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Standing Rock Isnt Over!

A federal judge in Mid-June over-ruled Trumps could be forthcoming within a
decision to skip the Environmental Impact month or two. In the meantime, it
Statement previously required of the Army Corp of is important to understand that
Engineers. The illegalities the judge discussed in NEPA, at the end of the day,
his 91 page ruling stem from the National does not require the government
Environmental Policy Act. NEPA is a law that to make the most
requires federal agencies to prepare full environmentally-protective
environmental impact statements (EIS) for federal decision. It prohibits uninformed
projects that have significant environmental decision-making but doesnt
impacts. prohibit actions that carry risk.
The core of the Tribes lawsuit was that the Ultimately, the Tribes
pipelines crossing at Lake Oahe on the Missouri challenge is to push for the
River was significant enough to require an EIS, pipeline to be shut down, a full
dismissed by the the Trump administration. It and fair environmental review,
reversed the Obama administrations decision in and a new permit decision that
December to prepare an EIS, dismissing the risks respects the Tribe and its treaty
of an oil spill and the consequences that could rights, and prohibits the pipeline
have for the Tribe and its rights. company from putting all of the
risk of this dirty and dangerous
The Court held that the Corps in its project on Native people. The
compliance to Trumps wishes - failed to fight continues and all of us are asked to take Two Rivers Camp Trans Pecos Pipeline, TX --
addressor even mentionsignificant expert part. The Society of Native Nations launched the Two
criticism of the oil spill risk review of the Corps. Rivers Camp at the end of Dec. 2016 to fight
Jan Hasselman- Earthjustice
The Court found as well that the Corps never Energy Transfer Partners Trans Pecos Pipeline
adequately considered the impacts of an oil spill Power to the Peeps - Resistance to the Pipes which would transport fracked gas from Texas
on the Tribe's treaty rights, which includes In the past year at least seven new oil and gas shale fields, through the beautiful Big Bend region,
protecting the Tribes right to hunt and fish on pipelines have been defeated. Many of these to Mexico where it would be exported on the
tribal lands. The Court found as well that the pipelines were defeated when, seeing the massive international market. The camp, which includes
Corps environmental justice analysis was resistance at Standing Rock, companies simply support from the Jumano, Apache and Conchos
unlawful because it adopted a half mile buer to withdrew their applications citing market forces. People, has engaged in a series of successful
assess oil spill risks, when studies have shown What is left unsaid in the corporate press releases actions to disrupt construction of the pipeline.
that, on a river like the Missouri, oil spills could is that our resistance to new energy infrastructure Sabal Trail Resistance Sabal Trail Pipeline,
reach far beyond a half mile. The Standing Rock is now a major market force. In addition to these FL The 500 MILES, Alabama to Southern Florida
reservation lies a tad over half a mile (0.55 of a victories, the past couple years have seen pipeline has seen strong resistance from members
mile!!!) from the pipeline. communities up and down the west coast defeat of the Seminole tribe as well as multiple acts of
seven out of eight proposed coal export terminals civil disobedience, including a mass action in
The Court did not explicitly direct the Corps to
and four proposed oil export terminals aimed at January in which 1000 people gathered to shut
perform an EIS, which means that the agency
shipping Bakken crude from North Dakota to down pipeline construction under the Suwannee
could simply revise or update its environmental
international markets. residents and environmentalists living along the
review and again conclude that no EIS is required.
It is important to understand that the fossil fuel route. River. Also just last week a lone pipeline
If that happens, additional legal challenges are
industry needs these new infrastructure projects in resister was killed by police after fleeing the scene
likely. The Tribe believes this court decision
order to expand. Without them they cannot. While of an eective sabotage action against the
should trigger a full EIS, including consideration
it should have been clear under the Obama pipeline. Folks in Dunellon, FL have opened up the
of route alternatives, just as the Obama
administration that the US government was never Water is Life campaign house to serve as a base
administration proposed in December. The Court
going to commit to any meaningful greenhouse for anti-pipeline organizing.
has thus left open the question of the pipelines
fate while this review process goes forward. gas reductions (the US became the #1 producer of Arkansas Rising Diamond Pipeline --
Normally, when a permit is issued in violation of oil and gas in the world on Obamas watch), Arkansas Rising has shut down pipeline
the National Environmental Policy Act, the nobody is under any illusion of the government construction with direct actions and most recently
appropriate remedy is to vacate that permit reigning in emissions under the Trump regime. It is blockaded the West Memphis oil refinery that
i.e., make it invalid in the eyes of the law. That plain to see that our only hope in defeating the would receive the oil.
would have the eect of forcing the pipeline fossil fuel industry will not be through government Split Rock Sweetwater Prayer Camp Pilgrim
company to shut down the pipeline while the action, but concerted direct action campaigns Pipeline, NJ -- Members of the
review is conducted. However, the Court against these fossil fuel projects. Ramapough-Lunaape Tribe have set up a prayer
acknowledged that sometimes permits can be Standing Rock was not the beginning, camp in the path of the aptly named Pilgrim
left in place during this periodmeaning the Pipeline. In addition to their encampment, tribal
pipeline can continue to operate while the review and it is certainly not the end. members recently finished an eight day prayer
was underway. While a global divestment campaign has been walk to draw attention to the pipeline.
hitting banks with occupations and blockades, Mountain Valley Pipeline WV, VA -- . Most
The Tribes position is clear. Until there has been
and withdrawing billions of dollars from these recently activists organized a direct action training
a thorough analysis of the risks and
fossil fuel funders; a wave of direct action attended by over 100 people including many
consequences of operating this pipelineone that
encampments have blossomed in the paths of landowners living on the path of this fracked gas
actually meets the standards imposed by the
destructive infrastructure projects across Turtle pipeline. Activists have tentative plans for a week
lawthe pipeline should not be operating. That
Island: long action camp in June to continue building the
case will be made by the Tribe and a decision
resistance. Standing Rock continues on page 11

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