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About Vriddha Vasishta Siddhanta

[Written by Sreenadh OG & Veneet Kumar]

Certainly there lived many Vasishtas - evident from the fact that we have many Samhita
texts such as multiple Vasishta Samhitas, Vriddha Vasishta Samhita and Jagan Mohana
ascribed to Vasishta. The same is the case with Siddhantas - Vasishta Siddhanta and
Vriddha Vasishta Siddhanta are known. The same could be the case with Hora text
ascribed to Vasishta as well. The Vasishta Siddhantas known to me are
1) Ancient Vasishta Siddhanta referenced by Mihira: Varaha Mihira in Pancha
Siddhantika refers to Vasishta Siddhanta and some portion of Pancha siddhantika
are based on this text. (This text is unavailable)
2) A text named Vriddha Vasishta Siddhanta is available. RN Rai dates this text to a
period around 9th century AD. (The article in which he does the same is attached
along with). David Pingree refers to this text in his compilation : "A descriptive
catalogue of the Sanskrit astronomical manuscripts preserved at the Maharaja
Man Singh II Museum in Jaipur, India", Page number 16. Available in Google
Books at:
=gbs_atb#v=onepage&q&f=false) (This text is available)
This write-up is about the second text in the above list, i.e. Vriddha Vasishta
Siddhanta. This text is also known by the name Viswa Prakasa and is written in the
form of a dialogue between Sage Vasishta and Vamadeva. Vriddha Vasishta is a
laterday sage in the lineage of Vasishta. This text certainly provides many quotable
quotes. Let me quote some beginning quotes from this text.


[Salutations to Vishnu, who is of the form of consciousness, who is supreme, who is
the supreme soul, who is the object of the meditation of yogis, who is peaceful and
who is of the form of time]

) *+, *-.
*/. 0 1232 
[In Naiminisharanya, the land of gods, the great brahmana named Vamadeva, after
greeting (the great sage) Vasishtha, who was seated comfortably, asked (the

+ 456   789 6 ! 4

5 :4- 
* !  +3 
[O teacher! O the knower of dharma! O the one with a peaceful soul! O the knower of
past, present and future! O the ocean of mercy! O sage! All the shastras have been
studied by me by your grace]

58  9 8
1< 8 ( 8 

  ==& 9. 23  4 
[All those shastras appear useless to me without the Jyotisha, the eye of the Veda.
Therefore, grant me (the knowledge) of Jyotisha shastra]

*/ >

* 4+ * 4+ ? (   .
. 0 123*

  < 6 .   ? A5 
[Vasishtha said: O greatly fortunate one! Excellent is the question which you are
asking me. I shall tell this knowledge in detail, as I heard (it) from Brahma]
This quote shows that Jyotish is taught by Brahma to Vasishta. There might be Hora
and Samhita texts as well ascribed to this tradition. Here the discussion is about
Siddhanta Skandha (astronomical mathematics) taught by Brahma to sage Vasishta.

=& 9. *. < +C&

5( 5D 

F H < 58,+ <5 2 6 
[Earlier lord Brahma, after learning it entirely from the First Purusha, Hiranya-
Garbha and upon being requested by the groups of sages, created the Jyotisha shastra]

2!. *+*. 1! !

+ +5I  .
J . ?0
! . 5. 6 +&7 
[This is that shastra, which is crystal clear, is comprised of a collection of tender
padas (shlokas), is a secret and is of the nature of the knowledge of Adhyatma
(spirituality), and is eternal. It is (also called) Vishwa-Prakasha (the light on the
world or the light on everything), and is the blameless eyes of those who know the
movements of planets (to avail knowledge about past-present-future)]

3!& !K L! 9. 
M. N & - =.  
 . +Q. CQ.
! .  ?+   R &8 
[Prosody or Chanda shastra are the feet, Grammar is the mouth, Kalpa Shastra are the
hands, Jyotisha are the two eyes, Shiksha is the nose, Nirukta (etymology) are the
ears. These are the six limbs of the Vedas]

! +& "  9 A 4  .+  $  

+5 & 0 E
5 E5& +
5?S& +C  ".A9 
[Since Jyotishsastra is the eyes of the Vedas, it is the most important of all the limbs
of the Vedas. A man, who possesses all other limbs in his body, but is deprived of
eyes, is nothing]
Eyes are one of the most important limbs; and so is the case of Jyotishastra among the
limbs of Vedas.

