Hang your coat on the hook
something to help someone with
behind the door. He hung his umbrella
something Can you lend a hand with
over the back of his chair. We hung the
moving the furniture? He gave me a
painting in the hall. The boys were
hand with the washing up. to shake
hanging upside down from a tree.
hands to hold someones hand to show
(NOTE: hangs hanging hung
you are pleased to meet them or to show
that an agreement has been reached
The visitors shook hands and the meet- hang around phrasal verb to wait in a
ing started. certain place without doing anything
hand in phrasal verb to give something much
to someone such as a teacher or a police- hang on phrasal verb to wait If you
man We handed in the money we had hang on a few minutes you will be able
found. to see her.
happen / hpn/ verb 1. to take place

hand over phrasal verb to give some-

thing to someone She handed over all The accident happened at the traffic
the documents to the lawyers. lights. How did the accident happen?
Something happened to make all the
handbag / hndb'/ noun a small bag

which a woman carries to hold small buses late. Hes late something must
things such as money or make-up have happened to him. 2. to happen
to someone or something to have an ef-
handicap / hndikp/ noun 1. a phys-

fect on someone or something Whats

ical or mental condition which makes happened to his brother since he left
ordinary activities difficult (dated ) 2. school? as it happens, as it hap-
something which puts you at a disad- pened completely by chance As it
vantage Not being able to drive is a happens I have the car today and can
handicap in this job. give you a lift. It so happened that my
handkerchief / hktf/ noun a

wife bumped into her at the supermar-

piece of cloth or thin paper for wiping ket.
your nose (NOTE: The plural is hand- happily / hpli/ adverb in a happy way

kerchiefs or handkerchieves.)
happiness / hpins/ noun a feeling of

handle / hnd()l/ noun a part of some-


being happy
thing which you hold in your hand to
happy / hpi/ adjective 1. (of people)

carry something or to use something I

turned the handle but the door didnt very pleased Im happy to say were
open. Be careful, the handle of the fry- getting married next month. Im so
ing pan may be hot. The handle has happy to hear that you are better.
come off my suitcase. He broke the Shes very happy in her job. 2. (of
handle off the cup. verb to move by events) pleasant It was the happiest
hand Be careful when you handle the day of my life.
bottles of acid. harbour / h
b/ noun a place where

handsome / hns()m/ adjective a boats can come and tie up The ship

handsome man or boy has an attractive came into harbour last night.
face Her boyfriend is very handsome. hard /h
d/ adjective 1. not soft If you

(NOTE: usually used of men rather than have back trouble, you ought to get a
women) hard bed. The ice cream is rock hard
handwriting / hndrat/ noun writ-

or hard as a rock. The cake she made

ing done by hand is so hard I cant bite into it. 2. not easy Page 152 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

hardly 152 head

Some of the questions were very hard. thing She had a hatred of unfair treat-
Its hard to stay happy when bad ment.
things happen. adverb 1. strongly haul /h
l/ verb to pull something with

He hit the nail hard. Its snowing very effort They hauled the boat up onto
hard. 2. with a lot of effort They the beach.
worked hard to finish the order on time.
have /hv, v, hv/ verb 1. to own

She always tries hard. its hard to
say its difficult to know Its hard to
something She has a lot of money.
say if its going to rain or not. They have a new green car. She has
long dark hair. The house has no tele-
hardly / h
dli/ adverb almost not Do

phone. Do you have a table for three,

you know her? Hardly at all. We please? 2. to take or eat something
hardly slept a wink last night. She Have you had any tea? She has sugar
hardly eats anything at all. in her coffee. They had a meal of
hardware / h
dwe/ noun tools and

bread and cheese. She had her break-

pans used in the home I bought the fast in bed. 3. to play a game of some-
paint in a hardware shop. thing They had a game of tennis. I
harm /h
m/ noun damage done to peo- had a long walk. 4. to arrange for some-

ple or animals He didnt mean to do thing to be done for you I must have
any harm or He meant no harm. my hair cut. Shes having the house
Theres no harm in having a little drink painted. 5. used to form the present and
before you go to bed. verb to physical- past perfect form of verbs Have they
ly affect something or someone in a bad finished their work? She has never
way Luckily, the little girl was not been to Paris. They had finished sup-
harmed. The bad publicity has per when we arrived. I havent seen
harmed our reputation. him for two days. If she had asked me
harmful / h
mf()l/ adjective which
I would have said no. 6. used to intro-
causes damage duce good wishes to someone Have a
nice day! Have a good trip! (NOTE:
harmless / h
mls/ adjective which

has having had)

does not upset or hurt anyone
have got phrasal verb 1. to own some-
harsh /h
/ adjective 1. severe The

thing Shes got dark hair. Have you

prosecutor asked for a harsh sentence to
got a table for three, please? Theyve
fit the crime. 2. rough He shouted in a
got a new green car. The house hasnt
harsh voice.
got a telephone. They havent got
harvest / h
vst/ noun picking crops

enough to eat. 2. used to mean must

The corn harvest is in August. verb to Why have you got to go so early?
pick crops The corn will be ready to Shes got to learn to drive.
harvest next week. They have started hay /he/ noun dried grass used to feed

harvesting the grapes in the vineyard. animals such as cows

has /z, hz, hz/ 3rd person singular

he /hi, hi
/ pronoun referring to a man or

present of have boy, and some animals Hes my broth-

hat /ht/ noun a piece of clothing which

er. He and I met in Oxford. Hes eat-

you wear on your head Take your hat en all my pudding. Dont be fright-
off when you go into a church. Hes ened of the dog he wont hurt you.
bought a Russian fur hat for the winter. him, his (NOTE: When it is the object,
hate /het/ verb to dislike someone or

he becomes him: He hit the ball or The

something very much I think she ball hit him. When it follows the verb to
hates me, but I dont know why. I hate be, he usually becomes him: Whos
being late. noun a very strong feeling that? Its him, the man who borrowed
of not liking someone Her eyes were my knife.)
full of hate. head /hed/ noun 1. the top part of the

hatred / hetrd/ noun a very strong


body, where your eyes, nose, mouth and

feeling of not liking someone or some- brain are He says he can relax by Page 153 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

headache 153 heating

standing on his head. She hit her head heap /hi
p/ noun a pile a heap of coal

on the cupboard door. 2. your brain; in- Step over that heap of rubbish. verb
telligence She has a good head for fig- to pile things up A pile of presents
ures. He tried to do the sum in his were heaped under the Christmas tree.
head. If we all put our heads together Boxes were heaped up on the station
we might come up with a solution. 3. the platform.
first place An old lady was standing at
hear /h/ verb 1. to notice sounds with

the head of the queue. His name

comes at the head of the list. 4. the most your ears He heard footsteps behind
important person Shes head of the him. You could hear the sound of
sales department. The head waiter church bells in the distance. I heard
showed us to our table. 5. one person, or her drive up in the car. Can you hear
one animal, when counting She count- him singing in the bath? 2. to listen to
ed heads as the children got onto the something Did you hear the talk on
coach. There are fifty head of sheep in the radio? I heard it on the BBC news.
the flock. verb to go towards some- 3. to get information I hear hes got a
thing She headed immediately for the new job. Have you heard that the
managers office. The car headed east manager has resigned? We have not
along the motorway. Hes heading to- heard from them for some time. (NOTE:
wards the Channel ports. Shes head- hears hearing heard /h
ing for trouble. to shake your head hearing / hr/ noun the ability to hear

to move your head from side to side to Bats have a very sharp sense of hear-
mean no She asked him if he wanted ing. She has hearing difficulties.
any more coffee and he shook his head. (NOTE: no plural)
headache / hedek/ noun a pain in your

heart /h
t/ noun 1. a main organ in the

head Ive got a bad headache. body, which pumps blood around it
headline / hedlan/ noun words in large

She isnt dead her hearts still beating.

letters on the front page of a newspaper The doctor listened to his heart. He
Did you see the headlines about the has had heart trouble for years. 2. your
accident? feelings and emotions My heart sank
headquarters /hed kw
tz/ noun the

when I realised that he hadnt read my

main offices of a large organisation letter. 3. a centre or middle The res-
Several people were arrested and taken taurant is in the heart of the old town. 4.
to police headquarters. Abbreviation one of the red sets in a game of cards,
HQ with a symbol shaped like a heart My
head teacher /hed ti
t/ noun a man
head teacher
last card was the ten of hearts. (NOTE:
or woman who is in charge of a school The other red suit is diamonds; clubs
and spades are the black suits.)
heal /hi
l/ verb to make someone or

heat /hi
t/ noun 1. the state of being hot

something healthy again, or to become

healthy again She claims to be able to The heat of the sun made the ice
heal people through touch. This cream melt. 2. the amount of heat pro-
should help the wound to heal. (NOTE: duced by an oven or heating system
Do not confuse with heel.) Cook the vegetables over a low heat. 3.
health /hel/ noun the fact of being well
one part of a sports competition There
or being free from any illness He has are two heats before the final race.
enjoyed the best of health for years. verb to make something hot Can you
Smoking is bad for your health. heat the soup while Im getting the table
healthy / heli/ adjective 1. not ill
ready? The room was heated by a
Hes healthier than he has ever been. 2. small electric fire. Heat the milk to
making you stay fit and well the room temperature.
heating / hi
t/ noun a way of keeping

healthiest place in England Shes

keeping to a healthy diet. (NOTE: a place such as a house or an office
healthier healthiest) warm Page 154 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

heaven 154 helpful

heaven / hev()n/ noun a beautiful helicopter / helkpt/ noun an aircraft
heaven helicopter

place believed by some people to be with a set of large flat blades on top that
where good people go after death She spin round, making it rise straight up in
believes that when she dies she will go the air
to heaven. for heavens sake an ex- hell /hel/ noun 1. a place where some

pression showing you are annoyed, or people believe bad people are sent after
that something is important What are they die Medieval pictures show hell
you screaming for? Its only a little as a burning place. 2. a very unpleasant
mouse, for heavens sake. For heav- place or experience Its hell working
ens sake try to be quiet, we dont want in the office these days. 3. used to em-
the guards to hear us! good heavens phasise what you are saying (informal )
an expression showing you are sur- What the hells been going on here?
prised Good heavens! Its almost 10 Am I going to lend you 50? Am I hell!
oclock! (NOTE: Using expressions that include
heavily / hevli/ adverb 1. with force

the word hell is offensive to some peo-

He sat down heavily on the little chair. ple.)
2. to a great extent; very much The hell /hil, hi
l/ short form he will

company was heavily criticised in the

hello /h l/ interjection used as a greet-

press. She is heavily in debt. It

rained heavily during the night. ing She called hello from the other
side of the street. Hello Mary! Im
heavy / hevi/ adjective 1. weighing a lot

glad to see you. When you see her, say

This suitcase is so heavy I can hardly hello to her from me. (NOTE: also
lift it. Shes heavier than I am. 2. in spelled hallo, hullo.)
large amounts There has been a heavy
helmet / helmt/ noun a solid hat used as

demand for the book. There was a

heavy fall of snow during the night. a protection
help /help/ noun 1. something which

The radio says there is heavy traffic in

the centre of town. to be a heavy makes it easier for you to do something
smoker to smoke a lot of cigarettes to She was washing the floor with the
be a heavy drinker to drink a lot of al- help of a big mop. Do you need any
cohol help with moving the furniture? She
finds the word-processor a great help in
hedge /hed"/ noun a row of bushes

writing her book. Her assistant is not

planted and kept in an even shape to
much help in the office he cant type or
form a screen round a field or garden
drive. 2. the act of making it easier for
There is a thick hedge round the church-
someone to do something People
were calling for help from the ruins of
heel /hi
l/ noun 1. the back part of the

the house. The nurses offered help to

foot After walking, she got sore heels. people injured in the accident. verb to
2. the back part of a sock or shoe Hes make it easier for someone to do some-
got a hole in the heel of his sock. She thing He helped the old lady up the
always wears shoes with high heels or steps. The government wants to help
high-heeled shoes. small businesses. Your father can help
height /hat/ noun 1. a measurement of
you with your homework. One of my
how high something is or how tall some- friends helped me move the piano into
one is The height of the bridge is only the bedroom.
helper / help/ noun a person who helps

three metres. 2. the highest point

looking down on the city from the someone do a particular job or task, es-
heights around 3. a time of great activity pecially without being paid
It is difficult to find hotel rooms at the
helpful / helpf()l/ adjective useful or

height of the tourist season. giving help to someone She made

held /held/ past tense and past participle

some helpful suggestions. They were

of hold very helpful when we moved house. Page 155 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

helping 155 high

helping / help/ noun an amount of The manager wrote to me herself. Did

food for one person The helpings in your sister enjoy herself? Shes too
this restaurant are very small. Chil- young to be able to dress herself.
drens helpings are not as large as those hesitate / heztet/ verb to be slow to

for adults. speak or make a decision He hesitated

helpless / helpls/ adjective not able to for a moment and then said no.

do anything to make a bad situation bet- Shes hesitating about whether to ac-
ter cept the job.
hen /hen/ noun an adult female chicken hiccup / hkp/, hiccough noun 1. a

The hens were scared by the fox. sudden high sound that you sometimes
Look, one of the hens has laid an egg! make in your throat, e.g. if you have
hence /hens/ adverb in the future Five
been eating too quickly She had an at-
months hence, the situation should be tack of hiccups. He got the hiccups
better. from laughing too much. 2. a small thing
which goes wrong There has been a
her /, h, h
/ object pronoun referring

slight hiccup in the delivery of our sup-

to a female Theres a parcel for her in plies. verb to make a hiccup She
reception. Did you see her? He told patted him on the back when he sudden-
her to go away. adjective belonging ly started to hiccup. He hiccupped so
to a female, a ship or a country Some- loudly that everyone in the restaurant
one has stolen all her luggage. Have stared at him. (NOTE: hiccups hic-
you seen her father? The dog doesnt cupping hiccupped)
want to eat her food. France is help-
hidden / hd()n/ adjective which can-

ing her businesses to sell more abroad.

not be seen or found easily Theres a
herb /h
b/ noun a plant used to give fla-

hidden safe in the wall behind his desk.

vour to food, or as a medicine They say theres some hidden treasure
herd /h
d/ noun a group of animals, es-

in the castle.
pecially cows Herds of cattle were hide /had/ verb 1. to put something

grazing on the hillside. (NOTE: The where no one can see or find it She hid
word herd is usually used with cattle; the presents in the kitchen. They kept
for sheep, goats, and birds, the word to some gold coins hidden under the bed.
use is flock.) Someone has hidden my car keys. 2.
here /h/ adverb 1. in this place Ill sit

to put yourself where no one can see or

here in the shade and wait for you. find you They hid in the bushes until
Here are the keys you lost. Ill put the the police car had gone past. Quick!
book down here next to your computer. Hide behind the door! (NOTE: hides
They have been living here in England hiding hid /hd/ has hidden
for a long time. 2. to this place Come / hd()n/)
here at once! Can you bring the chairs hideous / hdis/ adjective extremely

here, please? Here comes the bus! unpleasant to look at Where did she
here you are take this Here you are, get that hideous dress?
todays newspaper!
hiding / had/ noun a situation in

hero / hr/ noun 1. a brave man The


which you have put yourself where no

hero of the fire was the man who man- one can find you He stayed in hiding
aged to rescue the children from an up- for three days until the soldiers left the
stairs room. 2. the main male character village. They decided to go into hiding
in something such as a book, play or for a time until the police called off their
film The hero of the story is a little search.
boy. (NOTE: The plural is heroes.)
high /ha/ adjective 1. far above other

hers /h
z/ pronoun belonging to her

things Everest is the highest mountain

That watch is hers, not mine. in the world. The new building is 20
herself / self, h self/ pronoun used

storeys high. The kitchen has a high

for referring back to a female subject ceiling. The door is not high enough Page 156 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

highly 156 hit

for us to get the wardrobe into the bed-
That hinge squeaks it needs some
room. height (NOTE: High is used oil. They lifted the door off its hinges.
with figures: the mountain is 1,000 me- hint /hnt/ noun 1. something you say

tres high. High also refers to things that reveals information in an indirect
that are a long way above the ground: way He didnt give a hint as to where
a high mountain, high clouds. For peo- he was going on holiday. 2. a piece of
ple and narrow things like trees use advice or a suggestion She gave me
tall: a tall man.) 2. large in quantity some useful hints about painting furni-
the high level of unemployment in the ture. I dont know what to give her for
country He earns a high income. her birthday have you any hints?
High prices put customers off. The car verb to say something in a way that
shakes when going at high speeds. makes people guess what you mean
The price of petrol is higher every year. She hinted that her sister was pregnant.
adverb above; up in the air The sun
hip /hp/ noun the part of the body where

rose high in the sky. The bird flew your legs join your waist The tailor
higher and higher. (NOTE: higher measured him round the hips. adjec-
highest) tive very fashionable (slang) Thats a
highly / hali/ adverb used before some

very hip shirt shes wearing.

adjectives to mean very well highly hire / ha/ verb 1. (of a borrower ) to pay

priced meals The restaurant has been money to use something for a time
highly recommended. Their employ- She hired a car for the weekend. He
ees are not very highly paid. was driving a hired car when the acci-
highway / hawe/ noun a main public

dent happened. 2. to employ someone to

road A footbridge was built over the work for you Weve hired three more
highway. sales assistants. They hired a small
company to paint their offices. noun
hijack / had"k/ verb to take control of

the act of paying money to rent some-

a vehicle by force The men hijacked thing such as a car, a boat or a piece of
the lorry and left the driver by the road. equipment
They hijacked an aircraft and ordered
his /z, hz/ adjective belonging to him

the pilot to fly to Moscow.

Hes lost all his money. Have you met
hilarious /h leris/ adjective very

his mother? Our dog wants his food.

funny I thought the play was hilari- pronoun belonging to him That
ous. watch is his, not mine.
hill /hl/ noun a piece of high land historical /h strk()l/ adjective re-
hill historical

(informal ) The hills are covered with lating to history He likes books of his-
spring flowers. If you climb to the top torical interest.
of the hill you will get a good view of the history / hst()ri/ noun 1. the study of

valley. the past He is studying Greek history.

him /m, hm/ object pronoun referring
She failed her history exam. She
to a male Tell him theres a letter wait- teaches history at London University. 2.
ing for him. Have you spoken to him a book which tells the story of what hap-
today? Thats him! The man with pened in the past He wrote a history of
the beard. the French Revolution.
hit /ht/ noun someone or something that

himself /m self, hm self/ pronoun


is very popular, e.g. a song, a film or a

used for referring back to a male subject performer The song rapidly became a
I was served by the manager himself.
hit. The play was a West End hit.
The doctor has got flu himself. Did
She was a hit with the old peoples club.
your brother enjoy himself? verb 1. to knock something or some-
hinge /hnd"/ noun a piece of metal used

one The car hit the tree. She hit him

to hold something, e.g. a door, window on the head with a bottle. She hit the
or lid, so that it can swing open and shut ball so hard that we couldnt find it. I Page 157 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

hoard 157 hold-up

hit my head on the cupboard door. 2. to to keep someone inside The prisoners
cause someone to realise something It were held in police cells overnight.
suddenly hit her that now she was di- (NOTE: holds holding held /held/)
vorced she would have to live alone. to hold your breath to keep air in
(NOTE: hits hitting hit) your lungs, e.g. in order to go under wa-
hit back phrasal verb 1. to hit someone ter She held her breath under water
who has hit you They hit him so hard for a minute. Were all holding our
that he was unable to hit back. 2. to do breath to see if he wins a gold medal.
something as a reaction to something noun 1. the bottom part of a ship or an
When the supermarket chain lowered aircraft, in which goods or luggage are
their prices, the other chains hit back by stored You cant take all that luggage
lowering prices too. He hit back at the with you it has to go in the hold. 2. the
inspectors, saying that their report was act of keeping something tightly in your
biased. hand He lost his hold on the ladder.
Keep tight hold of the bag, we dont
hoard /h
d/ noun a store of something

want it stolen. to get hold of someone

such as food or money, which has been
to manage to contact someone by tele-
collected They discovered a hoard of
phone I tried to get hold of the doctor
gold coins in the field. verb to buy and
but he was out.
store supplies of something essential
that you think you will need in a crisis hold on phrasal verb 1. to hold some-
Everyone started hoarding fuel during thing tightly She held on to the rope
the strike. with both hands. Hold on to your
hobby / hbi/ noun an enjoyable activity
purse in the crowd. Hold on tight,
which you do in your spare time (NOTE: were turning! 2. to wait Hold on a
The plural is hobbies.) moment, Ill get my umbrella. Do you
want to speak to the manager? Hold on,
hockey / hki/ noun a team game played

on grass, where you try to hit a small Ill find him for you.
ball into your opponents goal using a hold out phrasal verb 1. to move
long stick which is curved at the end something towards someone Hold out
He played in the hockey team at school. your plate to be served. He held out
his hand but she refused to shake it. 2. to
hoist /hst/ verb to lift something or

someone using special equipment or a manage to be strong enough The cas-

lot of force The box was hoisted up on tle held out for ten weeks against a huge
a rope. Its time to hoist the flag. enemy army.
hold up phrasal verb 1. to lift someone
hold /hld/ verb 1. to keep something or

or something He held up his hand.

someone tight, especially in your hand
He held the little boy up so that he could
She was holding the baby in her arms.
She held her ticket between her teeth
see the procession. 2. to support some-
as she was carrying suitcases in both thing The roof is held up by those pil-
hands. Hold tight the machine is go- lars. 3. to make someone or something
ing to start. He held the bag close to late The planes were held up by fog.
his chest. 2. to be large enough to con- Government ministers are holding up
tain a certain quantity of things or peo- the deal. 4. to use a gun to make some-
ple The bottle holds two litres. The one give up all their money Six gun-
box will hold four pairs of shoes. Will men held up the security van.
hold-up / hld p/ noun 1. a delay; an

the car hold eight people? The plane

holds 250 passengers. 3. to make an occasion on which something is later
event happen They are holding a party than planned Long hold-ups are ex-
for their wedding anniversary. The pected because of road works on the
meeting will be held next Tuesday in the motorway. Theres been a hold-up
town hall. 4. to own something She and the goods wont arrive till next
holds a valid driving licence. He week. 2. an occasion on which a person
holds the record for the 2000 metres. 5. with a gun steals money from someone Page 158 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

hole 158 hood

The gang carried out three hold-ups is Birmingham. Send the letter to my
in the same day. home address, not to my office.
homework / hmw
k/ noun work

hole /hl/ noun an opening or a space in


something Youve got a hole in your which you take home from school to do
sock. We all peeped through the hole in the evening Have you finished your
in the fence. Rabbits live in holes in maths homework? I havent got any
the ground. homework today, so I can watch TV.
(NOTE: no plural)
holiday / hlde/ noun 1. a period when

honest / nst/ adjective 1. telling the


you do not work, and sometimes go and

stay in a different place When are you truth He was honest with the police
taking your holiday or When are you and told them what he had done. 2.
planning to go on holiday? Hes go- tending to tell people the truth; treating
ing to Spain on holiday. We always people fairly I wouldnt buy a car
spend our holidays in the mountains. from that garage Im not sure theyre
How many days holiday do you have completely honest.
honestly / nstli/ adverb 1. in an open

each year? 2. a day on which most peo-

ple do not work because of laws or reli- and honest way 2. used to express a feel-
gious rules The office is closed for the ing of being annoyed Honestly, you
Christmas holiday. might have told me sooner!
honesty / nsti/ noun the quality of be-

hollow / hl/ adjective with a hole in-


side a hollow log If you tap the box ing honest I admire him for his hones-
it sounds hollow. ty in saying the job was too difficult for
holy / hli/ adjective relating to religion

honey / hni/ noun a sweet substance


or the church They went to ask a holy

produced by bees I like honey on
man his advice.
toast. Greek cakes are often made
home /hm/ noun 1. the place where

with honey.
you live or where your parents live honeymoon / hnimu
n/ noun a holi-

Their home is a flat in the centre of Lon- day taken immediately after a wedding
don. Will you be at home tomorrow They went on their honeymoon to
evening? When do you leave home for Corsica.
work in the morning? I like to go
honor / n/ noun, verb US spelling of

home for the holidays. to make your-

self at home to behave as if you were in honour
honour / n/ noun 1. the practice of

your own home He lay down on my

sofa, opened a bottle of beer, and made acting according to what you think is
himself at home. 2. a house They are right Hes a man of honour. 2. some-
building fifty new homes on the edge of thing that you are proud of It is an
the village. 3. a house where people are honour for me to be invited here today.
looked after My aunt has moved to an verb 1. to show your respect for
old peoples home. 4. at home (in someone to honour the dead 2. to give
sports) on the local sports ground someone an award to show that you re-
Our team is playing at home next Satur- spect them He was honoured by the
day. adverb towards the place where university. 3. to do what you promised
you usually live Weve got to go home He honoured the agreement and gave
now. He usually gets home by 7 the staff a pay rise.
oclock. Dont send it Ill take it hood /hd/ noun 1. a loose piece of

home with me. If you dont want to clothing to cover your head He has a
walk, you can always take the bus home. blue coat with a hood. 2. a folding roof
(NOTE: used without a preposition: He on something such as a car or pram
went home or Shes coming home.) Lets put down the hood, its very hot. 3.
adjective referring to where you live or US a metal cover for the front part of a
where you were born My home town car, covering the engine He lifted the Page 159 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

hoof 159 hot

hood to see what was wrong with the which you blow into a piece of music
motor. for horn and orchestra
hoof /hu
f/ noun the part of the foot of a horrible / hrb()l/ adjective extremely
hoof horrible

horse, cow and many other animals unpleasant The victims of the fire had
(NOTE: The plural is hooves /hu
vz/.) horrible injuries. Hes a horrible little
boy. We had a horrible meal at the
hook /hk/ noun 1. a bent piece of metal

for hanging things on Hang your coat
horrified / hrfad/ adjective fright-

on the hook behind the door. 2. a very

small piece of thin bent metal, attached ened or shocked
to a line for catching fish The fish ate horror / hr/ noun the fact or feeling of

the worm but didnt swallow the hook. being very frightened He couldnt
hop /hp/ verb 1. to jump on one leg

hide his horror at hearing the news.

He hurt his toe and had to hop around She has a horror of spiders. Everyone
on one foot. 2. (of a bird or animal ) to watched in horror as the planes collid-
jump with both feet together Magpies ed.
were hopping across the grass. The horse /h
s/ noun a large animal used for

frog hopped onto the lily pad. (NOTE: riding or for pulling vehicles She was
hops hopping hopped) noun 1. riding a black horse. The coach was
a little jump Magpies walk in a series pulled by six white horses. Hes out on
of little hops. 2. a short flight Its only his horse every morning.
a short hop from London to Paris. hospital / hspt()l/ noun a place

hope /hp/ verb to want and expect


where sick or hurt people are looked af-

something to happen We all hope our ter She was taken ill at work and sent
team wins. Shes hoping she will soon to hospital. When is she due to go into
be able to drive a car. I hope it doesnt hospital? He was in hospital for sev-
rain. noun the fact of wanting and ex- eral days after the accident.
pecting something to happen Our host /hst/ noun 1. a person who has

only hope is that she will get better invited guests The host asked his
soon. They have given up all hope of guests what they wanted to drink. 2. the
rescuing any more earthquake victims. landlord of a hotel or inn, also some-
hopeful / hpf()l/ adjective confident

times of a restaurant 3. the person who

that something will happen We are introduces and talks to the guests on a
hopeful that the company will accept TV or radio show He had been a host
our offer. on a Saturday evening TV show. 4. a
hopeless / hpls/ adjective 1. unlike-
host of a large number of We face a
ly to get better; impossible to improve host of problems. verb 1. to act as host
The invoices are in a hopeless mess. 2. at a party The company hosted a re-
not at all skilful at something Shes ception for two hundred guests. 2. to be
hopeless at tennis. Hes hopeless the centre where something takes place
Barcelona hosted the Olympic
when it comes to mending cars.
Games. 3. to organise and manage web-
horizon /h raz()n/ noun the line in

sites for other people
the distance where the earth and the sky
hostage / hstd"/ noun a person who

is captured and held by someone or an
horizontal /hr znt()l/ adjective

organisation, which threatens to kill him

flat; level with the ground or her unless their demands are met
horn /h
n/ noun 1. a sharp pointed bone
Three of the hostages will be released
growing out of an animals head That tomorrow. 1. 2. He was held hos-
bulls horns look very dangerous. 2. a tage for more than a year by the rebels.
hot /ht/ adjective 1. very warm; with a

piece of equipment on a car that makes

a loud noise to warn people of some- high temperature The weather is very
thing 3. a metal musical instrument hot in June, but August is the hottest Page 160 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

hot dog 160 humor

month. If youre too hot, take your How do you switch off the cooker?
coat off. Plates should be kept hot be- Can you tell me how to get to the rail-
fore serving the meal. heat 2. (of way station from here? I dont know
food ) full of spices, giving you a burn- how he does it. 2. showing or asking
ing feeling in your mouth This curry about things such as the age, size or
is particularly hot. He chose the hot- quantity of something How big is
test dish on the menu. their house? How many people are
hot dog / ht d'/ noun a snack consist-
hot dog
there in your family? She showed us
ing of a hot sausage in a long piece of how good she was at skiing. How old
bread is your little boy? How far is it to the
church? 3. showing surprise How
hotel /h tel/ noun a building where

cold it is outside! How different it is

travellers can rent a room for the night, from what I remember!
eat in a restaurant or drink in a bar
however /ha ev/ adverb but We

They are staying at the Grand Hotel.

Ill meet you in the hotel lobby. All the never go out on Saturdays however,
hotel rooms in the town are booked. this week were going to a wedding.
conjunction in whatever way Do it
hour /a/ noun a period of time which

however you like.

lasts 60 minutes The train journey
howl /hal/ verb to make a long loud high

takes two hours. Its a three-hour

flight to Greece. The train travels at sound like a wolf The wolves howled
over 150 miles an hour. outside the cabin. The wind howled in
house1 /has/ noun 1. a building in
the chimney. noun a long loud cry
which someone lives He has bought a Howls of disappointment came from the
house in London. He has a small flat fans.
hug /h'/ noun the act of putting your

in town and a large house in the country.

All the houses in our street look the arms round someone and holding them
same. 2. a part of a Parliament The close to you She ran to the little girl
British Parliament is formed of the and gave her a hug. verb to throw
House of Commons and the House of your arms around someone The play-
Lords. The American Congress is ers hugged each other when the goal
formed of the House of Representatives was scored. (NOTE: hugs hugging
and the Senate. hugged)
house2 /haz/ verb to provide a place for huge /hju
d"/ adjective of a very large
house huge

someone or something to stay or be kept size Huge waves battered the ship.
His collection of old cars is housed in The concert was a huge success. Fail-
a barn. We have been asked if we can ing the test was a huge disappointment
house three students for the summer for him.
term. (NOTE: houses housing hum /hm/ verb 1. to make a low sound

housed) like a bee Bees were humming around

household / hashld/ noun the peo-

the hive. 2. to sing without words If

ple living together in a house you dont know the words of the nation-
housework / hasw
k/ noun the work al anthem, you can always hum the tune.

of keeping a house clean (NOTE: no plu- (NOTE: hums humming hummed)

human / hju
mn/ adjective relating to

housing / haz/ noun houses Pub- people

lic housing has to meet certain stand- humble / hmbl/ adjective feeling or

ards. acting as if you are not as important as

hover / hv/ verb to hang in the air other people Seeing how much work

without moving forward flies hover- she does for charity makes me feel very
ing over the surface of a pool humble. (NOTE: humbler humblest)
how /ha/ adverb 1. showing or asking humor / hju
m/ noun US spelling of
how humor

the way in which something is done humour Page 161 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

humorous 161 hyphen

humorous / hju
mrs/ adjective fun- ry up with the food were getting hun-

ny in a quiet way, making people smile gry.

rather than laugh humorous stories hunt /hnt/ verb 1. to hunt for some-

Some of her comments were rather hu- thing to search for something Were
morous. hunting for a cheap flat. The police
humorously / hju
mrsli/ adverb in a

are hunting for the driver of the car. 2.

humorous to chase wild animals for food or sport
Our cat is not very good at hunting
humour / hju
m/ noun 1. the ability to

make situations seem funny He has a mice. They go to Scotland every year
good sense of humour. She has abso- to hunt deer. (NOTE: You hunt animals,
lutely no sense of humour. Want to but you hunt for things.) noun a
meet male, aged 30 35, with a good search The hunt for new offices has
sense of humour (GSOH). 2. a general just started.
hunter / hnt/ noun a person who

feeling or mood I am in no humour to

talk about holidays just now. His good hunts animals
humour lasted until the end of the party.
hurricane / hrkn/ noun a tropical

hump /hmp/ noun 1. a raised part on


storm with strong winds and rain (NOTE:

the back of a person or animal Arabi- In the Far East called a typhoon; in
an camels have only one hump, while the Indian Ocean called a cyclone.)
Bactrian camels have two. 2. a small
hurry / hri/ verb to go somewhere or do

raised part in the ground They have

built humps in the road to slow down the something fast She hurried across the
traffic. room. Youll have to hurry if you want
to catch the last post. Theres no need
hundred / hndrd/ noun the number

to hurry weve got plenty of time.

100 The church is over a hundred (NOTE: hurries hurrying hurried)
years old. My grandfather will be a
hundred next month. Do I have to tell hurry up phrasal verb to go or do
you a hundred times to stop that noise? something faster Hurry up well be
(NOTE: In numbers hundred does not late for the film. Cant you get the
change and is followed by and when cook to hurry up? Im getting hungry!
hurt /h
t/ verb to have pain, or to cause

reading: 491 = four hundred and nine-

ty-one; 102 = a hundred and two. Note someone to feel pain My tooth hurts.
also: a hundred and one (101), three No one was badly hurt in the accident.
hundred and six (306) but the hun- Where did you hurt yourself? (NOTE:
dred and first (101st), the three hun- hurts hurting hurt)
dred and sixth (306th), etc.) hun- husband / hzbnd/ noun a man to

dreds of very many Hundreds of whom a woman is married Her hus-

birds were killed by the cold weather.
band is Scottish. Hes the doctors
Hundreds of people caught flu last win-
ter. They came in their hundreds to
hut /ht/ noun a small rough wooden

visit the grave.

hundredth / hndrd/ adjective relat-

hygiene / had"i
n/ noun the science of

ing to number 100 in a series Tomor-

row is his hundredth birthday. being and keeping things clean
hygienic /ha d"i
nk/ adjective clean

hung /h/ past tense and past participle


of hang and safe because all germs have been

hungry / h'ri/ adjective feeling that
hyphen / haf()n/ noun a printing sign

you need to eat You must be hungry

after that game of football. Im not (-) used to show that two words are
very hungry I had a big lunch. Hur- joined Page 162 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

i /a/, I noun the ninth letter of the alpha- identity /a dentti/ noun someones
i identity

bet, between H and J name and personal details He

I1 /a/ pronoun used by a speaker when
changed his identity when he went to
talking about himself or herself She work for the secret services.
idle / ad()l/ adjective not doing any-

said, I can do it, and she did it. He

told me I could go home early. She thing Hes the idlest man I know he
and I come from the same town. I said never does any work at all.
I was going to be late. (NOTE: When it is if /f/ conjunction 1. showing what might

the object of a verb, I becomes me: I happen If it freezes tonight, the paths
gave it to him he gave it to me; I hit will be slippery tomorrow. If Im in
him he hit me. When it follows the London, Ill come and see you. If he
verb be, I usually becomes me: Who is had told me you were ill, Id have come
it? Its me!) to see you in hospital. If I won the lot-
I /a/ noun the Roman numeral for one or
2 tery, I would take a long holiday. 2. used
first King Charles I in asking questions Do you know if
the plane is late? I was wondering if
ice /as/ noun water which is frozen and

you would like to have some tea.

has become solid When water freezes,
ignorance / 'nrns/ noun a state of

it turns into ice. Would you like ice in

your drink? (NOTE: no plural: some ice, not knowing to keep someone in ig-
a lump of ice) norance of something not to tell some-
one about something The soldiers
ice cream /as kri
m/ noun a frozen
ice cream

were deliberately kept in ignorance of

sweet food made from cream and fruit, the dangers facing them.
chocolate, nuts, etc.
ignorant / 'nrnt/ adjective not

icy / asi/ adjective covered with ice Be


knowing anything
careful, the pavement is icy. ignore /' n
/ verb not to notice some-

idea /a d/ noun a thought which you


one or something deliberately She ig-

have about something nored the red light and just drove
ideal /a dl/ adjective perfect; extreme-

straight through. When we met he just
ly suitable This is the ideal site for a ignored me.
factory. The cottage is an ideal place ill /l/ adjective sick; not well Stress can

for birdwatching. make you ill. If youre feeling ill you

identical /a dentk()l/ adjective ex-

ought to see a doctor. to fall ill to be-
actly the same The twins wore identi- come ill She fell seriously ill and we
cal clothes for the party. Their politi- thought she was going to die. to be
cal opinions are identical. taken ill to become ill suddenly He
was taken ill while on holiday in
identify /a dentfa/ verb 1. to recog-

nise a person or thing and to be able to
illegal / li
'()l/ adjective against the

say who or what they are Can you

identify what sort of rock this is? She law It is illegal to serve alcohol to
was able to identify her attacker. 2. to people under 16.
illegally / li
'li/ adverb in an illegal

state that something belongs to you

Each person was asked to identify his or way

illness / lns/ noun a medical condition

her baggage. (NOTE: identifies iden-

tifying identified) which makes you unwell She devel- Page 163 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

illustrate 163 imply

oped a serious illness. A lot of the staff will receive immediate attention. 2.
are absent because of illness. (NOTE: closest, or right next to you He had to
The plural is illnesses.) share his book with his immediate
illustrate / lstret/ verb to put pictures
immediately / mi
dtli/ adverb very

into a book The book is illustrated

with colour photographs of birds. soon, or very soon after an event He

illustration /l stre()n/ noun a pic-

got my letter, and wrote back immedi-
ture in a book The book has 25 colour ately. As soon as he heard the news he
illustrations. immediately phoned his wife.
immoral / mrl/ adjective not follow-

image / md"/ noun 1. a picture of


someone or something I want the por- ing the usual principles of good behav-
trait to be a faithful image of my mother. iour
impact1 / mpkt/ noun 1. a strong ef-

2. a picture produced by something such

as a mirror or a computer The mirror fect The TV documentary had an
throws an image onto the paper. Can strong impact on the viewers. 2. an in-
this software handle images in that for- stance of two things coming together
mat? Can you adjust the projector? with force The car was totally
The image on the screen is out of focus. crushed by the impact of the collision.
imaginary / md"n()ri/ adjective

on impact as soon as contact is made
not real; part of a story The plane burst into flames on impact
with the ground.
imagination /md" ne()n/ noun

impact2 /m pkt/ verb to impact on


the ability to think of things that are not

part of your own immediate life She something to have a strong effect on
let her imagination run riot in her sto- something The fall in the value of the
ries for children. currency will impact strongly on busi-
imagine / md"n/ verb to think of

impatience /m pe()ns/ noun a lack


something that is not part of your own

immediate life Imagine yourself sit- of the ability to wait for things in a calm
ting on a beach in the hot sun. She way
impatient /m pe()nt/ adjective una-

thought she had heard footsteps, and

then decided she had imagined it. ble to wait for something in a calm way;
imitate / mtet/ verb to copy some-
in a hurry to do something We were all
thing or someone The company imi- impatient for the film to start. Hes
tates its competitors by making very very impatient with anyone who works
similar products. to behave as some- slowly.
impatiently /m pe()ntli/ adverb in

one else does, often to make other peo-

ple laugh He made us all laugh by im- an impatient way

itating the head teachers way of walk- implication /mpl ke()n/ noun 1.

ing. the possible effect of an action What

imitation /m te()n/ noun 1. a copy

will be the implications of the election

made of something 2. an act of copying results for public spending? 2. with the
someones behaviour in order to make fact of being involved in a crime or
other people laugh She does a very something that is morally wrong The
good imitation of the Queen. adjec- newspaper revealed his implication in
tive made to appear to be something else the affair of the stolen diamonds. 3. a
more valuable a necklace of imitation suggestion that something such as a crit-
pearls The bag is made of imitation icism is true although it has not been ex-
leather. pressed directly I resent the implica-
immediate / mi
dit/ adjective 1. very

tion that I knew anything about the re-
soon He wrote an immediate letter of port in advance.
imply /m pla/ verb to suggest some-

complaint. You didnt expect an im-

mediate reply, did you? Your order thing without saying it directly He im- Page 164 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

impolite 164 inch

plied that he knew where the papers had service will improve. It poured down
been hidden. The lawyer implied that all morning, but in the afternoon the
the witness had not in fact seen the acci- weather improved a little.
dent take place. (NOTE: implies im-
improvement /m pru
vmnt/ noun 1.

plying implied)
a process of becoming better, or of mak-
impolite /mp lat/ adjective rude; not

ing something better There has been
polite no improvement in the train service
import /m p
t/ verb to bring goods into

since we complained. 2. a change that

a country The company imports tele- you make so that something is better
vision sets from Japan. This car was than before They carried out some im-
imported from France. provements to the house. We are plan-
importance /m p
tns/ noun the fact

ning some home improvements such as a
of being important Do not attach too new kitchen. The new software is a
much importance to what he says. The great improvement on the old version.
bank attaches great importance to the in /n/ preposition, adverb 1. used for

deal. showing place He lives in the country.

important /m p
tnt/ adjective 1.

In Japan it snows a lot during the win-

having a great effect; mattering very ter. Shes in the kitchen. Hes still in
much Its important to be in time for bed. Dont stand outside in the pour-
the interview. I have to go to London ing rain. 2. at home, in an office, at a
for an important meeting. He left a file station Is the boss in? He isnt in
containing important papers in the taxi. yet. My husband usually gets in from
2. (of a person) in a high position He work about now. The train from Bir-
has an important job. Shes an impor- mingham is due in at 6.30. 3. used for
tant government official. He was pro- showing time In autumn the leaves
moted to a more important position. turn brown. On holiday there was
impossible /m psb()l/ adjective nothing to do in the evenings. She was

which cannot be done Its impossible born in 1999. He ate his meal in five
to do all this work in two hours. Get- minutes. We went for a skiing holiday
ting skilled staff is becoming impossible. in January. 4. used for showing time in
impress /m pres/ verb to make some-

the future Ill be back home in about
one feel admiration or respect Her two hours. She should arrive in twenty
rapid response to the request impressed minutes time. 5. fashionable This
her boss. She was impressed by his year, short skirts are in. 6. used for
skill with the paintbrush. The military showing a state or appearance He was
government organised the display to im- dressed in black. She ran outside in
press the neighbouring states. her dressing gown. Were in a hurry.
The words are set out in alphabetical
impression /m pre()n/ noun an ef-

fect on someones mind Blue walls
inability /n blti/ noun the state of

create an impression of coldness. The

exhibition made a strong impression on being unable to do something His in-

her. ability to make decisions causes prob-
impressive /m presv/ adjective im-

pressing people He had a series of im- inch /nt/ noun a measure of length

pressive wins in the chess tournament. equal to 2.54 centimetres a three-and-

The government staged an impressive a-half-inch disk Snow lay six inches
display of military hardware. deep on the ground. She is five foot six
improve /m pru
v/ verb 1. to make inches tall (56). foot (NOTE: The

something better We are trying to im- plural is inches. With numbers inch is
prove our image with a series of TV usually written with the symbol ": a 3
commercials. 2. to get better The gen- disk; He is 5 9.; say: a three and a
eral manager has promised that the bus half inch disk, Hes five foot nine) Page 165 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

incident 165 indoor

incident / nsd()nt/ noun 1. some- independence /nd pendns/ noun
incident independence

thing which happens, especially some- 1. freedom from rule by another country
thing unpleasant Last year six hun- The colony achieved independence
dred incidents of oil pollution were re- ten years ago. Scotland is aiming for
ported. 2. a violent action or independence in the next few years. 2. a
disturbance that occurs somewhere state of not needing help from anyone
There were several incidents during the else Shes eighteen and is looking for-
demonstration. ward to a life of independence from her
incidentally /ns dent()li/ adverb

used for mentioning something new in a independent /nd pendnt/ adjective

conversation 1. free, not ruled by anyone else Slov-

include /n klu
d/ verb to count some-

enia has been independent since 1991.
one or something along with others 2. not owned by a group, not controlled
The waiter did not include service in the by the state The big chains are forcing
bill. The total is 140, not including the independent shops to close down. 3.
insurance and handling charges. not needing help from anyone else
There were 120 people at the wedding if Shes eighteen and wants to be inde-
you include the children. pendent of her family.
including /n klu
d/ preposition tak-

index / ndeks/ noun 1. a list, usually in


ing something together with something alphabetical order, showing the pages
else The total comes to 25.00 includ-
on which different subjects appear in a
ing VAT.
book Look up the references to Lon-
income / nkm/ noun an amount of

don in the index. (NOTE: The plural in

money which you receive, especially as this sense is indexes) 2. a regular re-
pay for your work Their weekly in- port which shows rises and falls in
come is not really enough to live on. things such as prices and unemployment
incorrect /nk rekt/ adjective wrong,

The economic indices look very prom-

not correct ising at the moment. (NOTE: The plural
increase1 /n kri
s/ noun an instance of

in this sense is indices)
something becoming larger an in- indicate / ndket/ verb to show some-

crease in tax or a tax increase an in- thing Can you indicate the position of
crease in the cost of living the enemy camp on this map? The lat-
increase2 / nkri
s/ verb 1. to rise or to est figures indicate a fall in the number

grow The price of oil has increased of unemployed men.

twice in the past year. 2. to make a level indignant /n d'nnt/ adjective feel-

or amount higher The boss increased ing offended or angry because of an un-
her salary. Rail fares have been in- fair situation I was really indignant
creased by 10%. when I found out how much my col-
increased /n kri
st/ adjective larger or

league earned.
higher than before These increased
indirectly /nd rektli/ adverb not di-

rail fares mean that we cannot afford to

travel so much. rectly

individual /nd vd"ul/ noun a single

increasingly /n kri
sli/ adverb more

and more He found it increasingly dif- person We welcome private individu-

ficult to keep up with the workload at the als as well as groups. adjective sin-
office. His future with the company gle, for a particular person We treat
looks increasingly doubtful. each individual case on its merits. We
provide each member of the tour group
indeed /n di
d/ adverb (for emphasis)

with an individual itinerary.

really Thank you very much indeed
indoor / nd
/ adjective inside a build-

for inviting me to stay. They have been

very kind indeed to their daughter. ing an indoor swimming pool Page 166 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

indoors 166 initial

indoors /n d
z/ adverb inside a build- fluence of alcohol. verb to make

ing Lets go indoors. Mum was in- someone or something change She
doors, reading. was deeply influenced by her old teach-
industrial /n dstril/ adjective relat-

er. The moon influences the tides.
ing to the production of goods The The price of oil has influenced the price
Midlands is the main industrial region of industrial goods.
inform /n f
m/ verb to tell someone

in Britain.

industry / ndstri/ noun the production

something officially Have you in-
of goods and the provision of services, formed the police that your watch has
or the companies involved in this activi- been stolen? I regret to inform you
ty Oil is a key industry. The car in- that your father has died. We are
dustry has had a good year. The gov- pleased to inform you that your offer
ernment is helping industry to sell more has been accepted.
informal /n f
m()l/ adjective 1. re-

products abroad. The tourist industry

brings in a lot of foreign currency. laxed, not formal Dress casually the
(NOTE: The plural is industries.) party will be informal. The guide gave
infamous / nfms/ adjective famous
us an informal talk on the history of the
for being bad or unpleasant Tourists castle. 2. (of language) used when talk-
were warned not to go near the infa- ing to friends and family
information /nf me()n/ noun a

mous back street moneychangers.

infant / nfnt/ noun a young baby

set of facts about something She
couldnt give the police any information
infatuation /n ftjue()n/ noun a

about how the accident happened.
sudden strong feeling of love for some- She gave me a very useful piece or bit of
one, especially someone you do not information. For further information,
know very well or someone who does please write to Department 27.
not love you
informed /n f
md/ adjective having a

infect /n fekt/ verb to pass on a disease


lot of information, or having the latest

or infection to someone He was in- information
fected with the disease when he was
infuriate /n fjriet/ verb to make

abroad on holiday.

someone very angry Slow service in

infection /n fekn/ noun a disease

restaurants always infuriates him.

which spreads from one person to an-
ingenious /n d"i
nis/ adjective very

other Her throat infection keeps com-

ing back. He was sneezing and clever It was an ingenious plan.

ingredient /n 'ri
dint/ noun a materi-

spreading infection to other people in

the office. She seems to catch every lit- al or substance which you use to make
tle infection there is. something Make sure youve got all
infectious /n feks/ adjective (of an

your ingredients together before you
illness or an emotion such as fear ) start cooking.
inhabit /n hbt/ verb to live in a place

likely to be passed from one person to

another This strain of flu is highly in- inhabitant /n hbt()nt/ noun a per-

fectious. Hes a great music teacher son who lives in a particular place
and his enthusiasm for jazz is very infec-
initial / n()l/ adjective first The in-

itial stage of the project went off
infinitive /n fntv/ noun the basic

smoothly. My initial reaction was to
form of a verb, usually shown with to say no. He started the business with
influence / nfluns/ noun the ability to

an initial sum of 500. verb to write

change someone or something; an effect the first letters of your name on a docu-
He has had a good influence on the ment to show you have read and ap-
other staff in the department. The in- proved it Can you initial each page of
fluence of the moon on the tides. He the contract to show that you have ap-
was charged with driving under the in- proved it? Please initial the agree- Page 167 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

initially 167 instance

ment at the place marked with an X. various branches is fed automatically
(NOTE: initials initialling ini- into the head office computer.
tialled) inquiry /n kwari/ noun 1. a formal in-

initially / n()li/ adverb at the begin- vestigation into a problem a govern-


ning Initially we didnt like the new ment inquiry into the police force A
flat, but we have got used to it now. public inquiry will be held about plans
initiative / ntv/ noun a decision

to build another airport. 2. a question
which is intended to solve a problem about something I refer to your in-
The government has proposed various quiry of May 25th. All inquiries
initiatives to get the negotiations mov- should be addressed to this department.
He made an inquiry about trains to
ing again.
Edinburgh. (NOTE: also spelt enquiry.
injection /n d"ekn/ noun the act of

The plural is inquiries.)
putting a liquid into the body using a insect / nsekt/ noun a small animal

needle The doctor gave him a flu in- with six legs and a body in three parts
jection. A butterfly is a kind of insect. Insects
injure / nd"/ verb to cause pain or

have eaten the leaves of the cabbages.

damage to a part of the body He in- She was stung by an insect.
jured his back playing rugby. He was insert1 /n s
t/ verb to put something

badly injured in a car accident. inside something else She inserted

injured / nd"d/ noun hurt The in-

another sentence into the letter. He in-

jured girl had fallen off her bike. serted each leaflet into an envelope.
injury / nd"ri/ noun damage to your
Insert a coin into the slot.
insert2 / ns
t/ noun a paper which is

body He never really recovered from

his football injury. She received se- put inside something The invitation
vere back injuries in the accident. card had an insert with a map showing
(NOTE: The plural is injuries.) how to get to the hotel.
inside /n sad/ adverb in a house or oth-

ink /k/ noun the liquid in a pen



has ink marks on his shirt. The ink er building Come on inside its cold
wont come off the tablecloth. She in the street. It rained all afternoon,
wrote comments on his work in red ink. so we just sat inside and watched TV.
Is there anyone there? The house
inland / nlnd/ adverb away from the

seems quite dark inside. preposition

coast of a country If you go inland in There was nothing inside the bottle.
from the port, you soon get into the for-
She was sitting inside the car, reading
a book. Ive never been inside his of-
inn /n/ noun a small hotel

inner / n/ adjective inside Go insist /n sst/ verb to state firmly He
inner insist

through that arch and you will come to insisted that he had never touched the
the inner courtyard. Heat is conduct- car. She insisted that she should be
ed from the inner to the outer layer of paid compensation for the delay.
the material. inspect /n spekt/ verb to look at some-

innocent / ns()nt/ adjective not thing closely She inspected the room

guilty He was found to be innocent of to see if it had been cleaned properly.

the crime. In English law, the accused inspector /n spekt/ noun a senior of-

is always presumed to be innocent until ficial who examines something closely

he is proved to be guilty. install /n st
l/ verb to put a piece of

innovative / nvetv/ adjective new


equipment into the place where it will

in a way that has not been tried before operate It took the plumber a week to
a very innovative design install the new central heating system.
input / npt/ noun information that is instance / nstns/ noun an example
input instance

put into a computer The input from the There have been several instances of Page 168 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

instant 168 interest

bullying in our local school. In this in- insult1 / nslt/ noun a rude word said to

stance, we will pay for the damage. or about a person That is an insult to
for instance as an example Why the government. The crowd shouted
dont you take up a new sport golf, for insults at the police.
instance? insult2 /n slt/ verb to say rude things

instant / nstnt/ noun a moment or sec-


about someone He was accused of in-

ond For an instant, he stood still and sulting the presidents wife.
watched the policemen. adjective im- insulting /n slt/ adjective rude

mediate A savings account can give Im used to hearing insulting things

you instant access to your money. about my business.
instantly / nstntli/ adverb so soon af-

insurance /n rns/ noun an agree-


ter an event that no time appears to have ment with a company by which you are
passed in between paid money for loss or damage in return
instead /n sted/, instead of adverb in for regular payments of money Do

place of We havent any coffee you have insurance for your travel?
would you like some tea instead? If intelligence /n teld"ns/ noun 1. the

you cant go, can I go instead? Im ability to think and understand His in-
going instead of him, because hes ill. telligence is well above average. 2. in-
Instead of stopping when the police of- formation provided by the secret servic-
ficer shouted, he ran away. es Intelligence gathered by our net-
institute / nsttju
t/ noun an organisa- work of agents is very useful to us in

tion set up for a special purpose They planning future strategy.

intelligent /n teld"nt/ adjective able

are proposing to set up a new institute of

education. She goes to the research to understand and learn things very well
institutes library every week. Hes the most intelligent child in his
institution /nst tju
()n/ noun 1. an

intense /n tens/ adjective very strong

organisation or society set up for a spe-

cial purpose A prison is an institution or extreme There was a period of in-

which houses criminals. 2. a permanent tense activity to try to finish the work be-
custom British institutions such as fore they went on holiday. She had an
cream teas and the royal family The intense period of study before the ex-
lottery has rapidly become a national ams.
institution. 3. the process of setting intention /n tenn/ noun an aim or

something up the institution of legal plan to do something I have no inten-

action against the president tion of going to the party. The fans
instruct /n strkt/ verb to show some-

came with the deliberate intention of
one how to do something (formal ) We making trouble.
were all instructed in the use of the fire interest / ntrst/ noun 1. special atten-

safety equipment. tion to something She takes a lot of in-

instruction /n strkn/ noun 1. a

terest in politics. He has no interest in
statement telling someone what they what his sister is doing. Why doesnt
must do 2. something which explains he take more interest in local affairs? 2.
how something is to be done or used a thing that you enjoy doing Her main
She gave us detailed instructions how to interest is canoeing. List your special
get to the church. interests on your CV. 3. a payment made
to someone who lends money Deposit
instructor /n strkt/ noun a teacher,

accounts pay more interest. How
especially of a sport much interest do I have to pay if I bor-
instrument / nstrmnt/ noun a piece

row 1000? verb to attract someone

of equipment or a tool The technical Hes particularly interested in old cars.
staff have instruments which measure Nothing seems to interest him very
the flow of electricity. much. The book didnt interest me at Page 169 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

interested 169 interview

all. He tried to interest several com- language His brother knows Greek, so
panies in his new invention. he will interpret for us.
interested / ntrstd/ adjective with a /nt
pr te()n/
interested interpretation


personal interest in something Hes noun 1. a meaning A poem can have

interested in old churches. Shes in- many interpretations. The book puts
terested in crime fiction. quite a different interpretation on the
interesting / ntrst/ adjective at-
meaning of the rule. 2. the act of trans-
tracting your attention; enjoyable lating what someone is saying into a dif-
Theres an interesting article in the ferent language 3. a way of playing a
newspaper on European football. She piece of music Two of the young mu-
didnt find the TV programme very in- sicians were praised for their interpre-
teresting. Whats so interesting about tations of Bach.
old cars? I find them dull. interrupt /nt rpt/ verb to start talk-

interfere /nt f/ verb to interfere ing when someone else is talking Ex-

in or with something to get in the way cuse me for interrupting, but have you
of something, to be involved in some- seen the office keys anywhere?
thing in such a way that it does not work interruption

interruption /nt rpn/

well His mother is always interfering something that interrupts or stops you
in his private life. Stop interfering from working
with the TV controls.
interval / ntv()l/ noun 1. a period of

interference /nt frns/ noun 1. an


time between two events or points in

involvement with someone elses life or time There will be bright intervals
business His parents interference in
during the morning, but it will rain in
his travel plans annoyed him. 2. a noise the afternoon. There will be a short
which affects radio or TV programmes
interval during which the table will be
interjection /nt d"ekn/ noun an

cleared. 2. a period of time between two
exclamation, a word used to show an acts in a play Anyone arriving late
emotion such as surprise wont be allowed in until the first inter-
intermittent /nt mt()nt/ adjective val.

stopping and starting in an irregular way interview / ntvju

/ noun 1. a conver-

Intermittent showers are expected sation between a famous or interesting

over the weekend. person and a journalist, broadcast on ra-
internal /n t
n()l/ adjective inside dio or TV, or printed in a newspaper

international /nt n()nl/ adjec-


She gave an interview to the Sunday
tive between countries an internation- magazine. 2. a formal meeting in which
al conference on the environment an one or more people ask you questions to
important international company find out if you are suitable for some-
noun a sportsperson who has played for thing such as a particular job or a course
his or her countrys team against anoth- at university We asked six candidates
er country There are three England for interview. Hes had eight inter-
internationals in our local team. views, but still no job offers. When
will you attend your first interview?
Internet / ntnet/ noun an international

verb 1. to ask a famous or interesting

network allowing people to exchange person questions about themselves and
information on computers using tele- their work in order to publish or broad-
phone lines We send messages over cast what they say The journalist in-
the Internet to hundreds of users of our terviewed the Prime Minister. 2. to meet
products. He searched the Internet for a person who is applying for something
information on cheap plane tickets. such as a job or a place on a university
(NOTE: also called simply the Net) course, to see if he or she is suitable
interpret /n t
prt/ verb to translate

We interviewed ten candidates, but did

what someone is saying into a different not find anyone we liked. Page 170 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

into 170 Irish

into / nt, nt, ntu
/ preposition 1. investigate /n vest'et/ verb to try to
into investigate

used for showing movement towards the find out about something The detec-
inside She went into the shop. He tive is investigating the details of the
fell into the lake. Put the cards back case. We are investigating the possi-
into their box. You cant get ten peo- bility of going to live abroad.
ple into a taxi. We all stopped talking investigation /nvest 'e()n/ noun

when he came into the room. The bus a close examination a police investi-
is going into the town centre. 2. hitting gation into the causes of the crash
against something The bus drove into
invisible /n vzb()l/ adjective which

a lamp post. 3. used for showing a

change The tadpole changed into a cannot be seen The message was writ-
frog. Water turns into steam when it is ten in invisible ink and hidden inside the
heated. 4. used for showing that you are pages of a book.
dividing something Try to cut the cake invitation /nv te()n/ noun a letter

into ten equal pieces. or card, asking someone to do some-

introduce /ntr dju
s/ verb to tell

thing or go somewhere He received
someone another persons name when an invitation to his sisters wedding.
they meet for the first time He intro- She had an invitation to dinner.
invite /n vat/ verb to ask someone to do

duced me to a friend of his called Anne.

She introduced me to her new teacher. something, especially to come to a so-

introduction /ntr dkn/ noun 1. a

cial event such as a party We invited
part at the beginning of a book which two hundred people to the party. She
describes the subject of the book Read invited us to come in. Shes been invit-
the introduction which gives an expla- ed to talk to the club.
invoice / nvs/ noun a note sent to ask

nation of the books layout. 2. a book

which gives basic information about a for payment for services or goods Our
subject Hes the author of an intro- invoice dated November 10th has still
duction to mathematics. not been paid. They sent in their in-
invent /n vent/ verb 1. to create a new

voice six weeks late. Ask the sales as-
process or a new machine She invent- sistant to make out an invoice for 250.
involve /n vlv/ verb 1. to include

ed a new type of computer terminal.

Who invented this indexing system? 2. someone or something in an activity or

to make up an excuse When she asked situation a competition involving
him why he was late he invented some teams from ten different countries We
story about the train not arriving. want to involve the local community in
invention /n venn/ noun 1. the act of

the decision about the bypass. Mem-
creating a new process or a new ma- bers of the local council are involved in
chine The invention of computers was the company which has won the con-
made possible by developments in elec- tract for the new road. 2. to make an ac-
tronics. 2. a machine or process that tivity necessary Going to Cambridge
someone has invented from here involves taking a bus and then
the train.
inventor /n vent/ noun a person who

inwards / nwdz/ adverb towards the


invents new processes or new machines

inside These doors open inwards.
invest /n vest/ verb 1. to use your mon-

Ireland / alnd/ noun a large island


ey for buying things such as property or

shares in a company, so that you will forming the western part of the British
make a profit She was advised to in- Isles, containing the Republic of Ireland
vest in government bonds. He invested and Northern Ireland These birds are
all his money in a fish-and-chip restau- found all over Ireland.
Irish / ar/ adjective referring to Ireland

rant. 2. to spend money on something

which you believe will be useful We The Irish Sea lies between Ireland and
have invested in a new fridge. Britain. Page 171 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

iron 171 itself

iron / an/ noun 1. a common grey metal it /t/ pronoun 1. used to refer to some-
iron it

The old gates are made of iron. (NOTE: thing which has just been mentioned
no plural in this sense: some iron, What do you want me to do with the
lumps of iron, pieces of iron) 2. an ob- box? Put it down. Wheres the box?
ject with a flat metal bottom, which is Its here. She picked up a potato and
heated and used to make clothes smooth then dropped it on the ground. I put
after washing Dont leave the iron my book down somewhere and now I
there it will burn the clothes. If your cant find it. Wheres the newspaper?
iron is not hot enough it wont take the Its on the chair. 2. used for talking
creases out. verb to make cloth about the weather, the date or time or
smooth using an iron She was ironing another situation Look! Its snow-
shirts when the telephone rang. Her ing. Its miles from here to the railway
skirt doesnt look as if it has been station. Is it the 30th today? Its al-
ironed. most impossible to get a ticket at this
irresponsible /r spnsb()l/ adjec- time of year. What time is it? Its ten

tive acting or done in a way that shows a oclock. Its dangerous to use an elec-
lack of good sense tric saw when its wet. (NOTE: Its = it is
irritable / rtb()l/ adjective easily an-
or it has. Do not confuse with its.)

noyed He was tired and irritable, and IT abbr information technology

snapped at the children.
itch /t/ noun a place on the skin where

irritate / rtet/ verb to make someone


you want to scratch Ive got an itch in

feel angry or impatient It irritates me the middle of my back thats driving me
when the trains run late. mad! (NOTE: The plural is itches.)
irritation /r te()n/ noun a feeling

verb to make someone want to scratch

of being annoyed and impatient She The cream made his skin itch more than
watched with irritation as he tried to fix before.
the wheel again. item / atm/ noun a thing shown in a list

is /z/ 3rd person singular present of be


We are discussing item four on the

island / alnd/ noun a piece of land agenda. Please find enclosed an order

with water all around it They live on a for the following items from your cata-
little island in the middle of the river. logue. I couldnt buy several items on
The Greek islands are favourite holiday the shopping list because the shop had
destinations. sold out.
issue / u
/ noun 1. an occasion when its /ts/ adjective belonging to it
issue its

something is officially given out The cant use the car one of its tyres is flat.
issue of identity cards has been delayed. The company pays its staff very badly.
2. a newspaper or magazine which is (NOTE: Do not confuse with its.)
published at a particular time We
its /ts/ short for it is, it has

bought the January issue of the maga-

itself /t self/ pronoun 1. used for refer-

zine. verb 1. to make something avail-

able for use The new set of stamps will ring back to a thing or an animal The
be issued next week. 2. to give some- dog seems to have hurt itself. The
thing out officially Each soldier was screw had worked itself loose. 2. used
issued with a gun. 3. to come out for emphasis If the plug is all right
Smoke began to issue from the hole in there must be something wrong with the
the ground. computer itself. Page 172 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

j /d"e/, J noun the tenth letter of the al- ary. (NOTE: January 26th or January

phabet, between I and K 26: say the twenty-sixth of January or

January the twenty-sixth; American
jab /d"b/ verb to suddenly push some-

English: January twenty-sixth.)

thing with a sharp object He jabbed
jar /d"
/ noun a container for food such

the piece of meat with his fork. She

jabbed me in the back with her umbrel- as jam, usually made of glass There
la. (NOTE: jabs jabbing jabbed) was some honey left in the bottom of the
jar. Use a jam jar for the water you
jack /d"k/ noun 1. a tool for raising

something heavy, especially a car I
jargon / d"
'n/ noun a special type of

used the jack to lift the car up and take

the wheel off. 2. (in playing cards) the language used by a trade or profession
card with the face of a young man, with or a particular group of people People
a value between the queen and the ten are confused by computers because they
I won because I had the jack of hearts. dont understand the jargon.
jaw /d"
/ noun the bones in the face

jacket / d"kt/ noun a short coat He


was wearing a blue jacket and brown which hold the teeth and form the mouth
jazz /d"z/ noun a type of music with a

trousers. Take your jacket off if you

are hot. This orange jacket shows up strong rhythm, and in which the players
in the dark when I ride my bike. often make the music up as they play;
jazz was first played in the southern
jail /d"el/ noun a prison She was sent

United States
to jail for three months. verb to put
jealous / d"els/ adjective feeling an-

someone in prison He was jailed for

six years. noyed because you want something
which belongs to someone else John
jam /d"m/ noun 1. a sweet food made

was jealous of Mark because all the

by boiling fruit and sugar together Do girls fancied him. She was jealous of
you want jam or honey on your bread? his new car. Her new boyfriend is very
We made jam with the fruit in the gar-
handsome Im jealous!
den. Have you any more jam the jar
jeans /d"i
nz/ plural noun trousers made

is empty? 2. a situation in which too

many things block something a traffic of a type of strong cotton, often blue
jam There is a paper jam in the print- She came into the office in jeans. He
er. verb 1. (of machines) to stick and bought a new pair of jeans.
jelly / d"eli/ noun a type of sweet food

not be able to move Hold on the pa-

per has jammed in the printer. 2. to made with fruit, which shakes when you
force things into a small space Dont touch it or move it The children had
try to jam all those boxes into the car fish fingers and chips followed by jelly
boot. The switchboard was jammed and ice-cream. (NOTE: The plural is jel-
with calls. (NOTE: jams jamming lies.)
jammed) jerk /d"
k/ noun a sudden sharp pull

January / d"njuri/ noun the first

He felt a jerk on the fishing line. verb
month of the year, followed by February to suddenly pull something hard, often
He was born on January 26th. Its causing pain or injury He jerked the
his birthday on January 26. We never rope.
jersey / d"
zi/ noun 1. a warm piece of

go on holiday in January because its

too cold. We all went skiing last Janu- clothing which covers the top part of Page 173 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

jet 173 journey

your body and your arms She was join /d"n/ verb 1. to come together

knitting a pink jersey for the new baby. Go on for about two hundred metres,
2. a special shirt worn by a member of a until the road joins the motorway. The
sports team After every game the two rivers join about four kilometres be-
players swapped jerseys with the other yond the town. 2. to become a member
team. of a club or other organisation After
jet /d"et/ noun 1. a long narrow stream of
university, he is going to join the police.
liquid or gas A jet of water put out the She joined the army because she
flames. 2. an aircraft with jet engines wanted to travel. 3. to do something
Jets flew low overhead. with someone Were going to have a
cup of coffee would you like to join us?
jet engine / d"et end"n/ noun an en-
jet engine

Wont you join us for a game of golf?

gine which gets its power from a stream
joint /d"nt/ noun 1. a place where

of gas
bones come together and can move,
jewel / d"u
l/ noun a valuable stone

such as the knee or the elbow Her el-

such as a diamond bow joint hurt after her game of tennis.
jewellery / d"u
lri/ noun things that
2. a large piece of meat, especially for
you wear as decoration round your cooking in an oven The joint of lamb
neck, fingers, etc., made from things was very tender. We all sat round the
such as valuable stones, gold and silver table while Father carved the joint.
The burglar stole all her jewellery. adjective combined, with two or more
(NOTE: no plural) things connected together
joke /d"k/ noun a thing said or done to

jigsaw / d"'s
/ noun jigsaw puzzle

a picture made of shaped pieces of wood make people laugh She poured water
or cardboard that you have to try to fit down his neck as a joke. They all
together As its raining, lets stay in- laughed at his jokes. He told jokes all
doors and try to do this huge jigsaw of evening.
journal / d"
n()l/ noun a book where

the Houses of Parliament.

you write details of things that have
job /d"b/ noun 1. regular work which

happened which you want to remember

you get paid for Shes managed to get
He kept a journal during his visit to
a job in the local supermarket. When
China. She wrote a journal of the
the factory closed, hundreds of people
gradual progress of her illness.
lost their jobs. 2. a specific piece of
journalism / d"
n()lz()m/ noun the

work Dont sit down, there are a cou-

ple of jobs I want you to do. He does profession of writing for newspapers or
all sorts of little electrical jobs around magazines, or reporting on events for ra-
the house. 3. difficulty (informal ) I dio or TV
had a job trying to find your house. journalist / d"
n()lst/ noun a person

What a job it was getting a hotel room at who writes for newspapers or maga-
the time of the music festival! zines, or reports on events for radio or
jog /d"'/ verb 1. to run fairly slowly, es-

TV Journalists asked the policeman

pecially for exercise He jogged along some very awkward questions. Film
the river bank for two miles. She was stars were greeted by journalists from
listening to her personal stereo as she around the world at the premire of the
was jogging. 2. to push someone or new film.
something slightly Someone jogged journey / d"
ni/ noun an occasion

my elbow and I spilt my drink. (NOTE: when you travel somewhere, usually a
jogs jogging jogged) to jog long distance Its at least two days
someones memory to make someone journey from here. They went on a
remember something The police are train journey across China. She has a
hoping that the film from the security difficult journey to work every day she
camera will jog peoples memories. has to change buses twice. Page 174 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

joy 174 justify

joy /d"/ noun very great happiness jumper / d"mp/ noun a warm piece of
joy jumper

The birth of our baby son filled us with clothing, usually made of wool, which
joy. covers the top part of your body and
judge /d"d"/ noun 1. a person whose
your arms
junction / d"kn/ noun a place

job is to make legal decisions in a court

of law He was convicted for stealing, where railway lines or roads meet Go
but the judge let him off with a small as far as the next junction and you will
fine. 2. a person who decides who see the library on your right. Leave
should win a competition The three the motorway at Junction 5.
judges of the beauty contest couldnt
June /d"u
n/ noun the sixth month of the

agree. verb to make decisions in situ-

ations such as a court of law or a compe- year, between May and July June 17
tition He was judged guilty. Her Last June we had a holiday in Cana-
painting was judged the best and she da. (NOTE: June 17th or June 17: say
won first prize. June the seventeenth or the seven-
teenth of June or in US English: June
judgment / d"d"mnt/, judgement

noun 1. a legal decision by a judge or
jungle / d"'l/ noun an area of thick

court We will appeal against the judg-

ment. 2. the ability to make good deci- tropical forest which is difficult to travel
sions He trusted his wifes judgment through
in everything. junior / d"u
ni/ adjective intended for

jug /d"'/ noun a container with a han-


younger children She sings in the jun-

dle, used for pouring liquids ior choir. He plays for the junior hock-
juice /d"u
s/ noun a liquid from fruit,
ey team.
vegetables or meat They charged me junk /d"k/ noun useless articles, rub-

1 for two glasses of orange juice. She bish Dont keep that its junk. You
had a glass of grapefruit juice for break- should throw away all that junk you
fast. keep under your bed. (NOTE: no plural)
juicy / d"u
si/ adjective full of juice

just /d"st/ adverb 1. exactly


Is that
(NOTE: juicier juiciest) too much sugar? No, its just right.
July /d" la/ noun the seventh month of

Thank you, thats just what I was look-

the year, between June and August ing for. Just how many of students
July 23 We went to Spain last July. have got computers? What time is it?
July is always one of the busiest months Its just seven oclock. Hes just fif-
for holidays. (NOTE: July 23rd or July teen his birthday was yesterday. 2.
23: say July the twenty-third or the showing the very recent past The train
twenty-third of July; American Eng- has just arrived from Paris. She had
lish: July twenty-third.) just got into her bath when the phone
jump /d"mp/ noun a sudden movement rang. 3. only Were just good friends,

up or down into the air The jump was nothing more. Ive been to Berlin just
higher than she thought and she hurt once.
her leg. verb 1. to go suddenly into justice / d"sts/ noun fair treatment in

the air from or towards the ground law Justice must always be seen to be
Quick, jump on that bus its going to done.
Oxford Circus! The horse jumped
justify / d"stfa/ verb to show that

over the fence. She jumped down from

the chair. 2. to make a sudden move- something is fair, to prove that some-
ment because you are frightened She thing is right How can you justify
jumped when I came up behind her qui- spending all that money? How can
etly. When they fired the gun, it made you justify your behaviour? (NOTE: jus-
me jump. tifies justifying justified) Page 175 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

k /ke/, K noun the eleventh letter of the

He kept out of the quarrel. Try to
alphabet, between J and L keep out of trouble with the police.
keen /ki
n/ adjective very sensitive keep up with /ki
p p w/ phrasal

Bats have a keen sense of hearing. verb to go at the same speed as someone
(NOTE: keener keenest) My foot hurts, thats why I cant keep
keep /ki
p/ verb 1. to continue to have
up with the others. His salary hasnt
something Can I keep the newspaper kept up with the cost of living.
kerb /k
b/ noun the stone edge of a path

I borrowed from you? I dont want

that book any more, you can keep it. along the side of a road
ketchup / ketp/ noun a type of tomato

The police kept my gun and wont give it

back. 2. to continue to do something sauce
The clock kept going even after I kettle / ket()l/ noun a container used for

dropped it on the floor. He had to keep boiling water

smiling so that people would think he
key /ki
/ noun 1. a shaped piece of metal

was pleased. Keep quiet or theyll

that you use to open a lock or to start a
hear you. Luckily the weather kept
car I cant start the car, Ive lost the
fine for the fair. The food will keep
key. Where did you put the front door
warm in the oven. 3. to have or to put
key? 2. one of the moving parts which
something in a particular place I keep
you push down with your fingers on a
my car keys in my pocket. Where do
typewriter, a computer or a musical in-
you keep the paper for the laser printer?
strument such as a piano The F key
4. to make someone or something stay
always sticks. There are 64 keys on
in a place or state Its cruel to keep an-
the keyboard. 3. a system of musical
imals in cages. I was kept late at the
tones This piece of music is written in
office. They kept us waiting for half an
the key of F major. adjective most im-
hour. We put the plates in the oven to
portant The key person in the team is
keep them warm. 5. to stay Keep close
the goalkeeper. The key person in the
to me. (NOTE: keeps keeping kept
company is the sales manager. Oil is
a key industry.
keep down phrasal verb 1. to keep at a keyboard / ki
d/ noun a set of keys

low level Keep your voice down, the on something such as a computer or pi-
police will hear us! 2. to bend down in ano She spilled her coffee on the com-
order to hide from someone Keep puter keyboard. He practises on the
down behind the wall so that they wont keyboard every day. verb to put infor-
see us. mation into a computer using a key-
keep off phrasal verb not to walk on board She was keyboarding the fig-
something Keep off the grass! ures.
keep on phrasal verb to continue to do kick /kk/ noun 1. the act of hitting some-

something Keep on trying! thing with your foot The goalkeeper

keep out phrasal verb 1. to stop some- gave the ball a kick. 2. a feeling of ex-
one going in We put up notices telling citement He gets a kick out of watch-
people to keep their dogs out of the field ing a football match on TV. verb to hit
where the lambs are. 2. not to go in something with your foot He kicked
There were Keep Out! notices round the ball into the net. She kicked her lit-
the building site. 3. not to get involved tle brother. Page 176 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

kid 176 knife

kid /kd/ noun 1. a child (informal ) the queen in value He knew he could

There were a few school kids on their bi- win when he drew the king of spades.
cycles. Theyre married with two kids. kingdom / kdm/ noun 1. the land

2. a young goat verb to make some- ruled over by a king or queen England
one believe something which is not true is part of the United Kingdom. He
Are you kidding? She tried to kid me gave her a book of fairy stories about a
that shed had an accident. (NOTE: kids magic kingdom. 2. a part of the world of
kidding kidded) nature the animal kingdom
kidnap / kdnp/ verb to take someone kiss /ks/ noun the act of touching some-
kidnap kiss

away illegally and keep them prisoner one with your lips to show that you are
(NOTE: kidnaps kidnapping kid- pleased to see them or that you like them
napped) She gave the baby a kiss. verb to
kidney / kdni/ noun one of a pair of or- touch someone with your lips to show

gans in animals that clean the blood and that you are pleased to see them or that
remove waste from it you like them She kissed her daughter
and walked away. They kissed each
kill /kl/ verb to make someone or some-

other goodbye.
thing die Sixty people were killed in
kit /kt/ noun clothes and personal equip-

the plane crash. A long period of dry

weather could kill all the crops. ment, usually kept in a bag Did you
bring your tennis kit?
kilo / ki
l/ abbr kilogram (NOTE: The

kitchen / ktn/ noun a room where you


plural is kilos.)
can cook food She put the meat down
kilogram / kl'rm/ noun a measure

on the kitchen table. If youre hungry,

of weight equal to one thousand grams have a look in the kitchen to see if
(NOTE: written kg after figures: 20kg) theres anything to eat.
kilometre / klmi
t/ noun a measure

kite /kat/ noun a toy made of light wood


of distance equal to one thousand me- and paper or cloth which is flown in the
tres wind on the end of a string He was fly-
kind /kand/ adjective friendly and help-

ing his kite from the top of the hill.

ful Its very kind of you to offer to kitten / kt()n/ noun a young cat

help. How kind of you to invite him to

knack /nk/ noun an ability or tendency

your party! You should always be kind

to little children. Hes a kind old gen- to do something, often something
tleman. noun a type A butterfly is a wrong (informal ) She has a knack for
kind of insect. We have several kinds talking to strangers. He has this knack
of apples in our garden. We discussed of accidentally offending people.
knee /ni
/ noun 1. the part on your body

all kinds of things. of a kind similar

The three sisters are three of a kind. where the upper and the lower leg join,
its nothing of the kind thats not cor- where your leg bends She sat the child
rect at all kind of in a certain way on her knee. He was on his knees
(informal ) I was kind of annoyed looking under the bed. 2. the part of a
when she told me that. pair of trousers that covers the knee
kindness / kandns/ noun 1. the qual-
My jeans have holes in both knees.
kneel /ni
l/ verb to go down on your

ity of being kind She was touched by

his kindness. 2. a kind act knees (NOTE: kneels kneeling
kneeled or knelt /nelt/)
king /k/ noun 1. a man who governs a

knew /nju
/ past tense of know

country by right of birth The king and

knife /naf/ noun an instrument used for

queen came to visit the town. (NOTE:

king is spelt with a capital letter when cutting, with a sharp metal blade fixed
used with a name or when referring to in a handle Put out a knife, fork and
a particular person: King Henry VIII.) spoon for each person. You need a
2. (in cards) the card with the face of a sharp knife to cut meat. (NOTE: The plu-
man, coming before the ace and after ral is knives.) verb to injure someone Page 177 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

knit 177 knuckle

using a knife He was knifed in the knot /nt/ noun 1. one or more pieces of

back during the fight. (NOTE: knifes string, rope, or other fibre, twisted and
knifing knifed) fastened together Boy Scouts are sup-
knit /nt/ verb to make cloth out of wool posed to be able to tie knots. Is the

by joining threads together using two knot of my tie straight? 2. a measure of

long needles My mother is knitting me the speed of a ship, or of the wind The
a pullover. She was wearing a blue ship was doing 22 knots when she hit the
knitted hat. (NOTE: knits knitting rocks. Theres a wind speed of 60
knit or knitted) knots.
knives /navz/ plural of knife know /n/ verb 1. to have learned some-
knives know

knob /nb/ noun 1. a rounded handle that thing, to have information about some-

you turn, e.g. on a door or drawer To thing Do you know how to start the
open the door, just turn the knob. 2. a computer? He didnt know she had
round object which you turn to operate died. How was I to know she wasnt
a radio or TV, etc. Turn the knob to in- his wife? You knew it would be expen-
crease the volume. sive. Do you know the Spanish for
knock /nk/ noun a sound made by hit-
one two three? His secretary
ting something Suddenly, there was a doesnt know where he is. 2. to have met
knock at the door. verb to hit some- someone I know your sister we were
thing Knock twice before going in. at school together. I used to know a
Youll need a heavy hammer to knock man called Peter Jones who worked in
that nail in. your company. 3. to have been to a place
often I know Paris very well. She
knock down phrasal verb 1. to make doesnt know Germany at all. (NOTE:
something fall down They are going knows knowing knew /nju
to knock down the old house to build a has known)
factory. 2. to hit someone or something
knowledge / nld"/ noun the general

She was knocked down by a car. 3. to

facts or information that people know
reduce a price They knocked the price
No encyclopedia can contain all human
down to 50.
knock out phrasal verb to hit someone
known /nn/ past participle of know

so hard that they are no longer con-

scious She was knocked out by a blow knuckle / nk()l/ noun a part where

on the head. two bones join in a finger Page 178 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

l /el/, L noun the twelfth letter of the al- was cancelled because of lack of funds.

