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Las costumbres y tradiciones Inti Raymi.

Los incas practicaban el canibalismo. Crean que heredaran los poderes de la persona consumiendo su
El Capac Raymi y el Inti Raymi son la parte ms importante de la cultura Inca. El Sol est en el punto
ms lejano de la Tierra y temiendo la desgracia, los Incas instaron al Dios Sol a regresar. Capacocha fue
una ceremonia de sacrificio que tuvo lugar cada ao.
Los Incas seleccionaron a nios de todo el imperio y los prepararon para esta ceremonia. Estos nios
fueron sacrificados al Dios Sol.
Los nios fueron muertos o enterrados vivos como parte de esta costumbre.
Los incas crean en la vida futura. As, durante el entierro, hombres y mujeres estaban envueltos en
tapices. Objetos como armas, cermica, comida, oro y joyas acompaaron al difunto.
Los cuerpos fueron enterrados en posicin sentada y fueron colocados en bvedas.
Como parte de su tradicin, los incas estiraron sus lbulos de las orejas. Los incas tenan varios dioses. El
ms importante de ellos era el dios del sol y su esposa, la diosa de la luna.

The Customs and Traditions Inti Raymi.

The Incas practiced cannibalism. They believed that they will inherit the powers of the
person by consuming their flesh.
The Capac Raymi and Inti Raymi is the most important part of the Inca culture. the Sun
is at the farthest point from Earth and fearing misfortune, Incas urged the Sun God to
return. Capacocha was a sacrificial ceremony that took place every year.
The Incas selected childrens from all across the empire and prepared them for this
ceremony. These children were sacrificed to the Sun God.
The children were either killed or buried alive as a part of this custom.
Incas believed in the afterlife. So, during the burial, men and women were wrapped in
tapestries. Objects such as weapons, pottery,food, gold and jewelry accompanied the
Bodies were buried in sitting position and were placed in vaults.
As a part of their tradition, the Incas stretched their earlobes. The Incas had several
Gods. The most important of them was the Sun God and his wife, the Moon Goddess.
1.- Did you or someone you know have a had

no. I didn't have friends or well-known.

2.- when was the last time that you hurt

yourself? What happened?
I last time what me hurt it was past year. I fall
down on the motorcycle.

3.- lets talk about some natural remedies to

cure home accidents. Can you remember
one? Does it work?

The llanten heals the wounds, is applied

externally on the wound.
What kind of information should we
consider before travelling to a new city?
We have to the season in what find place of
How can we get this information?
We the pick up information in senamhi.
Do you like to carry many things when you
travel on vacation? Why do women usually
carry more things tan men do?
Im usually do not take things a to travel, but
my wife takes her things.
Some peruvian people prefer to travel to
defferent countries on their vacation
Yes, but I like to know the peruvian.

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