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Last Lecture Important Reminders Blast from the Past (Early Exam Review)

Start of Work/Energy

Today Pset # 6 due this Friday at 10am. Friction is not N unless there are very special
Blast from the past (early exam review) Next Mastering Physics deadline is next Monday.
N is not Mg or Mgcos() unless there are very
More on Work/Energy Exam #2 is next Friday at 10 am. special circumstances.
! !
Important Concepts F = ma is your friend, trust what it tells you.
Work and Energy concepts can make some problems
with complicated dynamics easier to solve.
I understand the appeal of wanting to simply know
Think carefully abut how each force affects an object.
and write down the answer, but you need to resist.
Dont forget the angle factor and integral in Work.

8.01L Fall 2005 10/25/2005 8.01L Fall 2005 10/25/2005 8.01L Fall 2005 10/25/2005

Work done by a Force Work/Energy Concepts When to Use Work/Energy

Sometimes the effect of a given force on moving
Not a vector quantity (but vector concepts needed around energy is difficult to quantify or the effect is So simple, it never hurts to think about it first,
to calculate its value). to move energy into or out of an object not keeping in mind the limitations:
considered part of the system. Only one equation so only one unknown can be found.
Depends on both the direction of the force and the
direction of the motion. In such cases, it is convenient to use the work done No information about time.
by a force and say that work is change in energy.
Four ways of saying the same thing No information about acceleration.

Force times component of motion along the force.

In this course, energy will always consist of two No information about direction of velocities.
components, Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy.
Distance times the component of force along the motion. Need information about all forces in the direction of
motion of all objects.
W=|F||d|cos() where is the angle between F and d.
! ! Standard problems involve speed at point A, speed
W = ! Fids where the s vector is along the path
at point B, and forces acting between A and B.
8.01L Fall 2005 10/25/2005 8.01L Fall 2005 10/25/2005 8.01L Fall 2005 10/25/2005

Checklist to use Work/Energy Potential Energy Potential Energy

Clearly define what is inside your system. In general, this is another form of real energy, for Only applies for a force with special properties:
example in Einsteins theory of gravity. Must be able to both take energy out from and put
Clearly define the initial and final conditions, which
energy back into an object (negative and positive work)
include the location and speed of all object(s) For your purposes, just think of it as another way to
quantify the effect of a force on an object. Total work is zero if the endpoint and starting point of a
Think carefully about all forces acting on all objects motion are the same.
Only applies for a force with special properties.
All forces must be considered in the Work term or in For your purposes, there are very few:
the Potential Energy term, but never in both. Using Potential Energy instead of Work for these Gravity (both near to and far from the Earth)
special forces greatly simplifies calculations. Springs
W = !E = EFinal " EInitial Problems where you don t know the force but are
Especially helpful to get the +/- signs correct.
= (KEFinal + PEFinal ) " (KEInitial + PEInitial ) given the Potential Energy explicitly.

8.01L Fall 2005 10/25/2005 8.01L Fall 2005 10/25/2005 8.01L Fall 2005 10/25/2005

Calculating Potential Energy - I Calculating Potential Energy - II Checklist to use Work/Energy

Only the change in potential energy is important. For simplicity, the Potential Energy itself (as Clearly define what is inside your system.
opposed to the difference) is always defined
Clearly define the initial and final conditions, which
!U = !PE = PE ( at point B) " PE ( at point A ) relative to some reference point where the potential
include the location and speed of all object(s)
energy is defined to be zero. The location of this
! ! B
point is totally arbitrary because only the change in Think carefully about all forces acting on all objects
!PE = " # Fids potential energy is ever important.
All forces must be considered in the Work term or in
Define (arbitrarily) PE ( at point A ) = 0 the Potential Energy term, but never in both.
! ! W = !E = EFinal " EInitial
Then: PE ( at point B) = ! " Fids = (KEFinal + PEFinal ) " (KEInitial + PEInitial )

8.01L Fall 2005 10/25/2005 8.01L Fall 2005 10/25/2005 8.01L Fall 2005 10/25/2005

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