phabet, between K and M (NOTE: no plural) verb not to have

enough of something The sales staff
label / leb()l/ noun a note attached to

lack interest.
something to give information about,
ladder / ld/ noun an object made of

e.g. its price, its contents or someones

name and address She stuck a label on several bars between two posts, used for
the parcel. The price on the label is climbing up to high places The ladder
25.00. verb to put a label on some- was leaning against the wall. He was
thing All the goods are labelled with climbing up a ladder. She got down off
the correct price. (NOTE: labels label- the ladder.
lady / ledi/ noun a polite way of refer-

ling labelled. The US spelling is la-

beling labeled.) ring to a woman There are two ladies
labor / leb/ noun, verb US spelling of
waiting to see you.
laid /led/ past tense and past participle of

laboratory /l brt()ri/ noun a place

lain /len/ past participle of lie verb 2

where scientific experiments, testing

lake /lek/ noun an area of water sur-

and research are carried out Shes

working in the university laboratories. rounded by land Lets take a boat out
All our products are tested in our own on the lake. We can sail across the
laboratories. (NOTE: The plural is labo- lake. The hotel stands on the shores of
ratories.) Lake Windermere.
labour / leb/ noun 1. work, especially lamb /lm/ noun 1. a young sheep In
labour lamb

hard work Does the price include the spring, the fields are full of sheep and
cost of labour? 2. the people who do their little lambs. 2. meat from a lamb or
work Cheap labour is difficult to find. sheep a leg of lamb roast lamb
3. the process of giving birth to a baby (NOTE: no plural in this sense)
She went into labour at home, and her lamp /lmp/ noun an object which pro-

husband drove her to the hospital. She duces light The hall is lit by large
was in labour for 12 hours. verb 1. to electric lamps.
work hard They laboured night and land /lnd/ noun earth, as opposed to

day to finish the project in time. 2. to do water They were glad to be back on
something with difficulty She la- (dry) land again after two weeks at sea.
boured across the room to me. (NOTE: no plural) verb to arrive on the
lace /les/ noun 1. a thin strip of material

ground, or on another surface The

for tying up a shoe or other piece of flight from Amsterdam has landed. We
clothing His laces kept coming un- will be landing at London Airport in five
done. Shes too little to be able to do minutes. The ducks tried to land on
up her laces herself. 2. cloth made with the ice.
open patterns of threads, like a net a land up phrasal verb to end in a place
lace tablecloth Her wedding dress (informal ) I got the wrong train and
was trimmed with lace. (NOTE: no plural landed up in Scotland.
in this sense) landing / lnd/ noun 1. (especially of

lack /lk/ noun the fact that you do not


aircraft) an instance of arriving on the

have something The children are suf- ground or on a surface The plane
fering from a lack of food. The project made a smooth landing. 2. a flat area at Page 179 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

landlady 179 later

the top of a set of stairs She was wait- Why has she got an office which is larg-
ing for me on the landing. er than mine?
landlady / lndledi/ noun a woman largely / l
d"li/ adverb mainly, mostly
landlady largely

from whom you rent a place to live His farm is largely grazing land.
You must pay your rent to the landlady The price rises are largely due to in-
every month. (NOTE: The plural is land- creased demand.
ladies.) laser / lez/ noun an instrument which

landlord / lndl
d/ noun a man or

produces a concentrated beam of light;

company from whom you rent property lasers can be used to cut through hard
such as a house, room or office Tell materials, and to carry out some medical
the landlord if your roof leaks. The operations
landlord refused to make any repairs to last /l
st/ adjective 1. coming at the end

the roof. of a list, line or period of time The

landmark / lndm
k/ noun a building

post office is the last building on the

or large object on land which you can right. The invoice must be paid by the
see easily The statue is a famous land- last day of the month. 2. most recent
mark. Shes been ill for the last ten days. The
last three books I read were rubbish.
landscape / lndskep/ noun 1. the ap-

adverb 1. at the end Out of a queue of

pearance of the countryside the beau-
twenty people, I was served last. Ill
tiful landscape of the West Country 2. a
print the labels last. 2. most recently
painting of a country scene He col-
When did you see her last? She was
lects 18th century English landscapes.
looking ill when I saw her last or when I
lane /len/ noun 1. a narrow road, often in

last saw her. verb to continue for

the country a lane with hedges on some time The fine weather wont
both sides 2. a part of a road for traffic last. Our holidays never seem to last
going in a particular direction or at a very long. The storm lasted all night.
certain speed Motorways usually have The meeting lasted for three hours.
three lanes on either side. One lane of last but one the one before the last one
the motorway has been closed for re- My last car but one was a Rolls
pairs. Royce.
language / l'wd"/ noun a way of late /let/ adjective 1. after the usual or
language late

speaking or writing used in a country or expected time The plane is thirty min-
by a group of people We go to English utes late. Its too late to change your
language classes twice a week. She ticket. Hurry or youll be late for the
can speak several European languages. show. We apologise for the late arriv-
lap /lp/ noun 1. the part of your body
al of the plane from Amsterdam. 2. at the
from your waist to your knees when you end of a period of time The traffic was
are sitting She listened to the story, bad in the late afternoon. He moved to
sitting in her fathers lap. 2. one turn London in the late 1980s. 3. a word used
round a racetrack Hes finished lap 23 instead of dead in order to be polite
only two laps to go! verb 1. (of ani- His late father was a director of the
mals) to drink with the tongue The company. (NOTE: only used before a
dog lapped the water in the pond. 2. to noun in this meaning)
lately / letli/ adverb during recent days

go so fast that you are one whole lap

ahead of another person in a race The or weeks
winner had lapped three other runners. later / let/ adverb at a time after the

(NOTE: laps lapping lapped) present; at a time after a time which has
large /l
d"/ adjective big She ordered

been mentioned The family came to

a large cup of coffee. Our house has live in England and she was born a
one large bedroom and two very small month later. Can we meet later this
ones. How large is your garden? evening? Page 180 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

latest 180 lead

latest / letst/ adjective the most recent of parliament Parliament has passed

(informal ) Have you seen his latest a law against the ownership of guns.
film? He always drives the latest mod- lawful / l
f()l/ adjective allowed by the

el car. The latest snow reports are law (formal ) Their behaviour was
published each day in the papers. at perfectly lawful.
the latest no later than the time stated law-making / l
mek/ noun the

Ill ring back before 7 oclock at the process of making laws

lawn /l
n/ noun a part of a garden cov-

latter / lt/ adjective 1. used for refer-


ered with short grass

ring to the second of two people or
lawyer / l
j/ noun a person who has

things mentioned 2. towards the end of

the period of time mentioned Im busy studied law and can advise you on legal
on Monday and Tuesday, but Ill be free matters If you are arrested you have
during the latter part of the week. the right to speak to your lawyer.
lay /le/ verb 1. to put something down

laugh /l
f/ noun a sound you make

when you think something is funny flat He laid the papers on the table.
Hes got a lovely deep laugh. Thats A new carpet has been laid in the dining
right, she said with a laugh. verb to room. 2. to lay the table to arrange
make a sound to show you think some- knives, fork, spoons, plates and glasses
thing is funny He was very good last on a table for a meal The table is laid
night he had everyone laughing at his for four people. 3. (of birds, turtles,
jokes. She fell off the ladder and eve- etc.) to produce an egg The hens laid
ryone laughed. three eggs. (NOTE: lays laying laid)
layer / le/ noun an amount of a sub-

laughter / l
ft/ noun the sound or act

of laughing As soon as he opened his stance that lies on a flat surface She
mouth, the audience burst into laughter. put a layer of chocolate on the cake,
(NOTE: no plural)
then one of cream.
layout / leat/ noun a design, e.g. of a

launch /l
nt/ noun 1. the act of start-

ing off a boat or a spacecraft The garden or a book

laziness / lezins/ noun the state of be-

launch of the new car went off success-

fully. The rocket launch has been de- ing lazy
lazy / lezi/ adjective not wanting to do

layed by two weeks. 2. the act of starting

off the sale of a new product The any work Shes just lazy thats why
launch of the new car went off success- the work never gets done on time. He
fully. verb 1. to put a boat into the wa- is so lazy he does not even bother to
ter, especially for the first time and with open his mail. (NOTE: lazier laziest)
a lot of ceremony The Queen lead1 /led/ noun 1. a very heavy soft met-

launched the new ship. 2. to send a al Tie a piece of lead to your fishing
spacecraft into space The spacecraft line to make it sink. 2. the black part in
was launched from Cape Kennedy. 3. to the middle of a pencil
start selling a new product Were
lead2 /li
d/ noun 1. an electric wire which

launching the new perfume just before

joins a machine to the electricity supply
The lead is too short to go across the
laundry / l
ndri/ noun 1. clothes that

room. 2. first place during a race He

need to be washed Please put any went into the lead or he took the lead.
laundry into the bag provided. (NOTE: Whos in the lead at the halfway mark?
no plural) 2. a place where clothes are She has a lead of 20m over her near-
washed The hotels sheets and towels est rival. 3. a long piece of leather or
are sent to the laundry every day. (NOTE: other material used to hold a dog All
The plural is laundries.) do the dogs must be kept on a lead in the park.
laundry to wash clothes verb 1. to be in first place during a
law /l
/ noun one of the rules governing

race or match Our side was leading at

a country, usually in the form of an act half time. They were leading by three Page 181 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

leader 181 leave

metres. 2. to go in front to show some- their plans to be leaked to the press.
one the way She led us into the hall. We found that the sales director was
3. (of a path or road ) to go in a particu- leaking information to a rival company.
lar direction The road leads you to the lean /li
n/ adjective 1. (of a person) thin

top of the hill. 4. to be the main person Hes a lean athletic man. 2. (of meat)
in a group She is leading a group of with little fat a slice of lean bacon
businesswomen on a tour of Chinese verb to be in or to put into a sloping po-
factories. (NOTE: leads leading led sition The ladder was leaning against
/led/) the shed. She leant her bike against
lead up to phrasal verb to happen in a the wall. He leaned over and picked
way that makes something else impor- up the cushion. Its dangerous to lean
tant happen the events that led up to out of car windows. (NOTE: leans
the First World War leaning leaned or leant /lent/)
leader / li
d/ noun a person who is in

lean on phrasal verb 1. to try to force

charge of an organisation such as a po- someone to do what you want They
litical party He is the leader of the La- leant on him to get him to agree. 2. to
bour Party. The leader of the con- depend on someone If things get diffi-
struction workers union. cult she always has her father to lean
leadership / li
dp/ noun 1. the abili-

ty to manage or direct others We think leap /li
p/ verb to jump He leapt over

he has certain leadership qualities. 2. the ditch. She leapt with joy when she
the position of a leader Under his heard the news. He leapt into the train
leadership the party went from strength as it was leaving. (NOTE: leaps leap-
to strength. 3. a group of leaders of an ing leaped or leapt /lept/)
organisation The leadership was
learn /l
n/ verb 1. to find out about

weaker after the presidents resignation.

something, or about how to do some-
leading / li
d/ adjective most impor-

thing Hes learning to ride a bicycle.

tant He took the leading role in the
We learn French and German at
school. 2. to hear news Her boss
leaf /li
f/ noun one of the flat green parts

learned that she was planning to leave

of a plant The leaves of the trees turn the company. How did you come to
brown or red in autumn. Caterpillars learn about the product? We learnt of
have eaten the leaves of the roses. his death only yesterday. (NOTE: learns
(NOTE: The plural is leaves /li
vz/.) learning learnt /l
nt/ or learned)
leaflet / li
flt/ noun a sheet of paper, of-

learner / l
n/ noun a person who is

ten folded, giving information learning how to do something The

league /li
'/ noun a group of sports clubs

evening swimming classes are specially

which play matches against each other for adult learners. The new dictionary
He plays for one of the clubs in the lo- is good for advanced learners of Eng-
cal football league. lish.
leak /li
k/ noun 1. a hole in an object

least /li
st/ adjective used for describing

where liquid or gas can escape I can the smallest amount This car uses by
smell gas there must be a gas leak in far the least petrol. adverb less than
the kitchen. 2. an occasion on which se- everyone or everything else I liked
cret information is given to the public that part of the book least. He was the
She was embarrassed by the leak of the least conceited man she had ever met.
news. The leak of the report led to the
leather / le/ noun the skin of certain

ministers resignation. verb 1. (of liq-

uid or gas, etc.) to flow away, to escape animals used to make things such as
from its container Water must have shoes and bags a leather bag My
been leaking through the ceiling for shoes have leather soles.
leave /li
v/ verb 1. to go away from a

days. 2. to pass on secret information to

the public Governments dont like place She left home at 9 oclock this Page 182 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

lecture 182 legitimate

morning. When they couldnt find you go towards the church. 2. (in poli-
what they wanted, they left the shop. tics) relating to people with left-wing
Eurostar leaves Waterloo for Brussels opinions His politics are left of centre.
every day at 8.25. When does the next Compare right noun the side towards
bus leave for Oxford? 2. to forget to take the left Remember to drive on the left
something with you I left my tooth- when you are in Britain. The school is
brush at home. 3. to allow something to on the left as you go towards the town
stay in a certain condition Did you centre. She was sitting on the chair-
leave the light on when you locked up? mans left. adverb towards the left
Yesterday she left the iron on, and Go straight ahead and turn left at the
burnt a hole in the ironing board. traffic lights.
Someone left the door open and the dog left-hand /left hnd/ adjective on the

got out. 4. to produce a mark that re- left side The book is in the left-hand
mains The coffee left a stain on the ta- drawer of his desk. In England cars
blecloth. 5. not to take something drive on the left-hand side of the road.
Leave some pizza for your brother. 6. to
left-handed /left hndd/ adjective

choose to stop being in a relationship

with someone Shes left her husband. using the left hand more often than the
7. not to do something, so that someone right for doing things Shes left-hand-
else has to do it She went out leaving ed, so we got her a left-handed cup for
me all the washing up to do. (NOTE: her birthday.
leaves leaving left /left/) left-wing /left w/ adjective in poli-

leave behind phrasal verb to not take tics, relating to people who believe that
someone or something with you money and property should be shared
leave out phrasal verb to forget some- more equally
leg /le'/ noun 1. one of the parts of the

thing or someone
lecture / lekt/ noun a talk on a partic- body with which a person or animal

ular subject given to people such as stu- walks The bird was standing on one
dents She gave a lecture on Chinese leg, asleep. Some animals cant stand
art. Are you going to the lecture this on their back legs. She fell down the
evening? The lecture lasted thirty steps and broke her leg. 2. one of the
minutes, and then there was time for parts of a chair or table which touch the
questions. verb 1. to give a lecture on floor The table has four legs. 3. a leg
something He will lecture on Roman of an animal used for food roast leg of
history next Thursday. 2. to teach a sub- lamb Would you like a chicken leg?
ject, by giving lectures She lectures on to pull someones leg to try to make
history at Birmingham University. someone believe something that is not
lecturer / lektr/ noun 1. a person
true for a joke Dont worry, she will
who gives a talk on a particular subject get here on time I was only pulling
This weeks lecturer is talking about
your leg.
legal / li
'()l/ adjective 1. allowed by

modern art. 2. a teacher in a university

or college He has been a lecturer in the law Its legal to drive at 17 years
biology for five years. old in the UK 2. relating to the law
led /led/ past tense and past participle of legally / li
'li/ adverb according to the

lead law
ledge /led"/ noun a narrow flat part legislation /led" sle()n/ noun
ledge legislation

which sticks out from a cliff or a build- laws, written rules which are passed by
ing Parliament and applied in the courts
left /left/ adjective 1. relating to the side legitimate /l d"tmt/ adjective fair
left legitimate

of the body which has the hand that and reasonable, or allowed by the law
most people do not use for writing I They have legitimate concerns about the
cant write with my left hand. The post project. He acted in legitimate de-
office is on the left side of the street as fence of his rights. Page 183 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

lemon 183 level

lemon / lemn/ noun a pale yellow fruit Spanish lessons at home in the evenings.

with a sour taste Oranges are much 2. something which you learn from ex-
sweeter than lemons. perience and which makes you wiser
lend /lend/ verb to let someone use some-
Hes learnt his lesson, he now knows
thing for a certain period of time He you shouldnt take such big risks with
asked me if I would lend him 5 till money.
let /let/ verb 1. to allow someone to do

Monday. I lent her my dictionary and

now she wont give it back. Compare something He let her borrow his car.
borrow (NOTE: lends lending lent Will you let me see the papers? 2. to
/lent/) allow someone to use a house or office
length /le/ noun 1. a measurement of
in return for payment Were letting
how long something is from end to end our cottage to some friends for the

The table is at least twelve feet in weekend. (NOTE: lets letting let)
length. 2. a long piece of something let me see used when you need time to
She bought a length of curtain material think about something Let me see
in the sale. We need two lengths of what I can do for you.
piping for the new central heating sys- let go phrasal verb to stop holding on
tem. to something
lens /lenz/ noun a curved piece of glass let in phrasal verb to allow to come in

or plastic, used for looking through to let off phrasal verb 1. to make some-
make things clearer or bigger My eye- thing such as a gun or bomb fire explode
sight is not very good, and I have to They let off fireworks in the town cen-
have glasses with strong lenses. It tre. 2. to not punish someone severely
looks as if the camera lens was He was charged with stealing, but the
scratched. (NOTE: The plural is lenses.) judge let him off with a fine.
lent /lent/ past tense and past participle of let up phrasal verb to do less, to be-

lend come less The snow didnt let up all

less /les/ adjective, pronoun a smaller
day. Shes working too hard she
amount (of) You will get thinner if you ought to let up a bit.
letter / let/ noun 1. a piece of writing

eat less bread. The total bill came to

less than 10. She finished her home- sent from one person to another to pass
work in less than an hour. He sold it on information There were two letters
for less than he had paid for it. adverb for you in the post. Dont forget to
not as much I like that one less than write a letter to your mother to tell her
this one. The second film was less in- what we are doing. Weve had a letter
teresting than the first. I want a car from the bank manager. 2. one of the
which is less difficult to drive. prepo- signs which make up the alphabet, a
sition with a certain amount taken away sign used in writing which corresponds
We pay 10 an hour, less 50p for in- to a certain sound Z is the last letter of
surance. more or less almost Ive the alphabet. Im trying to think of a
more or less finished painting the kitch- word with ten letters beginning with A
en. and ending with R. to the letter ex-
lessen / les()n/ verb to become less, or
actly as shown or stated They followed
to make something become less his instructions to the letter.
lettuce / lets/ noun a plant with large

Wearing a seat belt lessens the risk of

injury. (NOTE: Do not confuse with les- green leaves which are used in salads
son.) (NOTE: no plural except when referring
lesson / les()n/ noun 1. a period of
to several plants: a row of lettuces)
level / lev()l/ noun 1. a position relating

time, especially in school, when you are

taught something He went to sleep to height or amount I want to lower
during the French lesson. We have six the level of our borrowings. The water
lessons of history a week. Shes taking reached a level of 5m above normal dur-
or having driving lessons. He gives ing the flood. 2. a floor in a building Page 184 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

lever 184 light

Go up to the next level. The toilets are lie down phrasal verb to put yourself in
at street level. adjective 1. flat, even a flat position, e.g. on a bed
Are these shelves level, or do they
life /laf/ noun 1. the period during which

slope to the left? 2. equal, the same At

you are alive He spent his whole life
half-time the scores were level.
working on the farm. 2. the fact of being
lever / li
v/ noun an object like a bar,

a living person Life is a precious

which helps you to lift a heavy object, or thing; dont waste it. 3. living things
to move part of a machine We used a Is there life on Mars?
pole as a lever to lift up the block of
lift /lft/ noun 1. a machine which takes

stone. Lift the lever, then push it down

again to make the machine work. people up or down from one floor to an-
other in a building Take the lift to the
liberal / lb()rl/ adjective not strict,

tenth floor. Push the button to call the

willing to accept other peoples views
lift. Your room is on the fifteenth floor,
The liberal view would be to let the teen-
agers run the club themselves. so you may wish to use the lift. 2. a ride
in a car that you give to someone She
library / labrri/ noun 1. a place where

gave me a lift to the station. verb to

books are kept, especially ones which take something, often off the ground,
you can borrow He forgot to take his and put it in a higher position My
books back to the library. You cant briefcase is so heavy I can hardly lift it.
keep it, its a library book. 2. a collec- He lifted the little girl up so that she
tion of things such as books or records could see the procession.
He has a big record library. (NOTE: The
light /lat/ noun 1. brightness, the oppo-

plural is libraries.)
site of darkness I cant read the map
licence / las()ns/ noun a document

which gives official permission to own by the light of the moon. Theres not
something or to do something She has enough light to take a photo. 2. a piece
applied for an export licence for these of electrical equipment which gives
paintings. light Turn the light on I cant see to
read. Its dangerous to ride a bicycle
licensed / las()nst/ adjective given

with no lights. In the fog, I could just

official permission to do something see the red lights of the car in front of
lick /lk/ verb to make a gentle movement

me. verb to start to burn, to make

with your tongue across the surface of something start to burn He is trying to
something You shouldnt lick the plate get the fire to light. Can you light the
when youve finished your pudding. candles on the birthday cake? He
They licked their lips when they saw the couldnt get the fire to light. Light a
cakes. candle its dark in the cellar. (NOTE:
lid /ld/ noun a covering for a container, lights lighting lit /lt/) adjective

sometimes with a handle Wheres the 1. not heavy I can lift this box easily
lid for the black saucepan? He man- its quite light or its as light as a feath-
aged to get the lid off the jam jar. er. You need light clothing for tropical
lie /la/ verb 1. to say something which is
countries. Shes just been ill, and can
not true She was lying when she said only do light work. 2. pale He was
she had been at home all evening. He wearing a light green shirt. I prefer a
lied about the accident. (NOTE: in this light carpet to a dark one. 3. having a lot
sense: lies lying lied) 2. to be in a of light so that you can see well The
flat position Six soldiers lay dead on big windows make the kitchen very
the ground. The dog spends the light. It was six oclock in the morning
evening lying in front of the fire. (NOTE: and just getting light. to cast or
lies lying lay lain) noun some- throw light on something to make
thing that is not true Thats a lie! I something easier to understand The
didnt day that! Someone has been papers throw light on how the minister
telling lies about her. reached his decision. Page 185 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

lighten 185 link

lighten / lat()n/ verb 1. to make or be-

she could go out. The treasurer wants

come less dark You can lighten the to limit the amount we spend on flowers.
room by painting it white. The sky limited / lmtd/ adjective which has a

lightened as dawn broke. 2. to become limit

less heavy, or to make something be- limp /lmp/ verb to walk in a way which

come less heavy Ill have to lighten is affected by having an injured leg or
my suitcase its much too heavy. foot After the accident she limped
lightning / latn/ noun a flash of elec- badly. noun a way that someone

tricity in the sky in a storm The storm walks, when one leg hurts or is shorter
approached with thunder and lightning. than the other His limp has improved
since his operation. adjective soft, not
like /lak/ preposition 1. similar to, in the

strong All we had as a salad was two

same way as Hes like his mother in
limp lettuce leaves. He gave me a limp
many ways, but he has his fathers nose.
handshake. She went limp and we had
Like you, I dont get on with the new
to give her a glass of water.
boss. The picture doesnt look like him
line /lan/ noun 1. a long thin mark She

at all. He can swim like a fish. It

tastes like strawberries. Whats that drew a straight line across the sheet of
record? it sounds like Elgar. 2. used paper. Parking isnt allowed on yel-
for asking someone to describe some- low lines. The tennis ball went over
thing What was the weather like when the line. 2. a row of written or printed
you were on holiday? Whats he like, words He printed the first two lines
her new boyfriend? verb 1. to have and showed them to me. Can you read
pleasant feelings about someone or the bottom line on the chart? 3. a long
something Do you like the new man- row of people or things We had to
ager? She doesnt like eating meat. stand in (a) line for half an hour to get
How does he like his new job? No one into the exhibition. The line of lorries
likes driving in rush hour traffic. In stretched for miles at the frontier. 4. a
the evening, I like to sit quietly and read wire along which telephone messages
the newspaper. 2. to want Take as are sent The snow brought down the
many apples as you like. would like telephone lines. Can you speak louder
used for telling someone what you want the line is bad. to draw the line at
in a polite way Id like you to meet one to refuse to do something I dont mind
of our sales executives. Id like to go having a cup of coffee with the boss, but
to Paris next week. I draw the line at having to invite him
for a meal at home.
likely / lakli/ adjective probably going

to happen Its likely to snow this line up phrasal verb to stand in a line
weekend. Hes not likely to come to Line up over there if you want to take
the party. Is that at all likely? (NOTE: the next boat.
linen / lnn/ noun a strong cloth made

likelier likeliest)
from natural fibres a linen tablecloth
liking / lak/ noun a feeling of enjoy-

He bought a white linen suit.

ing something She has a liking for
lining / lan/ noun material sewn onto

chocolate. This drink is too sweet for

my liking. the inside of something such as a piece
of clothing Youll need a coat with a
limb /lm/ noun a leg or arm

He was warm lining if youre going to Canada

lucky not to break a limb in the accident. in winter. She has a pair of boots with
limit / lmt/ noun the furthest point be-
a fur lining.
link /lk/ noun 1. something which con-

yond which you cannot go We were

never allowed to go beyond the limits of nects two things or places The Chan-
the garden. Whats the speed limit on nel Tunnel provides a fast rail link be-
this road? verb not to allow some- tween England and France. 2. one of the
thing to go beyond a certain point Her rings in a chain a chain with solid
parents limited the number of evenings gold links verb 1. to join things to- Page 186 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

lion 186 liver

gether They linked arms and walked have any literature on holidays in
down the street. All the rooms are Greece? (NOTE: no plural)
linked to the main switchboard. Eu- litre / li
t/ noun a unit of measurement

rostar links London and Paris or Brus- for liquids, equal to 1000 millilitres
sels. 2. to be related in some way His (NOTE: usually written l or L after fig-
salary is linked to the cost of living. ures: 25 l, say twenty-five litres.)
lion / lan/ noun a large wild yellowish-

litter / lt/ noun 1. rubbish on streets or


brown animal of the cat family (NOTE: in public places The council tries to
The female is a lioness and the young
keep the main street clear of litter.
are cubs.)
(NOTE: no plural in this sense) 2. a
lip /lp/ noun one of the two pink or red

group of young animals born at one time

parts forming the outside of the mouth She had a litter of eight puppies.
Put some cream on your lips to stop
little / lt()l/ adjective 1. small

them getting sore.
have two children a baby boy and a lit-
liquid / lkwd/ noun a substance such as

tle girl. (NOTE: no comparative or su-

water, which flows easily and which is perlative forms in this sense) 2. not
neither a gas nor a solid You will need much We drink very little milk. A TV
to drink more liquids in hot weather. uses very little electricity. He looked
adjective in a form which flows easily at it for a little while. (NOTE: little
a bottle of liquid soap less least /li
st/) adverb not much;
list /lst/ noun a number of things such as
not often Its little more than two
names or addresses, written or said one miles from the sea. We go to the cine-
after another Weve drawn up a list of ma very little these days.
people to invite to the party. He was little by little /lt()l ba lt()l/ ad-
little by little

ill, so we crossed his name off the list. verb gradually

The names on the list are in alphabeti-
live1 /lav/ adjective 1. living, not dead

cal order. verb to say or to write a

number of things one after the other There are strict rules about transporting
live animals. 2. carrying electricity
The contents are listed on the label.
She listed the ingredients on the back of Dont touch the live wires. 3. not record-
an envelope. The catalogue lists twen- ed; being broadcast at the same time as
ty-three models of washing machine. events take place a live radio show
adverb at the same time as events take
listen / ls()n/ verb to pay attention to

place The show was broadcast live.

someone who is talking or to something
live2 /lv/ verb 1. to have your home in a

which you can hear Dont make a

noise Im trying to listen to a music place They have gone to live in
programme. Why dont you listen to France. Do you prefer living in the
what I tell you? to listen out for country to the town? He lives next
something to wait to see if you hear
door to a film star. Where does your
something Can you listen out for the daughter live? 2. to be alive King
telephone while Im in the garden? Henry VIII lived in the 16th century.
The doctor doesnt think she will live
lit /lt/ past tense and past participle of

much longer.
live on phrasal verb to use food or
liter / li
t/ noun US spelling of litre

money to stay alive They lived on

literary / lt()rri/ adjective relating to bread and water for two weeks.

lively / lavli/ adjective very active


literature / lt()rt/ noun 1. books or
(NOTE: livelier liveliest)
liver / lv/ noun 1. a large organ in the

writing, especially when considered to

be of high quality Shes studying Eng- body which helps you to process food
lish and American literature. 2. written and cleans the blood 2. animals liver
information about something Do you used as food Ill start with chicken liv- Page 187 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

living 187 long

er pt. He looked at the menu and or- lock /lk/ noun a part of a door or con-

dered liver and bacon. tainer such as a box, used for fastening
living / lv/ adjective having the signs
it so that you can only open it with a key
such as breathing or growing of not be- She left the key in the lock, so the bur-
ing dead Does she have any living rel- glars got in easily. We changed the
atives? noun money that you need for locks on the doors after a set of keys
things such as food and clothes He were stolen. verb 1. to close a door or
earns his living by selling postcards to a container such as a box, using a key
tourists. I forgot to lock the safe. We always
lock the front door before we go to bed.
living room / lv ru
m/ noun (in a
living room

2. to fix something or to become fixed in

house or flat) a comfortable room for a certain position The wheels sudden-
sitting in ly locked as he went round the corner.
lizard / lzd/ noun a small animal with a

lock up phrasal verb 1. to close a

long tail and rough skin building by locking the doors He al-
load /ld/ noun a number of heavy ob- ways locks up before he goes home.

jects which are carried in a vehicle such She was locking up the shop when a
as truck The lorry delivered a load of man walked in. 2. to put someone in
bricks. verb 1. to put something, espe- prison They locked him up for a week.
loft /lft/ noun the top part of a house

cially something heavy, into or on to a

vehicle such as a truck or van They right under the roof They converted
loaded the furniture into the van. 2. to their loft into a bedroom.
put bullets into a gun, or a film into a log /l'/ noun a thick piece of a tree He

camera They loaded their guns and brought in a load of logs for the fire.
hid behind the wall. 3. to put a program
loneliness / lnlins/ noun 1. a feel-

into a computer Load the word-

ing of sadness you can get from being
processing program before you start
alone After his wife died it took him a
long time to get over his feelings of lone-
loaf /lf/ noun bread made in a large

liness. 2. the state of being alone He

round shape, which you can cut into was attracted by the loneliness of the
slices before eating it He bought a hotel, all by itself on the top of the cliff.
loaf of bread at the bakers. We eat lonely / lnli/ adjective 1. feeling sad

about 10 loaves of bread per week. because of being alone Its odd how
loan /ln/ noun 1. a thing lent, especial-

lonely you can be in a big city full of

ly an amount of money He bought the people. 2. (of a place) with few or no
house with a 100,000 loan from the people around The cliff top is a lonely
bank. 2. the act of lending something to place at night. We spent the weekend
someone I had the loan of his car for in a lonely cottage in the Welsh hills.
three weeks. (NOTE: lonelier loneliest)
long /l/ adjective 1. not short in length

local / lk()l/ adjective relating to a


place or district near where you are or a long piece of string The Nile is the
where you live She works as a nurse longest river in the world. My hair
in the local hospital. The local paper needs cutting its getting too long. 2.
comes out on Fridays. She was for- not short in time What a long pro-
merly the headmistress of the local gramme it lasted almost three hours.
school. Theyve been waiting for the bus for a
long time. We dont approve of long
locate /l ket/ verb to find the position

holidays in this job. 3. used for asking
of something Divers are trying to lo- about an amount of time How long is
cate the Spanish galleon. it before your holiday starts? adverb
location /l ke()n/ noun a place or

a long time Have you been waiting

position The hotel is in a very central long? I didnt want to wait any longer.
location. Long ago, before the war, this was a Page 188 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

long-term 188 lot

wealthy farming area. noun a long Look up the word in the dictionary if
time before long in a short time you dont know what it means.
Shell be boss of the company before loop /lu
p/ noun a curve formed by a

long. for long for a long time He piece of something such as string, which
wasnt out of a job for long. verb to crosses over itself To tie your laces,
want something very much Im long- start by making a loop.
ing for a cup of tea. Everyone was
loose /lu
s/ adjective 1. (of a garment)

longing to be back home. as long as,

so long as provided that, on the condi- not tight Wear loose trousers and a
tion that I like going on picnics as teeshirt for the dance class. (NOTE:
long as it doesnt rain. no longer not looser loosest) 2. not attached to an-
any more I no longer have that car. ything The front wheel is loose and
needs tightening. Once he was let
long-term /l t
m/ adjective

loose, the dog ran across the park.

planned to last for a long time
loosen / lu
s()n/ verb to make some-

loo /lu
/ noun a toilet or a room in which

thing less tight He loosened his shoe-

there is a toilet (informal ) laces and relaxed.
look /lk/ noun the act of seeing some-

lord /l
d/ noun 1. a man who has a high

thing with your eyes Have a good

social rank He was born a lord.
look at this photograph and tell me if
Powerful lords forced King John to sign
you recognise anyone in it. We only
the Magna Carta. 2. an expression of
had time for a quick look round the
surprise or shock Good lord! I didnt
town. verb 1. to turn your eyes to see
realise it was so late!
something I want you to look carefully
lorry / lri/ noun a large motor vehicle

at this photograph. Look in the res-

taurant and see if there are any tables for carrying goods
free. If you look out of the office win- lose /lu
z/ verb 1. to put or drop some-

dow you can see our house. He thing somewhere and not to know where
opened the lid of the box and looked in- it is I cant find my wallet I think I
side. 2. to appear to be I went to see lost it on the train. If you lose your
her in hospital and she looks worse. ticket youll have to buy another one. 2.
Those pies look good. It looks as if it not to have something any longer We
may snow. He looks much older than lost money on the lottery. 3. not to win
forty. We lost the match 10 0. Did you
look after phrasal verb to take care of win? No, we lost. (NOTE: loses los-
someone or something ing lost /lst/) to lose your way
look back phrasal verb to turn your to not know where you are or which di-
head to see what is behind you He rection to go in They lost their way in
looked back and saw a police car was the fog on the mountain.
loss /ls/ noun 1. the state of no longer

following him.
look for phrasal verb to search for having something He was very un-
something, to try to find something happy at the loss of his house. The
look into phrasal verb to try to find out loss of a child is almost unbearable to a
about a matter or problem parent. 2. money which you have spent
look out phrasal verb to be careful and have not got back through earnings
Look out! the car is going backwards! Companies often make losses in their
look out for phrasal verb to try to see first year of operations.
lost /lst/ past tense and past participle of

or find someone or something Were

looking out for new offices because ours lose
are too small. Ill look out for his sis- lot /lt/ noun a lot of, lots of a large

ter at the party. number or a large quantity Theres

look up phrasal verb to try to find lots of time before the train leaves.
some information in a book Ill look What a lot of cars there are in the car
up his address in the telephone book. park! Ive been to the cinema quite a Page 189 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

lottery 189 lung

lot recently. Shes feeling a lot better low /l/ adjective not high She hit her

now. Lots of people are looking for head on the low branch. The town is
jobs. the lot everything Thats the surrounded by low hills. We shop
lot theres nothing left. There were around to find the lowest prices. The
old pots and books and newspapers engine works best at low speeds. The
we sold the lot for 50. We picked 2 ki- temperature here is too low for oranges
los of beans and ate the lot for dinner. to grow. Sales were lower in Decem-
lottery / ltri/ noun a game of chance in
ber than in November. adverb to-
which tickets with numbers on are sold wards the bottom; not high up The
with prizes given for certain numbers plane was flying too low it hit the
(NOTE: The plural is lotteries.) trees.
lower / la/ adjective not as high

loud /lad/ adjective very easy to hear


Cant you stop your watch making such They booked a cabin on the lower deck.
a loud noise? Turn down the radio verb to make something go down
its too loud. adverb loudly I cant They lowered the boat into the water.
loyal / ll/ adjective who supports

sing any louder. She laughed out loud

in church. someone or something for along time
without changing Dogs are very loyal
loudly / ladli/ adverb in a way which is

to their owners.
easy to hear
loyalty / llti/ noun the quality of be-

loudness / ladns/ noun the state of


ing loyal
being loud, being noisy
luck /lk/ noun something, usually good,

lounge /land"/ noun a comfortable


which happens to you The bus is emp-

room for sitting in Lets go and watch ty thats a bit of luck! bad luck used
TV in the lounge. for telling someone that you feel sorry
love /lv/ noun 1. a strong feeling of lik-

that they were not successful good

ing someone or something very much luck used for telling someone that you
his love for his children I had never hope they will be successful
felt true love like this before. to be in luckily / lkli/ adverb used for showing

love to love someone or to love each that you think an event was lucky
other They seem to be very much in lucky / lki/ adjective 1. having good

love. I told her I was in love with her. things happening to you, especially if
to fall in love with someone to start they are unexpected Hes lucky not to
to feel very strong affection for some- have been sent to prison. How lucky
one They fell in love at first sight. 2. you are to be going to Spain! 2. bringing
(in games such as tennis) a score of good luck Fifteen is my lucky number.
zero points She lost the first set six (NOTE: luckier luckiest)
love (60). verb 1. to have strong feel-
luggage / l'd"/ noun suitcases or

ings of affection for someone or some-

thing I love you!, he said. She bags for carrying your clothes and other
loves little children. The children love things when travelling
lump /lmp/ noun a piece of something,

their teacher. 2. to like something very

much We love going on holiday by the often with no particular shape a lump
seaside. Id love to come with you, but of coal a lump of sugar
Ive got too much work to do. lunch /lnt/ noun the meal eaten in the

lovely / lvli/ adjective 1. very pleasant

middle of the day Come on lunch
to look at She looks lovely in that will be ready soon. We always have
dress. Theres a lovely garden behind lunch at 12.30. We are having fish and
the house. 2. pleasant or enjoyable I chips for lunch. Im not hungry so I
had a lovely time on holiday. It was dont want a big lunch. The restaurant
lovely to have all those visitors when I serves 150 lunches a day.
lung /l/ noun one of two organs in the

was in hospital. (NOTE: lovelier love-

liest) chest with which you breathe Page 190 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

luxury 190 lying

luxury / lkri/ noun 1. great comfort sary She often buys little luxuries for

He lived a life of great luxury. A hot dessert on Friday nights. (NOTE: The
bath is a real luxury after two weeks plural in this sense is luxuries)
camping in the mountains. 2. a thing lying / la/ present participle of lie

which is pleasant to have, but not neces- Page 191 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

m /em/, M noun the thirteenth letter of the some people believe they have, which

alphabet, between L and N makes them able to make impossible

machine /m i
n/ noun a piece of

things happen She claimed to be a
equipment that uses power We have witch and able to perform magic.
magician /m d"()n/ noun 1. a wiz-

bought a machine for putting leaflets in

envelopes. There is a message on my ard Merlin was the great magician in

answering machine. She made her medieval legends. 2. a conjuror They
dress on her sewing machine. The hired a magician to entertain the chil-
washing machine has broken and flood- dren at the party.
magnet / m'nt/ noun a piece of metal

ed the kitchen.
machinery /m i
nri/ noun machines

which attracts iron and steel She has a
in general The factory has got rid of a Mickey Mouse which sticks to the fridge
lot of old machinery. (NOTE: no plural: door with a magnet.
magnetic /m' netk/ adjective which

some machinery, a piece of machin-

ery) attracts metal

mad /md/ adjective 1. having a serious magnificent /m' nfs()nt/ adjec-
mad magnificent

medical condition which affects the tive very impressive or beautiful

brain (offensive) 2. silly or crazy Eve- mail /mel/ noun 1. letters which are de-

ryone thought he was mad to try to cross livered or which are sent The mail
the Atlantic in a rowing boat. 3. very an- hasnt come yet. The receipt was in
gry (informal ) Shes mad at or with this mornings mail. 2. a service provid-
him for borrowing her car. He was ed by the post office We sent the par-
hopping mad when they told him his car cel by sea mail. Its cheaper to send
had been stolen. (NOTE: madder the order by surface mail than by air.
maddest) to drive someone mad main /men/ adjective most important

to make someone crazy or upset The The main thing is to get to work on time.
noise is driving her mad. Their main factory is in Scotland.
madam / mdm/ noun 1. a polite way

January is the main month for skiing

of addressing a woman, often used by holidays. A car will meet you at the
people who are providing a service such main entrance.
as waiters or shop assistants After you, mainly / menli/ adverb most often We

madam. Can I help you, madam? 2. sell mainly to businesses. People

used when writing a letter to a woman mainly go on holiday in the summer.
whom you do not know Dear Madam
maintain /men ten/ verb 1. to make

made /med/ past tense and past partici-


something stay the same We like to

ple of make maintain good relations with our cus-
magazine /m' zi
n/ noun a large

tomers. 2. to keep something in good

thin book with a paper cover, which is working order The boiler needs to be
published regularly The gardening regularly maintained. 3. to continue to
magazine comes out on Fridays. state something as a fact Throughout
magic / md"k/ noun 1. tricks such as the trial he maintained that the car was

making things appear and disappear, not his.

major / med"/ adjective important

performed by an entertainer called a

magician The magician made a rab- Smoking is a major cause of lung can-
bit appear in his hat. 2. a power that cer. Computers are a major influence Page 192 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

majority 192 mane

on modern industrial society. Many whole story up.
small roads are blocked by snow, but the makeup / mekp/ noun substances,

major roads are open. noun a rank of e.g. face powder and lipstick, which
an officer in the army below colonel A people put on their face to make it more
major came up in a truck with six sol- beautiful or change their appearance in
diers. (NOTE: also used as a title before some way She wears no makeup apart
a surname: Major Smith) from a little eye shadow. He spent
majority /m d"rti/ noun 1. the larger hours over his makeup for the part of the

part of a group The majority of the monster.

making / mek/ present participle of

members of the club dont want to

change the rules. 2. a number of voters make
which is larger than half She was male /mel/ adjective relating to the sex

elected with a majority of 10,000. 3. the which does not give birth to young A
age when you become legally adult male deer is called a stag. (NOTE: Do
make /mek/ verb 1. to put something to-

not confuse with mail.)

gether or build something He made a mammal / mm()l/ noun a type of an-

boat out of old pieces of wood. These imal which gives birth to live young and
knives are made of steel. 2. to get some- feeds them with milk
thing ready She is making a Christ- man /mn/ noun a male human being

mas cake. Do you want me to make That tall man is my brother. Theres a
some tea? 3. to add up to a total Six young man at reception asking for Mr
and four make ten. 4. to give someone a Smith. (NOTE: The plural is men
feeling The smell of curry makes me /men/.) verb to provide staff to work
hungry. The rough sea made him feel something The switchboard is
sick. Looking at old photographs manned all day. She sometimes mans
made her sad. He made himself com- the front desk when the receptionist is
fortable in the armchair. 5. to force ill. (NOTE: mans manning
someone to do something His mother manned)
made him clean his room. The teacher
manage / mnd"/ verb to be in charge

made us all stay in after school. I

of something She manages all our of-
cant make the car go any faster. What fices in Europe. We want to appoint
on earth made you do that? (NOTE: someone to manage the new shop.
makes making made /med/) to
management / mnd"mnt/ noun 1.

make sense 1. to be understood The

message doesnt make sense. 2. to be a a group of people who direct workers
good idea It makes sense to put a little The management has decided to move to
money into your savings account every new offices. 2. the practice of directing
week. and controlling work Hes taking a
course in management. If anything
make for phrasal verb to go towards a goes wrong now its just a case of bad
place The army was making for the management.
capital. As soon as the film started,
manager / mnd"/ noun 1. the per-

she made straight for the exit. son in charge of a department in a shop
make out phrasal verb 1. to be able to or in a business The bank manager
see clearly Can you make out the wants to talk about your account. The
house in the dark? 2. to claim some- sales manager organised a publicity
thing which is probably not true The campaign. Shes the manager of the
English weather isnt really as bad as it shoe department. 2. a person in charge
is made out to be. She tries to make of a sports team The club have just
out that shes very poor. sacked their manager.
make up phrasal verb to invent a story mane /men/ noun the long hair on the

He said he had seen a man climbing neck of a lion or horse (NOTE: Do not
into the house, but in fact he made the confuse with main.) Page 193 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

manner 193 marry

manner / mn/ noun a way of behav- March /m
t/ noun the third month of
manner March

ing She has a very unpleasant man- the year, between February and April
ner. The staff dont like the new man- (NOTE: March 6th or March 6: say
agers manner. March the sixth or the sixth of March
manufacture /mnj fkt/ verb to or in US English: March sixth.)

make products for sale We no longer margarine /m

d" ri
n/ noun a sub-

manufacture tractors here. stance made from animal or vegetable

manufacturer /mnj fktr/ oil which is used instead of butter

noun a person or company producing margin / m

d"n/ noun a white space at

industrial products the edge of a page of writing Write

many / meni/ adjective 1. a large number your comments in the margin. We left

of things or people Many old people a wide margin so that you can write
live on the south coast. So many peo- notes in it.
ple wanted rooms that the hotel was marine /m ri
n/ adjective referring to

booked up. She ate twice as many the sea marine plants and animals
cakes as her sister did. 2. asking a ques-
mark /m
k/ noun 1. a small spot of a

tion How many times have you been

different colour The red wine has
to France? How many passengers
made a mark on the tablecloth. She
were there on the plane? pronoun a
has a mark on her forehead where she
large number of people Many of the
hit her head. 2. the points given to a stu-
students knew the lecturer when he was
dent She got top marks in English.
a student himself. Many would say
What sort of mark did you get for your
that smoking should be banned in all
homework? No one got full marks
public places.
the top mark was 8 out of 10. verb 1.
map /mp/ noun a drawing which shows

to make a mark on something 2. to cor-

a place, e.g. a town, a country or the rect and give points to work The
world, as if it is seen from the air teacher hasnt finished marking our
Heres a map of Europe. The village homework. Has the English exam
where they live is so small I cant find it been marked yet?
on the map. Show me on the map
market / m
kt/ noun a place where

where the mountains are. They lost

their way because theyd forgotten to products, e.g. fruit and vegetables, are
take a map. sold from small tables, often in the open
air We buy all our vegetables and fish
marathon / mr()n/ noun a race,

at the market. Market day is Saturday,

often run on roads in a city, covering a so parking will be difficult.
distance of 42 kilometres Shes train-
marketing / m
kt/ noun the meth-

ing for the New York marathon.

ods used by a company to encourage
marble / m
b()l/ noun a very hard

people buy a product

type of stone which can be polished so
marriage / mrd"/ noun 1. the state of

that it shines The entrance hall has a

marble floor. The table top is made being legally joined as husband and
from a single slab of green marble. wife A large number of marriages end
in divorce. She has two sons by her
march /m
t/ noun the act of walking

first marriage. 2. a wedding, the cere-

so that your legs move at exactly the mony of being married They had a
same times as everyone elses, especial- simple marriage, with just ten guests.
ly by soldiers The soldiers were tired
married / mrid/ adjective joined as

after their long march through the

mountains. verb 1. to walk in this way husband and wife Are you married or
The guards marched after the band. single? Married life must suit him
We were just in time to see the soldiers hes put on weight.
marry / mri/ verb 1. to make two peo-

march past. 2. to walk in a protest march

Thousands of workers marched to the ple husband and wife They were mar-
parliament building. ried in church. 2. to become the hus- Page 194 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

marsh 194 may

band or wife of someone She married the football match on TV. He won the
the boy next door. (NOTE: marries last two table tennis matches he played.
marrying married) to get mar- 2. a small piece of wood with a one end
ried to someone to be joined as hus- which catches fire when you rub it
band and wife in a ceremony Theyre against a special surface He bought a
getting married next Saturday. packet of cigarettes and a box of match-
marsh /m
/ noun an area of wet land
es. She struck a match and lit a can-
(NOTE: The plural is marshes.) dle. verb to fit or to go with something
The yellow wallpaper doesnt match
masculine / mskjln/ adjective suit-

the bright green carpet.

able for or typical of a man She had a
mate /met/ noun 1. a friend, especially

very masculine hair style.

a mans friend Hes gone down to the
mask /m
sk/ noun something which

pub with his mates. 2. one of a pair of

covers or protects your face The bur- people or animals, especially where
glars wore black masks. He wore a these can produce young together
mask to go diving. verb (of animals) to breed A mule is
mass /ms/ noun 1. a large number or

the result of a donkey mating with a

large quantity of things Masses of horse.
people went to the exhibition. A mass material /m tril/ noun 1. something

of leaves blew onto the pavement. I which can be used to make something
have a mass of letters or masses of let- You can buy all the materials you need
ters to write. 2. a Catholic church serv- in the DIY shop. (NOTE: The plural is
ice Shes a strict Catholic and goes to materials.) 2. cloth I bought three
mass every week. adjective involving metres of material to make curtains.
a large number of people They found What material is your coat made of?
a mass grave on the hillside. The (NOTE: no plural) 3. facts or information
group is organising a mass protest to Shes gathering material for a TV
parliament. programme on drugs. (NOTE: no plural)
massive / msv/ adjective very large

mathematics /m mtks/, maths


He had a massive heart attack. The /ms/ noun the science of numbers
company has massive losses. A mas- and measurements
sive rock came hurtling down the moun-
matter / mt/ noun 1. a problem or dif-

tainside towards them.

ficulty Whats the matter? This is a
mast /m
st/ noun 1. a tall pole on a ship

matter for the police. 2. a concern or

which carries the sails The gale was business verb to be important It
so strong that it snapped the ships mast. doesnt matter if youre late. His job
2. a tall metal structure for broadcasting matters a lot to him. Does it matter if
TV, radio or mobile phone signals we sit by the window?
They have put up a television mast on mattress / mtrs/ noun a thick pad

top of the hill. forming the part of a bed that you lie on
master / m
st/ verb to become skilled

maximum / mksmm/ adjective the


at something She has mastered the art greatest possible What is the maxi-
of TV newscasting. Although he mum number of guests the hotel can
passed his driving test some time ago, take? noun the greatest possible
he still hasnt mastered the art of motor- number or amount The maximum we
way driving. are allowed to charge per person is 10.
mat /mt/ noun a small piece of some-

(NOTE: The plural is maximums or

thing such as carpet, used as a floor cov- maxima.) at the maximum not more
ering Wipe your shoes on the mat be- than We can seat 15 at the maximum.
fore you come in. may /me/ modal verb 1. it is possible

match /mt/ noun 1. a single occasion


If you dont hurry you may miss the

when two teams or players compete train. Take your umbrella, they say it
with each other in a sport We watched may rain. Here we are sitting in the Page 195 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

May 195 meat

bar, and he may be waiting for us out- he mean me when he was talking about
side. 2. it is allowed Guests may park fat old men? What do you mean when
in the hotel car park free of charge. you say shes old-fashioned? 2. to show
You may sit down if you wish. 3. asking or represent something His family
questions politely May I ask you a means a lot to him. When a red light
question? May we have breakfast ear- comes on it means that you have to stop.
ly tomorrow as we need to leave the ho- Zimmer means room in German.
tel before 8 oclock? (NOTE: means meaning meant
May /me/ noun the fifth month of the
year, after April and before June Her meaning / mi
n/ noun what some-

birthdays in May. Today is May 15th. thing represents If you want to find the
She was born on May 15. We went meaning of the word, look it up in a dic-
on holiday last May. (NOTE: May 15th tionary. The meaning of a red light is
or May 15: say the fifteenth of May or pretty clear to me.
May the fifteenth or in US English: means /mi
nz/ noun 1. a way or method

May fifteenth.) of doing something Is there any

maybe / mebi/ adverb possibly, per-

means of sending the message to Lon-

haps Maybe the next bus will be the don this afternoon? Do we have any
one we want. Maybe you should ask a means of copying all these documents
policeman. Maybe the weather fore- quickly? The bus is the cheapest
cast was right after all. maybe not means of getting round the town. by
possibly not Are you coming? May- means of by using something He got
be not. her money by means of a trick. 2. money
mayor /me/ noun a person who is cho- They dont have the means to buy a

sen as the official head of a town, city or flat in London.

local council meanwhile / mi
nwal/ adverb during

me /mi
/ pronoun used by the person who this time She hid under the table

is speaking to talk about himself or her- meanwhile, the footsteps were coming
self give me that book Could you nearer.
give me that book, please? Im shout- measure / me"/ noun a piece of equip-

ing as loud as I can cant you hear ment which shows the size or quantity
me? Shes much taller than me. of something verb 1. to be of a certain
Who is it? Its me! Can you hear size or quantity a package which
me? Shes taller than me. measures or a package measuring 10cm
meadow / med/ noun a large field of by 25cm How much do you measure

grass round your waist? The table measures

meal /mi
l/ noun an occasion when peo-
four foot long by three foot wide. 2. to
ple eat food, or the food that is eaten find out the length or quantity of some-
Most people have three meals a day thing She measured the window for
breakfast, lunch and dinner. You sleep curtains. He measured the size of the
better if you only eat a light meal in the garden.
measurement / me"mnt/ noun a

evening. When they had finished their

evening meal they watched TV. You quantity or size, found by measuring
can have your meals in your room at a He took the measurements of the room.
small extra charge. The piano wont go through the door
mean /mi
n/ adjective 1. not liking to
are you sure you took the right meas-
spend money or to give people things urements? The measurements of the
Dont be mean let me borrow your car. box are 25cm x 20cm x 5cm.
meat /mi
t/ noun food from an animal or

Shes very mean with her money. 2.

nasty or unpleasant He played a mean bird Can I have some more meat,
trick on his mother. That was a mean please? Would you like meat or fish
thing to say. verb 1. used when you for your main course? I like my meat
have not understood something Did very well cooked. Page 196 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

mechanical 196 mess

mechanical /m knk()l/ adjective swimming while the other members of

relating to machines Engineers are the family sat on the beach. Three
trying to fix a mechanical fault. members of staff are away sick.
medal / med()l/ noun a round metal ob- membership / membp/ noun 1. the

ject, made to represent an important oc- state of belonging to a group I must

casion or battle, and given to people remember to renew my membership.
who have performed well Membership costs 50 a year. 2. the
medical / medk()l/ adjective relating
members of a group The club has a
to medicine Shes a medical student. membership of five hundred. The
The Red Cross provided medical help.
membership voted to go on strike.
memorise / memraz/, memorize

medicine / med()s()n/ noun 1. a drug


taken to treat a disease If you have a verb to learn something thoroughly so

cough you should take some cough med- that you know and can repeat all of it
memory / mem()ri/ noun 1. (in peo-

icine. The chemist told me to take the

medicine four times a day. Some ple) the ability to remember He recit-
cough medicines make you feel sleepy. ed the poem from memory. 2. an event
2. the study of diseases and how to cure that you remember We have a lot of
or prevent them He went to university happy memories of our time in France.
to study medicine. (NOTE: no plural in 3. (in computers) the capacity for stor-
this sense) ing information This computer has a
medium / mi
dim/ adjective middle,
much larger memory than the old one.
men /men/ plural of man

average He is of medium height.

meet /mi
t/ verb 1. to come together with mend /mend/ verb to make something
meet mend

someone He met her at the railway work which has a fault Shes trying to
station. Well meet for lunch before mend the washing machine.
we go to the cinema. 2. to come together mental / ment()l/ adjective relating to

Several streets meet at the Arc de Tri- the mind Ive lost my calculator
omphe. If you draw a diagonal line hows your mental arithmetic?
from each corner of a square to the op-
mentally / ment()li/ adverb concern-

posite corner, the two lines will meet in

ing the brain mentally ill
the centre. 3. to get to know someone
mention / menn/ verb to refer to

Ive never met your sister. Come and

meet her then! Have you met our sales something The press has not men-
manager? Yes, we have already met. tioned the accident. Can you mention
(NOTE: meets meeting met /met/) to everyone that the date of the next
meeting has been changed?
meeting / mi
t/ noun an occasion on

menu / menju
/ noun 1. a list of food

which people come together, especially

in order to discuss something The next available in a restaurant The lunch
meeting of the club will be on Tuesday. menu changes every week. Some dish-
There were only four people at the es are not on the menu, but are written
committee meeting. on a blackboard. 2. a list of choices
available on a computer program
melon / meln/ noun a large round fruit

merely / mli/ adverb simply, only


which grows on a plant which grows

near the ground Im not criticising you I merely said I
would have done it differently.
melt /melt/ verb to change from a solid to

mess /mes/ noun dirt or disorder We


a liquid by heating, or to cause a solid to

do this If the sun comes out your had to clear up the mess after the party.
snowman will melt. The heat of the The milk bottle broke and made a
sun melted the road. Glass will melt at mess on the floor.
very high temperatures. mess up phrasal verb to spoil some-
member / memb/ noun a person who thing Im sorry we cant come I

belongs to a group The two boys went hope it doesnt mess up your arrange- Page 197 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

message 197 mighty

midday /md de/ noun twelve oclock


message / mesd"/ noun information in the middle of the day


which is sent to someone I will leave middle / md()l/ adjective in the centre;

a message with his secretary. Can you halfway between two ends They live
give the director a message from his in the middle house, the one with the
wife? We got his message by e-mail. green door. in the middle 1. in the
messenger / mesnd"/ noun a person centre She was standing in the middle

who brings a message of the road, trying to cross over. Chad

met /met/ past tense and past participle of
is a country in the middle of Africa. 2.
meet halfway through a period of time We
were woken in the middle of the night by
metal / met()l/ noun a material, such as

a dog barking. We were just in the

iron, which can carry heat and electrici- middle of eating our supper when they
ty and is used for making things a called. His telephone rang in the mid-
metal frying pan These spoons are dle of the meeting. The house was
plastic but the knives are metal. built in the middle of the eighteenth cen-
meter / mi
t/ noun 1. a piece of equip-

ment for counting how much of some- middle class /md()l kl
s/ noun a
middle class

thing such as time, water or gas has been social or economic group of people who
used He came to read the gas meter. 2. usually have more than enough money
US spelling of metre to live on, and who often own their own
method / med/ noun a way of doing

something We use the most up-to-date midnight / mdnat/ noun twelve

manufacturing methods. What is the oclock at night I must go to bed its

best method of payment? after midnight. We only reached the
metre / mi
t/ noun a standard measure-

hotel at midnight.
ment of length, equal to 100 centimetres might /mat/ noun strength She pulled

mice /mas/ plural of mouse


at it with all her might, and still could

microchip / makrtp/ noun a very
not move it. All the might of the armed
small part, used in computers, with elec- forces is displayed during the National
tronic connections on it Day parade. modal verb 1. it is possi-
ble Take an umbrella it might rain.
microphone / makrfn/ noun a

If he isnt here, he might be waiting

piece of electrical equipment used for
making someones voice louder, or for outside. I might call in to see you to-
recording sound He had difficulty in morrow if I have time. That was a stu-
making himself heard without a micro- pid thing to do you might have been
phone. killed! They might win, but I wouldnt
bet on it. 2. should (have done) You
microscope / makrskp/ noun a

might try and stay awake next time. he

piece of equipment which makes things might have done something to help it
look much bigger than they really are, would have been better if he had done
allowing you to examine things which something to help you might have
are very small told me I wish you had told me You
microscopic /makr skpk/ adjec-

might have told me youd invited her as

tive extremely small, or so small that well. 3. making a request politely
you need to use a microscope to see it Might I have another cup of tea? (NOTE:
microwave / makrwev/ noun a
The negative is might not, usually
small oven which cooks very quickly mightnt. Note also that might is al-
using very short electric waves Put ways used with other verbs and is not
the dish in the microwave for three min- followed by to.)
mighty / mati/ adjective having a lot of

utes. verb to cook something in a mi-

crowave You can microwave those po- force or strength (literary) With one
tatoes. mighty heave he lifted the sack onto the Page 198 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

migrate 198 miniature

lorry. All she could remember was just slipped my mind. I think about her
getting a mighty blow on the head, and night and day I just cant get her out
then everything went black. (NOTE: of my mind. My mind went blank as
mightier mightiest) soon as I saw the exam paper. to bear
migrate /ma 'ret/ verb to move from

in mind to remember something that
one place to another as the weather be- might change a decision Bear in mind
comes warmer or colder that it takes 2 hours to get there. Bear
me in mind when youre looking for
mild /mald/ adjective 1. not severe

help. verb 1. to be careful, to watch

There was some mild criticism, but gen-
out Mind the steps theyre slippery!
erally the plan was welcomed. He had
Mind you get back early. Mind the
a mild heart attack and was soon back plate its hot! 2. to worry about
to work again. 2. not strong-tasting
Dont mind me, Im used to working
Well choose the mildest curry on the with children. 3. to look after someone
or something for someone, or while the
mile /mal/ noun a measure of length,

owner is away Who will be minding

equal to 1.61 kilometres The car cant the house while youre on holiday?
go any faster than sixty miles per hour. Have you got anyone to mind the chil-
The line of cars stretched for three dren when you start work? 4. to be an-
miles from the road works. noyed by something Nobody will
military / mlt()ri/ adjective relating mind if youre late. There arent

to the armed forces The two leaders enough chairs, but I dont mind stand-
discussed the possibility of military in- ing up. never mind dont worry
tervention. Military spending has fall- Never mind youll get another chance
en over the past three years. to enter the competition next year.
milk /mlk/ noun a white liquid produced mindful / mandf()l/ adjective remem-
milk mindful

by some female animals to feed their bering or thinking about something

young, especially the liquid produced carefully when doing something He is
by cows Do you want milk with your mindful of his responsibilities as a par-
coffee? Can we have two glasses of ent, even though his job often takes him
milk, please? Dont forget to buy away from home. You should be mind-
some milk, theres none in the fridge. ful of the risks you are taking in not fol-
mill /ml/ noun 1. a small machine for
lowing the guidelines.
turning seeds into powder There is a mine /man/ pronoun belonging to me

pepper mill on the table. 2. a large fac- That book is mine. Can I borrow your
tory a paper mill bike, mines been stolen. Shes a great
millimetre / mlmi
t/ noun one of a
friend of mine. noun a deep hole in the
thousand parts of a metre (NOTE: usually ground from which substances such as
written mm after figures: 35mm. The coal are taken The coal mine has
US spelling is millimeter.) stopped working after fifty years. He
million / mljn/ noun the number
has shares in an African gold mine.
miner / man/ noun a person who

1,000,000 The population of Great

Britain is just over 58 million. works in a mine (NOTE: Do not confuse
millionaire /mlj ne/ noun a person

with minor.)
mineral / mn()rl/ noun a substance,

who has more than a million pounds or

a million dollars (NOTE: To show the such as rock, which is dug out of the
currency in which a person is a million- earth, or which is found in food What
aire, say a dollar millionaire, a ster- is the mineral content of spinach? The
ling millionaire, etc.) company hopes to discover valuable
mind /mand/ noun the part of the body
minerals in the mountains.
miniature / mnt/ adjective much

which controls memory and reasoning

His mind always seems to be on other smaller than the usual size He has a
things. Ive forgotten her name it miniature camera. Page 199 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

minimum 199 miss

minimum / mnmm/ adjective small- you wait for a minute and see if the den-

est possible The minimum amount you tist is free?

can save is 25 per month. The mini- minute2 /ma nju
t/ adjective extremely

mum age for drivers is 18. noun the small A minute piece of dust must
smallest possible amount We try to have got into the watch.
keep expenditure to a minimum. She
miracle / mrk()l/ noun 1. a very

does the bare minimum of study, just

enough to pass her exams. lucky event It was a miracle she was
not killed in the accident. 2. an event
minister / mnst/ noun 1. the member

which you cannot explain, and which

of a government in charge of a depart- people believe happens by the power of
ment The inquiry is to be headed by a God She went to the shrine and was
former government minister. He was cured it must have been a miracle.
the Minister of Defence in the previous
mirror / mr/ noun a piece of glass with

government. 2. a clergyman
a metal backing which reflects an image
ministry / mnstri/ noun a government

They looked at themselves in the mir-

department He works in the Ministry ror.
of Defence. (NOTE: The plural is minis-
mischief / mstf/ noun behaviour, es-

tries. In the UK and the USA, impor-

tant ministries are also called depart-
pecially by children, which causes trou-
ments: the Department of Work and
mischievous / mstvs/ adjective a

Pensions, the Commerce Depart-

ment.) mischievous person enjoys annoying
minor / man/ adjective not very seri-
people and causing trouble Hes a
ous or important It was just a minor very mischievous little boy. She had a
injury. She has a minor role in the mischievous look in her eyes.
miserable / mz()rb()l/ adjective 1.

film. He played a minor part in the

revolution. (NOTE: Do not confuse with very sad Hes in a very miserable
miner.) noun a person under the age state of mind. Shes really miserable
of 18, who is not considered to be an since her boyfriend left her. 2. (of
adult We are forbidden to serve alco- weather ) bad or unpleasant What
hol to minors. miserable weather will it ever stop
minority /ma nrti/ noun 1. a number

misery / mzri/ noun great unhappi-


or quantity which is less than half of a

total A large minority of members vot- ness
ed against the proposal. 2. the period miss /ms/ verb 1. not to hit something

when a person is less than 18 years old that you are trying to hit He missed
During the kings minority the coun- the target. She tried to shoot the rab-
try was ruled by his uncle. bit but missed. 2. not to see, hear or no-
minus / mans/ preposition 1. reduced

tice someone or something We missed

by Ten minus eight equals two (10 8 the road in the dark. I missed the arti-
= 2). Net salary is gross salary minus cle about books in yesterdays evening
tax and National Insurance deductions. paper. I arrived late, so missed most
2. below It was minus 10 degrees (- of the discussion. 3. not to catch some-
10) outside. thing that you are trying to catch He
tried to catch the ball but he missed it.
minute1 / mnt/ noun 1. one of 60 parts

She missed the last bus and had to walk

of an hour There are sixty minutes in
home. noun an instance of not hitting
an hour, and sixty seconds in a minute.
something that you are trying to hit
The doctor can see you for ten min-
He hit the target twice and then had two
utes only. The house is about ten min-
utes walk or is a ten-minute walk from
the office. 2. a very short space of time miss out on phrasal verb not to enjoy
Ill be ready in a minute. Why dont something because you are not there Page 200 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

Miss 200 modern

Miss /ms/ noun a polite title given to a

girl or woman who is not married mixed /mkst/ adjective 1. made up of

Have you met Miss Jones, our new sales different things put together Ill have
manager? The letter is addressed to the mixed salad, please. 2. not com-
Miss Anne Smith. (NOTE: used before a pletely for or against an idea The re-
surname, or a first name and sur- action to the proposal has been rather
name) mixed some people approve, but oth-
missile / msal/ noun a weapon which
ers disapprove.
mixture / mkst/ noun 1. a number of

is sent or thrown They think the plane

was brought down by an enemy missile. things mixed together a mixture of
They threw missiles at the police. flour, fat and water 2. something made
up of different types of thing His lat-
missing / ms/ adjective lost, which is

not there Im looking for my missing est paintings are a strange mixture of
car keys. They found there was a lot of shapes and colours.
moan /mn/ noun a low sound made by

money missing. The police searched

everywhere for the missing children. someone who is in pain or upset The
rescue team could hear moans from un-
mission / m()n/ noun 1. an aim or

der the wreckage. When she read the

purpose for which someone is sent news she gave a loud moan. verb to
The students were sent on a mission to make a low sound as if you are in pain
find the best place to camp. 2. a group of I could hear someone moaning in the
people sent somewhere with a particular bathroom. They could hear someone
aim a United Nations peace mission moaning in the cellar.
Several firms took part in a business
mob /mb/ noun a large number of peo-

mission to Japan. A rescue mission

was sent out into the mountains. ple behaving in a noisy, angry or uncon-
trolled way An angry mob surged to-
mist /mst/ noun tiny drops of water that

wards the factory gates.

hang in the air Early morning mist
mobile / mbal/ adjective able to

covered the fields.

move or be moved a mobile library
mistake /m stek/ noun an act or belief

noun 1. a mobile phone Ill call him
that is wrong There are lots of mis- on his mobile. He gave me the number
takes in this essay. Youve made a mis- of his mobile. 2. an object made of small
take my name is David, not John. pieces of metal, card etc., which when
verb to not understand or not realise hung up move around with the move-
something Theres no mistaking him, ments of the air They bought a mobile
with his red hair and purple anorak. of clowns to hang over the babys cot.
(NOTE: mistakes mistaking mis- mobile phone /mbal fn/ noun a
mobile phone

took /ms tk/ has mistaken /ms

small telephone which you can carry
tekn/) by mistake as an accident around
They sent the wrong items by mistake.
model / md()l/ noun 1. a small ver-

By mistake she put my letter into an

envelope for the chairman. We took sion of something larger The exhibi-
the wrong bus by mistake. He put my tion has a model of the new town hall.
coat on by mistake in the cloakroom. He spends his time making model
planes. 2. a person who wears new
mix /mks/ verb 1. to combine things

clothes to show them to customers He

She made the cake by mixing eggs and used only top models to show his de-
flour. 2. to come together and become a signs during the London Fashion Week.
different substance Oil and water do
modern / md()n/ adjective referring

not mix.
to the present time It is a fairly mod-
mix up phrasal verb to think that a per- ern invention it was patented only in
son or thing is someone or something the 1980s. You expect really modern
else I always mix her up with her sis- offices to have air-conditioning systems. Page 201 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

modest 201 mood

modest / mdst/ adjective not telling monitor / mnt/ noun the screen of a
modest monitor

other people about your achievements computer, or a small television screen

He was very modest about his gold med- used for checking what is happening
al. My computer has a colour monitor.
modify / mdfa/ verb to change some-
Details of flight arrivals and departures
thing to suit a different situation The are displayed on monitors around the
design was modified to make the car airport. verb to check or to watch
faster. over the progress of something Doc-
tors are monitoring her heart condition.
module / mdju
l/ noun a part of some-

How do you monitor the performance

thing such as a course of study, which is of the sales staff?
made up of various sections The sci-
monk /mk/ noun a man who is a mem-

ence course is made up of a series of

modules. ber of a religious group who live togeth-
er in a monastery, away from other peo-
moist /mst/ adjective slightly wet, of-

ple (NOTE: The equivalent women are

ten in a pleasant way To clean the ov- nuns.)
en, just wipe it with a moist cloth. The
monkey / mki/ noun a tropical animal

cake should be moist, not too dry.

which lives in trees and normally has a
moisture / mst/ noun small drops

long tail Monkeys ran up the trees

of water in the air or on a surface (NOTE: looking for fruit.
no plural)
monster / mnst/ noun a strange and

mole /ml/ noun 1. a small animal with


frightening animal The Loch Ness

soft dark grey fur, which lives under the Monster is said to be a large dinosaur.
ground 2. a small dark spot on the skin She drew a picture of a green monster
She has a little mole on her cheek. with purple horns and huge teeth. ad-
The doctor removed a mole from the jective very large Look at the monster
back of her hand. cabbage Dads grown in the garden.
molecule / mlkju
l/ noun the small-
What a monster sandwich!
month /mn/ noun one of the twelve

est unit in a substance that can exist by

itself parts that a year is divided into De-
moment / mmnt/ noun a very short
cember is the last month of the year.
time Can you please wait a moment What day of the month is it today?
the doctor is on the phone? I only saw There was a lot of hot weather last
her for a moment. in a moment in a month, in fact it was hot all month long.
short time from now Shes taken a months holiday to visit
her parents in Australia. We havent
Monday / mnde/ noun the first day of

had any homework for months.

the working week, the day between
monthly / mnli/ adjective, adverb

Sunday and Tuesday Some stores are

shut on Mondays. She had to go to the happening every month He is paying
doctor last Monday. The 15th is a for his car by monthly instalments.
Sunday, so the 16th must be a Monday. My monthly salary cheque is late. She
gets paid monthly.
money / mni/ noun 1. coins or notes

monument / mnjmnt/ noun a


which are used for buying things How

much money have you got in the bank? stone, building or statue, built in memo-
He doesnt earn very much money. ry of someone who is dead They put
We spent more money last week than in up a monument to the people from the
the previous month. We ran out of village who died in the war.
mood /mu
d/ noun the way you are feel-

money in Spain and had to come home

early. 2. the type of coins and notes used ing at a particular time Wait until shes
in a country I want to change my Brit- in a good mood and then ask her. The
ish pounds into Mexican money. 3. to boss is in a terrible mood this morning.
make money to make a profit Her mood changed as soon as she Page 202 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

moon 202 motion

opened the letter. A mood of gloom morning / m
n/ noun the first part of

fell over the office. the day, before 12 oclock Every

moon /mu
n/ noun an object in the sky
morning he took his briefcase and went
like a planet which goes round the Earth to the office. Tomorrow morning we
and shines at night The first man will be meeting our Japanese agents.
walked on the moon in 1969. The Have you read the morning paper? If
moon is shining very brightly tonight. we want to be in Paris for lunch you
Theres no moon because its cloudy. have to get the early morning train.
mortal / m
t()l/ adjective 1. human

moonlight / mu
nlat/ noun the light

and therefore bound to die He suffered

from the moon We could see the path
a mortal blow in the fight. 2. causing
clearly in the moonlight.
death a mortal wound
moor /m/ noun a large area of poor

mosque /msk/ noun a building where


land covered with grass and small bush- Muslims meet for prayer
es The horsemen galloped across the
mosquito /m ski
t/ noun a small

moor. The Lake District is wild coun-

try, full of moors and forests. verb to flying insect which bites people and an-
attach a boat to something The boat imals and sucks their blood
most /mst/ adjective the largest

was moored to the river bank. He

moored his boat with a piece of rope. number of Most people go on holiday
in the summer. He spends most eve-
moral / mrl/ adjective 1. relating to

nings watching TV. Most apples are

right and wrong behaviour Judges sweet. pronoun a very large number
have a moral obligation to be impartial. or amount Most of the work was done
He refused to join the army on moral
by my wife. She spent most of the
grounds. 2. relating to good behaviour evening on the phone to her sister. It
Shes a very moral person. noun rained for most of our holiday. Most
something which you can learn from a of the children in the group can ride
story There must be a moral in this bikes. adverb used with adjectives
somewhere. The moral of the story is and the for making the superlative
that if you always tell lies, no one will form Shes the most intelligent child
believe you when you tell the truth. in the class. The most important thing
morally / mrli/ adverb according to

if you are a sales representative is to be

the principles of correct human behav- able to drive a car. (NOTE: Most is used
iour to form the superlative of adjectives
which do not take the ending -est.)
more /m
/ adjective extra, which is add-

mostly / mstli/ adverb 1. usually,


ed Do you want any more tea?

There are many more trains during the most often We sometimes go to
week than at the weekend. adverb France for our holidays, but we mostly
used with adjectives to make the com- stay in Britain. 2. almost all The staff
parative form The dog was more are mostly women of about twenty.
moth /m/ noun a flying insect similar

frightened than I was. She is much

more intelligent than her sister. The to a butterfly, but which has brown
dinner was even more unpleasant than I wings and flies mainly at night
had thought it would be. pronoun an mother / m/ noun a woman who has

extra thing or amount Is there any children Hes twenty-two but still
more of that soup? 300 for that suit lives with his mother. Her mothers a
thats more than I can afford! Weve dentist. Mother! Theres someone
only got nine men, we need two more to asking for you on the telephone.
make a football team. motion / m()n/ noun the act of

moreover /m
r v/ adverb in addi-

moving The motion of the ship made

tion Its freezing cold, and moreover him feel ill. in motion moving Do
youre too young to go out in the dark. not try to get on or off while the train is Page 203 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

motive 203 Mrs

in motion. to set something in mo- mouth1 /ma/ noun 1. the opening in

tion to make something start to happen your face through which you take in
Now that we have planning permis- food and drink, and which has your
sion for the new sports hall, we can set teeth and tongue inside Its not polite
things in motion to get the foundations to talk with your mouth full. He
laid. snored because he slept with his mouth
motive / mtv/ noun a reason for do- open. The cat was carrying a mouse

ing something The police are trying to in its mouth. 2. a wide or round entrance
find a motive for the murder. The mouth of the cave is hidden by
motor / mt/ noun the part of a ma-
bushes. The train came out of the
chine which makes it work The model mouth of the tunnel. New York is built
plane has a tiny electric motor. on the mouth of the Hudson river.
(NOTE: The plural is mouths /maz/.)
motorbike / mtbak/ noun a motor-

mouth2 /ma/ verb to speak without


making any sound She mouthed No
motorcycle / mtsak()l/ noun a

across the room.

type of large bicycle driven by a motor
move /mu
v/ noun a change in position

motorway / mtwe/ noun a road


The police were watching every move

with several lanes, on which traffic can he made. verb 1. to change the place
travel at high speeds of something Move the chairs to the
mount /mant/ verb 1. to climb on to

side of the room. Whos moved my

something; to climb up something drink? He moved his hand to show he
They mounted their horses and rode off. had heard. 2. to change your position
He mounted the stairs two at a time. Some animal was moving about outside
The car turned, mounted the pavement, the tent. The only thing moving was
and hit a wall. 2. to increase Tension the tip of the cats tail. on the move
is mounting as the time for the football moving After Ive been on the move
final approaches. all day I just want to get home and go to
mountain / mantn/ noun a very high
movement / mu
vmnt/ noun an act of

piece of land, rising much higher than

the land which surrounds it Everest is moving, not being still There was
the highest mountain in the world. hardly any movement in the trees. All
Every weekend we go climbing in the you could see was a slight movement of
Scottish mountains. the tigers tail.
mountainous / mantns/ adjective movie / mu
vi/ noun especially US a
mountainous movie

with many high mountains It is a cinema film We watch a movie most

mountainous region, and very difficult weekends.
for tanks and artillery. Parts of Scot- moving / mu
v/ adjective making you

land are very mountainous. feel emotion a moving story The fu-
mouse /mas/ noun 1. a small animal

neral was very moving.

with a long tail, often living in holes in MP

MP abbr member of parliament (NOTE:

the walls of houses I saw a mouse sit- The plural is MPs /em pi
ting in the middle of the kitchen floor.
Mr / mst/ noun the polite title given to a

Our cat is good at catching mice. (NOTE:

The plural is mice /mas/.) 2. a piece of man Mr Jones is our new sales man-
computer equipment which is held in ager. Here are Mr and Mrs Smith.
the hand and moved across a flat sur- (at the beginning of a letter) Dear Mr
face, used to control activity on the Smith, . (NOTE: used before a surname,
screen You can cut, paste and copy us- sometimes with both the first name
ing the mouse. Using the mouse, move and surname)
Mrs / msz/ noun the title given to a mar-

the mouse pointer to the start button and

click twice. Click twice on the mouse ried woman Mrs Jones is our manag-
to start the program. er. (at the beginning of a letter) Dear Page 204 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

Ms 204 musician
Mrs Jones, . (NOTE: used before a sur- munch /mnt/ verb to eat noisily some-

name, sometimes with both the first thing such as an apple or raw carrot,
name and surname.) with a regular movement of your mouth
Ms /mz, mz/ noun (at the beginning of

murder / m
d/ noun the act of deliber-

a letter ) a way of referring to a woman ately killing someone The murder was
without saying whether or not she is committed during the night. She was
married (NOTE: Ms is used with a sur- accused of murder. They denied the
name, sometimes with both the first murder charge. verb to kill someone
name and surname.) deliberately He was accused of mur-
much /mt/ adjective a lot of

with dering a policeman.

murderer / m
dr/ noun a person

much love from Aunt Mary How much

sugar do you need? I never take much who has committed a murder
money with me when I go on holiday. murmur / m
m/ noun a low sound of

She eats too much meat. adverb a lot people talking There was a murmur of
Hes feeling much better today. Its
voices in the hall. verb to speak very
much less cold in the south of the coun- quietly She murmured something and
try. Does it matter very much? closed her eyes.
Much as I like her, I dont want to share
muscle / ms()l/ noun one of the part

an office with her. pronoun a lot He

didnt write much in his exam. Much of the body which makes other parts
of the work has already been done. move He has very powerful arm mus-
mud /md/ noun wet earth

museum /mju
m/ noun a building

muddy / mdi/ adjective full of mud;


which you can visit to see a collection of

covered with mud (NOTE: muddier valuable or rare objects The museum
muddiest) has a rich collection of Italian paint-
mug /m'/ noun a large cup with a han- ings. The Natural History Museum is

dle She passed round mugs. verb to always very popular with school parties
attack and steal from someone in the who go to see the dinosaurs.
street She was mugged as she was mushroom / mru
m/ noun a round

looking for her car keys. Shes afraid white or brown fungus which can be
of going out at night for fear of being eaten Do you want fried mushrooms
mugged. The gang specialises in mug- with your steak? She ordered a mush-
ging tourists. (NOTE: mugs mugging room omelette. (NOTE: Fungi which are
mugged) poisonous are called toadstools.)
multiple / mltp()l/ adjective involv-

music / mju
zk/ noun 1. the sound

ing many people or things She was made when you sing or play an instru-
taken to hospital suffering from multiple ment Do you like Russian music?
injuries. Shes taking music lessons. Her music
multiply / mltpla/ verb to calculate
teacher says she plays the violin very
the result when several numbers are well. 2. written signs which you read to
added together a certain number of play an instrument Heres some mu-
times Square measurements are cal- sic, see if you can play it on the piano.
culated by multiplying length by width. He can play the piano by ear he
Ten multiplied by five gives fifty. doesnt need any music.
musical / mju
zk()l/ adjective relat-

(NOTE: multiplies multiplying

multiplied.) ing to music Do you play any musical
mumble / mmbl/ verb to speak in a
musician /mj z()n/ noun a person

low voice which is not clear He mum-

bled an excuse and left the room. She whose job is to play music a group of
mumbled something about the tele- young musicians playing the street
phone and went to the back of the shop. The actors applauded the group of mu- Page 205 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

Muslim 205 myth

sicians who had played during Twelfth have left it on the train; negative: cant
Night. have: I cant have left it on the train.
Muslim / mzlm/ adjective relating to
Note also that must is only used with
the religion of the prophet Muhammad other verbs and is not followed by to.)
noun a person who follows the reli- noun something important When in
gion of the prophet Muhammad Florida, a trip to the Everglades is a
must /mst, mst/ modal verb 1. it is

my /ma/ adjective belonging to me Is


necessary that You must go to bed be-

fore eleven, or your mother will be an- that my pen youre using? Have you
gry. We mustnt be late or well miss seen my glasses anywhere? We went
the last bus. You must hurry up if you skiing and I broke my leg.
want to see the TV programme. Must myself /ma self/ pronoun used for re-

you really go so soon? (NOTE: The neg- ferring back to I I hurt myself climb-
ative is mustnt, neednt. Note also ing down the ladder. Its true I saw
the meanings: mustnt = not allowed; it myself. I enjoyed myself a lot at the
neednt = not necessary: we mustnt party.
be late; you neednt hurry) 2. used for mysterious /m stris/ adjective

showing that you think something is which cannot be explained

very likely I must have left my brief-
mystery / mst()ri/ noun something

case on the train. There is someone

knocking at the door it must be the that cannot be explained The police fi-
postman. You must be wet through af- nally cleared up the mystery of the miss-
ter walking in the rain. (NOTE: The neg- ing body. Its a mystery how the box
ative is cant: It cant be the doctor. came to be hidden under her bed.
The past tense is had to: I must go to (NOTE: The plural is mysteries.)
myth /m/ noun an ancient story about

the dentist, Yesterday I had to go to the

dentist; negative: didnt have to. The gods poems based on the myths of
perfect tense is must have: I must Greece and Rome Page 206 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

n /en/, N noun the fourteenth letter of the place adjective belonging to a coun-

alphabet, between M and O try The tiger is native to India.

natural / nt()rl/ adjective 1. ordi-

nail /nel/ noun 1. a small thin metal ob-


ject which you use for attaching two nary, not unusual Her behaviour at
pieces of a hard material such as wood the meeting was quite natural. Its
Hit the nail hard with the hammer. natural to worry about your first baby.
You need a hammer to knock that nail in. 2. coming from nature, and not pro-
2. the hard part at the end of your fingers duced or caused by people Do you
and toes She painted her nails red. think the colour of her hair is natural?
verb to attach something with nails Yes, shes a natural blonde. The in-
He nailed the notice to the door. quest decided that he died from natural
naked / nekd/ adjective not wearing

naturally / nt()rli/ adverb of


clothes The little children were play-

ing in the river stark naked. A naked course Naturally the top team beat the
man was standing on the balcony. bottom team. Do you want to watch
the game? Naturally!
name /nem/ noun a way of calling

nature / net*/ noun 1. plants and ani-


someone or something Hello! My

names James. Whats the name of the mals We must try to protect nature and
shop next to the post office? verb to the environment. 2. the character of a
call someone or something by a name person, thing, animal He has a very
They named him Nicholas. They have aggressive nature.
naughty / n
ti/ adjective (usually of a

a black cat named Jonah.

narrow / nr/ adjective not wide
child ) a naughty child causes trouble
Why is your bicycle seat so narrow? and is not obedient Children who are
We went down a narrow passage to the naughty should be punished. It was
shop. verb to become less wide The very naughty of you to put glue on your
road narrows suddenly, and there is daddys chair. (NOTE: naughtier
hardly enough room for two cars to naughtiest)
navy / nevi/ noun a military force which

nasty / n
sti/ adjective unpleasant
fights battles at sea He left school and
joined the navy. The navy has many
nation / ne()n/ noun 1. a country

ships. adjective navy (blue) of a

the member nations of the EU 2. the dark blue colour She was wearing a
people living in a country The whole navy skirt. Hes bought a navy blue
nation was shocked by the terrible pullover.
near /n/ adverb, preposition, adjective

national / n()nl/ adjective belong-


1. close to, not far away from Our

ing to a country This is in our national house is near the post office. Bring
interest. The story even appeared in your chair nearer to the table. He
the national newspapers. We need to lives quite near or quite near here.
protect our national culture. Which is the nearest chemists? 2. soon,
native / netv/ noun 1. a person born in

not far off in time Her birthday is on

a place Shes a native of Cornwall. 2. December 21st its quite near to
something such as a flower or a bird, Christmas. Can you phone again
which has always been in a particular nearer the day and Ill see if I can find a Page 207 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

nearby 207 neither

few minutes to see you? verb to get Theres no need for you to wait I can
closer to a place or time Were near- find my own way.
ing the end of the year.
needle / ni
d()l/ noun 1. a long thin

nearby /n ba/ adverb, adjective not


sharp object with a hole at one end, used

far away He lives just nearby. They for sewing This needle hasnt got a
met in a nearby restaurant. very sharp point. You must try to put
nearly / nli/ adverb almost

