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Donovan Dicks

English 11 AP
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Prep Guide

Oskar, young boy, dad dies in 9/11, mother moves on too soon
Emotional turmoil due to loss of father
Breaks vase, finds key, begins search for its purpose
Encounters many people during his journey, including his grandfather
Finds keys purpose, which has nothing to do with his father
Digs up dads grave, reburies with grandfathers letters
Grandfather and grandmother grew up in Dresden, survived bombing
Got married in America years later, troubled marriage, grandfather leaves
Comes back on 9/11, stay together

- Oskar protagonist, young boy traumatized by the loss of his father. Exhibits signs of
OCD and has trouble with social interaction
- Grandmother fathers mother, Oskars friend and guardian
- Grandfather fathers father, never knew his son, however met and aided Oskar in his

Search for Self Oskars journey to find the key causes an emotional journey within
himself to move on from his loss
Mystery There are many small anecdotes that have information unrevealed to the reader
or to certain characters. Oskars main journey to find the purpose of the key is a mystery.
Fear Oskar must deal with and overcome many of his fears and aversions in order to
progress in his journey

Key hope and the heros threshold. The key moves Oskar out of his comfort zone and is
a symbol of love and connection to his father

Help (Foer, 34)
- Single word written by Thomas, Sr. This represents the entirety of Oskars journey in one
word. Help is something Oskar needs and searches for, and ultimately drives his
emotional developments.

Everything thats born has to die, which means our lives are like skyscrapers (Foer, 245)
- This phrase captivates the depression and dark outlook Oskar suffers from as a result of
his fathers passing. This quote also directly references 9/11, making its connection even
more significant.
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