+" <F +&

1% &     
 Q &
 9 !+  A "  U4
! .+V
& *W. 10 

[The Vedas were created for performing Yajnas. Those Yajnas are said to dependent
on time. From this shastra (Jyotisha), the knowledge of time comes. Therefore, the
supremacy of Jyotisha amongst the limbs of the Vedas is established]
Use of astrologia and especially astrological mathematics in Calendar and Ephemeris
(Panchanga) calculations is emphasized here. From the Vedic perspective astrologia
is Kalavidhana sastra (the science of time measurement) and Calendar calculations
are given maximum importance.

'X. H
 =& 9. +:D ?.
*Z [  !<F 4F . \11 
[Therefore (i.e. since Jyotish sastra is useful in timing of Yajnas in proper muhurtas)
Jyotish sastra, which is meritorious and secret, should be studied by the Brahmins.
After knowing it properly, one obtains wealth, dharma, moksha as well as fame]

=\. ,
! ., "
JD  8` &  "! ? & (+
[After creating the Jyotisha-chakra for 17064000 years, the planets positioned in the
beginning of Aries were put into a non-ending circular motion by Lord Brahma]
17,064,000 years is the period of divine activity. Srya-Siddhnta. Chapter 1, verse
24 reads: 47,400 divine years passed while the God Brahm was employed in
creating animate and inanimate things, planets, stars, gods, demons, and the rest.'
Since one divine year equals 360 solar years, 47,400 divine years are equal to
17,064,000 solar years. In other words, the present kalpa on earth began with a period
of divine activity lasting 17,064,000 years, and only then did the period of 'cosmic
evolution' begin. Thus the above sloka states that at the beginning of Kalpa (at the
beginning of creation) all planets were at the beginning of Aries.

?UW ( b$ -.
 *, *  ,c &  . E
"5 !.13 
[The bha-chakra is moved by the force of gravitation (dragged by the flow of Vayu
named Pravaha) from west (towards the east). Because of this (force) it rotates
quickly, even though planets are present in it. The planets moves towards the east
with (their respective) speeds]
The 1st line of this sloka seems to be missing 2 letters.

*1R !K 4++M "! ( +? \  !K

 "! + !K ,c \ <  1!  &
+ 14
[In the beginning of creation, the Tithi was Madhu (Chaitra) Shukla Pratipada (i.e.
first day of bright fortnight in the month of Chaitra). At that time Sun and other
planets were at the beginning of Aries. In the beginning of a yuga, the planets are at
the beginning of Aries. Therefore, the Mridu-Patas(nodes of the Moon, Rahu and
Ketu) are placed at a different position (i.e. at a position different from the beginning
of Aries.)]
Please note that at the beginning of creation all the planets were at the beginning of
Aries. Moon too was at the beginning of Aries evident from the fact that it was a

Sukla Pratipada Tithi, Moon placed very near to Sun which is in Aries. Rahu and
Ketu are thought to be placed in the line bisecting the zodiac i.e. the line joining the
joint of Cancer-Leo and Capricorn-Aquarius. The equinoxes are thought to be placed
along Rohini-Mula axis with vernal equinox in the Nakshatra of Brahma (Nakshatra
of Brahma) i.e. Rohini and Autumnal equinox in Mula Nakshatra. Automnal
equinox in 0 deg Mula Nakshatra and Vernal equinox in 16 deg 40 min of Taurus
Sign. (i.e. Middle of Rohini Nakshatra)

Interesting are the subject dealt within this text and it seems to borrow much info
from Surya Siddhanta. .
- 000

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