Hes the piece of wool through the hole in the

nearly 18 hell be going to university needle. knitting needle a thin pointed
next year. The film lasted nearly three plastic or metal stick used for knitting 2.
hours. The book isnt nearly as good a long thin sharp piece of medical
as the last one I read. Hurry up, its equipment, used for putting medicine
nearly time for breakfast. We havent into your body 3. a small thin part on a
got nearly enough time to get to London. piece of equipment, which points to
neat /ni
t/ adjective tidy, without any
something such as a number He
mess a blouse with a neat lace collar looked at the dial and saw the needle
Leave your bedroom neat and tidy.
was pointing to zero. 4. one of the thin
Her handwriting is very neat. leaves of a pine tree She had lots of
pine needles stuck in her hair.
necessarily /nes serli/ adverb which

negative / ne'tv/ noun developed


cannot be avoided Going to Newcas-

tle from here necessarily means chang- film with an image where the light parts
ing trains twice. are dark and dark parts light Dont
touch the negatives with your dirty fin-
necessary / ness()ri/ adjective which

gers. adjective showing that some-

has to be done Dont phone me in the thing is not there Her blood test was
evening unless its absolutely necessary.
Is it necessary to finish the work to-
negotiation /n'i e()n/ noun


the process of discussing something

neck /nek/ noun 1. a part which joins

neighbor / neb/ noun US spelling of


your head to your body She was sit-

ting in a draught and got a stiff neck. neighbour
The mayor wears a gold chain round his neighbour / neb/ noun 1. a person

neck. 2. the part of a piece of clothing who lives near you He doesnt get on
which goes round your neck I cant with his neighbours. 2. a person who is
wear this shirt the neck is too tight.
sitting next to you Help yourself and
necklace / nekls/ noun a piece of jew-

then pass the plate on to your neigh-

ellery which you wear round your neck bour. 3. another person (old ) Love of
need /ni
d/ verb 1. to require something,
your neighbour is one of the essentials
or have to have something We shall of Christian doctrine.
need some euros for our holiday in neighbouring / nebr/ adjective

Spain. Painting needs a lot of skill. which is close to you (NOTE: The US
I need someone to help me with the spelling is neighboring.)
cooking. 2. to want something Does
neither / na, ni
/ adjective, pro-

anyone need any more coffee? modal

verb used with other verbs meaning to noun not either of two people or things
be necessary Need you make so much Neither car or neither of the cars
noise in the bath? Need you go now? passed the test. Neither sister is dark
The living room needs painting or or neither of the sisters is dark. ad-
needs to be painted. You dont need to verb not either; used for showing that a
come if you have a cold. The police negative statement applies to two things
need to know who saw the accident. or people He doesnt eat meat and
You neednt bother waiting for me. neither does his wife. She isnt fat but
noun what is necessary or wanted neither is she really very thin. Page 208 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

nephew 208 next

nephew / nefju
/ noun a son of your sis- within an office are usually networked

ter or brother, or a son of your husbands and share resources.

or wifes brother or sister never / nev/ adverb not at any time; not

nerve /n
v/ noun 1. one of the fibres in

ever Well never forget that restau-

your body which take messages to and rant. Ive never bought anything in
from the brain Nerves are very deli- that shop although Ive often been in-
cate and easily damaged. 2. over-confi- side it. He never eats meat.
dence or rude behaviour Hes got a nevertheless /nev les/ adverb al-

nerve to ask for a day off, when he was though a particular situation exists I
away all last week. 3. the ability to keep know it is raining, but nevertheless Id
your fear under control in order to like to go for a walk along the beach.
achieve something It takes a lot of She had a cold, but went to the meeting
nerve to disagree with your friends. nevertheless.
He went over to speak to her but at the
new /nju
/ adjective 1. made very recent-

last minute he lost his nerve.

ly, or never used before Put some new
nervous / n
vs/ adjective 1. worried

paper in the printer. The new version

and easily frightened She gets nerv- of the software is now available. 2.
ous if she is alone in the house at night. which arrived recently There are two
Hes nervous about driving in Lon-
new secretaries in the office. 3. com-
don. 2. referring to the nerves the pletely different from what was before
nervous system We need someone with new ideas.
nervousness / n
vsns/ noun a state

They put some new wallpaper in the

of worry and tension bedroom.
nervous system / n
vs sstm/
nervous system

news /nju
z/ noun spoken or written in-

noun the system of nerves in the body formation about what has happened
nest /nest/ noun a structure built by

Whats the news of your sister? She

birds, and by some animals and insects, told me all the latest news about the of-
to lay their eggs in an ants nest The fice. He was watching the 10 oclock
birds built their nests among the trees. news on TV. I dont want to hear any
The blackbirds have laid three eggs in bad news.
their nest. newspaper / nju
zpep/ noun a set of

net /net/ noun 1. a woven material with


loose folded sheets of paper, containing

large holes A long skirt made of pink news of what has happened, especially
net. 2. a piece of this material used for a in the last 24 hours He was so ab-
special purpose a fishing net 3. same sorbed in his newspaper that he didnt
as Internet adjective after all pay- notice that the toast had burnt. We
ments such as tax have been considered saw your picture in the local newspaper.
That figure is net, not gross. The newspapers are full of news of the
network / netw
k/ noun 1. a system of

things such as roads or railways con- New Years Day /nju
jz de/ noun
New Years Day

necting different places the British 1st January

rail network a satellite TV network
New Years Eve /nju
jz i
v/ noun
New Years Eve

There is a network of tunnels under the

castle. 2. a system of computers which 31st December
next /nekst/ adjective, adverb 1. coming

are connected together How does this

network operate? You can book at any after in time On Wednesday we go to
of our hotels throughout the country us- Paris, and the next day we travel to Italy.
ing our computer network. 3. a group of First you put the eggs into a bowl and
people connected with each other His next you add some sugar. Dont forget
rapidly developing network of contacts to give me a call when youre next in
in government. verb to connect two or town. Next week is the start of our hol-
more computers in order to allow them iday. The next time you go to the su-
to exchange information Workstations permarket, can you get some coffee? 2. Page 209 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

nibble 209 noise

nearest in place The ball went over the ninetieth / nanti/, 90th adjective re-

fence into the next garden. She took lating to number 90 in a series Its his
the seat next to mine. pronoun the ninetieth birthday tomorrow. noun
thing or person following After two number ninety in a series Ive had so
buses went past full, the next was almost many calls this is the ninetieth.
empty. Ill be back from holiday the ninety / nanti/ noun number 90 My

week after next. (asking the next per- old aunt will be ninety (years old) next
son in the queue to come) Next, please! week and her husband is ninety-two:
nibble / nb()l/ verb to take small bites

they are both in their nineties.

from something She was nibbling a ninth /nan/, 9th adjective relating to

biscuit. The mice have nibbled into number 9 in a series Youre the ninth
the flour sacks. person in the queue. noun number
nice /nas/ adjective 1. pleasant, enjoya- nine in a series A lot of people have

ble We had a nice time at the seaside. cancelled hes the ninth.
If the weathers nice lets have a pic- no /n/ adjective, adverb 1. used for

nic. The nicest thing about the town is giving a negative answer I asked my
that it is on the sea. 2. pleasant, polite mother if we could borrow her car but
That wasnt a very nice thing to say. she said no. Do you want another
Try and be nice to your grandfather. cup of coffee? No, thank you. 2. not
(NOTE: nicer nicest) any Theres no milk left in the fridge.
nickname / nknem/ noun a short or We live in a little village, and theres

informal name given to someone Her no post office for miles around. We
real names Henrietta, but everyone had no reply to our fax. no entry you
calls her by her nickname Bobbles. may not go in this way no exit you
verb to give a nickname to someone may not go out this way no parking
He was nicknamed Camel because of you may not park no smoking you
his big nose. may not smoke
nobody / nbdi/ pronoun same as no

niece /ni
s/ noun a daughter of a brother

or sister, or a daughter of your hus- one

nocturnal /nk t
n()l/ adjective re-

bands or wifes brother or sister

night /nat/ noun the time when it is dark

lating to the night The nocturnal hab-
Its dangerous to walk alone in the its of the badger.
nod /nd/ verb to move the head slightly

streets at night. Burglars got into the

office during the night. He is on night up and down, meaning yes When he
duty three days a week. Theyre plan- asked her if she understood, she nodded
ning to have a night out tomorrow. (her head ). He nodded to show his
nightmare / natme/ noun a very
agreement. (NOTE: The opposite is to
frightening dream I had a nightmare shake your head, meaning no. Note
that I was drowning. also: nods nodding nodded.)
noun a movement of the head up and
nine /nan/ noun the number 9 Shes

down, meaning yes He gave me a

nine (years old) tomorrow. The shop nod as I came in.
opens at 9 oclock.
noise /nz/ noun 1. a loud or unpleasant

nineteen /nan ti
n/ noun the number

sound The workmen are making such
19 Hes nineteen (years old) tomor- a lot of noise that we cant use the tele-
row. phone. Lets not invite the children I
nineteenth /nan ti
n/, 19th adjective

cant stand noise. 2. a sound The baby

relating to number 19 in a series Its made a little gurgling noise. Is there
his nineteenth birthday tomorrow. anything the matter with the washing
The nineteenth of August or August the machine? Its making a funny noise.
nineteenth (August 19th). noun There was a noise of running water in
number nineteen in a series Hes the the bathroom. He woke up when he
nineteenth in the queue. heard a noise in the kitchen. Dont Page 210 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

noisily 210 nose

make a noise the guards might hear normally / n
m()li/ adverb usually

you. The bus is normally late. She doesnt
noisily / nzli/ adverb making a lot of
normally drink wine.
north /n
/ noun the direction to your

noisy / nzi/ adjective who or which
left when you are facing the direction in
which the sun rises There will be snow
makes a lot of noise a crowd of noisy
in the north of the country. Its cold
little boys Unfortunately, the hotel
when the wind blows from the north.
overlooks a noisy crossroads. (NOTE:
adjective relating to the north We
noisier noisiest)
went on holiday to the north coast of
none /nn/ pronoun 1. not any

How Scotland. The north side of our house

many dogs have you got? None. Can never gets any sun. When the north
you buy some milk? Weve none left in wind blows, you can expect snow. ad-
the fridge? A little money is better verb towards the north They were
than none at all. 2. not one None of travelling north at the time. Go north
my friends smokes. None of the group for three miles and then youll see the
can speak Chinese. road to London. Our office windows
face north.
nonsense / nnsns/ noun silly ideas

north-east /n
st/ adverb the di-

Im too fat nonsense! He talked a lot

of nonsense. Its nonsense to expect rection between north and east They
people to pay money for that. (NOTE: no were travelling north-east at the time.
plural) Go north-east for three miles and then
youll come to our village. Our office
non-stop /nn stp/ adjective which

windows face north-east. noun the

does not stop a non-stop train to Paris part of a country to the north and east
They took a non-stop flight to Austral- The North-East of England will have
ia. All our flights to Toronto are non- snow showers. Its cold when the wind
stop. adverb without stopping The blows from the north-east.
planes flies to Hong Kong non-stop.
northern / n
()n/ adjective relating

They worked non-stop to finish the job to the north Northern countries have
on time. more rain. They live in the northern
noon /nu
n/ noun twelve oclock in the

part of the country.

middle of the day north-west /n
west/ adverb the di-

no one / n wn/ pronoun no person rection between west and north They
no one

We met no one we knew. No one here were travelling north-west at the time.
takes sugar in their tea. There was no- Go north-west for a few miles and then
body in the caf. Nobody wants to do youll come to our house. noun the
her job. no one else no other person part of a country to the north and west
No one elses child behaved as badly as The North-West of England is wetter
ours on the plane! than the east coast. We can expect
rain when the wind blows from the
nor /n
/ conjunction and not

I dont north-west. The old castle stood to the

want to go Nor me! I did not meet north-west of the cathedral.
him that year nor in subsequent years.
nose /nz/ noun a part of the body on

I never went there again, nor did my

wife. neither your face which you breathe through
and smell with He has a cold, and his
normal / n
m()l/ adjective usual or ex-

nose is red. Dogs have wet noses.

pected We hope to restore normal Shes got flu her nose is running.
service as soon as possible. Look at Dont wipe your nose on your sleeve,
the rain its just a normal British sum- use a tissue. under his, her, etc.
mer. Whats the size of a normal very nose in front of him, her, etc. I
swimming pool? At her age, its only did it under his very nose and he didnt
normal for her to want to go to parties. notice a thing. Page 211 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

nostril 211 novice

nostril / nstrl/ noun one of the two pinned up a notice about the staff tennis

holes in your nose, which you breathe match. 2. an official warning that some-
through thing has to be done, or that something
not /nt/ adverb used with verbs to show
is going to happen They gave us five
the negative A service charge is not minutes notice to leave the office. If
included. It isnt there. She cant you want to resign, you have to give a
come. He didnt want any meat. We months notice. The train times were
couldnt go home because of the fog. changed without notice. verb to see
Dont you like coffee? not exactly 1. and take note of something I wore one
not completely Was it a disaster? blue and one white sock all day and no-
Not exactly a disaster, but it didnt go body noticed. I didnt notice you had
very well. Its not exactly the colour I come in. Did you notice if John was
wanted. 2. used for emphasising a nega- sitting next to Sarah? at short notice
tive Hes not exactly pleased at hav- with very little warning It had to be
ing to pay out so much money. done at short notice. The bank man-
noteither and notalso She
ager will not see anyone at such short
doesnt eat meat, and she doesnt eat notice. until further notice until dif-
fish either. It wasnt hot, but it wasnt ferent instructions are given You must
very cold either. not onlybut also pay 200 on the 30th of each month un-
not just thisbut this as well The film til further notice.
noticeable / ntsb()l/ adjective

wasnt only very long, but it was also

very bad. which is easily noticed
notion / n()n/ noun an idea She

note /nt/ noun 1. a few words that you


write to tell someone something or to has this strange notion that she ought to
help you to remember something She be a TV star.
notorious /n t
ris/ adjective well

made a few notes before she gave her

speech. She made a note of what she known for bad qualities, or for doing
needed to buy before she went to the su- bad things
permarket. He left us a note before he noun /nan/ noun (in grammar ) a word

went out. 2. a piece of paper money I which can be the subject or object of a
tried to pay with a 10 note. 3. a musical verb and is used to refer to a person,
sound, or a written sign representing a thing or animal nouns such as brick
musical sound He cant sing high and elephant In the cat caught a
notes. verb to write down something mouse, cat and mouse are both
in a few words The policeman noted nouns.
in his notebook all the details of the ac- novel / nv()l/ noun a long story with

cident. to take note of to pay atten- imaginary characters and events

tion to We have to take note of public Pickwick Papers was Dickens first
opinion. major novel. adjective new and unu-
notebook / ntbk/ noun a small

sual Visiting New York is a novel expe-

book for making notes The policeman rience for me.
wrote down the details in his notebook. November /n vemb/ noun the elev-

nothing / n/ pronoun not anything


enth month of the year, the month after

Theres nothing interesting on TV. October and before December No-
She said nothing about what she had vember 5 Today is November 5th.
seen. Theres nothing more we can do. She was born in November. We never
for nothing free, without having to go on holiday in November. (NOTE: No-
pay Were friends of the woman run- vember 5th or November 5: say No-
ning the show and she got us in for noth- vember the fifth or the fifth of Novem-
ing. ber or in US English: November fifth.)
notice / nts/ noun 1. a piece of writ- novice / nvs/ noun a person who has
notice novice

ing giving information, usually put in a very little experience or skill, e.g. in a
place where people can see it He job or sport Hes still a novice at row- Page 212 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

now 212 nut

ing. A competition like this is not for numb /nm/ adjective not able to feel

novices. things that you touch The tips of his

now /na/ adverb at or around this point fingers went numb. His hands were

in time I can hear a train coming now. numb with cold.

Please can we go home now? The number / nmb/ noun 1. a sign that

flight is only two hours he ought to be represents an amount 13 is not a lucky

in Berlin by now. Nows the best time number. They live on the opposite side
for going skiing. A week from now of road at number 49. Can you give
well be sitting on the beach. interjec- me your telephone number? A
tion showing a warning Now then, number 6 bus goes to Oxford Street.
dont be rude to the teacher! Come on Please quote your account number. 2. a
now, work hard! Now, now! Nobody quantity of people or things The
wants to hear you crying. now and number of tickets sold was disappoint-
then from time to time, not continuous- ing. A large number of children or
ly until now, up to now until this large numbers of children will be sitting
point in time Until now, Ive never the exam. There were only a small
had to see a doctor. number of people at the meeting. verb
nowhere / nwe/ adverb not in or to

to give something a number The raffle

any place My wallet was nowhere to tickets are numbered 1 to 1000. I refer
be found. Where are you going? No- to our invoices numbered 234 and 235.
where. There is nowhere else for them All the seats are clearly numbered.
to live. to get nowhere not to have numerous / nju
m()rs/ adjective

any success I rang six shops to try and very many He has been fined for
find a spare part, but got nowhere. speeding on numerous occasions.
nuclear / nju
kli/ adjective relating to

nun /nn/ noun a woman member of a re-


energy made from parts of atoms a

nuclear power station ligious group who live together (NOTE:
Do not confuse with none. Note: the
nude /nju
d/ adjective not wearing

equivalent men are monks.)

clothes, especially in situations where
nurse /n
s/ noun a person who looks af-

people are expected to wear some

clothes Nude sunbathing is not al- ter sick people (woman or man) She
lowed on this beach. She has ap- has a job as a nurse in the local hospi-
peared nude on stage several times. tal. verb to look after people who are
ill When she fell ill her daughter
nudge /nd"/ noun a little push, usually

nursed her until she was better.

with the elbow She gave me a nudge
nursery / n
s()ri/ noun a school for

to wake me up. verb to give a little

push, usually with the elbow He very young children, or a place where
nudged me when it was my turn to very young children are looked after
speak. My sister went to a nursery every day
nuisance / nju
s()ns/ noun a thing
from the age of 18 months. (NOTE: The
which annoys people to make a nui- plural is nurseries.)
nut /nt/ noun 1. a dry fruit with a hard

sance of yourself to do something an-

noying The children made a nuisance shell, that grows on trees 2. a metal ring
of themselves running round the restau- which screws on a bolt to hold it tight
rant and throwing bits of bread. Screw the nut on tightly. Page 213 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

o //, O noun the fifteenth letter of the al- er than the other The screen is an ob-

phabet, between N and P long, approximately 30cm by 40cm.

oak /k/ noun 1. a type of large tree observation /bz ve()n/ noun 1.
oak observation

which loses its leaves in winter a for- the act of observing By careful obser-
est of oak trees Oaks produce thou- vation, the police found out where the
sands of acorns each year. 2. wood from thieves had hidden the money. 2. a re-
this tree an oak table mark He made several observations
obedient / bi
dint/ adjective doing about the government.

what you are told to do Our old dog is observe /b z

v/ verb 1. to follow or to

very obedient he always comes when obey something such as a law, rule or
you call him. custom His family observes all the re-
obese / bi
s/ adjective someone who

ligious festivals strictly. The local
is obese is so fat that it is dangerous for laws must be observed. 2. to watch
their health something with a lot of attention They
obey / be/ verb to do what someone observed and recorded all the changes

tells you to do If you cant obey orders carefully. 3. to make a remark I mere-
you shouldnt be a policeman. Every- ly observed that the bus was late as usu-
one must obey the law. al.
object1 / bd"ekt/ noun 1. a thing obtain /b ten/ verb to manage to get
object obtain

They thought they saw a strange object something She obtained a copy of the
in the sky. 2. an aim Their object is to will. He obtained control of the busi-
take control of the radio station. 3. a ness.
noun, pronoun or phrase which follows
obvious / bvis/ adjective clear; easily

directly from a verb or preposition In

the phrase the cat caught the mouse, seen Its obvious that we will have to
the word mouse is the object of the pay for the damage. It was obvious to
verb caught. everyone that the shop was not making
any money.
object2 /b d"ekt/ verb to say that you

obviously / bvisli/ adverb clearly


do not like something or you do not

want something to happen He object- Obviously we will need to borrow vari-
ed that the pay was too low. ous pieces of equipment.
objective /b d"ektv/ adjective con- occasion / ke"()n/ noun 1. a spe-

sidering things from a general point of cial occasion a special event such as a
view and not from your own You must wedding The babys first birthday
be objective when planning the future of was a special occasion. 2. a happening,
your business. noun an aim Our a time when something happens She
long-term objective is to make the com- claimed that she hadnt seen anything
pany financially sound. The company on that particular occasion. on occa-
has achieved its main objectives. sion from time to time On occasion,
obligation /bl 'e()n/ noun some- we spend a weekend in the country.

thing that you must do, e.g. for legal rea- occasional / ke"()n()l/ adjective

sons You have an obligation to attend happening sometimes, but not very of-
the meeting. ten He was an occasional visitor to
oblong / bl/ noun a shape with two my parents house. We make the occa-

pairs of equal sides, one pair being long- sional trip to London. Page 214 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

occasionally 214 of course

occasionally / ke"()nli/ adverb is October 18th. Last October we

sometimes, not very often Occasion- moved to London. (NOTE: October 18th
ally he has to work late. We occasion- or October 18: say October the eight-
ally go to the cinema. eenth or the eighteenth of October; in
occupation /kj pe()n/ noun 1.

US English: October eighteenth.)
octopus / ktps/ noun a sea animal

the act of taking control of a place, or

the fact of being in such a situation the with eight long arms called tentacles
occupation of the country by enemy sol- (NOTE: The plural is octopuses.)
diers The city had been under enemy odd /d/ adjective 1. unusual and not

occupation for a week. 2. a job, posi- normal Its odd that she can never re-
tion, employment What is her occu- member how to get to their house. He
pation? His main occupation is run- doesnt like chocolate Really, how
ning a small engineering works. odd! 2. odd numbers numbers such
occupied / kjupad/ adjective 1. be-

as 17 or 33 which cannot be divided by

ing used All the rooms in the hotel are two The buildings with odd numbers
occupied. All the toilets are occupied, are on the opposite side of the street. 3.
so youll have to wait. 2. busy The (of an amount) almost, not exact or ac-
manager is occupied just at the moment. curate She had 200 odd records in
Keeping a class of 30 little children cardboard boxes 4. one forming part of
occupied is difficult. a pair 5. done only rarely or occasional-
occupy / kjpa/ verb 1. to live in or ly Ive only been to the odd concert in

work in They occupy the flat on the the last few years. On the odd occa-
first floor. The firm occupies offices in sions Ive met him, hes seemed very
the centre of town. 2. (of time, thoughts nice.
or attention) to use or fill Dealing odour / d/ noun a smell, especially

with the office occupies most of my time. an unpleasant smell the odour of rot-
3. to keep someone busy Could you ten eggs (NOTE: The US spelling is
occupy him for five minutes while I odor.)
wrap his present? (NOTE: occupies
of /v, v/ preposition 1. used for show-

occupying occupied)
ing a connection Shes the sister of the
occur / k
/ verb 1. to happen When

girl who you met at the party. Wheres
did the accident occur? 2. to come to the top of the jam jar? What are the
your mind Did it never occur to you names of Henry VIIIs wives? 2. used
that she was lying? (NOTE: occurs for showing a part or a quantity a litre
occurring occurred) of orange juice How much of the cloth
ocean / ()n/ noun a very large area

do you need? Today is the sixth of

of sea surrounding the large areas of March. There are four boys and two
land on the Earth Ocean currents can girls six of them altogether. Half of
be very treacherous. the staff are on holiday. 3. used for giv-
oclock / klk/ adverb used with num- ing a specific age, amount, etc The

bers to show the time Get up its 7 school takes children of ten and over.
oclock. We never open the shop be- He earns a salary of over 30,000. 4.
fore 10 oclock. By 2 oclock in the showing position, material, cause He
morning everyone was asleep. (NOTE: lives in the north of the town. The
Oclock is only used for the exact jumper is made of cotton. She died of
hour, not for times which include min- cancer. (NOTE: Of is often used after
utes. It can also be omitted: We got verbs or adjectives: to think of, to be
home before eight. or We got home fond of, to be tired of, to smell of, to be
before eight oclock.) afraid of, etc.)
October /k tb/ noun the tenth of course /v k
s/ adverb 1. used to
October of course

month of the year, between September say yes or no more strongly Are
and November October 18 Do you you coming with us? Of course I am!
ever go on holiday in October? Today Do you want to lose all your money? Page 215 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

off 215 OK
Of course not! 2. used for stating evening. We bought some new office
something that is not surprising He is furniture. Dad has his office at the top
rich, so of course he lives in a big house. of the house.
off /f/ adverb, preposition 1. showing officer / fs/ noun a person who holds
off officer

movement or position away from a an official position The customs offic-

place Were off to the shops. The of- er asked me to open my suitcase.
fice is just off the main road. They official / f()l/ adjective 1. relating to

spent their holiday on an island off the an organisation, especially one which is
coast of Wales. The children got off part of a government or some other au-
the bus. Take your boots off before you thority He left official papers in his
come into the house. 2. away from work car. We had an official order from the
She took the week off. Its my day off local authority. He represents an offi-
today. Half the staff are off with flu. 3. cial body. 2. done or approved by some-
not switched on Is the TV off? one in authority She received an offi-
off and on /f nd n/ adverb not con- cial letter of explanation. The strike
off and on

tinuously, with breaks in between was made official by the union head-
offence / fens/ noun 1. the state of be-

quarters. noun a person holding a rec-
ing offended He took offence when I ognised position They were met by an
said he looked bigger than before. 2. a official from the embassy. Ill ask an
crime, an act which is against the law official of the social services depart-
He was charged with committing an of- ment to help you.
officially / f()li/ adverb 1. in an offi-

fence. Since it was his first offence, he

was let off with a fine. cial way He has been officially named
as a member of the British team. She
offend / fend/ verb 1. to be or to go

has been officially named as our repre-

against public opinion, someones feel-
sentative at the meeting. 2. according to
ings He offended the whole village by
what is said in public Officially, you
the article he wrote in the paper. That
are not supposed to go in through this
wallpaper offends my sense of taste. 2.
door, but everyone does. Officially he
to commit a crime He was released
knows nothing about the problem, but
from prison and immediately offended
unofficially he has given us a lot of ad-
vice about it.
offense / fens/ noun US spelling of of-

often / f()n/ adverb on many occa-


fence sions I often have to go to town on

offensive / fensv/ adjective 1. un-

business. Do you eat beef often?
pleasant What an offensive smell! 2. How often is there a bus to Richmond?
not polite; rude The waiter was quite every so often from time to time
offensive. We go to the cinema every so often.
offer / f/ noun a suggestion to some- oil /l/ noun 1. a liquid taken from plants
offer oil

one that you will give them something and animals, which flows smoothly and
or do something for them He turned is used in cooking Cook the vegeta-
down her offer to drive him to the sta- bles in hot oil. 2. a thick mineral liquid
tion. She accepted his offer of a job in found mainly underground and used as a
Paris. verb to suggest doing some- fuel or to make something move
thing for someone or giving someone smoothly The door squeaks it needs
something She offered to drive him to some oil. Some of the beaches are
the station. on offer which has been covered with oil. The company is
offered There are several good holi- drilling for oil in the desert.
day bargains on offer. OK / ke/, okay interjection 1. used for

office / fs/ noun a room or building


answering yes to a question Would

where you do work such as writing, tel- you like a coffee? OK! 2. used for
ephoning and working at a computer starting to talk about something after a
Ill be working late at the office this pause Its ten oclock OK, lets Page 216 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

old 216 only

get going. adjective all right He central heating was off, so he kept his
was off ill yesterday, but he seems to be coat on in the house. 2. operating
OK now. Is it OK for me to bring the Have you put the kettle on? The heat-
dogs? ing is on. She left all the lights on.
old /ld/ adjective 1. having had a long
She turned the engine on. He switched
life My uncle is an old man hes the TV on. 3. being shown or played
eighty-four. She lives in an old peo- Whats on at the theatre this week?
ples home. 2. having existed for a long on and off /n nd f/ adverb not con-
on and off

time He collects old cars. Play tinuously but with breaks in between
some old music, I dont like this modern
once /wns/ adverb 1. one time Take

stuff. Shes an old friend of mine. 3.

relating to something which has been the tablets once a day. The magazine
used for a long time Put on an old comes out once a month. How many
shirt if youre going to wash the car. times did you go to the cinema last
He got rid of his old car and bought a year? Only once. 2. at a time in the
new one. 4. used with a number to talk past Once, when it was snowing, the
about someones age Hes six years car skidded into a ditch. Hes some-
old today. How old are you? one I knew once when I worked in Lon-
don. conjunction as soon as Once
old-fashioned /ld f()nd/ ad-

he starts talking you cant get him to

jective no longer in fashion She wore stop. Once weve moved house Ill
old-fashioned clothes. give you a phone call. once and for
olive / lv/ noun a small black or green

all finally Ill tell you once and for all

fruit from which oil is made for use in stop talking!. The government wants
cooking Olives are grown in Mediter- to eradicate poverty once and for all.
ranean countries like Spain, Greece and once in a while from time to time Its
Italy. Which do you prefer green or nice to go and have an Indian meal once
black olives? in a while.
omit / mt/ verb to leave something

one /wn/ noun 1. the number 1 One


out She omitted the date when she plus one makes two. Our grandson is
signed the contract. one year old today. His grandmother
on /n/ preposition 1. on the top or sur- is a hundred and one. 2. a single item

face of something Put the box down Have a toffee oh dear, theres only one
on the floor. Flies can walk on the left! pronoun a single thing All the
ceiling. 2. hanging from Hang your china plates were dirty so we made do
coat on the hook. 3. showing movement with Which hat do you like best the
or place A crowd of children got on black one or the red one? One of the
the train. The pictures on page three. staff will help you carry the box to your
The post office is on the left-hand side car. Ive lost my map have you got
of the street. 4. doing something I one? Small cars use less petrol than
have to go to Germany on business. big ones.
Were off on holiday tomorrow. 5. refer-
onion / njn/ noun a round, strong-

ring to a time, date or day The shop is

tasting vegetable which is made up of
open on Sundays. We went to see my
many layers
mother on my birthday. 6. a means of
only / nli/ adjective without others of

travel You can go there on foot it

only takes five minutes. She came on the same type Dont break it its the
her motorbike. 7. using an instrument or only one Ive got. adverb 1. with no
machine He played some music on the one or nothing else Weve only got ten
piano. The song is available on CD. pounds between us. This lift is for staff
He was on the telephone for most of the only. 2. as recently as We saw her only
morning. The film was on TV last last week. Only yesterday the bank
night. adverb 1. being worn Have phoned for information. conjunction
you all got your wellingtons on? The but, except I would have arrived on Page 217 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

onto 217 opposition

time, only the train was late. only opinion / pnjn/ noun what someone

just almost not only too very much thinks about a subject Ask the lawyer
onto / nt, nt, ntu
/ preposition for his opinion about the letter. In my

on or to something The speaker went opinion, we should wait until the weath-
up onto the platform. The door opens er gets warmer before we go on holiday.
directly onto the garden. Turn the box Tell me what in your opinion we
onto its side. should do.
open / pn/ adjective 1. not shut opponent / pnnt/ noun 1. a person
open opponent

The safe door is open. Leave the win- or group which is against something
dow open its very hot in here. 2. avail- Opponents of the planned motorway
able for use by or the enjoyment of the have occupied the site. 2. (in boxing, an
public Is the supermarket open on election, etc.) a person who fights
Sundays? The show is open from 9 someone else His opponent in the
a.m. to 6 p.m. The competition is open election is a local councillor. He
to anyone over the age of fifteen. verb knocked out his last three opponents.
1. to make something open Can you opportunity /p tju
nti/ noun a

open the door for me, Im trying to carry chance allows you to do something
these heavy boxes? Dont open the When you were in London, did you have
envelope until tomorrow. 2. to start do- an opportunity to visit St Pauls Cathe-
ing something, to start a business A dral? Id like to take this opportunity
new restaurant is going to open next to thank all members of staff for the
door to us. Most shops open early in work they have done over the past year.
the morning. oppose / pz/ verb 1. to put yourself

opener / p()n/ noun a piece of


against someone in an election She is

equipment for opening things such as opposing him in the election. 2. to try to
tins or bottles prevent something happening Several
opening / p()n/ noun 1. an occa-

groups oppose the new law.

sion or time at which something opens opposed to / pzd tu
/ adjective not
opposed to

The opening of the exhibition has agreeing with He is opposed to the

been postponed. The office opening governments policy on education.
times are 9.30 to 5.30. 2. a hole or space opposite / pzt/ preposition on the

The cows got out through an opening

other side of, facing I work in the of-
in the wall. fices opposite the railway station. She
opera / p()r/ noun a performance on

sat down opposite me. adjective

a stage with music in which the words which is on the other side The shops
are sung and not spoken not on this side of the street its on the
operate / pret/ verb 1. to make opposite side. Her van hit a tree on the

something work He knows how to op- opposite side of the road. Her van was
erate the machine. She is learning hit by a lorry going in the opposite di-
how to operate the new telephone rection. noun something which is
switchboard. 2. to treat a patient by cut- completely different Black is the op-
ting open the body She was operated posite of white. Shes just the oppo-
on by Mr Jones. The surgeon decided site of her brother hes tall and thin,
she would have to operate on the pa- shes short and fat. He likes to say one
tient. thing, and then do the opposite.
operation /p re()n/ noun 1. an opposition /p z()n/ noun 1. the
operation opposition

organised activity carried out to achieve act of opposing something There was
a specific aim The rescue operation a lot of opposition to the companys
was successful. 2. a medical treatment, plans to build a supermarket. 2. (in pol-
usually involving cutting open a per- itics) the party or group which opposes
sons body Shes had three operations the government The leader of the op-
on her leg. The operation lasted al- position rose to speak. The party lost
most two hours. the election and is now in opposition. Page 218 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

optician 218 organised

optician /p t()n/ noun a person who someone to do something They or-

tests your eyes and sells glasses dered the protesters out of the building.
option / pn/ noun a choice One op-
The doctor ordered him to take four
tion would be to sell the house. The weeks holiday. 2. (of a customer ) to
tour offers several options as half-day ask for something to be served or to be
visits. sent They ordered chicken and chips
and some wine. Ive ordered a new
or /
/ conjunction 1. used for joining two

computer for the office. They ordered

parts of a sentence which show two pos- a Rolls Royce for the managing director.
sibilities You can come with us in the
ordinary /
d()n()ri/ adjective not

car or just take the bus. Do you prefer

tea or coffee? Was he killed in an ac- special Ill wear my ordinary suit to
cident or was he murdered? The film the wedding. They lead a very ordi-
starts at 6.30 or 6.45, I cant remember nary life. out of the ordinary unusu-
which. 2. used for showing that you are al or different Their flat is quite out of
not sure about an amount Five or six the ordinary.
organ /
'n/ noun 1. a part of the body

people came into the shop. It costs

three or four dollars. with a special function, such as the heart
oral /
rl/ adjective spoken rather than
or liver He was badly injured and
written down There is an oral test as some of his organs had stopped func-
well as a written one. tioning. 2. a musical instrument which
is often played in churches with one or
orange / rnd"/ noun a sweet, brightly

more keyboards and many pipes

coloured Mediterranean fruit roast
through which air is pumped to make a
duck and orange sauce She had a
sound She played the organ at our
glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee
for breakfast. adjective of the colour
organic /
'nk/ adjective relating to

of an orange That orange tie is awful.

She wore a dark orange dress. living things

organisation /
'na ze()n/, or-

orbit /
bt/ noun the curved path of

something moving through space The ganization noun 1. the act of arranging
rocket will put the satellite into orbit something The organisation of the
round the earth. verb to move in a meeting is done by the secretary. 2. an
curved path round something The sat- organised group or institution Hes
ellite orbits the earth once every five chairman of an organisation which
hours. looks after blind people. International
relief organisations are sending sup-
orchestra /
kstr/ noun a large group

of musicians who play together the
organisational /

London Symphony Orchestra

order /
d/ noun 1. an instruction to
ze()n()l/, organizational adjec-
tive relating to the way in which some-
someone to do something He shouted
orders to the workmen. If you cant thing is organised
organise /
'naz/, organize verb 1.

obey orders you cant be a soldier. 2. (of

a customer ) the act of asking for some- to arrange something She is responsi-
thing to be served or to be sent Weve ble for organising the meeting. We or-
had a large order for books from Russia. ganised ourselves into two groups.
She gave the waitress her order. 3. a The company is organised in three sec-
special way of organising things accord- tions. 2. to put into good order We
ing to date, alphabet, etc Put the in- have put her in charge of organising the
voices in order of their dates. 4. in or- city archives.
organised /
'nazd/, organized ad-

der to used for showing why something

is done She called out all their names jective 1. (of a person) working effi-
in order to check who was there. He ciently and according to a plan 2. (of an
looked under the car in order to see if activity) planned carefully, and involv-
there was an oil leak. verb 1. to tell ing many different people or elements Page 219 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

organiser 219 outer

organiser /
'naz/, that you expect something to happen or

noun a person who arranges things to be the case She ought to pass her
origin / rd"n/ noun where something
driving test easily. He left his office at
or someone comes from What is the six, so he ought to be home by now.
origin of the word taboo? His family (NOTE: The negative is ought not,
has French origins. shortened to oughtnt. Note also that
ought is always followed by to and a
original / rd"n()l/ adjective 1. new

verb in the infinitive.)

and interesting The planners have
ounce /ans/ noun a measure of weight,

produced some very original ideas for

the new town centre. 2. not a copy equal to 28 grams (NOTE: usually writ-
They sent a copy of the original invoice. ten oz after figures: 3oz of butter, say
He kept the original receipt for refer- three ounces of butter)
ence. noun a thing from which other our /a/ adjective belonging to us Our

things are copied Send the police a office is near the station. Our cat is
copy, but make sure you keep the origi- missing again. Two of our children
nal. caught flu. (NOTE: Do not confuse with
originally / rd"n()l/ adverb in the

beginning Originally it was mine, but ours /az/ pronoun a thing or person

I gave it to my brother. The family that belongs to us That house over

originally came from France in the 18th there is ours. Friends of ours told us
century. that the restaurant was good. Can we
ornament /
nmnt/ noun a small ob-

borrow your car, because ours is being

ject used as decoration Theres a row serviced? (NOTE: Do not confuse with
of china ornaments on the mantelpiece. hours.)
other / / adjective, pronoun 1. a dif-

ourselves /a selvz/ pronoun to for


ferent person or thing We went swim- referring back to the subject pronoun
ming while the other members of the we We all organised ourselves into
group sat and watched. I dont like two teams. We were enjoying our-
chocolate cakes can I have one of the selves when the police came.
others? Im fed up with that restau-
out /at/ adverb 1. away from inside

rant cant we go to some other place?

2. second one of two He has two cars How did the tiger get out of its cage?
one is red, and the other one is blue. She pulled out a box of matches. Take
One of their daughters is fat, but the the computer out of its packing case. 2.
other is quite thin. pronoun others not at home No one answered the
other people or things Ill have to ask phone they must all be out.
the others if they agree. Are there any outcome / atkm/ noun a result The

others in the box? outcome of the match was in doubt until

otherwise / waz/ adverb 1. apart

the final few minutes. What was the

from something just mentioned Your outcome of the appeal?
little boy can be noisy sometimes, but outdoor /at d
/ adjective in the open

otherwise hes an excellent pupil. 2. if air

not, or else Are you sure you can come
outdoors /at d
z/ adverb in the open

on Tuesday? Otherwise Ill have to

give the tickets to someone else. air, not inside a building The ceremo-
ought /
t/ modal verb 1. it would be a
ny is usually held outdoors. Why dont
good thing to You ought to go swim- we take our coffee outdoors and sit in
ming more often. You ought to see the the sun? The concert will be held out-
doctor if your cough doesnt get better. doors if the weather is good. (NOTE: You
He oughtnt to eat so much hell get
can also say out of doors.)
outer / at/ adjective on the outside

fat. The travel agent ought to have

told you the hotel was full before you Though the outer surface of the pie was
went on holiday. 2. used for showing hot, the inside was still cold. Page 220 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

outfit 220 overlap

outfit / atft/ noun a set of clothes, of- from the top of He fell over the cliff.

ten worn for a particular purpose She She looked over the edge of the balcony.
bought a new outfit for the wedding. 4. during Over the last few weeks the
For the fancy dress party she wore a weather has been cold and wet. Lets
nurses outfit. discuss the problem over lunch. 5. more
outing / at/ noun a short trip The
than Children over 16 years old have
children went on an outing to the sea- to pay full price. The car costs over
side. 40,000. We had to wait for over two
hours. adverb 1. down from being up-
outline / atlan/ noun a line showing

right The bottle fell over and all the

the outer edge of something He drew contents poured out. She knocked
the outline of a car on the paper. over the plant pot. He leaned over and
out of date /at v det/ adjective 1.
out of date

picked up a pin from the floor. 2. more

without recent information 2. no longer than Children of 16 and over pay full
in fashion Flared trousers are rather price. There are special prices for
out of date. groups of 30 and over. 3. not used, left
outside / atsad/ noun the outer sur-
behind Any food left over after the
face or the part which is not inside He meal can be given to the poor. adjec-
polished the outside of his car. The tive finished Is the match over yet?
apple was red and shiny on the outside, When the civil war was over everyone
but rotten inside. adjective which is had more food to eat.
overall /vr
l/ adjective covering or

on the outer surface The outside walls

of the house are made of brick. ad- taking in everything The overall im-
verb not inside a building Its beauti- pression was favourable.
ful and warm outside in the garden. overcome /v km/ verb 1. to deal

The dogs all wet it must be raining with a difficult situation Do you think
outside. the drugs problem can ever be over-
outstanding /at stnd/ adjective come? 2. to make someone helpless

excellent or of a very high standard or She was overcome by fear. Two people
quality an antique Chinese vase of were overcome by smoke. 3. to gain vic-
outstanding quality Her performance tory over an enemy The army quickly
was outstanding. overcame the invaders. (NOTE: over-
outwards / atwdz/ adverb towards
comes overcoming overcame
the outside or away from the centre or /v kem/ has overcome)

overgrown /v 'rn/ adjective (of


starting point

oval / v()l/ noun a long round shape

e.g. a garden) covered with plants and
similar to an egg, but flat adjective long grass because of not being looked
with this shape The pie was cooked in after
overhead /v hed/ adverb above

an oval bowl.

oven / v()n/ noun a metal box with a

you Look at that plane overhead.
overhear /v h/ verb to hear acci-

door, used for cooking Dont put that

plate in the oven its made of plastic. dentally something which you are not
Supper is cooking in the oven. Can meant to hear I couldnt help over-
you look in the oven and see if the meat hearing what you said just then. (NOTE:
is cooked? overhears overhearing over-
heard /v h
over /v/ preposition 1. above or high-

overlap1 / vlp/ verb to cover part


er than He put a blanket over the bed.

Planes fly over our house every of something else Try not to let the
minute. The river rose over its banks. pieces of wallpaper overlap. (NOTE:
2. on the other side or to the other side overlaps overlapping over-
Our office is just over the road from the lapped)
bank. He threw the ball over the wall. overlap2 /v lp/ noun an amount

The children ran over the road. 3. by which something overlaps Page 221 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

overlook 221 ozone

overlook /v lk/ verb not to notice owing to / tu
/ preposition because
overlook owing to

something She overlooked several of The plane was late owing to fog.
mistakes when she was correcting the
owl /al/ noun a large bird which hunts

exam papers.
small animals, mainly at night
overseas1 /v si
z/ adverb in or to a

own /n/ adjective belonging to you


foreign country He went to work over-

seas for some years. Sues gone over- alone I dont need to borrow a car I
seas for a few weeks. have my own car. He has his own book
shop. noun on my or his or her, etc
overseas2 / vsi
z/ adjective relating

own alone He built the house all on

to foreign countries Overseas sales his own. Im on my own this evening
are important for our company. my girlfriends gone out with her fam-
overtake /v tek/ verb to go past

ily. verb to have or to possess
someone travelling in front of you Theres no sense in owning a car, since
(NOTE: overtakes overtaking theres nowhere to park.
overtook has overtaken)
owner / n/ noun a person who owns

overweight /v wet/ adjective hav-


something The police are trying to

ing a body that weighs too much find the owner of the stolen car. Insur-
owe // verb 1. to be in a situation where

ance is necessary for all house owners.

you will have to pay someone money,
oxygen / ksd"n/ noun a common gas

either because you have borrowed some

from them, or because you have bought which is present in the air and is essen-
something from them He still owes tial for plant and animal life
ozone / zn/ noun a harmful form of

me the 50 he borrowed last month. 2.

to feel that something should be done oxygen, which is found in the atmos-
He owes her an apology. I owe my sis- phere and which is poisonous to humans
ter a letter. when concentrated Page 222 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

p /pi
/, P noun the sixteenth letter of the goods are sold Instructions for use are

alphabet, between O and Q printed on the package. 3. a set of goods

pace /pes/ noun 1. the distance covered
or services offered together at one time
by one step Walk thirty paces to the a software package
package holiday /pkd" hlde/
package holiday

north of the stone. Step three paces

back. 2. speed The car was travelling noun a holiday where everything in-
at quite a pace. verb to measure by cluding a hotel, food and travel is ar-
walking He paced out the distance be- ranged and paid for before you leave
tween the tree and the house. packaging / pkd"/ noun 1. paper,

pack /pk/ noun 1. a set of things put to- cardboard or plastic used to wrap goods

gether in a box He bought a pack of The boxes are sent in plastic packag-
chewing gum. 2. a set of playing cards ing. 2. the act of wrapping of goods
a pack of cards Shuffle the pack. 3. a The packaging is all done by machines.
group of wild animals together a pack packed /pkt/ adjective 1. full of peo-

of wild dogs 4. a bag which you can car- ple The restaurant was packed and
ry on your back Will you be able to there were no free tables. 2. put in a con-
manage this walk with a heavy pack on tainer a packed lunch
your back? verb 1. to put things into
packet / pkt/ noun a small bag, parcel

a suitcase ready for travelling The

or box a packet of cigarettes a pack-
taxis arrived and she hasnt packed her et of soup
suitcase yet. Ive finished packing, so
pad /pd/ noun 1. a soft cushion which

we can start. He packed his tooth-

brush at the bottom of the bag. 2. to put protects a person or thing from some-
things in containers ready for sending thing Put a pad of cotton on your
The books are packed in boxes of twenty. knee. 2. a set of sheets of paper attached
Fish are packed in ice. 3. to put a lot together verb to walk softly with reg-
of people or things into something ular steps The tiger was padding up
How can you pack ten adults into one and down in its cage. (NOTE: pads
tent? The streets are packed with padding padded)
padlock / pdlk/ noun a small lock

Christmas shoppers. The supermarket

shelves are packed with fruit and vege- with a hook The gate is fastened with
tables. a padlock.
page /ped"/ noun a side of a sheet of pa-

pack off phrasal verb to send someone

away (informal ) Weve packed the per used in a book, newspaper or maga-
children off to their grandparents for zine Its a short book, it only has 64
the summer holidays. pages. The crossword is on the back
pack up phrasal verb 1. to put things page. Start reading at page 34.
into a box before going away They Look at the picture on page 6. (NOTE:
packed up all their equipment and left. With numbers the word the is left out:
2. to stop working Ill pack up now on the next page but on page 50.)
and finish the job tomorrow morning. verb to call someone by radio, over a
package / pkd"/ noun 1. a parcel
loudspeaker, etc. Mr Smith isnt in his
which has been wrapped up for sending office at the moment Ill page him for
There was a package for you in the you.
paid /ped/ past tense and past participle

post. We mailed the package to you

yesterday. 2. a box or bag in which of pay Page 223 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

pail 223 paper

pail /pel/ noun an old-fashioned word clean pair of trousers. Wheres my

for a bucket (NOTE: Do not confuse with pair of green shorts? This pair of scis-
pale.) sors is blunt.
pal /pl/ noun a friend (informal )

pain /pen/ noun a feeling in your body


of being hurt or ill If you have a pain palace / pls/ noun a large building

in your chest, you ought to see a doctor. where a king, queen, president, etc.,
She had to take drugs because she lives
could not stand the pain. I get pains in pale /pel/ adjective 1. light-coloured

my teeth when I eat ice cream. What colour is your hat? Its a pale
painful / penf()l/ adjective hurting,

blue colour. 2. not looking healthy, with

causing pain She got a painful blow a white face Shes always pale and
on the back of the head. I have very that worries me. When she read the
painful memories of my first school. letter she went pale. (NOTE: paler pal-
painstaking / penztek/ adjective est. Do not confuse with pail.)

palm /p
m/ noun 1. the soft inside sur-

(of a person) done slowly and carefully

in order to avoid mistakes The design face of your hand She held out some
is the result of years of painstaking ef- crumbs in the palm of her hand and the
fort. birds came and ate them. 2. a tall tropi-
paint /pent/ noun a coloured liquid
cal tree with long leaves an oasis sur-
which you use to give something a col- rounded by date palms The boy
our or to make a picture We gave the climbed a coconut palm and brought
ceiling two coats of paint. I need a down a nut.
two-litre tin of green paint. The pan /pn/ noun a metal cooking contain-

paints coming off the front door. (NOTE: er with a handle Boil the potatoes in a
no plural) verb 1. to cover something pan of water. She burnt her hand on
with paint We got someone in to paint the hot frying pan. frying pan,
the house. They painted their front saucepan
door blue. She painted her toenails panel / pn()l/ noun 1. a flat piece of

bright red. 2. to make a picture of some- something such as wood or metal,

thing using paint She painted a pic- which forms part of something Un-
ture of the village. Hes painting his screw the panel at the back of the wash-
mother. The sky is not easy to paint. ing machine. 2. a group of people who
paintbrush / pentbr/ noun a brush

answer questions or who judge a com-

used to put paint on something (NOTE: petition Shes on the panel that will
The plural is paintbrushes.) interview candidates for the post.
painter / pent/ noun 1. a person who panic / pnk/ noun sudden great fear
painter panic

paints something such as a house The The forecast of flooding caused panic in
painter is coming next week to paint the towns near the river. verb to become
kitchen. 2. a person who paints pictures very frightened Dont panic, the fire
He collects pictures by 19th-century engine is on its way. (NOTE: panics
French painters. panicking panicked)
painting / pent/ noun 1. the act of pant /pnt/ verb to breathe fast He was
painting pant

putting paint on something or of making red in the face and panting as he crossed
pictures with paint Painting and dec- the finishing line.
orating is my trade 2. a picture done paper / pep/ noun 1. thin, often white,

with paints Do you like this painting material, which you write on, and which
of the old church? is used for wrapping or to make books,
pair /pe/ noun 1. two things taken to-

newspapers and magazines He got a

gether a pair of socks a pair of letter written on pink paper. I need an-
gloves Shes bought a new pair of other piece of paper or sheet of paper to
boots. 2. two things joined together to finish my letter. There was a box of pa-
make a single one Im looking for a per handkerchiefs by the bed. (NOTE: no Page 224 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

parade 224 partly

plural for this meaning: some paper, a leave your car somewhere while you are
piece of paper, a sheet of paper) 2. a not using it You can park your car in
newspaper I buy the paper to read on the street next to the hotel. You mus-
the train every morning. My photo tnt park on a double yellow line.
was on the front page of todays paper. parking / p
k/ noun the act of leav-

Our local paper comes out on Fri- ing a car somewhere when you are not
days. The Sunday papers are so big using it
that it takes me all day to read them.
parliament / p
lmnt/ noun a group

(NOTE: The plural is papers.) 3. an

exam The English paper was very dif- of elected representatives who decide
ficult. (NOTE: The plural is papers.) on the laws of a country Parliament
has passed a law forbidding the sale of
parade /p red/ noun a public display

these drugs.
of soldiers A sergeant inspects the
parrot / prt/ noun a brightly coloured

men before they go on parade.

tropical bird with a large curved beak
paragraph / pr'r
f/ noun a section

He keeps a green parrot in a cage in his

of several written sentences starting on a living room.
new line to answer the first paragraph
part /p
t/ noun 1. a piece or section

of your letter or paragraph one of your

Parts of the film were very good. They
letter Please refer to the paragraph
live in the downstairs part of a large
headed Shipping Instructions. house. They spend part of the year in
parallel / prlel/ adjective (of lines)

France. 2. a person that an actor plays,

which are side by side and remain the e.g. in a play or film He played the
same distance apart without ever touch- part of Hamlet. to take part in some-
ing Draw two parallel lines three mil- thing to join in an activity They all
limetres apart. The road is parallel to took part in the game. Did he take
or with the railway. part in the concert? verb to separate
parcel / p
s()l/ noun something that is

or move apart The curtains parted

wrapped in paper and sent by post The and the show began.
postman has brought a parcel for you. part with phrasal verb to give or sell
The parcel was wrapped up in brown something to someone He refused to
paper. If youre going to the post of- part with his old bicycle.
fice, can you post this parcel for me? participle /p
tsp()l/ noun a word

pardon / p
d()n/ noun the act of for- formed from a verb, used either to form

giving someone verb to forgive some- perfect or progressive forms or as an ad-

one for having done something wrong jective or noun. The present participle
Pardon me for interrupting, but youre of to go is going and the past partici-
wanted on the phone. Please pardon ple is gone.
my rudeness in not answering your call particle / p
tk()l/ noun a very small

earlier. piece
parent / pernt/ noun 1. a father or particular /p tkjl/ adjective spe-

mother 2. an organisation which owns cial, referring to one thing or person and
or rules another Our parent company to no other The photocopier only
is based in Switzerland. works with one particular type of paper.
parents / pernts/ noun your mother particularly /p tkjlli/ adverb spe-
parents particularly

and father His parents live in Man- cially I particularly asked them not to
chester. Did your parents tell you I walk on the lawn. Its a particularly
had met them in London? difficult problem. He isnt particular-
park /p
k/ noun an open space with
ly worried about the result.
partly / p
tli/ adverb not completely

grass and trees Hyde Park and Re-

gents Park are in the middle of London. The house is partly furnished. Im
You can ride a bicycle across the park only partly satisfied with the result.
but cars are not allowed in. verb to Were selling our house in London, Page 225 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

partner 225 past

partly because we need the money, but passenger / psnd"/ noun a person

also because we want to move nearer to who is travelling, e.g. in a car, bus, train
the sea. or plane, but who is not the driver or one
partner / p
tn/ noun 1. a person who of the people who works on it His

plays games or dances with someone cars quite big it can take three pas-
Take your partners for the waltz. Sally sengers on the back seat. The plane
is my usual tennis partner. 2. a person was carrying 104 passengers and a
with whom you are in a relationship, es- crew of ten.
pecially one you live with We invited passing / p
s/ adjective 1. existing

him and his partner for drinks. 3. a per- for a short time only Its just a passing
son who owns and works in a business fashion. 2. which is going past The
together with one or more others He driver of a passing car saw the accident.
became a partner in a firm of solicitors. passion / p()n/ noun a very strong

partnership / p
tnp/ noun a busi-

feeling of love, especially sexual love

ness relationship between two or more He couldnt hide the passion he felt for
people in which the risks and profits are her.
shared according to a letter of agree- passive / psv/ adjective allowing

ment between the partners things to happen to you and not taking
party / p
ti/ noun a special occasion

any action yourself He wasnt one of

when several people meet, usually in the ringleaders, he only played a pas-
someones house, in order to celebrate sive role in the coup. noun the form of
something such as a birthday Were a verb which shows that the subject is
having a party on New Years Eve. being acted upon (NOTE: If you say the
Our family Christmas party was a dis- car hit him the verb is active, but he
aster as usual. She invited twenty was hit by the car is passive.)
friends to her birthday party. passport / p
t/ noun an official

pass /p
s/ noun (in football, etc.) the act

document allowing you to travel from

of sending the ball to another player one country to another If you are go-
He sent a long pass across the field and ing abroad you need to have a valid
Smith headed it into goal. verb 1. to passport. We had to show our pass-
move something towards someone ports at customs. His passport is out
Can you pass me the salt, please? He of date.
passed the ball back to the goalkeeper. password / p
d/ noun a secret

2. to be successful in a test or examina- word which you need to know to be al-

tion He passed in English, but failed lowed to do something such as use a
in French. She passed her driving test particular computer
first time!
past /p
st/ preposition 1. later than, af-

pass out phrasal verb to become un- ter Its past the childrens bedtime.
conscious for a short time He passed Its ten past nine (9.10) weve missed
out when he saw the blood. the TV news. 2. passing in front of
pass round phrasal verb to hand something If you go past the bank,
something to various people She youll see the shop on your left. She
passed the box of chocolates round the walked past me without saying any-
table. thing. The car went past at at least 60
passage / psd"/ noun 1. a long nar-

miles an hour. (NOTE: Past is used for

row space with walls on either side times between oclock and the half-
She hurried along the passage. hour: 3.05 = five past three; 3.15 = a
Theres an underground passage be- quarter past three; 3.25 = twenty-five
tween the two railway stations. 2. a sec- past three; 3.30 = half past three. For
tion of a piece of writing She quoted times after half past see to. Past is
passages from the Bible. I photocop- also used with many verbs: to go
ied a particularly interesting passage past, to drive past, to fly past, etc.)
from the textbook. adjective happening in a time which his Page 226 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

pasta 226 pavement

finished He has spent the past year patience / pe()ns/ noun the quality

working in France. The time for talk- of being patient With a little patience,
ing is past what we need is action. youll soon learn how to ride a bike. I
noun the time before now In the past dont have the patience to wait that
we always had an office party just be- long.
fore Christmas. patient / pe()nt/ adjective the ability

pasta / pst/ noun an Italian food


to wait a long time without getting an-

made of flour and water, and sometimes noyed You must be patient you will
eggs, cooked by boiling, and eaten with get served in time. noun a sick person
oil or sauce (NOTE: no plural: some pas- who is in hospital or who is being treat-
ta, a bowl of pasta; note that pasta ed by a doctor, dentist, psychiatrist, etc.
takes a singular verb: the pasta is very There are three other patients in the
good here) ward. The nurse is trying to take the
paste /pest/ noun 1. a thin liquid glue
patients temperature.
patiently / pe()ntli/ adverb without

Spread the paste evenly over the back of

the wallpaper. 2. soft food Mix the getting annoyed
flour, eggs and milk to a smooth paste. patrol /p trl/ noun 1. the act of keep-

Add tomato paste to the soup. verb to ing guard by walking or driving in one
glue something such as paper She direction and then back again They
pasted a sheet of coloured paper over make regular patrols round the walls of
the front of the box. He pasted the the prison. He was on patrol in the
postcards into his scrapbook. cut centre of town when he saw some youths
pastry / pestri/ noun a mixture of flour,
running away from a bank. 2. a group of
fat and water, used to make pies She people keeping guard Each time a pa-
was in the kitchen making pastry. trol went past we hid behind a wall.
verb to keep guard on a place by walk-
pat /pt/ noun a gentle touch with the

ing or driving up and down Armed se-

hand I didnt hit her I just gave her curity guards are patrolling the ware-
a little pat. verb to give someone or house. (NOTE: patrols patrolling
something a pat He patted his pocket patrolled)
to make sure that his wallet was still
pattern / pt()n/ noun 1. instructions

there. (NOTE: pats patting patted)

to pat someone on the back to
which you follow to make something
praise someone a pat on the back She copied a pattern from a magazine to
praise The committee got a pat on the knit her son a pullover. 2. a design of
back for having organised the show so something, e.g. lines or flowers, repeat-
well. ed again and again on cloth, wallpaper,
etc. She was wearing a coat with a
patch /pt/ noun 1. a small piece of

pattern of black and white spots. Do

material used for covering up a hole, you like the pattern on our new carpet?
e.g. in clothes His mother sewed a
pause /p
z/ noun a short stop during a

patch over the hole in his trousers. 2. a

period of activity such as work He
small area of something They built a
read his speech slowly, with plenty of
shed on a patch of ground by the railway
pauses. Take a short pause after every
line. Theres a patch of rust on the car
100 steps. verb to stop or rest for a
short time before continuing She
path /p
/ noun a narrow track for walk-

paused for a second to look at her

ing Theres a path across the field. watch.
Follow the path until you get to the sea. pavement / pevmnt/ noun 1. a hard

pathetic /p etk/ adjective making


path for people to walk on at the side of

you feel either sympathy or a lack of re- a road Walk on the pavement, not in
spect He made a pathetic attempt at a the road. Look out; the pavement is
joke. She looked a pathetic figure covered with ice! 2. US a hard road sur-
standing in the rain. face Page 227 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

paw 227 peg

paw /p
/ noun the foot of an animal such peak /pi
k/ noun 1. the top of a mountain
paw peak

as a cat or dog The bear held the fish Can you see that snow-covered peak
in its paws. in the distance? 2. the highest point
The team has to reach a peak of fitness
pay /pe/ noun the money you receive for

before the match. The graph shows

working Theyre on strike for more the peaks and troughs of pollution over
pay. I cant afford luxuries on my mis- the last month. 3. the front part of a cap,
erable pay. verb 1. to give someone which sticks out He wore a white cap
money for something How much did with a dark blue peak.
you pay for your car? We pay 100 a
peanut / pi
nt/ noun a nut which grows

week in rent. Please pay the waiter for

your drinks. She paid him 10 for his under the ground in a shell
pear /pe/ noun a fruit like a long apple,

old bike. 2. to give money to someone

for doing something We pay secretar- with one end wider than the other
ies 10 an hour. I paid them one pearl /p
l/ noun a valuable round white

pound each for washing the car. Ill jewel formed inside an oyster She
pay you a pound to wash my car. (NOTE: wore a string of pearls which her grand-
You pay someone to wash the car mother had given her.
before he or she washes it, but you pebble / peb()l/ noun a small round

pay someone for washing the car af- stone

ter he or she has washed it. pays
peculiar /p kju
li/ adjective strange

paying paid /ped/)

Theres a peculiar smell coming from

pay back phrasal verb to give some- the kitchen. Its peculiar that she nev-
one money which you owe them He er opens the curtains in her house.
borrowed 10 last week and hasnt paid pedal / ped()l/ noun 1. an object

me back. worked by the foot to make a machine

pay up phrasal verb to pay all the mon- operate If you want to stop the car put
ey which you owe The tourist paid up your foot down on the brake pedal. 2. a
quickly when the taxi driver called the flat rest which you press down on with
police. your foot to make a bicycle go forwards
payment / pemnt/ noun the fact of He stood up on the pedals to make the

giving money for something I make bike go up the hill. verb to make a bi-
regular monthly payments into her ac- cycle go by pushing on the pedals He
count. She made a payment of had to pedal hard to get up the hill.
10,000 to the solicitor. (NOTE: pedals pedalling ped-
pea /pi
/ noun a climbing plant of which

pedestrian /p destrin/ noun a person


the round green seeds are eaten as vege-

tables who walks, rather than drives along, in a

street Two pedestrians were also in-
peace /pi
s/ noun 1. the state of not be-

jured in the accident.

ing at war The UN troops are trying to peel /pi
l/ noun the outer skin of a fruit or

keep the peace in the area. Both sides a vegetable Throw the banana peel
are hoping to reach a peace settlement. into the rubbish bin. This orange has
2. a calm quiet state Noisy motorcy- got very thick peel. (NOTE: no plural)
cles ruin the peace and quiet of the vil- verb to take the outer skin off a fruit or
lage. a vegetable He was peeling a banana.
peaceful / pi
sf()l/ adjective enjoyable

If the potatoes are very small you can

because there is very little noise or ac- boil them without peeling them.
tivity We spent a peaceful afternoon peer /p/ noun a member of the a high

by the river. social class in the UK Peers sit in the

peach /pi
t/ noun a sweet fruit with a House of Lords.

peg /pe'/ noun 1. a small wooden or met-


large stone and very soft skin We had

peaches and cream for dessert. al object used for holding something in Page 228 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

pen 228 performance

place The children hang their coats on as a vegetable We had stuffed peppers
pegs in the cloakroom. They used no for lunch.
nails in building the roof it is all held per /p
, p/ preposition for each I

together with wooden pegs. 2. clothes cant cycle any faster than fifteen miles
peg little wooden clip, used to attach per hour. Potatoes cost 10p per kilo.
wet clothes to a washing line verb to We paid our secretaries 10 per hour.
attach something with a peg She
perceive /p si
v/ verb to notice or real-

pegged the washing out on the line.

(NOTE: pegs pegging pegged) ise something The changes are so

slight that theyre almost impossible to
pen /pen/ noun an object for writing

perceive with the naked eye. I per-

with, using ink Ive lost my red pen ceived a worsening in his condition dur-
can I borrow yours? If you havent got ing the night.
a pen you can always write in pencil.
per cent /p sent/, percent noun out of
per cent

penalty / pen()lti/ noun a punishment


each hundred Fifty per cent of staff

The maximum penalty for this offence
are aged over 40. (NOTE: The symbol %
is two years imprisonment. (NOTE: The is used after numbers: 50%.)
plural is penalties.)
percentage /p sentd"/ noun an

pencil / pensl/ noun an object for writ-


amount considered in relation to 100

ing or drawing with, made of wood,
A low percentage of the population vot-
with a long piece of black or coloured
ed. What percentage of businesses
material through the middle
are likely to be affected? Oh, about
penny / peni/ noun the smallest British

40 per cent.
coin, one hundredth of a pound It cost
perfect1 / p
fkt/ adjective 1. good in

4.99, so I paid with a 5 note and got a

penny change. I came out without my every way Your coat is a perfect fit.
Dont change anything the room is
purse and I havent got a penny on me.
perfect as it is. 2. completely suitable
(NOTE: The plural is pennies or pence.
Shes the perfect secretary. George
Pennies is used to refer to several
would be perfect for the job of sales-
coins, but pence refers to the price. In
man. I was in a perfect position to see
prices, pence is always written p and
what happened.
often said as /pi
/ : This book only
perfect2 /p fekt/ verb to make some-

costs 60p.: say sixty p or sixty

pence.) not have a penny not have thing new and perfect She perfected a
any money process for speeding up the bottling sys-
pension / penn/ noun money paid
perfectly / p
fktli/ adverb very well

regularly, e.g. to someone who has re-

tired from work He has a good pen- That dress fits you perfectly.
sion from his firm. She finds her pen- perform /p f
m/ verb 1. to do an ac-

sion is not enough to live on. tion She performed a perfect dive.
people / pi
p()l/ noun men, women or

Its the sort of task that can be per-

children considered as a group There formed by any computer. 2. to do some-
were at least twenty people waiting to thing such as acting, dancing or singing
see the doctor. So many people want- in public The dance group will per-
ed to see the film that there were queues form at the local theatre next week.
every night. A group of people from The play will be performed in the village
our office went to Paris by train. hall.
pepper / pep/ noun 1. a strong-tasting performance /p f
mns/ noun 1. the
pepper performance

powder used in cooking, made from the way in which someone or something
whole seeds of a plant (black pepper) or works, e.g. how successful they are or
from seeds with the outer layer removed how much they achieve Were looking
(white pepper) Add salt and pepper to for ways to improve our performance.
taste. (NOTE: no plural in this sense) 2. After last nights miserable perform-
a hollow green, red or yellow fruit used ance I dont think the team is likely to Page 229 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

performer 229 phase

reach the semi-finals. 2. a public show Smoking is not permitted in under-
for entertainment The next perform- ground stations. (NOTE: permits per-
ance will start at 8 oclock. There are mitting permitted)
three performances a day during the person / p
s()n/ noun a man or wom-

summer. an The police say a person entered the

performer /p f
m/ noun a person

house by the window. His fathers a
who gives a public show in order to en- very interesting person. in person
tertain people used to emphasise that someone is phys-
perfume / p
m/ noun 1. a liquid ically present Several celebrities were

which smells nice, and which you put at the first night in person.
on your skin 2. a pleasant smell, espe- personal / p
s()n()l/ adjective 1. be-

cially of flowers the strong perfume of longing or referring to a particular per-

the roses son or people They lost all their per-
perhaps /p hps/ adverb possibly

sonal property in the fire. 2. private; that

Perhaps the train is late. Theyre late you would not like to discuss with most
perhaps the snows very deep. Is it people Can I ask you a personal ques-
going to be fine? Perhaps not, I can tion? Thats personal Id rather not
see clouds over there. answer that.
period / prid/ noun 1. an amount of personality /p
s nlti/ noun 1.
period personality

time She swam under water for a character He has a strange personali-
short period. The offer is open for a ty. 2. a famous person, especially a TV
limited period only. It was an unhap- or radio star The new supermarket is
py period in her life. 2. the time during going to be opened by a famous sporting
which a lesson is given in school We personality.
have three periods of English on Thurs-
persuade /p swed/ verb to get some-


one to do what you want by explaining

periodic /pri dk/ adjective repeat-

or asking She managed to persuade
ed after a regular period of time peri- the bank manager to give her a loan.
odic attacks of the illness We carry After ten hours of discussion, they per-
out periodic reviews of the companys fi- suaded him to leave.
nancial position.
pest /pest/ noun 1. a plant, animal or in-

permanent / p
mnnt/ adjective

sect which causes problems Many

lasting or intended to last, for ever He farmers look on rabbits as a pest. 2. a
has found a permanent job. She is in person who annoys someone That lit-
permanent employment. They are liv- tle boy is an absolute pest he wont
ing with her parents temporarily its stop whistling.
not a permanent arrangement.
pet /pet/ noun an animal kept in the home

permanently / p
mnntli/ adverb

The family has several pets two cats,

for ever; always
a dog and a hamster.
permission /p m()n/ noun the free-

petal / pet()l/ noun the colourful part of


dom which you are given to do some-

thing by someone in authority You a flower
petrol / petrl/ noun a liquid used as a

need permission from the boss to go into

the storeroom. He asked the manag- fuel for engines This car doesnt use
ers permission to take a day off. very much petrol. The bus ran out of
permit1 / p
mt/ noun an official paper petrol on the motorway. Petrol prices

which allows you to do something are lower at supermarkets. (NOTE: no

You have to have a permit to sell ice plural: some petrol, a litre of petrol)
cream from a van. phase /fez/ noun a stage in the develop-

permit2 /p mt/ verb to allow someone


ment of something The project is now

to do something This ticket permits in its final phase. Its a phase shes
three people to go into the exhibition. going through and hopefully she will Page 230 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

philosophy 230 pick

grow out of it. Im sure dyeing his hair photography /f t'rfi/ noun the

green is just a phase. practice of taking pictures on sensitive

philosophy /f lsfi/ noun 1. the study

film with a camera
phrasal verb /frez()l v
b/ noun a
phrasal verb

of the meaning of human existence

Hes studying philosophy. 2. a general type of verb which has two or three
way of thinking My philosophy is that parts, which together have a meaning
you should treat people as you would different from that of the main verb,
want them to treat you. such as tell off, look after and put
phone /fn/ noun a telephone

up with
phrase /frez/ noun a short sentence or

someone rings, can you answer the

phone for me? She lifted the phone group of words Try to translate the
and called the ambulance. verb to whole phrase, not just one word at a
speak to someone using a telephone time. Im trying to remember a phrase
Your wife phoned when you were out. from Hamlet.
Can you phone me at ten oclock tomor- physical / fzk()l/ adjective relating

row evening? I need to phone our of- to the human body The illness is men-
fice in New York. tal rather than physical. He has a
phone back phrasal verb to reply by strong physical attraction for her.
telephone; to call again The manager physically / fzkli/ adverb 1. relating

is out can you phone back in about fif- to the body I find him physically very
teen minutes? She phoned back three attractive. One of the children is phys-
minutes later to ask me my address. ically handicapped. 2. relating to the
phone book / fn bk/ noun a book
phone book

laws of nature It is physically impos-

which gives the names of people and sible to get a piano into that little car.
physics / fzks/ noun the study of

businesses in a town in alphabetical or-

der, with their addresses and phone things such as heat, light and sound, and
numbers the way in which they affect objects
phone call / fn k
l/ noun an occa-
phone call
She teaches physics at the local college.
Its a law of physics that things fall
sion on which you speak to someone by
telephone down to the ground and not up into the
phone number / fn nmb/ noun a
phone number

piano /pi n/ noun a large musical in-


series of numbers that you press on a tel- strument with black and white keys
ephone to contact a particular person which you press to make music Shes
photo /ft/ noun a photograph; a

taking piano lessons. She played the

picture taken using a camera Heres a piano while her brother sang.
photo of the village in the snow. Ive pick /pk/ verb 1. to choose something

brought some holiday photos to show The captain picks the football team.
you. (NOTE: The plural is photos.) She was picked to play the part of the
photograph / ft'r
f/ noun a pic-

victims mother. The Association has

ture taken with a camera Ive found an picked Paris for its next meeting. 2. to
old black and white photograph of my take fruit or flowers from plants
parents wedding. Shes trying to take Theyve picked all the strawberries.
a photograph of the cat. He kept her Dont pick the flowers in the public gar-
photograph in his wallet. Youll need dens. take your pick choose which
two passport photographs to get your one you want Weve got green, red
visa. verb to take a picture with a and blue balloons just take your pick!
camera She was photographing the pick up phrasal verb 1. to take some-
flowers in the public gardens. thing that is lying on a surface and lift it
photographer /f t'rf/ noun a per- in your hand She dropped her hand-

son who takes photographs, especially kerchief and he picked it up. He bent
as a job down to pick up a pound coin which he Page 231 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

picnic 231 pink

pill /pl/ noun medicine in solid form,

saw on the pavement. 2. to learn some-

thing easily without being taught She usually in a small round shape Take
never took any piano lessons, she just two pills before breakfast.
pillow / pl/ noun a cloth bag full of

picked it up. He picked up some Ger-

man when he was working in Germany. soft material which you put your head
3. to give someone a lift in a vehicle on in bed
We will pick you up from the hotel. pilot / palt/ noun a person who flies a

Can you send a taxi to pick us up at sev- plane or other aircraft Hes training to
en oclock? be an airline pilot. Hes a helicopter
picnic / pknk/ noun a meal eaten out- pilot for an oil company.

pin /pn/ noun a small thin sharp metal


doors away from home If its fine,

lets go for a picnic. They stopped by object with a round piece at the top,
a wood, and had a picnic lunch. verb used for fastening things such as pieces
to eat a picnic People were picnicking of cloth or paper She fastened the rib-
on the bank of the river. (NOTE: picnics bons to her dress with a pin before sew-
picnicking picnicked) ing them on. verb to attach something
with a pin She pinned up a notice
picture / pkt/ noun a drawing, a

about the meeting. He pinned her

painting or a photograph She drew a photograph on the wall. He pinned
picture of the house. The book has the calendar to the wall by his desk.
pages of pictures of wild animals. She (NOTE: pins pinning pinned)
cut out the picture of the President from
pinch /pnt/ noun 1. the action of

the magazine.
squeezing something between your fin-
pie /pa/ noun meat or fruit cooked in a

ger and thumb He gave her arm a

pastry case For pudding, theres apple pinch. 2. a small quantity of something
pie and ice cream. If were going on a held between finger and thumb Add a
picnic, Ill buy a big pork pie. pinch of salt to the boiling water. (NOTE:
piece /pi
s/ noun a bit of something or

The plural is pinches.) verb 1. to

one of a number of similar things squeeze something tightly, using the fin-
Would you like another piece of cake? ger and thumb Ow! Youre pinching
I need two pieces of black cloth. me! 2. to steal something, especially
something that is not very valuable
pierce /ps/ verb to make a hole in

(informal ) Someones pinched my

something pen!
piercing / ps/ adjective (of a pine /pan/ noun 1. pine (tree) a type

sound ) unpleasantly high and loud of evergreen tree with needle-shaped

They suddenly heard a piercing cry. leaves They planted a row of pines
He let out a piercing yell. along the edge of the field. 2. wood from
pig /p'/ noun a pink or black farm ani-
a pine tree Weve bought a pine table
mal with short legs kept for its meat for the kitchen. There are pine cup-
(NOTE: Fresh meat from a pig is called
boards in the childrens bedroom.
verb to pine for something to feel sad
pork. Bacon, gammon and ham are
because you do not have something any
types of smoked or cured meat from a
more Shes miserable because shes
pining for her cat.
pigeon / pd"n/ noun a fat grey bird

pineapple / panp()l/ noun a large


which is common in towns sweet tropical fruit, with stiff leaves

pile /pal/ noun a large mass of things

with sharp points on top

Look at that pile of washing. The pile pink /pk/ adjective pale red or flesh

of plates crashed onto the floor. The coloured Your cheeks look pink and
wind blew piles of dead leaves into the healthy now. noun a pale red colour
road. He was carrying a huge pile of The bright pink of those flowers shows
books. clearly across the garden. Page 232 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

pint 232 plane

pint /pant/ noun a liquid measure, equal plain /plen/ adjective 1. simple and not
pint plain

to 0.568 of a litre complicated We put plain wallpaper

pipe /pap/ noun 1. a tube, especially one in the dining room. The outside is dec-

that carries a liquid or a gas from one orated with leaves and flowers, but the
place to another Hes clearing a inside is quite plain. 2. easy to under-
blocked pipe in the kitchen. The water stand The instructions are written in
came out of the hole in the pipe. 2. a plain English. 3. obvious Its perfect-
tube for smoking tobacco, with a small ly plain what he wants. We made it
bowl at one end in which the tobacco plain to them that this was our final of-
burns fer. 4. a more polite word than "unattrac-
pit /pt/ noun 1. a deep dark hole in the tive", used for describing a person His

ground They dug a pit to bury the rub- two daughters are rather plain. noun
bish. 2. a mine; a place where substanc- a flat area of country a broad plain
es such as coal are dug out of the ground bordered by mountains (NOTE: Do not
My grandfather spent his whole life confuse with plane.)
working down a pit. plainly / plenli/ adverb 1. in a way that

pitch /pt/ noun 1. the ground on which


is easy to see Hes plainly bored by

a game is played Ill time you, if you the French lesson. Plainly, the plan is
run round the football pitch. The pitch not working. 2. clearly It is plainly
is too wet to play on. He kept the ball visible from here. The sounds of a vi-
the whole length of the pitch and scored. olent argument could be heard plainly
(NOTE: The plural is pitches.) 2. the from behind the door. 3. without much
level of a period of anger or excitement decoration plainly-decorated wallpa-
Excitement was at fever pitch. verb per
to put up a tent They pitched their tent
plan /pln/ noun 1. an organised way of

in a field by the beach.

doing things He made a plan to get up
pity / pti/ noun a feeling of sympathy for

earlier in future. She drew up plans

someone who is in a bad situation
for the village fair. according to plan
Have you no pity for the homeless?
verb to feel sympathy for someone I in the way it was arranged The party
pity those children. (NOTE: pities pit- went off according to plan. 2. a drawing
ying pitied) what a pity used for showing how something is arranged
showing that you are disappointed, or Here are the plans for the kitchen. The
for showing that you feel sympathy for fire exits are shown on the plan of the of-
someone who is disappointed fice. verb 1. to arrange how you are
going to do something Shes busy
pizza / pi
ts/ noun an Italian food, con-

planning her holiday in Greece. 2. to in-

sisting of a flat round piece of bread
tend to do something They are plan-
cooked with things such as cheese, to-
ning to move to London next month.
matoes and onions on top
We werent planning to go on holiday
place /ples/ noun 1. where something

this year. I plan to take the 5 oclock

is, or where something happens flight to New York. (NOTE: plans
Heres the place where we saw the planning planned)
cows. We found a nice place for a pic-
plane /plen/ noun 1. an aircraft with

nic. 2. where something is usually kept

Make sure you put the file back in the wings When is the next plane for
right place. 3. a seat Im keeping this Glasgow? How are you getting to
place for my sister. Im sorry, but this Paris? Were going by plane. Dont
place has been taken. 4. a position in a panic, youve got plenty of time to catch
race The British runners are in the your plane. He was stuck in a traffic
first three places. verb to put some- jam and missed his plane. 2. a tool with
thing somewhere The waitress placed a sharp blade for making wood smooth
the teapot on the table. Please place He smoothed off the rough edges with
the envelope in the box. a plane. Page 233 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

planet 233 pleased

planet / plnt/ noun 1. one of the ob- at a station, to help passengers get on or

jects in space which move round the off the trains easily Crowds of people
Sun Is there life on any of the planets? were waiting on the platform. The
Earth is the third planet from the Sun. train for Liverpool will leave from plat-
2. the planet the planet Earth an en- form 10. 2. a high wooden floor for
vironmental disaster which could affect someone to stand on when they are
the whole planet speaking in public The main speakers
plank /plk/ noun a long flat piece of
sat in a row on the platform.
play /ple/ noun a story which is acted in

wood used in building

planning / pln/ noun the act or prac-
a theatre or on TV Did you see the
tice of making plans The trip will play on TV last night? We went to the
need very careful planning. The National Theatre to see the new play.
project is still in the planning stage. Two of Shakespeares plays are on the
list for the English exam. verb 1. to
plant /pl
nt/ noun 1. a living thing

take part in a game He plays rugby for

which grows in the ground and has
the university. Do you play tennis? 2.
leaves, a stem and roots He planted a
to make music on a musical instrument
row of cabbage plants. Sunflower
or to put a recording on a machine such
plants grow very tall. 2. a large factory
as a CD player He cant play the vio-
They are planning to build a car plant
lin very well. Let me play you my new
near the river. verb to put a plant in
Bach CD. 3. to enjoy yourself When
the ground Weve planted two pear
youve finished your lesson you can go
trees and a peach tree in the garden.
out to play. He doesnt like playing
plaster / pl
st/ noun 1. a mixture of

with other children.

sand and a white substance called
play back phrasal verb to listen to
lime, which is mixed with water and
used for covering the inside walls of something which you have just recorded
player / ple/ noun 1. a person who

houses The flat hasnt been decorated

yet and there is still bare plaster in most plays a game You only need two play-
of the rooms. 2. a white substance which ers for chess. Rugby players have to
becomes hard when it dries, used to cov- be fit. Four of the players in the op-
er a broken arm or leg and hold it in posing team are ill. 2. a person who
place He had an accident skiing and plays a musical instrument a famous
now has his leg in plaster. 3. sticking horn player
playground / ple'rand/ noun a

plaster adhesive tape used for covering

small wounds She put a piece of stick- place, at a school or in a public area,
ing plaster on my cut. where children can play
plastic / plstk/ noun a strong material pleasant / plez()nt/ adjective enjoya-

made from chemicals, used to make ble or attractive What a pleasant gar-
many things We take plastic plates den! How pleasant it is to sit here un-
when we go to the beach. The super- der the trees!
market gives you plastic bags to put please /pli
z/ interjection used when you

your shopping in. We cover our gar- are making a polite request or accepting
den furniture with plastic sheets when it an offer Can you close the window,
rains. (NOTE: no plural: a bowl made of please? Please sit down. Can I have
plastic) a ham sandwich, please? Do you want
plate /plet/ noun 1. a flat round dish for

some more tea? Yes, please! Compare

putting food on Put one pie on each thank you verb to make someone
plate. Pass all the plates down to the happy or satisfied Shes not difficult to
end of the table. 2. a flat piece of some- please. please yourself do as you like
thing such as metal or glass The den- Shall I take the red one or the green
tist has a brass plate on his door. one? Please yourself.
platform / pltf
m/ noun 1. a high flat pleased /pli
zd/ adjective happy
platform pleased

structure by the side of the railway lines Were very pleased with our new house. Page 234 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

pleasure 234 poetry

Im pleased to hear youre feeling bet- stone She bought a pound of plums to
ter. He wasnt pleased when he heard make a pie.
his exam results. plumber / plm/ noun a person whose

pleasure / ple"/ noun a pleasant feel-


job is to install or repair things such as

ing His greatest pleasure is sitting by water pipes and heating systems
the river. It gives me great pleasure to plump /plmp/ adjective (of a person)

be able to visit you today. with pleas- slightly fat in an attractive way Hes a
ure used for saying that you are happy short man with a plump red face. Is
to do something for someone Ill do she pregnant or is she just plumper than
the job with pleasure. she was?
plenty / plenti/ noun a large quantity

plunge /plnd"/ verb 1. to throw your-


Youve got plenty of time to catch the self into water He plunged into the
train. Plenty of people complain river to rescue the little boy. 2. to fall
about the bus service. Have you got sharply Share prices plunged on the
enough bread? Yes, weve got plenty. news of the devaluation.
(NOTE: no plural)
plural / plrl/ adjective, noun (in

plot /plt/ noun 1. a small area of land,


grammar ) (which is) the form of a word

e.g. used for building or for growing showing that there is more than one
vegetables They own a plot of land Does government take a singular or
next to the river. The plot isnt big plural verb? Whats the plural of
enough to build a house on. 2. the basic mouse? The verb should be in the
story of a book, play or film The novel plural after programs.
has a complicated plot. I wont tell
plus /pls/ preposition 1. added to His

you the plot of the film I dont want to

spoil it for you. 3. a secret plan to do salary plus bonus comes to more than
something illegal or wrong They 30,000. (NOTE: In calculations plus is
hatched a plot to hold up the security usually shown by the sign + : 10 + 4 =
van. 14: say ten plus four equals fourteen.)
2. more than houses valued at
pluck /plk/ verb 1. to pull out feathers

200,000 plus
from a bird Ask the butcher to pluck
pocket / pkt/ noun a small bag sewn

the pheasants for you. 2. to pull and let

go of the strings of a guitar or other mu- into the inside of a piece of clothing
sical instrument, in order to make a such as a coat, in which you can keep
sound He was gently plucking the things such as money or keys She
strings of his guitar. looked in all her pockets but couldnt
find her keys. He was leaning against
plug /pl'/ noun 1. a flat round rubber

a fence with his hands in his pockets.

object which covers the hole in a bath or
pod /pd/ noun a long green case in

sink Can you call reception and tell

them theres no plug in the bath? She which some small vegetables such as
pulled out the plug and let the water peas or beans grow Mangetout peas
drain away. 2. an object attached to the are eaten in their pods.
poem / pm/ noun a piece of writing

end of a wire, which you push into a

hole in the wall to make a piece of elec- with words carefully chosen to sound
trical equipment work The vacuum attractive or interesting, set out in lines
cleaner is supplied with a plug. usually of a regular length which some-
plug in phrasal verb to connect a piece times end in words which sound the
of electrical equipment to an electricity same He wrote a long poem about an
supply by pushing the plug into a hole in old sailor. The poem about the First
the wall The computer wasnt World War was set to music by Britten.
poet / pt/ noun a person who writes

plugged in thats why it wouldnt

work. poems
plum /plm/ noun a gold, red or purple poetry / ptri/ noun poems in general
plum poetry

fruit with a smooth skin and a large Reading poetry makes me cry. This Page 235 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

point 235 polite

is a good example of German poetry. other things She poked about in her
(NOTE: no plural) desk to see if she could find the papers.
point /pnt/ noun 1. a sharp end of
to poke out of somewhere to appear
something long The point of my pencil through a hole or small space A red-
has broken. The stick has a very sharp faced man poked his head out of the
point. 2. a particular place The path window. A red handkerchief was pok-
led us for miles through the woods and ing out of his pocket. to poke fun at
in the end we came back to the point someone or something to laugh at
where we started from. We had someone or something in an unkind
reached a point 2,000m above sea level. way He poked fun at the maths teach-
3. a particular moment in time From er. She poked fun at his odd hat.
that point on, things began to change. pole /pl/ noun a long wooden or metal

At what point did you decide to resign? stick

4. a meaning or reason The main point
Pole /pl/ noun a person from Poland

of the meeting is to see how we can con-

police /p li
s/ noun the people whose

tinue to run the centre without a grant.

theres no point theres no good rea- job is to control traffic, to try to stop
son for doing something Theres no crime and to catch criminals The po-
point in asking them to pay they ha- lice are looking for the driver of the car.
vent any money. whats the point? The police emergency number is 999.
why? Whats the point of doing the Call the police Ive just seen some-
same thing all over again? 5. a score in one drive off in my car.
a game Their team scored three policeman

policeman /p li

points. In rugby, a try counts as five li

swmn/ noun a man who is an or-
points. verb to aim a gun or your fin- dinary member of the police (NOTE: The
ger at something The teacher is point- plural is policemen.)
ing at you. Its rude to point at people.
police officer /p li
s fs/ noun a
police officer

Dont point that gun at me it might

go off. The guide pointed to the map to member of the police

policy / plsi/ noun decisions on the

show where we were. its beside the

point its got nothing to do with the way of doing something government
main subject Whether or not the coat policy on wages or government wages
matches your hat is beside the point policy It is not our policy to give de-
its simply too big for you. tails of employees over the phone.
pointed / pntd/ adjective with a People voted Labour because they liked

sharp point at one end a pointed stick their policies.

polish / pl/ noun a substance used to

poison / pz()n/ noun a substance


which kills you or makes you ill if it is make things shiny Wash the car thor-
swallowed or if it gets into the blood oughly before you put the polish on.
Theres enough poison in this bottle to verb to rub something in order to make
kill the whole town. Dont drink that it shiny He polished his shoes until
its poison. they shone.
poisonous / pz()ns/ adjective able Polish / pl/ adjective relating to Po-

to kill or harm people or animals with land The Polish Army joined in the
poison manoeuvres. noun the language spo-
poke /pk/ noun a quick push with a
ken in Poland I know three words of
finger or something sharp He got a Polish. You will need an English-
poke in the eye from someones umbrel- Polish phrasebook if youre visiting
la. verb to push something or some- Warsaw.
polite /p lat/ adjective pleasant to-

one quickly with a finger or with some-

thing sharp He poked the heap with wards other people, not rude Sales
his stick. to poke about for some- staff should be polite to customers.
thing to search for something among (NOTE: politer politest) Page 236 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

politely 236 portable

politely /p latli/ adverb in a polite way poor /p
/ adjective 1. with little or no
politely poor

Ask the lady politely if you can have a money The family is very poor now
sweetie. that both parents have no work. This
politeness /p latns/ noun the prac-

is one of the poorest countries in Africa.
tice of being polite 2. of not very good quality Vines can
grow even in poor soil. They were
political /p ltk()l/ adjective refer-

selling off poor quality vegetables at a
ring to government or to party politics cheap price. Shes been in poor health
I dont want to get involved in a political for some months. 3. used for showing
argument. She gave up her political you are sorry Poor old you, having to
career when she had the children. stay at home and finish your homework
politician /pl t()n/ noun a person

while we go to the cinema. My poor

who works in politics, especially a legs, after climbing up the mountain!
member of parliament Politicians
pop /pp/ noun a noise like a cork com-

from all parties have welcomed the re-

port. ing out of a bottle There was a pop
as she lit the gas. verb 1. to go some-
politics / pltks/ plural noun the ideas

where quickly Ill just pop down to

and methods used in governing a coun- the town. He popped into the chem-
try noun the study of how countries ists. Im just popping round to Janes.
are governed He studied politics and Id only popped out for a moment. 2.
economics at university. (NOTE: takes a to put something somewhere quickly
singular verb) (informal ) Pop the pie in the micro-
pollen / pln/ noun a yellow powder on

wave for three minutes. (NOTE: pops

the stamens of a flower which touches popping popped)
part of a female flower and so creates popular / ppjl/ adjective liked by a

seeds lot of people The department store is

polluted /p lu
td/ adjective made

popular with young mothers. The

dirty South Coast is the most popular area for
pollution /p lu
()n/ noun 1. the proc-

ess of making the environment dirty popularity /ppj lrti/ noun the fact

Pollution of the atmosphere has in- of being liked by a lot of people

creased over the last 50 years. 2. chem-
population /ppj le()n/ noun the

icals and other substances that harm

people and the environment It took six number of people who live in a place
months to clean up the oil pollution on The population of the country is 60 mil-
the beaches. The pollution in the cen- lion. Paris has a population of over
tre of town is so bad that people have three million.
pork /p
k/ noun fresh meat from a pig,

started wearing face masks.

pond /pnd/ noun a small lake
eaten cooked (NOTE: no plural. Note
also that salted or smoked meat from a
pony / pni/ noun a small horse (NOTE:

pig is ham or bacon.)

