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2017 Published Documents

Flight Vehicle Design:

Commercial Jet with GEnx Turbofans and 9 Abreast Seating
**This document focuses primarily on the mathematical model of the jet

Carl Simpson - B.Sc. Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering (Summa Cum Laude)1

Dr. Steven Lu
Executive Summary

The aim of this report is to present the preliminary configuration for a subsonic jet

transport airplane given detailed mission specifications.

Based on the mission specifications given, the transport jet will carry 246 passengers and

5 crewmembers in a 9 abreast seating arrangement, while the jet will be powered by two

GEnx turbofans from General electric.

For wing and fuselage sizing and dimensions, see CAD drawings throughout the report.

1.0 Introduction

For Part C of this project, the preliminary configuration was to be estimated for a

subsonic jet transport airplane.

The mission specifications were given as follows:

Payload: 246 Passengers

Crew: Two Pilots and three cabin attendants

Range: 4400nm followed by 1 hour loiter

Altitude: 36,000ft

Cruise Speed: M=0.81 at 36,000ft

Climb: Direct climb to 36,000ft at a maximum takeoff weight WTO

Takeoff and Landing: FAR 25 field length, 6,850ft at an altitude of 3,500ft and a 99.5oF

day. Landing performance at about WL = 0.84WTO

Engines: Two Turbofans

Certification Base: FAR 25

In addition to these specifications, the weight of one passenger was given as 175lbs and

30lbs of luggage per person.

2.0 Cockpit and Fuselage Design

2.1 The number of belly containers will be determined

i) Total luggage weight = 30lbs(246+5) = 7,530lbs

ii) Volume required = 7,350lbs/12.5lbs/ft3 = 602.4ft3
iii) Number of Containers = 602.4ft3/80ft3 = 7.53 8 Containers

** See reference [1] for source of 12.5lbs/ft3 and 80ft3

2.2 Layout Design

i) The following are possible layouts for this airplane

Abreast # Of Rows # Of Seats Extra Seats if Any
4 62 248 2
5 50 250 4
6 41 246 0
7 36 252 6
8 31 248 2
9 28 252 6
10 25 250 4

6 abreast were found to be ideal for most transport jets; therefore, the
first trial of design will start with 6 abreast.

The internal length of the fuselage is as follows:

Distance between cockpit and first row: 19in

Distance in front of exit row: 47in

Distance behind exit row: 46in

Number of rows: 41

Number of exits: 4

Distance between normal rows: 34

19in + (47in*2) + (46in*2) + (34in*(41-4)) = 1,463in

The diameter of the inner fuselage for 6 abreast as defined by the
textbook is 12.4ft (148.8in). The design of the fuselage can be done as

The aisle distance: 22in

Size of 3 seats: 61.70in

Distance from fuselage to armrest: (148.8 22 (2*61.70))/2 = 1.7in

Fuselage with 6 abreast design

ii) The structural depth = 0.02*df + 1, where df is fuselage diameter

= 0.02 * (148.8in) + 1 = 3.98in

iii) Lfc is given by df / tan (15)

= 148.8in/tan (15) = 555.33in, therefore

The total length (Lf) is Lfc 182 + passenger area + 241

Lfc =555.33182+1,463+241=2,077.33in

*** It is necessary to determine whether or not Lf/df and Lfc/df are within the
required range.

iv) Lf /df = 2,077.33 / 148.8 = 13.96

Lfc/df = 555.33/ 148.8 = 3.73

*** The maximum ratio is 11.5 and therefore the abreast must be increased for this
transport jet

iv) Now we will consider a nine (9) abreast seating with 28 Rows.
v) Internal length = 19in + (47in*2) + (46in*2) +34in (28 rows - 4) =
vi) Fuselage Diameter (df) = (61.7in*3)+(1.7in*2)+(22inx2)=232.5in
vii) Structural depth = 0.02 * (232.5in) + 1 = 5.65
viii) Lfc = Df / tan(15) = 888.79in
ix) Lf = 888.79 182 + 1, 021 + 241 = 1968.79in
x) Lf/df and Lfc/df are then:

Lf /df = 8.27
Lfc/df = 3.73

***Lf/Df is within the allowable range from 6.8 to 11.5.

Fuselage with 9 abreast design

3.0 Engine Design
i) Following example 5.4.2 on page 137-138 [1]. First is choosing which type of

system, second is deciding the number of engines used and third is deciding the way

in which these engines will be placed on the plane.

