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BIOCENTRIC OR BUST- The Kids are Socialists

Because Capitalism
Native Americans interacted with their
environment on many levels. Fortunately,
they did so in a sustainable way. They is Dickslapping
hunted, gathered, and they fished using
methods that would be sustainable over
centuries and even millennia.
the Planet
So heres a question Ive been asking lately: Capitalism doesnt have a plan, you
How do I want the land where I live know. It only goes in one direction and
it doesnt care what you want.
to be in a thousand years?
The answers to that question depend of course on The most advanced capitalist states are
answers to: How does the land want to be in a literally at the stage of collapse and
thousand years? And those answers depend on yet we deny that perhaps the problem is
answers to: How was the land prior to the arrival capitalism. Capitalism is a system that
of civilization? we can prove with any science is fucking
We can safely say the land itself knows better than
the planet and yet the rich can convince
we what it wants and what is best for it. The
most this is progress. This is like
questions then become: How well can we
burning your hands on a hot stove and
perceive what it wants, and how can we help it get
How about overshoot and crash?) but theyre thinking the problem is anything but
simply insane. They are not in fire.
touch with physical reality (thats what high
Before all you biocentrists freak out at me putting technology doesit separates us from physical
Capitalism not only eats babies, it makes
my own desires into this discussion, lets first reality). They arent even truly anthropocentric, but
sure those babies suffer horrific and
consider: every being aects its surroundings. If I rather techno-centric (or maybe power-centric, or
needless deaths first because suffering
purchase land and set it aside, that has an eect control-centric).
is less costly than care. Better if their
on that land (many eects, actually, on the land A truly anthropocentric perspective especially in
parents are helpless to do anything but
and many other things, including my psyche and the long term, is biocentric.
watch. Teaches the rest the lesson.
the economy). If I purchase land and clearcut it, It must be, since the anthro relies Capitalism does better the more people
that will have dierent eects (on the land, my are made to suffer. Why? Because those
psyche, the economy, and other things). A deer on the bio. No bio, no anthro. who are made to suffer are the easiest to
eating foliage aects the land (and many other Any anthro who isnt bio must be domesticate and farm for profit. Learned
things). A mountain lion eating deer aects the really stupid. Or made stupid by a helplessness. Come on. Our freedom is
land (and many other things). Someone blowing leashed because capitalism profits that
up a dam aects the land (and many other things). stupid culture. way.
Someone refusing to blow up a dam aects the I dont believe many farmers (consciously) want to
land (and many other things). Note that Im not denude the topsoil and poison the land where Capitalism wants your parents to die
saying that all eects are equal, Im merely saying they live. Yet thats what they do. Their enacted long, drawn-out, painful deaths from
that were all part of a web of relationships. preference is for production over the health of the preventable diseases because managing
land. If they were to shift their preferences, if they slow, painful death is a hugely
Lets also consider that we all have preferences. profitable enterprise employing tens of
were to act as though their descendants would
Paving over paradise and putting in a parking lot thousands of people. Dont question what
still be on the land in a thousand years, they
reveals one set of preferences. Ripping up asphalt makes good-paying jobs, idiot. Fastest
would act dramatically dierently than they do
reveals another. Doing nothing and letting growing career sector.
now. Indeed, they would notcould notpractice
paradise be paved reveals another. And doing
nothing and letting plants rip the pavement back industrial farming. There are questions as to Capitalism is why there are six empty
out expresses yet another. whether they could farm at all. The same is true houses in this country for every
for other professions. homeless person but thousands still
Not only are all writers propagandists, by dint of
Living on the land in a way that doesnt harm the freeze to death. Capitalism is why we
what they do or dont include, but weall of us
land is not, I believe, generally at wide variance waste 40 percent of our food while
actualize preferences through every act we take or
with what the land itself wants. Further, the only children die of starvation. Capitalism is
dont take. Further, just as those writers who claim
way to live on the land in the long run is, why 200 species went extinct today.
to be objective are the least honest and most
obviously, to live on the land in a way that the land Capitalism is why were all going to war
foolish, any of us who claim to not impose some
does want. Over time, if you want something for oil under the North Pole. Capitalism
preference by our every action or inaction are
dierent than what the land wants, you may harm is why your kid is going to die in a water
wrong and just plain silly.
some of it, but it will destroy all of you. riot.
But the real reason you biocentrists dont need to
freak out is that when you take a long-term Although its obvious that we are living in a way Capitalism is the state religion of
perspective, the dissonance between that the land does not want, discerning what it sociopaths.
does want is not always simple, at least for those
anthropocentric and biocentric viewpoints If your kid is a Socialist, at least you
of us who have been made mad and stupid
disappears, or at least becomes much less. I am raised a kid with a fucking heart.
excluding the perspective of those who eagerly If youre not a Socialist, I dont even know
look forward to a future ever more dominated (and Derrick Jensen where to start.
ruined) by technology. Those who advocate a
technologically controlled future are not only not -Holly Wood
taking a long-term perspective (peak oil, anyone?

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