The plural is ponies.)
port /p
t/ noun 1. a place along a coast

pool /pu
l/ noun 1. a very small lake

where boats can stop, or a town with a
He dived in and swam across the moun-
place like this a fishing port The
tain pool. We looked for shrimps in
ship is due in port on Tuesday. We left
the rock pools. 2. a large bath of water
port at 12.00. 2. an opening in a compu-
for swimming in an outdoor pool a
heated pool We have a little swimming ter for plugging in an attachment a
pool in the garden. He swam two mouse port
portable / p
tb()l/ adjective which

lengths of the pool. 3. a game rather like

snooker, where you hit balls into pock- can be carried He used his portable
ets using a long stick called a cue We computer on the plane. Portable
were playing pool in the bar. phones wont work in the Underground. Page 237 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

portion 237 post office

portion / p
()n/ noun 1. a part This possible / psb()l/ adjective able to
portion possible

is only a small portion of the material be done She agreed that the changes
we collected. Our carriage was in the were possible.
rear portion of the train. 2. an amount of possibly / psbli/ adverb 1. perhaps

food, usually for one person The por- The meeting will possibly finish late.
tions in that restaurant are tiny. Ask January had possibly the worst snow-
the waiter if they serve childrens por- storms we have ever seen. 2. used with
tions. can or cant to make a phrase strong-
portrait / p
trt/ noun a painting or

er You cant possibly eat 22 pancakes!

photograph of a person He has paint- How can you possibly expect me to do
ed a portrait of the Queen. Old por- all that work in one day?
post /pst/ noun 1. a long piece of

traits of members of the family lined the

walls of the dining room. wood or metal put in the ground The
posh /p/ adjective expensive and at-
fence is attached to concrete posts.
tractive; suitable for special occasions His shot hit the goalpost. 2. a job He
I decided Id better wear my poshest applied for a post in the sales depart-
ment. We have three posts vacant.
frock to the wedding. We ate in a real-
They advertised the post in The Times.
ly posh restaurant.
3. letters and parcels that are sent and
position /p z()n/ noun 1. a place

received The morning post comes

where someone or something is From around nine oclock. There were no
his position on the roof he can see the cheques in this mornings post. Has
whole of the street. The ships last the post arrived yet? 4. the system of
known position was 200 miles east of sending letters and parcels It is easier
Bermuda. 2. a job The sales manager to send the parcel by post than to deliver
has a key position in the firm. Hes go- it by hand. verb to send a letter or par-
ing to apply for a position as manager. cel Dont forget to post your Christ-
We have several positions vacant. 3. a mas cards. The letter should have ar-
situation or state of affairs What is the rived by now we posted it ten days
companys cash position? ago.
postbox / pstbks/ noun a box into

positive / pztv/ adjective 1. certain


or sure Im positive I put the key in my which you can put letters, which will
pocket. Are you positive he said six then be collected and sent on by the post
oclock? 2. (in a test) showing that the office
postcard / pstk
d/ noun a piece of

person tested has a particular condition

The cancer test was positive. card often with a picture on one side,
possess /p zes/ verb to own some-

which you send to someone with a short
message on it
thing They possess several farms in
postcode / pstkd/ noun a series of

the south of the country. He lost all he

possessed in the fire. letters and numbers given at the end of
an address, to help the people whose job
possession /p ze()n/ noun the fact

is to sort letters
of owning something When he
poster / pst/ noun a large notice,

couldnt keep up the mortgage payments

the bank took possession of the house. picture or advertisement stuck on a wall
postman / pstmn/ noun a person

possibility /ps blti/ noun the fact


of being likely to happen Is there any who delivers letters to houses (NOTE:
possibility of getting a ticket to the The plural is postmen.)
show? There is always the possibility post office / pst fs/ noun a build-
post office

that the plane will be early. There is ing where you can do such things as
no possibility of the bank lending us any buying stamps, sending letters and par-
more money. cels and paying bills The main post Page 238 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

postpone 238 power

office is in the High Street. There are say twenty-six pounds, six pounds.)
two parcels to be taken to the post office. 2. a unit of money used in Britain and
postpone /ps pn/ verb to change

several other countries He earns more
the time or date of an event so that it will than six pounds an hour. The price of
happen a later date or time The meet- the car is over 50,000 (fifty thousand
ing has been postponed until next week. pounds). He tried to pay for his bus
ticket with a 20 note (twenty-pound
pot /pt/ noun 1. a glass or china contain-

note). (NOTE: pound is usually written

er, usually without a handle The plant
before figures: 20, 6,000: say
is too big it needs a bigger pot. She
twenty pounds, six thousand pounds.
made ten pots of strawberry jam. tea-
With the word note, pound is singular:
pot 2. a deep metal container with a
twenty pounds but a twenty-pound
long handle, used for cooking Do I
note.) verb 1. to hit something hard
have to wash all the pots and pans by
hand? He pounded the table with his fist. 2. to
smash something into little pieces The
potato /p tet/ noun a common

ship was pounded to pieces by heavy
white or yellow root vegetable which waves.
grows under the ground boiled pota-
pour /p
/ verb 1. to make a liquid flow

toes mashed potatoes roast pota-

toes Do you want any more potatoes? The waiter poured water all over the
Were having roast lamb and potatoes table. He poured the wine into the
for Sunday lunch. glasses. She poured water down his
neck as a joke. 2. to flow out or down
potential /p tenl/ adjective possible

Clouds of smoke poured out of the

Hes a potential world champion.
house. There was a sudden bang and
The potential profits from the deal are smoke poured out of the engine. Water
enormous. noun the possibility of de- was pouring through the ceiling.
veloping into something useful or valu-
able The discovery has enormous po- pour down phrasal verb to rain very
tential. She doesnt have much experi- hard Dont go out without an umbrel-
ence, but she has a lot of potential. la its pouring down.
poverty / pvti/ noun the fact of being

The whole area has great potential for

economic growth. poor He lost all his money and died in
pottery / ptri/ noun 1. a place where
poverty. Poverty can drive people to
pots are made There are several local crime.
potteries where you can buy dishes. I powder / pad/ noun a substance like

bought this vase from the pottery where flour with very small dry grains The
it was made. (NOTE: The plural in this drug is available in the form of a white
sense is potteries.) 2. objects such as powder. This machine grinds pepper
pots and plates, made of clay Theres corns to powder.
a man in the market who sells local pot-
power / pa/ noun 1. the ability to con-

tery. She brought me some Spanish

trol people or events He is the official
pottery as a present. leader, but his wife has all the real pow-
pouch /pat/ noun 1. a small bag for

er. I havent the power or it isnt in my

carrying objects such as coins She power to ban the demonstration. 2.
carried the ring in a small leather pouch physical force They use the power of
round her neck. 2. a bag in the skin in the waves to generate electricity. The
front of some animals, where the young engine is driven by steam power. 3. elec-
are carried The kangaroo carries its tricity used to drive machines or devices
young in its pouch. (NOTE: The plural is Turn off the power before you try to
pouches.) repair the TV set. 4. political control
pound /pand/ noun 1. a measure of

During the period when he was in pow-

weight, equal to about 450 grams (NOTE: er the countrys economy was ruined. 5.
pound is usually written lb after fig- a powerful country China is one of the
ures: It weighs 26lb.; Take 6lb of sugar : great powers. Page 239 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

powerful 239 preparation

powerful / paf()l/ adjective having a something or someone The mayor

lot of force, influence or capability praised the firemen for their efforts in
This model has a more powerful engine. putting out the fire.
The treasurer is the most powerful pray /pre/ verb to speak to God or some

person in the organisation. The raft other religious being, asking for some-
was swept away by the powerful cur- thing or saying thank you for something
rent. This is the most powerful per- Farmers prayed for rain.
sonal computer on the market.
prayer /pre/ noun the words that some-

practical / prktk()l/ adjective 1. re-


one says when they are speaking to God

ferring to real actions and events rather She says her prayers every night be-
than ideas or plans She needs some fore going to bed. They said prayers
practical experience. I need some for the sick.
practical advice on how to build a wall.
precious / pres/ adjective 1. worth a

2. possible or sensible It isnt practi-

cal to plug the computer into the same lot of money a precious stone 2. of
socket as the TV. Has anyone got a great value to someone All her pre-
more practical suggestion to make? cious photographs were saved from the
You need practical clothing for camp- fire. The memories of that holiday are
ing. We must be practical and not try very precious to me.
anything too ambitious. precise /pr sas/ adjective exact

practically / prktkli/ adverb almost need to know the precise measurements

Practically all the students passed the of the box. At that precise moment my
test. The summer is practically over. father walked in. Can you be more
His suit is such a dark grey it is practi- precise about what the men looked like?
cally black. precisely /pr sasli/ adverb exactly

practice / prkts/ noun 1. the act of

The train arrived at 12.00 precisely. I

doing something, as opposed to think- dont know precisely when it was, but it
ing about it or planning it 2. a repeated was about three months ago. How,
activity done so that you can improve precisely, do you expect me to cope with
You need more practice before youre all this work?
ready to enter the competition. Hes at predict /pr dkt/ verb to say what will

football practice this evening. The happen The weather forecasters have
cars make several practice runs before predicted rain. He predicted correctly
the race. 3. a way of doing something, that the deal would not last. Every-
especially a way that is regularly used thing happened exactly as I had predict-
Its a standard practice for shops to ed.
open late one day a week for staff train-
prefix / pri
fks/ noun a group of letters

ing. Its been our practice for many

years to walk the dogs before breakfast. put in front of another to form a new
verb US spelling of practise in word (NOTE: The plural is prefixes.)
practice when something is done or pregnant / pre'nnt/ adjective (of a

carried out The plan seems very inter- woman or female animal ) carrying a
esting, but what will it cost in practice? developing baby inside the body
practise / prkts/ verb 1. to do some- Dont carry heavy weights when youre

thing many times in order to become pregnant. She hasnt told her family
better at it Hes practising catching yet that shes pregnant. There are
and throwing. 2. to work as a doctor, three pregnant women in my office.
dentist or lawyer Hes officially re- preparation /prep re()n/ noun 1.

tired but still practises part-time. the things that you do in order to get
praise /prez/ noun admiration, the act

ready for something The preparations

of showing approval The rescue team for the wedding went on for months.
earned the praise of the survivors. Weve completed our preparations and
verb to express strong approval of now were ready to start. 2. a substance Page 240 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

prepare 240 pressure

which has been mixed a chemical ager. 2. a formal occasion on which
preparation something is given to someone 3. a for-
prepare /pr pe/ verb 1. to get some- mal occasion on which someone tells

thing ready We have prepared the hall other people about their work The
for the school play. I have some company made a presentation of the
friends coming to dinner and I havent services they could offer.
presently / prez()ntli/ adverb 1. soon

prepared the meal. 2. to get ready for

something He is preparing for his ex- Ill be there presently. Hell be mak-
am. Youd better prepare yourself for ing a speech presently. 2. US now, at the
some bad news. present time Hes presently working
prepared /pr ped/ adjective ready

for a chemical company. Shes pres-
Be prepared, you may get quite a shock. ently in England. What is presently
Six people are coming to dinner and being done to correct the problem?
Ive got nothing prepared. preserve /pr z
v/ verb 1. to look after

preposition /prep z()n/ noun a something and keep it in the same state

word used with a noun or pronoun to Our committee aims to preserve the
show place or time wildlife in our area. The doctors aim
presence / prez()ns/ noun 1. the fact
is to preserve the life of the unborn
of being present The presence of both child. They would like to preserve
his wives in court was noted. Your their own alphabet rather than use the
presence is requested at a meeting of the Roman one. 2. to treat something so that
committee on June 23rd. 2. an effect you it does not decay Meat can be pre-
have on other people The general has served in salt. Freezing is a common
a commanding presence. method of preserving meat.
president / prezd()nt/ noun the head

present1 / prez()nt/ noun 1. some-


thing which you give to someone, e.g. of a republic President Bush was
on their birthday I got a watch as a elected in 2000. The French president
Christmas present. How many birth- came on an official visit. (NOTE: also
day presents did you get? Her col- used as a title before a surname: Pres-
leagues gave her a present when she got ident Wilson)
presidential /prez denl/ adjective

married. 2. the time we are in now

The novel is set in the present. 3. the relating to a president

form of a verb showing that the action is press /pres/ noun newspapers taken as a

happening now The present of the group The election wasnt reported in
verb to go is he goes or he is going. the British press. There has been no
adjective at a place when something mention of the problem in the press.
happens there How many people were (NOTE: no plural) verb to push some-
present at the meeting? at present thing Press 12 for room service.
now The hotel still has some vacan- pressure / pre/ noun 1. something

cies at present. for the present for which forces you to do something
now That will be enough for the
Pressure from farmers forced the minis-
present. ter to change his mind. to put pres-
present2 /pr zent/ verb 1. to give

sure on someone to do something to
something formally to someone as a try to force someone to do something
present When he retired after thirty They put pressure on the government to
years, the firm presented him with a build a new motorway. 2. the force of
large clock. 2. to introduce a show on something such as air which is pushing
TV or radio Shes presenting a pro- or squeezing There is not enough
gramme on gardening. pressure in your tyres. under pres-
presentation /prez()n te()n/

sure feeling that you are being forced to

noun 1. the act of giving something to do something He did it under pres-
someone The chairman will make the sure. Were under pressure to agree to
presentation to the retiring sales man- a postponement. Page 241 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

pretend 241 principal

pretend /pr tend/ verb to make some- prickle / prk()l/ noun a sharp point on
pretend prickle

one believe something that is not true a plant or animal

He got into the house by pretending to pride /prad/ noun 1. a pleasure in your

be a telephone engineer. She pretend- own ability or possessions He takes

ed she had flu and phoned to say she great pride in his garden. 2. a feeling of
was having the day off. respect for yourself that is sometimes
pretty / prti/ adjective 1. a pretty wom-

too strong, making you behave wrongly

an or girl has a face that is quite attrac- His pride would not let him admit that
tive Her daughters are very pretty. he had made a mistake.
(NOTE: prettier prettiest. Usually priest /pri
st/ noun a person who carries

pretty is used of things or girls, not of out formal religious duties

boys or men.) 2. quite pleasant to look
primary / pramri/ adjective main, ba-

at Thats a pretty necklace. adverb

fairly (informal ) The patients condi- sic Our primary concern is the safety
tion is pretty much the same as it was of our passengers.
primary school / pramri sku
primary school

yesterday. Im pretty sure Im right.

You did pretty well, considering it was noun a school for children up to the age
the first time you had tried rock-climb- of eleven
ing. prime /pram/ adjective 1. most impor-

prevent /pr vent/ verb to stop some- tant The prime suspect in the case is

thing happening We must try to pre- the dead womans husband. This is a
vent any more flooding. prime example of what is wrong with
previous / pri
vis/ adjective happen-
this country. 2. most likely to be chosen
ing or existing at an earlier time The She is a prime target for any kidnap-
letter was sent to my previous address. per.
The gang of workers had arrived the prime minister /pram mnst/
prime minister

previous night and started work first noun the head of the government in
thing in the morning. I had spent the Britain and other countries the Aus-
previous day getting to know my way tralian Prime Minister or the Prime
round the town. Minister of Australia She cut out the
previously / pri
visli/ adverb at a time picture of the Prime Minister from the

before This is my first train trip to newspaper. The Prime Minister will
Paris previously Ive always gone by address the nation at 6 oclock tonight.
plane. The arrangements had been He was determined to become prime
made six weeks previously. At that minister before the age of 40. (NOTE:
time they were living in New York, and Use initial capitals when you are talk-
previously had lived in London. ing about a particular prime minister.)
prey /pre/ noun an animal eaten by an- prince /prns/ noun the son of a king or

other animal Mice and small birds are queen

the favourite prey of owls. princess /prn ses/ noun the daughter

price /pras/ noun money which you of a king or queen Once upon a time

have to pay to buy something The a beautiful princess lived in a castle by

price of petrol is going up. I dont the edge of the forest. (NOTE: also used
want to pay such a high price for a hotel as a title before a name: Princess
room. There has been a sharp in- Sophia. The plural is princesses.)
crease in house prices during the first principal / prnsp()l/ adjective most

six months of the year. important The countrys principal

prick /prk/ verb to make a very small

products are paper and wood. She

hole with a sharp point in the outer layer played a principal role in setting up the
of something such as skin She pricked organisation. noun the head of a
her finger when she was picking roses. school or college The principal wants
Prick the sausages before you fry to see you in her office. (NOTE: Do not
them to stop them from bursting. confuse with principle.) Page 242 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

principle 242 process

principle / prnsp()l/ noun a general discuss with most people You have no

rule the principles of nuclear physics right to interfere in my private affairs.

It is a principle in our system of jus- This is a private discussion between me
tice that a person is innocent until he is and my son. in private away from
proved guilty. other people She asked to see the
print /prnt/ verb 1. to mark letters or
teacher in private.
prize /praz/ noun a reward given to

pictures on paper with a machine, e.g. to

make a book The book is printed di- someone who has won a competition
rectly from a computer disk. We had He won first prize in the music competi-
five hundred copies of the leaflet print- tion. He answered all the questions
ed. 2. to write capital letters or letters correctly and claimed the prize. The
which are not joined together Print prize was awarded jointly to the young
your name in the space below. noun British and Russian competitors.
1. letters printed on a page I cant probable / prbb()l/ adjective likely

read this book the print is too small. 2. Its probable that the ship sank in a
a photograph If you are not happy storm.
with your prints, we can guarantee a full probably / prbbli/ adverb used for

refund. saying that something is likely to hap-

print out phrasal verb to print informa- pen Were probably going to Spain for
tion from a computer through a printing our holidays. My father is probably
machine She printed out three copies going to retire next year. Are you go-
of the letter. ing to Spain as usual this year? Very
printer / prnt/ noun 1. a person or probably.

problem / prblm/ noun 1. something


company that prints things such as

books and newspapers The book has or someone that causes difficulty
gone to the printer, and we should have Were having problems with the new
copies next week. 2. a machine for print- computer system. to solve a problem
ing documents to find an answer to a problem The
printout / prntat/ noun paper printed
police are trying to solve the problem of
with information from a computer how the thieves got into the house. We
have called in an expert to solve our
prior / pra/ adjective before; previous

computer problem. 2. a question in a

The house can be visited by prior ar-
test, especially in mathematics Most
rangement with the owner.
of the students could do all the problems
priority /pra rti/ noun 1. a right to be

in the maths test. no problem used
first Children have priority in the for giving an informal agreement to a
waiting list. 2. a thing which has to be request
done first Finding somewhere to stay procedure /pr si
d"/ noun 1. the way

the night was our main priority. in which something should be carried
prison / prz()n/ noun a building where

out To obtain permission to build a

people are kept when they are being new house you need to follow the cor-
punished for a crime The judge sent rect procedure. 2. a medical treatment
him to prison for five years. His fa- a new procedure for treating burns
thers in prison for burglary. (NOTE: proceed /pr si
d/ verb 1. to go further

Prison is often used without the article He proceeded down the High Street
the.) towards the river. 2. to do something af-
prisoner / prz()n/ noun a person

ter something else The students then

who is in prison The prisoners were proceeded to shout and throw bottles at
taken away in a police van. passing cars.
private / pravt/ adjective 1. which be- process /pr ses/ noun 1. the way in
private process

longs to one person, and is not available which something is done, or the fact of
to everyone He flew there in his pri- it being done a new process for ex-
vate jet. 2. that you would not like to tracting oil from coal (NOTE: The plural Page 243 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

procession 243 progress

is processes.) 2. in the process of medical profession the teaching pro-
doing something while doing some- fession
thing She interrupted me while I was professional /pr fe()n()l/ adjec-

in the process of writing my report. tive 1. relating to a profession He

We were in the process of moving to keeps his professional life and his pri-
London when I had the offer of a job in vate life completely separate. 2. expert
Australia. verb 1. to make goods from or skilled They did a very professional
raw materials The uranium has to be job in designing the new office. 3. (of
processed before it can be used in a nu- sportsmen) who is paid to play a pro-
clear reactor. 2. to deal with a claim or fessional footballer noun an expert
bill in the usual way to process an in- Dont try to deal with the problem your-
surance claim Orders are processed self get a professional in.
in our warehouse.
professor /pr fes/ noun 1. the most

procession /pr se()n/ noun a group


of people walking in line, sometimes senior teacher in a particular subject at a

with music playing university a professor of English an
economics professor 2. the title taken by
produce1 /pr dju
s/ verb 1. to show

some teachers of music and art She
something or bring something out of goes to Professor Smith for piano les-
e.g. your pocket The tax office asked sons. (NOTE: used as a title before a
him to produce the relevant documents. name: Professor Smith.)
He produced a bundle of notes from
profit / prft/ noun money you gain

his inside pocket. The factory produc-

es cars and trucks. 2. to organise a play from selling something The sale pro-
or film She is producing Hamlet for duced a good profit or a handsome prof-
the local drama club. 3. to make some- it.
thing, especially in a factory 4. to give program / pr'rm/ noun a set of in-

birth to young Our cat has produced structions given to a computer to load
six kittens. 5. to grow crops The re- a program to run a program a
gion produces enough rice to supply the word-processing program verb to
needs of the whole country. give instructions to a computer They
produce2 / prdju
s/ noun things that

program computers for a living. (NOTE:

have been grown in a garden or on a programs programming pro-
farm vegetables and other garden grammed)
produce (NOTE: Do not confuse with
programme / pr'rm/ noun 1. a TV

or radio show We watched a pro-
producer /pr dju
s/ noun a company

gramme on life in the 17th century.
or country which makes or grows some- Theres a football programme on after
thing an important producer of steel the news. I want to listen to the phone-
The company is a major car producer. in programme at 9.15. There are no
product / prdkt/ noun a thing which

good television programmes tonight.

is made in a factory The government The programme gives a list of the ac-
is helping industry to sell more products tors. 2. a paper in a theatre or at a sports
abroad. (NOTE: Do not confuse with event, which gives information about
produce.) the show verb to arrange programmes
production /pr dkn/ noun 1. the

on TV or radio The new chat show is
process of making of something We programmed to compete with the gar-
are trying to step up production. Pro- dening programme on the other chan-
duction will probably be held up by the nel.
strike. 2. organising a play or film The progress1 / pr'res/ noun 1. a move-

film is currently in production. ment forwards We are making good

profession /pr fe()n/ noun work

progress towards finishing the house.

which needs special training, skill or (NOTE: no plural) 2. in progress
knowledge the legal profession the which is happening or being done The Page 244 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

progress 244 proposal

meeting is still in progress. We still pronoun / prnan/ noun a word used

have a lot of work in progress. instead of a noun, such as I, you,

progress2 /pr 'res/ verb to develop he, she and it

or move forwards Work on the new pronounce /pr nans/ verb 1. to


road is progressing slowly. speak sounds, especially in a particular

project1 / prd"ekt/ noun work planned way How do you pronounce Paris in

by students on their own She asked French? 2. to state something officially

her teacher for some pointers to help He was pronounced dead on arrival
her with her project. at hospital. The priest pronounced
them man and wife.
project2 /pr d"ekt/ verb to send a pic-

/prnnsi e()n/

ture onto a screen The lecturer pro- pronunciation

jected slides of his visit to the Arctic. noun a way of saying words Whats
projector /pr d"ekt/ noun a machine

the correct pronunciation of controver-
which sends pictures onto a screen sy? You should try to improve your
pronunciation by taking lessons from
promise / prms/ noun the act of say-

native speakers.
ing that you will definitely do some-
proof /pru
f/ noun something which

thing But you made a promise not to

proves that something is true The po-
tell anyone else and now youve told my
lice have no proof that he committed the
mother! Ill pay you back on Friday
thats a promise. verb to give your
prop /prp/ noun a support or stick

word that you will definitely do some-

thing They promised to be back for which holds something up I used a
supper. You must promise to bring the piece of wood as a prop to keep the win-
computer back when you have finished dow open.
with it. He promised he would look proper / prp/ adjective right and cor-

into the problem. She promised the rect; in the way that things are normally
staff an extra weeks holiday but it never done She didnt put the sugar back
materialised. into its proper place in the cupboard.
promote /pr mt/ verb 1. to give This is the proper way to use a knife and

someone a better job He was promot- fork. The parcel wasnt delivered be-
ed from salesman to sales manager. 2. to cause it didnt have the proper address.
properly / prpli/ adverb correctly

make sure that people know about a

product or service, by advertising it The accident happened because the ga-
There are posters all over the place pro- rage hadnt fitted the wheel properly.
moting the new night club. 3. to encour- The parcel wasnt properly addressed.
age something The clubs aim is to property / prpti/ noun 1. something

promote gardening. that belongs to a particular person The

promotion /pr m()n/ noun 1. a

furniture is the property of the landlord.

move to a better job He ruined his The hotel guests lost all their property
chances of promotion when he argued in the fire. The management is not re-
with the boss. 2. the process of advertis- sponsible for property left in the restau-
ing a new product Were giving away rant. 2. buildings and land The family
small bottles of shampoo as a promo- owns property in West London. A lot
tion. of industrial property was damaged in
prompt /prmpt/ adjective done imme-
the war. (NOTE: [all senses] no plural)
diately Thank you for your prompt re- proportion /pr p
()n/ noun a part

ply. verb to tell an actor words which of a whole Only a small proportion of
he or she has forgotten He had to be his income comes from his TV appear-
prompted in the middle of a long speech. ances.
promptly / prmptli/ adverb very soon proposal /pr pz()l/ noun a plan
promptly proposal

after an event, in a way that is helpful or which has been suggested The com-
efficient mittee made a proposal to rebuild the Page 245 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

propose 245 publication

clubhouse. His proposal was accept- went to prison still protesting her inno-
ed by the committee. She put forward cence.
a proposal but it was rejected. protester /pr test/ noun a person

propose /pr pz/ verb to make a sug- who protests in a public way about

gestion I propose that we all go for a something they dont agree with Sev-
swim. eral protesters stood outside the banks
offices handing out leaflets.
prosecute / prskju
t/ verb to bring

proud /prad/ adjective showing pleas-


someone to court to answer a criminal

charge People found stealing from the ure in what you or someone else has
shop will be prosecuted. done or in something which belongs to
you Were proud of the fact we did it
prospect / prspekt/ noun a future pos-

all without help from anyone else.

sibility There is no prospect of getting proudly / pradli/ adverb showing that

her to change her mind. Faced with you are proud of something
the grim prospect of two weeks at home
prove /pru
v/ verb to show that some-

he decided to go on holiday. plural

noun prospects future opportunities, thing is true The police think he stole
especially in your work His job pros- the car but they cant prove it. I was
pects are very good. What are our determined to prove him wrong or that
prospects of success in this business he was wrong. proof (NOTE: proves
deal? proving proved)
proverb / prv
b/ noun a saying which

protect /pr tekt/ verb to keep someone


teaches you something
or something safe from harm or danger
provide /pr vad/ verb to supply some-

The cover protects the machine

against dust. The injection is sup- thing Medical help was provided by
posed to protect you against the disease. the Red Cross. Our hosts provided us
with a car and driver.
protection /pr tekn/ noun shelter,

provided (that) /pr vadd t/, pro-


the process of being protected The viding /pr vad/ conjunction on

trees give some protection from the rain. condition that; as long as, so long as
The legislation offers no protection to
Its nice to go on a picnic provided it
temporary workers. The injection doesnt rain. You can all come to
gives some protection against cholera. watch the rehearsal providing you dont
protein / prti
n/ noun a substance in

food such as meat, eggs and nuts which prudent / pru
dnt/ adjective showing

is one of the elements in food which you good sense and using good judgement
need to keep your body working proper- It would be prudent to consult a lawyer
ly before you sign the contract.
protest1 / prtest/ noun a statement pub /pb/ noun a place where you can

saying that you object or disapprove of buy beer and other alcoholic drinks, and
something The new road went ahead sometimes meals I happened to meet
despite the protests of the local inhabit- him at the pub. We had a sandwich
ants. She resigned as a protest against and some beer in the pub.
the change in government policy. public / pblk/ adjective relating to the

protest2 /pr test/ verb 1. to say or people in general The crown jewels

show that you do not approve of some- are on public display in the Tower of
thing After being stuck in the train for London. Its in the public interest that
twenty minutes, the passengers began to the facts should be known. noun peo-
protest. to protest against something ple in general The public have the
to object strongly to something Eve- right to know what is going on.
publication /pbl ke()n/ noun 1.

ryone has protested against the increase

in fares. 2. to insist that something is the process of making something public

true, when others think it isnt She The publication of the official figures Page 246 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

publicity 246 pupil

has been delayed. 2. a book or newspa- pull up phrasal verb 1. to bring some-
per which has been published He thing closer Pull your chair up to the
asked the library for a list of gardening window. 2. (of a vehicle) to stop A car
publications. pulled up and the driver asked me if I
publicity /p blsti/ noun advertising

wanted a lift. He didnt manage to

which attracts peoples attention to pull up in time and ran into the back of
something Were trying to get public- the car in front.
ity for our school play. The failure of pullover / plv/ noun a piece of

the show was blamed on bad publicity. clothing made of wool, which covers
publicly / pblkli/ adverb in public

the top part of your body

The Prime Minister publicly denied the pulse /pls/ noun a regular beat of your

accusations. heart The doctor took his pulse. Her

publish / pbl/ verb 1. to bring out a

pulse is very weak.

book or newspaper for sale The com- pump /pmp/ noun a machine for forc-

pany publishes six magazines for the ing liquids or air into something a bi-
business market. We publish diction- cycle pump verb to force in something
aries for students. 2. to make something such as liquid or air with a pump Your
publicly known The government has back tyre needs pumping up. The
not published the figures yet. heart pumps blood round the body.
publisher / pbl/ noun a person or

punch /pnt/ noun 1. a blow with the


company that produces books or news- fist She landed two punches on his
papers for sale head. 2. a metal tool for making holes
pudding / pd/ noun 1. a sweet dish at

The holes in the belt are made with a

the end of the meal Ill have ice cream punch. (NOTE: The plural is punches.)
for my pudding. 2. a sweet cooked food verb 1. to hit someone with your fist
puddle / pd()l/ noun a small pool of
He punched me on the nose. 2. to
water, e.g. on the ground after it has make holes in something with a punch
rained The conductor punched my ticket.
punctual / pktul/ adjective on time

pull /pl/ verb to move something to-


wards you or after you Pull the door He was punctual for his appointment
to open it, dont push it. The truck was with the dentist.
punctuation /pktu e()n/ noun

pulling a trailer. She pulled an enve-

lope out of her bag. the practice of dividing up groups of

pull off phrasal verb 1. to take off a words using special printed symbols
puncture / pkt/ noun a hole in a

piece of clothing by pulling He sat

down and pulled off his dirty boots. 2. to tyre Ive got a puncture in my back
succeed in doing something very good, tyre. verb to make a small hole in
especially if it is unexpected The deal something The tyre had been punc-
will be great for the company, if we can tured by a nail.
punish / pn/ verb to make someone

pull it off.
pull out phrasal verb 1. to take some- suffer because of something they have
thing out by pulling They used a rope done The children must be punished
to pull the car out of the river. 2. to drive for stealing apples. The simplest way
a car away from the side of the road to punish them will be to make them pay
He forgot to signal as he was pulling for the damage they caused.
out. Dont pull out into the main road punishment / pnmnt/ noun a

until you can see that there is nothing treatment given to punish someone As
coming. a punishment, youll wash the kitchen
pull over phrasal verb to drive a car to- floor.
wards the side of the road and stop pupil / pju
p()l/ noun 1. a child at a

The police car signalled to him to pull school There are twenty-five pupils in
over. the class. The piano teacher thinks Page 247 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

puppet 247 put

she is her best pupil. 2. a black hole in piano is too heavy to lift, so well have
the central part of the eye, through to push it into the next room. Did she
which the light passes The pupil of the fall down the stairs or was she pushed?
eye grows larger when there is less light. put /pt/ verb to place something some-

puppet / ppt/ noun a doll which


where Did you remember to put the

moves, used to give a show milk in the fridge? Where do you want
puppy / ppi/ noun a young dog Our me to put this book? (NOTE: puts

dog has had six puppies. (NOTE: The putting put has put)
plural is puppies.) put back phrasal verb to put some-
purchase / p
ts/ noun something

thing where it was before

that has been bought She had difficul- put down phrasal verb 1. to place
ty getting all her purchases into the car. something lower down onto a surface
to make a purchase to buy something He put his suitcase down on the floor
We didnt make many purchases on beside him. 2. to kill an animal that is
our trip to Oxford Street. verb to buy old or ill, painlessly using drugs The
something They purchased their car cat will have to be put down.
in France and brought it back to the UK put in phrasal verb 1. to place some-
purchaser / p
ts/ noun a person

thing inside something I forgot to put

who buys something in my pyjamas when I packed the case.
pure /pj/ adjective 1. not spoiled by

2. to fix something such as a system or

being mixed with other things or sub- a large piece of equipment in place so
stances of a lower quality a bottle of that it can be used The first thing we
pure water a pure silk blouse a pure have to do with the cottage is to put in
mountain stream 2. total, complete central heating.
This is pure nonsense. It is pure extor- put off phrasal verb 1. to arrange for
tion. It is pure spite on his part. It something to take place later We have
was by pure good luck that I happened put the meeting off until next month. 2.
to find it. (NOTE: purer purest) to take someones attention so that they
purple / p
p()l/ adjective blue-red in

cannot do things properly Stop mak-

colour The sky turned purple as night ing that strange noise, its putting me off
approached. His face was purple with my work. 3. to say something that makes
fury. noun a blue-red colour They someone decide not to do something
painted their living room a deep purple. He told a story about cows that put me
purpose / p
ps/ noun an aim or plan off my food. I was going to see the

The purpose of the meeting is to plan film, but my brother said something
the village fair. which put me off.
purse /p
s/ noun a small bag for carry- put on phrasal verb 1. to place some-

ing money I know I had my purse in thing on top of something, on a surface

my pocket when I left home. She put Put the lid on the saucepan. He put
her ticket in her purse so that she his hand on my arm. Put the suitcases
wouldnt forget where it was. down on the floor. 2. to dress yourself in
pursue /p sju
/ verb to go after some-

a certain piece of clothing I put a
one in order to try to catch him or her clean shirt on before I went to the party.
(formal ) The police pursued the stolen Put your gloves on, its cold outside.
car across London. The boys fled, Put on your wellies if youre going
pursued by their older brother. out in the rain. 3. to switch something
push /p/ noun the action of making
on Can you put the light on, its get-
something move forwards Can you ting dark? Put on the kettle and well
give the car a push? It wont start. have some tea.
verb to make something move away put out phrasal verb 1. to place some-
from you or in front of you Well have thing outside Did you remember to
to push the car to get it to start. The put the cat out? 2. to switch something Page 248 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

puzzle 248 pyramid

off He put the light out and went to put up with phrasal verb to accept
bed. someone or something unpleasant I
put up phrasal verb 1. to attach some- dont think I can put up with that noise
thing to a wall, to attach something high any longer.
puzzle / pz()l/ noun 1. a game where

up Ive put up the photos of my family

over my desk. They are putting up you have to find the answer to a problem
Christmas decorations all along Regent I cant do todays crossword puzzle. 2.
Street. 2. to build something They put something that is hard to understand
up a wooden shed in their garden. 3. to Its a puzzle to me why they dont go to
increase something, to make something live in the country. verb to be difficult
higher The shop has put up all its to understand It puzzles me how the
prices by 5%. 4. to give someone a place robbers managed to get away.
to sleep in your house Theyve missed pyramid / prmd/ noun a shape with a

the last train, can you put them up for square base and four sides rising to meet
the night? at a point Page 249 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

q /kju
/, Q noun the seventeenth letter of quarter empty. He paid only a quarter

the alphabet, between P and R of the normal fare because he works for
qualification /kwlf ke()n/ noun

the airline.
quay /ki
/ noun the part of a harbour or

1. something necessary for a job, e.g.

proof that you have completed a partic- port where boats stop (NOTE: Do not
ular course of study Does she have the confuse with key.)
right qualifications for the job? 2. queen /kwi
n/ noun 1. the wife of a king

something which limits the meaning of King Charles Is queen was the
a statement, or shows that you do not
daughter of the king of France. 2. a
agree with something completely I
woman who rules a country The
want to add one qualification to the
Queen sometimes lives in Windsor Cas-
agreement: if the goods are not deliv-
tle. Queen Victoria was queen for
ered by the 30th of June, then the order
many years. (NOTE: queen is spelt with
will be cancelled. 3. success in a test or
a capital letter when used before a
competition which takes you on to the
name or when referring to a particular
next stage She didnt reach the neces-
person: Queen Elizabeth I.) 3. in the
sary standard for qualification.
game of chess, the second most impor-
qualify / kwlfa/ verb to attach condi-

tant piece, after the king In three

tions to something I must qualify the moves he had captured my queen.
offer by saying that your proposals still
query / kwri/ noun a question

have to be approved by the chairman. She

(NOTE: qualifies qualifying quali- had to answer a mass of queries about
fied) the tax form. (NOTE: The plural is que-
quality / kwlti/ noun 1. how good

question / kwest()n/ noun 1. a sen-


something is We want to measure the

air quality in the centre of town. There tence which needs an answer The
are several high-quality restaurants in teacher couldnt answer the childrens
the West End. (NOTE: no plural) 2. some- questions. Some of the questions in
thing which is part of a persons charac- the exam were too difficult. The man-
ter She has many good qualities, but ager refused to answer questions from
unfortunately is extremely lazy. What journalists about the fire. 2. a problem
qualities do you expect in a good sales- or matter The question is, who do we
man? (NOTE: The plural is qualities.) appoint to run the shop when were on
quantity / kwntti/ noun how much of
holiday? The main question is that of
something there is (NOTE: The plural is cost. He raised the question of moving
quantities.) to a less expensive part of town. verb
to ask questions The police ques-
quarrel / kwrl/ noun an occasion

tioned the driver for four hours. in

when people argue about something question under discussion Please
They have had a quarrel and arent keep to the matter in question.
speaking to each other. I think the
question mark / kwetn m
question mark

quarrel was over who was in charge of

the cash desk. noun a sign (?) used in writing to show
quarter / kw
t/ noun one of four
that a question is being asked
questionnaire /kwest ne/ noun a

equal parts of something She cut the

pear into quarters. The jar is only a printed list of questions given to people Page 250 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

queue 250 quote

to answer, usually questions about what quietly up to the window. She shut the
they like or what they buy door quietly behind her.
quit /kwt/ verb 1. to leave something

queue /kju
/ noun a line of people or

things such as cars, waiting one behind such as a job or a place and not return
the other for something There was a When the boss criticised her, she quit.
queue of people waiting to get into the Im fed up with the office, Im thinking
exhibition. We joined the queue at the of quitting. 2. US to stop doing some-
entrance to the stadium. verb to stand thing Will you quit bothering me!
in a line and wait for something We He quit smoking. (NOTE: quits quit-
spent hours queuing for tickets. (NOTE: ting quit or quitted)
quite /kwat/ adverb 1. to some degree

queues queuing queued)

quick /kwk/ adjective done with speed
Its quite a long play. Shes quite a
or in a short time Im trying to work good writer. The book is quite amus-
out the quickest way to get to the Tower ing but I liked the TV play better. 2. to a
of London. We had a quick lunch and great degree Youre quite mad to go
then went off for a walk. He is much walking in a snowstorm. Hes quite
quicker at calculating than I am. I am right. I dont quite understand why
not sure that going by air to Paris is you want to go China.
quiz /kwz/ noun a game where you are

quicker than taking the train.

asked a series of questions She got all
quickly / kwkli/ adverb very fast, with-

the questions right in the quiz. They

out taking much time He ate his sup- organised a general knowledge quiz.
per very quickly because he wanted to (NOTE: The plural is quizzes.)
watch the match on TV. The firemen
quotation /kw te()n/ noun the

came quickly when we called 999.

words of one person which are repeated

quiet / kwat/ adjective 1. without any

by another person The article ended

noise a house in a quiet street I wish with a quotation from one of Churchills
the children would be quiet. Im trying speeches.
to work. 2. with no great excitement quote /kwt/ noun a quotation I need

We had a quiet holiday by the sea. Its some good quotes from his speech to put
a quiet little village. The hotel is in the into my report. verb to repeat what
quietest part of the town. someone has said or written He start-
quietly / kwatli/ adverb without mak-

ed his speech by quoting lines from

ing any noise The burglar climbed Shakespeares Hamlet. Page 251 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

r /
/, R noun the eighteenth letter of the ing air waves They got the news by ra-

alphabet, between Q and S dio. We always listen to BBC radio

rabbit / rbt/ noun a common wild an-
when were on holiday. 2. a machine
imal with grey fur, long ears and a short which sends out and receives messages
white tail The rabbit ran down its using air waves Turn on the radio
hole. She keeps a pet rabbit in a cage. its time for the weather forecast. I
heard the news on the car radio.
race /res/ noun a competition to see

Please, turn the radio down Im on the

which person, animal or vehicle is the phone.
fastest She was second in the 200 me-
radius / redis/ noun 1. a line from the

tres race. The bicycle race goes round

the whole country. verb 1. to run fast centre of a circle to the outside edge
They saw the bus coming and raced to We were all asked to measure the radius
the bus stop. He snatched some of the circle. 2. the distance in any direc-
watches from the shop window and then tion from a particular central point
raced away down the street. 2. to run People within a radius of twenty miles
with someone in order to find out who is heard the explosion. The school ac-
fastest Ill race you to see who gets to cepts children living within a two-mile
school first. radius. (NOTE: The plural is radii or ra-
rack /rk/ noun a frame for holding

rag /r'/ noun a piece of torn cloth He


things, e.g. letters, tools or suitcases

He put the envelope in the letter rack on used an old oily rag to clean his motor-
his desk. bike.
rage /red"/ noun sudden extreme anger

racket / rkt/ noun 1. a light frame


with tight strings, used for hitting the Her face was red with rage. verb to
ball in games She bought a new tennis be violent The storm raged all night.
racket at the start of the summer season. raid /red/ noun a sudden attack; a sud-

She asked if she could borrow his den visit by the police Robbers car-
badminton racket for the tournament. 2. ried out six raids on post offices during
a loud noise (informal ) Stop that rack- the night. Police carried out a series
et at once! The people next door make of raids on addresses in London. verb
a terrible racket when theyre having a to make a sudden attack on a place
party. The police raided the club. We caught
radiator / rediet/ noun 1. a metal ob- the boys raiding the fridge.

ject, usually fixed to a wall, which is rail /rel/ noun 1. a straight metal or

filled with hot water for heating a room wooden bar The pictures all hang
Turn the radiator down its boiling from a picture rail. Hold onto the rail
in here. When we arrived at the hotel as you go down the stairs. There is a
our room was cold, so we switched the heated towel rail in the bathroom. 2.
radiators on. 2. a metal container filled one of two parallel metal bars on which
with cold water for preventing a car en- trains run Dont try to cross the rails
gine from becoming too hot The radi- its dangerous. 3. the railway, a system
ator overheated causing the car to of travel using trains Six million com-
break down. muters travel to work by rail each day.
radio / redi/ noun 1. a method of

We ship all our goods by rail. Rail

sending out and receiving messages us- travellers are complaining about rising Page 252 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

railway 252 rash

fares. Rail travel is cheaper than air South America The cowboys returned
travel. to the ranch each evening. They left
railway / relwe/ noun a way of travel-
the city and bought a ranch in Colora-
ling which uses trains to carry passen- do.
rang /r/ past tense of ring

gers and goods The railway station is

in the centre of town. The French rail- range /rend"/ noun 1. a choice or series

way system has high-speed trains to all of things which are available We have
major cities. a range of holidays at all prices. I am
rain /ren/ noun drops of water which fall

looking for something in the 2030

from the clouds The ground is very price range. 2. a distance which you can
dry weve had no rain for days. Yes- go; a distance over which you can see or
terday we had 3cm of rain or 3cm of rain hear The missile only has a range of
fell here yesterday. If you have to go 100 km. The police said the man had
out in the rain take an umbrella. All been shot at close range. The optician
this rain will help the plants grow. told her that her range of vision would
verb to fall as drops of water from the be limited. 3. a series of buildings or
clouds As soon as we sat down and mountains in line There is a range of
took out the sandwiches it started to outbuildings next to the farmhouse
rain. Look at the clouds, its going to which can be converted into holiday
rain. cottages. They looked out at the vast
rainbow / renb/ noun a shape like mountain range from the plane window.

half a circle which shines with many verb to range from include all
colours in the sky when it is sunny and types between two limits The sizes
raining at the same time range from small to extra large. Holi-
days range in price from 150 to 350
raincoat / renkt/ noun a coat which

per person. The quality of this years

keeps off water, which you wear when it
examination papers ranged from excel-
is raining
lent to very poor.
rain forest / ren frst/ noun a thick
rain forest

rank /rk/ noun an official position in


forest which grows in tropical regions

where there is a lot of rain the army, the police force or a similar
organisation She rose to the rank of
raise /rez/ verb 1. to put something in a

higher position or at a higher level He
rapid / rpd/ adjective done very quick-

picked up the flag and raised it over his

head. Air fares will be raised on June ly or happening very quickly There
1st. 2. to mention a subject which could has been a rapid rise in property prices
be discussed No one raised the sub- this year. The rapid change in the
ject of politics. The manager tried to weather forced the yachts to turn for
prevent the question of pay being raised. home.
rapidly / rpdli/ adverb quickly

3. to obtain money The hospital is try-

ing to raise 2m to finance its building rare /re/ adjective not usual or common

programme. Where will he raise the Its very rare to meet a foreigner who
money from to start up his business? 4. speaks perfect Chinese. Experienced
to look after a child She was raised by sales staff are rare these days. The
her aunt in Canada. (NOTE: raises woodland is the habitat of a rare species
raising raised) of frog. (NOTE: rarer rarest)
rally / rli/ noun a large meeting of

rarely / reli/ adverb almost never I


members of a group or political party rarely buy a Sunday newspaper. He is

We are holding a rally to protest against rarely in his office on Friday afternoons.
the job cuts.
rash /r/ noun a mass of red spots on

ran /rn/ past tense of run


your skin, which stays for a time and

ranch /r
nt/ noun a farm where horses

then disappears She had a rash on her

or cows are kept, especially in North or arms. adjective done without think- Page 253 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

rat 253 reader

ing carefully or sensibly It was a bit some meat from my plate. Hes quite
rash of him to suggest that he would pay tall enough to reach the tool cupboard.
for everyone. Can you reach me down the suitcase
rat /rt/ noun a small furry animal like a
from the top shelf? 2. to arrive at a place
large mouse which has a long tail and We were held up by fog and only
can carry disease reached home at midnight. The plane
reaches Hong Kong at midday. We
rate /ret/ noun 1. a number shown as a

wrote to tell her we were coming to visit,

proportion of another 2. how frequently but the letter never reached her. 3. to get
something is done or how often some- to a certain level The amount we owe
thing happens a sharp increase in the the bank has reached 100,000.
countrys birth rate His heart was
react /ri kt/ verb to do or to say some-

beating at a rate of only 59 per minute.

3. a level of payment He immediately thing as a result of something that some-

accepted the rate offered. Before we one else does or says How will he re-
discuss the project further, I would like act when we tell him the news? When
to talk about the rates of payment. she heard the rumour she didnt react at
Their rate of pay is lower than ours. 4. all.
speed At the rate hes going, hell be reaction /ri kn/ noun 1. a thing done

there before us. If you type at a steady or said as a result of something else
rate of 70 words per minute youll finish His immediate reaction to the news was
copying the text today. to burst into laughter. There was a
rather / r
/ adverb to a slight degree very negative reaction to the proposed

Their house is rather on the small building development. 2. a process of

side. Her dress is a rather pretty chemical change A chemical reaction
shade of blue. takes place when the acid is added.
ratio / rei/ noun an amount of some- read /ri
d/ verb 1. to look at and under-
ratio read

thing measured in relation to another stand written words She was reading
amount the ratio of successes to fail- a book when I saw her. What are you
ures Our athletes beat theirs by a ra- reading at the moment? Were read-
tio of two to one (2:1). (NOTE: The plural ing about the general election. 2. to
is ratios.) look at and understand written music
rattle / rt()l/ verb to make a repeated
She can play the piano by ear, but cant
noise like two pieces of wood hitting read music. 3. to understand the mean-
each other The wind made the win- ing of data from something such as a
dows rattle. computer disk or a piece of electronic
equipment My PC cannot read these
raw /r
/ adjective not cooked Dont be

old disks. The scanner reads the code

silly you cant eat raw potatoes! We on each product. 4. to speak the words
had a salad of raw cabbage and toma- of something which is written The
toes. Sushi is a Japanese dish of raw chairman read a message from the pres-
fish. They served the meat almost raw. ident during the meeting. She reads a
ray /re/ noun a beam of light or heat A

story to the children every night. Can

ray of sunshine hit the window pane and you read the instructions on the medi-
lit up the gloomy room. cine bottle? The print is too small for
razor / rez/ noun an instrument with a me. (NOTE: reads reading read)

very sharp blade for removing hair from read aloud, read out phrasal verb to
the face or body speak the words you are reading
reach /ri
t/ noun how far you can reader / ri
d/ noun 1. a person who
reach reader

stretch out your hand Keep the medi- reads, especially a person who reads
cine bottle out of the reach of the chil- regularly or who reads a particular
dren. verb 1. to stretch out your hand newspaper or type of book a message
in order to touch or take something from the editor to all our readers
She reached across the table and took Shes a great reader of science fiction. Page 254 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

reading 254 reasonable

2. a school book to help children to The plural is realities.) in reality in

learn to read The teacher handed out fact She always told people she was
the new readers to the class. I remem- poor, but in reality she was worth mil-
ber one of my first readers it was lions.
about pirates. really / rli/ adverb 1. in fact

reading / ri
d/ noun 1. the act of look-

building really belongs to my father. 2.

ing at and understanding written words used to show surprise Shes not really
Reading and writing should be taught French, is she? She doesnt like ap-
early. 2. an occasion when someone ples. Really, how strange! Did you
speaks the words of something which is really mean what you said?
written They gave a poetry reading in
rear /r/ noun the part at the back The

the bookshop.
rear of the car was damaged in the acci-
ready / redi/ adjective 1. prepared for

dent. They sat towards the rear of the

something Hold on Ill be ready in cinema. adjective at the back The
two minutes. Are all the children children sat in the rear seats in the car.
ready to go to school? Why isnt the He wound down the rear window.
coach here? The group are all ready verb 1. to look after animals or children
and waiting to go. 2. available and suit- as they are growing up They rear
able to be used or eaten Dont sit horses on their farm. They stopped
down yet the meal isnt ready. Is my rearing pigs because of the smell. 2. to
dry cleaning ready yet? rise up, or to lift something up A rhino
real /rl/ adjective 1. not false or artifi- suddenly reared up out of the long

cial Is that watch real gold? That grass. The walls of the castle reared
plastic apple looks very real or looks up before them.
just like the real thing. He has a real reason / ri
z()n/ noun 1. a thing which

leather case. 2. used for emphasising explains why something has happened
something That car is a real bargain The airline gave no reason for the
at 300. Their little girl is going to be planes late arrival. The boss asked
a real beauty. Wasps can be a real him for the reason why he was behind
problem on picnics. Theres a real with his work. 2. the ability to make sen-
danger that the shop will be closed. 3. sible judgments She wouldnt listen to
which exists in the world, not only in reason. verb to think or to plan some-
someones imagination or in stories thing carefully and sensibly He rea-
She believes fairies are real. soned that any work is better than no
realise / rlaz/, realize verb 1. to un- work, so he took the job. If you take

derstand clearly something that you did the time to reason it out, youll find a so-
not understand before He didnt real- lution to the problem. it stands to
ise what he was letting himself in for reason it is reasonable It stands to
when he said he would paint the house. reason that he wants to join his fathers
We soon realised we were on the firm. to see reason to see that some-
wrong road. When she went into the ones argument is right or reasonable
managers office she did not realise she She was going to report her neighbours
was going to be sacked. 2. to make to the police, but in the end we got her to
something become real After four see reason. within reason to a sensi-
years of hard work, the motor racing ble degree, in a sensible way The chil-
team realised their dream of winning the dren get 5 pocket money each week,
Grand Prix. By buying a house by the and we let them spend it as they like,
sea he realised his greatest ambition. within reason.
reality /ri lti/ noun situations which reasonable / ri
z()nb()l/ adjective
reality reasonable

are real and not imaginary the grim 1. sensible The manager of the shop
realities of life in an industrial town was very reasonable when she tried to
He worked hard, and his dreams of explain that she had left her credit cards
wealth soon became a reality. (NOTE: at home. 2. not expensive The hotels Page 255 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

rebel 255 recognise

charges are quite reasonable. The res- catalogue. The changes are recent
taurant offers good food at reasonable they were made only last week.
prices. recently / ri
s()ntli/ adverb only a

rebel1 / reb()l/ noun a person who short time ago Ive seen him quite a

fights against a government or against lot recently. They recently decided to

those who are in authority The rebels move to Australia.
fled to the mountains after the army reception /r sepn/ noun 1. the way

captured their headquarters. He con- in which people react to something that

siders himself something of a rebel be- happens or to someone who arrives
cause he wears his hair in a ponytail. The committee gave the proposal a fa-
rebel2 /r bel/ verb to fight against some-

vourable reception. The critics gave
one or something The peasants are re- the play a warm reception. 2. the place
belling against the kings men. The in a hotel where guests go when they ar-
class rebelled at the idea of doing extra rive or leave, e.g. to get the key to their
homework. (NOTE: rebels rebelling room Lets meet at reception at 9.00
rebelled) am tomorrow. 3. a place in a large build-
ing where visitors go when they arrive
recall1 / ri
l/ noun the act of asking

and say who they have come to see

for products to be returned, or the act of Theres a parcel waiting for you in re-
ordering someone to return The recall ception. 4. a big party held to welcome
of the faulty goods caused the manufac- special guests He hosted a reception
turers some serious 3problems. for the prince. 5. the quality of the
recall2 /r k
l/ verb 1. to remember

sound on a radio or the sound and pic-

something I dont recall having met ture of a TV broadcast Perhaps youd
her before. She couldnt recall any de- get better reception if you moved the
tails of the accident. 2. (of a aerial.
manufacturer ) to ask for products to be receptionist /r sepnst/ noun a per-

returned because of possible faults son in a place such as a hotel or doctors

They recalled 10,000 washing machines office who meets visitors and answers
because of a faulty electrical connec- the telephone
tion. They have recalled all their 2001 recipe / respi/ noun instructions for

models as there is a fault in the steering. cooking food I copied the recipe for
3. to tell a government official to come leek soup from the newspaper. You
home from a foreign country The can buy postcards with recipes of local
United States recalled their representa- dishes.
tives after the military coup.
reckon / rekn/ verb 1. to calculate

receipt /r si
t/ noun a piece of paper

something or to estimate something
that shows you have paid for something We reckon the costs to be about 25,000.
or shows you have received something We reckon well be there before lunch.
We cant give you your money back if 2. to have an opinion about something
you dont have a receipt. or to make a judgment about something
receive /r si
v/ verb 1. to get something I reckon we should have stayed at

which has been sent We received a home.

parcel from the supplier this morning. recognisable / rek'nazb()l/ ad-

We only received our tickets the day be- jective who can be recognised
fore we were due to leave. The staff recognise / rek'naz/, recognize

have not received any wages for six verb 1. to know someone or something
months. 2. to meet or to welcome a vis- because you have seen him or her or it
itor The group was received by the before Hed changed so much since I
mayor. last saw him that I hardly recognised
recent / ri
s()nt/ adjective something

him. He didnt recognise his fathers

which is recent took place not very long voice over the phone. Do you recog-
ago We will mail you our most recent nise the handwriting on the letter? 2. to Page 256 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

recognition 256 reduce

admit something that has gone wrong or the concert. 2. a musical instrument that
is bad I recognise that we should have you play by blowing Like most chil-
acted earlier. 3. to approve of some- dren, I learnt to play the recorder at
thing or someone officially The lan- school.
guage school has been recognised by recording /r k
d/ noun 1. the action

the Ministry of Education. She is rec- of putting sounds or images onto some-
ognised as an expert in the field of ge- thing such as a film, tape or disc the
netics. 4. to express praise for some- recording of a video The recording
thing which has been done They rec- session starts at 3pm. 2. music or
ognised her years of service. speech which has been recorded Did
recognition /rek' n()n/ noun

you know there was a new recording of

praise expressed for something that the concerto?
someone has done In recognition of recover /r kv/ verb 1. to feel healthy

his services he was given a watch. again after being ill Has she recovered
recommend /rek mend/ verb 1. to

from her operation? 2. to get back

tell someone that it would be good to do something which has been lost or stolen
something I would recommend that You must work much harder if you
you talk to the bank manager. This want to recover the money you invested
restaurant was recommended by a in your business. Shes trying to re-
friend. 2. to praise something or some- cover damages from the driver of the
one She was highly recommended by car.
her boss. I certainly would not recom- recovery /r kv()ri/ noun 1. the proc-

mend Miss Smith for the job. Can you ess of becoming healthy again after be-
recommend a good hotel in Amsterdam? ing ill She made a quick recovery and
record1 / rek
d/ noun 1. a success in

is now back at work. 2. the act of getting

sport which is better than any other per- back something which has been lost or
formance She holds the world record stolen The TV programme led to the
for the 100 metres. He broke the world recovery of all the stolen goods. We
record or he set up a new world record are aiming for the complete recovery of
at the last Olympics. The college team the money invested.
is trying to set a new record for eating recreation /rekri e()n/ noun enjoy-

tins of beans. 2. written evidence of able activities that people do for fun
something which has happened We The park is used for sport and recrea-
have no record of the sale. 3. a flat tion.
round piece of usually black plastic on
rectangle / rekt'l/ noun a shape

which sound is stored She bought me

an old Elvis Presley record for Christ- with four sides and right angles at the
mas. Burglars broke into his flat and corners, with two long sides and two
stole his record collection. off the short sides
recycle /ri
sak()l/ verb to process

record in private and not to be made

public She spoke off the record about waste material so that it can be used
her marriage. again
record2 /r k
d/ verb 1. to report some- red /red/ adjective coloured like the col-
record red

thing or to make a note of something our of blood She turned bright red
First, I have to record the sales, then Ill when we asked her what had happened
post the parcels. 2. to put sounds or im- to the money. Dont start yet the
ages onto something such as a film, tape traffic lights are still red. noun a col-
or disc The police recorded the whole our like the colour of blood I would
conversation on a hidden tape-recorder. like a darker red for the door. Dont
This song has been badly recorded. start yet the traffic lights are still on
recorder /r k
d/ noun 1. an instru-

reduce /r dju
s/ verb to make some-

ment which records sound My tape re-

corder doesnt work, so I cant record thing smaller or less The police are Page 257 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

reduction 257 regard

fighting to reduce traffic accidents. reform /r f
m/ noun the act of chang-

Prices have been reduced by 15 per ing something in order to make it better
cent. Id like to reduce the size of the The government is planning a series
photograph so that we can use it as a of reforms to the benefit system. verb
Christmas card. 1. to change something in order to make
reduction /r dkn/ noun the act of

it better They want to reform the edu-
making something smaller in size or cational system. 2. to stop committing
number Price reductions start on 1st crimes, or to stop having bad habits and
August. The company was forced to to become good After her time in pris-
make job reductions. on she became a reformed character.
He used to drink a lot, but since he got
reef /ri
f/ noun a long line of rocks just

married he has reformed.

above or below the surface of the sea refreshing /r fre/ adjective some-

The yacht hit a reef and sank. thing which is refreshing makes you
refer /r f
/ verb 1. to be about some-

feel fresh or full of energy again I had

thing or someone Do you think he was a refreshing drink of cold water. A re-
referring to me when he said some staff freshing shower of rain cooled the air.
would have to leave? 2. to look into refrigerator /r frd"ret/ noun an

something for information He re- electrical machine used in the kitchen

ferred to his diary to see if he had a free for keeping food and drink cold
afternoon. 3. to pass a problem to some- Theres some orange juice in the refrig-
one to decide We have referred your erator. (NOTE: often called a fridge)
complaint to our head office. He was refugee /refj d"i
/ noun a person who

referred to an ear specialist by his GP. has left his or her country because of
(NOTE: refers referring referred) war or because the government did not
referee /ref ri
/ noun (in sports) a per-

like allow his or her religious or politi-

son who makes sure that a game is cal beliefs
played according to the rules When refusal /r fju
z()l/ noun an act of say-

fighting broke out between the players, ing that you do not accept something
the referee stopped the match. The ref- His refusal to help was unexpected.
eree sent several players off. Did you accept? no! I sent a letter of
reference / ref()rns/ noun an act of
refuse1 /r fju
z/ verb 1. to say that you

mentioning something or someone

She made a reference to her brother-in- will not do something His father re-
law. The report made no reference to fused to lend him any more money. He
the bank. with reference to concern- asked for permission to see his family,
ing something With reference to your but it was refused. 2. the car refused
letter of May 25th. to start the car would not start Once
again this morning the car refused to
refill1 /ri
fl/ verb to fill a container that

has become empty The waiter refilled
refuse2 / refju
s/ noun rubbish and

our glasses. We stopped twice to refill

the car on the way to Scotland. things which are not wanted Please
put all refuse in the bin. Refuse collec-
refill2 / ri
fl/ noun another amount of a

tion on our road is on Thursdays. (NOTE:

drink that you have finished Your no plural)
glass is empty can I get you a refill? regard /r '
d/ noun 1. care or concern

reflect /r flekt/ verb to send back light,


for something She had no regard for

heat or an image of something a pic- the safety of her children. 2. an opinion
ture of snow-capped mountains reflect- of someone He is held in high regard
ed in a clear blue lake The light re- by his staff. 3. regards best wishes
flected on the top of the car. White She sends her (kind) regards. Please
surfaces reflect light better than dark give my regards to your mother. verb
ones. to have an opinion about someone She Page 258 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

region 258 relation

is highly regarded by the manager. as rehearsal /r h
s()l/ noun a practice

regards relating to As regards the of a play or concert before the first pub-
cost of the trip, Ill let you know soon lic performance
what the final figure is. with regard
reign /ren/ noun a period when a king,

to relating to With regard to your re-

quest for extra funds. queen or emperor rules during the
reign of Elizabeth I verb to rule
region / ri
d"n/ noun a large area of a

Queen Victoria reigned between 1837

country The South-West region is well and 1901. She reigned during a peri-
known for its apples. od of great prosperity. (NOTE: Do not
regional / ri
d"()nl/ adjective relating

confuse with rain.)

to a region The recession has not af- reject1 /r d"ekt/ verb 1. to refuse to ac-

fected the whole country it is only re- cept something She rejected my sug-
gional. After the national news, here gestion that we changed our plans.
is the regional news for the South West. The proposals for the new project were
register / red"st/ noun 1. a list of

rejected. 2. to refuse to accept some-

names I cant find your name in the thing because it is not satisfactory
register. His name was struck off the Poles shorter than the standard size are
register. 2. a book in which you sign rejected.
your name Please sign the hotel reg-
reject2 / ri
d"ekt/ noun something

ister when you check in. verb to write

a name officially in a list If you dont which is not accepted because it is not
register, we wont be able to get in touch
relate /r let/ verb 1. to be concerned

with you. Babies have to be registered

with the registrar as soon as they are with something The regulations relate
born. to the movement of boats in the harbour.
regret /r 'ret/ noun the feeling of being

2. to tell a story It took him half an
sorry that something has happened I hour to relate what had happened.
related to /r letd t/ adjective 1. be-
related to

have absolutely no regrets about what

we did. verb to be sorry that some- longing to the same family as Are you
thing has happened I regret to say that related to the Smith family in London
you were not successful. I regret the Road? 2. connected in some way with
trouble this has caused you. We regret The disease is related to the weakness of
the delay in the arrival of our flight from the heart muscle. There are several
Amsterdam. (NOTE: regrets regret- related items on the agenda.
ting regretted)
relating to /r let tu
/ adverb relat-
relating to

regular / re'jl/ adjective 1. done at


ing to or connected with documents

the same time each day His regular relating to the sale of the house
train is the 12.45. The regular flight to
relation /r le()n/ noun 1. a member

Athens leaves at 06.00. 2. usual or

standard The regular price is 1.25, of a family All my relations live in

but we are offering them at 99p. Canada. Lauras no relation of mine,
shes just a friend. 2. a link between two
regularly / re'jlli/ adverb on most

things Is there any relation between

occasions She is regularly the first his appointment as MD and the fact that
person to arrive at the office each morn- his uncle owns the business? in rela-
ing. tion to relating to or connected with
regulation /re'j le()n/ noun an of-

Documents in relation to the sale. plu-

ficial rule about how to do something ral noun relations the way that people
safety regulations plural noun regu- or organizations behave towards each
lations laws or rules controlling some- other We try to maintain good rela-
thing The restaurant broke the fire tions with our customers. Relations
regulations. Safety regulations were between the two countries have become
not being properly followed. tense. Page 259 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

relationship 259 remarkably

relationship /r le()np/ noun 1. a An aspirin should bring relief. He

close friendship, especially one in breathed a sigh of relief when the police
which two people are involved in a ro- car went past without stopping. What
mantic or sexual way with each other a relief to have finished my exams! 2.
She decided to end the relationship help for people in a difficult or danger-
when she found he had been seeing oth- ous situation The Red Cross is organ-
er women. 2. the way that people or or- ising relief for the flood victims.
ganizations behave towards each other relieved /r li
vd/ adjective glad to be

We try to have a good working rela- rid of a problem

tionship with our staff. 3. a link or con- religion /r ld"n/ noun a belief in gods

nection There is a proven relationship or in one God Does their religion help
between smoking and lung cancer. them to lead a good life? It is against
relative / reltv/ noun a person who is

my religion to eat meat on Fridays.

related to someone We have several religious /r ld"s/ adjective relating

relatives living in Canada. He has no to religion There is a period of reli-

living relatives. gious study every morning.
relatively / reltvli/ adverb to some ex-

reluctant /r lktnt/ adjective not will-


tent The children have been relatively ing to do something He seemed reluc-
free from colds this winter. We are tant to help.
dealing with a relatively new company. reluctantly /r lktntli/ adverb not

relax /r lks/ verb to rest from work or


to be less tense They spent the first rely

rely verb
week of their holiday relaxing on the
beach. Guests can relax in the bar be- rely on phrasal verb to believe or know
fore going to eat in the restaurant. that something will happen or that
Just lie back and relax the injection someone will do something We can
wont hurt. rely on him to finish the work on time.
Can these machines be relied on?
relaxed /r lkst/ adjective not upset or

remain /r men/ verb 1. to continue to


nervous Even if he failed his test, hes

be in a particular place or state, with no
still very relaxed about the whole thing.
changes We expect it will remain fine
relaxing /r lks/ adjective which

for the rest of the week. She remained
makes you less tense behind at the office to finish her work. 2.
release /r li
s/ verb 1. to stop holding to be left Half the food remained un-

something, or to stop keeping someone eaten and had to be thrown away. Af-
prisoner Pull that lever to release the ter the accident not much remained of
brakes. The hostages were released the car.
last night. 2. to make something public remainder /r mend/ noun what is

The government has released figures left after everything else has gone
about the number of people out of work. What shall we do for the remainder of
relevant / relv()nt/ adjective if some- the holidays?

thing is relevant, it has something to do remark /r m

k/ noun something that

with the thing being mentioned Which someone says I heard his remark even
is the relevant government department? if he spoke in a low voice. verb to no-
Can you give me the relevant papers? tice and comment on She remarked on
Is this information at all relevant? how dirty the caf was.
reliable /r lab()l/ adjective which remarkable /r m
kb()l/ adjective
reliable remarkable

can be relied on or which can be trusted very unusual Shes a remarkable

It is a very reliable car. The sales woman. Its remarkable that the bank
manager is completely reliable. has not asked us to pay back the money.
relief /r li
f/ noun 1. the pleasant feeling remarkably /r m
kbli/ adverb to an
relief remarkably

you get when pain has stopped or when unusually great degree, or in an unusual
you are no longer nervous or worried way She remained remarkably calm. Page 260 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

remedy 260 replacement

remedy / remdi/ noun a thing which

ing to a new home, new office, etc. a

may cure an illness or may solve a prob- removal van
lem Its an old remedy for hayfever. remove /r mu
v/ verb to take some-

remember /r memb/ verb to bring thing away You can remove his name

back into your mind something which from the mailing list. The waitress re-
you have seen or heard before Do you moved the dirty plates and brought us
remember when we got lost in the fog? some tea.
My grandmother can remember see- renowned /r nand/ adjective known

ing the first television programmes. and admired by many people the re-
She cant remember where she put her nowned Italian conductor Rome is re-
umbrella. I dont remember having nowned as the centre of Catholicism.
been in this hotel before. I remember
rent /rent/ noun money paid to live in a

my grandmother very well. Did you

remember to switch off the kitchen flat or house or to use an office or car
light? (NOTE: You remember doing Rents are high in the centre of the town.
something which you did in the past; The landlord asked me to pay three
you remember to do something in months rent in advance. verb to pay
the future.) money to use a house, flat, office or car
He rents an office in the centre of
remind /r mand/ verb to make some-

town. He rented a villa by the beach
one remember something Now that for three weeks.
youve reminded me, I do remember see-
repair /r pe/ verb to make something

ing him last week. Remind me to book

the tickets for New York. She remind- work which is broken or damaged I
ed him that the meeting had to finish at dropped my watch on the pavement, and
6.30. I dont think it can be repaired. Shes
trying to repair the washing machine.
remote /r mt/ adjective 1. far away

The photocopier is being repaired.
from towns and places where there are noun the act of making something
lots of people The hotel is situated in which is broken or damaged work again
a remote mountain village. 2. not very His car is in the garage for repair.
likely Theres a remote chance of The hotel is closed while they are carry-
finding a cure for his illness. The pos- ing out repairs to the kitchens.
sibility of him arriving on time is re-
repeat /r pi
t/ verb to say something

mote. (NOTE: remoter remotest)

again Could you repeat what you just

remote control /rmt kn trl/
remote control

said? He repeated the address so that

noun a small piece of electronic equip-
the policeman could write it down.
ment which you use for controlling She kept on repeating that she wanted to
something such as a TV or CD player
go home.
from a distance
repeatedly /r pi
tdli/ adverb very

remotely /r mtli/ adverb 1. very


many times, often so many that it is an-

slightly, or not even very slightly Im
not remotely interested in meeting him.
replace /r ples/ verb to put something

2. at a great distance from a town a re-

motely situated farm 3. without direct back where it was before Please re-
physical contact They were able to set place the books correctly on the shelves.
the controls remotely. replacement /r plesmnt/ noun 1. a

removal /r mu
v()l/ noun 1. taking

thing which is used to replace some-

something or someone away the re- thing An electric motor was bought as
moval of the ban on importing comput- a replacement for the old one. 2. the act
ers Refuse collectors are responsible of replacing something with something
for the removal of household waste. else The mechanics recommended the
The opposition called for the removal of replacement of the hand pump with an
the Foreign Secretary. 2. the act of mov- electric model. Page 261 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

replicate 261 research

replicate / replket/ verb to do or make reptile / reptal/ noun a cold-blooded
replicate reptile

something in exactly the same way as animal which has skin covered with
before scales and which lays eggs
republic /r pblk/ noun a system of

reply /r pla/ noun 1. an answer, espe-


cially to a letter or telephone call We government in which elected represent-

wrote last week, but havent had a reply atives have power and the leader is an
yet. We had six replies to our adver- elected or nominated president
tisement. (NOTE: The plural is replies.) France is a republic while Spain is a
2. in reply as an answer In reply to monarchy.
my letter, I received a fax two days later. reputation /repj te()n/ noun an

She just shook her head in reply and opinion that people have of someone
turned away. verb to give or send an He has a reputation for being difficult to
answer to something such as a message deal with. His bad reputation wont
or letter He never replies to my letters. help him find a suitable job.
We wrote last week, but he hasnt re-
request /r kwest/ noun asking for

plied yet. He refused to reply to ques-

something Your request will be dealt
tions until his lawyer arrived. (NOTE: re-
with as soon as possible. verb to ask
plies replying replied)
for something politely or formally I
report /r p
t/ noun a description of

am enclosing the leaflets you requested.

what has happened or what will happen Guests are requested to leave their
We read the reports of the accident in keys at reception. on request if
the newspaper. Can you confirm the asked for catalogue available on re-
report that the council is planning to quest
sell the old town hall? verb to go require /r kwa/ verb to need some-

somewhere officially, or to say that you thing The disease requires careful
have arrived somewhere to report for nursing. Writing the program requires
work Candidates should report to the a computer specialist.
office at 9.00.
required /r kwad/ adjective which

reporter /r p
t/ noun a journalist

must be done or provided We can cut
who writes reports of events for a news- the wood to the required length. We
paper or for a TV news programme cant reply because we dont have the
represent /repr zent/ verb 1. to speak

required information.
or act on behalf of someone or of a requirement /r kwamnt/ noun

group of people He asked his solicitor what is necessary It is a requirement

to represent him at the meeting. 2. to of the job that you should be able to
mean something, or to be a symbol of drive.
something g The dark green on the
rescue / reskju
/ verb to save someone

map represents woods.

from a dangerous or difficult situation
representative /repr zenttv/ ad-

When the river flooded, the party of

jective typical of all the people or things tourists had to be rescued by helicopter.
in a group The sample isnt represent- The company nearly collapsed, but
ative of the whole batch. noun a per- was rescued by the bank. noun the ac-
son who represents, who speaks on be- tion of saving someone or something in
half of someone else He asked his so- a difficult or dangerous situation No
licitor to act as his representative. one could swim well enough to go to her
Representatives of the workforce have rescue.
asked to meet the management. research /r s
t/ noun scientific study

reproduce /ri
pr dju
s/ verb to make

which tries to find out facts The com-

a copy of something His letters have pany is carrying out research to find a
been reproduced in the biography. It cure for colds. The research laborato-
is very difficult to reproduce the sound ry has come up with encouraging re-
of an owl accurately. sults. Our researches proved that the Page 262 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

resent 262 responsibility

letter was a forgery. verb to study patients had no resistance to disease.
something in order to find out facts Skiers crouch down low to minimise
Research your subject thoroughly be- wind resistance. There was a lot of re-
fore you start writing about it. sistance to the new plan from the local
resent /r zent/ verb to feel annoyed be-

resolve /r zlv/ (formal ) verb to strong-

cause of something that you think is un-

fair She resents having to do other ly decide to do something We all re-

peoples work. solved to avoid these mistakes next time.
resentment /r zentmnt/ noun the

noun a strong decision to do some-
feeling of being angry and upset about thing The head teacher encouraged
something that someone else has done him in his resolve to go to university.
resource /r z
s/ noun a source of sup-

The decision caused a lot of resentment

among local people. ply for what is needed or used finan-

reservation /rez ve()n/ noun the

cial resources The country is rich in
act of booking something, e.g. a seat or oil, minerals and other natural resourc-
table I want to make a reservation on es.
respect /r spekt/ noun admiration for

the train to Plymouth tomorrow

evening. someone No one deserves more re-

spect than her mother for the way she
reserve /r z
v/ verb to book a seat or a

coped with the bad news. He showed

table I want to reserve a table for four
people. Can you reserve two seats for very little respect for his teacher. verb
me for the evening performance? to admire someone, especially because
of his or her achievements or status
Were very busy this evening. Have you
reserved? noun an amount kept back Everyone respected her for what she
in case it is needed in the future Our did.
respectable /r spektb()l/ adjective

reserves of coal were used up during the

winter. in reserve waiting to be used considered by people to be good, and

Were keeping the can of petrol in re- deserving to be respected Shes mar-
serve. rying a very respectable young engi-
neer. I dont want to bring up my chil-
reservoir / rezvw
/ noun a large,

dren here, it is not a respectable area.

usually artificial, lake where drinking
respond /r spnd/ verb 1. to give a re-

water is kept for supplying a city

ply She shouted at him, but he didnt

resident / rezd()nt/ noun a person

respond. 2. to show that you like or ap-

who lives in a place, e.g. a country or a prove of something I hope the public
hotel You need an entry permit if will respond to our new advertisement.
youre not a resident of the country. The government has responded to
Only residents are allowed to park their pressure from industry.
cars here. adjective who lives perma-
response /r spns/ noun something

nently in a place There is a resident

caretaker. that you do or say as a reaction to some-

thing There was no response to our
resign /r zan/ verb to give up a job

call for help. The changes provoked
He resigned with effect from July 1st. an angry response from customers. in
She has resigned (her position) as fi- response to something as an answer or
nance director. reaction to something In response to
resist /r zst/ verb to oppose or fight

the United Nations request for aid, the

against something He resisted all at- government has sent blankets and tents.
tempts to make him sell the house. responsibility /rspns blti/ noun

Bands of guerrillas resisted doggedly in 1. the position of someone who must

the mountains. They resisted the ene- look after or deal with something The
my attacks for two weeks. management accepts no responsibility
resistance /r zstns/ noun opposition

for customers property. There is no

to or fighting against something The responsibility on his part for the poor Page 263 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

responsible 263 return

results. Who should take responsibili- restore /r st
/ verb to repair something

ty for the students welfare? 2. some- and make it seem new again The old
thing that someone is responsible for house has been restored and is now
responsible /r spnsb()l/ adjective open to the public.

restrain /r stren/ verb to prevent or try


1. looking after something and so likely

to be blamed if something goes wrong to stop someone doing something It

He is not responsible for the restaurant took six policemen to restrain him. to
next door to his hotel. Customers are restrain yourself to keep your temper
responsible for all breakages. He is under control Next time, I wont re-
responsible for a class of 25 children. strain myself: Ill tell him exactly what I
responsible to someone under the au- think of him.
thority of someone Shes directly re- restrict /r strkt/ verb to limit someone

sponsible to the sales manager. 2. (of a or something You are restricted to two
person) reliable and able to be trusted to bottles per person.
be sensible
result /r zlt/ noun 1. something which

rest /rest/ noun 1. a period of being quiet


happens because of something else

and peaceful, being asleep or doing What was the result of the police inves-
nothing All you need is a good nights tigation? as a result (of something)
rest and youll be fine again tomorrow. because of something There was a
We took a few minutes rest and start- traffic jam and as a result, she missed
ed running again. Im having a well- her plane. 2. the final score in a game,
earned rest after working hard all week. the final marks in an exam, etc. She
2. what is left Here are the twins, but isnt pleased with her exam results. I
where are the rest of the children? I had great fun making the rug but Im
drank most of the milk and the cat drank only partly happy with the result. He
the rest. Throw the rest of the food listened to the football results on the ra-
away it will go bad. (NOTE: Rest dio.
takes a singular verb when it refers to
retire /r ta/ verb 1. to stop work and

a singular: Heres the rest of the milk;

take a pension He will retire from his
Wheres the rest of the string? The rest
job as manager next April. Shes retir-
of the money has been lost. It takes a
ing this year. 2. to make an employee
plural verb when it refers to a plural:
stop work and take a pension They de-
Here are the rest of the children;
cided to retire all staff over 50.
Where are the rest of the chairs? The
retreat /r tri
t/ verb to pull back from a

rest of the books have been lost.)

