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Last Lecture Important Reminders

Newtons Three Laws

Today Pset # 3 due Friday at 10am.

More discussion Exam #1 average = 64.
Lots of examples Final class grade will be on a curve.
Important Concepts We dont give letter grade equivalents on individual
Think carefully about what object each force acts on exams. General guidance is:
Think carefully about which forces have well defined >80 is good, <60 is not good, <45 is poor
values and which one you need to calculate from F=ma
If you want to discuss your exam or general class
Think carefully about the acceleration performance, contact me or your recitation
instructor during office hours or by appointment.

Newtons Three Laws Inertial Reference Frames

1) If v is constant, then F must be zero and if F=0,
then v must be constant. These principles only apply for observers who are
! ! not accelerating, a so-called inertial frame
2) ! F = ma There are philosophical objections to this concept
3) Force due to object A on object B is always exactly since its hard to precisely define an inertial frame
equal in magnitude and always exactly opposite in except as one where Newtons Laws are valid
direction to the force due to object B on object A.
Alternative formulations are beyond the scope of
Some Advice this course, you dont need to worry about it

Your instincts are often wrong. Be careful!

! !
! F = ma is your friend. Trust what it tells you.

Forces you know about (so far)

Problem Solving Tool:(Revised)Free-Body Checklist
Draw a clear diagram of (each) object
Gravity near Earths surface: |F|=Mg, points down Think carefully about all of the forces on (each) object
String tension: Can
! be given explicitly or implicitly or Think carefully about the angles of the forces
found from ! F = ma Chose an axis, put it on your drawing
One example: String breaks if tension is larger than XX. Think carefully about the acceleration and put what you
Externa!l forces: Can be given explicitly or found know on your drawing
from ! F = ma Calculate components: ! Fx = max ! Fy = may ...
! !
Normal force: Almost always found from ! F = ma Solve

An Old Friend: Component Checklist Summary

! ! ! ! ! !
! F = ma ! F = ma ! = ma
Loop through vectors, is there a component?
Action-reaction pairs are an important concept in
Is there an angle factor solving problems but need to be considered very
Is it sine or cosine? carefully, especially the fact that the two forces in the
pair act on different objects
Is it positive or negative?
Think carefully about which forces
! can almost always
only be determined using ! F = ma
Typical examples are the normal force and string tension

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