TTO = 108,158.4lbs

Therefore, TTO for two turbofans: TTO / 2 = 54,079.2lbs

General Electric states that it has launched the development of a new commercial

jet engine - the GEnx. The GEnx engine will produce 55,000 to 70,000 pounds of

thrust. The GEnx will replace GE's highly successful CF6 engine family, a

workhorse for commercial and military wide-body aircraft for 40 years. [2]

Therefore, the GEnx will be chosen for this transport jet.

ii) A cantilever wing at a lower arrangement will be used since the plane will be flying

at high speeds and will create minimum drag. The cruise lift coefficient can be

estimated by:

CL,CR = (WTO 0.4WF )/qS

CL,CR = (336,000lbs(0.4*108,192lbs))/( 219psf *2,361.5ft2) = 0.566

4.0 Wing Platform Design
i) For the wing platform design of the plane, the project is based on the design text
on page 141 [1].

*** A Supercritical airfoil is used

a) Aspect Ratio (A) = 10

b) Size (S) = 2,361.5ft2

c) Sweep Angle () = 35o

d) From figure 2:23, the change in Mach number at CD is approximately 0.04.

From figure 2:7, the change in Mach number at CL,CR is approximately -0.019.

From figure 2:8, the change in Mach number at A is approximately 0.

MCRDo= 0.81+ 0.04 - 0.019 = 0.83

Thickness Ratio (t/c) (Based on fig 2.9) = 0.145

(t/c)r = t/c + 0.01 = 0.155

(t/c)t = t/c 0.01 = 0.135

e) Fowler Airfoils

f) From Table 6.7 a taper ratio of 0.25 is suitable. Chord lengths are as follows:

A = B /S B = A * S = 10 * 2,361.5ft2= 153.67ft

B/2 = 153.67 f ts/2 = 76.84ft for wing span

S = Cr * (Ct/Cr + 1) * B/2


Cr = S/((Ct/Cr + 1) * (B/2)), Where Ct/Cr = taper ratio

Cr = S/((+1)*(B/2)) = 2361.5ft /((0.25+1)*(153.67/2) = 24.59ft

Ct/Cr = 0.25

Ct = 0.25 * 24.59ft = 6.148ft

C/4 = 1.537ft

g) Wing Fuel Volume is determined by

VWF = .54 (S2/ B)(t/c)r((1+W1/2 +2 W)/(1+) 2), Where W= (t/c)t / (t/c)r

VWF = 0.54 * ((2361.5ft) 2 /153.67ft) * (0.155) * ((1 + 0.25 * 0.871) + (0.252 *

0.871))/(1 + 0.252)

VWF = 2503.73ft3

VREQ = WF /50.4lb/ft3 = 108,192lbs/50.4lb/ft3 = 2146.667ft3

14.3% (Within the 20% range

ii) The control surfaces must be sized. From table 8.7b, the Boeing 727-200 has
possibly, the most similar wing area and wingspan to the design in this project,

Inbd Ail Span in/out = .38/.46

0.38 * 76.84 = 29.20

0.46 * 76.84 = 35.35

***Using a chord ratio of 0.3 for the inboard aileron, a line was created that
connected 30 percent of the tip chord to 30 percent of the chord at the root.

0.3 * 6.148 = 1.844

0.3 * 24.59 = 7.377

7.2.2 suggest that the flaps need to be full span. The spoiler dimension in the
example was chosen to go from 0.5B/2 to 0.8*B/2 with a chord ratio of 0.2 at the
inboard and outboard sides

0.5 * 153.67/2 = 38.42

0.8 * 153.67/2 = 61.47

Chord ratio of 0.2

0.2 * 13.98 = 2.796

0.2 * 7.66 = 1.532

iii) The location of the wing spars need to be found. With an aileron and flap chord
ratio of 0.3, the rear spar will be at (1-0.3-0.005)C=0.695C. The front spar will be
assumed to be at 0.2C.


Front spar location: 6.148*0.2 = 1.30

Rear Spar Location: 6.148*.695 = 4.273


Front Spar Location: 24.59*0.2 = 4.918

Rear Spar Location 24.59*.695 = 17.09

6.148 * (t/c)r = 6.148 * 0.155 = 0.953

24.59 * (t/c)t = 24.59 * 0.135 = 3.32

5.0 Clean CLmax and Sizing High Lift Devices
i) CLmax, CLmaxTO & CLmaxL are 1.4, 2.8 and 3.0 respectively.

ii) The Velocity may be calculated as follows:

CLmax = WTO/0.5**V2*S, Where = 0.002377lb.s2/ft4

V = (2*WTO/*CLmax*S)1/2

= (2*336,000/0.002377*1.4*2361.5)1/2

= 292.42ft/s

ii) The Reynolds numbers of the root and tip are then:

ReR = *V*CR/, Where = 3.737*10-7lb*s/ft2

= 0.002377*292.42*24.59/3.737*10-7

= 4.574*107

ReT = *V*CT/,

= 0.002377*292.42*6.148/3.737*10-7

= 1.144*107

iii) Using figure 7.1, Effect of thickness ratio and Reynolds Number on Section
Maximum Lift Coefficient, the root CLmax is approximately 2.0, and the tip
CLmax is approximately 1.95.