verb 1. to spend time relaxing or not us- battle Napoleon retreated from Mos-
ing energy Dont disturb your father cow in 1812. noun the act of pulling
hes resting. They ran for ten miles, back an army from a battle The ar-
rested for a few minutes, and then ran mys retreat was swift and unexpected.
return /r t
n/ noun 1. the act of going

on again. 2. to lean something against

something She rested her bike against or coming back to a place It snowed
the wall. on the day of her return from Canada.
restaurant / rest()rnt/ noun a place
Ill come and see you on my return. 2.
where you can buy and eat a meal I the key on a keyboard which you press
dont want to stay at home tonight lets when you have finished keying some-
go out to the Italian restaurant in the thing, or when you want to start a new
High Street. Shes was waiting for me line To change directory, type C: and
at the restaurant. press return. verb 1. to come back or
go back When she returned from
restful / restf()l/ adjective which

lunch she found two messages waiting

makes you feel calm and relaxed for her. When do you plan to return to
restless / restls/ adjective too nerv-

Paris? 2. to give or send something back

ous, worried or full of energy to keep The letter was returned to the sender.
still many happy returns of the day Page 264 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

reveal 264 rhythm

greetings said to someone on his or her Whoever reviewed her latest book, obvi-
birthday ously didnt like it. 2. to examine some-
reveal /r vi
l/ verb to show or mention

thing in a general way The bank will
something which was hidden He re- review our overdraft position at the end
vealed his ignorance about cars. An of the month. Lets review the situa-
unexpected fault was revealed during tion in the light of the new develop-
the test. The X-ray revealed a brain ments. 3. US to study a lesson again
tumour. You must review your geography before
the exam.
revenge /r vend"/ noun the act of pun-

revise /r vaz/ verb 1. to study a lesson


ishing someone in return for harm he or

she has caused you They attacked the again There isnt enough time to re-
police station in revenge for the arrest of vise before the exam. Im revising for
three members of the gang. All the my history test. 2. to change something
time he spent in prison, his only thought or make something correct He is re-
was of revenge. He had his revenge in vising the speech he is due to give this
the end, when her car broke down and evening. These figures will have to be
she had to phone for help. revised, there seems to be a mistake.
revision /r v"()n/ noun the action of

reverse /r v
s/ adjective opposite to

the front The reverse side of the carpet revising something

is made of foam rubber. The condi- revolting /r vlt/ adjective ex-

tions are printed on the reverse side of tremely unpleasant, often so unpleasant
the invoice. in reverse order back- as to make you feel ill a revolting
wards They called out the names of smell
the prize-winners in reverse order.
revolution /rev lu
()n/ noun 1. a vi-

noun 1. the opposite side Didnt you

read what was on the reverse of the la- olent attempt to get rid of a government
bel? 2. a car gear which makes you go or ruler He led an unsuccessful revo-
backwards Put the car into reverse lution against the last president. 2. a
and back very slowly into the garage. change in the way things are done a
The cars stuck in reverse! verb 1. to revolution in data processing
make something do the opposite The reward /r w
d/ noun money given to

page order was reversed by mistake. someone for work done or as a prize for
Dont try to reverse the trend, go along finding something, or for information
with it. 2. to make a car go backwards about something When she took the
Reverse as far as you can, then go for- purse she had found to the police station
ward. Be careful not to reverse into she got a 25 reward. He is not inter-
that lamppost. ested in money the Olympic gold med-
review /r vju
/ noun 1. written com-

al will be reward enough. verb to give

ments on something, e.g. a book, play or someone money as a prize for finding
film, published in a newspaper or maga- something, or for doing something He
zine Did you read the review of her was rewarded for finding the box of pa-
latest film in todays paper? His book pers. All her efforts were rewarded
got some very good reviews. 2. a month- when she won first prize.
ly or weekly magazine which contains
rhyme /ram/ noun the way in which

articles of general interest His first

some words end in the same sound
short story appeared in a Scottish liter-
Can you think of a rhyme for taught?
ary review. 3. an examination of several
verb to rhyme with something to
things together The companys annu-
end with the same sound as another
al review of each departments perform-
ance. verb 1. to read a book, see a word Mr rhymes with sister
rhythm / r()m/ noun a strong regular

film, etc., and write comments about it

in a newspaper or magazine Her exhi- beat in music or poetry They stamped
bition was reviewed in todays paper. their feet to the rhythm of the music. Page 265 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

rib 265 ring

rib /rb/ noun one of 24 curved bones answer every time. He says the an-

which protect your chest He fell down swer is 285 quite right! Is the station
while skiing and broke two ribs. clock right? Is this the right train for
ribbon / rbn/ noun a long thin piece of
Manchester? all right 2. on the same
material for tying things or used as dec- side as the hand which most people use
oration to write with In England cars dont
drive on the right side of the road. The
rice /ras/ noun the seeds of a tropical

keys are in the top right drawer of my

plant which are cooked and eaten She desk. He was holding the suitcase in
only had a bowl of rice for her evening his right hand. noun the side opposite
meal. (NOTE: no plural: some rice, a to the left When driving in France re-
bowl of rice, a spoonful of rice) member to keep to the right. When
rich /rt/ adjective 1. who has a lot of

you get to the next crossroads, turn to

money If only we were rich, then we the right. Who was that girl sitting on
could buy a bigger house. He never the right of your father? Go straight
spends anything, and so he gets richer ahead, and take the second road on the
and richer. 2. made with a lot of cream, right. adverb 1. directly, or in a
butter, or eggs This cream cake is too straight line Instead of stopping at the
rich for me. crossroads, he drove right on across the
rid /rd/ adjective to get rid of some- main road and To get to the police sta-

thing to throw something away Do tion, keep right on to the end of the road,
you want to get rid of that old bookcase? and then turn left. Go right along to
We have been told to get rid of twenty the end of the corridor, youll see my of-
staff. She doesnt seem able to get rid fice in front of you. 2. exactly The pub
of her cold. is right at the end of the road. The
phone rang right in the middle of the TV
ride /rad/ noun a pleasant trip, e.g. on a

programme. She stood right in front of

horse or a bike or in a car Does any-
the TV and no one could see the screen.
one want to come for a bike ride? Can
3. towards the right-hand side To get
I have a ride on your motorbike? He
to the station, turn right at the traffic
took us all for a ride in his new car.
lights. Children should be taught to
The station is only a short bus ride from
look right and left before crossing the
the college. verb to go on a horse, on
road. interjection agreed, OK
a bike, etc. He rode his bike across the
Right, so we all meet again at 7 oclock?
road without looking. Shes never rid-
right-hand /rat hnd/ adjective on

den (on) an elephant. My little sister

is learning to ride, but shes frightened the right side
right-handed /rat hndd/ adjective

of big horses. (NOTE: rides riding

rode /rd/ ridden / rd()n/) using the right hand more often than the
rider / rad/ noun a person who rides
left for things like writing and eating
right-wing /rat w/ adjective be-

The rider of the black horse fell at the

first fence. Motorcycle riders must longing or relating to the conservative
wear helmets. political parties
ridiculous /r dkjls/ adjective ex- rigid / rd"d/ adjective stiff and not
ridiculous rigid

tremely silly or unreasonable bending much

rifle / raf()l/ noun a gun with a long rim /rm/ noun 1. the edge of something
rifle rim

barrel which you hold with two hands, round, like a wheel or a cup The rim
against your shoulder The gunman of the glass is chipped. 2. a frame of a
was on a roof with a rifle. He was pair of spectacles He wears glasses
shooting at a target with an air rifle. with steel rims.
right /rat/ adjective 1. correct She ring /r/ noun 1. a round object, espe-
right ring

didnt put the bottles back in the cially a piece of jewellery She has a
Youre right the number 8 bus doesnt gold ring in her nose. He wears a ring
go to Marble Arch. She gave the right on his little finger. 2. a circle of people Page 266 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

rinse 266 road

or things The teacher asked the chil- get to the top of the hill. Salaries are
dren to sit in a ring round her. 3. the increasing to keep up with the rise in the
noise of an electric bell There was a cost of living. The recent rise in inter-
ring at the door. 4. a space where a cir- est rates has made mortgages more ex-
cus show takes place or where a boxing pensive. verb to go up The sun al-
match is held The horses galloped ways rises in the east. The road rises
round the ring the ring. The ringmas- steeply for a few miles. Prices have
ter came into the ring with his top hat been rising steadily all year. If you
and whip. verb 1. to make a sound open the oven door, the cake wont rise
with a bell The postman rang the properly. (NOTE: rises rising rose
doorbell. Is that your phone ringing? /rz/ risen / rz()n/)
2. to telephone someone He rang me
risk /rsk/ noun a possible bad result

to say he would be late. Dont ring to-
morrow afternoon the office will be There is not much risk of rain in August.
The risk of going blind is very remote.
closed. Dont ring me, Ill ring you.
There is a financial risk attached to
(NOTE: rings ringing rang /r/
rung /r/) to ring a bell to remind this deal. At the risk of looking fool-
someone of something The name ish, Im going to ask her to come out
rings a bell. Does the name Arbuthnot with me. verb to do something which
ring any bells? may possibly harm you The fireman
risked his life to save her. He risked
ring up phrasal verb to speak to some- all his savings on buying the bookshop.
one using a telephone
risky / rski/ adjective which is danger-

rinse /rns/ verb to put things covered


ous (NOTE: riskier riskiest)

with soap or dirty things into clean wa-
rival / rav()l/ adjective who competes

ter to remove the soap or the dirt Rinse

the dishes before putting them on the Two rival companies are trying to win
draining board to dry. noun the act of the contract. Is this the rival product
washing something in clean water to get you were talking about? Simon and I
rid of soap Give your shirt a good are friends but we play for rival teams.
rinse. noun a person or a company that com-
riot / rat/ noun noisy and usually vio-
petes Do you know if he has any ri-
lent behaviour by a crowd of people vals? We keep our prices low to un-
The protesters started a riot. dercut our biggest rival. We keep our
prices low to compete with our rivals.
rip /rp/ noun a tear in cloth He lost the

river / rv/ noun a large mass of fresh


race because of a rip in his sail. verb

1. to tear something roughly I ripped water which runs across the land and
my sleeve on a nail. She ripped open goes into the sea or into a large lake
the parcel to see what he had given her. London is on the River Thames. The
The old bathroom is being ripped out river is very deep here, so its dangerous
and new units put in. 2. to go through to swim in it. (NOTE: With names of riv-
something violently The fire ripped ers, you usually say the River: the Riv-
through the building. (NOTE: rips rip- er Thames; the River Amazon; the Riv-
ping ripped) er Nile.)
road /rd/ noun a hard surface which

ripe /rap/ adjective ready to eat or to be


picked Dont eat that apple it isnt vehicles travel on The road to York
ripe yet. goes directly north from London.
Drivers must be careful because roads
ripple / rp()l/ noun a little wave Even

are icy. Children are taught to look

a little stone thrown into the water will both ways before crossing the road.
make ripples. In the desert, the wind Our office address is: 26 London Road.
creates ripples on the sand. (NOTE: often used in names: London
rise /raz/ noun a movement or slope up-

Road, York Road, etc., and usually

wards There is a gentle rise until you written Rd: London Rd, etc.) Page 267 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

roar 267 room

roar /r
/ verb to make a deep loud noise let paper or a toilet roll 2. a very small

He roared with laughter at the film. loaf of bread for one person, sometimes
The lion roared and then attacked. cut in half and used to make a sandwich
roast /rst/ verb to cook food over a fire
a bowl of soup and a bread roll verb
or in an oven You can either roast pi- 1. to make something go forward by
geons or cook them in a casserole. ad- turning it over and over He rolled the
jective which has been roasted What a ball to the other player. 2. to go forward
lovely smell of roast meat! We had by turning over and over The ball
roast chicken for dinner. rolled down the hill. My pound coin
rob /rb/ verb to attack and steal from
has rolled under the piano. 3. to make
someone (NOTE: robs robbing something move on wheels or rollers
robbed) The table is fitted with wheels, just roll
it into the room. The patient was
robber / rb/ noun a person who at-

rolled into the operating theatre ten

tacks and steals from someone minutes ago. 4. to turn something flat
robot / rbt/ noun a machine which is

over and over He rolled the poster

designed to work like a person automat- into a tube.
roller / rl/ noun 1. a heavy round ob-

rock /rk/ noun 1. a large stone or a large


ject which rolls, e.g. one used for mak-

piece of stone The ship was breaking ing lawns or cricket pitches flat The
up on the rocks. 2. a hard pink sweet ground is so bumpy, youll need a roller
shaped like a stick, often with the name to flatten it. They used the roller just
of a town printed in it, bought mainly by before the match started. 2. a plastic
tourists a stick of Brighton rock 3.
tube used for rolling hair into curls
rock music loud popular music with a
romantic /r mntk/ adjective 1. full

strong rhythm Rock is the only music

he listens to. verb to move from side of mystery and love romantic music
to side, or to make something move The atmosphere in the restaurant was
from side to side The little boat rocked very romantic. 2. used to describe some-
in the wake of the ferry. The explosion thing, often a literary or artistic style,
rocked the town. which is based on personal emotions or
rocket / rkt/ noun 1. a type of space
imagination His style is too romantic
vehicle that looks like a tall tower 2. a for my liking. She has a romantic view
type of firework which flies up into the of life.
sky We stood in the square and roof /ru
f/ noun 1. a part of a building

watched the rockets lighting up the sky. which covers it and protects it The cat
3. a type of bomb which is shot through walked across the roof of the green-
space at an enemy They fired a home- house. She lives in a little cottage with
made rocket into the police station. a thatched roof. 2. the top of the inside
rod /rd/ noun a long stick You need

of the mouth I burnt the roof of my

something rigid like a metal rod to hold mouth drinking hot soup. 3. the top of a
the tent upright. vehicle, e.g. a car, bus or lorry We had
rode /rd/ past tense of ride to put the cases on the roof of the car.

role /rl/ noun 1. a part played by some- room /ru

m/ noun 1. a part of a building,
role room

one in a play or film He plays the role divided from other parts by walls The
of the king. 2. the purpose of someone or flat has six rooms, plus kitchen and
something in real life He played an bathroom. We want an office with at
important role in getting the project off least four rooms. 2. a bedroom in a hotel
the ground. (NOTE: Do not confuse with Your room is 316 heres your key.
roll.) His room is just opposite mine. 3. space
roll /rl/ noun 1. a tube of something for something The table is too big it

which has been turned over and over on takes up a lot of room. There isnt
itself a roll of fax paper a roll of toi- enough room in the car for six people. Page 268 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

root 268 routine

We cant have a piano in our flat there ing the new kitchen will be roughly
just isnt enough room. 25,000.
root /ru
t/ noun 1. a part of a plant which round /rand/ adjective 1. with a shape
root round

goes down into the ground, and which like a circle In Chinese restaurants,
takes nourishment from the soil Im you usually sit at round tables. 2. with a
not surprised the plant died it has shape like a sphere Soccer is played
hardly any roots. 2. the part of a hair or with a round ball, while a Rugby ball is
a tooth which goes down into the skin oval. People used to believe that the
He pulled her hair out by the roots. Earth was flat, not round. adverb,
rope /rp/ noun a very thick cord
preposition 1. in a circular way or
Youll need a rope to pull the car out of movement The wheels of the lorry
the ditch. The burglar climbed down went round and round. The Earth
from the balcony on a rope. verb to tie goes round the Sun. He was the first
together with a rope The climbers person to sail round the world single-
roped themselves together. We roped handed. We all sat round the table
the sofa onto the roof of the car. chatting. He ran down the street and
disappeared round a corner. 2. towards
rose /rz/ noun a common garden flow-

the back She turned round when he

er with a strong pleasant smell He tapped her on the shoulder. Dont
gave her a bunch of red roses. These look round when youre driving on the
roses have a beautiful scent. past motorway. 3. from one person to anoth-
tense of rise er They passed round some papers for
rot /rt/ verb to decay The wooden

everyone to sign. Can you pass the

fence is not very old but it has already plate of cakes round, please? 4. in vari-
started to rot. rotten (NOTE: rots ous places They spent the afternoon
rotting rotted) going round the town.
rotate /r tet/ verb to turn round or

round up phrasal verb to gather people

turn something round an axis like a or animals together The secret police
wheel rounded up about fifty suspects and took
rotten / rt()n/ adjective 1. decayed
them off in vans. She rounded up the
The apple looked nice on the outside, children and took them into the muse-
but inside it was rotten. Dont walk on um. The farmer is out in the fields
that plank, I think it is rotten. 2. unpleas- rounding up his sheep.
roundabout / randbat/ noun 1. a

ant I had a rotten time at the party

no one would dance with me. We had place where several roads meet, and
rotten weather on holiday. traffic has to move in a circle When
rough /rf/ adjective 1. not smooth
you get to the next roundabout, turn
Rub down any rough edges with sand- right. 2. a heavy wheel which turns, and
paper. 2. not very accurate I made which children ride on in a park The
some rough calculations on the back of children all ran to get on the rounda-
an envelope. 3. not finished, or with no bout. A small child fell from the
details He made a rough draft of the roundabout and hurt his leg badly. 3. (in
new design. 4. not gentle Dont be a fairground ) a large machine in a fair-
rough when youre playing with the ground which turns round and plays
puppy. music, usually with horses to sit on
which move up and down
roughly / rfli/ adverb 1. in a way that is

route /ru
t/ noun a way to be followed to

not gentle enough Dont play so

roughly with the children. The men get to a destination We still have to de-
threw the boxes of china roughly into the cide which route we will take.
routine /ru
n/ noun the usual, regular

back of their van. 2. approximately

There were roughly one hundred people way of doing things He doesnt like
in the audience. Ten euros make his daily routine to be disturbed. A
roughly six pounds. The cost of build- change of routine might do you good. Page 269 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

row 269 run

adjective done as part of a regular pat- rugby / r'bi/, rugby football /r'bi

tern of activities He went to the doctor ftb

l/ noun a type of football played
for a routine examination. with an oval ball which is thrown as well
row1 /r/ noun a line of things, side by as kicked

side or one after the other He has a ruin / ru

n/ verb to spoil something

row of cabbages in the garden. They completely The rain spoiled our pic-
pulled down an old house to build a row nic.
of shops. I want two seats in the front rule /ru
l/ noun a strict order telling peo-

row. ple the way to behave There are no

row2 /ra/ noun (informal ) 1. a serious

rules that forbid parking here at night.

argument They had a row about who According to the rules, your ticket
was responsible for the accident. 2. a must be paid for two weeks in advance.
loud noise Stop making that dreadful verb to govern or to control a place or
row! a people The president rules the coun-
royal / rl/ adjective relating to a king try according to very old-fashioned

or queen principles.
ruler / ru
l/ noun 1. a person who gov-

rub /rb/ verb to move something across


the surface of something else He erns A ruler should be fair. Hes the
rubbed his hands together to get them ruler of a small African state. 2. a long
warm. These new shoes have rubbed piece of wood or plastic with measure-
against my heel and given me a blister. ments marked on it, used for measuring
The cat rubbed herself against my and drawing straight lines You need a
legs. (NOTE: rubs rubbing rubbed) ruler to draw straight lines.
run /rn/ verb 1. to go quickly on foot

rub out phrasal verb to remove a pen-

cil mark with a rubber When she heard the telephone, she ran
rubber / rb/ noun 1. a strong sub-
upstairs. Children must be taught not
stance that bends easily, made from the to run across the road. Shes running
sap of a tropical tree Car tyres are in the 200 metre race. 2. (of buses,
made of rubber. Many years ago, we trains, etc.) to be operating All under-
visited a rubber plantation in Malaysia. ground trains are running late because
2. a piece of rubber used for removing of the accident. This bus doesnt run
pencil marks He used a rubber to try on Sundays. 3. (of vehicles) to work
to rub out what he had written. He left his car in the street with the en-
gine running. My cars not running
rubbish / rb/ noun 1. waste, things

very well at the moment. 4. to direct the

which are no use and are thrown away way an organisation operates He runs
We had to step over heaps of rubbish to a chain of shoe shops. I want someone
get to the restaurant. 2. worthless non- to run the sales department for me when
sense Have you read his new book? Im away on holiday. He runs the lo-
Its rubbish! Hes talking rubbish, cal youth club. The country is run by
dont listen to him. (NOTE: no plural) the army. 5. to drive someone by car
rude /ru
d/ adjective not polite and likely

Let me run you to the station. 6. (of

to offend people Dont point at people liquid ) to flow somewhere The river
its rude. The teacher asked who runs past our house. (NOTE: runs run-
had written rude words on the board. ning ran run) noun 1. the act of
He was rude to the teacher. going quickly on foot, usually as a sport
rudely / ru
dli/ adverb in a rude way She entered for the 10-mile run. I

rug /r'/ noun 1. a small carpet This

always go for a run before breakfast.
beautiful rug comes from the Middle You must be tired out after that long run.
East. 2. a thick blanket, especially one 2. a score of 1 in cricket He made 45
used when travelling Put a rug over runs before he was out.
your knees if youre cold. We spread run away phrasal verb to escape or to
rugs on the grass to have our picnic. go away fast They were running away Page 270 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

rung 270 rut

from the police. She ran away from in the running to be a candidate for
school when she was 16. The young- something Three people are in the
sters ran away to Paris. running for the post of chairperson.
run into phrasal verb 1. to go into a to be out of the running to no longer
place fast She ran into the street, be a candidate for something Shes
shouting Fire!. 2. to go fast and hit out of the running for the job in France.
runway / rnwe/ noun a track on which

something, usually in a vehicle He

didnt look where he was going and ran planes land and take off at an airport
into an old lady. The bus turned the rural / rrl/ adjective relating to the

corner too fast and ran into a parked countryside Rural roads are usually
van. 3. to amount to something Costs fairly narrow. We live quite close to a
have run into thousands of pounds. town but the country round us still looks
Her income runs into five figures. 4. to very rural.
find someone by chance I ran into
rush /r/ noun a fast movement There

him again in a caf on the South Bank.

was a rush of hot air when they opened
run out phrasal verb to have nothing
the door. There has been a rush to
left of something The car ran out of change pounds to euros. When the
petrol on the motorway. I must go to film ended there was a rush for the toi-
the supermarket were running out of lets. verb to hurry, to go forward fast
butter. The ambulance rushed to the acci-
run over phrasal verb to knock some- dent. Crowds of shoppers rushed to
one down by hitting them with a vehicle the shops on the first day of the sales.
She was run over by a taxi. The car
rustle / rs()l/ verb to make a soft noise

ran over a dog.

rung /r/ noun one of the bars on a lad-
like dry surfaces rubbing against each
der Put your foot on the bottom rung other Her long skirt rustled as she sat
to hold the ladder steady. past partici- down. Dont rustle the newspaper
ple of ring when the radio is on, I cant hear it
properly. noun the noise of dry leaves
runner / rn/ noun a person or horse

or pieces of paper rubbing together

running in a race My horse came in Listen to the rustle of the dry leaves in
last of seven runners. There are the hedge.
30,000 runners in the London Mara-
rusty / rsti/ adjective covered with rust

She tried to cut the string with a pair
running / rn/ adjective for three

days running one day after another for of rusty old scissors. He has a rusty
three days The company have made a old fridge in his front garden. (NOTE:
profit for six years or the sixth year run- rustier rustiest)
rut /rt/ noun a deep track made in soft

ning. noun 1. the activity of running,

as a sport or a leisure activity 2. the ac- earth by the wheels of vehicles The
tion of managing I now leave the run- front wheel of the car was stuck in a
ning of the firm to my daughter. to be deep rut. Page 271 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

s /es/, S noun the nineteenth letter of the safety / sefti/ noun 1. the fact of being
s safety

alphabet, between R and T safe The police tried to ensure the

sack /sk/ noun a large bag made of
safety of the public. I am worried
strong cloth or paper, used for carrying about the safety of air bags in cars. 2.
heavy things He hurt his back lifting for safety in order to make something
up the sack of potatoes. verb to force safe Put the money in the office safe
someone to leave his or her job He for safety. Keep a note of the numbers
was sacked because he was always late of your travellers cheques for safety.
said /sed/ past tense and past participle of

for work.
sad /sd/ adjective not happy Hes sad

sail /sel/ noun a piece of cloth which


because the holidays have come to an

end. What a sad film everyone was catches the wind and drives a boat along
crying. Reading his poems makes me The wind dropped so they lowered the
sad. It was sad to leave the house for sail and started to row. They hoisted
the last time. He felt sad watching the the sail and set out across the Channel.
boat sail away. Its sad that he cant verb 1.
to travel on water The ship
come to see us. (NOTE: sadder sad- was sailing towards the rocks. We
dest) were sailing east. He was the first per-
son to sail across the Atlantic single-
saddle / sd()l/ noun 1. a riders seat

handed. Shes planning to sail round

on a bicycle or motorbike 2. a riders
the world. 2. to leave a harbour The
seat on a horse He leapt into the sad-
ferry sails at 12.00.
dle and rode away.
sailing / sel/ noun travel in a ship

sadly / sdli/ adverb 1. in a sad way


sailor / sel/ noun a person who works


She smiled sadly. 2. used for saying that

something makes you sad Sadly, John on a ship The sailors were washing
couldnt join us for my birthday party. down the deck of the ship.
sake /sek/ noun for the sake of some-

sadness / sdns/ noun a feeling of be-


ing very unhappy thing, for somethings sake for certain

reasons or purposes, or because of
safe /sef/ adjective not in danger, or not

something They gave the children

likely to be hurt In this cave, we sweets, just for the sake of a little peace
should be safe from the thunderstorm. and quiet. The muggers killed the old
All the children are safe, but the school lady, just for the sake of 20. for the
was burnt down. Is it safe to touch this sake of someone, for someones sake
snake? noun a strong box for keeping because you want to help someone or to
things such as documents, money or please someone Will you come to the
jewels in Put your valuables in the ho- party for my sake? The president de-
tel safe. The burglars managed to cided to resign for the sake of the coun-
open the safe. try. for old times sake in order to re-
safely / sefli/ adverb without being hurt

member a relationship or activity from

The rescue services succeeded in get- the past We always send them a
ting all the passengers safely off the Christmas card, just for old times sake.
burning train. We were shown how to for heavens sake, for goodness
handle explosives safely. Drive safe- sake used for showing you are annoyed
ly! she said as she waved goodbye. or worried Whats all the fuss? Its Page 272 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

salad 272 Saturday

only a little scratch, for heavens sake. sample Try a sample of the local
For goodness sake try to be quiet, we cheese. He gave a blood sample. We
dont want wake everyone! interviewed a sample of potential cus-
salad / sld/ noun a mixture of cold
sand /snd/ noun a mass of very small

vegetables eaten raw, or a meal that in-

cludes such a mixture a chicken salad bits of rock found on beaches and in the
sandwich We found some ham, toma- desert a beach of fine white sand the
toes and lettuce in the fridge, and made black sand beaches of the Northern
ourselves a salad. coast of New Zealand
sandal / snd()l/ noun a light shoe

salary / slri/ noun payment for work,


especially in a professional or office job with an open top

She started work at a low salary, but sandwich / snwd"/ noun a light meal

soon went up the salary scale. I expect made with two pieces of bread with oth-
a salary increase as from next month. er food between them She ordered a
sale /sel/ noun 1. the act of selling
cheese sandwich and a cup of coffee.
something The sale of the house pro- What sort of sandwiches do you want to
duced 200,000. The shop only take for your lunch? I didnt have a
opened this morning and weve just big meal just a sandwich with some
made our first sale. 2. an occasion when beer in the pub.
sang /s/ past tense of sing

things are sold at cheaper prices

Theres a sale this week in the depart- sank /sk/ past tense of sink

ment store along the High Street. I sat /st/ past tense and past participle of

bought these plates for 1 in a sale. sit

The sale price is 50% of the normal
satellite / stlat/ noun 1. an object in

space which goes round the Earth and
salesperson / selzp
s()n/ noun a

sends and receives signals, pictures and
person who sells goods in a shop data The signals are transmitted by
salt /s
lt/ noun a white substance that

satellite all round the world. 2. an object

you put on food to make it taste better or like a planet which goes round a planet
put on roads to make snow or ice melt The Moon is the only satellite of the
salute /s lu
t/ noun a movement which

satisfaction /sts fkn/ noun a

expresses respect or recognition, espe-

cially the movement of putting your feeling of comfort or happiness After

right hand up to touch the side of your finishing his meal he gave a deep sigh of
forehead The officer returned the sol- satisfaction. I get no satisfaction from
diers salute. verb to give a salute to telling you this youre fired.
someone Ordinary soldiers must sa- satisfactory /sts fkt()ri/ adjec-

lute their officers. tive good enough, or quite good

same /sem/ adjective, pronoun 1. be- satisfied / stsfad/ adjective accept-
same satisfied

ing, looking, sounding, etc. exactly ing that something is enough, is good or
alike These two beers taste the same. is correct
You must get very bored doing the satisfy / stsfa/ verb to make some-

same work every day. She was wear- one pleased with what he or she has re-
ing the same dress as me. This book is ceived or achieved The councils deci-
not the same size as that one. 2. showing sion should satisfy most people. Our
that two or more things are in fact one aim is to satisfy our customers. (NOTE:
They all live in the same street. Should satisfies satisfying satisfied)
we all leave at the same time? Our Saturday / stde/ noun the sixth day

children go to the same school as theirs. of the week, the day between Friday and
sample / s
mpl/ noun a small part

Sunday He works in a shop, so Satur-

which is used to show what the whole is day is a normal working day for him.
like a sample of the cloth or a cloth We go shopping in London most Satur- Page 273 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

sauce 273 scared

days. Saturday is the Jewish day of of wood in half. (NOTE: saws sawing
rest. Today is Saturday, November sawed has sawn /s
15th. The 15th is a Saturday, so the say /se/ verb 1. to speak words Whats

16th must be a Sunday. We arranged she saying? I dont know, I dont un-
to meet up on Saturday. derstand Dutch. She says the fee is 3
sauce /s
s/ noun a liquid with a partic- per person. Dont forget to say thank

ular taste, poured over food ice cream you after the party. The weather fore-
with chocolate sauce We had chicken cast said it was going to rain and it did.
with a barbecue sauce. The waitress I was just saying that we never see
put a bottle of tomato sauce on the table. James any more. 2. to give information
in writing The letter says that we owe
saucepan / s
spn/ noun a deep metal

the bank 200. The notice says that

cooking pan with a lid and a long handle
you are not allowed to walk on the
saucer / s
s/ noun a shallow dish grass. (NOTE: says /sez/ saying

which a cup stands on said /sed/)

sausage / ssd"/ noun a food which is saying / se/ noun a phrase which is
sausage saying

a tube of skin full of a mixture of meat often used to describe an aspect of eve-
and spices ryday life
save /sev/ verb 1. to stop something scale /skel/ noun 1. the size of a smaller
save scale

from being damaged We managed to form of something compared to the real

save most of the paintings from the fire. size a map with a scale of 1 to
2. to keep things such as money, food or 100,000 a scale model of the new
other articles so that you can use them town centre development The archi-
later If you save 10 a week, youll tects design is drawn to scale. 2. a
have 520 at the end of a year. They measuring system in which there are
save old pieces of bread to give to the several levels The Richter scale is
ducks in the park. He saves bits of used to measure earthquakes.
scar /sk
/ noun a mark left on the skin

string in case he may need them later. 3.

not to waste something such as time or after a wound has healed He still has
money By walking to work, he saves the scars of his operation. verb 1. to
25 a week in bus fares. She took the leave a mark on the skin after a wound
parcel herself so as to save the cost of has healed His arm was scarred as a
postage. If you have your car checked result of the accident. 2. to affect some-
regularly it will save you a lot of ex- ones feelings badly The bullying she
pense in the future. Going by air saves received at school has scarred her for
a lot of time. 4. to stop someone from life. (NOTE: scars scarring
being hurt or killed The firefighters scarred)
saved six people from the burning scarce /skes/ adjective if something is

house. How many passengers were scarce, there is much less of it than you
saved when the ferry sank? 5. to store need This happened at a period when
information on a computer disk Dont food was scarce. Good designers are
forget to save your files when you have getting scarce.
finished working on them.
scare /ske/ verb to make someone feel

saving / sev/ noun the act of using


fear The thought of travelling alone

less of something We are aiming for a across Africa scares me. She was
10% saving in fuel. suffix which uses scared by the spider in the bathroom.
less energy-saving light bulbs noun a fright What a scare you gave
saw /s
/ past tense of see noun a tool me jumping out at me in the dark like

with a long metal blade with teeth along that!

its edge, used for cutting He was cut- scared /sked/ adjective feeling or

ting logs with a saw. verb to cut some- showing fear Dont be scared the
thing with a saw She was sawing snake is harmless. She was too scared
wood. You will need to saw that piece to answer the door. Im scared at the Page 274 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

scarf 274 score

idea of driving in Londons rush-hour he was sixteen, he left school and joined
traffic. She looked round with a the army. Which school did you go to?
scared expression. 2. a section of a college or university
scarf /sk
f/ noun a long piece of cloth
The school of medicine is one of the
which is worn round your neck to keep largest in the country. Shes studying
yourself warm Take your scarf its at law school. verb to train someone
snowing. (NOTE: The plural is scarves in a particular skill
vz/.) science / sans/ noun the study of nat-

scatter / skt/ verb 1. to throw some-

ural physical things She took a sci-
thing in various places The crowd ence course or studied science. We
scattered flowers all over the path. 2. to have a new science teacher this term.
run in different directions When the He has a masters degree in marine sci-
police arrived, the children scattered. ence.
scientific /san tfk/ adjective relat-

scene /si
n/ noun 1. a place where some-

ing to science We employ hundreds of

thing has happened It took the ambu-
people in scientific research. Hes the
lance ten minutes to get to the scene of
director of a scientific institute.
the accident. A photographer was at
scientist / santst/ noun a person

the scene to record the ceremony. 2. a

short part of a play or film Did you who studies a science, often doing re-
like the scene where he is trying to climb search Scientists have not yet found a
up the skyscraper? It was one of the cure for the common cold. Space sci-
funniest scenes I have ever seen. entists are examining the photographs
of Mars.
scenery / si
nri/ noun 1. the features of

scissors / szz/ plural noun a tool for


the countryside the beautiful scenery

of the Lake District 2. the objects and cutting things such as paper and cloth,
backgrounds on a theatre stage that made of two blades attached in the mid-
make it look like a real place They dle, with handles with holes for the
lowered the scenery onto the stage. In thumb and fingers These scissors
between the acts all the scenery has to arent very sharp. Have you got a pair
be changed. (NOTE: no plural) of scissors I can borrow?
scoop /sku
p/ noun 1. a deep round

scent /sent/ noun 1. a pleasant smell of


spoon with a short handle, for serving

a particular type the scent of roses in
soft food such as ice cream You must
the cottage garden 2. perfume That
wash the scoop each time you use it. 2.
new scent of yours makes me sneeze.
a portion of soft food such as ice cream
(NOTE: Do not confuse with cent,
Ill have one scoop of strawberry and
one scoop of vanilla, please. verb to
sceptical / skeptk()l/ adjective think-

lift something or someone up in a single

ing that something is probably not true quick movement She scooped up the
or good You seem sceptical about his babies into her arms and ran upstairs.
new plan. Im sceptical of the need for He scooped all the newspapers off the
these changes. floor.
scheme /ski
m/ noun a plan for making scooter / sku
t/ noun 1. a childs two-

something work She joined the com- wheeled vehicle which is pushed along
pany pension scheme. He has thought with one foot while the other foot is on
up some scheme for making money very the board 2. a vehicle like a small mo-
quickly. torbike with a platform for the feet
school /sku
l/ noun 1. a place where stu- She dodged through the traffic on her

dents, usually children, are taught scooter.

score /sk
/ noun the number of goals or

Our little boy is four, so hell be going to

school this year. Some children start points made in a match The final
school younger than that. What did score in the rugby match was 2210.
the children do at school today? When I didnt see the beginning of the match Page 275 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

Scot 275 scrub

whats the score? verb to make a goal been scratched. 3. to rub a part of the
or point in a match They scored three body which itches with your fingernails
goals in the first twenty minutes. She He scratched his head as he wondered
scored sixty-five! what to do next. Stop scratching it
Scot /skt/ noun a person from Scotland
will make your rash worse!
scream /skri
m/ noun a loud cry of pain

Scotch /skt/ adjective used for refer-


ring to some things, especially food and or excitement He let out a scream of
drink, from Scotland pain. verb to make a loud cry of pain
Scotland / sktlnd/ noun a country to
or excitement People on the third
the north of England, forming part of floor were screaming for help. They
the United Kingdom He was brought screamed with pain. She screamed at
up in Scotland. Scotlands most fa- the class to stop singing.
screen /skri
n/ noun 1. a flat surface

mous export is whisky.

Scots /skts/ adjective Scottish Not which acts as protection against some-

proven is a decision in Scots Law. thing, e.g. fire or noise a screen deco-
rated with flowers and birds The
Scottish / skt/ adjective relating to

Scotland hedge acts as a screen against the noise

from the motorway. 2. a flat glass sur-
scramble / skrmbl/ verb 1. to climb

face on which a picture is shown a

using your hands and knees He computer screen a TV screen Ill
scrambled up the steep bank. 2. to hurry call the information up on the screen. 3.
to do something They scrambled to a flat white surface on which things
get a seat. such as films or slides are shown a
scrap /skrp/ noun 1. a little piece a

cinema complex with four screens

scrap of paper There isnt a scrap of Well put up the screen on the stage.
evidence against him. She is collect- verb to show a film in a cinema or on
ing scraps of cloth to make a quilt. 2. TV Tonights film will be screened
waste materials to sell a car for scrap half an hour later than advertised.
The scrap value of the car is 200.
screw /skru
/ noun a type of nail which

verb 1. to throw something away as use-

you twist to make it go into a hard sur-
less They had to scrap 10,000 faulty
face I need some longer screws to go
spare parts. 2. to give up or stop work-
ing on a plan Weve scrapped our through this thick plank. The plate
plans to go to Greece. (NOTE: scraps was fixed to the door with brass screws.
verb 1. to attach something with
scrapping scrapped)
screws The picture was screwed to the
scrape /skrep/ verb 1. to scratch some-

wall. 2. to attach something by twisting

thing with a hard object which is pulled He filled up the bottle and screwed on
across a surface She scraped the paint the top. Screw the lid on tightly.
off the door. He fell off his bike and
scribble / skrb()l/ verb 1. to make

scraped his knee on the pavement. 2. to

remove something from the surface of marks which dont have any meaning
something She scraped the paint off The kids have scribbled all over their
the door. bedroom walls. 2. to write something
hurriedly and badly She scribbled a
scratch /skrt/ noun 1. a long wound

few notes in the train.

on the skin Put some antiseptic on the
scrub /skrb/ verb to clean something

scratches on your arms. 2. a long mark

made by a sharp point I will never be by rubbing it with a brush a well-
able to cover up the scratches on the car scrubbed kitchen table Scrub your fin-
door. verb 1. to make a long wound on gernails to get rid of the dirt. (NOTE:
the skin His legs were scratched by scrubs scrubbing scrubbed)
the bushes along the path. 2. to make a noun 1. an area of land with a few small
mark on something with a sharp point bushes They walked for miles through
I must touch up the car where it has the scrub until they came to a river. 2. Page 276 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

sculpture 276 second-class

the action of scrubbing After a game drivers seat. Can we have two seats
of rugby you will need a good scrub. in the front row? Our kitchen chairs
sculpture / sklpt/ noun a piece of
have wooden seats. Bicycle seats are
art that is a figure carved out of stone or narrow. to take a seat to sit down
wood or made out of metal Please take a seat, the dentist will see
you in a few minutes. Please take your
sea /si
/ noun an area of salt water be-

seats, the play is about to begin. All

tween continents or islands which is
large but not as large as an ocean the seats on the bus were taken so I had
Swimming in the sea is more exciting to stand.
second / seknd/ noun 1. one of sixty

than swimming in a river. The seas

too rough for the ferries to operate. parts which make up a minute Ill give
His friends own a house by the sea. you ten seconds to get out of my room.
The North Sea separates Britain from They say the bomb will go off in twenty
Denmark and Germany. seconds. 2. a very short time Please
seagull / si
'l/ noun a large white sea

wait a second. Wait here, Ill be back

bird in a second. 3. the thing which is
number 2 in a series Today is the sec-
seal /si
l/ noun a large animal with short

smooth fur which eats fish and lives ond of March or March the second
near or in the sea verb to close some- (March 2nd). The Great Fire of Lon-
thing tightly a box carefully sealed don took place when Charles the Sec-
with sticky tape ond (Charles II) was king. (NOTE: In
dates second is usually written 2nd or
search /s
t/ noun the action of trying

2: August 2nd, 1932, 2 July, 1666

to find something Our search of the (American style is July 2, 1666), say
flat revealed nothing. They carried the second of July or July the second
out a search for the missing children. (American style is July second). With
I did a quick search on the Internet for
names of kings and queens second is
references to Proust. verb 1. to exam-
usually written II: Queen Elizabeth II
ine something or someone very careful-
(say Queen Elizabeth the Second).)
ly The police searched the house but
adjective 1. coming after the first and
didnt find any weapons. She was
stopped and searched by customs. 2. to before the third February is the sec-
look carefully to try to find something ond month of the year. Its his second
The police searched the house for weap- birthday next week. Womens clothes
ons. to search for someone or some- are on the second floor. Thats the
thing to try to find someone or some- second time the telephone has rung
thing The police searched for the while were eating. 2. next after the
missing children. I searched the Inter- longest, best, tallest etc. (followed by a
net for references to Ireland. superlative) This is the second long-
est bridge in the world. Hes the sec-
seaside / si
dsad/ noun an area near

ond highest paid member of staff.

the sea where people go to have a holi-
secondary / seknd()ri/ adjective less

season / si
z()n/ noun 1. one of four
second-class /seknd kl
s/ adjec-

parts of a year Autumn is her favourite

season. 2. a part of the year when some- tive, adverb 1. less expensive and less
thing usually happens The tourist sea- comfortable than first-class I find sec-
son is very long here from March to ond-class hotels are perfectly adequate.
September. The football season lasts We always travel second-class be-
from September to May. London is cause it is cheaper. 2. less expensive and
very crowded during the school holiday slower than the first-class postal service
season. A second-class letter is cheaper than
seat /si
t/ noun a chair or similar object

a first-class. Send it second-class if it

which you sit on He was sitting in the is not urgent. Page 277 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

secrecy 277 seem

secrecy / si
krsi/ noun the fact of be- see /si
/ verb 1. to use your eyes to notice
secrecy see

ing secret or keeping something secret something Can you see that tree in the
secret / si
krt/ adjective not known
distance? They say eating carrots
about by other people There is a se- helps you to see in the dark. We ran
cret door into the cellar. noun some- because we could see the bus coming. 2.
thing which other people do not know to watch something such as a film I
about Have I told you my secret? dont want to go to the cinema this week,
Ive seen that film twice already. We
secretary / sekrt()ri/ noun a person

saw the football match on TV. 3. to un-

who does work such as writing letters, derstand something I cant see why
answering the phone and filing docu-
they need to borrow so much money.
ments for someone (NOTE: The plural is
You must see that its very important for
everything to be ready on time. Dont
secretive / si
krtv/ adjective liking to

you see that theyre trying to trick you?

keep things secret Shes very secretive I see you want me to lend you some
about her holiday plans. money. 4. to visit someone, e.g. a lawyer
secretly / si
krtli/ adverb without any- or doctor If your tooth aches that bad-

one knowing ly you should see a dentist. He went to

section / sekn/ noun a part of some-
see his bank manager to arrange a
thing which, when joined to other parts, mortgage. (NOTE: sees seeing saw
makes up a whole the brass section of /s
/ seen /si
the orchestra the financial section of see off phrasal verb to go to the airport
the newspaper He works in a com- or station with someone who is leaving
pletely different section of the organisa- on a journey
tion. see through phrasal verb 1. to see
sector / sekt/ noun 1. a part of the from one side of something to the other

economy or of the business organisation I cant see through the window its
of a country All sectors of industry so dirty. 2. not to be tricked by some-
suffered from the rise in the exchange thing or someone Wont they quickly
rate. Computer technology is a boom- see through such a poor excuse? He
ing sector of the economy. 2. a part of a pretended he was helping me, but I soon
circle between two lines drawn from the saw through him.
centre to the outside edge The circle see to phrasal verb to arrange some-
had been divided into five sectors. thing or make sure that something is
secure /s kj/ adjective firmly fixed done

seed /si
d/ noun a part of a plant which is

Dont step on that plank, its not secure.

verb to be successful in getting some- formed after the flowers die and from
thing important He secured the sup- which a new plant will grow a packet
port of a big bank. They secured a val- of carrot seed Sow the seeds in fine
uable new contract. earth. Can you eat pumpkin seeds?
securely /s kjli/ adverb in a secure seek /si
k/ verb to look for someone or
securely seek

way something (formal ) The police are

security /s kjrti/ noun 1. safety or

seeking a group of teenagers who were
protection against harm There were in the area when the attack took place.
worries about security during the (NOTE: seeks seeking sought
princes visit. Security in this office is /s
t/ has sought)
seem /si
m/ verb to give the appearance

nil. Security guards patrol the factory

at night. 2. a thing given to someone of being something She seems to like
who has lent you money and which is or It seems that she likes her new job.
returned when the loan is repaid He Everyone seemed to be having a good
uses his house as security for a loan. time at the party. The new boss seems
The bank lent him 20,000 without se- very nice. It seems to me that the par-
curity. cel has gone to the wrong house. It Page 278 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

seize 278 sensation

seemed strange to us that no one an- to someone He sold out to his partner
swered the phone. and retired. 3. to give in to a group of
seize /si
z/ verb to grab something and influential people The environmental

hold it tight She seized the bag of group has accused the government of
sweets in both hands and would not let selling out to the oil companies.
go. sell up phrasal verb to sell a business
seldom / seldm/ adverb not often
He sold up and retired.
semicolon /semi kln/ noun a

(NOTE: Note the word order when sel-

dom is at the beginning of a phrase: punctuation mark (;) used to separate

you seldom hear or seldom do you two parts of a sentence and also used to
hear) show a pause
semi-final /semi fan()l/ noun one of

select /s lekt/ verb to choose something


or someone carefully She looked the last two matches in a competition,

carefully at the shelves before selecting the winners of which go into the final
a book. He was selected for the Eng- game
senate / sent/ noun the upper house of

land squad. Selected items are re-

duced by 25%. the legislative body in some countries
selection /s lekn/ noun 1. a range

She was first elected to the Senate in
There is a huge selection of hats to 2001.
senator / sent/ noun a member of a

choose from. 2. a thing which has or

things which have been chosen a se- senate (NOTE: written with a capital let-
lection of our product line a selection ter when used as a title: Senator Jack-
of French cheeses son)
send /send/ verb 1. to make someone or

self /self/ noun your own person or char-


acter She was ill for some time, but something go from one place to another
now shes her old self again. Shes not My mother sent me to the bakers to
her usual happy self today I think buy some bread. I was sent home from
shes got something on her mind. (NOTE: school because I had a headache. He
The plural is selves.) sent the ball into the net. The firm is
sending him out to Australia for six
selfish / self/ adjective doing things

months. 2. to use the postal services to

only for yourself and not for other peo- get something to someone The office
ple sends 200 Christmas cards every year.
sell /sel/ verb 1. to give something to

Send me a postcard when you get to

someone for money He sold his house Russia. Send the letter by air if you
to my father. She sold him her bicycle want it to arrive next week. Send your
for next to nothing. We managed to donations to the following address.
sell the car for 500. The shop sells (NOTE: sends sending sent
vegetables but not meat. 2. to be sold /sent/)
Those packs sell for 25 a dozen. Her send for phrasal verb to ask someone
latest book is selling very well. (NOTE: to come
sells selling sold /sld/)
senior / si
ni/ adjective 1. older

sell off phrasal verb to sell goods senior members of the tribe 2. more im-
quickly and cheaply to get rid of them portant, e.g. in rank A sergeant is sen-
At the end of the day the market stalls ior to a corporal. My senior col-
sell off their fruit and vegetables very leagues do not agree with me.
cheaply. sensation /sen se()n/ noun 1. a gen-

sell out phrasal verb 1. to sell every eral feeling I felt a curious sensation
item of a particular type Have you got as if I had been in the room before. 2. a
the dress in a size 12? No, Im afraid physical feeling She had a burning
weve sold out. Were selling out of sensation in her arm. 3. a thing or per-
these hats fast. 2. US to sell a business son that causes great excitement The Page 279 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

sense 279 serious

new ballet was the sensation of the sea-
Can you give us two separate invoic-
son. es?
sense /sens/ noun 1. one of the five separate2 / sepret/ verb 1. to divide
sense separate

ways in which you notice something people or things The employees are
(sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) He separated into permanent and tempo-
may be 93, but he still has all his senses. rary staff. The teacher separated the
His senses had been dulled by the class into two groups. 2. to keep people
drugs he was taking. Dogs have a or things apart The police tried to sep-
good sense of smell. 2. a meaning He arate the two gangs. Is it possible to
was using bear in the sense of to car- separate religion and politics?
ry. 3. the fact of being sensible At separately / sep()rtli/ adverb indi-

least someone showed some sense and vidually, rather than together or as a
tried to calm the situation. She didnt group
have the sense to refuse. I thought
September /sep temb/ noun the ninth

Patrick would have had more sense than

that. month of the year, between August and

October September 3 The weather
senseless / sensls/ adjective done for

is usually good in September. Her

no good reason a senseless attack on
birthday is in September. Today is
a little old lady Its senseless to buy
September 3rd. We always try to take
clothes you dont need, just because
a short holiday in September. (NOTE:
they are in the sales.
September 3rd or September 3: say
sensible / sensb()l/ adjective 1.

September the third or the third of

showing good judgment and wisdom September or in US English Septem-
Staying indoors was the sensible thing ber third.)
to do. Try and be sensible for once! 2.
sequence / si
kwns/ noun a series of

(of shoes) strong and comfortable for

walking, rather than fashionable things which happen or follow one after
the other The sequence of events
sensitive / senstv/ adjective 1. easily

which led to the accident.

upset Shes a very sensitive young
sergeant / s
d"nt/ noun a non-com-

woman. Some actors are extremely

sensitive to criticism. 2. which measures missioned officer in the army, or an of-
very accurately a very sensitive light ficer of low rank in the police (NOTE:
meter also used as a title before a surname:
Sergeant Jones)
sent /sent/ past tense and past participle

serial / sril/ noun a story that is


of send
sentence / sentns/ noun 1. a series of
broadcast on TV or radio in separate
words put together to make a complete parts an Australian police serial
statement, usually ending in a full stop (NOTE: Do not confuse with cereal.)
series / sri
z/ noun 1. a group of

I dont understand the second sen-

tence in your letter. Begin each sen- things which come one after the other in
tence with a capital letter. 2. a judgment order We had a series of phone calls
of a court He was given a six-month from the bank. 2. TV or radio pro-
prison sentence. The judge passed grammes which are broadcast at the
sentence on the accused. verb to give same time each week Theres a new
someone an official legal punishment wildlife series starting this week. (NOTE:
She was sentenced to three weeks in The plural is series.)
prison. He was sentenced to death for serious / sris/ adjective 1. not funny

murder. or not joking a very serious play

separate1 / sep()rt/ adjective not to-

Hes such a serious little boy. Stop

gether or attached They are in sepa- laughing its very serious. Hes very
rate rooms. The house has one bath- serious about the proposal. The doc-
room with a separate toilet. The dogs tors expression was very serious. 2. im-
were kept separate from the other pets. portant and possibly dangerous There Page 280 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

seriously 280 settee

was a serious accident on the motorway. service in Northern Ireland. 6. a reli-
The storm caused serious damage. gious ceremony My mother never
Theres no need to worry its nothing misses the nine oclock service on Sun-
serious. 3. carefully planned The days. 7. (in games like tennis) the ac-
management is making serious attempts tion of hitting the ball first She has a
to improve working conditions. very powerful service. verb to keep a
seriously / srisli/ adverb 1. in a seri-
machine in good working order The
ous way She should laugh more she car needs to be serviced every six
mustnt always take things so seriously. months.
2. to a great extent The cargo was se- session / se()n/ noun the time when

riously damaged by water. Her moth- an activity is taking place All these
er is seriously ill. long sessions in front of the computer
seriousness / si
risns/ noun the fact

screen are ruining my eyesight.

of being serious set /set/ noun a group of things which go

servant / s
vnt/ noun a person who is

together, which are used together or

paid to work for a family They employ which are sold together He carries a
two servants in their London home. set of tools in the back of his car. The
Get it yourself Im not your servant! six chairs are sold as a set. verb 1. to
serve /s
v/ verb 1. to give food or drink put something in a special place She

to someone She served the soup in set the plate of biscuits down on the ta-
small bowls. Just take a plate and ble next to her chair. 2. to fix something
serve yourself. Has everyone been When we go to France we have to set
served? 2. to go with a dish Fish is our watches to French time. The price
served with a white sauce. You usually of the new computer has been set at
serve red wine with meat. 3. to help a 500. 3. to make something happen
customer, e.g. in a shop Are you being He went to sleep smoking a cigarette
served? The manager served me him- and set the house on fire. All the pris-
self. Will you serve this lady next, oners were set free. I had been wor-
please? 4. (in games like tennis) to start ried about her, but her letter set my mind
the game by hitting the ball She at rest. 4. when the sun sets, it goes
served two faults in a row. He served down The sun rises in the east and
first. sets in the west. (NOTE: sets setting
service / s
vs/ noun 1. a facility which
set) adjective ready Were all set
the public needs Our train service to for a swim. My bags are packed and
London is very bad. The postal serv- Im all set to leave. Her latest novel is
ice is efficient. The bus service is very set to become the best-selling book of
irregular. The hotel provides a laun- the year.
dry service. 2. the act of serving or help- set off phrasal verb 1. to begin a trip
ing someone in a shop or restaurant Were setting off for Germany tomor-
The food is good here, but the service is row. They all set off on a long walk af-
very slow. The bill includes an extra ter lunch. 2. to start something
10% for service. Is the service includ- happening They set off a bomb in the
ed? The bill does not include service. shopping centre. If you touch the wire
3. a regular check of a machine The it will set off the alarm. Being in the
car has had its 20,000-kilometre serv-
same room as a cat will set off my asth-
ice. 4. a group of people working to-
gether the ambulance service 5. a
time when you work for a company or set out phrasal verb to begin a journey
organisation or in the armed forces The hunters set out to cross the moun-
Did he enjoy his service in the army? tains. We have to set out early tomor-
She did six years service in the police. row.
settee /se ti
/ noun a long seat with a

He was awarded a gold watch for his

long service to the company. He saw soft back where several people can sit Page 281 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

setting 281 sexually

setting / set/ noun the background for that is number 7 in a series Today is

a story The setting for the story is June the seventh or the seventh of June
Hong Kong in 1935. (June 7th). 2. one of seven equal parts
settle / set()l/ verb 1. to arrange or / sevnti/
settle seventieth

seventieth adjective
agree something Well, Im glad every- number 70 in a series Its his seventi-
things settled at last. Have you set- eth birthday next week He came sev-
tled the title for the new film yet? It entieth out of a hundred. noun the
took six months of negotiation for the thing that is number 70 in a series
union and management to settle their seventy / sev()nti/ noun the number

differences. 2. to place yourself in a 70 She will be seventy (years old) on

comfortable position She switched on Tuesday. That shirt cost him more
the television and settled in her favour- than seventy dollars.
ite armchair. 3. to fall to the ground, or
several / sev()rl/ adjective, pronoun

to the bottom of something, gently

Wait for the dust to settle. A layer of more than a few, but not a lot Several
mud settled at the bottom of the pond. buildings were damaged in the storm.
settle down phrasal verb 1. to place Weve met several times. Several of
yourself in a comfortable position Af- the students are going to Italy. Most of
the guests left early but several stayed
ter dinner, she likes to settle down in a
on till midnight.
comfortable chair with a good book. 2.
severe /s v/ adjective 1. very strict

to change to a calmer way of life with-

out many changes of house or much He was very severe with any child who
travelling He has worked all over the did not behave. Discipline in the
world, and doesnt seem ready to settle school was severe. 2. having a very bad
down. She had lots of boyfriends, and effect The government imposed se-
then got married and settled down in vere financial restrictions on importers.
Surrey. The severe weather has closed several
seven / sev()n/ noun the number 7
main roads. (NOTE: severer sever-
There are only seven children in his est)
class. Shes seven (years old) next severely /s vli/ adverb 1. strictly

week. The train is supposed to leave She was severely punished for being
at seven (oclock). late. 2. to a great extent a severely in-
seventeen /sev()n ti
n/ noun the jured survivor Train services have

number 17 He will be seventeen been severely affected by snow.

(years old) next month. The train sew /s/ verb to attach, make or repair

leaves at seventeen sixteen (17.16). something by using a needle and thread

seventeenth /sev()n ti
n/ adjective,

(NOTE: Do not confuse with sow. Note

noun number 17 in a series Today is also: sews sewing sewed sewn
October the seventeenth or the seven- /sn/.)
teenth of October (October 17th). Q is sex /seks/ noun 1. one of two groups,

the seventeenth letter of the alphabet. male and female, into which animals
Its his seventeenth birthday next week. and plants can be divided Theyve had
He came seventeenth out of thirty.
a baby, but I dont know what sex it is. 2.
noun the thing that is number 17 in a se- physical activity which, between a man
ries Today is October the seventeenth and a woman, could cause a baby to de-
or the seventeenth of October (October velop a film full of sex and violence
17th). Sex was the last thing on her mind.
seventh / sevn/ adjective, noun

sexual / sekul/ adjective relating to


number 7 in a series His office is on

the seventh floor. Its her seventh the activity of having sex Their rela-
birthday on Saturday. What is the sev- tionship was never sexual.
sexually / sekli/ adverb in a sexual

enth letter of the alphabet? She came

seventh in the race. noun 1. the thing way Page 282 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

shabby 282 sharpen

shabby / bi/ adjective (of clothes) red with shame. To my shame, I did

used about clothes which are of poor nothing to help.

quality or look worn out He wore a shampoo /m pu
/ noun 1. liquid

shabby coat with two buttons missing. soap for washing your hair or for wash-
shade /ed/ noun 1. a variety of a par- ing things such as carpets or cars 2. the

ticular colour Her hat is a rather pret- action of washing the hair She went to
ty shade of green. 2. a dark place which the hairdressers for a shampoo.
is not in the sun Lets try and find shape /ep/ noun the form of how

some shade its too hot in the sun. something looks A design in the shape
The suns so hot that well have to sit in of a letter S. The old table was a funny
the shade. shape. verb to make into a certain
shadow / d/ noun a dark place be- form He shaped the pastry into the

hind an object where light is cut off by form of a little boat.

the object In the evening, the trees shaped /ept/ adjective with a certain

cast long shadows across the lawn. shape

She saw his shadow move down the hall. share /e/ noun a part of something that

They rested for a while, in the shadow is divided between two or more people
of a large tree. Did he get his share of the prize?
shaft /
ft/ noun 1. the long handle of a

Take your share of the cake and leave

tool such as a spade The shaft of the me the rest. She should have paid her
spade was so old it snapped in two. 2. a share of the food bill. Theres a lot of
thin beam of light Tiny particles of work to do, so everyone must do their
dust were dancing in a shaft of sunlight. share. verb 1. also share out to di-
3. a deep hole connecting one place to vide up something among several peo-
another The shaft had become blocked ple Lets share the bill. In her will,
with rubbish. her money was shared out among her
shake /ek/ verb to move something

sons. 2. to use something which some-

from side to side or up and down one else also uses We share an office.
Shake the bottle before pouring. The We shared a taxi to the airport.
house shakes every time a train goes shark /
k/ noun a large dangerous fish

past. His hand shook as he opened the which lives in the sea and can kill peo-
envelope. (NOTE: shakes shaking ple
shook /k/ shaken) sharp /
p/ adjective 1. with an edge or

shall /l, l/ modal verb 1. used to


point which can easily cut or pass

make the future tense We shall be out through something For injections, a
on Saturday evening. I shant say an- needle has to have a very sharp point.
ything I shall keep my mouth shut! The beach is covered with sharp stones.
Tomorrow we shant be home until after This knife is useless it isnt sharp
10 oclock. 2. used to show a suggestion enough. 2. sudden and great There
Shall we open the windows? Shall I was a sharp drop in interest rates. The
give them a ring? (NOTE: shall is mainly road makes a sharp right-hand bend.
used with I and we. The negative is He received a sharp blow on the back of
shant /
nt/. The past tense is his head. We had a sharp frost last
should, should not usually shoul- night. 3. bitter Lemons have a very
dnt.) sharp taste. 4. quick to notice things
shallow / l/ adjective not far from He has a sharp sense of justice. She

top to bottom Children were playing has a sharp eye for a bargain. Hes
in the shallow end of the pool. The riv- pretty sharp at spotting mistakes. ad-
er is so shallow in summer that you can verb 1. exactly The coach will leave
walk across it. the hotel at 7.30 sharp. 2. suddenly, at
shame /em/ noun the feeling you have
an angle The road turned sharp right.
sharpen /
pn/ verb to make some-

when you know you have done some-

thing bad or wrong She went bright thing sharp Page 283 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

shave 283 shift

shave /ev/ noun the act of cutting off shelf /elf/ noun a flat piece of wood at-
shave shelf

the hair on your face with a razor He tached to a wall or in a cupboard on

decided to have a shave before going which things can be put He put up or
out to dinner. verb 1. to cut off the built some shelves in the kitchen. The
hair on your face with a razor He cut shelves were packed with books. Put
himself shaving. 2. to cut the hair on that book back on the shelf. Can you
your head or, on a part of your body, so reach me down the box from the top
that it is very short I didnt recognise shelf? The plates are on the top shelf
him with his head shaved. in the kitchen cupboard. (NOTE: The
plural is shelves.)
she /i
/ pronoun used for referring to a

shell /el/ noun 1. the hard outside part


female person, a female animal and

sometimes to cars, ships and countries which covers some animals such as
Shes my sister. She and I are going on snails or tortoises The children spent
holiday to France together. Im angry hours collecting shells on the beach. 2.
with her shes taken my motorbike. the hard outside part of an egg or a nut
Shes a sweet little cat, but shes no I found a big piece of shell in my ome-
good at catching mice. The customs lette. 3. a metal tube which is fired from
officers boarded the ship when she a gun and explodes when it hits some-
docked. (NOTE: When it is the object, thing A shell landed on the hospital.
shelter / elt/ noun 1. protection We

she becomes her: She hit the ball or

the ball hit her. When it follows the verb stood in the shelter of a tree waiting for
to be, she usually becomes her: the rain to stop. On the mountain
Whos that? Its her, the girl we met there was no shelter from the pouring
yesterday.) rain. to take shelter to go somewhere
for protection When the gunmen start-
shed /ed/ noun a small wooden building

ed to shoot we all took shelter behind a

They kept the mower in a shed at the
wall. 2. a structure or building which
bottom of the garden. verb to lose protects you from bad weather or dan-
something which you are carrying or ger People stood in the bus shelter out
wearing In autumn, the trees shed of the rain as they waited for the bus to
their leaves as soon as the weather turns come. verb to go somewhere for pro-
cold. A lorry has shed its load of wood tection Sheep were sheltering from the
at the roundabout. We shed our snow beside the hedge.
clothes and dived into the cool water.
shelves /elvz/ plural of shelf

(NOTE: sheds shedding shed)

sheriff / erf/ noun US an official in

sheep /i
p/ noun a common farm ani-

charge of justice in a particular part of a

mal, which gives wool and meat a state the sheriff of Orange County
flock of sheep The sheep are in the
shield /i
ld/ noun a large plate held in

field. (NOTE: The plural is sheep.)

one hand, carried by people such as po-
sheer // adjective 1. used for empha-

lice as a protection The policemen

sizing something It was sheer heaven cowered behind their plastic shields.
to get into a hot bath after skiing. She verb to protect someone or something
was crying out of sheer frustration. from being reached or seen He tried to
Its sheer madness to go out without a shield her from the wind.
coat in this weather. 2. very steep It
shift /ft/ noun a change of something

was a sheer drop to the beach below. such as position or direction The com-
sheet /i
t/ noun 1. a large piece of thin

pany is taking advantage of a shift in the

cloth which is put on a bed, either to lie market towards higher priced goods.
on or to cover you She changed the There has been a shift of emphasis from
sheets on the bed. 2. a large flat piece of opposition to partnership. I dont un-
something such as paper, metal, ice or derstand this shift in attitude. verb to
plastic Can you give me another sheet change position or direction Weve
of paper? shifted the television from the kitchen Page 284 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

shin 284 shopping

into the dining room. My opinion has shocking / k/ adjective very un-

shifted since I read the official report. pleasant, which gives someone a sudden
shin /n/ noun the front part of your leg

below the knee He scraped his shin shoe /u
/ noun a piece of clothing

climbing over the wall. They kicked which is worn on your foot Shes
him in the shins. bought a new pair of shoes. He put his
shine /an/ verb 1. to be bright with
shoes on and went out. Take your
light The sun is shining and they say shoes off if your feet hurt. (NOTE: The
itll be hot today. She polished the ta- plural is shoes.)
shone /n/ past tense and past participle

ble until it shone. The wine glasses

shone in the light of the candles. Why of shine
do cats eyes shine in the dark? The shook /k/ past tense of shake

moon shone down on the waiting crowd.

shoot /u
t/ noun a new growth of a

2. to make light fall on something He

shone his torch into the cellar. (NOTE: plant, growing from a seed or from a
shines shining shone /n/) branch One or two green shoots are
already showing where I sowed my let-
shiny / ani/ adjective which shines

tuces. After pruning, the roses will

(NOTE: shinier shiniest) send out a lot of strong new shoots.
ship /p/ noun a large boat for carrying verb 1. to fire a gun Soldiers were

passengers and goods on the sea Shes shooting into the woods. 2. to hit or kill
a fine ship. How many ships does the a person or animal by firing a gun One
Royal Navy have? The first time we of the robbers was shot by a policeman
went to the United States, we went by when he tried to run away. We went
ship. (NOTE: A ship is often referred to out hunting and shot two rabbits. 3. to
as she or her.) go very fast When the bell rang she
shot down the stairs. He started the
shirt /
t/ noun a light piece of clothing

engine and the car shot out of the ga-

which you wear on the top part of the rage. 4. in some sports, to aim a ball at
body The teacher wore a blue suit and the goal He shot, and the ball bounced
a white shirt. When he came back off the post. (NOTE: shoots shooting
from the trip he had a suitcase full of shot /t/)
dirty shirts. Its so hot that the work-
shop /p/ noun a place where you can

ers in the fields have taken their shirts

off. buy things Quite a few shops are open
on Sundays. I never go to that shop
shiver / v/ verb to shake with cold or

its much too expensive. The sweet

fear She shivered in the cold night air. shop is opposite the fire station. verb
He was coughing and shivering, so to look for and buy things in shops
the doctor told him to stay in bed. Shes out shopping for his birthday
noun the action of shaking because of present. Mums gone shopping in
feeling cold or frightened town. They went shopping in Oxford
shock /k/ noun a sudden unpleasant

Street. Do you ever shop locally?

surprise It gave me quite a shock when (NOTE: shops shopping
you walked in. Hes in for a nasty shopped)
shock. in a state of shock reacting shopkeeper / pki
p/ noun a person

badly to a sudden unpleasant surprise who owns a shop

She was in a state of shock after hearing shopping / p/ noun 1. the activity

of the accident. verb to give someone of buying things in a shop We do all

a sudden unpleasant surprise The con- our shopping at the weekend. Hes
ditions in the hospital shocked the in- gone out to do the weekly shopping. 2.
spectors. things which you have bought in a shop
shocked /kt/ adjective having an un-

Put all your shopping on the table.

pleasant surprise She was carrying two baskets of shop- Page 285 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

shore 285 show

ping. (NOTE: no plural: some shopping, enough money I should like to buy a new
a lot of shopping) car.
shore /
/ noun land at the edge of the shoulder / ld/ noun the part of the
shore shoulder

sea or a lake She stood on the shore body at the top of the arm The police-
waving as the boat sailed away. man hurt me on the shoulder. Look
short /
t/ adjective 1. not long Have
over your shoulder, hes just behind you.
shout /at/ noun a loud cry She gave

you got a short piece of wire? 2. (of dis-

tance) not far She only lives a short a shout and dived into the water. Peo-
distance away. The taxi driver wanted ple came running when they heard the
to take me through the high street, but I shouts of the children. verb to make a
told him there was a shorter route. loud cry or to speak very loudly They
The shortest way to the railway station stamped on the floor and shouted. I
is to go through the park. 3. (of time) not had to shout to the waitress to get
lasting a long time He phoned a short served. They were shouting greetings
time ago. We had a short holiday in to one another across the street.
June. She managed to have a short shove /v/ noun a sudden push She

sleep on the plane. 4. not tall He is gave the car a shove and it rolled down
only 1m 40 much shorter than his the hill. verb to push someone or
brother. something roughly He shoved the pa-
shortage /
td"/ noun the fact that

pers into his pocket. Stop shoving

you do not have something you need theres no more room on the bus.
a shortage of skilled staff During the show // noun 1. an exhibition The

war, there were food shortages. Hampton Court Flower Show opens to-
shortly /
tli/ adverb soon

morrow. She has entered her two cats

shot /t/ noun 1. the action of shooting
for the local cat show. 2. a play or other
The police fired two shots at the car. performance which is on at a theatre
Some shots were fired during the bank Cats is a wonderful show. Were go-
robbery. 2. a kick or hit to try to score a ing to a show tonight. The show starts
goal He kicked but his shot was at 7.30, so lets have dinner early.
stopped by the goalkeeper. past tense verb 1. to let someone see something
and past participle of shoot He wanted to show me his holiday pho-
tos. She proudly showed me her new
should /d/ modal verb 1. used in giv-

car. You dont have to show your pass-

ing advice or warnings for saying what
port when youre travelling to Ireland.
is the best thing to do You should go
2. to point something out to someone
to the doctor if your cough gets worse.
Show me where the accident happened.
I should have been more careful. She
He asked me to show him the way to
shouldnt eat so much if shes trying to
the railway station. The salesman
lose weight. Should I ask for more cof-
showed her how to work the photocopi-
fee? Why should I clean up your
er. My watch shows the date as well as
mess? (NOTE: Ought to can be used in-
the time. 3. to be seen, or to be obvious
stead of should.) 2. used to say what
The repairs were badly done and it
you expect to happen If you leave now
shows. Her rash has almost disap-
you should be there by 4 oclock.
peared and hardly shows at all. (NOTE:
Their train should have arrived by now.
shows showing showed
There shouldnt be any more prob-
shown /n/) on show arranged
lems now. (NOTE: Ought to can be
for everyone to see Is there anything
used instead of should.) 3. used to
new on show in this years exhibition?
show a possibility If the President
should die in office, the Vice-President show off phrasal verb 1. to show how
automatically takes over. Ill be in the much better than other people you think
next room should you need me. 4. same you are Dont watch her dancing
as would (dated ) We should like to about like that shes just showing off.
offer you our congratulations. If I had 2. to let a lot of people see something Page 286 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

shower 286 shut

shrivel / rv()l/ verb to make the sur-

which you are proud of He drove past

with the radio on very loud, showing off face of something become dry and
his new car. creased, or to become like this (NOTE:
show up phrasal verb 1. to do some- shrivels shrivelling shrivelled)
thing which shows other people to be shrunk /rk/ past participle of shrink

worse than you She dances so well

shuffle / f()l/ verb 1. to walk drag-

that she shows us all up. 2. to be seen

ging your feet along the ground He
clearly When I ride my bike at night I shuffled into the room in his slippers. 2.
wear an orange jacket because it shows to mix the playing cards before starting
up clearly in the dark. 3. to come to or a game I think he must have done
arrive in a place (informal ) We invited something to the cards when he was
all our friends to the picnic but it rained shuffling them.
and only five of them showed up.
shut /t/ adjective not open Some

shower / a/ noun 1. a slight fall of


rain or snow In April theres usually a shops are shut on Sundays, but most big
mixture of sunshine and showers. stores are open. We tried to get into
There were snow showers this morning, the museum but it was shut. She lay
but it is sunny again now. 2. a piece of with her eyes shut. Come in the door
equipment in a bathroom, usually fixed isnt shut! verb 1. to close something
high up on the wall, which sends out which is open Can you please shut the
water to wash your whole body 3. an oc- window its getting cold in here.
casion when you wash your body with a Heres your present shut your eyes
shower She went up to her room and and guess what it is. 2. to close for busi-
had a shower. He has a cold shower ness In Germany, shops shut on Sat-
every morning. You cant take a show- urday afternoons. The restaurant
er now, theres no hot water. verb to shuts at midnight. (NOTE: shuts shut-
wash yourself under a shower He ting shut)
showered and went down to greet his shut down phrasal verb 1. to close
guests. completely The factory shut down for
shown /n/ past participle of show the holiday weekend. 2. to switch off an

shrank /rk/ past tense of shrink

electrical system They had to shut
down the factory because pollution lev-
shred /red/ noun a long narrow piece

els were too high.

torn off something She tore his news-
shut in phrasal verb to lock someone
paper to shreds. The curtains were on
inside a place
the floor in shreds. verb 1. to tear or
cut paper into long thin pieces, which shut off phrasal verb 1. to switch
can then be thrown away or used as something off Can you shut off the
packing material They sent a pile of water while I mend the tap? 2. to stop
old invoices to be shredded. She told access to We can shut off the dining
the police that the manager had told her room with folding doors. The house is
to shred all the documents in the file. 2. shut off from the road by a high wall.
to cut something into very thin pieces shut out phrasal verb 1. to lock some-
Heres a utensil for shredding vegeta- one outside a place I was shut out of
bles. Add a cup of shredded carrot. the house because Id left my keys in-
(NOTE: shreds shredding shred- side. If the dog keeps on barking
ded) youll have to shut him out. 2. to stop
shrink /rk/ verb 1. to make smaller
light getting inside, or to stop people
The water must have been too hot its seeing inside Those thick curtains
shrunk my shirt. 2. to get smaller My should shut out the light from the chil-
shirt has shrunk in the wash. The mar- drens room. A high wall shuts out the
ket for typewriters has shrunk almost to view of the factory. 3. to stop thinking
nothing. (NOTE: shrinks shrinking about something Try to shut out the
shrank /rk/ shrunk /rk/) memory of the accident. Page 287 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

shutter 287 sign

shut up phrasal verb 1. to close some- road. She sat to one side of the fire-
thing inside a place I hate being shut place. 5. one of two parts separated by
up indoors on a sunny day. 2. an impo- something She jumped over the fence
lite way of telling someone to stop talk- to get to the other side. In the UK,
ing or to stop making a noise Tell cars drive on the left-hand side of the
those children to shut up Im trying to road. 6. a sports team The local side
work. Shut up! were tired of listen- was beaten 2 0. 7. the part of the body
ing to your complaints. Once he starts between the top of the legs and the
shoulder I cant sleep when Im lying
talking its impossible to shut him up.
on my right side. The policemen stood
shutter / t/ noun 1. a folding wooden

by the prisoners side. They all stood

or metal cover for a window Close the side by side. adjective which is at the
shutters if the sunlight is too bright. 2. side There is a side entrance to the
the part of a camera which opens and shop. Can you take that bucket round
closes very quickly to allow the light to to the side door?
go on to the film He released the shut-
sidewalk / sadw
k/ noun US a pave-

ter and took the picture.

ment A girl was walking slowly along
shy /a/ adjective nervous and afraid to

the sidewalk. We sat at a sidewalk

speak or do something Hes so shy he caf.
sat in the back row and didnt speak to
sideways / sadwez/ adverb to the side

or from the side Crabs walk sideways.
sick /sk/ adjective 1. not in good health

Take a step sideways and you will be

Hes been sick for months. We have able to see the castle. If you look at the
five staff off sick. 2. to be sick to bring post sideways youll see how bent it is.
up food from the stomach into the
sigh /sa/ noun a long deep breath, show-

mouth The last time I ate oysters I was

sick all night. to feel sick to feel ill be- ing feelings such as sadness or showing
cause you want to bring up food from that you feel tired She gave a deep
the stomach When I got up this morn- sigh and put the phone down. You
ing I felt sick and went back to bed. could hear the sighs of relief from the
The greasy food made her feel sick. 3. audience when the hero was saved.
to make someone sick to make some- verb to breathe with a sigh He sighed
one very annoyed All my friends earn and wrote out another cheque.
sight /sat/ noun 1. the sense that is the

more than I do it makes me sick! 4. in-

volving subjects or behaviour that many ability to see My grandfathers sight
people are upset or offended by a sick isnt very good any more. 2. the fact of
joke noun the contents of the stomach being able to see something He cant
when they come out through the mouth stand the sight of blood. We caught
(informal ) sight of an eagle up in the mountains.
side /sad/ noun 1. one of the four parts
She kept waving until the car disap-
which with the top and bottom make a peared from sight. The fog cleared
solid object such as a box Stand the and the mountains came into sight.
box upright dont turn it onto its side. They waved until the boat was out of
2. one of the two parts which with the sight. 3. something, especially some-
front and back make a building The thing famous, which is interesting to see
garage is attached to the side of the They went off on foot to see the sights
house. 3. one of the surfaces of a flat ob- of the town. The guidebook lists the
ject Please write on both sides of the main tourist sights in Beijing. (NOTE: Do
paper. 4. one of two or more parts or not confuse with site.)
sign /san/ noun 1. a movement of the

edges of something Our office is on

the opposite side of the street to the hand which means something He
bank. Londons Heathrow Airport is made a sign to us to sit down. 2. some-
on the west side of the city. The hitch- thing such as a drawing or a notice
hikers were standing by the side of the which advertises something The shop Page 288 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

signal 288 simply

has a big sign outside it saying for lence as she came in. There will be a
sale. A no smoking sign hung on the minutes silence at 11 oclock.
wall. 3. something which shows that silent / salnt/ adjective not talking or

something is happening or has hap- making any noise He kept silent for
pened There is no sign of the rain the whole meeting. This new washing
stopping. The economy is showing machine is almost silent. They showed
signs of improvement. The police can some old silent films.
find no sign of how the burglars got into silk /slk/ noun cloth made from fibres

the office. He should have arrived by produced by insects She was wearing
now, but theres no sign of him. 4. a a beautiful silk scarf. I bought some
printed character the pound sign () blue silk to make a dress.
the dollar sign ($) verb to write your
silly / sli/ adjective stupid in an annoy-

name in a special way on a document to

show that you have written it or that you ing way Dont be silly you cant go
have approved it Sign on the dotted to the party dressed like that! She
line, please. The letter is signed by the asked a lot of silly questions. Of all
managing director. A cheque is not the silly newspaper articles that must be
valid if it has not been signed. the silliest. (NOTE: sillier silliest)
silver / slv/ noun a precious white met-

signal / s'n()l/ noun 1. a sign or


al often used for making jewellery

movement which tells someone to do Gold is worth more than silver. How
something Ill give you a signal to much is an ounce of silver worth? ad-
start singing. 2. a piece of equipment jective of a shiny white colour, like sil-
used to tell someone to do something ver The car has been resprayed with
The signal was at red so the train had to silver paint. She wore silver sandals
stop. verb to make signs to tell some- to match her handbag.
one to do something The driver sig-
similar / sml/ adjective very much

nalled to show that he was turning right.

She signalled to me that we were run-
like someone or something but not ex-
actly the same The two cars are very
ning out of time. (NOTE: signals sig-
similar in appearance. Our situation
nalling signalled. The US spelling
is rather similar to yours.
is signaling signaled.)
similarity /sm lrti/ noun being

signature / s'nt/ noun a name writ-


similar (NOTE: The plural is similari-

ten in a special way by someone to show ties.)
that a document has been officially ac-
similarly / smlli/ adverb in a similar

cepted He found a pile of cheques on

his desk waiting for his signature. Her way All these infections must be treat-
signature doesnt look like her name at ed similarly. He always writes a nice
thank you letter, and similarly so does
all. The shopkeeper looked very
his sister.
closely at her signature and compared it
simple / smpl/ adjective 1. easy to do

with the one on the credit card.

or understand The machine is very
significant /s' nfknt/ adjective im-

simple to use. 2. not unusual, special or
portant or noticeable It is highly sig- complicated They had a simple meal
nificant that everyone else was asked to of bread and soup. Its a very simple
the meeting, but not the finance director. pattern of lines and squares.
There has been a significant improve-
simply / smpli/ adverb 1. in a simple

ment in his condition.

way He described very simply how
silence / salns/ noun a situation which

the accident had happened. She al-

is quiet, without any noise I love the ways dresses very simply. 2. only He
silence of the countryside at night. did it simply to annoy everyone. She
The crowd of tourists waited in silence. gave a new look to the room simply by
The mayor held up his hand and asked painting one wall red. 3. used for em-
for silence. There was a sudden si- phasis Your garden is simply beauti- Page 289 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

since 289 site

ful. Its simply terrible what shall we sank in 30m of water. The paper boat
do? floated for a few minutes, then sank.
since /sns/ preposition during the peri-
You should tie a piece of lead to your
od after Shes been here since Mon- fishing line to make it sink. 2. to fall sud-
day. Weve been working non-stop denly She was so upset that she just
since four oclock cant we have a sank into an armchair and closed her
rest? conjunction 1. during the period eyes. My heart sank when I heard the
after He has had trouble borrowing news. (NOTE: sinks sinking sank
money ever since he was rude to the /sk/ sunk /sk/)
sip /sp/ noun the act of drinking a small

bank manager. Since we got to the ho-

tel, it has rained every day. 2. because amount She took a sip of water, and
Since hes ill, you cant ask him to help went on with her speech. verb to drink
you. Since its such a fine day, lets go something taking only a small amount
for a walk. adverb during the period at a time The girl was sipping her
until now She phoned on Sunday and drink quietly. (NOTE: sips sipping
we havent heard from her since. He sipped)
left England in 1990 and has lived sir /s
/ noun 1. a polite way of speaking

abroad ever since. to a man, e.g. a man who is a customer

sincere /sn s/ adjective very honest

in a shop Would you like a drink with
and real, not false or pretended your lunch, sir? Please come this way,
sir. 2. Dear Sir a polite way of begin-
sincerely /sn sli/ adverb honestly or

ning a letter to a man you do not know

3. the title given to a baronet or knight
sing /s/ verb to make music with your

siren / sarn/ noun a piece of equip-


voice She was singing as she worked. ment which makes a loud warning sig-
Please sing another song. He al- nal
ways sings in the bath. She sang a fun-
sister / sst/ noun 1. a girl or woman

ny song about elephants. The birds

were singing in the garden. (NOTE: who has the same father and mother as
sings singing sang /s/ sung someone else His three sisters all look
/s/) alike. My younger sister Louise works
in a bank. Do you have any sisters? 2.
singer / s/ noun a person who sings

a senior female nurse in charge of a

single / s'()l/ adjective 1. one alone

ward The sister told me my son was

He handed her a single sheet of paper. getting better. (NOTE: The male equiva-
There wasnt a single person I knew at lent is charge nurse.)
the party. The single most important sit /st/ verb 1. to be resting with your

fact about him is that he has no money. bottom on something Mother was sit-
2. for one person only Have you got a ting in bed eating her breakfast. 2. (of a
single room for two nights, please? bird ) to rest on something The robin
We prefer two single beds to a double always comes and sits on the fence when
bed. 3. not married Shes twenty-nine Im digging. (NOTE: sits sitting sat
and still single. Are there any single /st/)
men on the course? sit down phrasal verb to sit on a seat
singular / s'jl/ adjective showing

sit up phrasal verb 1. to sit with your

that there is only one thing or person back straight Sit up straight! 2. to
She is a singular pronoun. move from a lying to a sitting position
sink /sk/ noun a fixed container for wa- Hes too weak to sit up. He sat up in

ter in which you wash things such as bed to eat his breakfast. 3. to delay go-
dishes in a kitchen The sink was piled ing to bed or to go to bed later than usual
high with dirty dishes. He was wash- We sat up playing cards until 2 a.m.
ing his hands at the kitchen sink. verb site /sat/ noun 1. a place where some-

1. to go down to the bottom of some- thing is or will be This is the site for
thing such as water or mud The ferry the new factory. 2. a place where some- Page 290 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

sitting room 290 skill

thing happened, or where something size swimming pool. He takes size ten
once existed This was the site of the in shoes. What size collars do you
Battle of Hastings in 1066. Theyre take? The size of the staff has doubled
trying to locate the site of the old Roman in the last two years.
fort. sizzle / sz()l/ verb to make a sound like

sitting room / st ru
m/ noun a com-
sitting room

food cooking in oil or fat

fortable room in a house for sitting in skate /sket/ noun a boot with a blade at-

situation /stu e()n/ noun 1. the


tached to the bottom which you wear for

position which someone or something is sliding over ice a pair of skates verb
in because of things which have hap- to move wearing skates She skated
pened Whats your opinion of the across the frozen lake. (NOTE: skates
companys present situation? I won- skating skated)
der how she got herself into this situa- skateboard / sketb
d/ noun a board

tion? 2. a place where something is with two pairs of wheels underneath,

The hotel is in a very pleasant situation which you stand on to move about
by the sea.
skeleton / skelt()n/ noun all the

six /sks/ noun the number 6 Hes six


bones which make up a body They

(years old). Were having some people found the skeleton of a rabbit in the gar-
round for drinks at six (oclock). den shed. He demonstrated joints us-
There are only six chocolates left in the ing the skeleton in the biology lab.
box whos eaten the rest?
skeptical / skeptk()l/ adjective US

sixteen /sks ti
n/ noun the number 16

spelling of sceptical
Hell be sixteen next month. The
sketch /sket/ noun a rough quick draw-

train leaves at seventeen sixteen

(17.16). ing He made a sketch of the church.
verb to make a rough quick drawing of
sixteenth /sks ti
n/ adjective number

something She was sketching the old
16 in a series She came sixteenth in church. He sketched out his plan on
the race. Her sixteenth birthday is on the back of an envelope.
Tuesday. noun the thing that is
sketchbook / sketbk/ noun a book

number 16 in a series Today is July the

sixteenth or the sixteenth of July (July of drawing paper for sketching
ski /ski
/ noun one of two long flat ob-

sixth /sks/ adjective number 6 in a se-
jects which are attached to your boots
ries His office is on the sixth floor. for sliding over snow We always hire
What is the sixth letter of the alphabet? skis when we get to the ski resort.
Tomorrow is her sixth birthday. Someone stole my new pair of skis.
noun 1. the thing that is number 6 in a verb to travel on skis The mountain
series Today is September the sixth or rescue team had to ski to the site of the
the sixth of September (September 6th). avalanche. We skied down to the bot-
2. one part of six equal parts Ten min- tom of the slope without falling. She
utes is a sixth of an hour. broke her arm skiing. (NOTE: skis ski-
ing skied)
sixtieth / skst/ adjective number

skiing / ski
/ noun the sport of sliding

sixty in a series his sixtieth birthday

noun the thing that is number sixty in a on skis
skilful / sklf()l/ adjective showing a lot

sixty / sksti/ noun the number 60
of skill
skilfully / sklfli/ adverb in a skilful

Shes sixty (years old). Over sixty

players took part in the competition. way It was difficult but he did it very
size /saz/ noun the measurements of
skill /skl/ noun the ability to do some-

something, or how big something is

Their garage is about the same size as thing well as a result of training or expe-
our house. The school has an Olympic rience Portrait painting needs a lot of Page 291 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

skilled 291 slaughter

skill. This job will help you develop skyscraper / skaskrep/ noun a very

management skills. tall building

skilled /skld/ adjective 1. able to do slab /slb/ noun a flat square or rectan-

something well, using a particular skill gular block of stone or concrete

Shes a skilled therapist. We need
slack /slk/ adjective 1. not pulled tight

skilled programmers. 2. needing a par- or not fitting tightly The wind had
ticular skill nursing and other skilled dropped and the sails were slack. The
professions ropes are slack pull on them to make
skillful / sklf()l/ adjective US spelling

them tight. 2. not busy Business is

of skilful slack at the end of the week. January
skim /skm/ verb 1. to remove things is always a slack period for us.

floating on a liquid Skim the soup to slam /slm/ verb 1. to bang a door shut

remove the fat on the surface. 2. to move When he saw me, he slammed the
quickly over the surface of something door in my face. 2. to shut with a bang
Flies skimmed across the surface of the The door slammed and I was locked out.
lake. (NOTE: skims skimming 3. to move, or to hit something, with
skimmed) great force The car slammed into a
skin /skn/ noun 1. the outer surface of
tree. He slammed his fist on the desk.
the body The babys skin is very (NOTE: slams slamming
smooth. 2. the outer surface of a fruit or slammed)
vegetable This orange has a very thick slang /sl/ noun popular words or

skin. You can cook these new potatoes phrases used by certain groups of peo-
with their skins on. ple, but which are not used in formal sit-
skinny / skni/ adjective too thin to be
uations Dont use slang in your essay.
attractive A tall skinny guy walked in. Slang expressions are sometimes dif-
She has very skinny legs. (NOTE: skin- ficult to understand.
slant /sl
nt/ noun a slope The garden

nier skinniest)
skip /skp/ verb 1. to run along partly is on a slant, which makes cutting the

hopping and partly jumping The chil- lawn difficult. verb to slope The
dren skipped happily down the lane. 2. path slants down the side of the hill.
to jump over a rope which you turn over The picture seems to be slanting to the
your head The boys played football right.
slap /slp/ noun a blow given with your

and the girls were skipping. 3. to miss

part of something (informal ) She hand flat She gave him a slap in the
skipped the middle chapters and went face. verb 1. to hit someone or some-
on to read the end of the story. Im not thing with your hand flat She slapped
hungry, Ill skip the pudding. (NOTE: his face. 2. to hit someone or something
skips skipping skipped) gently with your open hand as a sign of
skirt /sk
t/ noun a piece of clothing
friendship They all slapped him on the
worn by women over the lower part of back to congratulate him. (NOTE: slaps
the body from the waist down She slapping slapped)
slash /sl/ verb to make a long cut in

started wearing jeans to work, but was

told to wear a skirt. something with a knife, often violently
skull /skl/ noun the bones which are
He slashed the painting with a kitchen
joined together to form the head knife.
slate /slet/ noun a thin piece of this

sky /ska/ noun a space above the earth


which is blue during the day and where stone used to cover a roof The slates
the moon and stars appear at night were already piled up on the roof ready
What makes the sky blue? Its going to for fixing.
slaughter / sl
t/ noun 1. the killing of

be a beautiful day theres not a cloud

in the sky. The wind carried the glider many people the terrible slaughter of
high up into the sky. innocent people in the riots 2. the killing Page 292 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

sleek 292 slope

of animals These lambs will be ready slides of her last trip. There will be a
for slaughter in a week or so. verb 1. slide show in the village hall. verb to
to kill many people or animals at the move smoothly over a slippery surface
same time Thousands of civilians The drawer slides in and out easily.
were slaughtered by the advancing ar- The car slid to a stop. The children
my. 2. to kill animals for their meat were sliding on the ice when it broke.
sleek /sli
k/ adjective smooth and shiny
(NOTE: slides sliding slid /sld/)
slight /slat/ adjective not very big or no-

the cats sleek coat After dinner we

walked across the sleek lawns to the riv- ticeable a slight difference She
er. wasnt the slightest bit nervous.
sleep /sli
p/ verb to rest with your eyes slightly / slatli/ adverb to only a small
sleep slightly

closed in an unconscious state She extent He was only slightly hurt in the
never sleeps for more than six hours car crash. The American bank is of-
each night. He slept through the fering a slightly better interest rate. I
whole of the TV news. Dont make any only know him slightly.
noise Daddys trying to sleep. (NOTE: slim /slm/ adjective with a body that is

sleeps sleeping slept /slept/) thin in an attractive way How do you

sleepy / sli
pi/ adjective feeling ready to manage to stay so slim? She looks

go to sleep The children had a busy slimmer in that dress. (NOTE: slimmer
day they were very sleepy by 8 oclock. slimmest) verb to eat less food, or
The injection will make you feel eat only special foods, in order to be-
sleepy. If you feel sleepy, dont try to come thin She started slimming be-
drive the car. Sitting in front of the TV fore her summer holidays. (NOTE: slims
made him sleepier and sleepier. (NOTE: slimming slimmed)
sleepier sleepiest) slime /slam/ noun a slippery substance,

sleet /sli
t/ noun snow mixed with rain which covers surfaces

The temperature fell and the rain turned slimy / slami/ adjective covered with

to sleet. something that is unpleasant and slip-

sleeve /sli
v/ noun the part of a piece of pery Watch out, the rocks are slimy.

clothing which covers your arm The Whats this slimy mess at the bottom of
sleeves on this shirt are too long. He the fridge? (NOTE: slimier slimiest)
was wearing a blue shirt with short slip /slp/ verb 1. to push something with-

sleeves. out being seen The postman slipped

slender / slend/ adjective long and the letters through the letter box. He

thin, or tall and slim slender fingers slipped the keys into his pocket. 2. to go
a slender flower stem a girl with a quickly Ill just slip down to the post
slender figure office with this letter. (NOTE: slips
slipping slipped) noun a small,
slept /slept/ past tense and past participle

often careless mistake Dont worry

of sleep
about that. It was just a slip. He made
slice /slas/ noun a thin piece cut off

a few slips in his calculations.

something to eat Can you cut some
slippers / slpz/ noun light comforta-

more slices of bread? Have a slice of

ble shoes worn indoors They put their
chocolate cake. Would you like anoth-
slippers on when they come into the
er slice of chicken? verb to cut some-
thing into thin pieces She stood at the
slippery / slp()ri/ adjective so smooth

table slicing the joint for lunch.

that one can easily slip and fall
slide /slad/ noun 1. a slippery metal or

slit /slt/ noun a long cut or narrow open-


plastic structure for children to slide

down There are swings and a slide in ing She peeped through a slit in the
the local playground. 2. a small piece of curtains.
slope /slp/ noun a surface or piece of

film which can be shown on a screen

She put the screen up and showed us the ground that has one end higher than the Page 293 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

slot 293 smoke

other The land rises in a gentle slope intelligent It was smart of her to note
to the church. They stopped halfway the cars number plate. verb if some-
down the slope. verb to have one end thing smarts, it hurts with a burning
higher than the other The road slopes feeling The place where I burnt my
down to the sea. hand is still smarting.
slot /slt/ noun a long thin hole A coin smash /sm/ verb 1. to break into piec-
slot smash

has got stuck in the slot of the parking es He dropped the plate and it
meter. Put the system disk into the slot smashed to pieces. 2. to break some-
on the front of your computer. thing into pieces, often using force or
slow /sl/ adjective 1. needing a long
violence Demonstrators smashed the
time to do something Luckily, the car windows of police cars. 3. to do better
was only going at a slow speed. She is than the previous best performance
the slowest walker of the group. The She smashed the world record. Six
company is very slow at answering my records were smashed at the Olympics.
letters. Sales got off to a slow start but 4. to hit against something violently
picked up later. 2. showing a time which The train smashed into the car. The
is earlier than the right time The office crowd smashed through the railings.
smell /smel/ noun 1. the sense that al-

clock is four minutes slow.

slow down phrasal verb 1. to go more lows you to be aware of something
slowly The van had to slow down as it through your nose Animals have a
came to the traffic lights. Please slow better sense of smell than humans.
down, I cant keep up with you. 2. to These dogs have a very keen sense of
make something go more slowly The smell and can sniff out even a minute
snow slowed the traffic down on the mo- quantity of drugs. 2. something which
torway. you can sense with your nose I love
slowly / slli/ adverb at a slow speed
the smell of coffee. She noticed a smell
Luckily, the car was going very slowly of gas downstairs. verb 1. to notice
the smell of something Can you smell
when it hit the fence. The group
walked slowly round the exhibition. gas? Wild animals can smell humans.
My nose is blocked I cant smell an-
Speak more slowly so that everyone can
understand. ything. 2. to make a smell I dont like
cheese which smells too strong.
sly /sla/ adjective good at doing secret or

Whats for dinner? it smells very

slightly dishonest things good! Theres something which
smack /smk/ verb to hit someone or smells funny in the bathroom. It smelt

something with your hand flat She of gas in the kitchen. 3. to bring your
smacked the little girl for being rude. nose close to something to smell it
noun an act of hitting someone, espe- She bent down to smell the snowdrops.
cially a child, with your hand flat If (NOTE: smells smelling smelled
you pull the cats tail youll get a smack. or smelt /smelt/)
small /sm
l/ adjective not large in size smile /smal/ noun an act of turning your
small smile

or amount Small cars are more eco- mouth up at the corners to show that you
nomical than large ones. The house is are pleased The dentist gave me a
too big for us, so were selling it and friendly smile. She had a big smile as
buying a smaller one. She only paid a she told them the good news. verb to
small amount for that clock. The show that you are pleased by turning
guidebook isnt small enough to carry in your mouth up at the corners That girl
your pocket. These trousers are al- has just smiled at me. Everyone smile
ready too small for him. please Im taking a picture!
smart /sm
t/ adjective 1. having a neat smoke /smk/ noun a white, grey or
smart smoke

appearance A smart young man asked black substance produced by something

me if he could use my mobile phone. that is burning The restaurant was full
He looked very smart in his uniform. 2. of cigarette smoke. Clouds of smoke Page 294 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

smooth 294 sneak

were pouring out of the upstairs win- the spare parts over the border. 2. to
dows. Two people died from inhaling take something into or out of a place se-
toxic smoke. Smoke detectors are fit- cretly and dishonestly The knives
ted in all the rooms. verb 1. to pro- were smuggled into the prison by a
duce smoke Two days after the fire, someone visiting a prisoner. Well
the ruins of the factory were still smok- never know how they smuggled the let-
ing. 2. to breathe in smoke from some- ter out.
thing such as a cigarette Everyone snack /snk/ noun a light meal, or a

was smoking even though the signs said small amount of food eaten between
no smoking. She doesnt smoke
meals We didnt have time to stop for
much. You shouldnt smoke if you a proper lunch, so we just had a snack
want to play football. (NOTE: smokes
on the motorway.
smoking smoked)
snag /sn'/ noun a little problem which

smooth /smu
/ adjective 1. with no

bumps or rough parts the smooth sur- prevents you from doing something
face of a polished table The babys Weve run into a snag: there are no
skin is very smooth. Velvet has a flights to the island on Sundays. The
smooth side and a rough side. 2. with no only snag is that hes not a very good
sudden unpleasant movements Dirt in driver.
snail /snel/ noun a small animal which

the fuel tank can prevent the smooth

running of the engine. We had a very moves slowly along the ground, which
smooth ride. has a soft body and a spiral-shaped shell
smoothly / smu
li/ adverb in a smooth on its back

way snake /snek/ noun a long thin animal


smoothness / smu
ns/ noun the

which has no legs and moves along the

state of being smooth The fabric has ground by wriggling Is this snake safe
all the smoothness of a babys skin. to handle?
The smoothness of the ride makes up for
snap /snp/ noun a photograph taken

the high fare.

quickly (informal ) She showed me an
smother / sm/ verb 1. to kill some-

old black-and-white snap of the house.

one by stopping them from breathing He took a lot of snaps of his children.
They took the kittens and smothered adjective sudden They carried out a
them. Never put a pillow over some- snap check or a snap inspection of the
ones face you may smother them! 2. passengers luggage. The government
to cover something completely a called a snap election. verb 1. to
chocolate cake simply smothered in break sharply with a dry noise He
cream The firemen put out the fire by snapped a branch off the bush. 2. to
smothering it with foam. break and make a loud high noise The
smudge /smd"/ noun a dirty mark

handle snapped off. (NOTE: snaps

There is a smudge on the top corner of snapping snapped)
the photograph. He had a black
snarl /sn
l/ verb to growl angrily The

smudge on his cheek. verb to make a

dirty mark, e.g. by rubbing ink which is leopard snarled as he approached its
not dry Dont touch the print with cage. Take your money, and get out
your wet hands, or youll smudge it. he snarled. noun an angry growl As
she opened the door of the cage she
smug /sm'/ adjective pleased about

heard a snarl.
something, especially your own
snatch /snt/ verb to grab something

achievements, in a way that is annoying

(NOTE: smugger smuggest) suddenly and quickly He came beside
smuggle / sm'()l/ verb 1. to take
her on his bike and snatched her hand-
goods into a country secretly and ille- bag.
sneak /sni
k/ verb to go somewhere qui-

gally They tried to smuggle cigarettes

into the country. We had to smuggle etly without being seen She sneaked Page 295 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

sneer 295 sob

into the room. The burglar sneaked up snuggle / sn'()l/ verb to curl your

to the house, hidden by the trees. body into a warm comfortable position
sneer /sn/ noun an unpleasant smile
They snuggled under their blankets.

so /s/ adverb 1. showing how much


He held the whip in his hand and looked

at her with a sneer. verb to give some- Its so cold that the lake is covered with
one a sarcastic smile or to speak in a ice. We liked Greece so much that
contemptuous way He sneered at her were going there again on holiday next
attempts to speak French. You shoul- year. The soup was so salty that I
dnt sneer at her clothes theyre by the couldnt eat it. 2. also She was late
best designers and are very expensive. and so was I. The children all caught
sneeze /sni
z/ noun the uncontrolled ac-
flu, and so did their teacher. I like ap-
tion of blowing air suddenly out through ples. So do I. Hes a good cook and
your mouth and nose because of an irri- so is his wife. The teacher will be late
tation inside your nose Coughs and and so will everyone else. 3. showing
sneezes spread diseases. verb to make that the answer is yes Does this train
a sneeze The smell of roses makes me go to London? I think so. Was your
sneeze. car completely smashed? Im afraid
so. Will you be coming to the party?
sniff /snf/ noun the act of breathing in

I hope so! Are they going to be at the

air through your nose The dog gave a meeting? I suppose so. conjunction
sniff at the plate before licking it. He and this is the reason why It was
gave a little sniff and walked out of the snowing hard so we couldnt go for a
shop. verb to breathe in air through walk. Shes got flu so she cant come
your nose He sniffed and said I can to the office. so what what does it
smell fish and chips. The customs in- matter?
spection is very strict, a dog is taken
soak /sk/ verb 1. to put something in a

round to sniff (at) each bag and suit-

liquid for a time Dry beans should be
soaked in cold water for 24 hours. 2. to
snooker / snu
k/ noun a game for two

become very wet, or to make something

players played on a table with twenty- very wet I forgot my umbrella and got
two balls of different colours which you soaked. The rain soaked the soil.
hit with a long thin stick soaking / sk/ adjective, adverb

snore /sn
/ noun a loud noise which

very wet Dont let the dog into the

someone who is sleeping produces in kitchen hes soaking or hes soaking
his or her nose and throat His snores wet.
kept her awake. verb to make a snore soap /sp/ noun a substance which you

I cant get to sleep because my hus- wash with, made from oils and usually
band snores. with a pleasant smell Theres no soap
snow /sn/ noun water which falls as left in the bathroom. Ive put a new

light white pieces of ice in cold weather bar of soap in the kitchen. (NOTE: no
Two metres of snow fell during the plural: some soap, a bar or a cake or a
night. The highest mountains are al- piece of soap)
ways covered with snow. Children soar /s
/ verb 1. to go up very quickly

were out playing in the snow. We went Food prices soared during the cold
for a skiing holiday and there was hard- weather. 2. to fly high up into the sky
ly any snow. verb to fall as snow The rocket went soaring into the night
Look its started to snow! It snowed sky. (NOTE: Do not confuse with sore.)
all day, and the streets were blocked. sob /sb/ verb to cry, taking short breaths

It hardly ever snows here in March. like hiccups She lay sobbing on the
(NOTE: The verb snow is always used bed. The little girl sobbed herself to
with the subject it.) sleep. (NOTE: sobs sobbing
snug /sn'/ adjective warm and com-

sobbed) noun a short breath like a

fortable (NOTE: snugger snuggest) hiccup, made by someone who is crying Page 296 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

soccer 296 solid

You could hear the sobs as she lay on software do you use? Compare hard-
her bed. He gave a sob, and put the ware (NOTE: no plural)
phone down. soggy / s'i/ adjective wet and soft to an

soccer / sk/ noun a game played be-


unpleasant degree (NOTE: soggier

tween two teams of eleven players with soggiest)
a round ball which can be kicked or hit soil /sl/ noun the earth in which plants

with the head, but not carried (NOTE: grow Put some soil in the plant pot
The game is called football in most and then sow your flower seeds. This
countries, but is generally called soc- soils too poor for growing fruit trees.
cer in the USA to distinguish it from The farm has fields of rich black soil.
American football.)
solar / sl/ adjective relating to the

social / s()l/ adjective relating to


sun (NOTE: The similar word relating to

people as a group, or to human society the moon is lunar and to the stars is
in general an area with very serious stellar.)
social problems
sold /sld/ past tense and past participle

socially / s()li/ adverb 1. in a


of sell
friendly situation I know her from
soldier / sld"/ noun a member of an

work but Ive never met her socially.

They get on very well socially. 2. with army Heres a photograph of my fa-
respect to other people or society the ther as a soldier. We were just in time
socially unacceptable behaviour of to see the soldiers march past. Enemy
some football fans These policies are soldiers blew up the bridge. The chil-
socially divisive. dren are playing with their toy soldiers.
sole /sl/ adjective only; belonging to

society /s sati/ noun 1. a large group


of people, usually all the people living one person Their sole aim is to make
in a country, considered as an organised money. She was the sole survivor from
community a free and democratic so- the crash. I have sole responsibility
ciety a member of society Society for what goes on in this office. noun 1.
needs to be protected against these the underneath side of your foot He
criminals. (NOTE: no plural) 2. a club or tickled the soles of her feet. 2. the main
association of people who have the underneath part of a shoe, but not the
same interests He belongs to the local heel These shoes need mending Ive
drama society. (NOTE: The plural is so- got holes in both soles. (NOTE: Do not
cieties.) confuse with soul.)
solemn / slm/ adjective 1. serious and

sock /sk/ noun a piece of clothing worn


on your foot inside a shoe a pair of formal The doctor looked very solemn
socks and shook his head. At the most sol-
emn moment of the ceremony someones
sofa / sf/ noun a long comfortable

mobile phone rang. 2. which should be

seat with a soft back treated as very serious He made a sol-
so far /s f
/ adverb until now
so far

emn promise never to smoke again.

soft /sft/ adjective 1. which moves eas- solicitor /s lst/ noun a lawyer who
soft solicitor

ily when pressed I dont like soft seats gives advice to members of the public
in a car. Do you like soft ice cream? 2. and acts for them in legal matters
not loud When she spoke, her voice solid / sld/ adjective 1. hard and not

was so soft that we could hardly hear liquid a solid lump of fat She is al-
her. Soft music was playing in the lowed some solid food. 2. firm or strong
background. 3. not bright Soft lighting Is the table solid enough to stand on?
makes a room look warm. His wealth is built on a solid base of
software / sftwe/ noun computer

property and shares. 3. not hollow

programs which are put into a computer Cricket is played with a solid ball. 4.
to make it work, as opposed to the com- made only of one material The box is
puter itself What word-processing made of solid silver. noun a hard sub- Page 297 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

solo 297 soon

stance which is not liquid Many solids how we must get back home by 6
melt when heated and become liquids. oclock.
solo / sl/ noun a piece of music someone / smwn/ pronoun a person
solo someone

played or sung by one person alone who is not identified or referred to in

She played a violin solo. (NOTE: The particular way Can someone answer
plural is solos.) adjective done by the phone? I know someone who can
one person alone a piece for solo fix your car. I need someone tall who
trumpet She gave a solo performance can reach the top shelf for me. some-
in the Albert Hall. He crashed on his one else an extra person, or a different
first solo flight. person Ive got four volunteers al-
solution /s lu
()n/ noun 1. a way of

ready, but I still need someone else. If
solving a problem It took us weeks to Jo is ill, could someone else help you?
somersault / sms
lt/ noun a move-

find a solution. 2. a mixture of a solid

substance dissolved in a liquid Bathe ment in which you roll over, head first
your eye in a weak salt solution. He did a couple of somersaults on the
solve /slv/ verb to find an answer to a
something / sm/ pronoun 1. a

problem or question The loan will

solve some of his financial problems. thing which is not identified or referred
He tried to solve the riddle. to in particular Theres something soft
some /sm, sm/ adjective, pronoun 1.
at the bottom of the bag. Somethings
a certain number of Some young driv- gone wrong with the TV. Can I have
ers drive much too fast. Some books something to drink, please? Theres
were damaged in the fire. Some days something about her that I dont like. 2.
it was so hot that we just stayed by the an important thing Come in and sit
swimming pool all day. Can you cut down, Ive got something to tell you.
some more slices of bread? She sometimes / smtamz/ adverb on

bought some oranges and bananas. some occasions but not on others
Weve just picked some strawberries. 2. Sometimes the car starts easily, and
a certain amount of Can you buy some sometimes it wont start at all. She
bread when you go to town? Can I sometimes comes to see us when shes in
have some more coffee? Her illness is town on business.
of some concern to her family. 3. used
somewhat / smwt/ adverb to a fairly

for referring to a person or thing you

great degree (formal )
cannot identify (followed by a singular
somewhere / smwe/ adverb in or at

noun) Some man just knocked on the

door and tried to sell me a magazine. a place which is not identified I left
I read it in some book I borrowed from my umbrella somewhere when I was in
the library. We saw it in some shop or London. Lets go somewhere else, this
other in Regent Street. 4. relating to a pub is full. His parents live some-
period of time or a distance Dont where in Germany.
wait for me, I may be some time. Their son /sn/ noun a male child They have

house is some way away from the rail- a large family two sons and four
way station. daughters. Her son has got married at
somebody / smbdi/ pronoun 1.

last. Their youngest son is in hospital.

same as someone 2. someone who is song /s/ noun a set of words which are

considered to be important sung, usually to music She was sing-

some day / sm de/ adverb at a time in
some day

ing a song in the bath. The groups

the future that is not specified Some latest song has just come out on CD.
day Ill get round to cleaning out the ga- The soldiers marched along, singing a
rage. song.
somehow / smha/ adverb by some soon /su
n/ adverb in a short time from
somehow soon

means that are not yet known Some- now Dont worry, well soon be in Ox- Page 298 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

sooner 298 sow

ford. It will soon be time to go to bed. interesting according to what Ive
The fire started soon after 11 oclock. heard. adverb deeply The children
sooner / su
n/ adverb earlier Cant
were sound asleep when the police
we meet any sooner than that? came.
soup /su
p/ noun a liquid food which

soprano /s pr
n/ adjective relating

to a high-pitched womans singing you eat hot from a bowl at the beginning
voice She sings soprano in the local of a meal, usually made from meat, fish
choir. noun a woman with a high- or vegetables We have onion soup or
pitched singing voice The sopranos mushroom soup today. Does anyone
are too feeble I can hardly hear them. want soup? A bowl of hot soup is al-
(NOTE: The plural is sopranos.) ways welcome on a cold day. If youre
hungry, open a tin of soup.
sore /s
/ adjective rough and swollen or

sour / sa/ adjective with a sharp bitter


painful He cant play tennis because

he has a sore elbow. taste If the cooked fruit is too sour, you
sorry / sri/ adjective feeling unhappy,
can add some sugar. Nobody likes
ashamed or disappointed about some- sour milk.
source /s
s/ noun a place where some-

thing interjection used to excuse

yourself Sorry! I didnt see that table thing comes from I think the source of
had been reserved. Can I have anoth- the infection is in one of your teeth.
er mint, please? sorry, I havent any The source of the river is in the moun-
left. tains. You must declare income from
sort /s
t/ noun a type There were all
all sources to the tax office.
sorts of people at the meeting. I had sourness / sans/ noun the state of

an unpleasant sort of day at the office. being sour

What sorts of ice cream have you got?
south /sa/ noun 1. the direction facing

Do you like this sort of TV show? verb

to arrange things in order or groups towards the sun at midday Look south
The apples are sorted according to size from the mountain, and you will see the
before being packed. The votes are city in the distance. The city is to the
sorted then counted. south of the river. The wind is blowing
from the south. 2. the part of a country
sought /s
t/ past tense and past partici-

to the south of the rest The south of the

ple of seek country is warmer than the north. She
soul /sl/ noun the spirit in a person,

went to live in the south of England.

which is believed by some people to go adjective relating to the south The
on existing after the person dies Do south coast is popular for holidaymak-
you believe your soul lives on when your ers. Cross to the south side of the riv-
body dies? From the depths of his soul er. adverb towards the south Many
he longed to be free. (NOTE: Do not con- birds fly south for the winter. The river
fuse with sole.) flows south into the Mediterranean.
sound /sand/ noun something which southern / s()n/ adjective of the
sound southern

you can hear Sounds of music came south The southern part of the country
from the street. I thought I heard the is warmer than the north.
sound of guns. Please can you turn
souvenir /su
v n/ noun a thing

down the sound on the TV when Im on

the phone? She crept out of her bed- bought to remind you of the place where
room and we didnt hear a sound. you bought it
sow /s/ verb to put seeds into soil so

verb 1. to make a noise with something

Sound your horn when you come to a that they become plants Peas and
corner. They sounded the alarm after beans should be sown in April. Sow
two prisoners escaped. 2. to seem to be the seed thinly in fine soil. (NOTE: Do
the case It sounds as if hes made an not confuse with sew. Note also: sows
unfortunate choice. The book sounds sowing sowed sown /sn/.) Page 299 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

space 299 specialist

space /spes/ noun 1. an empty place be- sparkle / sp
k()l/ verb to shine bright-
space sparkle

tween other things Theres a space to ly Her jewels sparkled in the light of
park your car over there. Write your the candles. His eyes sparkled when
name and reference number in the space he heard the salary offered.
at the top of the paper. 2. an area which speak /spi
k/ verb 1. to say words She

is available for something His desk spoke to me when the meeting was over.
takes up too much space. 3. also outer He walked past me without speaking.
space the area beyond the earths at- He was speaking to the postman when
mosphere exploring outer space I saw him. The manager wants to
space vehicles speak to you about sales in Africa. 2. to
spade /sped/ noun 1. a tool with a wide
be able to say things in a particular lan-
square blade at the end of a long handle, guage We need someone who can
used for digging or moving something speak Russian. He speaks English
such as soil or sand 2. a similar small with an American accent. You will
plastic tool, used by children The chil- have to brush up your Japanese as my
dren took their buckets and spades to mother speaks hardly any English.
the beach. (NOTE: speaks speaking spoke
/spk/ has spoken / spkn/) to
spaghetti /sp 'eti/ noun long thin

speak your mind to say exactly what
strips of pasta, cooked and eaten with a you think
speak out phrasal verb to make your
span /spn/ noun the width of wings or

opinions or feelings known strongly

of an arch Each section of the bridge speak up phrasal verb to speak louder;
has a span of fifty feet. verb to stretch to say what you have to say in a louder
across space or time Her career voice Can you speak up please we
spanned thirty years. A stone bridge cant hear you at the back!
spans the river. (NOTE: spans span- speaker / spi
k/ noun 1. a person who

ning spanned) speaks We need an English speaker to

spare /spe/ adjective available but not

help with the tour. 2. a loudspeaker

being used I always take a spare pair One of the speakers doesnt work.
of shoes when I travel. plural noun spear /sp/ noun a long pointed throw-

spares spare parts or pieces used to ing stick, formerly used as a weapon
mend broken parts of a car or other ma- They kill fish with spears. verb to push
chine We cant get spares for that something sharp into something to catch
make of washing machine. Its diffi- it Spearing fish is not easy. She
cult to get spares for the car because managed to spear a sausage on the bar-
they dont make this model any more. becue with her fork.
verb to give something or to do without special / spe()l/ adjective having a

something Can you spare your assist- particular importance or use This is a
ant to help me for a day? Can you very special day for us its our twenty-
spare about five minutes to talk about fifth wedding anniversary. He has a
the problem? If you have a moment to special pair of scissors for cutting met-
spare, can you clean the car? al.
spark /sp
k/ noun a little flash of fire or

specialise / spelaz/, specialize


of light Sparks flew as the train went verb 1. to study one particular subject
over the junction. verb 1. to send out At university, she specialised in marine
sparks or to make electric sparks 2. to biology. 2. to produce one thing in par-
make something start The proposed ticular The company specialises in
closure of the station sparked anger electronic components.
amongst travellers. The shooting of
specialist / spelst/ noun 1. a person

the teenager sparked off a riot.

who knows a lot about something You
spark off phrasal verb same as spark should go to a tax specialist for advice.
verb 2 2. a doctor who specialises in a certain Page 300 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

species 300 spin

branch of medicine He was referred The wicked witch cast a spell on the
to a heart specialist. princess.
species / spi
z/ noun a group of liv- spelling / spel/ noun the correct way
species spelling

ing things such as animals or plants in which words are spelt

which can breed with each other Sev- spelt /spelt/ past tense and past participle

eral species of butterfly are likely to be- of spell

come extinct.
spend /spend/ verb 1. to pay money I

specific /sp sfk/ adjective relating to


went shopping and spent a fortune.
something in particular Can you be Why do we spend so much money on
more specific about what youre trying food? 2. to use time doing something
to achieve? I gave specific instruc- He wants to spend more time with his
tions that I was not to be disturbed. Is family. She spent months arguing with
the money intended for a specific pur- the income tax people. Dont spend
pose? too long on your homework. Why
specifically /sp sfkli/ adverb partic- dont you come and spend the weekend

ularly I specifically said I didnt want with us? (NOTE: spends spending
a blue door. The advertisement is spe- spent /spent/)
cifically aimed at people over 50. sphere /sf/ noun an object which is

specimen / spesmn/ noun an exam- perfectly round like a ball The earth is

ple of something The bank asked for not quite a perfect sphere.
a specimen signature for their records. spice /spas/ noun a substance made

spectator /spek tet/ noun a person from the roots, flowers, seeds or leaves

who watches an event like a football of plants, which is used to flavour food
match or a horse show Add a blend of your favourite spices.
You need lots of different spices for In-
speech /spi
t/ noun 1. a formal talk

dian cookery.
given to an audience She made some
spider / spad/ noun a small animal

notes before giving her speech. He

wound up his speech with a story about with eight legs which makes a web and
his father. Who will be making the eats insects
spike /spak/ noun a piece of metal or

speech at the prize giving? 2. the ability

to say words, or the act of saying words wood wit ha sharp point The wall was
His speech has been affected by brain topped with a row of metal spikes.
damage. Some of these expressions spill /spl/ verb to pour a liquid or a pow-

are only used in speech, not in writing. der out of a container by mistake That
speed /spi
d/ noun the rate at which

glass is too full youll spill it. He

something moves or is done The spilt soup down the front of his shirt.
coach was travelling at a high speed She dropped the bag and some of the
when it crashed. The speed with flour spilled out onto the floor. (NOTE:
which they repaired the gas leak was in- spills spilling spilled or spilt
credible. verb to move quickly The /splt/) noun the act of pouring a liq-
ball sped across the ice. (NOTE: speeds uid by accident The authorities are
speeding sped /sped/ or speed- trying to cope with the oil spill from the
ed) tanker.
spell /spel/ verb to write or say correctly spin /spn/ verb 1. to move round and
spell spin

the letters that make a word W-O-R-R- round very fast The earth is spinning
Y spells worry How do you spell in space. The plane was spinning out
your surname? We spelt his name of control. 2. to make something turn
wrong on the envelope. (NOTE: spells round and round The washing ma-
spelling spelled or spelt /spelt/ chine spins the clothes to get the water
has spelled or has spelt) noun out of them. He spun the wheel to
words which are intended to have a make sure it turned freely. 3. (of a
magic effect when they are spoken spider ) to make a web The spider has Page 301 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

spine 301 spoon

spun a web between the two posts. into the pool with a loud splash. Lis-
(NOTE: spins spinning spun ten to the splash of the waves against the
/spn/) noun the turning movement rocks. verb 1. (of liquid ) to make a
of a ball as it moves He put so much noise when something is dropped into it
spin on the ball that it bounced side- or when it hits something I missed the
ways. He jammed on the brakes and ball and it splashed into the pool. The
the car went into a spin. rain splashed against the windows. 2. to
spin out phrasal verb to make some- make someone wet by sending liquid on
thing last as long as possible to him or her The car drove past
spine /span/ noun 1. a series of bones
through a puddle and splashed my trou-
joined together from your skull down sers. 3. to move through water, making
the middle of your back He injured a noise He splashed his way through
his spine playing rugby. (NOTE: The the shallow water to the rocks. The lit-
bones in the spine are the vertebrae.) tle children were splashing about in the
2. a sharp part like a pin, on a plant, an- paddling pool.
splendid / splendd/ adjective extreme-

imal or fish Did you know that lemon

trees had spines? 3. the back edge of a ly good or impressive
book, which usually has the title printed split /splt/ verb 1. to divide something

on it The title and the authors name into parts He split the log into small
are printed on the front of the book and pieces with an axe. 2. to divide or come
also on the spine. apart My trousers were too tight they
spiral / sparl/ noun a shape which is split when I bent down. After they lost

twisted round and round like a spring the election, the party split into various
He drew a spiral on the sheet of paper. factions. (NOTE: splits splitting
adjective which twists round and split)
round A spiral staircase leads to the spoil /spl/ verb 1. to change something

top of the tower. which was good so that it is no longer

spirit / sprt/ noun 1. the mental attitude good We had such bad weather that

which controls how someone behaves our camping holiday was spoilt. Half
generally She has a great spirit of fun. the contents of the warehouse were
He had an independent spirit. 2. feel- spoiled by floodwater. 2. to be too kind
ings which are typical of a particular oc- to someone, especially a child, so that
casion 3. the part of a person that is said he or she sometimes becomes badly be-
to still exist after death 4. alcohol (NOTE: haved Youll spoil that child if you al-
usually plural) ways give in to him. Grandparents are
spiritual / sprtul/ adjective relating
allowed to spoil their grandchildren a
to the spirit or the soul The churchs little. (NOTE: spoils spoiling spoilt
main task is to give spiritual advice to /splt/ or spoiled)
spoke /spk/ past tense of speak

its members.
spite /spat/ noun 1. bad feeling They spoken / spkn/ past participle of
spite spoken

sprayed his car with white paint out of speak

spite. 2. in spite of although some- sponge /spnd"/ noun 1. a soft material

thing happened or was done In spite of full of small holes used to make things
all his meetings, he still found time to like cushions The sofa has sponge
ring his wife. We all enjoyed our- cushions. 2. a sea animal with a skeleton
selves, in spite of the awful weather. which is full of holes Diving down
verb to annoy someone on purpose into the Red Sea you could see sponges
He did it to spite his sister. on the sea floor. verb to wipe clean
spiteful / spatf()l/ adjective full of a with a sponge He sponged the kitchen

nasty feelings against someone table.

splash /spl/ noun a sound made when spoon /spu
n/ noun an object used for
splash spoon

something falls into a liquid or when a eating liquids and soft food, or for stir-
liquid hits something hard She fell ring food which is being cooked, with a Page 302 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

sport 302 spun

handle at one end and a small bowl at spread /spred/ verb 1. to arrange some-

the other, Use a spoon to eat your thing over a wide area Spread the pa-
pudding. We need a big spoon to serve per flat on the table. 2. to move over a
the soup. wide area The fire started in the top
sport /sp
t/ noun a game or games in- floor and soon spread to the roof. The

volving physical activity and competi- flu epidemic spread rapidly. 3. to cover
tion Do you like watching sport on a surface with a layer of something
TV? The world of sport is mourning She spread a white cloth over the table.
the death of the racing driver. The He was spreading butter on a piece of
only sport I play is tennis. She doesnt bread. (NOTE: spreads spreading
play any sport at all. spread) noun 1. the action of moving
over a wide area Doctors are trying to
spot /spt/ noun 1. a coloured mark,

check the spread of the disease. 2. a soft

usually round Her dress has a pattern food consisting of meat, fish or cheese,
of white and red spots. He wore a blue which you can spread on something
tie with white spots. 2. a particular place such as bread As snacks, they offered
This is the exact spot where the queen
us water biscuits with cheese spread.
died. 3. a small round mark or pimple on
spring /spr/ noun 1. the season of the

the skin She suddenly came out in

spots after eating fish. verb to notice year between winter and summer In
something or someone The teacher spring all the trees start to grow new
didnt spot the mistake. We spotted leaves. We always go to Greece in the
him in the crowd. (NOTE: spots spot- spring. They started work last spring
ting spotted) or in the spring of last year and they still
havent finished. 2. a wire which is
spotless / sptls/ adjective complete-

twisted round and round and which goes

ly clean, with no dirty marks at all back to its original shape after you have
spout /spat/ noun a tube on a container

pulled it or pushed it The mattress is

which is shaped for pouring liquid out so old the springs have burst through
of the container You fill the kettle the cover. Theres a spring to keep the
through the spout. Cut here and pull door shut. 3. a place where a stream of
out to form a spout. water rushes out of the ground The
sprain /spren/ verb to damage a joint of
town of Bath was built in Roman times
the body by twisting it suddenly and vi- around hot springs. verb to move sud-
olently He sprained his ankle jumping denly Everyone sprang to life when
over the fence. noun a condition the officer shouted. The door sprang
where a joint is injured because of a sud- open without anyone touching it. (NOTE:
den violent movement He is walking springs springing sprang
with a stick because of an ankle sprain. /spr/ has sprung /spr/)
sprinkle / sprkl/ verb to put small

sprang /spr/ past tense of spring


amounts of a liquid or powder over a

sprawl /spr
l/ verb to lie with your arms

surface by shaking
and legs spread out He sprawled in his
sprint /sprnt/ verb to run very fast over

armchair and turned on the TV. The

boy on the bike hit her and sent her a short distance I had to sprint to
sprawling. catch the bus. She sprinted down the
spray /spre/ noun a mass of tiny drops

sprout /sprat/ noun a new shoot of a


of liquid The waves crashed against

the sea wall sending spray over the plant The vine is covered with new
road. She uses a nasal spray to clear sprouts. verb to produce new shoots
her catarrh. verb to send out liquid in Throw those old potatoes away, theyre
fine drops He sprayed water all over starting to sprout. The bush had be-
the garden with the hose. They gun to sprout fresh green leaves.
spun /spn/ past participle of spin

sprayed the room with disinfectant. Page 303 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

spurt 303 stab

spurt /sp
t/ verb 1. to spurt out to carpet. (NOTE: squats squatting

come out in a strong jet Oil spurted squatted)

out of the burst pipe. 2. to run fast sud- squeak /skwi
k/ noun a quiet high

denly He spurted past two runners sound like the sound that a mouse
and came in first. noun a strong flow makes You can tell when someone
of liquid They tried to block the spurts comes into the garden by the squeak of
of water coming out of the pipe. the gate. verb to make a squeak
spy /spa/ noun a person who is paid to That door squeaks the hinges need oil-

try to find out secret information about ing.

the enemy or a rival group He was ex- squeal /skwi
l/ noun a loud high noise

ecuted as a Russian spy. (NOTE: The The children let out squeals of delight
plural is spies.) verb to work as a spy when they saw the presents under the
(NOTE: spies spying spied) to Christmas tree. The car turned the
spy on someone to watch someone in corner with a squeal of tyres. verb to
secret, to find out what they are plan- make a loud high-pitched noise She
ning to do We discovered that our squealed when she heard she had won
neighbours had been spying on us. first prize. As the car turned the cor-
squalid / skwld/ adjective a squalid
ner its tyres squealed.
squeeze /skwi
z/ noun the act of press-

room or building is dirty and unpleasant

The prisoners are kept in squalid con- ing or crushing I gave her hand a
ditions. squeeze. verb 1. to press on some-
square /skwe/ noun 1. a shape with
thing or to press or crush something like
four equal sides and four right-angled a fruit or a tube to get something out of
corners The board on which you play it She squeezed my arm gently. He
chess is made up of black and white squeezed an orange to get the juice.
squares. Graph paper is covered with She squeezed some toothpaste out onto
small squares. 2. an open space in a her brush. 2. to force something, or to
town, with big buildings all round The force your own body, into a small space
hotel is in the main square of the town, You cant squeeze six people into that
opposite the town hall. Red Square is little car. More people tried to squeeze
in the middle of Moscow. 3. a number on the train even though it was full al-
that is the result of multiplying another ready. The cat managed to squeeze
number by itself 9 is the square of 3. through the window.
squirrel / skwrl/ noun a small red or

adjective 1. shaped like a square, with

four equal sides and four right-angled grey wild animal with a large tail which
corners You cant fit six people round lives in trees and eats nuts The squir-
a small square table. An A4 piece of rel sat up on a branch nibbling a nut.
paper isnt square. 2. multiplied by it- Squirrels hoard nuts for the winter.
self squirt /skw
t/ verb to send out a thin

squash /skw/ verb to crush or to powerful flow of liquid Dont squirt


squeeze something Hundreds of pas- so much washing-up liquid into the

sengers were squashed into the train. bowl. She squeezed the tube hard and
He sat on my hat and squashed it flat. masses of toothpaste squirted out.
noun a fast game for two players played St abbr 1. street 2. saint

in an enclosed court, with a small, stab /stb/ verb to push a sharp knife

squashy rubber ball and light, long-han- with force into someone or something
dled rackets He plays squash to un- He was stabbed in the chest. (NOTE:
wind after a day at the office. Lets stabs stabbing stabbed) noun
play a game of squash. a deep wound made by the point of a
squat /skwt/ verb to move your body

knife He died of stab wounds. to

close to the ground so that you are sit- have a stab at something to try to do
ting on your heels She squatted on the something Im keen to have a stab at
floor, trying to get the stains out of the driving the tractor. Page 304 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

stable 304 stammer

stable / steb()l/ adjective which does one on the switchboard. noun the

not change The hospital said his con- movement of someone who is stagger-
dition was stable. noun a building for ing He walked with a noticeable stag-
keeping a horse My horse is not in his ger.
stable, whos riding him? stain /sten/ noun a mark which is diffi-

stack /stk/ noun a pile or heap of cult to remove, e.g. ink or blood It is

things one on top of the other a stack difficult to remove coffee stains from the
of books and papers verb to pile tablecloth. There was a round stain on
things on top of each other The skis the table where he had put his wine
are stacked outside the chalet. She glass. verb to make a mark of a differ-
stacked up the dirty plates. The ware- ent colour on something If you eat
house is stacked with boxes. those berries they will stain your teeth.
His shirt was stained with blood.
stadium / stedim/ noun a large build-

stair /ste/ noun one step in a series of


ing where crowds of people watch sport,

with seats arranged around a sports field steps, going up or down inside a build-
(NOTE: The plural is stadiums or sta- ing He was sitting on the bottom stair.
dia.) staircase / stekes/ noun a set of stairs

staff /st
f/ noun all the people who

which go from one floor in a building to

work in a company, school, college, or another
other organisation Shes on the school stake /stek/ noun a strong pointed piece

staff. Only staff can use this lift. A of wood or metal, pushed into the
quarter of our staff are ill. That firm ground to mark something, or to hold
pays its staff very badly. He joined the something up They hammered stakes
staff last Monday. Three members of into the ground to put up a wire fence.
staff are away sick. (NOTE: staff refers The apple trees are attached to stakes.
to a group of people and so is often fol-
stale /stel/ adjective food which is stale

lowed by a verb in the plural.)

is old and no longer fresh
stage /sted"/ noun 1. a raised floor, es-

stalk /st
k/ noun the stem of a plant

pecially where the actors perform in a

theatre The pop group came onto the which holds a leaf, a flower or a fruit
stage and started to sing. 2. one of sev- Roses with very long stalks are more ex-
eral points of development the differ- pensive. verb to stay near someone
ent stages of a production process The and watch him or her all the time, espe-
first stage in the process is to grind the cially in a way that is frightening or up-
rock to powder. 3. a section of a long setting She told the police that a man
journey Stage one of the tour takes us was stalking her. The hunters stalked
from Paris to Bordeaux. verb to put on the deer for several miles.
stall /st
l/ noun a place in a market

or arrange a play, a show, a musical or

other performance or event The exhi- where one person sells his or her goods
bition is being staged in the college li- He has a flower stall at Waterloo Sta-
brary. tion. We wandered round the market
stagger / st'/ verb 1. to walk in way
looking at the stalls. verb (of a car en-
that is not steady or controlled, almost gine) to stop unintentionally, often
falling down She managed to stagger when trying to drive off without acceler-
across the road and into the police sta- ating If he takes his foot off the accel-
tion. Three men staggered out of the erator, the engine stalls. The car
pub. 2. to surprise someone very much stalled at the traffic lights and he
I was staggered at the amount they couldnt restart it.
stammer / stm/ verb to repeat

charge for service. 3. to arrange some-

thing such as holidays or working hours, sounds when speaking, e.g. because of
so that they do not all begin and end at feeling nervous He stammers badly
the same time We have to stagger the when making speeches. She rushed
lunch hour so that there is always some- into the police station and stammered Page 305 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

stamp 305 star

out hes hes hes after me, hes got the room all the children should stand
got a knife. noun a speech prob- up. He stood up to offer his seat to the
lem that involves hesitating and repeat- old lady.
ing sounds when speaking Because of stand up for phrasal verb to try to de-
his stammer he was shy and reserved at fend someone or something in a diffi-
school. cult situation He stood up for the
stamp /stmp/ noun 1. a little piece of

rights of children.
paper with a price printed on it which stand up to phrasal verb 1. to oppose
you stick on a letter to show that you someone bravely No one was pre-
have paid for it to be sent by post a pared to stand up to the head of depart-
first-class stamp She forgot to put a ment. 2. to be able to resist difficult
stamp on the letter before she posted it. conditions A carpet in a shop has to
He wants to show me his stamp col- stand up to a lot of wear.
lection. 2. a mark made on something standard / stndd/ noun 1. the level

The invoice has the stamp received with of quality something has The stand-
thanks on it. The customs officer ard of service in this restaurant is very
looked at the stamps in his passport. high. This piece of work is not up to
verb 1. to mark something with a stamp your usual standard. 2. an excellent
They stamped my passport when I en- quality which something or someone is
tered the country. 2. to walk, or to put expected to achieve This product does
your feet down, with loud or forceful not meet our standards. She has set a
steps They stamped on the ants to kill standard which it will be difficult to
them. He was so angry that he match. 3. a large official flag The roy-
stamped out of the room. al standard flies over Buckingham Pal-
stand /stnd/ verb 1. to be upright on

ace. adjective 1. usual, not special

your feet and not sitting or lying down She joined on a standard contract.
She stood on a chair to reach the top You will need to follow the standard pro-
shelf. They were so tired they could cedure to join the association. 2. on a
hardly keep standing. If there are no tall pole
seats left, well have to stand. Dont stank /stk/ past tense of stink

just stand there doing nothing come

staple / step()l/ noun a piece of wire

and help us. 2. to be upright Only a

few houses were still standing after the which is pushed through papers and
earthquake. The jar was standing in bent over to hold them together He
the middle of the table. 3. to accept used some scissors to take the staples
something bad that continues The of- out of the papers. verb to fasten pa-
fice is filthy I dont know how you can pers together with a staple or with sta-
stand working here. She cant stand ples Dont staple the cheque to the or-
all this noise. He stopped going to der form.
star /st
/ noun 1. a bright object which

French lessons because he couldnt

stand the teacher. (NOTE: stands can be seen in the sky at night like a very
standing stood /std/) noun distant bright light On a clear night
something which holds something up you can see thousands of stars. The
The pot of flowers fell off its stand. pole star shows the direction of the
North Pole. 2. a shape that has several
stand for phrasal verb to have a mean-
points like a star Draw a big star and
ing What do the letters BBC stand
colour it red. 3. a famous person who is
for? very well known to the public football
stand out phrasal verb to be easily stars Who is your favourite film star?
seen Their house stands out because it verb to appear as a main character in
is painted pink. Her red hair makes a film or play She starred in Gone
her stand out in a crowd. with the Wind. He has a starring role
stand up phrasal verb to get up from in the new play. (NOTE: stars starring
sitting When the teacher comes into starred) Page 306 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

stare 306 stay

stare /ste/ verb to look at someone or tax office. in a state 1. in a very un-

something for a long time She stared happy, worried or upset condition
sadly out of the window at the rain. Shes in such a state that I dont want to
noun a long fixed look He gave her a leave her alone. He was in a terrible
stare and walked on. state after the phone call. 2. in a dirty or
bad condition Look at the state of
start /st
t/ noun the beginning of some-

your trousers. They left our flat in a

thing Building the house took only six
terrible state.
months from start to finish. Things
statement / stetmnt/ noun 1. some-

went wrong from the start. Lets forget

all youve done up to now, and make a thing that is spoken or written publicly
fresh start. verb 1. to begin to do a statement about or on the new pro-
something The babies all started to cedures She refused to issue a state-
cry or all started crying at the same ment to the press. 2. a written document
time. He started to eat or he started from a bank showing how much money
eating his dinner before the rest of the is in an account
station / ste()n/ noun 1. a place

family. Take an umbrella its start-

ing to rain. When you learn Russian, where trains stop and passengers get on
you have to start by learning the alpha- or off The train leaves the Central
bet. 2. (of a machine) to begin to work Station at 14.15. This is a fast train
The car wont start the battery must it doesnt stop at every station. Well
be flat. The engine started beautifully. try to get a sandwich at the station buf-
to start with first of all We have fet. 2. a large main building for a service
lots to do but to start with well do the The fire station is just down the road
washing up. from us. He was arrested and taken to
start off phrasal verb 1. to begin the local police station.
stationary / ste()n()ri/ adjective

Well start off with soup and then have

a meat dish. 2. to leave on a journey not moving (NOTE: Do not confuse with
You can start off now, and Ill follow stationery.)
stationery / ste()n()ri/ noun things

when Im ready.
startle / st
t()l/ verb to make someone

such as paper, envelopes, pens and ink

suddenly surprised which you use for writing (NOTE: no
starve /st
v/ verb not to have enough
plural. Do not confuse with station-
food Many people starved to death in ary.)
statue / sttu
/ noun a solid image of a

the desert.
person or animal made from a substance
state /stet/ noun 1. the way something

such as stone or metal

or someone is at a specific time The
status / stets/ noun 1. social impor-

children are in a state of excitement.

They left the flat in a terrible state. tance when compared to other people
Shes not in a fit state to receive visitors. He has a low-status job on the Under-
2. the government of a country We all ground. His status in the company has
pay taxes to the state. The state should been rising steadily. 2. a general posi-
pay for the upkeep of museums. 3. an in- tion
dependent country The member states stay /ste/ verb 1. not to change The

of the European Union. 4. one of the temperature stayed below zero all day.
parts into which some countries are di- In spite of the fire, he stayed calm. I
vided the State of Arizona New wont be able to stay awake until mid-
South Wales has the largest population night. 2. to stop in a place They came
of all the Australian states. verb to for lunch and stayed until after mid-
give information clearly Please state night. Im rather tired so Ill stay at
your name and address. It states in the home tomorrow. Hes ill and has to
instructions that you must not open the stay in bed. 3. to stop in a place as a vis-
can near a flame. The document states itor They stayed two nights in Edin-
that all revenue has to be declared to the burgh on their tour of Scotland. Page 307 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

steadily 307 stew

Where will you be staying when youre steer /st/ verb to make a vehicle go in

in New York? My parents are staying a particular direction She steered the
at the Hotel London. car into the garage.
stem /stem/ noun the tall thin part of a

stay up phrasal verb not to go to bed

steadily / stedli/ adverb regularly or plant which holds a leaf, a flower or a

continuously fruit Trim the stems before you put the

flowers in the vase.
steady / stedi/ adjective 1. firm and not

step /step/ noun 1. a movement of your


moving or shaking You need a steady

hand to draw a straight line without a foot when walking I wonder when the
baby will take his first steps. Take a
ruler. He put a piece of paper under
step sideways and you will be able to see
the table leg to keep it steady. 2. contin-
the castle. 2. a regular movement of feet
uing in a regular way There is a steady at the same time as other people 3. one
demand for computers. The car was stair in a set of stairs There are two
doing a steady seventy miles an hour. steps down into the kitchen. I counted
She hasnt got a steady boyfriend. 75 steps to the top of the tower. Be
(NOTE: steadier steadiest) verb to careful, theres a step up into the bath-
keep something firm He put out his room. 4. an action which is done or has
hand to steady the ladder. (NOTE: to be done out of several The first and
steadies steadying steadied) most important step is to find out how
steak /stek/ noun 1. a thick piece of

much money we can spend. verb to

meat, usually beef He ordered steak move forwards, backwards or sideways
and chips. Im going to grill these on foot He stepped out in front of a bi-
steaks. 2. a thick piece of a big fish A cycle and was knocked down. She
grilled salmon steak for me, please! stepped off the bus into a puddle.
(NOTE: Do not confuse with stake.) Dont step back, theres a child behind
you. (NOTE: steps stepping
steal /sti
l/ verb 1. to take and keep

stepped) in step moving your feet at

something that belongs to another per- the same rate as everybody else I tried
son without permission Someone to keep in step with him as we walked
tried to steal my handbag. He was ar- along. The recruits cant even march
rested for stealing cars. 2. to move qui- in step. out of step moving your feet
etly He stole into the cellar and tried at a different rate from everyone else
to find the safe. (NOTE: Do not confuse One of the squad always gets out of step.
with steel. Note also: steals steal- to take steps to to act to encourage
ing stole /stl/ stolen / stln/) or prevent something We should take
steps to encourage female applicants.
steam /sti
m/ noun the substance like

The museum must take steps to make

clouds which comes off hot or boiling sure that nothing else is stolen.
water Clouds of steam were coming
stereo / steri/ noun a machine which

out of the kitchen.

plays music or other sound through two
steel /sti
l/ noun a strong metal made

different loudspeakers I bought a new

from iron and carbon Steel knives are pair of speakers for my stereo. in ster-
best for the kitchen. The door is made eo using two speakers to produce sound
of solid steel. stern /st
n/ adjective serious and strict

steep /sti
p/ adjective 1. which rises or

The judge addressed some stern

falls quickly The car climbed the words to the boys.
steep hill with some difficulty. The stew /stju
/ noun a dish of meat and veg-

steps up the church tower are steeper etables cooked together for a long time
than our stairs at home. 2. very sharply This lamb stew is a French recipe.
increasing or falling a steep increase verb to cook food for a long time in liq-
in interest charges a steep fall in share uid Stew the apples until they are
prices completely soft. Page 308 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

stick 308 stitch

stick /stk/ noun 1. a thin piece of wood unable to move easily because of dam-

He jabbed a pointed stick into the aged joints Arthritis accompanied by

hole. I need a strong stick to tie this a certain amount of stiffness in the
plant to. 2. a thin branch of a tree 3. an- joints. 2. the quality of being stiff The
ything long and thin carrots cut into stiffness of the material makes it unsuit-
sticks verb 1. to attach something able for a dress.
with glue Can you stick the pieces of still /stl/ adjective not moving Stand

the cup together again? She stuck the still while I take the photo. There was
stamp on the letter. They stuck a post- no wind, and the surface of the lake was
er on the door. 2. to be fixed or not to be completely still. adverb 1. continuing
able to move The car was stuck in the until now or until then I thought he
mud. The door sticks you need to had left, but I see hes still there. They
push it hard to open it. The cake will came for lunch and were still sitting at
stick if you dont grease the tin. He the table at eight oclock in the evening.
was stuck in Italy without any money. 3. Weeks afterwards, theyre still talking
to push something into something He about the accident. 2. in spite of every-
stuck his hand into the hole. She stuck thing It wasnt sunny for the picnic
her finger in the jam to taste it. She still, it didnt rain. He still insisted on
stuck the ticket into her bag. She stuck going on holiday even though he had
a needle into her finger. 4. to stay in a broken his leg.
place Stick close to your mother and stimulus / stmjls/ noun an encour-

you wont get lost. 5. to accept some- agement or incentive that leads to great-
thing bad that continues I dont know er activity
how she can stick working in that office.
sting /st/ noun a wound made by an in-

Im going, I cant stick it here any

longer. (NOTE: sticks sticking sect or plant Bee stings can be very
painful. Have you anything for wasp
stuck /stk/) to stick together to
stay together If we stick together they stings? verb 1. to wound someone
with an insects or plants sting Ive
should let us into the club.
been stung by a wasp. The plants
stick out phrasal verb 1. to push some- stung her bare legs. 2. to give a burning
thing out 2. to be further forward or fur- feeling The antiseptic may sting a lit-
ther away from something Your tle at first. (NOTE: stings stinging
wallet is sticking out of your pocket. stung /st/)
The balcony sticks out over the road. stink /stk/ (informal ) noun a very un-

sticker / stk/ noun a small piece of pa-


pleasant smell the stink of cigarette

per or plastic which you can stick on smoke verb to make an unpleasant
something to show a price, as a decora- smell The office stinks of gas. (NOTE:
tion or to advertise something stinks stinking stank /stk/
sticky / stki/ adjective 1. covered with stunk /stk/)

something which sticks like glue My stir /st

/ verb to move a liquid or powder

fingers are all sticky. This stuff is ter- or something which is cooking, to mix it
ribly sticky I cant get it off my fingers. up He was stirring the sugar into his
2. with glue on one side so that it sticks coffee. Keep stirring the porridge, or
easily (NOTE: stickier stickiest) it will stick to the bottom of the pan.
stiff /stf/ adjective 1. which does not (NOTE: stirs stirring stirred)

move easily The lock is very stiff I stirring / st

r/ adjective making you

cant turn the key. Ive got a stiff neck. feel strong emotions, especially pride or
She was feeling stiff all over after run- enthusiasm
ning in the race. 2. with hard bristles stitch /stt/ noun 1. a little loop of

You need a stiff brush to get the mud off thread made with a needle in sewing or
your shoes. with knitting needles when knitting
stiffness / stfns/ noun 1. having mus-

She used very small stitches in her em-

cle pains after doing exercise, or being broidery. Very fine wool will give you Page 309 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

stock 309 stop

more stitches than in the pattern. 2. a (i.e. 12 stone 10 pounds). (NOTE: no plu-
small loop of thread used by a surgeon ral in this sense: He weighs ten stone.
to attach the sides of a wound together In the USA, human body weight is al-
to help it to heal She had three stitches ways given only in pounds.)
in her arm. Come back in ten days stony / stni/ adjective made of lots of

time to have the stitches removed. stones They walked carefully across
verb to attach something with a needle
the stony beach.
and thread She stitched the badge to
stood /std/ past tense and past partici-

his jacket.
ple of stand
stock /stk/ noun 1. a supply of some-

stool /stu
l/ noun a small seat with no

thing kept to use when needed I keep

a good stock of printing paper at home. back When the little girl sat on the pi-
Our stocks of food are running low. ano stool her feet didnt touch the floor.
The factory has large stocks of coal. 2. a stoop /stu
p/ verb to bend forward She

liquid made from boiling bones in wa- stooped and picked something up off the
ter, used as a base for soups and sauces carpet. I found him standing at the ta-
Fry the onions and pour in some
ble, stooped over a spreadsheet.
chicken stock. verb to keep goods for
stop /stp/ verb 1. not to move any more

sale in a shop or warehouse They

dont stock this book. We try to stock The motorcycle didnt stop at the red
the most popular colours. lights. This train stops at all stations
to London Waterloo. 2. to make some-
stocking / stk/ noun a long light

thing not move any more The police-

piece of womens clothing which covers man stopped the traffic to let the lorry
all of a leg and foot back out of the garage. Stop that boy!
stole /stl/ past tense of steal

hes stolen my purse. 3. not to do

stolen / stln/ past participle of steal
something any more The office clock
has stopped at 4.15. At last it stopped
stomach / stmk/ noun 1. a part of the

raining and we could go out. She

body shaped like a bag, into which food spoke for two hours without stopping.
passes after being swallowed and where We all stopped work and went home.
it continues to be digested I dont The restaurant stops serving meals at
want anything to eat my stomachs up- midnight. 4. to stop someone or
set or I have a stomach upset. He has something (from) doing something to
had stomach trouble for some time. 2. make someone or something not do
the front of your body between your something any more The rain stopped
chest and your waist He had been us from having a picnic. How can the
kicked in the stomach. police stop people stealing cars?
stone /stn/ noun 1. a very hard mate-

Cant you stop the children from making

rial, found in the earth, used for building such a noise? The plumber couldnt
All the houses in the town are built in stop the tap dripping. 5. to stay as a vis-
the local grey stone. The stone carv- itor in a place They stopped for a few
ings in the old church date from the 15th days in Paris. I expect to stop in Rome
century. Stone floors can be very cold. for the weekend. (NOTE: stops stop-
(NOTE: no plural: some stone, a piece ping stopped) noun 1. the end of
of stone, a block of stone) 2. a small something, especially of movement
piece of stone The children were play- The police want to put a stop to car
ing at throwing stones into the pond. crimes. 2. a place where you break a
The beach isnt good for bathing as its journey Well make a stop at the next
covered with very sharp stones. 3. a service station. 3. a place where a bus or
British measure of weight equal to 14 train lets passengers get on or off We
pounds or 6.35 kilograms Shes trying have been waiting at the bus stop for
to lose weight and so far has lost a stone twenty minutes. There are six stops
and a half. He weighs twelve stone ten between here and Marble Arch. Page 310 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

stopper 310 strap

stopper / stp/ noun an object that you changing She drank the milk straight

put into the mouth of a bottle or jar to out of the bottle. The cat ran straight
close it across the road in front of the car. He
store /st
/ noun a shop, usually a big
looked me straight in the face. The
shop You can buy shoes in any of the plane flies straight to Washington.
straighten / stret()n/ verb to make

big stores in town. Does the store

have a food department? verb 1. to something straight
keep food etc. to use later We store straightforward /stret f
wd/ ad-

(away) all our vegetables in the garden jective easy to understand or carry out
shed. 2. to keep something in a compu- The instructions are quite straightfor-
ter file We store all our personnel ward.
records on computer. strain /stren/ noun 1. nervous feelings

storey / st
ri/ noun a whole floor in a

caused by a busy or difficult situation

building Can she stand the strain of working in
storm /st
m/ noun a high wind and very
that office? 2. a variety of a living thing
bad weather Several ships got into dif- They are trying to find a cure for a
ficulties in the storm. How many trees new strain of the flu virus. He crossed
were blown down in last nights storm? two strains of rice to produce a variety
which is resistant to disease. verb 1.
stormy / st
mi/ adjective when there

to injure part of your body by pulling

are storms They are forecasting too hard He strained a muscle in his
stormy weather for the weekend. (NOTE: back or he strained his back. The ef-
stormier stormiest) fort strained his heart. 2. to make great
story / st
ri/ noun 1. a description that

efforts to do something They strained

tells things that did not really happen to lift the piano into the van. 3. to pour
but are invented by someone The book liquid through a sieve to separate solid
is the story of two children during the parts in it Boil the peas for ten minutes
war. She writes childrens stories and then strain.
about animals. 2. a description that tells strange /strend"/ adjective 1. not usual

what really happened She told her sto- Something is the matter with the en-
ry to the journalist. (NOTE: The plural is gine its making a strange noise. She
stories.) told some very strange stories about the
stout /stat/ adjective 1. (of a person)

firm she used to work for. It felt

quite fat He has become much stouter strange to be sitting in the office on a
and has difficulty going up stairs. 2. (of Saturday afternoon. Its strange that
material ) strong or thick Take a few no one spotted the mistake. 2. which
sheets of stout paper. Find a stout you have never seen before or where
branch to stand on. you have never been before I find it
stove /stv/ noun a piece of equipment difficult getting to sleep in a strange

for heating or cooking room. We went to Korea and had lots

of strange food to eat.
straight /stret/ adjective 1. not curved

stranger / strend"/ noun 1. a person


a long straight street The line isnt

straight. She has straight black hair. whom you have never met Hes a
Stand up straight! 2. not sloping Is the complete stranger to me. Children are
picture straight? Your tie isnt told not to accept lifts from strangers. 2.
straight. adverb 1. in a straight line, a person in a place where he or she has
not curving The road goes straight never been before I cant tell you how
across the plain for two hundred kilome- to get to the post office Im a stranger
tres. She was sitting straight in front here myself.
strap /strp/ noun a long flat piece of

of you. 2. immediately Wait for me

here Ill come straight back. If there material used to attach something
is a problem, you should go straight to Can you do up the strap of my bag for
the manager. 3. without stopping or me? I put a strap round my suitcase to Page 311 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

strategy 311 stretch

make it more secure. verb to fasten 2. used with names Whats your office
something with a strap He strapped address? 16 Cambridge Street. Ox-
on his rucksack. The patient was ford Street, Bond Street and Regent
strapped to a stretcher. Make sure the Street are the main shopping areas in
baby is strapped into her seat. (NOTE: London. (NOTE: When used in names,
straps strapping strapped) street is usually written St: Oxford St.)
strategy / strtd"i/ noun the deci-

strength /stre/ noun the fact that


sions you make about how you are go- something or someone is physically
ing to do something Their strategy is strong She hasnt got the strength to
to note which of their rivals models lift it. You should test the strength of
sells best and then copy it. The gov- the rope before you start climbing.
ernment has no long-term strategy for
strenuous / strenjus/ adjective re-

dealing with crime. (NOTE: The plural is

strategies.) quiring a lot of physical effort or energy
The doctor has told him to avoid
straw /str
/ noun 1. dry stems and

leaves of crops, used for animals to strenuous exercise. Its a very strenu-
sleep on Youve been lying on the ous job.
stress /stres/ noun 1. nervous strain

ground youve got bits of straw in your

hair. The tractor picked up bundles of caused by an outside influence the
straw and loaded them onto a truck. 2. a stresses of working in a busy office
thin plastic tube for sucking up liquids Shes suffering from stress. 2. the force
She was drinking orange juice through or pressure on something Stresses in-
a straw. side the earth create earthquakes.
strawberry / str
b()ri/ noun a com- verb to put emphasis on something I

mon soft red summer fruit which grows must stress the importance of keeping
on low plants (NOTE: The plural is the plan secret.
strawberries.) stretch /stret/ verb 1. to spread out for

stray /stre/ verb to move away from the


a great distance The line of cars

usual or expected place The sheep stretched for three miles from the acci-
strayed onto the golf course. The chil- dent. The queue stretched from the
dren had strayed too far and couldnt door of the cinema right round the cor-
get back. noun a pet animal which is ner. White sandy beaches stretch as
lost or without a home We have two far as the eye can see. 2. to push out
female cats at home and they attract all your arms or legs as far as they can go
the strays in the district. adjective 1. The cat woke up and stretched. The
not where it should be He was killed monkey stretched out through the bars
by a stray bullet from a sniper. 2. ((of a and grabbed the little boys cap. 3. to
pet animal)) lost or without a home pull something out so that it becomes
We found a stray cat and brought it loose, or to become loose by pulling
home. Dont hang your jumper up like that
stream /stri
m/ noun 1. a small river

you will just stretch it. These trousers

Can you jump across that stream? 2. a are not supposed to stretch. noun 1. a
number of things which pass in a contin- long piece of land, water or road
uous flow Crossing the road is diffi- Stretches of the river have been so pol-
cult because of the stream of traffic. luted that bathing is dangerous. 2. a
We had a stream of customers on the long period of time For long stretches
first day of the sale. Streams of refu- we had nothing to do. at a stretch
gees tried to cross the border. without a break He played the piano
street /stri
t/ noun 1. a road in a town,

for two hours at a stretch. to stretch

usually with houses on each side It is your legs to go for a short walk after
difficult to park in our street on Satur- sitting for a long time In the coffee
day mornings. Her flat is on a noisy break I went out into the garden to
street. The school is in the next street. stretch my legs. Page 312 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

strict 312 structure

strict /strkt/ adjective 1. which must be strip /strp/ noun a long narrow piece of
strict strip

obeyed I gave strict instructions that something He tore the paper into
no one was to be allowed in. The rules strips. Houses are to be built along
are very strict and any bad behaviour the strip of land near the church. verb
will be severely punished. 2. expecting to take off your clothes Strip to the
people to obey rules Our parents are waist for your chest X-ray. He
very strict with us about staying up late. stripped down to his underpants. (NOTE:
strips stripping stripped)
strictly / strktli/ adverb in a strict way

stripe /strap/ noun a long line of colour


All staff must follow strictly the proce-

dures in the training manual. He has an umbrella with red, white
and blue stripes.
stride /strad/ noun a long step

strive /strav/ verb to try very hard to do

three strides he was across the room and

out of the door. verb to walk with long something, especially over a long period
steps He strode into the room. We of time He always strove to do as well
could see him striding across the field to as his brother. Everyone is striving for
take shelter from the rain. (NOTE: a solution to the dispute. (NOTE: striv-
strides striding strode /strd/) ing strove /strv/ has striven
/ strv()n/)
strike /strak/ noun the stopping of work

strode /strd/ past tense of stride


by workers because of lack of agree-

stroke /strk/ noun 1. a serious medi-

ment with management or because of

orders from a trade union They all vot- cal condition in which someone sudden-
ed in favour of a strike. A strike was ly becomes unconscious because blood
avoided at the last minute. verb 1. to has stopped flowing normally to the
stop working because of disagreement brain He was paralysed after his
with management The workers are stroke. She had a stroke and died. 2.
striking in protest against bad working the act of hitting something such as a
conditions. 2. to hit something hard ball It took him three strokes to get the
He struck her with a bottle. She struck ball onto the green. 3. a style of swim-
her head on the low door. He struck a ming She won the 200m breast stroke.
match and lit the fire. 3. (of a clock) to verb to run your hands gently over
ring to mark an hour The clock had something or someone She was strok-
just struck one when she heard a noise ing the cat as it sat in her lap.
in the corridor. 4. to come to someones strong /str/ adjective 1. who has a lot

mind A thought just struck me. It of strength Im not strong enough to

suddenly struck me that I had seen him carry that box. 2. which has a lot of
somewhere before. (NOTE: strikes force or strength The string broke
striking struck /strk/) we need something stronger. The wind
string /str/ noun 1. a strong thin fibre
was so strong that it blew some tiles off
used for tying up things such as parcels the roof. 3. having a powerful smell,
This string isnt strong enough to tie taste or effect I dont like strong
up that big parcel. She bought a ball cheese. You need a cup of strong black
of string. Weve run out of string. coffee to wake you up. There was a
(NOTE: no plural in this sense: some strong smell of gas in the kitchen.
string; a piece of string) 2. one of the strength
strongly / strli/ adverb in a strong

long pieces of fibre or wire on a musical

instrument which makes a note when way
you hit it a guitar has six strings He strove /strv/ past tense of strive

was playing the violin when one of the

struck /strk/ past tense and past partici-

strings broke. 3. one of the strong pieces

of fibre which form the flat part of a ten- ple of strike
structure / strkt/ noun a building or

nis racket One of the strings has

snapped. something else that is built Page 313 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

struggle 313 stutter

struggle / str'()l/ noun a fight Af- your photographic stuff is still in the

ter a short struggle the burglar was ar- back of my car. verb 1. to push some-
rested. verb to try hard to do some- thing into something to fill it He
thing difficult Shes struggling with stuffed his pockets full of peppermints.
her maths homework. She struggled The 20 notes were stuffed into a small
to carry all the shopping to the car. plastic wallet. 2. to put small pieces of
stubborn / stbn/ adjective deter-
food such as bread, meat or herbs inside
mined not to change your mind Hes meat or vegetables before cooking them
so stubborn he only does what he We had roast veal stuffed with mush-
wants to do. rooms.
stuffy / stfi/ adjective without any

stuck /stk/ past tense and past participle


of stick fresh air Cant you open a window, its

so stuffy in here? (NOTE: stuffier
student / stju
d()nt/ noun a person

who is studying at a college, university
stumble / stmbl/ verb 1. to almost

or school All the science students

came to my lecture. Shes a brilliant fall by hitting your foot against some-
student. Two students had to sit the thing He stumbled as he tried to get
exam again. down the stairs in the dark. 2. to make
studio / stju
di/ noun 1. a room
mistakes when reading aloud or speak-
where an artist paints She uses this ing She stumbled a little when had to
room as a studio because of the good read the foreign words.
stump /stmp/ noun 1. a short piece of

light. 2. a place where things such as

films or broadcasts are made And something left sticking up, such as the
now, back to the studio for the latest main stem of a tree that has been cut
news and weather report. They spent down After cutting down the trees, we
the whole day recording the piece in the need to get rid of the stumps. 2. one of
studio. 3. a very small flat for one per- the three sticks placed in the ground in
son, usually one room with a small cricket The ball hit the stumps and the
kitchen and bathroom You can rent a last man was out.
studio overlooking the sea for 300 a stun /stn/ verb 1. to make someone be-

week in high season. (NOTE: The plural come unconscious with a blow to the
is studios.) head The blow on the head stunned
study / stdi/ noun the work of examin-

him. 2. to shock someone completely

ing something carefully to learn more She was stunned when he told her that
about it The company asked the con- he was already married. (NOTE: stuns
sultant to prepare a study into new pro- stunning stunned)
duction techniques. The review has
stupid / stju
pd/ adjective 1. not very

published studies on the new drug.

intelligent What a stupid man! 2. be-
(NOTE: The plural is studies.) verb 1.
having in a way that is not sensible It
to learn about a subject at college or uni-
was stupid of her not to wear a helmet
versity He is studying medicine be-
when riding on her scooter. He made
cause he wants to be a doctor. Shes
several stupid mistakes.
studying French and Spanish in the
sturdy / st
di/ adjective well made and

modern languages department. 2. to

look at something carefully She was not easily damaged (NOTE: sturdier
studying the guidebook. (NOTE: studies sturdiest)
studying studied) stutter / stt/ noun a speech problem

stuff /stf/ noun 1. a substance, especial-


where you repeat the sound at the begin-

ly something unpleasant Youve got ning of a word several times He is tak-
some black stuff stuck to your shoe. 2. ing therapy to try to cure his stutter.
equipment or possessions Dump all verb to repeat the same sounds when
your stuff in the living room. Take all speaking He stuttered badly when
that stuff and put it in the dustbin. All making his speech. Page 314 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

style 314 success

style /stal/ noun 1. a way of doing must be sent to me immediately they ar-

something, especially a way of design- rive.

ing, drawing or writing The room is subsequently / sbskwntli/ adverb

decorated in Chinese style. The paint- happening later or following something

ing is in his usual style. That style was which has already happened I subse-
fashionable in the 1940s. 2. a fashiona- quently discovered that there had been a
ble way of doing things She always mistake.
dresses with style. They live in grand substance / sbstns/ noun a solid or

style. hairstyle liquid material, especially one used in

subject / sbd"kt/ noun 1. the thing

chemistry A secret substance is added

which you are talking about or writing to the product to give it its yellow colour.
about He suddenly changed the sub- Toxic substances got into the drinking
ject of the conversation. The newspa- water.
per has devoted a special issue to the substantial /sb stnl/ adjective 1.

subject of pollution. 2. an area of knowl- large or important She was awarded

edge which you are studying Maths is substantial damages. He received a
his weakest subject. You can take up substantial sum when he left the compa-
to five subjects at A Level. 3. to be ny. A substantial amount of work re-
the subject of to be the person or thing mains to be done. 2. large enough to sat-
talked about or studied The painter isfy someone We had a substantial
Chagall will be the subject of our lec- meal at the local pub. 3. solid or strong
ture today. Advertising costs are the This wall is too flimsy, we need some-
subject of close examination by the au- thing much more substantial.
ditors. 4. (in grammar ) a noun or pro-
subtract /sb trkt/ verb to take one

noun which comes before a verb and

shows the person or thing that does the number away from another (NOTE: Sub-
action expressed by the verb In the tracting is usually shown by the minus
sentence the cat sat on the mat the sign : 10 4 = 6: say ten subtract
word cat is the subject of the verb four equals six.)
subtraction /sb trkn/ noun the


subject matter / sbd"kt mt/

subject matter
act of subtracting one number from an-
noun the subject dealt with in some- other
suburb / sb
b/ noun an area on the

thing such as a book or TV programme

submarine / sbmri
n/ noun a special
edge of a town where there are houses
type of ship which can travel under wa- and shops but not usually factories or
ter The submarine dived before she other large industries
subway / sbwe/ noun 1. an under-

was spotted by enemy aircraft. adjec-

tive under the water a submarine ground passage along which people can
pipeline walk, e.g. so that they do not have to
submit /sb mt/ verb to give something

cross a busy road Theres a subway
for someone to examine You are re- from the bus station to the shopping cen-
quested to submit your proposal to the tre. 2. US an underground railway sys-
planning committee. He submitted a tem the New York subway It will be
claim to the insurers. Reps are asked quicker to take the subway to Grand
to submit their expenses claims once a Central Station. (NOTE: The London
month. (NOTE: submits submitting equivalent is the tube or Under-
submitted) to accept that someone ground.)
succeed /sk si
d/ verb to do well or to

has the power to make you do some-

thing you dont want to do make a lot of profit His business has
subsequent / sbskwnt/ adjective
succeeded more than he had expected.
success /sk ses/ noun 1. the fact of

which comes later (formal ) The rain

and the subsequent flooding disrupted achieving what you have been trying to
the match. All subsequent reports do Shes been looking for a job in a li- Page 315 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

successful 315 suitable

brary, but without any success so far. 2. thing to have an illness or a fault She
the fact that someone does something suffers from arthritis. The companys
well Her photo was in the newspapers products suffer from bad design. Our
after her Olympic success. The new car suffers from a tendency to overheat.
car has not had much success in the sufficient /s f()nt/ adjective as

Japanese market. (NOTE: The plural is much as is needed Does she have suf-
successes.) ficient funds to pay for her trip? There
successful /sk sesf()l/ adjective

isnt sufficient room to put the big sofa
who or which does well Hes a suc- in here. Allow yourself sufficient time
cessful business man. Shes very suc- to get to the airport.
cessful at hiding her real age. Their
suffix / sfks/ noun letters added to the

trip to German proved successful.

end of a word to make another word.
successfully /sk sesf()li/ adverb

Compare prefix (NOTE: The plural is
achieving what was intended suffixes.)
such /st/ adjective 1. of this type

sugar / '/ noun a substance that you


The police are looking for such things as use to make food sweet How much
drugs or stolen goods. no such (per- sugar do you take in your tea? Can
son or thing) a person or thing like that you pass me the sugar, please?
is not in existence There is no such
suggest /s d"est/ verb to mention an

day as April 31st. Someone was ask-

ing for a Mr Simpson but there is no idea to see what other people think of it
such person working here. 2. very; so The chairman suggested that the next
much There was such a crowd at the meeting should be held in October.
party that there werent enough chairs What does he suggest we do in this
to go round. Its such a shame that case?
shes ill and has to miss her sisters suggestion /s d"estn/ noun an idea

wedding. such as used for giving an that you mention for people to think
example Some shops such as food about We have asked for suggestions
stores are open on Sundays. from passengers. The company acted
suck /sk/ verb 1. to hold something upon your suggestion. Whose sugges-

with your mouth and pull at it with your tion was it that we should go out in a
tongue The baby didnt stop sucking boat? I bought those shares at the
his thumb until he was six. 2. to have stockbrokers suggestion.
something in your mouth which makes suit /su
t/ noun 1. a set of pieces of cloth-

your mouth produce water He bought ing made of the same cloth and worn to-
a bag of sweets to suck in the car. gether, e.g. a jacket and trousers or skirt
sudden / sd()n/ adjective which hap-