CLmaxw = k(CLmaxr + CLmaxt) /2, Where k = 0.95

= 0.95(2+1.95)/2

= 1.87625

CLmaxw_swept = CLmaxw_unswept*cos(c/4)

= 1.7575 * cos(35) = 1.537

Then from, Equation 7.1, CLmaxw 1.1CLmax

CLmax = 1.537/1.1 = 1.397

and Equations 7.6 and 7.7

CLmaxTO = 1.05(CLmaxTO CLmax) = 1.47

CLmaxL = 1.05(CLmaxL CLmax) = 1.68

iv) The Flap to Wing Area will be considered as follows:

and then from equation 7.9, sweep angle correction is as follows:

v) For Flaps down:

clmax1 = CLmaxTO * (1/0.6)/k = 3.006

clmax2 = CLmaxTO * (1/0.8)/k = 2.255

For Landing flaps:

clmax1 = CLmaxL * (1/0.6)/k = 3.436

clmax2 = CLmaxL * (1/0.8)/k = 2.577

Take-off Flaps Landing Flaps

Swf/S 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.8

Clmax 3.006 2.255 3.436 2.577

vi) The following value estimates can be made for the fowler flap geometry:

Cf/c = 0.3 fto = 35 fL = 40 deg


For Take-off :

cltakeoff flap(0.6) = (1/k) * CLmax = 3.198

cltakeoff flap(0.8) = (1/k) * CLmax = 2.399

For Landing:

cllanding flap(0.6) = (1/k) * CLmax2 = 3.655

cllanding flap(0.8) = (1/k) * CLmax2 = 2.741

Take-off Flaps Landing Flaps

Swf/S 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.8

Cl 3.198 2.399 3.655 2.741

*** From figure 7.8, at a flap deflection of 35 degrees, and a chord ratio of 0.3

Clf =2*1+0.3)=8.168

f = 0.47

CL = Clf * *f

CL = 8.168 * 0.47* (35/57.3) = 2.345

vii) The percentage of the wing area utilized by the flaps can be extrapolated for
the case of 2.345 as the change in lift coefficient.

From Extrapolation: Swf/S = 2.345*(-0.25) + 1.4 = 0.81375

Now, equation 7.10 can be used to solve for the inner dimension.

Swf/S =(o i)[(2-(1-)(o + i)/(1 + )] = 0.81375,

For this equation to be satisfied, where o = 1,

i = 0.122

*** The flap can now be accurately described as Flap type: fowler, Swf/S: 0.81375, Cf/c:
0.3, Take off: 30 and Landing: 40

6.0 Empennage and vertical wing design
i) WPL = 251*(175+30) = 51,455lbs

*** Our scaling factor, on the basis, which the book uses, is:

SF = 51,455lbs/30,750lbs = 1.673

ii) From table 8.7a and table 8.7b xh and xv, averages are taken to be:
xh = 72.9ft xv = 69.4ft

and multiply by SF

xh = 121.96ft xv = 116.11ft

iii) Then based on the books selection, the following are chosen as average:

Vh = 1.14 Se/Sh =0.28

Vv = 0.077 Sr / Sv = 0.30

iv) Cbar = (2/3) * Cr * (1 + + ) / (1 + ) = 17.213

Sh = Vh * S(Cbar/Xh) = 379.95ft

Sv = Vv * S(B/Xv) = 240.66ft

Geometric parameters for the horizontal and vertical tail airplane

***Values are within the range specified

For Vertical Stabilizer:

bv = (1.8 * Sv) = 20.81ft

Crv = (2*Sv)/bv*(1+0.32) = 17.52ft

Ctv =0.32*Crv = 5.61ft

For Horizontal Stabilizer:

bh = (5 * sh) = 43.59ft

Crh = (2*Sh)/(bh* (1+0.32) = 13.21ft

Cth = 0.32 * Crh = 4.23ft

7.0 Conclusion
This project report demonstrated the procedure to design and dimension of aircraft based

on the mission specifications given. This was successful done in each stage and category.

The transport jet will carry 246 passengers and 5 crewmembers in a 9 abreast seating

arrangement, while the jet will be powered by two GEnx turbofans from General electric.

For wing and fuselage sizing and dimensions, see CAD drawings throughout the report.

8.0 References

1) Roskam, J. (1985). Priliminary Configuration Design and Integration of the

Propulsion System. In Airplane design: Part 2. Ottawa, Kan.: Roskam Aviation
and Engineering.

2) Aviation History. (n.d.). Retrieved April 18, 2015, from



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