A dark grey suit will be just right for

pens very quickly or unexpectedly the interview. The pale blue suit she
The sudden change in the weather was wearing was very chic. 2. one of the
caught us unprepared. The bus came four sets of cards with the same symbol
to a sudden stop. His decision to go to in a pack of cards Clubs and spades
Canada was very sudden. all of a are the two black suits and hearts and
sudden suddenly All of a sudden the diamonds are the two red suits. verb
room went dark. 1. to look good when worn by someone
suddenly / sd()nli/ adverb quickly Green usually suits people with red

and giving you a shock The car in hair. That hat doesnt suit her. 2. to be
front stopped suddenly and I ran into the convenient for someone Hell only do
back of it. Suddenly the room went it when it suits him to do it. Thursday
dark. She suddenly realised it was al- at 11 oclock will suit me fine.
ready five oclock. suitable / su
tb()l/ adjective which

suffer / sf/ verb 1. to receive an injury


fits or which is convenient Im look-

He suffered multiple injuries in the ing for a suitable present We adver-
accident. 2. to suffer from some- tised the job again because there were Page 316 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

suitcase 316 support

no suitable candidates. A blue dress the 16th must be a Sunday. Today is
would be more suitable for an interview. Sunday, November 19th.
suitcase / su
tkes/ noun a box with a sunk /sk/ past participle of sink
suitcase sunk

handle which you carry your clothes in sunlight / snlat/ noun the light which

when you are travelling comes from the sun (NOTE: no plural)
sulk /slk/ verb to show you are annoyed sunny / sni/ adjective 1. with the sun
sulk sunny

by not saying anything Theyre sulk- shining Another sunny day! They
ing because we didnt invite them. forecast that it will be sunny this after-
sum /sm/ noun 1. a quantity of money
noon. 2. where the sun often shines
He only paid a small sum for the car. We live on the sunny side of the street.
A large sum of money was stolen from Their sitting room is bright and sunny,
his safe. We are owed the sum of 500. but the dining room is dark. (NOTE: sun-
2. a simple problem in mathematics nier sunniest)
sunrise / snraz/ noun the time when

She tried to do the sum in her head. 3.

the total of two or more numbers added the sun comes up in the morning
together The sum of all four sides will sunset / snset/ noun the time when the

give you the perimeter of the field. sun goes down in the evening
summary / smri/ noun a short de- sunshine / snan/ noun a pleasant

scription of what has been said or writ- light from the sun (NOTE: no plural)
ten, or of what happened, without giving super / su
p/ adjective very good

all the details She gave a summary of (dated )

what happened at the meeting. Heres
superlative /s p
ltv/ adjective ex-

a summary of the book in case you dont

have time to read it. (NOTE: The plural is tremely good Hes a superlative goal-
summaries.) keeper. noun the form of an adjective
or adverb showing the highest level
summer / sm/ noun the hottest season

when compared with another Big-

of the year, between spring and autumn gest is the superlative of big.
Next summer we are going to Greece.
supermarket / su
kt/ noun a

The summer in Australia coincides

large store selling mainly food and
with our winter here in England. I ha-
goods for the house, where customers
vent any summer clothes its never
serve themselves and pay at a checkout
hot enough here.
supervisor / su
pvaz/ noun a per-

summit / smt/ noun the top of a


son whose job is making sure that other

mountain It took us three hours hard people are working well
climbing to reach the summit.
supper / sp/ noun the meal which you

sun /sn/ noun 1. a very bright star round


eat in the evening

which the earth travels and which gives
supply /s pla/ noun a store of some-

light and heat The sun was just rising

when I got up. Ill try taking a photo- thing which is needed We have two
graph now that the suns come out. 2. weeks supply of coal. (NOTE: The plural
is supplies.) verb to provide some-
the light from the sun Id prefer a ta-
ble out of the sun. She spent her whole thing which is needed Details of ad-
holiday just sitting in the sun. dresses and phone numbers can be sup-
plied by the store staff. He was asked
sunburnt / snb
nt/ adjective (of the

to supply a blood sample. (NOTE: sup-

skin) damaged or made red by the sun plies supplying supplied) in
Sunday / snde/ noun the seventh day
short supply not available in large
of the week, the day between Saturday enough quantities to meet peoples
and Monday Last Sunday we went on needs Fresh vegetables are in short
a picnic. Most shops are now open on supply during the winter.
support /s p
t/ noun 1. an object or

Sundays. Can we fix a lunch for next

Sunday? The 15th is a Saturday, so structure which stops something from Page 317 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

supporter 317 surprise

falling They had to build wooden sup- don, not Oxford? Theyll surely com-
ports to hold up the wall. 2. help or en- plain about the amount of work they
couragement We have had no finan- have to do.
cial support from the bank. 3. an act of surf /s
f/ noun 1. a mass of white foam

encouraging and helping someone, or of coming onto a beach on large waves

agreeing with their plans The chair- The surf is too rough for children to
man has the support of the committee. bathe. 2. waves breaking along a shore
She spoke in support of our plan. verb verb to ride on large waves coming
1. to hold something up to stop it falling onto a beach on a surf board Id like to
down The roof is supported on ten be able to surf. Its too dangerous to
huge pillars. 2. to provide money to go surfing today.
help someone or something We hope
surface / s
fs/ noun the top part of

the banks will support us during the de-

velopment period. 3. to encourage something When it rains, water col-
someone or something Which football lects on the surface of the road. The
team do you support? She hopes the surface of the water was completely
other members of the committee will still. He stayed a long time under wa-
support her. ter before coming back to the surface.
Dinosaurs disappeared from the surface
supporter /s p
t/ noun a person

of the earth millions of years ago.

who encourages someone or something
verb to come up to the surface The
It sounds a good idea to me Im sur-
captain gave orders for the submarine
prised it hasnt attracted more support-
to surface. His fear of failure has sur-
faced again.
suppose /s pz/ verb 1. to think

surgeon / s
d"n/ noun a doctor who

something is likely to be true or to hap-

performs medical operations
pen Where is the secretary? I sup-
surgery / s
d"ri/ noun 1. treatment of

pose shes going to be late as usual. I

suppose youve heard the news? What disease in which doctors cut into or re-
do you suppose theyre talking about? move part of the body She had sur-
Will you be coming to the meeting this gery to straighten her nose. The pa-
evening? I suppose Ill have to. I tient will need surgery to remove the
dont suppose many people will come. scars left by the accident. (NOTE: no plu-
2. (showing doubt) what happens if? ral in this sense) 2. a room where a doc-
Suppose it rains tomorrow, do you still tor or dentist sees and examines patients
want to go for a walk? Hes very late I phoned the doctors surgery to make
suppose hes had an accident? Sup- an appointment. (NOTE: The plural is
pose I win the lottery! surgeries.)
sure // adjective without any doubt surname / s
nem/ noun the name of
sure surname

Is he sure he can borrow his mothers someones family, shared by all people
car? Im sure I left my wallet in my in the family
coat pocket. Its sure to be cold in surprise /s praz/ noun 1. the feeling

Russia in December. Make sure or be you get when something happens which
sure that your computer is switched off you did not expect to happen He ex-
before you leave. adverb mainly US pressed surprise when I told him Id lost
meaning yes Can I borrow your car? my job. To his great surprise, a lot of
sure, go ahead! I need someone to people bought his book. What a sur-
help with this computer program sure, prise to find that we were at school to-
I can do it. gether! 2. an unexpected event They
surely / li/ adverb of course, certain-

baked a cake for her birthday as a sur-

ly (used mostly in questions where a prise. What a surprise to see you
certain answer is expected ) Surely again after so long! verb to make
they cant expect us to work on Sun- someone surprised It wouldnt sur-
days? But surely their office is in Lon- prise me if it rained. What surprises Page 318 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

surprised 318 swarm

me is that she left without saying good- survivor /s vav/ noun a person who

bye. is still alive after an experience such as

surprised /s prazd/ adjective feeling

an accident, attack or serious illness
suspect1 /s spekt/ verb 1. to sus-

or showing surprise She was sur-

prised to see her former boyfriend at the pect someone of doing something to
party. We were surprised to hear that think that someone may have done
hes got a good job. something wrong I suspect him of be-
ing involved in the robbery. They were
surprising /s praz/ adjective which

wrongly suspected of taking bribes. 2. to
you do not expect There was a sur- think that something is likely I sus-
prising end to the story. Wasnt it sur- pect its going to be more difficult than
prising to see the two sisters together we thought at first. We suspected all
again? Its hardly surprising she along that something was wrong.
doesnt want to meet you again after
suspect2 / sspekt/ noun a person who

what you said.

is thought to have committed a crime
surrender /s rend/ noun giving in to

The police arrested several suspects for

an enemy because you have lost the questioning. adjective 1. which is not
surrender of the enemy generals verb reliable Such high figures for exports
to accept that you have been defeated by look a bit suspect to me. 2. which might
someone else Our troops were sur- be dangerous or illegal a suspect
rounded by the enemy and were forced package
to surrender. suspense /s spens/ noun nervous ex-

surround /s rand/ verb to be all


citement experienced while waiting for
round something or someone The something to happen or for someone to
house is surrounded by beautiful coun- do something
suspicious /s sps/ adjective which

tryside. The President has surrounded

himself with experts. seems to be wrong, dangerous or con-

nected with a crime The police found
survey1 / s
ve/ noun 1. a way of find-

a suspicious package on the station

ing out about something by asking peo- platform. We became suspicious when
ple questions 2. the careful examination we realised we hadnt seen him for three
of a building to see if it is in good days.
enough condition
swallow / swl/ verb to make food or

survey2 /s ve/ verb 1. to ask people


liquid pass down your throat from your
questions to get information about mouth to the stomach He swallowed
something Roughly half the people we his beer and ran back to the office.
surveyed were in favour of the scheme. She swallowed hard and knocked on the
Theyre surveying the site. 2. to meas- door to the interview room.
ure land in order to produce a plan or swam /swm/ past tense of swim

map Theyre surveying the area where

swan /swn/ noun a large white water

the new runway will be built.

bird with a long curved neck
survival /s vav()l/ noun the state of

swap /swp/ verb to exchange some-


continuing to exist The survival of the thing for something else Can I swap
crew depended on the supplies carried my tickets for next Fridays show?
in the boat. The survival rate of ba- Lets swap places, so that I can talk to
bies has started to fall. Susan. After every game the players
survive /s vav/ verb to continue to be

swapped jerseys with the other team.
alive after an experience such as acci- (NOTE: swaps swapping
dent, attack or serious illness It was swapped)
swarm /sw
m/ noun a large group of

such a terrible crash, it was miracle that

anyone survived. He survived a mas- insects flying around together A
sive heart attack. swarm of flies buzzed around the meat. Page 319 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

sway 319 swing

sway /swe/ verb 1. to move slowly and Whats on the menu for sweet? Im

smoothly from side to side The crowd afraid I havent made a sweet. I wont
swayed in time to the music. The palm have any sweet, thank you, just some
trees swayed in the breeze. 2. to have an coffee. to have a sweet tooth to like
influence on someone The committee sweet food Hes very fond of puddings
was swayed by a letter from the presi- hes got a real sweet tooth!
dent. sweetness / swi
tns/ noun a state of

swear /swe/ verb 1. to make a serious being sweet


public promise He swore he wouldnt swell /swel/ verb to become larger, usu-

touch alcohol again. The witnesses ally because of an illness or injury

swore to tell the truth. 2. to shout offen- Her feet started to swell. (NOTE: swells
sive or rude words They were shouting swelling swollen / swln/
and swearing at the police. Dont let swelled) to swell (up) to become
me catch you swearing again! (NOTE: larger or to increase in size She was
swears swearing swore sworn) bitten by an insect and her hand swelled
I could have sworn I was complete- (up).
ly sure I could have sworn I put my swelling / swel/ noun a condition

keys in my coat pocket. where liquid forms in part of the body,

sweat /swet/ noun drops of salt liquid

making that part swell up

which come through your skin when swept /swept/ past tense and past parti-

you are hot or when you are afraid Af- ciple of sweep
ter working in the vineyard he was
swerve /sw
v/ verb to move suddenly

drenched with sweat. He broke out

into a cold sweat when they called his to one side They think the car swerved
name. verb to produce sweat He ran to the left and hit a wall. She had to
up the hill, sweating and red in the face. swerve to avoid the bicycle.
swift /swft/ adjective very fast Their

sweater / swet/ noun a thick piece of


clothing with sleeves that covers your phone call brought a swift response
upper body from the police.
swim /swm/ verb to move in the water

sweatshirt / swet
t/ noun a thick

cotton shirt with long sleeves using your arms and legs to push you
along She cant swim, but shes taking
sweep /swi
p/ verb 1. to clear up dust

swimming lessons. She swam across

and dirt from the floor with a brush the English Channel. (NOTE: swims
Have you swept the kitchen floor yet? 2.
swimming swam /swm/ swum
to move quickly She swept into the /swm/) noun an occasion when you
room with a glass of wine in her hand. swim What about a swim before
The party swept to power in the general breakfast? Its too cold for a swim.
election. A feeling of anger swept
swimmer / swm/ noun a person who

through the crowd. (NOTE: sweeps

sweeping swept /swept/) is swimming
swimming / swm/ noun the activity

sweet /swi
t/ adjective 1. tasting like

sugar, and neither sour nor bitter or sport of moving through water using
These apples are sweeter than those your arms and legs
swing /sw/ verb to move, or move

green ones. 2. very kind or pleasant

He sent me such a sweet birthday card. something, from side to side or forwards
It was sweet of her to send me flowers. and backwards, while hanging from a
What a sweet little girl! How sweet central point She picked up the baby
of you to help me with my luggage! and swung him round and round. He
noun 1. a small piece of sweet food, swung up and down on the garden
made with sugar She bought some swing. A window swung open and a
sweets to eat in the cinema. He likes man looked out. (NOTE: swings
to suck sweets when he is driving. 2. swinging swung /sw/) noun a
sweet food eaten at the end of a meal seat held by two ropes or chains, to sit Page 320 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

switch 320 system

on and move backwards and forwards, symbol / smbl/ noun a sign, letter,

usually outdoors She sat on the swing picture or shape which means some-
and ate an apple. thing or shows something The crown
switch /swt/ noun a small object

was the symbol of the empire. The ol-

which you push up or down to stop or ive branch is a symbol of peace. Pb is
start a piece of electrical equipment the chemical symbol for lead.
The switch to turn off the electricity is in
sympathetic /smp etk/ adjective

the cupboard. There is a light switch

by the bed. verb 1. to do something showing that you understand someones

different suddenly We decided to problems
/ smpaz/, sympa-

switch from gas to electricity. 2. to sympathise

change or exchange something Lets thize verb to show that you understand
switch places. He switched flights in someones problems I sympathise
Montreal and went on to Calgary. The with you, my husband snores too. I get
job was switched from our British facto- back pains, and I sympathise with all
ry to the States. fellow sufferers.
switch off phrasal verb to make an sympathy / smpi/ noun a feeling of

piece of electrical equipment stop understanding for someone elses prob-

Dont forget to switch off the TV before lems, or after someones death We re-
you go to bed. She forgot to switch her ceived many messages of sympathy
car lights off or switch off her car lights. when my wife died. He had no sympa-
The kettle switches itself off automat-
thy for his secretary who complained of
ically when it boils. being overworked.
switch on phrasal verb to make a piece
symptom / smptm/ noun 1. a change

of electrical equipment start Can you

switch the radio on its time for the in the body, showing that a disease is
evening news. When you put the light present He has all the symptoms of
on in the bathroom, the fan switches it- flu. 2. a visible sign which shows that
self on automatically. something is happening Rubbish eve-
swollen / swln/ past participle of rywhere on the pavements is a symptom

swell adjective much bigger than of the economic crisis facing the bor-
usual ough.
swoop /swu
p/ verb to come down synonym / snnm/ noun a word
swoop synonym

quickly The planes swooped (down) which means almost the same as anoth-
low over the enemy camp. er word
swop /swp/ noun, verb same as swap

syrup / srp/ noun a sweet liquid


sword /s
d/ noun a weapon with a han-

make syrup, dissolve sugar in a cup of

dle and a long sharp blade boiling water.
swore /sw
/ past tense of swear

system / sstm/ noun 1. a group of


swum /swm/ past participle of swim


things which work together the sys-

swung /sw/ past tense and past parti-

tem of motorways or the motorway sys-

ciple of swing tem the London underground railway
syllable / slb()l/ noun a whole word system 2. a way in which things are or-

or part of a word which has one single ganised Ive got my own system for
sound dealing with invoices. Page 321 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

t /ti
/, T noun the twentieth letter of the al- 3. to go with someone or something to

phabet, between S and U another place Hes taking the children

table / teb()l/ noun 1. a piece of furni-
to school. They took the car to the ga-
ture with a flat top and legs, used to eat rage. We took a taxi to the hotel. 4. to
or work at We had breakfast sitting steal something Someones taken my
round the kitchen table. He asked for watch. 5. to go away with something
a table by the window. She says she which someone else was using Some-
booked a table for six people for 12.30. one has taken the newspaper I was read-
2. a list of numbers, facts, or informa- ing. Whos taken my cup of coffee? 6.
tion set out in an organised way to use or occupy something Sorry, all
these seats are taken. 7. to do a test
tablecloth / teb()lkl/ noun a cloth

You must go to bed early because youll
which covers a table during a meal be taking your exams tomorrow morn-
tablet / tblt/ noun a small round pill

ing. She had to take her driving test

taken as medicine Take two tablets be- three times before she finally passed. 8.
fore meals. to accept something If they offer you
table tennis / teb()l tens/ noun a the job, take it immediately. 9. to do cer-
table tennis

game similar to tennis, but played on a tain actions We took our holiday in
large table with a net across the centre, September this year. Shes taking a
with small round bats and a very light shower after going to the beach. She
white ball took a photograph or took a picture of
the Tower of London. She needs to
tackle / tk()l/ verb 1. to try to deal

with a problem or job You cant tackle take a rest. 10. to need a certain amount
of time or number of people It took
a job like changing the central heating
system on your own. You start clean- three strong men to move the piano.
ing the dining room and Ill tackle the They took two days or it took them two
washing up. 2. (in football, etc.) to try to days to get to London. When he wants
get the ball from an opposing player to watch a TV programme it never seems
He was tackled before he could score. to take him long to finish his homework.
(NOTE: takes taking took /tk/
noun equipment He brought his fish-
taken / tek()n/)
ing tackle with him.
tail /tel/ noun 1. a long thin part at the
take away phrasal verb 1. to remove
end of the body of an animal or bird, something or someone Take those
which can move All you could see was scissors away from little Nicky he
a slight movement of the cats tail. could cut himself. The ambulance
The dog rushed up to him, wagging its came and took her away. The police
tail. 2. an end or back part of something took away piles of documents from the
The tail of the queue stretched round office. 2. to subtract one number from
the corner and into the next street. I another (NOTE: Take away is usually
prefer to sit near the tail of the aircraft. shown by the sign : 10 4 = 6: say
take /tek/ verb 1. to lift and move some-
ten take away four equals six.)
thing She took the pot of jam down take off phrasal verb 1. to remove
from the shelf. The waiter took the ta- something, especially your clothes He
blecloth off the table. 2. to carry some- took off all his clothes or he took all his
thing to another place Can you take clothes off. Take your dirty boots off
this cheque to the bank for me, please? before you come into the kitchen. hat Page 322 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

takeaway 322 tape

talkative / t
ktv/ adjective liking to

2. to make an amount smaller He took

25 off the price. 3. (of a plane) to leave talk a lot, or sometimes too much
the ground The plane took off at 4.30. tall /t
l/ adjective high, usually higher

take over phrasal verb 1. to start to do than normal the tallest building in
something in place of someone else London Can you see those tall trees
Miss Black took over from Mr Jones on over there? Hes the tallest boy in his
May 1st. When our history teacher class. How tall are you? Im 1 metre
was ill, the English teacher had to take 68 centimetres. His brother is over six
over his classes. The Socialists took feet tall. (NOTE: taller tallest. Tall is
over from the Conservatives. 2. to buy a used with people and thin things like
business by buying most of its shares trees or skyscrapers; for things which
The company was taken over by a big are a long way above the ground use
group last month. high: high clouds, a high mountain.)
tame /tem/ adjective a tame animal can

take up phrasal verb 1. to fill a space

or time This settee takes up too much live with people because it is no longer
room. Being in charge of the staff wild Dont be afraid of that fox hes
sports club takes up too much of my perfectly tame.
tan /tn/ noun a brownish-yellow colour

time. 2. to remove something which was

on a floor or other low surface You of the skin after being in the sun She
will need to take up the rugs if you want got a tan from spending each day on the
to polish the floor. beach. verb to get brown from being
takeaway / tekwe/ noun a shop
in the sun She tans easily just half an
where you can buy cooked food to eat hour in the sun and shes quite brown.
somewhere else Theres an Indian (NOTE: tans tanning tanned)
tank /tk/ noun 1. a large container for

takeaway round the corner. We had a

Chinese takeaway. noun, adjective a liquids How much oil is left in the
hot meal that you buy in a shop and eat tank? 2. an army vehicle which is cov-
somewhere else We had a takeaway ered in strong metal, has tracks instead
Chinese meal. of wheels and has powerful guns
taken / tekn/ past participle of take
Tanks rolled along the main streets of
the town.
tale /tel/ noun a story (literary) A tale

tap /tp/ noun an object which you turn


of princesses and wicked fairies. in order to let liquid or gas come out of
talent / tlnt/ noun an ability or skill

a pipe He washed his hands under the

Her many talents include singing and tap in the kitchen. verb to hit some-
playing the piano. thing gently She tapped him on the
talented / tlntd/ adjective with a lot
knee with her finger. A policeman
of talent tapped him on the shoulder and arrested
him. (NOTE: taps tapping tapped)
talk /t
k/ verb to say things

I didnt
tape /tep/ noun 1. a long narrow piece of

understand what he was talking about.

cloth or plastic She stitched tape
We must talk to the neighbours about
along the bottom of the sleeves to stop it
their noisy dog it kept me awake again
fraying. 2. magnetic tape special
last night. noun 1. a conversation or a
plastic tape on which sounds and pic-
discussion We had a little talk, and
tures can be recorded, also used for re-
she agreed with what the committee had
cording computer data verb 1. to
decided. I had a long talk with my fa-
record something on tape or on video
ther about what I should study at uni-
The whole conversation was taped by
versity. 2. a lecture about a subject He
the police. I didnt see the programme
gave a short talk about the history of the
because I was at work, but Ive taped it.
2. to attach something with sticky tape
talk over phrasal verb to discuss some- She taped up the box before taking it
thing to the post office. Page 323 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

target 323 tear

target / t
't/ noun 1. an object which two teas and two cakes, please? 3. the

you aim at, e.g. with a gun His last dried leaves of a tropical plant used to
shot missed the target altogether. She make a warm drink Weve run out of
hit the target three times in all. 2. some- tea, can you put it on your shopping
thing which you intend to achieve list? 4. a meal eaten in the late afternoon
task /t
sk/ noun something, especially a
or early evening The children have
piece of work, that has to be done He had their tea.
teach /ti
t/ verb to show someone how

had the unpleasant task of telling his

mother about it. to do something She taught me how to
taste /test/ noun 1. the sense on your
dance. He teaches maths in the local
tongue that allows you to be aware of school. (NOTE: teaches teaching
the flavour of something when you put taught /t
teacher / ti
t/ noun a person who

it in your mouth Ive got a cold, so

Ive lost all sense of taste. 2. a flavour of teaches, especially in a school Mr
something that you eat or drink The Jones is our maths teacher. The
pudding has a funny or strange taste. French teacher is ill today. He trained
Do you like the taste of garlic? This as a primary school teacher. pet
milk shake has no taste at all. verb 1. teaching / ti
t/ noun the work of be-

to notice the taste of something with ing a teacher or of giving lessons The
your tongue Can you taste the onions report praised the high standard of
in this soup? Shes got a cold so she teaching at the college. He was work-
cant taste anything. 2. to have a certain ing in a bank, but has decided to go into
flavour This cake tastes of soap. teaching instead.
What is this green stuff? It tastes like team /ti
m/ noun 1. a group of people

cabbage. The pudding tastes very who play a game together There are
good. 3. to try food or drink to see if you eleven people in a football team and fif-
like it Would you like to taste the teen in a rugby team. Hes a fan of the
wine? She asked if she could taste the local football team. Our college team
cheese before buying it. played badly last Saturday. 2. a group of
tasty / testi/ adjective with a pleasant

people who work together They make

taste (NOTE: tastier tastiest) a very effective team. In this job you
taught /t
t/ past tense and past partici-

have to be able to work as a member of

ple of teach a team.
tax /tks/ noun money taken by the gov- teapot / ti
pt/ noun a container which
tax teapot

ernment to pay for government services is used for making tea in

The government is planning to intro- tear1 /t/ noun a drop of salt water

duce a tax on food. You must pay your which forms in your eye when you cry
tax on the correct date. The newspa- Tears were running down her cheeks.
per headline says TAXES TO GO UP. in tears crying All the family were
taxi / tksi/ noun a car which you can in tears. to burst into tears to sud-

hire with a driver Can you call a taxi denly start crying
to take me to the airport? Why arent tear2 /te/ verb 1. to make a hole in

there any taxis at the station today? something by pulling He tore his trou-
There are no buses on Sunday after- sers climbing over the fence. My coat
noons, so we had to take a taxi to the is torn can it be mended? 2. to pull
party. (NOTE: also often called a cab something into small pieces He tore
and sometimes taxicab) the letter in half. She tore up old news-
tea /ti
/ noun 1. a drink made from hot

papers to pack the cups and saucers.

water which has been poured onto the (NOTE: tears tearing tore /t
dried leaves of a tropical plant Can I torn /t
n/) noun a place where
have another cup of tea or some more something has a hole in it from being
tea? I dont like tea can I have coffee torn Can you mend the tear in my
instead? 2. a cup of tea Can we have jeans? Page 324 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

tease 324 temple

tease /ti
z/ verb to say or do something clearly. He watched the stars using a

to annoy someone on purpose He telescope in his back garden.

teased her about her new haircut. television /tel v"()n/ noun 1. sound

Stop teasing that poor cat. and pictures which are sent through the
teaspoon / ti
n/ noun a small air or along cables and appear on a spe-

spoon for stirring tea or other liquid cial machine television programmes
Can you bring me a teaspoon, please? We dont watch television every night.
technical / teknk()l/ adjective relat-
Is there any football on television to-
ing to industrial processes or practical night? 2. a piece of electrical equipment
work Dont bother with the technical which shows television pictures I
details of how the machine works, just switched off the television before going
tell me what it does. The instructions to bed. (NOTE: Television is often writ-
are too technical for the ordinary per- ten or spoken as TV /ti
tell /tel/ verb 1. to communicate some-

son to understand.
technique /tek ni
k/ noun a way of do-

thing to someone, e.g. a story or a joke
ing something He developed a new She told me a long story about how
technique for processing steel. She she got lost in London. I dont think
has a specially effective technique for they are telling the truth. 2. to give in-
dealing with complaints from custom- formation to someone The policeman
ers. told them how to get to the post office.
He told the police that he had seen the
technology /tek nld"i/ noun the use

accident take place. Dont tell my
or study of industrial or scientific skills mother you saw me at the pub. No-
We already have the technology to
body told us about the picnic. 3. to tell
produce such a machine. The govern- someone what to do to give someone
ment has promised increased support instructions The teacher told the chil-
for science and technology. dren to stand in a line. Give a shout to
teenager / ti
ned"/ noun a young per-

tell us when to start. 4. to notice some-

son aged between 13 and 19 She thing He cant tell the difference be-
writes stories for teenagers. tween butter and margarine. You can
teeshirt / ti

t/, T-shirt noun a light tell he is embarrassed when his face

shirt with a round neck and no buttons goes red. (NOTE: tells telling told
or collar, usually with short sleeves /tld/)
teeth /ti
/ plural of tooth temper / temp/ noun the state of be-

telephone / telfn/ noun a machine

coming angry You have to learn to
which you use to speak to someone who control your temper. He has a violent
is some distance away I was in the temper. She got into a temper.
temperature / temprt/ noun 1. heat

garden when you called, but by the time

I got to the house the telephone had measured in degrees The temperature
stopped ringing. She lifted the tele- of water in the swimming pool is 25.
phone and called the ambulance. verb Temperatures in the Arctic can be very
to call someone using a telephone low. I cant start the car when the tem-
Your wife telephoned when you were perature is below zero. Put the ther-
out. Can you telephone me at ten mometer in the patients mouth I want
oclock tomorrow evening? I need to to take her temperature. 2. an illness
telephone our office in New York. (NOTE: where your body is hotter than normal
Telephone is often shortened to Shes off work with a temperature.
phone: phone call, phone book.) The doctor says hes got a temperature
telescope / telskp/ noun a piece of
and has to stay in bed.
temple / templ/ noun a building for

equipment for looking at objects which

are very far away, consisting of a long worship, usually Hindu or Buddhist, or
tube with a series of lenses in it With ancient Greek or Roman We visited
a telescope you can see the ships very the Greek temples on the islands. Page 325 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

temporarily 325 terrific

temporarily /temp() rerli/ adverb hall was tense as everyone waited for

for a short time only the result of the vote. noun the form of
temporary / temp()rri/ adjective ex-
a verb which shows the time when the
isting or lasting only for a limited time action takes place
tension / tenn/ noun 1. nervous or

She has a temporary job with a con-

struction company. This arrangement worried feelings Tension built up as
is only temporary. we waited for the result. 2. feelings of
tempt /tempt/ verb to try to persuade
anger or hate between countries or races
There is tension in the area caused by
someone to do something, especially
something pleasant or wrong Can I fighting between tribes. 3. the state of
tempt you to have another cream cake? being tight You need to adjust the ten-
They tried to tempt him to leave his
sion in your tennis racket.
tent /tent/ noun a shelter made of cloth,

job and work for them.

ten /ten/ noun the number 10 In the
held up by poles and attached to the
market theyre selling ten oranges for ground with ropes
tenth /ten/ adjective number 10 in a se-

two dollars. Shes ten (years old) next

week. The next plane for Paris leaves ries Thats the tenth phone call Ive
at 10 (oclock) in the evening. had this morning. She came tenth in a
tend /tend/ verb 1. to look after some-
national competition. noun the thing
thing His job is to tend the flower beds that is number 10 in a series the tenth
in front of the town hall. 2. to tend to of April or April the tenth (April 10th)
term /t
m/ noun 1. one of the parts of a

do something to be likely to do some-

thing She tends to lose her temper school or university year The autumn
very easily. term ends on December 15th. Next
tendency / tendnsi/ noun the way in
term Ill be starting to learn the piano.
which someone or something is likely to 2. a word or phrase which has a particu-
act The photocopier has a tendency to lar meaning He used several technical
break down if you try to do too many terms which I didnt understand.
copies at the same time. He has an un- Some people use darling as a term of
fortunate tendency to sit in a corner and affection.
terminal / t
mn()l/ noun a building at

go to sleep at parties.
tender / tend/ adjective 1. (of food )
an airport where planes arrive or leave
easy to cut or chew a plate of tender The flight leaves from Terminal 4. ad-
young beans The meat was so tender, jective referring to the last period of a
you hardly needed a knife to cut it. 2. serious illness that will lead to death
showing love The plants need a lot of The condition is terminal.
terrace / ters/ noun 1. a flat outdoor

tender loving care. 3. painful when

touched area which is raised above another area
tennis / tens/ noun a game for two or
The guests had drinks on the terrace
four players who use rackets to hit a ball before going in to dinner. 2. a row of
over a net Hes joined the local tennis similar houses connected together
terrible / terb()l/ adjective very bad

club. Would you like a game of tennis?

tenor / ten/ adjective with a high pitch,
We shouldnt have come to this party
similar to that of a tenor He plays the the musics terrible. There was a ter-
tenor saxophone. He has a pleasant rible storm last night.
terribly / terbli/ adverb 1. very Im

tenor voice. Compare bass noun a

man who sings with the highest male terribly sorry to have kept you waiting.
voice The tenors start the song, fol- The situation is terribly serious. 2. in
lowed by the sopranos. a very bad way The farmers suffered
tense /tens/ adjective nervous and wor-
terribly from drought.
terrific /t rfk/ adjective 1. extremely

ried I always get tense before going to

an interview. The atmosphere in the good We had a terrific time at the par- Page 326 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

terrify 326 that

ty. 2. very big or loud There was a ter- than /n, n/ conjunction used to

rific bang and the whole building col- show a comparison Its hotter this
lapsed. week than it was last week. preposi-
terrify / terfa/ verb to make someone
tion used to link two parts of a compari-
very frightened The sound of thunder son His car is bigger than mine. She
terrifies me. (NOTE: terrifies terrify- was born in London, so she knows it bet-
ing terrified) ter than any other town. You cant get
more than four people into this lift.
territory / tert()ri/ noun 1. a large area

Its less than five kilometres to the near-

of land They occupied all the territory est station.
on the east bank of the river. 2. land
thank /k/ verb to say or do some-

which belongs to a country A group of

thing that shows you are grateful to
soldiers had wandered into enemy terri-
tory. 3. an area which an animal or bird someone for doing something for you
thinks belongs only to it Animals of- She thanked the policeman for helping
ten fight to defend their territories. her to cross the street. Dont forget to
thank Aunt Ann for her present.
(NOTE: The plural is territories.)
thanks /ks/ noun a word showing

terror / ter/ noun great fear They live


that you are grateful We sent our

in constant terror of terrorist attacks. thanks for the gift. We did our best to
terrorist / terrst/ noun a person who

help but got no thanks for it. The com-

practises terrorism Terrorists hijacked mittee passed a vote of thanks to the
a plane and told the pilot to fly to Rome. school for having organised the meet-
adjective referring to terrorism Ter- ing. Many thanks for your letter of the
rorist attacks have increased over the 15th. interjection used to show you
last few weeks. are grateful Do you want some more
tea? No thanks. Ive had two cups al-
test /test/ noun 1. an examination to see

ready. Anyone want a lift to the sta-

if you know something We had an
tion? Thanks, its a long walk from
English test yesterday. She passed her
driving test. 2. an examination to see if
thanks to / ks tu
/ preposition used
thanks to

something is working well The doctor

will have to do a blood test. It is a for saying that someone or something is
good test of the cars ability to brake responsible for something or to blame
fast. verb 1. to find out how well for something
thank you / k ju
/ interjection
thank you

someone can do something or how well

someone knows something The showing that you are grateful Thank
teacher tested my spoken German. 2. to you very much for your letter of the
examine someone or something to see if 15th. Did you remember to say thank
everything is working well We need to you to your grandmother for the
test your reactions to noise and bright present? Would you like another piece
lights. He has to have his eyes tested. of cake? No thank you, Ive had
She tested her new car in the snow. enough. noun something that you do
text /tekst/ noun the written parts of a
or say to show you are grateful Lets
document or book, not the pictures say a big thank you to the people who
Its a book for little children, with lots of organised the show.
that /t/ adjective used to show some-

pictures and very little text.

thing or someone that is further away or
textbook / tekstbk/ noun a book

in the past Can you see that white

which students use to learn about the house on the corner over there? Do
subject they are studying you remember the name of that awful
text message / tekst mesd"/ noun a
text message

hotel in Brighton? Compare this (NOTE:

message sent by telephone, using short The plural is those.) pronoun some-
forms of words, which appear on the thing or someone that is further away
screen of a mobile phone Thats the book I was talking about. Page 327 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

thaw 327 then

Do you know who that is sitting at the for referring to a thing in general
next table? Is that the one? Yes, Theres nothing interesting on the tele-
thats it. Compare this relative pro- vision tonight. She refuses to use the
noun used to give more information telephone. The streets are crowded at
about someone or something just men- lunchtime. Both sisters play the flute.
tioned Where is the parcel that she 4. meaning something special Its the
sent you yesterday? Can you see the shop for mens clothes. Shes the doc-
man that sold you the ticket? Theres tor for childrens diseases. Thats not
the suitcase that you left on the train! the Charlie Chaplin, is it? 5. used to
(NOTE: When it is the object of a rela- compare The more he eats the thinner
tive clause, that can sometimes be left he seems to get. The sooner you do it
out: Wheres the letter he sent you? the better. This is by far the shortest
Heres the box you left in the bedroom. way to London. Shes the tallest per-
When it is the subject, that can be re- son in the office.
placed by which or who: a house that theater / t/ noun US spelling of the-

has red windows or a house which has atre

red windows; the man that stole the
theatre / t/ noun a building in which

car or the man who stole the car.)

conjunction used after verbs like say plays are shown Im trying to get tick-
or think and adjectives like glad or ets for the theatre tonight. What is the
disappointed, and after so or such play at the local theatre this week?
The restaurant was so expensive that Well have dinner early and then go to
we could only afford one dish. It the theatre.
their /e/ adjective belonging to them

rained so hard that the street was like a

river. We had such a lot of work that After the film, we went to their house for
we didnt have any lunch. There was supper. (NOTE: Do not confuse with
such a long queue that we didnt bother there, theyre.)
waiting. They told me that the manag- theirs /ez/ pronoun the one that be-

er was out. I dont think they knew longs to them Which car is theirs the
that we were coming. Im glad that the Ford? Shes a friend of theirs. The
weather turned out fine. (NOTE: That is girls wanted to borrow my car theirs
often left out: He didnt know we were wouldnt start.
coming; Its so hot in here we all want
them /m, em/ pronoun 1. referring to

a drink of water.) adverb to such a de-

gree You must remember him, its not people or things that have been men-
all that long ago that we had a drink tioned before Do you like cream
with him. His new car is not really cakes? No, I dont like them very
that big. much. Theres a group of people wait-
ing outside. Tell them to come in.
thaw /
/ noun a time of warm weather

She saw her friends and asked them to

which makes snow and ice melt The help her. 2. referring to a single person,
thaw came early this year. verb to used instead of him or her If someone
melt The ice is thawing on the village phones, ask them to call back later.
theme /i
m/ noun the main subject of a

the //; before a vowel // article 1.


book or article The theme of the book

meaning something in particular, as op- is how to deal with illness in the family.
posed to a Wheres the book you
themselves /m selvz/ pronoun re-

brought back from the library? Thats

the cat from next door. The town cen- ferring to the same people or things that
tre has been made into a pedestrian are the subject of the verb Cats always
zone. 2. used with something of which spend a lot of time cleaning themselves.
only one exists, e.g. in the names of Its no use going to the surgery the
places an expedition to the Antarctic doctors are all ill themselves.
then /en/ adverb 1. at that time in the

A spacecraft landed on the moon.

The sun came up over the hills. 3. used past or future He had been very busy Page 328 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

theory 328 think

up till then. Ever since then Ive re- form? Theyre traffic wardens. The
fused to eat oysters. Were having a children played in the sun and they all
party next week. What a pity! Ill be in got sunburnt. 2. referring to people in
Scotland then. 2. after that We all sat general They say its going to be fine
down, and then after a few minutes the this weekend. (NOTE: When it is the ob-
waiter brought us the menu. It was a ject, them is used instead of they: We
busy trip he went to Greece, then to It- gave it to them; The police beat them
aly and finally to Spain. with sticks; also when it follows the
theory / ri/ noun 1. an explanation of
verb to be: Whos that? Its them!)
theyre /e/ short form they are (NOTE:

something which has not been proved

but which you believe is true I have a Do not confuse with their, there.)
theory which explains why the police thick /k/ adjective 1. bigger than usual

never found the murder weapon. 2. a when measured from side to side He
careful scientific explanation of why cut a slice of bread which was so thick it
something happens Galileo put for- wouldnt go into the toaster. The walls
ward the theory that the earth turns of the castle are three metres thick.
round the sun. 3. a statement of general Some oranges have very thick skins.
principles which may not apply in prac- He took a piece of thick rope. 2. growing
tice In theory the treatment should close together They tried to make their
work, but no one has ever tried it. way through thick jungle. The field
(NOTE: The plural is theories.) was covered with thick grass. 3. (of a
there /e/ adverb 1. in that place liquid ) which cannot flow easily If the

that black van still there parked outside paint is too thick add some water. A
the house? Where have you put the bowl of thick soup is just what we need
tea? There, on the kitchen counter. 2. on a cold day like this.
to that place We havent been to the thief /i
f/ noun a person who steals

British Museum yet. Lets go there to- (NOTE: The plural is thieves /i
morrow. Have you ever been to Chi- thigh /a/ noun the part at the top of the

na? Yes, I went there last month. 3. leg between your knee and your hip
used when giving something to some-
thin /n/ adjective 1. not fat The table

one There you are: two fish and chips

and a pot of tea. (NOTE: Do not confuse has very thin legs. He looks too thin
with their, theyre.) pronoun used he should eat more. 2. not thick a
usually before the verb when the real plate of thin sandwiches The book is
subject follows the verb Theres a lit- printed on very thin paper. The parcel
tle door leading onto the patio. was sent in a thin cardboard box. 3. (of
Theres someone at the door asking for a liquid ) which flows easily, often be-
you. There are some pages missing in cause of containing too much water
my newspaper. Were there a lot of All we had for lunch was a bowl of thin
people at the cinema? There seems to soup. Add water to make the paint
have been a lot of rain during the night. thinner.
thing // noun 1. an object Can you

therefore / ef
/ adverb for this rea-

son I therefore have decided not to see that black thing in the pan of soup?
What do you use that big blue thing
grant his request. They have reduced
their prices, therefore we should reduce for? 2. something in general They all
ours if we want to stay competitive. just sat there and didnt say a thing.
The first thing to do is to call an ambu-
thermometer / mmt/ noun an in-

lance. That was a stupid thing to do!
strument for measuring temperature
think /k/ verb 1. to consider some-

these /i
z/ plural of this

thing We never think about what peo-

they /e/ pronoun 1. referring to people

ple might say, we always do what we

or things Where do you keep the think is right. 2. to have an opinion I
spoons? Theyre in the right-hand think London is a nicer town to live in
drawer. Who are those people in uni- than Frankfurt. Everyone thinks were Page 329 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

third 329 those

mad to go on holiday in December. can drive a car. Shell be thirteen next
The weather forecasters think its going Monday.
to rain. The gang is thought to be thirteenth /
n/ adjective number

based in Spain. 3. to make a plan to do 13 in a series Its her thirteenth birth-

something Were thinking we might day on Monday. noun the thing that is
open an office in New York. (NOTE: number 13 in a series The thirteenth
thinks thinking thought /
t/) of September or September the thir-
to think twice to consider very careful- teenth (September 13th).
ly Think twice before you sign that
thirtieth / 
t/ adjective number 30

contract. Id think twice about spend-

ing all the money youve saved. in a series her thirtieth birthday
(NOTE: With dates thirtieth is usually
think about phrasal verb 1. to have
written 30th: May 30th, 1921; June
someone or something in your mind I 30th, 1896 (American style is June 30,
was just thinking about you when you 1896): say the thirtieth of June or
phoned. All she thinks about is food. June the thirtieth (American style is
2. to have an opinion about something June thirtieth).) noun the thing that
What do you think about the govern- is number 30 in a series
ments plans to increase taxes?
thirty / 
ti/ noun the number 30 Hes

think of phrasal verb 1. to consider a

thirty (years old). Over thirty people
plan in your mind We are thinking of
complained. they are both in their
going to Greece on holiday. 2. to have
thirties they are both aged between 30
an opinion about something What do and 39 years old the (nineteen-) thir-
you think of the governments plans to ties (1930s) the period from 1930 to
increase taxes? I didnt think much of 1939
the play. She asked him what he
this /s/ adjective, pronoun used to

thought of her idea. to think better

of something to change your mind show something which is nearer or in
about something He was going to pay the present, in contrast to something
the whole cost himself, and then thought else This is the shop I was telling you
better of it. about. I prefer these earrings to those
ones. I saw him on the train this morn-
think up phrasal verb to invent a plan
ing. My mother is coming for tea this
or new idea afternoon. I expect to hear from him
third /
d/ adjective 1. number 3 in a se-

this week. (NOTE: The plural is these.)

ries She came third in the race. The adverb so much I knew you were
cake shop is the third shop on the right. going to be late, but I didnt expect you
It will be her third birthday next Fri- to be this late.
day. 2. next after the longest, best, tall-
thorn /
n/ noun a thin pointed part on

est etc. (followed by a superlative)

This is the third tallest building in the some plants Most roses have thorns.
thorough / r/ adjective 1. dealing

world. Hes the third most senior

member of staff. noun 1. the thing that with everything very carefully The
is number three in a series Her birth- police have carried out a thorough
day is on the third of March or March search of the woods. 2. used for empha-
the third (March 3rd). 2. one of three sis They made a thorough mess of it.
equal parts of something A third of the It was a thorough waste of time.
airlines planes are jumbos. Two- thoroughly / rli/ adverb 1. in a

thirds of the staff are part-timers. complete and careful way We

thirsty / 
sti/ adjective feeling that

searched the garden thoroughly but

you want to drink Its so hot here that couldnt find his red ball. 2. used for
it makes me thirsty. emphasis Im thoroughly fed up with
thirteen /
n/ noun the number 13

the whole business.
those /z/ plural of that

Hes only thirteen (years old), but he Page 330 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

though 330 throughout

though // adverb, conjunction 1. threaten / ret()n/ verb to warn that
though threaten

used for mentioning something that you are going to do something unpleas-
makes something else seem surprising ant, especially if someone does not do
Though tired, she still kept on run- what you want She threatened to go to
ning. We dont employ a computer the police. The teacher threatened her
programmer, though many companies with punishment.
do. 2. but It is unlikely though possi- threatening / ret()n/ adjective

ble. as though as if His voice suggesting that something unpleasant

sounded strange over the telephone, as will happen
though he was standing in a cave.
three /ri
/ noun the number 3 Shes

That shirt doesnt look as though it has

been ironed. It looks as though there only three (years old), so she cant read
is no one in. yet. Come and see me at three
(oclock). Three men walked into the
thought /
t/ past tense and past parti-

bank and pulled out guns. (NOTE: three

ciple of think noun an idea which you (3) but third (3rd))
have when thinking He had an awful
threw /ru
/ past tense of throw (NOTE:

thought suppose they had left the bath-

room taps running? Do not confuse with through.)
thrill /rl/ noun a feeling of great excite-

thoughtful /
tf()l/ adjective 1.

ment It gave me a thrill to see you all

thinking about something a lot He
again after so many years. I experi-
looked thoughtful, and I wondered if
enced the thrill of sailing near to a wa-
there was something wrong. 2. being
terfall. verb to make someone very
sensitive to what other people want It
excited We were thrilled to get your
was very thoughtful of you to come to
see me in hospital.
thrilling / rl/ adjective which makes

thousand / az()nd/ noun the


you very excited

number 1,000 We paid two hundred
throat /rt/ noun 1. the tube which

thousand pounds for the house

(200,000). Thousands of people had goes from the back of your mouth down
their holidays spoilt by the storm. the inside of your neck Ive got a sore
throat. She got a fish bone stuck in her
thousandth / azn/ adjective

throat. 2. your neck, especially the front

number 1,000 in a series The tourist part He put his hands round her throat
office gave a prize to their thousandth and pressed hard.
through /ru
/ preposition 1. across to

thrash /r/ verb to defeat another per-


the inside of something The bullet

son or team easily (informal ) She ex- went straight through the door. She
pects to be thrashed by the champion. looked through the open door. Cold
thread /red/ noun a long piece of cot-

air is coming in through the hole in the

ton, silk, or other fibre A spider spins wall. The street goes straight through
a thread to make its web. Wait a mo- the centre of the town. She pushed the
ment, theres a white thread showing on needle through the ball of wool. 2. dur-
your coat. ing a period of time They insisted on
threat /ret/ noun a warning to someone
talking all through the film. Snow ac-
that you are going to do something un- cumulated through the winter. adverb
pleasant, especially if he or she does not going in at one side and coming out of
do what you want Her former hus- the other side Someone left the gate
band had been making threats against open and all the sheep got through.
throughout /ru at/ preposition, ad-

her and the children. The police took

the threat to the Prime Minister very se- verb in all or several parts of
riously. Do you think they will carry Throughout the country floods are caus-
out their threat to bomb the capital if we ing problems on the roads. Heavy
dont surrender? snow fell throughout the night. Page 331 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

throw 331 tickle

throw /r/ verb to send something tropical storm accompanied by thunder

through the air How far can he throw and lightning He was woken by the
a cricket ball? They were throwing sound of thunder. verb to make a loud
stones through car windows. She noise in the air following lightning It
threw the letter into the wastepaper bas- thundered during the night.
ket. He was thrown into the air by the thunderstorm / ndst
m/ noun a

blast from the bomb. (NOTE: throws storm with rain, thunder and lightning
throwing threw /ru
/ thrown Thursday / 
zde/ noun the day be-

/rn/) tween Wednesday and Friday, the fourth

throw away phrasal verb to get rid of day of the week Last Thursday was
something which you do not need any Christmas Day. Shall we arrange to
more meet next Thursday? Today is Thurs-
throw out phrasal verb 1. to push day, April 14th. The club meets on
someone outside When they started to Thursdays or every Thursday. The
fight, they were thrown out of the res- 15th is a Wednesday, so the 16th must be
taurant. 2. to get rid of something which a Thursday.
you do not need Im throwing out this thus /s/ adverb 1. in this way The

old office desk. two pieces fit together thus. She is

throw up phrasal verb to let food come only fifteen, and thus cannot vote. 2. as
up from your stomach and out through a result She is only fifteen, and thus is
your mouth (informal ) The cat threw not able to take part in the over-sixteens
up all over the sofa. competition.
thrust /rst/ verb to push something

tick /tk/ noun 1. a sound made every sec-


somewhere suddenly and hard He ond by a clock The only sound we

thrust the newspaper into his pocket. could hear in the room was the tick of
She thrust the documents into her brief- the grandfather clock. 2. a mark written
case. (NOTE: thrusts thrusting to show that something is correct Put
thrust) noun the act of suddenly a tick in the box marked R. verb 1.
pushing something strongly He was to mark something with a tick to show
killed with a thrust of his opponents that you approve Tick the box marked
sword. R if you require a receipt. 2. to make a
thud /d/ noun a dull, heavy noise His

quiet regular sound noise like a clock

head hit the ground with a sickening All you could hear was the clock ticking
thud. They could hear the thud of the in the corner of the library. Watch out!
guns in the distance. verb to make a That parcels ticking!
dull noise A stone thudded into the ticket / tkt/ noun 1. a piece of paper or

wall behind him. (NOTE: thuds thud- card which allows you to travel They
ding thudded) wont let you get onto the train without
thumb /m/ noun a part on the side of

a ticket. Weve lost our plane tickets

your hand that looks like a short thick how can we get to Chicago? 2. a piece
finger The baby was sucking its of paper which allows you to go into a
thumb. How she cried when she hit place, e.g. a cinema or an exhibition
her thumb with the hammer! Can I have three tickets for the 8.30
thump /mp/ noun a dull noise There show please? We tried several thea-

was a thump from upstairs as if someone tres but there were no tickets left any-
had fallen out of bed. verb to hit where.
someone hard with your fist He tickle / tk()l/ verb 1. to touch someone

rushed up to the policeman and started in a sensitive part of the body in order to
thumping him on the chest. She make him or her laugh She tickled his
thumped him on the back when he toes and made him laugh. 2. to cause a
choked. slight uncomfortable feeling on the skin
thunder / nd/ noun a loud noise in

of part of the body, or to have that feel-

the air following a flash of lightning a ing Page 332 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

tide 332 time

tide /tad/ noun the regular rising and tilted the barrel over to get the last

falling movement of the sea The tide drops of beer out.

came in and cut off the children on the timber / tmb/ noun wood cut ready for

rocks. The tide is out we can walk building These trees are being grown
across the sand. to provide timber for houses. (NOTE: no
tidily / tadli/ adverb in a tidy way plural: for one item say a piece of tim-

tidy / tadi/ adjective with everything ar-

time /tam/ noun 1. a particular point in

ranged in the correct way or in an organ-

ised way I want your room to be com- the day shown in hours and minutes
pletely tidy before you go out. She put What time is it or whats the time?
her clothes in a tidy pile. Can you tell me the time please? The
tie /ta/ noun 1. a long piece of coloured
time is exactly four thirty. Departure
cloth which men wear round their necks times are delayed by up to fifteen min-
under the collar of their shirts Hes utes because of the volume of traffic.
wearing a blue tie with red stripes. to tell the time to read the time on a
They wont let you into the restaurant if clock or watch Shes only three so she
you havent got a tie on. 2. a result in a cant tell the time yet. 2. the hour at
competition or election where both which something usually happens The
sides have the same score The result closing time for the office is 5.30. Its
was a tie and the vote had to be taken must be nearly time for dinner Im
again. verb 1. to attach something hungry. Is it time for the children to go
with string, rope or twine The parcel to bed? 3. an amount of hours, days,
was tied with a little piece of string. weeks, months or years Theres no
He tied his horse to the post. The bur- need to hurry weve got plenty of time.
glars tied his hands behind his back. 2. Do you have time for a cup of coffee?
to have the same score as another team He spent all that time watching the
in a competition They tied for second TV. If the fire alarm rings, dont waste
place. (NOTE: ties tying tied) time putting clothes on run out of the
hotel fast. 4. a certain period We ha-
tiger / ta'/ noun a large wild animal of

vent been to France for a long time.

the cat family which is yellow with We had a letter from my mother a short
black stripes and lives mainly in India time ago. 5. a particular moment when
and China (NOTE: The female is a ti- something happens They didnt hear
gress.) anything as they were asleep at the time.
tight /tat/ adjective 1. fitting too closely

By the time the ambulance arrived the

These shoes hurt theyre too tight. 2. man had died. You cant do two things
holding firmly Keep a tight hold of the at the same time. 6. a period when
bag, we dont want it stolen. things are pleasant or bad Everyone
tighten / tat()n/ verb to make some- had a good time at the party. We had

thing tight, or to become tight an awful time on holiday the hotel was
tightly / tatli/ adverb in a tight way
dreadful, and it rained solidly for ten
days. 7. one of several moments or peri-
till /tl/ preposition, conjunction up to the

ods when something happens Ive

time when I dont expect him to be seen that film on TV four times already.
home till after nine oclock. They Thats the last time Ill ask them to
worked from morning till night to finish play cards. Next time you come, bring
the job. We worked till the sun went your swimming things. 8. the rhythm of
down. noun a drawer for keeping cash a piece of music Its difficult keeping
in a shop There was not much money time in a modern piece like this. He
in the till at the end of the day. tapped his foot in time to the music.
tilt /tlt/ verb 1. to slope The shelf is tilt-

verb to count something in hours, min-

ing to the right. Youll have to change utes and seconds I timed him as he ran
places the boat is tilting. 2. to put round the track. Dont forget to time
something in a sloping position He the eggs they have to cook for only Page 333 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

timetable 333 title

three minutes. find time / fand tin opener / tn p()n/ noun an ob-
tin opener

tam/ to do something even though you ject used for opening tins of food
are busy In the middle of the meeting
tiny / tani/ adjective very small Can I

he still found time to phone his girl-

have just a tiny bit more pudding? The
friend. We must find time to visit the
spot is so tiny you can hardly see it.
new staff sports club. for the time
She lives in a tiny village in the Welsh
being temporarily We will leave the
mountains. (NOTE: tinier tiniest)
furniture as it is for the time being. in
tip /tp/ noun 1. the end of something

time after a particular period from

now Were going on holiday in four long She touched the page with the
weeks time. to take time to need a tips of her fingers. He poked the dog
certain amount of time It didnt take with the tip of his walking stick. 2. mon-
you much time to get dressed. Dont ey given to someone who has provided a
hurry me, I like to take my time. service The service hasnt been very
timetable / tamteb()l/ noun a printed
good should we leave a tip for the
list which shows the times at which waiter? The staff are not allowed to
something such as classes in school or accept tips. 3. advice on something
trains leaving will happen We have which could bring you a benefit He
two English lessons on the timetable to- gave me a tip about a horse which was
day. According to the timetable, there likely to win. She gave me a tip about
should be a train to London at 10.22. a cheap restaurant just round the corner
verb to arrange the times for something from the hotel. 4. a place where rubbish
to happen You are timetabled to speak from houses is taken to be thrown away
I must take these bags of rubbish to
at 4.30.
the tip. verb 1. to pour something out
tin /tn/ noun 1. a silver-coloured soft

He picked up the box and tipped the

metal Bronze is a mixture of copper contents out onto the floor. She tipped
and tin. There have been tin mines in all the food out of the bag. 2. to give
Cornwall since Roman times. 2. a metal money to someone who has helped you
container in which food or another sub- I tipped the waiter 1. Should we tip
stance is sold and can be kept for a long the driver? (NOTE: tips tipping
time Ill just open a tin of soup. She tipped)
bought three tins of cat food. Well
tiptoe / tpt/ verb to walk quietly on

need three tins of white paint for the

ceiling. 3. any metal box Keep the bis- the tips of your toes She tiptoed into
cuits in a tin or theyll go soft. She the room and looked at the baby. (NOTE:
puts her spare coins into a tin by the tel- tiptoes tiptoeing tiptoed)
tired / tad/ adjective 1. feeling that you

tingle / t'l/ noun a feeling like a lot
want to sleep Im tired I think Ill go
of small sharp things sticking into your to bed. If you feel tired, lie down on
skin It didnt hurt, I just felt a tingle in my bed. 2. feeling that you need rest
my leg. We felt a tingle of excitement Were all tired after a long day at the of-
as we queued for the roller coaster. fice. tired out feeling very tired or
verb to have a sharp prickling feeling needing a rest
tiring / tar/ adjective which makes

Are your fingers tingling? asked the

doctor. It will tingle when I put the an- you tired
tiseptic on your cut. tissue / tu
/ noun a soft paper hand-

tinkle / tkl/ noun a noise like the ring-


kerchief There is a box of tissues be-

ing of a little bell the gentle tinkle of side the bed.
cow bells in the distance verb to make title / tat()l/ noun 1. the name of some-

a little ringing noise The little bell tin- thing, e.g. a book, play, painting or film
kled as she went into the shop. Hes almost finished the play but
tinned /tnd/ adjective preserved and

hasnt found a title for it yet. 2. a word

sold in a tin such as Dr, Mr, Professor, Lord, Sir or Page 334 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

to 334 tongue
Lady put in front of a name to show an sticks together with string. Do you
honour or a qualification think you can stick the pieces of the cup
to /t, t, tu
/ preposition 1. showing di-
together again? If you add all the fig-
rection or place They went to the po- ures together, youll get the total sales.
lice station. Do you know the way to Weve had three sandwiches and three
the beach? The river is to the north of beers how much does that come to all
the town. Everyone take one step to together?
toilet / tlt/ noun 1. a bowl with a seat

the right, please. 2. showing a period of

time The office is open from 9.30 to on which you sit to get rid of waste from
5.30, Monday to Friday. She slept your body There is a shower and toi-
from 11.30 to 8.30 the following morn- let in the bathroom. 2. a room with a toi-
ing. 3. showing time in minutes before let bowl in it The ladies toilet is at the
an hour Get up its five to seven end of the corridor. The gents toilets
(6.55). The train leaves at a quarter to are downstairs and to the right.
eight (7.45). (NOTE: To is used for times Theres a public toilet at the railway
between the half hour and oclock: station.
3.35 = twenty-five to four; 3.45 = a told /tld/ past tense and past participle

quarter to four; 3.55 = five minutes to of tell

four. For times after the hour see
tomato /t m
t/ noun a small round

past.) 4. showing a person or animal

red fruit used in salads and cooking
that receives something Take the book
Tomatoes cost 30p per kilo. We had a
to the librarian. Pass the salt to your salad of raw cabbage and tomatoes.
grandfather. You must be kind to cats.
Someone in the crowd threw a tomato at
5. showing a connection or relationship
the speaker on the platform. (NOTE: The
They lost by twelve to nine. There
plural is tomatoes.)
are four keys to the office. In this class
tomorrow /t mr/ adverb on to the

there are 28 children to one teacher.

day after today Are you free for lunch

toast /tst/ noun pieces of bread which

tomorrow? I mustnt forget I have a

have been heated at a high temperature dentists appointment tomorrow morn-
until they are brown Can you make ing. We are going to an Italian restau-
some more toast? She asked for rant tomorrow evening. noun the day
scrambled eggs on toast. after today Todays Monday, so to-
tobacco /t bk/ noun the dried

morrow must be Tuesday. Tomorrow
leaves of a plant used to make cigarettes is our tenth wedding anniversary.
and cigars, and for smoking in pipes
ton /tn/ noun a measure of weight equal

(NOTE: no plural)
to 2240 pounds a ship carrying 1000
today /t de/ noun this day Todays

tons of coal
her sixth birthday. Whats the date to-
tone /tn/ noun a way of saying some-

day? Theres a story in todays news-

thing, or of writing something, which
paper about a burglary in our road. shows a particular feeling His tone of
adverb on this day He said he wanted
voice showed he was angry. She said
to see me today, but he hasnt come yet. hello in a friendly tone of voice. You
toddler / tdl/ noun a child who has

could tell from the tone of his letter that

just learnt to walk he was annoyed.
toe /t/ noun one of the five parts like

tongue /t/ noun 1. the long organ in


fingers at the end of the foot She trod your mouth which can move and is used
on my toe and didnt say she was sorry. for tasting, swallowing and speaking
together /t 'e/ adverb 1. doing

The soup was so hot it burnt my tongue.

something with someone else or in a 2. a language (literary) They spoke to
group Tell the children to stay togeth- each other in a strange foreign tongue.
er or theyll get lost. Why dont we all It was clear that English was not his
go to the cinema? 2. joined with some- native tongue. mother tongue or na-
thing else or with each other Tie the tive tongue the language which you Page 335 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

tonight 335 totally

spoke when you were a little child She top off the jar, and see whats inside.
speaks English very well, but German is She forgot to screw the top back on the
her mother tongue. bottle. 4. a piece of clothing covering
tonight /t nat/ adverb, noun the night

the upper part of the body She wore
or the evening of today I cant stop jeans and a yellow top. adjective 1. in
were getting ready for tonights party. the highest place The restaurant is on
Ill be at home from eight oclock to- the top floor of the building. Jams and
night. I dont suppose theres any- marmalades are on the top shelf. 2. best
thing interesting on TV tonight. Shes one of the worlds top tennis
players. on top of /n tp v/ 1. on
tonne /tn/ noun a measure of weight

the top surface of He put the book

equal to 1,000 kilograms down on top of the others he had
too /tu
/ adverb 1. more than necessary

bought. 2. in addition to On top of all

There are too many people to fit into the my office work, I have to clean the house
lift. I think we bought too much bread. and look after the baby.
Its too hot for us to sit in the sun. 2.
topic / tpk/ noun the subject of a dis-

(often at the end of a clause) also

cussion or conversation Can we move
She had some coffee and I had some too.
on to another topic?
She comes from Scotland too.
topple / tp()l/ verb He lost his bal-

took /tk/ past tense of take


ance and toppled forwards.

tool /tu
l/ noun an object which you hold

in your hand to do specific work, e.g. a topple over phrasal verb to fall down
torch /t
t/ noun a small electric light

hammer or a spade a set of tools for

mending the car that you can carry Take a torch if
youre going into the cave. I always
tooth /tu
/ noun one of a set of hard

white objects in the mouth which you carry a small torch in the car.
tore /t
/ past tense of tear

use to bite or chew food Children

must learn to clean their teeth twice a torn /t
n/ past participle of tear

day. The dentist took one of her teeth

tortoise / t
ts/ noun a reptile covered

out. (NOTE: The plural is teeth /ti

with a hard shell which moves very
toothbrush / tu
br/ noun a small

slowly on land and can live to be very

brush which you use to clean your teeth old
(NOTE: The plural is toothbrushes.)
toss /ts/ verb 1. to throw something up

toothpaste / tu
pest/ noun a soft

into the air He tried to toss the pan-

substance which you spread on a tooth-
cake and it fell on the kitchen floor.
brush and then use to clean your teeth
She tossed me her car keys. 2. to move
(NOTE: no plural: some toothpaste, a
something about The waves tossed the
tube of toothpaste)
little boat up and down. The horse
top /tp/ noun 1. the highest place or

tossed its head. noun 1. the act of

highest point of something He throwing something into the air 2. a
climbed to the top of the stairs and sat sharp movement of the head up and
down. The bird is sitting on the top of down With a toss of its head, the horse
the apple tree. There is a roof garden galloped off.
on top of the hotel. Look at the photo-
total / tt()l/ adjective complete or

graph at the top of page four. Man-

chester United are still at the top of the whole The expedition was a total fail-
league table. to feel on top of the ure. Their total losses come to over
world to feel very healthy or very happy 400,000. noun the whole amount
2. the flat upper surface of something The total comes to more than 1,000.
totally / tt()li/ adverb used for em-

a birthday cake with sugar and fruit on

top Do not put coffee cups on top of phasis The house was totally de-
the computer. The desk has a black stroyed in the fire. I had totally forgot-
top. 3. a cover for a container Take the ten that I had promised to be there. He Page 336 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

touch 336 trade

disagrees totally with what the first tractor to give us a tow to the nearest
speaker said. garage. (NOTE: Do not confuse with
touch /tt/ noun 1. the sense that al-
towards /t w
dz/ preposition 1. in the

lows you to be aware of something with

the fingers The sense of touch be- direction of The crowd ran towards
comes very strong in the dark. 2. the act the police station. The bus was travel-
of passing of news and information to ling south, towards London. The ship
get in touch with someone to contact sailed straight towards the rocks. 2. near
someone Ill try to get in touch with in time Do you have any free time to-
you next week. 3. a gentle physical con- wards the end of the month? The exhi-
tact I felt a light touch on my hand. 4. bition will be held towards the middle of
a very small amount He added a few October. 3. as part of the money to pay
touches of paint to the picture. Theres for something He gave me 100 to-
a touch of frost in the air this morning. wards the cost of the hotel. 4. in relation
verb 1. to feel something with your to She always behaved very kindly to-
fingers The policeman touched him on wards her father.
the shoulder. Dont touch that cake towel / tal/ noun a large piece of soft

its for your mother. 2. to be so close to cloth for drying something, especially
something that you press against it your body Theres only one towel in
His feet dont touch the floor when he the bathroom. After washing her hair,
sits on a big chair. There is a mark on she wound the towel round her head.
the wall where the sofa touches it. Ill get some fresh towels.
touching / tt/ adjective making

tower / ta/ noun a tall structure The


you feel emotion, especially affection or castle has thick walls and four square
sympathy I had a touching letter from towers.
my sister, thanking me for my help when
town /tan/ noun a place, larger than a

she was ill.

village, where people live and work,
tough /tf/ adjective 1. (of meat) diffi-

with houses, shops, offices, factories

cult to chew or to cut My steaks a bit
and other buildings Theres no shop in
tough hows yours? 2. requiring a lot
our village, so we do our shopping in
of physical effort, or a lot of bravery or
the nearest town. They moved their of-
confidence Shes very good at taking
fice to the centre of town.
tough decisions. You have to be tough
toy /t/ noun a thing for children to play

to succeed in business.
tour /t/ noun a holiday or journey in
with We gave him a box of toy soldiers
which you visit various places There for Christmas. The childrens toys are
are so many tours to choose from I all over the sitting room floor.
trace /tres/ noun something which

cant decide which one to go on. She

gave us a tour round the old castle. shows that something existed The po-
verb to go on holiday, visiting various lice found traces of blood in the kitchen.
places They toured the south of verb to find where someone or some-
France. thing is They couldnt trace the letter.
The police traced him to Dover.
tourist / trst/ noun a person who

track /trk/ noun a rough path We fol-


goes on holiday to visit places away

from their home The tourists were lowed a track through the forest. verb
talking German. There were parties of to follow someone or an animal The
tourists visiting all the churches. Tra- hunters tracked the bear through the
falgar Square is always full of tourists. forest. The police tracked the gang to
tow /t/ verb to pull something behind a
a flat in south London.
trade /tred/ noun the business of buying

vehicle The motorways were crowded

with cars towing caravans. They and selling goods Britains trade with
towed the ship into port. noun the ac- the rest of Europe is up by 10%. verb
tion of pulling something We got a to buy and sell goods, to carry on a busi- Page 337 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

trademark 337 transfer

ness The company has stopped trad- The burglars left in a red sports car, and
ing. They trade in furs. a police car was soon on their trail. 2. a
trademark / tredm
k/, trade name
path or track Keep to the trail other-
/ tred nem/ noun a particular name, wise you will get lost. verb to trail
design, etc., which has been registered behind someone to follow slowly after
by the manufacturer and which cannot someone She came third, trailing a
be used by other manufacturers Acme long way behind the first two runners.
is a registered trademark. Their The little children trailed behind the
trademark is stamped on every item they older ones.
trailer / trel/ noun 1. a small goods ve-

tradition /tr d()n/ noun beliefs, sto-

hicle pulled behind a car We carried
ries and ways of doing things which are all our camping gear in the trailer. 2.
passed from one generation to the next US a van with beds, a table, and wash-
Its a family tradition for the eldest ing facilities, which can be towed by a
son to take over the business. Accord- car 3. parts of a full-length film shown
ing to local tradition, the queen died in as an advertisement for it We saw the
this bed. trailer last week, and it put me off the
traditional /tr d()n()l/ adjective

train /tren/ noun a railway vehicle con-


done in a way that has been used for a

long time On Easter Day it is tradi- sisting of an engine and the coaches it
tional to give chocolate eggs to the chil- pulls The train to Paris leaves from
dren. Villagers still wear their tradi- platform 1. Hundreds of people go to
tional costumes on Sundays. work every day by train. The next
train to London will be in two minutes.
traditionally /tr d()nli/ adverb ac-

To get to Glasgow, you have to change

cording to tradition trains at Crewe. verb 1. to teach

traffic / trfk/ noun cars, buses and

someone or an animal how to do a par-

other vehicles which are travelling on a ticular activity Shes being trained to
street or road I leave the office early be a bus driver. The dogs are trained
on Fridays because there is so much to smell and find illegal substances. 2.
traffic leaving London. The lights to become fit by practising for a sport
turned green and the traffic moved for- Hes training for the 100 metres.
ward. Rush-hour traffic is worse on Shes training for the Olympics.
Fridays. trained /trend/ adjective who has been

traffic jam / trfk d"m/ noun a situ-

traffic jam

through a course of training

ation where cars, buses and other vehi- trainer / tren/ noun a person who

cles cannot move forward on a road be- trains an athlete His trainer says hes
cause there is too much traffic, because in peak condition for the fight. plural
there has been an accident or because of noun trainers light sports shoes
training / tren/ noun 1. the activity of

tragedy / trd"di/ noun 1. a serious


learning a skill The shop is closed on

play, film, or novel which ends sadly Tuesday mornings for staff training.
Shakespeares tragedy King Lear is There is a short training period for new
playing at the National Theatre. 2. a staff. 2. the activity of practising for a
very unhappy event Tragedy struck sport
the family when their mother was killed transfer

in a car crash. (NOTE: The plural is transfer verb 1. to move something or

tragedies.) someone to another place The money
will be transferred directly to your bank
tragic / trd"k/ adjective very sad a

account. She transferred her passport

tragic accident on the motorway from her handbag to her jacket pocket.
trail /trel/ noun 1. tracks left by an ani-

Hes been transferred to our New

mal or by a criminal We followed the York office. 2. to change from one type
trail of the bear through the forest. of travel to another When you get to Page 338 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

transform 338 treasure

London airport, you have to transfer each year. The visitors will be trans-
onto an internal flight. (NOTE: trans- ported to the factory by helicopter.
fers transferring transferred) trap /trp/ noun an object used for catch-

transform /trns f
m/ verb to change

ing an animal We have a mouse in the
the appearance or character of someone kitchen so we will put down a trap.
or something completely The outside verb to catch or hold someone or some-
of the building has been transformed by thing Several people were trapped in
cleaning. The book has transformed the wreckage of the plane. He was
my views on medical care. trapped on video as he entered the bank.
(NOTE: traps trapping trapped)
translate /trns let/ verb to put writ-

travel / trv()l/ noun the action of


ten or spoken words into another lan-

guage Can you translate what he moving from one country or place to an-
said? He asked his secretary to trans- other Air travel is the only really fast
late the letter from the German agent. method of going from one country to an-
She translates mainly from Spanish into other. verb to move from one country
English, not from English into Spanish. or place to another He travels fifty
miles by car to go to work every day.
translation /trns le()n/ noun writ-

He has travelled across the United
ing or speech which has been translated States several times on his motorbike.
I read Tolstoys War and Peace in The bullet must have travelled several
translation. She passed the transla- metres before it hit the wall. (NOTE:
tion of the letter to the accounts depart- travels travelling travelled. The
ment. US spelling is traveling traveled.)
transparent /trns prnt/ adjective traveller / trv()l/ noun 1. a person
transparent traveller

which you can see through The meat who travels travellers on the 9 oclock
is wrapped in transparent plastic film. train to London Travellers to France
are experiencing delays because of the
transplant1 / trnspl
nt/ noun 1. the

dock strike. 2. a person who has no fixed

act of replacing a damaged organ or part home and who travels around the coun-
of the body with a part from another try The fields were full of hippies and
body, or with a part from somewhere travellers.
else on the same body He had a heart
tray /tre/ noun a flat board for carrying

transplant. 2. an organ or piece of tissue

which is transplanted The kidney food, and things like glasses, cups and
transplant was rejected. saucers He had his lunch on a tray in
his bedroom. She bumped into a wait-
transplant2 /trns pl
nt/ verb 1. to

ress who was carrying a tray of glasses.
move a plant from one place to another treacherous / tretrs/ adverb 1.

You should not transplant trees in the

dangerous There are treacherous
summer. 2. to replace a damaged organ reefs just offshore. Black ice is making
or other body part with a healthy part the roads very treacherous. 2. not to be
They transplanted a kidney from his trusted His treacherous behaviour led
brother. to the loss of the town to the enemy.
transport1 / trnsp
t/ noun the move-

tread /tred/ verb to step or to walk She


ment of goods or people in vehicles trod on my toe and didnt say she was
Air transport is the quickest way to trav- sorry. Watch where youre treading
el from one country to another. Rail theres broken glass on the floor. (NOTE:
transport costs are getting lower. treads treading trod /trd/ trod-
What means of transport will you use to den / trd()n/) noun the top part of
get to the hotel? a stair or step which you stand on The
transport2 /trns p
t/ verb to move

carpet on the bottom tread is loose.
goods or people from one place to an- Metal treads are noisy.
other in a vehicle The company trans- treasure / tre"/ noun jewels, gold, or

ports millions of tons of goods by rail other valuable things the treasures in Page 339 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

treat 339 triumph

the British Museum They are diving in triangle / tra'l/ noun a shape with

the Caribbean looking for pirates three straight sides and three angles
treasure. The end of the roof is shaped like a tri-
treat /tri
t/ noun a special thing which angle.

gives pleasure Its always a treat to sit tribe /trab/ noun a group of people with

down quietly at home after a hard day in the same race, language and customs
the shop. verb 1. to deal with some- She went into the jungle to study the jun-
one or something She was badly treat- gle tribes.
ed by her uncle. It you treat the staff trick /trk/ noun a clever act to deceive or

well they will work well. He didnt confuse someone The recorded sound
treat my suggestion seriously. 2. to give of barking is just a trick to make bur-
medical help to a sick or injured person glars think there is a dog in the house.
After the accident some of the passen-
verb to deceive someone Weve been
gers had to be treated in hospital for tricked, theres nothing in the box.
cuts and bruises. She is being treated
trickle / trk()l/ verb to flow slowly or

for rheumatism.
gently Water trickled out of the cave.
treatment / tri
tmnt/ noun 1. a way of

tricky / trki/ adjective requiring a lot of


behaving towards something or some-

one The report criticised the treat- skill, patience or intelligence Getting
ment of prisoners in the jail. What the wire through the little hole is quite
sort of treatment did you get at school? tricky.
tried /(,`./`/ past tense and past participle

2. a way of looking after a sick or in-

jured person He is having a course of of try
heat treatment. The treatment for skin tries /traz/ 3rd person singular present

cancer is very painful. of try

tree /tri
/ noun a very large plant, with a

trigger / tr'/ noun the part of a gun


thick trunk, branches and leaves The that you pull to fire it He pointed the
cat climbed up an apple tree and gun at her and pulled the trigger.
couldnt get down. In autumn, the
trim /trm/ verb to cut something to make

leaves on the trees in the park turn

brown and red. He was sheltering un- it tidy Ask the hairdresser to trim your
der a tree and was struck by lightning. beard. (NOTE: trims trimming
trimmed) adjective 1. cut short to
tremble / trembl/ verb to shake be-

give a tidy appearance She always

cause you are cold or afraid, or worried keeps her hedges trim. 2. slim and fit
by something She was trembling with He keeps himself trim by going for a
cold. I tremble at the thought of how long walk every day. (NOTE: trimmer
much the meal will cost. trimmest)
tremendous /tr mends/ adjective

trip /trp/ noun a short journey Our trip


very big There was a tremendous ex- to Paris was cancelled. Were going
plosion and all the lights went out. on a trip to the seaside. verb to catch
Theres tremendous excitement as we your foot in something so that you al-
wait for the election result. most fall down She tripped as she was
trend /trend/ noun a general tendency

coming out of the kitchen with a tray of

There is a trend away from small local food. (NOTE: trips tripping
food stores. The government studies tripped)
economic trends to decide whether to trip over phrasal verb to catch your
raise taxes or not. foot in something so that you fall She
trial / tral/ noun 1. a court case held be-

was running away from him when she

fore a judge The trial will be heard tripped over.
triumph / tramf/ noun a great victory

next week. 2. the act of testing some-

thing The new model is undergoing its or great achievement They scored a
final trials. triumph in their game against the Page 340 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

triumphant 340 T-shirt

French. The bridge is a triumph of hes been married twice? truth 2.
modern engineering. faithful or loyal an expression of true
triumphant /tra mfnt/ adjective

love Shes a true friend. to come
happy or proud because you have won true to happen as was predicted Her
trod /trd/ past tense of tread
forecast of bad storms came true. true
to life like things really are
trodden / trd()n/ past participle of

truly / tru
li/ adverb used for emphasis

He truly believes that was what hap-
trolley / trli/ noun a small vehicle on

pened. Im truly grateful for all your

wheels which is designed to be pushed help. Do you love me, really and tru-
They put the piano onto a trolley to ly?
move it out of the house.
trumpet / trmpt/ noun a brass musical

troop /tru
p/ noun a large group of peo-

instrument which is played by blowing,

ple She took a troop of schoolchildren with three parts which you press with
to visit the museum. plural noun your fingers He plays the trumpet in
troops soldiers Enemy troops occu-
the school orchestra. She practises
pied the town. the trumpet in the evenings.
tropical / trpk()l/ adjective relating

trunk /trk/ noun 1. the thick stem of a


to hot countries In tropical countries

it is always hot. tree Ivy was climbing up the trunk of
the oak tree. 2. an elephants long nose
trot /trt/ noun the action of running with

3. a large box for storing or sending

short regular steps, like a horse does clothes They sent a trunk of clothes in
Lets start todays exercises with a short advance to the new house.
trot round the football field. verb to
trust /trst/ verb to be confident that

run with short regular steps Weve got

no butter left, so Ill trot off to the shop someone is reliable You can trust his
to buy some. She trotted down the instructions he knows a lot about com-
path to meet us. (NOTE: trots trotting puters. I wouldnt trust him farther
trotted) than I could kick him. noun a belief
that something will work well or that
trouble / trb()l/ noun problems or

someone will do something Dont put

worries The trouble with old cars is too much trust in his navigating skills.
that sometimes they dont start. The
truth /tru
/ noun things which are true

children were no trouble at all. We are

having some computer trouble or some Do you think he is telling the truth?
trouble with the computer. verb to The police are trying to work out the
make someone feel worried I can see truth about what happened. I dont
that theres something troubling him. think there is any truth in his story.
truthful / tru
f()l/ adjective 1. who al-

trousers / trazz/ plural noun clothes


which cover your body from the waist ways tells the truth Shes a very truth-
down, each leg separately He tore his ful child. 2. giving true facts To be
trousers climbing over the fence. She truthful, Im not quite sure where we
was wearing a red jumper and grey are. The young man gave a truthful
trousers. He bought two pairs of trou- account of what happened.
sers in the sale. try /tra/ verb to make an effort to do

truck /trk/ noun a goods vehicle used something You have to try hard if you

for carrying heavy loads (informal ) want to succeed. (NOTE: tries trying
Trucks thundered past the house all tried) noun an attempt to do some-
night. They loaded the truck with thing Shes going to have a try at wa-
bricks. ter skiing. He had two tries before he
true /tru
/ adjective 1. correct according
passed his driving test. (NOTE: The plu-
to facts or reality What he says is sim- ral is tries.)
T-shirt / ti

t/ noun another spelling of

ply not true. Its quite true that she

comes from Scotland. Is it true that teeshirt She was wearing jeans and a Page 341 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

tube 341 turn

T-shirt. No wonder youre cold if you some of the tunes for the musical. She
went out in just a T-shirt. walked away whistling a little tune.
tube /tju
b/ noun 1. a long pipe for car- tunnel / tn()l/ noun a long passage un-
tube tunnel

rying liquids or gas He was lying in a der the ground The Channel Tunnel
hospital bed with tubes coming out of links Britain to France. The road
his nose and mouth. Air flows down round Lake Lucerne goes through six
this tube to the face mask. 2. a soft con- tunnels. They are digging a new tun-
tainer for a soft substance like tooth- nel for the underground railway.
paste, which you squeeze to get the sub- turkey / t
ki/ noun a large farm bird,

stance out I forgot to pack a tube of similar to a chicken but much bigger, of-
toothpaste. I need a tube of glue to ten eaten at Christmas We had roast
mend the cup. She bought a tube of turkey and potatoes. Whos going to
mustard. 3. (in London) the under- carve the turkey?
ground railway system Its quicker to
Turkey / t
ki/ noun a country in the

take the tube to Oxford Circus than to go eastern Mediterranean, south of the
by bus. Youll have to go by bus be- Black Sea (NOTE: capital: Ankara; peo-
cause theres a tube strike.
ple: the Turks; language: Turkish;
tuck /tk/ verb to put something careful-

currency: Turkish lira)

ly into a narrow or small place She
turn /t
n/ noun 1. a change of direction,

tucked the blanket around the baby.

especially of a vehicle The bus made
He tucked the note into his shirt pocket.
a sudden turn to the left. 2. a road which
tuck in phrasal verb 1. to fold some- leaves another road Take the next turn
thing carefully around someone or on the right. verb 1. to go round in a
something and push the ends in She circle The wheels of the train started
tucked the baby in or She tucked the to turn slowly. Be careful the ma-
blanket in (around the baby). 2. to start chine goes on turning for a few seconds
eating enthusiastically The foods after it has been switched off. 2. to make
ready, everyone can tuck in. We all something go round Turn the handle
tucked in to a huge lunch. to the right to open the safe. 3. to change
tuck up /tk p/ to push the edge of direction Turn left at the next traffic
the bedclothes around someone to keep lights. The car turned the corner too
them warm By eight oclock the chil- fast and hit a lamppost. The path
dren were all tucked up in bed. turns to the right after the pub. 4. to
Tuesday / tju
zde/ noun the second move your head or body so that you face

day of the week, the day between Mon- in another direction Can everyone
day and Wednesday I saw him in the turn to look at the camera, please. 5. to
office last Tuesday. The club always change into something different
meets on Tuesdays. Shall we meet next Leaves turn red or brown in the autumn.
Tuesday evening? Today is Tuesday, When he was fifty, his hair turned
April 30th. The 15th is a Monday, so grey.
the 16th must be a Tuesday. We went turn into phrasal verb 1. to change to
to the cinema last Tuesday. become something different The
tug /t'/ verb to give something a sudden

witch turned the prince into a frog.

hard pull He tugged on the rope and a We are planning to turn this room into a
bell rang. (NOTE: tugs tugging museum. 2. to change direction and go
tugged) noun a sudden pull He felt into something We went down the
a tug on the line he had caught a fish! main road for a short way and then
tumble / tmbl/ verb to fall He tum- turned into a little lane on the left.

bled down the stairs head first. She turn round phrasal verb to move your
arrived home late after the party and head or body so that you face in another
just tumbled into bed. direction
tune /tju
n/ noun a series of musical turn back phrasal verb to turn round

notes which have a pattern He wrote and go back in the opposite direction Page 342 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

turning 342 twirl

turn down phrasal verb to refuse week. He came twelfth out of two hun-
something which is offered She has dred in the competition. noun the
turned down a job or turned a job down thing that is number 12 in a series To-
in the town hall. day is September the twelfth or the
turn off phrasal verb 1. to make a piece twelfth of September (September 6th).
twelve /twelv/ noun the number 12

of electrical equipment stop working

Dont forget to turn the TV off when you Shes twelve (years old) tomorrow.
go to bed. Turn off the lights or turn Come round for a cup of coffee at twelve
the lights off fathers going to show oclock. There are twelve months in a
his holiday films. 2. to leave a road you year.
are travelling on Heres where we twentieth / twent/ adjective number

turn off. 20 in a series She was twentieth out of

turn on phrasal verb to make a piece of twenty in the race. Its her twentieth
electrical equipment start working birthday on Wednesday. noun the
Can you turn the light on or turn on the thing that is number 20 in a series To-
light its too dark to read. day is December the twentieth or the
turn over phrasal verb to roll over twentieth of December (December
The lorry went round the corner too fast 20th).
and turned over. Their boat turned twenty / twenti/ noun the number 20

over in the storm. Shes twenty (years old) next week.

turn up phrasal verb 1. to arrive The They have over twenty pets. (NOTE:
food was spoiled because half the guests twenty-one (21), twenty-two (22)
didnt turn up until nine oclock. He etc., but twenty-first (21st), twenty-
turned up unexpectedly just as I was second (22nd), etc.) hes in his
leaving the office. 2. to be found in a twenties he is between 20 and 29 years
particular place The police searched old the (nineteen) twenties (1920s)
everywhere, and the little girl finally the years from 1920 to 1929
turned up in Edinburgh. The keys twice /twas/ adverb two times Turn it

turned up in my trouser pocket. 3. to off Ive seen that programme twice al-
make something louder or stronger ready. Twice two is four, twice four is
Can you turn up the radio or turn the ra- eight. Im fifteen, shes thirty, so shes
dio up I cant hear it. Turn up the twice as old as I am.
gas or turn the gas up, the potatoes
twig /tw'/ noun a little branch of a tree

arent cooked yet.

or bush There is a bud at the end of
turning / t
n/ noun a road which goes

each twig. The bird made its nest of

away from another road
twigs and leaves.
tutor / tju
t/ noun a teacher, especially

twilight / twalat/ noun a time when the


a person who teaches only one student

light is weak, between sunset and night
or a small group of students His first
twin /twn/ adjective, noun one of two

job was as private tutor to some Ger-

man children. verb to teach a small babies born at the same time to the same
group of students (formal ) She earns mother he and his twin brother
extra money by tutoring foreign students Shes expecting twins.
in English. twinkle / twkl/ verb (of stars or

TV /ti
/ noun a television They

eyes) to shine with a little moving light

watch TV every night. The TV news is His eyes twinkled as he showed the
usually at nine oclock. Some chil- children the sweets he had bought. We
drens TV programmes are very dull. could see the lights of the harbour twin-
The daughter of a friend of mine was on kling in the distance.
TV last night. twirl /tw
l/ verb 1. to twist something

twelfth /twelf/ adjective number 12 in


round in your hand I wish I could twirl

a series Its her twelfth birthday next a baton like those girls in the proces- Page 343 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

twist 343 tyre

sion. 2. to spin round Models twirled write with a computer or typewriter
round on the catwalk. Please type your letters your writings
twist /twst/ verb 1. to wind something so bad I cant read it. She only typed

round something She twisted the two lines and made six mistakes.
string round a piece of stick. 2. to turn in typewriter / taprat/ noun a machine

different directions The path twisted which prints letters or numbers on a

between the fields. piece of paper when keys are pressed
two /tu
/ noun the number 2 There are

typical / tpk()l/ adjective having the


only two peppermints left in the box.

His sons only two (years old), so he usual qualities of a particular group or
cant read yet. She didnt come home occasion Describe a typical day at
until after two (oclock). school. Hes definitely not a typical
tying / ta/ present participle of tie
bank manager.
tyre / ta/ noun a ring made of rubber

type /tap/ noun a group of people, ani-


mals or things that are similar to each which is put round a wheel Check the
other This type of bank account pays pressure in the car tyres before starting
10% interest. What type of accommo- a journey. They used an old tyre to
dation are you looking for? verb to make a seat for the garden swing. Page 344 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

u /ju
/, U noun the twenty-first letter of uncomfortable /n kmftb()l/ ad-
u uncomfortable

the alphabet, between T and V jective not comfortable What a very

ugly / 'li/ adjective unpleasant to look
uncomfortable bed! Plastic seats are
at What an ugly pattern! The part of very uncomfortable in hot weather.
uncommon /n kmn/ adjective

the town round the railway station is

even uglier than the rest. (NOTE: uglier strange or unusual

uncommunicative /nk



UK abbr United Kingdom Exports from mju

nktv/ adjective not saying
the UK or UK exports rose last year. much, or not answering people
uncomplicated /n kmplketd/

umbrella /m brel/ noun a round


adjective easy to deal with or under-

frame covered with cloth which you
stand In childrens books, the writing
hold over your head to keep off the rain
should be clear and uncomplicated.
Can I borrow your umbrella? As it
The procedure is relatively quick and
was starting to rain, he opened his um-
brella. The wind blew my umbrella in-
unconscious /n kns/ adjective in

side out.

a physical condition in which you are

unable /n eb()l/ adjective not able to

not aware of what is happening He
do something I regret that I am unable was found unconscious in the street.
to accept your suggestion. She was She was unconscious for two days after
unable to come to the meeting. (NOTE: the accident.
be unable to is a rather formal way of
uncontrolled /nkn trld/ adjec-

saying cant.)

tive which has not been controlled

unattractive /n trktv/ adjective

under / nd/ preposition 1. in or to a


not attractive Her husband is a rather place where something else is on top or
unattractive man. The house is unat- above We all hid under the table.
tractive from the outside. My pen rolled under the sofa. 2. less
unbearable /n berb()l/ adjective

than a number It took under two

so bad that you cannot accept it or deal weeks to sell the house. The train goes
with it to Paris in under three hours. Under
unbelievable /nb li
vb()l/ adjec-

half of the members turned up for the
tive which is difficult to believe meeting. The old table sold for under
unbreakable /n brekb()l/ adjec-

underground1 /nd 'rand/ adverb


tive which cannot be broken

under the ground The ordinary rail-
uncertain /n s
t()n/ adjective not

way line goes underground for a short
sure, or not decided She is uncertain distance. Worms live all their life un-
whether to accept the job. Hes uncer- derground. adjective built under the
tain about what to do next. Their ground Theres an underground pas-
plans are still uncertain. sage to the tower. The hotel has an un-
uncle / k()l/ noun a brother of your derground car park.

father or mother He was brought up underground2 / nd'rand/ noun a


by his uncle in Scotland. We had a railway in a town, which runs under the
surprise visitor last night old Uncle ground Thousands of people use the
Charles. underground to go to work. Take the Page 345 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

underline 345 unfriendly

underground to go to Oxford Circus. undo /n du
/ verb to open something

Its usually quicker to get across town which is tied or fastened The first
by underground. (NOTE: The London thing he did on getting home was to
Underground is often called the Tube. undo his tie. Undo your top button if
In the United States, an underground your collar is too tight. (NOTE: undoes
railway is called a subway.) /n dz/ undid /n dd/ undone

/n dn/)

underline verb to write a line under a

word or figure He wrote the title and undress /n dres/ verb to take your

then underlined it in red. clothes off

underneath /nd ni
/ preposition undressed /n drest/ adjective having

under She wore a long green jumper just taken off your clothes The chil-
underneath her coat. Can you see if dren are getting undressed ready for
my pen is underneath the sofa? ad- bed. Are you undressed yet?
verb under He put the box of books uneasy /n i
zi/ adjective nervous and

down on the kitchen table and my sand- worried (NOTE: uneasier uneasiest)
wiches were underneath!
unemployed /nm pld/ adjective

understand /nd stnd/ verb 1. to


without a job The government is en-
know what something means Dont couraging unemployed teenagers to ap-
try to talk English to Mr Yoshida he ply for training grants.
doesnt understand it. 2. to have sympa-
/nm plmnt/

thy for someone Shes a good teacher unemployment

she really understands children. 3. to noun a lack of work The unemploy-

know why something happens or how ment figures or the figures for unem-
something works I can easily under- ployment are rising.
uneven /n i
v()n/ adjective not

stand why his wife left him. I still

dont understand how to operate the smooth or flat

unexpected /nk spektd/ adjective

new laser printer. (NOTE: understands

understanding understood which is surprising and not what was

/nd std/) expected We had an unexpected visit
understanding /nd stnd/ noun

from the police. His failure was quite
1. the ability to understand something unexpected.
unexpectedly /nk spektdli/ ad-

My understanding of how the Internet

works is severely limited. 2. sympathy verb in an unexpected way

for someone else and their problems unfair /n fe/ adjective not fair Its

The boss showed no understanding unfair to expect her to do all the house-
when she told him about her financial work while her sisters dont lift a finger
difficulties. The aim is to promote un- to help.
derstanding between the two countries.
unfairly /n feli/ adverb in an unfair

3. a private agreement We reached an

understanding with the lawyers. The way

unfairness /n fens/ noun lack of

understanding was that we would all go

to the office after lunch. adjective justice or fairness

sympathetic His understanding atti- unfortunate /n f
t()nt/ adjective

tude was much appreciated. which makes you sad It was very un-
underwater /nd w
t/ adjective fortunate that she couldnt come to see

below the surface of the water How us.

long can you stay underwater? He unfortunately /n f
t()ntli/ ad-

dived and swam underwater for several verb which you wish was not true Un-
seconds. She goes on holiday to the fortunately the train arrived so late that
Red Sea to do underwater photography. she missed the meeting.
underwear / ndwe/ noun clothes unfriendly /n frendli/ adjective not
underwear unfriendly

worn next to your skin under other acting like a friend (NOTE: unfriendlier
clothes (NOTE: no plural) unfriendliest) Page 346 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

ungrateful 346 unnecessary

ungrateful /n 'retf()l/ adjective not

team. They were united in their desire
grateful to improve their working conditions.
universal /ju
n v
s()l/ adjective

unhappily /n hpli/ adverb in a sad


way which is understood or experienced by

everyone in the world There is a uni-
unhappy /n hpi/ adjective sad, not

versal hope for peace in the region.

happy Hes unhappy in his job be-
universe / ju
s/ noun all space and

cause his boss is always criticising him.

She looked very unhappy when she everything that exists in it, including the
came out of the hospital. The children earth, the planets and the stars
had an unhappy childhood. (NOTE: un- university /ju
n v
sti/ noun an edu-

happier unhappiest) cational institution where students study

unhealthy /n heli/ adjective not for degrees and where students and

healthy, especially often ill I thought teachers do research You need to do

her face was an unhealthy colour. well at school to be able to go to univer-
(NOTE: unhealthier unhealthiest) sity. My sister is at university. (NOTE:
The plural is universities.)
uniform / ju
m/ noun special

unkind /n kand/ adjective acting in an


clothes worn by all members of an or-

ganisation or group He went to the unpleasant way to someone It was un-

fancy dress party dressed in a police- kind of him to keep talking about her
mans uniform. Who are those people weight. (NOTE: unkinder unkindest)
in French army uniform? What colour unkindness /n kandns/ noun the

is her school uniform? The holiday action of treating someone unpleasantly

camp staff all wear yellow uniforms. unless /n les/ conjunction except if

unimportant /nm p
t()nt/ adjec-

Unless we hear from you within ten

tive not important days, we will start legal action. I think
union / ju
njn/ noun the state of being
they dont want to see us, unless of
joined together, or the process of joining course theyre ill.
together We support the union of these unlike /n lak/ adjective, preposition 1.

various groups under one umbrella or- totally different from Hes quite un-
ganisation. like his brother. 2. not normal or typical
unique /ju
k/ adjective different to unlikely /n lakli/ adjective 1. not like-
unique unlikely

anything else and therefore the only on ly Its unlikely that many people will
of its type The stamp is unique, and so come to the show. 2. which is probably
is worth a great deal. Hes studying not true He trotted out some unlikely
the unique vegetation of the island. excuse about how his train ticket had
unit / ju
nt/ noun 1. one part of some-
been eaten by the dog.
unlimited /n lmtd/ adjective with

thing larger If you pass three units of

the course you can move to the next lev- no limits

el. 2. one piece of furniture which can unload /n ld/ verb to remove a load

be matched with others The kitchen is from a vehicle

designed as a basic set of units with
unlock /n lk/ verb to open something

more units which can be added later. 3.

the amount used to measure something which was locked

unluckily /n lkli/ adverb with bad

Kilos and pounds are units of weight.

4. a single number less than ten 63 has luck

six tens and three units. unlucky /n lki/ adjective not lucky, or

unite /ju
nat/ verb to join together into

bringing bad luck (NOTE: unluckier

a single body unluckiest)
united /ju
natd/ adjective joined to- unnecessary /n ness()ri/ adjective
united unnecessary

gether as a whole Relief workers from which is not needed, or which does not
various countries worked as a united have to be done It is unnecessary for Page 347 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

unoccupied 347 upset

you to wear a suit to the party. She up /p/ adverb 1. in or to a high place

makes a lot of unnecessary phone calls. Put your hands up above your head.
unoccupied /n kjpad/ adjective

Whats the cat doing up there on the

not being used by anyone cupboard? (NOTE: up is often used af-
unpack /n pk/ verb to take things out ter verbs: to keep up, to turn up.) 2. to

of cases in which they were sent or car- a higher position His temperature
ried went up suddenly. The price of petrol
unpleasant /n plez()nt/ adjective

seems to go up every week. 3. not in bed
The children were still up when they
not pleasant Theres a very unpleas-
ant smell in the kitchen. Try not to be should have been in bed. They stayed
unpleasant to the waitress. up all night watching films on TV. He
got up at six because he had an early
unreasonable /n ri
z()nb()l/ ad-

train to catch. Its past eight oclock
jective not reasonable or fair you should be up by now. 4. completely,
unselfish /n self/ adjective thinking

entirely The puddles dried up quickly
only of other people in the sun. 5. happening in an unpleas-
unsightly /n satli/ adjective very un- ant or dangerous way Somethings up

pleasant to look at She has an unsight- the engine has stopped! preposition
ly scar on her face. 1. in or to a high place They ran up the
unsuccessful /nsk sesf()l/ adjec-

stairs. She doesnt like going up lad-
tive which does not succeed ders. 2. along Go up the street to the
traffic lights and then turn right. The
unsuitable /n su
tb()l/ adjective

house is about two hundred metres up

not suitable
the road. whats up? whats the mat-
unsure /n / adjective not sure She

was unsure whether to go to work or to
upon / pn/ preposition 1. on

stay at home. Im unsure as to which The

route is the quickest. church was built upon a grassy hill. 2.
untidy /n tadi/ adjective not tidy

likely to happen soon The summer
holidays will soon be upon us again.
(NOTE: untidier untidiest)
upper / p/ adjective higher or further

untie /n ta/ verb to open something


which is tied with a knot (NOTE: unties up The upper slopes of the mountain
untying untied) are covered in snow. He had a rash on
his right upper arm.
until /n tl/ conjunction up to the time

upright / prat/ adjective straight up


when She was perfectly well until she

ate the strawberries. He blew his He got dizzy as soon as he stood up-
whistle until the police came. prepo- right. Put the backs of your seats into
sition, conjunction up to the time when the upright position for landing. She
I dont expect to be back until after ten picked up the vase and placed it upright
oclock. Until yesterday, I felt very on the table.
well. upset1 /p set/ adjective very worried or

untrue /n tru

/ adjective not true

unhappy His parents get upset if he
unusual /n ju
"l/ adjective not nor- comes home late. verb 1. to make

mal or expected It is unusual to have someone worried or unhappy Dont

rain at this time of year. She chose a upset your mother by telling her. 2. to
very unusual colour scheme for her sit- knock something over He upset all
ting room. the coffee cups. (NOTE: upsets up-
unwell /n wel/ adjective in a bad state setting upset)

of health (NOTE: not used before a upset2 / pset/ noun 1. an unexpected


noun: the baby was unwell but a sick defeat There was a major upset in the
baby) tennis tournament when the number
unwilling /n wl/ adjective not want-

three seed was beaten in the first round.

ing to do something 2. a slight illness because of something Page 348 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

upside down 348 usually

you have eaten or drunk a stomach use1 /ju
z/ verb 1. to take something

upset such as a tool and do something with it

upside down /psad dan/ adverb
Did you use a sewing machine to
upside down

with the top underneath Dont turn make your curtains? The cars worth
the box upside down all the papers quite a lot of money its hardly been
will fall out. The car shot off the road used. Do you know how to use a com-
and ended up upside down in a ditch. puter? Can I use this knife for cutting
Bats were hanging upside down from meat? 2. to take a substance and do
the branches. something with it Dont use the tap
water for drinking. Does this car use
upstairs /p stez/ adverb on or to the

much petrol? Turn down the heating

upper part of something, e.g. a building

were using too much gas.
or bus She ran upstairs with the letter.
use2 /ju
s/ noun 1. a purpose Can you

I left my glasses upstairs. Lets go

upstairs onto the top deck you can see find any use for this piece of cloth? 2.
London much better. adjective on the the fact of being used The coffee ma-
upper floors of a building We have an chine has been in daily use for years. 3.
upstairs kitchen. We let the one of the to make use of something to use
upstairs offices to an accountant. something You should make more use
of your bicycle.
up to date /p t det/, up-to-date
up to date

used /ju
zd/ adjective which is not new

adverb with the latest information I

keep myself up to date on the political a shop selling used clothes
situation by reading the newspaper eve- used to / ju
zt tu
/ showing that some-
used to

ry day. thing happened often or regularly in the

upwards / pwdz/ adverb towards the
past There used to be lots of small
top The path went upwards for a mile shops in the village until the supermar-
then levelled off. ket was built. When we were children,
we used to go to France every year for
urban / 
bn/ adjective 1. relating to

our holidays. The police think he used

towns They enjoy an urban lifestyle. to live in London. He used not to
2. living in towns The urban fox has smoke a pipe. (NOTE: The forms used in
become a menace in parts of London. the negative and questions: He used
urge /
d"/ noun a strong wish to do

to work in London, He didnt use to

something She felt an urge to punch work in London or He used not to work
him on the nose. verb to advise some- in London, Didnt he use to work in
one strongly to do something He London?)
urged her to do what her father said. useful / ju
sf()l/ adjective who or

I would urge you to vote for the propos- which can help you do something I
al. Our lawyer urged us to be careful find these scissors very useful for open-
and avoid breaking the law. ing letters. Shes a very useful person
urgent / 
d"nt/ adjective which is im-

to have in the office.

portant and needs to be done quickly useless / ju
sls/ adjective which is not

He had an urgent message to go to the useful

police station. She had an urgent op-
user / ju
z/ noun a person who uses a

eration. The leader of the council

called an urgent meeting. This parcel tool or a service We have mailed the
is urgent and needs to get there tomor- users of our equipment about the possi-
row. ble design fault.
usual / ju
"ul/ adjective done or used

us /s, s/ object pronoun meaning me


and other people Mother gave us each on most occasions She took her usual
50p to buy ice cream. Whos there? bus to the office. Is it usual for him to
Its us! The company did well last arrive so late?
usually / ju
"uli/ adverb in most cases

year the management have given us a

bonus. or on most occasions Page 349 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

utensil 349 utilise

utensil /ju
tens()l/ noun a tool or ob- utilise / ju
tlaz/, utilize verb to use
utensil utilise

ject used when cooking knives, bowls something (formal ) Hes keen to uti-
and other kitchen utensils lise his programming skills. Page 350 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

v /vi
/, V noun the twenty-second letter of overnight. verb to consider something

the alphabet, between U and W as being valuable She values her

V /vi
/ noun the Roman numeral for five
friendship with him.
van /vn/ noun a covered goods vehicle

or fifth King George V

vacant / veknt/ adjective empty and
A delivery van ran into the back of my
available for you to use There are six car. Our van will call this afternoon to
rooms vacant in the new wing of the ho- pick up the goods.
vanish / vn/ verb to disappear sud-

tel. Is the toilet vacant yet?

vacation /v ke()n/ noun 1. espe-

denly The magician made the rabbit
cially US a holiday The family went vanish.
variation /veri e()n/ noun a change

on vacation in Canada. 2. a period

when the universities and law courts are from one state or level to another The
closed Im spending my vacation variation in colour or the colour varia-
working on a vineyard in Italy. tion is because the cloth has been dyed
vague /ve'/ adjective with no details
by hand. The diagram shows the var-
iations in price over a period of six
vain /ven/ adjective very proud of your

appearance or achievements Hes al-
variety /v rati/ noun 1. differences

ways combing his hair hes very vain.

(NOTE: Do not confuse with vein.) Her new job, unlike the old one, doesnt
lack variety. 2. a different type of plant
valid / vld/ adjective 1. which can be

or animal in the same species Do you

lawfully used for a particular time
have this new variety of rose? Is this a
Travellers must have a valid ticket be-
new variety of potato?
fore boarding the train. I have a sea-
various / veris/ adjective several dif-

son ticket which is valid for one year.

He was carrying a valid passport. 2. ferent The shop sells goods from var-
which is acceptable because it is true ious countries. Ill be out of the office
That is not a valid argument or excuse. today I have to see various suppliers.
vary / veri/ verb 1. to be different in dif-

She made several valid points in her

speech. ferent situations, or change within cer-
valley / vli/ noun a long piece of low
tain limits The temperature varies
land through which a river runs Fog from 8 degrees C at night to 18 degrees
forms in the valleys at night. A lot of C during the day. 2. to be different
computer companies are based in the Prices of flats vary from a few thousand
Thames Valley. pounds to millions. (NOTE: varies
varying varied)
valuable / vljb()l/ adjective 1.

vase /v
z/ noun a container used for cut

worth a lot of money Be careful, that

glass is valuable! The burglars stole flowers, or simply for decoration
vast /v
st/ adjective extremely big, of-

everything that was valuable. 2. useful

or helpful She gave me some very val- ten extremely wide vast differences in
uable advice. price A vast ship suddenly appeared
value / vlju
/ noun an amount of mon- out of the fog.

ey which something is worth the fall vegetable / ved"tb()l/ noun a plant


in the value of the yen He imported which is grown to be eaten but which is
goods to the value of 500. Items of not usually sweet We grow potatoes,
value can be deposited in the hotel safe carrots and other sorts of vegetables in Page 351 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

vegetarian 351 vigilant

the garden. The soup of the day is veg- go very quickly when we were on holi-
etable soup. Green vegetables are a day. adjective used to make a noun
good source of dietary fibre. stronger He did his very best to get
vegetarian /ved" terin/ noun a

tickets. The scene takes place at the
person who eats only fruit, vegetables, very beginning of the book.
vessel / ves()l/ noun a ship Vessels

bread, eggs, etc., but does not eat meat,

and sometimes not fish a range of from all countries crowded into the har-
vegetarian dishes Our children are all bour.
vegetarians. via / va/ preposition through We

vehicle / vi
k()l/ noun a machine

drove to London via Windsor. We are

which carries passengers or goods, e.g. sending the payment via our office in
a car or bus a three-wheeled vehicle London. The shipment is going via the
Goods vehicles can park at the back of Suez Canal.
the building. vibration /va bre()n/ noun a fast

vein /ven/ noun a small tube in the body


and continuous shaking movement

which takes blood back to the heart vicious / vs/ adjective cruel and vio-

The veins in her legs are swollen. (NOTE: lent a vicious attack on an elderly
Do not confuse with vain.) lady
verb /v
b/ noun a word which shows an

victim / vktm/ noun a person who is at-


action, being or feeling, such as to hit tacked or who is in an accident The

or to thank victims of the train crash were taken to
verbal / v
b()l/ adjective spoken and

the local hospital. She was the victim

not written down She gave me a ver- of a violent attack outside her front
bal account of what had happened. It door. Earthquake victims were housed
was a verbal agreement between the two in tents.
of us. victory / vkt()ri/ noun the fact of win-

verdict / v
dkt/ noun a decision made

ning something, e.g. a battle, a fight or a

in a court game the American victory in the Ol-
verse /v
s/ noun 1. a group of lines ympics They won a clear victory in the

which form a part of a song or poem general election. The guerrillas won a
We sang all the verses of the National victory over the government troops.
Anthem. She read the first verse to the (NOTE: The plural is victories.)
class. 2. poetry He published a small video / vdi/ noun 1. a machine which

book of verse. (NOTE: no plural in this records TV programmes Dont forget

sense) to set the video for 8 p.m. before you go
version / v
()n/ noun 1. a description

out. 2. a magnetic tape on which you

of what happened as seen by one person can record TV programmes or films for

The victim told her version of events playing back on a television set She
to the jury. 2. a type of something, e.g. a bought a box of blank videos. (NOTE:
work of art or model of car This is the The plural is videos.)
film version of the novel. He bought view /vju
/ noun 1. what you can see

the cheapest version available. from a certain place You can get a
vertical / v
tk()l/ adjective standing

good view of the sea from the church

or rising straight up He drew a few tower. We asked for a room with a sea
vertical lines to represent trees. We view and were given one looking out
looked at the vertical cliff and wondered over the bus depot. 2. a way of thinking
how to climb it. about something In his view, the gov-
very / veri/ adverb used to make an ad-
ernment ought to act now.
vigilant / vd"lnt/ adjective staying

jective or adverb stronger Its very hot

in the car why dont you open a win- very aware of possible danger The
dow? Can you see that very tall pine disease particularly affects young chil-
tree over there? The time seemed to dren, so parents must remain vigilant. Page 352 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

village 352 vocabulary

village / vld"/ noun a small group of check the program for viruses. (NOTE:

houses in the country, like a little town, The plural is viruses.)

often with a church, and usually some visible / vzb()l/ adjective which can

shops They live in a little village in the be seen

Swiss Alps. The village shop sells just visibly / vzbli/ adverb in a way which

about everything we need. everyone can see

vine /van/ noun a climbing plant which

vision / v"()n/ noun 1. your ability to


produces grapes see After the age of 50, the vision of

vinegar / vn'/ noun a liquid with a

many people begins to fail. 2. a thing

sour taste, usually made from wine, which you imagine He had visions of
used in cooking and for pickling himself stuck in London with no pass-
violence / valns/ noun action which
port and no money. She had visions of
is intended to hurt someone Acts of vi- him being arrested for drug smuggling.
visit / vzt/ noun a short stay with some-

olence must be punished.

violent / valnt/ adjective 1. very
one or in a town or a country They had
strong The discussion led to a violent a visit from the police. We will be
argument. A violent storm blew all making a short visit to London next
night. 2. using force to hurt people week. The manager is on a business
Her husband was a very violent man. visit to China. verb to stay a short
time with someone or in a town or coun-
violently / valntli/ adverb 1. with

try I am on my way to visit my sister

physical force, often with the intention in hospital. They are away visiting
of hurting This horse threw him vio- friends in the north of the country. The
lently onto the ground. She hurled the group of tourists are going to visit the
bottle violently across the table. 2. with glass factory. He spent a week in Scot-
great feeling She violently rejected the land, visiting museums in Edinburgh
accusations made against her. He re- and Glasgow.
acted violently to the injection. The
visitor / vzt/ noun a person who

oysters made her violently sick.

comes to visit How many visitors
violin /va ln/ noun a musical instru-

come to the museum each year? We
ment with strings that hold under your had a surprise visitor yesterday the
chin and play with a bow bank manager!
virtual / v
tul/ adjective almost

vital / vat()l/ adjective extremely im-


The company has a virtual monopoly of portant It is vital that we act quickly.
French wine imports. His grandfather Oxygen is vital to human life.
has become a virtual recluse. vitamin / vtmn/ noun an essential

virtually / v
tuli/ adverb almost

substance which is found in food and is

These shirts have been reduced so much needed for growth and health
that were virtually giving them away. vivid / vvd/ adjective 1. very bright

Its virtually impossible to get tickets for vivid yellow sunflowers the vivid col-
the concert. ours of the Mediterranean beach 2. rep-
virtual reality /v
tl ri lti/ noun
virtual reality

resenting real events clearly She has a

the simulation of a real-life scene or real vivid imagination. I had a really vivid
events on a computer dream last night. She gave a vivid ac-
virus / vars/ noun 1. a very small liv-
count of her experiences at the hands of
ing thing that causes disease by living in the kidnappers.
vocabulary /v kbjlri/ noun 1. all

the bodies of people or animals Scien-

tists have isolated a new flu virus. the words used by a person or group of
Shingles is caused by the same virus as persons specialist legal vocabulary
chickenpox. 2. a part of a computer pro- She reads French newspapers to im-
gram which is designed to destroy files prove her French vocabulary. 2. a print-
on someone elses computer You must ed list of words There is a German- Page 353 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

voice 353 voyage

English vocabulary at the back of the school relies on volunteers to help with
book. (NOTE: The plural is vocabular- the sports day. The information desk
ies.) is manned by volunteers. verb to offer
voice /vs/ noun a sound made when to do something without being paid or

you speak or sing I didnt recognise being forced to do it He volunteered

his voice over the telephone. The to collect the entrance tickets. Will an-
chairman spoke for a few minutes in a yone volunteer for the job of washing
low voice. up?
vote /vt/ noun the act of marking a pa-

volcano /vl ken/ noun a mountain


which lava, ash and gas may flow out of per, holding up your hand, etc., to show
from time to time (NOTE: The plural is your opinion or to show who you want
volcanoes.) to be elected How many votes did you
volume / vlju
m/ noun 1. the amount
get? There were only ten votes against
of sound She turned down the volume the plan. verb to mark a paper, to hold
on the radio. He drives with the car up your hand, etc., to show your opinion
radio on at full volume. 2. the amount or to show who you want to be elected
which is contained inside something Fifty per cent of the people voted in the
What is the volume of this barrel? 3. one election. We all voted to go on strike.
voter / vt/ noun a person who votes

book, especially one in a series Have

you read the third volume of his history or who has the right to vote
of medieval Europe? vowel / val/ noun one of the five let-

voluntary / vlnt()ri/ adjective 1.


ters, a, e, i, o and u, which represent

done because you want to do it, and sounds made without using the teeth,
done without being paid Many retired tongue or lips (NOTE: The letters repre-
people do voluntary work. 2. done will- senting sounds which are not vowels
ingly, without being forced He made are consonants. Note also that in
a voluntary contribution to the fund. some languages y is a vowel.)
volunteer /vln t/ noun a person voyage / vd"/ noun a long journey,
volunteer voyage

who offers to do something without be- especially by ship or spacecraft the

ing paid or being forced to do it The voyages of Sir Francis Drake Page 354 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

w / db()lju
/, W noun the twenty-third was woken by the telephone. I banged

letter of the alphabet, between V and X on her door, but I cant wake her. He
wade /wed/ verb to walk through water
asked to be woken at 7.00. 2. to stop
They waded into the sea. sleeping He woke suddenly, feeling
drops of water falling on his head.
wag /w'/ verb to move something from

(NOTE: wakes waking woke

side to side or up and down The dog /wk/ woken)
ran up to him, wagging its tail. The
grandmother wagged her finger at the wake up phrasal verb 1. to stop some-
little boy who was picking the flowers. ones sleep He was woken up by the
(NOTE: wags wagging wagged) sound of the dog barking. 2. to stop
wage /wed"/, wages / wed"z/ noun
sleeping She woke up in the middle of
money paid, usually in cash each week, the night, thinking she had heard a
to a worker for work done The compa- noise. Come on, wake up! Its past ten
ny pays quite good wages. She is oclock. He woke up to find water
earning a good wage or good wages in coming through the roof of the tent.
Wales /welz/ noun a country to the west

the pizza restaurant.

wagon / w'n/ noun a railway truck
of England, forming part of the United
used for carrying heavy loads Kingdom There are some high moun-
tains in North Wales. Welsh (NOTE:
waist /west/ noun 1. the narrow part of

capital: Cardiff; people: the Welsh;

the body between the bottom of the languages: Welsh, English)
chest and the hips She measures 32
walk /w
k/ verb 1. to go somewhere on

inches round the waist or has a 32-inch

waist. 2. the part of a piece of clothing, foot The baby is ten months old, and
e.g. a skirt, trousers or dress, that goes is just starting to walk. She was walk-
round the middle of your body The ing along the high street on her way to
waist of these trousers is too small for the bank. We walked slowly across the
me. (NOTE: Do not confuse with bridge. The visitors walked round the
waste.) factory. to walk someone home to go
with someone who is walking home It
wait /wet/ verb to stay where you are,

was getting late, so I walked her home.

and not do anything until something 2. to take an animal for a walk Hes
happens or someone comes Wait here gone to walk the dog in the fields. She
while I call an ambulance. They had walks her dog every morning. noun 1.
been waiting for half an hour in the rain a usually pleasant journey on foot
before the bus finally arrived. Wait a Lets all go for a walk in the park. 2. a
minute, my shoelace is undone. Dont distance which you cover on foot Its
wait for me, Ill be late. only a short walk to the beach. Its
waiter / wet/ noun a man who brings

only five minutes walk from the office to

food and drink to customers in a restau- the bank or the bank is only a five min-
rant utes walk from the office.
waitress / wetrs/ noun a woman who

wall /w
l/ noun a structure made from

brings food and drink to customers in a things such as bricks or stones, built up
restaurant (NOTE: The plural is wait- to make one of the sides of a building, of
resses.) a room or to surround a space The
wake /wek/ verb 1. to stop someones

walls of the restaurant are decorated

sleep The telephone woke her or she with pictures of film stars. Theres a Page 355 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

wallet 355 wash

clock on the wall behind my desk. He ary. 2. pleasant and friendly We had a
got into the house by climbing over the warm welcome from our friends. She
garden wall. has a really warm personality. verb to
wallet / wlt/ noun a small flat leather
make something hotter Come and
case for carrying things such as credit warm your hands by the fire. Ill
cards and banknotes in your pocket warm some soup.
warmth /w
m/ noun the fact of being

wallpaper / w
lpep/ noun paper

with different patterns on it, covering warm or feeling warm It was cold and
the walls of a room The wallpaper rainy outside, and he looked forward to
was light green to match the carpet. the warmth of his home.
warn /w
n/ verb 1. to inform someone

wander / wnd/ verb to walk around


without any particular aim They wan- of a possible danger Children are
dered round the town in the rain. warned not to play on the frozen lake.
want /wnt/ verb 1. to hope that you will
The group was warned to look out for
do something, that something will hap- pickpockets. The guide warned us that
pen, or that you will get something there might be snakes in the grass. 2. to
She wants a new car for her birthday. inform someone that something is likely
Where do you want to go for your holi- to happen The railway has warned
days? He wants to be a teacher. 2. to that there will be a strike tomorrow.
ask someone to do something The The weather forecast warned of storms
manager wants me to go and see him. in the English Channel. (NOTE: You
I want those windows painted. 3. to warn someone of something, or warn
need something With five children, someone that something may hap-
what they want is a bigger house. You pen.)
warning / w
n/ noun news about a

want to take some rest.

war /w
/ noun a period of fighting be-
possible danger He shouted a warn-
tween countries Millions of soldiers ing to the children. The government
and civilians were killed during the war. issued a warning about travelling in
In 1914 Britain was at war with Ger- some countries in the area. Each
many or Britain and Germany were at packet of cigarettes has a government
war. health warning printed on it. adjec-
tive which informs about a danger
ward /w
d/ noun a room or set of rooms

Red warning flags are raised if the sea

in a hospital, with beds for patients is dangerous. Warning notices were
The childrens ward is at the end of the put up round the building site.
corridor. She was taken into the acci-
wary / weri/ adjective aware of a possi-

dent and emergency ward.

ble problem with someone or something
wardrobe / w
drb/ noun a tall cup-

I am very wary of any of his ideas for

board in which you hang your clothes making money. (NOTE: warier wari-
He moved the wardrobe from the land- est)
ing into the bedroom.
was /wz, wz/ past tense of be

warehouse / wehas/ noun a large


wash /w/ verb to clean something us-


building where goods are stored Our

goods are dispatched from the central ing water Cooks should always wash
warehouse to shops all over the country. their hands before touching food! I
warm /w
m/ adjective 1. fairly hot
must wash the car before we go to the
The temperature is below freezing out- wedding. The moment I had washed
side but its nice and warm in the office. the windows it started to rain. His
The children tried to keep warm by
football shirt needs washing. noun
playing football. Are you warm the action of cleaning, using water
enough, or do you want another blan- The car needs a wash. Hes in the
ket? This coat is not very warm. The bathroom, having a quick wash.
winter sun can be quite warm in Febru- wash up phrasal verb to clean objects Page 356 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

washbasin 356 wave

such as dirty cups, plates, knives and watches) 2. the activity of watching
forks with water It took us hours to something carefully Visitors should
wash up after the party. My brothers be on the watch for pickpockets. Keep
washing up, while Im sitting watching a watch on the potatoes to make sure
the TV. they dont burn. (NOTE: no plural)
washbasin / wbes()n/ noun a con- watch out phrasal verb to be careful

tainer for holding water for washing the Watch out! theres a car coming!
water / w
t/ noun the liquid which

hands and face, which has taps and is

usually attached to the wall of a bath- falls as rain and forms rivers, lakes and
room seas. It makes up a large part of the bod-
washing / w/ noun clothes which ies of living creatures, and is used for

have been washed, or which are ready to drinking and in cooking; also in indus-
be washed Put the washing in the trial processes. Can we have three
washing machine. She hung out the glasses of water please? Cook the
washing to dry. vegetables in boiling water. Is the tap
water safe to drink? The water tem-
washing machine / w mi
washing machine

perature is 60. (NOTE: no plural: some

noun a machine for washing clothes
water ; a drop of water) verb to pour
(NOTE: A machine for washing plates
water on the soil round a plant to make
and cutlery is a dishwasher.)
it grow Because it is hot we need to
wasp /wsp/ noun an insect which has

water the garden every day. She was

black and yellow bands of colour round watering her pots of flowers.
its body and which can sting
waterfall / w
l/ noun a place

waste /west/ noun 1. an unnecessary


where a stream falls down a steep drop

use of time or money It is a waste of
waterlogged / w
tl'd/ adjective

time asking the boss for a rise. That

computer is a waste of money there waterlogged ground is full of water, so
are plenty of cheaper models. 2. things the surface stays wet for a long time
which are no use and are thrown away After so much rain, the waterlogged golf
Put all your waste in the rubbish bin. course had to be closed. Most plants
verb to use more of something than you cannot grow in waterlogged soil.
waterproof / w
f/ adjective

need Dont waste time putting your

shoes on jump out of the window now. which does not let water go through
We turned off all the heating so as not waterproof clothing These boots
to waste energy. (NOTE: wastes wast- arent waterproof my socks are soak-
ing wasted) adjective useless and ing wet.
ready to be thrown away Waste prod- wave /wev/ noun 1. a raised mass of wa-

ucts should not be dumped in the sea. ter on the surface of the sea, a lake or a
Recycle all your waste paper. river Waves were breaking on the
watch /wt/ verb 1. to look at and no-

rocks. Watch out for big waves on the

tice something Did you watch the TV beach. The sea was calm, with hardly
news last night? We went to the sports any waves. 2. an up and down move-
ground to watch the football match. ment of your hand 3. a regular curve on
Everyone was watching the children the surface of hair His hair has a nat-
dancing. 2. to look at something care- ural wave. 4. a sudden increase in some-
fully to make sure that nothing happens thing A wave of anger surged through
Watch the saucepan I dont want the the crowd. verb 1. to move up and
potatoes to burn. Can you watch the down in the wind The flags were wav-
baby while Im at the hairdressers? ing outside the town hall. 2. to make an
noun 1. an object like a little clock up and down movement of the hand
which you wear on your wrist She when saying hello, goodbye or for
looked at her watch impatiently. What attracting attention They waved until
time is it? my watch has stopped. the car was out of sight. They waved
(NOTE: The plural in this sense is goodbye as the boat left the harbour. Page 357 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

waver 357 wear

to wave to someone to signal to some- way up /we p/ noun a way in which
way up

one by moving your hand up and down something stands

When I saw him I waved to him to
we /wi
/ pronoun used by someone

cross the road.

speaking or writing to refer to himself or
waver / wev/ verb to be unable to de-

herself and others He said we could

cide what to do He is still wavering go into the exhibition. We were not al-
about whether or not to leave the com- lowed into the restaurant in jeans. We
pany. had a wonderful holiday we all en-
wax /wks/ noun a solid substance made

joyed ourselves enormously. (NOTE:

from fat or oil, used for making things When it is the object we becomes us:
such as candles and polish She We gave it to him; He gave it to us.
brought a tin of wax polish and started When it follows the verb to be, we usu-
to polish the furniture. ally becomes us: Who is it? Its us!)
weak /wi
k/ adjective 1. not strong Af-

way /we/ noun 1. the direction in which


something can be found or in which ter his illness he is still very weak. I
someone or something is going Do dont like weak tea. 2. not effective a
you know the way to the post office? weak leader a weak argument 3. not
The bus is going the wrong way for the having knowledge or skill Shes
station. She showed us the way to the weaker at science than at maths.
railway station. They lost their way French is his weakest subject. (NOTE:
and had to ask for directions. Ill lead weaker weakest. Do not confuse
the way just follow me. 2. the means of with week.)
doing something My mother showed wealth /wel/ noun a large amount of

me the way to make marmalade. Isnt money and property which someone
there any other way of making it? He owns His wealth was acquired in
thought of a way of making money business. (NOTE: no plural)
quickly. The way she said it implied it
wealthy / weli/ adjective (of a person)

was my fault. 3. to make your way to

very rich (NOTE: wealthier wealthi-
go to a place with some difficulty Can
you make your way to passport control?
weapon / wepn/ noun an object such

He made his way to the tourist infor-

mation office. 4. the distance between as a gun or sword, which you fight with
one place and another The nearest nuclear weapons The crowd used
bank is quite a long way away. Hes iron bars as weapons.
got a long way to go before he qualifies wear /we/ verb 1. to have something

as a doctor. 5. a path or road which goes such as clothes or jewellery on your

somewhere Our neighbours across body What dress are you wearing to
the way. Ill walk the first part of the the party? When last seen, he was
way home with you. 6. a particular di- wearing a blue raincoat. Shes wear-
rection from here a one-way street ing her mothers earrings. She wears
Can you tell which way the wind is her hair very short. 2. to damage some-
blowing? This way please, everybody! thing or make it thin through using it
7. a space where someone wants to be or Ive worn a hole in the heel of my sock.
which someone wants to use Get out (NOTE: wears wearing wore /w
of my way Im in a hurry. Its best to worn /w
keep out of the way of the police for a
moment. I wanted to take a short cut, wear out phrasal verb 1. to use some-
but there was a lorry in the way. thing so much that it becomes broken
and useless Walking across the USA,
way in /we n/ noun an entrance
way in

he wore out three pairs of boots. 2. to

way out /we at/ noun an exit This wear yourself out to become very tired
way out

is the way out of the car park. He through doing something She wore
couldnt find the way out in the dark. herself out looking after the old lady. Page 358 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

weather 358 welcome

weather / we/ noun conditions out- next week. I go to the cinema at least

side, e.g. if it is raining, hot, cold or sun- once a week. (NOTE: Do not confuse
ny Whats the weather going to be like with weak.)
today? If the weather gets any better, weekend /wi
k end/ noun Saturday and

then we can go out in the boat. Sunday, or the period from Friday
weave /wi
v/ verb 1. to make cloth by evening to Sunday evening Were go-

twisting fibres over and under each oth- ing to the coast for the weekend. Why
er The cloth is woven from the wool of dont you come to spend next weekend
local sheep. The new weaving ma- with us in the country? At weekends,
chines were installed last week. 2. to we try to spend time in the garden.
make something by a similar method, weekly / wi
kli/ adjective, adverb which

but using things such as very thin pieces happens or is published once a week
of wood or the dried stems of plants We have a weekly paper which tells us
She learnt how to weave baskets. (NOTE: all the local news. The weekly rate for
weaves weaving wove /wv/ the job is 250. Are you paid weekly
woven / wvn/) or monthly?
web /web/ noun 1. a net spun by spiders weigh /we/ verb 1. to measure how

The garden is full of spiders webs in heavy something or someone is Can

autumn. 2. the web the thousands of you weigh this parcel for me? They
websites and webpages within the Inter- weighed his suitcase at the check-in
net, which users can visit desk. I weighed myself this morning.
webpage / webped"/ noun a single file 2. to have a particular weight This

of text and graphics, forming part of a piece of meat weighs 100 grams. How
website much do you weigh? She only weighs
website / websat/ noun a collection of
40 kilos.
weight /wet/ noun 1. how heavy some-

pages on the Web which have been pro-

duced by one person or organisation and thing is Whats the maximum weight
are linked together of parcel the post office will accept? 2.
wedding / wed/ noun a marriage cer-
how heavy a person is His weight is
emony, when two people are officially less than it was a year ago. 3. something
made husband and wife This Saturday which is heavy If you lift heavy
Im going to John and Marys wedding. weights like paving stones, you may hurt
your back. (NOTE: Do not confuse with
wedge /wed"/ noun a solid piece of

something such as wood, metal or rub-
weird /wd/ adjective strange in a way

ber in the shape of a V Put a wedge

under the door to hold it open. that makes you feel nervous or fright-
Wednesday / wenzde/ noun the day

welcome / welkm/ verb 1. to greet


between Tuesday and Thursday, the

third day of the week She came for tea someone in a friendly way The staff
last Wednesday. Wednesdays are al- welcomed the new assistant to the office.
When we arrived at the hotel we were
ways busy days for us. Can we meet
next Wednesday afternoon? Wednes- welcomed by a couple of barking guard
day the 24th would be a good date for a dogs. 2. to be pleased to hear news I
meeting. The 15th is a Tuesday, so the warmly welcome the result of the elec-
16th must be a Wednesday. tion. I would welcome any sugges-
tions as to how to stop the water seeping
weed /wi
d/ noun a wild plant that you

into the basement. (NOTE: welcomes

do not want in a garden or crop welcoming welcomed) noun the
week /wi
k/ noun a period of seven days,

action of greeting someone There was

usually from Monday to Sunday not much of a welcome from the staff
There are 52 weeks in the year. The when we arrived at the hotel. adjec-
firm gives us two weeks holiday at tive met or greeted with pleasure They
Easter. Its my aunts 80th birthday made me very welcome. youre wel- Page 359 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

welfare 359 what

come! a reply to thank you Thanks language spoken in Wales Welsh is
for carrying the bags for me youre used in schools in many parts of Wales.
welcome! went /went/ past tense of go

welfare / welfe/ noun the act or prac- were /w, w

/ 1st person plural past of

tice of providing the things which peo- be. 2nd person plural past of be. 3rd
ple need and which help them to be person plural past of be
healthy The club looks after the wel- west /west/ noun the direction in which

fare of the old people in the town. The the sun sets The sun sets in the west
government has taken measures to re- and rises in the east. We live in a vil-
form the welfare system. lage to the west of the town. Their
well /wel/ adverb 1. in a way that is satis-

house has a garden that faces west or a

factory He doesnt speak Russian very west-facing garden. adjective in or to
well. Our business is small, but its the west She lives on the west coast of
doing well. Is the new computer work- the United States. The west part of the
ing well? 2. very much He got back town is near the river. adverb towards
from the office late well after eight the west Go west for about ten kilo-
oclock. You should go to the Tower of metres, and then youll come to the na-
London its well worth a visit. There tional park. The river flows west into
were well over sixty people at the meet- the ocean.
western / westn/ adjective from or in

ing. Shes well over eighty. adjec-

tive healthy Shes looking well after the west Great Britain is part of West-
her holiday! The secretarys not very ern Europe. The Western part of Can-
well today shes had to stay off work. ada has wonderful scenery.
It took him some weeks to get well af- wet /wet/ adjective 1. covered in water or

ter his flu. interjection used for start- other liquid She forgot her umbrella
ing a sentence Well, Ill show you and got wet walking back from the
round the house first. Well now, weve shops. The chairs all wet where he
done the washing up so we can sit and knocked over his beer. The baby is wet
watch TV. noun a very deep hole dug can you change her nappy? 2. raining
in the ground with water or oil at the The summer months are the wettest
bottom as well also When my aunt part of the year. Theres nothing I like
comes to stay she brings her two cats better than a wet Sunday in London. 3.
and the dog as well. You cant eat fish not yet dry Watch out! the paints
and chips and a meat pie as well! as still wet. (NOTE: wetter wettest)
well as in addition to Some newsa- whale /wel/ noun a very large creature

gents sell groceries as well as newspa- that lives in the sea You can take a
pers. She ate a slice of cheesecake as boat into the mouth of the river to see
well as two scoops of ice cream. well the whales.
done used for praising someone for what /wt/ adjective asking a question

their success Well done, the England What kind of music do you like? What
team! Well done to all of you who type of food does he like best? pro-
passed the exam! noun 1. the thing which Did you see
well-known /wel nn/ adjective

what was in the box? What we like to

known by a lot of people do most on holiday is just to visit old
churches. 2. asking a question Whats
well-paid /wel ped/ adjective earning

the correct time? What did he give

a good salary
you for your birthday? What hap-
Welsh /wel/ adjective relating to Wales

pened to his car? (NOTE: When what

We will be going climbing in the used to ask a direct question, the verb
Welsh mountains at Easter. noun 1. is put before the subject: Whats the
the Welsh the people of Wales The time? but not when it is used in a state-
Welsh are proud of their heritage. The ment: They dont know what the time
Welsh are magnificent singers. 2. the is.) adverb showing surprise What Page 360 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

whatever 360 whether

a huge meal! What beautiful weather! conjunction 1.
at the time that
interjection showing surprise What! When he was young, the family was liv-
did you hear what he said? I won the ing in London. When you go on holi-
lottery! What! day, leave your key with the neighbours
whatever /wt ev/ pronoun 1. it does

so they can feed the cat. Do you re-
not matter what (form of what used for member the day when we all went for a
emphasis; in questions) You can picnic in the park? Let me know when
have whatever you like for Christmas. youre ready to go. 2. after When the
She always does whatever she feels like speaker had finished, he sat down.
doing. I want that car whatever the Wash up the plates when youve finished
price. 2. used instead of what for em- your breakfast. 3. even if The sales-
phasis in questions Ive sold the car. man said the car was worth 5,000
Whatever for? Whatever made him when he really knew it was worth only
do that? Whatever does that red light half that.
whenever /wen ev/ adverb at any time


wheat /wi
t/ noun a plant of which the
that Come for tea whenever you like.
grain is used to make flour (NOTE: no We try to see my mother whenever we
plural) can or whenever possible.
where /we/ adverb 1. (asking a ques-

wheel /wi
l/ noun 1. a round object on

which a vehicle such as a bicycle, a car tion) in what place, to what place
or a train runs The front wheel and the Where did I put my glasses? Do you
back wheel of the motorbike were both know where the restaurant is? Where
damaged in the accident. We got a flat are the knives and forks? Where are
tyre so I had to get out to change the you going for your holiday? 2. in a place
wheel. 2. any similar round object in which Stay where you are and dont
which turns a steering wheel gear move. They still live in the same house
wheels verb to push something along where they were living twenty years ago.
which has wheels He wheeled his mo- Heres where the wire has been cut.
torbike into the garage. She was (NOTE: After where used to ask a direct
wheeling her bike along the pavement. question, the verb is put before the
The waiter wheeled in a sweet trolley. subject: Where is the bottle? but not
wheelbarrow / wi
lbr/ noun a
when it is used in a statement: He
large container with one wheel at the doesnt know where the bottle is.)
whereas /wer z/ conjunction if you

front and two handles, used by people

such as builders and gardeners for push- compare this with the fact that He
ing heavy loads around likes tea whereas she prefers coffee.
wheelchair / wi
lte/ noun a chair on wherever /wer ev/ adverb 1. to or in
wheelchair wherever

wheels which people who cannot walk any place You can sit wherever you
use to move around a special entrance want. Wherever we go on holiday, we
for wheelchair users never make hotel reservations. The
when /wen/ adverb at what time (asking
police want to ask her questions, wher-
a question) When is the last train for ever she may be. 2. used instead of
Paris? When did you last go to the where for emphasis Wherever did
dentist? When are we going to get you get that hat?
whether / we/ conjunction 1. used to

paid? Since when has he been wear-

ing glasses? I asked her when her mean if for showing doubt, or for
friend was leaving. (NOTE: After when showing that you have not decided
used to ask a direct question, the verb something Do you know whether
is put before the subject: When does theyre coming? I cant make up my
the film start?; When is he coming? but mind whether to go on holiday now or
not when it is used in a statement: He later. 2. used for referring to either of
doesnt know when the film starts.; two things or people All employees,
They cant tell me when he is coming.) whether managers or ordinary staff, Page 361 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

which 361 who

must take a medical test. (NOTE: Do not company produces thousands of bottles
confuse with weather.) of whisky every year. (NOTE: The plural
which /wt/ adjective, pronoun 1. (ask- is whiskies.)

ing a question) what person or thing whisper / wsp/ verb to speak very qui-

Which dress are you wearing to the etly, so that only the person you are talk-
wedding? Which boy threw that ing to can hear He whispered instruc-
stone? 2. (only used with things, not tions to the other members of the gang.
people) that The French restaurant She whispered to the nurse that she
which is next door to the office. wanted something to drink. noun a
Theyve eaten all the bread which you quiet voice, or words spoken very quiet-
bought yesterday. ly She spoke in a whisper.
while /wal/ conjunction 1. at the time

whistle / ws()l/ noun 1. a high sound


that He tried to cut my hair while he made by blowing through your lips
was watching TV. While we were on when they are almost closed She gave
holiday someone broke into our house. a whistle of surprise. We heard a
Shall I clean the kitchen while youre whistle and saw a dog running across
having a bath? 2. showing difference the field. 2. a simple instrument which
He likes meat, while his sister is a vege- makes a high sound, played by blowing
tarian. Everyone is watching TV, He blew on his whistle to stop the
while Im in the kitchen making the din- match. verb 1. to blow through your
ner. 3. although (formal ) While there lips to make a high sound They
may still be delays, the service is much marched along, whistling an Irish song.
better than it used to be. noun a short He whistled for a taxi. 2. to make a
time Its a while since Ive seen him. high sound using a small metal instru-
in a while in a short time, soon Ill ment The referee whistled to stop the
be ready in a while. match.
whine /wan/ verb 1. to make a loud high

white /wat/ adjective of a colour like


noise You can hear the engines of the snow or milk A white shirt is part of
racing cars whining in the background. the uniform. A white car will always
The dogs whined when we locked look dirty. Her hair is now completely
them up in the kitchen. 2. to complain in white. Do you take your coffee black
a loud high voice that annoys other peo- or white? noun 1. a person whose
ple Shes always whining about how skin is pale Whites are in the minority
little money she has. (NOTE: Do not con- in African countries. 2. a white part of
fuse with wine. Note also: whines something the white of an egg The
whining whined.) whites of his eyes were slightly red. 3. a
whip /wp/ noun a long, thin piece of

white wine A glass of house white,

leather with a handle, used to hit ani- please.
mals to make them do what you want white lie /wat la/ noun a lie about
white lie

The rider used her whip to make the something unimportant, especially a lie
horse run faster. verb to hit someone told in order not to upset someone
or an animal with a whip He whipped (informal )
the horse to make it go faster. (NOTE:
who /hu
/ pronoun 1. (asking a ques-

whips whipping whipped)

tion) which person or persons Who
whirl /w
l/ verb to turn round quickly

phoned? Who are you talking to?

She put on her new skirt and whirled
Who spoke at the meeting? 2. the person
around for every one to see. The chil- or the people that The men who came
drens paper windmills whirled in the yesterday morning work for the electric-
ity company. Anyone who didnt get
whiskey / wski/ noun Irish or Ameri-

tickets early wont be able to get in.

can whisky Theres the taxi driver who took us
whisky / wski/ noun an alcoholic drink,

home last night. (NOTE: After an object,

made in Scotland from barley The who can be left out: Theres the man I Page 362 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

whoever 362 will

saw at the pub. When who is used to very wide at this point. 2. including
ask a direct question, the verb is put many things The shop carries a wide
after who and before the subject: range of imported goods. She has a
Who is that man over there?, but not wide knowledge of French painting.
when it is used in a statement: I dont width adverb as far as possible, as
know who that man is over there. much as possible She opened her eyes
When who is used as an object, it is wide. The door was wide open so we
sometimes written whom /hu
m/ but just walked in.
this is formal and not common: the widely / wadli/ adverb 1. by a wide

man whom I met in the office; Whom range of people It is widely expected
do you want to see?) that he will resign. 2. over a wide area
whoever /hu
ev/ pronoun (emphatic

Contamination spread widely over the
form of who) no matter who, anyone area round the factory. She has trav-
who Whoever finds the umbrella can elled widely in Greece.
keep it. Go home with whoever you widow / wd/ noun a woman whose

like. husband has died and who has not mar-

whole /hl/ adjective all of something

ried again
She must have been hungry she ate
width /wd/ noun 1. a measurement of

a whole apple pie. We spent the whole

something from one side to another I
winter in the south. A whole lot of
need to know the width of the sofa.
people went down with flu. noun all of
The width of the garden is at least forty
something She stayed in bed the
feet or the garden is at least forty feet in
whole of Sunday morning and read the
width. 2. the distance from one side to
newspapers. The whole of the north of
another of a swimming pool She
the country was covered with snow.
swam three widths easily.
Did you watch the whole of the pro-
wife /waf/ noun a woman who is mar-

gramme? (NOTE: Do not confuse with

hole.) adverb in one piece The ried to a man I know Mr Jones quite
birds catch small fish and swallow them well but Ive never met his wife. They
whole. both came with their wives. (NOTE: The
whom /hu
m/ who
plural is wives /wavz/.)
wig /w'/ noun false hair worn on the

whose /hu
z/ pronoun 1. (asking a

question) which belongs to which per- head

wild /wald/ adjective 1. living naturally,

son Whose is that car? Whose book

is this? Whose money was stolen? 2. not with people as a pet 2. very angry or
of whom the family whose house was very excited He will be wild when he
burgled the man whose hat you bor- sees what I have done to the car. The
rowed the girl whose foot you trod on fans went wild at the end of the match.
(NOTE: Do not confuse with whos.) 3. not thinking carefully She made a
why /wa/ adverb 1. for what reason few wild guesses, but didnt find the

Why did he have to phone me in the mid- right answer. They had the wild idea
dle of the TV film? I asked the ticket of walking across the Sahara. adverb
collector why the train was late. 2. giv- without any control The crowds were
ing a reason She told me why she running wild through the centre of the
couldnt go to the party. 3. agreeing town.
with a suggestion Would you like wildlife / waldlaf/ noun birds, plants

some lunch? Why not? and animals in their natural conditions

wicked / wkd/ adjective very bad

will /wl/ modal verb 1. used to form the


What a wicked thing to say! It was future tense The party will start soon.
wicked of them to steal the birds eggs. Will they be staying a long time? We
wide /wad/ adjective 1. which measures

wont be able to come to tea. If you

from side to side The table is three ask her to play the piano, shell say
foot or three feet wide. The river is not no. 2. used as a polite way of asking Page 363 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

willing 363 winter

someone to do something Will every- waist. She wound the string into a
one please sit down? Will someone ball. (NOTE: winds winding
close the curtains? (formal) Wont wound /wand/)
you sit down? 3. used for showing that wind up phrasal verb 1. to turn a key to
you are keen to do something Dont make a machine work When did you
call a taxi Ill take you home. The wind up the clock or wind the clock up?
car will never start when we want it to. 2. to turn a key to make something go up
Dont worry I will do it. (NOTE: the
Wind up your window if it starts to
negative: will not is usually written rain. 3. to be in a situation at the end of
wont /wnt/. The past is: would,
a period (informal ) They wound up
negative: would not, usually written
owing the bank thousands of pounds.
wouldnt. Note also that will is often
window / wnd/ noun 1. an opening

shortened to ll: hell = he will) noun

1. someones desire that something will in a surface such as a wall or door,
happen against your will without which is filled with glass a seat by the
your agreement He was forced to pay window I looked out of the kitchen
the money against his will. 2. a legal window and saw a fox. Its dangerous
document by which a person gives in- to lean out of car windows. The bur-
structions about what should happen to glar must have got in through the bath-
his or her property after he or she dies room window. 2. any of several sections
He wrote his will in 1984. According of a computer screen on which informa-
to her will, all her property is left to her tion is shown Open the command win-
children. Has she made a will yet? dow to see the range of possible com-
at will whenever someone wants to mands.
windy / wndi/ adjective when a strong

Visitors can wander around the gardens

at will. wind is blowing (informal ) (NOTE:
windier windiest)
willing / wl/ adjective keen to help

wine /wan/ noun an alcoholic drink


Is there anyone who is willing to drive

the jeep? I need two willing helpers to made from grapes We had a glass of
wash the car. French red wine. Two glasses of white
wine, please. Should we have some
win /wn/ verb 1. to beat someone in a

white wine with the fish?

game, or be first in a race or competition
wing /w/ noun 1. one of the two parts

I expect our team will win tomorrow.

The local team won their match yes- of the body, which a bird or butterfly
terday. She won the race easily. 2. to etc. uses to fly The little birds were
get something as a prize She won first flapping their wings, trying to fly.
prize in the art competition. He won Which part of the chicken do you prefer:
two million pounds on the lottery. a leg or a wing? 2. one of the two flat
Shes hoping to win a new car in a com- parts sticking from the side of an air-
petition in the paper. (NOTE: wins craft, which hold the aircraft in the air
winning won /wn/) noun the act He had a seat by the wing, so could not
of winning a game, race or competition see much out of the window.
The local team has only had two wins wink /wk/ verb to shut and open one

so far this year. Were disappointed, eye quickly, as a signal She winked at
we expected a win. him to try to tell him that everything was
wind1 /wnd/ noun air moving outdoors
going well.
winner / wn/ noun 1. a person who

The wind blew two trees down in the

park. Theres no point trying to use an wins something The winner of the
umbrella in this wind. Theres not a race gets a silver cup. 2. something
breath of wind the sailing boats arent which is successful His latest book is
moving at all. a winner.
wind2 /wand/ verb to twist round and winter / wnt/ noun the coldest season
wind winter

round He wound the towel round his of the year, the season between autumn Page 364 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

wipe 364 woman

and spring Its too cold to do any gar- hands were blue with cold. Half the
dening in the winter. Were taking a people in the office are ill with flu.
winter holiday in Mexico. within /w n/ preposition inside an

wipe /wap/ verb to clean or dry some-


area or period of time The house is

thing with a cloth Wipe your shoes within easy reach of the station. We
with a cloth before you polish them. are within walking distance of the shop.
Use the blue towel to wipe your hands. I must go back for a another check
wire / wa/ noun 1. a thin piece of metal
within three months. They promised to
or metal thread He used bits of wire to deliver the sofa within a week.
attach the apple tree to the wall. The without /w at/ preposition 1. not

chip basket is made of woven wire. 2. with They came on a walking holiday
(electric) wire thin metal thread along without any boots. She managed to
which electricity flows, usually covered live for a few days without any food.
with coloured plastic The wires seem He was stuck in Germany without any
to be all right, so there must be a prob- money. They were fined for travelling
lem with the computer itself. without tickets. 2. not doing something
wisdom / wzdm/ noun general com- She sang for an hour without stop-

mon sense and the ability to make good ping. They lived in the hut in the forest
decisions without seeing anybody for weeks.
wise /waz/ adjective having intelligence witness / wtns/ noun 1. a person who

and being sensible It was a wise deci- sees something happen or who is
sion to cancel the trip. I dont think present when something happens The
its wise to keep all that money in the witness happened to be outside the
house. house when it was burgled. 2. a person
wish /w/ noun 1. what you want to hap-
who is present when someone signs a
pen 2. a greeting Best wishes for the document The contract has to be
New Year! Please give my good wish- signed in front of two witnesses. His
es to your family. (NOTE: The plural is sister signed as a witness. verb to be
wishes.) verb 1. to want something present when something happens, and
to happen She sometimes wished she see it happening Did anyone witness
could live in the country. I wish you the accident?
witty / wti/ adjective clever and funny

wouldnt be so unkind! 2. to hope some-

thing good will happen She wished She gave a witty and entertaining
him good luck in his interview. He speech. (NOTE: wittier wittiest)
wished me a Happy New Year. Wish wives /wavz/ plural of wife

me luck its my exam tomorrow. wobble / wb()l/ verb to move from


witch /wt/ noun a woman believed to


side to side in a way that is not smooth

have magic powers (NOTE: The plural is or steady The children made the jelly
witches.) wobble in their bowls. Dont wobble
with /w, w/ preposition 1. showing

the table when Im pouring coffee.

that things or people are together She woke /wk/ past tense of wake

came here with her mother. My sister

woken / wk()n/ past participle of

is staying with us for a few days. (NOTE:

with is used with many adjectives and
wolf /wlf/ noun a wild animal like a

verbs: to agree with, to be pleased

with.) 2. something which you have large dog, which usually lives in groups
The girl with fair hair. They live in the in the forest At night the wolves came
house with the pink door. 3. showing and howled outside the hut. (NOTE: The
something which is used He was plural is wolves.)
woman / wmn/ noun an adult female

chopping up wood with an axe. Since

his accident he walks with a stick. The person The manager is an extremely
crowd attacked the police with stones experienced woman. There are very
and bottles. 4. because of Her little few women in government. There are Page 365 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

won 365 work

more and more women bus drivers. promise which you have made to give
(NOTE: The plural is women / wmn/.) your word to promise He gave his
won /wn/ past tense and past participle
word that the matter would remain con-
of win fidential. to keep your word to do
what you promised to do He kept his
wonder / wnd/ verb 1. to want to

word, and the cheque arrived the next

know something I wonder why the day. to take someones word for it to
room has gone quiet. If you dont ring accept what someone says as being true
home, your parents will start wondering OK, Ill take your word for it. to
what has happened. 2. to think about have a word with someone to speak
something I wonder how I can earn to someone I must have a word with
more money. Hes wondering what to the manager about the service. The
do next. 3. asking a question politely salesgirl had made so many mistakes, I
We were wondering if you would like to had to have a word with her. without
come for dinner on Saturday. a word without saying anything She
wonderful / wndf()l/ adjective ex-

went out of the room without a word.

tremely good or enjoyable They had a word for word exactly as it is said or
wonderful holiday by a lake in Sweden. written Tell me what he said word for
The weather was wonderful for the word. A word-for-word translation of-
whole holiday. You passed your driv- ten doesnt make any sense.
ing test first time? Wonderful! word processing /w
d prses/
word processing

wood /wd/ noun 1. a hard material


noun using a computer to produce,

which comes from a tree The kitchen check and change texts, reports and let-
table is made of wood. She picked up ters etc.
a piece of wood and put it on the fire.
word processor /w
d prses/
word processor

A wood floor would be just right for this

noun 1. a small computer which is used
room. (NOTE: no plural: some wood, a
to produce texts, reports and letters etc.
piece of wood) 2. an area in which
She offered to write the letter for me
many trees are growing together The
on her word processor. You can use
path goes straight through the wood.
my word processor to type your letter if
Their house is on the edge of a wood.
you like. 2. a word-processing program
(NOTE: The plural is woods. Do not
which allows you to create texts, edit
confuse with would.)
them and print them
wooden / wd()n/ adjective made out

wore /w
/ past tense of wear

of wood In the market we bought little

work /w
k/ noun 1. things that you do

wooden dolls for the children.

wool /wl/ noun 1. long threads of twist-
using your strength or your brain
ed animal hair, used to make clothes or Theres a great deal of work still to be
carpets etc. The carpet is made of done on the project. Theres too much
wool. I need an extra ball of wool to work for one person. If youve fin-
finish this pullover. 2. the hair growing ished that piece of work, theres plenty
on a sheep The sheep are sheared and more to be done. Cooking for two
the wool sent to market in early summer. hundred people every day is hard work.
2. a job done regularly to earn money
woolly / wli/ adjective made out of

He goes to work every day on his bicy-

wool She wore a woolly hat. cle. Work starts at 9 a.m. and finishes
word /w
d/ noun 1. a separate piece of

at 5 p.m. Her work involves a lot of

language, either written or spoken travelling. He is still looking for work.
This sentence has five words. He al- 3. something which has been made,
ways spells some words wrongly, such painted or written by someone the
as though. 2. something spoken She complete works of Shakespeare An
passed me in the street but didnt say a exhibition of the work of local artists.
word. Id like to say a few words about verb 1. to use your strength or brain to
Mr Smith who is retiring today. 3. a do something I cant work in the gar- Page 366 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

worker 366 worse

den if its raining. Hes working well works

works plural noun 1. the moving parts of

at school, were very pleased with his a machine I looked inside the clock
progress. Work hard and youll soon and there seems to be dust in the works.
get a better job. 2. to have a job She 2. a factory The steel works will be
works in an office in London. He used closed next week for the Christmas hol-
to work in his fathers shop. She had idays. the works everything
to stop working when her mother was (informal ) They built a conservatory
ill. 3. (of a machine) to run The com- with a fountain, automatic lighting, a
puters arent working. The machine barbecue the works!
works by electricity. 4. to make a ma-
workshop / w
kp/ noun a very

chine run She works the biggest print- small factory where things are made or
ing machine in the factory. Do you repaired
know how to work the microwave? 5. to
world /w
ld/ noun the earth on which

be successful His plan worked well.

Will the plan work? If the cough med- we live Here is a map of the world.
icine doesnt work, youll have to see a She flew round the world twice last year.
doctor. He has to travel all over the world on
business. A round-the-world ticket al-
work out phrasal verb 1. to solve a
lows several stopovers.
problem by looking at information or
worm /w
m/ noun a small thin animal

calculating figures Im trying to work

out if weve sold more this year than which has no arms or legs and lives in
last. to work out at something to the soil Birds were pecking at the soil
amount to an amount The total works for worms.
worn /w
n/ past participle of wear

out at 10.50 per person. 2. to succeed

Everything worked out quite well in worn out /w
n at/ adjective very
worn out

the end. to work something out to tired He was worn out after the game
find a successful way of solving a prob- of rugby. She comes home every
lem 3. to do exercises He works out evening, worn out after a busy day at the
every morning in the gym. office.
worker / w
k/ noun 1. a person who

worried / wrid/ adjective unhappy be-


works Shes a good worker. Hes a cause you think something bad will hap-
fast worker. 2. a person who works in a pen or because something bad has hap-
particular job The factory closed pened He had a worried look on his
when the workers went on strike. Of- face. Shes looking worried. Im
fice workers usually work from 9.30 to worried that we may run out of petrol.
worry / wri/ verb to make someone feel

working / w
k/ adjective relating to a

anxious Shes always looks so tired,

job or to work the working population and that worries me. (NOTE: worries
of a country The unions have com- worrying worried) noun 1. some-
plained about working conditions in the thing that makes you anxious Go on
factory. He came to the party in his holiday and try to forget your worries.
working clothes. noun a way or ways (NOTE: The plural is worries.) 2. the
in which something works The work- state of being anxious She is a great
ings of a car engine are a complete mys- source of worry for her family. (NOTE:
tery to him. I wish I could understand no plural)
the workings of local government!
worse /w
s/ adjective 1. less good than

working class /w

k kl
s/ noun a
working class

something else It rained for the first

group in society consisting of people week of our holidays, and the second
who work with their hands, usually week was even worse. I think this film
earning wages not salaries is worse than the one I saw last week.
workman / w
kmn/ noun a man who

Both children are naughty but the little

works with his hands (NOTE: The plural girl is worse than her brother. 2. more ill
is workmen.) Hes much worse since he started tak- Page 367 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

worship 367 wrestle

ing his medicine. adverb not as well would often bring us flowers. 5. used
He drives badly enough but his sister following a condition Im sure that if
drives even worse. they could come, they would. I
worship / w
p/ verb 1. to praise and
wouldve done it if you had asked me to.
If she were alive, she would or shed
respect God The ancient peoples wor-
shipped stone statues of their gods. 2. to be a hundred years old today. If it
take part in a church service They snowed we would or wed go skiing.
worship regularly in the local church. (NOTE: The negative would not is usu-
(NOTE: worships worshipping ally written wouldnt. Note also that
worshipped) would is often shortened to d shed be
a hundred, hed stay at home. Note
worst /w
st/ adjective worse than any-

also that would is only used with other

thing else I think this is the worst film verbs and is not followed by to)
hes ever made. adverb less well than
would rather phrasal verb to prefer
anything or anyone else or than at any
wound1 /wu
nd/ noun a cut made on

other time Its difficult to say which

team played worst. She works worst someones body, usually in fighting
when shes tired. noun a very bad verb 1. to hurt someone badly by cutting
thing This summer is the worst for fif- into their flesh Two of the gang were
ty years. wounded in the bank robbery. 2. to hurt
someones feelings She was deeply
worth /w
/ adjective 1. to be worth

wounded by what he said.

to have a certain value or price This
wound2 /wand/ past tense and past par-

rings worth a lot of money. Gold is

ticiple of wind
worth more than silver. The house is
worth more than 250,000. 2. to be wove /wv/ past tense of weave

worth doing something to find some- woven / wv()n/ past participle of


thing good or helpful to do Its worth weave

taking a map with you, as you may get wrap /rp/ verb to cover something by

lost in the little streets. His latest film putting something over it She
is well worth seeing. The old castle is wrapped the parcel in paper. (NOTE:
well worth visiting or is well worth a wraps -wrapping wrapped) noun
visit. noun a value Its worth will in- 1. a type of shawl that is put round the
crease each year. She lost jewellery of shoulders or the top part of the body
great worth in the fire. Can you give She pulled her wrap closer around her.
me twenty pounds worth of petrol? 2. a piece of material used to cover
would /wd/ modal verb 1. used as a po-

something Remove the wrap before

lite way of asking someone to do some- putting the dish in the microwave.
thing Would you please stop talking? wrapping / rp/ noun the paper or

Would someone please tell me where plastic used to wrap something up

the library is? Would you like some
wreck /rek/ noun 1. a ship which has

more tea? 2. used as the past of will

He said he would be here for lunch. been sunk or badly damaged Divers
She hoped she would be well enough to have discovered the wreck on the sea-
come. He wouldnt go even if I paid bed. The wreck of the Mary Rose
him. 3. used as the past of will, show- was found in the sea near Southampton.
ing something which often happens 2. anything which has been damaged
He would bring his dog with him, even and cannot be used The police towed
though we asked him not to. My hus- away the wreck of the car. Their house
band forgot my birthday again this year is now a total wreck. verb to damage
he would! 4. used for showing some- something very badly The ship was
thing which often happened in the past wrecked on the rocks in the storm. The
Every morning she would go and feed bank was wrecked by the explosion.
wrestle / res()l/ verb to fight with

the chickens. He would always be

there waiting outside the station. They someone to try to throw him to the Page 368 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

wriggle 368 wrung

ground The Presidents guards wres- something
tled with the demonstrators. writer / rat/ noun a person who writes

wriggle / r'()l/ verb to twist from side


books or articles
to side The baby wriggled in her fa- writing / rat/ noun something which

thers arms. The worm wriggled back is written Please dont phone, reply in
into the soil. writing. Put everything in writing,
wring /r/ verb to twist something, espe-

then you have a record of what has been

cially to get water out of it Wring the done.
face cloth (dry) after you have used it. written1 / rt()n/ adjective which has

He wrung out his shirt before putting it been put in writing

to dry. (NOTE: wrings wringing written2 / rt()n/ past participle of

wrung /r/)
wrinkle / rkl/ noun a fold in the skin

wrong /r/ adjective 1. not correct


She had an operation to remove wrin-
He gave three wrong answers and failed
kles round her eyes. the test. Thats not the right time, is it?
wrinkled / rkld/ adjective full of

No, the clock is wrong. Youve come

lines or creases to the wrong house theres no one
wrist /rst/ noun the joint between the called Jones living here. I must have

arm and the hand pressed the wrong button. 2. not suitable
write /rat/ verb 1. to put words or num-
You came just at the wrong time, when
bers on paper etc. using a pen, pencil, we were bathing the children. She was
computer etc. She wrote the address wearing the wrong sort of dress for a
on the back of an envelope. Write the wedding. 3. not working properly
reference number at the top of the letter. There is something wrong with the tele-
2. to write a letter and send it to some- vision. 4. morally bad Its wrong to
one She writes to me twice a week. talk like that about her. Cheating in
Dont forget to write as soon as you get exams is wrong. 5. making someone
to your hotel. 3. to be the author of a worried adverb badly Everything
book or music etc. He wrote a book on went wrong yesterday. She spelt my
keeping tropical fish. Didnt you know name wrong.
wrongly / rli/ adverb not correctly

she used to write for the Sunday

Times? (NOTE: writes writing wrote /rt/ past tense of write

wrote /rt/ written / rt()n/) wrung /r/ past tense and past participle

write down phrasal verb to write of wring Page 369 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

x /eks/, X noun the twenty-fourth letter of when you are tired or bored He went

the alphabet, between W and Y sym- on speaking for so long that half the
bol 1. a multiplication sign 3 x 3 = 9. people at the meeting started yawning
(NOTE: say three times three equals or started to yawn.
nine) 2. showing size The table top is yeah /je/ interjection yes

24 x 36cm. (NOTE: say twenty-four by

year /j/ noun 1. a period of time lasting

thirty-six centimetres)
X /eks/ noun the Roman numeral for ten
twelve months, from January 1st to De-
or tenth cember 31st Columbus discovered
America in the year 1492. Great cele-
X-ray / eks re/ noun 1. a type of radia-

brations which took place in the year

tion that doctors use for taking photo- 2000. Last year we did not have any
graphs of the inside of your body The holiday. Next year shes going on hol-
X-ray examination showed the key was iday in Australia. The weather was
inside the babys stomach. The X-ray very bad for most of the year. all year
department is closed for lunch. 2. a pho-
round working or open for the whole
tograph taken with X-rays The X-ray
year The museum is open all year
showed that the bone was broken in two
round. 2. a period of twelve months
places. They will take an X-ray of his
leg. She was sent to hospital for an X- from a particular time We spent five
ray. verb to take an X-ray photograph years in Hong Kong. He died two hun-
of someone There are six patients dred years ago today. Shell be eleven
waiting to be X-rayed. They X-rayed years old tomorrow. How many years
my leg to see if it was broken. have you been working for the compa-
y /wa/, Y noun the twenty-fifth letter of

yell /jel/ verb to shout very loudly The


the alphabet, between X and Z

yacht /jt/ noun 1. a sailing boat used for
policeman yelled to her to get out of the
pleasure and sport 2. a large comforta- way.
yellow / jel/ adjective of a colour like

ble boat with a motor She spent her

holiday on a yacht in the Mediterrane- that of the sun or of gold His new car
an. is bright yellow. Shes wearing yellow
yard /j
d/ noun 1. a measurement of sandals. At this time of year the fields

length, equal to 0.914 metres The po- are full of yellow flowers. noun the
lice station is only yards away from colour of the sun or gold Do you have
where the fight took place. Can you any hats of a lighter yellow than this
move your car a couple of yards as it is one?
blocking the entrance to our garage? 2. yes /jes/ adverb a word showing that you

an area of concrete at the back or side of agree with someone, accept something,
a house We keep our bikes in the yard. or give permission for something
yarn /j
n/ noun a long piece of wool

They asked her if she wanted to come

used in knitting or weaving She sells and she said yes. Anyone want more
yarn from the wool of her sheep. coffee? Yes, please. You dont like
yawn /j
n/ verb to open your mouth living in London? Yes I do! Didnt

wide and breathe in and out deeply you work in Scotland at one time? Yes, Page 370 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM

yesterday 370 zoom

I did. I need a clear answer is it your /j
/ adjective belonging to you I

yes or no? hope you didnt forget to bring your

yesterday / jestde/ adverb, noun the

toothbrush. This letter is for your

day before today Yesterday was brother.
March 1st so today must be the 2nd. yours /j
z/ pronoun belonging to you

She came to see us yesterday evening. This is my car wheres yours? My

yet /jet/ adverb now, before now, or until

cars in the garage, can I borrow yours?

now Has the manager arrived yet? yourself /j self/ pronoun relating to

I havent seen her yet this morning. you as a subject Why do you wash
Dont throw the newspaper away I ha- the car yourself, when you could easily
vent read it yet. conjunction however take it to the car wash? Watch out for
Hes very small and yet he can kick a the broken glass you might hurt your-
ball a long way. It was starting to self. I hope you are all going to enjoy
snow, and yet he went out without a yourselves. (NOTE: The plural is your-
coat. selves.)
yield /ji
ld/ noun the quantity of a crop or youth /ju
/ noun 1. a young man
yield youth

a product produced from a plant or from Gangs of youths were causing trouble in
an area of land What is the normal the village. A youth, aged 16, was ar-
yield per hectare? verb 1. to produce rested for possessing drugs. 2. a period
a result Their researches finally yield- when you are young, especially the time
ed the information they were looking for. between being a child and being an
2. to produce a crop or a product This adult In his youth he was a great trav-
variety of rice can yield up to 2 tonnes eller. I havent done that since the
per hectare. The North Sea oil depos- days of my youth!
its yield 100,000 barrels a month. 3. to z /zed/, Z noun US the last and twenty-

do or agree to do something that you sixth letter of the alphabet

have been trying not to do
zap /zp/ verb (informal ) 1. to hit or kill

yolk /jk/ noun the yellow part inside an


someone 2. to shut down the television

egg using the remote control (NOTE: zaps
you /j, ju
/ pronoun 1. referring to

zapping zapped)
someone being spoken to Are you zero / zr/ noun 1. the number 0 To

ready? You look tired, you should rest make an international call you dial zero
a bit. If I give you my address will you zero (00), followed by the number of the
give me yours? Hello, how are you? country. 2. the temperature at which wa-
Are you both keeping well? 2. referring ter freezes The temperature stayed be-
to anyone You never know when you low zero for days. 3. nothing at all
might need a penknife. You have to be They lost ten zero. (NOTE: The plural is
very tall to be a policeman. (NOTE: You zeros.)
is both singular and plural.)
zigzag / z'z'/ adjective used to de-

young /j/ adjective not old


Shes scribe a line which turns one way, then

very young, shes only six. He became the opposite way There are zigzag
Prime Minister when he was still a lines painted at pedestrian crossings to
young man. My little brothers much show that cars must not stop there.
younger than me or than I am. In the
zone /zn/ noun an area Police cars

afternoon there are TV programmes for

very young children. This is where are patrolling the inner city zones.
zoo /zu
/ noun a place where wild ani-

your Daddy lived when he was young.

noun young animals or birds Animals mals are kept, and where people can go
fight to protect their young. to see them
youngster / jst/ noun a young per- zoom /zu
m/ verb to go very fast Cars
youngster zoom

son My grandparents dont under- were zooming past me on the motorway.

stand todays youngsters.
Irregular Verbs
Verb Past tense Past participle
arise arose arisen
awake awoke awoken
be was, were been
bear bore borne
beat beat beaten
become became become
begin began begun
bend bent bent
bet bet bet
bid bid bid
bind bound bound
bite bit bitten
bleed bled bled
blow blew blown
break broke broken
breed bred bred
bring brought brought
broadcast broadcast broadcast
build built built
burn burnt, burned burnt, burned
burst burst burst
buy bought bought
cast cast cast
catch caught caught
choose chose chosen
come came come
cost cost cost
creep crept crept
cut cut cut
deal dealt dealt
dig dug dug
do did done
draw drew drawn
dream dreamed, dreamt dreamed, dreamt
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
feed fed fed
feel felt felt
fight fought fought
find found found
flee fled fled
fling flung flung
fly flew flown
forbid forbade forbidden
forecast forecast forecast
forget forgot forgotten
forgive forgave forgiven
freeze froze frozen
get got got, (US) gotten
give gave given
go went gone
grind ground ground
grow grew grown
hang hung hung
have had had
hear heard heard
Irregular Verbs
Verb Past tense Past participle
hide hid hidden
hit hit hit
hold held held
hurt hurt hurt
keep kept kept
kneel knelt, kneeled knelt, kneeled
knit knit, knitted knit, knitted
know knew known
lay laid laid
lead led led
lean leant, leaned leant, leaned
leap leapt, leaped leapt, leaped
learn learnt, learned learnt, learned
leave left left
lend lent lent
let let let
lie lay lain
light lit lit
lose lost lost
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
mistake mistook mistaken
overcome overcame overcome
overhear overheard overheard
overtake overtook overtaken
pay paid paid
put put put
quit quit quit
read read read
ride rode ridden
ring rang rung
rise rose risen
run ran run
saw sawed sawn
say said said
see saw seen
seek sought sought
sell sold sold
send sent sent
set set set
sew sewed sewed, sewn
shake shook shaken
shed shed shed
shine shone shone
shoot shot shot
show showed shown
shrink shrank shrunk
shut shut shut
sing sang sung
sink sank sunk
sit sat sat
sleep slept slept
slide slid slid
smell smelt, smelled smelt, smelled
sow sowed sown
speak spoke spoken
speed sped sped
Irregular Verbs
Verb Past tense Past participle
spell spelt, spelled spelt, spelled
spend spent spent
spill spilt, spilled spilt, spilled
spin span spun
split split split
spoil spoilt, spoiled spoilt, spoiled
spread spread spread
spring sprang sprung
stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
stick stuck stuck
sting stung stung
stink stank stunk
stride strode strode
strike struck struck
strive strove striven
swear swore sworn
sweep swept swept
swell swelled swelled, swollen
swim swam swum
swing swung swung
take took taken
teach taught taught
tear tore torn
tell told told
think thought thought
throw threw thrown
thrust thrust thrust
tread trod trodden
understand understood understood
undo undid undone
upset upset upset
wake woke woken
wear wore worn
weave wove woven
win won won
wind wound wound
wring wrung wrung
write wrote written Page 1 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:18 PM Page 1 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:18 PM

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